kara | mf(ī-,rarely ā-)n. (for 2.See) (1. kṛ-), a doer, maker, causer, doing, making, causing, producing (especially in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; confer, compare duḥkhakara-, bhayaṃ-k-, sampat-k-,etc.; confer, compare Latin cerus-,"creator") etc.  |
kara | mf(ī-,rarely ā-)n. helping, promoting  |
kara | m. the act of doing, making etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; see īṣatkara-, su-k-, duṣ-k-,etc.)  |
kara | m. "the doer", the hand etc.  |
kara | m. a measure (the breadth of twenty-four thumbs)  |
kara | m. an elephant's trunk etc.  |
kara | m. the claws of a crab  |
kara | m. symbolical expression for the number two  |
kara | m. the lunar mansion hasta-  |
kara | m. (for 1.See) ( kṝ-), a ray of light, sunbeam, moonbeam etc.  |
kara | m. hail  |
kara | m. royal revenue, toll, tax, tribute, duty  |
karabadara | n. "a jujube lying in the hand", anything quite clear to all eyes, |
karabaka | m. a species of bird  |
karabāla | See -vāla- below.  |
karabha | m. (for 2.See column 3) ( kṝ- ;but more probably connected with 1. kara-), the trunk of an elephant etc.  |
karabha | m. a young elephant  |
karabha | m. a camel etc.  |
karabha | m. a young camel  |
karabha | m. the metacarpus (the hand from the wrist to the root of the fingers) commentator or commentary on etc.  |
karabha | m. (in mus.) a singer who wrinkles the forehead when singing  |
karabha | m. a kind of perfume  |
karabha | m. a wall  |
karabha | m. Name of danta-vakra- (king of the karūṣa-s)  |
karabhā | f. a particular plant  |
karabha | (for 1.See column 2) n. the lunar mansion called hasta-  |
karabha | etc., for 1. See  |
karabha | for 2., .  |
karabhādanī | f. a species of Alhagi (equals -priyā-above) .  |
karabhagrāma | m. Name of a village  |
karabhagrīva | m. Name of a fortress in the vindhya- mountain  |
karabhājana | m. Name of a Brahman  |
karabhaka | m. Name of a messenger  |
karabhaka | m. of a village (see karabha-grāma-above.)  |
karabhakāṇḍikā | f. Echinops Echinatus  |
karabhañjaka | m. plural Name of a people  |
karabhañjika | varia lectio for the above  |
karabhapriya | m. a sort of tree  |
karabhapriyā | f. a sort of Alhagi  |
karabhāṣṭaka | n. Name of work  |
karabhavallabha | m. Feronia Elephantum.  |
karabhī | f. a she-camel  |
karabhī | f. Tragia Involucrata  |
karabhin | m. "having a trunk", an elephant  |
karabhīya | mfn. tending camels,  |
karabhorū | f. a woman whose thighs resemble the trunk of an elephant  |
karabhū | m. a fingernail.  |
karabhūṣaṇa | n. a hand-ornament, bracelet.  |
karacchada | m. Trophis Aspera  |
karacchadā | f. a species of tree (commonly called sindūra-puṣpī-vṛkṣa-)  |
karaculi | m. Name of a country  |
karad | onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds) (with iti-),  |
karada | (1. kara-da-;for 2.See) mfn. one who gives his hand  |
karada | mfn. paying taxes, subject to tax, tributary  |
karadakṣa | mfn. handy, dexterous, ready  |
karadāyaka | mfn. paying tribute,  |
karadhṛta | mfn. held or supported by the hand  |
karadīkṛ | to render tributary  |
karadīkṛta | mfn. made tributary, subjugated  |
karadruma | m. Name of a poisonous tree (equals kāra-skara-)  |
karadvīpa | m. Guilandina Bonducella  |
karadviṣ | m. plural Name of a tribe or school  |
karagharṣaṇa | m. a churning-stick  |
karagharṣaṇa | m. (n.) the act of rubbing the hands together  |
karagharṣin | m. a churning-stick  |
karaghāṭa | m. a kind of poisonous tree  |
karagraha | (1. kara-graha-;for 2.See) m. taking the hand (of the bride;one part of the ceremony being the placing of the bride's right hand with the palm uppermost in the right hand of the bridegroom), marriage  |
karagraha | m. (2. kara-graha-;for 1.See) levying or gathering taxes  |
karagraha | m. a tax-gatherer.  |
karagrāham | ind.p. so as to take the hand on  |
karagrahaṇa | (1. kara-grahaṇa-;for 2.See) n. idem or '(1. kara-graha-;for 2.See) m. taking the hand (of the bride;one part of the ceremony being the placing of the bride's right hand with the palm uppermost in the right hand of the bridegroom), marriage ' (see pāṇi-gr-.)  |
karagrahaṇa | (2. kara-grahaṇa-) n. levying or gathering taxes.  |
karagrāhin | mfn. (1. kara-grāhin-;for 2.See) taking the hand  |
karagrāhin | mfn. a bridegroom  |
karagrāhin | (2. kara-grāhin-) mfn. levying a tax, a tax-collector.  |
karagṛhīti | f. the act of taking the hand  |
karagrihīti | f. levying taxes (and"shaking hands"),  |
karahañcā | f. Name of a metre of four lines (each consisting of seven syllables).  |
karahāra | mfn. taking tribute  |
karahāṭa | m. the tree Vangueria Spinosa  |
karahāṭa | m. the fibrous root of a lotus  |
karahāṭa | m. Name of a region. |
karahāṭaka | m. Vangueria Spinosa  |
karahāṭaka | m. Name of an heretical prince  |
karahāṭaka | m. a series of six śloka-s with one sentence running through commentator or commentary on  |
karahati | f. a blow with the hand. 1.  |
karaja | m. "produced in or from the hand", a finger-nail etc.  |
karaja | m. Pongamia Glabra (equals karañja-)  |
karaja | n. a kind of perfume (resembling a nail in appearance, equals vyāghra-nakha-)  |
karajākhya | n. a perfume (equals -ja-)  |
karajāla | n. a pencil of rays, a stream of light  |
karajapya | m. Name of a man  |
karajapya | m. plural Name of his tribe  |
karajavardhana | m. Name of a prince  |
karajyoḍi | m. Name of a tree (equals hasta-jyoḍi-)  |
karaka | m. (for 2.See column 3) a water-vessel (especially one used by students or ascetics)  |
karaka | m. a species of bird  |
karaka | m. hand (?)  |
karaka | m. Name of several plants (the pomegranate tree, Pongamia Glabra, Butea Frondosa, Bauhinia Variegata, Mimusops Elengi, Capparis Aphylla)  |
karaka | m. a cocoa-nut shell  |
karaka | mn. a cocoa-nut shell hollowed to form a vessel  |
karaka | m. plural Name of a people  |
karaka | n. fungus, mushroom  |
karaka | m. (for 1.See column 1) hail  |
karaka | m. toll, tax, tribute.  |
karakābhighāta | m. shower of hail, 1.  |
karakacaturthī | f. the fourth day in the dark half of the month āśvina-.  |
karakacchapikā | f. a particular position of the fingers.  |
karakalaśa | m. the hand hollowed to receive water  |
karakamala | n. "hand-lotus", the hand (especially of a lover or a mistress) (see -padma-, -paṅkaja-,etc. below.)  |
karakāmbhas | m. idem or 'm. the cocoa-nut tree '  |
karakāmbu | m. the cocoa-nut tree  |
karakaṇṭaka | m. "hand-thorn", a finger-nail  |
karakapātrikā | f. a leather vessel for holding water.  |
karakarṇa | m. Name of a man  |
karakāsāra | m. a shower of hail.  |
karakāsāra | Nom. P. karakāsārati-, to pour or shower down like hail  |
karakaṭa | m. an elephant's temple (see karaṭa-)  |
karakaṭa | m. Centropus Pyropterus  |
karakatoya | m. the cocoa-nut tree  |
karakāyu | m. Name of a son of dhṛtarāṣṭra- (see kanakāyu-)  |
karakisalaya | m. n. "hand-bud", the hand closed in the form of a bud  |
karakisalaya | m. "hand-shoot", the finger  |
karakoṣa | m. the hand hollowed to receive water (see -kalāśa-.)  |
karakṛtātman | mfn. "living from hand to mouth", destitute  |
karakudmala | n. "hand-bud" (see above) , the finger |
karalāya | Nom. A1. yats-, to become terrible,  |
karama | m. (equals kalama-) a reed for writing with  |
karamadhya | m. a particular measure (equals karṣa-),  |
karamālā | f. the hand used as a rosary (the joints of the fingers corresponding to the beads)  |
karamāla | m. smoke (probably a corruption of khatamāla-).  |
karamanda | m. Name of a man.  |
karamaṇḍalin | m. Achyranthes Aspera  |
karamarda | m. Carissa Carandas etc.  |
karamardā | f. Name of a river,  |
karamardaka | m. idem or 'f. Carissa Carandas '  |
karamardaka | n. the fruit of Carissa Carandas  |
karamardī | f. Carissa Carandas  |
karamarī | f. a prisoner  |
karamaṭṭa | m. the betel-nuttree  |
karamba | mfn. (1. kṛ- ), mixed  |
karamba | mfn. set, inlaid  |
karamba | m. a kind of gruel.  |
karambha | m. groats or coarsely-ground oats etc.  |
karambha | m. a dish of parched grain, a cake or flour or meal mixed with curds, a kind of gruel (generally offered to pūṣan- as having no teeth to masticate hard food) etc.  |
karambha | m. a mixture  |
karambha | m. Name of a poisonous plant  |
karambha | m. of a son of śakuni- and father of devarāta-  |
karambha | m. of the father of asura- mahiṣa-  |
karambha | m. of a monkey  |
karambha | m. of a brother of rambha-  |
karambhā | f. Asparagus Racemosus  |
karambhā | f. fennel  |
karambhā | f. Name of the daughter of a king of kaliṅga- and wife of akrodhana-  |
karambha | mfn. mixed (as an odour)  |
karambhabhāga | mfn. one who receives gruel for his part  |
karambhād | mfn. eating groats or gruel  |
karambhaka | m. a kind of Achyranthes  |
karambhaka | m. Name of a man  |
karambhaka | m. plural Name of a people  |
karambhaka | n. groats, coarsely-ground oats etc.  |
karambhaka | n. a document drawn up in different dialects  |
karambhapātra | n. a dish of gruel  |
karambhavālukā | f. Nominal verb plural hot sand as gruel (a certain punishment in hell)  |
karambhavālukātāpa | m. plural the pains caused by this punishment  |
karambhi | m. Name of a son of śakuni- and father of devarāta-  |
karambhi | m. (ayas-) plural the lineage of karambhi-.  |
karambhin | mfn. possessing gruel  |
karambita | mfn. intermingled, mixed etc.  |
karambita | mfn. pounded, reduced to grains or dust  |
karambita | mfn. set, inlaid  |
karaṃdhama | m. Name of two princes  |
karaṃdhaya | mfn. sucking the hand  |
karamocana | n. idem or 'm. the act of setting free the hand (of the bride by her father when the wedding is finished; see ) '  |
karamokṣa | m. the act of setting free the hand (of the bride by her father when the wedding is finished; see )  |
karamukta | n. (scilicet astra-) a missile, weapon thrown with the hand  |
karamukta | n. a dart, javelin etc.  |
karamukteśvara | n. Name of a temple.  |
