Word | Reference | Gender | Number | Synonyms | Definition |
kapotapālikā | 2.2.15 | Feminine | Singular | viṭaṅkam | |
pārāvataḥ | 2.5.16 | Masculine | Singular | kalaravaḥ, kapotaḥ |
kapota | m. ( | ||||||
kapota | m. a bird in general | ||||||
kapota | m. a frieze, cornice | ||||||
kapota | m. a particular position of the hands commentator or commentary on etc. | ||||||
kapota | m. the grey colour of a pigeon | ||||||
kapota | m. the grey ore of antimony | ||||||
kapotabāṇā | f. a kind of perfume | ||||||
kapotacaraṇā | f. a kind of perfume | ||||||
kapotahasta | m. a particular position of the hands. | ||||||
kapotahastaka | m. idem or 'm. a particular position of the hands.' | ||||||
kapotaka | mf(ikā-)n. pigeon-coloured, lead-grey | ||||||
kapotaka | m. a small pigeon or dove etc. | ||||||
kapotaka | m. a particular position of the hands | ||||||
kapotaka | n. ore of antimony | ||||||
kapotakarbura | mfn. spotted like a dove, | ||||||
kapotakī | f. a kind of bird (equals śyāmā-) | ||||||
kapotakīya | mf(ā-)n. abounding in or relating to pigeons gaRa naḍā | ||||||
kapotapāda | mfn. pigeon-footed gaRa hasty-ādi- ( reads kaṭola-). | ||||||
kapotapadadarśana | n. the sight of the foot-print of a dove, | ||||||
kapotapāka | m. the young of a pigeon gaRa nyaṅkv-ādi- | ||||||
kapotapāka | m. plural Name of a mountain-tribe on | ||||||
kapotapākī | f. a princess of this tribe | ||||||
kapotapāli | f. frieze, cornice | ||||||
kapotapālī | f. idem or 'f. a dove-cot, pigeon-house, aviary ' | ||||||
kapotapālikā | f. a dove-cot, pigeon-house, aviary | ||||||
kapotapeṭaka | n. a flight of doves, | ||||||
kapotaretasa | m. Name of a man. | ||||||
kapotaroman | m. Name of a king | ||||||
kapotasāra | m. the grey ore of antimony | ||||||
kapotavakra | n. a particular plant | ||||||
kapotavallī | f. Name of a plant | ||||||
kapotavaṅkā | f. Name of a medicinal plant (used as a remedy for the stone) | ||||||
kapotavarṇa | mfn. pigeon-coloured, lead-grey | ||||||
kapotavarṇī | f. small cardamoms | ||||||
kapotavegā | f. Ruta Graveolens | ||||||
gṛhakapota | m. a domestic pigeon | ||||||
gṛhakapotaka | m. idem or 'm. a domestic pigeon ' | ||||||
jalakapota | m. "water-pigeon", Name of a bird | ||||||
khalekapotanyāya | m. the rule of the doves alighting upon a threshing-floor, , Scholiast or Commentator | ||||||
mahākapota | m. a species of serpent | ||||||
pañjarakapota | m. a pigeon in a cage | ||||||
śākapota | m. plural Name of a people | ||||||
śvetakapota | m. a kind of mouse | ||||||
śvetakapota | m. a kind of snake |
kapotaḥ | कपोतः [को वायुः पोत इव यस्य Tv.] 1 A dove, pigeon. -2 A bird in general. -3 A particular position of the hands. -4 The grey colour of a pigeon. -Comp. -अङ्घ्रिः f. a sort of perfume. -अञ्जनम् antimony. -अरिः a hawk, falcon. -आभ a. of the colour of a pigeon. (-भः) a pale of dirty white colour. -चरणा a sort of perfume. -पालिका, -पाली f. an aviary, a pigeon-house, dove-cot. -राजः the king of pigeons. -वर्णी Small cardamoms. -वाणा a kind of perfume. -वृत्तिः f. to be very frugal, gathering very little for maintenance; कपोतवृत्त्या पक्षेण व्रीहिद्रोणमुपार्जयत् Mb.3.26.5. -सारम् antimony. -हस्तः a mode of folding the hands in supplication, fear &c.; कपोतहस्तकं कृत्वा Ś.6. |
kapotakaḥ | कपोतकः 1 A small pigeon; Bhāg.11.7.72. -2 A mode of folding the hands together. -कम् Antimony. |
kapotakīyā | कपोतकीया A place abounding in pigeons. |
khalekapotanyāyaḥ | खलेकपोतन्यायः The maxim of the pigeons flocking together on the open ground to pick up grains of corn, simultaneously; अर्थेन प्रधानोपकारेण खलेकपोतवत् युगपत् संनि- पतन्त्यङ्गानि । ŚB. on MS.11.1.16. |
kapota | m. pigeon; î, f. female pigeon; -ka, m. little pigeon; -pâlî, f. dove-cot. |
khalekapotanyāya | m. manner in which a flock of pigeons swoop on a threshing-floor; -kapotikâ, f. id. |
gṛhakapota | m. domestic pigeon; -karma-kara, m. domestic; -karma-dâsa, m. domestic slave; -karman, n. household affair; -kâraka, m. carpenter; -kârin, m. kind of wasp; -kârya, n. household affair; -kritya, n. id.; kind of tax; -gupta, (pp.) m. N.; -kkhidra, n. hole or weak point in the house; -ga, a. born in the house; -gana, m. family; -gâta, pp. born in the house; -dâru, n. beam of a house; -dâha, m. con flagration; -dîpti, f. light (=ornament) of the house; -devatâ, f. pl. domestic deities; -dvâra, n. house-door; -nadikâ, f. drain of a house; -nirvâha, m. housekeeping; -pá, m. guardian of the house; (á)-pati, m. master of the house, paterfamilias; ep. of Agni; one who has precedence at a Sattra; village magistrate; -pâta, m. collapse of a house; -pâla, m. guardian of the house; -poshana, n. maintenance of the household; -bali, m.domestic offering: -bhug, m. bird that feeds on the domestic offering (sparrows, crows, and other birds); -bhartri, m. master of the house; -bhogin, m. member of the house hold; -medhá, 1. m. domestic sacrifice; 2. a.performing or taking part in the domestic sacrifices; m. householder, paterfamilias; -medhín, a. id.; m. married Brâhman house holder (second stage in his religious life): -î, f. Brâhman housewife. |
