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Grammar Search
"juhoti" has 1 results
juhoti: third person singular present present class 3 parasmaipadahu
Monier-Williams Search
4 results for juhoti
juhotim. a technical name for those sacrificial ceremonies to which hu- (not yaj-) is applied
juhotim. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
juhoticodanamfn. impelled by the word juhoti-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
juhotiyajatikriyāf. plural the offering of burnt oblations and (other) sacrifices, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
juhoti जुहोतिः A technical name for those sacrificial ceremonies to which the verb जुहोति is applied as distinguished from those to which यजति is applied; क्षरन्ति सर्वा वैदिक्यो जुहोतियजतिक्रियाः Ms.2.84. (See Medhātithi and other commentators; सर्वज्ञनारायण shortly renders जुहोति by उपविष्टहोम and यजति by तिष्ठद्धोम. See Āśvalāyana 1. 2.5 also); cf. also जुहोतिरासेचनाधिकः स्यात् MS.4.2.28. यजतिरेवासेचनाधिको जुहोतिः । ŚB. on MS.4.2.28.
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
hu hu sacrifice, offer, III. juhóti, iii. 59, 1; x. 14, 13-15. á̄- offer, iii. 59, 5.
Macdonell Search
1 result
juhoti m. (3 sg. of √ hu) techni cal designation of the sacrifices denoted by the term guhoti (not by yagati).
Bloomfield Vedic
1 result0 results6 results
ā juhoti pradhanyāsu sasriḥ RV.10.99.4b.
yajñair juhoti haviṣā yajuṣā (TB. juhoti yajuṣā havirbhiḥ) AVś.7.70.1b; TB. Cf. yajñair vidhema.
amartye ya ājuhoti havyam # RV.7.1.23b.
ājyair ghṛtair juhoti puṣyati # RV.10.79.5b.
tat saṃ pādi (TB. samṛddhi) yad asau juhoti (TB. karoti) # AVś.7.70.2d; TB.
yajñair vidhema namasā havirbhiḥ # RV.2.35.12b; 4.50.6b; AVś.20.88.6b; TS.; MS.4.11.2b: 166.9; KS.17.18b. Cf. yajñair juhoti.
Vedabase Search
2 results
juhoti offers as oblationsSB 7.13.43
juhoti offers oblationsSB 3.29.22
1 result
juhoti noun (masculine) a technical name for those sacrificial ceremonies to which hu (not yaj) is applied (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

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