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Amarakosha Search
Monier-Williams Search
7 results for hnya
āhirbudhnyan. Name of the nakṣatra- uttara-bhadra-padā- (presided over by ahir-budhnya-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ahirbudhnyadevatāf. plural "having ahirbudhnya- as deity", the nakṣatra- uttara-bhadrapadā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ahirbudhnyadevatyan. "having ahirbudhnya- as deity", the nakṣatra- uttara-bhadrapadā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dadhīcam. author with the patr. pāthnya- on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahyāf. See under mahnyā-, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rudram. "Roarer or Howler", Name of the god of tempests and father and ruler of the rudra-s and marut-s (in the veda- he is closely connected with indra- and still more with agni-, the god of fire, which, as a destroying agent, rages and crackles like the roaring storm, and also with kāla- or Time the all-consumer, with whom he is afterwards identified;though generally represented as a destroying deity, whose terrible shafts bring death or disease on men and cattle, he has also the epithet śiva-,"benevolent"or"auspicious", and is even supposed to possess healing powers from his chasing away vapours and purifying the atmosphere;in the later mythology the word śiva-,which does not occur as a name in the veda-, was employed, first as an euphemistic epithet and then as a real name for rudra-, who lost his special connection with storms and developed into a form of the disintegrating and reintegrating principle;while a new class of beings, described as eleven [or thirty-three] in number, though still called rudra-s, took the place of the original rudra-s or marut-s: in , rudra- is said to have sprung from brahmā-'s forehead, and to have afterwards separated himself into a figure half male and half female, the former portion separating again into the 11 rudra-s, hence these later rudra-s are sometimes regarded as inferior manifestations of śiva-, and most of their names, which are variously given in the different purāṇa-s, are also names of śiva-;those of the are ajaikapād-, ahir-budhnya-, hara-, nirṛta-, īśvara-, bhuvana-, aṅgāraka-, ardha-ketu-, mṛtyu-, sarpa-, kapālin-; according to to others the rudra-s are represented as children of kaśyapa- and surabhi- or of brahmā- and surabhi- or of bhūta- and su-rūpā-; according to to , rudra- is one of the 8 forms of śiva-;elsewhere he is reckoned among the dik-pāla-s as regent of the north-east quarter) etc. (see )
tirohnyamfn. (r/o--) equals -ahnya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Macdonell Search
3 results
dhiṣṭya incorrect for dhishnya.
budhnya a. coming from or belong ing to the depths: nearly always in RV. with áhi, m. dragon of the deep (dwelling in the depths of the atmosphere or on the firma ment); in E. Ahirbudhnya is an epithet of Siva or the N. of a Rudra.
vṛṣṇya a. manly, mighty (RV.); n. manly power, might (V.): (vríshnyâ)-vat, a. possessed of manly power, mighty (V.).
Bloomfield Vedic
3 results0 results60 results
agne gṛhapate 'he budhnya pariṣadya divaḥ pṛthivyāḥ pary antarikṣāl lokaṃ vinda yajamānāya # KS.7.13; Apś.5.12.2.
aghnyāv aśunam āratām # AVś.14.2.16d. See aghnyau śūnam.
aghnyau śūnam āratām # RV.3.33.13d. See aghnyāv aśunam.
adityai tvā caturūdhnyai # KS.30.4 (quater); Mś. (bis). The reading of Mś. is corrupt.
annaṃ me (Apś.6.24.3, no) budhya (Apś. budhnya) pāhi, tan me (Apś.6.24.3, no) gopāyāsmākaṃ punar āgamāt # MS.1.5.14 (bis): 83.2,14; Apś.6.24.3,6. P: annaṃ me budhya pāhi Mś. See prec.
annaṃ me (Apś.6.26.2, no) budhyājugupas (Apś. budhnyā-) tan me (Apś.6.26.2, naḥ) punar dehi # MS.1.5.14: 84.7; Apś.6.26.2,5. P: annaṃ me budhyājugupaḥ Mś. See prec. but one.
abhīmam aghnyā uta # RV.9.1.9a.
ayakṣmāḥ santv aghnyāḥ # AVP.2.20.2b.
aśvinā tiroahnyam # RV.8.35.19d--21d.
