kan | (kā-in veda-) cl.1 P. kanati-, cakāna-, cake-, akānīt-, kanitā-, etc. ; (Aorist 1. sg. akāniṣam-,2. sg. kāniṣas- ), to be satisfied or pleased ; to agree to, accept with satisfaction ; to shine ; to go : Intensive P. (subjunctive cāk/anat-; Potential cākanyāt-; perfect tense 1. sg. cākana-) ; A1. (subjunctive 3. plural cāk/ananta-and cak/ananta- ), to be satisfied with, like, enjoy (with locative case genitive case,or instrumental case) ; to please, be liked or wished for (with genitive case of the person) ; to strive after, seek, desire, wish (with accusative or dative case) ; ([ confer, compare kā-, kai-, kam-, kvan-,and can-: confer, compare also Zend -kan; Greek ; Anglo-Saxon hana; Latin canus,caneo,candeo,candela(?); Hibernian or Irish canu,"full moon."])  |
kana | mfn. (substituted for alpa-,"little, small", in forming its comparative and superlativeSee below; see kaṇa-;according to fr. kan-,"to shine, be bright or merry", originally meaning"young, youthful") .  |
kanā | f. a girl, maid  |
kanā | See .  |
kanadeva | m. Name of a Buddhist patriarch.  |
kanaka | n. (Comm. on ) gold etc.  |
kanaka | m. thorn-apple  |
kanaka | m. Mesua Ferrea  |
kanaka | m. several other plants (Michelia Campaka, Butea Frondosa, Bauhinea Variegata, Cassia Sophora, a kind of bdellium, a kind of sandal-wood)  |
kanaka | m. a kind of decoction  |
kanaka | m. Name of particular graha-s or ketu-s  |
kanaka | m. Name of several men  |
kanaka | m. plural Name of a people  |
kanakā | f. one of the seven tongues of fire  |
kanaka | mfn. of gold, golden  |
kanaka | See under kan-.  |
kanakābha | mfn. similar to gold, like gold  |
kanakabhaṅga | m. a piece of gold.  |
kanakābja | n. a gold lotus,  |
kanakācala | m. "the golden mountain", Name of meru-  |
kanakācala | m. a piece of gold shaped like a mountain (see hema-parvata-).  |
kanakacampaka | m. a species of Campaka  |
kanakacandra | m. Name of a king.  |
kanakadaṇḍa | n. "golden-sticked", a royal parasol  |
kanakadatta | m. Name of a man  |
kanakadhvaja | m. Name of a son of dhṛtarāṣṭra-  |
kanakādhyakṣa | m. the superintendent of gold, treasurer.  |
kanakādri | m. the mountain meru-  |
kanakādrikhaṇḍa | n. Name of a section of the skanda-purāṇa-.  |
kanakagairika | n. a species of ochre (see kāñcana-gai-.)  |
kanakagaura | n. saffron  |
kanakagiri | m. Name of the founder of a sect  |
kanakagiri | m. equals kāñcana-giri-  |
kanakāhva | n. the blossom of Mesua Ferrea  |
kanakāhvaya | m. the thorn apple  |
kanakāhvaya | m. Name of a buddha-  |
kanakakadalī | f. a species of plantain  |
kanakakalaśa | m. Name of a man  |
kanakakāra | m. a goldsmith.  |
kanakākara | m. idem or 'f. a gold mine, golden soil '  |
kanakaketakī | f. a species of Pandanus with yellow blossoms  |
kanakākṣa | m. "gold-eyed", Name of a being attendant on skanda-  |
kanakākṣa | m. of a king  |
kanakakṣāra | m. borax  |
kanakākṣī | f. an owl, L,  |
kanakakṣīrī | f. Cleome Felina  |
kanakakuṇḍalā | f. Name of the mother of the yakṣa- harikeśa-.  |
kanakalatā | f. Name of a plant (to which the slender figure of a woman is compared),  |
kanakalatikā | f. idem or 'f. Name of a plant (to which the slender figure of a woman is compared), '  |
kanakalodbhava | m. resin of the plant Shorea Robusta  |
kanakālukā | f. a golden jar or vase  |
kanakamālā | f. Name of a woman  |
kanakamañjarī | f. Name of a woman  |
kanakamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting or made of gold, golden  |
kanakamuni | m. Name of a buddha-  |
kanakāṅgada | n. a golden bracelet  |
kanakāṅgada | m. Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-  |
kanakāṅgada | m. of a gandharva-  |
kanakāntaka | m. Bauhinia Variegata  |
kanakapala | m. a pala- (a weight of gold and silver equal to sixteen māṣaka-s, or about 280 grains troy)  |
kanakaparāga | m. gold-dust.  |
kanakaparvata | m. the mountain meru-  |
kanakapattra | n. a particular ornament for the ear  |
kanakaphala | n. the seed of Croton Tiglium.  |
kanakāpīḍa | m. Name of a being attending on skanda-  |
kanakapiṅgala | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
kanakaprabha | mfn. bright as gold  |
kanakaprabhā | f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum  |
kanakaprabhā | f. Name of a metre (consisting of four lines of 13 syllables each)  |
kanakaprabhā | f. Name of a princess  |
kanakaprasavā | f. equals -puṣpī- above.  |
kanakaprasūna | m. Dalbergia Ougeinensis  |
kanakapura | n. Name of several towns.  |
kanakapurī | f. idem or 'n. Name of several towns.'  |
kanakapuṣpī | f. a species of Pandanus with yellow blossoms  |
kanakapuṣpikā | f. Premna Spinosa  |
kanakāraka | m. Bauhinia Variegata (see kanakāntaka-above.)  |
kanakarambhā | f. a species of Musa  |
kanakarasa | m. fluid gold, a golden stream  |
kanakarasa | m. yellow orpiment  |
kanakarekhā | f. Name of a woman  |
kanakaśaka | m. plural Name of a people  |
kanakaśakti | m. "the golden-speared one", Name of kārttikeya-  |
kanakasena | m. Name of a king  |
kanakaśikharin | m. "golden-crested", Name of the mountain meru-  |
kanakaśṛṅgamaya | see śṛṅg-, parasmE-pada 1087  |
kanakastambha | m. a golden column or stem etc.  |
kanakastambhā | f. "having a golden stem", a species of Musa  |
kanakastambharucira | mfn. shining with columns of gold  |
kanakasthalī | f. a gold mine, golden soil  |
kanakasūtra | n. a golden cord or chain  |
kanakatālābha | mfn. bright as a golden palm tree.  |
kanakaṭaṅka | m. a golden hatchet.  |
kanakavāhinī | f. "gold stream", Name of a river  |
kanakāvalī | f. a golden chain  |
kanakavarman | m. Name of a merchant |
kanakavarṇa | m. Name of a king (supposed to be a former manifestation of śākyamuni-).  |
kanakavarṣa | m. Name of a king  |
kanakavatī | f. Name of a town  |
kanakavatī | f. of a woman  |
kanakāvatī | f. Name of one of the mothers in the retinue of skanda-  |
kanakāvatīmādhava | m. Name of work  |
kanakavigraha | m. Name of a king of viśālapurī-.  |
kanakāyu | m. Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra- (varia lectio karakāyu-).  |
kanakāyus | m. Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra- (varia lectio karakāyu-).  |
kanakeśvaratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-.  |
kanakhala | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
kanakhala | m. plural Name of mountains  |
kanakhala | kana-deva- See kana-.  |
kanaknaka | mfn. an epithet given to a kind of poison ([ ])  |
kanakojjvala | mfn. radiant with gold,  |
kanala | mfn. shining, bright ([ ]) gaRa arihaṇādi-  |
kanānakā | f. the pupil of the eye (see kan/īnakā-below.)  |
kanapa | n. equals kaṇapa- q.v  |
kanapa | n. Name of a man.  |
kanāṭha | m. Name of a man.  |
kanaṭī | f. red arsenic (equals kunaṭī-).  |
kanavaka | m. Name of a son of śūra-  |
kanaya | Nom. P. kanayati-, to make less or smaller, diminish  |
kand | cl.1 P. kandati-, cakanda-, to cry, utter lamentations: A1. kandate-, to be confounded, confound (see 1 . kad-, krand-.)  |
kanda | mn. ( kan- commentator or commentary on ), a bulbous or tuberous root, a bulb etc.  |
kanda | mn. the bulbous root of Amorphophallus Campanulatus  |
kanda | mn. garlic  |
kanda | mn. a lump, swelling, knot |
kanda | mn. ([ confer, compare Greek , ; O. H. G.hnUtr,hnUta])  |
kanda | mn. an affection of the female organ (considered as a fleshy excrescence, but apparently prolapsus uteri )  |
kanda | mn. Name of a metre (of four lines of thirteen syllables each)  |
kanda | mn. (in mus.) a kind of time  |
kandabahulā | f. Name of a bulbous plant  |
kandada | mfn. giving or forming bulbs (varia lectio kakuda- edition Bomb.)  |
kandāḍhya | m. a kind of tuberous plant  |
kandaguḍūcī | f. a species of Cocculus  |
kandaja | mfn. growing or coming from bulbs  |
kandala | mfn. the cheek (or the cheek and temple)  |
kandala | mfn. girth, girdle  |
kandala | mfn. a new shoot or sprig  |
kandala | mfn. a low soft tone  |
kandala | mfn. a portent (as an eclipse, supposed to forbode evil)  |
kandala | mfn. reproach, censure  |
kandala | m. gold  |
kandala | m. war, battle  |
kandala | m. Name of a plant with white flowers (which appear very plentifully and all at once in the rainy season)  |
kandala | m. lotus seed  |
kandala | m. a flag, banner  |
kandala | m. Name of work  |
kandala | n. the flower of the kandalī- tree  |
kandala | mfn. filled with (compound),  |
kandalānta | m. a species of serpent  |
kandalatā | f. Name of a plant with a bulbous root  |
kandalaya | Nom. P. kandalayati-, to bring forth or produce in abundance or simultaneously  |
kandalāyana | m. Name of an ancient sage  |
kandalī | f. a species of deer (the hide of which is useful)  |
kandali | a sprout, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
kandalī | f. See above.  |
kandalīkāra | m. Name of an author.  |
kandalīkusuma | n. the flower of kandalī-  |
kandalīkusuma | n. a mushroom  |
kandalin | mfn. covered with kandalī- flowers |
kandalin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') abounding with, full of  |
kandalin | m. a kind of deer  |
kandalita | mfn. put forth or emitted in abundance or simultaneously  |
kandālu | m. Name of several tuberous plants  |
kandāmṛtā | f. a species of Opuntia  |
kandamūla | n. a radish  |
kandamūlaka | n. idem or 'n. a radish '  |
kandaphalā | f. Name of a cucurbitaceous plant  |
kandara | f(ā-), am-, n. (as-, m. ) ( kand- commentator or commentary on ; kaṃ-, jalena dīryate- ),"great cliff", an artificial or natural cave, glen, defile, valley etc.  |
kandara | m. a hook for driving an elephant  |
kandarā | f. the lute of the caṇḍāla-s  |
kandara | m. Name of a mother in the retinue of skanda-  |
