janaka | mfn. ( ) generative, generating, begetting, producing, causing (chiefly in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') | ||||||
janaka | m. a progenitor, father etc. | ||||||
janaka | m. (in music) a kind of measure | ||||||
janaka | m. (oxyt.) Name of a king of videha- or mithilā- (son of mithi- and father of udāvasu- ) | ||||||
janaka | m. of another king of mithilā- (son of hrasva-roman- and father of sītā-) | ||||||
janaka | m. of another king | ||||||
janaka | m. of a disciple of bhagavat- | ||||||
janaka | m. of several official men | ||||||
janaka | m. plural the descendants of janaka- | ||||||
janakabhadra | m. Name of a man | ||||||
janakacandra | m. Name of several men | ||||||
janakakāṇa | m. "the one-eyed janaka-", Name of a man | ||||||
janakalpa | mf(ā-)n. similar to mankind | ||||||
janakalpā | f. plural (scilicet ṛcas-) Name of | ||||||
janakanandini | f. equals -tanayā-. | ||||||
janakarāja | m. Name of a man (grammarian and vaidika-) . | ||||||
janakarī | f. (equals jananī-) red lac | ||||||
janakasaptarātra | m. Name of a saptā | ||||||
janakasiṃha | m. Name of a man | ||||||
janakasutā | f. equals -tanayā-. | ||||||
janakatā | f. equals -tva- | ||||||
janakatā | f. paternity | ||||||
janakatanayā | f. " janaka-'s daughter", sitā- | ||||||
janakatva | n. generativeness | ||||||
janakatva | n. generation, . | ||||||
añjanaka | m. portion of a text containing the word añjana-, (gaRa goṣad-ādi- q.v) | ||||||
bhojanaka | m. a species of plant commentator or commentary | ||||||
bhojanakastūrī | f. Name of work | ||||||
candrajanaka | m. "moon-progenitor", the sea | ||||||
gṛñjanaka | m. (equals na-) a kind of onion or garlic | ||||||
gṛñjanaka | n. the two side-pieces of the hilt of a sword | ||||||
haritālajanaka | m. orpiment-producer (a word employed in modern Sanskrit to express the metal arsenic). | ||||||
indujanaka | m. "father of the moon", the ocean (the moon being produced at the churning of the ocean) | ||||||
karālajanaka | m. Name of a prince (also called janaka-) | ||||||
khāṇḍikyajanaka | m. Name of janaka- | ||||||
khañjanaka | m. the wagtail | ||||||
khyātijanaka | mfn. idem or 'mfn. causing renown, glorious ' | ||||||
kṛṣṇajanaka | m. "father of kṛṣṇa-", Name of vasudeva- | ||||||
kṛtāntajanaka | m. "father of yama-", Name of the sun | ||||||
mumukṣujanakalpa | m. Name of work | ||||||
navasaṃyojanavisaṃyojanaka | m. Name of buddha- | ||||||
paṭṭarañjanaka | n. Caesalpina Sappan (a plant used in dyeing) | ||||||
pṛthagjanakalyāṇaka | m. a man wishing for conversion | ||||||
rañjanaka | m. a kind of tree | ||||||
ratijanaka | m. Name of a prince | ||||||
śobhāñjanaka | (śobhā | ||||||
śuddhābhijanakarman | mfn. pure in family and in conduct | ||||||
svāmijanaka | m. the father of a husband, father-in-law | ||||||
tejanaka | m. Saccharum Sara | ||||||
udvejanakara | mfn. causing to shake with horror, causing excitement or pain | ||||||
viṣādajanaka | mfn. idem or 'mfn. causing depression or grief. ' | ||||||
vyajanaka | n. equals vyajana-, a fan | ||||||
yamunājanaka | m. "father of yamunā-", Name of the god of the sun | ||||||
yojanaka | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ikā-).) equals next (see padayojanikā-). |
janaka | जनक a. (निका f.) [जन्-णिच् ण्वुल्] Generating, producing, causing; क्लेशजनक, दुःखजनक &c. -कः 1 A father, progenitor. -2 N. of a famous king of Videha or Mithilā, foster-father of Sītā. He was remarkable for his great knowledge, good works, and holiness. After the abandonment of Sītā by Rāma, he became an anchorite-indifferent to pleasure or pain-and spent his time in philosophical discussions. The sage याज्ञवल्क्य was his priest and adviser. -Comp. -आत्मजा, -तनया, -नन्दिनी, -सुता epithets of Sītā, daughter of king Janaka. |
añjanakaḥ | अञ्जनकः A portion of the Vedas containing the word अञ्जन. -की N. of a medicinal plant. |
khañjanakaḥ | खञ्जनकः A wag-tail; (also खञ्जनिका in this sense). खञ्जरीटः khañjarīṭḥ टकः ṭakḥ खञ्जलेखः khañjalēkhḥ खञ्जरीटः टकः खञ्जलेखः The wag-tail; Bv.2.78; Ms.5.14; Y.1.174; Amaru.99. |
bhañjanakaḥ | भञ्जनकः A particular disease of the mouth which consists in the decay of the teeth attended with contortion of the lips. |
janaka | a. begetting; producing; m. father; N., esp. of a king of Videha (Mithilâ). |
janakakāṇa | m. N. (one-eyed Ganaka); -kandra, m. N.; -tanayâ, f. Sîtâ; -tâ, f. paternity; -bhadra, m. N.; -râga, m. N.; -simha, m. N.; -sutâ, f. daughter of Ganaka, Sîtâ; -½âtmagâ, f. id. |
añjanaka | n. collyrium. |
janaka | King of Videha, plays a considerable part in the śatapatha Brāhmana and the Brhadāranyaka Upanisad, as well as in the Jaiminīya Brāhmana and the Kausītaki Upanisad. He was a contemporary of Yājñavalkya Vāja-saneya, of śvetaketu Aruneya, and of other sages.6 He had become famous for his generosity and his interest in the dis¬cussion of the nature of Brahman, as ultimate basis of reality, in the life-time of Ajātaśatru of Kāśi. It is significant that he maintained a close intercourse with the Brahmins of the Kuru-Pañcālas, such as Yājñavalkya and śvetaketu; for this indicates that the home of the philosophy of the Upanisads was in the Kuru-Pañcāla country rather than in the east. There is a statement in the śatapatha Brāhmana that he became a Brahmin (brahma). This does not, however, signify a change of caste, but merely that in knowledge he became a