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Grammar Search
"kim" has 2 results
kim: neuter nominative singular stem: ka
kim: neuter accusative singular stem: ka
Amarakosha Search
3 results
āho2.4.5MasculineSingularutāho, kimuta, kim, kimūta
balavat2.4.2MasculineSingularatīva, nirbharam, suṣṭhu, kimuta, svasti
kim3.3.259MasculineSingularaprathamaḥ, bhedaḥ
Monier-Williams Search
112 results for kim
kimind. (fr. 1. ki-,originally Nominal verb and accusative sg. n.of 2. k/a- q.v), what? how? whence? wherefore? why?
kimis much used as a particle of interrogation like the Latin num, an, sometimes translatable by"whether?"but oftener serving only like a note of interrogation to mark a question (exempli gratia, 'for example' kiṃ vyādhā vane 'smin saṃcaranti-,"do hunters roam about in this wood?"In an interrogation the verb, if uncompounded with a preposition, generally retains its accent after kim- ) . To this sense may be referred the kim- expressing inferiority, deficiency, etc. at the beginning of compounds (exempli gratia, 'for example' kiṃ-rājan-,what sort of king? id est a bad king ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimalso the kim- prefixed to verbs with a similar meaning (exempli gratia, 'for example' kim-adhīte-,he reads badly ) kim-uta-, or kim-uta-- or kim-athavā-uta-, whether-or-or (see ut/a-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimis very frequently connected with other particles, as follows: k/im aṅg/a-, wherefore then? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kim atha kim- See /atha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kim kim api-, somewhat, to a considerable extent, rather, much more, still further etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kim kim iti-, why? etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kim kim-iva-, what for? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kim k/im-u- or k/im-ut/a- how much more? how much less? etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kim kiṃ kila-, what a pity! (expressing dissatisfaction) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kim kiṃ-ca-, moreover, further etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimwhat more (expressing impatience) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kim kiṃ-cana- (originally -ca na-,negative = "in no way") , to a certain degree, a little View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kim(with a negation) in no way, not at all View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kim kiṃ-cid-, somewhat, a little etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kim kiṃ tarhi-, how then? but, however , View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kim kiṃ-tu-, but, however, nevertheless (bearing the same relation to tu-that kiṃ-ca-bears to ca-) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kim kiṃ-nu-, whether indeed? (a stronger interrogative than kim-alone) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimhow much more? how much less? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kim kiṃ nu khalu-, how possibly? (a still stronger interrogative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kim kim punar-, how much more? how much less? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimhowever View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimbut View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kim kiṃ vā-, whether? or whether? etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimor (often a mere particle of interrogation) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kim k/iṃ svid-, why? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kima stronger interrogative than kim- alone View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kim(in compound) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimabhidhānamfn. having what name? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimācāramfn. being of what conduct or behaviour? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimādhāramfn. referring to what? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimadhikaraṇamf(ā-)n. referring to what? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimadyakamfn. not valuing the present day, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimāhāramfn. taking what food? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimākāramf(ā-)n. of what shape? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimākhyamfn. how named? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimantaramf(ā-)n. being at what distance from each other? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimarthamfn. having what aim? etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimarthamind. from what motive? what for? wherefore? why? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimāśrayamf(ā-)n. being supported by what? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimātmakamf(ikā-)n. of what particularity? commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimavasthamfn. being in what condition (of health)? on Va1rtt. 11. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimāyusmfn. reaching what age? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimbam. a kind of tree, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimbalamfn. possessing what strength or power? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimbharāf. a kind of perfume (commonly called nalī-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimbhṛtyam. a bad servant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimbhūtamfn. being what? commentator or commentary on , on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimbhūtamind. how? in what manner or degree? like what? