jya | jyakā- See 1. jyā- and 3. jy/ā-.  |
jyā | (see ji-) cl.9 P. jin/āti- (Potential nīy/āt-; parasmE-pada n/at-; perfect tense jijy/au-; future jyāsyati- ; ind.p. -jyāya-, ) Vedic or Veda to overpower, oppress, deprive any one (accusative) of property (accusative) etc. ; (derived fr. jy/āyas-,"senior") to become old : cl.4 A1. j/īyate- or Passive voice y/ate-, Vedic or Veda to be oppressed or treated badly, be deprived of property (or everything, sarva-jyān/im- ) etc.: Causal jyāpayati-, to call any one old : Desiderative (parasmE-pada j/ijyāsat-) to wish to overpower : Intensive jejīyate- ; see pari-- ; .  |
jya | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' "oppressing", see, brahma-jy/a-.  |
jyā | f. = See parama-jy/ā-  |
jyā | f. excessive demand  |
jyā | f. a bow-string, etc.  |
jyā | f. (in geometry) the chord of an arc  |
jyā | f. equals jyārdha-  |
jyā | f. see adhi--, uj--, parama--, vi-- and sa-jya-  |
jyā | f. eka--, krama--, krānti--.  |
jyā | f. the earth  |
jyā | f. a mother  |
jyābāṇeya | m. plural Name of a warrior-tribe, and (sg,) a prince of that tribe gaRa yaudheyādi-.  |
jyāghoṣa | m. the twang of a bow  |
jyāhroḍa | m. a kind of bow (not used for shooting)  |
jyāhroḍa | m. dual number Name of two sāman-s  |
jyaiṣṭha | m. Name of a month (May-June, the full moon standing in the constellation jyeṣṭhā-)  |
jyaiṣṭha | f. See jyeṣṭhī-.  |
jyaiṣṭhasāmika | mfn. fr. jyeskṭha-sāman-  |
jyaiṣṭhī | f. the full moon in month jyaiṣṭha- (see mahā-jyaiṣṭhī-)  |
jyaiṣṭhineya | m. (gaRa kalyāṇyādi-) a son of the father's first wife (jyeṣṭhā-) (fr jyeṣṭhinī- Scholiast or Commentator)  |
jyaiṣṭhya | n. equals jyeṣṭha-tā-  |
jyakā | f. (in geometry) the chord of an arc.  |
jyākā | f. a bow-string  |
jyākāra | m. a bow-string-maker  |
jyākriṣṭi | (jyāk-) f. straining a bow-string ( )  |
jyāmagha | m. Name of vidarbha-'s father  |
jyāna | n. oppression, iv, 1, 2, 4.  |
jyāni | f. ( Va1rtt. 4) idem or 'n. oppression, iv, 1, 2, 4.' (see /a--)  |
jyāni | f. "loss" See sarva-jyān/ī-  |
jyāni | f. disappearance,  |
jyāni | f. infirmity, old age  |
jyāni | f. a river  |
jyānivāraṇa | n. a leathern fence for the arm,  |
jyāpāśa | m. a bow-string  |
jyāpiṇḍa | a-sine expressed in figures f.  |
jyāpiṇḍaka | a-sine expressed in figures f.  |
jyārdha | m. (jyār-) the sine of an arc  |
jyārdhapiṇḍa | m. equals jyā-p-,  |
jyārohaṇa | n. the fixing a bow-string,  |
jyau | m. () planet Jupiter  |
jyautiṣa | n. equals jyot-, science of the movements of the heavenly bodies  |
jyautiṣa | n. for jyotiṣka- q.v  |
jyautiṣa | n. Name of 2 sāman-s  |
jyautiṣa | ṣika-, etc. See above.  |
jyautiṣika | m. equals jyot- gaRa ukthādi-.  |
jyautsna | m. ( Va1rtt. 2) the light half of a month  |
jyautsnī | f. a full moon light  |
jyautsnī | f. Trichosanthes dioeca  |
jyautsnikā | f. a moonlight night  |
jyāvāja | (jy/ā--) mfn. having the elasticity of a bow-string  |
jyāya | See nṛ-jyāy/a-.  |
jyāyamāna | mfn. like a bow-string  |
jyāyas | mfn. ( ) superior, more excellent, greater, larger, stronger etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' [ exempli gratia, 'for example' vacana--,"superior in speech" ] )  |
jyāyas | mfn. elder etc.  |
jyāyas | mfn. most excellent  |
jyāyas | mfn. (in law) being of age and answerable for one's conduct  |
jyāyasa | mfn. greater in number  |
jyāyastva | n. superiority  |
jyāyasvat | (jy/āy-) mfn. having a superior  |
jyāyasvat | others,"following a leader, obedient"; others,"excellent, superior".  |
jyāyiṣṭha | mfn. (irregular superl.) most excellent, first, best  |
jyāyu | a bow-string,  |
jyeṣṭha | mfn. ( ) most excellent, pre-eminent, first, chief. best, greatest, (m.) the chief. etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' [ exempli gratia, 'for example' vacana--,"best in speech" ] )  |
jyeṣṭha | mfn. more excellent than (ablative)  |
jyeṣṭha | mfn. (in mathematics with pada-or mūla-) greatest (root [square root] extracted from the quantity operated upon)  |
jyeṣṭha | mfn. ( ; ṣṭh/a-) eldest, (m.) the eldest brother etc.  |
jyeṣṭha | m. (scilicet ghaṭa-) the ascending bucket (in a machine for raising water)  |
jyeṣṭha | m. for jyaiṣṭha-  |
jyeṣṭha | m. Name of a man  |
jyeṣṭha | n. what is most excellent (also oxyt.)  |
jyeṣṭha | n. tin  |
jyeṣṭha | n. Name of a liṅga-  |
jyeṣṭha | n. with puṣkara- See ṣṭha-p-  |
jyeṣṭhā | f. (gaRa ajādi-) the 16th (or according to to modern reckoning 18th) lunar mansion (sacred to indra-) (paroxytone) etc. (also plural)  |
jyeṣṭhā | f. the eldest wife  |
jyeṣṭhā | f. a preferred wife  |
jyeṣṭhā | f. the 8th year in the Jupiter cycle of 12 years  |
jyeṣṭhā | f. the middle finger  |
jyeṣṭhā | f. a kind of stringed instrument  |
jyeṣṭhā | f. misfortune (personified as the elder sister of lakṣmī-, ; see ṣṭha-lakṣm/ī-)  |
jyeṣṭhā | f. Name of a śakti-  |
jyeṣṭhā | f. gaṅgā-  |
jyeṣṭha | f(ā- , ī-). a small house-lizard (also jyaiṣṭhī- )  |
jyeṣṭhā | f. of ṣṭha- q.v  |
jyeṣṭhabalā | f. Sida rhomboidea  |
jyeṣṭhabandhu | (ṣṭh/a--) m. the chief of a family  |
jyeṣṭhabhāryā | f. idem or 'f. an elder brother's wife '  |
jyeṣṭhabhāryā | f. a senior or chief wife  |
jyeṣṭhabhavikā | f. an elder brother's wife  |
jyeṣṭhabrāhmaṇa | mfn. having the oldest brāhmaṇa-  |
jyeṣṭhabrāhmaṇa | n. the chief brāhmaṇa-,  |
jyeṣṭhaghnī | f. equals ṣṭh/ā-, the 16th lunar mansion  |
jyeṣṭhagṛhya | m. the eldest member of a family  |
jyeṣṭhajaghanya | mfn. plural the elders last  |
jyeṣṭhakalaśa | m. Name of bilhaṇa-'s father  |
jyeṣṭhalakṣma | n. the principal mark or sign,  |
jyeṣṭhalakṣmī | f. a chief mark, congenital mark (see ) ("indigence personified as the elder sister of lakṣmī-"Scholiast or Commentator) .  |
jyeṣṭhalalitā | f. a particular vow to be observed in month jyaiṣṭha-  |
jyeṣṭham | ind. most, extremely  |
jyeṣṭhāmalaka | m. Azadirachta indica  |
jyeṣṭhāmbu | n. the scum of boiled rice or water in which grain has been washed  |
jyeṣṭhāṃśa | m. the eldest brother's share  |
jyeṣṭhāṃśa | m. the best share  |
jyeṣṭhāmūla | m. the month jyaiṣṭha-  |
jyeṣṭhāmūlīya | m. idem or 'm. the month jyaiṣṭha- '  |
jyeṣṭhānujyeṣṭhatā | f. regular succession according to seniority  |
jyeṣṭhapāla | m. Name of a man  |
jyeṣṭhaprathama | mfn. plural the elders first  |
jyeṣṭhāpūjāvilāsa | m. Name of work  |
jyeṣṭhapuṣkara | n. Name of a renowned place of pilgrimage  |
jyeṣṭhapuṣkara | n. (ṣṭha puṣk-)  |
jyeṣṭharāj | m. a sovereign  |
jyeṣṭhasāmaga | mfn. idem or 'mfn. a chanter of that sāman- '  |
jyeṣṭhasāmaka | m. one who knows the jyeṣṭha-sāman-,  |
jyeṣṭhasāman | n. the most excellent sāman-  |
jyeṣṭhasāman | n. Name of a sāman-.  |
jyeṣṭhasāman | mfn. a chanter of that sāman-  |
jyeṣṭhāśrama | mfn. being in the most excellent order of life (viz. in that of a householder)  |
jyeṣṭhāśramin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. being in the most excellent order of life (viz. in that of a householder) '  |
jyeṣṭhasthāna | n. Name of a place of pilgrimage  |
jyeṣṭhastoma | m. Name of an ekāha-  |
jyeṣṭhaśvaśrū | f. a wife's elder sister  |
jyeṣṭhatā | f. precedence, seniority, primogeniture  |
jyeṣṭhatama | mfn. (jy/eṣ-) best or first of all  |
jyeṣṭhatama | mfn. oldest of all  |
jyeṣṭhatara | mfn. an elder one  |
jyeṣṭhatarā | f. a woman guarding a young girl ,  |
jyeṣṭhatarikā | f. equals rā-  |
jyeṣṭhatas | ind. (reckoning) from the eldest, according to seniority |
jyeṣṭhatāta | m. a father's elder brother  |
jyeṣṭhatāti | f. (ṣṭh/a--) ( ) superiority  |
jyeṣṭhatāti | f. equals -r/āj-  |
jyeṣṭhatva | n. equals -tā-  |
jyeṣṭhavara | m. a chief wooer  |
jyeṣṭhavarṇa | m. "first cast man", a Brahman  |
jyeṣṭhavarṇa | m. see  |
jyeṣṭhavarṇin | m. idem or 'm. see '  |
jyeṣṭhavayas | mfn. older than (in compound)  |
jyeṣṭhāvrata | n. a kind of observance in honour of jyeṣṭhā-  |
jyeṣṭhavṛtti | mfn. behaving like an eldest brother  |
jyeṣṭhavṛtti | f. the duties of seniority  |
jyeṣṭhayajña | m. sacrifice of the eldest  |
jyeṣṭhayajña | m. the most excellent sacrifice  |
jyeṣṭheśvara | n. Name of a liṅga-  |
jyeṣṭhilā | f. Name of a river  |
jyeṣṭhinī | f. a woman who has an elder brother  |
jyeṣṭhinī | f. see jyaiṣṭhiney/a-.  |
jyeya | mfn. to be oppressed or deprived of property (see a-jyey/at/a-, brahma-jy/eya-)  |
jyeya | mfn. most excellent, best  |
jyeya | jy/eṣṭha-, etc. See jyā-.  |
jyo | cl.1 A1. jyavate-, to order, cause any one to observe a vow ( ) .  |
jyoḍi | See kara--, hasta--.  |
jyog | in compound for jyok-.  |
jyogāmayāvin | (jy/og--.) mfn. sick a long time, 1, 1, 3.  |
jyogaparuddha | (jy/og--) mfn. expelled a long time  |