karaṇa | mf(ī-)n (once karaṇ/a- ) doing, making, effecting, causing (especially in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; see antakaraṇa-, uṣṇaṃ-k-,etc.) etc.  |
karaṇa | mf(ī-)n clever, skilful  |
karaṇa | m. a helper, companion  |
karaṇa | m. a man of a mixed class (the son of an outcast kṣatriya- ;or the son of a śūdra- woman by a vaiśya- ;or the son of a vaiśya- woman by a kṣatriya- ;the occupation of this class is writing, accounts etc.)  |
karaṇa | m. writer, scribe  |
karaṇa | m. (in grammar) a sound or word as an independent part of speech (or as separated from the context;in this sense usually n.) on commentator or commentary on  |
karaṇa | m. (in mus.) a kind of time  |
karaṇa | n. the act of making, doing, producing, effecting etc. (very often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' exempli gratia, 'for example' muṣṭi-k-, virūpa-k-)  |
karaṇa | n. an act, deed  |
karaṇa | n. an action (especially a religious one)  |
karaṇa | n. the special business of any tribe or caste  |
karaṇa | n. a calculation (especially an astronomical one)  |
karaṇa | n. an astrological division of the day (these karaṇa-s are eleven, viz. vava-, valava-, kaulava-, taitila-, gara-, vaṇija-, viṣṭi-, śakuni-, catuṣpada-, kintughna-,and nāga-,two being equal to a lunar day;the first seven are called a-dhruvāṇi-or movable, and fill, eight times repeated, the space from the second half of the first day in the moon's increase to the first half of the fourteenth day in its wane;the four others are dhruvāṇi-or fixed, and occupy the four half-days from the second half of the fourteenth day in the wane of the moon to the first half of the first day in its increase) etc.  |
karaṇa | n. pronunciation, articulation,  |
karaṇa | n. (in grammar) a sound or word as an independent part of speech, separated from its context etc., (karaṇa-may be used in this way like kāra- exempli gratia, 'for example' iti-karaṇa- )  |
karaṇa | n. the posture of an ascetic  |
karaṇa | n. a posture in sexual intercourse  |
karaṇa | n. instrument, means of action  |
karaṇa | n. an organ of sense or of speech  |
karaṇa | n. (in law) an instrument, document, bond  |
karaṇa | n. (in grammar) the means or instrument by which an action is effected, the idea expressed by the instrumental case, instrumentality  |
karaṇa | n. cause (equals kāraṇa-)  |
karaṇa | n. a spell, charm (see karaṇa-prayoga-)  |
karaṇa | n. rhythm, time  |
karaṇa | n. body  |
karaṇa | n. Name of a treatise of varāha-mihira- on the motion of the planets  |
karaṇa | n. of a work belonging to the śiva-darśana-  |
karaṇa | n. a field  |
karaṇa | n. the mind, heart (see antaḥ-karaṇa-)  |
karaṇa | n. grain  |
karaṇa | n. (also) a sinew, tendon, muscle,  |
karaṇābda | m. plural the years used in astronomical calculations id est years of the sāka- era commentator or commentary on  |
karaṇādhikāra | m. a chapter on the subject of pronunciation.  |
karaṇādhipa | m. "lord of the organs", the principle of life, living soul  |
karaṇādhipa | m. the god presiding over each sense (exempli gratia, 'for example' the sun is the lord of the eye etc.)  |
karaṇagrāma | m. the senses collectively  |
karaṇakesarin | m. Name of work  |
karaṇakutūhala | n. Name of work on practical astronomy by bhāskara-.  |
karaṇamantra | m. a mantra- pertaining to any sacred rite, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
karaṇaneri | m. a kind of dance.  |
karaṇanerika | m. a kind of dance.  |
karaṇaniyama | m. repression or restraint of the organs of sense.  |
karaṇapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
karaṇaprabodha | m. Name of work  |
karaṇaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
karaṇaprayoga | m. spell, charm  |
karaṇaprayoga | m. .  |
karaṇasāra | m. Name of work on practical astronomy by bhāskara-.  |
karaṇasthānabheda | m. difference of articulation or organ of pronunciation.  |
karaṇasūtra | n. Name of work ,  |
karaṇatā | f. instrumentality, the state of being an instrument on  |
karaṇatrāṇa | n. "protecting the organs of sense", the head  |
karaṇāṭṭa | n. Name of a place. |
karaṇatva | n. instrumentality, mediate agency  |
karaṇavat | mfn. articulated  |
karaṇavigama | m. death (= deha-- tyāga-),  |
karaṇavinyaya | m. manner of pronunciation  |
karaṇavyāpāra | m. action of the senses  |
karaṇayati | f. a kind of time (in mus.)  |
karaṇḍa | mf(ī- )n. ( ) a basket or covered box of bamboo wicker-work etc.  |
karaṇḍa | mf(ī- )n. a bee-hive, honey-comb  |
karaṇḍa | m. a sword  |
karaṇḍa | m. a sort of duck  |
karaṇḍa | m. a species of plant (equals dalāḍhaka-)  |
karaṇḍa | n. a piece of wood, block  |
karaṇḍa | See .  |
karaṇḍaka | mf(ikā-). a basket  |
karaṇḍakanivāpa | m. Name of a place near rājagṛha-.  |
karaṇḍakavat | ind. like a basket  |
karaṇḍaphalaka | m. Feronia Elephantum  |
karaṇḍavyūha | m. Name of a Buddhist work.  |
karaṇḍin | m. (karaṇḍas tad-ākāro 'sty asya- ) a fish  |
karaṅgaṇa | (varia lectio for karāṅgaṇa-) m. a market, fair  |
karaṇī | f. a woman of the above mixed tribe  |
karaṇī | f. (with sutā-) an adopted daughter  |
karaṇī | f. (in arithmetic) a surd or irrational number, surd root  |
karaṇī | f. the side of a square commentator or commentary on  |
karaṇī | f. a particular measure commentator or commentary on  |
karaṇī | f. a particular position of the fingers  |
karaṇi | f. doing, making (see a-karaṇi-)  |
karaṇi | f. form, aspect  |
karanihita | mfn. held in the hand  |
karaṇin | mfn. having instruments  |
karaṇin | m. Name of a teacher.  |
karaṇīya | mfn. to be done or made or effected etc.  |
karaṇīya | n. an affair, business, matter,  |
karañja | m. the tree Pongamia Glabra (used medicinally)  |
karañja | m. Name of an enemy of indra- (slain by this god)  |
karañjaha | mfn. pernicious to karañja-  |
karañjaka | mf(ikā-). Pongamia Glabra  |
karañjaka | mf(ikā-). Verbesina Scandens |
karañjaphalaka | m. Feronia Elephantum  |
karañjī | f. Galedupa Piscidia  |
karaṅka | m. the skull, head  |
karaṅka | m. a cocoa-nut hollowed to form a cup or vessel  |
karaṅka | m. a kind of sugar-cane (see the next)  |
karaṅka | m. any bone of the body  |
karaṅka | m. ([ confer, compare Greek , ; Latin carina,cornu,cancer; English horn; confer, compare karka.])  |
karaṅkaśāli | m. a sort of sugar-cane.  |
karaṅkiṇī | f. Name of a yoginī-  |
karantha | m. plural Name of a people  |
karanyāsa | m. marking the hand with mystical figures  |
karanyastakapolāntam | ind. the end of the cheek held in the hand.  |
karapadma | mn. equals -kamala- above.  |
karapāla | (1. kara-pāla-;for 2.See) m. "hand-protecting", a sword, scymitar  |
karapāla | (2. karapāla-;for 1.See) m. chief tax-gatherer  |
karapālaka | m. idem or '(1. kara-pāla-;for 2.See) m. "hand-protecting", a sword, scymitar '  |
karapāli | m. a kind of sword  |
karapālikā | f. a cudgel, short club or wooden sword, a sword or one-edged knife  |
karapallava | m. "hand-shoot", a finger  |
karapallava | m. equals -kisalaya- above  |
karapaṅkaja | m. equals -kamala- above.  |
karapaṇya | n. a commodity given as tribute  |
karaparṇa | m. Abelmoschus Esculentus  |
karaparṇa | m. a kind of Ricinus  |
karapātra | n. splashing water about while bathing (see -pattra-above)  |
karapātra | n. the hand hollowed so as to hold anything  |
karapātrī | f. a cup made of leather  |
karapattra | n. a saw  |
karapattra | n. splashing water about while bathing, playing or gamboling in water  |
karapattrā | f. a species of fig-tree  |
karapattraka | n. a saw  |
karapattravat | m. Borassus Flabelliformis (the leaves being compared to a saw)  |
karapattrikā | f. playing in water (see -pattra-.)  |
karaphu | a particular high number ( )  |
karapraceya | (1. kara-praceya-;for 2.See) mfn. to be held or taken hold of by the hand  |
karapraceya | mfn. to be collected by taxes.  |
karaprada | (1. kara-prada-;for 2.See) mfn. giving the hand etc.  |
karaprada | (2. kara-prada-) mfn. paying taxes, tributary  |
karaprāpta | mfn. held in the hand, obtained, possessed  |
karapṛṣṭha | n. the back of the hand  |
karapuṭa | m. joining the palms of the hands in token of respect  |
karapuṭa | m. the hands joined and hollowed to receive anything  |
karapuṭa | m. a box, chest with a lid  |
karapuṭaṭāñjali | m. cavity made in joining the palms of the hands  |
karapuṭī | f. the hollow of the hand,  |
kararddhi | f. (kara-ṛddhi-) equals -tālī- above  |
kararddhi | f. indication of luck by the hand  |
kararddhi | f. a cymbal  |
kararuddha | mfn. stopped by the hand, held tight or fast.  |
kararudh | mfn. warding off a hand (and"a ray"),  |
kararudh | mfn. ray-obstructing.  |
kararuha | m. "growing from the hand", a finger-nail etc.  |
kararuha | m. Unguis Odoratus  |
kararuhapada | n. a scratch with the finger-nail  |
karas | n. a deed, action  |
karas | See under 1. kar/a-.  |
karasāda | (1. kara-sāda-;for 2.See) m. languor of the hands  |
karasāda | (2. kara-sāda-;for 1.See) m. the fading away of rays  |
karaśākhā | f. a finger  |
karasaṃdaṃśa | m. the thumb and forefinger of the hand,  |
karasaṃdaṃśahīnaka | ( masculine, feminine and neuter; or adjective deprived of the thumb and forefinger),  |
karaśīkara | m. water expelled by an elephant's trunk  |
karasna | m. the fore-part of the arm  |
karasna | m. a finger-nail  |
karasna | See under 1. kar/a-.  |
karaspanda | m. trembling of the hands.  |
karaspanda | (2. kara-spanda-;for 1.See) m. trembling of rays.  |
karasphoṭa | m. extending the hands  |
karasphoṭa | (2. kara-sphoṭa-;for 1.See) m. extending the rays.  |
karastha | mfn. lying in the hand  |
karasthālin | m. "using the hands for a jar", Name of śiva-  |
karasthīkṛ | to lay on the hand.  |
karaśuddhi | f. cleansing the hands with fragrant flowers  |
karaśūka | m. "hand-spicule", a finger-nail  |
karasūtra | n. an auspicious string (tied to the hand at marriage etc.)  |
karasvāmin | m. Name of a tīrtha-.  |
karasvana | m. sound produced by clapping the hands  |
karaṭa | m. an elephant's temple etc.  |
