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390 results for khi
khiccāf. a kind of dish (made of rice and pease etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khiccif. idem or 'f. a kind of dish (made of rice and pease etc.) ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khiccīf. idem or 'f. idem or 'f. a kind of dish (made of rice and pease etc.) ' ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khid cl.6. khindati- (;Ved. khidati- ; perf. cikheda-,or Vedic or Veda cakhāda- ; future khetsyati- ), to strike, press, press down ; to be depressed or wearied : cl.7 A1. khintte-, to be pressed down, suffer pain : cl.4 A1. khidyate- (rarely P. ), to be pressed down or depressed, be distressed or wearied, feel tired or exhausted etc.: Causal P. khedayati- (rarely A1. ), to press down, molest, disturb, make tired or exhausted (varia lectio) ; ([ confer, compare Greek ?])
khiḍgafor ṣiḍga-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khidiram. an ascetic, penitent View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khidiram. a pauper View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khidiram. the moon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khidiram. Name of indra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khidram. a pauper, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khidram. disease, sickness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khidran. () weight, burden (see /a-khidra-yāman-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khidvasmfn. (irregular perfect tense parasmE-pada P.) pressing upon, oppressing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khikhif. (equals kikhi-) a fox View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khikkhiminmfn. speaking indistinctly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khilam. (n. ) a piece of waste or uncultivated land situated between cultivated fields, desert, bare soil View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khila according to to some also"pasture-land" View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khilan. "a space not filled up, gap", that which serves to fill up a gap, supplement (of a book etc.), additional hymn appended to the regular collection etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khilan. a compendium, compilation (especially of hymns and prayers) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khilan. plural remainder View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khilan. sg. (in algebra) an insolvable problem View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khilan. obduracy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khilan. equals vedhas- (brahmā- or viṣṇu- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khilamfn. defective, insufficient View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khilagrantham. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khilakāṇḍan. "supplementary section", Name of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khilakṣetran. an uncultivated field View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khilapāṭham. (opposed to sūtra-p-) a collective N. for , , and vArttika View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khiind. fr. la- q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khilībhūtamfn. (anything) that has become a desert, abandoned, unfrequented (by genitive case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khilībhūtamfn. frustrated View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khilīkṛ(ind.p. -kṛtya-), to make vain or powerless View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khilīkṛtamfn. turned into a desert, devastated, made impassable View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khilīkṛtamfn. made powerless View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khilyam. a piece of waste or uncultivated land situated between cultivated fields View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khilyam. a piece of rock in the earth, mass, heap, lump View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khilyam. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khilya (according to to some also"pasture-land"). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khimiḍīf. Name of a district in the Central Provinces View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khindakam. Name of the Arabic astronomer Alkindi. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khindhim. idem or 'm. Name of the Arabic astronomer Alkindi.' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khindhikam. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. Name of the Arabic astronomer Alkindi.' ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khikhiram. idem or 'f. (equals kikhi-) a fox ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khikhiram. (equals khaṭvāṅga-) the foot of a bedstead (one of śiva-'s weapons) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khikhiram. a kind of perfume (commonly hāla-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khikhif. a fox View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khinnamfn. depressed, distressed, suffering pain or uneasiness etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khinnamfn. wearied, exhausted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khinnamānasamfn. distressed in mind, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khirahiṭṭīf. Name of a plant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khi cl.1 P. kheṭati-, to be terrified or frightened ; to terrify, alarm View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhilekhitan. a written document View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ākāśamukhinm. plural Name of a śaiva- sect (the adherents of which keep their faces turned towards the sky). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ākhidP. -khid/ati- (1. sg. -khidāmi-; imperative 2. sg. -khidā-) to take away, draw to one's self View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ākhida([ ]) ([ ]) mfn. one who draws to himself. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ākhidat([ ]) mfn. one who draws to himself. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
akhidramf(ā-)n. not weak View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
akhidrayāman(/akhidra--) mfn. unwearied in course View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
akhilamf(ā-)n. without a gap, complete, whole View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
akhilātmanm. the universal Spirit, brahma-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
akhilenaind. completely. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
akhilīkṛ -kṛtya- ind.p. not having annihilated or rendered powerless View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ākhilyan. (fr. a-khila-), the whole View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
akhinnamfn. unwearied, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ālikhitamfn. delineated by scratches, scratched View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ālikhitamfn. drawn, written, delineated, painted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ambaralekhinmfn. touching the sky, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aparimitālikhitamfn. having an indefinite number of lines View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ardhalikhitamfn. half painted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
arjunasakhim. "having arjuna- for his friend", Name of kṛṣṇa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asakhim. an untrustworthy friend commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asmatsakhi(asm/at--) m(Nominal verb khā-)fn. having us as friends View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asukhinmfn. unhappy, sorrowful View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āśvalāyanaśākhinmfn. āśvalāyanaśākhā
atiduḥkhita(or -duṣkhita-) mfn. greatly afflicted, very sad. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avabhāsanaśikhinm. Name of a nāga- demon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avarohaśākhinm. "having branches with avaroha-- shoots ", the Indian fig-tree View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ayathāmukhinamfn. having the face turned away View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bahuśākhinmfn. equals prec. mfn. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balabhitsakhim. balabhid
bālakhilyaSee vāla-kh-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balakhinmfn. coming from Balkh View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bālasakhim. equals -mitra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bālasakhim. the friend of a fool ( bālasakhitva -tva- n.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bālasakhitvan. bālasakhi
bhṛśaduḥkhitamfn. very much afflicted, very unfortunate or unhappy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
brahmalikhitan. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
citralikhitamfn. painted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
daurmukhim. patronymic fr. dur-mukha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
devasakhim. "id.", Name of a mountain (Bombay edition) iv, 43, 17. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dinaduḥkhitamfn. "afflicted by day" View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dinaduḥkhitam. the cakra-vāka- bird View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dīrghaśākhif. a kind of shrub View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
duḥkhaduḥkhinmfn. having sorrow upon sorrow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
duḥkhinmfn. pained, afflicted, grieved View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
duḥkhitamfn. pained, distressed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
duḥkhitamfn. afflicted, unhappy etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
duḥkhif. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
duḥkhitacittamfn. grieved in mind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
duḥkhitvan. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
duḥkhiyaNom. P. yati-, to feel pain, be distressed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
durlikhitamfn. badly scarified View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ghṛtalekhif. idem or 'f. a ladle for ghee ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
goṣakhi(g/oṣakhā-) m. "having cattle as friends (s/akhi-) ", possessing cattle (see -sakhi-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gosakhi(g/o--) mfn.(m. accusative khāyam-) "having milk as its friend", mixed with milk (soma-) (see -ṣakhi-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gosakhietc. See g/o-, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hrītamukhinmfn. idem or 'mfn. equals hrīṇa-m- ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
indrasakhi(/indra-) mf(ā-)n. one whose ally or companion is indra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
indrāyudhaśikhinm. Name of a nāga-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
īśasakhim. śiva-'s friend, Name of kuvera-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ityālikhitamfn. so scratched or marked View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kalpaśākhinm. equals -taru-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaṇṭapuṅkhif. Solanum Jacquini View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaṇvasakhim. having the kaṇva-s as friends, friendly disposed to them View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kāṇvaśākhinm. a follower of the kāṇva- branch of the veda-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kharamukhif. a kind of musical instrument View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kikhim. a monkey View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kikhif. a small kind of jackal or fox View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kiṃsakhi Nominal verb khā- m. ( ) a bad friend View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kunakhinmfn. having bad or diseased nails etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kunakhinm. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kunakhinm. of a work belonging to the View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lalāṭalikhitamfn. written (by brahmā-) on the forehead (See above) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lekhif. a little stroke View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lekhinmfn. scratching, grazing, touching (ambara-l-."touching the sky") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lekhiṇīf. a spoon, ladle (See ghṛta-l-and see lekhana-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lekhitamfn. (fr. Causal) caused to be written View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lekhitamfn. written View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
likhikhilla(?) m. a peacock View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
likhitamfn. scratched, scraped, scarified etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
likhitamfn. written (= mentioned ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
likhitamfn. drawn, delineated, sketched, painted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
likhitam. Name of a ṛṣi- and author of a work on law (frequently mentioned together with śaṅkha- q.v). () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
likhitam. Name of śaṅkha-'s brother (whose hands were cut off by king su-dyumna- as a punishment for having eaten some fruit in śaṅkha-'s hermitage without leave, described in ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
likhitan. a writing, written document, scripture () . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
likhitapāṭham. the reading of written words, learning from books View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
likhitapāṭhakam. one who reads from manuscript
likhitarudram. Name of a grammarian View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
likhitasmṛtif. Name of a law-book (see above) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
likhitatvan. the condition of being written down View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
likhitavyamfn. to be painted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
likhitṛm. a painter View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madanaśikhipīḍāf. the pain of the fire of love View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mārgaśākhinm. a tree by the road-side View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marutsakhimf(ā-). (mar/ut--;only Nominal verb mf. -sakhā-), having the marut-s for friends View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
matsakhi(m/at-.) m. my companion, my friend View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
maukhikamfn. (fr. mukha-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mayūkhinmfn. radiant, brilliant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mūrkhimanm. dulness, stupidity, folly gaRa dṛḍhādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nakhānakhiind. nail against nail, close fighting (with mutual scratching). (see keśā-keśi-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nakhinmfn. having nails or claws View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nakhinmfn. thorny, prickly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nakhinm. a clawed animal, lion
nikāmasukhinmfn. exceedingly happy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nikhidP. -khld/ati-, to press down View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nikhilamf(ā-)n. complete, all, whole, entire etc.
nikhilenaind. completely, totally (see a-kh-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirgatanikhilakalmaṣatāf. the state of being entirely freed from sin View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niṣkhidP. -khidati- (infinitive mood -kh/idam- ), to loosen, get loose View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nivartitākhilāhāramfn. one who has abstained from all food View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nṛvatsakhimfn. (nṛv/at--) (a sacrifice) having many associates who take part in it View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pañcaśikhinmfn. equals -śikha- mfn. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paramaduḥkhitamfn. deeply afflicted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parikhidP. -khidyati-, to be depressed or afflicted, feel uneasy : Causal -khedayati-, to trouble, afflict, destroy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parikhinnamfn. depressed, afflicted, exhausted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parilikhita(p/ari--) mfn. enclosed in a circle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pārimukhikamf(ī-)n. (fr. pari-mukham-) being before the eyes, near, present View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paripuṅkhitamfn. feathered (as an arrow) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
phalāgraśākhinmfn. having fruits at the ends of its branches View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prakhid(only pr. p. -khid/at-), to thrust away View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prarohiśākhinmfn. (a tree) whose branches grow again View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
praśākhif. a small branch, twig View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratilikhitamfn. written back, answered View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
preṅkhitamfn. swung, shaken, set in motion View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
preṅkhitamfn. joined to, being in contact with (?) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
puṅkhilatīrthan. Name of a place of pilgrimage (= rāma-t-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
puṅkhitamfn. shafted or feathered (as an arrow) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
puṅkhitaśaramfn. having or armed with shafted or feathered arrows (as the god of love) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ratikhedakhinnam. fatigued by sexual enjoyment View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ratnaśikhinm. Name of a buddha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rekhinmfn. having lines on the hand, lined (bahu-r-)
ṛjvālikhitamfn. scratched with straight lines View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohaśikhinm. fire which mounts upwards, ascending flame View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ṛtumukhinmfn. taking place on the first day of a season commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaikhinamfn. (fr. śikhin-) relating to or coming from or produced by a peacock View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saindhavakhilya m. a lump of salt View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śākhim. plural Name of a people (equals turuṣka-; see next) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sakhim. (strong cases Nominal verb s/akhā- plural s/akhāyaḥ-; accusative sg. s/akhāyam-; genitive case ablative s/akhyus-;other cases regularly from sakhi-) a friend, assistant, companion etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sakhim. the husband of the wife's sister, brother-in-law View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khim. Name of a people (see śākhi-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sakhibhāvam. friendship, intimacy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sakhidattam. gaRa sakhy-ādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khidatteyamfn. (fr. sakhidatta-) belonging to a friend's gift gaRa sakhy-ādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śākhilam. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sakhilamfn. (for sakh-See) with the supplements View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sakhilamfn. (for sa-khila-See) friendly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khilyan. (fr. sakhila-) friendship, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śākhinmfn. provided with branches View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śākhinmfn. separated into schools (said of the veda-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śākhinmfn. adhering to a particular Vedic school View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śākhinm. a tree etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śākhinm. a veda- which exists in various schools View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śākhinm. the follower of any Vedic school View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śākhinm. Salvadora Persica View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śākhinm. Name of a king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śākhinm. plural Name of a people (equals turuṣka-; see śākhi-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sakhipūrvamfn. one who has been formerly a friend View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sakhipūrvan. equals next View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sakhif. ( ) friendship, companionship, intimacy with (instrumental case with and without saha- genitive case,or compound) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sakhitvan. ( etc.) friendship, companionship, intimacy with (instrumental case with and without saha- genitive case,or compound)
sakhitvanan. () friendship, companionship, intimacy with (instrumental case with and without saha- genitive case,or compound) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sakhivat(s/akhi--) mfn. having friends or adherents View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sakhivatind. like a friend, as a friend View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sakhividmfn. winning friends View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sakhivigraham. war of friends, civil war View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śakraśākhinm. equals -vṛkṣa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃkhidP. -khidati-, to press or force together ; to drag or tear away View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃlikhitamfn. scratched etc. (used in to express some act in gambling). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sammukhinm. a looking-glass, mirror View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sampramukhitamfn. (See pramukha-) placed at the head, foremost, first, chief. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃsukhitamfn. perfectly delighted or gratified. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaṅkhalikhitamfn. perfect in its kind, faultless, flawless (with vṛtti- f.faultless conduct) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaṅkhalikhitam. a king who practises justice, a Just king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaṅkhalikhitam. dual number the two ṛṣi-s śaṅkha- and likhita- (authors of a law-book) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāṅkhalikhitamfn. composed by śaṅkha- and likhita- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaṅkhalikhitapriyam. "beloved, by śaṅkha- and likhita-", a friend of strict justice View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaṅkhalikhitasmṛtif. the law-book of śaṅkha- and likhita-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaṅkhif. Andropogon Aciculatus View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaṅkhikam. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāṅkhikamf(ī-)n. made from or relating to a conch-shell or to any shell, shelly
śāṅkhikam. a shell-blower or player on the conch-shell View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāṅkhikam. a shell-cutter, worker or dealer in shells (constituting a particular caste called Sankhari) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaṅkhinmfn. possessing a conch (as viṣṇu-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaṅkhinmfn. bearing shells (as water) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaṅkhinmfn. possessing the treasure called śaṅkha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaṅkhinmfn. possessed by the demon śaṅkha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaṅkhinm. the ocean View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaṅkhinm. a worker in shells View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaṅkhinm. Name of viṣṇu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāṅkhinam. patronymic fr. śaṅkhin- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaṅkhiṇīf. See next. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaṅkhif. of prec. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaṅkhif. mother of pearl View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaṅkhif. a particular plant (according to to Andropogon Aciculatus, Cissampelos Hexandra equals śveta-cukrā-, śveta-puṃnāga-,and śveta-vṛndā-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaṅkhif. a particular vein (nāḍī-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaṅkhif. Name of one of the four classes into which females are divided (the other three being citriṇī-, padminī-,and hastinī-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaṅkhif. Name of a śakti- worshipped by Buddhists View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaṅkhif. a kind of semidivine being or fairy (upadevatā-viśeṣa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaṅkhif. Name of a tīrtha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaṅkhinīphalam. Acacia Sirissa View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaṅkhinīvāsam. Trophis Aspera View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaracchikhin(for -śikhin-) m. a peacock in autumn (supposed to cease its cries) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sasakhiind. similar to a friend View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śastraśikhinmfn. proud of (the practice of) weapons View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saukhikamfn. intent upon welfare etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saukhikamfn. equals sukhena jīvati- gaRa vetanādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
savālakhilyamfn. together with the vālakhilya- hymns View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhim. (mc. for śikhin-) a peacock View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhim. Name of indra- under manu- tāmasa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhim. the god of love
śikhiin compound for śikhin-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhibhūm. Name of skanda- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhidhvajam. "fire-marked", smoke View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhidhvajam. "peacock-marked", Name of kārttikeya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhidhvajan. Name of a tīrtha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhidhvajatīrthan. idem or 'n. Name of a tīrtha- ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhidiśf. agni-'s quarter of the sky, south-east View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhidyutmfn. gleaming like fire View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhigrīvan. blue vitriol View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhikaṇam. "fire-particle", a spark View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhikaṇṭha n. blue vitriol View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhimaṇḍalam. Crataeva Roxburghii View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhimodāf. a kind of plant (equals aja-m-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhimūlaSee śikhā-m-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhinmfn. having a tuft or lock of hair on the top of the head etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhinmfn. one who has reached the summit of knowledge View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhinmfn. proud View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhinm. a peacock etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhinm. a cock View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhinm. Ardea Nivea (a kind of heron or crane) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhinm. a bull View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhinm. a horse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhinm. "having flame", fire or the fire-god etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhinm. the number"three"(from the three sacred fires) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhinm. a lamp View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhinm. a comet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhinm. Name of ketu- (the personified descending node) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhinm. a mountain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhinm. a tree View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhinm. Carpopogon Pruriens View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhinm. Trigonella Foenum Graecum View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhinm. a kind of potherb (equals sitāvara-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhinm. an arrow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhinm. a Brahman View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhinm. a religious mendicant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhinm. Name of a serpent-demon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhinm. of indra- under manu- tāmasa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhinm. of the second buddhi- (see ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhinm. of a brahmā- (with Buddhists) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhinm. cock's comb, Celosia Cristata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhinam. a particular gaṇa- of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhif. a pea-hen View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhipiccha() () n. a peacock's tail. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhipriyam. a kind of jujube tree View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhipuccha() n. a peacock's tail. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhiśekharan. a peacock's crest View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhiśikhāf. a peacock's crest View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhiśikhāf. "fire-peak", a flame View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhiśṛṅgam. a spotted antelope View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhif. the state of a peacock View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhitamam. a particular gaṇa- of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhitīrthan. Name of a tīrtha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhivāhanam. "having a peacock for his vehicle", Name of kārttikeya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhivardhakam. Benincasa Cerifera View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhivāsasm. Name of a mountain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhivratan. a particular religious observance, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhiyūpam. a kind of antelope (equals śrī-kārin-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śivālikhitamn. (śivā-l-or śivāl-?) Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śivālikhitaparibhāṣāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
somasakhi(s/oma--) mfn. having soma- as a companion View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śramakhinnamfn. distressed by fatigue View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrāvayatsakhi(y/at--) mfn. making the friend famous View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suduḥkhitamfn. much grieved, greatly afflicted
suduṣkhitaSee -duḥkha-, khita-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sukhaduḥkhinmfn. feeling pleasure and pain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sukhiin compound for sukhin-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sukhinmfn. possessing or causing happiness or pleasure, happy, joyful, pleasant, comfortable, easy etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sukhinm. a religious ascetic View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sukhisvabhāvam. a happy or contented disposition View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sukhif. ( varia lectio) ease, comfort, happiness. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sukhitamfn. pleased, delighted, comforted ( sukhitam am- ind.) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sukhitan. happiness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sukhitamind. sukhita
sukhitvan. () ease, comfort, happiness. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sulikhitamfn. well written down, well registered View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sunikhilamind. very completely View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suraśākhinm. "tree of the gods", the kalpa- tree View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suṣakhimfn. a good friend or having good friends View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
susakhim. (see su-ṣakhi-) a good friend View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
susukhinmfn. very comfortable or happy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svahastollikhitamfn. drawn or painted by one's own hands,
svalikhitan. any document or receipt written with one's own hand View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śvetāśvataraśākhinf., plural idem or ' f., plural idem or 'm. plural his school ' ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tagaraśikhinm. Name of a man
taittirīyaśākhinmfn. belonging to khā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tāmraśikhinm. "red-crested", a cock View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tanmukhikayā instrumental case ind. for this reason View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tilaśikhinm. equals -mayūra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
triśikhidalāf. "trident-leaved", Name of a bulb View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tryālikhitamfn. indented or marked in 3 places (a brick) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tryālikhitavatmfn. consisting of bricks so marked View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ullekhinmfn. scratching, touching View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ullekhinmfn. delineating, making visible or clear View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ullikhitamfn. slit, torn View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ullikhitamfn. scratched, polished, etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ullikhitapainted, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upakhilan. a sub-supplement, supplement to a supplement View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
utkhid(ud-- khid-) P. -khid/ati-, to draw out, extract View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
utkhi f. Name (also title or epithet) of a goddess, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśākhinm. a particular part of an elephant's forefoot View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vālakhilyan. (also written bāl-,of doubtful derivation) Name of a collection of 11 (according to to some only 6 or 8) hymns of the ṛg-- veda- (commonly inserted after viii, 48, but numbered separately as a supplement by some editors;they are also called vālakhilyāḥ-,with or scilicet mantrāḥ-,or ṛcaḥ-,and daśatī vālakhilyakā-) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vālakhilyan. (ly/a-) plural Name of a class of ṛṣi-s of the size of a thumb (sixty thousand were produced from brahmā-'s body and surround the chariot of the sun) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vālakhilyāf. Name of a particular kind of brick View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vālakhilyagrantham. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vālakhilyasaṃhitāf. the collection of the vālakhilya- hymns, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vālakhilyaśastran. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vālakhilyāśramam. Name of a hermitage View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vālakhilyeśvaratīrthan. Name of a tīrtha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vālikhillam. Name of a son of draviḍa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vālikhilya wrong reading for vālakh-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
varṇalekhif. equals -rekhā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vasantaśākhinm. equals -dru- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vāyusakhim. "having the wind for a friend", fire View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vikhidP. -khidati-, to tear asunder, rend apart View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vilekhinmfn. scratching id est rubbing against, touching, reaching up to (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vilikhitamfn. scratched, scraped, scarified View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vimukhinmfn. having the face averted, averse from, hostile View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vimukhitamfn. averse, hostile View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vimukhif. (or vimukhitātva -tva- n.) turning away, aversion, enmity View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vimukhitātvan. vimukhitā
viśākhif. a forked pole View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśākhikādaṇḍam. idem or 'f. a forked pole ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśākhilam. Name of an author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśākhilam. of a merchant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṣāṇollikhitaskandhamfn. one whose shoulders are grazed or scratched by his horns (said of the leader of a herd of cattle to mark superiority) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
visarpakhinnavigrahamfn. one whose body is moist with the exudation caused by the visarpa- disease View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yajuḥśākhinmfn. familiar with a śākhā- of the yajur-veda- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathābhilikhita(thābh-) mfn. painted or written in the manner stated View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathālikhitānubhāvin(thāl-) mfn. perceiving that anything is (only) painted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathāparilikhitamind. according to the outline or sketch View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
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khiccāccī खिच्चाच्ची A kind of dish (made of rice and pease &c.).
