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Monier-Williams Search
100 results for janya
janyamfn. ( jan- ) born, produced View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janyamfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' born or arising or produced from, occasioned by etc. ( janyatā -- f.abstr. ; janyatva -tva- n. idem or 'mfn. ( jan- ) born, produced ' ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janyam. a father View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janyan. the body View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janyan. a portent occurring at birth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janyamfn. (fr. j/ana-) belonging to a race or family or to the same country, national View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janyamfn. belonging or relating to the people View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janyam. the friend or companion of a bridegroom View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janyam. a son-in-law View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janyam. a common man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janyam. Name of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janyam. varia lectio for jānya- q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janyam. n. rumour, report View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janyan. people, community, nation (oxyt.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janyan. plural inimical races or men View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janyan. fighting, war, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janyan. a market View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janya nyīya-, nyu-. See above. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janyaf. janya
janyatvan. janya
janyavṛttif. contest, fight, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janyayātrāf. bridal journey, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhyañjanyamfn. whose feet are to be rubbed with unguents View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agnīparjanyauVoc. m. dual number agni- and parjanya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ajanyamfn. improper to be produced or born View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ajanyamfn. unfit for mankind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ajanyan. any portent unfavourable to mankind, as an earthquake. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āñjanyamfn. one whose eyes are to be anointed with ointment View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
arājanyamfn. without the rājanya--or kṣatriya--caste View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bahujanya(bāhu-j-?), prob. n. a multitude of people View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bāhujanyamfn. spread among many people View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bāhujanyan. a great multitude of people, crowd View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
brahmarājanyam. dual number a Brahman and a kṣatriya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
daurjanyan. wickedness, depravity
daurjanyan. evil, wrong View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
daurjanyan. ill-will, envy, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
karmajanyamfn. produced by acts, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
karmajanya(f.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pāñcajanya(p/ā-) mf(ā-)n. relating to the 5 races of men, containing or extending over them etc. etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pāñcajanyam. Name of kṛṣṇa-'s conch taken from the demon pañca-jana- etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pāñcajanyam. fire View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pāñcajanyam. fish or a species of fire View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pāñcajanyam. Name of one of the 8 upa-dvīpa-s in jambu-dvīpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pāñcajanyadhamam. Name of kṛṣṇa- (see above-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pāñcajanyadharam. Name of kṛṣṇa- (see above-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pāñcajanyanādinm. Name of kṛṣṇa- (see above-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pāñcajanyavanan. Name of a wood View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parjanyam. ( pṛc-,or pṛj-?) a rain-cloud, cloud etc.