jyogjīvātu | f. long life  |
jyok | ind. (gaRa svar-ādi-) long, for a long time or while  |
jyokkṛ | to be long about anything, delay ; to say"farewell" (Scholiast or Commentator) (jyot-for jyok-;also Causal) .  |
jyoktamām | ind., (superl.) for the longest time, longest  |
jyokti | f. long life (?)  |
jyotā | f. "the brilliant one", mystical Name of a cow  |
jyotā | ti-, tita-, etc. See jyut-.  |
jyotayamāmaka | m. night-fire (?) (gandharv/a- ) .  |
jyotayamāmaka | some read - mānak/a-,"little shiner".  |
jyoti | (only locative case tau-) equals tis-  |
jyoti | see daśa--, śata--.  |
jyotī | in compound for tis-.  |
jyotidarśana | ?  |
jyotiḥ | in compound for tis-.  |
jyotiḥparāśara | m. the astronomer parāśara-  |
jyotiḥpitāmaha | m. brahmā- considered as the grandfather of astronomy  |
jyotiḥprakāśa | m. Name of work on astron  |
jyotiḥsāgara | m. "luminary-ocean", Name of work on astronomy  |
jyotiḥsāman | n. Name of a sāman-.  |
jyotiḥsāra | m. Name of work on astronomy , 720.  |
jyotiḥśāstra | n. equals tir-vidyā-  |
jyotiḥśāstra | n.  |
jyotiḥsiddhānta | m. another work on astronomy  |
jyotiḥṣṭoma | See ti-ṣṭ-.  |
jyotika | m. Name of a nāga-  |
jyotir | in compound for tis-.  |
jyotiragra | (jy/ot-) mf(ā-)n. preceded by light or life  |
jyotiranīka | (jy/ot-) mfn. having a shining face  |
jyotīrasa | m. a kind of gem  |
jyotīrasa | mfn. made of that gem  |
jyotirata | m. Name of a nāga- (see tī-ratha-)  |
jyotirathā | See tī-rathā-.  |
jyotīratha | mfn. (t/ī--) one whose chariot is light  |
jyotīratha | mfn. the polestar  |
jyotīratha | mfn. a kind of serpent  |
jyotīrathā | f. Name of a river (joining the śoṇa-) (ti-rathyā-) (ti-r-)  |
jyotirathyā | See tī-rathā-.  |
jyotirbhāga | mfn. one possessing light  |
jyotirbhāsamaṇi | m. a kind of gem  |
jyotirbhāsin | mfn. brilliant with light  |
jyotirbīja | n. "light-seed" equals -iṅga-  |
jyotirdhāman | m. Name of one of the 7 sages in tāmasa-'s manv-antara-  |
jyotirgaṇa | m. the heavenly bodies collectively  |
jyotirgarga | m. the astronomer garga-  |
jyotirgarga | m.  |
jyotirhastā | f. "fire-handed", durgā-  |
jyotiriṅga | m. "moving light", a firefly  |
jyotiriṅgaṇa | m. "moving light", a firefly  |
jyotirīśa | m. Name of the author of  |
jyotirīśvara | m. Name of the author of  |
jyotirjarāyu | (jy/ot-) mfn. surrounded by a brilliant covering  |
jyotirjña | m. "star-knower", an astronomer  |
jyotirjvalanārciśrīgarbha | m. Name of a bodhisattva-  |
jyotirlatā | f. "light-creeper", Cardiospermum Halicacabum  |
jyotirlekhā | f. Name of the daughter of a yakṣa-  |
jyotirlekhāvalayin | mfn. studded with rows of stars  |
jyotirliṅga | m. Name of several liṅga- temples.  |
jyotirloka | m. the world of light  |
jyotirmaṇḍala | n. the stellar sphere  |
jyotirmantra | m. Name of a mantra-  |
jyotirmaya | mfn. consisting of light, brilliant (viṣṇu-) etc.  |
jyotirmaya | mfn. (also said of śiva-)  |
jyotirmaya | mfn. abounding with stars, starry, .  |
jyotirmedhātithi | m. the astronomer medhātithi-  |
jyotirmilin | m. equals -iṅga- (see nīlamīlika-)  |
jyotirmukha | m. Name of one of rāma-'s monkey-followers  |
jyotirnirbandha | m. Name of work on astronomy  |
jyotirnirbandha | m.  |
jyotirudgamana | n. the rising of the stars  |
jyotīrūpasvayambhū | m. brahmā- in the form of light  |
jyotīrūpeśvara | n. Name of a liṅga-  |
jyotirvid | mfn. equals tiṣ-k/ṛt-  |
jyotirvid | mfn. knowing the stars, (m.) an astronomer,  |
jyotirvidābharaṇa | n. Name of work on astronomy  |
jyotirvidyā | f. astronomy  |
jyotirvivaraṇa | n. Name of work on astronomy  |
jyotiś | in compound for tis-.  |
jyotiṣ | in compound for tis-.  |
jyotis | n. light (of the sun, dawn, fire, lightning, etc.;also plural), brightness (of the sky) etc. (tr/īṇi jy/otīṃṣi-,light appearing in the 3 worlds, viz. on earth, in the intermediate region, and in the sky or heaven [the last being called uttam/a- ;or /uttara-, ;or tṛt/īya- ] ;also personified as"fire"on earth,"ether or air"in the intermediate region, and"sun"in the sky ;"fire, sun and moon" )  |
jyotis | n. fire, flash of lightning  |
jyotis | n. moonlight  |
jyotis | n. (plural)  |
jyotis | n. eye-light  |
jyotis | n. the eye  |
jyotis | n. dual number sun and moon  |
jyotis | n. plural the heavenly bodies, planets and stars etc. (tiṣām ayana- n. course or movements of the heavenly bodies, science of those movements ([ equals tiṣa-]) )  |
jyotis | n. sg. the light of heaven, celestial world  |
jyotis | n. light as the divine principle of life or source of intelligence, intelligence  |
jyotis | n. (pauruṣaj-"human intelligence")  |
jyotis | n. (para jyotis-,"highest light or truth") and  |
jyotis | n. light as the type of freedom or bliss or victory (confer, compare , and Latin lux)  |
jyotis | n. Name of several ekāha-s etc.  |
jyotis | n. of certain formularies containing the word jyotis-  |
jyotis | n. a metre of 32 short and 16 long syllables  |
jyotis | n. equals tiṣa-, science of the movements of the heavenly bodies  |
jyotis | n. a mystical N. for the letter r-  |
jyotis | m. fire  |
jyotis | m. the sun  |
jyotis | m. Trigonella foenum graecum  |
jyotis | m. Name of a marut-  |
jyotis | m. of a son of manu- svārociṣa-, 429  |
jyotis | m. of a prajā-pati-  |
jyotis | m. see d/akṣiṇā--, śukr/a--, sa--, h/iraṇya--, etc.  |
jyotiṣa | m. an astronomer  |
jyotiṣa | m. the sun  |
jyotiṣa | m. a particular magical formula for exorcising the evil spirits supposed to possess weapons  |
jyotiṣa | n. (gaRa ukthādi-) the science of the movements of the heavenly bodies and divisions of time dependant thereon, short tract for fixing the days and hours of the Vedic sacrifices (one of the 6 kinds of vedāṅga- texts) xiif. etc.  |
jyotiṣā | f. Name of a river  |
jyotiṣaratnamālā | f. another work on astronomy  |
jyotiṣārṇava | m. Name of work on astronomy  |
jyotiṣasaṃgraha | m. the whole science of astronomy  |
jyotiṣatattva | n. Name of work on astronomy  |
jyotiṣavidyā | f. astronomy  |
jyotiścakra | n. "luminary circle", the zodiac  |
jyotiścakra | n. GarP.  |
jyotiścandrārka | m. "stars, moon and sun", Name of work  |
jyotiṣika | m. (equals jyaut- Scholiast or Commentator) an astronomer (varia lectio)  |
jyotiṣīka | m. idem or 'm. (equals jyaut- Scholiast or Commentator) an astronomer (varia lectio)'  |
jyotiṣīmat | mfn. (fr. dual number of tis-) possessing the two luminaries (moon and sun) (see )  |
jyotiṣīmat | m. Name of one of the 7 suns  |
jyotiṣīmat | m. (ṣ-mat- )  |
jyotiṣka | m. Premna spinosa  |
jyotiṣka | m. Plumbago zeylanica  |
jyotiṣka | m. the seed of Trigonella foenum graecum  |
jyotiṣka | m. Name of a nāga- (see tika-)  |
jyotiṣka | m. of a man ( )  |
jyotiṣka | m. plural "the luminaries"regarded as a class of deities (arranged under 5 heads, viz. sun, moon, the planets, fixed stars, and lunar mansions)  |
jyotiṣka | n. Name of a luminous weapon (with which arjuna- destroyed tamas-) (jyautiṣa-,B)  |
jyotiṣka | n. Name of a bright peak of meru-,  |
jyotiṣkā | f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum  |
jyotiṣkalpa | mfn. like fire, blazing  |
jyotiṣkalpalatā | f. Name of work on astrology  |
jyotiṣkaṇa | m. a spark of fire  |
jyotiṣkara | m. "light-causer", a kind of flower  |
jyotiṣkaraṇḍaka | n. Name of work on astronomy (written in Prakrit by pāda-lipta-sūri-)  |
jyotiṣkaumudī | f. Name of work on astron  |
jyotiṣkṛ | (ind.p. jy/otiṣ-kṛtv/ā-) to illumine  |
jyotiṣkṛt | mfn. creating light  |
jyotiṣmat | mfn. (jy/ot-) luminous, brilliant, shining, belonging to the world of light, celestial etc. (tītriṣṭubh-,"the heavenly triṣṭubh-"of 3 x 12 and l x 8 syllables ) |
jyotiṣmat | mfn. spiritual, pure  |
jyotiṣmat | m. the sun  |
jyotiṣmat | m. equals ṣī-mat- q.v  |
jyotiṣmat | m. the 3rd foot of brahmā-  |
jyotiṣmat | m. Name of a son (of manu- svāyambhuva- ;of manu- sāvarṇa-, 467;of priya-vrata- [king of kuśa-dvīpa-] )  |
jyotiṣmat | m. of a mountain  |
jyotiṣmatī | f. (tī-) "star-illumined", night  |
jyotiṣmatī | f. a kind of sacrificial brick  |
jyotiṣmatī | f. a kind of triṣṭubh-  |
jyotiṣmatī | f. equals ṣkā-  |
jyotiṣpakṣa | (jy/ot-) mf(ā-)n. light-winged  |
jyotiṣprabha | m. "brilliant with light", Name of a flower  |
jyotiṣprabha | m. Name of a buddha-  |
jyotiṣprabha | m. of a bodhi-sattva-  |
jyotiṣprabha | m. of a prince  |
jyotiṣprahīṇa | mfn. deprived of light, blind  |
jyotissātkṛ | equals tiṣ--  |
jyotiṣṭama | mf(ā-)n. (superl.) diffusing the most brilliant light  |
jyotistattva | n. equals tiṣa-t-  |