khid खिद् I. 6 P. (खिन्दति, खिन्न) To strike, press down, afflict. -II. 4,7. Ā. (खिद्यते, खिन्त्ते, खिन्न) 1 To suffer pain or misery, to be afflicted to wearied, feel tired, depressed or exhausted; Ś.5.7; स पुरुषो यः खिद्यते नेन्द्रियैः H.2.13; overpowered; किं नाम मयि खिद्यते गुरु Ve.1; Śānti.3.7; Bk.14.18,17.1. -Caus. 1 To frighten, terrify. -2 To exhaust, fatigue, make tired; ममानिमि- त्तानि हि खेदयन्ति Mk.9.1.
khidiraḥ खिदिरः 1 An ascetic. -2 A pauper. -3 The moon. -4 An epithet of Indra.
khidraḥ खिद्रः [खिद् दैन्ये रक्] 1 A poor man, a pauper. -2 Disease, sickness.
khikhi खिखिः A fox.
khilaḥ खिलः लम् [खिल्-क] 1 A piece of waste or uncultivated land, desert or bare soil; a desert, waste; खिले गा विष्ठिता इव Av.7.115.4. -2 A gap, vacant place. -3 An additional hymn appended to the regular collection; Ms.3.232. -4 A supplement in general. -5 A compendium, compilation. -6 Vacuity. -7 Remainder; अलं दग्धैर्द्रुमैर्दीनैः खिलानां शिवमस्तु नः Bhāg.6.4.15. -लः N. of Brahmā and of Viṣṇu. [खिल is often used in combination with भू and कृ; (1) खिलीभू (a) to become impassable, to be blocked up, be left unfrequented; खिलीभूते विमानानां तदापातभयात्पथि Ku.2.45. (b) to be impossible, be rendered impracticable or stopped; प्रजागरात्खिलीभूतस्तस्याः स्वप्नसमागमः Ś.6.22. (2) खिलीकृ means (a) to obstruct, impede, make impassable, block up; तौ सुकेतसुतया खिली- कृते R.11.14,87. (b) to lay waste, devastate, put down or vanquish completely; विपक्षमखिलीकृत्य प्रतिष्ठा खलु दुर्लभा Śi.2.34.]
khilyaḥ खिल्यः Ved. 1 A desert; उत खिल्या उर्बराणां भवन्ति Rv.1.142.3. -2 A piece of rock in the earth; अभिन्ने खिल्ये नि दधाति देवयुम् Rv.6.28.2.
khikhiraḥ खिङ्खिरः 1 A fox (-री f.). -2 The foot of a bed-stead (one of Śiva's weapons).
khinna खिन्न p. p. [खिद्-क्त] 1 Depressed, afflicted, dejected, distressed, suffering pain; गुरुः खेदं खिन्ने मयि भजति नाद्यापि कुरुषु Ve.1.11; अनङ्गबाणव्रणखिन्नमानसः Gīt.3. -2 Fatigued, exhausted; खिन्नः खिन्नः शिखरिषु पदं न्यस्य गन्तासि यत्र Me. 13,4; तयोपचाराञ्जलिखिन्नहस्तया R.3.11; Ch. P.3,2; Śi.9.11.
khi खिट् 1 P. (खेटति, खेटित) 1 To be terrified or frightened, to fear, dread. -2 To terrify, frighten, surprise, scare away.
akhidra अखिद्र a. Ved. [खिद्-रक् न. त.] Unwearied; यातेमखिद्र- यामभिः Rv.1.38.11 unwearied in their course.
akhinna अखिन्न a. [न. त.] 1 Not fatigued or wearied. -2 Not involving fatigue. मखेष्वखिन्नो$नुमतः Ki.1.22.
akhila अखिल a. [नास्ति खिलं अवशिष्टं यस्य Tv.] 1 Whole, entire, complete; oft. with सर्व. एतद्धि मत्तो$धिजगे सर्वमेषो$खिलं मुनिः Ms.1.59; ˚लेन entirely. -2 Not uncultivated or fallow, ploughed (land); ˚आत्मन् the universal spirit.
akhilikā अखिलिका (वनस्पतिवि.) Momordaica Charantia (Mar. कारली.)
abhilikhita अभिलिखित a. Written, inscribed. -तम्, अभिलेखि- तम्, -नम् 1 Writing, inscribing. -2 A writing; ज्ञातिबन्धु- साक्ष्यभिलेखितैः Y.2.149. A written document.
utkhid उत्खिद् 6 P. To draw out, extract.
upakhilam उपखिलम् Supplement to a supplement, subsupplement.
ullikhita उल्लिखित p. p. 1 Scratched, scraped &c. -2 Thrown up, tossed. -3 Written over or above. -4 Pared, made thin.
ullekhin उल्लेखिन् a. Tearing; K.5.
kikhi किखिः A monkey, an ape. -f. A jackal; fox. किङ्कणी kiṅkaṇī किङ्किणिका kiṅkiṇikā किङ्किणी kiṅkiṇī किङ्कणीका kiṅkaṇīkā किङ्कणी किङ्किणिका किङ्किणी किङ्कणीका A small bell or tinkling ornament; क्वणत्कनककिङ्किणीझणझणा- यितस्यन्दनैः U.5.5;6.1; Śi.9.74; Ku.7.49. -2 N. of an acid sort of grape.
duḥkhita दुःखित a. [दुःख तार˚ इतच्] 1 Distressed, afflicted, pained; दुःखिता यत्र दृश्येरन् विकृताः पापकारिणः Ms.9.288. -2 Poor, unhappy, miserable. -तम् Trouble, distress.
duḥkhin दुःखिन् a. 1 Distressed, afflicted, pained. -2 Difficult, painful. -3 poor, miserable.
nakhānakhi नखानखि ind. [नखैर्नखैः प्रहृत्येदं युद्धं प्रवृत्तम्] Nail against nail. कचाकचि युद्धमासीद् दन्तादन्ति नखानखि Mb.
nakhin नखिन् a. [नखः अस्त्यस्य-इनि] 1 Having or armed with nails, claws, &c. -2 Thorny. -m. Any animal armed with claws, such as a tiger or lion.
nikhila निखिल a. [निवृत्तं खिलं शेषो यस्मात्] Complete, whole, entire, all; प्रत्यक्षं ते निखिलमचिराद् भ्रातरुक्तं मया यत् Me.96; सूर्यांशुभिर्जगदिदं निखिलार्थमेति Bil. Ch.29. -लेन ind. completely, totally; निखिलेन विचिन्वन्तौ सीतां दशरथात्मजौ Rām. 3.61.2.
parikhid परिखिद् 4 P. To suffer pain or misery, be distressed or wearied. -Caus. To injure, hurt.
parikhinna परिखिन्न p. p. Afflicted, troubled.
pārimukhika पारिमुखिक a. (-की f.) Being before the face, being near or present; P.IV.4.29.
puṃkhita पुंखित a. Furnished with feathers (as an arrow).
pratilikhita प्रतिलिखित p. p. Answered.
praśākhi प्रशाखिका A small branch; Mb.8.
preṅkhita प्रेङ्खित p. p. Swung, shaken, oscillated.
mayūkhin मयूखिन् a. Radiant, brilliant.
likhita लिखित p. p. [लिख्-क्त] Written, painted, scratched &c.; see लिख्. -तः N. of a writer on law (mentioned along with शङ्ख). -तम् 1 A writing, document. -2 A picture; द्रोणस्य चाद्यलिखितैरिव वीक्षितो यैः Ve.3.13. -3 Any book or composition. -Comp. -पठित a. written and read about; described; लिखितपठिता राज्ञो दाराः कविप्रतिभासु ये शृणुत शृणुतासूर्यंपश्या न सा किल भाविनी N.19.36; इक्ष्वाकूणां लिखितपठिता स्वर्वधूगण्डपीठक्रीडापत्रप्रकरमकरीपाशुपाल्यं हि वृत्तिः A. R.1.31. -पाठः learning from books. -स्मृतिः N. of a law-book.
likhitṛ लिखितृ m. A painter.
lekhi लेखिका A little stroke; K.
lekhin लेखिन् a. Scratching, touching; एतद्रिरेर्माल्यवतः पुरस्ता- दाविर्भवत्यम्बरलेखि शृङ्गम् R.13.26.
lekhita लेखित a. Caused to be written; बलाद्यच्चापि लेखितम् Ms.8.168; Y.2.86.
lekhi लेखिनी 1 A pen. -2 A spoon.
vālakhilyaḥ वालखिल्यः 1 See बालखिल्य; Rām.3.6.2. -ल्यम् N. of a collection of 11 hymns of the ऋग्वेद.
śaṅkhin शङ्खिन् m. 1 The ocean. -2 An epithet of Viṣṇu. -3 A conch-blower. -4 A worker in shells.
śaṅkhi शङ्खिनी 1 A woman of one of the four classes into which writers on erotic science divide women; the Ratimañjarī thus describes her :-- दीर्घातिदीर्घनयना वर- सुन्दरी या कामोपभोगरसिका गुणशीलयुक्ता । रेखात्रयेण च विभूषित कण्ठदेशा सम्भोगकेलिरसिका किल शङ्खिनी सा ॥ cf. चित्रिणी, हस्तिनी, and पद्मिनी also. -2 A female spirit, or a kind of fairy. -3 Mother of pearl. -4 A particular vein. -Comp. -फलः the Śirīṣa tree.
śākhin शाखिन् a. [शाखा अस्त्यस्य इनि] 1 Having branches (fig. also). -2 Branching, ramifying. -3 Belonging to any branch or school (as of the Veda). -m. 1 A tree; कुल्याम्भोभिः पवनचपलैः शाखिनो धौतमूलाः Ś.1.15. -2 A Veda. -3 A follower of any Vedic school or recension.
śāṅkhikaḥ शाङ्खिकः [शङ्ख-ठञ्] 1 A shell-cutter, worker in shells. -2 N. of a mixed tribe. -3 A shell-blower; त्वरमाण- शाङ्खिकसवेगवदनपवनाभिपूरितः Śi.15.72.
śikhin शिखिन् a. [शिखा अस्त्यस्य इनि] 1 Pointed. -2 Crested, tufted; एकवस्त्रधरो धन्वी शिखी कनकमालया Rām.3.38.14. -3 One who has reached the summit of knowledge. -4 Proud. -m. 1 A peacock; उष्णालुः शिशिरे निषीदति तरोर्मूलालवाले शिखी V.2.23;4.8; Pt.1.151; Śi.4.5. -2 Fire; रिपुरिव सखीसंवासो$यं शिखीव हिमानिलः Gīt.7; न श्वेतभावमुञ्झति शङ्खः शिखिभुक्तमुक्तो$पि Pt.4.11; R.19.54; Śi.15.7. -3 A cock. -4 An arrow. -5 A tree. -6 A lamp. -7 A bull. -8 A horse. -9 A mountain. -1 A Brāhmaṇa. -11 A religious mendicant. -12 N. of Ketu. -13 The number 'three'. -14 The Chitraka tree. -Comp. -कणः a spark. -कण्ठम्, -ग्रीवम् blue vitriol; तार्क्ष्यशैलं शिखिग्रीवं चक्षुष्यं यामुनं पुनः Śiva B.3.18. -दिश् south-east. -ध्वजः 1 an epithet of Kārtikeya. -2 smoke. -पिच्छम्, -पुच्छम् a peacock's tail. -प्रियः a kind of jujube tree. -भूः N. of Skanda. -मोदा a kind of plant (अजमोदा). -मृत्युः the god of love (मदन); Gīrvāṇa. -यूपः an antelope. -वर्धकः a gourd. -वाहनः an epithet of Kārtikeya. -शिखा 1 a flame. -2 a peacock's crest.
śaikhina शैखिन a. Relating to a peacock.
saṃsukhita संसुखित p. p. Perfectly delighted or gratified.
sakhi सखि m. [सह समानं ख्यायते नि˚ Uṇ.4.136] (nom. सखा, सखायौ, सखायः; acc. सखायम्, सखायौ, सख्युः gen sing.; सख्यौ loc. sing.) A friend, companion, an associate; तस्मात् सखा त्वमसि यन्मम तत्तवैव U.5.1; सखीनिव प्रीतियुजो$नुजीविनः Ki. 1.1. (At the end of comp. सखि is changed to सख; वनितासखानाम् Ku.1.1; सचिवसखः R.4.87;1.48;12.9; Bk.1.1.)
saṃmukhin संमुखिन् m. A mirror, looking-glass.
khilyam साखिल्यम् Friendship.
sukhita सुखित a. Pleased, delighted, happy. -तम् Happiness.
sukhin सुखिन् a. Happy, glad, joyful. -m. A religious ascetic. सुखंघुणः sukhaṅghuṇḥ सुखंसुणः sukhaṃsuṇḥ सुखंघुणः सुखंसुणः A kind of staff with a skull at the top (a weapon of Śiva); see खट्वाङ्ग.
saukhika सौखिक a. (-की f.), -सौखीय a. (-यी f.) Relating to pleasure, pleasureable, delightful.
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
suṣakhi su-ṣakhí, m. good friend, viii. 48, 9 [sákhi friend].
Macdonell Search
36 results
khidra n. awl, gimlet.
khila m. waste land; n. supplement.
khilakṣetra n. barren field.
khilya m. waste land; block, lump, piece.
akhila a. without a gap, entire, all; n. everything: in. quite, completely.
akhinna pp. unwearied, in (lc.).
atisakhi m. great friend.
abhilekhita n. document.
asukhin a. sad, unhappy.
ullikhita pp. scratched, scraped.
duḥkhin a. suffering; afflicted.
duḥkhi f. suffering, affliction, distress.
duḥkhita pp. suffering, afflicted, distressed.
nakhin a. furnished with nails, claws, or talons; m. beast with claws.
nakhānakhi ad. nail to nail, =tooth and nail.
nirgatākhilakalmaṣa a. freed from all sin: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -gati, f. setting out; -gandha, a. scentless: -tâ, f. -ness; -gama, m. going out, departure, escape from (ab.); vanishing; outlet, exit; destination of an export; issue, conclusion; -gamana, n. going out of (--°ree;); -garva, a. free from pride; -garha, a. blameless; -gavâksha, a. windowless; -gahana, a. knowing no precipices=intrepid; -guna,a. lacking a cord; stringless (bow); destitute of qualities; worthless, base, bad: -tâ, f., -tva, n. lack of all qualities; worthlessness, baseness, wickedness; -gulika, a. lacking a pill; -griha, a. (î) houseless; -gaurava, a.devoid ofreverence: -m, ad. condescendingly; -grantha, a. freed from all bonds; m. naked Jain mendicant; -granthika, m. naked Jain mendicant; -graha, m. ascertainment.
nikhila a. [without a gap], entire, all, complete: -½artha, a. containing all re quisites, complete.
bhavanaśikhin m. domestic peacock; -½a&ndot;gana, n. court of a palace.
matsakhi m. (nm. â) my friend or companion (RV.1).
mārgaśākhin m. road-side tree; -siras, m. N. of a month (November December); -sîrsha, m. (± mâsa) month, the full moon of which is in the constellation Mrigasiras (the tenth, later the first month in the year): î, f. (± paurnamâsî) day in which the full moon is in the constellation Mrigasiras; -stha, a. remaining on the right road (also fig.); -harmya, m. palace on the high road.
likhita pp. written, etc.; m. N. of the author of a law-book; n. writing; written document: -tva, n. condition of being written down; -pâtha, m. reading of written works, learning from books: -ka, a.reading from manuscript.
likhitavya fp. to be painted (Pr.); -itri, m. painter; -ya, m., â, f. nit, egg of a louse.
lekhi f. little streak; -in, a. touching (--°ree;).
vālakhilya a. with mantrâh or rikah, a term applied to the eleven hymns inserted after RV. VIII, 48: pl. or n. sg. the section comprising these hymns; m. pl. a class of Rishis of the size of a thumb and connected with the sun.