aśvibhyāṃ tiroahniyānāṃ (Mś. tiro 'hnyānāṃ) somānām anubrūhi # Apś.14.4.7; Mś.
aśvibhyāṃ tiro 'hnyānāṃ etc. # see aśvibhyāṃ tiroahniyānāṃ.
aśvibhyāṃ tiro 'hnyān somān prasthitān preṣya # Mś. See tiroahniyān.
asmād etam aghnyau tad vaśāya # AVś.18.4.49c.
ahiṃ budhnyam (TS. -niyam) anu rīyamāṇāḥ (TS. saṃcarantīḥ) # VS.10.19d; TS.; śB. See next.
ahiṃ budhnyam anv īyamānāḥ # MS.2.6.11b: 70.12; KS.15.7b. See prec.
ahir asi budhnyaḥ (TS.Apś. budhniyaḥ) # VS.5.33; TS.; MS.1.2.12: 21.16; KS.2.13; PB.1.4.11; śś.6.12.26; Apś.1.22.2; 11.15.1. P: ahiḥ Lś.2.2.22.
ahir budhneṣu budhnyaḥ # RV.10.93.5d.
ahir budhnya uta naḥ śṛṇotu # RV.7.38.5c.
ahir budhnyaḥ śṛṇavad vacāṃsi me # RV.10.66.11c.
ahe budhniya mantraṃ me gopāya # TB.,5; 2.1.26a; Apś.5.18.2a. See ahirbudhnya.
ā devo dade budhnyā vasūni # RV.7.6.7a.
ā pyāyadhvam aghnyā indrāya bhāgaṃ (KS. aghnyā devabhāgaṃ) prajāvatīr anamīvā ayakṣmāḥ # VS.1.1; KS.1.1; 30.10; śB.,7. See under prec. but one.
ā pyāyadhvam aghnyā devebhyā indrāya (Mś. also with vikāra, mahendrāya) bhāgam # MS.1.1.1: 1.3; Mś. P: ā pyāyadhvam aghnyā devebhyaḥ MS.4.1.1: 1.15. See under prec. but two.
ā pyāyadhvam aghnyā devebhyo viśvebhyo devebhyo bhāgam # Mś. See under prec. but three.
āhutaṃ tiroahnyam # RV.3.28.3b.
indra ud āvat patim aghnyānām # RV.10.102.7c.
ime somāsas tiroahnyāsaḥ # Aś.6.5.24a; śś.9.20.30. P: ime somāsaḥ śś.15.8.20.
iṣā taṃ vardhad aghnyā payobhiḥ # RV.7.68.9c.
uta no 'hir budhnyaḥ śṛṇotu # RV.6.50.14a; VS.34.53a; MS.1.6.2a: 88.12; Aś.5.20.6; śś.8.6.8; Apś.5.19.4a; 13.16.3; N.12.33a. P: uta no 'hir budhnyaḥ Mś.; --8.5.4.
uta pra pipya ūdhar aghnyāyāḥ # RV.9.93.3a; SV.2.770a.
ṛṣabhaṃ mā samānānām # RV.10.166.1a; AG.2.6.13. Cf. BṛhD.8.69. Designated as sapatnaghnam (sc. sūktam) Rvidh.4.20.3; as sapatnaghnyaḥ (sc. ṛcaḥ) Rvidh.4.25.1. See vṛṣabhaṃ tvā sajātānām.
kṛśaṃ na hāsur aghnyāḥ # RV.8.75.8c; TS.; MS.4.11.6c: 175.9; KS.7.17c.
gavāṃ yaḥ patir aghnyaḥ # AVś.9.4.17d.
gāvaḥ prāśnanty aghnyāḥ # AVś.8.7.25b.
juṣasva tiroahnyam # RV.3.28.6c.
tam aśvinā pibataṃ tiroahnyam # RV.1.47.1c; SV.1.306c.
taṃ pāta tiroahnyam # RV.1.45.10d.
tiraścīnaghnyā etc. # see tiraścīnāghnyā etc.
tiraścīnāghnyā (AVP. -naghnyā) rakṣatu jātavedāḥ # AVś.19.16.2e; 27.15e; AVP.10.8.5e; 12.6.6e.
tiroahniyān somān prasthitān preṣya # Apś.14.4.8. See aśvibhyāṃ tiro 'hnyān.
tena parūṃṣi pravidvān aghnyāyāḥ # AVP.14.5.7c.
triḥ sapta nāmāghnyā bibharti # RV.7.87.4b.
namo jaghanyāya ca budhnyāya (TS. budhniyāya) ca # VS.16.32; TS.; MS.2.9.6: 125.4. See namo budhnyāya.
namo budhnyāya ca jaghanyāya ca # KS.17.14. See namo jaghanyāya.
nahi me asty aghnyā # RV.8.102.19a.
nāsatyā tiroahnyaṃ juṣāṇā # RV.3.58.7c.
nīcīnam aghnyā duhe # RV.10.60.11c; AVś.6.91.2c; AVP.1.111.1c.
ny aghnyasya mūrdhani # RV.1.30.19a.
patiṃ vo aghnyānām # RV.8.69.2c; SV.2.862c; ā.;
payo aghnyāsu payo vatseṣu # Mś.3.2.2d. See payo gṛheṣu.
payo gṛheṣu payo aghnyāyām (TB.Apś. aghniyāsu; Mś. 'stu tan naḥ) # AB.5.27.8c; 7.3.4c; TB.;; Aś.3.11.7c; Apś.9.5.6c; Mś.3.2.2e. See payo aghnyāsu.
pitā vatsānāṃ patir aghnyānām # AVś.9.4.2c,4a; TS.; MS.2.5.10a: 61.16; 4.2.10a: 33.17; KS.13.9a; ViDh.86.13. P: pitā vatsānām Mś.
puṣṭiṃ so aghnyānām # AVś.9.4.19c.
pra budhnyā va īrate (TS. budhniyā īrate vo) mahāṃsi # RV.7.56.14a; TS.; MS.4.10.5a: 154.14; KS.21.13a; Aś.2.18.4. P: pra budhnyā vaḥ śś.3.15.9.
pra śaṃsā goṣv aghnyam # RV.1.37.5a.
yad āpo aghnyā (TSṭB. aghniyā) iti (TSṃS.KSṭBḷś. omit iti) # AVś.7.83.2c; 19.44.9a; AVP.15.3.9a; VS.20.18a; TS.; MS.1.2.18c: 28.5; KS.3.8c; 38.5a; śB.; TB.; Aś.3.6.24c; śś.8.12.11c; Lś.5.4.6c. Cf. yad āhur.
yad āhur aghnyā iti # VS.6.22c; śB. Cf. yad āpo aghnyā.
yaṃ tvā vājinn aghnyā abhy anūṣata # RV.9.80.2a.
yābhir jīvanty aghnyāḥ # AVP.4.22.7b.
yāv aghnyām apinvatam apo na # RV.7.68.8c.
Wordnet Search
"hnya" has 1 results.



ekādaśasu rudreṣu ekaḥ।

ahirbudhnyasya varṇanaṃ śivapurāṇe vartate।

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