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Bloomfield Vedic
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atrā sakhāyaḥ sakhyāni jānate # RV.10.71.2c; N.4.10c.
ād it paścā bubudhānā vy akhyan # RV.4.1.18a.
indra ṛbhukṣā marutaḥ pari khyan (MS. kśan) # RV.1.162.1b; VS.25.24b; TS.; MS.3.16.1b: 181.7; KSA.6.4b; N.9.3b.
ukhyaṃ (AVś. ukhyān; AVP. ukhyāṃ) hasteṣu bibhrataḥ # AVś.4.14.2b; AVP.3.38.2b; VS.17.65b; TS.; MS.2.10.6b: 138.1; KS.18.4b; śB.
divo dhartāra urviyā pari khyan # RV.10.10.2d; AVś.18.1.2d.
namaḥ pitṛbhyo abhi ye no akhyan # TS.
na vai straiṇāni sakhyāni santi # RV.10.95.15c; śB.
prem andhaḥ khyan niḥ śroṇo bhūt # RV.8.79.2c.
mahi tviṣīmat sukṛto vi hi khyan # RV.3.31.12b.
mendro no viṣṇur marutaḥ pari khyan # RV.7.93.8c.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"khyan" has 2 results
gauṇamukhyanyāyathe maxim that the primary sense occurs to the mind earlier than the secondary sense, and hence words used in the primary sense should be always taken for grammatical operations in preference to words in a secondary sense. See the word गेोण.
śeṣakṛṣṇaone of the prominent grammarians belonging to the Sesa family, who was the son of नरससिंहशेत्र. He wrote a gloss on the Prakriyakaumudi and two small works Prakrtacandrika and Padacandrika. Two other minor grammar works viz. the Yanlugantasiromani and Upapadamatinsutravyakhyana are ascribed to शेषकृष्ण who may be the same as शेषकृष्ण the son of नरसिंह, or another, as there were many persons who had the name Krsna in the big family.
Wordnet Search
"khyan" has 2 results.


mahānideśakaḥ, pradhānanideśakaḥ, mukhyanideśakaḥ   

pradhānaḥ nideśakaḥ।

kasyāpi saṃsthāyāḥ mahānideśakasya pade niyuktiḥ iti sammānaḥ asti।


pradhānanyāyādhīśaḥ, mukhyanyāyādhīśaḥ   

maṇḍalādeḥ nyāyālayeṣu pradhānaḥ nirṇāyakaḥ।

uccatamasya nyāyālayasya pañcatriṃśattamaḥ mukhyanyāyādhīśaḥ rameśacandra lāhotī sādagī mahodayaḥ।

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