kandara | n. ginger  |
kandarākara | m. a mountain  |
kandarāla | m. Name of several plants (Hibiscus Populneoides;Ficus Infectoria;the walnut tree)  |
kandarālaka | m. Ficus Infectoria  |
kandarāntara | n. the interior of a cave  |
kandaravat | mfn. containing caves or valleys  |
kandārha | m. Amorphophallus Campanulatus  |
kandarohiṇī | f. Name of a plant  |
kandarpa | m. (etymology doubtful;according to some fr. kaṃ-darpa-,"inflamer even of a god"See 3. ka-,or "of great wantonness") , Name of kāma- (q.v), love, lust etc.  |
kandarpa | m. (in mus.) a particular rāga- (q.v)  |
kandarpa | m. a kind of time  |
kandarpa | m. membrum virile  |
kandarpa | m. Name of a man  |
kandarpā | f. one of the divine women attending on the fifteenth arhat- ( )  |
kandarpacūḍāmaṇi | m. Name of work  |
kandarpadahana | n. a section of the śiva-purāṇa-.  |
kandarpajīva | m. Name of a plant (equals kāma-vṛddhi-).  |
kandarpajvara | m. passion, desire  |
kandarpakeli | m. Name of work  |
kandarpaketu | m. Name of a prince  |
kandarpakūpa | m. "a well of love", pudendum muliebre  |
kandarpamathana | m. Name of śiva-  |
kandarpamātṛ | f. Name of lakṣmī-  |
kandarpamusala | m. membrum virile  |
kandarpasenā | f. Name of a woman  |
kandarpasenā | f. of a surāṅganā-.  |
kandarpasiddhānta | m. Name of a commentator.  |
kandarpaśṛṅkhala | m. a kind of coitus,  |
kandaśāka | n. a kind of vegetable  |
kandasaṃbhava | mfn. growing from bulbs  |
kandasaṃjña | n. prolapsus uteri (see kanda-)  |
kandāśana | mfn. living upon bulbs  |
kandasāra | n. indra-'s garden  |
kandasāraka | n. idem or 'n. indra-'s garden '  |
kandaśūraṇa | m. Amorphophallus Campanulatus.  |
kandaṭa | m. the white esculent water-lily  |
kandauṣadha | n. a sort of Arum  |
kandavallī | f. Name of a medical plant  |
kandavardhana | m. the esculent root of Amorphophallus Campanulatus.  |
kandavat | m. a species of the soma- plant  |
kandekṣu | m. a sort of grass  |
kandī | f. See māṃsa-k-.  |
kandila | m. a kind of tuberous plant  |
kandin | m. Amorphophallus Campanulatus  |
kandirī | f. Mimosa Pudica  |
kandodbhavā | f. a species of Cocculus  |
kandoṭa | m. Nymphaea Esculenta  |
kandoṭa | m. the blue lotus  |
kandota | m. Nymphaea Esculenta  |
kandottha | n. the blue lotus (see kandoṭa-.)  |
kandu | mf. ( skand- ), a boiler, saucepan, or other cooking utensil of iron commentator or commentary on  |
kandu | mf. an oven, or vessel serving for one  |
kandu | mf. a kind of fragrant substance  |
kandu | m. Name of a man.  |
kandugṛha | n. a cookery commentator or commentary on  |
kanduka | m. a boiler, saucepan commentator or commentary on  |
kanduka | m. a ball of wood or pith for playing with  |
kanduka | m. a pillow , (n. varia lectio)  |
kanduka | m. a betel-nut  |
kanduka | m. a kind of time in music:  |
kandukagṛha | n. a place for cooking commentator or commentary on  |
kandukalīlā | f. a game at ball,  |
kandukaprastha | n. Name of a town gaRa karkyādi- (not in )  |
kandukāya | Nom. A1. kandukāyate-, to be like a playing ball  |
kandukeśa | n. Name of a liṅga-.  |
kandukeśvaraliṅga | n. idem or 'n. Name of a liṅga-.'  |
kandukotsava | m. a pastime consisting in playing at ball,  |
kandupakva | mfn. parched or roasted (as grain) or fried in a pan, dressed without water  |
kandūraka | m. a kind of fragrant substance  |
kanduśālā | f. equals -gṛha-  |
kanerā | f. (see kaṇerā-) a female elephant  |
kanerā | f. a harlot  |
kanī | f. a girl, maiden (only genitive case plural kan/īnām-)  |
kanīci | f. (see kaṇīci-) a cart  |
kanīci | f. a creeping plant with blossoms  |
kanīci | f. Abrus Precatorius  |
kanikrada | mfn. ( krand-, Intensive) , neighing  |
kanīna | mfn. young, youthful  |
kanīnaka | m. a boy, youth  |
kanīnaka | m. (kan/īnaka-), the pupil of the eye  |
kanīnaka | m. the caruncula lacrymalis  |
kanīnakā | f. a girl, maiden, virgin  |
kanīnakā | f. (kan/īnakā-and kan/īnikā-), the pupil of the eye etc.  |
kanīnakā | f. the little finger  |
kanīnī | f. the pupil of the eye  |
kanīnī | f. the little finger  |
kanīnika | n. Name of several sāman-s.  |
kaniṣka | m. Name of a celebrated king of Northern India (whose reign began in the first century of our era and who, next to aśoka-, was the greatest supporter of Buddhism;his empire seems to have comprised Afghanistan, the Panjab, Yarkand, Kashmir, Ladak, agra-, Rajputana, Gujarat, and Sindh)  |
kaniṣkapura | n. Name of a town founded by him.  |
kaniṣṭha | mfn. the youngest, younger born (opposed to jyeṣṭha-and vṛddha-) etc.  |
kaniṣṭha | mfn. the smallest, lowest, least (opposed to bhūyiṣṭha-) etc.  |
kaniṣṭha | m. a younger brother  |
kaniṣṭha | m. (scilicet ghaṭa-) the descending bucket of a well,  |
kaniṣṭha | m. plural Name of a class of deities of the fourteenth manvantara-  |
kaniṣṭhā | f. (with or without aṅguli-) the little finger  |
kaniṣṭhā | f. a younger wife, one married later (than another)  |
kaniṣṭhā | f. an inferior wife (see kaṇa-and kanyā-.)  |
kaniṣṭha | mfn. the youngest, younger born (opposed to jyeṣṭha-and vṛddha-) etc.  |
kaniṣṭha | mfn. the smallest, lowest, least (opposed to bhūyiṣṭha-) etc.  |
kaniṣṭha | m. a younger brother  |
kaniṣṭha | m. (scilicet ghaṭa-) the descending bucket of a well,  |
kaniṣṭha | m. plural Name of a class of deities of the fourteenth manvantara-  |
kaniṣṭhaga | m. a jina-  |
kaniṣṭhaka | mf(ik/ā-)n. the smallest  |
kaniṣṭhaka | n. a sort of grass  |
kaniṣṭhamūla | n. idem or 'mfn. having the youngest as the first.'  |
kaniṣṭhapada | n. least root (that quantity of which the square multiplied by the given multiplicator and having the given addend added or subtrahend subtracted is capable of affording an exact square root)  |
kaniṣṭhaprathama | mfn. having the youngest as the first.  |
kaniṣṭhatā | f.  |
kaniṣṭhātreya | m. "the younger ātreya-", Name of an author on medicine.  |
kaniṣṭhatva | n. the state of being younger or smaller.  |
kaniṣṭhikā | f. the little finger (aṅguli-) etc.  |
kaniṣṭhikā | f. subjection, obedience, service  |
kanīyaḥstana | mfn. having fewer teats,  |
kanīyas | mfn. younger, a younger brother or sister, younger son or daughter (opposed to jyāyas-) etc. |
kanīyas | mfn. smaller, less, inferior, very small or insignificant (opposed to bhūyas-and uttama-) etc.  |
kanīyas | f. (yasī-) the younger sister of a wife  |
kanīyasa | mfn. younger etc.  |
kanīyasa | mfn. smaller, less  |
kanīyasa | n. "of less value", copper  |
kanīyastva | n. the state of being smaller or less  |
kanīyasvin | mfn. less, inferior  |
kanīyokṣara | mfn. having fewer syllables,  |
kanna | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (edition Gorresio) , (varia lectio kaṇva-)  |
kanna | n. fainting, falling in a fit or state of insensibility  |
kanna | n. sin  |
kanna | n. (varia lectio kalla-.)  |
kanta | mfn. (fr. 1. kam- ind.), happy  |
kanta | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. happy, prosperous ' ' ' ' '  |
kanthā | f. a rag, patched garment (especially one worn by certain ascetics)  |
kanthā | f. ([ confer, compare Greek ; Latin centon; O. H. G.hadara; German hader])  |
kanthā | f. a wall  |
kanthā | f. a species of tree  |
kanthā | f. a town  |
kanthā | f. (a tatpuruṣa- compound ending in kanthā-is neuter if it imply a town of the uśīnara-s )  |
kanthādhāraṇa | n. wearing a patched garment (as practised by certain yogin-s).  |
kanthādhārin | m. "rag-wearer", a yogin-, religious mendicant  |
kanthaka | m. Name of a man gaRa gargādi-  |
kanthakā | f. a species of Opuntia  |
kanthaka | m. (= kaṇṭhaka-) buddha-'s horse,  |
kantharī | f. a species of Opuntia  |
kanthārī | f. idem or 'f. idem or 'f. a species of Opuntia ' '  |
kanthārikā | f. idem or 'f. a species of Opuntia '  |
kantheśvaratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-,  |
kanti | mfn. idem or 'mfn. (fr. 1. kam- ind.), happy '  |
kanti | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. happy, prosperous ' ' ' ' ' '  |
kantu | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. (fr. 1. kam- ind.), happy ' '  |
kantu | m. (fr. kam- ), love, the god of love  |
kantu | m. the mind, heart commentator or commentary on  |
kantu | m. a granary  |
kantu | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. happy, prosperous ' ' ' ' ' ' '  |
kantva | n. happiness, prosperity  |
kanya | mf(ā-)n. the smallest (opposed to uttama-and madhyama-)  |
kanyā | f. See kany/ā- below; ([ confer, compare Zend kainin; Hibernian or Irish cain,"chaste, undefiled."])  |
kanyā | f. ( kan- ), a girl, virgin, daughter etc. etc. (kanyāṃ- dā-or pra-dā-or pra-yam-or upa-pad-, Causal to give one's daughter in marriage ; kanyāṃ prati-grah-or hṛ-or vah-,to receive a girl in marriage, marry )  |
kanyā | f. the sign of the zodiac Virgo and etc.  |
kanyā | f. the female of any animal  |
kanyā | f. Name of durgā-  |
kanyā | f. Name of a tuberous plant growing in kaśmīra-  |
kanyā | f. Aloe Perfoliata  |
kanyā | f. several other plants  |
kanyā | f. Name of a metre (of four lines, each of them containing four long syllables).  |
kanya | kanyaka-, kanyā-, etc. See .  |
kanyābhaikṣa | n. begging for a girl  |
kanyābhartṛ | m. (equals kanyābhiḥ prārthanīyo bhartā- ) , Name of kārttikeya-  |
kanyābhartṛ | m. a daughter's husband, son-in-law  |
kanyābhāva | m. virginity, maidenhood  |
kanyādāna | n. giving a girl in marriage  |
kanyādāna | n. (kanyādāna-,receiving a girl in marriage )  |
kanyādarśam | ind. at the sight of a girl, Sch.  |
kanyādātṛ | m. (a father) who gives a girl in marriage  |
kanyādhana | n. a girl's property, portion, dowry  |
kanyādhana | n. (if a girl dies unmarried her property falls to her brother's share )  |