jyotiṣṭoma | m. (fr. tis-stoma- ) Name of a soma- ceremony (typical form of a whole class of ceremonies consisting originally of 3, and later of 4, 5, or 7 subdivisions, viz. agni-ṣṭoma-(q.v), ukthya-, and ati-rātra-, or in addition to these ṣoḍaśin-, aty-agni-ṣṭoma-, vāja-peya-, and aptor-yāma-)  |
jyotiṣṭomika | mfn. fr. ma-  |
jyotiṣṭva | n. luminousness  |
jyotiṣṭva | n. the state of light  |
jyotiṣya | mfn. illumined  |
jyotita | mfn. equals tiṣ-mat-  |
jyotpatti | f. the calculation of sines  |
jyotsnā | f. ( ) a moonlight night  |
jyotsnā | f. moonlight etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). )  |
jyotsnā | f. plural light, splendour  |
jyotsnā | f. one of brahmā-'s bodies, 20, 39  |
jyotsnā | f. one of the moon's 16 kalā-s |
jyotsnā | f. durgā-  |
jyotsnā | f. the plant jyotsnī-  |
jyotsnā | f. the plant ghoṣātakī-  |
jyotsnāḍhya | mfn. full of light,  |
jyotsnādi | (nād-), a gaṇa- of ( Va1rtt. 2) .  |
jyotsnākālī | f. Name of a daughter of the moon (wife of varuṇa-'s son puṣkara-)  |
jyotsnāmaya | mfn. consisting of moonlight  |
jyotsnāpakṣatantra | n. Name of a tantra-  |
jyotsnāpriya | m. "fond of moonlight", the bird cakora-  |
jyotsnāvāpī | f. "moonlight-receptacle", the moon  |
jyotsnāvat | mfn. illuminated by the moon  |
jyotsnāvat | mfn. shining  |
jyotsnāvṛkṣa | m. a lamp-stand  |
jyotsneśa | m. "moonlight lord", the moon  |
jyotsnī | f. (for jyaut-) a moonlight night  |
jyotsnī | f. Trichosanthesdioeca  |
jyotsnī | f. Name of a medical substance  |
jyotsnikā | f. the plant kośātakī- (or kṛta-vedhana- )  |
jyotsnikā | f. Name of a female singer.  |
jyu | cl.1 A1. to go (= cyu-)  |
jyut | (fr. dyut-) cl.1 A1. jy/otate- ( ;also P. varia lectio) to shine (varia lectio): Causal jyot/ayati-, to shine upon, illuminate (varia lectio) ; see ava--. |
jyutimat | mfn. varia lectio for dy-.  |
abhaiṣajya | n. unwholesome food,  |
abhajyamāna | mfn. (Passive voice) not being detached  |
abhajyamāna | mfn. not being vanquished, etc.  |
abhījya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. to be honoured with sacrifices '  |
abhījya | m. a god  |
abhījya | See abhi-yaj-.  |
abhiyojya | mfn. assailable.  |
abhiyujyamāna | mfn. (in law) being persecuted (as a defendant) .  |
abhojya | mfn. uneatable  |
abhojya | mfn. not to be eaten, prohibited as food etc.  |
abhojya | mfn. one whose food is not allowed to be eaten  |
abhojyānna | mfn. one whose food is not allowed to be eaten  |
abhyañjya | mfn. to be rubbed with unguents (as a foot)  |
adhijya | mfn. having the bowstring (jyā-) up or stretched, strung  |
adhijyotiṣam | ind. on the luminaries (treated of in the upaniṣad-s)  |
ādhirājya | n. (fr. adhi-rāja-), royalty, royal government, supreme sway  |
adhirājya | n. supremacy, imperial dignity  |
adhirājya | n. an empire  |
adhirājya | n. Name of a country.  |
adhirājyabhāj | m. possessor of imperial dignity.  |
adhivājyakulādya | m. Name of a country  |
adhyājya | mfn. sprinkled with ghee,  |
ādityajyotis | (ādity/a--) mfn. having the light of the sun  |
agnijyeṣṭha | (n/i-- jy-), mfn. having agni- for a chief,  |
agnijyotis | mfn. flaming,  |
agrabhojya | mfn. enjoying the best of anything,  |
agrajyā | f. sine of the amplitude  |
aikarājya | am-, (fr. eka-rāj-), sole monarchy  |
aindralājya | mfn. a descendant of indralājī- gaRa kurv-ādi- ( reads indrajāli-).  |
ājya | m. a descendant of aja-, (gaRa gargādi- q.v)  |
ājya | n. ( añj- vArttika on ), melted or clarified butter (used for oblations, or for pouring into the holy fire at the sacrifice, or for anointing anything sacrificed or offered) etc.  |
ājya | n. (in a wider sense) oil and milk used instead of clarified butter at a sacrifice  |
ājya | n. Name of a sort of chant (śastra-) connected with the morning sacrifice  |
ājya | n. Name of the sūkta- contained in the aforesaid śastra-,  |
ājya | n. Name of a stotra- connected with that śastra-  |
ājyabhāga | m. (/ājya--) a portion of clarified butter  |
ājyabhāga | m. dual number (au-) the two portions of clarified butter belonging to agni- and soma- etc.  |
ājyabhāga | mf(ā-)n. partaking of the clarified butter  |
ājyabhuj | m. "consumer of clarified butter", agni-  |
ājyadhānī | f. receptacle of clarified butter  |
ājyadhanvan | mfn. having the clarified butter for its bow  |
ājyadoha | n. varia lectio for ācyā-d- q.v  |
ājyādoha | n. varia lectio for ācyā-d- q.v  |
ājyagraha | m. a vessel of clarified butter  |
ājyagraha | m. plural Name of certain formulae  |
ājyahavis | (/ājya--) mfn. having an oblation consisting of clarified butter  |
ājyahoma | m. an oblation consisting of clarified butter  |
ājyāhuti | f. equals ājya-homa- above  |
ājyalepa | m. an unguent made of clarified butter  |
ājyalipta | (/ājya--) mfn. anointed with clarified butter  |
ajyāni | f. the state of being uninjured (see /a-jīti-)  |
ajyāni | f. (ajyānayas-) Nominal verb plural Name of certain offerings ,  |
ājyanta | m. the goal in a race-course  |
ājyapa | mfn. drinking the clarified butter  |
ājyapa | m. plural a class of Manes (who are the sons of pulastya-[ ] or of kardama-[ ]and the ancestors of the vaiśya- order).  |
ājyapātra | n. a vessel for clarified butter.  |
ājyasthālī | f. equals -pātra- above  |
ājyavāri | m. "sea of clarified butter", one of the seven mythical seas  |
ājyavilāpanī | f. the vessel containing the clarified butter  |
ajyāyas | mfn. not greater than (ablative),  |
ajyeṣṭha | mfn. not the oldest or best  |
ajyeṣṭha | mfn. Nominal verb plural of which none is the eldest (the marut-s)  |
ajyeṣṭha | mfn. see /a-kaniṣṭha-.  |
ajyeṣṭhavṛtti | mfn. not behaving as the eldest brother ([ ]) , or (ajyeṣṭha-vṛtti-) behaving like one who has no elder brother.  |
ajyeyatā | f. state of anything which is not to be hurt or overpowered  |
alpājya | mfn. with little ghee  |
amarejya | m. equals amara-guru- q.v  |
āmṛjya | ind.p. having wiped away or off.  |
anapavṛjya | mfn. not to be finished (as a way;"free from objects that should be shunned as impure" )  |
aṅgarājya | n. kingdom of aṅga-.  |
āniñjya | n. (fr. an-with iñj-), immovableness.  |
añjyeta | mfn. black and white coloured  |
antarjyotis | (ant/ar--) mfn. having the soul enlightened, illuminated  |
anujyeṣṭha | mfn. next eldest  |
anujyeṣṭham | ind. after the eldest, according to seniority  |
anupabhujyamāna | mfn. not being enjoyed.  |
anuprayujyamāna | mfn. being employed in addition or after or afterwards.  |
anuvrajya | mfn. to be followed (as by the relatives of a dead person to the cemetery)  |
anuvrajyā | f. equals anu-vrajana-  |
anuyojya | mfn. to be examined or questioned  |
anuyojya | mfn. to be enjoined or ordered  |
anuyojya | mfn. censurable  |
anuyojya | mfn. a servant, agent, delegate  |
anvagjyeṣṭha | mfn. the next eldest, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
anyatojyotis | mfn. having light or a jyotis- day only on one side, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
apajya | mfn. without a bowstring  |
apamajyā | f. the sine of the declination.  |
aparijyāni | f. "not falling into decay"  |
aparityajya | mfn. = (or varia lectio for) a-- parityājya-.  |
apavarjya | ind.p. excepting, except.  |
aprayujyamāna | mfn. not being added,  |
aprayujyamāna | not being borrowed (on interest),  |
apūjya | mfn. not to be worshipped or revered.  |
araṇyarājya | n. the sovereignty of the forest  |
ardhajyā | f. equals jyārdha-, the sine of in arc.  |
ārtvijya | n. the office or business of a ṛtv-ij- or sacrificing priest, his rank or order  |
aruṇajyotis | m. Name of śiva-:  |
āsajya | ind.p. having attached one's self or clinging to  |
asaṃbhojya | mfn. one with whom one ought not to eat  |
asaṃtyājya | mfn. not to be abandoned  |
asaṃtyājya | mfn. not to be avoided  |
asaṃtyājya | mfn. not to be neglected or forgotten  |
asaṃyājya | mfn. one with whom nobody is allowed to sacrifice  |
aśeṣasāmrājya | m. "possessed of complete sovereignty", Name of śiva-  |
asurejya | m. equals asura-guru- q.v  |
atisṛjya | mfn. to be dismissed  |
atisṛjya | mfn.  |
ātmajyotirupaniṣad | f. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
ātmajyotis | n. the light of the soul or supreme spirit  |
ātmajyotis | mfn. receiving light from one's self  |
avajyotana | n. causing a light to shine upon, illumining  |
avajyotya | ind.p. having lighted (a lamp)  |
avajyut | Caus. -jyotayati-, to light up or cause a light to shine upon, illumine  |
avanejya | See pādāvan-.  |
āvarjya | ind.p. bending, turning down, etc.  |
avibhajya | ind.p. not dividing (the inheritance)  |
avibhājya | mfn.  |
avibhājyatā | f. indivisibility, unfitness for partition  |
avibhājyatva | n. indivisibility, unfitness for partition  |