śaṅkhin a. possessing a conch; bearing shells (water): -î, f. mother-of-pearl; a class of women (of which there are four in erotics).
śāṅkhalikhita a. composed by Sa&ndot;kha and Likhita.
śākhin a. (C.) provided with branches; divided into schools or recen sions (Veda); adhering to a particular Vedic school; m. tree; adherent of a particular Vedic school (C., rare); -ila, m. N.; -îya,a. belonging to the school of (--°ree;).
śikhin a. wearing a tuft of hair (V., C.); m. (C.) peacock (crested); fire; Agni; comet (rare).
śikhi f. condition of a peacock; -dis, f. Agni's quarter, south-east; -dyut, a. gleaming like fire; -dhvaga, m. (having a peacock as his emblem) ep. of Kârttikeya.
śaikhina a. produced by (etc.) the peacock (sikhin).
sakhi f. association, friendship; -tvá, n. id., for (g.), with (in. w. saha, --°ree;); -pûrva, n., -bhâva, m. id.
sakhi m. (nm. â) companion, asso ciate, comrade, friend (sts. referring to a f., esp.=î °ree;--, metr.).
sukhin a. feeling pleasure, glad, happy; prosperous; comfortable, enjoyable: (-i)-svabhâva, m. happy temperament.
sukhi f. feeling of pleasure, happiness; -tva, n. id.
sukhita den. pp., v. sukhaya.
susakhi m. (nm. â) good friend; -samkruddha, pp. greatly enraged; -sam gatâ, f. N.; -samgama, m. pleasant (place of) meeting; -samgrihîta, pp. well-controlled or governed (kingdom); -sakiva, m.good minister; a. having a good minister; -saggî kri, make perfectly ready; -samkita, pp. well-gathered, carefully accumulated: -m sam-ki, collect carefully; -sattra, n. good hospital; -sattva, a. very resolute; -sadrisa, a.(î) very like (g.); -samtushta, pp. per fectly satisfied; -samtosha, a. easy to satisfy; -samdîpta, pp. flaming brightly; -samdrís, a. fair to see; -samdha, a. true to one's word; -sanna, pp. [√ sad] completely at an end, foiled; -sama, a. perfectly level or smooth; (sú)-samâhita, pp. [√ dhâ] well laden (waggon, Br.); C.: well-adorned; very attentive or intent, thoroughly concentrated; (sú)-samiddha, pp. [√ idh] well-kindled;(sú)-samriddha, pp. [√ ridh] V.: quite per fect; C.: very abundant; very wealthy; -samriddhi, f. great wealth; -sampad, f. affluence, great prosperity; (sú)-sampish- ta, pp. completely shattered (car; RV.1); -sampratapta, pp. thoroughly harassed; -sambaddha, pp. intimately connected; -sambhriti, f. due collection of requisites; -sambhrama, m. great agitation or confu sion, excessive haste; -sambhrânta, pp. completely bewildered; (sú)-sarva, a. quite complete (Br.); -sahâya, a. having a good companion or assistant: -vat, a. id.; -sâdh ana, a. easy to prove; -sâdhita, pp. well trained; -sâdhya, fp. easy to control, amen able; -sâman, n.very conciliatory words; -sârathi, a. having a good charioteer; -sita, a. pure white; -siddha, pp. well-cooked; very efficacious, of great magical power; completely supplied with (in.): -½artha, a. having completely attained one's object; -sî ma, a. having a good parting (woman).
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
36 results4 results
khila Appear to have the same meaning. According to Roth, these terms denote the waste land lying between cultivated fields; but he admits that this sense does not suit the passage of the Rigveda in which it is said that the god places the worshipper on an unbroken Khilya (abhiηηe khilye), and he accordingly conjectures the reading akhilya- bhiηηe, ‘land unbroken by barren strips.’ Pischel thinks that the meaning intended is broad lands, which were used for the pasturing of the cattle of the community, and were not broken up by cultivated fields. Oldenberg,6 however, points out that the sense is rather the land which lay between cultivated fields, but which need not be deemed to have been unfertile, as Roth thought. This agrees with the fact that in Vedic times separate fields were already known : see Ksetra.
khila As a designation of certain hymns appended to the received text of the Rigveda occurs only in the Sūtra period. The term is a metaphorical application of the preceding word, ‘a space not filled up,’ a supplement.’
vālakhilya Is the term applied in the Brāhmaṇas to the supplementary hymns inserted after Rigveda. The Rṣis of these hymns are so named in the Taittirīya Aranyaka.Cf. 2. Khila.
sakhi ‘Friend,’ is common from the Rigveda onwards, both literally and metaphorically.
Bloomfield Vedic
36 results4 results8 results
khidraṃ bibharṣi pṛthivi RV.5.84.1b; TS.; MS.4.12.2b: 181.1; KS.10.12b; ApMB.2.18.9b; N.11.37b.
khile gā viṣṭhitā iva AVś.7.115.4b.
akhidrāḥ prajā abhivipaśya # KS.39.3. See aghoraḥ etc., and achinnapatrāḥ etc.
ākhidantīr vikhidantīḥ # AVP.5.9.8a.
dīrghamukhi durhaṇu # TA.4.32.1a.
duḥkhitāṃś ca dvijāṃś caiva # RVKh.10.142.7c.
parilikhitaṃ rakṣaḥ # TS.; 3.1.1;; 2.10.1; Apś.7.4.2; 10.23.2; 11.11.2. P: parilikhitam HG.1.27.1.
parilikhi arātayaḥ # TS.; 3.1.1;; 2.10.1; Apś.7.4.2; 10.23.2; 11.11.2.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"khi" has 6 results
khitcharacterized by the mute letter ख्, applied to kṛt affixes which, by reason of their being खित् , cause (a) the addition of the augment मुम् ( म् ) to the preceding words अरुस् , द्विषद् and words ending in a vowel, and (b) the shortening of the long vowel of the preceding word if it is not an indeclinable; confer, compare P. VI. 3.66-68.
khilapāṭhaa supplementary recital or enunciation which is taken along with the original enunciation or upadeśa generally in the form of the sūtras. The word is used in the Kāśikā in the sense of one of the texts forming a part of the original text which is called upadeśa; confer, compare Kāśikā उपदिश्यते अनेनेत्युपदेश: शास्त्रवाक्यानि सूत्रपाठ: खिलपाठश्च (on P.I.3.2); confer, compare also खिलपाठो धातुपाठः प्रातिपदिकपाठो वाक्यपाठश्च Padamañjarī, a commentary on the Kāśikāvṛtti by Haradatta. on Kāśikā I.3.2.
khiṣṇuckṛt affix इष्णु in the sense of an agent added to the root भू, e. g. आढ्यंभविष्णुः, स्थूलंभविष्णुः; confer, compare P. III. 2.57.
nīlakaṇṭhamakhinnephew of Appaya Diksita who has written a commentary on Kaiyata's Mahabhasyapradipa.
cātuḥsvāryathe view that there are four accents-the udatta, the anudatta, the svarita and the pracaya held by the Khandikya and the Aukhiya Schools.
mahābhāṣyapradīpaprakāśacalled also कैयटप्रकाश, name of the commentary on the Pradipa of Kaiyata by Nilankanthamakhi a versatile writer of the 17th century.
Vedabase Search
2074 results
khidaḥ distressedSB 10.87.33
khidyat being caused painSB 10.30.30
khidyataḥ lamentingSB 11.23.13
khidyataḥ regrettingSB 1.4.32
khidyate is troublingSB 3.7.7
khidyati is disturbedSB 3.4.16
khilam incapableSB 6.4.49-50
khilam inferiorSB 1.4.32
SB 1.5.8
khilānām of the remainder of the treesSB 6.4.15
khiliyā bolting closedCC Antya 12.120
khinna disturbedSB 10.78.29
khinna hurtCC Madhya 8.115
khinnā very much distressedSB 10.1.18
khinna-mānasaḥ whose heart is injuredCC Madhya 8.107
khinna-mānasaḥ whose heart is injuredCC Madhya 8.107
khinna-vat as if tiredSB 3.9.26
khinna-vat as if tiredSB 3.9.26
ācārya dekhi' seeing Advaita ĀcāryaCC Madhya 3.31
akhila-ādhāra O basis of everythingSB 11.6.26-27
akhila-ādhāre unto the summum bonumSB 2.7.52
akhila-adhyakṣa owner of the whole universeSB 7.10.26
anna-ādi dekhi seeing the arrangement of foodCC Madhya 15.224
śikhi-ādi Śikhi Māhiti and othersCC Madhya 16.254
akhila-sura-asura-ādi by all demigods and demonsCC Antya 3.85
mantra-ādi śikhite to be initiatedCC Antya 7.150
dekhite āilā came to seeCC Madhya 3.108
dekhite āila came to seeCC Madhya 4.89
dekhite āila came to seeCC Madhya 17.187
dekhite āila came to seeCC Antya 10.62
dekhite āise come to see HimCC Madhya 1.164
na akhidyat he did not lamentSB 8.11.48
akhila all aroundSB 1.2.3
akhila all-embracingSB 1.3.39
akhila universalSB 1.5.13
akhila all kinds ofSB 1.5.24
akhila universalSB 1.8.43
akhila universalSB 1.8.44
akhila universalSB 1.11.10
akhila allSB 1.13.56
akhila all sortsSB 1.13.56
akhila completeSB 2.4.13
akhila-ātmanaḥ of the SupersoulSB 2.5.17
akhila all that beSB 2.7.11
akhila-loka-nātha the Lord of the universeSB 2.7.15
akhila-ādhāre unto the summum bonumSB 2.7.52
akhila-ātmani unto the Supreme SoulSB 2.8.3
akhila allSB 2.9.8
akhila entireSB 2.9.15
akhila-īśvaraḥ the Lord of everythingSB 3.1.2
akhila-loka-pānām all rulers of the entire universeSB 3.1.45
akhila all-inclusiveSB 3.13.39
akhila allSB 3.16.7
akhila allSB 3.17.28
akhila-yajña-tantave the enjoyer of all sacrificesSB 3.19.30
akhila allSB 3.21.13
akhila allSB 3.23.9
akhila-ātmani the SupersoulSB 3.25.19
akhila-loka containing all planetary systemsSB 3.28.25
akhila-loka by the entire universeSB 3.28.26
akhila allSB 3.28.32
akhila of everyoneSB 3.29.38
uparata-akhila completely turned backSB 4.7.26
akhila-arthe for fulfillmentSB 4.7.29
akhila universalSB 4.8.81
akhila universalSB 4.9.6
akhila universalSB 4.11.13
akhila entireSB 4.12.24
akhila allSB 4.20.13
akhila allSB 4.20.13
akhila all-inclusiveSB 4.20.27
akhila allSB 4.22.11
akhila allSB 4.23.21
akhila allSB 5.1.7
akhila of the entire universeSB 5.1.22
akhila-jagat of the entire universeSB 5.1.23
akhila universalSB 5.1.29
akhila-loka-pāla-lalāmaḥ the head of all kings and monarchs of the universeSB 5.6.6
akhila-janma-śobhanam the best of all species of lifeSB 5.13.21
akhila-jagat of the whole worldSB 5.17.1
akhila-kāma-lampaṭā although maintaining all kinds of material desireSB 5.18.21
akhila-loka-pālakaiḥ by the leaders of the different planets, societies, kingdoms and so onSB 5.18.26
akhila-jagat-guruṇā the spiritual master of the whole universeSB 5.20.39
akhila-jagat-guruḥ the master of all the three worldsSB 5.24.27
akhila allSB 6.9.42
akhila allSB 6.16.32
akhila allSB 6.16.44
akhila-ātmanaḥ of the Supersoul of all living entitiesSB 7.1.25
akhila-ṛddhi-mat possessing the opulence of the entire universeSB 7.4.8
akhila-ātmani the Supersoul of everyoneSB 7.5.41
akhila universalSB 7.8.44
akhila allSB 7.9.6
akhila allSB 7.9.23
akhila-guro O supreme spiritual master of the entire creationSB 7.9.42
akhila-guro O supreme instructor of the entire creationSB 7.10.4
akhila-adhyakṣa owner of the whole universeSB 7.10.26
akhila-vṛtti in every respect, or in all activitiesSB 7.15.35
akhila-dharma-bhāvanam who is the master of all religious principles or the occupational duties for a human beingSB 8.1.16
akhila-kāraṇāya unto the supreme cause of everythingSB 8.3.15
akhila of the universeSB 8.3.28
akhila of the universeSB 8.3.30
akhila-guro O universal LordSB 8.3.32
akhila-loka-pālāḥ all the demigods throughout the universeSB 8.5.33
akhila-loka-pālāḥ the demigods, directors of different departments of this universeSB 8.6.14
akhila-devatā-ātmā the origin of all demigodsSB 8.7.26
akhila-devatā-ātmanaḥ the total aggregate of all the demigodsSB 8.7.26
akhila-loka-pāla all the directors of departments of material activitiesSB 8.7.31
akhila-ātmanaḥ who is the Supersoul of everyoneSB 8.7.44
akhila-ātmani the Supreme Soul, the Supersoul of all living entitiesSB 8.17.2-3
akhila-sāra-sambhṛtaḥ the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the essence of all creationSB 8.18.20
akhila-loka-sākṣiṇe who are the witness of all creationSB 8.22.17
akhila-sādhu-sammataḥ as approved by all saintly personsSB 8.23.1
akhila-hetum unto the cause of all causesSB 8.24.61
akhila universalSB 9.5.5
akhila-dharma-setave whose spokes are considered to be a breech of the entire universeSB 9.5.6
akhila universalSB 9.9.28
akhila everywhereSB 9.11.30
akhila-deha-bhājām of all living entitiesSB 9.21.12
akhila-deha-bhājām of all the materially embodied living entitiesSB 10.1.4
akhila-sattva-dhāmni who are the original cause of all existence, from whom everything emanates and in whom all potencies resideSB 10.2.30
akhila-īśvara although You are the proprietor of the entire creationSB 10.3.21
akhila-jīva-marmaṇi in every center of her vitalitySB 10.6.11
akhila-pradaḥ the bestower of all similar blessingsSB 10.6.34
akhila-vitta-pā I am the possessor of unlimited opulence and wealthSB 10.8.42
akhila-loka-nātham to the Supreme Person, the controller of everythingSB 10.10.28
akhila-bhūta-hṛt-sthitaḥ because He is antaryāmī, situated everywhere, in the core of everyone's heartSB 10.12.25
akhila-indriyaḥ all actions of the external sensesSB 10.12.44
akhila-ātmani the Supersoul of all living entitiesSB 10.13.36
akhila of allSB 10.14.14
akhila-ātmanām of all living entitiesSB 10.14.55
akhila-arthān all desirable thingsSB 10.14.60
akhila-loka for all worldsSB 10.15.6
akhila-kalā of all artsSB 10.16.26
akhila-dṛk of the vision of all creaturesSB 10.23.24
akhila-dṛk the seer of everythingSB 10.28.12
akhila of allSB 10.31.4
akhila of allSB 10.33.33
akhila allSB 10.33.34
akhila-āvāsa O shelter of all beingsSB 10.37.10-11
akhila allSB 10.38.12
akhila allSB 10.38.25
akhila of allSB 10.39.21
akhila of allSB 10.40.1
akhila allSB 10.40.6
akhila of everythingSB 10.41.51
akhila-gurau the spiritual master of allSB 10.46.30
akhila of allSB 10.46.32-33
akhila of everythingSB 10.52.31
akhila totalSB 10.52.37
akhila of everythingSB 10.57.35-36
akhila of everythingSB 10.58.2
akhila allSB 10.59.31
akhila allSB 10.61.40
akhila allSB 10.65.4-6
akhila allSB 10.66.24
akhila of the whole universeSB 10.68.36
akhila of allSB 10.68.37
akhila of everythingSB 10.68.44
akhila of everyoneSB 10.68.47
akhila of allSB 10.69.17
akhila of everyoneSB 10.69.44
akhila of allSB 10.73.18
akhila allSB 10.79.30
akhila allSB 10.82.29-30
akhila of allSB 10.84.1
akhila of everythingSB 10.85.15
akhila of allSB 10.87.14
akhila of allSB 10.87.16
akhila of allSB 10.87.20
akhila of allSB 10.87.27
akhila of allSB 10.87.28
akhila entireSB 10.87.28
akhila allSB 10.89.54-56
akhila allSB 11.3.27-28
akhila-śakti-dhāmnaḥ (the qualities) of the reservoir of all potenciesSB 11.4.2
akhila of everythingSB 11.6.15
akhila-ādhāra O basis of everythingSB 11.6.26-27
akhila of all potenciesSB 11.9.16
akhila of allSB 11.13.33
akhila to allSB 11.14.17
akhila-ātmani as the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 11.20.30
akhila of allSB 11.22.31
akhila entireSB 11.23.29
akhila from allSB 11.28.23
akhila of allSB 11.29.5
akhila of allSB 12.2.17
akhila allSB 12.2.21
akhila-uttamam most excellent in personal qualitiesSB 12.3.36
akhila-sattva-dhāmnaḥ the reservoir of all existencesSB 12.4.39
akhila-jagatām of all the planetary systemsSB 12.6.67
akhila-durita all sinful activitiesSB 12.6.68
akhila-guroḥ the spiritual master of all living beingsSB 12.8.48
akhi completelySB 12.12.42-43
akhila of allSB 12.12.56
akhila-īśaḥ the supreme controller of all beingsSB 12.12.66
akhila-vṛjina-ghnam defeating everything inauspiciousSB 12.12.69
akhila-loka of all the worldsCC Adi 2.30
akhila allCC Adi 3.58
akhila-loka of all the worldsCC Adi 3.69
akhila-ātma as the soul of allCC Adi 4.72
akhila-loka of the universal planetary systemsCC Adi 5.141
akhila-loka of all the worldsCC Adi 6.23
akhila throughoutCC Madhya 1.202
akhila allCC Madhya 2.28
akhila allCC Madhya 2.36
akhila-rasa-amṛta-mūrtiḥ the reservoir of all pleasure, in which exist all the mellows of devotional service, namely śānta, dāsya, sakhya, vātsalya and mādhuryaCC Madhya 8.142
akhila-ātma as the soul of allCC Madhya 8.163
akhila allCC Madhya 15.180
akhila-vṛjina-ghnam defeating everything inauspiciousCC Madhya 17.138
akhila-ātmanām of all living entitiesCC Madhya 20.162
akhila-loka of the universal planetary systemsCC Madhya 20.306
prakāśita-akhila-guṇaḥ having all transcendental qualities manifestedCC Madhya 20.400
akhila-ceṣṭā all activityCC Madhya 22.126
akhila-vṛjina-ghnam who can destroy all kinds of material miseryCC Madhya 24.48
akhila-artha-lābham the achievement of all kinds of gainsCC Madhya 24.52
akhila allCC Madhya 24.177
akhila of allCC Antya 1.175
akhila-sura-asura-ādi by all demigods and demonsCC Antya 3.85
akhila-ātma as the soul of allBs 5.37
akhila allMM 43
akhila allNBS 19
akhila allNBS 65
akhilaḥ everyoneSB 10.37.1-2
akhilaiḥ by allSB 10.14.18
akhilam in totalityBG 4.33
akhilam entirelyBG 7.29
akhilam entirelyBG 15.12
akhilam allSB 4.9.14
akhilam whole subjectSB 5.16.2
akhilam total aggregateSB 7.3.34
akhilam allSB 7.6.26
akhilam allSB 7.9.20
akhilam everythingSB 10.14.56
akhilam everythingSB 10.59.30
akhilam allSB 11.6.28
akhilam completelySB 11.15.13
akhilam allCC Madhya 2.18
akhilam entireCC Madhya 20.110
akhilam allCC Antya 3.181
akhilam allCC Antya 16.74
akhilām wholeCC Antya 18.1
akhilam fullNoI 8
akhilam entireMM 43
akhilān all of themSB 9.20.30
akhilān all the calves and boys, etc.SB 10.13.55
akhilān allSB 10.34.17
akhilān allSB 10.45.33
akhilān allSB 10.89.64
akhilān to all of themCC Adi 11.1
akhilān all of themCC Adi 12.1
akhilān all kinds ofCC Madhya 6.155
akhilān all kinds ofCC Madhya 20.114
akhilānām of all living entitiesCC Adi 1.11
akhilānām of all living entitiesCC Adi 5.109
akhilasya of the entire universeSB 3.28.23
akhilāt from all kinds of activitiesSB 6.8.16
akhilāt of all kindsSB 8.4.17-24
akhilāt from all material thingsSB 11.8.42
akhileṣu allSB 7.8.17
vālakhilya-ākhya entitled VālakhilyaSB 12.6.59
śikhi-candraka-alańkṛtiḥ Kṛṣṇa, whose head is decorated with a peacock featherCC Antya 19.35
āmāre dekhite to see MeCC Madhya 25.181
āmāre dekhite to see MeCC Antya 12.67
āmi likhi I writeCC Antya 20.92
dekhi' āmra-phala seeing the mangoesCC Antya 16.33
akhila-rasa-amṛta-mūrtiḥ the reservoir of all pleasure, in which exist all the mellows of devotional service, namely śānta, dāsya, sakhya, vātsalya and mādhuryaCC Madhya 8.142