kanyādoṣa | m. a blemish in a virgin (as disease, bad repute etc.)  |
kanyādūṣaka | m. the violator of a virgin  |
kanyādūṣaka | m. the calumniator of a girl  |
kanyādūṣaṇa | n. defilement of a virgin  |
kanyādūṣaṇa | n. calumniating a maiden.  |
kanyādūṣayitṛ | m. the defiler of a maiden  |
kanyādūṣin | m. idem or 'm. the defiler of a maiden '  |
kanyāgāra | n. the women's apartments,  |
kanyāgarbha | m. the offspring of an unmarried woman  |
kanyāgata | mfn. inherent in or pertaining to a virgin  |
kanyāgata | mfn. the position of a planet in the sign Virgo.  |
kanyāgrahaṇa | n. taking a girl in marriage.  |
kanyāgṛha | n. the women's apartments,  |
kanyāharaṇa | n. carrying a girl off forcibly, rape  |
kanyāhrada | m. Name of a tīrtha-  |
kanyāja | m. the son of an unmarried woman  |
kanyājāta | m. idem or 'm. the son of an unmarried woman '  |
kanyaka | mfn. the smallest  |
kanyakā | f. a girl, maiden, virgin, daughter etc.  |
kanyakā | f. the constellation Virgo in the zodiac  |
kanyakā | f. Name of durgā-  |
kanyakā | f. Aloe Indica  |
kanyākā | f. a girl,  |
kanyākā | the pupil of the eye,  |
kanyakācchala | n. beguiling a maiden, seduction  |
kanyakāchala | n. beguiling a maiden, seduction  |
kanyakāgāra | n. the women's apartments  |
kanyakāguṇa | m. plural Name of a people  |
kanyakājāta | m. the son of an unmarried woman  |
kanyākāla | m. the time of maidenhood  |
kanyakāpati | m. a daughter's husband, son-in-law  |
kanyakubja | n. (f(ā-). ), Name of an ancient city of great note (in the north-western provinces of India, situated on the kālī nadī-,a branch of the gaṅgā-, in the modern district of Farrukhabad;the popular spelling of the name presents, perhaps, greater variations than that of any place in India[ exempli gratia, 'for example' Kanauj,Kunnoj,Kunnouj,Kinoge,Kinnoge,Kinnauj,Kanoj,Kannauj,Kunowj,CanowjCanoje,Canauj,etc.];in antiquity this city ranks next to ayodhyā- in Oude;it is known in classical geography as Canogyza;but the name applies also to its dependencies and the surrounding district;the current etymology[ kanyā-,"a girl", shortened to kanya-,and kubja-,"round-shouldered or crooked"] refers to a legend in ,relating to the hundred daughters of kuśanābha-, the king of this city, who were all rendered crooked by vāyu- for non-compliance with his licentious desires;the ruins of the ancient city are said to occupy a site larger than that of London)  |
kanyākubja | f(ā-)n. equals kanya-kubja- above  |
kanyakubjadeśa | m. the country round kanyakubja-.  |
kanyakumārī | f. Name of durgā-  |
kanyākumārī | f. equals kanya-ku-.  |
kanyākūpa | m. Name of a tīrtha-  |
kanyalā | f. idem or 'f. a maiden, girl '  |
kanyāmaya | mfn. consisting of a girl (as property etc.), being a girl or daughter  |
kanyanā | f. a maiden, girl  |
kanyāpāla | m. the protector or father of a girl  |
kanyāpāla | m. a dealer in slave girls  |
kanyāpāla | m. a dealer in spirituous liquors (for kalyā-pāla-)  |
kanyāpati | m. a daughter's husband, son-in-law  |
kanyāpipīlikā | f. a very small ant,  |
kanyāpradāna | n. giving a daughter in marriage  |
kanyāpravahaṇa | n. (= pradāna-),  |
kanyāpura | n. the women's apartments |
kanyāputra | m. the offspring of an unmarried woman  |
kanyārāma | (kanyārāma-) m. Name of a buddha-.  |
kanyārāśi | m. the sign Virgo.  |
kanyāratna | n. "girl-jewel", an excellent maiden, a lovely girl.  |
kanyārthika | (kanyārthika-) mfn. wanting or desiring a girl.  |
kanyārthin | (kanyārthin-) mfn. idem or '(kanyārthika-) mfn. wanting or desiring a girl.'  |
kanyasa | mf(ā-and ī-)n. younger  |
kanyasa | mf(ā-and ī-)n. smaller, the smallest  |
kanyasā | f. the little finger  |
kanyāsaṃpradāna | n. the giving away a maiden in marriage.  |
kanyāsamudbhava | mfn. born from an unmarried woman  |
kanyāsaṃvedya | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
kanyāśrama | (kanyāśrama-) m. Name of a hermitage  |
kanyāśulka | n. equals -dhana- above.  |
kanyāsvayaṃvara | m. the voluntary choice of a husband by a maiden.  |
kanyāṭa | mfn. (kanyāṭa-) following after young girls  |
kanyāṭa | m. the women's apartments  |
kanyātīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
kanyātva | n. virginity, maidenhood  |
kanyāvat | mfn. possessing a daughter  |
kanyāvat | m. (ān-) the father of a girl  |
kanyāvedin | m. a son-in-law  |
kanyāvratasthā | f. a woman in her monthly state  |
kanyikā | f. a girl, maiden, daughter  |
kanyikā | See under kanyaka-.  |
kanyuṣa | n. the hand below the wrist.  |
abdhikanyā | f. patronymic of lakṣmī-,  |
abhipraskand | to jump into (accusative)  |
abhiskand | (perf. -caskanda-) to ascend |
abhiskanda | according to to some,"m. the mounting [buck]", .  |
abhiskandam | ind. running near  |
abhyavaskand | (ind.p. -skandya-) to jump down or into ; to meet, encounter |
abhyavaskanda | m. impetuous assault  |
abhyavaskanda | judgment,  |
abhyavaskandana | n. impetuous assault  |
ābilakanda | m. a species of bulbous plant  |
adhikandharam | ind. upon or as far as the neck  |
adhilokanātha | m. lord of the universe.  |
adhiṣkand | ( skand-), (Aorist 3. sg. -ṣk/an-) to cover in copulation  |
adhiṣkannā | f. (a cow) covered (by the bull)  |
agartaskandya | mfn. "not having holes to be lept over", not offering hindrances  |
āhvarakantha | n. Name of a town of the uśīnara-s on  |
akalkana | or a-kalkala- mfn. not deceitful, honourable, ( )  |
ākan | Intensive (imperative 2. sg. -cākandhi-) to be pleased with (locative case) (see ā-kā-.)  |
akaniṣṭha | m. plural of whom none is the youngest (id est younger than the others)  |
akaniṣṭha | m. a class of Buddhist deities.  |
akaniṣṭhaga | m. a buddha-  |
akaniṣṭhapa | m. a Buddhist king  |
akanyā | f. not a virgin  |
alakanandā | f. a young girl from eight to ten years old  |
alakanandā | f. Name of a river that runs from the himālaya- mountains and falls into the gaṅgā-  |
ālokana | mfn. looking at  |
ālokana | mfn. contemplating  |
ālokana | n. seeing, looking  |
ālokana | n. sight, beholding  |
alokanīya | mfn. invisible, imperceptible  |
ālokanīya | mfn. to be looked at  |
ālokanīya | mfn. visible  |
ālokanīya | mfn. to be considered, regarded  |
ālokanīyatā | f. the state or condition of being visible  |
aṃhriskandha | m. a part of the foot between the ancle and the heel  |
amitaskandha | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-,  |
ānandakanda | m. "the root of joy", Name of an author  |
ānandakanda | m. of a medical work  |
ānandakanda | m. of a country.  |
anāśakanivṛtta | m. one who has abandoned the practice of fasting.  |
andhacaṭakanyāya | m. the rule of the blind man catching a sparrow (confer, compare ghuṇā- kṣara-- ny-),  |
aṅgaskandha | m. a subdivision of a science.  |
aṅghriskandha | m. the ancle.  |
aṅkana | n. the act of marking, stamping, branding, ciphering, writing  |
aṅkana | mfn. marking.  |
anṛtukanyā | f. a girl before menstruation.  |
anukanakhalam | ind. over kanakhala-,  |
anukaniyas | an-, asi-, as-, the next youngest  |
anuskandam | ind. having gone into in succession  |
apariskandam | ind. so as not to jump or leap about  |
arkanandana | m. (equals -ja- q.v) Name of the planet Saturn  |
arkanandana | m. Name of karṇa-  |
arkanayana | n. Name of an asura-  |
arkanetra | mfn. twelve-eyed,  |
āśaṅkanīya | mfn. to be suspected or doubted  |
āśaṅkanīya | mfn. to be feared  |
āśaṅkanīya | mfn. questionable.  |
asitaskandha | m. a kind of amulet,  |
āskand | P. -skandati-, to leap, skip (See ā-sk/andam-) ; to invade, attack, assault  |
askanda | m. the non-spilling (as of the semen virile)  |
āskanda | m. ascending, mounting, jumping upon  |
āskanda | m. attack, assault etc.  |
āskanda | m. a die (especially the fourth)  |
āskanda | m. a manner of recitation  |
āskandam | ind.p. leaping, skipping  |
āskandana | n. going towards  |
āskandana | n. assailing, attack  |
āskandana | n. battle, combat  |
āskandana | n. reproach, abuse  |
āskandana | n. drying  |
askandatva | (/a-skanda--) n. idem or 'm. the non-spilling (as of the semen virile) '  |
askandayat | mfn. not spilling  |
askandayat | mfn. not neglecting  |
askandin | mfn. not coagulating  |
āskandin | mfn. jumping upon  |
āskandin | mfn. assailing  |
āskandin | mfn. causing to jump away, giving away, granting  |
āskandin | mfn. a robber  |
askandita | mfn. not neglected or forgotten (as time or a vow)  |
āskandita | mfn. subject to or burdened with  |
āskandita | n. (am-) a horse's gallop  |
āskanditaka | n. (akam-) a horse's gallop  |
askanna | mfn. not spilt (as an oblation)  |
askanna | mfn. not covered (as a cow)  |
askannatva | (/a-skanna--) n. the not being spilt  |
aśvakanda | m. Physalis Flexuosa,  |
aśvakandikā | f. equals -ganghā- , q.v  |
āṭīkana | n. ( ṭīk-), the leaping motion of a calf. (see āṭīlaka-and āḍhīl-.)  |
atikandaka | m. the plant hastikanda-.  |
atiṣkand | ( skand-) to cover (said of a bull) ,; to leap or jump over, Vedic or Veda infinitive mood (dative case) ati-ṣk/ade- ; Ved. infinitive mood (ablative) -ṣk/adas- ; to omit ; /an-atiskandat- (mfn.) not omitting anything, uniform  |
aurdhvadehikanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
avakalkana | n. mingling, mixing together  |
āvalīkanda | m. a kind of bulbous plant  |
avalokana | n. seeing, beholding, viewing, observing  |
avalokana | n. a look, glance  |
avalokana | n. "looking like", appearance of (in compound)  |
avalokana | n. (ā-). the aspect (of planets)  |
avalokanaka | mfn. having a fine view, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
avalokanīya | mfn. worthy to be looked at  |
