jana | mf(ī-)n. "generating" See puraṃ--  |
jana | m. (gaRa vṛṣādi-) creature, living being, man, person, race (p/añca j/anās-,"the five races"equals p kṛṣṭ/ayas- ), people, subjects (the sg. used collectively exempli gratia, 'for example' d/aivya-or divy/ā j-,"divine race", the gods collectively ; mahat j-,many people ;often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' denoting one person or a number of persons collectively, exempli gratia, 'for example' preṣya--, bandhu--, sakhī--etc., qq. vv.;with names of peoples ; ayaṃ- janaḥ-,"this person, these persons", I, we etc.; eṣa j-,id . ) etc. |
jana | m. the person nearest to the speaker (also with ayam-or asau-,"this my lover" )  |
jana | m. a common person, one of the people  |
jana | m. the world beyond the mahar-loka-  |
jana | (n/a-) m. (gaRa aśvādi-) Name of a man (with the patronymic śārkarākṣya-)  |
janabālikā | f. lightning  |
janabāndhava | m. friend of mankind  |
janabhakṣa | mfn. devouring men ["loving men or to be loved by men" ]  |
janabhṛt | mfn. supporting men  |
janacakṣus | n. equals jagac--,"eye of all creatures", the sun  |
janacandra | m. "Name of a poet", for jala-c-.  |
janadāhasthāna | n. a place of cremation  |
janadeva | m. "man-god", a king  |
janadhā | (j/an-) mfn. ( dhā-) nourishing creatures (-dhāya- ; -dhāyas- ) .  |
janadhāya | (j/an-) See -dhā-.  |
janadhāyas | (j/an-) See -dhā-.  |
janadvat | mfn. containing a form of jan-  |
janagat | mfn. Va1rtt. 14  |
janagatya | Nom. (fr. -gat-) tyati-  |
janaka | mfn. ( ) generative, generating, begetting, producing, causing (chiefly in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
janaka | m. a progenitor, father etc.  |
janaka | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
janaka | m. (oxyt.) Name of a king of videha- or mithilā- (son of mithi- and father of udāvasu- )  |
janaka | m. of another king of mithilā- (son of hrasva-roman- and father of sītā-)  |
janaka | m. of another king  |
janaka | m. of a disciple of bhagavat-  |
janaka | m. of several official men  |
janaka | m. plural the descendants of janaka-  |
janakabhadra | m. Name of a man  |
janakacandra | m. Name of several men  |
janakāhvaya | m. Mesua Roxburghii  |
janakakāṇa | m. "the one-eyed janaka-", Name of a man  |
janakalpa | mf(ā-)n. similar to mankind  |
janakalpā | f. plural (scilicet ṛcas-) Name of  |
janakanandini | f. equals -tanayā-.  |
janakarāja | m. Name of a man (grammarian and vaidika-) .  |
janakarī | f. (equals jananī-) red lac  |
janakārin | m. equals -karī-  |
janakasaptarātra | m. Name of a saptāha-  |
janakasiṃha | m. Name of a man  |
janakasutā | f. equals -tanayā-.  |
janakatā | f. equals -tva-  |
janakatā | f. paternity  |
janakatanayā | f. " janaka-'s daughter", sitā-  |
janakātmajā | f. idem or 'f. equals -tanayā-.'  |
janakatva | n. generativeness  |
janakatva | n. generation, .  |
janakāya | m. a crowd of people,  |
janakeśvaratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
janakīya | mfn. fr. j/ana-, g., gahādi-  |
janaloka | m. "world of men", the 5th loka- or next above mahar-loka- (residence of the sons of brahmā- and other godly men),  |
janaloka | m. see janas-.  |
janamāna | mfn. pr. p. jan- q.v  |
janamāna | m. Name of a man gaRa gargādi- ( ; varia lectio for jaramāṇa-).  |
janamāra | m. idem or 'm. "men-killer", an epidemic '  |
janamaraka | m. "men-killer", an epidemic  |
janamāraṇa | n. killing of men.  |
janamārī | f. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. "men-killer", an epidemic ' ' , 98.  |
janamejaya | m. ( )"causing men to tremble" , Name of a celebrated king to whom vaiśampāyana- recited the (great-grandson to arjuna-, as being son and, successor to parikṣit- who was the son of arjuna-'s son abhimanyu-) etc.  |
janamejaya | m. Name of a son (of kuru-, i, 3740 ;of pūru- ;of puraṃ-jaya- ;of soma-datta- ;of su-mati- ;of sṛñjaya- )  |
janamejaya | m. Name of a nāga-,  |
janaṃgama | m. a cāṇḍāla- (see jalaṃ-g-) (varia lectio jaran-mātaṅga-)  |
janaṃgamā | f. a cāṇḍāla- woman, .  |
janamohinī | f. "infatuating men", Name of a surāṅganā-  |
janaṃsaha | mfn. subduing men (indra-)  |
janaṃtapa | m. "Name of a man" See jānaṃtapi-.  |
janana | mf(ī-)n. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' generating, begetting, producing, causing etc.  |
janana | m. a progenitor, creator  |
janana | n. birth, coming into existence, etc.  |
janana | n. "birth" id est life (pūrvaj- equals nāntara-) |
janana | n. production, causation :  |
janana | n. race, lineage  |
janana | n. a queen-mother  |
janana | n. a bat  |
janana | n. equals jana-karī-  |
janana | n. Jasminum auriculatum  |
janana | n. Rubia Munjista  |
janana | n. the plant janī-  |
janana | n. the plant kaṭukā-  |
janana | n. compassion  |
janana | n. see indra--, medhā--.  |
jananāntara | n. (another id est) a former life  |
jananātha | m. "man-lord", a king  |
jananī | f. a mother, etc.  |
janani | metrically for nī-, a mother  |
janani | f. birth  |
janani | f. the plant janī-  |
jananīya | Nom. yati-, to consider as one's mother  |
jananīya | mfn. to be produced  |
janapada | m. sg. or plural a community, nation, people (as opposed to the sovereign) etc.  |
janapada | m. sg. an empire, inhabited country etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). )  |
janapada | m. mankind  |
janapadādhipa | m. "country-ruler", a king  |
janapadaghātaka | m. a plunderer of a country  |
janapadamahattara | m. the chief of a country  |
janapadamaṇḍala | n. the district formed by a country  |
janapadāyuta | mfn. crowded with people  |
janapadeśvara | m. equals dādhipa-  |
janapadin | m. "country-ruler", a king  |
janapadoddhvaṃsanīya | mfn. treating on the epidemics of a country  |
janapālaka | m. guardian of mankind  |
janapāna | mfn. being a beverage for men  |
janapati | m. equals -nātha-  |
janapravāda | m. "talk of men", rumour, report (plural)  |
janapriya | m. "dear to men", śiva-  |
janapriya | m. coriander-seed  |
janapriya | m. Moringa pterygosperma  |
janapriyaphalā | f. the egg-plant  |
janar | in compound for nas-.  |
janarāj | m. equals -nātha- =  |
janarājan | m. idem or 'm. equals -nātha- ='  |
janarañjana | mfn. gratifying men  |
janarañjana | n. gratification of people  |
janarañjanī | f. Name of a prayer  |
janarava | m. equals -pravāda-.  |
janarloka | m. equals jana-l-.  |
janas | n. race, class of beings (Latin genus) equals jana-loka-  |
janasambādha | m. a crowd of people  |
janasambādha | mfn. densely crowded with people  |
janasaṃkṣaya | m. destruction of men  |
janasammarda | m. a throng of people,  |
janasaṃsad | f. an assembly of men (plural)  |
janaśrī | mfn. coming to men (pūṣan-) ( ) .  |
janaśrī | f. beautiful women (coll.),  |
janaśruta | m. "known among men", Name of a man  |
janaśrutā | f. Name of a woman  |
janaśruta | f. see jānaśruti-.  |
janaśruti | f. rumour, news  |
janastha | mfn. abiding among men  |
janastha | mfn. See also sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order janas-.  |
janastha | (fr. naḥ--) mfn. abiding in the janas- (or jana-loka-)  |
janasthāna | n. "resort of men", Name of part of the daṇḍaka- forest in Deccan  |
janasthānaruha | mfn. growing in jana-sthāna-  |
janat | mfn. pr. p. jan- q.v  |
janat | ind. an exclamation used in ceremonies (like om-,etc.)  |
janatā | f. (n/a--) ( ) a number of men, assemblage of people, community, subjects, mankind etc.  |
janatā | f. generation  |
janatrā | for jala--  |
janatraya | n. three persons  |
janau | See nāv-.  |
janaugha | m. a multitude of people, crowd  |
janavāda | m. (gaRa kathādi-) equals -pravāda-  |
janavādin | m. a talker, newsmonger  |
janavallabha | m. "agreeable to men", the plant śveta-rohita-  |
janavat | mfn. "crowded with people"  |
janavati | ind. locative case on a spot filled with people  |
janavid | mfn. possessing men (agni-)  |
janavyavahāra | m. popular practice or usage |
janayanta | mfn. generating, producing  |
janayati | f. generation  |
janayiṣṇu | m. a progenitor  |
janayitavya | mfn. to be generated or produced  |
janayitnu | m. a father,  |
janayitṛ | m. ( ) one Who generates or begets or produces, progenitor, father etc.  |
janayitrī | f. a mother  |
janayopana | mfn. perplexing or vexing men  |
abhājana | n. not a worthy object for (genitive case),  |
abhigarjana | n. ferocious roaring, uproar  |
abhijana | m. family, race  |
abhijana | m. descendants  |
abhijana | m. ancestors  |
abhijana | m. noble descent  |
abhijana | m. the head or ornament of a family  |
abhijana | m. native country  |
abhijana | m. fame, notoriety  |
ābhijana | mfn. (fr. abhi-jana-), relating to descent or family  |
ābhijana | n. loftiness of birth.  |
abhijanavat | mfn. of noble descent  |
abhipravrajana | n. advancing,  |
abhisarjana | n. for ati-s- (q.v)  |
abhitodevayajanamātradeśa | mfn. whose space on all sides suffices for a sacrificial ground  |
abhivyañjana | n. making manifest  |
abhiyojana | n. putting to (as horses) subsequently on (see abhi-yuj-).  |
abhojana | n. not eating, fasting etc.  |
abhojana | n. plural idem or 'n. not eating, fasting etc.'  |
abhyañjana | n. rubbing with unctuous substances, inunction (especially of the feet, once[ ]said of the hairs) etc.  |
abhyañjana | n. unguent (used for rubbing the feet; see /āñjana-) etc.  |
abhyañjana | n. (5) ornament, embellishment  |
abjanayana | mfn. lotus-eyed, having large fine eyes.  |
adhibhojana | n. an additional gift  |
adhijanana | n. birth  |
adhivarjana | n. placing near the fire,  |
agnijvalitatejana | mfn. having a point hardened in fire  |
agniyojana | n. the act of stirring the sacrificial fire (to make it blaze up).  |
āhārayojana | n. dressing food  |
ajana | etc. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
ajana | m. ( aj-),"the instigator", brahmā-  |
ajana | n. act of instigating or moving, |
ajana | mfn. destitute of men  |
ajana | mfn. desert  |
ajana | m. an insignificant person.  |
ājanana | n. birth, origin  |
ajanani | f. (generally used in cursing) , non-birth, cessation of existence  |