karaṭa | m. the spot between the forehead and ear of a bird  |
karaṭa | m. a crow etc.  |
karaṭa | m. a kind of drum commentator or commentary on  |
karaṭa | m. a man of a low or degraded profession  |
karaṭa | m. a bad Brahman  |
karaṭa | m. an atheist, unbeliever, impugner of the doctrines of the veda-  |
karaṭa | m. a kind of funeral ceremony  |
karaṭa | m. Carthamus Tinctorius  |
karaṭa | m. plural Name of a people  |
karaṭa | m. of a royal dynasty  |
karaṭā | f. an elephant's temple  |
karaṭā | f. a cow difficult to be milked  |
karaṭa | mfn. dark-red  |
karaṭaka | m. a crow  |
karaṭaka | m. Name of a jackal  |
karatala | m. the palm of the hand etc.  |
karatalā | f. a knife  |
karatāla | mf(ī-). a musical instrument, a cymbal  |
karatāla | n. beating time by clapping the hands  |
karataladhṛta | mfn. held in the hand  |
karatalagata | mfn. being in the hand or in one's possession  |
karatālaka | n. a cymbal  |
karatalamalaka | n. "a myrobalan lying in the hand", anything quite clear to all eyes.  |
karatalastha | mfn. resting in the palm of the hand  |
karatalatāla | m. clapping the hands  |
karatālikā | f. clapping the hands  |
karatālikā | f. beating time by clapping  |
karatālikā | f. a kind of cymbal  |
karatalīkṛ | to take in the palm of the hand  |
karatalīkṛta | mfn. taken in the open hand, lying open.  |
karaṭāmukha | n. the spot where an elephant's temple bursts  |
karatanu | m. (see karatantarvika-)  |
karatas | ind. from the hand, out of the hand.  |
karatha | m. Name of a physician  |
karaṭī | f. a crow  |
karaṭikautuka | n. Name of work treating on elephants.  |
karaṭin | m. an elephant  |
karatoyā | f. Name of a river in the north-east of Bengal (said to have, originated from the water poured into the hand of śiva- at his marriage with pārvati-, and thrown by him on the ground)  |
karatoyinī | f. Name of a river (probably = the last)  |
karatṛṇa | n. Pandanus Odoratissimus  |
karaṭu | m. the Numidian crane (see kareṭavyā-, kareṭu-,etc.)  |
karavāla | m. a sword, scymitar etc. (see -pāla-above)  |
karavāla | m. a finger-nail  |
karavālaputrī | f. a knife  |
karavāli | m. a kind of sword  |
karavālikā | f. equals -pālika- above  |
karavallī | f. a kind of plant  |
karavāraka | m. Name of skanda-  |
karavāri | n. water from the hand.  |
karavartam | ind.p. whilst turning the hand on  |
karavat | mfn. paying tribute.  |
karavī | f. the leaf of the plant Asa Foetida (see karvarī-, kavarī-, kāvarī-.)  |
karavīka | m. Name of a mountain.  |
karavimukti | f. Name of a tīrtha-.  |
karavinda | m. Name of an author.  |
karavindīya | n. (fr. the last) , the work of karavinda-.  |
karavīra | m. Oleander (Nerium Odorum)  |
karavīra | m. a species of soma-  |
karavīra | m. a sword  |
karavīra | m. a particular spell (for recovering a missile of mystic properties after its discharge)  |
karavīra | m. the thumb  |
karavīra | m. a cemetery  |
karavīra | m. Name of a nāga-  |
karavīra | m. of a daitya-  |
karavīra | m. of a town on the river Venva (founded by padma-varṇa-) (see kara-vīra-pura-below)  |
karavīra | m. of a town on the river dṛṣadvatī- (the residence of candraśekhara-)  |
karavīra | m. of a mountain  |
karavīrā | f. red arsenic  |
karavīra | n. the flower of Oleander  |
karavīra | See .  |
karavīrabhujā | f. Cajanus Indicus  |
karavīrabhūṣā | f. equals -bhujā-  |
karavīraka | m. the poisonous root of Oleander  |
karavīraka | m. Terminalia Arjuna  |
karavīraka | m. a sword  |
karavīraka | m. a cemetery  |
karavīraka | m. a particular part of the face  |
karavīraka | m. Name of a nāga-  |
karavīrakā | f. red arsenic  |
karavīraka | n. the flower of Oleander  |
karavīrakandasaṃjña | m. a species of onion  |
karavīrakandasaṃjña | m. a bulb (equals tailakanda-)  |
karavīrākara | n. Name of a wood  |
karavīrakarambhin | n. Name of a wood (varia lectio karavīrākara-)  |
karavīramāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
karavīrapura | n. Name of a town founded by padma-varṇa- (see karavīra-)  |
karavīravrata | n. a certain rite  |
karavīrī | f. a woman who has borne a son, a mother  |
karavīrī | f. a good cow  |
karavīrī | f. Name of aditi-  |
karavīrya | m. Name of a physician  |
karavraṇa | m. Name of bhīmasena-  |
abhayaṃkara | ([ ]) ([ ]) mfn. causing safety.  |
abhikara | m. a performer, executor,  |
abhikaraṇa | See svapnābhik/araṇa-.  |
abhimukhīkaraṇa | n. turning the face towards, addressing  |
ābhimukhyakaraṇa | n. addressing a person, on .  |
abhinavavaiyākaraṇa | m. a modern grammarian.  |
abhyantarīkaraṇa | n. initiating in (locative case)  |
abhyucchritakara | mfn. with uplifted proboscis  |
ācāryakaraṇa | n. acting as teacher  |
adhaḥkara | m. the lower part of the hand.  |
ādhīkaraṇa | (ādhī--) n. pledging, mortgaging.  |
adhikaraṇa | n. the act of placing at the head or of subordinating government, supremacy, magistracy, court of justice  |
adhikaraṇa | n. a receptacle, support  |
adhikaraṇa | n. a claim  |
adhikaraṇa | n. a topic, subject  |
adhikaraṇa | n. (in philosophy) a substratum  |
adhikaraṇa | n. a subject (exempli gratia, 'for example' ātman-is the adhi-karaṇa-of knowledge)  |
adhikaraṇa | n. a category  |
adhikaraṇa | n. a relation  |
adhikaraṇa | n. (in grammar) government  |
adhikaraṇa | n. location, the sense of the locative case  |
adhikaraṇa | n. relationship of words in a sentence (which agree together, either as adjective and substantive, or as subject and predicate, or as two substantives in apposition)  |
adhikaraṇa | n. (in rhetoric) a topic  |
adhikaraṇa | n. a paragraph or minor section  |
adhikaraṇa | mfn. having to superintend.  |
adhikaraṇabhojaka | m. a judge.  |
adhikaraṇaitāvattva | n. fixed quantity of a substratum.  |
adhikaraṇalekhaka | m. a clerk at a hall of justice,  |
adhikaraṇamālā | f. a compendium of the topics of the vedānta- by bhāratī-tīrtha-.  |
adhikaraṇamaṇḍapa | m. n. the hall of justice.  |
adhikaraṇasiddhānta | m. a syllogism or conclusion which involves others, etc.  |
ādhikaraṇika | m. (fr. adhikaraṇa-), a judge, government official (See adhi-).  |
adhikaraṇika | or better  |
ādhikaraṇika | m. a government official  |
ādhikaraṇika | m. a judge or magistrate.  |
adhikaraṇya | n. authority, power.  |
adhikarmakara | m. See adhi-- 1 kṛ- below.  |
adhikarmakara | m. an overseer, superintendent.  |
āḍhyaṃkaraṇa | mf(ī-)n. enriching  |
ādikara | m. the first maker, the creator  |
ādikara | m. Name of brahman-  |
adṛśyakaraṇa | n. act of rendering invisible  |
adṛśyakaraṇa | n. Name of a part of a treatise on magic.  |
advaitamakaranda | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
agnaukaraṇa | n. burnt offering, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
agrakara | m. the fore part of the hand, finger  |
agrakara | m. first ray  |
āgūḥkaraṇa | n. idem or 'n. pronouncing the āgur- commentator or commentary on ' on  |
ahaṃkaraṇa | etc. See ah/am-.  |
ahaṃkaraṇa | n. conceit or conception of individuality  |
āharakaraṭā | (id est ā-hara karaṭa! ity-ucyate yasyāṃ kriyāyāṃ sā-),  |
ahaskara | m. ( ; gaRa kaskādi- q.v) "producing the day", the sun  |
ahaskara | See  |
ahimakara | m. "having hot rays", the sun |
āhlādakara | mfn. causing or conferring delight  |
aikādhikaraṇya | n. (fr. ekādhikaraṇa-), the state of having but one object of relation  |
ājñābhaṅgakara | mfn. not executing an order. ([ ])  |
ājñākara | m. "executing an order", a servant  |
ājñākaratva | n. the office of a servant  |
akara | mfn. handless, maimed  |
akara | mfn. exempt from tax or duty, privileged  |
akara | mfn. not acting  |
ākara | ākarika-, etc. See ā-kṝ-.  |
ākara | m. one who scatters id est distributes abundantly  |
ākara | m. accumulation, plenty, multitude etc.  |
ākara | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). ) a mine etc.  |
ākara | m. a rich source of anything  |
ākara | m. place of origin, origin  |
ākara | m. Name of a country (the modern Khandesh)  |
ākara | m. Name of work (quoted in kamalākara-'s śūdradharmatattva-)  |
ākara | mfn. best, excellent  |
ākaraja | mfn. produced in a mine, mineral  |
ākaraja | n. a jewel  |
akaraṇa | n. absence of action.  |
akaraṇi | f. non-accomplishment, failure, disappointment (used in imprecations e.g. tasyākaraṇir evāstu-bad luck to him!)  |
akaraṇīya | mfn. not to be done.  |
ākaratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-.  |
ākekara | mfn. squinting slightly  |
ākhūtkara | m. a mole-hill  |
akhyātikara | mfn. causing infamy, disgraceful.  |
akīrtikara | mfn. causing disgrace, disparaging, insulting.  |
akṣarakara | m. a kind of religious meditation  |
ākulīkaraṇa | etc. See below sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ākulī-.  |
ākulīkaraṇa | n. confounding 1.  |
alaṃkaraṇa | -kūr/a- etc. See /alam-.  |
alaṃkaraṇa | n. making ready, preparation , (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). ) decoration, ornament  |
alaṃkaraṇin | mfn. possessed of an ornament  |
alaṃkāraratnākara | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
ālokakara | mfn. spreading or causing light  |
ālokakara | m. a particular samādhi-,  |
ambusūkara | m. a kind of porcine crocodile,  |
ambutaskara | m. "water thief", the sun  |
amṛtakara | m. "nectar-rayed", the moon  |
amṛtākara | m. "a mine of nectar", Name of a man  |
amṛtīkaraṇa | n. changing into nectar.  |
aṃśakaraṇa | n. act of dividing.  |
anādeśakara | mfn. doing what is not commanded or not allowed  |
ānākarathavartman | mfn. one the path of whose chariot, reaches to the sky  |
ānandakara | mfn. exhilarating, delighting. |
anantakara | mfn. rendering endless, magnifying indefinitely  |
anapakaraṇa | n. (in law) non-payment, non-delivery.  |
anapākaraṇa | n. (in law) non-payment, non-delivery.  |
anārogyakara | mfn. unwholesome, unhealthy, causing sickness.  |
anarthakara | mfn. doing what is useless or worthless  |
anarthakara | mfn. unprofitable  |
anarthakara | mfn. producing evil or misfortune.  |
