khiccā | f. a kind of dish (made of rice and pease etc.)  |
khicci | f. idem or 'f. a kind of dish (made of rice and pease etc.) '  |
khiccī | f. idem or 'f. idem or 'f. a kind of dish (made of rice and pease etc.) ' '  |
khid | cl.6. khindati- ( ;Ved. khidati- ; perf. cikheda-,or Vedic or Veda cakhāda- ; future khetsyati- ), to strike, press, press down ; to be depressed or wearied : cl.7 A1. khintte-, to be pressed down, suffer pain : cl.4 A1. khidyate- (rarely P. ), to be pressed down or depressed, be distressed or wearied, feel tired or exhausted etc.: Causal P. khedayati- (rarely A1. ), to press down, molest, disturb, make tired or exhausted (varia lectio) ; ([ confer, compare Greek ?]) |
khiḍga | for ṣiḍga-,  |
khidira | m. an ascetic, penitent  |
khidira | m. a pauper  |
khidira | m. the moon  |
khidira | m. Name of indra-  |
khidra | m. a pauper,  |
khidra | m. disease, sickness  |
khidra | n. ( ) weight, burden (see /a-khidra-yāman-.)  |
khidvas | mfn. (irregular perfect tense parasmE-pada P.) pressing upon, oppressing  |
khikhi | f. (equals kikhi-) a fox  |
khikkhimin | mfn. speaking indistinctly  |
khila | m. (n. ) a piece of waste or uncultivated land situated between cultivated fields, desert, bare soil  |
khila | according to to some also"pasture-land"  |
khila | n. "a space not filled up, gap", that which serves to fill up a gap, supplement (of a book etc.), additional hymn appended to the regular collection etc.  |
khila | n. a compendium, compilation (especially of hymns and prayers)  |
khila | n. plural remainder  |
khila | n. sg. (in algebra) an insolvable problem  |
khila | n. obduracy  |
khila | n. equals vedhas- (brahmā- or viṣṇu- )  |
khila | mfn. defective, insufficient  |
khilagrantha | m. Name of work  |
khilakāṇḍa | n. "supplementary section", Name of  |
khilakṣetra | n. an uncultivated field  |
khilapāṭha | m. (opposed to sūtra-p-) a collective N. for , , and vArttika  |
khilī | ind. fr. la- q.v  |
khilībhūta | mfn. (anything) that has become a desert, abandoned, unfrequented (by genitive case)  |
khilībhūta | mfn. frustrated  |
khilīkṛ | (ind.p. -kṛtya-), to make vain or powerless  |
khilīkṛta | mfn. turned into a desert, devastated, made impassable  |
khilīkṛta | mfn. made powerless  |
khilya | m. a piece of waste or uncultivated land situated between cultivated fields  |
khilya | m. a piece of rock in the earth, mass, heap, lump  |
khilya | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
khilya | (according to to some also"pasture-land").  |
khimiḍī | f. Name of a district in the Central Provinces  |
khindaka | m. Name of the Arabic astronomer Alkindi.  |
khindhi | m. idem or 'm. Name of the Arabic astronomer Alkindi.'  |
khindhika | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. Name of the Arabic astronomer Alkindi.' '  |
khiṅkhira | m. idem or 'f. (equals kikhi-) a fox '  |
khiṅkhira | m. (equals khaṭvāṅga-) the foot of a bedstead (one of śiva-'s weapons)  |
khiṅkhira | m. a kind of perfume (commonly hāla-)  |
khiṅkhirī | f. a fox  |
khinna | mfn. depressed, distressed, suffering pain or uneasiness etc.  |
khinna | mfn. wearied, exhausted  |
khinnamānasa | mfn. distressed in mind,  |
khirahiṭṭī | f. Name of a plant  |
khiṭ | cl.1 P. kheṭati-, to be terrified or frightened ; to terrify, alarm  |
abhilekhita | n. a written document  |
ākāśamukhin | m. plural Name of a śaiva- sect (the adherents of which keep their faces turned towards the sky).  |
ākhid | P. -khid/ati- (1. sg. -khidāmi-; imperative 2. sg. -khidā-) to take away, draw to one's self  |
ākhida | ([ ]) ([ ]) mfn. one who draws to himself.  |
ākhidat | ([ ]) mfn. one who draws to himself.  |