parjanyam. rain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parjanyam. rain personified or the god of rain (often identified with indra-) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parjanyam. Name of one of the 12 āditya-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parjanyam. of a deva-gandharva- or gandharva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parjanyam. of a ṛṣi- in several manv-antara-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parjanyam. of a prajā-pati- (father of hiraṇya-roman-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pārjanyamf(ā-)n. relating or belonging to parjanya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parjanyajinvita(j/an-) mfn. impelled by parjanya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parjanyakrandya(j/an-) mfn. muttering like parjanya- or a rain-cloud View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parjanyanātham. having parjanya- as protector or patron View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parjanyaninadam. " parjanya-'s sound", thunder View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parjanyapatnī(j/an-) f. having parjanya- for husband View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parjanyaprayogam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parjanyaretas(j/an-) mfn. sprung from the seed of parjanya- id est nourished by rain (as reed) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parjanyaśāntif. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parjanyasūktan. a hymn to parjanya- (as ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parjanyavṛddha(j/an-) mfn. nourished by parjanya- or the rain-cloud (as soma-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratijanyamfn. adverse, hostile View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janyamf(-)n. kingly, princely, royal etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janyam. a royal personage, man of the regal or military tribe (ancient Name of the second or kṣatriya- caste) (see ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janyam. Name of agni- or Fire View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janyam. a kind of date tree (equals kṣīrikā-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janyam. plural Name of a particular family of warriors View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janyabandhum. (ny/a--). the the friend or connection of a prince (generally used in contempt) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janyabandhum. a kṣatriya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janyakamfn. inhabited by warriors View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janyakan. a number or assemblage of warriors (see ) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janyakumāram. a prince View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janyarṣi(for -ṛṣi-) m. a ṛṣi- of royal descent View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janyatvan. the being a warrior or belonging to the military caste View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janyavat(ny/a--) mfn. connected with one of royal rank View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahajanyam. Name of a yakṣa- (Scholiast or Commentator) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sajanya(s/a--) mfn. belonging to a kinsman (see -janīya-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samānajanyamfn. proceeding from or belonging to persons of the same rank View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanuṣyarājanyamfn. together with the princely among men View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samprajanya(?) n. full consciousness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sapitṛrājanyamfn. along with royal pitṛ-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṛṣirājanyamfn. together with the royal ṛṣi-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sārvajanyamfn. (fr. idem or 'mfn. equals sarva-jane sādhuḥ-. gaRa pratijanādi-.') general, universal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saujanyan. (fr. su-jana-) goodness, kindness, benevolence, friendliness
saujanyavatmfn. benevolent, kind, friendly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sudarśanapāñcajanyapratiṣṭhāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svabhāvadaurjanyan. natural or innate wickedness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svājanyan. (fr. sva-jana-) kinship, relationship View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaijanyan. (fr. vi-jana-) desertedness, solitude View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vātāparjanyam. dual number wind and rain (or the gods vāta- and parjanya-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśvajanyamf(ā-)n. (viśv/a--) containing all men View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśvajanyamf(ā-)n. existing everywhere, universal, dear to all men View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśvajanyamf(ā-)n. universally beneficial View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛjanyamfn. dwelling in villages etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛjanyan. (prob.) a community, people View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yojanyaSee ṣaṣṭi-yojanya-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