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimicchakan. what one wishes or desires, anything desired View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimicchakam. Name of a particular form of austerity (by which any object is obtained) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimīdinm. Name of a class of evil spirits View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimīdinīf. idem or 'm. Name of a class of evil spirits ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimīyamfn. belonging to whom or what? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimmantrinm. a bad minister View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimmātramf(ā-)n. of what circuit? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimmayamfn. consisting of what? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimpacamfn. "who cooks nothing", miserly, avaricious View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimpacānamfn. id. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimpākamfn. not mature, childish, ignorant, stupid View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimpākam. a Cucurbitaceous plant (of a very bad taste, Trichosanthes palmata) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimpākam. Strychnos nux vomica View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimpākan. the fruit of Trichosanthes palmata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimpala(= ?) , a kind of musical instrument
kimparākramamfn. of what power? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimparivāramfn. having what attendance? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimparyantamind. to what extent? how far? how long? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimpavitra(k/im--), mfn. purified by what? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimphalamfn. giving what kind of fruit? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimprabhāvamfn. possessing what power? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimprabhum. a bad lord or master View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimprakāramind. in what manner? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimpramāṇan. what circumference? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimpramāṇamf(ā-)n. of what circumference? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimpunāf. Name of a river View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimpuruṣam. ([ ]) "what sort of a man?"a mongrel being (according to the brāhmaṇa-s an evil being similar to man;perhaps originally a kind of monkey[ see ];in later times the word is usually identified with kiṃ-nara-,though sometimes applied to other beings in which the figure of a man and that of an animal are combined;these beings are supposed to live on hema-kūṭa- and are regarded as the attendants of kubera-;with Jains the kimpuruṣa-s, like the kiṃnara-s, belong to the vyantara-s) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimpuruṣam. Name of one of the nine sons of āgnīdhra- (having the varṣa- kimpuruṣa- as his hereditary portion) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimpuruṣam. a division of the earth (one of the nine khaṇḍa-s or portions into which the earth is divided, and described as the country between the himācala- and hema-kūṭa- mountains, also called kimpuruṣa-varṣa- ) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimpuruṣam. ([ ]) "what sort of a man?"a mongrel being (according to the brāhmaṇa-s an evil being similar to man;perhaps originally a kind of monkey[ see ];in later times the word is usually identified with kiṃ-nara-,though sometimes applied to other beings in which the figure of a man and that of an animal are combined;these beings are supposed to live on hema-kūṭa- and are regarded as the attendants of kubera-;with Jains the kimpuruṣa-s, like the kiṃnara-s, belong to the vyantara-s) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimpuruṣam. Name of one of the nine sons of āgnīdhra- (having the varṣa- kimpuruṣa- as his hereditary portion) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimpuruṣam. a division of the earth (one of the nine khaṇḍa-s or portions into which the earth is divided, and described as the country between the himācala- and hema-kūṭa- mountains, also called kimpuruṣa-varṣa- ) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimpūruṣam. "what sort of a man?"(probably) a low and despicable man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimpūruṣam. a mongrel being (equals -puruṣ/a-) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimpūruṣan. Name of the kimpuruṣa-varṣa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimpuruṣeśam. "lord of the kimpuruṣa-s", Name of druma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimpuruṣeśam. "lord of the kimpuruṣa-s", Name of druma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimpuruṣeśvaram. Name of kubera- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimpuruṣeśvaram. Name of kubera- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimpuruṣīf. a female kimpuruṣa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimpuruṣīf. a female kimpuruṣa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimpuruṣīkṛ kimpuruṣī-- 1. kṛ-, to change into a kimpuruṣa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimpuruṣīkṛ kimpuruṣī-- 1. kṛ-, to change into a kimpuruṣa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimpuruṣīyan. story about a kimpuruṣa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimutsedhamf(ā-)n. of what height? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
