is | ind. an interjection of anger or pain or sorrow  |
is | ind. (according to is-Ved. equals nis- see iṣ-kṛ-above.)  |
abdhisāra | m. a gem.  |
abhinistāna | m. equals abhi-niṣṭāna-  |
abhinisyand | (or -ṣyand-), to trickle upon  |
abhisac | See abhi-ṣac-.  |
abhisamāgam | to approach together ; to come to (accusative)  |
abhisamāhita | mfn. ( dhā-), fastened to, connected with (instrumental case)  |
abhisamāhṛ | to scrape up or together  |
abhisamāpad | A1. (perf. -pede-) to enter upon (accusative)  |
abhisamāruh | (imperfect tense 3. plural -/arohan-) to enter upon (the sacrificial fire-place) for a purpose (accusative)  |
abhisamas | to put together, group, collect  |
abhisamāsic | to pour together  |
abhisamavāya | m. ( i-), union, association  |
abhisamāvṛt | Ved. (3. plural -/āvartante-and imperfect tense -āvartanta-; future p. -vartsyamāna-) to return home  |
abhisamaya | See abhi-sam-i-.  |
abhisamāyā | to approach together  |
abhisamaya | m. agreement  |
abhisamaya | m. clear understanding  |
abhisamāyam | -y/acchati-, to fasten to (accusative)  |
abhisamāyukta | mfn. connected or endowed with (instrumental case)  |
abhisambaddha | mfn. connected, (an-- negative)  |
abhisambādha | mfn. pressed together, crowded  |
abhisambandh | -badhnāti-, to refer to (accusative), mean by commentator or commentary on : Passive voice -badhyate-,"to be referred to", belong to, require to be connected with (instrumental case [ ]or accusative [ etc.]) .  |
abhisambandha | m. connection with, relation to (instrumental case)  |
abhisambandha | m. being connected with, belonging to  |
abhisambandha | m. sexual connection  |
abhisambhagna | mfn. broken, crashed  |
abhisambhava | m. attainment,  |
abhisambhavana | n. attainment,  |
abhisambhṛta | mfn. endowed with (in compound) (varia lectio abhi-saṃ-vṛta-).  |
abhisambhū | Vedic or Veda (perf. 2. sg. -babhūtha-) to reach, come to, arrive at ; to obtain the shape of (accusative), be changed into : Causal to salute  |
abhisambodhana | n. attaining the bodhi-  |
abhisambuddha | mfn. deeply versed in  |
abhisambuddha | mfn. having attained the bodhi-  |
abhisambudh | (with samyak-- sambodhin-), to obtain the highest perfect knowledge, Sukh, i.  |
abhisaṃcar | (3. plural -caranti- pr. p. f. dual number -c/arantī-) to go up to, seek for  |
abhisaṃcārin | mfn. "moving in every direction", inconstant, changeable  |
abhisaṃci | A1. -cinute-, (Opt. 1. sg. -cinvīya-) to pile up (the sacrificial fire) for the benefit of (one's self, ātm/ānam-) |
abhisaṃcint | (ind.p. -cintya-) to remember  |
abhisaṃcūrṇ | to grind, pulverize,  |
abhisaṃdaṣṭa | (abh/is/aṃdaṣṭa-) mfn. ( daṃś-), compressed or tightened together  |
abhisaṃdeha | n. organ of generation, (dual number accusative he-) (varia lectio abhisaṃdoha-).  |
abhisaṃdhā | (3. dual number -dhattas-;Imper. 2. sg. -dhehi-; Aorist -adhāt-) to snap at (accusative) for devouring ; to take aim at (dative case or accusative) etc. ; to aim at, have in view (with accusative;rarely dative case) ; to acknowledge unanimously, (perf. 3. plural -dadh/uḥ-) ; to overcome, master etc. ; to win (as by presents) ; to ally, associate with (instrumental case)  |
abhisaṃdhā | f. "speech, declaration"(only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' see anṛtābhisandha-and satyābhisandha-).  |
abhisaṃdham | (1. sg. -dhamāmi-) to blow at  |
abhisaṃdhāna | n. the being allied or connected, connection between (in compound)  |
abhisaṃdhāna | n. "speech, deliberate declaration"(only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' see satyābh-)  |
abhisaṃdhāna | n. attachment or interest in any object  |
abhisaṃdhāna | n. special agreement  |
abhisaṃdhāna | n. overcoming, deceiving  |
abhisaṃdhāna | n. making peace or alliance  |
abhisaṃdhāya | ind.p. aiming at, having in view  |
abhisaṃdhāya | coming to an agreement regarding (accusative)  |
abhisaṃdhāya | overcoming etc.  |
abhisaṃdhāya | bringing in contact with (as an arrow with a bow), place upon (instrumental case)  |
abhisaṃdhi | m. speaking or declaring deliberately, purpose, intention, object, meaning  |
abhisaṃdhi | m. special agreement  |
abhisaṃdhi | m. cheating, deceiving  |
abhisaṃdhi | m. making peace or alliance  |
abhisaṃdhi | m. joint, junction  |
abhisaṃdhikṛta | mfn. done intentionally.  |
abhisaṃdhipūrva | mfn. that which has been intended, aimed at  |
abhisaṃdhipūrvakam | ind. with some intention, purposely  |
abhisame | ( -ā-i-), Ved. (Imper. abh/i-... sam-/aitu-[ ] or /ā-.. abh/i s/am-etu-[ ]) to join in coming near (accusative), approach together.  |
abhisameta | mfn. assembled  |
abhisaṃgam | (ind.p. -g/atya- , or -gamya- ) to approach together (Aorist A1.3. plural -agmata-), etc. ; to join in welcoming ; to meet with  |
abhisaṃgata | mfn. together with (in comp.)  |
abhisaṃgṝ | to promise  |
abhisaṃgrah | to grasp at once with several fingers  |
abhisaṃgupta | mfn. guarded, protected  |
abhisaṃhan | (ind.p. -hatya-) to combine, confederate  |
abhisaṃhata | mfn. attacked, assailed  |
abhisaṃhita | See -saṃ-dhā-.  |
abhisaṃhita | mfn. aimed at  |
abhisaṃhita | mfn. agreed upon  |
abhisaṃhita | mfn. acknowledged by (in compound)  |
abhisaṃhita | mfn. overcome  |
abhisaṃhita | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') connected with, attached to  |
abhisaṃhṛtya | ind. conjointly,  |
abhisami | -eti- (3. plural -yanti-,Imper. -yantu-), Ved. to approach together, come together or meet at (accusative) etc. ; (Opt. 3. plural -īy/uḥ-) to invade  |
abhisamīkṣya | ind.p. ( īkṣ-), seeing, viewing  |
abhisamīkṣya | ind. noticing, perceiving, learning from  |
abhisamīkṣya | ind. considering, with reference to  |
abhisamindh | to set on fire, kindle  |
abhisamīr | Caus. (perf. Passive voice p. -īrita-) to put in motion  |
abhisaṃjāta | mfn. ( jan-), produced (as joy, harṣa-)  |
abhisaṃjñā | (3. plural -jānate- subjunctive -jān/āntai- imperfect tense -ajānata-) to agree, allow, concede anything (dative case) to (accusative)  |
abhisaṃjñita | mfn. (fr. 2. saṃjñā- see saṃjñita-), called, named  |
abhisaṃjvar | to envy, regard with spite  |
abhisaṃkhyā | (perf. Passive voice p. -khyāta-) to enumerate  |
abhisaṃkhya | mfn. inferable, clearly ascertainable  |
abhisaṃkhyā | f. number  |
abhisaṃkhyeya | mfn. to be enumerated  |
abhisaṃkruddha | mfn. angry with (accusative)  |
abhisaṃkruddha | mfn. (genitive case)  |
abhisaṃkrudh | (pr. p. -krudhyat-) to be angry with (accusative)  |
abhisaṃkruś | (ind.p. -kruśya-) to call out to  |
abhisaṃkṣepa | m. compressing  |
abhisaṃkṣip | (ind.p. -kṣipya-) to compress, render quite small (the body by magical power)  |
abhisaṃkṣipta | mfn. one who has compressed his body so as to render it small  |
abhisammata | mfn. honoured, esteemed  |
abhisammūḍha | mfn. entirely confused  |
abhisammukha | mf(ā-)n. looking respectfully towards (accusative)  |
abhisammūrch | (parasmE-pada -mūrchat-) to assume a solid form with regard to or in connection with (accusative)  |
abhisaṃnaddha | mfn. armed  |
abhisaṃnah | (3. plural -nahyanti-) to bind or string together : A1. (imperfect tense 3. dual number -anahyetām-) to arm one's self against (accusative) |
abhisaṃnam | (Opt. -namet-) to alter, modify  |
abhisaṃnī | to lead to or upon (locative case)  |
abhisaṃniviṣṭa | mfn. ( viś-), being united or combined in commentator or commentary on  |
abhisaṃnu | A1. (3. plural -navante-; Aorist 3. plural -anūṣata-) to rejoice or cheer together at or towards (accusative)  |
abhisampac | Passive voice (3. pl -pacyante-) to become ripe up to a certain time (accusative)  |
abhisampad | Ved. -padyate-, to become ; to become similar to, be changed to (accusative) etc. ; to come to, arrive at, obtain : Causal -pādayati-, to make equal to, change into (accusative)  |
abhisampad | f. idem or 'f. becoming anything, becoming similar or equal to '  |
abhisampanna | mfn. becoming similar to, being changed to (accusative)  |
abhisampanna | mfn. being in accordance with, agreeing with (instrumental case)  |
abhisamparāya | m. ( i-), futurity  |
abhisampat | (p. -patat-; perf. 3. plural -petuḥ-) to fly to, hasten to (accusative)  |
abhisampāta | m. concourse, war, battle |
abhisampatti | f. becoming anything, becoming similar or equal to  |
abhisamplava | m. fluctuation,  |
abhisamplu | (ind.p. -plutya-) to bathe (an-- negative)  |
abhisampluta | mfn. poured upon, overflowed with  |
abhisampluta | mfn. deeply engaged in (in compound)  |
abhisamprahā | (only ind.p. - haya-), to forsake,  |
abhisamprāp | ( āp-) to reach, come to, arrive at, obtain  |
abhisamprapad | -padyate- (equals abhi-sam-pad-) to be changed to, assume or obtain the shape of (accusative)  |
abhisampravṛt | Caus. to change (?as a battle-field, raṇājir/am-)  |
abhisampravṛtta | mfn. having begun  |
abhisamprayā | (ind.p. -yāya-) to go towards (varia lectio abhi-vārayitvā-)  |
abhisamprekṣ | ( īkṣ-), (ind.p. -prekṣya-) to look at, perceive  |
abhisampū | -pavate-, to blow along over or towards (accusative)  |
abhisampūj | (generally ind.p. -pūjya-) to honour, revere greatly  |
abhisamṛ | A1. (Aorist Opt. -arīta-) to reach, seize  |
abhisaṃrabdha | mfn. excited, furious  |
abhisaṃrabh | A1. (3. plural -rabhante-;Opt. 1. plural -rabhemahi-) to take hold of (for support)  |
abhisaṃrādhana | n. pacifying, conciliating  |
abhisaṃrakta | mfn. ( rañj-), intensely attached to (in compound)  |
abhisaṃrambha | m. fury, rage  |
abhisaṃsāram | ind. running near in crowds |
abhisaṃśīna | mfn. ( śyai-), coagulated, congealed  |
abhisaṃskāra | m. "the being formed", development (as of seeds)  |
abhisaṃskāra | m. preparation  |
abhisaṃskāra | m. conception, idea  |
abhisaṃskṛ | -s-karoti-, to shape, form : A1. (subjunctive 1. sg. -s-kar/avai-) to render or make one's self (ātmānam-) anything (wished to be accusative)  |
abhisaṃskṛta | mfn. consecrated  |
abhisaṃśliṣ | (ind.p. -śliṣya-) to cling to each other  |
abhisaṃsmṛ | to recollect (with accusative)  |
abhisaṃspṛś | to wash one's self ; to seize  |