āńkhi eyesCC Adi 17.182
āńkhi mudi' with closed eyesCC Madhya 14.7
dui āńkhi two eyesCC Madhya 21.132
āńkhi duṭi two eyesCC Madhya 21.133
koṭi āńkhi millions of eyesCC Madhya 21.134
āńkhi the eyesCC Antya 19.92
anna-ādi dekhi seeing the arrangement of foodCC Madhya 15.224
anna dekhi' seeing the foodCC Madhya 15.247
duḥkhita antara very unhappy within the mindCC Madhya 16.230
ārati dekhi after seeing the āratiCC Madhya 4.122
ārati dekhila observed the ārati ceremonyCC Madhya 14.65
ardheka rākhi accepted halfCC Antya 8.86
akhila-artha-lābham the achievement of all kinds of gainsCC Madhya 24.52
akhila-arthān all desirable thingsSB 10.14.60
akhila-arthe for fulfillmentSB 4.7.29
akhila-sura-asura-ādi by all demigods and demonsCC Antya 3.85
ati-duḥkhitam extremely distressedSB 10.16.23
ati-duḥkhitaḥ most unhappySB 11.7.67
atikāla dekhi' seeing that it was too lateCC Antya 5.32
akhila-devatā-ātmā the origin of all demigodsSB 8.7.26
akhila-ātma as the soul of allCC Adi 4.72
akhila-ātma as the soul of allCC Madhya 8.163
akhila-ātma as the soul of allBs 5.37
nikhila-ātmakatvāt because the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the Supersoul of everyoneSB 8.3.30
akhila-ātmanaḥ of the SupersoulSB 2.5.17
akhila-ātmanaḥ of the Supersoul of all living entitiesSB 7.1.25
akhila-devatā-ātmanaḥ the total aggregate of all the demigodsSB 8.7.26
akhila-ātmanaḥ who is the Supersoul of everyoneSB 8.7.44
akhila-ātmanām of all living entitiesSB 10.14.55
akhila-ātmanām of all living entitiesCC Madhya 20.162
akhila-ātmani unto the Supreme SoulSB 2.8.3
akhila-ātmani the SupersoulSB 3.25.19
akhila-ātmani the Supersoul of everyoneSB 7.5.41
akhila-ātmani the Supreme Soul, the Supersoul of all living entitiesSB 8.17.2-3
akhila-ātmani the Supersoul of all living entitiesSB 10.13.36
akhila-ātmani as the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 11.20.30
akhila-āvāsa O shelter of all beingsSB 10.37.10-11
baladeva dekhi' seeing Lord BalarāmaCC Adi 5.170
bandhu dekhi' seeing one friendCC Madhya 17.201
akhila-deha-bhājām of all living entitiesSB 9.21.12
akhila-deha-bhājām of all the materially embodied living entitiesSB 10.1.4
bhakta-duḥkha dekhi' seeing the unhappiness of the devoteesCC Madhya 25.13
nā dekhiye bhāla I do not see any good in thisCC Madhya 18.141
bhaṭṭācārya likhila Sārvabhauma Bhaṭṭācārya repliedCC Madhya 12.6
akhila-dharma-bhāvanam who is the master of all religious principles or the occupational duties for a human beingSB 8.1.16
bhiḍa dekhi' seeing the crowdCC Madhya 19.41
bhīta dekhi' seeing me so afraidCC Adi 17.183
bhojana dekhi' seeing the eatingCC Antya 2.66
bhṛśa-duḥkhitaḥ very unhappySB 7.2.52
akhila-bhūta-hṛt-sthitaḥ because He is antaryāmī, situated everywhere, in the core of everyone's heartSB 10.12.25
dekhite cāhe he wanted to seeCC Madhya 15.246
cāhe rākhite' wanted to protectCC Antya 18.96
calaha dekhite let us go seeCC Madhya 24.268
dekhite caliyāchena was going to seeCC Madhya 25.60
śikhi-candraka-alańkṛtiḥ Kṛṣṇa, whose head is decorated with a peacock featherCC Antya 19.35
caraṇa dekhite to see the lotus feetCC Madhya 15.52
dekhinu caraṇe I have seen Your lotus feetCC Antya 4.24
khibe caraṇe will keep under His lotus feetCC Antya 6.142
dekhite cāya He wanted to seeCC Antya 14.103
akhila-ceṣṭā all activityCC Madhya 22.126
cihna dekhi' by seeing the marksCC Adi 14.13
khilā ḍāhine He kept on His right sideCC Antya 6.83
tāńra dainya dekhi' by seeing their humilityCC Madhya 16.263-264
ḍākinī-śāńkhi ghosts and witchesCC Adi 13.117
akhila-deha-bhājām of all living entitiesSB 9.21.12
akhila-deha-bhājām of all the materially embodied living entitiesSB 10.1.4
dekhi I seeCC Adi 2.72
dekhi' seeingCC Adi 3.98
dekhi I seeCC Adi 4.74-75
dekhi' seeingCC Adi 4.137
dekhi' seeingCC Adi 4.144
dekhi I seeCC Adi 4.189
dekhi' seeingCC Adi 4.192
dekhi' seeingCC Adi 4.192
dekhi' seeingCC Adi 4.256
dekhi I seeCC Adi 5.166
tāhā dekhi' seeing thatCC Adi 5.167
tāhā dekhi' seeing thisCC Adi 5.169
baladeva dekhi' seeing Lord BalarāmaCC Adi 5.170
rūpa dekhi' seeing the beautyCC Adi 5.183
dekhi' seeingCC Adi 5.191
dekhi I sawCC Adi 5.197
dekhi I seeCC Adi 6.96
dekhi we can seeCC Adi 6.98
dekhi' by seeingCC Adi 7.27
tāhā dekhi' observing this advancementCC Adi 7.31-32
dekhi' understandingCC Adi 7.71
dekhi' seeingCC Adi 7.104
dekhi let us seeCC Adi 7.137
dekhi' seeingCC Adi 7.153
dekhi' seeing thisCC Adi 9.50
dekhi we seeCC Adi 9.52
dekhi' seeingCC Adi 10.107
dekhi' after visitingCC Adi 10.152-154
dekhi' seeingCC Adi 13.67
dekhi' seeingCC Adi 13.67
dekhi I seeCC Adi 13.76
dekhi I seeCC Adi 13.81
dekhi' seeingCC Adi 13.100
dekhi' seeingCC Adi 13.101
dekhi I can understandCC Adi 13.101
dekhi' seeingCC Adi 13.104
dekhi seeingCC Adi 13.115
dekhi' seeingCC Adi 13.116
dekhi I seeCC Adi 13.121
dekhi seeingCC Adi 14.7
dekhi' seeingCC Adi 14.11
cihna dekhi' by seeing the marksCC Adi 14.13
dekhi I seeCC Adi 14.14
dekhi' seeing thisCC Adi 14.26
dekhi' seeingCC Adi 14.45
tāńre dekhi' seeing herCC Adi 14.63
dekhi' seeingCC Adi 14.65
dekhi' seeingCC Adi 14.71
dekhi' seeing themCC Adi 14.71
dekhi seeingCC Adi 16.9
svapna dekhi' by seeing the dreamCC Adi 16.14
dekhi I seeCC Adi 16.52
kaha dekhi you say 'I see'CC Adi 16.53
dekhi I seeCC Adi 16.67
dekhi I seeCC Adi 16.100
dekhi' seeingCC Adi 17.93
dekhi' seeing thisCC Adi 17.94
dekhi seeingCC Adi 17.101
dekhi' seeingCC Adi 17.106
dekhi' by seeingCC Adi 17.112
dekhi I seeCC Adi 17.113
dekhi I seeCC Adi 17.113
dekhi' seeingCC Adi 17.145
bhīta dekhi' seeing me so afraidCC Adi 17.183
dekhi' seeingCC Adi 17.187
tāhā dekhi' seeing thatCC Adi 17.191
dekhi' seeingCC Adi 17.284
dekhi' seeingCC Adi 17.285
dekhi' seeingCC Adi 17.286
dekhi' seeingCC Adi 17.290
dekhi I seeCC Adi 17.312
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 1.47
dekhi' after seeingCC Madhya 1.77
dekhi' after seeingCC Madhya 1.85
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 1.133
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 1.140
dekhi' after seeingCC Madhya 1.164
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 1.204
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 1.218
dekhi' visitingCC Madhya 1.240
dekhi' understandingCC Madhya 1.266
prabhu dekhi' seeing the LordCC Madhya 1.277
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 2.9
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 2.10
nā dekhi' not seeingCC Madhya 2.47
kaha dekhi please tell MeCC Madhya 3.18-19
ācārya dekhi' seeing Advaita ĀcāryaCC Madhya 3.31
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 3.151
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 3.163
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 3.173
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 3.204
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 4.16
dekhi' gela saw you and wentCC Madhya 4.30
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 4.51
svapna dekhi' after seeing the dreamCC Madhya 4.108
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 4.110
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 4.114
svapna dekhi' after seeing the dreamCC Madhya 4.130
prema dekhi' seeing the ecstatic position of Mādhavendra PurīCC Madhya 4.137
jagannātha dekhi' seeing Lord JagannāthaCC Madhya 4.143
purī dekhi' by seeing Mādhavendra PurīCC Madhya 4.156
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 4.204
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 4.206
dekhi' after seeingCC Madhya 4.209
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 5.3
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 5.5
vana dekhi' while seeing the forestsCC Madhya 5.12
dvādaśa-vana dekhi' visiting the twelve forests in VṛndāvanaCC Madhya 5.12
śrī-gopāla dekhi' by visiting the temple of GopālaCC Madhya 5.14
dekhi I seeCC Madhya 5.33
ṭheñā dekhi' seeing the stick in his handCC Madhya 5.53
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 5.59
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 5.110
svapne dekhi' seeing the dreamCC Madhya 5.131
duńhā dekhi' seeing the two of ThemCC Madhya 5.138
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 5.144
jagannātha dekhi' seeing the Jagannātha DeityCC Madhya 6.3
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 6.6
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 6.10
dekhi I seeCC Madhya 6.13
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 6.15
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 6.20
prabhu dekhi' seeing Lord Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Madhya 6.28
prabhu dekhi' seeing the LordCC Madhya 6.30
prabhu dekhi' seeing the LordCC Madhya 6.32
jagannātha dekhi' seeing Lord JagannāthaCC Madhya 6.34
dekhi' seeing thatCC Madhya 6.204
dekhi' seeing thisCC Madhya 6.209
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 6.209
dekhi' seeing thisCC Madhya 6.227
nā dekhi' without seeingCC Madhya 6.239
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 6.253
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 6.280
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 7.23
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 7.24
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 7.31
dekhi I may seeCC Madhya 7.49
dekhi' seeing thisCC Madhya 7.82
tāhā dekhi' seeing thatCC Madhya 7.84
loka dekhi' seeing other peopleCC Madhya 7.97
tāńre dekhi' by seeing himCC Madhya 7.103
kūrma dekhi' seeing Lord KūrmaCC Madhya 7.113
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 7.114
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 7.115
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 7.142
more dekhi' by seeing meCC Madhya 7.144-145
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 8.11
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 8.11
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 8.16
dekhi we seeCC Madhya 8.26
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 8.28
dekhi we seeCC Madhya 8.110
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 8.214
dekhi I seeCC Madhya 8.248
dekhi seeCC Madhya 8.268
dekhi I seeCC Madhya 8.269
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 8.271
dekhi' seeing this formCC Madhya 8.283
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 8.284
dekhi' visitingCC Madhya 8.300
raghu-nātha dekhi' after seeing Lord Rāmacandra, the descendant of Mahārāja RaghuCC Madhya 9.18
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 9.21
tomā dekhi' after seeing YouCC Madhya 9.25
tomā dekhi' upon seeing YouCC Madhya 9.26
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 9.41
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 9.64
trimalaya dekhi' after seeing TrimalayaCC Madhya 9.71
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 9.71
pakṣi-tīrtha dekhi' after visiting the place known as Pakṣi-tīrthaCC Madhya 9.72
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 9.73
śiva dekhi' seeing the deity of Lord ŚivaCC Madhya 9.75
mahādeva dekhi' seeing Lord ŚivaCC Madhya 9.75
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 9.76
dekhi' after seeingCC Madhya 9.78
dekhi' visitingCC Madhya 9.80
dekhi' seeing whichCC Madhya 9.81
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 9.88
dekhi' seeing thisCC Madhya 9.96
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 9.100
tomā dekhi' by seeing YouCC Madhya 9.104
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 9.109
puruṣottama dekhi' after visiting Jagannātha PurīCC Madhya 9.170
mahāprabhu dekhi' seeing Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Madhya 9.175
rāmeśvara dekhi' visiting the holy place RāmeśvaraCC Madhya 9.199
dekhi' after seeingCC Madhya 9.219
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 9.220
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 9.221
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 9.222
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 9.224
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 9.225
raghunātha dekhi' seeing the temple of Lord RāmacandraCC Madhya 9.225
prema dekhi' seeing His ecstatic featuresCC Madhya 9.236
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 9.244
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 9.245
kṛṣṇa-mūrti dekhi' seeing the Deity of Lord KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 9.249
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 9.251
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 9.273
dekhi I seeCC Madhya 9.276
dekhi I seeCC Madhya 9.277
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 9.280
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 9.281
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 9.281
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 9.282
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 9.304
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 9.310
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 9.311
sapta-tāla dekhi' upon seeing the seven palm treesCC Madhya 9.313
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 9.314
dekhi' after seeingCC Madhya 9.317
loka dekhi' seeing the peopleCC Madhya 9.327
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 9.336
dekhi' by seeingCC Madhya 9.337
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 10.18
dekhi' by seeingCC Madhya 10.35
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 10.100
sannyāsa dekhi' when he saw the sannyāsa orderCC Madhya 10.104
tāhā dekhi' seeing thatCC Madhya 10.154
dekhi I seeCC Madhya 10.172
tomā dekhi' by seeing YouCC Madhya 10.175
dekhi' I seeCC Madhya 10.176
dekhi' I seeCC Madhya 10.177
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 11.17
nā dekhi' without seeingCC Madhya 11.36
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 11.50
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 11.62
dekhi' after seeingCC Madhya 11.94
dekhi I seeCC Madhya 11.94
nāhi dekhi I have never seenCC Madhya 11.96
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 11.137
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 11.157
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 11.170
prabhu dekhi' after seeing the LordCC Madhya 11.186
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 11.195
dekhi' they all sawCC Madhya 11.214
kīrtana dekhi' seeing the performance of sańkīrtanaCC Madhya 11.219
dekhi seeCC Madhya 11.219
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 11.222
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 11.232
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 11.235
dekhi' after seeingCC Madhya 11.238
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 12.11
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 12.13
tāńre dekhi seeing himCC Madhya 12.60
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 12.64
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 12.94
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 12.116
tāhā dekhi' seeing thatCC Madhya 12.123
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 12.145
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 12.154-155
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 12.177
yāhā dekhi' śuni' by seeing and hearing whichCC Madhya 12.220
dekhi' by seeingCC Madhya 13.19
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 13.26
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 13.60
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 13.62
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 13.76
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 13.98
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 13.100
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 13.106
yāhā dekhi' seeing whichCC Madhya 13.108
jagannātha dekhi' by seeing Lord JagannāthaCC Madhya 13.125
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 13.145
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 13.176
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 13.177
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 13.178
rājā dekhi' by seeing the KingCC Madhya 13.182
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 13.184
jagannātha dekhi' seeing Lord JagannāthaCC Madhya 13.192
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 14.15
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 14.21
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 14.58
dekhi' by seeingCC Madhya 14.60
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 14.64
dekhi' after seeingCC Madhya 14.70
dekhi' after seeingCC Madhya 14.108
dekhi I seeCC Madhya 14.136
dekhi' after seeingCC Madhya 14.144
dekhi' after seeingCC Madhya 14.171
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 14.179
dūre dekhi' seeing from a distant placeCC Madhya 14.235
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 14.238
dekhi' after seeingCC Madhya 14.242
ihā dekhi' seeing thisCC Madhya 14.250
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 15.24
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 15.25
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 15.30
dekhi' by seeingCC Madhya 15.35
dekhi seeCC Madhya 15.53
śūnya-pātra dekhi' seeing the dish emptyCC Madhya 15.58
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 15.62
dekhi' by seeingCC Madhya 15.76
yāhā dekhi' seeing whichCC Madhya 15.91
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 15.123
