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Grammar Search
"jaghne" has 4 results
jaghne: masculine vocative singular stem: jaghni
jaghne: feminine vocative singular stem: jaghni
jaghne: third person singular tense paradigm perfect class ātmanepadahan
jaghne: first person singular tense paradigm perfect class ātmanepadahan
Vedabase Search
12 results
jaghne He (Lord Rāmacandra) killedSB 9.10.9
jaghne He killedSB 11.4.19
jaghne he struckSB 10.54.24
jaghne He struck deadSB 10.61.36
jaghne killedSB 9.11.12
jaghne killed and woundedSB 3.3.4
jaghne smashedSB 10.67.19-21
jaghne struckSB 10.68.11
SB 9.9.39
jaghne the Lord killedSB 9.10.10
abhijaghne he struckSB 3.17.26
ājaghne struckSB 3.18.17
Parse Time: 1.606s Search Word: jaghne Input Encoding: IAST IAST: jaghne