ayājya | mfn. ( yaj-), a person for whom one must not offer sacrifices, outcast, degraded , not to be offered in a sacrifice.  |
ayājyasaṃyājya | ([ ]) n. sacrificing for an outcast (one of the sins called upapātaka-)  |
ayājyatva | n. the state of not being fit for a sacrificial offering  |
ayājyayājana | ([ ]) ([ ]) n. sacrificing for an outcast (one of the sins called upapātaka-)  |
ayajyu | mfn. not sacrificing, impious  |
āyajyu | mfn. equals ā-yaj/in-  |
baddharājya | mfn. one who has gained sovereignty, succeeded to the throne  |
bahiṣṭājjyotis | n. Name of a triṣṭubh- the last pāda- of which contains 8 syllables  |
bāhujyā | f. the cord of an arc, sine  |
bahuyājya | mfn. one who has many institutors of a sacrifice, one who sacrifices on behalf of many on  |
bahvājya | mfn. abounding in ghee  |
bālabhaiṣajya | n. a kind of collyrium (= rasāñjana-)  |
bālabhojya | n. "children's food", pease  |
balajyeṣṭha | mfn. one whose superiority is dependent on his strength or power  |
bārejya | Name of a town  |
bārhaspatyajyotiḥśāstra | n. Name of work  |
bārhaspatyajyotirgrantha | m. Name of work  |
barhirjyotis | m. fire or the god of fire  |
bhaiṣajya | m. patronymic fr. bhiṣaj-, or bhiṣaja- gaRa gargādi- ( )  |
bhaiṣajya | n. curativeness, healing efficacy  |
bhaiṣajya | n. a particular ceremony performed as a remedy for sickness  |
bhaiṣajya | n. any remedy, drug or medicine ("against" genitive case)  |
bhaiṣajya | n. the administering of medicines etc.  |
bhaiṣajyaguruvaiḍūryaprabhā | f. Name of a Buddhist work  |
bhaiṣajyarāja | m. Name of 2 bodhi-sattva-s  |
bhaiṣajyaratnākara | m. Name of work  |
bhaiṣajyaratnāvalī | f. Name of work  |
bhaiṣajyasamudgata | m. Name of 2 bodhi-sattva-s  |
bhaiṣajyasāra | m. Name of work  |
bhaiṣajyasārāmṛtasaṃhitā | f. Name of work  |
bhaiṣajyasena | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
bhaiṣajyayajña | m. a sacrifice performed as a remedy for sickness  |
bhaiṣṇajya | m. patronymic fr. bhiṣṇaja- gaRa gargādi- (varia lectio bhaiṣaja-)  |
bhajya | ( ) mfn. equals janīya-.  |
bhājya | mfn. to be shared or distributed etc.  |
bhājya | mfn. (in arithmetic) to be divided, as substantive = a dividend  |
bhakṣyabhojyamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of food of all kinds  |
bhakṣyabhojyavihāravat | mfn. furnished with various kinds of food and places of refection  |
bhartṛrājyāpaharaṇa | n. seizure of a husband's kingdom  |
bhaujya | n. the rank of a king with the title of bhoja-  |
bhavasāyujya | n. union with śiva- (after death)  |
bheṣajya | mf(/ā-)n. curative, sanitary  |
bhiṣajya | Nom. P. jy/ati- (gaRa kaṇḍv-ādi-) to heal, cure, possess healing power etc. ; to be physician to any one (dative case) ; to be a physician or remedy for id est to gain the mastery over anything (locative case)  |
bhiṣajya | mf(ā-)n. sanative, healing, healthful  |
bhiṣajyā | f. healing, cure, remedy  |
bhiṣajyita | mfn. healed, cured (wrong reading bhiṣajyayit/a-etc.)  |
bhiṣṇajya | Nom. P. yati- (gaRa kaṇḍv-ādi-), 3. sg. imperfect tense abhiṣṇak-, to heal, refresh  |
bhojya | See p.767.  |
bhojya | mfn. to be enjoyed or eaten, eatable, what is enjoyed or eaten, (especially) what may be eaten without mastication etc.  |
bhojya | mfn. to be enjoyed or used etc.  |
bhojya | mfn. to be enjoyed sexually  |
bhojya | mfn. to be enjoyed or felt  |
bhojya | mfn. to be suffered or experienced  |
bhojya | mfn. to be fed, one to whom food must be given  |
bhojya | mfn. (fr. Causal) to be made to eat, to be fed  |
bhojya | m. plural Name of a people (prob. wrong reading for bhoja-)  |
bhojyā | f. a procuress  |
bhojya | m. a princess of the bhoja-s (see bhojā-)  |
bhojya | n. anything to be enjoyed or eaten, nourishment, food etc.  |
bhojya | n. the act of eating, a meal  |
bhojya | n. a festive dinner  |
bhojya | n. a dainty  |
bhojya | n. a feast a store of provisions, eatables , enjoyment, advantage, profit  |
bhojyakāla | m. eating time, meal-time  |
bhojyamaya | mfn. See bhakṣya-bhojya-maya-.  |
bhojyānna | mfn. one whose food may be eaten  |
bhojyasambhava | m. "having its origin in food", chyle, chyme, the primary juice of the body (see rasa-)  |
bhojyatā | f. ( ) the condition of being eaten, the state of being food (tāṃyā-,to become food) .  |
bhojyatva | n. ( ) the condition of being eaten, the state of being food (tāṃyā-,to become food) .  |
bhojyoṣṇa | mfn. too hot to be eaten  |
bhraṣṭarājya | mfn. fallen from or deprived of a kingdom  |
bhujajyā | f. (in astronomy) the base sine  |
bhujyu | f. (for 2.See column 3) a snake or viper (see bhujaṃga-ga-1. bhoga-etc.) (others"a doe")  |
bhujyu | mfn. (for 1.See column 2) wealthy, rich ( equals rakṣaka-;others"easily guided", fr.1. bhuj-)  |
bhujyu | mfn. Name of a son of tugra- (protected by the aśvin-s)  |
bhujyu | mfn. of a man with the patronymic lāhyāyani-  |
bhujyu | mfn. a pot, vessel  |
bhujyu | mfn. food  |
bhujyu | mfn. fire |
bhūmisāmrājya | n. sovereignty over the earth  |
bhūrijyeṣṭha | m. Name of a son of king vicakṣus-  |
bhūtajyotis | m. "light of living beings", Name of a king  |
bhūtejya | mfn. worshipping the bhūta-s or demons (see bhūta-yajña-).  |
bījya | mfn. sprung or produced from seed  |
bījya | mfn. descended from a good family  |
bījya | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') sprung from or belonging to the family of. (see mahā-b-and gaRa gav-ādi-).  |
brahmajya | mfn. molesting or oppressing Brahmans (see Va1rtt. 1 )  |
brahmajyeṣṭha | m. (printed ṭhya-) the elder brother of brahmā-  |
brahmajyeṣṭha | mfn. having brahmā- as first or chief  |
brahmajyeya | n. the act of oppressing Brahmans  |
brahmajyotis | n. the splendour of brahma- or of the Supreme Being (also written brahma-jy-)  |
brahmajyotis | mfn. having the splendour of brahmā- (Scholiast or Commentator"of the presiding priest")  |
brahmajyotis | m. Name of śiva-  |
brahmasāyujya | n. intimate union or identification with brahma-  |
bṛhajjyotis | mfn. (h/aj--) bright-shining  |
bṛhajjyotis | m. Name of a grandson of brahmā-  |
carajyā | f. idem or 'f. (scilicet jyā-) the sign of -khaṇḍa- ' , 34 Scholiast or Commentator  |
cārajyā | for cara--.  |
daityapūjya | m. equals -guru-  |
daityejya | m. equals tya-guru-  |
daityendrapūjya | m. equals tyejya-  |
daivarājya | wrong reading for deva--.  |
daivejya | mfn. sacred to the planet Jupiter (topaz)  |
dakṣiṇājyotis | (d/akṣ-) mfn. brilliant by the sacrificial gift  |
dantavāṇijya | n. ivory trade (forbidden to Jain laymen) |
daśajyoti | m. Name of a son of su-bhrāj-  |
daśajyotis | m. Name of a son of su-bhrāj-  |
daśapuruṣaṃrājya | n. a kingdom inherited through a series of 10 ancestors  |
devabhojya | n. "food of gods", amṛta-  |
devabhojya | n. nectar  |
devapūjya | m. "to be honoured by the gods", Name of bṛhas-pati-, i e. the planet Jupiter  |
devarājya | n. sovereignty over the gods  |
devasāyujya | n. union with or reception among the gods, deification  |
devatejyā | f. sacrifice to a deity  |
devayajya | n. worship of the gods, a sacrifice etc. (instrumental case also jy/ā- )  |
devayajyā | f. worship of the gods, a sacrifice etc. (instrumental case also jy/ā- )  |
devejya | m. "teacher of the gods", Name of bṛhas-pati- id est the planet Jupiter  |
dhanurjyā | f. a bowstring  |
dhanurjyātalaśabda | m. the mere twanging noise of the bow-string  |
dharmavāṇijyaka | ( ) m. one who tries to make a profit out of his virtue like a merchant.  |
digjyā | f. the azimuth cosine of a place,  |
dinajyotis | n. daylight, sunshine  |
dīrghaprayajyu | mfn. (gh/a--) persevering in offerings and sacrifices  |
dīrghaprayajyu | mfn. receiving constant offerings or worship (viṣṇu-varuṇa-)  |
dorjyā | f. the sine of the base  |
dṛggatijyā | f. (Scholiast or Commentator on ) idem or 'f. ( )'  |
dṛgjyā | f. the sine of the zenith distance or the cosine of the altitude  |
durbhiṣajya | (d/ur--) n. difficult cure  |
dustyajya | mfn. difficult to be relinquished or quitted  |
dustyājya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. difficult to be relinquished or quitted ' ,  |
dvādaśajyotirliṅgastotra | n. Name of work  |
dvairājya | n. a dominion divided between 2 princes  |
dvairājya | n. the boundaries of 2 states, a frontier  |
dvijyā | f. the sine of an arc  |
dvijyāmārga | m. a horizontal line  |
dyujyā | ( ) f. "sky. diameter", the diameter of a circle made by an asterism in its daily revolution.  |
ejya | mf(ā-)n. (irregular future > Passive voice parasmE-pada fr. ā-yaj-) to be offered (as an oblation)  |
ekajyā | f. the cord of an arc  |
