id | ind. Ved. (probably the neut. form of the pronominal base i-See 3. i-;a particle of affirmation) even, just, only  |
id | ind. indeed, assuredly (especially, in strengthening an antithesis, exempli gratia, 'for example' y/athā v/aśanti dev/ās t/ah/ed asat-,as the gods wish it, thus indeed it will be ; d/ipsanta /id rip/avo n/āha debhuḥ-,the enemies wishing indeed to hurt were in nowise able to hurt ). id- is often added to words expressing excess or exclusion (exempli gratia, 'for example' viśva it-,every one indeed; śaśvad it-,constantly indeed; eka it-,one only) . At the beginning of sentences it often adds emphasis to pronouns, prepositions, particles (exempli gratia, 'for example' tvam it-,thou indeed; yadi it-,if indeed, etc.) id- occurs often in the ṛg-- veda- and atharva-- veda-, seldom in the brāhmaṇa-s, and its place is taken in classical Sanskrit by eva- and other particles.  |
idā | ind. (fr. pronominal base 3. i- ), Ved. now, at this moment  |
idā | ind. (often connected with a genitive case of ahan- exempli gratia, 'for example' id/ā cid /ahnaḥ-,or ahna idā-,this present day,"now-a-days";and with hyas- exempli gratia, 'for example' idā hyaḥ-,only yesterday)  |
idādika | (idādika-) mfn. beginning now or with this moment.  |
idadvasu | mfn. rich in this and that  |
idahā | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a cow (varia lectio iḍā-),  |
idam | ay/am-, iy/am-, id/am- (fr. id- ; gaRa sarvādi- ;a kind of neut. of the pronominal base 3. i-with am-[ confer, compare Latin is,ea,id,andidem];the regular forms are partly derived from the pronominal base a-;See grammar 224;the veda- exhibits various irregular formations exempli gratia, 'for example' fr. pronominal base a-,an inst. en/ā-, ay/ā-[used in general adverbially], and genitive case locative case dual number ay/os-,and perhaps also av/os-,in [ ];fr. the base ima-,a genitive case singular im/asya-,only ;the has in a few instances the irregular accentuation /asmai-, ; /asya-, ; /ābhis-, : the forms derived fr. a-are used enclitically if they take the place of the third personal pronoun, do not stand at the beginning of a verse or period, and have no peculiar stress laid upon them) , this, this here, referring to something near the speaker  |
idam | known, present  |
idam | (opposed to adas- exempli gratia, 'for example' ayaṃ lokaḥ-or idaṃ viśvam-or idaṃ sarvam-,this earthly world, this universe; ayam agniḥ-,this fire which burns on the earth;but asāv agniḥ-,that fire in the sky, i.e. the lightning: so also idam-or iyam-alone sometimes signifies"this earth"; ime smaḥ-,here we are.) idam- often refers to something immediately following, whereas etad- points to what precedes (exempli gratia, 'for example' śrutvaitad idam ūcuḥ-,having heard that they said this) . idam- occurs connected with yad-, tad-, etad-, kim-, and a personal pronoun, partly to point out anything more distinctly and emphatically, partly pleonastically (exempli gratia, 'for example' tad idaṃ vākyam-,this speech here following; so 'yaṃ vidūṣakaḥ-,this vidūṣaka- here) . |
idam | ind. ([Ved. and in a few instances in classical Sanskrit]) here, to this place  |
idam | ind. now, even, just  |
idam | ind. there  |
idam | ind. with these words  |
idam | ind. in this manner (varia lectio for iti-in kim iti joṣam āsyate-, ) .  |
idamdvitīya | mfn. doing this for the second time  |
idamīya | mfn. belonging to him or her,  |
idamkāryā | f. the plant Hedysarum Alhagi  |
idammadhu | (id/am-) n. a particular hymn  |
idammadhura | n. idem or '(id/am-) n. a particular hymn '  |
idammaya | mf(ī-)n. made or consisting of this  |
idamprakāram | ind. in this manner  |
idamprathama | mfn. doing this for the first time  |
idamprathama | mfn. having this as the first or best  |
idamprathama | mfn. being by this the first commentator or commentary on  |
idaṃrūpa | (id/aṃ-) mfn. having this shape  |
idaṃśabda | m. the word idam- (to be used in assigning the oblation to each deity),  |
idamtā | f. the being this, identity  |
idamtana | mfn. being now, living in this time commentator or commentary on  |
idamtṛtīya | mfn. doing this for the third time commentator or commentary on  |
idaṃvid | mfn. knowing this or conversant with this  |
idaṃyu | (idaṃ-), desiring this  |
idaṃyuga | n. equals etad yugam- ([ ]) gaRa pratijanādi-  |
idaṃyugīna | mfn. belonging to this cosmic period,  |
idāni | n. a measure of time (the fifteenth part of an etarhi-)  |
idānīm | ind. now, at this moment, in this case, just, even (with genitive case of ahan- exempli gratia, 'for example' idānīm ahnaḥ-,this present day,"now-a-days"; idānīm eva-,just now;immediately; idānīm api-,in this case too; tata idānīm-,thereupon, then)  |
idānīm | ind. (in rare cases it is an expletive, affecting but slightly the sense) .  |
idānīṃtana | mf(ī-)n. present, modern, momentary, of the present moment  |
idānīṃtanatva | n. the being momentary commentator or commentary on  |
idāvatsara | m. (originally perhaps)"the present or current year"  |
idāvatsara | m. one of the names given to the single years of a period of five years  |
idāvatsara | m. one of the five years in which gifts of clothes and food are productive of great rewards etc. ( idāvatsarīya idāvatsarīya-, mfn.belonging to such a year commentator or commentary on idu-vatsara-and id-vatsara- equals idā-vatsara-above. id-vatsarīya- equals idāvatsarīya-above.)  |
idāvatsarīya | mfn. idāvatsara |
iddha | idhm/a- etc. See indh-.  |
iddha | mfn. kindled, lighted, alight  |
iddha | mfn. shining, glowing, blazing etc.  |
iddha | mfn. clean, clear, bright  |
iddha | mfn. wonderful  |
iddha | vehement, fierce,  |
iddha | n. sunshine, light, heat  |
iddha | n. a wonder  |
iddhadīdhiti | m. "kindling rays", fire  |
iddhāgni | mfn. one whose fire is kindled  |
iddhamanyu | mfn. having the anger excited or kindled.  |
iddhatejas | m. Name of a man.  |
idh | in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' lighting  |
idh | ([ see agn/īdh-.])  |
idhma | m. (n. ) fuel in, general  |
idhma | m. fuel as used for the sacred fire etc.  |
idhma | m. Name of an āṅgirasa- ; ([ confer, compare Zend aesma; Hibernian or Irish adhmad.])  |
idhmābarhis | ([ ]) n. sg. and (iṣī-) dual number fuel and grass.  |
idhmabhṛti | (idhm/a-) mfn. bringing fuel  |
idhmaciti | f. a pile of wood  |
idhmajihva | m. "the fuel's tongue", fire  |
idhmajihva | m. (also Name of a son of priya-vrata- )  |
idhman | n. fuel,  |
idhmaparivāsana | n. chip of wood  |
idhmapravraścana | m. "wood-cutter", an axe  |
idhmaprokṣaṇa | n. sprinkling the firewood,  |
idhmasaṃnahana | n. a string for fastening fuel together  |
idhmavāha | m. Name of a son of agastya-  |
idhmavat | (idhm/a-) mfn. furnished or provided with fuel ([misprinted idhya-]).  |
idhmavraścana | m. equals -pravraścana-  |
abdhidvīpā | f. earth  |
abhicaidyam | ind. against the prince of the cedi-s (id est śiśupāla-)  |
ābhid | Passive voice -bhidyate-, to be divided or torn or cleft.  |
abhidā | -dadāti-, to give, bestow (for a purpose)  |
abhidadhat | mfn. pr. p. of 1. abhi-dhā- q.v  |
abhidadi | See abhi-- 1. dā-. |
abhidadi | m. an oblation of boiled rice (caru-) upon which ghee has been sprinkled  |
abhidah | to singe, burn (aor.p. abhi-d/akṣat-[ -d/akṣat-])  |
abhidakṣiṇam | ind. to or towards the right  |
abhidāpana | n. the being trampled on by elephants as a punishment (?).  |
abhidarśana | See abhi-dṛś-.  |
abhidarśana | n. becoming visible, appearance  |
abhidās | Ved. -dāsati- (subjunctive 3. sg. -d/āsat-[ ] or -d/āsāt- ) to consider and treat as an enemy.  |
abhidaṣṭa | mfn. ( daṃś-), bitten.  |
abhidevana | n. a board for playing at dice  |
abhidhā | -dadhāti-, to surrender any one to (dative case; Aorist subjunctive 2. dual number -dhātam-) ; to bring upon (dative case) : A1. (rarely P.) to put on or round, put on the furniture of a horse (see abh/i-hīta-below) etc. ; to cover (a country) with an army ; to cover, protect (Aorist Potential 2. plural -dhetana-), etc. ; (in classical Sanskrit generally) to set forth, explain, tell, speak to, address, say, name (see abh/i-hita-below) : Passive voice -dhīyate-, to be named or called: Causal -dhāpayate-, to cause to name : Desiderative A1. -dh/itsate-, to intend to cover one's self  |
abhidhā | f. name, appellation  |
abhidhā | f. the literal power or sense of a word  |
abhidhā | f. a word, sound  |
abhidhā | mf. (/ās-) surrounding  |
ābhidhā | f. (for abhi-dhā- q.v), word, name, appellation  |
abhidhādhvaṃsin | mfn. losing one's, name.  |
abhidham | (parasmE-pada m. dual number -dh/amantā-) to blow towards or against |
abhidhāmūla | mfn. founded on the literal meaning of a word.  |
abhidhāna | n. telling, naming, speaking, speech, manifesting  |
abhidhāna | n. a name, title, appellation, expression, word  |
abhidhāna | n. a vocabulary, dictionary, lexicon  |
abhidhāna | n. putting together, bringing in close connection  |
abhidhāna | n. (Comparative degree -tara-)  |
abhidhānacintāmaṇi | m. "the jewel that gives every word", Name of hemacandra-'s vocabulary of synonyms.  |
abhidhānaka | n. a sound, noise  |
abhidhānamālā | f. a dictionary.  |
abhidhānaratnamālā | f. Name of halāyudha-'s vocabulary.  |
abhidhānatva | n. the state of being used as a name.  |
abhidhānī | f. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
abhidhānī | f. a halter  |
ābhidhānika | mfn. (fr. abhi-dhana-), belonging to or contained in a dictionary, lexicographical  |
ābhidhānika | m. a lexicographer commentator or commentary on  |
abhidhānīya | mfn. to be named  |
ābhidhānīyaka | n. (fr. abhi-dhānīya-), the characteristic of a noun  |
abhidhanv | (Aorist 3. pl. -/adhan-viṣuḥ-and perf. A1. -dadhanvir/e-) to come up in haste  |
abhidharma | m. the dogmas of Buddhist philosophy or metaphysics.  |
abhidharmakośa | m. Name of work on the preceding.  |
abhidharmapiṭaka | m. "basket of metaphysics", Name of the third section of Buddhist writings.  |
abhidharṣaṇa | n. ( dhṛṣ-), possession by demoniac spirits  |
ābhidhātaka | n. word, name  |
abhidhātavya | mfn. to be told or named  |
abhidhātavya | mfn. to be manifested.  |
abhidhātṛ | mfn. saying, telling  |
abhidhāv | -dhāvati-, to run up towards, to rush upon, attack  |