ajanani | f. ajananir astu tasya-,"may he cease to exist!"  |
ajanani | f. see  |
ajanayonija | m. "born from ajana-", Name of dakṣa-.  |
ajātavyañjana | mfn. whose signs of puberty are not yet developed.  |
ākāśajananī | f. a loophole, casement, embrasure,  |
akṣarajananī | f. "letter producer", a reed or pen.  |
akṣisaṃtarjana | n. (probably), Name of a mythic weapon  |
akūjana | n. noiselessness, silence, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
akūjana | mfn. not creaking (as the axle of a car), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
alaṃprajanana | mfn. (see alaṃ prajāyāḥ-above sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order /alam-) able to beget or generate  |
ālijana | m. a lady's female friends  |
āmodajananī | f. "causing a strong smell", betel  |
amṛtabhojana | mfn. one who eats the residue of a sacrifice  |
anañjana | mfn. free from collyrium or pigment or paint  |
anañjana | n. the sky, atmosphere  |
aṅgabhañjana | n. side-ache,  |
aṅganājana | m. a female person.  |
aṅghryavanejana | mf(ī-)n. washing the feet  |
aṅghryavanejana | fit for washing the feet, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
aṅghryavanejanatva | (n.)  |
aṅgulipraṇejana | n. water for washing the fingers,  |
āñjana | n. ointment (especially for the eyes) etc.  |
āñjana | n. fat  |
āñjana | mfn. having the colour of the collyrium used for the eyes  |
añjana | m. a kind of domestic lizard  |
añjana | m. Name of a fabulous, serpent  |
añjana | m. of a tree  |
añjana | m. of a mountain, of a king of mithilā-, of the elephant of the west or south-west quarter  |
añjana | n. act of applying an ointment or pigment, embellishing, etc., black pigment or collyrium applied to the eyelashes or the inner coat of the eyelids  |
añjana | n. a special kind of this pigment, as lamp-black, Antimony, extract of Ammonium, Xanthorrhiza, etc.  |
añjana | n. paint, especially as a cosmetic  |
añjana | n. magic ointment  |
añjana | n. ink  |
añjana | n. night  |
añjana | n. fire (In rhetoric) making clear the meaning of an equivocal expression, double entendre or pun, etc.  |
āñjanābhyañjana | n. dual number ointment for the eyes and for the feet  |
āñjanagandhi | (/āñjana--) mf(accusative im-)n. smelling of ointment  |
āñjanagiri | m. Name of a mountain (see añjana-.)  |
añjanaka | m. portion of a text containing the word añjana-, (gaRa goṣad-ādi- q.v)  |
añjanakeśa | mf(ī-)n. whose hair (or mane) is as black as pigment  |
añjanakeśī | f. Name of a vegetable perfume.  |
añjanakī | f. Name of a medicinal plant.  |
añjananāmikā | f. a swelling of the eyelid, stye.  |
añjanavat | ind. like collyrium.  |
antaḥparimārjana | n. an internal remedy,  |
antaḥpurajana | m. the women of the palace.  |
antarjana | m. plural the inhabitants of a house,  |
antaryajana | n. inner sacrifice,  |
antrakūjana | n. rumbling of the bowels.  |
antravikūjana | n. rumbling of the bowels.  |
anujanam | ind. according to people, popularly.  |
anuprahṛtabhājana | n. the substitute for what is thrown into the fire,  |
anupravrajana | n. the becoming an ascetic after (another), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
anurañjana | n. the act of attaching or conciliating affection, love  |
anurañjana | n. pleasing.  |
anuṣañjana | n. connection with what follows, concord  |
anuṣañjana | n. grammatical relation.  |
anuvrajana | n. following as above, Heat.  |
anuvyañjana | n. a secondary mark or token |
anuyojana | n. question, questioning.  |
anyajanatā | f. fellowship with others,  |
apamārjana | n. cleansing  |
apamārjana | n. a cleansing remedy, detergent  |
apamārjana | mfn. wiping off, moving away, destroying  |
apāmārjana | n. cleansing, keeping back, removing (of disease and other evils).  |
apāmārjanastotra | n. "removing of diseases", Name of a hymn.  |
aparādhabhañjana | m. "sin-destroyer", Name of śiva-.  |
aparādhabhañjanastotra | n. a poem of śaṃkarācārya- (in praise of śiva-).  |
aparajana | sg. or plural m. inhabitants of the west  |
apasarjana | n. ( sṛj-), abandonment  |
apasarjana | n. gift or donation  |
apasarjana | n. final emancipation of the soul (see apa-vṛj-.)  |
apavarjana | n. completion, discharging a debt or obligation  |
apavarjana | n. transmitting, giving in marriage (a daughter)  |
apavarjana | n. final emancipation or beatitude  |
apavarjana | n. abandoning  |
apavarjana | gift, donation,  |
apavarjanavarjitatailapūra | see taila-- p- (parasmE-pada 455).  |
apetaprajanana | mfn. one who has lost his generative energy,  |
aprajana | mfn. not begetting,  |
aprajanatva | (n.)  |
arijana | n. a number of enemies  |
arjana | n. ( commentator or commentary) procuring, acquiring, gaining, earning  |
arthārjana | n. acquisition of property  |
arthopārjana | n. equals arthārjana- above.  |
āryajana | m. Aryans  |
āryajana | m. honest people  |
asajjana | See /a-sat-.  |
asajjana | m. a bad or wicked man  |
asajjana | m. a malignous man =  |
āsañjana | n. the act of clinging to, being hooked on  |
āsañjana | n. adherence, fixing, fastening to  |
āsañjana | n. a handle, hook  |
āsañjana | n. attaching (an anubandha- to an affix)  |
āsañjanavat | mfn. having a handle etc.  |
asṛgbhājana | mfn. receiving blood as a share,  |
aśrupramārjana | n. wiping away tears,  |
aśrupramārjana | consoling, comforting,  |
atibhojana | n. eating too much  |
atibhojana | n. morbid voracity.  |
atijana | mfn. "beyond men", uninhabited.  |
atisarjana | n. the act of giving away, granting  |
atisarjana | n. liberality  |
atisarjana | n. a gift  |
atisarjana | n. sending out of the world, killing.  |
atisujana | mfn. very moral, very friendly.  |
atithipūjana | n. showing honour to a guest.  |
ātmaprayojana | mfn. selfish  |
avabhañjana | n. breaking or tearing off  |
avabharjana | n. ( bhṛj-),"frying", destroying (as seeds)  |
avamārjana | See ava-mṛj-.  |
avamārjana | n. an instrument (or"water" ) for rubbing down (a horse), a curry-comb ([ Transl.]) (["that which is rubbed off" ])  |
avamārjana | n. wipings  |
avanejana | mf(ī-)n. washing, serving for washing (the feet)  |
avanejana | n. ablution (of hands [SBr.] or feet[ ])  |
avanejana | n. water for washing (hands[ ] or feet see pādāvan-).  |
avaprajjana | n. ( pṛj-), the end of the warp of a web (opposed to 2. pra-vayaṇa- q.v)  |
āvarjana | n. attracting, propitiating  |
āvarjana | n. overcoming, victory  |
āvarjana | n. bending or bringing down  |
āvarjana | pouring out a flutd,  |
avasañjana | n. (equals nivīta- q.v) the Brahmanical thread hanging over the shoulder commentator or commentary on  |
avasarjana | See  |
avasarjana | n. liberation  |
avayajana | n. "removing by means of a sacrifice", expiation  |
avayajana | n. means for expiation  |
avyañjana | mf(ā-)n. without the marks of puberty  |
avyañjana | mf(ā-)n. without consonants  |
avyañjana | m. an animal without horns (though of age to have them)  |
avyañjana | mfn. (a girl) who has not yet attained to puberty,  |
avyañjana | having no consonants,  |
ayājyayājana | ([ ]) ([ ]) n. sacrificing for an outcast (one of the sins called upapātaka-)  |
āyojana | n. junction, combination  |
āyojana | n. collecting  |
āyojana | n. bringing or carrying near, fetching  |
āyojana | n. Name of particular mantra-s  |
āyojanam | ind. at the distance of a yojana-  |
bahubhojana | wrong reading for -bhojaka-.  |
bahujana | m. a great multitude of people ( bahujanaparivāra -parivāra- m.a particular samādhi-; bahujanahita -hita- n.the common weal)  |
bahujana | mf(ā-)n. surrounded by many people  |
bahujanahita | n. bahujana |
bahujanaparivāra | m. bahujana |
bālātripurasundarīpūjanaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
balibhojana | m. a crow (see bhuj-).  |
bāṇayojana | n. "arrow-union", a quiver  |
bāndhavajana | m. relatives, kinsmen (collectively)  |
bandhujana | m. a kinsman, friend  |
bandhujana | m. kinsfolk, relations |
bhajana | m. Name of a prince  |
bhajana | n. the act of sharing  |
bhajana | n. possession  |
bhajana | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') reverence, worship, adoration (also bhajanatā -tā- f.with locative case )  |
bhājana | n. (fr. Causal) sharing, division (in arithmetic)  |
bhājana | mf(ā-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') sharing or participating in, entitled or relating or belonging to etc.  |
bhājana | n. "partaker of", a recipient, receptacle, (especially) a vessel, pot, plate, cup, etc. etc.  |
bhājana | n. (with genitive case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' with f(ā-).), a place or person in which anything is collected or in whom any quality is conspicuous, any fit object or clever or deserving person (see pātra-)  |
bhājana | n. the act of representing, representation ( bhājanena nena- ind.with genitive case in the place of; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' a representative, deputy, substitute, serving for, equivalent to)  |
bhājana | n. a particular measure (= an āḍhaka-= 14 pala-s)  |
bhājana | m. Name of a man  |
bhājana | m. plural his descendants gaRa bidādi-.  |
bhājanacārika | varia lectio (or wrong reading) for -vārika-, q.v  |
bhājanaloka | m. (with Buddhists) the world of inanimate things (opp. to sattva-l- q.v).  |
bhājanatā | f. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') the being a vessel for, possession of  |
bhajanatā | f. bhajana |
bhājanatva | n. the being a fit vessel for (genitive case), merit, worthiness  |
bhajanavārika | m. a particular official in a Buddhist monastery  |
bhājanavārika | m. a vessel-keeper (see -cārikā-).  |
bhājanavat | mfn. a word used to explain bhadra-  |
bhañjana | mfn. breaking, a breaker, destroyer, dispeller etc.  |
bhañjana | mfn. causing violent pain  |
bhañjana | m. falling to pieces or decay of the teeth (also naka-)  |
bhañjana | n. breaking, shattering, crushing, destroying, annihilating, frustrating etc.  |
bhañjana | n. violent pain (aṅga-bh-)  |
bhañjana | n. disturbing, interrupting, dispelling, removing etc.  |