duḥkha dekhi' by seeing the sufferingsCC Madhya 15.162
anna dekhi' seeing the foodCC Madhya 15.247
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 15.249
duńhāra duḥkha dekhi' seeing the lamentation of bothCC Madhya 15.253
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 15.279
prabhu dekhi' seeing Lord Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Madhya 15.286
dola-yātrā dekhi' after seeing the Dola-yātrā ceremonyCC Madhya 16.9
sākṣi-gopāla dekhi' after seeing the Deity known as Sākṣi-gopālaCC Madhya 16.35
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 16.61
ratha dekhi' seeing the Ratha-yātrā festivalCC Madhya 16.86
prabhu dekhi' seeing Lord Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Madhya 16.103
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 16.105
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 16.119
tāńre dekhi' after seeing HimCC Madhya 16.165
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 16.179
dekhi I may seeCC Madhya 16.232
vṛndāvana dekhi' after visiting VṛndāvanaCC Madhya 16.240
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 16.244
dekhi I seeCC Madhya 16.259
tāńra dainya dekhi' by seeing their humilityCC Madhya 16.263-264
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 16.269
dekhi shall seeCC Madhya 17.4
jagannātha dekhi' seeing Lord JagannāthaCC Madhya 17.21
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 17.27
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 17.33
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 17.38
vana dekhi' seeing the forestCC Madhya 17.55
śaila dekhi' seeing a hillCC Madhya 17.55
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 17.72
prabhu dekhi' seeing the LordCC Madhya 17.83
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 17.101
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 17.105
tāhā dekhi' seeing thatCC Madhya 17.109
tomā dekhi' seeing YouCC Madhya 17.128
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 17.156
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 17.157
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 17.161
dekhi' after seeingCC Madhya 17.172
dekhi' after seeingCC Madhya 17.180
gābhī dekhi' seeing the cowsCC Madhya 17.195
mukha dekhi' seeing His faceCC Madhya 17.198
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 17.199
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 17.200
bandhu dekhi' seeing one friendCC Madhya 17.201
prabhu dekhi' seeing the LordCC Madhya 17.202
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 17.203
tāhā dekhi' seeing thatCC Madhya 17.208
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 17.218
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 17.219
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 17.225
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 18.6
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 18.15
govardhana dekhi' seeing Govardhana HillCC Madhya 18.16
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 18.17
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 18.20
govardhana dekhi' seeing Govardhana HillCC Madhya 18.33
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 18.37
dekhi' visitingCC Madhya 18.57
nandīśvara dekhi' while seeing NandīśvaraCC Madhya 18.57
līlā-sthala dekhi' seeing the places of pastimesCC Madhya 18.64
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 18.64
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 18.66
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 18.67
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 18.69
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 18.70
rāsa-sthalī dekhi' visiting the place of the rāsa danceCC Madhya 18.72
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 18.84
prabhu dekhi' seeing Lord Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Madhya 18.93
mahāprabhu dekhi' by seeing Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Madhya 18.98
kṛṣṇa dekhi' seeing Lord KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 18.103
tāhā dekhi' seeing thatCC Madhya 18.105
tomā dekhi' by seeing YouCC Madhya 18.110
dekhi we seeCC Madhya 18.118
tomā dekhi' by seeing YouCC Madhya 18.120
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 18.138
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 18.160
mleccha-gaṇa dekhi' seeing the Muslim soldiersCC Madhya 18.180
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 18.198
tomā dekhi' by seeing YouCC Madhya 18.203
bhiḍa dekhi' seeing the crowdCC Madhya 19.41
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 19.43
prabhu dekhi' seeing the LordCC Madhya 19.46
prabhu dekhi' seeing the LordCC Madhya 19.47
dekhi' detectingCC Madhya 19.64
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 19.76
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 19.78
prabhu dekhi' seeing Lord Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Madhya 19.79
deśa-pātra dekhi' seeing the circumstancesCC Madhya 19.83
prema dekhi' seeing His ecstatic loveCC Madhya 19.100
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 19.108
dekhi' after seeingCC Madhya 19.124
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 19.198
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 19.246
gańgā dekhi' seeing the GangesCC Madhya 20.10-11
dharma dekhi' observing religious principlesCC Madhya 20.27
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 20.51
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 20.53
tomā dekhi by seeing youCC Madhya 20.60
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 20.127
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 20.179
dekhi I seeCC Madhya 20.368
ihā dekhi' seeing thisCC Madhya 21.24
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 21.69
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 21.81
rūpa dekhi' by seeing the formCC Madhya 21.104
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 21.122
dekhi' nārāyaṇa after visiting Lord NārāyaṇaCC Madhya 24.230
duḥkha dekhi' seeing such horrible miseriesCC Madhya 24.233
nārade dekhi' seeing NāradaCC Madhya 24.236
tomā dekhi' seeing youCC Madhya 24.238
ihā dekhi' by seeing this (Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu's personal characteristics)CC Madhya 25.9
bhakta-duḥkha dekhi' seeing the unhappiness of the devoteesCC Madhya 25.13
mādhava-saundarya dekhi' after seeing the beauty of Lord Bindu MādhavaCC Madhya 25.62
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 25.69
loka-sańghaṭṭa dekhi' by seeing the great crowd of peopleCC Madhya 25.70
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 25.70
dekhi' seeingCC Madhya 25.206
jagannātha dekhi' seeing Lord JagannāthaCC Madhya 25.232
dekhi' vṛndāvana after visiting VṛndāvanaCC Madhya 25.238
nā dekhi I do not seeCC Madhya 25.268
dekhi' seeing thereCC Antya 1.31
svapna dekhi' after dreamingCC Antya 1.43
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 1.47
dekhi' seeing thisCC Antya 1.63
dekhi seeingCC Antya 1.81
prabhu dekhi' after seeing the Lord thereCC Antya 1.83
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 1.103-104
dekhi' seeing thisCC Antya 1.109
dekhi so that I can seeCC Antya 1.127
dekhi I shall seeCC Antya 1.137
dekhi so that I may knowCC Antya 1.140
dekhi so that I may seeCC Antya 1.147
dekhi so that we can seeCC Antya 1.176
dekhi I seeCC Antya 1.204
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 1.208
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 2.9
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 2.39
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 2.48-49
dekhi I seeCC Antya 2.48-49
bhojana dekhi' seeing the eatingCC Antya 2.66
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 2.69
taṇḍula dekhi' seeing the riceCC Antya 2.107
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 2.109
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 2.121
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 2.144
nā dekhi we cannot seeCC Antya 2.157
tāhā dekhi' seeing thatCC Antya 3.8
dekhi I seeCC Antya 3.22
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 3.34
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 3.35
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 3.52
dekhi I findCC Antya 3.65
tomā dekhi' seeing youCC Antya 3.112
prātaḥ-kāla dekhi' seeing the morningCC Antya 3.117
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 3.123
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 3.143
ṭhākura dekhi' seeing Haridāsa ṭhākuraCC Antya 3.173
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 3.231
prātaḥ-kāla dekhi' seeing the morning lightCC Antya 3.244
dekhi' jagannātha after seeing Lord JagannāthaCC Antya 4.12
prabhu dekhi' seeing Lord Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Antya 4.17
sanātane dekhi' seeing Sanātana GosvāmīCC Antya 4.18
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 4.51
dekhi seeingCC Antya 4.106
dekhi' by seeingCC Antya 4.137
ratha-yātrā dekhi' after seeing the Ratha-yātrā festivalCC Antya 4.141
dekhi' after seeingCC Antya 4.143
ratha dekhi' after witnessing the Ratha-yātrā festivalCC Antya 4.155
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 4.202
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 4.207
dekhi' by seeingCC Antya 4.212
atikāla dekhi' seeing that it was too lateCC Antya 5.32
dekhi' seeing (me)CC Antya 5.62
duḥkha dekhi observing the unhappinessCC Antya 5.130
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 6.45
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 6.71
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 6.78
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 6.85
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 6.108
nṛtya dekhi' after seeing the dancingCC Antya 6.140
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 6.175
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 6.192
jagannātha dekhi' after seeing Lord JagannāthaCC Antya 6.208
dekhi seeingCC Antya 6.210
jagannātha dekhi' after seeing Lord JagannāthaCC Antya 6.211
yāhā dekhi' seeing whichCC Antya 6.220
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 6.244
dekhi I seeCC Antya 6.275
dekhi' by seeingCC Antya 6.325
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 7.62
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 7.67
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 7.76
dekhi seeingCC Antya 7.78
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 8.24
pipīlikā dekhi' seeing many antsCC Antya 8.48
dekhi I seeCC Antya 8.65
prabhu dekhi' by seeing Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Antya 9.10
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 9.74
dekhi seeCC Antya 9.120
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 9.147
jagannātha dekhi' after seeing Lord JagannāthaCC Antya 10.53
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 10.98
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 10.130
īśvara dekhi' after visiting Lord JagannāthaCC Antya 11.45
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 11.57
śacī-mātā dekhi' seeing ŚacīmātāCC Antya 12.14
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 12.45
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 12.57
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 12.151
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 13.6
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 13.10
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 13.20
mathurā dekhi' after seeing MathurāCC Antya 13.31
vṛndāvana dekhi' after seeing VṛndāvanaCC Antya 13.32
dekhi' after seeingCC Antya 13.45
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 13.52
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 14.20
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 14.21
mahāprabhure dekhi' seeing Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Antya 14.27
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 14.28
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 14.33
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 14.34
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 14.63
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 14.63
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 14.74
dekhi I knowCC Antya 14.78
nāhi dekhi we do not seeCC Antya 14.81
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 14.98
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 14.99
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 14.112
duńhe dekhi' seeing both of themCC Antya 14.113
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 15.15
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 15.43
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 15.43
kṛṣṇe dekhi' seeing KṛṣṇaCC Antya 15.50
nā dekhi' without seeingCC Antya 15.65
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 15.90
dekhi' āmra-phala seeing the mangoesCC Antya 16.33
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 16.95
dekhi I sawCC Antya 17.23
dekhi I seeCC Antya 17.55
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 18.15
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 18.45
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 18.53
dekhi I seeCC Antya 18.80
dekhi seeCC Antya 18.82
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 18.107
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 18.108
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 18.110
tomāra mūrcchā dekhi' seeing Your unconsciousnessCC Antya 18.115
svapne dekhi' dreamingCC Antya 18.117
dekhi I seeCC Antya 18.117
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 18.118
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 19.61
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 19.83
kṛṣṇa dekhi' seeing KṛṣṇaCC Antya 19.86
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 19.86
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 20.125
dekhi' seeingCC Antya 20.148
dekhiba shall seeCC Adi 4.151
dekhiba I shall seeCC Madhya 12.21
tāhāo dekhiba I shall see itCC Madhya 12.27
dekhiba I shall seeCC Madhya 15.44
nā dekhiba will not seeCC Madhya 15.46
dekhiba I shall seeCC Madhya 15.263
dekhiba I shall seeCC Madhya 17.70
nā dekhi you will not seeCC Antya 8.54
dekhibāra to seeCC Antya 7.56
dekhibāre to seeCC Madhya 1.48
dekhibāre to seeCC Madhya 1.172
dekhibāre to seeCC Madhya 1.182
dekhibāre to seeCC Madhya 1.184
dekhibāre to seeCC Madhya 5.8
dekhibāre to seeCC Madhya 5.109
dekhibāre to seeCC Madhya 7.106
dekhibāre to seeCC Madhya 7.115
dekhibāre to see HimCC Madhya 7.138
dekhibāre to seeCC Madhya 9.88
dekhibāre to seeCC Madhya 9.286
dekhibāre yāi I can go and seeCC Madhya 12.5
dekhibāre for seeingCC Madhya 13.5
dekhibāre for seeingCC Madhya 14.119
dekhibāre to seeCC Madhya 14.205
dekhibāre to seeCC Madhya 16.165
prabhu dekhibāre to see Lord Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Madhya 17.101
dekhibāre to seeCC Madhya 17.192
prabhu dekhibāre to see Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Madhya 19.109
kṛṣṇa dekhibāre to see KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 21.59
tāhā dekhibāre to see thatCC Antya 2.20
prabhu dekhibāre to see the LordCC Antya 2.38
dekhibāre to seeCC Antya 6.105
tomā' dekhibāre to see YouCC Antya 7.7
ratha-yātrā dekhibāre to see the car festival of Lord JagannāthaCC Antya 7.58
prabhu dekhibāre to see Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Antya 12.7
dekhibāre to seeCC Antya 12.86
dekhibāre to seeCC Antya 13.60
dekhibāre to seeCC Antya 14.115
dekhibe you will seeCC Madhya 11.12
dekhibe will see youCC Madhya 11.53
dekhibe will seeCC Madhya 21.134
nā dekhibe you will not seeCC Antya 2.125
dekhibena they will seeCC Madhya 11.107
dekhiha seeCC Adi 17.73
dekhila sawCC Adi 10.73
dekhila I have seenCC Adi 13.84
dekhila observedCC Adi 14.11
dekhila I sawCC Adi 14.80
dekhila sawCC Adi 17.17
dekhila sawCC Adi 17.18
dekhila sawCC Adi 17.40
dekhila sawCC Adi 17.97
dekhila sawCC Madhya 1.121
dekhila sawCC Madhya 1.145
dekhila sawCC Madhya 1.227
dekhila observedCC Madhya 3.58
dekhila they sawCC Madhya 4.51
dekhila sawCC Madhya 4.105
dekhila sawCC Madhya 4.157
dekhila all of them sawCC Madhya 6.30
dekhila sawCC Madhya 7.5
dekhila He sawCC Madhya 9.15
dekhila the Lord sawCC Madhya 9.69
dekhi sawCC Madhya 9.166
dekhila sawCC Madhya 9.221
dekhi sawCC Madhya 9.286
dekhila I sawCC Madhya 10.122
dekhila sawCC Madhya 13.179
ārati dekhila observed the ārati ceremonyCC Madhya 14.65
dekhilā sakali participated in all of themCC Madhya 15.36
yāñā dekhila went and sawCC Madhya 15.61
dekhila sawCC Madhya 15.81
dekhila he sawCC Madhya 16.78
dekhi sawCC Madhya 17.191
dekhi sawCC Madhya 18.39
tāvat dekhila saw all the placesCC Madhya 18.56
dekhi sawCC Madhya 18.61
dekhila sawCC Madhya 18.68
dekhila loka all the people sawCC Madhya 18.95
śrī-kṛṣṇa dekhila that they have seen Lord KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 18.97
dekhila sawCC Madhya 18.107
vaikuṇṭha dekhila saw the spiritual worldCC Madhya 18.136
nā dekhila did not seeCC Madhya 18.179
dekhila I lookedCC Madhya 20.12
dekhi he sawCC Madhya 20.14
dekhila sawCC Madhya 20.40
nā dekhila did not seeCC Madhya 21.79
dekhila they sawCC Antya 1.28
dekhi he sawCC Antya 1.72
dekhi He sawCC Antya 1.98
dekhi sawCC Antya 1.215
dekhi sawCC Antya 2.7
dekhi she sawCC Antya 3.37
dekhila he sawCC Antya 4.114