abhidhāvaka | mfn. running up, hastening towards  |
abhidhāvaka | mfn. assailing, an assailant.  |
abhidhāvana | n. running up, attack.  |
abhidhāya | ind.p. having said, having called.  |
abhidhāyaka | mfn. naming, expressing, expressive of, denominating  |
abhidhāyaka | mfn. telling, speaking.  |
abhidhāyakatva | n. the state of being expressive.  |
abhidhāyam | ind. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' See gotrābhidhāyam-.  |
abhidhāyin | mfn. equals abhi-dhāyaka- (see pṛṣṭābhidhāyin-.)  |
abhidheya | mfn. to be named or mentioned  |
abhidheya | mfn. to be expressed, to be spoken of etc.  |
abhidheya | mfn. being, spoken of, being expressed  |
abhidheya | n. signification, meaning  |
abhidheya | n. "that which is expressed or referred to", the substantive.  |
abhidheyarahita | mfn. having no sense or meaning, unmeaning, nonsensical.  |
abhidheyatā | f. signification, meaning.  |
abhidhi | (imperfect tense 3. plural abhy-adhinvan-) to satisfy  |
abhidhī | (perf. 1. sg. -dīdhayā-; parasmE-pada A1. -d/īdhyāna- ) to reflect upon, consider  |
abhidhitsā | f. desire of expressing or naming  |
abhidhmāta | mfn. blown on (as an instrument)  |
abhidhmāta | See abhi-dham-.  |
abhidhṛ | Caus. -dhārayati-, to uphold, maintain  |
abhidhṛṣ | to overpower, (imperfect tense 3. plural -adhṛṣṇuvan-) ; (perf. 3. plural -dādhṛ-ṣuḥ-) Causal -dharṣayati-, idem or 'Caus. -dhārayati-, to uphold, maintain '  |
abhidhṛṣṇu | mfn. powerful over (accusative)  |
abhidhū | (p. -dhūnvat-) to shake  |
abhidhvaṃs | Caus. -dhvaṃsayati-, to sprinkle with dust, dust  |
abhidhvan | to resound, whiz (as arrows)  |
abhidhvasta | mfn. afflicted by (instrumental case)  |
abhidhyā | f. wish, longing for, desire.  |
abhidhyai | -dhyāyati-, to direct one's intention to, set one's heart upon, intend, desire etc. ; to meditate  |
abhidhyālu | mfn. covetous,  |
abhidhyāna | n. desiring, longing for (locative case)  |
abhidhyāna | n. meditation |
abhidhyāyin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') giving one's attention to  |
abhidhyeya | mfn. deserving attention  |
abhidhyeya | mfn. (negative an--)  |
abhidī | (Imper. 2. sg. -didīhi-) to radiate, beam forth or towards  |
abhidigdha | mfn. polished, glazed (in the fire, t/apasā-) id est sharp  |
abhidih | to wrap up, envelop in  |
abhidīkṣ | to consecrate one's self (for a purpose, accusative)  |
abhidīp | to blaze towards : Causal dīpayati-, to cause to shine, make brilliant ; to blaze or shine all round  |
abhidipsu | mfn. (dips- Desiderative of dambh-),"wishing to deceive", inimical, cunning  |
abhidiś | to point out  |
abhidohana | n. milking upon  |
abhidohya | n. (impersonal or used impersonally) to be milked upon,  |
abhidoṣam | ind. about dusk,  |
abhidrā | (Aorist subjunctive -drāsat-) to overtake  |
abhidroha | m. injuring  |
abhidṛś | (infinitive mood -draṣṭum-) to look at: Causal -darśayati-, to show ; to point out, denounce any one (accusative) : Passive voice -dṛś-yate-, to be visible, be in view, appear  |
abhidru | to run up to or near ; to attack, overrun, infest.  |
abhidrugdha | mfn. injured, oppressed  |
abhidrugdha | mfn. injuring, oppressing  |
abhidruh | -dr/uhyati- (Aorist subjunctive 3. plural -druhan-; perf. 1. p. -dudr/oha-) to hate, seek to injure or maliciously assail etc.: Desiderative (p. -dudrukṣat-) idem or ' ind.p. having attacked.'  |
abhidruh | mfn. seeking to injure, inimical (Nominal verb -dhr/uk-) (see /an-abhidruh-.)  |
abhidruhyamāṇa | mfn. being injured.  |
abhidruta | mfn. run towards, attacked.  |
abhidrutya | ind.p. having attacked.  |
abhidu | (pr. p. m. Nominal verb dunv/an-) to burn or pain by burning  |
abhiduh | to milk in addition to ; Causal P. to cause to milk in addition to  |
abhiduṣ | -dūṣayati-, to contaminate ; to wound.  |
abhidūṣita | mfn. wounded, injured  |
abhiduṣṭa | mfn. contaminated  |
abhidūtam | ind. towards the messenger,  |
abhidūti | ind. to or towards a female messenger (quoted in )  |
abhidyu | mfn. directed to heaven, tending or going to heaven  |
abhidyu | mfn. heavenly, bright  |
abhijidviśvajitau | f. dual number the two soma- sacrifices called abhijit- and viśvajit-  |
abhinavacandrārghavidhi | m. "a ceremony performed at the time of the new moon", Name of the 114th chapter in the  |
abhinavakālidāsa | m. the modern kālidāsa-, id est mādhavācārya-.  |
abhinavodbhid | m. a new bud.  |
abhinidhā | P. to place upon or into (locative case) ; A1. to place upon one's self (as a burden) ; to touch slightly with (instrumental case) etc.: Passive voice -dhīyate-,"to be touched by each other", be in close contact (as the letters e-, o-and a-in the saṃdhi- called abhin/ihita- q.v)  |
abhinidhana | n. Name of different verses of the sāma-veda-  |
abhinidhāna | n. placing upon  |
abhinidhāna | m. [ and ] or n. [ ] "touching"or close contact (of letters in pronunciation, especially in the cases where initial a-is suppressed after e-and o-).  |
abhinidhyai | to give attention to  |
abhisaṃvid | (perf. 3. plural -vid/us-) to know thoroughly  |
abhisaṃvid | A1. (pr. p. -vidān/a-) to meet each other ([ ]) ("to relate, explain"commentator or commentary)  |
abhiṣiddha | mf(ā-)n. driven hither  |
abhisiddhi | f. the state of being effected or realized  |
abhiṣidh | -ṣedhati- : Caus. Desiderative -ṣiṣedhayiṣati-  |
abhisidh | -sedhati-  |
abhisidh | -sidhyati-, to be accomplished ; to obtain, win (with accusative)  |
abhīṣṭasiddhi | f. the gaining a desired object. |
abhiṣṭidyumna | (abhiṣṭ/i--) mf(ā-)n. "whose glory is protecting or superior", being of benevolent majesty  |
abhivid | Caus. -vedayati-, to report, relate (varia lectio)  |
abhivid | to find, obtain : A1. (3. plural -vindate-) to know  |
abhividdha | mfn. wounded  |
abhividhā | to bring near to or in contact with (accusative)  |
abhividhau | ind. inclusively  |
abhividhāv | to run near to  |
abhividhi | m. complete comprehension or inclusion  |
abhividīpita | mfn. entirely inflamed  |
abhividṛś | Caus. -darśayati-, to show to (genitive case)  |
abhividruta | mfn. (2. dru-), run towards  |
abhividruta | mfn. run away, fled  |
abhividyut | (Aorist -dyaut-) to break open, open by force  |
abhyupagamasiddhānta | m. an admitted axiom  |
abrahmavid | mfn. not knowing brahma- or the Supreme Spirit.  |
ācchadvidhāna | (ācch/ad--) n. an arrangement made for defence, means of covering  |
ācchid | ( ā-chid-), -cchinatti- (imperative 2. sg. -cchindhi- ; future 1. sg. -cchetsyāmi- ) ; to tear or cut off, cut or break into pieces etc. ; to take out of ; to cut off, exclude or remove from (ablative) commentator or commentary on ; to snatch away, tear from, rob  |
acchidra | mfn. free from clefts or flaws, unbroken, uninterrupted, uninjured  |
acchidra | n. unbroken or uninjured condition, an action free from defect or flaw  |
acchidrakāṇḍa | n. Name of a chapter of the taittirīya-- brāhmaṇa-.  |
acchidreṇa | ind. uninterruptedly, without break from first to last. |
acchidrodhnī | f. (a cow) having a faultless udder  |
acchidroktha | mfn. having (its) verses complete,  |
acchidroti | mfn. affording perfect protection  |
ācchidya | ind.p. cutting off etc.  |
ācchidya | interrupting (exempli gratia, 'for example' a tale, kathām-)  |
ācchidya | setting aside  |
ācchidya | in spite of (accusative), not with standing  |
acchidyamāna | mfn. uncut, uncurtailed  |
acchidyamāna | mfn. not fragile (a needle)  |
adaridra | mf(ā-)n. having no beggars,  |
ādhānavidhi | m. idem or 'f. idem or 'f. Name of work ' '  |
adhidaiva | n. a presiding or tutelary deity, the supreme deity, the divine agent operating in material objects  |
ādhidaivata | mfn. idem or 'mf(ā-)n. proceeding from the influence of the atmosphere or planets, proceeding from divine or supernatural agencies.'  |
adhidaivata | n. a presiding or tutelary deity, the supreme deity, the divine agent operating in material objects  |
adhidaivatam | ind. on the subject of the deity or the divine agent.  |
adhidaivatya | n. the highest divine rank among (ablative),  |
ādhidaivika | mf(ā-)n. (fr. adhideva-), relating to or proceeding from gods or from spirits  |
ādhidaivika | mf(ā-)n. proceeding from the influence of the atmosphere or planets, proceeding from divine or supernatural agencies.  |
adhidaivika | mfn. spiritual.  |
adhidaṇḍanetṛ | m. "presiding over punishment", Name of yama-  |
adhidanta | m. a redundant tooth  |
adhidārva | mfn. (fr. dāru-), wooden.  |
adhideva | m. a presiding or tutelary deity.  |
adhidevam | ([ ]) ind. concerning the gods or the deity.  |
adhidevana | n. a table or board for gambling  |
adhidevatā | f. a presiding or tutelary deity.  |
adhidevatam | ([ ]) ind. concerning the gods or the deity.  |
adhidhā | (Passive voice 3. sg. -dhāyi- ) Ved. to place upon ; to give, share between (dative case or locative case) ; A1. (Aorist -adhita-; perf. -dadhe-, parasmE-pada -d/adhāna-) to acquire additionally  |
adhidhṛ | Causal P. -dhārayati-, Ved. to carry over or across.  |
adhidīdhiti | mfn. having excessive lustre  |
adhidina | n. an intercalated day.  |
adhidiś | (Aorist subjunctive A1.3 sg. -didiṣṭa-) to bestow  |
adhidru | to cover (said of a bull) : Causal -drāvayati-, to cause to cover |
adhidyo | f. (Nominal verb aus-) a kind of brick,  |
adhikaraṇasiddhānta | m. a syllogism or conclusion which involves others, etc.  |
adhinidhā | Ved. to place upon ; to impart, grant.  |
adhivid | cl.6 P. -vindati-, to obtain, to marry in addition to.  |
adhividhā | to distribute or scatter over  |
adhividyam | ind. on the subject of science (treated of in the upaniṣad-s)  |
adhyātmavid | mfn. equals -dṛś-.  |
adhyātmavidyā | f. equals -jñana-.  |
ādidaitya | m. Name of hiraṇyakaśipu-  |
ādideva | m. "the first god"  |
ādideva | m. Name of brahman-, viṣṇu-, śiva-, gaṇeśa-, the sun.  |
ādidīpa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a rudra-,  |
ādidīpaka | n. Name of a figure in rhetoric (the verb standing at the beginning of the sentence)  |
ādityavidhi | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
adribhid | mfn. splitting mountains or clouds  |
adribhid | m. (t-) Name of indra-  |
adridhṛt | m. "mountain-holder", Name (also title or epithet) of kṛṣṇa- (confer, compare govardhana-, parasmE-pada 366),  |