athakimind. how else? what else? certainly, assuredly, sure enough. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
athakimuind. how much more View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
athakimuind. so much the more. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avasekimam. a kind of cake (pulse ground and fried with oil or butter) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaṭukimanm. sharpness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimind. gaRa di- (see na-kim-etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kim m/ā-kis-, m/ākīm- See under 1. -, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimanm. dumbness, silence gaRa dṛḍhādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nakimind. equals na-kīm- gaRa di-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimamfn. cooked, burned (as earthenware), matured, ripened View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimamfn. obtained by cooking or evaporation (as salt) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimamfn. red-hot View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kimanm. gaRa pṛthv-ādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sekimamfn. sprinkled or watered with (compound) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sekimamfn. cast (as iron) Va1rtt. 2 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sekiman. a radish View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaṅkimadāsam. (prākṛ-.for vakrima-d-?), with kavi-rāja- Name of an author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatkimapisaṃkalpam. desire for anything whatever View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
4 results
kimīya किमीय a. Whose, belonging to whom or what.
kima पाकिम a. 1 Cooked, dressed. -2 Ripened (naturally or artificially). -3 Got by boiling (as salt).
kiman मूकिमन् m. Muteness, dumbness, silence. मूटः mūṭḥ मूटकः mūṭakḥ मूडकः mūḍakḥ मूटः मूटकः मूडकः A basket, bundle.
sekimam सेकिमम् A radish.
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
kim kí-m, inter. prn. what? vii. 86, 2. 4; viii. 48, 32; x. 90, 11; 129, 12; with caná anything, x. 129, 2 [Lat. qui-s, qui-d].
Macdonell Search
2 results
kimadhikaraṇa a. directed to what? -abhidhâna, a. how named? -ar tha, a. having what purpose? -m, ad. for what purpose? wherefore? -âkhya, a. how named? -âdhâra, a. relating to what?
kimīya a. belonging to whom or what place?
Bloomfield Vedic
2 results0 results54 results
kim akarteti yat putrān PB.24.18.5a.
kim aṅkatiṣv ichasi AVP.8.12.7d.
kim aṅga tvā brahmaṇaḥ soma gopām RV.6.52.3a.
kim aṅga tvā maghavan bhojam āhuḥ RV.10.42.3a; AVś.20.89.3a.
kim aṅga tvāhur abhiśastipāṃ naḥ RV.6.52.3b.
kim aṅga naḥ paśyasi nidyamānān RV.6.52.3c.
kim aṅga radhracodanaḥ RV.8.80.3a.
kim aṅga radhracodanaṃ tvāhuḥ RV.6.44.10d.
kim aṅga vā matimat kṣama tena Vait.37.2b.
kim aṅga vāṃ praty avartiṃ gamiṣṭhā RV.1.118.3c; 3.58.3c.
kim atra TS.; KS.2.11; 25.9; Mś. (bis). See under adhvaryo kim atra.
kim atra dasrā kṛṇuthaḥ kim āsāthe RV.1.182.3a.
kim adyāhaḥ Kauś.50.15.
kim anye pary āsate RV.8.8.8a.
kim abhūṃ kim abhūm MS.4.4.6: 57.5.
kim abhyārcan marutaḥ pṛśnimātaraḥ AVś.13.3.23c.
kim ayaṃ tvāṃ vṛṣākapiḥ RV.10.86.3a; AVś.20.126.3a.
kim ayam idam āho othāmo daiva Aś.8.3.31; Vait.32.32.
kim avareṇāvaram amura AVP.8.1.5d. See enā kiṃ.
kim aśastāni śaṃsasi AVś.6.45.1b.
kim asmabhyaṃ jātavedo hṛṇīṣe RV.7.104.14c; AVś.8.4.14c.
kim asmān kṛṇavad arātiḥ TS. See kiṃ nūnam.
kim asmān duchunāyase ni ṣu svapa RV.7.55.3d,4d.
kim asya made kim v asya pītau RV.6.27.1a.
kim āga āsa varuṇa jyeṣṭham RV.7.86.4a.
kim ād amatraṃ sakhyaṃ sakhibhyaḥ RV.4.23.6a.
kim ād utāsi vṛtrahan RV.4.30.7a. Cf. BṛhD.4.134.
kim āpaḥ satyaṃ prepsantīḥ AVś.10.7.37c.
kim āvapanaṃ etc. see kiṃ svid āvapanaṃ.
kim āvarīvaḥ kuha kasya śarman RV.10.129.1c; JB.3.360c; TB.
kim āhārṣīḥ Kauś.20.18.
kim ichan kasya kāmāya śB.; BṛhU.4.4.16c.
kim ichantī saramā predam ānaṭ RV.10.108.1a; N.11.25a. Cf. BṛhD.8.26.
kim it te viṣṇo paricakṣyaṃ bhūt (SV. paricakṣi nāma) RV.7.100.6a; SV.2.975a; TS.; MS.4.10.1a: 144.4; N.5.8a. P: kim it te viṣṇo MS.4.12.3: 186.10; Apś.9.19.12 (comm.); Mś.;
kim idaṃ vāṃ purāṇavat RV.8.73.11a.
kim idaṃ pāpayāmuyā AVP.1.48.2c. See atha kiṃ pāpa-.
kim indrasya parihitaṃ kim agneḥ AVP.13.7.1a.
kim iṣṭāśva iṣṭaraśmir ete RV.1.122.13c.
kim īyate dūtyaṃ kad yad ūcima RV.1.161.1b.
kim u te puchadhāv asat AVś.7.56.8d. See kutas te etc.
kim ut patasi kim ut proṣṭhāḥ Aś.3.14.13a; Apś.9.16.11a.
kim u tvāvān muṣkayor baddha āsate RV.10.38.5d; JB.1.228d.
kim u dhāma kā āśiṣaḥ AVś.8.9.25b.
kim u dhūrtir amṛta martyasya RV.8.48.3d; TS.; Kś.10.9.7d; Mś.; śirasU.3d.
kim u pṛchasi mātaram MS.4.8.1b: 107.9; KS.30.1b.
kim u śmaśrūṇi kiṃ tapaḥ AB.7.13.7b; śś.15.17b.
kim u śreṣṭhaḥ kiṃ yaviṣṭho na ājagan RV.1.161.1a; AB.5.13.11; KB.19.9; 21.4; 23.8; 25.9; śś.18.22.6. P: kim u śreṣṭhaḥ Aś.8.8.8; śś.10.8.14. Cf. BṛhD.4.27.
kim u ṣvid asmai nivido bhananta RV.4.18.7a.
kim u svasā yan nirṛtir nigachāt RV.10.10.11b; AVś.18.1.12b.
kim ū nu vaḥ kṛṇavāmāpareṇa RV.2.29.3a.
kim ūrū etc. see kā ūrū.
kim etā vācā kṛṇavā tavāham RV.10.95.2a; śB.
kim enā rajasaḥ paro 'sti AVP.8.1.5c. See kiṃ rajasa enā.
kim v āvapanaṃ etc. see kiṃ svid āvapanaṃ.
Vedabase Search
712 results
kim and what is the value of such happinessSB 7.13.31
kim anythingSB 5.5.23
kim are youSB 4.25.28
kim eitherSB 1.18.31
kim for what reasonSB 10.88.29
kim having whatSB 10.51.13
kim howBG 2.54
kim howBG 2.54
CC Antya 1.155
SB 10.57.31
SB 10.90.27
SB 3.15.33
SB 4.5.11
SB 7.9.50