ekajyā | f. sine of 30 degrees or of the radius  |
ekajyotis | n. "the only light", Name of śiva-.  |
gaṇapūjya | m. idem or 'mf(ī-)n. forming a number or assembly, ' , .  |
gaṇarājya | n. Name of an empire in the Deccan, .  |
gardabhejyā | f. an ass-sacrifice (see 17) .  |
garjya | mfn. equals janīya-  |
ghṛtayājyā | f. the verse recited with the ghee oblation  |
hājyakhāna | m. Name of a Khan  |
hastajyoḍi | m. a kind of plant  |
hatajyotirniśītha | m. a night in which the stars are extinguished, starless night  |
himajyotis | mfn. cold-rayed (as the moon)  |
hiraṇyajyotis | n. splendour of golden  |
hiraṇyajyotis | mfn. having golden splendour  |
hṛtarājya | mfn. stripped of a kingdom |
ijya | mfn. (irregular future pass. p. of yaj-), to be revered or honoured etc.  |
ijya | m. a teacher  |
ijya | m. a deity, god  |
ijya | m. Name of bṛhaspati- (the teacher or Guru of the gods)  |
ijya | m. of the planet Jupiter  |
ijyā | f. a sacrifice, making offerings to the gods or manes etc.  |
ijyā | f. a gift, donation  |
ijyā | f. worship, reverence  |
ijyā | f. meeting, union  |
ijyā | f. a cow  |
ijyā | f. a bawd or procuress  |
ijyaśīla | mfn. sacrificing frequently  |
indrajyeṣṭha | (/indra--) mfn. one whose chief is indra-, led by indra-  |
indrejya | m. Name of bṛhaspati-, the preceptor of the gods  |
irajya | (anomalous Intensive of raj-) P. rarely A1. irajyati-, -te-, to order, prepare, arrange ; to lead ; to dispose ; to be master of ; to grow ([ ])  |
irajyu | mfn. busy with preparations for the sacrificial rite  |
iṣṭāpūrtasyāparijyāni | f. Name of a sacrificial ceremony  |
jānarājya | n. (fr. jana-r/ājan-) sovereignty  |
janmajyeṣṭha | mfn. the eldest by birth  |
jijyūṣita | mfn. wishing to live by (instrumental case)  |
jinajyā | f. the extent of 24 degrees  |
jināṃśajyā | f. equals na-j-  |
kālakañjya | equals -kañj/a-  |
kalivarjya | mfn. (in law) to be avoided in the present Kali age, obsolete  |
kāmajyeṣṭha | (k/āma--) mfn. having the god Desire at the head, led by kāma-  |
kapījya | m. "to be revered by monkeys", Mimusops Kauki  |
kapījya | m. Name of sugrīva-  |
karajyoḍi | m. Name of a tree (equals hasta-jyoḍi-)  |
karṇajyoti | f. Gynandropsis Pentaphylla  |
kaśyapasūnujyeṣṭha | m. "eldest of the sons of kaśyapa-", Name of hiraṇyākṣa-  |
kaubjya | n. (fr. kubj/a-), hump-backedness  |
kaumārarājya | n. (fr. kumāra-rāja-), the position of an heir-apparent (varia lectio kum-).  |
kavijyeṣṭha | m. "oldest of poets", Name of vālmīki- (author of the rāmāyaṇa-)  |
khajyotis | m. a shining flying insect, fire-fly etc.  |
khāñjya | n. (fr. khañja-), limping  |
kharjya | mfn.  |
kiṃjyotis | (k/iṃ--) mfn. having which light?  |
koṭijyā | f. idem or 'f. the cosine of an angle in a right-angled triangle.'  |
kramajyā | f. idem or 'f. the sinus '  |
kramajyakā | f. the sinus  |
kramarājya | n. Name of a locality  |
krāntijyā | f. idem or 'f. idem or 'f. the sine of the ecliptic ' '  |
krāntijyakā | f. idem or 'f. the sine of the ecliptic '  |
kṛṣṇajyotirvid | m. Name of an author.  |
kṣīṇājyakarman | mfn. "one who has done with sacrificial ceremonies", a Buddhist  |
kṣitijyā | f. idem or 'f. the sine of the bow formed by the horizon and the unmaṇḍala- '  |
kubhojya | n. idem or 'n. equals -bhukta-.'  |
kujyā | f. equals kṣiti-jyā-.  |
kujyā | See 2. ku-.  |
kūjya | mfn. (p. future Passive voice)  |
kūparājya | n. Name of a country.  |
kūparājya | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a country,  |
kurājanrājya | See |
kurājya | n. a bad dominion vArttika  |
kururājya | n. the kuru- realm.  |
lajyā | f. equals lajjā-, shame, modesty  |
lambajyā | f. (in astronomy) the sine of the co-latitude  |
lambajyakā | f. (in astronomy) the sine of the co-latitude  |
liṅgajyeṣṭha | m. (in sāṃkhya-) the great principle or intellect  |
lokajyeṣṭha | m. "the most distinguished or excellent among men", Name of buddha-, buddha-.  |
lokajyeṣṭha | m. a monk of a particular order  |
maḍararājya | n. Name of a district in kaśmīra- (varia lectio maḍava-r-).  |
madhyajyā | f. the sign of the meridian  |
madhyejyotis | f. a kind of Vedic metre  |
mahābījya | n. the Perinaeum  |
mahājyaiṣṭhī | f. Name of a night of full moon coinciding with certain phenomena in the heavens in the month jyaiṣṭha-  |
mahājyotis | m. "having great splendour", Name of śiva-  |
mahājyotiṣmatī | f. a species of plant  |
mahāprāvrājya | n. the hard life of a wandering religious mendicant  |
mahārājya | n. the rank or title of a reigning sovereign  |
māhārājya | n. (fr. idem or 'mf(ī-)n. (fr. mahā-rāja-) attached or devoted to the reigning prince ') the rank of a reigning prince or sovereign  |
maitrākṣajyotika | m. Name of a particular class of evil beings  |
manājya | or manādya- n. dual number (gotamasya-or gautamasya-) Name of 2 sāman-s  |
manojyotis | (m/ano--) mfn. one whose light is the intellect  |
manorājya | n. the realm of fancy (jyāni-kṛ-,to build castles in the air, )  |
mantrajyeṣṭha | mfn. one whose superiority is dependent on his knowledge of sacred text  |
mantrajyotis | n. Name of work  |
manujyeṣṭha | m. a sword  |
marjya | mfn. to be cleansed or prepared (said of soma-)  |
māṣājya | n. a dish of beans dressed or cooked with ghee  |
mauñjya | m. a particular personification  |
meghajyotis | n. "drink-light", lightning, a flash of lightning  |
mokṣalakṣmīsāmrājyasiddhi | f. Name of work  |
mokṣalakṣmīsāmrājyatantra | n. Name of work  |
mokṣasāmrājyasiddhi | f. Name of work  |
mṛjya | mfn. to be wiped or wiped off or removed  |
munijñānajyanta | m. Name of a scribe  |
muñjājyābalbajamaya | mf(ī-)n. made of Munja-grass and a bow-string and Eleusine Indica  |
mūrdhajyotis | n. equals brahma-randhra-  |
nairlajjya | n. shamelessness, impudence  |
nairujya | n. (fr. nī-ruja-) health on  |
nararājya | n. kingship, royalty  |
naṣṭarājya | n. Name of a district to the north-east of madhya-deśa-  |
natajyā | f. the sine of the hour-angle  |
navaratnajyotirgaṇita | n. Name of work  |
nīcabhojya | m. "food of low men", an onion  |
nīrājya | mfn. clear, pure, limpid  |
niranuyojya | mfn. unblamable, faultless  |
niranuyojyānuyoga | m. the blaming of anything faultless  |
nirbhājya | mfn. to be excluded from participation or sharing in  |
nirbhajyamāna | mfn. being broken in pieces  |
nirjyotis | mfn. lightless, dark  |
niyojya | mfn. to be fastened or attached to  |
niyojya | mfn. to be endowed or furnished with (instrumental case)  |
niyojya | mfn. to be enjoined (a-n-)  |
niyojya | mfn. to be committed or intrusted  |
niyojya | mfn. to be appointed or employed or directed or commanded etc.  |
niyojya | m. a functionary, official, servant  |
niyojyānvayanirūpaṇa | n. Name of work  |
niyujya | ind. having joined or attached or harnessed or appointed etc.  |
nṛjyāya | m. the conquering of men  |
nyastārtvijya | mfn. where the ṛtvij- have laid down their office  |
padajyotis | n. Name of work  |
pādāvanejya | n. equals ja-  |
pakṣijyotiṣa | n. Name of work  |
pakṣirājya | n. the sovereignty of the feathered tribes  |
paramajyā | mfn. holding supreme power (as indra-)  |
paramakrāntijyā | f. the sine of the greatest declination  |
parījyā | f. (pari-+ ijyā-, yaj-) a secondary rite (equals pari-yajña-)  |
parijyāni | See a-p-.  |
parimṛjya | mfn. to be cleaned or rubbed (see mārgya-). 1.  |
pariṣvajya | mfn. to be embraced  |
parityajya | ind. having left or abandoned etc.  |
parityajya | ind. leaving a space, at a distance from (accusative)  |
parityajya | ind. with she exception of, excepting  |
parityājya | mfn. to be left or abandoned or deserted etc.  |
parityājya | mfn. to be given up or renounced  |
parityājya | mfn. to be omitted  |
parivrajya | mfn. to be gone about (n. impersonal or used impersonally)  |
parivrajyā | f. strolling, wandering from place to place, (especially) leading the life of a religious mendicant, abandonment of the world  |
parivrājya | n. religious mendicancy  |
pārivrajya | wrong reading for -vrājya-.  |
pārivrājya | n. id (see )  |
paryādhānejya | n. dual number kindling the sacred fire and offering oblations previously (to an elder brother),  |
paryanuyojya | mfn. to be blamed or censured ( paryanuyojyopekṣaṇa jyopekṣaṇa- n.omitting to blame what ought to be blamed)  |
paryanuyojyopekṣaṇa | n. paryanuyojya |
paśvijyā | f. animal sacrifice  |
piṅgalajya | mfn. having a brown string (śiva-'s bow) (see piṅgā-).  |
prāgjyotiṣa | mfn. lighted from the east  |
prāgjyotiṣa | mfn. relating to the city of prāg-jyotiṣa-  |
prāgjyotiṣa | m. Name of a country (equals kāma-rūpa-)  |