adridugdha | (/adri--) mfn. not pressed out or extracted with stones  |
adridviṣ | m. the enemy of mountains or clouds id est indra-  |
advaidha | mfn. not divided into two parts, not shared  |
advaidha | mfn. not disunited  |
advaidha | mfn. free from malice, straightforward.  |
advaitabrahmasiddhi | f. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
agastidru | f. agasti |
agnida | m. "fire-giver", incendiary  |
agnida | m. stomachic. 1.  |
agnidagdha | mfn. burnt with fire ;  |
agnidagdha | mfn. cauterized  |
agnidagdha | n. a cautery.  |
agnidagdha | mfn. burnt on a funeral pile  |
agnidagdha | m. plural a class of pitṛ-s who, when on earth, maintained a sacred fire  |
agnidāha | m. a particular disease  |
agnidāha | m. a fiery glow (in the sky)  |
agnidaivata | n. equals -nakṣatr/a- q.v  |
agnidamanī | f. a narcotic plant, Solanum Jacquini.  |
agnidatta | m. Name of a prince  |
agnidatta | m. of a brahman-  |
āgnidatteya | mfn. relating to agnidatta-, (gaRa sakhy-ādi- q.v;not in )  |
agnidāyaka | m. equals -da- q.v  |
agnideva | m. agni-  |
agnidevā | f. equals -nakṣatr/a-, q.v  |
agnidevata | (agn/i--) mfn. having agni- for deity  |
agnidh | (agn/i-dh-, dh-for /idh- see agn/īdh-) m. the priest who kindles the sacred fire  |
agnidhāna | n. receptacle for the sacred fire  |
agnidīpana | mf(ī-)n. stomachic  |
agnidīpta | mfn. blazing, glowing  |
agnidīptā | f. the plant mahājyotiṣmatī-.  |
agnidīpti | f. active state of digestion  |
agnidiś | f. agni-'s quarter, the south-east  |
agnidūṣita | mfn. "fire-marked", branded.  |
agnidūta | (agn/i--) mfn. having agni- for a messenger, brought by agni-  |
agninidhāna | n. the placing of the fire,  |
agniparidhāna | n. enclosing the sacrificial fire with a kind of screen.  |
agnividhā | f. manner or fashion of fire  |
agradidhiṣu | m. equals agre-didhiṣu-  |
agredidhiṣu | ([ ]) m. a man who at his first marriage takes a wife that was married before, (agre-didhiṣu-or -didhiṣu-)  |
agredidhiṣu | f. a married woman whose elder sister is still unmarried.  |
aharvid | mfn. knowing the (right) days or the fit season  |
ahidaivata | n. "having serpents as deities", Name of the nakṣatra- aśleṣā-  |
ahidanta | mfn. having the teeth of a serpent  |
ahidat | mfn. having the teeth of a serpent  |
ahideva | n. "having serpents as deities", Name of the nakṣatra- aśleṣā-  |
ahidviṣ | m. "enemy of serpents", an ichneumon  |
ahidviṣ | m. a peacock  |
ahidviṣ | m. "enemy of vṛtra-", garuḍa-  |
ahidviṣ | m. indra- (see -jit-above) .  |
ahividviṣ | m. (equals -dviṣ- q.v) garuḍa-  |
ahividviṣ | m. indra-  |
ahividviṣ | m. Name (also title or epithet) of indra-,  |
aidaṃparya | n. (fr. idaṃ-para-), chief object or aim, chief end commentator or commentary on  |
aidaṃyugīna | mfn. (fr. idam-yuga-; gaRa pratijanādi- ), suitable for or belonging to this yuga- or age commentator or commentary on  |
aidha | n. (fr. 2. edhas- ) , flame, splendour  |
aidha | n. ardour, power  |
ajñānavidhvaṃsana | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-, .  |
akasyavid | mfn. not attending to anything,  |
ākhid | P. -khid/ati- (1. sg. -khidāmi-; imperative 2. sg. -khidā-) to take away, draw to one's self  |
ākhida | ([ ]) ([ ]) mfn. one who draws to himself.  |
ākhidat | ([ ]) mfn. one who draws to himself.  |
akhidra | mf(ā-)n. not weak  |
akhidrayāman | (/akhidra--) mfn. unwearied in course  |
ākhyānavid | m. a knower of stories,  |
ākidanti | m. Name of a prince [or f(ntī-).of a princess ], (gaRa dāmany-ādi- q.v)  |
ākidantīya | m. plural Name of the tribe governed by the above prince (or princess)  |
akiṃcid | mfn. not able to do anything, insignificant  |
akiṃcid | n. nothing,  |
akovida | mfn. unwise, ignorant.  |
akṣatattvavid | mfn. skilled in it.  |
akṣavid | mfn. skilful in gambling.  |
akṣavid | mfn. versed in law  |
akṣetravid | mfn. ([ /akṣ- ]), not finding out the way  |
akṣetravid | mfn. destitute of spiritual knowledge.  |
akutaścid | ind. not for any reason, unintentionally,  |
akutaścidbhaya | mfn. having no fear from any quarter, secure.  |
alabdhanidra | mfn. not obtaining sleep, unable to fall asleep  |
alidūrvā | f. Name of a plant  |
alpanidāna | mfn. originating from a trifling cause,  |
alpavid | mfn. knowing little  |
alpavidya | mfn. ignorant, uneducated  |
amantravid | mfn. not knowing the formulas or texts of the veda-  |
amantravid | m. (t-) Name of a prince.  |
āmāvāsyavidha | mfn. belonging to the new moon, occurring at the time of new moon  |
āmavidhi | m. a particular observance,  |
ambhonidhi | m. the ocean.  |
ambunidhi | m. "treasury of waters", the ocean.  |
amlaharidrā | f. the plant Curcuma Zerumbet Roxb.  |
amoghasiddhi | m. Name of the fifth dhyānibuddha-.  |
āmragandhiharidrā | f. Curcuma Reclinata  |
amṛtāpidhāna | n. water sipped after eating nectar-like food so as to overlay it like a cover (see amṛt/opast/araṇa-),  |
anabhidruh | mfn. not malicious  |
anadhyātmavid | mfn. not knowing the Supreme Spirit, .  |
anādinidhana | mfn. having neither beginning nor end, eternal.  |
anāgatavidhātṛ | m. "disposer of the future", provident  |
anāgatavidhātṛ | m. Name of a fish  |
anagnidagdha | mfn. (/an-agni--) not burnt with fire  |
anagnidagdha | mfn. not burnt on the funeral pile (but buried)  |
anagnidagdha | m. plural Name of a class of manes  |
ānandacidghana | mfn. consisting only of joy and thought,  |
ānandanidhi | m. Name of a commentary.  |
anaṅgavidyā | f. (= kāma-- śāstra-),  |
anatidagdha | mfn. not burned all over,  |
anatidāha | m. not too much burning, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
anatidbhuta | mfn. unsurpassed |
anatidṛśrina | mfn. = (or wrong reading for) an-- atidṛśy/a-,  |
anatidṛśya | mfn. not transparent : (or = aty-adṛśya-), quite indiscernible.  |
anāviddha | mfn. not wounded, unhurt  |
anāviddha | not containing long compounds, .  |
anekavidha | mfn. of many kinds, in different ways, various.  |
anevaṃvid | mfn. not having such knowledge,  |
anevaṃvidvas | mfn. not having such knowledge,  |
aṅgavidyā | f. knowledge of lucky or unlucky marks on the body, Chiromantia  |
āṅgavidya | mfn. familiar with chiromancy (aṅga-vidyā-, q.v), (gaRa ṛgayanādi- q.v)  |
anidāghadīdhiti | m. the moon,  |
anidāna | mfn. causeless, groundless.  |
ānidhana | n. (scilicet sāman-) Name of a sāman-.  |
ānidheya | mf(ī-[ ]) n. a descendant of a-nidheya- ([ ])  |
anidhma | mfn. having or requiring no fuel  |
anidhṛṣṭa | mfn. unchecked, unsubdued  |
anidra | mf(ā-)n. sleepless, awake  |
anidrā | f. sleeplessness.  |
anidrita | mfn. not asleep, awake.  |
anīkavidāraṇa | m. "shatterer of armies", Name of a man.  |
anirvid | mfn. free from causes of depression, undesponding, unwearied.  |
aniṣiddha | mfn. unprohibited, unforbidden.  |
anītivid | mfn. clever in immoral conduct or (fr. a-and nītijña-) ignorant of morality or policy, not politic or discreet.  |
anitthaṃvid | mfn. not knowing thus,  |
aṅkavidyā | f. science of numbers, arithmetic.  |
annavid | mfn. (2. vid-), acquiring food  |
annavid | mfn. (1. vid-), knowing food.  |
annavidveṣa | m. "disgust of food", want of appetite,  |
antaḥparidhāna | n. the innermost garment.  |
antaḥparidhi | ind. in the inside of the pieces of wood forming the paridhi-  |
antarvidvas | mfn. (perf. p. 1. vid-), knowing exactly  |
antaśchid | to cut off, intercept  |
antideva | (/anti--) mfn. being in the presence of the gods, near the gods  |
antideva | m. Name (also title or epithet) of an ancient king and sage, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding ;  |
anubhavasiddha | mfn. established by experience or perception.  |
anubhid | to split or break along  |
anucchid | ( chid-) to cut along or lengthwise.  |
anucchittidharman | (/anucchitti--) mfn. possessing the virtue (or faculty) of being indestructible  |
anuktasiddhi | f. (in dramatic language) a veiled or indirect compliment,  |
anumānamaṇidīdhiti | f. a similar work written by raghunātha-.  |
anumid | -medyati-, to become fat after another  |
anunidhānam | ind. according to position, in right order,  |
anuparidhi | ind. along or at the three paridhi-s of the sacrificial fire  |
anupratidhā | to offer after another (accusative) (Passive voice -dhīyate-).  |
anusambhid | to bring into contact, combine  |
anusaṃvid | to know together with, or in consequence of (something else)  |
anusiddha | mfn. (3. sidh-), gradually effected or realized  |
anuṣidh | ( sidh-), Intensive (parasmE-pada -s/eṣidhat-) to bring back along the path  |
anuvid | cl.2 P., Ved. -vetti-, to know thoroughly  |
anuvid | cl.6 P. A1. -vindati-, te-, to find, obtain, discover etc. ; to marry ; to deem  |
anuviddha | mfn. pierced, penetrated  |
anuviddha | mfn. intermixed, full of, abounding in  |
anuviddha | mfn. set (as a jewel).  |
anuvidhā | to assign to in order ; to regulate, lay down a rule: Passive voice -dhīyate-, to be trained to follow rules ; to yield or conform to (genitive case)  |
anuvidha | mfn. conforming or adhering to,  |
anuvidhāna | n. acting conformably to order, obedience.  |
anuvidhātavya | mfn. to be performed according to an order.  |
anuvidhāv | to flow or run along (accusative or locative case) ; to flow through  |
anuvidhāyin | mfn. conforming to, compliant  |
anuvidhāyin | mfn. imitating  |
anuvidheya | mfn. to be followed,  |
anuvidheya | to be prescribed according to (instrumental case),  |
ānuvidhitsā | f. (probably for an-anuvi-,fr. anu-vi--and the Desiderative of dhā-), ingratitude |
anuvidvas | mfn. perf. p. having found  |
anvidh | or anv-indh-, to kindle  |
anyathābhidhāna | n. false statement or deposition, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
anyathāsiddha | mfn. wrongly defined, wrongly proved or established  |
anyathāsiddha | mfn. effected otherwise, unessential.  |
anyathāsiddhatva | n. wrong arguing, wrong demonstration  |
anyathāsiddhatva | n. that demonstration in which arguments are referred to untrue causes.  |
anyathāsiddhi | f. wrong arguing, wrong demonstration  |
anyathāsiddhi | f. that demonstration in which arguments are referred to untrue causes.  |
apabhid | (Imper. 2. sg. -bhindh/i-for -bhinddhi-) to drive away  |
apacchid | ( chid-) to cut off or away  |
apacchid | f. a cutting, shred, chip  |
apāṃnidhi | m. the ocean  |
apāṃnidhi | m. Name of a sāman-.  |