bhañjana | n. smoothing (of hair)  |
bhāratīnīrājana | n. Name of a poem (containing the praise of sarasvatī-) by lakṣmī-nārāyaṇa-.  |
bharjana | mfn. ( bhṛj-) roasting id est burning, destroying (with genitive case)  |
bharjana | n. the act of roasting or frying  |
bharjana | n. a frying-pan  |
bharjana | mfn. parching id est destroying, annihilating, frustrating (with genitive case) 5  |
bharjana | n. the act of roasting or frying  |
bharjana | n. a frying-pan  |
bhayabhañjana | m. Name of an author  |
bhīmajananī | f. " bhīma-'s mother", Name of the Ganges  |
bhinnabhājana | n. a broken pot or vessel, potsherd  |
bhinnāñjana | n. divided antimony or collyrium mixed (with oil etc.), eye-ointment  |
bhinnāñjanacayopama | mfn. like a quantity of pounded antimony  |
bhinnāñjanasaṃnibha | mfn. similar to pounded antimony  |
bhinnāñjanavarṇa | mfn. having the colour of pounded antimony ( bhinnāñjanavarṇatā -tā-, f.)  |
bhinnāñjanavarṇatā | f. bhinnāñjanavarṇa |
bhīrujana | m. one whose servants are cowards  |
bhīrukajana | m. one whose servants are cowards  |
bhīṣmajananī | f. " bhīṣma-'s mother", Name of gaṅgā-  |
bhojana | mf(ī-)n. feeding, giving to eat (said of śiva-)  |
bhojana | mf(ī-)n. voracious  |
bhojana | m. Name of a mountain  |
bhojana | n. the act of enjoying, using  |
bhojana | n. the act of eating (exceptionally with accusative of object) etc.  |
bhojana | n. a meal, food (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).,"feeding on","affording anything as food","serving as food for"; tridvyekabhojana tridvy-eka-bh/ojana- mfn."taking food every 3rd day, every 2nd day and every day")  |
bhojana | n. anything enjoyed or used, property, possession  |
bhojana | n. enjoyment, any object of enjoyment or the pleasure caused by it  |
bhojana | n. (fr. Causal) the act of giving to eat, feeding (varia lectio)  |
bhojana | n. dressing food, cooking  |
bhojanabhāṇḍa | n. a dish of meat  |
bhojanabhūmi | f. a place for eating  |
bhojanagara | n. Name of a town  |
bhojanagṛha | n. a dining-room  |
bhojanaka | m. a species of plant commentator or commentary  |
bhojanakāla | m. meal-time  |
bhojanakastūrī | f. Name of work  |
bhojanakīsmṛti | f. Name of work  |
bhojanakutūhala | n. Name of work on culinary art,  |
bhojananda | m. Name of an author (rather bhajanānanda-).  |
bhojanarendra | m. Name of bhoja-deva-, king of dhārā-  |
bhojanasamaya | m. meal-time  |
bhojanasūtra | n. Name of work  |
bhojanatyāga | m. abstinence from food, fasting  |
bhojanavelā | f. plural course or act of eating, a meal  |
bhojanavelā | f. meal-time  |
bhojanavidhi | m. "the ceremony of dining", Name of various works. (see ) .  |
bhojanaviśeṣa | m. choice food, a dainty, delicacy  |
bhojanavṛtti | f. plural course or act of eating, a meal  |
bhojanavyagra | mfn. occupied or engaged in eating  |
bhojanavyagra | mfn. distressed or straitened for want of food  |
bhojanavyaya | m. expenditure for food  |
bhrājana | n. (fr. Causal) the act of causing to shine, brightening, illuminating  |
bhrajjana | n. the act of roasting or frying  |
bhṛtyajana | m. a person (or persons) to be supported, a servant or servants  |
bhujanagara | n. Name of a town  |
bhūtajananī | f. the mother of all beings  |
brāhmaṇabhojana | n. the feeding of brāhmaṇa- (as a religious act)  |
brāhmaṇabhojanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
bṛhajjana | m. a great or illustrious man  |
budhajana | m. a wise man W  |
cāmaravyajana | n. a chowrie  |
candrajanaka | m. "moon-progenitor", the sea  |
capalājana | m. "a fickle or unsteady woman", and"the goddess of fortune"  |
carmānurañjana | n. "skin-colouring", white cinnabar  |
daivajana | (d/ai-) mf(ī-)n. belonging to the gods collectively  |
dakṣayajñaprabhañjana | m. "destroyer of dadhīca-'s sacrifice", śiva-  |
dāsadāsījana | m. a male and a female slave  |
dāsajana | m. slave, servant  |
daśayojana | mfn. (d/aś-) 10 times fastened  |
daśayojana | n. a distance of 10 yojana-s  |
dāsījana | m. a female slave  |
daurjana | mf(ī-)n. consisting of bad people (company)  |
dehavisarjana | n. "quitting the body", death  |
devagarjana | n. "celestial roaring", thunder  |
devajana | m. (generally plural) a troop or collection of gods or demons or serpents etc. etc. (see daiva--, itara--)  |
devajana | Name (also title or epithet) of a guhyaka-,  |
devajananī | f. the mother of the gods  |
devajanavid | mfn. knowing gods etc.  |
devajanavidyā | f. knowledge of serpents etc.  |
devāñjana | n. divine ointment  |
devatāpūjana | n. worship of a deities (see deva-pūjā-)  |
devayajana | mf(ī-)n. idem or 'mfn. sacrificing to the gods (agni-) '  |
devayajana | mf(ī-)n. serving for an oblation,  |
devayajana | n. place of offering  |
devayajanatva | n.  |
devayajanavat | mfn. having a place of offering  |
devīmānasapūjana | n. Name of work  |
devīpūjanabhāskara | m. Name of work  |
dhānābharjana | n. the frying or parching of grain  |
dhanārjana | n. acquisition of wealth or property  |
dharmābhijanavat | mfn. righteous and of noble origin  |
dhvajanavamī | f. a particular festival  |
dīpabhājana | n. "light-receptacle", a lamp  |
dravyaprayojana | n. use or employment of any article  |
dravyārjana | n. acquirement of property or wealth.  |
durjana | m. a bad man, villain, scoundrel etc.  |
durjana | m. plural bad people Scholiast or Commentator  |
durjana | mfn. malicious, wicked  |
durjanamalla | m. Name of a prince  |
durjanamukhacapeṭikā | f. Name of work  |
durjanamukhamahācapeṭikā | f. Name of work  |
durjanamukhapadmapādukā | f. Name of work  |
durjananindā | f. Name of work  |
durjanatā | f. wickedness, villainy  |
durjanatva | n. wickedness, villainy  |
duṣprabhañjana | m. hurricane  |
duṣṭadurjana | m. villain, reprobate  |
dvijanayana | n. Name of work  |
dyujana | m. a god  |
ejana | n. tremor,  |
ekabhojana | n. the eating only one meal (a day) |
ekabhojana | n. eating together  |
ekānnanaktabhojana | mfn. taking one's only meal at night  |
ekatejana | mfn. having a single shaft (as an arrow)  |
gairikāñjana | n. an unguent prepared from red chalk  |
gajanakra | m. "elephant-crocodile", a rhinoceros  |
gajanavī | = $.  |
gāṃdohasaṃnejana | n. water to clean a milk-pail  |
gāṃdohasaṃnejana | See gāṃ-, column 1.  |
gaṇabhojana | n. eating in common  |
gaṇapatipūjana | n. the worship of gaṇeśa-  |
gañjana | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' "contemning", excelling  |
gañjana | m. for gṛñj-.  |
garjana | n. crying, roaring, rumbling (of clouds), growl, grunt  |
garjana | n. passion  |
garjana | n. battle (yudh-)  |
garjana | n. excessive indignation, reproach  |
gātrabhañjana | n. stretching one's limbs (as in sleepiness),  |
ghṛtabhājana | (t/a--) mfn. fit for receiving ghee  |
goajana | mfn. serving to drive cattle (a stick, goad),  |
grahabhojana | m. a horse  |
grāmabālajana | m. a young peasant  |
grāmayājana | n. sacrificing for many,  |
gṛhabhañjana | n. the breaking down or destroying a house  |
gṛhabhañjana | n. causing the ruin of a family  |
gṛhajana | m. the family  |
gṛñjana | m. (n. ) a kind of onion or garlic or a small red variety of it (prohibited as food)  |
gṛñjana | m.  |
gṛñjana | m. a turnip  |
gṛñjana | m. the tops of hemp chewed to produce an inebriating effect (the Ganja)  |
gṛñjana | n. poisoned flesh (meat of an animal destroyed by a poisoned arrow)  |
gṛñjanaka | m. (equals na-) a kind of onion or garlic  |
gṛñjanaka | n. the two side-pieces of the hilt of a sword  |
guhyakapūjana | n. worship of the guhyaka-s  |
guñjana | n. buzzing  |
guñjana | n. see madhu--.  |
gurujana | m. any venerable or elderly person (father, mother, the elders of a family etc.)  |
guṭikāñjana | (kāñ-) n. collyrium formed like a globe or ball  |
haripūjanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
haritālajanaka | m. orpiment-producer (a word employed in modern Sanskrit to express the metal arsenic).  |
haritālikāpūjana | n. Name of work  |
hariyojana | n. the harnessing of the bay horses  |
hariyojana | m. indra- (see hāriy-).  |
hāriyojana | mf(ī-)n. (fr. hari-y-) one who harnesses bay horses (indra-)  |
hāriyojana | m. a particular soma-graga  |
hāryojana | varia lectio for hāriyojana-  |
hastāvanejana | n. water for washing the hand  |
hastijanaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
hataśiṣṭajana | m. a survivor  |
herambajananī | f. "mother of gaṇeśa-", durgā-  |
hīnavyañjana | mfn. (speech) deficient or indistinct in its consonants  |
hutabhojana | ( ) m. equals -bhakṣa-.  |
ihabhojana | (ih/a-) mfn. whose goods and gifts come hither  |
indrabhājana | n. a substitute for indra-  |
indrajanana | n. indra-'s birth. ( indrajananīya nīya-[ gaṇa- indra-jananādi- ] mfn.treating of indra-'s birth.)  |
indrajananīya | mfn. indrajanana |
indujanaka | m. "father of the moon", the ocean (the moon being produced at the churning of the ocean)  |
iṣṭajana | m. a beloved person, man or woman  |
iṣṭajana | m. a loved one  |
itarajana | m. an ordinary man  |
itarajana | m. plural "other men"  |
itarajana | m. a euphemistic name of certain beings who appear to be considered as spirits of darkness (kuvera- belongs to them)  |
jalabhājana | n. equals -pātra-  |
jayanīrājana | n. Name of a military ceremony,  |
jīvabhojana | mfn. giving enjoyment to the soul of (genitive case)  |
jīvabhojana | n. the pleasure of living beings  |
kācabhājana | n. a vessel of glass or crystal, cup, goblet  |
kālakhañjana | n. the liver  |
kālāñjana | n. a black unguent  |
kalyāṇābhijana | mf(ī-)n. of illustrious birth  |
kāmajananī | f. betel-pepper  |
kāmijana | m. a lover.  |
kāṃsyabhājana | idem or 'f. a copper or brazen vessel '  |
kañjana | m. idem or 'm. the bird Gracula Religiosa '  |
kañjana | m. Name of kāma-, the god of love  |
kaṇṭhābharaṇamārjana | n. Name of a commentary on the above work.  |
kaṇṭhasañjana | n. hanging on or round the throat.  |
kapilāñjana | m. "using a brown collyrium", Name of śiva- (see kapiśāñjana-,)  |
kapiśāñjana | m. Name of śiva- (see kapilāñjana-.)  |
