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Monier-Williams Search
1 result
tuj cl.6. (3. dual number A1. jete-; parasmE-pada P. j/at-; infinitive mood j/ase-and t/uje-; Passive voice parasmE-pada jy/amāna-), and tuñj- (3. plural P. j/anti- A1. j/ate-; parasmE-pada jān/a-, t/uñjāna-,and t/uñjamāna-), to strike, hit, push ; to press out ("t/uñjati-,to give " ) ; A1. to flow forth, ; to instigate, incite, ; Passive voice to be vexed, : cl.1. tojati-, to hurt : Causal (parasmE-pada tuj/ayat-; Aorist Potential tutujy/āt-, parasmE-pada t/ūtujāna- q.v) to promote ; to move quickly. ; tuñjayati-,"to speak"or"to shine" ; tuñj- or tojayati-, to hurt, ; to be strong ; to give or take ; to abide ; see ā-tuj/i-. 3. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Bloomfield Vedic
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gāṃ jeteti kuruta Mś.
yuvā jeteśānaḥ sa puruṣṭutaḥ AVś.6.2.3c.
dyāvā ca bhūmā januṣas tujete # RV.1.61.14b; AVś.20.35.14b.
dyāvā rejete pṛthivī ca bhīṣā # RV.8.97.14d.
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