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Grammar Search
"katham" has 1 results
Monier-Williams Search
7 results for katham
kathamind. (fr. 2. ka-), how? in what manner? whence? (exempli gratia, 'for example' katham etat-,how is that? katham idānīm-,how now? what is now to be done? katham mārātmake tvayi viśvāsaḥ-,how can there be reliance on thee of murderous mind? katham utsṛjya tvāṃ gaccheyam-,how can I go away deserting you? katham buddhvā bhaviṣyati sā-,how will she be when she awakes? katham mṛtyuḥ-, prabhavati vedavidām-,whence is it that death has power over those that know the veda-? katham avagamyate-,whence is it inferred?) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kathamind. sometimes katham- merely introduces an interrogation (exempli gratia, 'for example' katham ātmānaṃ nivedayāmi kathaṃ vātmāpahāraṃ karomi-,shall I declare myself or shall I withdraw?) katham- is often found in connection with the particles iva-, nāma-, nu-, svid-, which appear to generalize the interrogation (how possibly? how indeed? etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kathamind. with nu- it is sometimes equals kimu-, or kutas- (exempli gratia, 'for example' katkaṃ nu-,how much more! na kathaṃ nu-,how much less!) katham- is often connected, like kim-, with the particles cana-, cid-, and api-, which give an indefinite sense to the interrogative (exempli gratia, 'for example' kathaṃ cana-,in any way, some how;scarcely, with difficulty; na kathaṃ cana-,in no way at all; kathaṃcit-,some how or other, by some means or other, in any way, with some difficulty, scarcely, in a moderate degree, a little; na kathaṃcit-,not at all, in no way whatever; na kathaṃcid na-,in no way not id est most decidedly; yathā kathaṃcit-,in any way whatsoever; kathaṃcid yadi jīvati-,it is with difficulty that he lives; katham api-,some how or other, with some difficulty, scarcely a little; katham api na-,by no means, not at all) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kathamind. according to lexicographers katham- is a particle implying amazement View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kathamind. surprise View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kathamind. pleasure View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kathamind. abuse. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
katham कथम् ind. [किम्-प्रकारार्थे थमु कादेशश्च] 1 How, in what way, in what manner, whence; कथं मारात्मके त्वयि विश्वासः H.1; अथ स वैद्यः कथम् Mu.2 'well, how did the physician fare'; सानुबन्धाः कथं न स्युः संपदो मे निरापदः R.1.64,3.44; कथमात्मानं निवेदयामि कथं वा$$त्मापहारं करोमि Ś.1 (where the speaker is doubtful as to the propriety of what he says). -2 Oh what indeed ! (expressing surprise); कथं मामेवोद्दिशति Ś.6. -3 It is often connected with the particles इव, नाम, नु, वा, or स्वित् in the sense of, 'how indeed', 'how possibly', 'I should like to know', (where the question is generalized); कथं वा गम्यते U.3; कथं नामैतत् U.6. -4 When connected with the particles चित्, चन or अपि it means 'in every way', 'on any account', 'somehow', 'with great difficulty', 'with great efforts'; तस्य स्थित्वा कथमपि पुरः Me.3; कथमप्युन्नमितं न चुम्बितं तु Ś.3.24; न लोकवृत्तं वर्तेत वृत्तिहेतोः कथंचन Ms. 4.11,5.143; कथंचिदीशा मनसां बभूवुः Ku.3.34; कथं कथमपि उत्थितः Pt.1; विसृज्य कथमप्युमाम् Ku.6.3; Me.22; Amaru.12,39,5,73; Pt.1. -5 Scarcely, hardly; कथमपि भुवने$स्मिंस्तादृशाः संभवन्ति Māl.2.9. -Comp. -कथिकः an inquisitive person. -कारम् ind. in what manner, how; कथंकारमनालम्बा कीर्तिर्द्यामधिरोहति Śi.2.52; कथंकारं भुङ्क्ते Sk; N.17.126. सो$हंकारं कथंकारं न करिष्यति मय्यरौ Śiva. B.15.17. -प्रमाण a. of what measure. -भावः what state. -भूत a. 1 how being. -2 of what nature or kind (oft. used by commentators). -रूप a. of what shape. -वीर्य a. of what power; Rām.3.
Macdonell Search
2 results