abhisaṃsṛ | (ind.p. -sṛtya-) to run against or assail each other  |
abhisaṃśraya | m. refuge , connection  |
abhisaṃśri | P. to resort to (for refuge), have recourse to (accusative) etc. ; to give way to, devote one's self to (accusative) ; to attain, (Passive voice -śrīyate-)  |
abhisaṃśrita | mfn. who has resorted to any one (for refuge)  |
abhisaṃśrita | mfn. (for a visit)  |
abhisaṃsṛta | mfn. one who has come near  |
abhisaṃśru | (ind.p. -śrutya-) to hear, learn  |
abhisaṃsru | to unite in flowing into (accusative)  |
abhisaṃstambh | (ind.p. -stabhya-) to support, render firm  |
abhisaṃstava | m. praise  |
abhisaṃsthā | -tiṣṭhate-, to stop at, finish at (accusative) : Causal to cause to stop or finish at (accusative)  |
abhisaṃstham | ind. in regular order  |
abhisaṃsthita | mfn. stopping or standing or watching at some place  |
abhisaṃsthita | mfn. reflecting upon (locative case)  |
abhisaṃstīrṇa | mfn. ( stṝ-), entirely covered with  |
abhisaṃstu | (pr. p. -stuvat-) to praise highly  |
abhisaṃstuta | mfn. highly praised  |
abhisaṃsu | (3. dual number -s/aṃ-sunutas-) to press out (soma- juice) together for the sake of (accusative)  |
abhisaṃsvañj | A1. (Imper. 2 sg. -svajasva-) to embrace  |
abhisaṃsvṛ | (imperfect tense 3. plural -asvaran-[four times] or -/asvaran-[once]) to praise or call or invite unanimously  |
abhisaṃśyāna | mfn. ( śyai-), coagulated, congealed  |
abhisaṃtan | (3. plural -tanvanti-) to use for bridging over or stretching across  |
abhisaṃtap | (subjunctive -tapāti-) to press hard on all sides  |
abhisaṃtapta | mfn. tormented  |
abhisaṃtata | mfn. spread over, covered with (in compound) (varia lectio abhi-saṃ-vṛta-).  |
abhisaṃtṝ | to cross over towards (accusative)  |
abhisaṃtrasta | mfn. ( tras-), terrified, much alarmed  |
abhisaṃtyaj | (ind.p. -tyajya-) to abandon, give up, desist from (accusative)  |
abhisamubj | to spread a covering upon (accusative)  |
abhisamūh | -ūhati-, to heap up ; to heap up and cover with (as with ashes instrumental case)  |
abhisaṃvāñch | to long for,  |
abhisaṃvas | A1. (pr. p. 1. -v/asāna-) to wrap one's self into (accusative)  |
abhisaṃvas | A1. (pr. p. 2. -v/asāna-) to settle round (accusative) together  |
abhisaṃvid | (perf. 3. plural -vid/us-) to know thoroughly  |
abhisaṃvid | A1. (pr. p. -vidān/a-) to meet each other ([ ]) ("to relate, explain"commentator or commentary)  |
abhisaṃvīkṣ | ( īkṣ-) to look at in astonishment, gaze at  |
abhisaṃviś | P. A1. (Imper. 2. plural -s/aṃ-viśadhvam-) to meet round or near, surround etc. ; to enter into, dissolve in  |
abhisaṃvṛ | (imperfect tense -vṛṇot-) to cover, conceal  |
abhisaṃvṛddha | mfn. (said of a tree)"having grown a very long time" , very old  |
abhisaṃvṛt | A1. (Imper. -vartatām-) to turn one's self towards  |
abhisaṃvṛta | mfn. covered, concealed etc.  |
abhisaṃvṛta | mfn. surrounded by, accompanied by  |
abhisaṃvṛta | mfn. filled with, furnished with  |
abhisaṃvṛtta | mfn. undertaking, beginning to (Inf.)  |
abhisaṃyā | -yāti-, to visit, approach to (accusative) ; to approach in hostile manner, assail  |
abhisaṃyam | to hold against,  |
abhisaṃyatta | mfn. ( yat-), being taken care of or governed by (varia lectio abhi-sampanna-)  |
abhisaṃyoga | m. (in mīmāṃsā- philosophy) close contact or relation to.  |
abhisaṃyuj | Caus. to bring in close contact with (instrumental case)  |
abhisaṃyukta | mfn. furnished or endowed with  |
abhisandhaka | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' deceiving ["calumniating"commentator or commentary ]  |
abhisāntv | (p. -sāntvayat-; ind.p. -sāntvya-) to conciliate, pacify, comfort  |
abhisāntva | m. consolation, conciliation  |
abhisāntvita | mfn. conciliated, pacified  |
abhisap | (3. plural A1. -s/apante-) to carry on, manage  |
abhisara | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a companion  |
abhisāra | m. attack, assault  |
abhisāra | m. meeting, rendezvous (of lovers) etc.  |
abhisāra | m. "pay for coming", messenger's pay  |
abhisāra | m. companion  |
abhisāra | m. a purificatory rite  |
abhisāra | m. (eṇa-) instrumental case (with sarveṇa-) equals sarvābhisāreṇa- q.v (see lohābhisāra-and abhīsāra-)  |
abhisāra | m. plural Name of a people etc.  |
abhisaraṇa | n. meeting, rendezvous (of lovers)  |
abhisārasthāna | n. a place of rendezvous (of lovers)  |
abhisarga | m. creation  |
abhisārī | f. Name of a town  |
abhisārikā | f. a woman who goes to meet her lover or keeps an assignation  |
abhisārin | mfn. going to meet  |
abhisāriṇī | f. equals abhi-sārikā-  |
abhisāriṇī | f. Name of a species of the triṣṭubh- metre (as that in ,in which two pāda-'s contain twelve instead of eleven syllables, and which therefore is said toapproachanother metre called jagatī-)  |
abhisarjana | n. for ati-s- (q.v)  |
abhisarpaṇa | See abhi-sṛp-. |
abhisarpaṇa | n. approaching  |
abhisarpaṇa | n. the ascent (of sap in the trees).  |
abhisartṛ | mfn. attacking, assailant  |
abhisatkṛ | (1 kṛ-), (ind.p. -kṛtya-) to honour, receive (a guest) with reverence  |
abhisatkṛta | mn. honoured, received with reverence  |
abhisatvan | m. surrounded by heroes (see abh/i-vīra-.)  |
abhisāvakīya | Nom. P. yati-, to long for a sāvaka- (q.v) commentator or commentary  |
abhisāyam | ind. about evening, at sunset (see abhi-prāt/ar-.)  |
abhisevana | n. practising, cultivating  |
abhisiddhi | f. the state of being effected or realized  |
abhisidh | -sedhati-  |
abhisidh | -sidhyati-, to be accomplished ; to obtain, win (with accusative)  |
abhisisārayiṣu | mfn. intending to go to a rendezvous or to visit (a lover)  |
abhiskambh | Caus. (p. -skabhāyat-) commentator or commentary  |
abhiskand | (perf. -caskanda-) to ascend |
abhiskanda | according to to some,"m. the mounting [buck]", .  |
abhiskandam | ind. running near  |
abhismi | (p. -smayat-) to smile upon  |
abhisneha | m. affection, desire  |
abhisnigdha | See an-abhisn-.  |
abhisphurita | mfn. expanded to the full (as a blossom).  |
abhisphūrj | -sphūrjati-, to sound towards  |
abhispṛś | (Opt. -spṛśet-) to touch ; to influence, affect  |
abhisṛ | (3. plural imperfect tense -asaran-, perf. -sasrur-) to flow towards (accusative) ; to approach, go towards, advance in order to meet, attack etc. ; to go to a rendezvous (said of lovers) : Causal to lead towards ; to cause to attack, lead to battle (varia lectio) ; to invite to a rendezvous ; to approach, visit  |
abhisraṃs | Aorist subjunctive 2. sg. -srās-, which is better derived fr. abhi-srij- q.v  |
abhisṛj | (imperfect tense -asṛjat-; Aorist Passive voice -/asarji-[ ] and 3. plural -asṛgran-[ ] or -asṛkṣata-[ ]) to pour into or upon (accusative), pour out for a purpose (accusative) or for the sake of (accusative) ; to let loose in a special direction ; (Aorist subjunctive 2. sg. -srās-for -srākṣ-s-) to throw upon ; to surrender, give, grant, allow, permit etc. ; to assail, attack  |
abhisṛp | (Imper. 2. sg. -sarpa-) to approach silently or softly  |
abhisṛṣṭa | mfn. "let loose in a special direction", running towards (accusative or locative case)  |
abhisṛṣṭa | mfn. allowed to  |
abhisṛṣṭa | mfn. uttered  |
abhisṛṣṭa | mfn. surrendered, given, granted  |
abhisṛta | mfn. gone near (accusative)  |
abhisṛta | mfn. one who has approached (for attacking)  |
abhisṛta | mfn. directed towards (in compound)  |
abhisṛta | mfn. visited by (instrumental case)  |
abhisṛtya | ind.p. having gone near (accusative)  |
abhisru | (Imper. 3. plural -sravantu-) to cause to flow near ; (p. -sravanta-for -sravat-)  |
abhistaraṇa | n. scattering, strewing, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
abhisthiram | ind. very firmly, intensely  |
abhistṛ | to scatter over, cover  |
abhisū | to bring forth,  |
abhisūcita | mfn. pointed out  |
abhisusūṣ | mfn. desirous of expressing soma- Juice  |
abhisusūṣ | See abhi-ṣu-.  |
abhisvar | f. (instrumental case -sv/arā-) invocation  |
abhisvare | ind. dative case "for calling into one's presence", just behind (with genitive case)  |
abhisvartṛ | m. an invoker  |
abhisvayamātṛṇṇam | ind. on the brick (used in sacrifices and called) svayamātṛṇṇ/ā- (q.v)  |
abhisvṛ | (Imper. 2. sg. -svara-,3. plural -svarantu-) to join in praising or invoking ; to keep a note (in singing) up to (accusative)  |
abhisyand | See abhi-ṣyand-.  |
abhisyanda | m. oozing or flowing  |
abhisyanda | m. running at the eyes  |
abhisyanda | m. great increase or enlargement (Cf. pittābhiṣyanda-, raktābh-, vātābh-, śleṣmābh-)  |
abhisyandiramaṇa | n. a smaller city appended to a larger one, suburb  |
abhivisṛj | A1. (imperfect tense 3. plural -asṛjanta-) to throw or shout towards (accusative) ; to assume from (ablative),  |
abhūmisāhvaya | m. "named a-bhūmi- (bhūmi-dharā-,earth) id est adhara- ", lip  |
abhyatisṛj | (1. plural -/ati-sṛjāmas-) to let pass |
abuddhistha | mfn. not being in the conscience of commentator or commentary on  |
acirarocis | f. lightning.  |
adhisaṃdhā | (perf. 3. plural -dadh/uḥ-) to put or join together  |
adhisaṃvas | (3. pl. v/asante-) to dwell or reside together (quoted in )  |
adhisaṃvṛt | (imperfect tense s/am-avar-tatādhi-) to originate from  |
adhisenāpati | f. the chief commander of an army,  |
adhispardh | (3. plural p. -sp/ardhante-and perf. -paspṛdhre-) to compete for an aim, strive at (locative case)  |
adhispṛś | to touch lightly or slightly : Causal (Potential -sparś/ayet-) to cause to reach to, to extend to  |
adhisṛp | to glide along  |
adhisru | to trickle or drop off  |
ādhistena | m. the stealer of a deposit, .  |
adhistri | ind. concerning a woman or a wife  |
adhistrī | f. a superior woman  |
adhisyada | mfn. very swift,  |
ādisarga | m. primitive creation  |
ādisarga | m. see  |
ādisiṃha | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a king,  |
ādisthāyika | see sthāyika- (parasmE-pada 1264)  |
ādisūra | m. Name of a prince.  |
ādisvarita | mfn. having the Svarita accent on the first syllable, VPra1t., Scholiast or Commentator  |
ādityajyotis | (ādity/a--) mfn. having the light of the sun  |
adrisaṃhata | (/adri--) mfn. expressed with stones  |