kapotāñjana | n. ore of antimony  |
kāpotāñjana | n. antimony, a collyrium for the eyes  |
karabhājana | m. Name of a Brahman  |
karālajanaka | m. Name of a prince (also called janaka-)  |
kāryabhājana | n. any one fit for business.  |
kavijanaśevadhi | Name (also title or epithet) of a lexicon  |
kavijanavinoda | m. "delight of wise men", Name of work  |
kavyabhojana | m. plural "oblation-eaters", the manes or a class of manes  |
kāvyādarśamārjana | n. Name of a commentator or commentary on it.  |
keśamārjana | n. varia lectio for -mardana-  |
keśamārjana | n. a comb  |
keśarañjana | n. colouring the hair  |
keśarañjana | m. the vegetable Eclipta prostrata  |
khāṇḍikyajanaka | m. Name of janaka-  |
khañjana | m. the wagtail (Montacilla alba) etc.  |
khañjana | m. Name of a man gaRa śivādi-  |
khañjana | n. going lamely  |
khañjanaka | m. the wagtail  |
khañjanarata | n. the secret pleasures of the yati-s, cohabitation of saints  |
khecarāñjana | n. green vitriol  |
khyātijanaka | mfn. idem or 'mfn. causing renown, glorious '  |
kravyabhojana | mfn. carnivorous  |
kṛmibhojana | mfn. feeding on worms  |
kṛmibhojana | m. Name of a hell  |
kṛṣṇajanaka | m. "father of kṛṣṇa-", Name of vasudeva-  |
kṛṣṇāñjanagiri | m. Name of a mountain (see añj-)  |
kṛtabhojana | mfn. one who has dined or made a meal.  |
kṛtanirṇejana | mfn. one who has performed penance or made expiation  |
kṛtāntajanaka | m. "father of yama-", Name of the sun  |
kṛtaprayojana | mfn. one who has attained his object  |
kṣāralavaṇavarjana | n. keeping off alkaline substances and salt (see a-kṣ-)  |
kṣārāñjana | n. an alkaline unguent  |
kṣījana | n. the whistling of hollow reeds or bamboos  |
kṣudhābhijanana | (dhābh-), for kṣutābh- (q.v)  |
kṣudrāñjana | n. a kind of unguent (applied to the eyes in certain diseases)  |
kṣutābhijanana | m. "causing a sneeze", black mustard  |
kubhojana | n. equals -bhukta-.  |
kujana | m. a bad or wicked man  |
kujana | m. vulgar people.  |
kujana | etc. See 1. ku-.  |
kūjana | n. the uttering of any inarticulate sound, cooing, moaning  |
kūjana | n. the rattling of wheels vArttika  |
kūjana | n. rumbling of the bowels  |
kujananī | f. a bad mother  |
kulajana | m. a person belonging to a noble family  |
kulañjana | m. idem or 'm. the plant Alpinia Galanga '  |
kulaputrajana | m. a son of a noble family  |
kusumāñjana | n. the calx of brass (used as a collyrium)  |
laghubhojana | n. a light repast, slight refreshment  |
lakṣmīpūjana | n. the ceremony of worshipping lakṣmī- performed by a bridegroom along with his bride (at the conclusion of the marriage after the bride has been brought to her husband's house)  |
lāṭajana | m. an inhabitant of lāṭa- or the people of lāṭa-  |
lokajananī | f. "mother of the world", Name of lakṣmī-  |
lokarañjana | n. pleasing the world, satisfying men, gaining public confidence commentator or commentary  |
loṣṭabhañjana | m. equals -ghna-  |
lubdhajana | mfn. having covetous followers  |
madhuguñjana | m. Hyperanthera Moringa  |
madhvasiddhāntabhañjana | n. madhvasiddhānta |
madyabhājana | (L.) n. equals -kumbha- q.v  |
mahābhijana | m. (hābh-) a high or noble descent  |
mahābhijana | mfn. nobly born  |
mahābhijanajāta | mfn. of noble descent  |
mahājana | m. (sg.;rarely plural) a great multitude of men, the populace ( mahājane ne- ind.in the presence of a great number of men, in public) etc.  |
mahājana | m. a great or eminent man, great persons  |
mahājana | m. the chief or head of a trade or caste  |
mahājana | m. a merchant (?)  |
mahājana | mfn. (a house) occupied by a great number of men  |
mahāñjana | (hāñj-) m. Name of a mountain  |
mahārajana | n. the safflower  |
mahārajana | n. gold (see prec.)  |
mahārajana | mfn. coloured with safflower  |
māhārajana | mf(ī-)n. (fr. mahā-r-) dyed with saffron  |
mahārajanagandhi | n. a kind of ruby  |
mahārajanagandhin | n. a kind of ruby  |
mahārañjana | n. the safflower (wrong reading for -rajana-).  |
majjana | m. Name of a demon causing sickness or fever  |
majjana | m. of one of śiva-'s attendants  |
majjana | n. sinking (especially under water), diving, immersion, bathing, ablution etc.  |
majjana | n. (with niraye-), sinking into hell  |
majjana | n. drowning, overwhelming  |
majjana | n. equals majjan-, marrow  |
majjanagata | mfn. plunged in a bath  |
majjanamaṇḍapa | m. a bathing-house, bath  |
majjanonmajjana | m. dual number " majjana- and unmajjana-."Name of two demons  |
malavisarjana | n. ( ) the act of removing dirt, cleansing (of a temple)  |
malavisarjana | n. evacuation of feces.  |
malayadhvajanarapati | m. a king of Malaya  |
māṃsaparivarjana | n. abstaining from flesh or animal food  |
māmudagajanavī | m. = $ Mahmud of Ghazni  |
manarañjana | mf(ī-)n. delighting the mind of (compound)  |
mānasapujana | n. Name of a Tantric work  |
mandajananī | f. the mother of manda- or Saturn (and wife of sūrya-)  |
mañjana | m. the son of a śūdra- and a vaṭi-  |
manorañjana | n. Name of work  |
mārjana | mf(ī-)n. wiping away, cleaning, a cleaner (See keśa--, gātra--, -grīh-m-)  |
mārjana | m. Syniplocos Racemosa  |
mārjana | m. the sound of a drum  |
mārjana | m. (prob.) the parchment stretched at the ends of a drum performance with the fingers on a musical instrument (of which there are 3 kinds)  |
mārjana | m. a broom, besom, brush  |
mārjana | m. a washerwoman (as an abusive term)  |
mārjana | m. (in music) a particular śruti-  |
mārjana | m. Name of one of durgā-'s female attendants  |
mārjana | n. wiping away, rubbing, sweeping, cleansing, purifying etc.  |
mārjana | n. (alsof(ā-).), rubbing the ends of a drum with ashes or mud  |
mārjana | n. "purifying (one's self with water)", part of a religious ceremony at the morning saṃdhy-s  |
mārjana | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') removal, effacement of, amends for  |
martabhojana | n. food of mortals, nourishment of men  |
mātṛkāpūjana | n. (and mātṛkāpūjanavidhi na-vidhi-,m.)  |
mātṛkāpūjanavidhi | m. mātṛkāpūjana |
mātṛpūjana | n.  |
medhājanana | mfn. generating intelligence or wisdom  |
medhājanana | n. Name of a rite (and of its appropriate sacred text) for producing mental and bodily strength in a new-born child or in a youth  |
meghagarjana | n. "cloud-rumbling", thundering, thunder  |
meghagarjanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
meghagarjanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
miṣṭabhojana | n. the eating of dainties  |
mlecchabhojana | n. "food of barbarian", wheat (also jya-)  |
mlecchabhojana | n. equals yāvaka-, half-ripe barley  |
mukhamārjana | n. washing or cleansing the mouth (after meals etc.)  |
mumukṣujanakalpa | m. Name of work  |
muñjana | n. a sound  |
muñjanejana | mfn. purified from Munja -grass  |
muṣṭyāyojana | n. seizing a bow with the hand  |
nagarajana | m. plural townsfolk sg. a citizen  |
naktabhojana | n. the eating only at night (see above)  |
naktabhojana | n. supper  |
nānājana | m. plural different people or tribes  |
nandaprabhañjanavarman | m. Name of a man  |
nāndībhājana | n. a particular water-vessel  |
naravāhanajanana | n. Name of chapter of  |
nārāyaṇabalisvayamprayojanasañcikā | f. nārāyaṇabali |
navasaṃyojanavisaṃyojanaka | m. Name of buddha-  |
nayanāñjana | n. any ointment for the eye  |
nejana | n. washing, cleansing  |
nejana | n. washing. place  |
netrāñjana | n. eye ointment, collyrium,  |
netrāñjana | n. Name of work  |
netrarañjana | n. "eye-colouring", collyrium  |
netrasaṃvejana | n. fixing an injection-pipe  |
nibhañjana | n. breaking to pieces or asunder  |
nidrāsaṃjanana | n. "producing sleep", phlegm, the phlegmatic humour  |
nikubjana | n. upsetting (a vessel)  |
nīlāñjana | n. black antimony  |
nīlāñjana | n. an unguent made of antimony and blue vitriol (v.r. lāśmaja-)  |
nimajjana | mf(ī-)n. causing a person (genitive case) to enter or plunge into (water etc.)  |
nimajjana | n. bathing, diving, sinking, immersion  |
nimārjana | See under ni-mṛj-.  |
nimārjana | n. wiping off  |
nīrājana | n. lustration of arms (a ceremony performed by kings in the month āśvina- or in kārttika- before taking the field) etc.  |
nīrājana | n. waving lights before an idol as an act of adoration  |
nīrājanadvādaśīvrata | n. Name of a particular observance  |
nīrājanagiri | m. Name of an author  |
nīrājanapadyālilakṣaṇavibhakti | f. Name of work  |
nīrājanaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
nīrājanastotra | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
nīrājanavidhi | m. the nīrājana- ceremony  |
nīrājanavidhi | m. Name of 43rd chapter of  |
nirañjana | mf(ā-)n. unpainted, spotless, pure, simple etc.  |
nirañjana | mf(ā-)n. void of passion or emotion  |
nirañjana | m. Name of śiva-  |
nirañjana | m. of an attendant of śiva-  |
nirañjana | m. of several authors (also with yati-; nirañjanāṣṭaka nāṣṭaka- n.Name of work)  |
nirañjana | n. the Supreme Being  |
nirañjana | m. Name of durgā-  |
nirjana | mf(ā-)n. unpeopled, lonely, desolate  |
nirjana | m. or n. solitude, desert  |
nirjanatā | f. ( ) depopulation, voidness  |
nirjanatva | n. (sah-.) depopulation, voidness  |
nirjanavana | n. a lonely or unfrequented forest  |
nirmalāñjana | n. Name of chapter of the prakaraṇa-pañcikā-  |
nirmārjana | n. wiping off, sweeping, cleaning  |
nirṇejana | n. washing, cleansing  |
nirṇejana | n. expiation, atonement for an offence  |
nirṇejana | n. water for washing or rinsing (See patrī-nirṇejana-).  |
nirvyañjana | mfn. without condiment  |
nirvyañjana | (only nirvyañjane ne- ind.), explicitly  |
niṣprayojana | mfn. having no motive, impartial, indifferent  |
niṣprayojana | mfn. harmless  |
niṣprayojana | mfn. groundless, needless, unnecessary ( niṣprayojanam am-,ind.; niṣprayojanatā -tā-, f.; niṣprayojanatva -tva- n.)  |
niṣprayojanam | ind. niṣprayojana |
niṣprayojanatā | f. niṣprayojana |
niṣprayojanatva | n. niṣprayojana |
niyatabhojana | mfn. abstemious in food, temperate  |
niyogaprayojana | n. the object of any appointment, authorized act or duty  |