prāgjyotiṣa | m. the king of the city of prāg-jyotiṣa- (Name of bhaga-datta-)  |
prāgjyotiṣa | m. (plural) Name of a people living in that city or its environs  |
prāgjyotiṣa | n. Name of a city, the dwelling-place of the demon naraka-  |
prāgjyotiṣa | n. Name of a sāman- ( )  |
prāgjyotiṣajeṣṭha | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
praiṣapratīkayājyā | f. a yājyā- beginning with a praiṣa-  |
prājya | mfn. (?fr. pra-+ ājya-,"having much ghee") copious, abundant, large, great, important etc.  |
prājya | mfn. lasting, long  |
prājya | mfn. high, lofty  |
prājyabhaṭṭa | m. Name of an author  |
prājyabhojya | mfn. (prob.) equals -kāma-  |
prājyabhuja | mfn. long-armed  |
prājyadakṣiṇa | mfn. abounding in sacrificial fees  |
prājyakāma | mfn. rich in enjoyments  |
prājyavikrama | mfn. possessing great power  |
prājyavṛṣṭi | mfn. sending rain in abundance (said of indra-)  |
prājyendhanatṛṇa | mfn. (a place) abounding in fuel and grass  |
prāṇarājyada | mfn. one who has saved (another's) life and throne  |
prasajya | mfn. to be attached to or connected with  |
prasajya | mfn. applicable  |
prasajyapratiṣedha | m. the negative form of an applicable (positive) statement (also sajyāyām- pr- ; prasajyapratiṣedhatva dha-tva- n. )  |
prasajyapratiṣedhatva | n. prasajyapratiṣedha |
prasajyatā | f. applicability  |
prasthitayājyā | f. a verse pronounced on offering the prasthita- vessels, ( prasthitayājyāhoma -homa- m.the oblation connected with it )  |
prasthitayājyāhoma | m. prasthitayājyā |
pratiniḥsṛjya | mfn. to be given up or abandoned  |
pratipūjya | mfn. to be honoured  |
pratyagjyotis | n. the inward light  |
pravrajya | n. going abroad, migration  |
pravrajyā | f. idem or 'n. going abroad, migration '  |
pravrajyā | f. going forth from home (first rite of a layman wishing to become a monk)  |
pravrajyā | f. roaming, wandering about (especially as a religious mendicant, in a dress not authorized by the veda-) etc.  |
pravrajyā | f. the order of a religious mendicant  |
prāvrājya | n. (fr. -vrāj-) the life of a religious mendicant, vagrancy (wrong reading -vrajya-)  |
pravrajyāvasita | m. a religious mendicant who has renounced his order  |
pravrajyāyoga | m. a constellation under which future religious mendicants are born  |
pravṛjya | mfn. to be placed in or near the fire  |
prayājyā | f. (also plural) the words spoken at the moment of offering the prayājyā-  |
prayajyu | (pr/a--) mfn. worshipful, adorable (equals prakarṣeṇa pūjya- ;others "pressing onwards, rushing on") .  |
prayojya | mfn. to be cast or shot (missile)  |
prayojya | mfn. to be used or employed or practised ( prayojyatva -tva- n.) etc.  |
prayojya | mfn. to be appointed or commissioned, dependent, a servant or slave  |
prayojya | mfn. to be represented (on the stage)  |
prayojya | n. capital (to be lent on interest)  |
prāyojya | mfn. belonging to things requisite or necessary.  |
prayojyatva | n. the state of being used or employed (a-pray-)  |
prayojyatva | n. the state of being appointed or commissioned, dependence (a-pray-)  |
prayojyatva | n. prayojya |
prītibhojya | mfn. to be eaten joyfully or cheerfully  |
pṛṣadājya | n. curdled or clotted butter, ghee mixed with coagulated milk (forming an oblation)  |
pṛṣadājyadhānī | f. a vessel for an oblation of ghee and curds  |
pṛṣadājyapraṇutta | mfn. (jy/a--) driven away from the oblation of ghee and curds  |
pṛtanājya | (nājya-) n. "rushing together in battle", close combat, fight  |
pṛthivīrājya | n. "earth-dominion", sovereignty  |
pṛthvīrājya | n. earth-dominion, kingdom  |
pūjya | mfn. equals janīya- (superl. -tama-) etc.  |
pūjya | m. an honourable man  |
pūjya | m. a father-in-law  |
pūjyapāda | m. Name of deva-nandin- ( pūjyapādacaritra dacaritra- n.Name of work)  |
pūjyapādacaritra | n. pūjyapāda |
pūjyapūjā | f. honouring those worthy of honour ( pūjyapūjāvyatikrama jā-vyatikrama- m.neglecting to do so)  |
pūjyapūjāvyatikrama | m. pūjyapūjā |
pūjyatā | f. ( ), ( ) venerableness, honourableness, the being entitled to honour.  |
pūjyatva | n. ( ) venerableness, honourableness, the being entitled to honour.  |
purajyotis | n. Name of the region or the world of agni- (wrong reading for puro-j-?) .  |
purastājjyotis | (RPrst.) n. Name of a metre.  |
purastājjyotiṣmatī | ( ) f.  |
purojyotis | mfn. preceded by light or radiance  |
putrejyā | f. (prob.) putreṣṭi-  |
putrejyāprayoga | m. Name of work  |
rājarājya | n. equals -rāja-tā-  |
rājasāyujya | n. "close union with royalty", sovereignty  |
rājya | mfn. kingly, princely, royal  |
rājya | n. (also r/ājya-or rājyā-) royalty, kingship, sovereignty, empire ("over" locative case or compound;"of" genitive case or compound; accusative with kṛ-or Causal of kṛ-or with upa-ās-or vi-dhā-,to exercise government, rule, govern) etc.  |
rājya | n. kingdom, country, realm (equals rāṣṭra-)  |
rājyabhāj | m. "kingdom-possessor", a king.  |
rājyabhaṅga | m. subversion of sovereignty  |
rājyabhāra | m. the weight of (the duties of) government  |
rājyabhedamara | mfn. causing division or discord in a government  |
rājyābhiṣeka | m. inauguration to a kingdom, coronation  |
rājyābhiṣekadīdhiti | f. Name of work  |
rājyābhiṣekamantra | m. Name of work  |
rājyābhiṣekapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
rājyābhiṣekaprakaraṇaṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
rājyābhiṣekavidhi | m. Name of work  |
rājyābhiṣikta | mfn. inaugurated to a kingdom, crowned  |
rājyabhoga | m. possession of sovereignty  |
rājyabhraṃśa | m. equals -cyuti-  |
rājyabhraṣṭa | mfn. equals -cyuta- |
rājyacyuta | mfn. fallen from sovereignty  |
rājyacyuta | m. a dethroned or deposed monarch  |
rājyacyuti | f. loss of sovereignty, dethronement  |
rājyadevī | f. Name of the mother of bāṇa- (varia lectio rāṣṭra-d-).  |
rājyadhara | m. "kingdom supporter", Name of a man  |
rājyādhideva | m. Name of a king  |
rājyādhidevatā | f. the tutelary deity of a kingdom  |
rājyādhikāra | m. authority over a kingdom, right or title to a sovereignty  |
rājyadhurā | f. burden of government, administration  |
rājyadravya | n. a requisite of sovereignty, any object necessary for a king's consecration  |
rājyadravyamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of or belonging to the requisites of royalty  |
rājyahara | mfn. spoiling a kingdom, the spoiler of an empire  |
rājyaikaśeṣeṇa | ind. with the single exception of the kingdom  |
rājyakara | mfn. exercising government, ruling  |
rājyakara | m. the tribute paid by tributary princes  |
rājyakartṛ | wrong reading for rāja-k- q.v  |
rājyakhaṇḍa | n. a kingdom, country  |
rājyakṛt | mfn. equals -kara- 1  |
rājyalābha | m. obtainment of sovereignty, succession to the throne  |
rājyalābhastotra | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
rājyalakṣmī | f. the good fortune of a kingdom, glory of sovereignty  |
rājyalaulya | n. idem or 'm. desire for royalty, ambition '  |
rājyalīlā | f. "king-play", pretending to be a king  |
rājyalīlā | Nom. A1. yate- (only yita- n.the playing at kings)  |
rājyalobha | m. desire for royalty, ambition  |
rājyaloka | wrong reading for rājya-l-  |
rājyāṅga | n. "limb of royalty", a requisite of regal administration (variously enumerated as 7, 8, or 9, viz. the monarch, the prime minister, a friend or ally, treasure, territory, a stronghold, an army, the companies of citizens, and the puro-hita- or spiritual adviser)  |
rājyapada | n. royal rank, majesty  |
rājyāpahāraka | m. a usurper  |
rājyāpaharaṇa | n. the taking away or deprivation of a king, usurpation  |
rājyapāla | m. Name of a king (varia lectio for rāja-p-, q.v)  |
rājyaparibhraṣṭa | mfn. equals -cyuta-  |
rājyaparikriyā | f. exercise of government, administration  |
rājyaprada | mfn. giving or conferring a kingdom,  |
rājyarakṣā | f. protection or defence of a kingdom  |
rājyasena | m. Name of a king of nandi-pura-  |
rājyāśramamuni | m. "monk of a royal hermitage", a pious king  |
rājyaśrī | f. equals -lakṣmī- (personified )  |
rājyaśrī | f. Name of a daughter of pratāpa-śīla-  |
rājyastha | ( etc.) ( ) mfn. being in a kingly office, ruling.  |
rājyasthāyin | ( ) mfn. being in a kingly office, ruling.  |
rājyasthiti | f. the being in a kingly office, government  |
rājyasukha | n. the pleasure of royalty, enjoyment of a kingdom  |
rājyatantra | n. (sg. and plural) the science or theory of government  |
rājyatyāga | m. abandonment of rule or government  |
rājyavardhana | m. Name of a king (son of dama-)  |
rājyavardhana | m. of another king (son of pratāpa-śīla- or prabhākara-vardhana-)  |