anavaskara | mfn. free from dirt, clean, cleansed.  |
andhaṃkaraṇa | (andhaṃ--) mf(ī-)n. making blind.  |
andhīkaraṇa | n. making blind,  |
anekarandhra | mfn. having many holes or weaknesses or troubles.  |
anekīkaraṇa | n. making manifold.  |
aṅgāṅgibhāvasaṃkara | m. confusion of essential and secondary ideas,  |
aṅgīkaraṇa | n. act of taking the side of, assenting, agreeing, promising.  |
anirākaraṇa | n. the not forgetting,  |
anityasamaprakaraṇa | n. a section in the nyāya- discussing that sophism.  |
aṅkakaraṇa | n. the act of marking or stamping.  |
annakaraṇa | mfn. preparing food,  |
anṛṇīkaraṇa | n. releasing from debt,  |
antaḥkaraṇa | n. the internal organ, the seat of thought and feeling, the mind, the thinking faculty, the heart, the conscience, the soul.  |
antakara | mfn. causing death, mortal, destructive.  |
antakaraṇa | mfn. causing death, mortal, destructive.  |
antakaraṇa | n. causing an end of, abolishing (compound),  |
anudvegakara | mfn. not causing apprehension, not overawing.  |
anukara | mfn. imitating  |
anukara | m. an assistant  |
anukaraṇa | n. the act of imitation or of following an example  |
anukaraṇa | n. resemblance, similarity.  |
anyathākaraṇa | n. ( ) changing, change  |
anyatrakaraṇa | m. the son of a paramour,  |
anyonyavyatikara | m. reciprocal action, relation or influence.  |
āpakara | mf(ī-)n. coming from or native of the (country ?) āpakara-  |
apakaraṇa | n. acting improperly  |
apakaraṇa | n. doing wrong  |
apakaraṇa | n. ill-treating, offending, injuring  |
apākaraṇa | n. driving away, removal  |
apākaraṇa | n. payment, liquidation. |
apārthakaraṇa | n. a false plea in a lawsuit.  |
apaskara | m. any part of a carriage, a wheel, etc.  |
apaskara | m. faeces (see avaskara-)  |
apaskara | m. anus  |
apaskara | m. vulva  |
apātrīkarana | n. equals a-pātra-kṛtyā-  |
apayaśaskara | mfn. occasioning infamy, disgraceful.  |
aprakara | mfn. not acting excellently  |
aprakaraṇa | n. not the principal topic, not relevant to the main subject.  |
aprākaraṇika | mfn. not connected with the subject-matter commentator or commentary on  |
apratikara | mfn. trusted, confidential  |
aprītikara | mfn. unkind, adverse  |
aprītikara | mfn. disagreeable  |
apriyakara | mfn. "not giving pleasure", disagreeable  |
apūrvakaraṇa | n. (with jaina-s) Name (also title or epithet) of the 8th stage leading to perfection  |
arbudākara | m. "shaped like a tumour", the plant Cordia Myxa  |
ardhabhāskara | m. midday  |
arkakara | m. sunbeam  |
arpitakara | mfn. "having given one's hand", married |
arthakara | mf(ī-)n. ( ) producing advantage, useful  |
aruṇakara | m. "having red rays", the sun  |
aruṣkara | mfn. causing wounds, wounding  |
aruṣkara | m. the tree Semecarpus Anacardium  |
aruṣkara | mn. the nut of that tree  |
āruṣkara | n. the fruit of the Semecarpus Anacardium (see aruṣ-.)  |
asaṃkara | m. non-mixture of caste  |
asaṃkara | mfn. with dharma- idem or 'm. non-mixture of caste '  |
asaṃkara | m. absence of confusion  |
aśāntikara | mfn. causing mischief.  |
asatkaratva | n. incapability of effecting anything  |
aśiśirakara | m. "having hot rays", the sun  |
aśītakara | m. equals aśiśira-kara- q.v  |
aśītakara |  |
aśokakara | m. "rendering sorrowless", Name of a vidyādhara- |
asṛkkara | m. "forming blood", lymph, chyle  |
asthikara | m. fat, serum of flesh,  |
aśucikara | mfn. making dirty, soiling  |
asukara | mfn. not easy to be done, difficult, arduous  |
ataskara | mfn. free from robbers,  |
ātatīkaraṇa | n. drawing (a bow-string)  |
atiduṣkara | mfn. very difficult.  |
āṭīkara | m. a bull  |
atuṣārakara | m. "having not cold rays", the sun.  |
atyākara | m. (1. kṛ-), contempt, blame  |
aupākaraṇa | mfn. (fr. upākaraṇa-), relating to the preparatory ceremony before beginning the study of the veda-  |
aupākaraṇa | n. (am-) the time of that ceremony  |
avabhāsakara | m. Name of a devaputra-  |
avacanakara | mfn. not doing what one is bid or advised.  |
avacaskara | mfn. silent, not speaking.  |
avakara | See ava-kṝ-.  |
avakara | a kind of plant (growing on garbage heaps),  |
avakara | m. dust or sweepings  |
avakarakuṭa | m. heap of sweepings  |
avaskara | See ava-- s-kṝ--.  |
avaskara | m. ordure, faeces  |
avaskara | m. the privities  |
avaskara | m. a place for faeces etc., privy, closet ,  |
avaskara | m. a place for sweepings etc. commentator or commentary on (see ava-kara-.)  |
avaskaraka | m. Name of an insect (originating from faeces)  |
avaskaramandira | n. water closet  |
avighnakaraṇavrata | n. Name of a particular rite on the fourth day of phālguna-,  |
avipakvakaraṇa | mfn. having immature or insufficiently developed organs (of mind)  |
aviṣayīkaraṇa | n. the not making anything (genitive case) an object  |
āviṣkaraṇa | n. making visible, manifestation  |
aviśrāntavidhyādharavyākaraṇa | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a grammar by vāmana- (probably wrong reading for viśr-),  |
avitatkaraṇa | (and a-vitad-bhaṣaṇa-) n. (with the pāśupata-s) doing (and speaking) what in general is held to be unsuitable or nonsensical (vi-tad-) but is admitted by the pāśupata-s from their own view.  |
avyaktānukaraṇa | n. the imitating of inarticulated sound  |
ayakṣmaṃkaraṇa | mf(ī-)n. producing health  |
ayaśaskara | mf(ī-)n. causing dishonour, disgraceful  |
āyuṣkara | mfn. causing or creating long life  |
bāḍabhīkara | m. Name of a grammarian  |
baddhaparikara | mfn. having the girdle girded on id est ready, prepared for anything  |
bahiṣkaraṇa | n. expulsion, exclusion from (ablative) on  |
bahiṣkaraṇa | n. an external organ (opp. to antaḥ-k-)  |
bahukara | mf(ī-)n. doing much, busy, useful in many ways to (genitive case) (see )  |
bahukara | mf(ī-)n. one who sweeps, a sweeper ( kṝ-?)  |
bahukara | m. a camel  |
bahukara | m. a species of jujube  |
bahukara | f(ā-or ī-). a broom ( kṝ-?).  |
bāhukara | mfn. active with the arms  |
bahukaraṇīya | mfn. one who has (or complains of having) much to do, who never has time for anything  |
bahulīkaraṇa | n. multiplying, magnifying  |
bahulīkaraṇa | n. winnowing (for phalīkaraṇa-?)  |
bāhyakaraṇa | n. an external organ of sense  |
bāhyārthabhaṅganirākaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
bālabhāṣāvyākaraṇasūtravṛtti | f. Name of work  |
balādhikaraṇa | n. plural the business or affairs of an army  |
balakara | mfn. inspiring strength, strengthening  |
balāsakṣayakara | mfn. destroying the phlegmatic humour  |
bālavyākaraṇa | n. "a child's grammar", Name of a grammar.  |
balikara | m. plural taxes and duties  |
balikara | mfn. offering propitiatory sacrifices (see ) .  |
balikarambha | m. sacrificial cake  |
bandhakaraṇa | n. binding, fettering, holding back (also by magic)  |
barkara | mfn. deaf  |
barkara | m. (also written varkara-) a kid, lamb  |
barkara | m. a goat  |
barkara | m. any young animal  |
barkara | m. sport, joke  |
barkarakarkara | mfn. (?) of all kinds  |
bāṣpāmbuśīkara | m. plural tears-drops  |
bāṣpaprakara | m. a flow or gush of tears  |
baṭūkaraṇa | n. the act of making into a youth, initiation of a boy by upa-nayana- q.v |
bedarakara | m. (prob.) an inhabitant of the city Bedar or Bidar (also proper N.)  |
bhadrākaraṇa | n. the karaṇa- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) called bhadrā-  |
bhadrākaraṇa | n. "making beautiful", the act of shaving  |
bhadraṃkara | mfn. equals drakāraka-  |
bhadraṃkara | m. Name of a man  |
bhadraṃkara | m. (plural) of a country  |
bhadraṃkara | n. Name of a town in vidarbha-  |
bhadraṃkaraṇa | mfn. equals prec. mfn. Va1rtt. 8  |
bhagavadbhāskara | m. Name of work (= bhagavanta-bh-).  |
bhagavantabhāskara | m. Name of a law-book by nīla-kaṇṭha- (17th cent.)  |
bhāgavatapurāṇabhāvārthadīpikāprakaranakramasaṃgraha | m. Name of work connected with the  |
bhāgavatatattvabhāskara | m. Name of work  |
bhāḥkara | -karaṇa-, -khara-, -pati-, -pheru- equals bhās-kara- etc.  |
bhāḥkara | See 2. bhās-, p.756.  |
bhaiṣajyaratnākara | m. Name of work  |
bhaktakara | m. equals -kāra-  |
bhaktakara | m. artificially prepared incense  |
bhaktikara | mf(ī-)n.  |
bhaktiprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhaktiratnākara | m. Name of work  |
bhaktyadhikaraṇamālā | f. Name of work  |
bhāṇḍīrabhāṣāvyākaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhaṅgakara | m. Name of two men (sons of avikṣit- and sattrājit-)  |
bhaṅgurīkaraṇa | n. making fragile  |
bhānikara | m. a mass of light or rays  |
bhānukara | m. Name of a poet  |
bhāskara | mfn. (also bhāḥ-kara- ) "making light", shining, glittering, bright (varia lectio bhāsura-and svara-)  |
bhāskara | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) the sun etc.  |
bhāskara | m. Name of śiva-  |
bhāskara | m. fire  |
bhāskara | m. a hero  |
bhāskara | m. Calotropis Gigantea  |
bhāskara | m. (also with dikṣita-, paṇḍita-, bhaṭṭa-, miśra-, śāstrin-, ācārya-etc.) Name of various authors (especially of a celebrated astronomer, commonly called bhāskarācārya- q.v)  |
bhāskara | m. often found at the end of names (exempli gratia, 'for example' jñāna-bh-, brahmaṇya-bh-etc.)  |
bhāskara | n. gold  |
bhāskara | n. a kind of breach (made by thieves in a wall)  |
bhāskara | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
bhāskara | etc. See 2. bhās-, column 1.  |
bhāskarabhāṣya | n. Name of work  |
bhāskaracaritra | n. Name of work  |
bhāskaradeva | m. Name of a poet  |
bhāskaradina | n. Sunday,  |
bhāskarakaṇṭha | m. Name of an author  |
bhāskaralavaṇa | n. a particular mixture  |
bhāskaraṇa |  |
bhāskaranandin | m. the son of the god of the sun  |
bhāskaranṛsiṃha | m. Name of a Scholiast or Commentator on vātsyāyana-'s kāma-sūtra- (he wrote in 1788)  |
bhāskarapriya | m. "fond of the sun", a ruby  |
bhāskaraputravāsara | m. Saturday, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
bhāskararāya | m. Name of various authors  |
bhāskarasaptamī | f. Name of the 7th day in the light half of the month māgha-  |