apanidhā | to place aside, hide, conceal etc. ; to take off  |
apanidhi | mfn. treasureless, poor,  |
apanidra | mfn. sleepless.  |
apanidra | mfn. ( drā-), opening (as a flower)  |
apanidra | bristling, erect (as the hair on the body),  |
apanidrat | mfn. idem or 'bristling, erect (as the hair on the body), '  |
apāpaviddha | (/a-pāpa--) mfn. not afflicted with evil  |
aparanidāgha | m. the latter part of the summer.  |
aparimitavidha | (/aparimita--) mfn. indefinitely multiplied  |
apasiddhānta | m. an assertion or statement opposed to orthodox teaching or to settled dogma  |
apasidh | (Imper. 2. sg. -s/edha-,or -s/edha-,3. sg. -sedhatu-,3. plural -sedhantu-; pr. p. -s/edhat-) to ward off, remove, drive away  |
apaviddha | See apa-vyadh-. |
apaviddha | mfn. pierced  |
apaviddha | mfn. thrown away, rejected, dismissed, removed.  |
apaviddhaloka | mfn. "who has given up the world", dead  |
apaviddhaputra | m. a son rejected by his natural parents and adopted by a stranger  |
apaviddhaputra | m. one of the twelve objects of filiation in law.  |
apavidyā | f. bad knowledge, ignorance,  |
apidah | -dahati- (imperfect tense -adahat-) to touch with fire, to singe  |
apidhā | Ved. to place upon or into, put to, give ; chiefly Vedic or Veda to shut, close, cover, conceal (in later texts more usually pi-dhā- q.v)  |
apidham | to blow upon  |
apidhāna | n. placing upon covering  |
apidhāna | n. a cover, a cloth for covering etc.  |
apidhāna | n. a lid  |
apidhāna | n. a bar  |
apidhānavat | (apidh/āna--) mfn. "having a cover", concealed  |
apidhānī | f. a cover (see pi-dhāna-.)  |
apidhāv | to run into  |
apidhi | m. "that which is placed upon the fire", a gift to agni-  |
apido | (1. sg. -dyāmi-) to cut off  |
apidraṣṭṛ | m. a superintendent, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
apramāṇavid | mfn. incapable of weighing evidence  |
aprasiddha | mfn. not settled, unestablished  |
aprasiddha | mfn. unknown, uncelebrated  |
aprasiddha | mfn. unusual, uncommon, of no real existence, not current, not generally known.  |
aprasiddhapada | n. an obsolete word.  |
apratidhṛṣṭa | mfn. "irresistible", in compound with  |
apratidhṛṣṭaśavas | mfn. of irresistible power  |
apratidhṛṣya | mfn. irresistible  |
apratidhura | mfn. without a match in going at the pole of a carriage (as a horse)  |
apratidvandva | mfn. "not having an adversary in battle", not to be vanquished, irresistible  |
apratidvandvatā | f. unrivalledness.  |
apratiṣiddha | mfn. (2. sidh-), unprohibited, unforbidden  |
ārambhasiddhi | f. Name of work  |
arātidūṣaṇa | mfn. destroying adversity  |
arātidūṣi | mfn. idem or 'mfn. destroying adversity '  |
arcāvidhi | m. rules for worship or adoration  |
ardhavidhu | m. the half-moon  |
ardidhiṣu | mfn. ( ṛdh- Desiderative), desirous of increasing or making anything (accusative) prosperous  |
ārdraidhāgni | m. a fire maintained by wet wood  |
ārgvaidika | mfn. belonging to the ṛg-- veda- commentator or commentary on  |
aridānta | "enemy-subdued", Name of a prince (varia lectio ati-dānta- q.v)  |
aridhāyas | (arī--) mf(accusative plural yasas-)n. willingly yielding milk (as a cow)  |
arkavidha | (ark/a-) mfn. arka- like  |
arṇavasaridāsrita | mfn. living on the bank of the sea and of rivers  |
arṇonidhi | m. "receptacle of the waves", the ocean (see arṇava-pat-.)  |
arthakovida | mfn. expert in any matter, experienced  |
arthasiddha | mfn. clear in itself. self-evident  |
arthasiddha | m. Name of the tenth day of the karma-māsa-,  |
arthasiddha | m. Name of śākyamuni- in one of his previous births (as a bodhisattva-). |
arthasiddhaka | m. the plant Vitex Negundo  |
arthasiddhi | f. acquisition of wealth  |
arthasiddhi | f. success  |
arthasiddhi | f. Name of a particular magical faculty  |
arthasiddhi | m. Name of a son of puṣya-  |
arthavid | mfn. knowing the sense  |
arthavidyā | f. knowledge of practical life  |
aruṇāmnāyavidhi | m. Name of part of the (see aruṇīya-vidhi-)  |
aruṇīyavidhi | m. equals aruṇāmnāya-vidhi- above on  |
āryasiddhānta | m. Name of work of āryabhaṭa-.  |
asamidhya | ind.p. not having kindled  |
asaṃnidhāna | n. non-proximity, absence etc.  |
asaṃnidhāna | n. wanting, (āt-) ablative instrumental case through want of (genitive case)  |
asaṃnidhi | m. (generally locative case dhau-) absence etc.  |
asaṃnidhi | m. wanting  |
asāṃnidhya | n. "non-nearness", absence  |
asaṃvida | mfn. unconscious  |
asaṃvidāna | mfn. not agreeing together ( )  |
asaṃvṛttavidheya | (in rhetoric) the insertion into a compound of a word which ought to be independent,  |
āsanavidhi | m. the ceremony of offering a seat to a visitor.  |
asanidarśana | mfn. (probably) indefinable,  |
aśāstrasiddha | mfn. not enjoined or established by the śāstra-s.  |
asidaṃṣṭra | m. "having swords for fangs", the marine monster makara- (painted on the banner of kāmadeva-)  |
asidaṃṣṭraka | m. "having swords for fangs", the marine monster makara- (painted on the banner of kāmadeva-)  |
asiddha | mfn. imperfect, incomplete : unaccomplished, uneffected  |
asiddha | mfn. unproved  |
asiddha | mfn. (regarded as) not existing or (as) not having taken effect (as a rule or operation taught in grammar)  |
asiddha | mfn. not possessed of magic power.  |
āsiddha | mfn. put under restraint, imprisoned commentator or commentary on  |
asiddhānta | m. not an incontestable dogma  |
asiddhārtha | mfn. who has not effected his aim  |
asiddhi | f. imperfect accomplishment, failure |
asiddhi | f. (in logic) want of proof, conclusion not warranted by the premises  |
asiddhi | f. (in sāṃkhya- philosophy) incompleteness (eight forms of it are enumerated)  |
asiddhida | mfn. not giving success  |
āsidh | Caus. -sedhayati-, to imprison commentator or commentary on  |
asidhara | m. Name of a man  |
asidhārā | f. the blade of a sword etc.  |
āsidhāra | mfn. (fr. asi-dhārā-), relating to or being like the edge of a sword (exempli gratia, 'for example' ṃ vratam-,a vow as difficult as standing on the edge of a sword )  |
asidhārāpatha | m. equals asi-path/a- q.v ,  |
asidhārāvrata | n. an exceedingly difficult task  |
asidhāva | m. a sword- or tool-cleaner, armourer  |
asidhāvaka | m. a sword- or tool-cleaner, armourer  |
asidhenu | f. a (small) knife  |
asidhenukā | f. idem or 'f. a (small) knife ' |
aśimida | mf(ā-)n. not destructive like a śimidā-  |
aśimividviṣ | mfn. (śimikarman- commentator or commentary), not unfavourable to or counteracting the labours of men (Name of the seven parjanya-s or rain-clouds) (quoted by on ) .  |
āśīrvādābhidhānavat | mfn. containing a word which expresses benediction (as a name) |
aśleṣāvidhi | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a Paris3. of  |
aśmabhid | m. the plant Coleus Scutellarioides (supposed to dissolve stone in the bladder)  |
aśmadidyu | (/aśma-.) mfn. whose missile weapons are stones or thunderbolts  |
asmadvidha | mfn. one similar to or like us, one of us  |
aśmāpidhāna | mfn. covered by a stone  |
āśrayāsiddha | mfn. (an argument) in which the existence of the subject is not established  |
asridh | mfn. not failing, not erring  |
asridhāna | mfn. (Aorist parasmE-pada A1.) idem or 'mfn. not failing, not erring '  |
aśrutidhara | mfn. not striking the hearing  |
aśrutidhara | mfn. not knowing the veda-  |
aṣṭamūrtidhara | m. "possessing eight forms", a Name of śiva-.  |
aṣṭavidha | mfn. eightfold, of eight kinds  |
aṣṭāviṃśatidhā | ind. twenty-eightfold  |
asthidantamaya | mfn. made of bones or ivory  |
asthidhanvan | m. a Name of śiva-  |
astravid | mfn. skilled in shooting, a good marksman  |
astravidyā | f. the military science  |
astuvid | mfn. knowing that anything must be done  |
aśvābhidhānī | f. a halter  |
aśvābhidhānīkṛta | mfn. having the halter put on  |
aśvakovida | mfn. skilled in horses  |
aśvastanavid | mfn. ignorant of the future  |
aśvastanavidhāna | n. non-provision for the future (= ) .  |
aśvastanavidhātṛ | mfn. not providing for the future  |
aśvavaidya | m. a veterinary surgeon.  |
aśvavid | m. (1. vid-),"skilled in training horses", a Name of nala-  |
aśvavid | mfn. (3. vid-), procuring horses  |
āsvid | A1. (parasmE-pada perfect tense -siṣvidān/a- ) to sweat, perspire.  |
aśvidevatāka | mfn. whose divinities are the aśvin-s  |
atattvavid | mfn. not knowing the truth id est the soul's identity with brahma-.  |
atharvāṇavid | m. one versed in that ritual.  |
atharvavid | m. one versed in the atharva-- veda- (a qualification essential to the special class of priests called brahman-s).  |
aṭhida | m. plural Name of a people |
atidā | to surpass in giving , to pass over in giving  |
atidagdha | mfn. badly burnt  |
atidagdha | n. Name of a bad kind of burn.  |
atidagh | to go beyond, to pass (3. sg. /ate-dhak-,2. dual number /ati-dhaksam-)  |
atidah | to burn or blaze across to burn or distress greatly.  |
atidāha | m. great heat  |
atidāha | m. violent inflammation  |
atidaṃh | (only in - daṃhīḥ-, used in explaining adhi-- dhak-), .  |
atidāna | n. munificence  |
atidāna | n. excessive munificence.  |
atidānta | m. Name of a prince.  |
atidantura | (/ati--) mfn. whose teeth are too prominent |
atidarpa | m. excessive conceit  |
atidarpa | m. Name of a snake  |
atidarpa | mfn. excessively conceited.  |
atidarśin | mfn. very far-sighted.  |
atidāruṇa | mfn. very terrible.  |
atidāś | to favour with a gift, present  |
atidātṛ | m. a very or too liberal man.  |
atidatta | m. Name of a brother of datta- and son of rājādhideva-  |
atideśa | m. transfer, extended application, inference, analogy, overruling influence, assimilation  |
atideśa | m. a rule providing for more than the usual rule  |
atideśa | m. putting one thing instead of another, substitution  |
atideśa | m. rūpātideśa-, such a rule as affecting the form of a word  |
atideśa | mfn. overruling, previously stated.  |
ātideśika | mfn. resulting from an atideśa-, or substitution commentator or commentary  |
atideva | m. a superior god  |
atideva | m. surpassing the gods.  |
atidhā | to put away.  |
atidhanvan | m. Name of a Vedic teacher, a descendant of śunaka-  |
atidhāv | to run or rush over.  |
atidhavala | mfn. very white.  |
atidhenu | mfn. distinguished for his cows ,  |