rājyavatī | f. Name of a princess  |
rājyavibhava | m. ( ) the might or power of royalty.  |
rājyavibhūti | f. ( ) the might or power of royalty.  |
rājyavyavahāra | m. government business  |
rājyopakaraṇa | n. plural the instruments or paraphernalia of government, insignia of royalty (see rājop-).  |
rāmacandrajyotsnā | f. Name of work  |
rasajyeṣṭha | m. the first or best taste, sweet taste, sweetness  |
rasajyeṣṭha | m. the sentiment of love  |
ratnasārajātakejyotiṣasārasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
rījyā | f. (see rīḍhā-above) contempt, disgust  |
rījyā | f. shame  |
ṛṇajya | m. Name of a vyāsa-  |
ṛtajya | (ṛt/a-) mfn. one whose string is truth, truth-strung (said of brahmaṇas-pati-'s bow)  |
ṛtuyājyā | f. equals -yāja- above  |
sabhājya | mfn. to be honoured or praised by (genitive case)  |
sadaśanajyotsna | mf(ā-)n. displaying the brightness of the teeth, having bright teeth  |
śāhājyāhām | m?. Shah Jaha1n (emperor),  |
sahasrajyotis | m. Name of a son of su-bhrāj-  |
sāhityasāmrājya | n. Name of work  |
sajya | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order , column 2.  |
sajya | mfn. (fr. 7. sa-+ 3. jy/ā- q.v) having a bow-string, strung (as a bow), placed on the bow-string (as an arrow) :  |
sājya | mfn. having clarified butter,  |
sajyakarman | n. the act of stringing a bow (Bombay edition)  |
sajyasāyaka | mfn. having an arrow on the bowstring  |
sajyīkṛ | P. -karoti-, to string a bow  |
sajyotis | mfn. having the same or a common light  |
sajyotis | ind. according to the light (id est either by day from the disappearance of the stars till sunset, or by night from sunset till the appearance of the stars) (tiṣi- idem or 'mfn. having the same or a common light ' )  |
sajyotis | ind. as long as the sun is in the sky  |
sajyotis | etc. See column 1.  |
sajyotsnā | f. having moonlight  |
sajyotsnā | f. (scilicet rātri-) a moonlight night  |
śakalajyotis | m. a kind of venomless snake  |
samajajyā | f. place of meeting  |
samajajyā | f. meeting, assembly  |
samajajyā | f. fame, celebrity (varia lectio for samājñā-)  |
samanuyojya | mfn. to be combined or mixed with (instrumental case)  |
samaryarājya | n. the region occupied by a concourse (such as the above)  |
samavasṛjya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. to be let go or abandoned etc. Va1rtt. 2 '  |
sambhojya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. to be fed '  |
sambhojya | mfn. to be eaten, eatable  |
sambhojya | mfn. one with whom one ought to eat (See a-s-).  |
saṃniyojya | mfn. to be appointed or employed or commissioned  |
samprayojya | mfn. to be executed or performed  |
sampūjya | mfn. to be greatly honoured or respected  |
sāmrājya | n. (fr. sam-rāj-) complete or universal sovereignty, empire, dominion over (genitive case locative case,or compound) etc.  |
sāmrājya | mfn. relating to sovereignty  |
sāmrājya | m. a universal sovereign (according to to gaRa kurv-ādi-,"the son of a universal sovereign.")  |
sāmrājyadīkṣita | mfn. consecrated to universal empire  |
sāmrājyakṛt | mfn. one who exercises imperial sway  |
sāmrājyalakṣmīpīṭhikā | f. Name of work  |
sāmrājyalakṣmīpūjā | f. Name of work  |
sāmrājyasiddhi | f. Name of work  |
sāmrājyasiddhidā | f. Name of the family deity of the uddālaka-s  |
saṃtyajya | mfn. to be left or abandoned  |
saṃtyājya | mfn. to be left or abandoned or given up  |
samudrajyeṣṭha | (dr/a--) mf(ā-)n. having the ocean as chief (said of waters)  |
saṃvibhajya | mfn. one with whom anything must be shared  |
saṃvibhājya | (fr. Causal) wrong reading for vibhajya-  |
saṃyājya | mfn. to be made or allowed to sacrifice (See a-saṃy-)  |
saṃyājya | n. joining or sharing in a sacrifice, sacrificing (See a-yājya-saṃy-)  |
saṃyājyā | f. Name of the yājyā- and anuvākyā- mantra-s (recited in the sviṣṭa-kṛt- ceremony)  |
saṃyojya | mfn. to be joined or brought together, to be fixed upon (locative case)  |
sapṛṣadājya | mfn. with curdled or clotted butter  |
śarajjyotsnā | f. autumnal moonshine  |
śarasanajyā | f. a bow-string  |
śārdūlajyeṣṭha | (śārdul/a--) mfn. having a tiger as superior or chief  |
sarjya | m. the resin of Vatica Robusta  |
śārṅgadharavrajyā | f. Name of a poetical anthology  |
sarvajyāni | f. the complete loss of all one's property  |
sarvajyotis | m. Name of an ekāha-  |
sarvajyotiṣasaṃgraha | m. Name of work T  |
sarvarājya | n. universal sovereignty  |
sarvasāmrājyamedhasahasranāman | n. Name of work  |
śatajyoti | m. Name of a son of su-bhrāj- (according to to "the moon") .  |
śatajyotis | m. Name of a son of su-bhrāj- (according to to "the moon") .  |
ṣaṭpadajya | mfn. "having bees for a string", Name of kāma-deva-'s bow  |
satyajyotis | (saty/a--) mfn. having real splendour  |
saumarājya | m. patronymic fr. soma-rājaka-  |
saurājya | n. (fr. su-rājan-) good sovereignty, good government  |
saurājyavat | mfn. enjoying good government  |
sāyojya | n. equals sāyujya- (with prāṇais-="abiding in life, living on" )  |
sayujya | mfn. (fr. prec.) closely united with  |
sāyujya | n. (fr. sa-yuj-) intimate union, communion with (genitive case locative case instrumental case,or compound)  |
sāyujya | n. identification, absorption (into the divine Essence;this is one of the four grades or states of mukti- see sālokya- ) etc.  |
sāyujya | n. likeness, similarity  |
sāyujyamukti | f. emancipation consisting in the above absorption  |
sayujyatā | f. intimate union or junction  |
sāyujyatā | f. ( ) equals prec.  |
sāyujyatva | n. ( ) equals prec.  |
śekharajyotis | m. Name of a king  |
siddhāntajyotsnā | f. Name of work  |
śithilitajya | mfn. (a bow) whose string has been relaxed  |
śivajyotirvid | m. Name of an author  |
śivasāyujya | n. absorption into or identification with śiva-, final emancipation  |
somarājya | n. the dominion of soma-  |
somarājya | m. (wrong reading for saumar-)  |
somayājyā | f. the words spoken on taking out the soma- for libation  |
somejyā | f. a soma- sacrifice  |
sphuṭajyotiṣa | n. Name of work  |
śrījyotirīśvara | m. Name of the author of the dhūrta-samāgama-  |
sṛjya | mfn. to be let go or emitted or created  |
strīrājya | n. "women's realm", a region (perhaps in Bhutan) peopled by Amazonian women |
śūdrarājya | n. a country of which a śūdra- is king |
sujyaiṣṭhya | mfn. well entitled to primogeniture  |
sujyeṣṭha | m. Name of a king (son of agni-mitra-)  |
sujyotis | (or -jyot/is-) mfn. shining very brightly, radiant  |
sukhābhiyojya | mfn. easily assailable  |
sukhavījya | mfn. easy to be fanned or cooled (as a couch)  |
śukrajyotis | (śukr/a-) mfn. having bright splendour  |
surajyeṣṭha | m. "oldest of the gods", Name of brahmā-  |
suralokarājya | n. dominion over the world of the gods  |
surarājya | n. dominion over the gods  |
surejya | m. "preceptor of the gods", Name of bṛhas-pati-  |
surejya | m. of the planet Jupiter  |
surejyā | f. the sacred basil  |
surejyā | f. another plant equals brāhmī- |
surejya | surendra- See p.1235, columns 1 and 2.  |
surendrapūjya | m. Name of bṛhas-pati-, the planet Jupiter  |
sūryajyotis | mfn. having the sun's light  |
sūryarājya | n. the sun's dominion  |
suvarṇajyotis | mfn. having a golden lustre  |
svarājya | n. independent dominion or sovereignty  |
svarājya | n. own dominion or kingdom  |
svarājya | n. (with indrasya-) Name of a sāman-  |
svārājya | n. (fr. sva-rāj-) independent rule, uncontrolled dominion, sovereignty (according to to some" indra-'s heaven", fr. 2. svā-rāj-;also indrasya svārājyam-Name of a sāman-) etc.  |
svārājya | n. union with brahma-, identification with the self-refulgent, state of self-effulgence  |
svārājya | mfn. procuring sovereignty or heaven  |
svārājyakāma | mfn. desirous of sovereignty or heaven  |
svārājyasiddhi | f. Name of a vedānta- work  |
svargarājya | n. kingdom of heaven  |
svarjyotirnidhana | mfn. (sv^ar--) having svar-jyotis- as final part  |
svarjyotirnidhana | n. Name of a sāman-  |
svarjyotis | mfn. (sv^ar--) shining with heaven's light  |
svarjyotis | n. Name of two sāman-s  |
svayaṃjyotis | (svay/aṃ--) mfn. self-shining  |
tamojyotis | m. "light in darkness", a fire-fly  |
tāvajjyok | ind. so long  |
tiryagjyā | f. an oblique chord  |
trailokyarājya | n. Trailokya-sovereignty  |
trayodaśavarjyasaptamī | f. Name of a 7th day  |
tribhajyā | f. equals tri-j-,  |
trijyā | f. idem or 'f. the sine of 3 signs or 90 degrees, radius '  |
tṛṇajyotis | n. Name of a shining grass  |
tujya | mfn. to be pushed or impelled,  |
tujya | mfn.  |
tyājya | mfn. ( vArttika) to be left or abandoned or quitted or shunned or expelled or removed etc.  |