bhāskaraśarman | m. Name of author  |
bhāskarasena | m. Name of a poet  |
bhāskaraśiṣya | m. Name of author  |
bhāskarastotra | n. Name of a hymn to the sun  |
bhāskaravarman | m. Name of a man  |
bhāskaravarman | m. Name of various princes  |
bhāskaravat | mfn. possessing a sun  |
bhāskaravrata | n. Name of a particular religious observance  |
bhasmaśuddhikara | m. "performing purification with ashes", Name of śiva-  |
bhasmasūtakaraṇa | n. the calcining of quicksilver  |
bhasmīkaraṇa | n. reducing to ashes, burning  |
bhasmīkaraṇa | n. calcining  |
bhāsvatīkaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhaṭṭabhāskara | m. Name of an author (also -miśra-)  |
bhāṭṭabhāskara | m. Name of work  |
bhāṭṭadinakara | m. Name of work (and bhāṭṭadinakarīya rīya- n.),  |
bhaṭṭadivākara | m. Name of a man  |
bhaṭṭaśaṃkara | m. Name of various scholars and authors  |
bhaṭṭaśrīśaṃkara | m. Name of various scholars and authors  |
bhāvaikarasa | mfn. influenced solely by the sentiment of love |
bhavānīśaṃkara | m. Name of various authors  |
bhāvārthādhikaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhayakara | mfn. causing fear, terrible, dangerous  |
bhayaṃkara | mf(ī-)n. terrible ( bhayaṃkaram am- ind.) etc.  |
bhayaṃkara | m. a kind of small owl  |
bhayaṃkara | m. a kind of falcon  |
bhayaṃkara | m. Name of one of the viśve- devāḥ-  |
bhayaṃkara | m. of various persons  |
bhayaṃkaram | ind. bhayaṃkara |
bhayānakarasanirdeśa | m. Name of chapter of  |
bhedakara | mf(ī-)n. breaking through or down  |
bhedakara | mf(ī-)n. sowing dissension among or in (genitive case or compound)  |
bheṣajakaraṇa | n. preparation of drugs or medicine  |
bhidākara | mfn. causing a distinction,  |
bhīkara | mfn. causing fear  |
bhikṣākaragupta | m. Name of a poet  |
bhikṣākaraṇa | n. asking alms, mendicancy  |
bhikṣotkara | m. scattering alms  |
bhīmaśaṃkara | n. (scilicet liṅga-) Name of one of the 12 most sacred liṅga-s  |
bhinnagaṇḍakaraṭa | mfn. equals -karaṭa-  |
bhinnakaraṭa | ( ) mfn. a rutting elephant having a fissure in the temples (from which fluid exudes).  |
bhogakara | mf(ī-)n. producing or affording enjoyment  |
bhojavyākaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhramarakaraṇḍaka | m. a small box containing bees (which are let out by thieves to extinguish lights in houses)  |
bhramaranikara | m. a multitude of bees  |
bhrāntikara | mf(ī-)n. causing error or confusion  |
bhṛtikarmakara | m. a hired labourer or servant  |
bhuktiprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhūrbhuvakara | m. a dog  |
bhūtakaraṇa | n. "causing a word to have a past meaning", Name of the augment  |
bhūtakaraṇavatī | f. (scilicet vibhakti-) the character and personal endings of the augmented verbal forms (id est of imperfect tense Aorist and Conditional)  |
bhūyaskara | mfn. making or doing more  |
bījākara | (or jāk-?) m. Name of a poet  |
bisākara | m. a species of Euphorbia  |
bodhakara | mf(ī-)n. one who wakens or rouses or teaches or informs  |
bodhakara | m. "awakener", a minstrel who wakes a prince in the morning with music  |
bodhasudhākara | m. Name of work  |
brahmacintananirākaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
brahmaikyaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
brahmakara | m. an impost paid to the Brahmanical class  |
brahmaṇyabhāskara | m. Name of a man  |
bṛhadratnākara | m. Name of work  |
bṛhadvaiyākaraṇabhūṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
bṛhadvyākaraṇabhūṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
bṛhaspatikaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
bṛhattuhinaśarkara | mfn. full of great lumps of ice  |
buddhikara | m. (with śukla-) Name of an author  |
buddhivṛddhikara | mfn. buddhivṛddhi |
camatkaraṇa | n. astonishment  |
camatkaraṇa | n. producing wonder, causing surprise  |
camatkaraṇa | n. spectacle, festival  |
camatkaraṇa | n. high poetical composition  |
cāmīkara | n. gold  |
cāmīkara | m. the thorn-apple  |
cāmīkaramaya | mf(ī-)n. equals rīya-  |
cāmīkaraprakhya | mfn. gold-like  |
campakarambhā | f. a kind of plantain  |
caṇḍakara | m. "hot-rayed", the sun  |
candrakamalākara | m. Name of work  |
candrākara | m. Name of a man  |
candrasūryajihmīkaraṇaprabha | m. "whose splendour obscures moon and sun", Name of a buddha-  |
candravyākaraṇa | n. candra-'s grammar (published under abhimanyu-),  |
candrodayamakaradhvaja | m. Name of a medicinal preparation  |
caramavaiyākaraṇa | m. (the last id est) an ignorant grammarian  |
carmakaraṇa | n. working in skins or leather  |
catuḥsaṃkara | mfn. (a lawsuit) in which 4 matters are mingled  |
caturdhākaraṇa | n. dividing into 4 parts  |
caturviṃśatitīrthaṃkarapūjā | f. "worship of the 24 tīrthaṃkara-s (of the jaina-s)", Name of work  |
chambaṭkara | mf(ī-)n. ruining (varia lectio chadmaṭ-k-).  |
chandaḥprakaraṇa | n. a chapter on metre  |
chandaḥsudhākara | m. Name of work  |
chandoratnākara | m. a similar work by sarvajña-ratnākara-śānti-.  |
chavillākara | m. Name of a historian of Kashmir  |
chāyākara | m. "shading", a parasol-bearer  |
chāyākara | m. a kind of metre =  |
chedakara | mfn. making incisions  |
chedakara | m. a wood-cutter  |
chikkara | m. a kind of animal  |
cikuranikara | m. idem or 'm. a mass of hair, tuft of hair '  |
citrakara | m. ( ) a painter (son of an architect by a śūdra- woman ;or by a gāndhikī- Paddh.)  |
citrīkaraṇa | n. making variegated, decorating, painting  |
citrīkaraṇa | n. surprise  |
corakaraṇa | n. calling anyone a thief  |
cūḍākaraṇa | n. "forming the crest", the ceremony of tonsure (equals caula-,one of the 12 purificatory rites[ ] performed on a child in the Ist or 3rd year)  |
cūrṇīkaraṇa | n. equals cūrṇana- - kṛ-, to reduce to powder or dust, pulverise, grind, bruise, smash  |
dadhyākara | m. equals dhi-samudra-  |
dahanopakaraṇa | n. the means for cauterising  |
dānadinakara | m. Name of work  |
dānakamalākara | m. Name of work  |
dānaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
dantadhāvanaprakaraṇa | n. Name of  |
darakara | m. "hole-maker", a staff  |
darvīkara | m. a hooded snake (class of snakes with 26 species)  |
dāsakarmakara | m. a servant doing his work  |
daśaśatakaradhārin | mfn. thousand-rayed (the moon)  |
dayākara | mfn. showing pity (śiva-).  |
dayāśamakara | m. Name of a man.  |
dehakara | m. "body-former", a father  |
devatāmūrtiprakaraṇa | n. Name of work on sculpture.  |
devīpūjanabhāskara | m. Name of work  |
devīpūjāprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
dhanurvedaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
dhanuṣkara | m. a bow-maker  |
dhanuṣkara | mfn. bow in hand, armed with a bow  |
dharmādhikaraṇa | n. administration or court of Justice ( dharmādhikaraṇasthāna -sthāna- n.a law. court )  |
dharmādhikaraṇa | m. a judge, magistrate  |
dharmādhikaraṇasthāna | n. dharmādhikaraṇa |
dharmākara | m. "mine of virtue or law", Name of a poet  |
dharmākara | m. of the 99th buddha-  |
dharmākara | m. of a disciple of Buddhism lokeśvara-rāja-  |
dharmākara | m. Name of a Buddhist translator.  |
dharmaratnākara | m. Name of work  |
dharmitāvacchedakarahasya | n. Name of work |
dhātuprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
dhāturatnākara | m. Name of work on gramm. roots.  |
dhātvākara | m. a mine  |
dhenukara | m. Daucus Carota  |
dhvajīkaraṇa | n. raising a standard or making anything a plea  |
dhyāmīkaraṇa | n. making dark-coloured, blackening  |
dhyāmīkaraṇa | n. burning, consuming  |
dikkara | mf(ī-)n. youthful, juvenile (literally making, id est changing quarter continually, restless)  |
dikkara | m. a youth  |
dikkara | m. equals aruṇa- (as making a quarter for the sun)  |
dikkara | m. equals sambhu- (granter of space, promoter?)  |
dikkaravāsinī | f. a form of devī-  |
dīkṣākaraṇa | n. performance of consecration  |
dīkṣāprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
dinakara | mf(ī-)n. making day or light  |
dinakara | m. the sun etc.  |
dinakara | m. Name of an āditya-  |
dinakara | m. of the author of the work candrārkī-  |
dinakara | m. of a Scholiast or Commentator on (miśra-d-)  |
dinakara | m. of other men  |
dinakarabhaṭṭa | m. Name of an author  |
dinakarabhaṭṭīya | n. his work  |
dinakaradeva | m. Name of a poet  |
dinakaratanaya | m. "son of the sun", the planet Saturn  |
dinakaraṭippanī | f. Name of a commentator or commentary  |
dīpakavyākaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
dīpaṃkara | m. "light-causer", Name of a mythical buddha-  |
dīpaṃkarajñāna | m. having the knowledge of a Buddha, Name of a man  |
dīpavyākaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
dīptikara | mf(ā-or ī-)n. irradiating, illuminating  |
divākara | m. "day-maker", the sun etc. (with niśā--among the sons of garuḍa- )  |
divākara | m. a crow (see divāṭana-,below)  |
divākara | m. Calotropis Gigantea (see ark/a-) |
divākara | m. Name of an āditya-  |
divākara | m. of a rakṣas-  |
divākara | m. of a prince (equals divārka- )  |
divākara | m. of the founder of the sūrya-bhakta- sect  |
divākara | m. of other men (also -bhaṭṭa-)  |
divākaramitra | m. Name of a man  |
divākarasuta | m. "son of the sun", the planet Saturn  |
divākarasutā | f. "daughter of the sun", Name of the river yamunā-  |
divākaravaralocana | m. a particular samādhi-  |
divākaravatsa | m. Name of an author  |
divasakara | m. "day-maker", the sun  |
doṣaguṇīkaraṇa | n. turning a fault into a merit  |
doṣākara | m. "night-maker", the moon, satr-.  |
doṣakara | mf(ī-)n. causing evil or harm, pernicious  |
doṣākara | m. a mine or heap of faults  |
drāvakara | m. a kind of borax  |
drāvakara | m. a flux  |
dravīkaraṇa | n. liquefaction, melting  |
dravyaguṇākara | m. Name of work  |
dṛḍhīkaraṇa | n.  |
dṛgdṛśyaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
dṛṣṭavyatikara | mfn. who has experienced misfortune  |
duḥkhakara | mf(ī-)n. causing pain to (genitive case), afflicting  |
duḥkhākara | m. a multitude of sorrows  |
