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Amarakosha Search
10 results
gajabhakṣyāFeminineSingularsuvahā, hlādinī, surabhī, rasā, maheraṇā, kundurukī, sallakī
hlādinīFeminineSingulardambholiḥ, śatakoṭiḥ, kuliśam, śambaḥ, paviḥ, vajram, aśaniḥ, svaruḥ, bhiduramthe thunderbolt of indra
hṛṣṭaḥ3.1.103MasculineSingularprītaḥ, mattaḥ, tṛptaḥ, prahlannaḥ, pramuditaḥ
jatukam2.9.40NeuterSingularsahasravedhi, ‍vāhlīkam, hiṅgu, rāmaṭham
kuṅkumam2.6.124NeuterSingularlohitacandanam, saṅkocam, hlīkam, kāśmīrājanma, dhīram, raktam, varam, piśunam, pītanam, agniśikham
saugandhikamNeuterSingularkahlāramwhite water lily
turuṣkaḥ1.2.129MasculineSingularpiṇḍakaḥ, sihlaḥ, yāvanaḥ
vṛścikaḥ3.3.7MasculineSingularsihlakam, tilakalkam
Monier-Williams Search
165 results for hl
hlād (confer, compare hrād-) cl.1 A1. () hlādate- (perhaps originally "to make a cry of joy") , to be glad or refreshed, rejoice ; to sound, shout (for joy) : Causal hlādayati-, te- (Aorist ajihladat-; Passive voice ahlādayiṣata- ), to refresh, gladden, exhilarate, delight [ confer, compare Greek , Old German glat; English glad.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlādam. refreshment, pleasure, gladness, joy, delight etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlādam. Name of a son of hiraṇyakaśipu- (= and varia lectio for hrāda-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlādakamf(ikā-)n. refreshing, gladdening, cooling View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlādanamfn. idem or 'f. rich in refreshments or enjoyments ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlādanan. refreshing, refreshment View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlādanīyamfn. fit for refreshment View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlādikāvatīf. rich in refreshments or enjoyments View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlādinmfn. refreshing, comforting, gladdening, exhilarating ( hlāditva di-tva- n.) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlādinmfn. very noisy or loud (varia lectio hrādin-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlādinīf. (see hrādi--) lightning View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlādinīf. indra-'s thunderbolt View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlādinīf. the incense-tree View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlādinīf. a particular śakti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlādinīf. a mystical Name of the sound d- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlādinīf. Name of a river View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlāditamfn. refreshed, gladdened, delighted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlāditvan. hlādin
hlādukamf(ā-)n. exhilarating, cooling, fresh View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlādukāvatīf. equals hlādikā-vatī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlādunif. (used in explaining hrāduni-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlag (see hrag-) cl.1 A1. hlagate-, to cover, hide View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlannaSee under hlād-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlannaSee pra-hl- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlanniSee pra-hl- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlap (varia lectio hrap-) cl.10 P. hlāpayati-, to speak ; to sound, creak View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlas (see hras-) cl.1 P. hlasati-, to sound View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlattiSee pra-hl- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hleṣ= hreṣ-, in the following derivatives: View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hleṣāf. equals hreṣā-, neighing, whinnying View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlī= hrī-, in the following derivatives: View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlīkamfn. bashful, modest View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlīkāf. shame, modesty View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlīkumfn. ashamed, modest, shy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlīkum. lac View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlīkum. tin View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āhlādCaus. -hlādayati-, to refresh, revive, gladden View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āhlādam. refreshing, reviving View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āhlādam. joy, delight View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āhlādadughamfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. causing or conferring delight ' ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āhlādakamfn. causing delight, refreshing, reviving View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āhlādakaramfn. causing or conferring delight View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āhlādakārinmfn. idem or 'mfn. causing or conferring delight ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āhlādalaharīf. Name (also title or epithet) of a poem. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āhlādanan. the act of gladdening, refreshing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āhlādanīyamfn. to be refreshed or gladdened
āhlādinmfn. causing joy or delight, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āhlāditamfn. delighted, rejoiced. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anāhlādam. absence of joy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anāhlādamfn. gloomy, not cheerful. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anāhlāditamfn. not exhilarated. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anuhlādam. Name of a son of hiraṇya-kaśipu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