avaskand | (ind.p. -skandya-) to jump down from (ablative) ; to approach hastening from (ablative) ; to storm, assault (as a city etc.)  |
avaskanda | m. assault, attack, storm  |
avaskandana | n. idem or 'm. assault, attack, storm '  |
avaskandana | n. descending  |
avaskandana | n. bathing  |
avaskandana | n. (in law) accusation.  |
avaskandana | n. (also) attack, onset, rushing on (prati-),  |
avaskandin | mfn. "covering (a cow)" See gaurāv-  |
avaskandin | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' attacking  |
avaskandita | mfn. attacked  |
avaskandita | mfn. gone down  |
avaskandita | mfn. bathed, bathing , (in law) accused, refuted (?)  |
avaskanna | mfn. spilt (as semen virile)  |
avaskanna | mfn. "attacked", overpowered (as by love)  |
āvilakanda | m. a kind of bulbous plant  |
āvilakanda | m. (for āvalī-kanda- q.v)  |
aviravikanyāya | m. equals avy-avika-nyāya-, q.v  |
aviskanttṛ | mfn. not leaping to and fro,  |
avyavikanyāya | m. (only instrumental case ena-) after the fashion of avi- and avika- (id est though avi-and avika-both mean"a"goat", a derivation in the sense of, goat's flesh"can be formed only from avika-[ āvikam-].not from avi-[ aver māṃsam-])  |
bahudalakaniśa | m. a particular species of grain  |
bahukanda | m. "having bulbous roots", Amorphophallus Campanulatus  |
bahukandī | f. Cucumis Utilissimus or a kind of gourd  |
baiḍālikarṇakakantha | n. (prob.) Name of a city gaRa cihaṇādi-.  |
baiḍālikarṇakakanthakarṇikantha | n. (prob.) Name of a city gaRa cihaṇādi-.  |
bakanakha | m. Name of a son of viśvā-mitra-  |
bakanakhagudapariṇaddha | m. plural the descendants of baka-nakha- and guda-pariṇaddha- gaRa tikakitavādi-.  |
bakaniṣūdana | m. "destroyer of baka-", Name of bhīma-sena-  |
balāhvakanda | m. a kind of esculent root  |
baṭukanātha | m. Name of a pupil of śaṃkarācārya-  |
bekanāṭa | m. a usurer ( ) |
bhadrakanyā | f. Name of the mother, of maudgalyāyana-  |
bhagīrathakanyā | f. "daughter of bhagī-ratha-", Name of gaṅgā-  |
bhojakanyā | f. a girl of the race of the bhoja-s  |
bhujaṃgakanyā | f. a young female snake or a serpent. nymph  |
bhūkanda | m. a particular medicinal plant  |
bhūmikandaka | n. a mushroom  |
bhūmikandalī | f. a species of plant (equals kandalī-)  |
bhūmikandara | n. a mushroom  |
bhūpādiskandhalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhuvanālokana | n. the sight of the world  |
brahmakanya | (prob.) m. Clerodendrum Siphonantus  |
brahmakanyaka | m. (prob.) idem or '(prob.) m. Clerodendrum Siphonantus '  |
brahmakanyakā | f. Ruta Graveolens  |
brahmakanyakā | f. Name of sarasvatī-  |
brāhmīkanda | m. a species of bulbous plant  |
bṛhatkanda | m. a kind of onion or garlic or another bulbous plant  |
buddhiskandhamaya | mf(ī-)n. one whose trunk or stem is the intellect  |
bukkan | m. the heart  |
bukkana | n. the bark of a dog or any noise made by animals  |
cakana | gaRa cūrṇādi- (vv.ll. cakkana-and cakvana-).  |
cakkana | varia lectio for cakana-.  |
cakrasvastikanandyāvarta | m. "having the wheel the svastika- and the nandy-āvarta- emblems", Name of buddha-  |
campakanātha | m. Name of an author.  |
caṇḍālakanda | m. Name of a bulbous plant  |
caraṇāskandana | n. treading down with the feet  |
chandakanivartana | n. " candaka-'s return", Name of a caitya-,  |
chikkana | n. sneezing  |
chikkanī | f. "causing sneezing", Artemisia sternutatoria  |
cihaṇakantha | m. Name of a town  |
cikkaṇakantha | n. Name of a town gaRa cihaṇādi- (varia lectio citk-).  |
citkaṇakantha | See cikk-.  |
dadhiskanda | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
dakṣakanyā | f. a daughter of  |
dakṣakanyā | f. durgā-  |
dākṣikanthā | f. Name of a village  |
dākṣikanthiya | mfn. relating to it, iv, 2, 142.  |
daṇḍakandaka | m. Name of a bulb  |
daśadigyavalokana | m. Name of a samādhi-  |
daśakandhara | m. equals -kaṇṭha-  |
daśakanyātīrtha | n. the tīrtha- of the 10 Virgins  |
devakanyā | f. idem or 'f. a celestial maiden, a nymph '  |
devakanyakā | f. a celestial maiden, a nymph  |
ḍhakkana | n. shutting (of a door)  |
ḍhakkana | m. Name of a man (varia lectio kkama-).  |
dharaṇīkanda | m. a kind of bulbous plant or esculent root  |
dharmaskandha | m. "law-collection", Name of work  |
dharmaskandha | m. chief section of a work relating to laws  |
ḍhaukana | n. offering, present  |
ḍhaukana | n. see upa--.  |
ḍhaukana | n. (also) bringing near (in svayam-- asana-- ḍh-, see parasmE-pada 1278).  |
dhīraskandha | m. "strong-shouldered", a buffalo  |
dhṛtakanakamāla | mfn. wearing a golden collar or wreath  |
digvilokana | n. equals dik-prekṣaṇa-  |
dikkanyā | etc. See under 2. diś-.  |
dikkanyā | f. a quarter of the sky deified as a young virgin (varia lectio kāntā-).  |
dīrghakandaka | n. "having long bulbs", a kind of radish (equals mūlaka-)  |
dīrghakandikā | f. Curculigo Orchioides (equals muṣalī-)  |
dīrghaskandha | m. equals -taru-  |
drāvakanda | m. a kind of bulbous plant  |
dṛḍhaskandha | m. "strong-stemmed", a sort of Mimusops  |
dvādaśābdānantarāvalokanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
ekādaśaskandhārthanirūpaṇakārikā | f. Name of a kārikā- on the  |
ekanakṣatra | n. a lunar mansion consisting of only one star or one whose name occurs but once  |
ekanaṭa | m. the principal actor in a drama, the manager (who recites the prologue)  |
ekanātha | m. "having one master", Name of an author  |
ekanāthī | f. Name of his work.  |
ekanavata | mfn. the ninety-first.  |
ekanavati | f. ninety-one  |
ekanavatitama | mfn. the ninety-first.  |
ekanāyaka | m. "the only Ruler", Name of śiva-.  |
ekanayana | m. the planet Venus  |
ekanemi | mfn. having one felly  |
ekanemi | mfn.  |
ekanetra | m. "one-eyed", Name of śiva-  |
ekanetra | m. (with śaiva-s) one of the eight forms of vidyeśvara-  |
ekanetraka | m. idem or 'm. (with śaiva-s) one of the eight forms of vidyeśvara- '  |
ekanibha | mfn. uniform,  |
ekanīḍa | mfn. having a common abode  |
ekanīḍa | mfn. having only one seat  |
ekanipāta | m. a particle which is a single word.  |
ekaniścaya | m. one and the same resolution, common resolution  |
ekaniścaya | mfn. having the same intention or resolution  |
gajakanda | m. (equals hasti-k-) a kind of bulbous plant  |
gajakanyā | f. a female elephant  |
gajaskandha | m. "having shoulders like an elephant", Name of a dānava-  |
gajaskandha | m. "having a stem like an elephant's trunk", Cassia Alata or Tora  |
gandhakandaka | m. the root of Scirpus Kysoor.  |
gandharvakanyā | f. a gandharva- virgin  |
gehāvaskandam | ind. equals hānuprapātam-  |
ghanaskandha | m. "having a solid trunk", Mangifera sylvatica  |
ghrāṇaskanda | m. blowing one's nose  |
girikandara | m. a mountain cave or cavern  |
godhāskandha | m. Vachellia farnesiana (viṭ-khadira-)  |
gopakanyā | f. idem or 'f. a cow-herdess ' , 4081 and 4085  |
gopakanyā | f. the gopā- plant  |
gopakanyakā | f. a cow-herdess  |
grāmakanda | m. a kind of bulbous plant  |
grāmyakanda | m. (or a-gr-?) a kind of bulbous plant  |
gṛhakanyā | f. Aloe perfoliata (ghṛta-kumārī-) (see kanyakā-.)  |
gucchāhvakanda | m. a kind of esculent root (gulañca-k-)  |
gulañcakanda | equals luccha-k-  |
gulucchakanda | m. Name of a bulbous root (varia lectio lañca-k-).  |
guṇḍakanda | m. the root of Scirpus Kysoor  |
guruskandha | m. "large-trunked", the tree śleṣmaṇā-  |
guruskandha | m. Name of a mountain  |
hastikanda | a kind of bulbous plant  |
hayakantharā | varia lectio for -kātarā-, rikā-, q.v  |
hayakantharikā | varia lectio for -kātarā-, rikā-, q.v  |
hayaskandha | m. a troop of horses  |
hemakandala | m. having golden shoots, coral  |
horākandarpajātaka | n.  |
hṛṣīkanātha | m. "lord of the senses", Name of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa-  |
iṣvanīkanīkīya | mfn. ([ gaṇa- gahādi-]) belonging to the point of an arrow.  |
jagadekanātha | m. the sole monarch of the world (raghu-)  |
jagatīpatikanyakā | f. "king's daughter", a princess (varia lectio)  |
jahnukanyā | f. " jahnu-'s daughter", gaṅgā-  |
jahnukanyā | f. (hnoḥ k- )  |
jaihmākani | m. patronymic (vv.ll. māṣmani-[for māśmani-?]and jihmaka-). |
jaladhikanyakā | f. equals -jā-  |
janakanandini | f. equals -tanayā-.  |
janmakanātha | m. equals ma-pa-,  |
jayaskandha | m. Name of a minister of king yudhi-ṣṭhira-  |
jikana | m. Name of a lawyer,  |
jīvatpitṛkanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
jñānakanda | m. Name of a pupil of śaṃkarācārya-, iv.  |
kadalīkanda | m. the root of the plantain  |
kadalīskandha | m. a particular form of illusion ( )  |
kadambakorakanyāya | m. the rule of the kadamba- buds (id est simultaneous appearance or action),  |
kaimutikanyāya | m. the rule of"how much more?"or"how much less?"arguing a fortiori commentator or commentary on  |
kākanāman | m. the plant Agati Grandiflora  |
kākanantī | f. equals kākaṇantikā-  |
kākanāsa | m. the plant Asteracantha Longifolia  |
kākanāsā | f. the plant Leea Hirta  |
kākanāsikā | f. the plant Leea Hirta  |
kākanāsikā | f. the red-blossomed trivṛt-  |
kakanda | m. gold  |
kakanda | m. Name of a king  |
kākandaka | mfn. fr. kakandī- commentator or commentary on  |
kākandi | m. plural Name of a warrior-tribe gaRa dāmany-ādi-.  |
kākandī | f. Name of a land or town commentator or commentary on  |
kākandī | f. Emblic myrobalan  |
kākandīya | m. Name of a prince of the kākandi- tribe gaRa dāmany-ādi-.  |
kākani | f. a small coin (equals kākiṇī-)  |
kākanī | f. a small coin (equals kākiṇī-)  |
kākanidrā | f. "crow's sleep", light slumber (easily broken).  |
kākanīlā | f. equals -jambū-.  |
kakudmikanyā | f. "mountain-daughter", a river  |
kakudmikanyā | f. Name of revatī- (wife of bala-rāma-)  |
kalahakandala | m. Name of an actor.  |