kim how can he beSB 8.8.20
kim how muchBG 9.33
kim is itSB 4.5.8
kim is it thatSB 3.18.4
kim nothingSB 1.5.17
kim of what useSB 11.23.27
kim perhapsSB 10.39.42-43
SB 10.90.16
kim somethingSB 10.6.34
kim whatBG 1.1
BG 1.32-35
BG 10.42
BG 14.21
BG 2.54
BG 3.33
BG 8.1
kim whatBG 8.1
kim whatBG 8.1
kim whatBG 8.1
kim whatBG 8.1
CC Adi 1.91
CC Adi 3.66
CC Adi 4.125
CC Adi 4.156
CC Adi 4.211
CC Adi 4.51
CC Antya 16.140
CC Antya 17.51
CC Antya 3.56
CC Antya 4.175
kim whatCC Antya 4.175
CC Antya 6.314
CC Antya 7.34
CC Antya 8.34
CC Madhya 1.190
CC Madhya 2.61
CC Madhya 20.147-148
kim whatCC Madhya 20.147-148
kim whatCC Madhya 20.147-148
CC Madhya 20.270
CC Madhya 21.112
CC Madhya 23.31
CC Madhya 24.100
CC Madhya 25.149
CC Madhya 4.197
CC Madhya 6.109
CC Madhya 8.72
CC Madhya 8.77
MM 10
NoI 11
SB 1.10.1
SB 1.14.18
SB 1.18.8
SB 1.19.33
SB 1.6.2
SB 1.7.1
SB 10.10.18
SB 10.12.12
SB 10.13.36
SB 10.13.57
SB 10.14.12
kim whatSB 10.14.12
SB 10.14.17
SB 10.14.18
SB 10.14.35
SB 10.14.57
SB 10.16.35
SB 10.16.7
SB 10.2.21
SB 10.21.9
SB 10.22.16
SB 10.23.46
SB 10.24.15
SB 10.24.23
SB 10.24.3
SB 10.29.18
SB 10.29.33
SB 10.29.34
SB 10.30.10
SB 10.38.3
kim whatSB 10.38.3
kim whatSB 10.38.3
SB 10.39.2
SB 10.39.28
SB 10.39.5
SB 10.4.32
SB 10.41.31
SB 10.41.4
SB 10.41.48
SB 10.41.5
SB 10.44.14
SB 10.45.42-44
SB 10.47.20
SB 10.47.46
SB 10.52.35
SB 10.56.2
SB 10.56.40-42
SB 10.58.11
SB 10.58.19
SB 10.58.38
SB 10.64.11
SB 10.66.25
SB 10.68.3
SB 10.69.16
SB 10.69.20-22
SB 10.71.35
SB 10.72.19
kim whatSB 10.72.19
kim whatSB 10.72.19
SB 10.76.30
SB 10.78.37
SB 10.79.24
SB 10.8.46
SB 10.80.25-26
SB 10.80.44
SB 10.81.21-23
SB 10.81.3
SB 10.81.8
SB 10.86.49
SB 10.90.19
SB 10.90.21
SB 10.90.26
SB 11.1.18
kim whatSB 11.1.18
SB 11.10.27-29
SB 11.10.36-37
SB 11.21.42
kim whatSB 11.21.42
kim whatSB 11.21.42
SB 11.22.25
SB 11.22.4
SB 11.23.25
SB 11.23.46
SB 11.23.50
SB 11.23.51
SB 11.23.52
SB 11.23.53
SB 11.23.54
SB 11.23.55
SB 11.26.12
kim whatSB 11.26.12
kim whatSB 11.26.12
SB 11.26.17
SB 11.26.30
SB 11.28.25
kim whatSB 11.28.25
SB 11.28.4
kim whatSB 11.28.4
SB 11.29.37
SB 11.29.4
SB 11.29.5
SB 11.3.16
SB 11.30.1
SB 11.30.38
SB 12.10.11-13
SB 12.10.16
SB 12.2.41
SB 12.5.13
SB 12.8.40
SB 2.3.13
SB 2.6.37
SB 2.7.46
SB 2.9.10
SB 3.13.17
SB 3.13.2
SB 3.13.21
SB 3.16.21
SB 3.18.7
SB 3.2.7
SB 3.20.4
SB 3.20.9
SB 3.23.27
SB 3.23.42
SB 3.31.9
SB 3.5.51
SB 3.6.39
SB 4.13.30
SB 4.14.20
SB 4.14.45
SB 4.17.3
SB 4.21.40
SB 4.22.43
SB 4.22.7
SB 4.22.8
SB 4.23.27
SB 4.25.26
SB 4.30.2
SB 4.30.32
kim whatSB 4.30.32
SB 4.5.4
SB 4.5.7
SB 4.8.64
SB 5.1.17
SB 5.10.12
SB 5.10.19
SB 5.19.21
SB 5.2.11
SB 5.2.7
SB 6.1.39
SB 6.10.5
SB 6.14.23
SB 6.17.20
SB 6.18.78
SB 6.3.1
SB 6.7.24
SB 6.9.48
SB 7.15.40
SB 7.2.53
SB 7.3.8
SB 7.6.25
SB 7.8.18
SB 7.8.48
SB 7.8.6
SB 8.18.29
SB 8.22.20
SB 8.23.29
SB 8.5.11-12
SB 8.6.14
SB 8.6.15
SB 9.11.6
SB 9.15.16
SB 9.20.13
SB 9.4.2
kim what (use)SB 10.65.14
SB 10.87.34
kim what benefitSB 6.5.11
SB 6.5.12
SB 6.5.13
kim what forSB 1.12.6
kim what isBG 4.16
kim what isBG 4.16
SB 1.1.2
SB 1.7.26
SB 10.1.58
kim what isSB 10.1.58
SB 11.19.28-32
kim what isSB 11.19.28-32
kim what isSB 11.19.28-32
kim what isSB 11.19.28-32
kim what isSB 11.19.28-32
kim what isSB 11.19.28-32
kim what isSB 11.19.28-32
SB 2.1.12
SB 8.20.6
kim what is thatSB 3.13.49
kim what is the benefitSB 6.11.4
kim what is the difficultySB 7.9.42
kim what is the meaningSB 4.31.11
kim what is the needSB 7.7.38
kim what is the useCC Madhya 21.27
CC Madhya 21.83
MM 23
SB 10.14.38
SB 10.4.12
SB 11.23.27
SB 11.26.12
SB 2.2.4
kim what is the useSB 2.2.4
SB 4.31.10
SB 4.31.11
SB 4.31.12
kim what is the useSB 4.31.12
SB 6.12.22
SB 7.7.45
SB 8.22.9
kim what is the useSB 8.22.9
kim what is the useSB 8.22.9
kim what is the useSB 8.22.9
kim what is the use ofSB 2.2.4
kim what is the valueSB 11.19.40-45
SB 5.19.22
SB 8.3.25
kim what is thereBG 2.36
SB 1.18.13
kim what is there to fearSB 10.4.36
kim what kind ofSB 10.7.32
kim what needSB 5.13.21
SB 5.5.25
SB 7.6.25
kim what needSB 7.6.25
kim what need is thereSB 4.20.28
kim what purposeSB 10.36.7
kim what relationshipSB 11.19.7
kim what sort ofSB 1.14.20
kim what thenSB 6.13.8-9
kim what to speak ofSB 10.6.34
SB 4.12.41
SB 4.9.10
SB 6.3.14-15
SB 8.3.19
SB 9.6.41-42
SB 9.9.13
kim what useBG 1.32-35
CC Adi 2.20
CC Antya 1.195
kim what useCC Antya 1.195
CC Madhya 20.163
CC Madhya 20.376
SB 10.47.58
SB 11.23.46
SB 11.31.13
SB 3.23.8
SB 7.2.54
SB 7.3.11
SB 7.8.23
kim where is the necessitySB 2.2.4
kim whetherCC Antya 15.97
CC Madhya 11.47
CC Madhya 13.207
CC Madhya 23.114
kim whetherCC Madhya 23.114
SB 1.14.39
SB 1.16.22
SB 1.16.24
SB 1.17.7
SB 1.18.31
SB 10.1.48
SB 10.12.24
SB 10.24.7
SB 10.41.3
SB 10.41.35
SB 10.46.49
SB 10.47.20
SB 10.47.43
SB 10.60.41
SB 10.8.40
SB 10.84.10
SB 10.90.24
SB 11.26.19-20
kim whetherSB 11.26.19-20
kim whetherSB 11.26.19-20
SB 11.31.12
SB 2.2.5
kim whetherSB 2.2.5
SB 2.3.18
kim whetherSB 2.3.18
kim whetherSB 2.3.18
SB 3.1.37
SB 3.20.11
SB 4.7.37
SB 5.26.4
SB 6.1.33
kim whetherSB 6.1.33
SB 6.1.39
SB 6.17.11
SB 6.18.20
SB 6.2.30
SB 6.9.35
SB 7.5.36
SB 7.8.50
SB 7.9.8
SB 8.9.5
SB 9.11.20
SB 9.18.16
kim whoSB 5.10.12
kim who is thereSB 10.10.10
kim whoseSB 10.51.13
kim whyBG 3.1
MM 37
SB 10.14.15
kim whySB 10.14.15
kim whySB 10.14.15
SB 10.31.2
SB 10.44.12
SB 10.47.14
SB 10.54.39
SB 12.6.20
SB 4.13.22
SB 4.15.22
SB 4.29.56
SB 4.30.37
SB 6.18.63
SB 9.14.12
kim akarot what did He doSB 10.1.10
kim akarot what did He doSB 10.1.10
kim akāryam what is forbidden workSB 10.1.58
kim akāryam what is forbidden workSB 10.1.58
kim anna-dātuḥ does it belong to the employer who gives me the money to maintain itSB 10.10.11
kim anna-dātuḥ does it belong to the employer who gives me the money to maintain itSB 10.10.11