dekhi you have seenCC Antya 4.143
dekhila did you seeCC Antya 6.249
dekhi sawCC Antya 6.319
dekhila sawCC Antya 7.79
sakala dekhi saw everythingCC Antya 10.129
dekhila I have seenCC Antya 13.60
dekhi He sawCC Antya 14.17
dekhila sawCC Antya 14.33
dekhi did you seeCC Antya 18.46
nā dekhila I did not seeCC Antya 18.47
dekhi He sawCC Antya 20.135
dekhilāń sawCC Adi 17.112
nā dekhile in not seeingCC Adi 2.45
dekhile if you seeCC Madhya 5.98
dekhile if seeingCC Madhya 5.105
dekhile even after seeingCC Madhya 6.92
dekhile have you seenCC Madhya 11.35
dekhile even by seeingCC Madhya 11.103
dekhile seeingCC Madhya 13.146
dekhile if one seesCC Madhya 16.167
dekhile simply by seeingCC Madhya 17.114
nā dekhile without seeingCC Antya 3.6
nā dekhile if not seeingCC Antya 19.37
dekhileha even after seeingCC Antya 7.35
dekhilei when I seeCC Madhya 12.90
dekhilena He sawCC Adi 7.58
jagannātha dekhilena saw Lord JagannāthaCC Antya 10.57
dekhilena sawCC Antya 14.84
dekhileo in spite of experiencingCC Madhya 19.203
dekhiluń I have seenCC Madhya 2.53
dekhiluń I have seenCC Madhya 8.239
dekhiluń I sawCC Madhya 8.268
dekhiluń I could seeCC Madhya 9.356
dekhiluń I sawCC Madhya 11.25
dekhiluń I have seenCC Madhya 19.20
dekhiluń have seenCC Madhya 21.82
dekhiluń I have seenCC Antya 1.90
svapana dekhiluń I saw a dreamCC Antya 3.35
dekhiluń tomāre I have seen YouCC Antya 7.7
dekhiluń I have seenCC Antya 8.15
dekhimu I shall seeCC Antya 10.128
dekhimu I shall seeCC Antya 11.33
dekhiñā by seeingCC Madhya 3.109
dekhiñā seeingCC Madhya 4.112
dekhiñā seeingCC Madhya 4.183
dekhiñā seeingCC Madhya 5.109
dekhiñā by seeingCC Madhya 5.117
dekhiñā seeingCC Madhya 5.132
dekhiñā seeingCC Madhya 5.139
maheśa dekhiñā having seen the temple of Lord ŚivaCC Madhya 5.142-143
ki dekhinu what did I seeCC Adi 5.198
dekhinu I have seenCC Adi 17.232
dekhinu I have seenCC Adi 17.232
dekhinu I sawCC Madhya 2.37
dekhinu I have seenCC Madhya 2.39
śrī-kṛṣṇake dekhinu saw Lord Kṛṣṇa personallyCC Madhya 4.45
dekhinu sawCC Madhya 18.87
dekhinu have studiedCC Madhya 18.202
dekhinu caraṇe I have seen Your lotus feetCC Antya 4.24
dekhinu svapana saw a dreamCC Antya 12.94
dekhite seeingCC Adi 5.165
dekhite to seeCC Adi 7.154
dekhite to seeCC Adi 7.156
dekhite while going to visitCC Adi 10.141
dekhite to seeCC Adi 13.24
dekhite to seeCC Adi 13.111
dekhite to seeCC Adi 17.60
dekhite dekhite as people were seeingCC Adi 17.81
dekhite dekhite as people were seeingCC Adi 17.81
dekhite to seeCC Adi 17.248
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 1.46
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 1.98
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 1.138
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 1.150
dekhite āise come to see HimCC Madhya 1.164
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 1.167
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 1.212
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 2.37
dekhite āilā came to seeCC Madhya 3.108
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 3.142
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 3.152
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 3.157
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 4.85
dekhite āila came to seeCC Madhya 4.89
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 5.5
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 5.116
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 5.142-143
īśvara dekhite to see JagannāthaCC Madhya 5.154
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 6.69
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 7.77
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 7.102
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 9.48
dekhite seeingCC Madhya 9.89
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 9.191
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 9.242
dvārakā dekhite to see DvārakāCC Madhya 9.302
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 9.326
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 10.100
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 11.123
tomāre dekhite to see youCC Madhya 11.138
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 11.231
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 12.86
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 13.18
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 13.56
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 13.103
dekhite by seeingCC Madhya 13.174
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 13.181
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 14.114
vṛndāvana dekhite to visit VṛndāvanaCC Madhya 14.118
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 14.169
dekhite while seeingCC Madhya 14.186
caraṇa dekhite to see the lotus feetCC Madhya 15.52
dekhite cāhe he wanted to seeCC Madhya 15.246
prabhu dekhite to see Lord Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Madhya 16.13
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 16.14-15
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 16.21
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 16.23
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 16.135
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 16.258
dekhite āila came to seeCC Madhya 17.187
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 18.19
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 18.42
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 18.43
saundarya dekhite to see the beautyCC Madhya 18.46
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 18.71
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 18.79
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 21.75
calaha dekhite let us go seeCC Madhya 24.268
prabhure dekhite to see Lord Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Madhya 25.19
dekhite caliyāchena was going to seeCC Madhya 25.60
dekhite to seeCC Madhya 25.66
āmāre dekhite to see MeCC Madhya 25.181
prabhure dekhite to see Lord Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Antya 1.38
haridāsere dekhite to see Haridāsa ṭhākuraCC Antya 1.47
dekhite to seeCC Antya 1.219
dekhite nā pāroń cannot seeCC Antya 2.117
dekhite to seeCC Antya 4.15
dekhite to seeCC Antya 5.31
dekhite to seeCC Antya 5.68
dekhite lāgilā began to seeCC Antya 6.78
dekhite to seeCC Antya 6.93
dekhite to seeCC Antya 6.157
dekhite to seeCC Antya 7.145
prabhure dekhite to see Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Antya 10.3
dekhite to seeCC Antya 10.5
dekhite to seeCC Antya 10.43
dekhite āila came to seeCC Antya 10.62
dekhite to seeCC Antya 11.45
dekhite to seeCC Antya 12.10
prabhure dekhite to see the LordCC Antya 12.56
āmāre dekhite to see MeCC Antya 12.67
dekhite to seeCC Antya 13.32
dekhite gopāla to see the Gopāla DeityCC Antya 13.39
dekhite to meetCC Antya 13.89
dekhite to seeCC Antya 14.50
dekhite cāya He wanted to seeCC Antya 14.103
dekhite nā pāya He could not seeCC Antya 14.103
dekhite nā pāila I could not seeCC Antya 14.105
nā pāinu dekhite I could not seeCC Antya 14.111
kautuka dekhite seeing the funCC Antya 18.5
dekhite nārilā no one could seeCC Antya 18.34
dekhite to seeCC Antya 18.35
dekhite seeingCC Antya 18.48
dekhite seeingCC Antya 18.58
dekhiteha to see, stillCC Antya 8.45
dekhi seeingCC Adi 3.86
dekhi seeingCC Adi 5.193
dekhi after seeing itCC Adi 7.44
dekhi seeingCC Adi 8.47
dekhi after seeingCC Adi 10.94
dekhi after looking atCC Adi 13.17
dekhi seeingCC Adi 13.115
dekhi seeing all these marksCC Adi 14.8
dekhi by seeingCC Adi 14.12
dekhi seeingCC Adi 14.47
dekhi seeingCC Adi 14.83
dekhi seeingCC Adi 15.11
dekhi seeingCC Adi 17.47
dekhi seeing thisCC Adi 17.84
dekhi seeing thisCC Adi 17.244
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 1.49
dekhi after seeingCC Madhya 1.64
dekhi after seeing JagannāthaCC Madhya 1.98
śrī-rańga dekhi after seeing this templeCC Madhya 1.107
dekhi after seeingCC Madhya 1.239
prabhuke dekhi seeing the LordCC Madhya 3.13
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 3.64
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 3.120
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 3.129
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 3.141
nā dekhi not seeingCC Madhya 3.152
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 4.85
dekhi by seeingCC Madhya 4.86
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 4.96
ārati dekhi after seeing the āratiCC Madhya 4.122
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 6.9
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 6.19
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 6.238
dekhi seeing in the templeCC Madhya 6.248
dekhi seeing all thisCC Madhya 7.80
nṛsiṃha dekhi by seeing Lord Nṛsiṃha in the templeCC Madhya 8.4
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 8.17
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 8.19
dekhi seeing thisCC Madhya 8.25
nā dekhi not seeingCC Madhya 8.112
nṛsiṃha dekhi after seeing the Lord Nṛsiṃha DeityCC Madhya 9.17
dekhi seeing thisCC Madhya 9.62
śrī-rańga dekhi visiting Śrī RańgaCC Madhya 9.163
rāvaṇa dekhi after seeing RāvaṇaCC Madhya 9.202
keśava dekhi after seeing the Deity of Lord KeśavaCC Madhya 9.235
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 9.272
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 9.288
dekhi visitingCC Madhya 10.134
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 10.155
nā dekhi without visitingCC Madhya 11.105
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 11.128
śańkare dekhi seeing ŚańkaraCC Madhya 11.146
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 11.153
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 11.155
nā dekhi without seeingCC Madhya 11.161
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 11.162
kīrtana dekhi seeing the performance of kīrtanaCC Madhya 11.237
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 12.66
kīrtana dekhi by seeing the performance of sańkīrtanaCC Madhya 13.55
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 14.35
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 14.60
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 14.83
dekhi after seeingCC Madhya 14.135
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 14.236
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 15.40
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 15.62
anna-ādi dekhi seeing the arrangement of foodCC Madhya 15.224
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 16.79
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 16.91
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 16.162-163
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 16.256
nā dekhi not seeingCC Madhya 17.22
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 17.25
kautuka dekhi seeing this funCC Madhya 17.43
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 17.44
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 17.149
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 17.150
mathurā dekhi seeing the city of MathurāCC Madhya 17.155
prabhure dekhi after seeing Lord Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Madhya 17.194
gokula dekhi seeing GokulaCC Madhya 18.69
dekhi understandingCC Madhya 18.159
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 18.164
prabhure dekhi seeing Lord Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Madhya 18.186
pātsāha dekhi seeing the NawabCC Madhya 19.19
śrī-rūpe dekhi seeing Śrīla Rūpa GosvāmīCC Madhya 19.48
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 19.194
dekhi consultingCC Madhya 20.6
mudrā dekhi seeing the golden coinsCC Madhya 20.15
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 24.264
pipīlikāre dekhi seeing the antsCC Madhya 24.271
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 24.277
dekhi seeingCC Madhya 25.67
praṇati dekhi seeing the surrenderCC Madhya 25.220
dekhi seeing thisCC Antya 1.30
dekhi seeingCC Antya 1.96
prabhure dekhi by seeing the LordCC Antya 2.11
dekhi seeingCC Antya 3.211
dekhi after seeingCC Antya 4.16
dekhi visitingCC Antya 4.211
dekhi seeingCC Antya 6.15
mare se dekhi became extremely envious of Hiraṇya dāsaCC Antya 6.18
nā dekhi not seeingCC Antya 6.176
dekhi seeingCC Antya 6.201
dekhi after seeingCC Antya 6.214
dekhi seeingCC Antya 6.216
dekhi after seeingCC Antya 6.255
dekhi by seeingCC Antya 9.136
govinde dekhi seeing GovindaCC Antya 10.92
sāmagrī dekhi seeing these ingredientsCC Antya 10.149
īśvara dekhi after visiting Lord JagannāthaCC Antya 11.43
dekhi seeingCC Antya 14.25
nā dekhi not seeingCC Antya 14.61
dekhi seeingCC Antya 14.67
dekhi seeingCC Antya 14.68
vaiṣṇava dekhi seeing the devoteesCC Antya 14.104
dekhi seeingCC Antya 15.57
kālidāsere dekhi seeing KālidāsaCC Antya 16.16
dekhi seeingCC Antya 16.101
nā dekhi not seeingCC Antya 18.33
nā dekhi not seeingCC Antya 18.34
dekhi seeingCC Antya 18.80
dekhiye we seeCC Adi 4.181
dekhiye I seeCC Adi 4.249
dekhiye I seeCC Adi 7.70
dekhiye we seeCC Adi 7.103
dekhiye one seesCC Madhya 2.13
nā dekhiye I cannot seeCC Madhya 2.90
dekhiye could be seenCC Madhya 4.32
dekhiye I seeCC Madhya 12.17
dekhiye everyone sawCC Madhya 13.106
dekhiye I seeCC Madhya 15.227
dekhiye I seeCC Madhya 16.65
sakala dekhiye I see everythingCC Madhya 17.107
dekhiye I seeCC Madhya 17.110
nā dekhiye bhāla I do not see any good in thisCC Madhya 18.141
nā dekhiye I do not seeCC Antya 3.51
nā dekhiye I cannot seeCC Antya 4.139
tomāke dekhiye I see YouCC Antya 7.8
nā dekhiye I do not seeCC Antya 15.61
deśa-pātra dekhi' seeing the circumstancesCC Madhya 19.83
akhila-devatā-ātmā the origin of all demigodsSB 8.7.26
akhila-devatā-ātmanaḥ the total aggregate of all the demigodsSB 8.7.26
akhila-śakti-dhāmnaḥ (the qualities) of the reservoir of all potenciesSB 11.4.2
akhila-sattva-dhāmnaḥ the reservoir of all existencesSB 12.4.39
akhila-sattva-dhāmni who are the original cause of all existence, from whom everything emanates and in whom all potencies resideSB 10.2.30
khilā dhariyā kept in stockCC Antya 10.131
dhariyā rākhi was keptCC Antya 12.104
dhariyā rākhi keptCC Antya 13.124
akhila-dharma-bhāvanam who is the master of all religious principles or the occupational duties for a human beingSB 8.1.16
akhila-dharma-setave whose spokes are considered to be a breech of the entire universeSB 9.5.6
dharma dekhi' observing religious principlesCC Madhya 20.27
dola-yātrā dekhi' after seeing the Dola-yātrā ceremonyCC Madhya 16.9
akhila-dṛk of the vision of all creaturesSB 10.23.24
akhila-dṛk the seer of everythingSB 10.28.12
duḥkha-duḥkhitam who suffers one distress after anotherSB 10.88.8
duḥkha dekhi' by seeing the sufferingsCC Madhya 15.162
duńhāra duḥkha dekhi' seeing the lamentation of bothCC Madhya 15.253
duḥkha dekhi' seeing such horrible miseriesCC Madhya 24.233
bhakta-duḥkha dekhi' seeing the unhappiness of the devoteesCC Madhya 25.13
duḥkha dekhi observing the unhappinessCC Antya 5.130
sukha-duḥkhinoḥ who experience material happiness and distressSB 10.60.38
duḥkhita being distressedSB 7.6.14
duḥkhi being very much aggrievedSB 9.19.8
duḥkhi unhappySB 10.49.14
duḥkhi distressedSB 11.7.65
duḥkhita unhappyCC Adi 12.23
duḥkhita unhappyCC Adi 12.37
duḥkhita antara very unhappy within the mindCC Madhya 16.230
duḥkhita ha-ilā became very unhappyCC Antya 2.47
duḥkhita ha-ila became very unhappyCC Antya 6.258
duḥkhita hañā being unhappyCC Antya 7.92
duḥkhita very sorryCC Antya 14.67
duḥkhita very unhappyCC Antya 15.54
viccheda-duḥkhitā jāni' knowing her affliction due to separationCC Antya 19.5
duḥkhitaḥ sorrySB 1.9.46
duḥkhitaḥ in distressed mindSB 1.13.33
su-duḥkhitāḥ very greatly lamentingSB 6.14.49
duḥkhitaḥ being very much distressedSB 7.2.17
duḥkhitāḥ very much aggrievedSB 7.2.29-31
bhṛśa-duḥkhitaḥ very unhappySB 7.2.52
duḥkhitāḥ very much aggrievedSB 8.17.14
duḥkhitaḥ became very much unhappySB 9.2.8
duḥkhitaḥ being very much aggrievedSB 9.5.1
su-duḥkhitāḥ very much distressedSB 10.16.11
duḥkhitāḥ sorrowfulSB 10.44.43
duḥkhitāḥ distressedSB 10.48.33
duḥkhitāḥ unhappySB 10.56.33
duḥkhitāḥ sorrowfulSB 10.56.35
duḥkhitāḥ have sufferedSB 10.80.40
duḥkhitāḥ unhappySB 10.89.24
ati-duḥkhitaḥ most unhappySB 11.7.67
duḥkhitāḥ suffering greatlySB 11.17.57
ati-duḥkhitam extremely distressedSB 10.16.23
duḥkhitām unhappySB 10.30.40
su-duḥkhitam who are very miserableSB 10.39.26
duḥkha-duḥkhitam who suffers one distress after anotherSB 10.88.8
duḥkhitān distressedSB 1.13.13
su-duḥkhitān most unhappySB 10.17.10
duḥkhitān miserableSB 10.45.23
duḥkhitānām of the most aggrievedSB 4.26.9
su-duḥkhitasya of one who is always unhappySB 3.5.3
duḥkhite unhappySB 10.50.2
duḥkhiteṣu in others' unhappinessSB 3.14.49
dui āńkhi two eyesCC Madhya 21.132
duńhā dekhi' seeing the two of ThemCC Madhya 5.138
duńhāra duḥkha dekhi' seeing the lamentation of bothCC Madhya 15.253
duńhe dekhi' seeing both of themCC Antya 14.113
dūre dekhi' seeing from a distant placeCC Madhya 14.235
akhila-durita all sinful activitiesSB 12.6.68
āńkhi duṭi two eyesCC Madhya 21.133
dvādaśa-vana dekhi' visiting the twelve forests in VṛndāvanaCC Madhya 5.12
dvārakā dekhite to see DvārakāCC Madhya 9.302
eta likhi' writing thisCC Madhya 19.35
gābhī dekhi' seeing the cowsCC Madhya 17.195
śikhi-gaṇa peacocksCC Madhya 17.199
mleccha-gaṇa dekhi' seeing the Muslim soldiersCC Madhya 18.180
gańgā dekhi' seeing the GangesCC Madhya 20.10-11