kalākanda | n. (?) a particular metre.  |
kālakandaka | m. a water-snake  |
kālaskandha | m. the plant Diospyros embryopteris  |
kālaskandha | m. the Jamala tree (bearing dark blossoms, Xanthochymus pictorius)  |
kālaskandha | m. Ficus glomerata  |
kālaskandha | m. a kind of Acacia (Catechu)  |
kālaskandha | m. another plant (equals jīvaka-)  |
kālaskandhin | m. Ficus glomerata  |
kalindakanyā | f. " kalinda-'s daughter", Name of the river yamunā-  |
kalkana | n. meanness, wickedness  |
kāmakandalā | f. Name of a woman.  |
kāñcanakandara | m. a gold mine  |
kapikanduka | n. "a playing-ball for monkeys", the skull, cranium  |
kapiskandha | m. Name of a dānava-  |
kapiskandha | m. of a being in the retinue of skanda-  |
karaṇḍakanivāpa | m. Name of a place near rājagṛha-.  |
karavīrakandasaṃjña | m. a species of onion  |
karavīrakandasaṃjña | m. a bulb (equals tailakanda-)  |
kariskandha | m. a herd of elephants on  |
kārkandhava | mf(ī-)n. coming from or belonging to the plant karkandhū- (q.v) gaRa bilvādi-.  |
karkandhu | mf. us-, ūs- (fr. karka-and dhā- commentator or commentary on ;according to others fr. karka-and andhu-,"a well") , Zizyphus Jujuba  |
karkandhu | n. (u-) the fruit of this tree, the jujube berry etc.  |
karkandhu | m. (us-) a well without water, one dried up commentator or commentary on  |
karkandhu | m. Name of a man  |
karkandhu | f. (ūs-) a term or name applied to a fetus which is ten days old  |
karkandhūkā | f. a small berry of the jujube tree (?)  |
karkandhukuṇa | m. the fruit-season of the jujube tree gaRa pīlvādi-  |
karkandhumatī | f. Name of a woman gaRa madhv-ādi-  |
karkandhuprastha | m. Name of a town gaRa karky-ādi-  |
karkandhurohita | mfn. red like a berry of the jujube tree  |
karkandhusaktu | m. plural flour of jujube berries  |
kartapraskanda | m. idem or 'n. falling or tumbling into a hole '  |
kāsakanda | m. a species of root (equals kāsālu-)  |
kāśikanyā | f. a girl or virgin from kāśi-  |
kāśmīrikanivāsa | m. the residence of the kaśmīra-s  |
kaṭhinatārakanātha | m. the full moon,  |
kaṭukanda | m. ginger  |
kaṭukanda | m. garlic  |
kaṭukanda | m. Hyperanthera Moringa  |
kaukkuṭikandala | m. a species of snake (see kukkuṭābha-and ṭāhi-.)  |
kaverakanyā | f. (equals kāverī-), Name of a river in the Dekhan.  |
kāyamānikaniketana | n. idem or 'n. a hut made of grass or thatch ' ,  |
khaṇḍakanda | n. Name of a bulbous plant  |
kharaskandha | m. "having a rough stem", Buchanania latifolia  |
kharaskandha | m. Name of a demon  |
kharaskandhā | f. Phoenix sylvestris  |
khasakanda | m. Name of a bulbous plant (varia lectio nna-).  |
kīcakaniṣūdana | m. idem or 'm. "conquering kīcaka-", bhīma-sena- '  |
kokanada | m. plural Name of a people  |
kokanada | m. Name of an attendant in skanda-'s retinue  |
kokanada | n. the flower of the red water-lily  |
kokanada | etc. See k/oka-.  |
kokanadacchavi | m. the colour of the red lotus  |
kokanadacchavi | mfn. of the colour of the red lotus  |
kokanadaya | Nom. P. yati-, to take for a red lotus  |
kokanadinī | f. the red water-lily  |
kokanakha | m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio for koka-baka- q.v)  |
kolakanda | m. a sort of bulbous plant (used as a remedy for worms)  |
kroḍakanyā | f. the yam root  |
kṛṣṇakanda | n. the red lotus (Nymphaea rubra)  |
kṛṣṇaskandha | m. "having a black stem", a kind of tree commentator or commentary on  |
kṛtāskandana | mfn. one who has made an attack, assailing, attacking  |
kṛtāskandana | mfn. effacing from recollection (?)  |
kṣīrakanda | m. Batatus paniculata  |
kṣīrakandā | f. idem or 'm. Batatus paniculata '  |
kṣudropodakanāmnī | f. Name of a pot-herb (a variety of Basella)  |
kukanyakā | f. a bad girl  |
kukkuṭakantha | n. Name of a town gaRa cihaṇādi-.  |
kulakanyā | f. idem or 'f. a girl of good family '  |
kulakanyakā | f. a girl of good family  |
kuntākanti | ind. spear against spear, in close fight,  |
kūpakandara | m. Name of a man  |
kurukandaka | n. horse-radish (Raphanus sativus)  |
kuṣṭhakanda | m. the plant Trichosanthes dioeca  |
laghukarkandhu | mf. a small kind of Zizyphus  |
laṭakana | m. (with miśra-) Name of the father of bhāva-miśra- (author of the bhāvaprakāśa-)  |
laukikanyāya | m. a general rule or maxim  |
laukikanyāyamuktāvalī | f. Name of work  |
laukikanyāyaratnākara | m. Name of work  |
laukikanyāyasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
lohacumbakanyāya | m. the rule of iron and magnet (id est of a very close afflnity between two things),  |
lokana | n. the act of looking, seeing, viewing  |
lokanātha | m. "lord of worlds", Name of brahmā- |
lokanātha | m. of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa-  |
lokanātha | m. of śiva-  |
lokanātha | m. of the gods in general  |
lokanātha | m. of the sun  |
lokanātha | m. a protector or guardian of the people, king, sovereign etc.  |
lokanātha | m. a buddha-  |
lokanātha | m. Name of a buddha-  |
lokanātha | m. of avalokiteśvara-  |
lokanātha | m. of various authors  |
lokanātha | m. a panic. mixture  |
lokanātha | mfn. being under the guardianship of mankind  |
lokanāthabhaṭṭa | m. Name of an author  |
lokanāthacakravartin | m. Name of a Scholiast  |
lokanātharasa | m. a particular medicinal preparation  |
lokanāthaśarman | m. Name of an author  |
lokanāyaka | m. leader of the worlds (the sun)  |
lokanetṛ | m. guide of the world (Name of śiva-)  |
lokanindita | mfn. blamed by the world, generally censured  |
lokanīya | mfn. to be seen or perceived, visible, worthy of being looked at  |
lokanyāyāmṛta | n. Name of work  |
lulāpakanda | m. a kind of plant with a tuberous root  |
maḍarakantha | n. Name of and town gaRa cihaṇādi- (varia lectio mandar- maḍur-).  |
mādhavānalakāmakandalakathā | f. idem or ' f. idem or 'n. Name of a love-story' '  |
madhuparkanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
madhuskanda | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
madrumarakantha | n. gaRa cihaṇādi-.  |
mahākanda | m. garlic, radish and other tuberous plants  |
mahākanda | m. Hingtsha Repens  |
mahākanda | n. dry ginger  |
mahākanya | m. Name of a man  |
mahākanya | m. plural of his descendants  |
mahāpṛṣṭhagalaskandha | mfn. wrong reading for mahā-vṛkṣa-g-  |
mahāskandha | m. "large-shouldered, high-shouldered", a camel  |
mahāskandhā | f. "having a strong stem", Eugenia Jambolana  |
mahāskandhin | m. the fabulous animal śarabha-  |
mahāvṛkṣagalaskandha | mfn. one whose neck and shoulders resemble corresponding parts of a great tree  |
mahiṣakanda | m. a species of bulbous plant  |
mahiṣīkanda | m. a species of bulbous plant (= mahiṣa-k-)  |
maitrakanyaka | m. Name of a man  |
mākanda | m. the mango tree  |
mākandaka | mfn. belonging to the town mākandī-  |
mākandī | f. the Myrobolan tree, Myrobolan  |
mākandī | f. another species of plant  |
mākandī | f. yellow sanders  |
mākandī | f. Name of a city on the Ganges  |
makandikā | f. Name of a woman  |
mākandikā | f. Name of a city (equals mākandī-)  |
mākandika | m. (metron. fr. makandikā- ) Name of a man  |
mālākanda | m. a species of bulbous plant  |
māṃsakandī | f. a fleshy protuberance  |
mānakanda | m. Arum Indicum  |
mandarakantha | varia lectio for maḍara-k-  |
maṇiskandha | m. Name of a snake-demon (varia lectio maṇi-and skandha-as 2 names) .  |
maraṇasāmāyikanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
meghaskandin | m. the fabulous animal sarabha-  |
mekalakanyakā | f. "daughter of mekala-", Name of the river narma-dā- (also -kanyā- )  |
mekalakanyakātata | m. or n. Name of a district  |
mekalaśailakanyā | f. equals mekala-kanyakā-  |
mekhalakanyakā | f. wrong reading for mekala-k-  |
miśralaṭakana | m. Name of the father of miśra-bhāva-  |
mlecchakanda | m. Allium Ascalonicum  |
mṛkṣakanāṭaka | n. Name of a drama.  |
mṛtyukanyā | f. the goddess of disease  |
muhūrtaskandha | m. Name of work  |
mukandaka | prob. w.r. for su-k- q.v  |
mūṣikanirviseṣa | mfn. not differing from a mouse.  |
nāgakanda | m. a kind of bulbous plant  |
nāgakanyā | ( ) f. a serpent-virgin (see ) .  |
nāgakanyakā | (L.) f. a serpent-virgin (see ) .  |
nairṛtakanyā | f. nairṛta |
nākanadī | f. "the river of heaven", the heavenly gaṅgā-  |
nākanadī | f. the earthly gaṅgā-  |
nākanārī | f. "heavenly female", an apsaras-  |
nākanātha | m. "sky-lord", Name of indra-  |
nākanāthaka | m. "sky-lord", Name of indra-  |
nākanāyaka | m. idem or 'm. "sky-lord", Name of indra- '  |
nākanāyakapurohita | m. " indra-'s chief priest", Name of bṛhas-pati- or the planet Jupiter  |
nānākanda | m. a species of bulbous plant  |
narakankas | m. equals kāvāsa-  |
narāntakanigrahavarṇana | n.  |
narāntakanirgama | m. Name of of  |
naraskandha | m. a multitude of men  |
narendrakanyā | f. a princess  |
nāriṅgakanda | m. a yellow carrot (see nāraṅga-pattraka-).  |
nāvikanāyaka | m. "sailor-chief."the captain of a vessel,  |
netrakanīnikā | f. the pupil of the eye  |
nīlakanda | m. a species of bulbous plant  |
nīlaskandā | f. the dark go-karṇī-  |
nīlaskandhā | f. the dark go-karṇī-  |
niṣkanda | mfn. without edible roots  |
niṣkaniṣṭha | mfn. (a fist) with the little finger stretched out  |
niṣkaniṣṭhika | mfn. (a fist) with the little finger stretched out  |
nṛpakanda | m. a species of onion  |
nṛpatikanyakā | f. a princess  |
nyāyakandalī | f. Name of work  |
padmakandāda | m. a species of bird  |
pākaniṣaṃdana | m. "foe or destroyer of the daitya- pāka-", Name of indra-  |
pañcarātrakanaivedyavidhāna | n. Name of work  |
pañcaskandha | (in the beginning of a compound) equals dhī-  |
pañcaskandhaka | n. Name of work  |
pañcaskandhavimocaka | m. Name of buddha-  |