13 results
janya जन्य a. [जन् कर्तरि यत्] 1 To be born or produced. -2 Born, produced. -3 (At the end of comp.) Born from, occasioned by. -4 Belonging to a race or family -5 Vulgar, common. -6 National. -7 Relating to, or fit for men. -न्यः 1 A father. -2 A friend, attendant or relative of a bridegroom; Māl.6.2. -3 A common man. -4 A report, rumour. -न्या 1 Mother's friend, -2 The relation of a bride, a bride's maid; याहीति जन्यामवदत् कुमारी R.6.3. -3 Pleasure, happiness. -4 Affection. -5 a market. -6 The world; जन्या तु मातृसख्यां च मदे हट्टे जने$पि च । लोके जन्तौ ... Nm. -न्यम् 1 Birth, production, creation. -2 That which is born or created, a created thing, an effect (opp. जनक) जन्यानां जनकः कालः Bhāṣā. P.45; जनकस्य स्वभावो हि जन्ये तिष्ठति निश्चितम् Śabdak. -3 The body; तुष्टाव जन्यं विसृजञ्जनार्दनम् Bhāg.1.9.31. -4 A portent occurring at birth. -5 A market, a fair. -6 War, battle; तत्र जन्यं रघोर्घोरं पर्वतीयैर्गणरभूत् R.4.77; चारुणा रमते जन्ये को$भीतो रसिताशिनि Ki.15.23. -7 Censure, abuse. -8 A community, nation. -9 People. -1 Report, rumour.
ajanya अजन्य a. Not fit to be produced; not favourable to mankind. -न्यम् [लौकिकहेतुभिर्न जन्यते; जन्-णिच्-यत्] A portentous phenomenon, inauspicious to mankind, such as earth-quake.
daurjanyam दौर्जन्यम् Wickedness, depravity.
parjanya पर्जन्यः 1 A rain cloud, thundering cloud, a cloud in general; प्रवृद्ध इव पर्जन्यः सारङ्गैरभिनन्दितः R.17.15; Mk.1.6. -2 Rain; अन्नाद्भवन्ति भूतानि पर्जन्यादन्नसंभवः Bg.3.14. -3 The god of rain; Bri. Up.1.4.11. -4 The muttering or roaring of clouds. -5 N. of Indra, Sūrya, Viṣṇu and some other deities; Bhāg. 1.2.5. (here पर्जन्य means the sun).
pāñcajanya पाञ्चजन्यः 1 N. of the conch of Kriṣna; स तु पञ्चजनं हत्वा शङ्खं लेभे जनार्दनः । स च देवमनुष्येषु पाञ्चजन्य इति श्रुतः ॥ Hariv.; (दधानो) निध्वानमश्रूयत पाञ्चजन्यः Śi.3.21; Bg.1.15. -2 Kāśyapa, Vasiṣṭha, Prāṇa, Aṇgirasa, and Chyavana. -3 अग्नि produced from the five fires; Śabda Chi. -Comp. -धरः an epithet of Kriṣna.
pārjanya पार्जन्य a. Belonging to rain.
pratijanya प्रतिजन्य a. Ved. Hostile, adverse.
bāhujanyam बाहुजन्यम् A great multitude of people, crowd.
janya राजन्य a. [राजन्-यत् नलोपः] Royal, kingly. -न्यः 1 A man of the Kṣatriya caste, royal personage; राजन्यान् स्वपुरनिवृत्तये$नुमेने R.4.87; संप्रति करणीयो राजन्ये$पि प्रश्रयः U.6; R.3.48; Me.5. -3 N. of Agni. -4 A noble or distinguished personage. -न्या A lady of royal rank. -Comp. -बन्धुः Kṣatriya; राजन्यबन्धोर्द्वाविंशे (केशान्तः विधीयते) Ms.2.65.
janyakam राजन्यकम् A collection of warriors or Kṣatriyas.
vaijanyam वैजन्यम् Solitude; परीक्ष्य वैजन्यं जनेषु निर्गतेषु Dk.2.8.
saujanyam सौजन्यम् 1 Goodness, kindness of spirit, gentility; प्रसन्नं सौजन्याद्दयितकरुणैर्गाढकरुणम् U.3.13; Mk.8.38. -2 Magnanimousness, generosity. -3 Kindness, compassion, clemency. -4 Friendship, love.
svājanyam स्वाजन्यम् Kinship, relationship.
Macdonell Vedic Search
2 results
parjanya Parjánya, m. a god of rain, v. 83, 1-5. 9.
parjanyajinvita Parjánya-jinvita, pp. quickened by Parjanya, vii. 103, 1 [jinv sec. root = jinu from j́i quicken].
Macdonell Search
10 results
janya a. belonging to the race, cognate; m. (countryman), groomsman; com mon man; â, f. bridesmaid; n. people, tribe (also -yá); battle.
janya fp. that is born or produced; arising from (--°ree;); n. body.
atisaujanya n. too great magnanimity; -sauhitya, n. excessive satiety.
daurjanya n. wickedness, base ness.
parjanya m. rain-cloud; rain; god of rain: -ginvita, pp. animated by Parganya.
pāñcajanya a. relating to the five races; m. Krishna's conch (taken from the demon Pañkagana); -nada, a. prevail ing in the Panjâb; m. prince of Pañkanada: pl. the people of Pañkanada; -bhautika, a. consisting of or containing the five elements: with âdânam, n. reception of the five ele ments; -yagñika, a. belonging or relating to the five sacrifices; -sara, a. (î) belonging to Kâma (the five-arrowed).
janya a. royal; m. royal person age, noble; man of the warrior caste (of which this is the oldest designation): -ka, n. assemblage of warriors; -kumâra, m. prince; -tva, n. condition of belonging to the warrior caste; (á)-bandhu, m. companion of kings (gnly. used contemptuously: Br.); man of the military caste, Kshatriya.
vaijanya n. [vigana] desertedness, solitude.
saujanya n. [sugana] goodness, kindness, geniality, benevolence: -vat, a. genial, affable, kind.
svājanya n. [svagana] relationship.
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
10 results5 results
janya Has in the Rigveda and the Atharvaveda the special sense of ‘ bridesman.’
pāñcajanya ‘Relating to the five peoples.’ See Pañcajanāh.