dekhi' gela saw you and wentCC Madhya 4.30
ghāṭiyāle rākhi were checked by the toll collectorCC Antya 12.17
akhila-vṛjina-ghnam defeating everything inauspiciousSB 12.12.69
akhila-vṛjina-ghnam defeating everything inauspiciousCC Madhya 17.138
akhila-vṛjina-ghnam who can destroy all kinds of material miseryCC Madhya 24.48
gokula dekhi seeing GokulaCC Madhya 18.69
śrī-gopāla dekhi' by visiting the temple of GopālaCC Madhya 5.14
sākṣi-gopāla dekhi' after seeing the Deity known as Sākṣi-gopālaCC Madhya 16.35
dekhite gopāla to see the Gopāla DeityCC Antya 13.39
govardhana dekhi' seeing Govardhana HillCC Madhya 18.16
govardhana dekhi' seeing Govardhana HillCC Madhya 18.33
govinde dekhi seeing GovindaCC Antya 10.92
prakāśita-akhila-guṇaḥ having all transcendental qualities manifestedCC Madhya 20.400
akhila-gurau the spiritual master of allSB 10.46.30
akhila-guro O supreme spiritual master of the entire creationSB 7.9.42
akhila-guro O supreme instructor of the entire creationSB 7.10.4
akhila-guro O universal LordSB 8.3.32
akhila-guroḥ the spiritual master of all living beingsSB 12.8.48
akhila-jagat-guruḥ the master of all the three worldsSB 5.24.27
akhila-jagat-guruṇā the spiritual master of the whole universeSB 5.20.39
duḥkhita ha-ilā became very unhappyCC Antya 2.47
duḥkhita ha-ila became very unhappyCC Antya 6.258
duḥkhita hañā being unhappyCC Antya 7.92
haridāsere dekhite to see Haridāsa ṭhākuraCC Antya 1.47
sakhi he (My dear) friendCC Madhya 2.20
sakhi he O My dear friendCC Madhya 2.30
sakhi he My dear friendCC Madhya 21.114
sakhi he O dear friendCC Madhya 21.126
sakhi he O My dear friendsCC Antya 18.84
sakhi he O My dear friendCC Antya 19.37
sakhi he O My dear friendCC Antya 19.93
sakhi he My dear friendCC Antya 20.49
akhila-hetum unto the cause of all causesSB 8.24.61
nija-puruṣa-hṛt-likhitena which is situated in the heart of His own devotee like an engraved pictureSB 5.7.7
akhila-bhūta-hṛt-sthitaḥ because He is antaryāmī, situated everywhere, in the core of everyone's heartSB 10.12.25
ihā dekhi' seeing thisCC Madhya 14.250
ihā dekhi' seeing thisCC Madhya 21.24
ihā dekhi' by seeing this (Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu's personal characteristics)CC Madhya 25.9
duḥkhita ha-ilā became very unhappyCC Antya 2.47
duḥkhita ha-ila became very unhappyCC Antya 6.258
akhila-indriyaḥ all actions of the external sensesSB 10.12.44
akhila-īśaḥ the supreme controller of all beingsSB 12.12.66
akhila-īśvara although You are the proprietor of the entire creationSB 10.3.21
īśvara dekhite to see JagannāthaCC Madhya 5.154
īśvara dekhi after visiting Lord JagannāthaCC Antya 11.43
īśvara dekhi' after visiting Lord JagannāthaCC Antya 11.45
akhila-īśvaraḥ the Lord of everythingSB 3.1.2
jagannātha dekhi' seeing Lord JagannāthaCC Madhya 4.143
jagannātha dekhi' seeing the Jagannātha DeityCC Madhya 6.3
jagannātha dekhi' seeing Lord JagannāthaCC Madhya 6.34
jagannātha dekhi' by seeing Lord JagannāthaCC Madhya 13.125
jagannātha dekhi' seeing Lord JagannāthaCC Madhya 13.192
jagannātha dekhi' seeing Lord JagannāthaCC Madhya 17.21
jagannātha dekhi' seeing Lord JagannāthaCC Madhya 25.232
dekhi' jagannātha after seeing Lord JagannāthaCC Antya 4.12
jagannātha dekhi' after seeing Lord JagannāthaCC Antya 6.208
jagannātha dekhi' after seeing Lord JagannāthaCC Antya 6.211
jagannātha dekhi' after seeing Lord JagannāthaCC Antya 10.53
jagannātha dekhilena saw Lord JagannāthaCC Antya 10.57
akhila-jagat of the entire universeSB 5.1.23
akhila-jagat of the whole worldSB 5.17.1
akhila-jagat-guruṇā the spiritual master of the whole universeSB 5.20.39
akhila-jagat-guruḥ the master of all the three worldsSB 5.24.27
akhila-jagatām of all the planetary systemsSB 12.6.67
viccheda-duḥkhitā jāni' knowing her affliction due to separationCC Antya 19.5
akhila-janma-śobhanam the best of all species of lifeSB 5.13.21
akhila-jīva-marmaṇi in every center of her vitalitySB 10.6.11
khilā jīvana you saved My lifeCC Antya 13.85
kaha dekhi you say 'I see'CC Adi 16.53
kaha dekhi please tell MeCC Madhya 3.18-19
akhila-kalā of all artsSB 10.16.26
prātaḥ-kāla dekhi' seeing the morningCC Antya 3.117
prātaḥ-kāla dekhi' seeing the morning lightCC Antya 3.244
kālidāsere dekhi seeing KālidāsaCC Antya 16.16
akhila-kāma-lampaṭā although maintaining all kinds of material desireSB 5.18.21
akhila-kāraṇāya unto the supreme cause of everythingSB 8.3.15
kautuka dekhi seeing this funCC Madhya 17.43
kautuka dekhite seeing the funCC Antya 18.5
ke rākhibe who will protectCC Antya 9.65
keśava dekhi after seeing the Deity of Lord KeśavaCC Madhya 9.235
khidaḥ do not be disappointedSB 3.24.2
khidaḥ do not be disturbedSB 10.69.40
khidyata do not be aggrievedSB 8.8.37
khidyatam please do not lamentSB 10.46.36
ki dekhinu what did I seeCC Adi 5.198
ki likhiyāche what was writtenCC Madhya 18.198
ye kichu likhibe whatever you writeCC Antya 7.134
kīrtana dekhi' seeing the performance of sańkīrtanaCC Madhya 11.219
kīrtana dekhi seeing the performance of kīrtanaCC Madhya 11.237
kīrtana dekhi by seeing the performance of sańkīrtanaCC Madhya 13.55
koṭi āńkhi millions of eyesCC Madhya 21.134
kṛṣṇa-mūrti dekhi' seeing the Deity of Lord KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 9.249
śrī-kṛṣṇa dekhila that they have seen Lord KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 18.97
kṛṣṇa dekhi' seeing Lord KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 18.103
kṛṣṇa dekhibāre to see KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 21.59
kṛṣṇa dekhi' seeing KṛṣṇaCC Antya 19.86
śrī-kṛṣṇake dekhinu saw Lord Kṛṣṇa personallyCC Madhya 4.45
kṛṣṇe dekhi' seeing KṛṣṇaCC Antya 15.50
kūrma dekhi' seeing Lord KūrmaCC Madhya 7.113
akhila-artha-lābham the achievement of all kinds of gainsCC Madhya 24.52
lāgilā likhite he began to writeCC Antya 1.36
dekhite lāgilā began to seeCC Antya 6.78
lakhite seeCC Madhya 13.54
lakhite to observeCC Madhya 21.71
akhila-loka-pāla-lalāmaḥ the head of all kings and monarchs of the universeSB 5.6.6
akhila-kāma-lampaṭā although maintaining all kinds of material desireSB 5.18.21
likhi I writeCC Adi 5.233
likhi I writeCC Adi 6.115
likhi' having writtenCC Adi 7.120
likhi I writeCC Adi 8.72
sei likhi I write thatCC Adi 8.79
likhi I writeCC Adi 8.81
likhi I writeCC Adi 9.5
likhi I writeCC Adi 10.159
likhi I writeCC Adi 13.47
sūtra likhi I write a synopsisCC Adi 13.51
likhi' writingCC Madhya 1.209
likhi I shall writeCC Madhya 2.23
likhi' writingCC Madhya 2.90
likhi' writingCC Madhya 2.93
likhi I writeCC Madhya 7.153
eta likhi' writing thisCC Madhya 19.35
likhi I writeCC Madhya 20.348
vibhūti likhi they are called vibhūti, or possessing special favorCC Madhya 20.368
likhi we should writeCC Madhya 24.329
nāhi likhi I have not mentionedCC Antya 1.12
likhi I shall writeCC Antya 1.71
likhi' writingCC Antya 1.80
likhi I writeCC Antya 3.270
likhi' writingCC Antya 4.210
likhi I writeCC Antya 8.102
likhi I am writingCC Antya 11.10
likhi I am writingCC Antya 11.10
likhi I writeCC Antya 14.83
āmi likhi I writeCC Antya 20.92
likhiba I shall writeCC Madhya 1.11-12
likhi will attempt to writeCC Madhya 24.345
likhibāra writeCC Adi 12.55
likhibāre to writeCC Madhya 17.232
ye kichu likhibe whatever you writeCC Antya 7.134
likhila wroteCC Adi 17.69
nā likhila I could not writeCC Madhya 2.92
likhila wroteCC Madhya 5.82
bhaṭṭācārya likhila Sārvabhauma Bhaṭṭācārya repliedCC Madhya 12.6
likhila I have writtenCC Madhya 18.56
likhila wroteCC Madhya 19.32
likhi he wroteCC Antya 1.35
likhila has notedCC Antya 3.269
likhi wroteCC Antya 6.262
likhilāń I have writtenCC Adi 11.57
rājāke likhiluń have written a letter to the KingCC Madhya 9.330
nā likhiluń I have not writtenCC Madhya 16.214-215
likhiluń I have writtenCC Madhya 17.230
nā likhiluń I have not describedCC Madhya 25.17
likhita drawnSB 10.35.4-5
likhita writtenCC Adi 17.311
pūrva-likhita previously mentionedCC Antya 1.12
likhite to writeCC Madhya 2.90
likhite to writeCC Madhya 14.34
lāgilā likhite he began to writeCC Antya 1.36
likhite nā pārena Vṛndāvana dāsa ṭhākura was not able to describeCC Antya 20.84
nija-puruṣa-hṛt-likhitena which is situated in the heart of His own devotee like an engraved pictureSB 5.7.7
likhi by writingCC Adi 10.65
likhi writingCC Adi 12.29
likhi after writing all these thingsCC Adi 14.13
likhi writingCC Madhya 1.61
likhi writingCC Madhya 6.250
likhi writingCC Madhya 6.252
likhi writingCC Madhya 9.325
likhi copyingCC Madhya 11.142
likhi copyingCC Madhya 11.143
likhi writingCC Madhya 24.347
likhi recording in writingCC Antya 20.84
likhiyāche have writtenCC Adi 13.46
ki likhiyāche what was writtenCC Madhya 18.198
likhiyāche it has been writtenCC Madhya 18.199
likhiyāche has writtenCC Antya 20.85
likhiyāche has writtenCC Antya 20.87
likhiyāchena has writtenCC Adi 8.37
likhiyāchena pracura has written profuselyCC Madhya 19.118
likhiyāchena has writtenCC Madhya 19.133
likhiyāchi I wroteCC Adi 1.108-109
likhiyāchoń I have describedCC Madhya 25.6
likhiye I writeCC Adi 13.51
likhiye I shall writeCC Antya 1.12
likhiye I writeCC Antya 20.95
līlā-sthala dekhi' seeing the places of pastimesCC Madhya 18.64
akhila-loka-nātha the Lord of the universeSB 2.7.15
akhila-loka-pānām all rulers of the entire universeSB 3.1.45
akhila-loka containing all planetary systemsSB 3.28.25
akhila-loka by the entire universeSB 3.28.26
akhila-loka-pāla-lalāmaḥ the head of all kings and monarchs of the universeSB 5.6.6
akhila-loka-pālakaiḥ by the leaders of the different planets, societies, kingdoms and so onSB 5.18.26
akhila-loka-pālāḥ all the demigods throughout the universeSB 8.5.33
akhila-loka-pālāḥ the demigods, directors of different departments of this universeSB 8.6.14
akhila-loka-pāla all the directors of departments of material activitiesSB 8.7.31
akhila-loka-sākṣiṇe who are the witness of all creationSB 8.22.17
akhila-loka-nātham to the Supreme Person, the controller of everythingSB 10.10.28
akhila-loka for all worldsSB 10.15.6
akhila-loka of all the worldsCC Adi 2.30
akhila-loka of all the worldsCC Adi 3.69
akhila-loka of the universal planetary systemsCC Adi 5.141
akhila-loka of all the worldsCC Adi 6.23
loka dekhi' seeing other peopleCC Madhya 7.97
loka dekhi' seeing the peopleCC Madhya 9.327
dekhila loka all the people sawCC Madhya 18.95
akhila-loka of the universal planetary systemsCC Madhya 20.306
loka-sańghaṭṭa dekhi' by seeing the great crowd of peopleCC Madhya 25.70
khidaḥ do not be disappointedSB 3.24.2
khidyata do not be aggrievedSB 8.8.37
khidyatam please do not lamentSB 10.46.36
khidaḥ do not be disturbedSB 10.69.40
mādhava-saundarya dekhi' after seeing the beauty of Lord Bindu MādhavaCC Madhya 25.62
mahādeva dekhi' seeing Lord ŚivaCC Madhya 9.75
mahāprabhu dekhi' seeing Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Madhya 9.175
mahāprabhu dekhi' by seeing Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Madhya 18.98
mahāprabhure dekhi' seeing Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Antya 14.27
śikhi māhāti Śikhi MāhitiCC Madhya 10.42
śikhi-māhātira of Śikhi MāhitiCC Madhya 10.44
maheśa dekhiñā having seen the temple of Lord ŚivaCC Madhya 5.142-143
śrī-śikhi māhiti Śrī Śikhi MāhitiCC Adi 10.135-136
śikhi-māhiti Śikhi MāhitiCC Madhya 1.130
śikhi-māhiti Śikhi MāhitiCC Antya 2.106
śikhi-māhitira of Śikhi MāhitiCC Adi 10.137
śikhi-māhitira of Śikhi MāhitiCC Antya 2.103
mantra-ādi śikhite to be initiatedCC Antya 7.150
mare se dekhi became extremely envious of Hiraṇya dāsaCC Antya 6.18
akhila-jīva-marmaṇi in every center of her vitalitySB 10.6.11
maryādā rākhile since you have observed the etiquetteCC Antya 4.132
akhila-ṛddhi-mat possessing the opulence of the entire universeSB 7.4.8
śacī-mātā dekhi' seeing ŚacīmātāCC Antya 12.14
mathurā dekhi seeing the city of MathurāCC Madhya 17.155
mathurā dekhi' after seeing MathurāCC Antya 13.31
mleccha-gaṇa dekhi' seeing the Muslim soldiersCC Madhya 18.180
more dekhi' by seeing meCC Madhya 7.144-145
āńkhi mudi' with closed eyesCC Madhya 14.7
mudrā dekhi seeing the golden coinsCC Madhya 20.15
mukha dekhi' seeing His faceCC Madhya 17.198
mukhāmukhi face to faceCC Antya 18.87
su-mukhi O beautiful-faced oneCC Antya 1.167
sakhi murali O dear friend the fluteCC Antya 1.163
tomāra mūrcchā dekhi' seeing Your unconsciousnessCC Antya 18.115
kṛṣṇa-mūrti dekhi' seeing the Deity of Lord KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 9.249
akhila-rasa-amṛta-mūrtiḥ the reservoir of all pleasure, in which exist all the mellows of devotional service, namely śānta, dāsya, sakhya, vātsalya and mādhuryaCC Madhya 8.142
na akhidyat he did not lamentSB 8.11.48
nā dekhile in not seeingCC Adi 2.45
nā dekhi' not seeingCC Madhya 2.47
nā dekhiye I cannot seeCC Madhya 2.90
nā likhila I could not writeCC Madhya 2.92
nā dekhi not seeingCC Madhya 3.152
nā dekhi' without seeingCC Madhya 6.239
nā dekhi not seeingCC Madhya 8.112
nā dekhi' without seeingCC Madhya 11.36
nā dekhi without visitingCC Madhya 11.105
nā dekhi without seeingCC Madhya 11.161
nā dekhiba will not seeCC Madhya 15.46
nā likhiluń I have not writtenCC Madhya 16.214-215
nā dekhi not seeingCC Madhya 17.22
nā dekhiye bhāla I do not see any good in thisCC Madhya 18.141
nā dekhila did not seeCC Madhya 18.179
nā dekhila did not seeCC Madhya 21.79
nā likhiluń I have not describedCC Madhya 25.17
nā dekhi I do not seeCC Madhya 25.268
dekhite nā pāroń cannot seeCC Antya 2.117
nā dekhibe you will not seeCC Antya 2.125
nā dekhi we cannot seeCC Antya 2.157
nā dekhile without seeingCC Antya 3.6
nā dekhiye I do not seeCC Antya 3.51
nā dekhiye I cannot seeCC Antya 4.139
nā dekhi not seeingCC Antya 6.176
nā dekhi you will not seeCC Antya 8.54
nā dekhi not seeingCC Antya 14.61
dekhite nā pāya He could not seeCC Antya 14.103
dekhite nā pāila I could not seeCC Antya 14.105
nā pāinu dekhite I could not seeCC Antya 14.111
nā dekhiye I do not seeCC Antya 15.61
nā dekhi' without seeingCC Antya 15.65
nā dekhi not seeingCC Antya 18.33
nā dekhi not seeingCC Antya 18.34
nā dekhila I did not seeCC Antya 18.47
nā dekhile if not seeingCC Antya 19.37
likhite nā pārena Vṛndāvana dāsa ṭhākura was not able to describeCC Antya 20.84
nācāna rākhi stopped causing the dancingCC Antya 20.148
nāhi dekhi I have never seenCC Madhya 11.96
nāhi likhi I have not mentionedCC Antya 1.12
nāhi dekhi we do not seeCC Antya 14.81
nakhānakhi nail to nailCC Antya 18.87
nandīśvara dekhi' while seeing NandīśvaraCC Madhya 18.57
nārade dekhi' seeing NāradaCC Madhya 24.236
dekhi' nārāyaṇa after visiting Lord NārāyaṇaCC Madhya 24.230
nārila rākhite could not keepCC Antya 11.95
dekhite nārilā no one could seeCC Antya 18.34
akhila-loka-nātha the Lord of the universeSB 2.7.15
raghu-nātha dekhi' after seeing Lord Rāmacandra, the descendant of Mahārāja RaghuCC Madhya 9.18
akhila-loka-nātham to the Supreme Person, the controller of everythingSB 10.10.28
nija-puruṣa-hṛt-likhitena which is situated in the heart of His own devotee like an engraved pictureSB 5.7.7
nikhila allSB 2.7.12
nikhila allSB 6.13.22-23
nikhila-ātmakatvāt because the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the Supersoul of everyoneSB 8.3.30
nikhila of allSB 10.47.58
nikhila of all living beingsSB 12.6.1
nikhila allCC Adi 4.51
nikhila universalCC Madhya 13.80
nikhilam the entireSB 10.14.25
nikhilam wholeSB 10.14.34
nṛsiṃha dekhi by seeing Lord Nṛsiṃha in the templeCC Madhya 8.4
nṛsiṃha dekhi after seeing the Lord Nṛsiṃha DeityCC Madhya 9.17
nṛtya dekhi' after seeing the dancingCC Antya 6.140
nṛtya rākhi stopped the dancingCC Antya 7.77
akhila-vitta-pā I am the possessor of unlimited opulence and wealthSB 10.8.42
dekhite nā pāila I could not seeCC Antya 14.105
nā pāinu dekhite I could not seeCC Antya 14.111
śikhi-pākhā the plume of a peacockCC Adi 11.21
śikhi-pākhā the peacock featherCC Antya 15.66
pakṣi-tīrtha dekhi' after visiting the place known as Pakṣi-tīrthaCC Madhya 9.72
akhila-loka-pāla-lalāmaḥ the head of all kings and monarchs of the universeSB 5.6.6
akhila-loka-pāla all the directors of departments of material activitiesSB 8.7.31
akhila-loka-pālāḥ all the demigods throughout the universeSB 8.5.33
akhila-loka-pālāḥ the demigods, directors of different departments of this universeSB 8.6.14
akhila-loka-pālakaiḥ by the leaders of the different planets, societies, kingdoms and so onSB 5.18.26
akhila-loka-pānām all rulers of the entire universeSB 3.1.45
khite pāre can keepCC Antya 6.41
likhite nā pārena Vṛndāvana dāsa ṭhākura was not able to describeCC Antya 20.84
parikhidyataḥ sufficiently anxiousSB 3.9.27-28
parikhinnaḥ worn outMM 8
dekhite nā pāroń cannot seeCC Antya 2.117
śūnya-pātra dekhi' seeing the dish emptyCC Madhya 15.58
deśa-pātra dekhi' seeing the circumstancesCC Madhya 19.83
pātsāha dekhi seeing the NawabCC Madhya 19.19
dekhite nā pāya He could not seeCC Antya 14.103
dekhi' āmra-phala seeing the mangoesCC Antya 16.33
śikhi-piccha with a peacock feather on the headCC Adi 17.279
śikhi-piccha some peacock feathersCC Madhya 14.204
śikhi-piccha peacock feathersCC Madhya 15.123
śikhi-piñcha with peacock feathersCC Adi 1.57
śikhi-piñchera uḍāna upon which there is a peacock featherCC Antya 19.39
pipīlikā dekhi' seeing many antsCC Antya 8.48
pipīlikāre dekhi seeing the antsCC Madhya 24.271
prabhu dekhi' seeing the LordCC Madhya 1.277
prabhu dekhi' seeing Lord Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Madhya 6.28
prabhu dekhi' seeing the LordCC Madhya 6.30