pañcaskandhī | f. sg. the 5 skandhas- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) or constituent elements  |
paṅktikanda | m. a particular bulbous plant  |
pāpaskandha | n. plural accumulation of sin  |
paphakanaraka | m. plural the descendants of paphaka- and naraka- gaRa tika-kitavādi-.  |
parapākanivṛtta | m. one who cooks his own food without observing a particular ceremony |
pāraskanda | varia lectio for pari-sk-.  |
pāraskanda | varia lectio for pari-skanda-.  |
parāskandin | m. "assailing another", a thief, robber  |
parikalkana | n. deceit, cheating (see kalkana-).  |
parikandala | mf(ā-)n. teeming with, full of (compound)  |
pariśaṅkanīya | mfn. to be doubted or distrusted or feared or apprehended (n. impersonal or used impersonally"distrust must be felt")  |
pariṣkand | ( skand-) P. -ṣkandati-, or -skandati- ( ) , to leap or spring about : Intensive -caniṣkadat- idem or 'mfn. plural full sixteen '  |
pariskand | See pari-ṣkand-.  |
pariṣkanda | m. (or skanda-) ( ) a servant (especially one running by the side of a carriage) etc.  |
pariṣkanda | m. a foster-child, one nourished by a stranger  |
pariṣkanda | m. a temple (varia lectio ṣkandha-).  |
pariskanna | mfn. ( ),spilled, scattered  |
pariskanna | m. = or wrong reading for next  |
paritakana | n. ( tak-) running round or about  |
parvatakandara | n. mountain-cave  |
parvatarājakanyā | f. Name of pārvatī- or durgā- (daughter of himālaya-). ( )  |
paryavaskanda | m. ( skand-) the act of jumping down (from a carriage)  |
paṭatkakantha | n. Name of a town gaRa cihaṇādi-.  |
paurakanyā | f. a maiden of the city  |
payaḥkandā | f. Batatas Paniculata  |
peṭakandaka | m. a species of bulbous plant  |
phalapākaniṣṭhā | f. a plant ending or perishing with the ripening of fruit, an annual plant. ( )  |
phaṇikanyā | f. the daughter of a serpent-demon  |
pikanikara | m. a pseudonym of a poet  |
piṇḍakanda | m. a species of bulbous plant (= piṇḍā/iu-)  |
pītakanda | n. Daucus Carota  |
pītaskandha | m. "yellow-shouldered", a hog  |
prakāmālokanīyatā | f. the being an object that may be viewed at pleasure  |
pramaṅkana | n. on  |
praskand | P. -skandati- (ind.p. -skandya-,or -skadya-), to leap forth or out or up or down etc. ; to gush forth (as tears) ; to fall into (accusative) ; to fall upon, attack ; to shed, spill : Causal -skandayati-. to cause to flow (a river;others "to cross") ; to pour out (as an oblation)  |
praskanda | m. a kind of root (varia lectio)  |
praskandana | mfn. leaping forward, attacking (said of śiva-)  |
praskandana | mfn. one who has diarrhoea  |
praskandana | n. leaping over or across (compound)  |
praskandana | n. voiding excrement  |
praskandana | n. a purgative  |
praskandikā | f. diarrhoea  |
praskandin | mfn. leaping into (compound).  |
praskandin | mfn. attacking, daring, bold  |
praskandin | m. Name of a man  |
praskanna | mfn. shed, spilt  |
praskanna | mfn. lost, gone  |
praskanna | mfn. having attacked or assailed  |
praskanna | m. a transgressor, sinner, one who has violated the rules of his caste or order  |
pratiśaṅkanīya | mfn. to be doubted about or feared  |
pratiskandha | m. every shoulder (instrumental case"each on his shoulder")  |
pratiskandha | m. Name of an attendant of skanda- (varia lectio kapi-sk-)  |
pratiskandham | ind. upon the shoulders  |
pratiskandham | m. in every section of a book  |
pratyabhiskandana | n. ( skand-) a counter plaint or charge, an accusation brought against the accuser or plaintiff (see praty-abhiyoga-).  |
pratyavaskanda | m. ( skand-) an attack, surprise  |
pratyavaskanda | m. equals next  |
pratyavaskandavaskandana | n. a special plea at law (admitting a fact, but qualifying or explaining it so as not to allow it to be a matter of accusation), |
pratyekanaraka | m. a particular hell  |
pṛthuskandha | m. "broad-shouldered", aboar  |
puṃkandā | f. a species of plant  |
puṇḍarīkanayana | mfn. lotus-eyed  |
puṇḍarīkanayana | m. Name of viṣṇu- or kṛṣṇa-  |
puṇḍarīkanayana | m. a species of bird  |
puṇyaskandha | m. equals -saṃcaya-  |
puṭakanda | m. a species of bulbous plant  |
putrakandā | f. a bulbous plant (supposed to cause fecundity)  |
rāhukanya | wrong reading for rāhūgaṇya- q.v  |
rājakandarpa | m. Name of a writer on music  |
rājakanyā | f. idem or 'f. a king's daughter '  |
rājakanyā | f. a kind of flower  |
rājakanyakā | f. a king's daughter  |
rājaskandha | m. a horse  |
raktakanda | m. coral  |
raktakanda | m. Dioscorea Purpurea  |
raktakanda | m. a kind of bulbous plant (equals rājapalāṇḍu-)  |
raktakandala | m. coral  |
raktakokanada | n. equals -kumuda-.  |
rāmāṅkanāṭikā | f. Name of a drama.  |
ratnakandala | m. coral  |
retaḥskandana | ( ) n. effusion of semen.  |
rodaḥkandarakuhara | n. the void or hollow space between heaven and earth  |
romakanda | m. Dioscorea Globosa  |
rucyakanda | m. Arum Campanulatum  |
rūḍhaskandha | mfn. (a tree) whose stem or trunk has grown, high, lofty  |
rudraskanda | m. Name of a commentator  |
rudraskandasvāmin | m. Name of a commentator  |
rūpagosvāmiguṇaleśasūcakanāmadaśaka | n. of work  |
rūpakanṛtya | n. (in music) a kind of dance  |
rūpaskandha | m. (with Buddhists) a physical element (of which there are 11)  |
śabarakanda | m. a sweet potato  |
śābdikanarasiṃha | m. Name of a grammarian  |
śailakanyā | f. "daughter of the mountain (himālaya-)", Name of pārvatī-  |
śakan | See ś/akṛt-, column 3.  |
śākandhavya | m. patronymic fr. śakandhu- gaRa kurv-ādi-. |
śakandhu | n. (perhaps for śakan-andhu-) a dung-well (?) Va1rtt. 4.  |
śākanighaṇṭu | m. Name of a glossary of plants by sītā-rāma- śāstrin-.  |
śakanṛpāla | m. a śaka- king  |
śakanṛpatisaṃvatsara | m. a year of the śaka- era  |
śākhāskandha | m. śākhā |
śālaskandha | m. the trunk of the Sal tree  |
śālikanātha | m. Name of a poet  |
śālikanātha | m. of the author of a commentator or commentary on the gīta-govinda-  |
śālmalīkanda | m. the root of the śālmali- tree  |
samakanyā | f. a suitable maiden, a girl fit to be married  |
samālokana | n. idem or 'm. looking at, viewing, beholding ' , contemplation, inspection  |
samantasthūlāvalokana | m. or n. (?) a kind of flower  |
samantavyūhasāgaracaryavyavalokana | m. Name of a garuḍa-rāja-  |
samāskand | P. -skandati-, to assail, attack  |
samāskanna | mfn. attached or added to (locative case)  |
samāskanna | mfn. scattered over (equals viprakīrṇa-)  |
samavaskand | Caus. -skandayati-, to attack, assail ; to seize upon (accusative)  |
samavaskanda | m. a bulwark, rampart etc.  |
śambarakanda | m. a kind of bulbous plant  |
saṃhitāskandha | m. Name of work  |
saṃkan | (only p. -cakān/a-), to be pleased or satisfied  |
saṃskand | P. -skandati-, to drip or trickle off  |
saṃskandha | n. a particular disease  |
śaṅkana | m. "causing fear or awe (?)", Name of a king  |
śaṅkanīya | mfn. to be distrusted or suspected or apprehended (n. impersonal or used impersonally), doubtful, questionable  |
śaṅkanīya | mfn. to be supposed to be, to be regarded as (exempli gratia, 'for example' bādhakatvena-,"as hurting or injuring")  |
sanmārgālokana | n. the seeing or following of good paths (of morality etc.)  |
saralaskandhasaṃghaṭṭajanman | mfn. arising from the friction of pine-branches  |
śārīrakanyāya | m. Name of a vedānta- work  |
śārīrakanyāyamaṇimālā | f. Name of work  |
śārīrakanyāyanirṇaya | m. a commentator or commentary on śaṃkarācārya-'s śārīraka-bhāṣya- by ānanda-tīrtha-  |
śārīrakanyāyarakṣāmaṇi | m. a commentator or commentary on śaṃkarācārya-'s śārīraka-bhāṣya- by appaya- dīkṣita-  |
śārīrakanyāyasaṃgraha | m. an abridgment in verse of rāmānuja-'s commentator or commentary on the brahma-sūtra- by bādhūla- śrī-nivāsācārya-.  |
sarṣapakanda | m. a kind of poisonous root  |
sarvalokadhātuvyavalokana | m. Name of a samādhi-  |
sarvatathāgatavyavalokana | m. a particular samādhi-  |
saukanya | mfn. relating to sukanyā-  |
saukanya | n. (scilicet ākhyāna-) the story of sukanyā-  |
sauśamikantha | n.  |
sekandhara | m. = $, Iskandar (Alexander)  |
sekandharapurī | f. Alexander's city  |
senaskandha | m. Name of a son of śambara-  |
śikhākanda | n. a kind of onion or garlic  |
siṃhaskandha | mfn. having the shoulders of a lion  |
siṃhāvalokana | n. a lion's backward look  |
siṃhāvalokana | n. Name of work  |
siṃhāvalokananyāyena | ind. according to to the rule of the lion's look (id est casting a retrospective glance while at the same time proceeding onwards)  |
siṃhāvalokanena | ind. according to to the rule of the lion's look (id est casting a retrospective glance while at the same time proceeding onwards)  |
sindhukanyā | f. "daughter of the ocean", Name of lakṣmi- (also kṣīroda-sindhu-k-).  |
śiphākanda | m. n. the root of a water-lily  |
śivaskanda | m. Name of a king  |
śivaskandha | m. Name of a king  |
skand | (confer, compare skandh-and skund-) cl.1 P. ( ) skandati- (mc. also te-; cask/anda- etc.; caskande- etc.; Aorist askan-, sk/an- ; /askān-, skān- ; askāntsīt- ; askadat- grammar; preceding skadyāt- ; future skanttā- ; skantsyati- ; infinitive mood skanditum- grammar; -sk/ade-, -sk/adas- ; ind.p. skanttvā- grammar; -sk/andya-or -sk/adya- ; -sk/andam- ), to leap, jump, hop, dart, spring, spurt out, be spilt or effused (especially said of semen) etc. ; (A1.) to emit seminal fluid ; to leap upon, cover (said of animals) ; to drop, fall down, perish, be lost : Passive voice skadyate- (perf. caskade-or caskande-; Aorist askandi-) grammar : Causal skandayati- (mc. also te-; Aorist acask/andat-), to cause to jump or leap (in explaining skanda-) ; to pour out, effuse, shed, spill, emit (especially seminal fluid) ; to omit, neglect etc. ; to cause to coagulate, thicken : Desiderative ciskantsati-, grammar : Intensive canīskadyate-, canīskandīti- (grammar), k/aniṣkan-, -caniṣkadat- ; ( ), to leap, jump, hop etc. [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin scando,de-scendo;scAlaforscant(s)la.]  |