Brahmin (see Ksatriya). Janaka is occasionally mentioned in later texts: in the Taittirīya Brāhmana he has already become quite mythical; in the śāñkhāyana śrauta Sūtra a sapta-rātra or seven nights’ rite is ascribed to him. It is natural to attempt to date Janaka by his being a con¬temporary of Ajātaśatru, and by identifying the latter with the Ajātasattu of the Pāli texts11: this would make the end of the sixth century B.C. the approximate date of Janaka. But it is very doubtful whether this identification can be supported: Ajātaśatru was king of Kāśi, whereas Ajātasattu was king of Magadha, and his only connexion with Kāśi was through his marriage with the daughter of Pasenadi of Kosala. More¬over, the acceptance of this chronology would be difficult to reconcile with the history of the development of thought; for it would make the rise of Buddhism contemporaneous with the Upanisads, whereas it is reasonably certain that the older Upanisads preceded Buddhism Nor do the Vedic texts know anything of Bimbisāra or Pasenadi, or any of the other princes famed in Buddhist records. The identification of Janaka of Videha and the father of Sītā is less open to objection, but it cannot be proved, and is somewhat doubtful. In the Sūtras Janaka appears as an ancient king who knew of a time when wifely honour was less respected than later. |
idānīm | evāhaṃ janaka # ApDh. |
janaka | of King Janaka | SB 10.71.9 |
janaka-ādayaḥ | Janaka and other kings | BG 3.20 |
janaka-ādayaḥ | Janaka and other kings | BG 3.20 |
janaka-nandinī | is the daughter of King Janaka | CC Madhya 9.201 |
janaka-nandinī | is the daughter of King Janaka | CC Madhya 9.201 |
janakaḥ | Bahulāśva | SB 10.86.38 |
janakaḥ | born uncommonly, not by the usual process | SB 9.13.13 |
janakaḥ | Janaka Mahārāja | SB 6.3.20-21 |
janakaḥ | King Bahulāśva, a descendant of Janaka | SB 10.86.27-29 |
janakaḥ | the father | SB 8.8.25 |
phala-janakam | producing the results | CC Antya 3.60 |
manaḥ-rañjanakaiḥ | very pleasing to the mind | SB 4.16.15 |
phala-janakam | producing the results | CC Antya 3.60 |
manaḥ-rañjanakaiḥ | very pleasing to the mind | SB 4.16.15 |
janaka | noun (masculine) (in music) a kind of measure (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a progenitor (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) father (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a disciple of Bhagavat (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a king of Videha or Mithilā (son of Mithi and father of Udāvasu) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of another king (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of another king of Mithilā (son of Hrasvaroman and father of Sītā) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of several official men (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the descendants of Janaka (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 2190/72933 | |
janaka | adjective begetting (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) causing (chiefly ifc.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) generating (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) generative (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) producing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 5495/72933 | |
janakanandini | noun (feminine) Frequency rank 21316/72933 | |
janakasutā | noun (feminine) Frequency rank 17920/72933 | |
janakatanayā | noun (feminine) Sitā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 52649/72933 | |
janakatva | noun (neuter) generation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) generativeness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 24009/72933 | |
ajanaka | adjective Frequency rank 41871/72933 | |
añjanaka | noun (neuter) Frequency rank 31486/72933 | |
karālajanaka | noun (masculine) name of a prince (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 21027/72933 | |
keśarañjanaka | noun (masculine) Frequency rank 50110/72933 | |
gṛñjanaka | noun (masculine) a kind of onion or garlic (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 21220/72933 | |
tejanaka | noun (masculine) Saccharum Sara (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 53784/72933 | |
paṭṭarañjanaka | noun (neuter) Caesalpina Sappan (a plant used in dyeing) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 56985/72933 | |
parimārjanaka | adjective cleaning Frequency rank 57369/72933 | |
puṣpāñjanaka | noun (neuter) puṣpāñjana Frequency rank 37017/72933 | |
prayojanaka | adjective Frequency rank 59329/72933 | |
bhañjanaka | noun (masculine) [medic.] a kind of disease of the teeth Frequency rank 37750/72933 | |
bhājanaka | noun (neuter) bhājana Frequency rank 60641/72933 | |
muñjanaka | noun (masculine) Frequency rank 62328/72933 | |
yājanaka | noun (masculine) Frequency rank 62986/72933 | |
yojanaka | adjective Frequency rank 63126/72933 | |
rañjanaka | adjective colouring Frequency rank 63304/72933 | |
rañjanaka | noun (neuter) rañjana Frequency rank 29866/72933 | |
rañjanaka | noun (masculine) a kind of mineral (kampilla)
a kind of tree (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 25172/72933 | |
śobhāñjanaka | noun (masculine) Moringa Pterygosperma (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 18547/72933 | |
śaubhāñjanaka | noun (neuter) śaubhāñjana Frequency rank 68082/72933 |