durāḍhyaṃkara | mfn. difficult to be made rich  |
dūraṃkaraṇa | mf(ī-)n. dūram  |
durdinagrastabhāskara | mfn. having the sun obscured by dark clouds  |
dūrīkaraṇa | n. the making distant, removing  |
duṣkara | mfn. hard to be done or borne, difficult, arduous etc. (often with infinitive mood; raṃ yad-or yadi-,with indic. or Potential and also with infinitive mood = hardly, scarcely )  |
duṣkara | mfn. rare, extraordinary  |
duṣkara | mfn. doing wrong, behaving ill, wicked, bad  |
duṣkara | n. difficult act, difficulty  |
duṣkara | n. austerity  |
duṣkara | n. aether, air  |
duṣkara | n. the tree of plenty  |
duṣkaracaryā | f. hard penance, Name of a chapter of  |
duṣkarakārin | mfn. idem or '(varia lectio duṣkarma-kārin-) mfn. doing difficult things, clever '  |
duṣkarakārin | mfn. experiencing difficulties etc. ( duṣkarakāritā ri-tā- f. )  |
duṣkarakāritā | f. duṣkarakārin |
duṣkarakarman | (varia lectio duṣkarma-kārin-) mfn. doing difficult things, clever  |
duṣkaraṇa | n. a difficult or miserable work on  |
duṣkarasādhana | n. means of overcoming difficulties  |
duṣpratītikara | mfn. suggesting an offensive meaning,  |
dvādaśakara | m. "12-handed or 12-rayed", Name of kārttikeya-  |
dvādaśakara | m. of bṛhas-pati- or the planet Jupiter  |
dvādaśamāsadeyadānaratnākara | m. Name of work  |
dvādaśāntaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
dvādaśapuṣkara | mfn. consisting of 12 lotus flowers,  |
dvaidhīkaraṇa | n. making into two, separating  |
dvidhākaraṇa | n. the dividing into 2, making twofold, arranging in two ways  |
dvikara | mf(ī-)n. doing 2 things or making 2 of anything (see )  |
dvikaraṇī | f. the diagonal of a square  |
dvirāgamanaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
dvivivāhinhitāsapiṇḍīkaraṇa | n. Name of chapter of  |
dyūtakara | m. a gambler  |
dyūtakaramaṇḍalī | f. a gambler's circle (see dyūtamaṇḍala-)  |
dyūtasamāhvayaprakaraṇa | n. "a treatise on the law-suits arising from gambling", Name of chapter of viśveśvara-'s su-bodhinī-.  |
dyutikara | mf(ī-)n. producing splendour, illuminating, bright, handsome  |
dyutikara | m. the polar star or (in mythology) the divine sage dhruva-  |
ekakara | mf(ī-)n. doing or effecting one  |
ekakara | mf(ā-)n. one-handed, one-rayed  |
ekarada | m. "one-tusked", Name of gaṇeśa-  |
ekaraja | m. Verbesina Scandens  |
ekarasa | m. the only pleasure, only object of affection  |
ekarasa | mfn. having only one pleasure or object of affection, relishing or finding pleasure in only one thing or person etc.  |
ekarasa | mfn. having (always) the same object of affection, unchangeable  |
ekaratha | m. an eminent warrior  |
ekavarṇasamīkaraṇa | n. equalization of two uniform quantities, a kind of equation (in mathematics)  |
ekīkaraṇa | n. the act of making one, uniting, combination commentator or commentary on  |
gāḍhīkaraṇa | n. making stiff.  |
gaṇḍakaraṭa | m. an elephant's temple  |
garbhakara | m. "producing impregnation", Nageia putraṃjīva-  |
garbhakaraṇa | n. anything which causes impregnation  |
garbhavyākaraṇa | n. careful description of the embryo (part of the śārīra- section in medical works)  |
garbhīkaraṇa | n. "making anything an embryo or product", producing  |
garbhiṇīvyākaraṇa | n. (or garbhiṇyā vyākṛti-) careful description of a pregnant woman (particular heading or subject in med.)  |
ghanākara | m. "multitude of clouds", the rainy season  |
ghātakara | mf(ī-)n. destructive  |
ghaṭīkara | m. equals -kāra-  |
ghṛtakarañja | m. a kind of karañja- tree  |
gocaraprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
grāhakakṛkara | m. a partridge used as call-bird  |
grāmasaṃkara | m. the common sewer or drain of a village  |
grāmasūkara | m. equals -kola-  |
grāmyasūkara | m. equals -kola-  |
granthakaraṇa | n. composition of books or treatises  |
gṛhakaraṇa | n. house-building  |
gṛhakaraṇa | n. household affairs  |
gṛhakarmakara | m. a domestic servant  |
gṛhaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
gṛhopakaraṇa | n. any domestic utens .  |
gucchakarañja | m. a variety of karañja-  |
guṇadoṣīkaraṇa | n. making a defect out of a merit  |
guṇākara | m. a mine or multitude of merits, one endowed with all virtues  |
guṇākara | m. (equals ṇa-rāśi-) śiva-  |
guṇākara | m. Name of śākya-muni-  |
guṇākara | m. of a poet  |
guṇākara | m. of a minister  |
guṇākara | m. of a Buddhist  |
guṇākara | mf(ā-)n. possessing all excellences  |
guṇakaraṇḍavyūha | m. Name of a Buddhist work (see kar-.)  |
guṇākarasūri | m. Name of the author of a commentator or commentary on  |
guṇasthānaprakaraṇa | n. Name of a jaina- work.  |
guṇīkaraṇa | n. making a merit out of (a defect, doṣa--)  |
gurūkaraṇa | n. the making heavy or venerable  |
hānikara | mfn. injurious, detrimental  |
hānikara | mfn. causing to disappear  |
haribhaktibhāskarasadvaiṣṇavasārasarvasva | n. Name of work  |
haribhāskara | m. Name of an author  |
haribhāskaraśarman | m. Name of an author  |
haridrāgaṇapatiprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
harināmāmṛtavaiṣṇavavyākaraṇa | n. Name of work |
hariśaṃkara | m. Name of various men  |
hariśaṃkara | m. of a place  |
harṣakara | mf(ī-)n. causing joy or happiness  |
hāsakara | mfn. provoking laughter, causing to laugh |
hāsakara | mfn. laughing, merry  |
hastāmalakavedāntaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
hastekaraṇa | n. taking (the bride's) hand, marrying  |
hastikarañja | m. Galedupa Piscidia  |
hastikarañjaka | m. Galedupa Piscidia  |
hastimakara | m. a sea-monster shaped like an elephants  |
hāsyakara | ( ) mfn. provoking laughter, causing to laugh.  |
hāsyaratnākara | m. "jewel-mine of mirth", Name of a drama.  |
haviṣkaraṇa | n. the act of preparing an oblation  |
hayavāhanaśaṃkara | m. Bauhinia Variegata  |
hayavāhanasaṃkara | m. Bauhinia Variegata  |
hemakara | m. "golden-worker", Name of śiva-  |
hemakara | m. (with maithila-) Name of an author  |
hemakaraka | m. a golden vase  |
hemapuṣkara | n. a lotus-flower of golden  |
hemavyākaraṇa | n. Hema-candra's grammar  |
himakara | mfn. causing or producing cold, cold |
himakara | m. the moon etc.  |
himakara | m. camphor  |
himakaratanaya | m. "son of the Moon", Name of the planet Mercury  |
hitakara | mfn. doing a service, furthering the interests of (genitive case), favourable, useful, a benefactor  |
horāmakaranda | m. Name of work  |
horāmakarandoharaṇa | n. Name of work  |
horāprakaraṇa | (?) n.  |
hṛdayonmādakara | mfn. bewitching hearts  |
hṛtpuṣkara | n. equals -paṅkaja-  |
huruṣkara | m. plural equals yavana-  |
indukara | m. Name of a man.  |
īṣadāḍhyaṃkara | mfn. easy to be enriched commentator or commentary on  |
īṣatkara | mf(ī-)n. (īṣat-) doing little  |
īṣatkara | mf(ī-)n. easy to be accomplished  |
itikaraṇa | n. the word iti-  |
itikaraṇiya | ([ ]) mfn. proper or necessary to be done according to certain conditions  |
itikaraṇiya | n. duty, obligation  |
itikaraṇiyatā | f. any proper or necessary measure, obligation.  |
jainendravyākaraṇa | n. Name of a grammar by abhaya-nandi- (commented on by deva-nandi-, abhaya-- and soma-deva-).  |
jalakara | mfn. making or pouring forth water  |
jalakara | m. tax derived from water (id est from fisheries etc.)  |
jalākara | m. water-source, spring  |
jalakaraṅka | m. a conch  |
jalakaraṅka | m. a cocoa-nut  |
jalakaraṅka | m. a lotus-flower  |
jalakaraṅka | m. a cloud  |
jalakaraṅka | m. a wave  |
jalasūkara | m. "water-hog", a crocodile  |
jalasūkara | m. a hog  |
jalataskara | m. "water-thief", the sun,  |
jaṅghākara | mfn. "active with the shanks", running quickly  |
jaṅghākara | m. a runner, courier  |
janmakara | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' effecting the birth of  |
janmāntakara | m. destroyer of birth  |
jaṭākara | mfn. matting the hair  |
jātakaratna | n. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
jaṭāśaṃkara | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
jātibhraṃśakara | mfn. causing loss of caste  |
jayākara | m. "mine of victory", Name of a man, .  |
jihmīkara | mfn. making crooked or oblique  |
jihmīkara | mfn. obscuring  |
jihmīkaraṇa | mfn. "obscuring" See candra-sūrya-jihmīkaraṇaprabha-.  |
jīvadayāprakaraṇa | n. Name of a Jain treatise.  |
jīvavicāraprakaraṇa | n. idem or 'm. "disquisition on life", Name of a Jain work by śānti-sūri- (commented on by bhāva-sundara-, meghanandana-, and īśvarācārya-)'  |
jīvitāntakara | mfn. menacing life  |
jīvopalambhaprakaraṇa | n. Name of a Jain treatise.  |
jñānabhāskara | m. "sun of knowledge", Name of a medical compilation.  |
jñānākara | m. "knowledge-mine", Name of a son of a buddha-  |
jñānākara | m. of a buddha-.  |
jyeṣṭhapuṣkara | n. Name of a renowned place of pilgrimage  |
jyeṣṭhapuṣkara | n. (ṣṭha puṣk-)  |
jyotiṣkara | m. "light-causer", a kind of flower  |
jyotiṣkaraṇḍaka | n. Name of work on astronomy (written in Prakrit by pāda-lipta-sūri-)  |
kācitkara | mfn. (fr. kā-cid- equals kāni-cid-) doing everything, doing various things, serving various purposes, very active  |
kaḍaṃkara | m. straw, the stalks of various sorts of pulse etc.  |
kakara | m. a kind of bird  |
kākarakta | n. crow's blood.  |
kākaranti | m. plural Name of a warrior-tribe, gaRa dāmany-ādi-.  |
kākarantīya | m. a prince of the kāka-ranti-s  |
kākarava | mfn. crying out like a crow, cowardly  |
kākarava | mfn. a coward (edition Bomb.) (varia lectio kākaruka-).  |
kakṣīkaraṇa | n. the act of admitting or assenting  |
kāladivākara | m. Name of work  |
kālakaraṇa | n. appointing or fixing a time.  |
kalaṅkakara | mfn. causing stains, soiling  |
kalaṅkakara | mfn. censorious, calumniating, defaming.  |
kalyāṇakara | mf(ī-)n. causing prosperity or profit or good fortune.  |
kamalākara | m. a mass of lotuses  |
kamalākara | m. a lake or pool where lotuses abound  |
kamalākara | m. Name of the author of a commentary on the mitākṣarā-, and of several other authors and men  |
kamalākaratīrthayātrā | f. Name of work  |