kim anna-dātuḥ does it belong to the employer who gives me the money to maintain itSB 10.10.11
kim anyaiḥ what is the use of anything elseSB 1.16.6
kim anyaiḥ what is the use of anything elseSB 1.16.6
kim anyat there is no other causeBG 16.8
kim anyat there is no other causeBG 16.8
kim anyat what elseSB 5.25.15
kim anyat what elseSB 5.25.15
kim anyat what to speak ofSB 4.30.27
kim anyat what to speak ofSB 4.30.27
kim apekṣitam what is dependenceSB 10.1.58
kim apekṣitam what is dependenceSB 10.1.58
kim api any oneSB 10.47.61
kim api any oneSB 10.47.61
kim api any whatsoeverSB 10.14.34
kim api any whatsoeverSB 10.14.34
kim api anyoneCC Antya 7.47
kim api anyoneCC Antya 7.47
kim api anythingBs 5.23
kim api anythingBs 5.23
SB 10.60.56
kim api anythingSB 10.60.56
SB 11.29.5
kim api anythingSB 11.29.5
kim api someCC Antya 1.169
kim api someCC Antya 1.169
kim api somehowCC Antya 1.177
kim api somehowCC Antya 1.177
kim api whatCC Antya 1.153
kim api whatCC Antya 1.153
kim api what to speak ofSB 10.1.41
kim api what to speak ofSB 10.1.41
kim api whateverSB 11.28.31
kim api whateverSB 11.28.31
kim api na none at allSB 10.87.24
kim api na none at allSB 10.87.24
kim api na none at allSB 10.87.24
kim artham for what purposeSB 11.7.70
kim artham for what purposeSB 11.7.70
kim artham what is the purposeSB 6.1.34-36
kim artham what is the purposeSB 6.1.34-36
kim artham whyCC Antya 6.285
kim artham whyCC Antya 6.285
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what benefit can there be by performing temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.16
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what benefit can there be by performing temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.16
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what benefit can there be by performing temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.16
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what benefit can there be by performing temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.16
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what can be the benefit of engaging in temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.17
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what can be the benefit of engaging in temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.17
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what can be the benefit of engaging in temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.17
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what can be the benefit of engaging in temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.17
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what can be the benefit of performing temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.15
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what can be the benefit of performing temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.15
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what can be the benefit of performing temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.15
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what can be the benefit of performing temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.15
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what can be the use of temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.18
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what can be the use of temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.18
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what can be the use of temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.18
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what can be the use of temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.18
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what is the use of engaging in temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.19
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what is the use of engaging in temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.19
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what is the use of engaging in temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.19
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what is the use of engaging in temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.19
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what is the use of performing temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.14
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what is the use of performing temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.14
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what is the use of performing temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.14
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what is the use of performing temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.14
kim bhūyaḥ what more, thenSB 10.34.17
kim bhūyaḥ what more, thenSB 10.34.17
kim ca alsoSB 9.9.5
kim ca alsoSB 9.9.5
kim ca and everythingSB 2.6.43-45
kim ca and everythingSB 2.6.43-45
kim ca furthermoreSB 10.38.23
kim ca furthermoreSB 10.38.23
kim cikīrṣasi what is the purpose for which You have come hereSB 8.9.3
kim cikīrṣasi what is the purpose for which You have come hereSB 8.9.3
kim etat what is thisSB 7.5.26
kim etat what is thisSB 7.5.26
kim hariṇā what is the fear from Lord ViṣṇuSB 10.4.36
kim hariṇā what is the fear from Lord ViṣṇuSB 10.4.36
kim idam what is thisSB 8.11.33
kim idam what is thisSB 8.11.33
SB 9.1.17
kim idam what is thisSB 9.1.17
SB 9.3.20