adrisānu | mfn. lingering on the mountains  |
ādrisāra | mf(ī-)n. (fr. adri-s-), made of iron, iron  |
adrisāra | m. "essence of stones"iron.  |
adrisāramaya | mfn. made of iron.  |
āgatavismaya | mfn. filled with wonder,  |
agnijyotis | mfn. flaming,  |
agnisāda | m. weakness of digestion  |
agnisahāya | m. "friend of fire", the wind  |
agnisahāya | m. a wild pigeon  |
agnisajjā | f.? indigestion  |
agnisakha | m. "friend of fire", the wind  |
agnisākṣika | mfn. taking agni- or the domestic or nuptial fire for a witness  |
agnisākṣikamaryāda | mfn. one who taking agni- for a witness gives a solemn promise of conjugal fidelity.  |
agnisamādhāna | n. kindling fire,  |
agnisambhava | mfn. produced from fire  |
agnisambhava | m. wild safflower  |
agnisambhava | m. equals -jāra-  |
agnisambhava | m. "the result of digestion", chyme or chyle  |
agnisaṃcaya | m. preparing the sacrificial fire-place  |
agnisaṃcaya | m. See -cayana-.  |
agnisaṃdīpana | mfn. stimulating digestion,  |
agnisaṃkāśa | (agn/i--) mfn. resplendent like fire  |
agnisaṃskāra | m. the consecration of fire  |
agnisaṃskāra | m. performance of any rite in which the application of fire is essential, as the burning of a dead body  |
agnisāra | n. a medicine for the eyes, a collyrium  |
agnisaras | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
agnisāt | ind. to the state of fire (used in compound with1. kṛ-and bhū- exempli gratia, 'for example' agnisāt kṛ-,to reduce to fire, to consume by fire) see bhasmasāt-.  |
agnisava | m. consecration of the fire  |
agnisāvarṇi | m. Name of a manu-  |
agnisiṃha | m. Name of the father of the seventh black vāsudeva-  |
agnisparśa | mfn. scalding hot,  |
agnisroṇi | f. leg of the sacrificial altar  |
agnistambha | m. or  |
agnistambhana | n. the (magical) quenching of fire.  |
agnisthala | n. the fire-place,  |
agnistoka | m. a particle of fire, spark.  |
agnisūtra | n. thread of fire  |
agnisūtra | n. a girdle of sacrificial grass put upon a young Brahman at his investiture  |
agnisvātta | See -ṣvātt/a-.  |
agnivisarpa | m. spread of inflammation (in a tumour).  |
agnyādhānahavis | n. an oblation at the agnyādheya-  |
agnyarcis | f. or n. flame  |
agṛbhītaśocis | mfn. (/agṛbhīta--) "having unsubdued splendour", Name of agni- and the marut-s  |
agṛbhītaśocis | mfn. ("having inconceivable splendour" )  |
āhatavisargatā | f. the deadening of a visarga- or its change into o-  |
ahavis | mfn. not offering oblations  |
ahimarocis | m. "hot-rayed", the sun,  |
ajiraśocis | (ajir/a-.) m. having a quick light, glittering, Name of agni-, of soma-  |
ājisṛt | mfn. equals -k/ṛt- q.v  |
ājyahavis | (/ājya--) mfn. having an oblation consisting of clarified butter  |
akṛmiparisṛpta | mfn. not crawled over by worms,  |
akṣisaṃskāra | m. painting the eyes,  |
akṣisaṃskāra | collyrium,  |
akṣisaṃtarjana | n. (probably), Name of a mythic weapon  |
aktubhis | ind. at night  |
amatis | mfn. poor, indigent  |
āmātisāra | m. dysentery or diarrhoea produced by vitiated mucus in the abdomen (the excretion being mixed with hard and fetid matter)  |
āmātisārin | mfn. afflicted with the above disease.  |
ambudhisravā | f. the plant Aloes Perfoliata.  |
aṃhriskandha | m. a part of the foot between the ancle and the heel  |
āmis | n. raw flesh, meat  |
āmis | n. a dead body ([ /āmiṣi-]).  |
anabhisambandha | mfn. unconnected  |
anabhisambandha | m. no connection.  |
anabhisandhāna | n. absence of design  |
anabhisandhāna | n. disinterestedness.  |
anabhisandhi | m. idem or 'n. disinterestedness.'  |
anabhisandhikṛta | mfn. done undesignedly.  |
anabhisneha | mfn. without affection, cold, unimpassioned  |
anāśis | mfn. not desirable, not agreeable  |
anatisṛṣṭa | mfn. not allowed,  |
andhatāmisra | m. complete darkness of the soul  |
andhatāmisra | n. the second or eighteenth of the twenty-one hells  |
andhatāmisra | n. doctrine of annihilation after death.  |
andhatāmisra | n. darkness,  |
aṅghrisaṃdhi | m. "footjoint", the ancle,  |
aṅghriskandha | m. the ancle.  |
aṅgulisaṃdeṃsa | m. snapping or cracking the fingers as a sign.  |
aṅgulisphoṭana | n. snapping or cracking the fingers.  |
anīcais | ind. not in a low voice, loudly.  |
anīcaistana | mfn. not low,  |
anisarga | mfn. unnatural, unnaturally affected.  |
anisṛṣṭa | mfn. not allowed, unauthorized, .  |
anistabdha | mfn. not rendered immovable or stiff  |
anistabdha | mfn. not paralysed  |
anistabdha | mfn. not fixed.  |
anistīrṇa | mfn. not crossed over  |
anistīrṇa | mfn. not set aside  |
anistīrṇa | mfn. not rid of  |
anistīrṇa | mfn. unanswered, unrefuted.  |
anistīrṇābhiyoga | m. (a defendant) who has not yet (by refutation) got rid of a charge.  |
anistiṣṭhat | mfn. not bringing to an end,  |
añjisaktha | mfn. having coloured thighs (a victim)  |
añjisaktha | mfn. see  |
annavāhisrotas | n. the oesophagus, gullet.  |
anṛtābhisandha | mfn. idem or 'mf(ikā-)n. of faithless disposition, '  |
antarjyotis | (ant/ar--) mfn. having the soul enlightened, illuminated  |
antisumna | (/anti--) mfn. at hand with kindness  |
anubhūtisvarūpācārya | m. Name of the author of the grammar sārasvatī-prakriyā-.  |
anuccais | ind. not aloud, in a low voice.  |
anujīvisātkṛta | mfn. made wholly subservient  |
anupalabdhisama | mf(ā-) trying to establish a fact (exempli gratia, 'for example' the reality and eternity of sound) from the impossibility of perceiving the non perception of it, sophistical argument  |
anuparisic | to pour round,  |
anuparisru | to run after  |
anutpattisama | mf(ā-) (in nyāya- philosophy) arguing against a thing by trying to show that nothing exists from which it could spring.  |
anuvismita | mfn. one who is astonished after another  |
anuvisṛ | to extend or stream over  |
anuvisraṃs | Caus. -sraṃsayati-, to separate, loose  |
anuvisṛj | to shoot at or towards ; to send along (accusative)  |
anuvistṛta | mfn. ( stṛ-),"extended, spread out", large, roomy  |
anvatisic | to pour out over or along  |
anyadāśis | f. a bad desire or hope (?)  |
anyatojyotis | mfn. having light or a jyotis- day only on one side, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
apabarhis | mfn. not having the portion constituting the barhis-  |
aparisamāptika | mfn. not ending, endless commentator or commentary on  |
aparisaṃkhyāna | n. innumerableness, infinite diffcrence,  |
aparisaṃkhyeya | mfn. innumerable, infinitely different, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding, Scholiast or Commentator  |
aparisara | mfn. non-contiguous, distant.  |
apariskandam | ind. so as not to jump or leap about  |
aparisthāna | mfn. improper  |
aparisthāna | n. impropriety,  |
apisaṃgṛbhāya | Nom. P. (Imper. 2. sg. -gṛbhāya-) to assume  |
apisic | to sprinkle with  |
apisomopītha | mfn. partaking of soma- drink,  |
apisṛ | to flow upon  |
apisṛj | P. to place to or upon : P. and A1. to add to, mingle to  |
aprāmisatya | ( mī-with prā- equals pra- see a-pr/amaya-),"of imperishable truthfulness", unalterably true  |
apratisādhya | mfn. incurable, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
apratisaṃkhyā | f. "not observing", in compound with  |
apratisaṃkhyā | inconsiderateness,  |
apratisaṃkhyānirodha | m. the unobserved annihilation of an object  |
apratisaṃkrama | mfn. having no intermixture.  |
apratistabdha | mfn. unrestrained (see a-pratiṣṭabdha-above.)  |
araṅgisattva | m. plural a class of deities  |
arcis | n. ray of light, flame, light, lustre (once. plural arc/īnṣi- ) etc.  |
arcis | f. idem or 'n. ray of light, flame, light, lustre (once. plural arc/īnṣi- ) etc.' etc., (is-), Name of the wife of kṛśāśva- and mother of dhūmaketu-  |
arcisārciṣmat | mfn. brilliant, resplendent etc.  |
arcisārciṣmat | m. fire, the god of fire  |
arcisārciṣmat | m. a flame  |
arcisārciṣmatī | f. one of the ten stages (through which a bodhisattva- must rise before becoming a buddha-)  |
ardhavisarga | m. the sound visarga- before k, kh, p, ph (so called because its sign [$] is the half of that of the visarga-[ ḥ-]).  |
argalāstutistotra | n. a hymn introductory to the devīmāhātmya-.  |
arisiṃha | m. Name of an author.  |
arisoma | m. a kind of soma- plant  |
arisūdana | m. destroyer of foes.  |
arpisa | m. the heart  |
arthāpattisama | fn. an inference by which the quality of any object is attributed to another object because of their sharing some other quality in common  |
arthasamisaya | m. danger in regard to one's fortune  |
arthisāt | ind. with 1. kṛ-, to grant anything (accusative) to one who asks for it  |
aruṇajyotis | m. Name of śiva-:  |
aruṇārcis | m. the rising sun  |
asaṃjñisattva | m. pl equals asaṅgi-s-. q.v  |
asaṅgisattva | m. plural Name of certain deities  |
āśis | f. asking for, prayer, wish etc.  |
āśis | f. blessing, benediction  |
āśis | f. wishing for any other  |
āśis | f. a particular medicament  |
āśis | f. (for 2. āśis-See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order)  |
āśis | f. a serpent's fang  |
āśis | f. (for 1. āś/is-See ā-śās-.)  |
āsisādayiṣu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative of the Causal) , being about or wishing to attack  |
asisūnā | f. (= sūnā-),  |
asitārcis | m. fire  |
asthisamarpaṇa | n. throwing the bones of a dead body into the Ganges  |
asthisambhava | mfn. consisting of bones (said of the vajra- or thunder bolt)  |
asthisambhava | mfn. "produced in the bones", marrow  |
asthisaṃcaya | m. the ceremony of collecting the bones (after burning a corpse) commentator or commentary on see etc.  |
asthisaṃcayana | n. the ceremony of collecting the bones (after burning a corpse) commentator or commentary on  |
asthisaṃghāta | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a plant,  |
asthisaṃhāra | m. idem or 'm. Name (also title or epithet) of a plant, '  |
asthisaṃhāraka | m. idem or 'f. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. Name (also title or epithet) of a plant, ' ' '  |
asthisaṃhāraka | m. "bone-seizer", the adjutant bird  |
asthisaṃhārī | f. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. Name (also title or epithet) of a plant, ' '  |