janya Is the regular term in Vedic literature for a man of the royal family, probably including also those who were not actually members of that family, but were nobles, though it may have been originally restricted to members of the royal family. This, however, does not appear clearly from any passage; the term may originally have applied to all the nobles irrespective of kingly power. In the Satapatha Brāhmaṇa the Rājanya is different from the Rājaputra, who is literally a son of the king. The functions and place of the Rājanya are described under Kçatriya, which expression later normally takes the place of Rājanya as a designation for the ruling class. His high place is shown by the fact that in the Taittirlya Samhitā he is ranked with the learned Brahmin and the Grāmaṇī (who was a Vaiśya) as having reached the height of prosperity (gata-śrī).
janyabandhu Denotes a Rājanya, but usually with a depreciating sense. Thus in the śatapatha Brāhmaṇa Janaka is called by the Brahmins, whom he defeated in disputation, ‘ a fellow of a Rājanya’; the same description is applied to Pravāh- aṇa Jaivali in the Brhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad for a similar reason. On the other hand, in one passage where reference is made to men eating apart from women, princes are said to do so most of all: the term Rājanyabandhu cannot here be deemed to be contemptuous, unless, indeed, it is the expression of Brahmin contempt for princes, such as clearly appears in the treatment of Nagnajit in another passage. Again, in a passage in which the four castes are mentioned, the Vaiśya precedes the Rājanyabandhu, a curious inversion of the order of the second and third castes.
janyarṣi ‘Royal sage,’ is a term applied to Sindhukçit in the Pañcavimśa Brāhmaṇa. The story about him is, however, purely mythical.
Bloomfield Vedic
10 results5 results23 results
anyajanya ca vṛtrahan # KB.9.4b; śś.5.13.3b.
parjanya iva tatanaḥ # RV.1.38.14b.
parjanya iva tatanad dhi vṛṣṭyā # RV.8.21.18c.
parjanya udgātā sa ma udgātā # Mś.; Apś.10.3.1. Cf. parjanyo ma.
parjanya oṣadhīnām adhyakṣaḥ # AVP.15.8.5.
parjanya pitā mahiṣasya parṇinaḥ # RV.9.82.3a; SV.2.667a; JB.3.259a.
parjanya pitā sa u naḥ pipartu # AVś.12.1.12e.
parjanya puruṣīṇām # RV.7.102.2c; TB.; TA.1.29.1c.
parjanya śatavṛṣṇyam # see parjanyaṃ bhūri-.
parjanyakrandyaṃ (MS. -kradyaṃ) sahaḥ # RV.8.102.5b; TS.; MS.4.11.2b: 167.3; KS.40.14b.
parjanya ghoṣiṇaḥ pṛthak # AVP.5.7.5b. See mārutāḥ parjanya etc.
parjanya drapsā madhumanta īrate # RV.5.63.4d.
parjanyapatni hariṇi # Kauś.106.7a.
parjanya bhūridhāyasam (AVP.1.4.1b, bhūriretasam; AVś.1.3.1b, śatavṛṣṇyam) # AVś.1.2.1b; 3.1b; AVP.1.3.1b; 1.4.1b (also, with ūhas, indraṃ, varuṇaṃ, candraṃ and sūryaṃ, in place of parjanyaṃ; these ūhas are printed in Bhattacharya's edition as the first pāda of the following stanza).
parjanyavātā vṛṣabhā pṛthivyāḥ # RV.6.49.6a.
parjanyavṛddhaṃ mahiṣaṃ tam # RV.9.113.3a.
parjanyaś citrāṃ vadati tviṣīmatīm # RV.5.63.6b; MS.4.14.12b: 234.7; TB.
parjanyasya maruta udadhiṃ sānv ā hata # AVP.5.15.7c.
parjanyasya vidyut # TA.3.9.2.
parjanyasyeva vṛṣṭayaḥ # RV.9.22.2b.
parjanyasyeva stanayitnur āsoḥ # AVP.15.12.3a.
pāñcajanya purohitaḥ # RV.9.66.20b; SV.2.869b; VS.26.9b; VSK.29.39b; MS.1.5.1b: 66.10; TA.2.5.2b; Apś.5.17.2b.
pāñcajanyasya bahudhā yam indhate # AVś.4.23.1b; AVP.4.33.1b. See yaṃ pāñca-.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"janya" has 2 results
parjanyavallakṣaṇapravṛttithe application of a grammatical rule or operation like the rains which occur on dry land as also on the sea surface: confer, compare कृतकारि खल्वपि शास्त्रं पर्जन्यवत् । तद्यथा । पर्जन्यो यावदूनं पूर्णे च सर्वमभिवर्षति । M.Bh. on P.I. 1.29 ; VI. 1.127: cf also यथा पर्जन्यः यावदूनं पूर्णे वाभिवर्षति एवं लक्षणमपि दीर्घस्य दीर्घत्वम् । चिचीषति, बुभूषति। Vyaadi. Pari. 58, confer, compare कृतकारि शास्त्रं मेघवत् न चाकृतकारि दहनवत् Puruso. Pari. 86.
varṇasamāmnāyaa collection of letters or alphabet given traditionally. Although the Sanskrit alphabet has got everywhere the same cardinal letters id est, that is vowels अ, इ et cetera, and others, consonants क्, ख् etc : semivowels य्, र्, ल्, व, sibilants श् ष् स् ह् and a few additional phonetic units such as अनुस्वार, विसर्ग and others, still their number and order differ in the different traditional enumerations. Panini has not mentioned them actually but the fourteen Siva Sutras, on which he has based his work, mention only 9 vowels and 34 consonants, the long vowels being looked upon as varieties of the short ones. The Siksa of Panini mentions 63 or 64 letters, adding the letter ळ ( दुःस्पृष्ट ); confer, compare त्रिषष्टि: चतुःषष्टिर्वा वर्णाः शम्भुमते मताः Panini Siksa. St.3. The Rk Pratisakhya adds four (Visarga, Jihvamuliya, Upadhmaniya and Anusvara ) to the forty three given in the Siva Sutras and mentions 47. The Taittiriya Pratisakhya mentions 52 letters viz. 16 vowels, 25class consonants, 4 semivowels,six sibilants (श्, ष् , स्, ह् , क्, प् , ) and anusvara. The Vajasaneyi Pratisakhya mentions 65 letters 3 varieties of अ, इ, उ, ऋ and लृ, two varieties of ए, ऐ, ओ, औ, 25 class-consonants, four semivowels, four