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Grammar Search
"juhuve" has 2 results
juhuve: third person singular tense paradigm perfect class ātmanepada
juhuve: first person singular tense paradigm perfect class ātmanepada
Monier-Williams Search
2 results for juhuve
hu cl.3 P. () juh/oti- (Ved. and Epic also A1. juhut/e-3. plural proper j/uh-3. plural proper j/uhvati-, te- etc.;2. sg. imperative juhudh/i- etc.; hoṣi- ; parasmE-pada P. j/uhvat-; A1. j/uhvāna-[also with pass. sense];3. plural imperfect tense /ajuhavuḥ- ; perfect tense P. juhāva-, juhuvuḥ- ; A1. juhuve- ; juhv/e-, juhur/e- ; juhvire- ; juhavāṃ-cakāra- ; juhavām-āsa- ; Aorist ahauṣīt- etc.; preceding hūyāt- grammar; future hotā- ; hoṣy/ati-, te- etc.; Conditional ahoṣyat- ; infinitive mood h/otum-, tos-, tav/ai-,and ind.p. hutvā- etc.) , to sacrifice (especially pour butter into the fire) , offer or present an oblation (accusative or genitive case) to (dative case) or in (locative case), sacrifice to, worship or honour (accusative) with (instrumental case) etc. ; to sprinkle on (locative case) ; to eat : Passive voice hūy/ate- (Aorist /ahāvi-), to be offered or sacrificed etc. etc.: Causal hāvayati- (Aorist ajūhavat-), to cause to sacrifice or to be sacrificed or to be honoured with sacrifice etc.: Desiderative juhūṣati-, to wish to sacrifice : Intensive johavīti- (imperfect tense ajohavīt-or ajuhavīt- ), johūyate-, johoti- (grammar), to offer oblations repeatedly or abundantly. [ confer, compare Greek in (for) , , ; Latin fu1tis,"water-pot."]
hve cl.1 P. A1. () hv/ayati-, te- (Vedic or Veda also h/avate-and huv/ati-, te-; other present forms are hve- ; hvāmahe- ; h/oma-, hūm/ahe-, juhūm/asi- ; p. huvān/a-[with pass. sense] ; hvayāna- ; perfect tense juhāva-, juhuvuḥ- etc.; juhv/e-, juhūr/e- ; juhuve-, huhurire- ; hvayāṃ-āsa-and hvayāṃ-cakre- ; Aorist /ahvat-, ahvata-[or ahvāsta- ] etc. etc.; ahvi- ; /ahūmahi-, ahūṣata- ; ahvāsīt-[?] ; future hvātā- grammar; hvayiṣyati-, te- ; hvāsyate- ; infinitive mood Class. hvātum-; Vedic or Veda h/avitave-, hv/ayitum-, tav/ai-; huv/adhyai-; ind.p. Class. hūtvā-;Ved. -h/ūya-and -hāvam-), to call, call upon, summon, challenge, invoke (with nāmnā-,"to call by name"; with yuddhe-,"to challenge to fight") etc. ; to emulate, vie with : Passive voice hūy/ate- (Aorist /ahāvi-,or ahvāyi-), to be called etc. : Causal hvāyayati- (Aorist ajūhavat-or ajuhāvat-), to cause anyone (accusative) to be challenged by (instrumental case) : Desiderative juhūṣati-, te- grammar : Intensive johūyate- or j/ohavīti- (johuvanta-, ajohavuḥ-, j/ohuvat-, j/ohuvāna- ) or johoti- (grammar), to call on, invoke etc. [ confer, compare Greek .]
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