akhidra | mf(ā-)n. not weak  |
akhidrayāman | (/akhidra--) mfn. unwearied in course  |
akhila | mf(ā-)n. without a gap, complete, whole  |
akhilātman | m. the universal Spirit, brahma-.  |
akhilena | ind. completely.  |
akhilīkṛ | -kṛtya- ind.p. not having annihilated or rendered powerless  |
ākhilya | n. (fr. a-khila-), the whole  |
akhinna | mfn. unwearied,  |
ālikhita | mfn. delineated by scratches, scratched  |
ālikhita | mfn. drawn, written, delineated, painted  |
ambaralekhin | mfn. touching the sky,  |
aparimitālikhita | mfn. having an indefinite number of lines  |
ardhalikhita | mfn. half painted  |
arjunasakhi | m. "having arjuna- for his friend", Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
asakhi | m. an untrustworthy friend commentator or commentary on  |
asmatsakhi | (asm/at--) m(Nominal verb khā-)fn. having us as friends  |
asukhin | mfn. unhappy, sorrowful  |
āśvalāyanaśākhin | mfn. āśvalāyanaśākhā |
atiduḥkhita | (or -duṣkhita-) mfn. greatly afflicted, very sad.  |
avabhāsanaśikhin | m. Name of a nāga- demon  |
avarohaśākhin | m. "having branches with avaroha-- shoots ", the Indian fig-tree  |
ayathāmukhina | mfn. having the face turned away  |
bahuśākhin | mfn. equals prec. mfn.  |
balabhitsakhi | m. balabhid |
bālakhilya | See vāla-kh-.  |
balakhin | mfn. coming from Balkh  |
bālasakhi | m. equals -mitra-  |
bālasakhi | m. the friend of a fool ( bālasakhitva -tva- n.)  |
bālasakhitva | n. bālasakhi |
bhṛśaduḥkhita | mfn. very much afflicted, very unfortunate or unhappy  |
brahmalikhita | n.  |
citralikhita | mfn. painted  |
daurmukhi | m. patronymic fr. dur-mukha-  |
devasakhi | m. "id.", Name of a mountain (Bombay edition) iv, 43, 17.  |
dinaduḥkhita | mfn. "afflicted by day"  |
dinaduḥkhita | m. the cakra-vāka- bird  |
dīrghaśākhikā | f. a kind of shrub  |
duḥkhaduḥkhin | mfn. having sorrow upon sorrow  |
duḥkhin | mfn. pained, afflicted, grieved  |
duḥkhita | mfn. pained, distressed  |
duḥkhita | mfn. afflicted, unhappy etc.  |
duḥkhitā | f.  |
duḥkhitacitta | mfn. grieved in mind  |
duḥkhitva | n.  |
duḥkhiya | Nom. P. yati-, to feel pain, be distressed  |
durlikhita | mfn. badly scarified  |
ghṛtalekhinī | f. idem or 'f. a ladle for ghee '  |
goṣakhi | (g/oṣakhā-) m. "having cattle as friends (s/akhi-) ", possessing cattle (see -sakhi-.)  |
gosakhi | (g/o--) mfn.(m. accusative khāyam-) "having milk as its friend", mixed with milk (soma-) (see -ṣakhi-.)  |
gosakhi | etc. See g/o-, .  |
hrītamukhin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. equals hrīṇa-m- '  |
indrasakhi | (/indra-) mf(ā-)n. one whose ally or companion is indra-  |
indrāyudhaśikhin | m. Name of a nāga-.  |
īśasakhi | m. śiva-'s friend, Name of kuvera-.  |
ityālikhita | mfn. so scratched or marked  |
kalpaśākhin | m. equals -taru-.  |
kaṇṭapuṅkhikā | f. Solanum Jacquini  |
kaṇvasakhi | m. having the kaṇva-s as friends, friendly disposed to them  |
kāṇvaśākhin | m. a follower of the kāṇva- branch of the veda-.  |
kharamukhikā | f. a kind of musical instrument  |
kikhi | m. a monkey  |
kikhi | f. a small kind of jackal or fox  |
kiṃsakhi | Nominal verb khā- m. ( ) a bad friend  |
kunakhin | mfn. having bad or diseased nails etc.  |
kunakhin | m. Name of a man  |
kunakhin | m. of a work belonging to the  |
lalāṭalikhita | mfn. written (by brahmā-) on the forehead (See above)  |
lekhikā | f. a little stroke  |
lekhin | mfn. scratching, grazing, touching (ambara-l-."touching the sky")  |
lekhiṇī | f. a spoon, ladle (See ghṛta-l-and see lekhana-).  |
lekhita | mfn. (fr. Causal) caused to be written  |
lekhita | mfn. written  |
likhikhilla | (?) m. a peacock  |
likhita | mfn. scratched, scraped, scarified etc.  |