asthisaṃnahana | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a plant,  |
asthisaṃyoga | m. a joint,  |
asthisandhi | m. a joint  |
asthisāra | m. marrow  |
asthisneha | m. marrow  |
asthisnehaka | m. marrow  |
asthisraṃsa | mfn. causing the bones to fall asunder  |
asthisthūṇa | mfn. having the bones for its pillars (as the body)  |
aśvahavis | n. Name of a sacrificial ceremony  |
aśvisālokya | n. attainment of heaven by those who have offered aśva-medha- sacrifices,  |
aśvisuta | m. dual number the two sons of the aśvin-s (nakula- and saha-deva-),  |
atamisra | mfn. not dark, not benighted.  |
atibodhisattva | mfn. exceeding a bodhi-sattva-,  |
atisādhvasa | n. excessive fear.  |
atisakti | f. excessive attachment.  |
atisaktimat | mfn. excessively attached.  |
atisamartha | mfn. very competent.  |
atisaṃcaya | m. excessive accumulation.  |
atisaṃdhā | to overreach, deceive ; to wrong or injure  |
atisaṃdhāna | n. overreaching, cheating.  |
atisaṃdheya | mfn. easy to be settled or conciliated.  |
atisaṃdheya | mfn. easy to be conciliated, easy to be settled.  |
atisamīpa | mfn. very near.  |
atisamparka | m. excessive (sexual) intercourse.  |
atisaṃskṛta | mfn. highly finished.  |
atisaṃtapta | mfn. greatly afflicted.  |
atisāṃvatsara | mfn. extending over more than a year  |
atisāmyā | f. the sweet juice of the Bengal Madder, Rubia Manjith.  |
atisandham | ind. so as to violate an agreement or any fixed order  |
atisandhita | mfn. overreached, cheated.  |
atisāntapana | n. a kind of severe penance (inflicted especially for eating unclean animal food).  |
atisara | m. effort, exertion  |
atisāra | m. purging, dysentery.  |
atisāra | transgression (in sā- ti-- s-), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
atisārakin | mfn. afflicted with purging or dysentery.  |
atisarasvatī | f. a particular personification,  |
atisarga | m. act of parting with, dismissal, giving away  |
atisarga | m. granting permission, leave  |
atisarga | m. atisarg/am- 1. d/a-, to bid any one farewell  |
atisarga | remnant  |
ātisārika | mf(ī-)n. like diarrhoea,  |
atisārin | mfn. afflicted with purging or dysentery.  |
atisārin | mfn. afflicted with purging or dysentery.  |
atisarjana | n. the act of giving away, granting  |
atisarjana | n. liberality  |
atisarjana | n. a gift  |
atisarjana | n. sending out of the world, killing.  |
atisarva | mfn. too complete  |
atisarva | mfn. superior to all See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
atisarva | mfn. superior to all  |
atisarva | m. the Supreme.  |
atisauhitya | n. excessive satiety exempli gratia, 'for example' being spoiled, stuffed with food, etc.  |
atisauparṇa | mfn. superior to (the powers of) suparṇa- or garuḍa-.  |
atisaurabha | mfn. very fragrant  |
atisaurabha | n. extraordinary fragrance.  |
atisāyam | ind. very late in the evening.  |
atisena | m. Name of a prince.  |
atisev | to use or enjoy immoderately, to practise excessively ; see ati-sevā- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ati-.  |
atisevā | f. excessive addiction (to a habit).  |
atisiddhi | f. great perfection.  |
atisitāṅgavihaṃga | m. a swan,  |
atisnigdha | mfn. very smooth, very nice, very affectionate  |
atisparśa | m. too marked contact (of the tongue and palate) in pronunciation.  |
atisphira | mfn. very tremulous.  |
atisṛ | Caus. to cause to pass through: Passive voice -sāryate- ; to be purged  |
atisraṃs | to drop or turn away from, to escape  |
atisrāvita | mfn. caused to flow excessively (as a wound)  |
atisṛj | to glide over or along ; to send away dismiss, abandon ; to leave as a remnant, to remit, forgive ; to give away, present, to create in a higher degree  |
atisṛjya | mfn. to be dismissed  |
atisṛjya | mfn.  |
atisṛp | to glide or creep over, get over  |
atisṛṣṭi | (/ati--) f. an extraordinary or excellent creation  |
atisṛṣṭi | f. a higher creation  |
atisru | to flow over or flow excessively.  |
atisruta | mfn. that which has been flowing over (Name of soma-)  |
atisthira | mfn. very stable.  |
atisthūla | mfn. (/ati-.) excessively big or clumsy  |
atisthūla | mfn. excessively stupid.  |
atistri | mf(is-,or ī-)n. surpassing a woman  |
atistri | mf(is-,or ī-)n. See Gram. 123. b-.  |
atistuti | f. excessive praise  |
atisuhita | mfn. excessively kind, over-kind.  |
atisuhita | mfn. perfectly satiated,  |
atisujana | mfn. very moral, very friendly.  |
atisulabha | mfn. very easily obtainable.  |
atisundara | mfn. very handsome  |
atisundara | mf. a metre belonging to the class aṣṭi- (also called citra-or cañcalā-).  |
atisvapna | m. excessive sleep  |
atisvapna | n. excessive tendency to dreaming.  |
atisvārya | mfn. the last of the seven notes |
atisvastha | mfn. enjoying excellent health.  |
ātisvāyana | mfn. (fr. ati-svan-), (gaRa pakṣādi-, q.v)  |
atisvinna | mfn. caused to perspire abundantly,  |
atisvṛ | to hold or sustain a note  |
atithisatkāra | m. honourable treatment of a guest.  |
atithisevā | f. attention to a guest.  |
ātmajyotis | n. the light of the soul or supreme spirit  |
ātmajyotis | mfn. receiving light from one's self  |
atrisaṃhitā | f. the code ascribed to atri-.  |
atrismṛti | f. the code ascribed to atri-.  |
atyabhisṛta | mfn. ( sṛ-), having approached too much, having come too close  |
atyagnisomārka | mfn. brighter than fire or the moon or the sun.  |
atyaṣṭisāmagrī | f. Name of work  |
atyuccais | ind. very loudly.  |
avaharṣista | mfn. ( hṛṣ-), caused to shiver  |
avanisuta | m. equals -ja- above  |
avantisena | m. Name of a man  |
avantisoma | m. sour gruel (prepared from the fermentation of, rice-water)  |
avantisvāmin | m. Name of a sanctuary built by avantivarman-  |
avavisraṃsita | mfn. ( sraṃs-, Causal) fallen down,  |
avīcisaṃśoṣaṇa | m. a particular samādhi-  |
āvis | ind. (said to be connected with vahis-and ava-;or fr. ā-vid- ; confer, compare Greek ; Latin ex?) , before the eyes, openly, manifestly, evidently  |
avisaṃvāda | m. non-contradiction  |
avisaṃvāda | m. non-violation of one's promise  |
avisaṃvādin | mfn. not contradictory, coinciding, agreeing  |
avisaṃvādita | mfn. undisputed, generally approved,  |
avisaṃvāditā | f. not violating (id est keeping) a promise  |
avisargin | mfn. unintermittent (as a fever)  |
avisarpin | m. Name of a hell  |
aviskanttṛ | mfn. not leaping to and fro,  |
avismita | mfn. not proud  |
avismṛta | mfn. not forgotten  |
avismṛti | f. not forgetting, remembering  |
avisodha | n. d.  |
avisoḍha | See /avi-.  |
avispandita | mfn. not quivering  |
avispaṣṭa | mf(ā-)n. not clear or plain, indistinct, obscure etc.  |
avispaṣṭa | n. indistinct speech  |
avispaṣṭa | n. anything indistinct  |
avisraṃsa | m. not falling asunder  |
avisrāvya | mfn. (water) that cannot be caused to flow off  |
avisrāvya | mfn. not to be bled  |
avisṛṣṭa | mfn. not removed or put aside,  |
avisṛṣṭa | not dismissed,  |
āvistarām | ind. in a more manifest or very manifest way (very often joined to the roots as-, bhū-,and 1. kṛ-).  |
avisthala | n. "sheep-place", Name of a town (edition Bomb.) and 2595.  |
avistīrṇa | mfn. not extended, of small extent or circuit  |
avistṛta | mfn. not spread or expanded  |
avisvararm | ind. without dissonance  |
avisyandita | See a-vispand-. |
avitathābhisandhi | mfn. whose intentions are not futile id est successive  |
ayonisambhava | mfn. equals a-yoni-ja- q.v  |
ayugārcis | m. "having odd (id est seven) flames", fire  |
baddhanisyanda | mfn. having the flow or discharge of anything impeded  |
baddhanisyanda | mfn. impeding it  |
bahis | ind. (the final s-is changed before k-and p-into ṣ-; see ) out, forth, outwards, outside (a house, village, city, kingdom etc.;also with ablative or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' = out of, apart from, except, beside) (with kṛ-,to place outside, expel, banish, exclude;with bhū-,to come forth;with gam-,or yā-,to go out etc.; see compound)  |
bahiṣṭājjyotis | n. Name of a triṣṭubh- the last pāda- of which contains 8 syllables  |
bahistanva | mfn. one whose limbs extend over the body (of the fire-altar)  |
bahistapas | n. outward penance,  |
bahuvaistika | mfn. weighing many Vistas,  |
bahuvista | mfn. weighing many Vistas,  |
bahuvistara | m. great extension  |
bahuvistara | m. ( bahuvistarayuktam -yuktam- ind. in all directions, everywhere )  |
bahuvistara | mf(ā-)n. of wide extent, widely spread (also tāra- )  |
bahuvistara | mf(ā-)n. manifold, various  |
bahuvistara | mf(ā-)n. very detailed ( bahuvistaram am- ind.)  |
bahuvistaram | ind. bahuvistara |
bahuvistarayuktam | ind. bahuvistara  |
bahuvistīrṇa | mfn. widespread, widely diffused (-tā-,f)  |
bahuvistīrṇā | f. Abrus precatorius (a shrub bearing a small red and black berry and commonly called Kucai)  |
balanisūdana | m. equals -nāśana-  |
balisadman | n. equals -mandira-  |
balisudana | wrong reading for bala-s-.  |
bandisthita | mfn. sitting in prison, imprisoned  |
bandistrī | f. a female bard on  |
barhirjyotis | m. fire or the god of fire  |
barhis | n. (rarely m.)"that which is plucked up", sacrificial grass, a bed or layer of kuśa- grass (usually strewed over the sacrificial ground and especially over the vedi-, to serve as a sacred surface on which to present the oblations, and as a seat for the gods and for the sacrificers) etc.  |
barhis | n. Sacrificial Grass personified (and enumerated among the prayāja- and anuyāja- deities)  |
barhis | n. sacrifice  |
barhis | n. ether  |
barhis | n. water  |
barhis | n. a kind of perfume  |
barhis | m. fire, light, splendour  |
barhis | m. Plumbago Zeylanica  |
barhis | m. Name of a man  |
barhis | m. of a son of bṛhad-rāja-  |
barhis | m. plural the descendants of barhis-  |
barhistṛṇa | n. a blade of the sacrificial grass  |
bhagavadbhaktisādhana | n. Name of work  |
bhagavadbhaktisārasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
bhagavadbhaktistotra | n. Name of work  |
bhais | See 1. bhī-, p.758.  |
bhaktābhisāra | m. an eating room (others"giving of food")  |