sibilants, and जिह्वामूलीय, उपध्मानीय, अनुस्वार, विसर्जनीय, नासिक्य and four यम letters; confer, compare एते पञ्चषष्टिवर्णा ब्रह्मराशिरात्मवाचः Vājasaneyi Prātiśākhya.VIII. 25. The Rk Tantra gives 57 letters viz. 14 vowels, 25 class consonants, 4 semivowels, 4 sibilants, Visarga,.Jihvamuliya, Upadhmaniya, Anunasika, 4_yamas and two Anusvaras. The Rk Tantra gives two different serial orders, the Uddesa (common) and the Upadesa (traditional). The common order or Uddesa gives the 14 vowels beginning with अ, then the 25 class consonants, then the four semivowels, the four sibilants and lastly the eight ayogavahas, viz. the visarjanya and others. The traditional order gives the diphthongs first, then long vowels ( अा, ऋ, लॄ, ई and ऊ ) then short vowels (ऋ, लृ, इ, उ, and lastly अ ), then semivowels, then the five fifth consonants, the five fourths, the five thirds, the five seconds, the five firsts, then the four sibilants and then the eight ayogavaha letters and two Ausvaras instead of one anuswara. Panini appears to have followed the traditional order with a few changes that are necessary for the technigue of his work.
Vedabase Search
95 results
janyam the material tabernacleSB 1.9.31
janya-saṃjña-asura-koṭi-yūtha-paiḥ with millions of demons and their followers in the roles of politicians and kingsSB 10.3.21
avanejanya coming from the bathingSB 10.41.15
janya-bālaka O son of the KingSB 4.9.19
janya-bandhavaḥ relatives of kṣatriyasSB 10.72.23
janya-bandhuḥ a fallen member of the royal orderSB 10.89.26-27
bhajanya O worshipable LordSB 5.17.18
janyaḥ ca and the kṣatriyaSB 7.11.18-20
daurjanyam evil deedSB 6.18.76
daurjanyam the depravitySB 12.6.33
parjanya-ghoṣaḥ having a sound vibration like that of the cloudsSB 8.20.31
janya-saṃjña-asura-koṭi-yūtha-paiḥ with millions of demons and their followers in the roles of politicians and kingsSB 10.3.21
janya-saṃjña-asura-koṭi-yūtha-paiḥ with millions of demons and their followers in the roles of politicians and kingsSB 10.3.21
pāñcajanya of Pāñcajanya, Lord Kṛṣṇa's conchshellSB 10.59.6
pāñcajanya PāñcajanyaSB 5.19.29-30
pāñcajanya which is known as PāñcajanyaSB 8.20.31
pāñcajanyam the conchshell named PāñcajanyaBG 1.15
pāñcajanyam conchshell named PāñcajanyaSB 8.4.17-24
pāñcajanyam the Lord's conchshellSB 11.27.27
paṇḍitera saujanya the gentle behavior of Gadādhara PaṇḍitaCC Antya 7.166
parjanya like a cloudSB 4.30.7
parjanya-ghoṣaḥ having a sound vibration like that of the cloudsSB 8.20.31
parjanya of the rain cloudsSB 10.20.9
parjanya by the rainSB 10.40.10
parjanya like a cloudSB 10.45.49
parjanya-vat like a cloudSB 10.81.34
parjanya rainBG 3.14
parjanya rainsSB 1.10.4
parjanya the director of rainfallSB 4.14.26-27
parjanya waterSB 4.22.58
parjanya a cloudSB 6.14.35
parjanya the cloudsSB 8.21.30
parjanya the clouds in the skySB 10.3.47
parjanya the sunSB 10.20.5
parjanya the rainSB 10.24.8
parjanya Lord IndraSB 10.24.10
parjanya the cloudsSB 12.4.7
parjanyaḥ senajit Parjanya and SenajitSB 12.11.40
pārjanyam a rain weaponSB 10.63.13
parjanyasya of rainsSB 2.6.8
paurañjanya daughters of PurañjanaSB 4.27.7
janya-vaṃśa dynasties of the kingsSB 1.8.43
janya-varya great royal princesSB 1.15.15
janya-bālaka O son of the KingSB 4.9.19
janya-viprayoḥ of a brāhmaṇa and a kṣatriyaSB 9.18.5
janya-tanayām the daughter of a kṣatriyaSB 9.20.12
janya RājanyaSB 9.24.51
janya incarnations as Lord Rāmacandra and other kṣatriyasSB 10.2.40
janya-saṃjña-asura-koṭi-yūtha-paiḥ with millions of demons and their followers in the roles of politicians and kingsSB 10.3.21
janya-sat-tama O best of kingsSB 10.14.52
janya of the royal orderSB 10.53.3
janya of kingsSB 10.53.56
janya of the royal orderSB 10.58.40
janya of the royal orderSB 10.59.33
janya by the kingsSB 10.61.34
janya of royaltySB 10.72.22
janya-bandhavaḥ relatives of kṣatriyasSB 10.72.23
janya kingsSB 10.79.22
janya-bandhuḥ a fallen member of the royal orderSB 10.89.26-27
janya-veṣeṇa disguised as kingsSB 10.89.28
janya-vaiśyau of the royal order and the vaiśyasSB 11.5.5
janya members of the kingly orderSB 11.5.50
janya-rūpiṇaḥ appearing as kingsSB 12.1.39-40
janya-vaṃśa of the dynasties of kingsSB 12.11.25
janya a kingSB 12.12.65
janya in the form of Lord RāmacandraCC Madhya 20.299
janya the royal orderSB 4.23.32
janya a kṣatriyaSB 5.26.29
janyaḥ ca and the kṣatriyaSB 7.11.18-20
janya the kṣatriyasSB 8.5.41
janya the kṣatriyaSB 9.7.14
janya the member of the ruling classSB 10.24.20
janya a kingSB 11.17.48
janya the kingSB 12.1.32-33
janyaiḥ by the administrative orderSB 1.7.48
janyaiḥ by the royal familySB 9.15.16
janyaiḥ by the royal orderSB 12.2.8
janyam the profession of the kṣatriyasSB 7.11.17
janya-rūpiṇaḥ appearing as kingsSB 12.1.39-40
sahajanya SahajanyaSB 12.11.36
janya-saṃjña-asura-koṭi-yūtha-paiḥ with millions of demons and their followers in the roles of politicians and kingsSB 10.3.21
janya-sat-tama O best of kingsSB 10.14.52