likhita | mfn. written (= mentioned )  |
likhita | mfn. drawn, delineated, sketched, painted  |
likhita | m. Name of a ṛṣi- and author of a work on law (frequently mentioned together with śaṅkha- q.v). ( )  |
likhita | m. Name of śaṅkha-'s brother (whose hands were cut off by king su-dyumna- as a punishment for having eaten some fruit in śaṅkha-'s hermitage without leave, described in )  |
likhita | n. a writing, written document, scripture ( ) .  |
likhitapāṭha | m. the reading of written words, learning from books  |
likhitapāṭhaka | m. one who reads from manuscript |
likhitarudra | m. Name of a grammarian  |
likhitasmṛti | f. Name of a law-book (see above) .  |
likhitatva | n. the condition of being written down  |
likhitavya | mfn. to be painted  |
likhitṛ | m. a painter  |
madanaśikhipīḍā | f. the pain of the fire of love  |
mārgaśākhin | m. a tree by the road-side  |
marutsakhi | mf(ā-). (mar/ut--;only Nominal verb mf. -sakhā-), having the marut-s for friends  |
matsakhi | (m/at-.) m. my companion, my friend  |
maukhika | mfn. (fr. mukha-)  |
mayūkhin | mfn. radiant, brilliant  |
mūrkhiman | m. dulness, stupidity, folly gaRa dṛḍhādi-.  |
nakhānakhi | ind. nail against nail, close fighting (with mutual scratching). (see keśā-keśi-).  |
nakhin | mfn. having nails or claws  |
nakhin | mfn. thorny, prickly  |
nakhin | m. a clawed animal, lion |
nikāmasukhin | mfn. exceedingly happy  |
nikhid | P. -khld/ati-, to press down  |
nikhila | mf(ā-)n. complete, all, whole, entire etc. |
nikhilena | ind. completely, totally (see a-kh-).  |
nirgatanikhilakalmaṣatā | f. the state of being entirely freed from sin  |
niṣkhid | P. -khidati- (infinitive mood -kh/idam- ), to loosen, get loose  |
nivartitākhilāhāra | mfn. one who has abstained from all food  |
nṛvatsakhi | mfn. (nṛv/at--) (a sacrifice) having many associates who take part in it  |
pañcaśikhin | mfn. equals -śikha- mfn.  |
paramaduḥkhita | mfn. deeply afflicted  |
parikhid | P. -khidyati-, to be depressed or afflicted, feel uneasy : Causal -khedayati-, to trouble, afflict, destroy  |
parikhinna | mfn. depressed, afflicted, exhausted  |
parilikhita | (p/ari--) mfn. enclosed in a circle  |
pārimukhika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. pari-mukham-) being before the eyes, near, present  |
paripuṅkhita | mfn. feathered (as an arrow)  |
phalāgraśākhin | mfn. having fruits at the ends of its branches  |
prakhid | (only pr. p. -khid/at-), to thrust away  |
prarohiśākhin | mfn. (a tree) whose branches grow again  |
praśākhikā | f. a small branch, twig  |
pratilikhita | mfn. written back, answered  |
preṅkhita | mfn. swung, shaken, set in motion  |
preṅkhita | mfn. joined to, being in contact with (?)  |
puṅkhilatīrtha | n. Name of a place of pilgrimage (= rāma-t-)  |
puṅkhita | mfn. shafted or feathered (as an arrow)  |
puṅkhitaśara | mfn. having or armed with shafted or feathered arrows (as the god of love)  |
ratikhedakhinna | m. fatigued by sexual enjoyment  |
ratnaśikhin | m. Name of a buddha-  |
rekhin | mfn. having lines on the hand, lined (bahu-r-) |
ṛjvālikhita | mfn. scratched with straight lines  |
rohaśikhin | m. fire which mounts upwards, ascending flame  |
ṛtumukhin | mfn. taking place on the first day of a season commentator or commentary on  |
śaikhina | mfn. (fr. śikhin-) relating to or coming from or produced by a peacock  |
saindhavakhilya | m. a lump of salt  |
śākhi | m. plural Name of a people (equals turuṣka-; see next)  |
sakhi | m. (strong cases Nominal verb s/akhā- plural s/akhāyaḥ-; accusative sg. s/akhāyam-; genitive case ablative s/akhyus-;other cases regularly from sakhi-) a friend, assistant, companion etc.  |