skanda | m. anything which jumps or hops (in tṛṇa-skand/a-,"grasshopper", Name of a man)  |
skanda | m. spurting, effusing, effusion, spilling, shedding (see /a-and ghraṇa-sk-)  |
skanda | m. perishing, destruction  |
skanda | m. quick-silver  |
skanda | m. "Attacker", Name of kārttikeya- (q.v,son of śiva- or of agni-;he is called god of war as leader of śiva-'s hosts against the enemies of the gods;he is also leader of the demons of illness that attack children[ see -graha-],also god of burglars and thieves; see -putra-and ) etc. |
skanda | m. Name of śiva-  |
skanda | m. a king prince  |
skanda | m. a clever or learned man (see skandha-)  |
skanda | m. the body  |
skanda | m. the jādi- (plural )  |
skandabhaṭa | m. Name of various persons  |
skandabhaṭṭa | m. Name of a man  |
skandadāsa | m. Name of a merchant  |
skandāgni | wrong reading for skandhāgni-  |
skandagraha | m. the demon skanda- (causing disease)  |
skandagupta | m. Name of a king  |
skandagupta | m. of an elephant-keeper  |
skandaguru | m. "father of skanda-", Name of śiva-  |
skandajananī | f. " skanda-'s mother", pārvatī-  |
skandajit | m. "conqueror of skanda-", Name of viṣṇu-  |
skandaka | m. one who leaps or springs  |
skandaka | m. a soldier  |
skandaka | n. (prob.) a kind of metre (see skandhaka-).  |
skandakagrāma | m. Name of a village  |
skandakavaca | n. Name of work  |
skandamātṛ | f. "mother of skanda-", Name of durgā-  |
skandāṃśaka | m. quicksilver  |
skandana | n. spurting out, emission, effusion, dropping  |
skandana | n. failing to succeed, miscarrying  |
skandana | n. purging, evacuation of the bowels  |
skandana | n. clotting or coagulation of blood  |
skandana | n. going, moving  |
skandanīya | mfn. to be emitted or poured out or effused  |
skandāpasmāra | m. a demon causing a particular disease  |
skandāpumārin | mfn. attacked by the above disease  |
skandapura | n. Name of a town  |
skandapurāṇa | n. Name of a purāṇa- (consisting of several saṃhitā-s, each of which contains a number of khaṇḍa-s, the most celebrated being the kāśī-khaṇḍa-, chiefly intended to glorify kāśī- or, Benares and exalt the sanctity of its shrines)  |
skandapurāṇasamuccaya | m. Name of work  |
skandapurāṇīya | mfn. belonging to the skanda-purāṇa-  |
skandaputra | m. a son of skanda- (euphemistic term for a thief)  |
skandarāja | m. the king skanda-  |
skandārya | m. Name of two Brahmans  |
skandasahasranāman | n. "the thousand names of skanda-", Name of work  |
skandaṣaṣṭhī | f. the 6th day of the light half of the month kārttika-  |
skandaṣaṣṭhī | f. a festival in honour of kārttikeya- on the 6th day of the month caitra-  |
skandaṣaṣṭhīvrata | n. a particular religious observance  |
skandaṣaṣṭhīvrata | n. Name of work  |
skandaskāraśaṃkara | (?) m. Name of a poet  |
skandastotra | n. Name of work  |
skandasvāmin | m. Name of a Commentator  |
skandatā | f. ( ) ( ) the condition of skanda-.  |
skandatva | n. ( ) the condition of skanda-.  |
skandavarman | m. Name of various kings  |
skandaviśākha | m. dual number skanda- and viśākha-, gaRa dadhi-paya-ādi-  |
skandaviśākha | m. sg. Name of śiva- (varia lectio skandha-v-).  |
skandayāga | m. Name of the 20th pariśiṣṭa- of the atharva-- veda-.  |
skandayāmalatantra | n. Name of work  |
skandeśvaratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
skandh | (sometimes written skand-) cl.10 P. skandhayati-, to collect  |
skandha | m. (according to to , from skand-in the sense of "rising"?) the shoulder, upper part of the back or region from the neck to the shoulder-joint (in men and animals) etc. |
skandha | m. the stem or trunk of a tree (especially that part of the stem where the branches begin) etc.  |
skandha | m. a large branch or bough  |
skandha | m. a troop, multitude, quantity, aggregate (see kari--, nara-sk-)  |
skandha | m. a part, division (especially a division of an army or a form of military array) etc.  |
skandha | m. a chapter, section (of a book, system etc.)  |
skandha | m. a tract, path, region (especially of the winds, said to be seven)  |
skandha | m. (in philosophy) the five objects of sense (See viṣaya-)  |
skandha | m. (with Buddhists) the five constituent elements of being (viz. rūpa-,"bodily form"; vedanā-,"sensation"; saṃjñā-,"perception"; saṃskāra-,"aggregate of formations"; vijñāna-,"consciousness or thought-faculty")  |
skandha | m. (with jaina-s) the body (in the widest sense equals piṇḍa-)  |
skandha | m. a particular form of the āryā- metre  |
skandha | m. a king, prince  |
skandha | m. any article used at the coronation of a king (as a jar filled with consecrated water, an umbrella etc.)  |
skandha | m. a sage, teacher  |
skandha | m. war, battle  |
skandha | m. an engagement, agreement  |
skandha | m. a heron  |
skandha | m. equality of height in the humps of a pair of draught oxen  |
skandha | m. equals samparāya- and bhadrādi-  |
skandha | m. Name of a serpent-demon  |
skandha | m. of a poet  |
skandha | m. often wrong reading for skanda-  |
skandhā | f. a branch  |
skandhā | f. a creeper  |
skandhabandhanā | f. Anethum Panmorium  |
skandhacāpa | m. "shoulder-bow", a sort of yoke or pole made of bamboo with a cord attached to either end for carrying burdens  |
skandhadeśa | m. the region of the shoulder  |
skandhadeśa | m. the stem of a tree etc.  |
skandhadeśa | m. the part about the shoulders or withers of an elephant (where the driver sits)  |
skandhāgni | m. fire made with thick logs  |
skandhaja | mfn. growing from the stem  |
skandhaja | m. a tree growing from a principal stem (exempli gratia, 'for example' the gum olibanum tree etc.) .  |
skandhaka | n. a kind of āryā- metre  |
skandhākṣa | m. Name of one of skanda-'s attendants  |
skandhamallaka | m. a heron  |
skandhamaṇi | m. a particular amulet (equals asita-sk-)  |
skandhamāra | m. (with Buddhists) one of the four māra-s  |
skandhamaya | mf(ī-)n. See buddhi-skandha-m-.  |
skandhānala | m. fire made with thick logs  |
skandhapāda | m. Name of a mountain  |
skandhaparinirvāṇa | n. complete annihilation of the elements of being (with Buddhists)  |
skandhaphala | m. the cocoa-nut tree  |
skandhaphala | m. Ficus Glomerata  |
skandhaphala | m. Aegle Marmelos  |
skandhapīṭha | n. the shoulders-blade  |
skandhapradeśa | m. the region of the shoulder  |
skandharāja | wrong reading for skanda-r-  |
skandharuha | m. the Indian fig-tree  |
skandhas | n. the shoulder  |
skandhas | n. the branching top or crown of a tree  |
skandhas | n. the trunk of a tree  |
skandhaśākhā | f. a principal branch  |
skandhaśākhā | f. plural the trunk and principal branches  |
skandhaśiras | n. the shoulder-blade  |
skandhaśṛṅga | m. a buffalo  |
skandhastambhi | (?) m. Name of king  |
skandhasvāmin | wrong reading for skanda-sv- (q.v)  |
skandhasvāti | (?) m. Name of king  |
skandhataru | m. the cocoa-nut tree  |
skandhavaha | m. "carrying burdens on the shoulders"(as an ox etc.)  |
skandhavāha | m. "carrying burdens on the shoulders"(as an ox etc.)  |
skandhavāhaka | m. "carrying burdens on the shoulders"(as an ox etc.)  |
skandhavāhya | mf(ā-)n. being carried on the shoulder of (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
skandhāvāra | m. the king's camp or headquarters, royal residence etc.  |
skandhāvāra | m. an army  |
skandhavat | mfn. having a stem or a thick stem or many stems  |
skandhaviśākha | wrong reading for skandav-  |
skandhemukha | mfn. having the face or mouth on the shoulders  |
skandhika | m. equals skandha-vāha-  |
skandhīkṛ | P. -karoti-, to suspend over the shoulder  |
skandhila | m. Name of a man  |
skandhin | mfn. having a (big) stem  |
skandhin | m. a tree  |
skandho | in compound for skandhas-.  |
skandhogrīvī | f. Name of a particular form of the bṛhatī- metre (varia lectio vā-)  |
skandhopaneya | mfn. to be carried on the shoulders  |
skandhopaneya | m. (scilicet saṃdhi-) a kind of treaty or alliance to maintain peace, a peace-offering  |
skandhya | mf(ā-)n. belonging etc. to the shoulder  |
skandhya | mf(ā-)n. equals skandha iva- gaRa śākhādi-.  |
skandilācārya | m. Name of a preceptor  |
skandin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') effusing, shedding  |
skandin | mfn. coagulating (See a-sk-)  |
skandin | mfn. leaping, jumping  |
skandin | mfn. bursting out  |
skandita | mfn. emitted, effused, shed  |
skandita | mfn. going  |
skandola | mfn. (?) cold  |
skandola | m. coldness  |
skandopaniṣad | f. Name of work  |
skandopapurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
skandya | mfn. equals skanda iva- gaRa śākhādi- (see a-garta-sk-).  |
skanna | mfn. fallen, trickled down, emitted, sprinkled (as semen) etc. gone  |
skanna | mfn. one who has failed  |
skanna | mfn. (according to to commentator or commentary) equals śuṣka-, lambamāna-, or unnata- (in -skandhārdha-bhāga-) (see a-sk-).  |
skanna | See column 2.  |
skannabhāga | (n/a--) mfn. one whose share is lost,  |
skannatva | n. the clotting or thickening of blood  |
skanttṛ | mfn. one who leaps etc. (See viṣkanttṛ-).  |
snehāṅkana | n. a mark of affection  |
snigdhakandā | f. a species of plant (equals kandalī-)  |
śokanāśa | m. "sorrow-destroying", the aśoka- tree  |
śokanāśana | mfn. sorrow-destroying, a remover of grief  |
śokanihata | mfn. struck down or overcome with sorrow  |
somadevaikanātha | m. Name of authors  |
somakanyā | f. a daughter of soma-  |