paṇḍitera saujanya the gentle behavior of Gadādhara PaṇḍitaCC Antya 7.166
parjanyaḥ senajit Parjanya and SenajitSB 12.11.40
janya-sat-tama O best of kingsSB 10.14.52
janya-tanayām the daughter of a kṣatriyaSB 9.20.12
upajanyatām take your birth and appear thereSB 10.1.22
janya-vaiśyau of the royal order and the vaiśyasSB 11.5.5
janya-vaṃśa dynasties of the kingsSB 1.8.43
janya-vaṃśa of the dynasties of kingsSB 12.11.25
janya-varya great royal princesSB 1.15.15
parjanya-vat like a cloudSB 10.81.34
janya-veṣeṇa disguised as kingsSB 10.89.28
janya-viprayoḥ of a brāhmaṇa and a kṣatriyaSB 9.18.5
janya-saṃjña-asura-koṭi-yūtha-paiḥ with millions of demons and their followers in the roles of politicians and kingsSB 10.3.21
19 results
janya noun (masculine) a common man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a son-in-law (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the friend or companion of a bridegroom (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 52688/72933
janya noun (neuter) a market (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
community (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
fighting (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
inimical races or men (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
nation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
people (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
war (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 28065/72933
janya noun (neuter) a portent occurring at birth (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a rebirth (?) the body (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 52687/72933
janya adjective belonging or relating to the people (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
belonging to a race or family or to the same country (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
national (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 52689/72933
janya adjective born (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
ifc. born or arising or produced from (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
produced (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Frequency rank 10088/72933
janya noun (feminine)
Frequency rank 52690/72933
arājanya adjective without the Rājanya-or Kṣatriya-caste (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 32521/72933
asamprajanya adjective
Frequency rank 23298/72933
daurjanya noun (neuter) badness
Frequency rank 35884/72933
parjanya noun (masculine) a raincloud (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Indra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the 'raingod'
Frequency rank 3401/72933
pāñcajanya noun (masculine) fire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
fish or a species of fire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Kṛṣṇa's conch taken from the demon Pañcajana (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of one of the 8 Upadvīpas in Jambudvīpa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 7314/72933
pārjanya adjective relating or belonging to Parjanya (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 57852/72933
janya noun (masculine) a kind of date tree (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a royal personage (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
man of the regal or military tribe (ancient name of the second or Kṣatriya caste) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Agni or Fire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a particular family of warriors (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 4261/72933
janya adjective kingly (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
princely (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
royal (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 29895/72933
janyaka noun (neuter) a number or assemblage of warriors (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 38717/72933
janyabandhu noun (masculine) a Kṣatriya (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the the friend or connection of a prince (generally used in contempt) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 38718/72933
viśvajanya adjective containing all men (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
dear to all men (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
existing everywhere (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
universal (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
universally beneficial (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 66138/72933
samprajanya noun (neuter) full consciousness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 69259/72933
sārvajanya adjective general (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
universal (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 30977/72933
Wordnet Search
"janya" has 24 results.