sakhi | m. the husband of the wife's sister, brother-in-law  |
sākhi | m. Name of a people (see śākhi-)  |
sakhibhāva | m. friendship, intimacy  |
sakhidatta | m. gaRa sakhy-ādi-.  |
sākhidatteya | mfn. (fr. sakhidatta-) belonging to a friend's gift gaRa sakhy-ādi-.  |
śākhila | m. Name of a man  |
sakhila | mfn. (for sakh-See) with the supplements  |
sakhila | mfn. (for sa-khila-See) friendly  |
sākhilya | n. (fr. sakhila-) friendship,  |
śākhin | mfn. provided with branches  |
śākhin | mfn. separated into schools (said of the veda-)  |
śākhin | mfn. adhering to a particular Vedic school  |
śākhin | m. a tree etc.  |
śākhin | m. a veda- which exists in various schools  |
śākhin | m. the follower of any Vedic school  |
śākhin | m. Salvadora Persica  |
śākhin | m. Name of a king  |
śākhin | m. plural Name of a people (equals turuṣka-; see śākhi-)  |
sakhipūrva | mfn. one who has been formerly a friend  |
sakhipūrva | n. equals next  |
sakhitā | f. ( ) friendship, companionship, intimacy with (instrumental case with and without saha- genitive case,or compound)  |
sakhitva | n. ( etc.) friendship, companionship, intimacy with (instrumental case with and without saha- genitive case,or compound) |
sakhitvana | n. ( ) friendship, companionship, intimacy with (instrumental case with and without saha- genitive case,or compound)  |
sakhivat | (s/akhi--) mfn. having friends or adherents  |
sakhivat | ind. like a friend, as a friend  |
sakhivid | mfn. winning friends  |
sakhivigraha | m. war of friends, civil war  |
śakraśākhin | m. equals -vṛkṣa-  |
saṃkhid | P. -khidati-, to press or force together ; to drag or tear away  |
saṃlikhita | mfn. scratched etc. (used in to express some act in gambling).  |
sammukhin | m. a looking-glass, mirror  |
sampramukhita | mfn. (See pramukha-) placed at the head, foremost, first, chief.  |
saṃsukhita | mfn. perfectly delighted or gratified.  |
śaṅkhalikhita | mfn. perfect in its kind, faultless, flawless (with vṛtti- f.faultless conduct)  |
śaṅkhalikhita | m. a king who practises justice, a Just king  |
śaṅkhalikhita | m. dual number the two ṛṣi-s śaṅkha- and likhita- (authors of a law-book)  |
śāṅkhalikhita | mfn. composed by śaṅkha- and likhita- (q.v)  |
śaṅkhalikhitapriya | m. "beloved, by śaṅkha- and likhita-", a friend of strict justice  |
śaṅkhalikhitasmṛti | f. the law-book of śaṅkha- and likhita-.  |
śaṅkhikā | f. Andropogon Aciculatus  |
śaṅkhika | m. Name of a man  |
śāṅkhika | mf(ī-)n. made from or relating to a conch-shell or to any shell, shelly |
śāṅkhika | m. a shell-blower or player on the conch-shell  |
śāṅkhika | m. a shell-cutter, worker or dealer in shells (constituting a particular caste called Sankhari)  |
śaṅkhin | mfn. possessing a conch (as viṣṇu-)  |
śaṅkhin | mfn. bearing shells (as water)  |
śaṅkhin | mfn. possessing the treasure called śaṅkha-  |
śaṅkhin | mfn. possessed by the demon śaṅkha-  |
śaṅkhin | m. the ocean  |
śaṅkhin | m. a worker in shells  |
śaṅkhin | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
śāṅkhina | m. patronymic fr. śaṅkhin-  |
śaṅkhiṇī | f. See next.  |
śaṅkhinī | f. of prec.  |
śaṅkhinī | f. mother of pearl  |
śaṅkhinī | f. a particular plant (according to to Andropogon Aciculatus, Cissampelos Hexandra equals śveta-cukrā-, śveta-puṃnāga-,and śveta-vṛndā-)  |
śaṅkhinī | f. a particular vein (nāḍī-)  |
śaṅkhinī | f. Name of one of the four classes into which females are divided (the other three being citriṇī-, padminī-,and hastinī-)  |
śaṅkhinī | f. Name of a śakti- worshipped by Buddhists  |
śaṅkhinī | f. a kind of semidivine being or fairy (upadevatā-viśeṣa-)  |
śaṅkhinī | f. Name of a tīrtha-  |