atidhṛti | f. Name of a class of metres (belonging to those called aticchandas-,and consisting of four lines, each containing nineteen syllables)  |
atidhṛti | f. (in arithmetic) nineteen. |
atidhvaṃs | to raise the dust in running through or over (3. plural Conj. Aorist ati-dhvas/an-)  |
atidhyai | to meditate deeply  |
atidigdha | a poisoned arrow, .  |
atidīpya | m. "very brilliant", the plant Plumbago Rosea.  |
atidīrgha | (/ati--) mfn. very long, too long,  |
atidiś | to make over, transfer, assign: Passive voice -diśyate-, (in grammar) to be overruled or attracted or assimilated.  |
atidiṣṭa | mfn. overruled, attracted, influenced, inferred, substituted.  |
atidiv | (ind.p. d/īvyā-[ equals vya-]), to play higher ; to risk (in playing)  |
atidoṣa | m. a great fault.  |
atidoṣam | ind. after dusk (varia lectio abhi-- d-),  |
atidṛp | to be excessively conceited.  |
atidru | to run by, pass hastily ; to pass over  |
atiduḥkhita | (or -duṣkhita-) mfn. greatly afflicted, very sad.  |
atiduḥsaha | mfn. very hard to bear, quite unbearable.  |
atidūra | mfn. very distant  |
atidūra | n. a great distance.  |
atidurdharṣa | mfn. very hard to approach, very haughty.  |
atidurgata | mfn. very badly off.  |
atidurlambha | mfn. very hard to attain.  |
atiduṣkara | mfn. very difficult.  |
atidvaya | mfn. unparalleled, unique,  |
atinidra | mfn. given to excessive sleep  |
atinidrā | f. excessive sleep  |
atinidram | ind. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order () .  |
atinidram | ind. beyond sleeping time See also ati-nidra- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ati-.  |
atiprasiddha | mfn. very notorious.  |
atipraviddha | mfn. ( vyadh-), frightened away, scared  |
atisiddhi | f. great perfection.  |
atithideva | mfn. one to whom a guest is as a divinity  |
atithidharma | m. rights of hospitality  |
atithidharmin | mfn. entitled to hospitality  |
atithidveṣa | m. hatred of guests, inhospitality.  |
atividdha | mfn. pierced through, wounded.  |
atividhā | cl.3 A1. -dhatte-, to distribute too much  |
ātmavid | mfn. knowing the nature of the soul or supreme spirit  |
ātmavidhitsā | f. selfishness  |
ātmavidyā | f. knowledge of soul or the supreme spirit  |
atridṛgja | m. "produced by atri-'s look", the moon, (in arithmetic) the number one.  |
āttavidya | mfn. one who has acquired knowledge from (ablative),  |
audbhida | mfn. (fr. 2. ud-bhid-), coming forth, springing forth, breaking through, issuing from  |
audbhida | mfn. forcing one's way towards an aim, victorious  |
audbhida | n. (with and without lavaṇa-) fossil salt  |
audbhida | n. (scilicet udaka-) water breaking through (the earth and collecting in a mine )  |
audbhidya | n. forcing one's way to an aim, success, victory  |
aunnidrya | n. sleeplessness,  |
aupanidhika | mfn. (fr. upanidhi-), relating to or forming a deposit  |
avabhid | (imperfect tense 2. sg. -bhinat-,or -/abhinat-or -abhinat-;3. sg. -abhinat-; Aorist 3. sg. -bhet-) to split, pierce  |
avacchid | ( chid-) to refuse any one : Passive voice /ava-cchidyate-, to be separated from (ablative)  |
avāchid | (ind.p. -chidya-) to tear away or out from (ablative)  |
avaidha | mfn. not conformable to rule, unprescribed commentator or commentary on  |
avaidhavya | n. non-widowhood |
avaidika | mfn. non-Vedic.  |
avaidya | mfn. unlearned  |
avantideva | m. (equals -varman- q.v) Name of a king  |
āvāridhi | ind. as far as the sea,  |
avasidh | (imperfect tense avāsedhat- varia lectio apās-) to keep back or off from (ablative)  |
avaviddha | See ava-vyadh-.  |
avaviddha | mfn. thrown down into (locative case)  |
avedavid | mfn. not knowing the veda-s  |
avedavidvas | m(dative case -viduṣe-)fn. idem or 'mfn. not knowing the veda-s '  |
avibhāgavid | mfn. not knowing the distinction between or the classification of (genitive case)  |
āvid | P. (perfect tense /ā-veda- ) to know well or thoroughly: Causal (1. sg. -vedayāmi-) to address, invite ; to make known, report, declare, announce etc. ; to offer, present  |
āvid | f. knowledge, the being or becoming known  |
āvid | P. (subjunctive 1. sg. /ā-vidam- ;Inf. -v/ide- ) A1. (subjunctive 1. sg. /ā-vide- ; Aorist 1. sg. /āvitsi- ) to reach, obtain ; to get into: Passive voice -vidyate-, to exist  |
āvid | f. technical designation of the formulas (in ) beginning with āvis- and āvitta-  |
avida | ind. an exclamation of surprise and grief (also repeated and with bho-),  |
avidagdha | mfn. not burnt  |
avidagdha | mfn. not digested  |
avidagdha | mfn. not ripe (as a tumour, śotha-,or śopha-)  |
avidagdha | mfn. not turned sour  |
avidagdha | mfn. inexperienced, stupid  |
avidāhin | mfn. not producing heartburn (on account of being imperfectly digested)  |
avidānta | m. "unsubdued", Name of a son of śatadhanvan- (varia lectio atidatta-).  |
avidāsin | mfn. not drying up (as a pond), perennial  |
avidasya | mfn. not ceasing, permanent, inexhaustible  |
aviddha | mfn. unpierced, not perforated (as pearls)  |
aviddha | mfn. "unimpaired" See below.  |
āviddha | See ā-vyadh-.  |
āviddha | mfn. cast, thrown, sent  |
āviddha | mfn. pierced, wounded  |
āviddha | mfn. swung, whirled  |
āviddha | mfn. disappointed  |
āviddha | mfn. crooked  |
āviddha | mfn. false, fallacious  |
āviddha | mfn. stupid, foolish  |
āviddha | n. swinging  |
āviddha | n. a particular manner of fencing  |
aviddhadṛś | mfn. of unimpaired sight, all-seeing  |
aviddhakarṇā | f. the plant Cissimpelos Hexandra (see viddha-karṇā-.)  |
āviddhakarṇa | mfn. having the ears pierced  |
aviddhakarṇī | f. the plant Cissimpelos Hexandra (see viddha-karṇā-.)  |
āviddhakarṇī | f. Name of a plant  |
aviddhanas | mfn. (said of a bull) having the nose not bored (by a nose-ring)  |
aviddhavarcas | mfn. of unimpaired glory  |
avidhā | ind. an interjection (said to correspond to the PrakritavihA,or aviha-,used in calling for help) commentator or commentary on  |
āvidha | m. an awl, a drill  |
āvidha | m. a kind of gimlet worked by a string  |
avidhāna | n. absence of fixed rule, the not being prescribed  |
avidhānatas | ind. not according to what is prescribed, irregularly  |
avidhavā | f. not a widow ,  |
avidhāyin | mfn. not docile or compliant,  |
avidhi | m. =" a-vidhāna- "  |
avidhinā | ind. instrumental case equals avidhāna-tas- q.v  |
avidhipūrvakam | ind. not according to rule |
avidhura | mfn. not bereft or lonely,  |
avidhura | "not deprived of a carriage-pole"and"cheerful", .  |
avidhya | mfn. not to be pierced or wounded, invulnerable,  |
āvidhya | ind.p. having pierced etc.  |
avidīdhayu | mfn. ( dhyai-), not deliberating or hesitating  |
avidita | mfn. unknown  |
avidita | mfn. without the knowledge of (genitive case)  |
aviditam | accusative ind. ([ kathās-.]) without the knowledge of (genitive case)  |
aviditam | ind. so that nobody knows  |
avidite | locative case ind. ([ ]) without the knowledge of (genitive case)  |
avidoha | m. not a bad milking  |
avidoṣa | mfn. faultless  |
avidriya | mfn. ( dṛ-), not to be split or dispersed, indestructible  |
avidugdha | n. the milk of an ewe  |
avidūra | mfn. not very distant, near  |
avidūra | n. proximity  |
avidūram | ind. near to  |
avidūrāt | ind. ablative idem or 'ind. not far off (with ablative), near ' near  |
avidūratas | ind. near  |
avidūre | ind. not far off (with ablative), near  |
āvidūrya | n. (fr. a-vidūra-), proximity |
avidūsa | n. idem or 'n. the milk of an ewe ' commentator or commentary  |
aviduṣṭara | See a-vidya-.  |
aviduṣṭara | compound mfn. quite ignorant  |
avidvas | mfn. (perf. p.) not knowing, ignorant etc.  |
avidvas | See a-vidya-.  |
āvidvas | mfn. acquainted with, knowing thoroughly, skilled in  |
avidveṣa | m. non-enmity  |
āvidvevidāna | attaining,  |
avidviṣ | mfn. not an enemy  |
avidviṣ | mfn. not having enemies  |
avidviṣ | mfn. (ṣe-) dative case See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
avidviṣāṇa | mfn. not inimical  |
avidviṣāvat | mfn. unhostile (?), (conjectural).  |
avidviṣe | Vedic or Veda infinitive mood for preventing enmity  |
avidya | mfn. unlearned, unwise  |
avidyā | f. ignorance, spiritual ignorance  |
avidyā | f. (in vedānta- philosophy) illusion (personified as māyā-); ignorance together with non-existence  |
avidyamāna | mfn. (3. vid-; pr.Pass.p.) , not present or existent, absent etc.  |
avidyamānatā | f. the not being present commentator or commentary on  |
avidyamānatva | n. idem or 'f. the not being present commentator or commentary on ' commentator or commentary on  |
avidyamānavat | ind. as if not being present  |
avidyāmaya | mfn. consisting of ignorance.  |
aviśrāntavidhyādharavyākaraṇa | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a grammar by vāmana- (probably wrong reading for viśr-),  |
āvṛttidīpaka | n. (in rhetoric) enforcing a statement by repeating it  |
ayutasiddha | mfn. (in philosophy) proved to be not separated (by the intervention of space), proved to be essentially united (as organic bodies, etc.)  |
ayutasiddhi | f. establishing by proof that certain objects or ideas are essentially united and logically inseparable.  |
badarikāśramayātrāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
bādhasiddhāntagranthakroḍa | m. Name of work  |
bādhasiddhāntagranthānugama | m. Name of work  |
bādhasiddhāntagranthaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
bādhasiddhāntagranthaṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
bādhasiddhāntagranthavivecana | n. Name of work  |
bahirṇidhana | wrong reading for -nidh- q.v  |
bahirnidhana | n. the singing of a finale outside or apart  |
bahiṣparidhi | ind. outside the enclosure  |
bahuvid | mfn. much-knowing, very learned  |
bāhuviddha | m. patronymic (fr. bahu-v-?)  |
bahuvidha | mf(ā-)n. of many sorts or kinds, manifold, various etc.  |
bahuvidha | m. Name of a prince  |
bahuvidhākāra | mfn. multiform, manifold,  |
bahuvidham | ind. diversely, in several directions, up and down  |
bahuvidya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. much-knowing, very learned ' ( bahuvidyatā -tā- f.)  |
bahuvidyatā | f. bahuvidya |
bahvabhidhāna | n. the plural number  |
baida | m. (also vaida-) patronymic fr. bida (f(ī-). )  |
baida | mfn. (fr. 1. baida-)  |
baida | m. a particular try-aha-  |
baidakula | n. (prob.) the family of the baida-s vArttika  |