niyojana | n. the act of tying or fastening (as to the sacrificial post)  |
niyojana | n. that with which anything is tied or fastened  |
niyojana | n. enjoining, urging, impelling, commanding, directing, appointing to (locative case) etc.  |
nṛpajana | m. "royal people", princes, kings,  |
nyāyasiddhāñjana | n. Name of work  |
padabhañjana | n. separation or analysis or explanation of words  |
padātijana | m. a footman, pedestrian  |
padātijanasaṃkula | mfn. mingled with footmen or pedestrian  |
pādāvanejana | mf(ī-)n. used for washing the foot etc.  |
padayojana | n. Name of work  |
pākarañjana | n. the leaf of the Laurus Cassia  |
pānabhājana | ( ) n. idem or 'mfn. '  |
pānabhojana | n. eating and drinking  |
pānakarasarāgāsavayojana | n. sg. ( ), plural ( ) one of the 64 kalā-s or arts.  |
pānakarasāsavarāgayojana | n. plural ( ) one of the 64 kalā-s or arts.  |
pañcajana | m. (plural) the 5 classes of beings (viz. gods, men, gandharva-s and apsaras-, serpents, and pitṛ-s) etc. man, mankind ( pañcajanendra nendra- m.prince, king )  |
pañcajana | m. (in the beginning of a compound) the 5 elements  |
pañcajana | m. Name of a demon slain by kṛṣṇa- etc. (see pāñcajanya-)  |
pañcajana | m. of a son of saṃhrāda- by kṛti-  |
pañcajana | m. of a prajāpati-  |
pañcajana | m. of a son of sagara- by keśinī-  |
pañcajana | m. of a son of sṛñjaya- and father of soma-datta-  |
pañcanīrājana | n. waving 4 things (viz. a lamp, lotus, cloth, mango or betel leaf) before an idol and then falling prostrate  |
pañcayojana | n. ( ) a way or distance of 5 yojana-s.  |
paṅkajanayanā | f. a lotus-eyed woman  |
paṅkamajjana | n. immersion in mud  |
pannagabhojana | m. "serpent-eater", Name of garuḍa-  |
pannejana | n. washing of the feet |
pānnejana | mf(ī-)n. (fr. pan-nejana-) used for washing the feet  |
pānnejana | n. a vessel in which the feet are washed  |
paṇyajana | m. a trader  |
pāpabhañjana | m. "breaking the wicked", Name of a Brahman  |
parajana | m. another person, a stranger  |
parajana | m. (coll.) strangers (opp. to sva-j-)  |
paramatabhañjana | n. Name of work  |
paramparabhojana | n. eating continually  |
paraprayojana | mf(ā-)n. useful or beneficial to others  |
parijana | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a surrounding company of people, entourage, attendants, servants, followers, suite, train, retinue (especially of females) etc.  |
parijana | m. a single servant  |
parijanatā | f. the condition of a servant, service |
parimārjana | n. wiping off, cleaning, washing  |
parimārjana | n. wiping away, removing  |
parimārjana | n. a dish of honey and oil  |
parimitabhojana | n. moderation in eating, abstemiousness  |
paripūjana | n. honouring, adoring  |
paripūrṇavyañjanatā | f. having the sexual organs complete (one of the 80 secondary marks of a buddha-)  |
pariṣvajana | n. embracing, an embrace  |
pariṣvañjana | n. embracing, an embrace (putrasya- )  |
parityajana | n. abandoning, giving away, distributing  |
parityājana | n. causing to abandon or give up  |
parivarjana | n. the act of avoiding, giving up, escaping, abstaining from (genitive case or compound) etc.  |
parivarjana | n. killing, slaughter  |
parṇabhojana | mfn. equals -bhakṣa-  |
parṇabhojana | m. any animal eating leaves, a goat  |
pārthivaliṅgapūjanavidhi | m. Name of work or chapter of work  |
pārthivapūjana | n. (and pārthivapūjanavidhi -vidhi-,m.) Name of work  |
pārthivapūjanavidhi | m. pārthivapūjana |
pārthiveśvarapūjanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
paścimajana | m. the people in the west  |
paśujanana | mfn. producing cattle  |
pathikajana | m. a traveller or travellers  |
patnīsaṃyājana | n. performing the patnī-saṃyāja-  |
pātrayojana | n. arrangement of vessels  |
pātrīnirṇejana | n. water for rinsing a vessel  |
paṭṭarañjana | n. Caesalpina Sappan (a plant used in dyeing)  |
paṭṭarañjanaka | n. Caesalpina Sappan (a plant used in dyeing)  |
pattrāñjana | n. "paper-unguent", ink  |
pattrarañjana | n. embellishing a page, illuminating, gilding  |
paurajana | m. m. townsfolk, citizens  |
pauraṃjana | mf(ī-)n. sprung or descended from puraṃ-jana- and puraṃ-janī-  |
phalaprajanana | n. the production of fruit  |
piṇḍabhañjanaśānti | f. Name of work  |
piñjana | n. a bow or bow-shaped instrument used for cleaning cotton  |
piṣṭabhājana | mfn. receiving meal  |
pitṛbhojana | n. a father's food  |
pitṛbhojana | m. Phaseolus Radiatus  |
pitṛpūjana | n. worship of the pitṛ-s  |
prabhañjana | mfn. equals bhaṅgin-  |
prabhañjana | m. wind or the god of wind, storm, tempest, hurricane etc.  |
prabhañjana | m. a nervous disease  |
prabhañjana | m. a particular samādhi-  |
prabhañjana | m. Name of a prince  |
prabhañjana | n. the act of breaking to pieces  |
prabhāñjana | (bhāñj-) m. Hyperanthera Moringa  |
prābhañjana | n. the nakṣatra- svāti- (presided over by prabhañjana-, the god of wind)  |
prabhinnāñjana | n. mixed collyrium, an eye-salve mixed with oil  |
prācīnaprajanana | (prāc/īna--) mfn.  |
pragarjana | n. roaring, roar (see siṃha--).  |
praiṣyajana | m. servants, train, retinue  |
prajana | m. begetting, impregnation, generation, bearing, bringing forth (rarely n.)  |
prajana | m. one who begets, generator, progenitor  |
prājana | m. a whip, goad (also prāja- )  |
prajanana | mfn. begetting, generating, generative, vigorous  |
prajanana | n. the act of begetting or bringing forth, generation, procreation, birth, production (literally and figuratively) etc.  |
prajanana | n. generative energy, semen  |
prajanana | n. the male ( ) or female ( ) generative organ  |
prajanana | n. offspring, children  |
prajanana | n. equals pra-gama-, or pra-gata-  |
prajananakāma | mfn. desirous of begetting or bringing forth  |
prajananakuśala | mfn. skilled in midwifery  |
prajananavat | mfn.(j/anana--), possessing generative power  |
prajanayitṛ | m. a generator, begetter, progenitor  |
prajijanayiṣitavya | mfn. (fr. Desiderative of Causal) wished to be born  |
prākārabhañjana | mfn. breaking down walls  |
prakriyāñjanaṭīkā | f. Name of gram. work |
prakṛtibhojana | n. usual food  |
prakṛtījana | m. sg. the subjects of a king  |
prakūjana | n. groaning  |
pramadājana | m. womankind, the female sex  |
pramārjana | n. the act of rubbing off, wiping off  |
pramārjana | n. (aśru-p-,the wiping away or drying of tears, consoling ;weeping )  |
pramārjana | n. causing to disappear, removing  |
praṇayijana | m. a friend or lover (also collect.)  |
praṇejana | mf(ī-)n. washing or wiping away  |
praṇejana | n. the act of washing or bathing  |
praṇejana | n. water for washing  |
prāñjana | (pra-añj-) n. paint or cement (on an arrow)  |
prasañjana | n. attaching, uniting, combining, connecting  |
prasañjana | n. applying, bringing into use, bringing to bear, giving scope or opportunity, introduction  |
prasarjana | mf(ī-)n. darting forth  |
prastarabhājana | n. a substitute for sacrificial grass.  |
prātarbhojana | n. equals -āśa-  |
pratibhojana | n. prescribed diet  |
pratīcīnaprajanana | (pratīc/īna--) mfn.  |
pratigarjana | n. ( ) thundering or roaring against or in return, an answering roar.  |
pratijana | m. an adversary  |
pratijanam | ind. in every one  |
pratīnāhabhājana | n. that which represents a banner  |
pratipannaprayojana | mfn. one who has attained his object  |
pratipūjana | n. doing homage, honouring, revering (with genitive case)  |
pratyañjana | n. smearing, anointing  |
pratyantajanapada | n. a bordering country  |
pratyantajanapadopapatti | f. birth in a bordering or barbarous country (with Buddhists one of the eight inauspicious ways of being born)  |
pratyavanejana | n. ( nij-) washing off again  |
pravarajana | m. a person of quality  |
pravarjana | n. performance, of the pravargya- ceremony, placing in or near the fire  |
pravrajana | n. going abroad  |
pravrājana | n. banishment, exile  |
pravṛñjana | n. equals v/arjana-  |
prayojana | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) occasion, object, cause, motive, opportunity, purpose, design, aim, end etc.  |
prayojana | n. prayojanena-, with a particular intention, on purpose  |
prayojana | n. na-vaśāt- idem or 'n. prayojanena-, with a particular intention, on purpose '  |
prayojana | n. kena prayojanena-, from what cause or motive ?  |
prayojana | n. kasmai prayojanāya-, kasmāt prayojanāt-, kasya prayojanasya-and kasmin prayojane- idem or 'n. kena prayojanena-, from what cause or motive ? ' on  |
prayojana | n. nam ati-kram-, to neglect an opportunity  |
prayojana | n. profit, use or need of, necessity for etc. (with instrumental case, taruṇā kim prayojanam-,what is the use of the tree? ; bhavatv etaiḥ kusumaiḥ prayojanam-,let these flowers be used ;with genitive case or dative case on )  |
prayojana | n. means of attaining  |
prayojana | n. (in philosophy) a motive for discussing the point in question  |
prayojanavat | mfn. having or connected with or serving any purpose or interest, interested  |
prayojanavat | mfn. serviceable, useful ( prayojanavattva ttva- n. )  |
prayojanavat | mfn.having a cause, caused, produced  |
prayojanavattva | n. prayojanavat |
preṣyajana | m. servants (collectively), household  |
prītiviśrambhabhājana | n. a repository of affection and confidence  |
priyabhojana | mfn. fond of good food  |
priyajana | m. a dear person, the beloved one  |
priyājana | m. plural mistresses, dear ones etc. (collectively)  |
pṛthagjana | m. a man of lower caste or character or profession etc. ( pṛthagjanavat -vat- ind. )  |
pṛthagjana | m. an ordinary professing Buddhist  |
pṛthagjana | m. a fool, blockhead  |
pṛthagjana | m. villain  |
pṛthagjana | m. plural common people, the multitude (also sg.) etc.  |
pṛthagjana | m. equals pṛthak-kṣetra-  |
pṛthagjanakalyāṇaka | m. a man wishing for conversion  |
pṛthagjanapada | n. each single country or people  |
pṛthagjanavat | ind. pṛthagjana |
pūjana | n. reverencing, honouring, worship, respect, attention, hospitable reception ( pūjanamālikā -mālikā- f.Name of work)  |
pūjana | n. an object of reverence  |