babhluśamfn. brownish View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlaka bāhlava-, bāhli- etc. See bālhava- etc., . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bahli bahlika-, bahlīka- varia lectio for balhi- etc., q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hli Name of a country, Balkh View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlikam. (plural) Name of a people View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlikam. a king of the bālhika-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlikam. Name of a son of pratīpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlikam. (plural) of a dynasty View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlikamfn. of the Balkh breed (as horses) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlikan. (wrong reading bālhaka-) saffron View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlikan. Asa Foetida View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlīka m. (plural) Name of a people etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlīkam. a prince of the bālhīka-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlīkam. Name of a son of janam-ejaya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlīkam. of a son of pratīpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlīkam. of the father of rohiṇī- (wife of vasu-deva-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlīkam. of a gandharva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlīkam. of a poet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlīkamf(ī-)n. belonging to or derived from the bālhika-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlīkan. equals bālhika- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlīkīf. a princess or any woman of the bālhika-s (also Name of mādrī- q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhlakṣ (varia lectio for bhakṣ-) cl.1 P. A1. bhlakṣati-, te-, to eat View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhlāś (connected with bhrāś-), cl.1. 4. A1. bhlāśate-, śyate- (perfect tense babhlāśe-,or bhleśe-etc.) , to shine, beam, glitter View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhlās(varia lectio for bhlāś-) in View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhleṣ(varia lectio for bhreṣ-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bihlaṇaincorrect for bilhaṇa-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bṛhacchlokamfn. (hac-+ ślo-) loudly praised View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bṛhacchlokam. Name of a son of uru-krama- by kīrtti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
citrarathabāhlikan. sg. gaRa rājadantādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlīf. the city Delhi, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dihlāf. Name of a woman (see dilha-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
durgāhlāda(hl-) m. a kind of perfume (see gāvallabha-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jahlam. Name of a man () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jihlu varia lectio for hnu-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kahlaṇafor kalhaṇa- q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kahlāran. the white esculent water-lily (Nymphaea Lotus) (see kalhāra-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlāramfn. (fr. kahl-), coming from the white water-lily View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kehladevam. Name of a man. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kohlāsam. (in music) Name of a rāga-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahlaṇam. Name of a prince (see malhaṇa-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahlāṇapuran. Name of a town (prob. wrong reading for mahlaṇa--or malhaṇa-p-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahlaṇasvāminm. Name of a temple founded by mahlaṇa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manohlādam. joy of the heart View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manohlādinmfn. gladdening the heart View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirhlādamfn. joyless, uncomfortable, uneasy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pahlavam. plural Name of a people (the Parthians or Persians) etc. (also spelt pahnava-; in the they are said to be a degraded kṣatriya- race conquered by sagara- and sentenced to wear beards). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pahlikāf. Pistia Stratiotes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pañcatrinśacchlokīf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paṇḍitāhlādinīf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paramāhlādanamfn. most delightful or agreeable, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prabahlikāSee pra-vahlikā-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahlamfn. pleased, glad View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahlādA1. -hlādate-, to be refreshed or comforted, to rejoice : Causal -hlādayati- te- to refresh, comfort, delight View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahlādam. joyful excitement, delight, joy. happiness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahlādam. sound, noise View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahlādam. a species of rice View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahlādam. Name of a pious daitya- (son of hiraṇya-kaśipu-;he was made king of the daitya- by viṣṇu-, and was regent of one of the divisions of pātāla-; see pra-hrāda-) () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahlādam. of a nāga-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahlādam. of a prajā-pati- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahlādam. plural Name of a people. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahlādacampūf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahlādacaritan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahlādakamf(ikā-)n. causing joy or pleasure, refreshing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahlādanamf(ī-)n. idem or 'mf(ikā-)n. causing joy or pleasure, refreshing ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahlādanam. (with yuva-rāja-) Name of a poet (brother of king dhārā-varṣa-, 1208) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahlādanan. ( ) and (ā-) f. () the act of causing joy or pleasure, refreshment. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahlādanīyamfn. refreshing, comforting View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prāhlādanīya wrong reading for pra-ht- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahlādastotran. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahlādastutif. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahlādavijayan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahlādinmfn. delighting, refreshing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahlāditamfn. (fr. Causal) rejoiced, delighted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahlādīyam. plural the attendants of the asura- prahlāda- (see pra-hrādi-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahlannamfn. pleased, glad, happy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahlannif. equals hlatti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahlattif. pleasure, delight View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pravahlif. a riddle, enigma (see pravalha-, hikā-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pravahlīf. a riddle, enigma (see pravalha-, hikā-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pravahlikāf. a riddle, enigma (see pravalha-, hikā-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sacchloka(s-+ śl-) mfn. having a good reputation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahla sahlaṇa- See salh- p.1190. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlādamfn. having joy or gladness, cheerful, glad ( sāhlādam am- ind."joyfully") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahlādamind. joyfully, gladly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlādamind. sāhlāda
saṃhlāda varia lectio (or wrong reading) for saṃhrāda- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃhlādinmfn. refreshing, cheering View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śarīraprahlādanam. Name of a king of the gandharva-s = View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śihla śihlaka- etc. See sihla-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sihla sihlaka- etc. See silh-, column 1. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śihlaṇaSee śilhaṇa-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śivāhlādam. " śiva-'s joy", Getonia Floribunda View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
triṃśacchlokīf. "30 śloka-s", Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ucchlakha(ud-śl-), au- m. dual number a particular part of the human body View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uhlaṇam. Name (also title or epithet) of the author of a commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlāyana vāhli-, vāhlīka- See bālhāyana- etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hliName of a country, Balkh View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vahli vahlika- etc. See balhi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlīkam. (plural) Name of a people etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlīkam. a prince of the bālhīka-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlīkam. Name of a son of janam-ejaya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlīkam. of a son of pratīpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlīkam. of the father of rohiṇī- (wife of vasu-deva-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlīkam. of a gandharva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlīkam. of a poet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlīkamf(ī-)n. belonging to or derived from the bālhika-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlīkan. equals bālhika- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hlīkīf. a princess or any woman of the bālhika-s (also Name of mādrī- q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
varavāhlīkaSee -bālhīka-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vehl cl.1 P. vehlati- varia lectio for vell- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vihlaṇaetc. See bilhaṇa-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṃśacchlokīf. (fr. viṃśat-+ śl-) Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yāvacchlokam(for -śl-) ind. proportionately to the number of the śloka-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
30 results
hlād ह्लाद् 1 Ā. (ह्लादते, ह्लन्न or ह्लादित) 1 To be glad or delighted, rejoice. -2 To sound. -3 To be pleasant; ह्लादते तनयस्पर्शः L. D. B. -Caus. (ह्लादयति) To gladden, delight.
hlādaḥ ह्लादः ह्लादकः Pleasure; joy, delight; also ह्लादिक.
hlādanam ह्लादनम् The act of rejoicing, joy, delight. -2 Refreshing, refreshment.
hlādin ह्लादिन् a. 1 Delighting, pleasing &c. -2 Very noisy or loud.
hlādinī ह्लादिनी See ह्रादिनी.
hlādita ह्लादित p. p. Delighted, refreshed.
hlag ह्लग् 1 P. (ह्लगति) To cover, hide.
hlap ह्लप् 1 P. (ह्लापयति) 1 To speak. -2 To sound, creak. -3 To speak well; L. D. B.
hlas ह्लस् 1 P. (ह्लसति) To sound.
hlattiḥ ह्लत्तिः f. Joy, gladness; (ह्लन्निः f. also in this sense.)
hleṣā ह्लेषा See ह्रेषा.
hlīka ह्लीक ह्लीकु See ह्रीक, ह्रीकु; [Uṇ.3.47] (ह्रीकः = लज्जावान्); Uṇ.3.86; (ह्रीकुः ह्लीकुश्च लज्जावान्).
ucchlaṅkhaḥ उच्छ्लङ्खः Ved. A part of the human body (used only in dual). केनोच्छ्लङ्खौ मध्यतः कः प्रतिष्ठाम् Av.1.2.1.
kahlaṇaḥ कह्लणः N. of the author of Rājataraṅgiṇī.