kim idam what is thisSB 9.3.20
kim idam what is this fragranceSB 10.6.41
kim idam what is this fragranceSB 10.6.41
kim idam what is this nonsenseSB 5.10.7
kim idam what is this nonsenseSB 5.10.7
kim indreṇa what is the fear from IndraSB 10.4.36
kim indreṇa what is the fear from IndraSB 10.4.36
kim iti for what reasonSB 5.10.2
kim iti for what reasonSB 5.10.2
kim kim what indeedSB 10.14.44
kim kim what indeedSB 10.14.44
kim nimittaḥ for what reasonSB 9.9.19
kim nimittaḥ for what reasonSB 9.9.19
kim nu what thenSB 10.38.42
kim nu what thenSB 10.38.42
kim nu what then to speak ofSB 10.80.11
kim nu what then to speak ofSB 10.80.11
kim nu what to speak ofBG 1.32-35
kim nu what to speak ofBG 1.32-35
SB 11.30.3
kim nu what to speak ofSB 11.30.3
kim nu why indeedSB 10.47.16
kim nu why indeedSB 10.47.16
kim punaḥ how much lessSB 3.22.12
kim punaḥ how much lessSB 3.22.12
kim punaḥ what to speakSB 10.12.39
kim punaḥ what to speakSB 10.12.39
kim punaḥ what to speak ofCC Antya 7.10
kim punaḥ what to speak ofCC Antya 7.10
SB 11.27.18
kim punaḥ what to speak ofSB 11.27.18
SB 3.19.34
kim punaḥ what to speak ofSB 3.19.34
kim svit never possibleSB 3.16.19
kim svit never possibleSB 3.16.19
kim svit perhapsSB 10.51.28
kim svit perhapsSB 10.51.28
kim svit we wonderCC Adi 4.173
kim svit we wonderCC Adi 4.173
CC Antya 7.40
kim svit we wonderCC Antya 7.40
CC Madhya 18.65
kim svit we wonderCC Madhya 18.65
SB 10.31.19
kim svit we wonderSB 10.31.19
kim svit what indeed (a son or daughter?)SB 11.1.13-15
kim svit what indeed (a son or daughter?)SB 11.1.13-15
kim svit what kind of businessSB 9.20.11
kim svit what kind of businessSB 9.20.11
kim svit whetherCC Madhya 8.219
kim svit whetherCC Madhya 8.219
SB 10.89.26-27
kim svit whetherSB 10.89.26-27
kim tu butSB 5.1.16
kim tu butSB 5.1.16
SB 5.14.40
kim tu butSB 5.14.40
kim u what more, thenSB 10.86.53
kim u what more, thenSB 10.86.53
kim u what to speakSB 11.26.24
kim u what to speakSB 11.26.24
SB 3.15.48
kim u what to speakSB 3.15.48
kim u what to speak ofCC Madhya 24.190
kim u what to speak ofCC Madhya 24.190
SB 10.6.34
kim u what to speak ofSB 10.6.34
SB 10.72.11
kim u what to speak ofSB 10.72.11
SB 12.10.25
kim u what to speak ofSB 12.10.25
SB 7.7.44
kim u what to speak ofSB 7.7.44
SB 8.17.10
kim u what to speak ofSB 8.17.10
kim u what to speak thenSB 10.49.20
kim u what to speak thenSB 10.49.20
kim u what to speak, moreoverSB 10.88.38-39
kim u what to speak, moreoverSB 10.88.38-39
kim u whetherCC Antya 1.139
kim u whetherCC Antya 1.139
SB 10.14.28
kim u whetherSB 10.14.28
kim uta and what to speak ofSB 9.11.17
kim uta and what to speak ofSB 9.11.17
kim uta how much lessSB 4.30.34
kim uta how much lessSB 4.30.34
kim uta much lessSB 7.4.46
kim uta much lessSB 7.4.46
kim uta then what to speakSB 12.8.43
kim uta then what to speakSB 12.8.43
kim uta then what to speak ofSB 4.17.20
kim uta then what to speak ofSB 4.17.20
kim uta what is thereSB 4.24.57
kim uta what is thereSB 4.24.57
kim uta what then to speak ofSB 10.45.14
kim uta what then to speak ofSB 10.45.14
SB 10.55.40
kim uta what then to speak ofSB 10.55.40
SB 10.64.32
kim uta what then to speak ofSB 10.64.32
SB 10.70.43
kim uta what then to speak ofSB 10.70.43
kim uta what to speakSB 10.14.2
kim uta what to speakSB 10.14.2
SB 10.87.16
kim uta what to speakSB 10.87.16
SB 6.7.28
kim uta what to speakSB 6.7.28
kim uta what to speak ofCC Antya 3.187
kim uta what to speak ofCC Antya 3.187
CC Antya 3.64
kim uta what to speak ofCC Antya 3.64
CC Antya 3.85
kim uta what to speak ofCC Antya 3.85
CC Madhya 22.55
kim uta what to speak ofCC Madhya 22.55
SB 6.2.49
kim uta what to speak ofSB 6.2.49
SB 7.4.35
kim uta what to speak ofSB 7.4.35
SB 8.12.10
kim uta what to speak ofSB 8.12.10
SB 8.12.43
kim uta what to speak ofSB 8.12.43
SB 8.23.6
kim uta what to speak ofSB 8.23.6
SB 9.9.46
kim uta what to speak ofSB 9.9.46
kim uta what to speak of othersSB 8.7.34
kim uta what to speak of othersSB 8.7.34
kim uta what to speak thenSB 10.29.13
kim uta what to speak thenSB 10.29.13
SB 10.33.33
kim uta what to speak thenSB 10.33.33
kim uta anyaiḥ what to speak of any other thingSB 1.13.20
kim uta anyaiḥ what to speak of any other thingSB 1.13.20
kim uta anyaiḥ what to speak of any other thingSB 1.13.20
kim uta apare what to speak of ordinary peopleSB 8.22.34
kim uta apare what to speak of ordinary peopleSB 8.22.34
kim uta apare what to speak of ordinary peopleSB 8.22.34
kim and whySB 10.17.1
kim and whySB 10.17.1
kim orSB 1.4.31
kim orSB 1.4.31
SB 5.2.7
kim orSB 5.2.7
kim or elseSB 10.70.27
kim or elseSB 10.70.27
SB 10.8.40
kim or elseSB 10.8.40
kim or else, perhapsSB 10.90.17
kim or else, perhapsSB 10.90.17
kim or it may beSB 5.8.25
kim or it may beSB 5.8.25
kim or maybeSB 5.2.15
kim or maybeSB 5.2.15
kim perhapsSB 10.46.48
kim perhapsSB 10.46.48
kim then whatSB 10.46.32-33
kim then whatSB 10.46.32-33
kim whatSB 5.8.23
kim whatSB 5.8.23
SB 9.5.16
kim whatSB 9.5.16
kim what to speak ofSB 3.7.14
kim what to speak ofSB 3.7.14
kim whetherCC Antya 15.51
kim whetherCC Antya 15.51
SB 10.30.12
kim whetherSB 10.30.12
SB 4.4.16
kim whetherSB 4.4.16
SB 4.8.64
kim whetherSB 4.8.64
kim varṇaḥ having what colorSB 11.5.19
kim varṇaḥ having what colorSB 11.5.19
kim veda does he knowSB 6.18.25
kim veda does he knowSB 6.18.25
kim-abhiprāyaḥ with what intentSB 10.33.28
kim-abhiprāyaḥ with what intentSB 10.33.28
kimapi anythingSB 5.4.18
kimpuruṣa an advanced race of monkeysSB 11.14.5-7
kimpuruṣa the division named KimpuruṣaSB 5.16.9
kimpuruṣa the inhabitants of Kimpuruṣa-lokaSB 8.18.9-10
kimpūruṣa the residents of KimpuruṣalokaSB 8.20.20
kimpuruṣa-ādīni a country beyond the northern side of the HimalayasSB 1.16.12