katham ad. how? whence? why? with pot. or impv. (sts. ind.) how could, would, or should ? with mâ and aor. how should not --? sts. exclamation, what! sts. weakened to a simple interrogative=nonne or num? with nú, how, I wonder? how much more? with neg. how much less? with iva, how so? why pray? with nâma, svid, how pray? why I wonder? with kana, by no means: generally strengthened by preceding negative; with kid and api (not till Kâlidâsa) indef. in some way, by some means, somehow or other, by accident; with difficulty, only just, scarcely (katham often repeated); a. little, somewhat;with neg. in no manner, by no means; yathâ katham kid, in whatever manner; in any way.
akatham ad. without (a &open;why&close;=) more ado.
Bloomfield Vedic
2 results0 results2 results
katham anuṣṭup katham ekaviṃśaḥ AVś.8.9.20d.
katham utsarjanaṃ bhavet Kauś.68.37d.
Vedabase Search
180 results
katham for what purposeSB 11.21.25
katham for what reasonSB 1.4.11
katham howBG 1.36
BG 10.17
BG 14.21
BG 2.21
BG 2.4
BG 4.4
BG 8.2
katham howBG 8.2
CC Antya 1.146
CC Antya 1.153
katham howCC Antya 1.153
CC Antya 1.154
CC Madhya 19.176
CC Madhya 2.28
CC Madhya 2.58
CC Madhya 21.9
MM 12
SB 1.10.1
SB 1.10.11-12
SB 1.11.10
SB 1.13.45
SB 1.13.46
SB 1.19.36
SB 1.4.6
SB 1.6.3
SB 1.8.20
SB 10.1.37
SB 10.12.28
SB 10.13.39
SB 10.14.21
SB 10.14.49
SB 10.16.2
SB 10.16.58
SB 10.26.13
SB 10.26.2
SB 10.26.3
SB 10.29.12
SB 10.29.34
SB 10.33.26-27
SB 10.38.41
SB 10.39.24
SB 10.39.29
SB 10.39.30
SB 10.39.42-43
SB 10.47.41
SB 10.47.51
SB 10.52.42
SB 10.55.33
SB 10.56.40-42
katham howSB 10.56.40-42
SB 10.61.20
SB 10.64.26
SB 10.65.11-12
SB 10.65.13
SB 10.68.28
SB 10.7.8
SB 10.74.33-34
SB 10.74.35
SB 10.74.36
SB 10.76.31
katham howSB 10.76.31
SB 10.77.24
SB 10.80.15
SB 10.81.21-23
SB 10.87.1
SB 10.87.15
SB 10.87.32
SB 11.1.8
SB 11.1.9
SB 11.13.22
SB 11.14.23
SB 11.24.28
SB 11.30.2
SB 11.6.45
SB 12.2.42
SB 2.7.7
SB 3.13.16
SB 3.2.3
SB 3.20.10
SB 3.22.37
SB 3.27.19
SB 3.33.4
SB 3.4.28
SB 3.7.2
SB 4.13.21
SB 4.14.9
SB 4.15.26
SB 4.17.19
SB 4.17.21
SB 4.17.31
SB 4.17.4
SB 4.2.2
SB 4.20.23
SB 4.20.26
SB 4.20.30
SB 4.28.18
SB 4.28.21
SB 4.3.13
SB 4.31.22
SB 4.9.8
SB 5.10.20
SB 5.22.1
SB 5.25.9
SB 5.26.1
SB 5.8.26
SB 6.14.1
SB 6.14.6
SB 6.16.45
SB 6.18.70
SB 6.2.5-6
SB 6.4.10
SB 6.5.20
SB 6.5.9
SB 6.7.35
SB 6.7.36
SB 6.9.39
SB 7.1.1
SB 7.1.20
SB 7.1.48
SB 7.2.34
SB 7.2.55
SB 7.6.11-13
katham howSB 7.6.11-13
SB 7.9.28
SB 7.9.34
SB 7.9.39
SB 8.19.33
SB 8.20.3
SB 8.22.23
SB 9.1.28
SB 9.11.24
SB 9.23.37
SB 9.3.21
SB 9.4.65
SB 9.8.12
SB 9.8.13
SB 9.8.23
SB 9.9.30
SB 9.9.31
katham how does it happenSB 11.10.35
katham how in the worldSB 11.17.57
katham how indeedSB 11.2.54
katham how is itSB 1.4.7
katham how is it possibleSB 11.13.8
SB 11.20.3
katham how is it soSB 3.7.5
SB 8.9.9
katham in what mannerSB 11.15.2
katham in what waySB 11.10.36-37
katham on what groundsSB 1.18.34
katham what forSB 3.7.3
katham what is the processSB 11.13.17
katham what is the value ofSB 6.1.9
katham whyBG 1.37-38
SB 10.17.1
SB 10.34.11
SB 10.47.13
SB 10.47.20
SB 10.89.30-31
SB 4.1.28
SB 4.11.12
SB 4.9.28
SB 5.1.1
SB 6.18.20
SB 6.5.6-8
SB 8.24.14
katham bhavet how could it be soSB 10.12.41
katham bhavet how could it be soSB 10.12.41
katham srakṣyāmi how shall I createSB 3.12.34
katham srakṣyāmi how shall I createSB 3.12.34
katham svit by which meansSB 6.1.39
katham svit by which meansSB 6.1.39
citra-katham whose story is wonderfulSB 6.5.6-8
kīrtanya-guṇa-sat-katham whose transcendental pastimes and qualities are gloriousSB 8.4.3-4
citra-katham whose story is wonderfulSB 6.5.6-8
kīrtanya-guṇa-sat-katham whose transcendental pastimes and qualities are gloriousSB 8.4.3-4
kīrtanya-guṇa-sat-katham whose transcendental pastimes and qualities are gloriousSB 8.4.3-4
kīrtanya-guṇa-sat-katham whose transcendental pastimes and qualities are gloriousSB 8.4.3-4
1 result
katham indeclinable how? (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 124/72933
Wordnet Search
"katham" has 2 results.


katham, kena prakāreṇa   

kasyām avasthāyām।

katham asti bhavān।



kayā rītyā।

astitvarahitasya bhagavataḥ jñānaṃ kathaṃ jāyate।

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