baidala | See vaidala-.  |
baidāpuṭāyana | m. patronymic fr. bidā-puṭa- gaRa aśvādi-  |
baidatrirātra | m. a particular tri-rātra-  |
baidāyana | m. patronymic fr. bida- gaRa aśvādi-.  |
baidi | m. idem or 'm. patronymic fr. bida- gaRa aśvādi-.'  |
balabhid | mfn. breaking or routing an army  |
balabhid | m. "slayer of bala-", Name of indra- etc. ( balabhitsakhi bhit-sakhi- m.a friend of indra- )  |
balabhid | m. a particular ekāha-  |
bālakundānuviddha | mfn. adorned with young jasmine blossoms  |
bālamallavenasiddhānta | m. Name of work  |
bālamaraṇavidhikartavyatā | f. Name of work  |
bālarakṣaṇavidhāna | n. Name of work  |
bālavaidhavya | n. child-widowhood,  |
balidāna | n. the presentation of an offering to a deity (consisting of rice, milk, fruits etc. when presented to viṣṇu-, or of living victims when offered to śiva- or durgā-)  |
balidāna | n. presentation of grain etc. to all creatures |
balidānapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
balidānavidhi | m. Name of work  |
balidhvaṃsin | m. "destroyer of bali-" idem or 'm. "hater of bali-", Name of viṣṇu- '  |
balidviṣ | m. "hater of bali-", Name of viṣṇu-  |
baliharaṇavidhi | m. Name of work  |
balividhāna | n. the offering of an oblation  |
bāṇasiddhi | f. the hitting of a mark by an arrow  |
bandhatrayavidhāna | n. Name of work  |
bārhaspatyamuhūrtavidhāna | n. Name of work  |
barhidhvaja | m. "symbolised by a peacock", Name of skanda-  |
barhidhvajā | f. Name of durgā-  |
baṭukārcanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
baudhāyanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
bebhiditavya | mfn. ( bhid-, Intensive) to be repeatedly split  |
bhadrakālīpūjāvidhi | m. Name of work or chapter of work  |
bhadranidhi | m. "treasure of fortune", Name of a costly vessel offered to viṣṇu-  |
bhāgavatasiddhāntasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
bhagavatpratiṣṭhāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
bhagavatpūjāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
bhagavatsamārādhanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
bhagavatsiddhāntasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
bhagnanidra | mfn. one whose sleep is broken or interrupted  |
bhaidika | mfn. equals bhedaṃ nityam arhati-  |
bhairavasaparyāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
bhairavīrahasyavidhi | m. Name of work  |
bhaktidīpikā | f. Name of work  |
bhaktidūtī | f. Name of work  |
bhaktisiddhānta | m. Name of work  |
bhārataśravaṇavidhi | m. Name of work  |
bhārgavakalpavallīcakravidyārahasya | n. Name of work  |
bhasmadhāraṇavidhi | m. Name of work  |
bhasmarudrākṣadhāraṇavidhi | m. Name of work  |
bhasmasnānavidhi | m. Name of work  |
bhasmavidhi | m. any rite or ceremony performed with ashes  |
bhaṭṭojidīkṣita | m. idem or 'm. Name of a grammarian (son of lakṣmī-dhara-, author of the siddhānta-kaumudī- and other works.)'  |
bhaulikividha | mfn. inhabited by bhauliki-  |
bhaumapūjāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
bhaumavāravratavidhi | m. Name of work  |
bhaumavratapūjāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
bhaurikividha | mfn. inhabited by bhauriki-  |
bhavacchid | mfn. preventing births or transmigration  |
bhavadvidha | mfn. any one like your honour or like you  |
bhavadvidhi | m. your honour's manner (id est the way in which you are treated)  |
bhavavārinidhi | m. equals bhavajala-  |
bhāvavidyeśvara | m. Name of an author  |
bhayavidhāyin | mfn. equals -kara-  |
bhedavādividāriṇī | f. Name of work  |
bhedavidhi | m. the faculty of discriminating or discerning (between two different objects)  |
bhid | cl.7.P. A1. ( ) bhin/atti-, bhintte- (imperfect tense 2. 3. sg. /abhinat- ; subjunctive bhin/aadaḥ- ; imperative bindh/i- ; binddhi- [ confer, compare binddhi-lavaṇā-];cl.1. P. bh/edati- ; Potential bhideyam- ; perfect tense bibh/eda- ; Aorist , 2. 3. sg. bh/et- abhaitsīt- ; bhitthās- ; preceding bhitsīṣṭa- grammar; future bhetsy/ati-, te- etc.; Conditional abhetsyat- ; future bhettā- grammar; infinitive mood bh/ettav/ai- ; bhettum- etc.; ind.p. bhittv/ā-, -bhidya- etc.) , to split, cleave, break, cut or rend asunder, pierce, destroy etc.,; to pass through (as a planet or, comet) ; to disperse (darkness) ; to transgress, violate, (a compact or alliance) etc. ; to open, expand ; to loosen, disentangle, dissolve etc. ; to disturb, interrupt, stop ; to disclose, betray etc. ; to disunite, set at variance ; to distinguish, discriminate : Passive voice bhidy/ate- (Epic also ti- Aorist abhedi- etc.; perfect tense bibhide- ), to be split or broken, burst (intrans.) etc. ; to be opened (as a closed hand, eyes etc.) ; to overflow (as water) ; to be loosened, become loose ; to be stopped or interrupted ; to be disclosed or betrayed ; to be changed or altered (in mind), be won over ; to be disunited ; to keep aloof from (instrumental case) ; to be distinguished, differ from (ablative) etc.: Causal bhedayati-, te- (Aorist abībhidat-; confer, compare also bhidāpana-), to cause to split or break etc. ; to split, break, shatter, crush, destroy ; to separate, divide (See bhedita-) ; to disunite, set at variance, perplex, unsettle (in opinion), seduce, win over : Desiderative b/ibhitsati-, te-, to wish to break through or disperse or defeat (confer, compare, bibhitsā-): Desiderative of Causal See bibhedayiṣu-: Intensive bebhidīti- or bebhetti-, to cleave repeatedly [ confer, compare Latin findo; German beissen; English bite.] |
bhid | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') breaking, splitting, piercing, destroying (see aśma--, giri--, tamo--, pura-bhid-etc.)  |
bhid | f. a wall (equals bhitti-)  |
bhid | f. separation, distinction  |
bhid | f. a sort, kind, species  |
bhidā | f. splitting, bursting, destroying, destruction (see dur-bhida-)  |
bhidā | f. separation (See -bhṛt-)  |
bhidā | f. distinction, difference  |
bhidā | f. a kind or species.  |
bhidā | f. coriander  |
bhidābhṛt | mfn. "broken"or"enduring separation"  |
bhidaka | m. "cutter"or"wounder", a sword  |
bhidaka | m. indra-'s thunderbolt  |
bhidākara | mfn. causing a distinction,  |
bhidāpana | n. (from an irreg. Causal bhidāpaya-) causing to break or pound or trample on  |
bhidatha | m. an arrow,  |
bhidelima | mfn. easily broken, brittle, fragile (see Va1rtt. 1 )  |
bhidi | m. a thunderbolt  |
bhidira | n. idem or 'm. a thunderbolt '  |
bhidra | n. a thunderbolt  |
bhidu | m. idem or 'n. idem or 'm. a thunderbolt ' ' ,  |
bhidura | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') breaking, splitting, piercing, destroying  |
bhidura | mfn. easily split or broken, fragile, brittle, (see )  |
bhidura | mfn. divided, variegated, mingled or mingling with  |
bhidura | m. a chain for an elephant's feet  |
bhidura | n. a thunderbolt ,  |
bhidurasvana | m. "making a piercing noise", Name of an asura-  |
bhidvat | mfn. containing the bhid-  |
bhidya | m. a rushing river or Name of a rushing (see )  |
bhidya | n. splitting, breaking, destroying (see pūr-bh/idya-and śīrṣa-bh/idya-)  |
bhiṣagvid | m. "knowing remedies", a physician  |
bhiṣakcakranidāna | n. Name of work  |
bhīṣidāsa | m. Name of the patron of nārāyaṇa- (author of a commentator or commentary on )  |
bhīticchid | mfn. keeping away fear or danger  |
bhoganidhi | f. Name of a surāṅganā-  |
bhogasaṃkrāntividhi | m. Name of a section of the bhaviṣyottara- purāṇa-.  |
bhojanavidhi | m. "the ceremony of dining", Name of various works. (see ) .  |
bhojanidhi | f. Name of a surāṅganā-  |
bhrāntidarśana | n. erroneous perception  |
bhraṣṭanidra | mfn. deprived of sleep  |
bhrātṛbhaginīdarśanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
bhṛgusiddhānta | m. Name of work  |
bhṛgvaṅgirovid | mfn. knowing (the verses or hymns of) the bhṛgu-s and aṅgirasa-s, knowing the atharva-- veda-  |
bhṛkuṭidhara | mfn. bhṛkuṭi  |
bhṛśasvid | mfn. perspiring violently  |
bhrūṇabhid | mfn. idem or 'mfn. killing an embryo, one who produces abortion '  |
bhūgolavidyā | f. knowledge of the terrestrial globe, geography  |
bhuktidāna | n. giving for fruition  |
bhūmavidyā | f. Name of  |
bhūmicchidra | land unfit for cultivation,  |
bhūmida | mfn. giving landed property  |
bhūmidāna | n. donation of landed property  |
bhūmidāna | n. the 9th  |
bhūmideva | m. "earth-god", a Brahman etc.  |
bhūmidevī | f. Name of various women  |
bhūmidhara | m. "earth-supporter", a mountain  |
bhūmidhara | m. a symbolical expression for the number seven  |
bhūmidhara | m. a king, prince  |
bhūmidhara | m. Name of a poet  |
bhūmidṛṃha | mfn. firmly fixed on the ground  |
bhūmidundubhi | m. "earth-drum", a pit or hole in the earth covered over with skins |
bhūmiparidṛṃhaṇa | n. the making firm of the ground  |
bhūparidhi | m. the circumference of the earth  |
bhūrida | mfn. "much-giving", liberal, munificent  |
bhūridā | mfn. equals -da-  |
bhūridakṣiṇa | mfn. attended with rich presents or rewards  |
bhūridakṣiṇa | mfn. bestowing rich presents (especially on Brahmans at a sacrifice), liberal  |
bhūridakṣiṇam | ind. with rich offerings or presents  |
bhūridātra | (bh/ūri--) mfn. rich in gifts  |
bhūridāvan | mf(arī-)n. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. "much-giving", munificent ' (see Va1rtt. 2 )'  |
bhūridāvat | mfn. "much-giving", munificent  |
bhūridāvattara | mfn. idem or 'mfn. "much-giving", munificent ' (see Va1rtt. 2 )  |
bhūridhāman | mfn. possessing great might or splendour  |
bhūridhāman | m. Name of a son of the ninth manu- (see -dyumna-).  |
bhūridhana | (bh/ūri--) mfn. having much wealth or property  |
bhūridhāra | (bh/ūri--). mf(ā-)n. (fr. 1. dhārā-) "much-showering", yielding abundant streams or rays of light  |
bhūridhāyas | (bh/ūri--) mfn. nourishing or supporting many  |
bhūridugdhā | f. "having much milk", Tragia Involucrata  |
bhūridyumna | m. "possessing great glory", Name of a pious prince (son of vīra-dyumna-)  |
bhūridyumna | m. of the sons of 2 manu-s (varia lectio -dhāman-)  |
bhūrinidhana | mfn. perishing in many ways  |
bhūtavid | mfn. knowing all beings  |
bhūtavid | mfn. knowing (how to ward off) evil spirits  |
bhūtavidyā | f. equals -vijñāna-  |
bhūtida | m. equals -kṛt- (in both meanings)  |
bhūtidatta | m. Name of a man  |