māyākapota | m. phantom pigeon: -vapus, a. having the body of a --; -kâra, a. acting deceitfully; -kkhadma para, a. intent on deceit and fraud; -devî, f. N. of the mother of Buddha; -dhara, a.versed in jugglery or witchcraft; m. N. of a prince of the Asuras; -½adhika, a. abound ing in magic arts; -patu, a. skilled in witch craft; -pur, -purî, f. N. of a town; -prayoga, m. trickiness; versatility; -batu, m. N. of aprince of the Sabaras; -½abhyudayana, m. N. of a Kâyastha; -maya, a. (î) illusory, unreal; m. N. of a Râkshasa; -yantra, n. en chantment: °ree;--=magical; -vakana, n. hypo critical speech; (&asharp;)-vat, a. practising sorcery (RV.); deceitful, cunning; attended with magical arts: -î, f. kind of personified magi cal art; N. of a fairy's wife; N. of a prin cess; -vâda, m. doctrine of illusion (a term applied to Buddhism and Vedântism); -vid,a. familiar with magical arts; -vín, a. skilled in magic; fraudulent; guileful, deceitful; illusory; m. magician, sorcerer, juggler; -sîla, a. deceitful, fraudulent. |
kapota | Is the name of a bird, probably the ‘ pigeon ’ (its sense in the later language), occurring from the Rigveda onwards. It is associated in some passages with the owl (Ulūka) as a messenger of Nirrti (‘dissolution,’ ‘misfortune’). This aspect of the pigeon as a bird of evil omen is probably based on an ancient belief which is also found beyond the confines of India. |
kapotaḥ | pigeon | SB 1.14.14 |
SB 11.7.53 | ||
kapotaḥ | the male pigeon | SB 11.7.67 |
kapotaḥ | the pigeon | SB 10.72.21 |
SB 11.7.33-35 | ||
SB 11.7.52 | ||
SB 11.7.64 | ||
kapotakān | the pigeon children | SB 11.7.72 |
kapotam | the pigeon | SB 11.7.72 |
kapotaromā | Kapotaromā | SB 9.24.20 |
kapotau | the two pigeons | SB 11.7.54 |
kapota | noun (masculine neuter) bird in general (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) cornice (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) dove (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) frieze (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) grey colour of a pigeon (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) grey ore of antimony (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) particular position of the hands (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) pigeon (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the spottynecked pigeon (in the Vedas often a bird of evil omen) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) an apparatus (puṭa) for roasting, digesting or subliming metals, minerals or drugs sauvīrāñjana Frequency rank 2729/72933 | |
kapotabāṇā | noun (feminine) kind of perfume (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 48568/72933 | |
kapotacaraṇā | noun (feminine) kind of perfume (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 27386/72933 | |
kapotaka | noun (neuter) nīlāñjana
ore of antimony (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) añjana sauvīrāñjana Frequency rank 33813/72933 | |
kapotaka | noun (masculine) particular position of the hands (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) small pigeon or dove (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 19120/72933 | |
kapotapuṭa | noun (masculine neuter) an apparatus for roasting, digesting or subliming metals Frequency rank 15594/72933 | |
kapotapālikā | noun (feminine) a cornice (Gesims, Bilderleiste)
aviary (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) dove-cot (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) pigeon-house (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 48567/72933 | |
kapotaroman | noun (masculine) name of a king (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 21019/72933 | |
kapotasāra | noun (masculine neuter) srotoñjana
grey ore of antimony (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 33815/72933 | |
kapotavallī | noun (feminine) name of a plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 48570/72933 | |
kapotavarṇikā | noun (feminine) small cardamoms Frequency rank 48569/72933 | |
kapotavarṇī | noun (feminine) small cardamoms (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 33814/72933 | |
kapotavaṅkā | noun (feminine) name of a medicinal plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Polanisia Icosandra Frequency rank 14798/72933 | |
kapotavegā | noun (feminine) Ruta Graveolens (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 48571/72933 | |
kāṇakapotaka | noun (masculine) a kind of bird Frequency rank 49060/72933 | |
khalekapota | noun (masculine) Frequency rank 21178/72933 | |
gṛhakapota | noun (masculine) a domestic pigeon (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 51468/72933 | |
gṛhakapotaka | noun (masculine) Frequency rank 51469/72933 | |
jalakapotaka | noun (masculine) a kind of bird Frequency rank 52746/72933 | |
mahākapota | noun (masculine) a species of serpent (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 61651/72933 | |
śvetakapota | noun (masculine) a kind of mouse (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a kind of snake (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 40248/72933 |