daurjanyam, daurātmyam, duṣṭiḥ, dauṣṭyam, duścaritratā, caritrahīnatā   

duścaritrasya avasthā bhāvo vā।

daurjanyāt trāhi।


preraka, preraṇādāyaka, preraṇātmaka, preraṇāspada, preraṇājanya   

yasmāt preraṇā prāpyate।

guroḥ prerakaiḥ vacanaiḥ saḥ vidyārjane dattacittaḥ abhavat।


sādhutā, sabhyatā, sujanatā, vinītatvam, āryatvam, sabhyācāratvam, āryavṛttatvam, suśīlatā, śiṣṭācāratvam, saujanyam   

sajjanasya bhāvaḥ।

sādhutā iti mahān guṇaḥ।


duṣṭatā, durjanatā, asajjanatā, asādhutā, daurātmyam, kusṛtiḥ, daurjanyam, daurhadayam   

durjanasya bhāvaḥ।

durjanatāyāḥ rakṣa।


parjanyakālaḥ, prāvṛṭkālaḥ, vṛṣṭikālaḥ, meghāgamaḥ, meghākālaḥ, meghasamayaḥ, ghanasamayaḥ, jaladāgamaḥ   

bhārate deśe vṛṣṭeḥ hetubhūtāt bhāratīyamahāsāgarāt vān vāyuḥ।

aiṣamaḥ parjanyavāyoḥ vilambena kṛṣiḥ durgatā।


saujanyam, sādhutā, sajjanatā, sabhyatā, sattvavṛttiḥ, uttamatā, uttamatvam, guṇaḥ, praśastatā, praśastatvam, sadbhāvaḥ, sāttvikaḥ, sāttvikatā, sādhubhāvaḥ, sujanatā, sujanatvam, sauṣṭha, kulīnatā   

sujanasya bhāvaḥ।

pāṭhaśālāyāṃ tasya saujanyaṃ khyātam। / saujanyam varavaṃśajanma vibhavo dirghāyurārogyatā vijñatvaṃ vinayitvaṃ indriyavaśaḥ satpātradāne ruciḥ sanmantrī susutaḥ priyā priyatamā bhaktiśca nārāyaṇe satpuṇyena vinā trayodaśaguṇāḥ saṃsāriṇāṃ durlabhāḥ।


meghaḥ, abhramam, vārivāhaḥ, stanayitnuḥ, balābakaḥ, dhārādharaḥ, jaladharaḥ, taḍitvān, vāridaḥ, ambubhṛt, ghanaḥ, jīmūtaḥ, mudiraḥ, jalamuk, dhūmayoniḥ, abhram, payodharaḥ, ambhodharaḥ, vyomadhūmaḥ, ghanāghanaḥ, vāyudāruḥ, nabhaścaraḥ, kandharaḥ, kandhaḥ, nīradaḥ, gaganadhvajaḥ, vārisuk, vārmuk, vanasuk, abdaḥ, parjanyaḥ, nabhogajaḥ, madayitnuḥ, kadaḥ, kandaḥ, gaveḍuḥ, gadāmaraḥ, khatamālaḥ, vātarathaḥ, śnetanīlaḥ, nāgaḥ, jalakaraṅkaḥ, pecakaḥ, bhekaḥ, darduraḥ, ambudaḥ, toyadaḥ, ambuvābaḥ, pāthodaḥ, gadāmbaraḥ, gāḍavaḥ, vārimasiḥ, adriḥ, grāvā, gotraḥ, balaḥ, aśnaḥ, purubhojāḥ, valiśānaḥ, aśmā, parvataḥ, giriḥ, vrajaḥ, caruḥ, varāhaḥ, śambaraḥ, rauhiṇaḥ, raivataḥ, phaligaḥ, uparaḥ, upalaḥ, camasaḥ, arhiḥ, dṛtiḥ, odanaḥ, vṛṣandhiḥ, vṛtraḥ, asuraḥ, kośaḥ   