srastaskandha | mfn. having drooping shoulders (also ="ashamed","embarrassed")  |
śrīkandā | f. a kind of gourd  |
śrīvatsamuktikanandyāvartalakṣitapāṇipādatalatā | f. having the palms of the hands and soles of the feet marked with śrī-vatsa- and muktika- (for muktikā-?) and nandy-āvarta- (one of the 80 minor marks of a buddha-)  |
śrīvṛkṣakanavamīvrata | n. Name of a particular religious observance  |
śṛṅgakanda | m. Trapa Bispinosa  |
śṛṅgīkanaka | n. a kind of gold used for making ornaments  |
stabakakanda | m. a particular bulbous plant  |
sthalakanda | m. a kind of plant  |
sthālīpākanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
sthālīpulākanyāya | m. the rule of boiled rice in a cooking-vessel (id est the inferring of the condition of a whole from that of a part, as of the good cooking of rice from tasting one grain)  |
sthāvararājakanyā | f. "daughter of himālaya-", Name of parvatī-  |
sthūlakanda | mfn. having a large bulb  |
sthūlakanda | m. Arum or a species of Arum  |
sthūlakanda | m. equals hasti-k-  |
sthūlakanda | m. a kind of garlic (equals rakta-laśuna-) or onion  |
sthūlakandaka | m. Arum  |
sthūlaskandha | m. "having a thick stem", Artocarpus Locucha  |
stokanamra | mf(ā-)n. a little bent down, slightly depressed  |
śūdrakanyā | f. a śūdra- girl  |
śukanalikānyāya | m. the rule of the parrot (who was causelessly frightened by) the nalikā- plant  |
śukanalikānyāyena | ind. according to to that rule id est causelessly  |
śukanāmā | wrong reading for -nāsā-  |
śukanaśā | wrong reading for next  |
śukanasā | f. equals -nāsā-  |
śukanāśa | (L.) wrong reading for -nāsa-.  |
śukanāśā | ( ) wrong reading for sā-.  |
śukanāsa | mfn. having a nose like parrot's beak  |
śukanāsa | m. a particular ornament on a house  |
śukanāsa | m. Calosanthes Indica  |
śukanāsa | m. Bignonia Chelonioides  |
śukanāsa | m. Agati Grandiflora  |
śukanāsa | m. Bignonia Indica  |
śukanāsa | m. Sesbana Grandiflora  |
śukanāsa | m. Name of a rākṣasa-  |
śukanāsa | m. of a minister of tārāpīḍa-  |
śukanāsā | f. a kind of plant (according to to ,= m., kāśmīrī-, nalikā-)  |
śukanāśana | m. "parrot-destroying", a particular plant (equals dadru-ghna-)  |
śukanāsikā | f. a parrot, nose  |
śukanāsikā | f. a nose like that of a parrot  |
śukanāsikā | f. an aquiline nose  |
sukanda | m. the root of Scirpus Kysoor  |
sukanda | m. an onion  |
sukanda | m. a yam  |
sukanda | m. the root of Arum Campanulatum  |
sukanda | m. other bulbous plants (equals vārāhi-kanda-; equals -dharaṇī-k-)  |
sukandaja | mfn. varia lectio for su-kundana-  |
sukandaka | m. an onion  |
sukandaka | m. a species of Arum  |
sukandaka | m. a yam  |
sukandaka | m. plural Name of a people  |
sukandin | m. Amorphophallus Campanulatus  |
sukandin | m. Arum Campanulatum  |
sukanyā | f. a beautiful girl  |
sukanyā | f. Name of a daughter of śaryāta- (or ti-) and wife of the ṛṣi- cyavana- (also yakā-).  |
sukanyaka | mfn. having a beautiful daughter  |
sukanyāka | mfn. equals -kanyaka-  |
sūkarakanda | m. "hog's root", a kind of bulbous plant  |
śuklakanda | m. a kind of bulbous plant (= mahiṣa-k-)  |
śuklakandā | f. equals ativiṣā-  |
surabhikandara | m. Name of a mountain  |
sūrakanda | m. Amorphophallus Campanulatus  |
suralokanātha | m. suraloka |
suraskandha | m. Name of a demon (varia lectio khara-sk-).  |
surendrakanda | m. a kind of bulbous plant (equals rendra-)  |
sūryāvalokanaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
sūryavilokana | n. the ceremony of taking a child out to see the sun when four months old  |
susaṃvṛttaskandhatā | f. having the shoulders well rounded (one of the 32 signs of perfection)  |
suskandana | m. a particular fragrant plant  |
suskandha | mfn. having a beautiful stalk or stem  |
suskandhamāra | mfn. varia lectio for skandha-māra- (q.v)  |
śuṣkanitambhasthalī | f. shrunk or shrivelled hip-region.  |
suṣkanta | m. Name of a son of dharmanetra- (varia lectio suṣmanta-)  |
sutukana | mfn. idem or 'mf(ā-)n. (fr. tuk- equals tak-) running swiftly ' (used in explaining prec.)  |
svādukanda | m. "having a sweet root", a kind of arum  |
svādukandā | f. Batatas Paniculata  |
svādukandaka | m. a kind of vegetable  |
svaskanda | m. a person who has gained his liberty by redeeming a pledge  |
svayamāsanaḍhaukana | n. fetching one's self a seat or chair  |
śvetakanda | m. Allium Cepa or Ascalonicum  |
śvetakandā | f. Aconitum Ferox  |
śyāmakandā | f. Aconitum Ferox  |
tailakanda | m. Name of a bulb  |
ṭaṅkana | m. (equals ṭagara-) borax  |
tapasvikanyā | (OR tapasvikanyakā-) f. the daughter of an ascetic  |
tapasvikanyakā | (OR tapasvikanyā-) f. the daughter of an ascetic  |
tatraskandha | m. Name of a deity,  |
ṭhakkana | m. Name of a prince ( ḍkakk-, thakk-).  |
thakkana | m. See ṭhakk-  |
tīkṣṇakanda | m. "pungent root", the onion  |
tiktakandakā | f. Curcuma Zedoaria  |
tiktakandikā | f. Curcuma Zedoaria  |
tīvrakanda | m. a pungent kind of Arum  |
trilokanātha | m. "Telinga-lord", indra-  |
trilokanātha | m. śiva-  |
triskandha | n. "consisting of 3 skandhas-", the jyotiḥ-śāstra- Introd.  |
triskandhaka | Name of a sūtra-  |
triskandhapathadaiśika | m. Buddha  |
tṛṇaskanda | m. Name of a man  |
tṛṇaskanda | m. a grasshopper (see skand/a-).  |
turaṃgaskandha | m. a troop of horses  |
ukanāha | m. a horse of a red and yellow or red and black colour, a bay or chestnut horse  |
upaḍhaukana | n. a respectful present (made to a king)  |
upakaniṣṭhikā | f. (scilicet aṅgulī-) the finger next to the little finger, the last finger but one  |
upakanyā | equals upa-gatā kanyām-  |
upakanyāpuram | (upa-kanyāpuram-) ind. near the women's apartments  |
utkand | (for ut-skand- on ), to leap, jump over.  |
utkandaka | m. a kind of disease.  |
utkandhara | mfn. having the neck erect or uplifted  |
uṭṭaṅkana | (ud-ṭa-) n. the act of stamping, characterizing  |
vahnikanyā | f. a daughter of the god of fire (plural)  |
vaideśikanivāsin | mfn. (plural) foreign and native  |
vaiśyakanyā | f. a vaiśya- damsel, a girl of the agricultural class  |
vaitulakantha | n. vaitula |
vajrakanda | m. a species of bulbous plant  |
vajrakandaka | m. equals -kaṇṭa-  |
vanakanda | m. Name of two kinds of tuberous plant (= dharaṇī-kanda or vana-śūraṇa-)  |
varāhakanda | m. an esculent root, a sort of yam  |
vārāhakanda | n. the esculent root of Dioscorea  |
vārāhīkanda | m. equals -mūla-  |
vārakanyakā | f. "girl (taken) in turn", a harlot, courtezan  |
vārāvaskandin | mfn. (said of agni-)  |
vāsarakanyakā | f. "daughter of day", night  |
vātaskandha | m. "wind-region", the quarter from which the wind blows (seven are enumerated)  |
vātaskandha | m. Name of a ṛṣi-  |
vāyuskandha | m. the region of the wind  |
veṇīskandha | m. Name of a serpent-demon  |
vijñānaikaskandhavāda | m. equals na-vāda- above  |
vijñānakanda | m. Name of a man  |
vilokana | n. the act of looking or seeing  |
vilokana | n. looking at, regarding, observing, contemplating  |
vilokana | n. looking for, finding out  |
vilokana | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') perceiving, noticing, becoming aware of  |
vilokana | n. paying attention to, studying (also plural,with genitive case)  |
vilokanīya | mfn. to be looked at or perceived or noticed or learnt (n. also impersonal or used impersonally)  |
vilokanīya | mfn. worthy to be looked at, lovely, beautiful ( vilokanīyatā -tā- f. vilokanīyatva -tva- n.)  |
vilokanīyatā | f. vilokanīya |
vilokanīyatva | n. vilokanīya |
vindhyakandara | n. Name of a place  |
viprakanyā | f. a Brahman girl  |
vipulaskandha | m. "broad-shouldered", Name of arjuna-  |
vīrasiṃhāvalokana | n. Name of work  |
vīraskandha | m. "having powerful shoulders", a buffalo  |
viṣakanda | m. a species of bulbous plant (= nīla-kanda-)  |
viṣakanyā | f. a girl supposed to cause the death of a man who has had intercourse with her  |
viṣakanyakā | f. a girl supposed to cause the death of a man who has had intercourse with her  |
viśaṅkanīya | mfn. to be suspected or distrusted, doubtful, questionable  |
viṣāṇollikhitaskandha | mfn. one whose shoulders are grazed or scratched by his horns (said of the leader of a herd of cattle to mark superiority)  |
viṣāṇonnāmitaskandha | mfn. one whose shoulders are raised up towards (or high enough to meet) the horns  |
viśeṣāvasyakaniryukti | f. Name of work  |
viṣkanda | m. dispersing, going away  |
viṣkandha | n. (v/i--) (fr. vi-+ skandha-) a particular disease (see s/aṃ-skandha-)  |
viṣkandha | See .  |
viṣkandhadūṣaṇa | mfn. destroying it  |
viskanna | (not viṣkaṇṇa- see ) mfn. gone in different directions, dispersed, gone away  |
viṣkanttṛ | or vi-skanttṛ- mfn. (vi-+ skand-; see ) moving hither and thither, restless  |
viskanttṛ | vi-skanna- See .  |
viṣṇukanda | m. a species of bulbous plant  |
vṛkanirvṛti | m. Name of a son of kṛṣṇa-  |
vṛkṣakanda | m. the bulb of Batatas Paniculata  |
vṛṣabhaskandha | mfn. having shoulders like a bull, broad-shouldered  |
vṛṣaskandha | mfn. "bull-shouldered", having the shoulders of a bull |
vṛṣaskandha | mfn. Name of śiva-  |
vṛṣyakandā | f. Batatas Paniculata  |
vyalīkaniḥśvāsa | m. a sigh of pain or sorrow  |
vyavalokana | n. ( lok-) the act of taking a view of  |
vyavalokanavalokita | mfn. looked upon, viewed, beheld  |
yājñikanātha | m. Name of an author  |
yakan | See next.  |
yāskanirukta | n. yāska-'s nirukta-  |
yathākaniṣṭham | ind. according to the age from the youngest to the oldest  |
yogakanyā | f. Name of the infant daughter of yaśo-dā- (substituted as the child of devakī- for the infant kṛṣṇa- and therefore killed by kaṃsa-, but immediately raised to heaven as a beautiful girl)  |