pravahliḥ प्रवह्लिः ह्ली (also -ह्लिका and -ह्लीका) See प्रहेलिका. A riddle, enigma; विदग्धबालेङ्गितगुप्तिचातुरीप्रवह्लिकोत्पाटनपाटवे हृदः N.16.12.
prahlād प्रह्लाद् 1 Ā. To be greatly delighted, rejoice. -Caus. To delight, exhilarate, gladden.
prahlanna प्रह्लन्न p. p. Delighted, joyful, pleased.
prahlanniḥ प्रह्लन्निः f. Pleasure, delight; also प्रह्लत्तिः P.VI. 4.95 com.
prahlādaka प्रह्लादक a. Causing pleasure, refreshing. प्रह्रा prahrā (ह्ला hlā) दन dana प्रह्रा (ह्ला) दन a. Gladdening, delighting; प्रह्लादनं ज्योतिरजन्यनेन R.13.4. -नम् Causing joy or delight, gladdening, delighting; यथा प्रह्लादनाच्चन्द्रः R.4.12.
hliḥ बाह्लिः N. of a country (Balkh). -Comp. -ज, -जात a. bred in the Balkh country, of the Balkh breed.
bihlaṇaḥ बिह्लणः N. of a poet, the author of the Vikramāṅkadevacharita.
bhlakṣ भ्लक्ष् See भ्रक्ष्.
bhlāś भ्लाश् See भ्राश्.
vahlika वह्लिक वह्लीक See बह्लिक, बह्लीक.
hliḥ वाह्लिः N. of a country (the modern Balkh). -Comp. -जः a Balkh-bred horse.
hliḥ वाह्लिः (ह्ली) कः 1 N. of a country (the modern Balkh). -2 A horse from this country, a Balkh-bred horse. -3 N. of one of the principal Gandharvas. -क्रम् 1 Saffron. -2 Asa Fœtida.
vehl वेह्ल् 1 P. (वेह्लते) To go, move.
śihlaḥ शिह्लः शिह्लकः Benzoin.
sihlaḥ सिह्लः सिह्लकः Benzoin, incense.
sihlakī सिह्लकी सिह्ली The olibanum tree.
Macdonell Vedic Search
2 results
panyatama pánya-tama, spv. gdv. most highly to be praised, iii. 59, 5 [pánya, gdv. praiseworthy: panadmire].
pārthiva pá̄rthiva, a. earthly, i. 154, 1; x. 15, 2 [a. from pṛthiví̄ earth].
Macdonell Search
150 results
aguṇajña a. ignoring merit; -vat, a. void of merit, bad; -sîla, a. of bad disposition, worthless.
aguṇa m. lack of virtue, demerit, defect; fault, vice; a. void of qualities; worthless, vicious.
atiharṣula a. highly rejoiced.
atyanta a. lasting to the end, continual, uninterrupted, endless; complete; excessive: °ree;-or -m, ad. excessively, continually, for ever, throughout; highly, beyond measure; -gata, pp. gone away for good.
atyūrjitam ad. extremely, highly.
adant a. toothless.
adravya n. worthless object.
adhi ad. above, upwards; highly; within; besides; prp. with ac. over, upon; up to; w. in. across; w. ab. above; down from, from, out of; w. lc. above (of rank or number); under (the rule of); upon, in, on; with respect to; --°ree;, upwards of --.
anatiprakāśaka a. not highly illuminative; -tva, n. abst. n.
anavasthita pp. unstable, wavering; helpless; faithless; unable to stay; -kitta, a. unsteady-minded: -tva, n. -ness.
anirloḍita pp. not thoroughly investigated.
anūru m. (thighless), dawn (personi fied as the sun's charioteer or brother).
antakāla m. hour of death; -krit, a. making an end; m. death; Yama; -ga, a. going to the end of; thoroughly versed in (--°ree;); -gata, pp. ended; final; -gamana, n. coming to the end of (g.); -tás,ad. from the end; with the extremities; at the end of (g.); finally; -pâla, m. boundary watchman.
apacaya m. decrease, diminution; -karita, (pp.) n. transgression; -kâra, m. want; death; transgression; -kârin, a. deviating fr.; erring; faithless (wife).
apatha n. no way, pathlessness; wrong way; bad course; wrong place: in. not in the usual way; a. pathless; inaccessible; -prapanna, pp. misplaced; -hara, a. choosing the wrong way.