bhūtinidhāna | n. "receptacle of prosperity", Name of the nakṣatra- dhaniṣṭhā-  |
bhuvanapratiṣṭhādānavidhi | m. Name of a chapter of  |
bhuvanavidita | mfn. known in the world  |
bhūvārāhaprayogavidhi | m. Name of work  |
bhūyovidya | mfn. knowing more, more learned  |
bid | or bind- (see bhid-) cl.1 P. bindati-, to cleave, split (perhaps invented on account of the following words of more or less questionable origin).  |
bida | m. (also written vida-) Name of a man plural his family  |
bidakula | (vida--) n. equals vaidasya- and vaidayoḥ kulam- Va1rtt. 1  |
bidala | n. (see vi-dala-) anything split off or produced by splitting (see compound)  |
bidālaka | m. a cat  |
bidālaka | m. the eyeball  |
bidālaka | m. application of ointment to the eye  |
bidālaka | n. yellow orpiment |
bidalakārī | f. a woman employed in splitting bamboos  |
bidalasaṃhita | mfn. composed or made up of halves  |
bidālikā | f. a little cat, kitten  |
bidāpuṭa | m. Name of a man gaRa aśvādi- (varia lectio bida-, puṭa-).  |
bidura | varia lectio for bhidura- q.v  |
bījābhidhāna | n. Name of a tantra- work  |
bījoptividhi | m. the manner of sowing seed  |
bimbapratiṣṭhāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
bodhaikasiddhi | f. Name of work  |
bodhasiddhi | f. Name of work  |
bodhida | m. (with jaina-s) an arhat-  |
bodhidharma | m. Name of a Buddhist patriarch (whose original name was bodhi-dhana-)  |
bodhidruma | m. =  |
bodhisiddhi | f. Name of work  |
borasiddhi | f. Name of a place  |
brahmabhid | mfn. dividing the one brahma- into many  |
brahmakūrcavidhi | m. Name of the 38th pariśiṣṭa- of the  |
brāhmaṇabhojanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
brāhmaṇavidhi | m. any injunction (contained) in a brāhmaṇa- work  |
brahmapathakovida | mfn. knowing the way to brahma-  |
brahmapurābhidheya | mfn. (with nāma-) to be called by the name brahma-pura-  |
brahmarṣideśa | m. the country of the brahmarṣi-s (including kuru-kṣetra- and the country of the matsya-s. pañcāla-s, and śūra-senaka-s)  |
brahmasiddhānta | m. Name of various astronomy works. (also brahmasiddhāntapaddhati -paddhati- f.)  |
brāhmasiddhānta | m. Name of work  |
brahmasiddhāntapaddhati | f. brahmasiddhānta |
brahmasiddhi | m. Name of a muni-  |
brahmasiddhi | m. of a vedānta- work  |
brahmasiddhivyākhyāratna | n. Name of a commentator or commentary on it.  |
brahmasphuṭasiddhānta | m. Name of an astronomy work by brahma-gupta- (also called brahma-siddhānta-):  |
brahmāstravidhānapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
brahmāstravidyāpūjāpaddhati | f. Name of work  |
brahmatulyasiddhānta | m. Name of work  |
brahmavid | mfn. knowing the one brahma-, a Vedic philosopher etc. etc. (also -vida-)  |
brahmavid | mfn. skilled in sacred spells or magic  |
brahmavid | m. Name of śiva-  |
brahmavidāśīrvādapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
brahmavidvas | mfn. one who knows brahma- or the one universal Spirit,  |
brahmavidviṣ | mfn. equals -dviṣ-  |
brahmavidyā | f. knowledge of"the one self-existent Being", knowledge of brahma-, sacred knowledge etc. (see )  |
brahmavidyā | f. Name of an upaniṣad- (see below)  |
brahmavidyābhāraṇa | n. Name of work  |
brahmavidyāmahodadhi | m. Name of work  |
brahmavidyāpaddhati | f. Name of work  |
brahmavidyātīrtha | m. Name of an author  |
brahmavidyāvijaya | m. Name of work  |
brahmavidyāvilāsa | m. Name of work  |
brahmavidyopaniṣad | f. Name of work  |
brahmayajñādividhi | m. Name of work  |
bṛhadabhidhānacintāmaṇi | m. the larger abhidhāna-cintāmaṇi- by hema-candra-.  |
bṛhadgurugurvāvalipūjāśāntividhāna | n. Name of work  |
bṛhaspatidatta | m. Name of a man  |
bṛhaspatisiddhānta | m. Name of work  |
buddhidevī | f. Name of a princess  |
buddhidyūta | n. "intellect-game", game at chess  |
buddhividhvaṃsaka | mfn. destroying consciousness or reason  |
caidika | mf(ā-, ī-). gaRa kāśy-ādi-.  |
caidya | m. patronymic fr. cedi- (plural)  |
caidya | m. a prince of the cedi-s (especially śiśu-pāla- )  |
caidya | m. (plural) the cedi- people  |
caidyā | f. a princess of the cedi-s  |
caiṭayatavidha | mfn. inhabited by the caiṭayata-s gaRa bhauriky-ādi-.  |
cakrapāṇidatta | m. idem or 'm. Name of a medical author'  |
caṇḍeśvarapraśnavidyā | f. "knowledge of caṇḍeśvara-'s questions", Name of work  |
caṇḍidāsa | m. equals ṇḍī-d-.  |
caṇḍīvidhāna | n.  |
caṇḍīvidhi | m. two names of works.  |
cāndrāyaṇavidhāna | n. the cāndrāyaṇa- fast  |
cāraṇavaidya | m. plural (fr. caranavidyā-) Name of a school of  |
cāraṇavidya | m. plural (fr. caranavidyā-) Name of a school of  |
caturdaśavidha | mfn. fourteen-fold  |
caturnidhana | (c/at-) mfn. consisting of 4 concluding passages  |
cāturvaidya | mfn. (fr. catur-vidyā- gaRa anuśatikādi-;fr. -veda- ) versed in the 4 veda-s  |
cāturvaidya | m. equals rvedya-  |
cāturvaidya | m. knowledge of the 4 veda-s gaRa brāhmaṇādi-.  |
caturvidha | mfn. (c/at-) fourfold, of 4 sorts or kinds etc.  |
caturvidhāhāramaya | mfn. made of 4 kinds of food (viz. bhakṣya-, bhojya-, lehya-,and peya-)  |
caturvidham | ind. (am-) in 4 ways ( )  |
caturvidhasaṃśayodbheda | m. "removal of doubts of 4 kinds", Name of a work  |
cāturvidhya | n. (fr. c/atur-vidha-) the being fourfold  |
caturvidya | mfn. ( ) familiar with the 4 veda-s (varia lectio cāt-)  |
caturvidyā | f. gaRa anuśatikādi-.  |
cāturvidya | mfn. ( ) equals cat-  |
cāturvidya | n. the 4 veda-s  |
cāturvidya | n. fourfold knowledge (viz. of dharma-, artha-, kāma-, mokṣa- )  |
caturviṃśatidaṇḍakastava | m. Name of work  |
caturviṃśatidhā | ind. twenty-fourfold  |
catuṣpādasiddhi | f. complete knowledge of the 4 parts of medical science |
catustridvyekabhāga | mfn. plural receiving 4, 3, 2, and 1 part respectively  |
caupayatavidha | mfn. inhabited by caupayata-s gaRa bhauriky-ādi-.  |
cauryavidyā | f. "thieving science", a treatise ascribed to yogācārya- (imparted to him by kārttikeya-)  |
chaidika | mfn. deserving mutilation (cheda-)  |
chaidika | mfn. equals chidrāṃśa-  |
chandaḥsiddhi | f. a chapter of the kāvya-kalpa-latā-vṛttiparimala-.  |
chid | cl.7. chin/atti-, chintte- (imperative n/attu-;2. sg. ndh/i-[ confer, compare ];2. dual number nt/am-; subjunctive 1. sg. n/adai-; Potential ndet- ; cl.9. 1. sg. chinnāmi- ; imperfect tense 2. sg. achinad-,or nas- ; perfect tense ciccheda-, cchide-; parasmE-pada cchidvas-, ; Aorist acchidat-or acchaitsīt-[ subjunctive ch- etc.] ;2. sg. chitsi- ;1. plural chedma- ; A1. acchitta-and 2. sg. tthās-[ subjunctive ch- ], on ; future chetsyati-, ; ind.p. chittvā- infinitive mood chettum-; Passive voice chidyate-; See /a-cchidyamāna-; Aorist /acchedi-and chedi- ) to cut off, amputate, cut through, hew, chop, split, pierce etc. ; to divide, separate from (ablative;exceptionally instrumental case ) ; to destroy, annihilate, efface, blot out etc. ; (in mathematics) to divide : Passive voice to be split or cut, break : Causal chedayati- (Aorist acicchidat-) to cut off. ; to cause to cut off or through : Desiderative See cicchitsu- : Intensive cecchidīti- ( ), dyate- ( Va1rtt. 2 ) ; future Ist ditā-, Va1rtt. 2 ; ([ confer, compare , etc.; Latin scindo; Gothic skeida.])  |
chid | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ( ) cutting, cutting off. cutting through, splitting, piercing (see ukha-cch/id-, keśa--, pakṣa--, marma--, vana--, hṛdaya--)  |
chid | mfn. destroying, annihilating, removing (see darpa--, duḥkha--, paṅka--, bhava--)  |
chid | m. the divisor, denominator  |
chid | f. the cutting off (with genitive case)  |
chid | f. "annihilation of (in compound) " See bhava--.  |
chida | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' "cutting off" See mātṛka--  |
chidā | f. (gaRa bhidādi-) the cutting off (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
chidaka | m. "thunderbolt"or"diamond" (see )  |
chidi | an axe  |
chidira | m. idem or 'an axe ' ,  |
chidira | m. a sword  |
chidira | m. fire  |
chidira | m. a rope, cord  |
chidra | mf(ā-)n. torn asunder  |
chidra | mf(ā-)n. containing holes, pierced  |
chidra | mf(ā-)n. leaky  |
chidra | n. a hole, slit, cleft, opening etc. (daiva-kṛta-,"opening or hole made by nature", the cartilage of the ear, pupil of the eye ; draṃ- dā-,"to yield an opening or free access" )  |
chidra | n. defect, fault, blemish, imperfection, infirmity, weak point, foible etc.  |
chidra | n. (in astrology) the 8th lunar mansion  |
chidra | n. the number"nine"(there being 9 openings in the body)  |
chidra | n. the lower regions (see /a--, karṇa--, kṛta--, gṛha--, niś--, mahā--).  |
chidradarśana | mfn. "exhibiting deficiencies", only a-cch-, faultless  |
chidradarśana | m. " equals " rśin- '"Name of a (Brahman changed into a) cakra-vāka-  |
chidradarśana | m. (rśin-, ) .  |
chidradarśin | mfn. observing deficiencies  |
chidradarśin | m. equals rśana-, (q.v at end) .  |
chidradātṛtva | n. the (air's, ākāśasya-) yielding openings or access to everything  |
chidrakarṇa | mfn. having the ears bored  |
chidrāṃśa | m. "having perforated parts", reed  |
chidrāntar | m. "internally hollow", reed  |
chidrānusaṃdhānin | mfn. looking out for faults or flaws  |
chidrānusārin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. looking out for faults or flaws '  |
chidrānveṣaṇa | n. searching for faults  |
chidrānveṣin | m. equals nusaṃdhānin-  |
chidrānvita | mfn. having weak points  |
chidrāpaya | Nom. yati- idem or 'Nom. yati-, to perforate '  |
chidrāphala | n. a thorn-apple  |
chidrapippalī | f. Scindapsus officinalis  |
chidratā | f. "perforatedness", the (air's, ākāśasya-) being pervaded by everything  |
chidrātman | mfn. one who exposes his weak points, .  |
chidravaidehī | f. id  |
chidraya | Nom. yati-, to perforate  |
chidrin | mfn. having holes (a tooth)  |
chidrita | mfn. perforated  |
chidrodara | n. Name of a disease of the abdomen ,  |
chidrodarin | mfn. affected with ra-  |
chidura | mf(ā- )n. cutting, dividing  |
chidura | mf(ā- )n. easily breaking  |
chidura | mf(ā- )n. extinguishing  |
chidura | mf(ā- )n. decreasing  |
chidura | mf(ā- )n. annihilating (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') |
chidura | mf(ā- )n. hostile  |
chidura | mf(ā- )n. roguish  |
chiduretara | mfn. not breaking, strong  |
chidvara | mfn. equals chittv-  |