pṛthvīstha-jalam yad sūryasya ātapena bāṣparupaṃ bhūtvā ākāśe tiṣṭhati jalaṃ siñcati ca।

kālidāsena meghaḥ dūtaḥ asti iti kalpanā kṛtā


pitā, tātaḥ, janakaḥ, vaptā, janayitā, janmadaḥ, guru, janyaḥ, janitā, bījī, vapraḥ   

pāti rakṣati apatyam yaḥ।

mama pitā adhyāpakaḥ asti। / janako janmadātā ca rakṣaṇācca pitā nṛṇām।


kalahaḥ, vādaḥ, yuddham, āyodhanam, janyam, pradhanam, pravidāraṇam, mṛdham, āskandanam, saṅkhyam, samīkam, sāmparāyikam, samaraḥ, anīkaḥ, raṇaḥ, vigrahaḥ, samprahāraḥ, kaliḥ, sphoṭaḥ, saṃyugaḥ, āhavaḥ, samitiḥ, samit, ājiḥ, śamīkam, saṃspheṭaḥ   

kasyāpi viṣaye parasparaviṣaye vā prayuktaṃ dūṣitaṃ jalpanam।

saḥ kalahasya kāraṇaṃ jñātuṃ icchati।


kṣatriyaḥ, rājanyaḥ, kṣatraḥ, bāhujaḥ, virāṭ, mūrdhābhiṣiktaḥ, dvijaliṅgī, rājā, nābhiḥ, nṛpaḥ, mūrdhakaḥ, pārthivaḥ, sārvabhaumaḥ   

hindūdharmaśāstrānusāreṇa cāturvarṇyavyavasthāyāṃ dvitīyaḥ varṇaḥ tadvarṇīyānāṃ karma brāhmaṇādīnām anyavarṇīyānāṃ śatroḥ rakṣaṇam iti।

śaraṇāgatasya rakṣā kṣatriyasya dharmaḥ asti।


suśīlatā, suśīlatvam, saujanyam, praśrayaḥ, madhurālāpatā, saumyatā, vinītatā   

sādhu ācaraṇam।

suśīlatā strīṇām alaṅkāraḥ asti।


bandhutā, bandhuḥ, sambandhitvam, svājanyam   

bāndhavasya avasthā।

ubhayataḥ bandhutā vardhate।


pāñcajanyaḥ, viṣṇuśaṅkhaḥ   

kṛṣṇasya śaṅkhaḥ।

kṛṣṇaḥ pāñcajanyaṃ pañcajananāmnaḥ daityāt prāptavān।


janita, janya   

kenāpi dvārā utpannaḥ।

maleriyā iti ekā maśakena janitā vyādhiḥ asti।


saṃsargajanya, sañcārin, saṃkrāmaka, saṅkrāmaka   

yasya (rogasya) saṃsargāt saṃkramaṇaṃ bhavati।

visūcikā iti ekaḥ saṃsargajanyaḥ vyādhiḥ asti।


saujanyam, sujanatā   

śiṣṭasya vyavahāraḥ।

mahātmanaḥ saujanyena asmābhiḥ satsaṅgaḥ labdhaḥ।




adhunā mantriṇāṃ jīvanaṃ rājanyam asti।


janyaḥ, himajā   


rājanyasya phalāni nimbaphalasadṛśāni santi।




asmin bhavane rājanyāni vastūni saṅgṛhītāni santi।


viṣāṇuja, viṣāṇujanya, viṣāṇujanita   

viṣāṇoḥ utpannaḥ।

varṣākāle viṣāṇujānāṃ rogāṇāṃ sambhāvanā vardhate।


vṛṣṭimāpakaḥ, parjanyamāpakaḥ   

parjanyasya mānārthe upayujyamānaṃ samakhātaṃ tāmraprātram।

vṛṣṭimāpakeṇa asmin varṣe kati varṣe abhavat iti jñānaṃ bhavati।


ānuṣaṅgika, saṃyogajanya   

yad anuṣaṅgena jāyate।

tena saha jātaṃ mama ānuṣaṅgikaṃ melanam ahaṃ vismartuṃ na śaknomi।



paristhityā utpannaḥ।

ādimānavasya viṣaye kiñcit paristhitijanyaṃ pramāṇaṃ prāptam।



ekaṃ kāṣṭham ।

pāñcajanyavanasya ullekhaḥ hārītena kṛtaḥ

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