apativratā f. faithless to her husband.
apārthiva a. not earthly, celestial.
apratiratha a. matchless; -rû pa, a. without counterpart, incomparable; in adequate; unsuitable for (g.).
abhyadhika a. superfluous, ad ditional; better, superior; greater, stronger, exceeding, more by (in., ab., --°ree;); dearer than (--°ree;); excellent, extraordinary: -m, ad. highly, very, extraordinarily; -½adhyayana, n. study at a place (--°ree;).
amānita pp. not highly esteemed.
amātrā f.: in. excessively, highly.
amukha a. mouthless.
alaṃtarām (cpv.) ad. highly; with inf. much better; -dhana, a. having sufficient property.
alam ad. enough, sufficiently, tho roughly, adequately, plenteously; highly; suf ficient or fit for; equal to, a match for (d.); able to (inf.); enough of, away with (in.); have done w., cease, do not (inf. or gd.=impv.). (See also √ kri & √ bhû.)
alpaśakti a. weak; -sás, ad. slightly, to a small extent; rarely; -sesha, a. having little wanting; almost completed; -sattva, a. of little courage, cowardly; -sâra, a. weak; worthless; insignificant; -snâyu, a. having few sinews; -svara, a. weak-voiced, quiet.
avacana a. speechless; -kara, a. not following --, disregarding advice.
avastu n. worthless thing; nothing, the unreal: -tva, n. abst. n.
aviśiṣx{093c}ṭa pp. not different: -tâ, f., -tva, n. abst. n.; -suddha, pp. impure; not thoroughly investigated.
aśanais ad. highly, violently.
asāra m. n. unfitness; a. unfit, worthless, unprofitable; -tâ, f. unfitness; frailty; -rûpa-tâ, f. worthlessness; emptiness.
ārtava a. (î) seasonable; menstrual; n. monthly purification; the ten days following it.
indraśatru m. Indra's foe, Pra hlâda; -suta, m. pat. of Arguna; -sena, m. N. of various men; -sen&asharp;, f. Indra's missile; N.; -stuti, f. praise of Indra; -stotra, n. id.
uccais (in. pl.) ad. high; above; up wards; loudly; aloud; highly, vigorously, in tently, thoroughly: w. bhû, rise.
ekāntavidhvaṃsin a. necessarily perishing; -vihârin, m. solitary wanderer; -sîla, a. retiring into solitude; -hita, pp. thoroughly good.
kanyā f. girl, virgin; daughter; Virgo (in the Zodiac); -½âgâra, n. women's apart ments; -griha, n. id.; -tva, n. virginity; -dâtri, m. man who gives a daughter in mar riage; -dâna, n. bestowal of a daughter in marriage; -dûshin, a. deflowering a virgin; -pura, n. women's apartments; -bhâva, m. virginity; -bhaiksha, n. begging for a girl; -maya, a. consisting of a maiden or daughter; -vat, a. having a daughter; m.father of a daughter; -vedin, m. son-in-law; -vrata, n. monthlies: -sthâ, f. menstruating woman.
kapha m. phlegm (one of the 3 humours of the body); -ghna, a. anti-phlegmatic.
kṣamya a. earthly.
kheṭa m. n. village inhabited by pea sants; shield; m. phlegm; a. low, mean; -ka, hamlet; shield.
gatāgata pp. n. sg. & pl. going and coming, going hither and thither; flying to and fro: â-ni kri, negotiate; -½âgati, f. going and coming=death and rebirth; -½âdhi, a. free from care; -½adhvan,a. who has completed his journey; thoroughly conversant with (lc.); -½anugati-ka, a. following precedents; -½anta, a. whose end has come; -½âyus, a. whose life is past; moribund; dead; a&halfacute;asu, a. lifeless, dead.
gatajīva a. dead; -gîvita, a. id.; -pâra, a. having attained his object; -pûrva, a. trodden before; -pratyâgata, pp. gone and returned; -prâna, a. inanimate, dead; -prâ ya, a. almost past or perished; -mati, a. stupid, senseless; -manas-ka, a. thinking of (lc.); -mâtra, a. only just gone away; -yauvana, a. whose youth is past; -roga, a. convalescent; -vayas, a. whose youth is past; (á)-srî, a. being in the height of prosperity; -sâra, a. worthless; -spriha, a. having no more desire or pleasure (in, g. or lc.); dis interested; merciless.