śaṅkhinīphala | m. Acacia Sirissa  |
śaṅkhinīvāsa | m. Trophis Aspera  |
śaracchikhin | (for -śikhin-) m. a peacock in autumn (supposed to cease its cries)  |
sasakhi | ind. similar to a friend  |
śastraśikhin | mfn. proud of (the practice of) weapons  |
saukhika | mfn. intent upon welfare etc.  |
saukhika | mfn. equals sukhena jīvati- gaRa vetanādi-.  |
savālakhilya | mfn. together with the vālakhilya- hymns  |
śikhi | m. (mc. for śikhin-) a peacock  |
śikhi | m. Name of indra- under manu- tāmasa-  |
śikhi | m. the god of love |
śikhi | in compound for śikhin-.  |
śikhibhū | m. Name of skanda-  |
śikhidhvaja | m. "fire-marked", smoke  |
śikhidhvaja | m. "peacock-marked", Name of kārttikeya-  |
śikhidhvaja | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
śikhidhvajatīrtha | n. idem or 'n. Name of a tīrtha- '  |
śikhidiś | f. agni-'s quarter of the sky, south-east  |
śikhidyut | mfn. gleaming like fire  |
śikhigrīva | n. blue vitriol  |
śikhikaṇa | m. "fire-particle", a spark  |
śikhikaṇṭha | n. blue vitriol  |
śikhimaṇḍala | m. Crataeva Roxburghii  |
śikhimodā | f. a kind of plant (equals aja-m-)  |
śikhimūla | See śikhā-m-.  |
śikhin | mfn. having a tuft or lock of hair on the top of the head etc.  |
śikhin | mfn. one who has reached the summit of knowledge  |
śikhin | mfn. proud  |
śikhin | m. a peacock etc.  |
śikhin | m. a cock  |
śikhin | m. Ardea Nivea (a kind of heron or crane)  |
śikhin | m. a bull  |
śikhin | m. a horse  |
śikhin | m. "having flame", fire or the fire-god etc.  |
śikhin | m. the number"three"(from the three sacred fires)  |
śikhin | m. a lamp  |
śikhin | m. a comet  |
śikhin | m. Name of ketu- (the personified descending node)  |
śikhin | m. a mountain  |
śikhin | m. a tree  |
śikhin | m. Carpopogon Pruriens  |
śikhin | m. Trigonella Foenum Graecum  |
śikhin | m. a kind of potherb (equals sitāvara-)  |
śikhin | m. an arrow  |
śikhin | m. a Brahman  |
śikhin | m. a religious mendicant  |
śikhin | m. Name of a serpent-demon  |
śikhin | m. of indra- under manu- tāmasa-  |
śikhin | m. of the second buddhi- (see )  |
śikhin | m. of a brahmā- (with Buddhists)  |
śikhin | m. cock's comb, Celosia Cristata  |
śikhina | m. a particular gaṇa- of śiva-  |
śikhinī | f. a pea-hen  |
śikhipiccha | ( ) ( ) n. a peacock's tail.  |
śikhipriya | m. a kind of jujube tree  |
śikhipuccha | ( ) n. a peacock's tail.  |
śikhiśekhara | n. a peacock's crest  |
śikhiśikhā | f. a peacock's crest  |
śikhiśikhā | f. "fire-peak", a flame  |
śikhiśṛṅga | m. a spotted antelope  |
śikhitā | f. the state of a peacock  |
śikhitama | m. a particular gaṇa- of śiva-  |
śikhitīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
śikhivāhana | m. "having a peacock for his vehicle", Name of kārttikeya-  |
śikhivardhaka | m. Benincasa Cerifera  |
śikhivāsas | m. Name of a mountain  |
śikhivrata | n. a particular religious observance,  |
śikhiyūpa | m. a kind of antelope (equals śrī-kārin-)  |
śivālikhita | mn. (śivā-l-or śivāl-?) Name of work  |
śivālikhitaparibhāṣā | f. Name of work  |
somasakhi | (s/oma--) mfn. having soma- as a companion  |
śramakhinna | mfn. distressed by fatigue  |
śrāvayatsakhi | (y/at--) mfn. making the friend famous  |
suduḥkhita | mfn. much grieved, greatly afflicted |
suduṣkhita | See -duḥkha-, khita-.  |
sukhaduḥkhin | mfn. feeling pleasure and pain  |
sukhi | in compound for sukhin-.  |
sukhin | mfn. possessing or causing happiness or pleasure, happy, joyful, pleasant, comfortable, easy etc.  |
sukhin | m. a religious ascetic  |
sukhisvabhāva | m. a happy or contented disposition  |
sukhitā | f. ( varia lectio) ease, comfort, happiness.  |
sukhita | mfn. pleased, delighted, comforted ( sukhitam am- ind.) etc.  |