kimpuruṣa-ādīni a country beyond the northern side of the HimalayasSB 1.16.12
kimpuruṣāḥ the inhabitants of Kimpuruṣa-loka, or insignificant living entitiesSB 7.8.53
kimpuruṣāḥ the KimpuruṣasSB 7.8.37-39
kimpuruṣaiḥ by the KimpuruṣasSB 4.6.31
kimpuruṣaiḥ the inhabitants of the tract of land known as KimpuruṣaSB 5.19.1
kimpuruṣān the KimpuruṣasSB 3.20.45
kimpuruṣān the monkey-shaped inhabitants of the Kimpuruṣa planetSB 2.10.37-40
kimpuruṣāṇām among the KimpuruṣasSB 11.16.29
kimpuruṣe varṣe the tract of land known as KimpuruṣaSB 5.19.1
kimpuruṣe varṣe the tract of land known as KimpuruṣaSB 5.19.1
kim orCC Adi 4.84
CC Adi 4.86
CC Adi 4.91
CC Adi 4.93
CC Madhya 1.230
CC Madhya 14.146
CC Madhya 15.262
CC Madhya 24.97
CC Madhya 6.272
CC Madhya 6.62
aparaiḥ kim then what is the use of other possessionsSB 7.8.42
bahunā kim in shortCC Madhya 23.87-91
yat kim ca whateverSB 11.2.41
jānāsi kim do you knowSB 4.28.52
karavāma kim what can I do for youSB 9.14.19
karavāma kim what can I do for you (kindly order me)SB 10.8.3
jānāsi kim do you knowSB 4.28.52
aparaiḥ kim then what is the use of other possessionsSB 7.8.42
vadāmi kim can I saySB 7.10.70
karavāma kim what can I do for youSB 9.14.19
karavāma kim what can I do for you (kindly order me)SB 10.8.3
kṛtyam kim what to doSB 10.12.28
yat kim ca whateverSB 11.2.41
punaḥ kim what to speak of in comparisonSB 11.5.48
bahunā kim in shortCC Madhya 23.87-91
śrī-kimpuruṣāḥ ūcuḥ the inhabitants of Kimpuruṣa-loka saidSB 7.8.53
kṛtyam kim what to doSB 10.12.28
punaḥ kim what to speak of in comparisonSB 11.5.48
sātyakim SātyakiSB 10.63.17
śrī-kimpuruṣāḥ ūcuḥ the inhabitants of Kimpuruṣa-loka saidSB 7.8.53
śrī-kimpuruṣāḥ ūcuḥ the inhabitants of Kimpuruṣa-loka saidSB 7.8.53
vadāmi kim can I saySB 7.10.70
vaiyāsakim unto the son of VyāsadevaSB 2.3.13
vaiyāsakim unto Śukadeva GosvāmīSB 10.12.40
vāsukim the snake VāsukiSB 8.6.22-23
vāsukim the snake VāsukiSB 8.7.1
yat kim ca whateverSB 11.2.41
32 results
kim noun (masculine) [gramm.] the pronoun 'kim'
Frequency rank 49430/72933
kim indeclinable what for? why?
Frequency rank 884/72933
kimadhiṣṭhāna adjective having which base?
Frequency rank 49432/72933
kimagraṇya adjective having which leader?
Frequency rank 17792/72933
kimanvaya adjective of which lineage?
Frequency rank 17793/72933
kimartha adjective having what aim? (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 5373/72933
kimartham indeclinable why?
Frequency rank 5486/72933
kimbala adjective possessing what strength or power? (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 49440/72933
kimbhūta adjective being what? (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 7178/72933
kimbhṛtya noun (masculine) a bad servant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 49441/72933
kimicchaka noun (neuter) anything desired (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
what one wishes or desires (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 49433/72933
kimila noun (masculine) (a fancy word?)
Frequency rank 49434/72933
kimmaya adjective consisting of what? (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 34073/72933
kimparivāra adjective having what attendance? (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 49437/72933
kimphala adjective giving what kind of fruit? (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 49439/72933
kimprabhāva adjective possessing what power? (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 27529/72933
kimpramāṇa adjective of what circumference? (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 27530/72933
kimpunā noun (feminine) name of a river (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 49438/72933
kimpuruṣa noun (masculine neuter) a division of the earth (one of the nine Khaṇḍas or portions into which the earth is divided) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a mongrel being (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of one of the nine sons of Āgnīdhra having the Varsha Kimpuruṣa as his hereditary portion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 5429/72933
kimpāka noun (masculine) a Cucurbitaceous plant (of a very bad taste) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Strychnos nux vomica (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Trichosanthes palmata (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 19158/72933
kimpāka adjective childish (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
ignorant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
not mature (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
stupid (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 34072/72933
kimu noun (masculine) [gramm.] the word 'kim'
Frequency rank 49431/72933
kimu indeclinable dagegen jedoch wieviel mehr
Frequency rank 6310/72933
kimupakaraṇa adjective
Frequency rank 49435/72933
kimupādāna adjective
Frequency rank 49436/72933
kimācāra adjective being of what conduct or behaviour? (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 23719/72933
kimādhāra adjective referring to what? (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 27528/72933
kimāhāra adjective taking what food? (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 21085/72933
kimākāra adjective of what shape? (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 34070/72933
kimātmaka adjective of what particularity? (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 14825/72933
kimāśraya adjective being supported by what? (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 34071/72933
kima noun (masculine) a kind of alkali (kṣāra) obtained by cooking
Frequency rank 28964/72933