kāmalakīkara | mfn. fr. kamala-kīkara- gaRa palady-ādi-.  |
kanakākara | m. idem or 'f. a gold mine, golden soil '  |
kanakarambhā | f. a species of Musa  |
kanakarasa | m. fluid gold, a golden stream  |
kanakarasa | m. yellow orpiment  |
kandarākara | m. a mountain  |
kāṇḍopakaraṇa | n. the beginning of (the study of) a kāṇḍa-, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
kaṅkara | mfn. vile, bad  |
kaṅkara | n. buttermilk mixed with water  |
kaṅkara | n. a particular high number  |
kaṅkaraṅka | m. a hungry or half-starved crane,  |
kāntikara | mfn. causing beauty, beautifying, illuminating  |
kaphakara | mfn. producing phlegm  |
kaphakara | mfn. occasioning cold.  |
kaphakarakṣaya | m. pulmonary consumption.  |
kaphakarakūrcikā | f. saliva, spittle  |
kāpyakara | mfn. confessing sin  |
kārakara | mf(ī-)n. doing work, acting as agent (?)  |
karālakara | mfn. having a powerful arm or hand  |
karālakara | mfn. having a large trunk (as an elephant).  |
kāraṇakaraṇa | n. a primary cause, elementary cause, atom  |
kāraskara | m. ( ) , Name of a poisonous medicinal plant  |
kāraskara | m. a tree in general  |
kāraskara | m. plural Name of a people  |
kāraskara | m. (vv.ll. kāraskāra-and kāraskṛta-.)  |
karimakara | m. a fabulous monster  |
karkara | mf(ā-)n. (perhaps connected with karka-) hard, firm  |
karkara | m. a bone  |
karkara | m. a hammer  |
karkara | m. a mirror (see karphara-)  |
karkara | m. Name of a nāga-  |
karkara | mn. stone, limestone (especially the nodule found in Bengal under the name of Kankar ),  |
karkara | mn. a species of date  |
karkara | mn. ([ confer, compare karaṅka-, śarkara-; Greek , ; Latin hallus,calx; Hibernian or Irish carraice; Gaelic carraig careg.])  |
karkaracchadā | f. Name of a plant  |
karmakara | mf(ī-)n. doing work, a workman, a hired labourer, servant of any kind (who is not a slave ), mechanic, artisan etc.  |
karmakara | m. Name of yama-  |
karmakara | m. Momordica monadelpha  |
karmopakaraṇa | mfn. one who gives aid by work.  |
karṇālaṃkaraṇa | n. an ornament for the ear.  |
karotkara | m. a bundle of rays  |
karotkara | m. a heavy tax  |
karotkara | etc. See under 1. and 2. kara-.  |
karpūraprakaraṇa | n. Name of a jaina- work.  |
kartṛkara | mfn. ?  |
karūkara | n. the joint of the neck and the back-bone  |
karuṇākara | m. Name of a Brahman.  |
kāryakara | mfn. efficacious  |
kāryakaraṇa | n. the doing one's duty,  |
kāsakara | mfn. producing cough or catarrh.  |
kaṣṭakara | mf(ī-)n. causing pain or trouble  |
kaśyapabhāskara | m. Name of the author of a commentary called paribhāṣābhāskara-.  |
kaṭakara | - karman-, m. a straw-mat maker (the son of a vaiśya- and a śūdra-),  |
kaṭukarañja | m. Guilandina Bonducella  |
kautukarahasya | n. Name of a comedy.  |
kavitāratnākara | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a poem  |
kavitvaratnākara | m. "jewel-mine of poesy", Name of a modern work on rhetoric.  |
kekara | mfn. squint-eyed (varia lectio) (see kedara-, ṭeraka-.)  |
kekaraka | mfn. equals ra-  |
kekaralocana | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. squint-eyed (varia lectio) (see kedara-, ṭeraka-.)' '  |
kekaranetra | mfn. idem or 'mfn. squint-eyed (varia lectio) (see kedara-, ṭeraka-.)'  |
keśāntakaraṇa | n. idem or 'm. cutting off the hair finally (as a religious ceremony performed upon Brahmans at 16 years of age, kṣatriya-s at 22, and vaiśya-s at 24) '  |
keśaśeṣakaraṇa | n. leaving a remnant of hair,  |
kevalavaiyākaraṇa | m. a mere grammarian (not versed in any other science).  |
khajaṃkara | mfn. idem or 'mfn. causing the tumult or din of battle (indra-) '  |
khaṃkara | m. "making or filling space (?)", a lock of hair  |
khaṃkara | See 3. kh/a-.  |
khaṇḍakhādyakaraṇa | n. idem or 'n. Name of an astronomical karaṇa- (vv.ll. -khāṭṭaka-, -khāḍaka-) '  |
khaṇḍasphuṭapratisaṃskaraṇa | n. repairing of dilapidations  |
khaṇḍasphuṭapratisaṃskaraṇa | n. (pāli- ṇḍa-phulla--.)  |
khyātikara | mfn. causing renown, glorious  |
kimadhikaraṇa | mf(ā-)n. referring to what?  |
kiṃcitkara | mfn. significant Va1rtt. 6  |
kiṃkara | etc. See k/im-.  |
kiṃkara | m. ( ) a servant, slave etc.  |
kiṃkara | m. (probably) a particular part of a carriage  |
kiṃkara | m. a kind of rākṣasa-  |
kiṃkara | m. Name of one of śiva-'s attendants  |
kiṃkara | m. plural Name of a people  |
kiṃkarapāṇi | mfn. (fr. kiṃ karavāṇi-,"what am l to do?") , having hands ready to attend any one  |
kiṃkaratva | n. the condition of a servant or slave  |
kīrtikara | mf(ī-)n. conferring fame  |
kīṭotkara | m. an ant-hill  |
kokaraka | See koka-baka-.  |
krakara | m. idem or 'm. (onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds)) a kind of partridge (commonly Kayar, Perdix sylvatica) (see kṛkaṇa-.)'  |
krakara | m. (See also -tva-)  |
krakara | m. (equals krakaca-) Ardea virgo  |
krakara | m. the plant Capparis aphylla  |
krakara | m. a saw  |
krakara | m. a poor man  |
krakara | m. disease  |
krakaraṭa | m. a lark  |
krakaratva | n. the state of a partridge (= ) .  |
kratukaraṇa | n. Name of a sacrificial offering  |
kriyākara | m. one who performs an action  |
kriyākara | m. a student  |
kṛkara | m. a kind of partridge (equals kṛkaṇa- q.v)  |
kṛkara | m. a kind of pepper (Piper Chaba)  |
kṛkara | m. the fragrant oleander tree (?)  |
kṛkara | m. one of the five vital airs (that which assists in digestion)  |
kṛkara | m. Name of śiva-  |
kṛmikara | m. a kind of venomous insect  |
kroḍīkaraṇa | n. embracing  |
kṛpākara | m. "a mine of compassion", extremely compassionate  |
kṛṣikara | m. a ploughman  |
kṛṣkara | m. Name of śiva-  |
kṛṣṇakaravira | m. a black variety of Oleander  |
kṛṣṇakiṃkaraprakriyā | f. Name of work  |
kṛṣṇaśaṃkaraśarman | m. Name of a man  |
kṛṣṇīkaraṇa | n. blackening  |
kṛtakara | m. Name of śiva-  |
kṛtānukara | mfn. imitating what has been done by another, following another's example, not independent  |
kṛtārthīkaraṇa | mfn. rendering successful  |
kṛtikara | m. "practising magic or enchantment", Name of rāvaṇa- (see kṛtyā-rāvaṇa-.)  |
kṛtyaratnākara | m. Name of work  |
krūrakṛkara | m. a heron  |
kṣamākara | mfn. "one who has patience with any one or is indulgent", Name of a yakṣa-  |
kṣaṇadākara | m. "making night", the moon  |
kṣapākara | m. "making the night", the moon  |
kṣatriyāntakara | m. idem or 'mfn. one who destroys the military caste ' , Name of paraśu-rāma-  |
kṣaurakaraṇa | n. shaving  |
kṣayakara | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' causing destruction or ruin, destructive, terminating  |
kṣayakara | mfn. liberating from existence  |
kṣayakara | mfn. perhaps for kṣayi-kala- (said of the moon"the portions of which are waning")  |
kṣayakara | m., Name of the 49th year of the sixty years' bṛhaspati- cycle  |
kṣayaṃkara | mf(ī-)n. causing destruction or ruin (with genitive case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
kṣemakara | mfn. conferring peace or security or happiness  |
kṣemaṃkara | mfn. (equals -kāra- ) equals -kara- (= )  |
kṣemaṃkara | m. Name of a king of the trigarta-s  |
kṣemaṃkara | m. of a son of brahma-datta- (udayana-)  |
kṣemaṃkara | m. of the author of a recension of  |
kṣemaṃkara | m. of a mythical buddha-  |
kṣemaṃkara | m. Name of another goddess  |
kṣemaṃkara | m. of the sister of brahma-datta-'s son kṣemaṃ-kara-  |
kṣetrakara | mfn. cultivating a field  |
kṣetrakara | m. a husband-man.  |
kṣetraliptīkaraṇa | n. reducing to minutes of the ecliptic.  |
kṣityutkara | m. a heap of mould, .  |
kṣudhākara | mfn. causing hunger  |
kubjīkaraṇa | n. curving (as of a stalk)  |
kukara | mfn. having a crooked or withered hand  |
kukara | etc. See 1. ku-.  |
kulabhedakara | m. one who causes discord in a family.  |
kulakara | m. the founder of a family, ancestor  |
kulāntakaraṇa | mfn. one who ruins his family  |
kumudākara | m. a number of water-lilies  |
kumudākarabāndhava | m. equals da-bandhu- commentator or commentary on  |
kundakara | m. a turner  |
kuṇḍalīkaraṇa | n. bending a bow so as to form a circle  |
kuṇḍaratnākara | m. Name of work by viśva-nātha-.  |
kuñjarakara | m. an elephant's trunk.  |
kuraṅkara | m. the Indian crane (Ardea sibirica)  |
kuśākara | m. fire (the sacrificial fire being made on a bundle of kuśa- grass)  |
kuśeśayakara | m. "having rays like water-lilies", the sun  |
kusumākara | m. a quantity of flowers or place abounding with them  |
kusumākara | m. a nosegay  |
kusumākara | m. spring  |
kusumāñjalimakaraṇḍa | m. Name of commentary on the preceding work  |
kusumāñjaliprakāśamakaraṇḍa | m. Name of commentary on the preceding work  |
lābhakara | ( ) ( ) mfn. causing gain, making profit, gainful, profitable.  |
laghucitrālaṃkara | m. Name of work  |
laghūkaraṇa | n. See laghū-kṛ-.  |
laghūkaraṇa | n. the act of making light, lessening, diminishing, diminution  |
laghūkaraṇa | n. thinking little of, contemning  |
laghuratnākara | m. Name of work  |
laghuvaiyākaraṇabhūṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
laghuvaiyākaraṇabhūṣaṇasiddhāntamañjūṣā | f. Name of work  |
laghuvyākaraṇabhūṣaṇasāra | Name of work  |
lajjākara | mf(ī-)n. causing shame, shameful, disgraceful  |
lakṣaṇāvṛttiprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
lalitābhaṭṭabhāskara | m. Name of work  |
latākara | m. a particular position of the hands in dancing (dual number) |
latākarañja | m. Guilandina Bonduc  |
laugākṣibhāskara | m. Name of a modern author  |
laukikanyāyaratnākara | m. Name of work  |
lavaṇākara | m. a salt-mine  |
lavaṇākara | m. (met.) treasure of grace or beauty  |
lepakara | m. a plaster-maker, bricklayer, whitewasher  |
līlākara | m. a particular metre  |
līlāmadhukara | m. Name of a drama ( ) .  |
lipikara | m. an anointer, whitewasher, plasterer  |
lipikara | m. a writer, scribe  |
lipikara | m. an engraver  |
livikara | m. a writer, scribe  |
liviṃkara | m. idem or 'm. a writer, scribe '  |
lohākara | Name of a town  |