chinnadvaidha | mfn. one whose doubts have been destroyed,  |
cid | in compound for cit-.  |
cid | ind. even, indeed, also (often merely laying stress on a preceding word;requiring a preceding simple verb to be accentuated[ ] as well as a verb following, if cid-is preceded by an interrogative pronoun [48];in Class. only used after interrogative pronouns and adverbs to render them indefinite, and after jātu- q.v)  |
cid | ind. like (added to the stem of a substantive exempli gratia, 'for example' agni--, rāja--)  |
cid | ind. cid-cid- or cid-ca- or cid-u-, as well as, both, and  |
cidacicchaktiyukta | mfn. having power (śakti-) over mind and matter  |
cidacinmaya | mfn. consisting of mind and matter  |
cidacit | "thought and non-thought, mind and matter", in compound  |
cidambara | m. Name of the author of a law-book  |
cidambara | n. Name of a town  |
cidambarapura | n. idem or 'n. Name of a town '  |
cidambararahasya | n. Name of work  |
cidambarasthala | n. equals -pura-  |
cidānanda | "thought and joy", in compound  |
cidānandadaśaślokī | f. ten verses in praise of thought and joy  |
cidānandamaya | mfn. consisting of thought and joy  |
cidānandāśrama | m. Name of a teacher (equals paramānand-).  |
cidānandastavarāja | m. equals -daśa-ślokī-  |
cidasthimālā | f. Name of a commentator or commentary on a grammatical work.  |
cidātmaka | mfn. consisting of pure thought  |
cidātman | m. pure thought or intelligence,  |
cidgaganacandrikā | f. Name of work Scholiast or Commentator  |
cidghana | m. equals -ātman-  |
cidratha | m. Name of a sāman-  |
cidrathī | f. Name of a commentator or commentary  |
cidratnacaṣaka | Name of work  |
cidrūpa | mfn. ( ) equals cin-maya- ( cidrūpatva -tva- n.abstr.)  |
cidrūpa | mfn. wise  |
cidrūpa | n. the Universal Spirit as identified with pure thought  |
cidrūpatva | n. cidrūpa |
cidullāsa | mfn. shining like thoughts  |
cidvilāsa | m. Name of a pupil of śaṃkarācārya-  |
cidvṛtti | f. spiritual action  |
ciklida | m. ( klid-) equals kledan-  |
ciklida | n. ( ) moisture  |
cīnācāraprayogavidhi | m. Name of work  |
cintāvidheya | mfn. influenced by a thought,  |
citaidha | mfn. relating to a pile of wood  |
citrakarmavid | mfn. skilled in the art of painting  |
citrakarmavid | mfn. skilled in magic  |
citrasudhānidhi | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
citravidyā | f. the art of painting  |
cūḍāmaṇidhara | m. " cūḍāmaṇi- -wearer", Name of a nāga-  |
dadhidhānī | f. a vessel for holding d/adhi-  |
dadhidhenu | f. a cow represented by d/adhi- (offered to priests)  |
dadhidrapsa | m. a globule of thickened d/adhi-  |
dadhividarbha | for daśi-- 1.  |
daidhiṣavya | m. (fr. didhiṣū-) prob. the son of a woman by her second husband  |
daivajñakalānidhi | m. Name of work  |
daivajñavidhivilāsa | m. Name of work  |
daivakovida | mfn. acquainted with the destinies of men  |
daivakovida | mf. (ā-) a fatalist, fortune-teller  |
daivavid | mfn. destiny-knowing  |
daivavid | m. an astrologer  |
daivavidhi | m. course of fate  |
dakṣaṇidhana | n. Name of a sāman-  |
dakṣanidhana | n. equals nidh-.  |
dakṣayajñavidhvaṃsa | m. equals kṣa-makha-manthana- Name of  |
dakṣayajñavidhvaṃsana | n. Name of  |
dānadharmavidhi | m. Name of work on alms-giving.  |
dānavidhi | m. Name of work  |
daṇḍanavidhi | m. the practice of inflicting punishment  |
daṇḍanidhāna | n. "laying aside the rod", pardoning, indulgence  |
daṇḍavidhi | m. a mode of punishment,  |
daṇḍidatta | m. dual number daṇḍin- and datta- Va1rtt. 2 (not in edition)  |
dantadhāvanavidhi | m. Name of  |
dantadhāvanavidhi | m. of a chapter of  |
dantadhāvanavidhi | m. of  |
dantavaidarbha | m. looseness of the teeth through external injury  |
dantavidradhī | f. an abscess of the teeth  |
dantidaitya | m. Name of a daitya-  |
dantidanta | m. "an elephant's tusk"  |
dantidantamaya | mfn. made of ivory  |
dantidurga | m. Name of a man.  |
daravidalita | mfn. slightly opened  |
dāridra | n. probably wrong reading for  |
daridra | mf(ā-)n. ( drā-, Intensive Va1rtt. 2) roving, strolling (r/idra-)  |
daridra | mf(ā-)n. poor, needy, deprived of (instrumental case ;in compound, ), m. a beggar etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). )  |
daridra | mf(ā-)n. see mahā--.  |
daridrāṇa | n. equals dra-tā- Va1rtt. 2  |
daridranindā | f. Name of  |
daridrat | mfn. (pr.p.) poor  |
daridratā | f. indigence, penury, state of being deprived of (in compound)  |
daridratva | n. idem or 'f. indigence, penury, state of being deprived of (in compound) '  |
daridrāyaka | mfn. poor  |
daridrī | ind.  |
daridrībhūta | mfn. impoverished  |
daridrīkṛtya | ind. causing any one to rove  |
daridrin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. (future p., Va1rtt. 7 ) idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. poor ', 52 ' '  |
daridrita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. poor ' , 52  |
daridritṛ | mfn. (future p., Va1rtt. 7 ) idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. poor ', 52 '  |
dāridrya | n. poverty  |
darpacchid | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' destroying the pride of  |
darśapaurṇamāsaprāyaścittavidhi | m. Name of work  |
darśapaurṇamāsavidhi | m. Name of work  |
dāruharidrā | f. equals -niśā-  |
darvidā | f. a sort of woodpecker  |
daśamahāvidyā | f. "possessing the 10 great sciences", durgā-  |
daśavidha | mfn. of 10 kinds, tenfold  |
daśavidhasnānamantra | m. plural Name of particular hymns  |
dāsīdānavidhi | m. Name of 146th chapter of the bhaviṣyottara-purāṇa-.  |
daśīvidarbha | m. plural Name of people (varia lectio dadhi--)  |
dāvasunidhana | n. Name of a sāman-  |
dayānidhi | m. "treasure of mercy", a very compassionate person.  |
dehasiddhisādhana | n. Name of work  |
deśakālavid | mfn. knowing place and time ( )  |
deśyanidarśana | n. Name of glossaries.  |
devabhāṣyasnānavidhipaddhati | f. Name of work  |
devādhideva | m. "god over gods"an arhat-  |
devajanavid | mfn. knowing gods etc.  |
devajanavidyā | f. knowledge of serpents etc.  |
devālayapratiṣṭhāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
devanid | mfn. hating the gods, a god-hater  |
devapūjāvidhi | m. devapūjā |
devasaṃnidhi | m. presence of the gods  |
devasiddhi | m. Name of a man  |
devatāpraṇidhāna | n. devotion to a deity  |
devatāpratiṣṭhāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
devatārcanavidhi | m. Name of several works.  |
devatāsthāpanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
devātideva | m. a god surpassing all other gods  |
devātideva | m. Name of śiva-  |
devātideva | m. of viṣṇu-  |
devātideva | m. of śākya-muni-  |
devavid | mfn. knowing the gods  |
devavidyā | f. divine science (equals nirukta- )  |
devendrakīrtideva | m. Name of a man  |
devidāsa | m. Name of several men  |
devidāsa | m. of a Scholiast or Commentator on  |
devīmāhātmyapāṭhavidhi | m. Name of work  |
devīmānasapūjāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
devīnityapūjāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
devīparapūjāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
devīpūjāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
dhāmanidhi | m. "treasure of splendour", the sun  |
dhanurvidyā | f. "bow-science", archery  |
dhanurvidyādīpikā | f. Name of work  |
dhanurvidyārambhaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
dhanvantaridarpabhaṅga | m. "the breaking of dhanvan-'s pride", Name of a chapter of  |
dhanvantarisāranidhi | m. Name of work  |
dhānyaparvatadānavidhi | m. Name of chapter of  |
dharaṇidāsa | m. Name of a lexicographer  |
dharaṇidhara | m. "earth-bearer", Name of viṣṇu- or kṛṣṇa- (see pṛthu-dharaṇi-dh-)  |
dharaṇidhara | m. a mountain (see ṇī-dh-).  |
dhāraṇīmukhasarvajagatpraṇidhisaṃdhāraṇagarbha | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-.  |
dharmaśāstrasudhānidhi | m. Name of work  |
dharmatattvavid | mfn. knowing the truths of laws or religion  |
dharmavid | mfn. knowing the law or duty, virtuous, pious  |
dharmavidharman | n. plural (prajāpater dharmav-) Name of 4 sāman-s  |
dharmavidhi | m. course of law legal precept or injunction  |
dharmavidyā | f. knowledge of the law or right  |
dhārmavidya | mfn. familiar with the law, a lawyer, jurist Va1rtt. 4  |
dhātunidāna | n. Name of a med. work  |
dhīvṛddhida | m. or n. Name of work (also śiṣya-dhī-vṛ-).  |
dhṛtadvaidhībhāva | mfn. held in doubt or suspense  |
dhruvasiddhi | m. "through whom cure is sure", Name of a physician  |
dhūlidhūmra | mfn. smoke-coloured or dark with dust  |
dhūlidhvaja | m. "dust-bannered", air or wind  |
dhūmapānavidhi | m. Name of chapter of the  |
dhūmravidyā | f. Name of a form of magic  |
dhvanidhvaṃsa | m. Name of work  |
dhvanisiddhāntasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
didambhiṣu | mfn. ( darnbh- Desiderative) wishing to deceive  |
diddā | f. Name of a princess of kaśmīra-  |
diddākṣema | m. "promoting welfare of diddā-", Name of kṣema-gupta-  |
diddāpāla | m. "protector of diddā-", Name of a man  |
diddāpura | n. Name of a town built by diddā-  |
diddāsvāmin | m. Name of a temple built by diddā-  |
diddibha | prob. wrong reading for ṭiṭṭibha-.  |
dideviṣu | mfn. ( div- Desiderative) desirous of playing  |
didhakṣ | mfn. Nominal verb dhak- ( dah- Desiderative), wishing to burn  |
didhakṣā | f. desire to burn  |
didhakṣu | mfn. desirous of burning  |
didhi | f. (Prob. wrong reading) firmness, stability  |
didhikṣ | mfn. Nominal verb dhik- ( dih- Desiderative) wishing so smear  |
didhīrṣā | f. ( dhṛ- Desiderative) the wish to hold or support  |
didhiṣāyya | mfn. ( dhā- Desiderative) "to be gained", to be sought to be sought (agni-) (equals dhārayitṛ-,supporter )  |
didhiṣu | mfn. wishing to gain or obtain, striving after, seeking  |
didhiṣu | m. a suitor  |
didhiṣu | m. a husband  |
didhiṣu | m. the second husband of a woman twice married (also ṣū-)  |
didhiṣu | f(u-or ū-). a widow remarried or an elder sister married after the younger (both of whom having the choice of their husbands may be compared to suitors).  |
didhīṣu | f. equals didiṣū-  |
didhiṣūpapati | m. her paramour (Cf. agre-didhiṣu-and edidhiṣuḥ- pati-.)  |
didhiṣūpati | m. the husband of a woman so married  |
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