mongreal being; a cross breed.


Go to palāśa


burned, ripened, cooked, matured.

Wordnet Search
"kim" has 7 results.


mūlakaḥ, mūlakam, sekimam, pāṭīraḥ, paṭīram, hariparṇam, haritparṇam   

kṣupaviśeṣaḥ yasya kandaḥ śubhraḥ kaṭurasayuktaḥ asti।

kṛṣakaḥ mūlakaṃ secayati।



bhāratadeśasthaṃ rājyaṃ yasya prācyāṃ bhūtānadeśaḥ tathā ca udīcyāṃ nepāladeśaḥ asti।

sikkimarājyasya rājadhānī gaṅgaṭokaḥ iti asti।


kinnaraḥ, kimpuruṣaḥ, mayuḥ, turaṅgavadanaḥ, aśvamukhaḥ, gītamodī, hariṇanartakaḥ   

devayoniḥ yasya mukham aśvasadṛśam।

kinnaraḥ nṛtyagāyanena devatān rañjayati।


kimartham, kasmāt kāraṇāt, kena kāraṇena, kiṃ prayojanena   

kena hetunā।

kimarthaṃ mayā bhavadbhyaḥ kathanīyam kutra gacchāmi aham iti।



bhāratasya sikkimarājye vartamānaṃ maṇḍalam।

paścimasikkimamaṇḍalasya mukhyālayaḥ gejiṅganagare asti।


api, api tu, tathāpi, param, tu, kim, kintu, ca, nanu, vā, atha vā, punaḥ   


jvaraḥ san api saḥ vṛthā eva itastataḥ aṭati।



ṭuṇḍrā iti nāmnā prasiddhasya pradeśasya janāḥ।

eskimojanāḥ jalacarān api hanti।

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