pūjana | n. a hen-sparrow  |
pūjanamālikā | f. pūjana |
puṃsprajanana | n. the male organ of generation  |
puṃvyañjana | n. the mark or attribute of a man  |
puṇyajana | m. a good or honest man  |
puṇyajana | m. (plural) good people (Name of a class of supernatural beings etc.;in later times Name of the yakṣa-s and of a particular class of rākṣasa-s )  |
purajana | m. sg. town-folk, citizens,  |
puraṃjana | m. the living principle, life, soul (personified as a king)  |
puraṃjana | m. Name of varuṇa-  |
puraṃjanacarita | n. Name of drama.  |
puraṃjananāṭaka | n. Name of drama.  |
puruṣajana | m. sg. men, people  |
pūrvajana | m. plural men of former times  |
pūrvāṣāḍhajananaśānti | f. Name of work  |
puṣpabhājana | n. a flower basket  |
puṣpāñjana | n. calx of brass employed as a collyrium  |
putrajananī | f. a species of plant  |
rāgabhañjana | m. Name of a vidyā-dhara-  |
rājabhojana | mfn. eaten by king  |
rajana | mf(ī-)n. colouring, dyeing  |
rajana | m. a ray  |
rajana | m. Name of a man with the patronymic kauṇeya- (also naka-)  |
rajana | n. safflower  |
rājana | mfn. belonging to a royal family (but not to the warrior caste) on  |
rājana | f. equals gautamī-  |
rājana | n. Name of various sāman-s  |
rājanagarī | f. a royal city  |
rājanandana | m. a kings's son, prince  |
rājanaya | m. royal conduct or policy, politics  |
rajatabhājana | n. equals -pātra-  |
rājodvejanasaṃjñaka | m. a species of tree  |
rakṣijana | m. an assemblage or force of policemen  |
rakṣogaṇabhojana | n. Name of a hell (in which human beings are devoured by rākṣasa-s)  |
rakṣojana | m. the rākṣasa- race  |
rakṣojananī | f. "producing rākṣasa-s", night  |
rāmajananī | f. rāma-s's mother  |
rañjana | mf(ī-)n. colouring, dyeing ( rañjanatva -tva- n.)  |
rañjana | mf(ī-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') pleasing, charming, rejoicing, delighting (see jana-rañjanī-)  |
rañjana | mf(ī-)n. conciliating, befriending  |
rañjana | m. Saccharum Munja  |
rañjana | m. the indigo plant  |
rañjana | m. Nyctanthes Arbor Tristis  |
rañjana | m. turmeric  |
rañjana | m. saffron  |
rañjana | m. a kind of fragrant perfume  |
rañjana | m. red arsenic  |
rañjana | m. (in music) a particular śruti-  |
rañjana | n. the act of colouring or dyeing  |
rañjana | n. colour, dye, paint  |
rañjana | n. (in gram.) nasalization  |
rañjana | n. the act of pleasing, delighting, conciliating, giving pleasure etc.  |
rañjana | n. a particular game  |
rañjana | n. red sandalwood  |
rañjana | n. cinnabar  |
rañjanadravya | n. any colouring substance  |
rañjanadru | m. a kind of tree  |
rañjanadruma | m. Shorea Robusta  |
rañjanaka | m. a kind of tree  |
rañjanatva | n. rañjana |
rañjanavallī | f. Momordica Charantia  |
rasabhojana | mfn. feeding on liquids or fluids  |
rasabhojana | n. an entertainment given to Brahmans in which they are feasted with the juice of mangoes  |
rasāñjana | n. vitriol of copper or a sort of collyrium prepared from it with the addition of Curcuma or (according to to some) from the calx of brass with Amomum Anthorrhiza or (according to to others) from lead-ore  |
rasikarañjana | n. Name of work  |
ratijanaka | m. Name of a prince  |
rātribhojana | n. eating at night  |
rātribhojananiṣedha | m. Name of work  |
romasaṃvejana | n. the bristling of the hair of the body  |
rucirañjana | m. Moringa Pterygosperma  |
rudrapūjana | n. Name of work  |
sabhājana | mfn. (for sabhājana-See under sabhāj-, column 3) furnished with vessels (Bombay edition mahājana-).  |
sabhājana | n. (for sa-bhājana-See above, column 2) service, honour, courtesy, politeness, civility (especially in receiving or taking leave of a friend)  |
sabhārañjana | n. Name of a kāvya- (by nīla-kaṇṭha- dīkṣita-).  |
śācipūjana | mfn. (prob.) having earnest worship  |
sadañjana | n. calx of brass used as collyrium  |
sādhujana | m. a good person, honest man (a.s-).  |
sahabhojana | n. eating together, commensality with (compound)  |
sahabhojana | n. common enjoyment or possession of (genitive case)  |
sahaṃsavālavyajana | mf(ā-)n. with swans as chowries or fly-whisks,  |
sahasrayojana | n. a distance of a thousand yojana-s  |
śailajana | m. a person inhabiting mountains, a mountaineer  |
sajana | mfn. together with men or people  |
sajana | mfn. having men, frequented or inhabited by men ( sajane ne- ind.among men, in public) etc.  |
sajana | m. a man of the same family, kinsman  |
sajana | etc. See column 1.  |
sajanapada | mfn. having the same country, a fellow-countryman  |
sajjana | mfn. (for saj-jana-See) hanging round (exempli gratia, 'for example' kaṇṭha-s-,"hanging round the neck")  |
sajjana | n. a flight of steps or Ghat leading down to the water, ferry  |
sajjana | n. equipment, preparation etc.  |
sajjana | n. caparisoning an elephant (alsof(ā-).)  |
sajjana | n. a guard, sentry  |
sajjana | See under sat-, .  |
sajjana | mfn. (for sajjana-See) well-born, respectable, virtuous  |
sajjana | m. a good or virtuous or wise man etc.  |
sajjana | m. Name of various men  |
sajjanacittavallabha | n. Name of work  |
sajjanagarhita | mfn. despised by the virtuous  |
sajjanaikavasati | mfn. residing only in the good  |
sajjanamaṇḍana | n. Name of work  |
sajjanamanoratha | m. Name of work  |
sajjanarañjinī | f. Name of work  |
sajjanavallabha | mn. Name of work  |
sajjanavallabhā | f. Name of work  |
sakalajana | m. every person, everybody  |
sakalajananī | f. the mother of all  |
sakalajananīstava | m. Name of a tantra- work  |
śakatāsurabhañjana | m. "crusher of the demon śakaṭa-", Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
sakhījana | m. a female friend or female friends (collectively)  |
sakhyavisarjana | n. dissolution of partnership or association (in a ritual observance)  |
samānajana | m. a person of the same rank  |
samānajana | m. a person of the same family or race  |
samānajanapada | mfn. being of the same people  |
samānaprayojana | mfn. having the same object  |
samānārthaprayojana | mfn. having a common object and purpose  |
samānayojana | (n/a--) mfn. yoked in the same way, equally harnessed  |
samāñjana | n. a particular eye-ointment  |
samañjana | mfn. fitting together  |
samañjana | n. smearing, anointing (See next)  |
samañjanañjanīya | mfn. employed in anointing  |
samañjanavat | mfn. well smeared  |
samāsañjana | n. (according to to some also -āsajjana-) joining, union, connection, contact  |
samāsarjana | n. delivering over, consigning, abandoning  |
samāvarjana | See sam-ā-vṛj-.  |
samāvarjana | n. attracting, winning  |
sambhajana | n. distributing, granting, bestowing  |
sambhinnavyañjana | n. sambhinnavyañjanā |
sambhojana | n. eating together, a common meal, dinner party  |
sambhojana | n. food  |
sambhrāntajana | mfn. one whose people are bewildered  |
saṃdehabhañjana | n. breaking or destroying doubt  |
sāṃdhyabhojana | n. an evening meal  |
saṃjanana | mf(ī-)n. producing, causing, effecting (compound) etc.  |
saṃjanana | n. production, creation, growth, development  |
saṃkalpadurgabhañjana | n. Name of work (see saṃkalpa-smṛti-d-).  |
saṃkalpasmṛtidurgabhañjana | n. Name of a work on law.  |
sammārjana | n. the act of sweeping or cleansing thoroughly, cleansing, scouring, purifying, brushing etc.  |
sammārjana | n. the anointing and washing (of images etc.)  |
sammārjana | n. a wisp (or bunch of darbha- grass for purifying ladles etc.)  |
sammārjana | n. remains of food wiped off from dishes etc.  |
sammārjana | n. a wisp or broom (made of tough grass and stalks)  |
sāṃnāyyabhājana | (yy/a--) mf(ā-)n. relating to the sāṃnāyya-  |
sampūjana | n. the act of treating with great respect  |
saṃrañjana | mf(ī-)n. gratifying, charming, pleasant,  |
saṃruddhaprajanana | mfn. one who is hindered from having offspring  |
saṃrujana | n. pain, ache |
saṃsarjana | n. meeting, mingling, mixture or combination with (instrumental case)  |
saṃsarjana | n. attracting, winning over, conciliating  |
saṃsarjana | n. equals saṃsargī-  |
saṃsarjana | n. discharging, voiding, abandoning, leaving  |
saṃtarjana | mfn. threatening, abusing, reviling  |
saṃtarjana | m. Name of one of skanda-'s attendants  |
saṃtarjana | n. and f(ā-). the act of threatening or reviling  |
saṃtejana | n. sharpening (figuratively), exciting  |
saṃtyajana | n. the act of entirely deserting or abandoning  |
samupārjana | n. the act of gaining or acquiring together, simultaneous acquisition  |
samuttejana | n. the act of exciting or inflaming greatly  |
saṃvarjana | n. the act of snatching or seizing for one's self  |
saṃvarjana | n. devouring, consuming  |
saṃvejana | See netra-- and roma-s-.  |
saṃvibhajana | n. the act of sharing with another  |
saṃyājana | n. in patnī-saṃy- (q.v)  |
saṃyojana | n. the act of joining or uniting with (instrumental case or locative case) etc.  |
saṃyojana | n. all that binds to the world, cause of re-birth,  |
saṃyojana | n. copulation, sexual union  |
saṃyojana | n. (with mitrā-varuṇayoḥ-, aśvinoḥ-,and prahitoḥ-) Name of sāman-s ,  |
sañjana | n. the act of attaching or fastening  |
sañjana | n. joining, folding (the hands)  |
sañjana | n. the act of clinging, adhering, sticking  |
sāñjana | mfn. having pigment, having impurities, not pure  |
sāñjana | m. a lizard  |
śāntibhājana | n. equals -pātra-  |
saparijana | mfn. equals -parikara-  |
sapatnījana | m. fellow-wives (collectively)  |
saptajana | m. plural a collective Name of 7 muni-s  |
sarasvatīpūjana | n. the worship of sarasvatī- (observed as a holiday on the fifth of the light half of the month māgha- and therefore also called vasanta-pañcamī-, on which day books and writing implements are held sacred and not allowed to be used)  |
sarjana | n. abandoning, giving up or over, surrendering, ceding  |
sarjana | n. voiding (excrement etc.)  |
sarjana | n. the act of creating, creation  |
sarjana | n. the rear of an army  |
sarjana | m. resin  |
sārjana | (of unknown meaning)  |
sarjana | etc. See .  |
sarojanayanā | f. a lotus eyed woman  |
sarpadevajana | m. pl. the sarpa-s and deva-jana-s (-vidyā-,f.,)  |