loharatnākara | m. Name of work  |
lohasaṃkara | m. composition or union of various metals  |
lohasaṃkara | n. steel (from Damascus)  |
lohaśuddhikara | m. borax  |
lokabhāskara | m. Name of work  |
lokakāraṇakaraṇa | n. cause of the causes of the world (Name of śiva-)  |
lokarakṣa | m. "protector of the people", a king, sovereign ( lokarakṣādhirāja kṣādhirāja- m.a king supreme over all rulers)  |
lokarakṣādhirāja | m. lokarakṣa |
lokarañjana | n. pleasing the world, satisfying men, gaining public confidence commentator or commentary  |
lokarava | m. the talk of the world, popular report  |
lokasaṃkara | m. confusion of mankind or among men  |
lokeśakara | m. Name of a commentator  |
lomakaraṇī | f. a species of plant  |
lulitamakaranda | mfn. (flowers) whose sap is disturbed (by bees)  |
madakara | mf(ī-)n. causing intoxication, intoxicating  |
mādhavacandrakara | m. Name of a medical writer  |
mādhavakara | m. equals -candra-kara-.  |
madhukara | m. "honey-maker", a bee etc.  |
madhukara | m. a lover, libertine  |
madhukara | m. Eclipta Prostrata or Asparagus Racemosus  |
madhukara | m. Achyranthes Aspera  |
madhukara | m. the round sweet lime  |
mādhukara | mf(ī-)n. relating to or derived from a bee or honey,  |
mādhukara | mf(ī-)n. resembling a bee  |
madhukaragaṇa | m. a swarm of bees  |
madhukaramaya | mfn. consisting of bees  |
madhukararājan | m. the king of bees id est the queen bees  |
madhūkarasa | m. the juice of the seeds of Bassia Latifolia  |
madhukarasāha | m. Name of a king. ( )  |
madhukarasāhi | m. Name of a king. ( )  |
madhukaraśreṇi | f. a line of bees  |
madhuvidhvaṃsabhāskara | m. Name of work  |
madhvamataprakaraṇa | n. Name of work |
madhyajainendravyākaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
madraṃkara | mfn. equals dra-kāra-  |
mahābhāskaraṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
mahābhaṭṭīvyākaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
mahāḍakara | (?) m. Name of a commentator  |
mahādevabhaṭṭadinakara | m. Name of learned men  |
mahādevapuṇatāmakara | (?) m. Name of author.  |
mahādevapuṇyastambhakara | m. Name of author.  |
mahādyutikara | m. Name of the sun  |
mahākaṅkara | m. or n. (?) a particular high number  |
mahākara | m. a large hand  |
mahākara | m. a large revenue or rent  |
mahākara | m. "having great rays", Name of a buddha-  |
mahākara | mfn. large-handed  |
mahākara | mfn. having a large revenue |
mahākarabha | m. or n. (?) a particular high number  |
mahākarambha | m. a particular poisonous plant  |
mahākāraṇaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
mahākarañja | m. Galedupa Piscidia  |
mahāprakaraṇa | n. the principal treatment of a subject commentator or commentary  |
mahāvākyapañcīkaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
mahāvidyāprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
mahāyogapañcaratneāśvalāyanopayogyādhānaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
maheśvarakaracyutā | f. "dropped from the hand of śiva-", Name of the river kara-toyā-  |
majjākara | n. "producing marrow", a bone  |
makara | m. a kind of sea-monster (sometimes confounded with the crocodile, shark, dolphin etc.;regarded as the emblem of kāma-deva-[ see mokara-ketana-etc. below] or as a symbol of the 9th arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-;represented as an ornament on gates or on head-dresses) etc.  |
makara | m. a particular species of insect or other small animal  |
makara | m. Name of the 10th sign of the zodiac (Capricornus) etc.  |
makara | m. the 10th arc of 30 degrees in any circle  |
makara | m. an army of troops in the form of a makara-  |
makara | m. an ear-ring shaped like a makara- (see makara-kuṇḍala-)  |
makara | m. the hands folded in the form of a makara-  |
makara | m. one of the 9 treasures of kubera-  |
makara | m. one of the 8 magical treasures called padminī-  |
makara | m. a particular magical spell recited over weapons  |
makara | m. Name of a mountain  |
mākara | mf(ī-)n. relating or belonging to a makara- or sea-monster (with ākara- m.mine of makara-, the sea ;with ācana- n.a particular posture in sitting ;with vyūha- m.a particular form of military array ;with saptamī- f. equals makara-saptamī- )  |
mākara | m. plural Name of a people  |
makaradaṃṣṭrā | f. " makara--toothed", Name of a woman  |
makaradhvaja | m. equals -ketana-  |
makaradhvaja | m. the sea  |
makaradhvaja | m. a particular array of troops  |
makaradhvaja | m. a particular medical preparation  |
makaradhvaja | m. Name of a prince  |
makarākara | m. "receptacle of makara-", the sea |
makarakaṭī | f. "dolphin-hipped", Name of a woman  |
makaraketana | m. "having the makara- for an emblem"or"having a fish on his banner", Name of kāma-deva-  |
makaraketu | m. "having the makara- for an emblem"or"having a fish on his banner", Name of kāma-deva-  |
makaraketumat | m. "having the makara- for an emblem"or"having a fish on his banner", Name of kāma-deva-  |
makarakuṇḍala | n. an ear-ring shaped like a makara-  |
makaralāñchana | m. equals -kelana-  |
makaramāsa | m. Name of a particular , month  |
makaramukha | m. equals makarākāra-dhārin- jala-nirgamana-dvāra-, jānūr-dhvāvayava-  |
makaranda | m. the juice of flowers, honey etc.  |
makaranda | m. a species of jasmine  |
makaranda | m. a fragrant species of mango  |
makaranda | m. a bee  |
makaranda | m. the Indian cuckoo  |
makaranda | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
makaranda | m. Name of a man  |
makaranda | m. of various authors and works.  |
makaranda | n. a filament (especially of the lotus-flower)  |
makaranda | n. Name of a pleasure-garden  |
mākaranda | mf(ī-)n. (fr. makaranda-) coming from or consisting of the juice of flowers  |
makarandadīpikā | f. Name of work  |
makarandakaṇāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to be like drops or particles of flower-juice  |
makarandakārikā | f. plural Name of work  |
makarandapāla | m. Name of a man (father of tri-vikrama-)  |
makarandapañcāṅgavidhi | m. Name of work  |
makarandaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
makarandaśarman | m. Name of a teacher  |
makarandavāsa | m. a species of Kadamba  |
makarandavat | mfn. rich in flower-juice  |
makarandavatī | f. the flower of Bignonia Suaveolens  |
makarandavivaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
makarandavivṛti | f. Name of work  |
makarandikā | f. a kind of metre  |
makarandikā | f. Name of the daughter of a vidyā-dhara-  |
makarandodyāna | n. Name of a pleasure-garden near ujjayinī-  |
makarapāṭaka | m. Name of a village  |
makararāśi | m. the zodiacal sign Capricornus  |
makarasaṃkramaṇa | n. the passage of the sun from Sagittarius into Capricornus  |
makarasaṃkrānti | f. idem or 'n. the passage of the sun from Sagittarius into Capricornus '  |
makarasaṃkrānti | f. Name of a festival (which marks the beginning of the sun's northern course)  |
makarasaṃkrāntidānaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
makarasaṃkrāntitiladāna | n. Name of work  |
makarasaptamī | f. Name of the 7th day in the light half of the month māgha- (see under mākara-).  |
makaravāhana | m. "having the makara- for his vehicle", Name of varuṇa-  |
makaravāhinī | f. Name of a river  |
makaravibhūṣaṇaketana | m. "having the makara- for a characteristic ornament", Name of kāma-deva-  |
mālākara | m. equals next  |
malinīkara | mfn. defiling,  |
malinīkaraṇa | n. the act of soiling, staining  |
malinīkaraṇa | n. an action which defiles,  |
malinīkaraṇīya | mfn. fitted to cause defilement  |
mallīkara | m. a thief  |
māṃsakara | n. flesh-making, blood  |
manaḥkṣobhakara | mfn. mind-disturbing, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
manaḥsthirīkaraṇa | n. the act of strengthening or confirming the mind  |
manākkara | mfn. doing little, lazy  |
manākkara | n. a kind of Agallochum  |
mananaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
mānasakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
maṇḍalīkaraṇa | n. rounding, gathering in a ball or circle, coiling  |
maṅgalakaraṇa | n. "luck-causing", the act of reciting a prayer for success before the beginning of any enterprise  |
maṇighaṇṭākṛtanyāyaratnaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
maṇiguṇanikara | m. a multitude of strings of pearls  |
maṇiguṇanikara | m. Name of a metre  |
maṇiratnākara | m. Name of work (also called nāma-r-). |
maṇiśaṅkhaśarkara | mfn. having jewel-like shells and gravel  |
manmathakara | m. "causing love", Name of a being attending on skanda-  |
mantrakamalākara | m. Name of work  |
mantrakaraṇa | n. the recital of a sacred text  |
mantrakaraṇa | n. a Vedic text or verse  |
mantraprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
mantraratnākara | m. Name of work  |
mantrayogaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
mantroddhāraprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
mārjārakaraṇa | n. a particular posture in sexual intercourse (also rīśkramaṇa-)  |
markara | m. Eclipta Prostrata (see mārkara-)  |
marutkara | m. Dolichos Catjang  |
maskara | m. a bamboo  |
maskara | m. a hollow bamboo cane  |
mātaṃgadivākara | m. Name of a poet  |
mātaṃgamakara | m. a kind of marine monster  |
matsyakaraṇḍikā | f. a fish-basket, any receptacle for fish  |
mattamātaṃgalīlākara | m. or n. (?) Name of a metre  |
mauktikaratna | n. a pearl gem, pearl ( mauktikaratnatā -tā- f.)  |
mauktikaratnatā | f. mauktikaratna |
mayaskara | mfn. causing enjoyment, giving pleasure  |
medinīkara | m. Name of the author of the medinī-kośa-  |
meghaṃkara | mfn. producing cloud  |
mīmāṃsādhikaraṇa | n. (sādh-) (in the beginning of a compound)  |
mīmāṃsādhikaraṇamālāṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
mīmāṃsādhikaraṇanyāyavicāropanyāsa | m. Name of work  |
mīmāṃsāmakaranda | m. Name of work  |
mīmāṃsānyāyaratnākara | m. Name of work  |
miśradinakara | m. Name of a Scholiast or Commentator on śiśupāla-vadha-.  |