bhaktisāgara | m. Name of work  |
bhaktisāmānyanirūpaṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhaktisaṃdarbha | m. (and bhaktisaṃdarbhapadyāvalī bha-padyāvalī- f.) Name of work  |
bhaktisaṃdarbhapadyāvalī | f. bhaktisaṃdarbha |
bhaktisaṃnyāsanirṇayavivaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhaktisaṃvardhanaśataka | n. Name of work  |
bhaktisāra | m. (and bhaktisārasaṃgraha ra-saṃgraha-,m.) Name of work  |
bhaktisārasaṃgraha | m. bhaktisāra |
bhaktisiddhānta | m. Name of work  |
bhaktisudhodaya | m. Name of work  |
bhaktisūtra | n. Name of work ( )  |
bhāradvājāgnisaṃdhānādismārtaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
bharaṇisena | m. Name of a man  |
bhavapratisaṃdhi | m. entering into existence  |
bhīmarūpistotra | n. Name of work  |
bhissā | f. boiled rice |
bhissaṭā | or bhissiṭā- f. cooked rice  |
bhrājis | equals bhrājas- above.  |
bhṛśavismita | mfn. excessively astonished or perplexed  |
bhūgolavistāra | m. Name of work  |
bhuktisaptaśatī | f. Name of a poem.  |
bhūmisambhava | mfn. produced on or from the earth  |
bhūmisambhavā | f. Name of sītā-  |
bhūmisaṃniveśa | m. the general appearance or configuration of a country  |
bhūmisāmrājya | n. sovereignty over the earth  |
bhūmisattra | n. an offering consisting of a donation of land  |
bhūmisava | m. one of the 9 vrātya-stoma-s  |
bhūmisena | m. Name of one of the sons of the 10th manu-  |
bhūmisena | m. of a scholar  |
bhūmisnu | m. an earthworm  |
bhūmispṛś | mfn. touching the ground  |
bhūmispṛś | mfn. blind  |
bhūmispṛś | mfn. cripple, lame  |
bhūmispṛś | m. a man  |
bhūmispṛś | m. a vaiśya-  |
bhūmispṛś | m. a thief who creeps along the ground  |
bhūmistoma | m. Name of an ekāha-  |
bhūmisuta | m. "earth-son", the planet Mars  |
bhūmisvāmin | m. "landlord", a king, prince  |
bhūpādiskandhalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhūpatistuti | f. Name of a hymn.  |
bhūrisakha | mfn. "having many friends"or,"dear to many",  |
bhūristhātra | (bh/ūri--) mfn. having many stations, being at many places or spots  |
bhūtajyotis | m. "light of living beings", Name of a king  |
bhūtisita | ( ) mfn. white with ashes (said of śiva-).  |
bhūtisṛj | mfn. creating welfare  |
bhuvis | m. (?) the sea, ocean  |
bhuvis | f. heaven  |
bhuvispṛś | mfn. touching the ground  |
bimbisāra | m. (from bimbin-or bimbī+s-?) Name of a king of magadha- (contemporary and patron of gautama- buddha-) (varia lectio vidhisāra-, vidmi-sāra-, vindu-sena-, vindhya-sena-)  |
bis | (or vis-) cl.4. bisyati-, to go, move ; to split or grow ; to urge on, incite ; to cast, throw  |
bisa | n. (m.only ;also written vīsa-; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a shoot or sucker, the film or fibre of the water-lily or lotus, also the stalk itself or that part of it which is underground (eaten as a delicacy) etc.  |
bisa | n. the whole lotus plant  |
bisābharaṇa | n. an ornament made of lotus-fibres,  |
bisagranthi | m. a knot on a lotus-stalk (used for filtering or clearing water )  |
bisagranthi | m. a particular disease of the eyes  |
bisaguṇa | mfn. (a bow) strung with a lotus fibre,  |
bisaja | n. a lotus-flower  |
bisakaṇṭhikā | f. a kind of small crane  |
bisakaṇṭhin | m. a kind of small crane  |
bisākara | m. a species of Euphorbia  |
bisākāra | m. a species of Euphorbia  |
bisakhā | mfn. one who digs up fibres of lotus-roots  |
bisakhādikā | f. "eating lotus-fibres", Name of a play or sport  |
bisakisalayacchedapatheyavat | mfn. having pieces of fibres of young lotus as provisions for a journey  |
bisakusuma | n. a lotus-flower  |
bisala | n. a sprout, bud, young shoot  |
bisalatā | f. the lotus-plant  |
bisalāvam | ind. (with lū-) so as to cut off like a lotus fibre,  |
bisamṛṇala | n. a lotus-fibre  |
bisanābhi | f. the lotus-plant (padminī-)  |
bisanasikā | f. a kind of crane (see -kaṇṭhikā-).  |
bisaprasūna | ( ) n. a lotus-flower.  |
bisapuṣpa | ( ) n. a lotus-flower.  |
bisaśālūka | m. (!) a lotus-root  |
bisatantu | m. a lotus-fibre  |
bisatantumaya | mf(ī-)n. made of lotus-flower  |
bisavartman | n. a particular disease of the eyes, (see -granthi-)  |
bisavati | (b/isa--) f. a place abounding in lotus-fibres  |
bisila | mfn. (fr. bisa-) gaRa kāśādi-.  |
bisinī | f. a lotus (the whole plant) or an assemblage of lotus-flowers  |
bisinīpattra | n. a lotus-leaf.  |
bisorṇā | f. equals bisa-mṛṇāla-  |
bodhisaṃcodiṇī | f. Name of a particular ray of light  |
bodhisaṃcodiṇīsamuccayā | f. Name of a Buddhist deity  |
bodhisaṃghārāma | m. Name of a monastery.  |
bodhisattva | m. "one whose essence is perfect knowledge", one who is on the way to the attainment of perfect knowledge (id est a Buddhist saint when he has only one birth to undergo before obtaining the state of a supreme buddha- and then nirvāṇa-) (the early doctrine had only one bodhi-sattva-, viz. maitreya-;the later reckoned many more )  |
bodhisattva | m. Name of the principal buddha- of the present era (before he became a buddha-)  |
bodhisattva | m. of a poet  |
bodhisattvabhūmi | f. Name of work  |
bodhisattvabuddhānusmṛtisamādhi | m. Name of work  |
bodhisattvacaryā | f. the actions or condition of a bodhisattva-  |
bodhisattvacaryālvatāra | f. Name of work  |
bodhisattvāṃśa | m. part of a bodhisattva-  |
bodhisattvapakṣanirdeśa | m. Name of work  |
bodhisattvapiṭaka | mn. Name of work  |
bodhisattvatā | f. the state of a bodhisattva--state, bodhi-sattva--ship  |
bodhisattvāvadānakalpalatā | f. Name of work  |
bodhisiddhi | f. Name of work  |
brahmajyotis | n. the splendour of brahma- or of the Supreme Being (also written brahma-jy-)  |
brahmajyotis | mfn. having the splendour of brahmā- (Scholiast or Commentator"of the presiding priest")  |
brahmajyotis | m. Name of śiva-  |
brahmaṇaspatisūkta | n. brahmaṇaspati |
brahmayonistha | mfn. brahmayoni |
brāhmīśāntisaṃkalpa | m. Name of work  |
bṛhacchāntistava | (hac+śā-) m. the larger śānti-stava-  |
bṛhajjyotis | mfn. (h/aj--) bright-shining  |
bṛhajjyotis | m. Name of a grandson of brahmā-  |
bṛhaspatisama | mfn. equal to bṛhaspati-, like bṛhaspati-  |
bṛhaspatisaṃhitā | f. Name of two works.  |
bṛhaspatisava | m. Name of a festival lasting one day (said to confer the rank, of a purohita- on those observing it)  |
bṛhaspatisavahautraprayoga | m. Name of work  |
bṛhaspatisavakḷpti | f. Name of work  |
bṛhaspatisavaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
bṛhaspatisiddhānta | m. Name of work  |
bṛhaspatismṛti | f. bṛhaspati-'s law-book.  |
bṛhaspatistoma | m. Name of an ekāha-  |
bṛhaspatistotra | n. Name of work  |
bṛhaspatisuratā | f. a proper N.  |
bṛhaspatisuta | (b/ṛhas-p/ati--) mfn. pressed out (as soma- juice) by bṛhas-pati-  |
bṛhaspatisutra | n. Name of work  |
buddhabhūmisūtra | n. buddhabhūmi |
buddhisāgara | m. "ocean of wisdom", Name of a man  |
buddhisahāya | m. a counsellor minister  |
buddhisaṃkīrṇa | m. a kind of pavilion  |
buddhisampanna | mfn. equals -yukta-  |
buddhiskandhamaya | mf(ī-)n. one whose trunk or stem is the intellect  |
buddhistha | mfn. fixed in or present to the mind ( buddhisthatva -tva- n.)  |
buddhisthatva | n. buddhistha |
buddhivisphuraṇa | m. a particular samādhi-  |
caṇḍarocis | m. equals -kara-  |
caraṇakisalaya | n. idem or 'n. "foot-lotus", a beautiful foot '  |
caturaśītisāhasra | mfn. numbering 84000  |
caturthamandrātisvārya | mfn. "to be lengthened in a particular way", said of a kind of recitation of the  |
caturviṃśatisāhasra | mf(ī-)n. consisting of 24000 (G) i, 4, 147  |
caturviṃśatismṛti | f. equals -mata-  |
cedisaṃvat | see kalacuri-- saṃvatsara-, parasmE-pada 1324.  |
chadis | n. ( ) a cover, roof of a carriage, roof (gṛha- )  |
chadis | n.  |
chadis | n. see chādiṣeya-.  |
chadistṛṇa | n. straw for a roof,  |
chandahānis | mfn. giving up one's desires (?)  |
chardis | n. (equals chad/is-) a fence, secure place or residence (gṛha- )  |
chardis | n.  |
chardis | n. (f. ) vomition  |
chismaka | m. Name of a prince, (varia lectio for śiśuka-).  |
cintisurāṣṭra | m. plural the cinti-s and the inhabitants of su-rāṣṭra- gaRa kārta-kaujapādi-.  |
citavistara | m. a kind of ornament  |
citrabarhis | (tr/a--) mfn. having a brilliant bed (of stars;the moon)  |
citrārcis | m. the sun  |
citraśocis | (tr/a--) mfn. shining brilliantly  |
cittadhārābuddhisaṃku | sumitā- bhyudgata-, m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-,  |
dadhisaktu | m. plural barley-meal with d/adhi-,  |
dadhisambhava | mfn. produced bya-  |
dadhisambhava | n. fresh butter  |
dadhisamudra | m. the d/adhi- ocean (see -vāri-),  |
dadhisāra | n. idem or 'n. fresh butter '  |
dadhiskanda | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
dadhisneha | m. equals -maṇḍa-  |
dadhisveda | m. butter-milk  |
dadhisya | + Nom. yati- equals dhīya-  |
dakṣiṇājyotis | (d/akṣ-) mfn. brilliant by the sacrificial gift  |
dakṣiṇāmūrtisaṃhitā | f. Name of work  |
dakṣiṇāmūrtistava | m. 10 verses ascribed to śaṃkara- (explained by viśva-rūpa- or sureśvara- in a commentary with gloss by rāma-tīrtha-)  |
dakṣiṇāmūrtistotra | n. 10 verses ascribed to śaṃkara- (explained by viśva-rūpa- or sureśvara- in a commentary with gloss by rāma-tīrtha-)  |
dālbhyaparisiṣṭa | n. Name of work  |
dantistha | mfn. seated on an elephant  |
daśajyotis | m. Name of a son of su-bhrāj-  |
dehasiddhisādhana | n. Name of work  |
dehavisarjana | n. "quitting the body", death  |
devabodhisattva | m. Name of a Buddhist saint.  |
devahavis | n. oblation to the gods  |
dhamanisaṃtata | mfn. "having the veins strained like cords", emaciated, lank  |
dhanvantarisāranidhi | m. Name of work  |
dhāraṇīmukhasarvajagatpraṇidhisaṃdhāraṇagarbha | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-.  |
dharaṇistha | mfn. being or staying on earth  |
dharaṇisuta | m. metron. of the planet Mars (see -ja-).  |
dhṛtārcis | m. "of constant splendour", Name of viṣṇu-  |
dhṛtisiṃha | m. (varia lectio ta-s-) Name of an author (said to have assisted puruṣottama- in composing the hārāvalī-)  |
dhvanisiddhāntasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
dhyānibodhisattva | m. a spiritual (not material) buddha- or bodhi-sattva-  |
dinajyotis | n. daylight, sunshine  |
dinamaṇisārathi | m. the sun's charioteer, aruṇa-  |
dīrghāyuśocis | mfn. (gh/āyu--) shining through a long life (agni-)  |
ditisuta | m. idem or 'm. equals -ja- '  |
ditisutaguru | m. the planet Venus  |
divisad | and equals -ṣ/ad- and -ṣṭha-.  |
divispṛś | mfn. heaven-touching  |
divispṛśat | mfn. idem or 'mfn. heaven-touching '  |
dṛṣṭisambheda | m. "mixing glances", mutual glance  |
dundubhisvana | m. "drum-sound", a kind of magical formula against evil spirits supposed to possess weapons  |
dundubhisvara | m. "having drum-like voice", Name of a man  |
dundubhisvaranirghoṣa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-, .  |
dundubhisvararāja | m. Name of several buddha-s.  |
durabhisambhava | mfn. difficult to be performed, beset with difficulties,  |
durabhisaṃdhi | m. equals -abhiprāya- Scholiast or Commentator on  |
durāśis | mfn. having evil wishes or intentions  |
durokaśocis | mfn. glowing unpleasantly (too bright or hot)  |
dvādaśārcis | m. equals śāṃśu-  |
dvaisaṃdhya | n. morning and evening twilight  |
dvaisamika | mf(ī-)n. 2 years old Va1rtt. 2  |
dvihavis | mfn. connected with 2 oblations  |
dvijātisāt | ind. for or to Brahmans  |
dvis | ind. ( ; confer, compare ) twice etc. dvir ahnaḥ-, ahnā-, or ahni-, twice a day [ confer, compare Zend bis; Greek ; Latin bis.]  |
dvisahasra | mfn. worth 2000  |
dvisahasra | n. vArttika (see -ṣāh-and -sāh-)  |
dvisāhasra | mf(ī-)n. equals -sahasra-,  |
dvisāhasra | n. 2000  |
dvisahasrākṣa | m. "the 2000-eyed one", Name of the serpent-king śeṣa-  |
dvisama | mfn. consisting of 2 equal portions  |
dvisama | mfn. having 2 equal sides  |
dvisamacaturaśra | m. an isosceles quadrangle or triangle, algebra  |
dvisamatribhuja | m. an isosceles quadrangle or triangle, algebra  |
dvisaṃdhi | mfn. equals -ṣaṃdhi-  |
dvisaṃdhya | mfn. having a morning and an evening twilight  |
dvisamīna | mfn. 2 years old, Scholiast or Commentator  |
dvisaṃstha | mfn. standing on 2 fields  |
dvisaṃsthita | mfn. standing on 2 fields  |
dvisāṃvatsarika | mf(ī-)n. equals -saṃvatsarīṇa-  |
dvisaṃvatsarīṇa | mfn. accomplished in 2 years  |
dvisaptadhā | ind. in (into) 14 parts  |
dvisaptan | mfn. plural 2x7, 14  |
dvisaptasaṃkhyāka | mfn. idem or 'mfn. plural 2x7, 14 '  |
dvisaptata | mf(ī-)n. the 72nd, chapter of  |
dvisaptati | f. 72 (see dvā-.)  |
dvisāptatika | mf(ī-)n. worth 72  |
dvisaptatitama | mf(ī-)n. the 72nd, chapter of and  |
dvisattvalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
dvisauvarṇika | mfn. worth 2 suvarṇa-s vArttika  |
dvisītya | mfn. twice ploughed  |
dvisrakti | mfn. 2-cornered  |
dvisrakti | n. a vessel so shaped for making libations to the aśvin-s  |
dvistanā | (dv/i-.) f. having 2 udders or 2 pegs commentator or commentary (see ) .  |
dvistanī | f. having 2 udders or 2 pegs commentator or commentary (see ) .  |
dvistāvā | f. (fr. tāvat-) twice as large (a vedi-)  |
dvisthūṇa | m. (sc. daṇḍa-) a particular form of military array  |
dvisurya | mfn. having 2 suns  |
dvisuvarṇa | mfn. worth 2 suvarṇa-s vArttika  |
dvisvabhāva | mfn. having a double nature or character  |
dvisvara | mfn. 2-syllabled  |
dvisvara | mfn. doubly accented  |
dvitris | ind. twice or three times  |
dvivaistika | mf(ī-)n. equals -vista-  |
dvivista | mfn. worth 2 Vistas  |
dyotis | n. light, brightness  |
dyotis | n. a star  |
ekadaṇḍisaṃnyāsavidhi | m. Name of work  |
ekajyotis | n. "the only light", Name of śiva-.  |
ekākṣaragaṇapatistotra | n. a hymn in honour of gaṇeśa- (a portion of the rudrayāmala-)  |
gādhisūnu | m. idem or 'm. equals -ja- '  |
gadisiṃha | m. Name of a grammarian.  |
gaṇapatistavarāja | m. Name of a hymn in praise of gaṇeśa-  |
gaṇapatistotra | n. prayers addressed to gaṇeśa-  |
gāndhārisaptasama | m.  |
gaṇistharāja | m. Name of a tree  |
garbhaparisrava | m. secundines  |
gāyatrisāra | m. Catechu (Terra japonica)  |
ghanadundbhisvana | mfn. deep as the sound of a drum or of a cloud,  |
ghṛṇārcis | m. "having hot rays", fire (see ghṛtārc-.)  |
ghṛtārcis | m. "brilliant with ghee", fire  |
ghṛtārcis | m. a form of the sun  |
girisambhava | m. a kind of hill-mouse  |
girisambhava | n. bitumen  |
girisānu | n. equals -prastha-  |
girisāra | m. iron  |
girisāra | m. tin  |
girisāra | m. Name of the Malaya mountains (in the south of India)  |
girisāramaya | mf(ī-)n. made of iron  |
girisarpa | m. a kind of snake  |
girisena | m. Name of a man  |
girisravā | f. equals -ṇadī-  |
giristanī | f. "mountain-breasted", the earth,  |
girisuta | m. "mountain-son", Name of a divine being  |
girisutā | f. (equals -jā-) Name of pārvatī-  |
girisuta | f. (gireḥ sutā- )  |
girisutākānta | m. " pārvatī-'s lover", Name of śiva-  |
gītisūtra | n. a sūtra- composed in the gīti- metre (on ) Introd. 43.  |
gosvāmisthāna | n. Name of a mountain peak in the middle of the himālaya-  |
govisarga | m. (equals -sarga-) "time at which cows are let loose", day-break  |
granthavistara | m. a voluminous text  |
granthavistara | m. a multitude of grantha-s (of 32 syllables each)  |
granthavistāra | m. diffuseness of style, voluminousness  |
gūḍhārcis | mfn. of concealed glory  |
guṇavistara | mfn. abounding in excellent qualities  |
guṇisarvasva | n. Name of work  |
haribhaktisamāgama | m. Name of work  |
haribhaktisāra | m. Name of work  |
haribhaktisudhārasa | m. Name of work  |
haribhaktisudhodaya | m. Name of work  |
hārisa | m. or n. a particular high number  |
harisādhanacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
harisakha | m. "friend of indra-", a gandharva-  |
harisaktha | n. saṃjñāyām-  |
harisaṃkīrtana | n. the act of pronouncing or repeating the name of viṣṇu- (supposed to possess great efficacy)  |
harisaṃkīrtana | n. Name of work  |
harisena | m. Name of a minister of samudra-gupta-  |
harisena | m. of an author  |
harisevakamiśra | m. Name of an author  |
harisiddhi | f. Name of a goddess  |
harisiṃha | m. Name of a king  |
harisiṃhadeva | m. (śrī-hari--) Name of a king  |
harisoma | m. Name of a man  |
haristava | mfn. one whose bay horses are praised  |
haristotra | n. of hymns (in praise of viṣṇu-).  |
haristuti | f.  |
harisūkta | n. Name of a particular hymn addressed to hari-  |
harisūnu | m. "son of hari-", Name of arjuna-  |
harisuta | m. "son of hari-", Name of arjuna-  |
harisuta | m. of the 10th cakra-vartin- (equals -ṣeṇa-)  |
harisvāmin | m. Name of various men  |
harisvāmiputra | m. Name of an author  |
harṣanisvana | ( ) m. idem or '( ) m. idem or 'm. a shout of joy ' '  |
hastisena | m. Name of a king  |
hastisnāna | n. the washing of an elephants  |
hastisomā | f. Name of a river  |
hastisūtra | n. a sūtra-. treating of elephants  |
havis | n. an oblation or burnt offering, anything offered as an oblation with fire (as clarified butter, milk, Soma, grain; haviṣ- kṛ-,"to prepare an oblation","make into an oblation") etc.  |
havis | n. water  |
havis | n. fire  |
havis | n. Name of a marutvat- (?)  |
hiḍimbanisūdana | m. "destroyer of hiḍimba-", bhīma-  |
himagirisutā | f. patronymic of pārvati-  |
himagirisutākānta | m. "loved by pārvati-", Name of śiva-  |
himajyotis | mfn. cold-rayed (as the moon)  |
himavadgirisaṃśraya | m. himavadgiri |
hiraṇyajyotis | n. splendour of golden  |
hiraṇyajyotis | mfn. having golden splendour  |
hiraṇyakeśisūtra | n. Name of work  |
hiraṇyakeśisūtravyākhyāna | n. Name of work  |
hṛdispṛś | mfn. touching the heart, charming, lovely  |
hṛdispṛśa | mfn. idem or 'mfn. touching the heart, charming, lovely '  |
hṛdistha | mfn. being in the heart etc.  |
hṛdistha | mfn. beloved, dear  |
idhmābarhis | ([ ]) n. sg. and (iṣī-) dual number fuel and grass.  |
illisa | m. idem or 'm. the fish Clupea Alosa ([ see ilīśa-]) '  |
indrasurisa | m. equals -surasa-.  |
jahistambha | mfn. constantly striking against a post (not in )  |
jaiminisūtra | n. Name of work ,  |
jaiminīyanyāyamālāvistara | m. Name of a compendium of the mīmāṃsā- philosophy by mādhava-.  |
jaladhisambhava | mfn. marine  |
jātisāṃkarya | n. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
jātisampanna | mfn. belonging to a noble family  |
jātisāra | n. idem or 'n. Name (also title or epithet) of work '  |
jātisasya | n. equals -kośa-  |
jātismara | mf(ā-)n. recollecting a former existence  |
jātismara | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
jātismarahrada | m. Name of a pond  |
jātismaraṇa | n. equals ra-tā-  |
jātismaratā | f. recollection of a former existence  |
jātismaratva | n. idem or 'f. recollection of a former existence '  |
jātisvabhāva | m. specific or generic character or nature,  |
jayāśis | f. cheer of victory  |
jayāśis | f. a prayer for victory  |
jīvabarhis | (v/a-.) mfn. having a fresh bed of sacrificial grass  |
jyotis | n. light (of the sun, dawn, fire, lightning, etc.;also plural), brightness (of the sky) etc. (tr/īṇi jy/otīṃṣi-,light appearing in the 3 worlds, viz. on earth, in the intermediate region, and in the sky or heaven [the last being called uttam/a- ;or /uttara-, ;or tṛt/īya- ] ;also personified as"fire"on earth,"ether or air"in the intermediate region, and"sun"in the sky ;"fire, sun and moon" )  |
jyotis | n. fire, flash of lightning  |
jyotis | n. moonlight  |
jyotis | n. (plural)  |
jyotis | n. eye-light  |
jyotis | n. the eye  |
jyotis | n. dual number sun and moon  |
jyotis | n. plural the heavenly bodies, planets and stars etc. (tiṣām ayana- n. course or movements of the heavenly bodies, science of those movements ([ equals tiṣa-]) )  |
jyotis | n. sg. the light of heaven, celestial world  |
jyotis | n. light as the divine principle of life or source of intelligence, intelligence  |
jyotis | n. (pauruṣaj-"human intelligence")  |
jyotis | n. (para jyotis-,"highest light or truth") and  |
jyotis | n. light as the type of freedom or bliss or victory (confer, compare , and Latin lux)  |
jyotis | n. Name of several ekāha-s etc.  |