sarpapuṇyajana | m. plural the sarpa-s and puṇya-jana-s  |
sarpetarajana | m. plural the serpent-race and the itara-jana-  |
sarvadevapūjanaprakāra | m. Name of work  |
sarvadevapūjanaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
sarvadevatāpiṣpādipūjana | n. Name of work  |
sarvajana | m. every person etc.  |
sarvajanapriya | mfn. dear to every one  |
sarvajanapriyā | f. a kind of medicinal plant (equals ṛddhi-)  |
sarvajanatā | f. idem or 'm. every person etc.'  |
sarvajanavaśyahanumanmantra | m. Name of work  |
saśirāvamajjana | n. (fr. śira- equals śiras-+ av-) diving with the head foremost  |
śaṣpabhojana | m. "grass-eater", any animal feeding on grass  |
ṣaṣṭhīpūjana | n. worship of the goddess ṣaṣṭhī- (especially performed by a woman on the sixth day after delivery)  |
ṣaṣṭiyojana | mfn. 60 yojana-s distant  |
śāstrapūjanaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
sasuhṛjjana | mfn. idem or 'mfn. having friends or kinsfolk '  |
śatayojana | n. a distance of a hundred yojana-s  |
śatayojanaparvata | m. Name of a mountain  |
śatrughnajananī | f. "mother of śatru-ghna-", Name of su-mitra-  |
śatrujana | m. an enemy (also coll."enemies")  |
sattarkasiddhāñjana | n. Name of work  |
śaubhāñjana | m. equals śobhāñjana-  |
saubhāñjana | m. = (or wrong reading for) śobhāñjana-, Moringa Pterygosperma  |
sauvīrāñjana | n. a kind of antimony or collyrium  |
savyajana | mfn. with fanning  |
savyañjana | mfn. with consonants, joined with a consonants  |
sāyambhojana | n. an evening meal on  |
sekabhājana | n. a vessel for pouring out or holding water, watering-pot, bucket  |
śekharāpīḍayojana | n. Name of one of the 64 kalā-s or arts  |
śeṣabhojana | n. the eating of leavings, eating the remnant of food (after feeding the family-guests etc.)  |
sevājana | m. a servant, attendant  |
siddhajana | m. beatified people, the Blest  |
siddhāñjana | n. magical ointment,  |
siddhāntasiddhāñjana | n. Name of work  |
siddhaprayojana | m. white mustard  |
siddhasiddhāñjana | n. Name of work  |
siddhivināyakapūjanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
śilpijana | ( ) m. an artisan, craftsman.  |
sīmāntapūjana | n. the act of honouring a village boundary etc.  |
sīmāntapūjana | n. doing honour to a bridegroom when he arrives at the village boundary  |
siṃhapragarjana | mfn. roaring like a lion  |
śiśujana | m. young people, children.  |
sitarañjana | mfn. yellow  |
sitarañjana | m. yellow (the colour)  |
śivāpāmārjanamālāmantrastotra | n. Name of stotra-s.  |
śivapūjana | n. "worship or adoration of śiva-", Name of work  |
śivaśaktipūjanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
skambhasarjana | n. a particular part of a pillar  |
skandajananī | f. " skanda-'s mother", pārvatī-  |
smṛtiprayojana | mfn. having memory for object, helping or assisting memory  |
snāpanocchiṣṭabhojana | n. dual number the act of bathing another person and eating his leavings  |
snigdhabhinnāñjana | n. glossy pounded collyrium  |
snigdhajana | m. an affectionate person, friend  |
snigdhāñjana | n. glossy collyrium  |
śobhāñjana | (śobhāñj-) m. Moringa Pterygosperma (its leaves, flowers and root are edible and are used medicinally equals śigru- q.v)  |
sobhāñjana | wrong reading for śobh-.  |
śobhāñjanaka | (śobhāñj-) m. Moringa Pterygosperma (its leaves, flowers and root are edible and are used medicinally equals śigru- q.v)  |
somabhojana | m. Name of a son of garuḍa-  |
sphūrjana | m. equals sphūrjaka-  |
sphūrjana | n. thundering, explosion, crash (Greek )  |
śrāddhabhojana | n. participation in a śrāddha-  |
śrāddhasūtakabhojana | n. participation in a śrāddha- or a natal feast  |
śrīparāpūjana | n. Name of a tantra- work  |
sṛjana | wrong reading for sarjana- (q.v)  |
srotoñjana | n. "stream-collyrium", antimony (especially as a collyrium for the eyes, said to be produced in the river yamunā-)  |
sruksammārjana | n. cleaning the sacrificial ladle  |
sruksammārjana | n. an implement for cleaning it  |
śrutāñjanaṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
strījana | m. woman-kind  |
strījana | m. (in gram.) a feminine  |
strījananī | f. bringing forth (only) daughters  |
strīrañjana | n. "liked by women", betel (chewed with areca-nut and lime)  |
strīvyañjana | n. plural the bodily marks of womanhood (exempli gratia, 'for example' breasts etc.)  |
strīvyañjanakṛtā | mfn. a girl who has reached puberty  |
subhājana | n. a good receptacle or vessel of any kind  |
śubhāñjana | m. equals śobhāñjana-  |
subhañjana | m. a red species of Hyperanthera Morunga  |
subhāñjana | m. equals śobhāñjana-, Moringa Pterygosperma  |
subhojana | n. good food  |
śuddhābhijanakarman | mfn. pure in family and in conduct  |
śūdrajana | m. a person of the śūdra- class  |
sugandhitejana | mn. a kind of fragrant grass etc.  |
suhṛjjana | m. a friendly person, friend  |
suhṛjjana | m. (also plural) friends  |
sujana | m. a good or virtuous or kind or benevolent person (man or woman;often confounded with sva-jana-) etc.  |
sujana | m. Name of the author of the  |
sujanaparisevitā | f. Name of a kiṃ-narī-  |
sujanaparivārā | f. Name of a gandharva- maiden  |
sujanatā | f. goodness, kindness, benevolence  |
sujanatā | f. a number of good men or respectable persons  |
sujanatva | n. goodness, kindness (varia lectio)  |
sujanaya | Nom. P. yati- wrong reading for sva-j-  |
sukhabhojana | n. dainty food  |
sukhamārjana | n. an auspicious ablution (in Prakrit) .  |
suptajana | m. a sleeping person  |
suptajana | m. "having every one asleep", midnight (only in ne rātrau-,"at midnight")  |
suptajanaprāya | mfn. having almost every one asleep  |
surābhājana | n. a wine cup  |
surajana | m. the race of gods  |
surañjana | m. the betel-nut tree  |
surapāṃsulājana | m. surapāṃsulā |
surasundarījana | m. surasundarī |
sūrjana | m. Name of a king  |
sūrjanacarita | n. a biography of king sūrjana- (by candraśekhara-)  |
sūtakabhojana | n. a natal feast  |
sutejana | mfn. well pointed or sharpened  |
sutejana | m. a well-pointed arrow  |
sutejana | m. Alhagi Maurorum  |
sutejana | m. Name of a warrior  |
suvarjana | mfn. born or produced in heaven  |
suvṛjana | mf(ā-)n. (prob.) dwelling in fair regions  |
svabhājana | wrong reading for sabhājana-  |
śvabhojana | n. a meal for dog (said of the body)  |
śvabhojana | m. "having dog for food", Name of a hell  |
svajana | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a man of one's own people, kinsman  |
svajana | m. one's own people, own kindred etc. (often confounded with su-j-)  |
svajanagandhin | mfn. distantly related to (genitive case)  |
svajanatā | f. relationship to or with (genitive case)  |
svajanaya | Nom. P. yati-, to be related to (accusative), resemble (wrong reading su-j-).  |
svāmijanaka | m. the father of a husband, father-in-law  |
svañjana | See pari-ṣv-.  |
svaprayojanavaśa | m. the force of one's own object or purpose  |
svarāṣṭrīyajana | m. svarāṣṭrīya |
śvetāñjana | n. white paint  |
śvetarañjana | n. "white-coloured", lead  |
sviṣṭakṛdbhājana | n. the substitute for agni- sviṣṭa-.  |
taijana | mfn. coming from the plant tejanī- ( ) .  |
tairovyañjana | m. "extending beyond the consonant (vy-) ", the dependant svarita- when separated by one or more consonants from the udātta- syllable upon which it depends  |
tarjana | n. threatening, scolding  |
tarjana | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') frightening  |
tarjana | n. derision  |
tarjana | n. putting to shame, surpassing  |
tarjana | n. anger  |
tarjana | f. equals nikā-  |
taruṇījana | m. a young woman  |
tātajanayitrī | f. dual number father and mother  |
tatsthatadañjanatā | f. assuming the colour of any near object  |
tejana | n. sharpening, whetting  |
tejana | n. inflammation  |
tejana | n. rendering bright  |
tejana | n. the shaft of an arrow etc.  |
tejana | n. a reed, bamboo  |
tejana | n. equals naka-  |
tejanaka | m. Saccharum Sara  |
tigmatejana | mfn. sharp-edged (an arrow)  |
tirojanam | ind. apart from men  |
tiryagjana | m. an animal  |
tridvyekabhojana | mfn. bhojana |
trijagajjananī | f. "the 3 worlds' mother", pārvatī-  |
triyojana | n. 3 yojana-s  |
tṛṇāñjana | ([ ]) m. equals ṇa-godhā-.  |
tryañjana | n. the 3 kinds of collyrium (kālāñj-, puṣpāñj-, rasāñj-)  |
tuṣṭijanana | mfn. idem or 'mfn. causing satisfaction '  |
tutthāñjana | n. blue vitriol as an ointment  |
tyajana | n. leaving, abandoning  |
tyajana | n. giving  |
tyajana | n. excepting, exclusion  |
tyajana | n. expelling  |
tyājana | n. abandoning (worldly attachments, saṅgānām-)  |
ubhayavyañjana | n. having the marks of both sexes, a hermaphrodite  |
uccairabhijana | mfn. of noble descent,  |
ucchiṣṭabhojana | n. eating the leavings of another man  |
ucchiṣṭabhojana | m. one who eats another's leavings  |
ucchiṣṭabhojana | m. the attendant upon an idol (whose food is the leavings of offerings)  |
udakodañjana | n. a water-jar.  |
udārasattvābhijana | mfn. of noble character and descent  |
udvejana | mfn. idem or 'mfn. agitating, distressing, annoying, causing pain or sorrow '  |
udvejana | n. shudder, shuddering  |
udvejana | n. agitation, fear  |
udvejana | n. the act of terrifying, causing to shudder  |
udvejanakara | mfn. causing to shake with horror, causing excitement or pain  |
unmajjana | n. the act of emerging, emergence  |
unmajjana | m. Name of a demon causing fever  |
unmārjana | See un-mṛj-, column 3.  |
unmārjana | mfn. rubbing or wiping off, effacing  |
upajana | m. addition, increase  |
upajana | m. appendage commentator or commentary on etc.  |
upajana | m. addition of a letter (in the formation of a word), letters or syllables or affixes added  |
upajanam | ind. near the people  |
upajanam | ind. before men, in presence of others,  |
upajanana | n. generation, procreation  |
upamajjana | n. ablution, bathing, a bath  |
upāñjana | n. the act of anointing, smearing  |
upāñjana | n. besmearing (the ground with cow-dung etc. for purification)  |
upārjana | f(ā-)n. the act of procuring, acquiring, gaining  |