sukhita | n. happiness  |
sukhitam | ind. sukhita |
sukhitva | n. ( ) ease, comfort, happiness.  |
sulikhita | mfn. well written down, well registered  |
sunikhilam | ind. very completely  |
suraśākhin | m. "tree of the gods", the kalpa- tree  |
suṣakhi | mfn. a good friend or having good friends  |
susakhi | m. (see su-ṣakhi-) a good friend  |
susukhin | mfn. very comfortable or happy  |
svahastollikhita | mfn. drawn or painted by one's own hands, |
svalikhita | n. any document or receipt written with one's own hand  |
śvetāśvataraśākhin | f., plural idem or ' f., plural idem or 'm. plural his school ' '  |
tagaraśikhin | m. Name of a man |
taittirīyaśākhin | mfn. belonging to khā-  |
tāmraśikhin | m. "red-crested", a cock  |
tanmukhikayā | instrumental case ind. for this reason  |
tilaśikhin | m. equals -mayūra-  |
triśikhidalā | f. "trident-leaved", Name of a bulb  |
tryālikhita | mfn. indented or marked in 3 places (a brick)  |
tryālikhitavat | mfn. consisting of bricks so marked  |
ullekhin | mfn. scratching, touching  |
ullekhin | mfn. delineating, making visible or clear  |
ullikhita | mfn. slit, torn  |
ullikhita | mfn. scratched, polished, etc.  |
ullikhita | painted,  |
upakhila | n. a sub-supplement, supplement to a supplement  |
utkhid | (ud-- khid-) P. -khid/ati-, to draw out, extract  |
utkhilī | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a goddess,  |
vaiśākhin | m. a particular part of an elephant's forefoot  |
vālakhilya | n. (also written bāl-,of doubtful derivation) Name of a collection of 11 (according to to some only 6 or 8) hymns of the ṛg-- veda- (commonly inserted after viii, 48, but numbered separately as a supplement by some editors;they are also called vālakhilyāḥ-,with or scilicet mantrāḥ-,or ṛcaḥ-,and daśatī vālakhilyakā-) etc.  |
vālakhilya | n. (ly/a-) plural Name of a class of ṛṣi-s of the size of a thumb (sixty thousand were produced from brahmā-'s body and surround the chariot of the sun) etc.  |
vālakhilyā | f. Name of a particular kind of brick  |
vālakhilyagrantha | m. Name of work  |
vālakhilyasaṃhitā | f. the collection of the vālakhilya- hymns,  |
vālakhilyaśastra | n. Name of work  |
vālakhilyāśrama | m. Name of a hermitage  |
vālakhilyeśvaratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
vālikhilla | m. Name of a son of draviḍa-  |
vālikhilya | wrong reading for vālakh-.  |
varṇalekhikā | f. equals -rekhā-  |
vasantaśākhin | m. equals -dru-  |
vāyusakhi | m. "having the wind for a friend", fire  |
vikhid | P. -khidati-, to tear asunder, rend apart  |
vilekhin | mfn. scratching id est rubbing against, touching, reaching up to (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
vilikhita | mfn. scratched, scraped, scarified  |
vimukhin | mfn. having the face averted, averse from, hostile  |
vimukhita | mfn. averse, hostile  |
vimukhitā | f. (or vimukhitātva -tva- n.) turning away, aversion, enmity  |
vimukhitātva | n. vimukhitā |
viśākhikā | f. a forked pole  |
viśākhikādaṇḍa | m. idem or 'f. a forked pole '  |
viśākhila | m. Name of an author  |
viśākhila | m. of a merchant  |
viṣāṇollikhitaskandha | mfn. one whose shoulders are grazed or scratched by his horns (said of the leader of a herd of cattle to mark superiority)  |
visarpakhinnavigraha | mfn. one whose body is moist with the exudation caused by the visarpa- disease  |
yajuḥśākhin | mfn. familiar with a śākhā- of the yajur-veda-  |
yathābhilikhita | (thābh-) mfn. painted or written in the manner stated  |
yathālikhitānubhāvin | (thāl-) mfn. perceiving that anything is (only) painted  |
yathāparilikhitam | ind. according to the outline or sketch  |