jyotis | n. of certain formularies containing the word jyotis-  |
jyotis | n. a metre of 32 short and 16 long syllables  |
jyotis | n. equals tiṣa-, science of the movements of the heavenly bodies  |
jyotis | n. a mystical N. for the letter r-  |
jyotis | m. fire  |
jyotis | m. the sun  |
jyotis | m. Trigonella foenum graecum  |
jyotis | m. Name of a marut-  |
jyotis | m. of a son of manu- svārociṣa-, 429  |
jyotis | m. of a prajā-pati-  |
jyotis | m. see d/akṣiṇā--, śukr/a--, sa--, h/iraṇya--, etc.  |
jyotissātkṛ | equals tiṣ--  |
jyotistattva | n. equals tiṣa-t-  |
kalacurisaṃvatsara | (= cedi-- saṃvat-), a year of the kalacuri- (or cedi-) era (beginning on September 5, D. 348).  |
kalisaṃśraya | m. the act of betaking one's self to kali-.  |
kalisaṃtaraṇa | n. Name of an upaniṣad-.  |
kalistoma | m. a particular stoma-.  |
kāmāgnisaṃdīpana | n. kindling the fire of lust, excitement of sexual love.  |
kāṇḍavisarga | m. the completion of (the study of) a kāṇḍa-, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
kapardisvāmin | m. Name of an author.  |
kapiskandha | m. Name of a dānava-  |
kapiskandha | m. of a being in the retinue of skanda-  |
kapisthala | n. the abode of an ape on  |
kapisvara | m. Name of a man.  |
karakisalaya | m. n. "hand-bud", the hand closed in the form of a bud  |
karakisalaya | m. "hand-shoot", the finger  |
kariskandha | m. a herd of elephants on  |
karisundarikā | f. a gauge, water-mark  |
kārtisiṃhadeva | m. Name of a man.  |
kāruṇyalaharistava | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
kastūrismṛti | f. smṛtiśekhara |
katisaṃkhya | mfn. how many in number?  |
kaṭistha | mfn. borne on the hip or in arms,  |
kaṭisūtra | n. a zone or waistband, girdle  |
kelisaciva | m. minister of the sports, master of the revels  |
kelisadana | n. equals -gṛha-  |
kelisāra | m. Name of a vidyā-dhara-  |
kelisthalī | f. a place of pleasure, play-ground, .  |
kesarisuta | m. "son of kesarin-", Name of hanumat-  |
keśisūdana | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. "slayer of the asura- keśin-", kṛṣṇa- (varia lectio -nisūdana-).' '  |
kevalabarhis | (k/ev-) mfn. having its own sacrificial straw  |
khajyotis | m. a shining flying insect, fire-fly etc.  |
khaṇḍasphuṭapratisaṃskaraṇa | n. repairing of dilapidations  |
khaṇḍasphuṭapratisaṃskaraṇa | n. (pāli- ṇḍa-phulla--.)  |
kikkisa | m. idem or 'm. a kind of worm (pernicious to the hair, nails, and teeth) '  |
kikkisāda | m. "eating the kikkisa-", a species of snake  |
kiṃjyotis | (k/iṃ--) mfn. having which light?  |
kīrtisāra | m. Name of a man  |
kīrtisena | m. Name of a nephew of the serpent-king vāsuki-  |
kīrtisiṃhadeva | m. Name of a man.  |
kīrtisoma | m. Name of a man  |
kīrtistambha | m. a column of fame  |
kis | ind. (fr. 1. ki- see n/akis-, m/ākis-), a particle of interrogation,"whether" ([ equals kartṛ-,"a doer" ])  |
kisa | m. Name of an attendant of the sun  |
kisala | mn. equals kisalaya-1.  |
kisalaya | n. [ as- m. ] a sprout or shoot, the extremity of a branch bearing new leaves  |
kisalaya | Nom. P. yati-, to cause to shoot or spring forth  |
kisalayakarā | f. (a woman) having hands as tender as buds commentator or commentary  |
kisalayita | mfn. (gaRa tārakādi-) furnished with leaf-buds or young shoots  |
kolisarpa | m. plural Name of a degraded warrior-tribe (varia lectio -sparśa-).  |
kolisparśa | See -sarpa-.  |
koṭisthā | f. Name of the tutelar deity of the family of cyāvāna-  |
kravis | n. raw flesh, carrion,  |
kravis | n. ([ confer, compare Greek ; Latin cruor,cruentus,cru1dus,caro; Lithuanian krauja-s,"blood"; Russian krovj; Hibernian or Irish cru; Old German hreo.])  |
kṛmisarārī | f. a kind of venomous insect |
kṛmisena | m. Name of a yakṣa-  |
kṛmisū | f. equals -śukti-  |
kṛmisūtra | n. Name of a particular disease.  |
kṛṣisaṃgraha | m. Name of work (said to be written by parāśara-).  |
kṛṣisaṃśita | (ṣ/i--) mfn. stirred up by ploughing  |
kṛṣisevā | f. agriculture  |
kṛṣṇārcis | m. "dark-flamed (through smoke)", fire  |
kṛṣṇavyathis | (ṣṇ/a--) mfn. one whose path is black (said of agni-)  |
kṛtābhisaraṇaveṣa | mfn. attired in the dress of a maiden who goes to meet her lover  |
kṛtavismaya | mfn. astonished  |
kṛtavismaya | mfn. astonishing.  |
kṛtisādhyatva | n. the state of being accomplished by exertion.  |
kṛtoccais | ind. raised on high (?) see gaRa svar-ādi- and  |
kṣemais | ind. instrumental case plural idem or 'm. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' with yathā- )'  |
kṣemārcis | varia lectio for ma-jit- q.v  |
kṣīrasarpis | n. equals -ghṛta-  |
kṣitispṛś | m. an inhabitant of the earth  |
kṣitisura | m. equals -deva-.  |
kṣitisuta | m. (equals -ja-) the planet Mars  |
kṣitisuta | m. Name of the demon naraka-  |
kulmalabarhis | m. idem or 'm. Name of a Vedic poet (author of ) '  |
kumbhasarpis | n. butter placed in a jar  |
kuntisurāṣṭra | m. plural the kunti-s and the inhabitants of surāṣṭra- gaRa kārtakaujapādi-.  |
kuruvista | m. a pala- of gold (in weight equal to about 700 troy grains) =  |
laghulalitavistara | m. Name of work  |
lakṣmisampanna | mfn. possessed of good fortune  |
lalitavistara | m. Name of a sūtra- work giving a detailed account of the artless and natural acts in the life of the buddha-.  |
lalitavistarapurāṇa | n. Name of a sūtra- work giving a detailed account of the artless and natural acts in the life of the buddha-.  |
laugākṣismṛti | f. Name of work  |
lauhābhisārikāprayoga | m. Name of work  |
liṅgaviseṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
lipisajjā | f. implements or materials for writing  |
lipisaṃkhyā | f. a number of written characters  |
lipisaṃnāha | m. "writing belt", a belt worn on the fore-arm  |
lohābhisāra | m. Name of a military ceremony performed on the 10th day after the nīrājana-  |
lohābhisāra | m. equals next (see lauhābhisārikā-prayoga-).  |
lohitārcis | m. "red-rayed", the planet Mars  |
lokavisarga | m. the end of the world  |
lokavisarga | m. the creation of the world  |
lokavisargika | mf(ī-)n. bringing about or leading to the creation of the world  |
lokavisargin | mfn. creating the world  |
lokavistāra | m. universal spreading, general extension or diffusion on (varia lectio loke v-).  |
luptāhatavisarga | mfn. having visarga- dropped or coalesced (with a preceding a) into o- ( luptāhatavisargatā -tā- f.)  |
luptāhatavisargatā | f. luptāhatavisarga |
luptavisarga | mfn. dropping the visarga-  |
luptavisarga | n. equals next  |
luptavisargaka | n. ( )  |
luptavisargatā | f. ( ) absence of visarga-.  |
madhurālāpanisargapaṇḍita | mfn. madhurālāpa |
madhuranisvana | mf(ā-)n. sweet-voiced  |
madhusarpis | n. dual number honey and ghee  |
madhyākṣaravistaralipi | f. Name of a particular kind of written character  |
madhyamoccaistara | mf(ā-)n. half loud and very loud  |
madhyejyotis | f. a kind of Vedic metre  |
mahābhisyandin | mfn. (hābh-) generating hypertrophy (superl. di-tama-)  |
mahābhisyanditamatva | n. state of hypertrophy  |
mahābhisyanditva | n. state of hypertrophy  |
mahābodhisaṃghārāma | m. Name of a Buddhist monastery  |
mahāgaṇapatisahasranāmastotra | n. Name of work  |
mahāgaṇapatistavarāja | m. Name of work  |
mahāgaṇapatistotra | n. Name of work  |
mahāgnisarvasva | n. Name of work  |
mahāhavis | n. the principal oblation at the sākam-edha- sacrifice  |
mahāhavis | n. clarified butter  |
mahāhavis | n. Name of śiva- (see havis-)  |
mahāhavis | m. Name of a hotṛ-  |
mahājyotis | m. "having great splendour", Name of śiva-  |
mahāmantrādisevāprakāra | m. Name of work  |
mahāmunisvādhyāya | m. Name of work  |
mahārcis | (hār-) mfn. having great flames, flaming high  |
mahauṣadhisūkta | n. Name of  |
mahāvistara | mfn. very extensive or copious  |
mahītalavisarpin | m. "earth-walker", an inhabitant of the earth  |
makārādisahasranāman | n. Name of chapter of the rudra-yāmala- (containing 1000 names of rāma- beginning with m-).  |
mākis | (m/ā--) ind. (only in prohibitive sentences with subjunctive) may not or let not (= Latin ne) ; may no one (=ne-quis)  |
malavisarga | m. ( ) ( ) the act of removing dirt, cleansing (of a temple)  |
malavisarga | m. evacuation of feces.  |
malavisarjana | n. ( ) the act of removing dirt, cleansing (of a temple)  |
malavisarjana | n. evacuation of feces.  |
mallārisahasranāman | n. Name of work  |
mandaśisira | mfn. slightly cool  |
mandavisarpa | m. Name of a snake (see next; varia lectio manda-viṣa-).  |
mandavisarpin | mfn. creeping slowly  |
mandavisarpiṇī | f. Name of a louse  |
maṅgalapratisara | m. equals -sūtra-,  |
maṅgalapratisara | m. the cord of an amulet  |
māṇikyamisra | m. Name of a man  |
maṇisānu | m. "jewel-ridged", Name of mount meru-  |
maṇisara | m. a string or ornament of pearls (wrong reading -śara-; see muktā-m-).  |
maṇisāra | m. or n. (?) , Name of a nyāya- work  |
maṇisāradarpaṇa | m. Name of work  |
maṇisārakhaṇḍana | n. Name of work  |
maṇisāraprāmāṇyavāda | m. Name of work  |
maṇisaupāna | (!) m. a staff or stick set with jewel  |
maṇiskandha | m. Name of a snake-demon (varia lectio maṇi-and skandha-as 2 names) .  |
maṇisopāna | n. steps or stairs formed of jewel or crystal  |
maṇisopāna | n. a chain of golden beads  |
maṇisraj | f. a garland of jewel  |
maṇistambha | m. a crystal post or column  |
maṇisūtra | n. a string of pearls  |
maṇisvaratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
manojyotis | (m/ano--) mfn. one whose light is the intellect  |
manthiśocis | (manth/i--) mfn. sparkling like mixed soma-  |
mantrajyotis | n. Name of work  |
mantrisūnu | m. equals -putra-  |
mantrisuta | m. equals -putra-  |
marīcismṛti | f. Name of work  |
mātalisārathi | m. "having mātali- for his charioteer", Name of indra-  |
matisaciva | m. a wise counsellor,  |
mātrādisrāddhanirṇaya | (trād-), m. Name of work  |
maunisthalika | mfn. (fr. muni-sthala-) gaRa kumudādi-.  |
meghadundubhisvararāja | m. Name of a buddha-  |
meghajyotis | n. "drink-light", lightning, a flash of lightning  |
meghavisphūrjita | n. the rumbling of cloud, thundering  |