upasarjana | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' mf(ā-)n.) the act of pouring upon  |
upasarjana | n. infusion  |
upasarjana | n. an inauspicious phenomenon, eclipse  |
upasarjana | n. anything or any person subordinate to another  |
upasarjana | n. a substitute, representation etc.  |
upasarjana | n. (in grammar) "subordinate, secondary"(opposed to pradhāna-), any word which by composition or derivation loses its original independence while it also determines the sense of another word (exempli gratia, 'for example' the word rājan-in rājapuruṣa-,"a king's servant or minister", and the word apiśali-in āpiśala- ;in a bahu-vrīhi- compound both members are upasarjana-;in other compounds generally the first member ;for exceptionsSee )  |
upavājana | n. a fan  |
upayojana | n. the act of harnessing (a horse by the side of another)  |
upayojana | n. a team  |
uṣṇīṣabhājana | n. anything serving for a turban  |
utsañjana | n. raising up, lifting up |
utsarjana | See column 3.  |
utsarjana | mfn. expelling (the feces, said of one of the muscles of the anus)  |
utsarjana | n. letting loose, abandoning, leaving  |
utsarjana | n. suspending (a Vedic lecture)  |
utsarjana | n. (with chandasām-) a ceremony connected with it  |
utsarjana | n. gift, donation, oblation  |
utsarjanaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
uttamajana | m. plural excellent men ( etc.)  |
uttarjana | n. ( tarj-), violent threatening  |
uttejana | f(ā-)n. incitement, instigation, encouragement, stimulation, exciting, animating  |
uttejana | f(ā-)n. sending, despatching  |
uttejana | f(ā-)n. urging, driving  |
uttejana | f(ā-)n. whetting, sharpening, furbishing, polishing  |
uttejana | f(ā-)n. an inspiring or exciting speech  |
uttejana | f(ā-)n. an incentive, inducement, stimulant  |
uttejana | n. (in dramatic language) challenging, provocation,  |
vadhūjana | m. a woman or wife (also collectively,"women")  |
vāditarjana | n. Name of work  |
vāgvisarjana | n. idem or 'm. the emitting of the voice, breaking of silence, speaking '  |
vaibhājana | mfn. (fr. vi-bhājana-) intersected with many streets (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
vaidarbhījananī | f. the mother of damayantī-  |
vaidhṛtijananaśānti | f. Name of work  |
vaidhṛtivyatīpātasaṃkrāntijananaśānti | f. Name of work  |
vaidyasaṃdehabhañjana | n. Name of work  |
vaijana | m. Name of a king and author  |
vaijanadeva | m. Name of a king and author  |
vaijanana | mfn. (fr. vi-janana-) relating to childbirth  |
vaijanana | m. (with or scilicet mās-) the last month of pregnancy  |
vaisarjana | n. plural (fr. vi-sarjana-) Name of particular sacrificial rites  |
vaisarjanahomāya | mfn. used at the Vaisarjana rite |
vaisarjanatva | n. the condition of (being a rite called) Vaisarjana  |
vājibhojana | m. Phaseolus Mungo  |
vājinīrājanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
vālavyajana | n. a chowrie (equals cāmara- q.v) made from the tail of the Yak or Bos Grunniens  |
vallabhajana | m. a beloved person, mistress  |
vanabhojanaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
vanabhojanapuṇyāhavacanaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
vanabhojanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
vaṇigjana | m. a commercial man, merchant, the merchant-class  |
vanīyakajana | m. idem or 'm. a mendicant, beggar (Bombay edition) (varia lectio vanīpaka-).'  |
vanyānnabhojana | m. "eating forest-food", a Brahman in the third stage of his life  |
vapāmārjana | n. the wiping or separating off of the omentum  |
vapāmārjana | mf(ā-)n. that on which the omentum is wiped or separated off  |
varjana | n. excluding avoiding, leaving, abandoning etc.  |
varjana | n. neglect  |
varjana | n. omission  |
varjana | n. exception  |
varjana | n. hurting, injury  |
varṣāprabhañjana | m. "rain-scattering", a high wind, gale  |
vastrarañjana | n. equals -rajaka- above  |
vāstupūjana | n. Name of work  |
vāstupūjanapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
vāyubhojana | mfn. equals -bhakṣa- q.v  |
vedajananī | f. "mother of the veda-", Name of the gāyatrī-  |
vedibhājana | n. that which is substituted for the sacrificial ground  |
vedoktaśivapūjana | n. Name of work  |
vejanavat | mfn. (fr. Causal of vij-) used to explain vājin-  |
veśyājana | m. a harlots or harlots  |
veśyājanasamāśraya | m. a brothel  |
vetālajananī | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attendant on skanda-  |
vibhajana | n. separation, distinction  |
vibhājana | n. division, distinction  |
vibhājana | n. the act of causing to share or distribute, participation  |
viddhaprajanana | m. Name of śaṇḍila-  |
vidvajjana | m. a wise man, sage, seer  |
vidvajjanamadabhañjana | n. Name of work  |
vidvajjanamanoharā | f. Name of work  |
vidvajjanaparisevitā | f. Name of a kiṃ-narī-  |
vidvajjanavallabha | m. Name of work  |
vidvajjanavallabhīya | n. Name of work  |
vidyādharīparijana | mfn. attended by vidyā-dharī-s  |
vidyārjana | n. (yār-) acquirement of knowledge  |
vidyārjana | n. acquiring anything by knowledge or by teaching  |
vidyopārjana | n. ( ) ( ) acquisition of knowledge.  |
vijana | mfn. free from people, destitute of men, deserted, solitary, lonely etc.  |
vijana | n. a deserted or solitary place, absence of witnesses ( vijane ne- ind.,rarely vijaneṣu neṣu- ind.in private, in a lonely spot where there are no witnesses; naṃ-kṛ-,to remove all witnesses) etc.  |
vijana | vi-janman- etc. See .  |
vījana | m. Name of two kinds of bird (equals koka-and jīvaṃ-jīva-)  |
vījana | n. fanning, wafting etc.  |
vījana | n. a fan  |
vījana | n. equals vastu-  |
vijanana | n. the act of generating or bringing forth, birth, delivery  |
vijanatā | f. solitude  |
vikṛtajananaśāntividhāna | n. Name of a chapter of the padma-purāṇa-  |
vikūjana | n. rumbling (See antra-vik-).  |
vilāsinījana | m. vilāsinī |
vimārjana | n. wiping off, cleansing, purifying  |
vināyakabhojanavarṇanā | f. Name of work or chapter from work  |
viprajana | m. a Brahman or a priest (also collectively)  |
viprajana | m. Name of a man (with the patronymic saurāki-),  |
vipūjana | m. ( pūj-) Name of a man  |
virajana | mfn. useful for or causing change of colour  |
virājana | mfn. embellishing, beautifying (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
virājana | n. ruling, being eminent or illustrious, etc.  |
vīrajanana | mfn. generating hero  |
virojana | n. the act of breaking or tearing asunder  |
viruddhabhojana | n. incompatible food  |
viṣādajanaka | mfn. idem or 'mfn. causing depression or grief. '  |
viṣaghaṭikājananaśānti | f. Name of a chapter of the vṛddha-gārgya-saṃhitā- (describing rites for averting the evil consequences of being born at one of the 4 periods of the month viṣa-ghaṭikā-).  |
viṣamabhojana | n. eating at irregular hours  |
viṣanāḍījananaśānti | f. Name of work (equals viṣa-ghaṭikā-j-).  |
visarjana | m. plural Name of a family  |
visarjana | n. cessation, end  |
visarjana | n. relaxation (of the voice)  |
visarjana | n. evacuation  |
visarjana | n. abandoning, deserting, giving up  |
visarjana | n. discharge, emission  |
visarjana | n. sending forth, dismissal etc.  |
visarjana | n. driving out (cows to pasture)  |
visarjana | n. throwing (the image of a deity into holy water, as the concluding rite of a festival)  |
visarjana | n. setting (a bull) at liberty (on particular occasions)  |
visarjana | n. giving, bestowing  |
visarjana | n. hurting, casting, shooting  |
visarjana | n. creating  |
visarjana | n. product, creation  |
visarjana | n. answering a question  |
viṣṇunīrājana | n. Name of work  |
viṣṇupūjana | n. "worship of viṣṇu-", Name of work  |
viṣṇusarvajana | wrong reading for next  |
visphūrjana | n. gaping, opening wide  |
viśrutābhijana | mfn. of a renowned family, of noted birth  |
viśvabhojana | n. the eating of all sorts of food  |
viśvajana | m. all men, mankind (-janasya cchattra-or chattra- n. Va1rtt. 1 Sch. )  |
viśveśvaranīrājana | n. Name of work  |
vivādārṇavabhañjana | n. vivādārṇavabhaṅga |
vivarjana | n. the act of avoiding, shunning, leaving, giving up or desisting from (genitive case ablative,or compound)  |
vivekāñjana | n. Name of work  |
viyojana | n. detaching or liberating from (compound)  |
viyojana | n. separation from (compound)  |
viyojana | n. subtraction,  |
vrajana | n. going, travelling (anyatra-,"elsewhere") going into exile (varia lectio pra-vrajana-)  |
vrajana | n. a road, way  |
vrajana | m. Name of as one of aja-mīḍha- and brother of jahnu- (considered as one of the ancestors of kuśika-)  |
vrajanavanāgaracandrikā | f. Name of work  |
vratavisarjana | mf(ī-)n. concluding a religious observance  |
vṛjana | n. (once v/ṛj-) an enclosure, cleared or fenced or fortified place (especially "sacrificial enclosure";but also "pasture or camping ground, settlement, town or village and its inhabitants")  |
vṛjana | n. crookedness, wickedness, deceit, wile, intrigue  |
vṛjana | n. equals bala-, strength  |
vṛjana | n. the sky, atmosphere  |
vṛjana | n. equals nirākaraṇa-  |
vṛtrabhojana | m. a kind of pot-herb (commonly called Samath;described by some as a kind of cucumber equals gaṇḍīra-)  |
vyādhisiddhāñjana | n. Name of work  |
vyajana | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) fanning  |
vyajana | n. a palm-leaf or other article used for fanning, fan, whisk (often dual number)  |
vyajanacāmara | n. the tail of the Bos Grunniens used as a whisk or fan, a chowry (see vyajanacāmara-).  |
vyajanaka | n. equals vyajana-, a fan  |
vyajanakriyā | f. the act of fanning  |
vyañjana | mfn. manifesting, indicating (varia lectio vyañcana-)  |
vyañjana | m. (once for n.; see below) a consonant  |
vyañjana | m. Pandanus Odoratissimus  |
vyañjana | m. equals vāditra-karman-  |
vyañjana | m. a figurative expression ( vyañjanāvṛtti nā-vṛtti- f.figurative style)  |
vyañjana | n. decoration, ornament  |
vyañjana | n. manifestation, indication  |
vyañjana | n. allusion, suggestion (equals ā- f.), sah-.  |