tyājya | mfn. to be given up etc.  |
tyājya | mfn. to be sacrificed  |
tyājya | mfn. to be excepted  |
tyājya | n. part of an asterism or its duration considered as unlucky  |
ubhayatojyotis | mfn. having light on both sides  |
ubhayatojyotis | mfn. "having a jyotiḥ-ṣṭoma-, sacrifice on both sides", being between two jyotiḥ-ṣṭoma- sacrifices  |
udayajyā | f. the orient sine (See above)  |
ujjya | mfn. (fr. jyā-with ud-), having the bow-sinew loosened  |
upabhojya | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' serving for food, causing enjoyment  |
upajyotiṣa | n. a compendium of astronomy  |
uparajya | ind.p. having dyed or coloured  |
uparajya | darkening, obscuring  |
uparañjya | mfn. to be dyed  |
uparañjya | mfn. to be affected or influenced  |
upariṣṭājjyotis | n. idem or 'f. Name of a variety of the jyotiṣmatī- (q.v) metre (having twelve instants in the last line, and eight instants in each of the three preceding lines).'  |
upariṣṭājjyotiṣmatī | f. Name of a variety of the jyotiṣmatī- (q.v) metre (having twelve instants in the last line, and eight instants in each of the three preceding lines).  |
upārjya | mfn. to be acquired or earned  |
upasṛjya | ind.p. having added, adding etc.  |
upavrajya | ind.p. having gone towards, coming near, approaching  |
upavrajya | going behind, following  |
upayojya | mfn. to be employed or used or applied  |
ūrdhvajyotis | mfn. one whose light tends upwards  |
utkramajyā | f. (in geometry) the versed sine  |
utsṛjya | ind.p. having let loose, having abandoned etc.  |
utsṛjya | mfn. to be leapt over or left out, not to be observed,  |
uttarajyā | f. the versed sine of an arc, the second half of the chord halved by the versed sine  |
uttarajyotiṣa | n. Name of a country  |
vāgjyotis | (v/āg--) mfn. receiving light or enlightenment by speech  |
vaibhājyavādin | wrong reading for vibhajya-vādin-  |
vairājya | n. extended sovereignty  |
vaiṣṇavajyotiṣaśāstra | n. Name of work  |
vaiśvajyotiṣa | n. (fr. viśva-jyotis-) Name of various sāman-s  |
vaiśvānarajyeṣṭha | mfn. having vedānta-s for the first  |
vaiśvānarajyotiś | mfn. having vedānta-s's light  |
vājya | m. patronymic fr. vāja- gaRa gargādi-.  |
vālavījya | m. a wild goat  |
vālikājya | m. gaRa bhauriky-ādi-.  |
vālikājyavidha | mfn. inhabited by vālikājya- (varia lectio vāṇikājya- vālija-, vālijyaka-).  |
vaṃśabhojya | mfn. to be possessed by a family, hereditary  |
vaṃśabhojya | n. (with rajya-) an hereditary estate  |
vaṃśarājyadhara | mfn. perpetuating race and dominion  |
vanajyotsnī | f. "Light of the Grave", Name of a plant (in prakṛt-) .  |
vanarājya | n. Name of a kingdom  |
vanejya | m. a highly valued species of mango  |
vaṇijya | n. trade, traffic  |
vaṇijyā | f. idem or 'n. trade, traffic '  |
vāṇijya | n. ( ) traffic, trade, commerce, merchandise.  |
vāṇijyā | f. ( ) traffic, trade, commerce, merchandise.  |
vāṇijyaka | m. a merchant, trader (see dharma-v-).  |
vāṇikājya | wrong reading for vāl-.  |
vanitārājya | n. the kingdom of women (see strī-r-).  |
varājya | n. the choicest ghee or clarified butter  |
varjya | mfn. to be excluded or shunned or avoided or given up etc.  |
varjya | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') with the exception of, exclusive of. without  |
varjya | n. a stage in each lunar mansion during which no business should be begun  |
vārjyaka | mfn. (fr. varjya-) gaRa dhūmādi-.  |
varṇajyāyas | mfn. higher in caste  |
varṇajyeṣṭha | mf(ā-)n. highest in caste (varia lectio)  |
varṇajyeṣṭha | m. a Brahman  |
varṣājya | mfn. "having ghee for rain"or"having rain for ghee"  |
varuṇajyeṣṭha | (v/a-) m. plural having varuṇa- for chief.  |
vāsudevajyotis | m. Name of a poet  |
vasujyeṣṭha | m. Name of a king  |
vāsupūjya | m. (with jaina-s) Name of the 12th arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī- (son of vasu-pūjya-rāj-)  |
vasupūjyarāj | m. Name of the father of the 12th arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-  |
vatsarājya | n. sovereignty or authority over the vatsa-s  |
vibāṇajya | mfn. without an arrow and a string |
vibhajya | mfn. to be divided  |
vibhajya | mfn. to be (or being) distinguished  |
vibhajya | ind. having distributed or separated or divided, by dividing or distinguishing etc.  |
vibhājya | mfn. to be divided or apportioned, divisible  |
vibhajyapāṭha | m. the distinct pronunciation (of every sound)  |
vibhajyavāda | m. a particular Buddhist doctrine  |
vibhajyavādin | m. an adherent of the above doctrine  |
vijya | (v/i--) mfn. stringless (as a bow)  |
vijya | vi-jvara- etc. See .  |
vījya | See sukha-v-.  |
vinayajyotis | m. (?) Name of a muni-  |
viniyojya | mfn. to be applied or used or employed  |
virājya | n. reign, dominion  |
visarjya | mfn. (fr. idem or 'mfn. exposed (in a forest) ') to be dismissed or sent away  |
visṛjya | mfn. to be sent out or let go etc.  |
visṛjya | mfn. to be (or being) produced or effected (as substantive = "effect")  |
viśvagjyotis | etc. wrong reading for viṣvag-aśva- etc.  |
viṣvagjyotis | m. Name of the eldest of the 100 sons of śata-jit-, |
viśvajyotis | mfn. (viśv/a--) all-brilliant  |
viśvajyotis | m. Name of an ekāha-  |
viśvajyotis | m. of a man  |
viśvajyotis | f. Name of particular bricks (supposed to represent fire, the wind, and the sun)  |
viśvajyotis | n. Name of a sāman-  |
viśvajyotiṣa | m. Name of a man (plural his descendants)  |
viśvapūjya | mfn. all-venerable  |
viśveśvarapūjyapāda | m. Name of author etc.  |
viyojya | mfn. to be separated from (ablative)  |
vrajyā | f. (for 2.See next page, column 1) travelling, wandering, gait  |
vrajyā | f. march, attack, invasion  |
vrajyā | f. Name of a poem by kavicandra-.  |
vrajya | mfn. belonging to a fold or pen  |
vrajyā | f. division, group (equals varga-)  |
vrajyāmālā | f. Name of a poem by sarvānanda-.  |
vrajyāvat | mfn. having a graceful gait  |
vrajyāvat | mfn. addicted to wandering or roaming, wandering, roaming |
vṛjya | mfn. to be bent or turned away  |
vyāsajya | ind. having firmly attached or fastened on, having adhered or inhered separately or severally |
vyāsajyaceta | mfn. attached (in mind) to |
vyāsajyavṛtti | mfn. inhering in more subjects than one (as a quality etc.) |
vyatiṣaṅgatiṣajya | ind. seizing each other by the hand  |
yajya | mfn. to be worshipped etc.  |
yajya | nf(ā-). See deva-y-.  |
yājya | mfn. to be made or allowed to sacrifice, one on whose behalf a sacrifice is performed etc.  |
yājya | mfn. to be sacrificed, sacrificial (See a-yājya-)  |
yājya | m. a sacrificer, the master or institutor of a sacrifice ( yājyatā -tā-, f. yājyatva -tva- n.) etc.  |
yājyā | f. (scilicet ṛc-) sacrificial text or verse, the words of consecration used at a sacrifice  |
yājyatā | f. yājya |
yājyatva | n. yājya |
yājyavat | mfn. having the yājyā- or consecrating text  |
yājyāvat | ind. like the yājyā- or consecrating text  |
yajyu | mfn. worshipping, devout, pious  |
yajyu | mfn. worthy of worship, adorable  |
yajyu | m. an adhvaryu- priest  |
yajyu | m. the institutor of a sacrifice (equals yajamāna-)  |
yamarājya | n. yama-'s dominion  |
yathājyagāna | (thāj-) n. a song corresponding to the ājya-  |
yathājyeṣṭham | ind. according to the oldest, by seniority, from the oldest to the youngest  |
yathākāmajyeya | mfn. to be oppressed at pleasure  |
yauvarājya | n. (fr. yuva-rāja-; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) the rank or office or rights of an heir-apparent, the right of succession to a kingdom  |
yāvadrājyam | ind. for the whole reign  |
yojya | etc. See pp. 858, columns 1, 2.  |
yojya | mfn. (1. yuj-) to be joined or united etc.  |
yojya | mfn. to be fixed on or directed to (locative case)  |
yojya | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') to be appointed to or entrusted with  |
yojya | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') to be led towards or urged to  |
yojya | mfn. to be used or employed or set to work etc.  |
yojya | mfn. to be pronounced or uttered (varia lectio)  |
yojya | mfn. to be added to (locative case)  |
yojya | mfn. to be supplied or furnished with (instrumental case)  |
yojya | mfn. to be shared in  |
yojya | mfn. to be connected or construed  |
yojya | mfn. one on whom the mind is to be fixed or concentrated ( )  |
yujya | mfn. connected, related, allied  |
yujya | mfn. homogeneous, similar, equal in rank or power  |
yujya | mfn. suitable, proper, capable  |
yujya | n. union, alliance, relationship (with jamad-agneḥ-) Name of a sāman- (varia lectio yugya-).  |
yuvarājya | n. equals -rāja-tva-  |