meghavisphūrjitā | f. a particular metre  |
mis | cl.4 P. m/isyati- to go  |
misara | m. or n. (perhaps = $ misr-, Egypt?) Name of a place (see miśara-.)  |
misaru | Name of a place  |
misarumiśra | m. Name of an author (14th cent.)  |
misi | f. (only ) Anethum Sowa and Panmori  |
misi | f. Nardostachys Jatamansi  |
misiajamodā | f. equals uśīrī- (see miśi-).  |
misr | See miśr-, .  |
mitraśis | (fr. śās-; see āśis-) mfn. on  |
mṛtisādhana | mfn. causing death  |
muhukais | ind. muhuka |
muhūrtacintāmaṇisāra | m. muhūrtacintāmaṇi |
muhūrtacintāmaṇisāriṇī | f. muhūrtacintāmaṇi |
muhūrtakalpadrumīyasaṃkrāntisaṃjñākusuma | n. muhūrtakalpadruma |
muhustanais | ind. at repeated intervals, repeatedly, constantly |
mukhārcis | n. "mouth -flame", hot breath (?)  |
muktāmaṇisara | m. a string of pearls  |
muktisaptaśatī | f. Name of work  |
muktisāra | m. Name of work  |
muktisena | m. Name of a man  |
muktisopāna | n. Name of work  |
mūlakādisuta | mn. and f(ā-). gruel made of the root of mūlaka-  |
munisattra | n. Name of a particular iṣṭi-  |
munisevita | m. a kind of wild grain or rice  |
munisthala | gaRa kumudādi-.  |
munisthāna | n. an abode of muni-s or ascetics  |
munisuta | m. equals -putra-  |
munisuvrata | m. (with jaina-s) Name of the 12th arhat- of the past and the 20th of the present avasarpiṇī-  |
mūrdhajyotis | n. equals brahma-randhra-  |
mūrtisaṃcara | mfn. going about with a body, embodied, incarnate,  |
mūrtisaṃcāra | mfn. equals -dhara-  |
mūrtisanātha | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') possessing an idol of.  |
mūrtisevana | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') worship of the idol of  |
mūṣikanirviseṣa | mfn. not differing from a mouse.  |
muṣṭistha | m. or n. (?) a kind of game  |
muṣṭivisarga | m. the opening of the fist or closed hand  |
nais | vṛddhi- form of nis- in compound  |
naisarga | mfn. innate, natural  |
naisargika | mfn. idem or 'mfn. innate, natural '  |
naisargika | mfn. wrong reading for naiḥ-s- q.v  |
naisargikadaśaka | n. Name of work  |
naisarpa | m. (fr. unused ni-s-) Name of one of the 9 treasures (with jaina-s).  |
naisnehya | wrong reading for naiḥsn- and -svya-.  |
naistriṃśika | mfn. armed with a sword |
naisvya | wrong reading for naiḥsn- and -svya-.  |
nakiṃcidapisaṃkalpa | m. no desire for anything  |
nakis | ind. (n/a--) no one, nobody  |
nakis | ind. equals next (gaRa cādi-; see ) .  |
nakṣatrakāntivistāra | m. the white yāvanāla- flower.  |
nāmavismṛti | f. forgetting the name (of any one)  |
namucisūdana | m. "destroyer of namuci-" idem or '( ) m. "hater or killer of namuci-", Name of indra-.'  |
namucisūdanasārathi | m. indra-'s charioteer mātali-  |
nandisena | m. Name of an attendant of skanda-  |
nandisvāmin | m. Name of a grammarian  |
nārāyaṇabalisamarthana | n. nārāyaṇabali |
nārāyaṇabalisvayamprayojanasañcikā | f. nārāyaṇabali |
nāsāpaisrāva | m. "nose-flow", running at the nose  |
naṣṭāptisūtra | n. "line or series of lost property", booty  |
nātiparisphuṭa | mfn. not fully displayed  |
nātisamañjasa | mf(ā-or ī-)n. not quite right or proper  |
nātisāndra | mfn. not too tough  |
nātisvalpa | mfn. not too short  |
nātisvastha | mfn. not very well  |
nātivistārasaṃkaṭa | mfn. neither too wide nor too narrow  |
nātivistārasaṃkaṭa | mfn. neither too wide nor too narrow  |
navārcis | n. equals nava-dīdhiti-  |
navasaṃyojanavisaṃyojanaka | m. Name of buddha-  |
nemisvana | m. equals -ghoṣa-  |
neṣatamais | ind. neṣa |
nīcais | ind. low, below, down, downwards, underneath etc.  |
nīcais | ind. also used adjectively exempli gratia, 'for example' nīcair adṛśyata-, he appeared lower or shorter  |
nīcais | ind. see uccais- (nīcair nīcais-tarām-,deeper and deeper )  |
nīcais | ind. humbly, modestly  |
nīcais | ind. softly, gently  |
nīcais | ind. in a low or deep tone  |
nīcais | ind. Name of a mountain (called also vāmana-giri-or kharva-)  |
nīcaistana | mfn. low,  |
nīcaistarām | ind. lower, deeper, softer, gentler  |
nīcakais | ind. low, below, little ( )  |
nimnais | ind. nimna |
nirabhisaṃdhāna | n. absence of design, sāṃkhya-s. Scholiast or Commentator  |
nirabhisaṃdhin | mfn. free from egoistic designs  |
nirāśis | mfn. hopeless, despairing etc. ( nirāśīstva śīs-tva- n. )  |
nirāśis | mfn. free from desire, indifferent,  |
nirāśis | mfn. without a blessing  |
niratisayatva | n. niratiśaya |
nirayāvalisūtra | n. Name of work  |
nirgranthisiratā | f. the having veins without knots (one of the 80 minor marks of a buddha-),  |
nirjyotis | mfn. lightless, dark  |
nirvisarga | mfn. without visarga-  |
nirvṛtisthāna | n. place of eternal bliss (wrong reading nir-vṛtti-).  |
nis | ind. out, forth, away etc. (rarely used as an independent word[ exempli gratia, 'for example' ],but mostly as a prefix to verbs and their derivatives[ see niḥ-- kṣi-etc. below], or to nouns not immediately connected with verbs, in which case it has the sense,"out of","away from"[ see nirvana-, niṣ-kauśāmbi-etc.] or that of a privative or negative adverb= a-3,"without","destitute of","free from","un-"[ see nir-artha-, nir-mala-etc.], or that of a strengthening particle"thoroughly","entirely","very"[ see nih-śūnya-, niṣ-kevala-, nir-muṇḍa-];it is liable to be changed to niḥ-, nir-, niś-, niṣ-,and nī-; see above and below). |
nis | See .  |
nisaṃjña | wrong reading for niḥ-s-.  |
nisaṃkakṣa | wrong reading for niḥ-s-.  |
nisampāta | m. equals niḥ-s-  |
nisandi | m. Name of a daitya-  |
nisara | ( sṛ-) |
nisāra | ( sṛ-?) equals saṃgha-, sāra-, or nyāya-dātavya-vitta- (prob. wrong reading for ni-kara-).  |
nisarga | m. ( sṛj-) evacuation, voiding excrement  |
nisarga | m. giving away, granting, bestowing, a favour or grant etc.  |
nisarga | m. relinquishing, abandoning  |
nisarga | m. creation  |
nisarga | m. natural state or condition or form or character, nature (nisarga- in the beginning of a compound, nisargeṇa geṇa- ind., nisargāt gāt- ind.,or nisargatas ga-tas- ind.by nature, naturally, spontaneously)  |
nisargabhāva | m. natural state or condition  |
nisargabhinna | mfn. naturally distinct  |
nisargaja | mfn. innate, inborn, produced at creation, natural  |
nisarganipuṇa | mfn. naturally clever  |
nisargapadva | mf(ī-)n. naturally inclined to, feeling attracted towards (locative case)  |
nisargaśālīna | mfn. naturally timid or modest  |
nisargasauhṛda | n. natural friendship, friendship from infancy  |
nisargasiddha | mfn. effected by nature, natural  |
nisargāt | ind. nisarga |
nisargatas | ind. nisarga |
nisargavinīta | mfn. naturally discreet  |
nisargeṇa | ind. nisarga |
nisarpa | See naisarpa-.  |
nisevitavya | wrong reading for ni-ṣ-.  |
nisindhu | m. Vitex Negundo (see sindhu-, sindhu-vāra-).  |
nisindhuka | m. Vitex Negundo (see sindhu-, sindhu-vāra-).  |
nisnāta | mfn. See  |
nisnāta | See ni-ṣṇā-.  |
nisnāva | m. ( snu-?) residue of articles etc. after a sale or market  |
nisneha | wrong reading for nīḥ-sneha-.  |
nispanda | = 1. 2. ni-ṣpanda-  |
nispanda | also wrong reading for ni-syanda-.  |
niṣpatisutā | f. having no husband and no sons  |
nispṛh | mfn. ( spṛh-) greedy for, desirous of (locative case) (Nominal verb -sp/ṛk-).  |
nispṛha | wrong reading for niḥ-spṛha-.  |
nispṛś | P. -spṛśati- (Vedic infinitive mood -sp/ṛśe-), to touch softly, caress, fondle  |
nisrava | (also for niḥ-sr-) m. flowing down or out, stream, torrent  |
nisrāva | m. idem or '(also for niḥ-sr-) m. flowing down or out, stream, torrent '  |
nisrāva | m. the scum of boiled rice (see niḥ-sr-).  |
nisṛṣṭa | mfn. hurled, thrown, cast  |
nisṛṣṭa | mfn. sent forth, dismissed, set free  |
nisṛṣṭa | mfn. allowed, authorized  |
nisṛṣṭa | mfn. kindled (as fire) intrusted, committed, transferred, granted, bestowed  |
nisṛṣṭa | mfn. fabricated or made of (instrumental case)  |
nisṛṣṭa | mfn. equals madhya-stha-  |
nisṛṣṭa | See above.  |
nisṛṣṭārtha | mf(ā-)n. intrusted with something, authorized  |
nisṛṣṭārtha | m. a charge d'affaires, agent, messenger  |
nisṛṣṭavat | mfn. one who has granted or bestowed  |
nisṛta | mfn. (prob. mc. for niḥs-, sṛ-) gone away, disappeared  |
nisṛta | mfn. come forth id est unsheathed (as a sword)  |
nisṛtā | f. Ipomoea Turpethum  |
nisṛta | mfn. Name of a river (varia lectio niś-citā-).  |
nisru | A1. -sravate- (also for niḥ-sr-), to flow down or forth, spring or arise from (ablative) : Causal to make water flow down from (accusative) upon (locative case)  |
nisruta | (or niḥ-sr-?) mfn. flowed down or out  |
nistabdha | mfn. ( stabh-) paralyzed, numbed  |
nistabdha | mfn. stopped, fixed (See a-nist-).  |
nistakṣ | P. -takṣati- (2. plural Aorist -ataṣṭa-), to carve out, fashion, create, form, make from (ablative) ; to cut, wound (by insults)  |
nistala | mfn. not flat, round, globular  |
nistala | mfn. trembling, moving  |
nistala | mfn. down, below  |
nistamaska | mfn. free from darkness, not gloomy, light  |
nistambha | mfn. equals niḥ-st-.  |
nistambha | See niḥ-st-.  |
nistamisra | mfn. idem or 'mfn. free from darkness, not gloomy, light ' , Prasann.  |
nistandra | mfn. not lazy, fresh, healthy  |
nistandratā | f.  |
nistandri | (Nominal verb īs-) mfn. idem or 'f. '  |
nistandrī | (Nominal verb īs-) mfn. idem or ' (Nominal verb īs-) mfn. idem or 'f. ' '  |
nistanī | f. (fr. stana-,"breast?") a pill, bolus, a sort of force-meat ball  |
nistāntava | mfn. not wearing a woven garment  |
nistantra | wrong reading for  |
nistantu | mfn. having no offspring, childless  |
nistap | See niṣ-ṭap-.  |
nistāra | m. crossing, passing over, rescue, deliverance  |
nistāra | m. acquittance, requital, payment, discharge of a debt  |
nistāra | m. means, expedient  |
nistāra | m. final liberation  |
nistārabīja | n. a means of crossing (the ocean of life), a cause of final liberation  |
nistāraka | mf(ikā-)n. rescuing, delivering, a saviour  |
nistaraṃga | mf(ā-)n. motionless, still  |
nistaraṇa | nis-tāra- etc. See nis-tṝ-.  |
nistaraṇa | n. passing over, going forth, coming out (of danger), rescue, deliverance  |
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