prabhu dekhi' seeing the LordCC Madhya 6.32
prabhu dekhi' after seeing the LordCC Madhya 11.186
prabhu dekhi' seeing Lord Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Madhya 15.286
prabhu dekhite to see Lord Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Madhya 16.13
prabhu dekhi' seeing Lord Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Madhya 16.103
prabhu dekhi' seeing the LordCC Madhya 17.83
prabhu dekhibāre to see Lord Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Madhya 17.101
prabhu dekhi' seeing the LordCC Madhya 17.202
prabhu dekhi' seeing Lord Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Madhya 18.93
prabhu dekhi' seeing the LordCC Madhya 19.46
prabhu dekhi' seeing the LordCC Madhya 19.47
prabhu dekhi' seeing Lord Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Madhya 19.79
prabhu dekhibāre to see Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Madhya 19.109
prabhu dekhi' after seeing the Lord thereCC Antya 1.83
prabhu dekhibāre to see the LordCC Antya 2.38
prabhu dekhi' seeing Lord Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Antya 4.17
prabhu dekhi' by seeing Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Antya 9.10
prabhu dekhibāre to see Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Antya 12.7
prabhuke dekhi seeing the LordCC Madhya 3.13
prabhure dekhi after seeing Lord Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Madhya 17.194
prabhure dekhi seeing Lord Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Madhya 18.186
prabhure dekhite to see Lord Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Madhya 25.19
prabhure dekhite to see Lord Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Antya 1.38
prabhure dekhi by seeing the LordCC Antya 2.11
prabhure dekhite to see Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Antya 10.3
prabhure dekhite to see the LordCC Antya 12.56
likhiyāchena pracura has written profuselyCC Madhya 19.118
akhila-pradaḥ the bestower of all similar blessingsSB 10.6.34
prakāśita-akhila-guṇaḥ having all transcendental qualities manifestedCC Madhya 20.400
prāṇa-priya-sakhi my dear friendCC Madhya 3.124
prāṇa rākhite to maintain lifeCC Antya 8.85
praṇati dekhi seeing the surrenderCC Madhya 25.220
prātaḥ-kāla dekhi' seeing the morningCC Antya 3.117
prātaḥ-kāla dekhi' seeing the morning lightCC Antya 3.244
pratijñā rākhi kept the promiseCC Madhya 16.144
prema dekhi' seeing the ecstatic position of Mādhavendra PurīCC Madhya 4.137
prema dekhi' seeing His ecstatic featuresCC Madhya 9.236
prema dekhi' seeing His ecstatic loveCC Madhya 19.100
priyā-sakhi O dear friendCC Adi 4.125
prāṇa-priya-sakhi my dear friendCC Madhya 3.124
purī dekhi' by seeing Mādhavendra PurīCC Madhya 4.156
nija-puruṣa-hṛt-likhitena which is situated in the heart of His own devotee like an engraved pictureSB 5.7.7
puruṣottama dekhi' after visiting Jagannātha PurīCC Madhya 9.170
pūrva-likhita previously mentionedCC Antya 1.12
raghu-nātha dekhi' after seeing Lord Rāmacandra, the descendant of Mahārāja RaghuCC Madhya 9.18
raghunātha dekhi' seeing the temple of Lord RāmacandraCC Madhya 9.225
rājā dekhi' by seeing the KingCC Madhya 13.182
rājāke likhiluń have written a letter to the KingCC Madhya 9.330
śloka rākhi' keeping the verse in that wayCC Madhya 1.62
khi' stoppingCC Madhya 13.179
khi' after stoppingCC Madhya 13.193
ratha rākhi' after stopping the carCC Madhya 13.195
khi' keepingCC Madhya 19.30
khi' keeping themCC Madhya 21.53
khi we keepCC Madhya 24.296
khi' by savingCC Antya 9.130
khiba I shall keepCC Madhya 3.117
khiba I shall keepCC Madhya 5.85
khiba I shall keepCC Madhya 5.92
khi please stopCC Madhya 17.6
khi will you keepCC Antya 6.40
khibe should allow you to keepCC Madhya 20.90-91
khibe caraṇe will keep under His lotus feetCC Antya 6.142
ke rākhibe who will protectCC Antya 9.65
khiha keepCC Madhya 8.290
khila kept itCC Adi 10.58
khila kept himCC Adi 10.96
khila keptCC Madhya 1.61
khi keptCC Madhya 1.266
khila keptCC Madhya 3.52
khila stoppedCC Madhya 3.134
khila suspendedCC Madhya 3.135
khila kept asideCC Madhya 4.33
khila keptCC Madhya 4.103
khila keptCC Madhya 4.139
khila remainedCC Madhya 5.82
khi you keptCC Madhya 5.153
khila keptCC Madhya 6.8
khila keptCC Madhya 6.252
khila keptCC Madhya 9.303
khila keptCC Madhya 9.325
khila keptCC Madhya 10.61
khila keptCC Madhya 10.136
khi keptCC Madhya 10.185
khila keptCC Madhya 10.188
khila keptCC Madhya 11.81
khila savedCC Madhya 12.201
pratijñā rākhi kept the promiseCC Madhya 16.144
khila kept backCC Madhya 17.197
sthāpya rākhi kept depositedCC Madhya 19.8
khila keptCC Madhya 19.9
khi detainedCC Antya 1.20
khi kept itCC Antya 1.80
khi keptCC Antya 3.167
khilā ḍāhine He kept on His right sideCC Antya 6.83
nṛtya rākhi stopped the dancingCC Antya 7.77
ardheka rākhi accepted halfCC Antya 8.86
khila protectedCC Antya 9.79
khi keptCC Antya 10.55
khila stoppedCC Antya 10.77
khilā dhariyā kept in stockCC Antya 10.131
sańge rākhi he kept with himCC Antya 11.77
ghāṭiyāle rākhi were checked by the toll collectorCC Antya 12.17
khi keptCC Antya 12.98
dhariyā rākhi was keptCC Antya 12.104
khi kept reservedCC Antya 13.70
khi keptCC Antya 13.70
khilā jīvana you saved My lifeCC Antya 13.85
dhariyā rākhi keptCC Antya 13.124
nācāna rākhi stopped causing the dancingCC Antya 20.148
khile keptCC Madhya 10.14
maryādā rākhile since you have observed the etiquetteCC Antya 4.132
khilena keptCC Madhya 9.204
khilena they keptCC Madhya 10.70
khilena keptCC Madhya 12.128
khilena keptCC Antya 13.74
khimu I shall keepCC Antya 12.147
khite to keepCC Adi 17.290
khite to keepCC Adi 17.291
khite to keepCC Madhya 3.74
khite to keepCC Madhya 6.117
khite to keepCC Madhya 10.16
khite to keepCC Madhya 10.16
khite just to keepCC Madhya 13.154
khite to give protectionCC Madhya 13.157
khite to keepCC Madhya 16.5
khite to keepCC Madhya 16.6
khite to keepCC Madhya 16.241
khite pāre can keepCC Antya 6.41
prāṇa rākhite to maintain lifeCC Antya 8.85
khite to protectCC Antya 9.15
khite to protectCC Antya 9.79
nārila rākhite could not keepCC Antya 11.95
cāhe rākhite' wanted to protectCC Antya 18.96
khi keepingCC Madhya 16.276
khiyāche has keptCC Madhya 2.21
khiyāche has keptCC Madhya 13.151
khiyāche has keptCC Madhya 24.347
khiyāchena has protectedCC Madhya 22.56
khiyāchena has keptCC Antya 20.84
khiyāchi have keptCC Adi 14.13
khiyāchi I have keptCC Madhya 4.127
khiyāchi I have keptCC Madhya 7.60
rāmeśvara dekhi' visiting the holy place RāmeśvaraCC Madhya 9.199
śrī-rańga dekhi after seeing this templeCC Madhya 1.107
śrī-rańga dekhi visiting Śrī RańgaCC Madhya 9.163
akhila-rasa-amṛta-mūrtiḥ the reservoir of all pleasure, in which exist all the mellows of devotional service, namely śānta, dāsya, sakhya, vātsalya and mādhuryaCC Madhya 8.142
rāsa-sthalī dekhi' visiting the place of the rāsa danceCC Madhya 18.72
ratha rākhi' after stopping the carCC Madhya 13.195
ratha dekhi' seeing the Ratha-yātrā festivalCC Madhya 16.86
ratha-yātrā dekhi' after seeing the Ratha-yātrā festivalCC Antya 4.141
ratha dekhi' after witnessing the Ratha-yātrā festivalCC Antya 4.155
ratha-yātrā dekhibāre to see the car festival of Lord JagannāthaCC Antya 7.58
rāvaṇa dekhi after seeing RāvaṇaCC Madhya 9.202
akhila-ṛddhi-mat possessing the opulence of the entire universeSB 7.4.8
rūpa dekhi' seeing the beautyCC Adi 5.183
rūpa dekhi' by seeing the formCC Madhya 21.104
śrī-rūpe dekhi seeing Śrīla Rūpa GosvāmīCC Madhya 19.48
śacī-mātā dekhi' seeing ŚacīmātāCC Antya 12.14
akhila-sādhu-sammataḥ as approved by all saintly personsSB 8.23.1
śaila dekhi' seeing a hillCC Madhya 17.55
sakala dekhiye I see everythingCC Madhya 17.107
sakala dekhi saw everythingCC Antya 10.129
dekhilā sakali participated in all of themCC Madhya 15.36
sakhi-vacaḥ command of the friendSB 1.9.35
sakhi O my friendSB 1.10.24
sakhi O friendSB 1.10.28
sakhi O friendSB 10.21.10
sakhi O friendSB 10.30.11
sakhi O friendSB 10.90.15
priyā-sakhi O dear friendCC Adi 4.125
sakhi O friendCC Adi 4.224
sakhi he (My dear) friendCC Madhya 2.20
sakhi My dear friendCC Madhya 2.24
sakhi he O My dear friendCC Madhya 2.30
sakhi My dear friendsCC Madhya 3.114
prāṇa-priya-sakhi my dear friendCC Madhya 3.124
sakhi O friendCC Madhya 8.144
sakhi My dear friendCC Madhya 8.194
sakhi he My dear friendCC Madhya 21.114
sakhi he O dear friendCC Madhya 21.126
sakhi O dear friendCC Madhya 23.65
sakhi my dear friendCC Antya 1.143
sakhi O My dear friendCC Antya 1.152
sakhi O My dear friendCC Antya 1.162
sakhi murali O dear friend the fluteCC Antya 1.163
sakhi O friendCC Antya 1.166
sakhi O my dear friendCC Antya 1.168
sakhi My dear friendCC Antya 15.16
sakhi O my dear friendCC Antya 15.44
sakhi O My dear friendCC Antya 15.63
sakhi My dear friendCC Antya 15.65
sakhi My friendCC Antya 15.78
sakhi My dear friendCC Antya 16.119
sakhi My dear friendCC Antya 17.40
sakhi My dear friendCC Antya 17.42
sakhi friendsCC Antya 17.53
sakhi he O My dear friendsCC Antya 18.84
sakhi O My dear friendCC Antya 19.35
sakhi he O My dear friendCC Antya 19.37
sakhi O My dear friendCC Antya 19.38
sakhi O My dear friendCC Antya 19.43
sakhi O My dear friendsCC Antya 19.91
sakhi he O My dear friendCC Antya 19.93
sakhi he My dear friendCC Antya 20.49
sakhibhiḥ samam along with Their friendsSB 10.15.1
sakhibhiḥ by His friendsSB 10.15.47
sakhibhiḥ and by their friends (such as Bhīma and Arjuna)SB 10.75.16
śākhinaḥ different branchesSB 1.4.23
śākhinaḥ of the treeCC Adi 11.4
sākṣi-gopāla dekhi' after seeing the Deity known as Sākṣi-gopālaCC Madhya 16.35
akhila-loka-sākṣiṇe who are the witness of all creationSB 8.22.17
akhila-śakti-dhāmnaḥ (the qualities) of the reservoir of all potenciesSB 11.4.2
sāmagrī dekhi seeing these ingredientsCC Antya 10.149
sakhibhiḥ samam along with Their friendsSB 10.15.1
akhila-sāra-sambhṛtaḥ the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the essence of all creationSB 8.18.20
akhila-sādhu-sammataḥ as approved by all saintly personsSB 8.23.1
sanātane dekhi' seeing Sanātana GosvāmīCC Antya 4.18
sańge rākhi he kept with himCC Antya 11.77
loka-sańghaṭṭa dekhi' by seeing the great crowd of peopleCC Madhya 25.70
śańkare dekhi seeing ŚańkaraCC Madhya 11.146
ḍākinī-śāńkhi ghosts and witchesCC Adi 13.117
sannyāsa dekhi' when he saw the sannyāsa orderCC Madhya 10.104
sapta-tāla dekhi' upon seeing the seven palm treesCC Madhya 9.313
akhila-sāra-sambhṛtaḥ the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the essence of all creationSB 8.18.20
akhila-sattva-dhāmni who are the original cause of all existence, from whom everything emanates and in whom all potencies resideSB 10.2.30
akhila-sattva-dhāmnaḥ the reservoir of all existencesSB 12.4.39
saundarya dekhite to see the beautyCC Madhya 18.46
mādhava-saundarya dekhi' after seeing the beauty of Lord Bindu MādhavaCC Madhya 25.62
mare se dekhi became extremely envious of Hiraṇya dāsaCC Antya 6.18
sei likhi I write thatCC Adi 8.79
akhila-dharma-setave whose spokes are considered to be a breech of the entire universeSB 9.5.6
śikhi-piñcha with peacock feathersCC Adi 1.57
śrī-śikhi māhiti Śrī Śikhi MāhitiCC Adi 10.135-136
śikhi-māhitira of Śikhi MāhitiCC Adi 10.137
śikhi-pākhā the plume of a peacockCC Adi 11.21
śikhi-piccha with a peacock feather on the headCC Adi 17.279
śikhi-māhiti Śikhi MāhitiCC Madhya 1.130
śikhi māhāti Śikhi MāhitiCC Madhya 10.42
śikhi-māhātira of Śikhi MāhitiCC Madhya 10.44
śikhi-piccha some peacock feathersCC Madhya 14.204
śikhi-piccha peacock feathersCC Madhya 15.123
śikhi-ādi Śikhi Māhiti and othersCC Madhya 16.254
śikhi-gaṇa peacocksCC Madhya 17.199
śikhi-māhitira of Śikhi MāhitiCC Antya 2.103
śikhi-māhiti Śikhi MāhitiCC Antya 2.106
śikhi-pākhā the peacock featherCC Antya 15.66
śikhi-candraka-alańkṛtiḥ Kṛṣṇa, whose head is decorated with a peacock featherCC Antya 19.35
śikhi-piñchera uḍāna upon which there is a peacock featherCC Antya 19.39
śikhiba I shall learnCC Antya 13.59
śikhila learnedCC Adi 14.94
śikhiluń have learnedCC Antya 7.49
śikhi on his peacock carrierSB 10.63.15
śikhinaḥ peacocksSB 10.15.7
mantra-ādi śikhite to be initiatedCC Antya 7.150
śiva dekhi' seeing the deity of Lord ŚivaCC Madhya 9.75
śloka rākhi' keeping the verse in that wayCC Madhya 1.62
akhila-janma-śobhanam the best of all species of lifeSB 5.13.21
śrī-śikhi māhiti Śrī Śikhi MāhitiCC Adi 10.135-136
śrī-rańga dekhi after seeing this templeCC Madhya 1.107
śrī-kṛṣṇake dekhinu saw Lord Kṛṣṇa personallyCC Madhya 4.45
śrī-gopāla dekhi' by visiting the temple of GopālaCC Madhya 5.14
śrī-rańga dekhi visiting Śrī RańgaCC Madhya 9.163
śrī-kṛṣṇa dekhila that they have seen Lord KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 18.97
śrī-rūpe dekhi seeing Śrīla Rūpa GosvāmīCC Madhya 19.48
līlā-sthala dekhi' seeing the places of pastimesCC Madhya 18.64
rāsa-sthalī dekhi' visiting the place of the rāsa danceCC Madhya 18.72
sthāpya rākhi kept depositedCC Madhya 19.8
akhila-bhūta-hṛt-sthitaḥ because He is antaryāmī, situated everywhere, in the core of everyone's heartSB 10.12.25
su-duḥkhitasya of one who is always unhappySB 3.5.3
su-duḥkhitāḥ very greatly lamentingSB 6.14.49
su-duḥkhitāḥ very much distressedSB 10.16.11
su-duḥkhitān most unhappySB 10.17.10
su-duḥkhitam who are very miserableSB 10.39.26
su-mukhi O beautiful-faced oneCC Antya 1.167
sukha-duḥkhinoḥ who experience material happiness and distressSB 10.60.38
śukhi' shriveling upCC Madhya 19.156
sukhinaḥ happyBG 1.36
sukhinaḥ very happyBG 2.32
sukhinaḥ very happySB 6.13.3
sukhitvam finding happinessNBS 24
yāhā dekhi' śuni' by seeing and hearing whichCC Madhya 12.220
śūnya-pātra dekhi' seeing the dish emptyCC Madhya 15.58
akhila-sura-asura-ādi by all demigods and demonsCC Antya 3.85
sūtra likhi I write a synopsisCC Adi 13.51
svapana dekhiluń I saw a dreamCC Antya 3.35
dekhinu svapana saw a dreamCC Antya 12.94
svapna dekhi' by seeing the dreamCC Adi 16.14
svapna dekhi' after seeing the dreamCC Madhya 4.108
svapna dekhi' after seeing the dreamCC Madhya 4.130
svapna dekhi' after dreamingCC Antya 1.43
svapne dekhi' seeing the dreamCC Madhya 5.131
svapne dekhi' dreamingCC Antya 18.117
tāhā dekhi' seeing thatCC Adi 5.167
tāhā dekhi' seeing thisCC Adi 5.169
tāhā dekhi' observing this advancementCC Adi 7.31-32
tāhā dekhi' seeing thatCC Adi 17.191
tāhā dekhi' seeing thatCC Madhya 7.84
tāhā dekhi' seeing thatCC Madhya 10.154
tāhā dekhi' seeing thatCC Madhya 12.123
tāhā dekhi' seeing thatCC Madhya 17.109
tāhā dekhi' seeing thatCC Madhya 17.208
tāhā dekhi' seeing thatCC Madhya 18.105
tāhā dekhibāre to see thatCC Antya 2.20
tāhā dekhi' seeing thatCC Antya 3.8
tāhāo dekhiba I shall see itCC Madhya 12.27
sapta-tāla dekhi' upon seeing the seven palm treesCC Madhya 9.313
taṇḍula dekhi' seeing the riceCC Antya 2.107
tāńra dainya dekhi' by seeing their humilityCC Madhya 16.263-264
tāńre dekhi' seeing herCC Adi 14.63
tāńre dekhi' by seeing himCC Madhya 7.103
tāńre dekhi seeing himCC Madhya 12.60
tāńre dekhi' after seeing HimCC Madhya 16.165
akhila-yajña-tantave the enjoyer of all sacrificesSB 3.19.30
tāvat dekhila saw all the placesCC Madhya 18.56
ṭhākura dekhi' seeing Haridāsa ṭhākuraCC Antya 3.173
ṭheñā dekhi' seeing the stick in his handCC Madhya 5.53
pakṣi-tīrtha dekhi' after visiting the place known as Pakṣi-tīrthaCC Madhya 9.72
tomā dekhi' after seeing YouCC Madhya 9.25
tomā dekhi' upon seeing YouCC Madhya 9.26
tomā dekhi' by seeing YouCC Madhya 9.104
tomā dekhi' by seeing YouCC Madhya 10.175
tomā dekhi' seeing YouCC Madhya 17.128
tomā dekhi' by seeing YouCC Madhya 18.110
tomā dekhi' by seeing YouCC Madhya 18.120
tomā dekhi' by seeing YouCC Madhya 18.203
tomā dekhi by seeing youCC Madhya 20.60
tomā dekhi' seeing youCC Madhya 24.238
tomā dekhi' seeing youCC Antya 3.112
tomā' dekhibāre to see YouCC Antya 7.7
tomāke dekhiye I see YouCC Antya 7.8
tomāra mūrcchā dekhi' seeing Your unconsciousnessCC Antya 18.115
tomāre dekhite to see youCC Madhya 11.138
dekhiluń tomāre I have seen YouCC Antya 7.7
trimalaya dekhi' after seeing TrimalayaCC Madhya 9.71
śikhi-piñchera uḍāna upon which there is a peacock featherCC Antya 19.39
uparata-akhila completely turned backSB 4.7.26
akhila-uttamam most excellent in personal qualitiesSB 12.3.36
sakhi-vacaḥ command of the friendSB 1.9.35
vaikuṇṭha dekhila saw the spiritual worldCC Madhya 18.136
vaiṣṇava dekhi seeing the devoteesCC Antya 14.104
vālakhilya one who quits his former stock of grains on receipt of moreSB 3.12.43
vālakhilya-ākhya entitled VālakhilyaSB 12.6.59
vālakhilyāḥ the VālakhilyasSB 12.11.49
vālakhilyān just like VālakhilyaSB 4.1.39
vālikhilya of the great sages named the VālikhilyasSB 6.8.40
vālikhilyāḥ VālikhilyasSB 5.21.17
vana dekhi' while seeing the forestsCC Madhya 5.12
dvādaśa-vana dekhi' visiting the twelve forests in VṛndāvanaCC Madhya 5.12
vana dekhi' seeing the forestCC Madhya 17.55
vibhūti likhi they are called vibhūti, or possessing special favorCC Madhya 20.368
viccheda-duḥkhitā jāni' knowing her affliction due to separationCC Antya 19.5
vilikhitam drawnSB 10.62.18-19
akhila-vitta-pā I am the possessor of unlimited opulence and wealthSB 10.8.42
akhila-vṛjina-ghnam defeating everything inauspiciousSB 12.12.69
akhila-vṛjina-ghnam defeating everything inauspiciousCC Madhya 17.138
akhila-vṛjina-ghnam who can destroy all kinds of material miseryCC Madhya 24.48
vṛndāvana dekhite to visit VṛndāvanaCC Madhya 14.118
vṛndāvana dekhi' after visiting VṛndāvanaCC Madhya 16.240
dekhi' vṛndāvana after visiting Vṛndāvana