guru a. (v-î) heavy; heavier than (ab.); great, large; violent, serious, hard, severe; weary, sad (days); important, weighty, of much account; venerable; prosodically long; m. venerable or highly respected person: father, mother, or elder relative, esp. teacher: du. parents; pl. parents and other venerable per sons, also teacher (pl. of respect); chief of (g. pl. or --°ree;).
caṅga a. thoroughly acquainted with, very fastidious about (--°ree;), (-tâ, f. abst. n.); m. N.
cāturmāsī f. day of full moon at the four-monthly sacrifices; -mâsyá, n. period of four months; sacrifice to be offered every four months (at the beginning of the three seasons).
citraya den. P. variegate, decorate, adorn: pp. kitrita, variegated, embellished, painted. ud, pp. richly decked or provided with (in.).
jhalla m. club-fighting athlete (descendant of outcast Kshatriya).
tattvajña a. knowing thoroughly (--°ree;); -gñâna, n. knowledge of real essence, true knowledge; -darsin, a. seeing or knowing the truth; -dris, a. id.; -bodha, m. know ledge of the truth; title of two works; -bhâva, m. true being or essence; -bhûta, pp. true; -vid, a. knowing thoroughly (--°ree; or g.); -sud dhi, f. exact knowledge of the truth.
tattva n. (that-ness), very essence, true nature, truth, reality; principle (esp. one of the 25 in the Sâ&ndot;khya philosophy); in the Vedânta philosophy the word is artificially analysed into &open;tat tvam,&close; that (art) thou, as expressing the identity of the multiform phenomenal world (tvam) with the one undifferentiated invisible Brahma (tad): in., -tas, °ree;--, in reality; truly; exactly; thoroughly.
tannimitta a. caused by him or thereby: -tva, n. being the cause thereof; -nishtha, a. thoroughly devoted to that.
tamām (ac. f.) ad. --°ree;, highly, very, much (attached to advs. in V., to verbs in C.).
traimāsika a. three-monthly; three months old, lasting three months.
durukta pp. spoken falsely, rashly, or offensively (n. word --); harshly addressed; n. false, rash, or offensive word; -ukti, f. harsh or offensive word; -ukkheda, a. hard to exterminate; -uttara, a. hard to overcome; -utsaha, a. hard to bear; -resist; -udâhara, a. hard to utter; -udvaha, a. hard to bear; -upakâra, a. hard to approach, dangerous to molest; hard to deal with; -upadishta, pp. badly instructed; -upadesa, m.bad advice; -upapâda, a. hard to bring about or manage; difficult to prove; -upalaksha, a. hard to perceive; -upasarpin, a. approaching incau tiously.
durbala a. weak; frail, slender, feeble: -tâ, f. -ness, -½indriya, a. having weak organs; -buddhi, f. mean wit, folly; a. mean-witted, foolish; ill-intentioned; --°ree;, foolishly believ ing in; -bodha, a. hard to comprehend: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -bodhya, fp. id.
dūra a. distant, remote; long; far (from, ab., g.); n. distance (of time and space): °ree;-and -m, far away; high up; deep; highly, very, altogether; -m kri, distance, surpass (ac.); -m tyag (and similar verbs)=avoid carefully; in. (e-na), far away; from afar; by far; ab. from afar; far from (ab.); remotely =thoroughly (examine); lc. in the distance, far, far away.
doṣa m. (n.) defect, blemish, fail ing; bad quality or condition, taint; fault; transgression, crime, sin, guilt, vice; harm, damage, injury; evil; bad consequence; morbid affection, disorder, disease; bodily humour (there are three such, phlegm, bile, and wind, which when disordered cause disease): in., ab. -tas, in consequence of a bad --, owing to the detrimental effect of (--°ree;); -tah sa&ndot;k, suspect of a transgression.
dhātu m. layer; component part (--°ree; a.); element (five are assumed: ether, air, fire, earth, water); elementary consti tuent of the body (seven are assumed: ali mentary juice, blood, flesh, fat, bone, marrow, semen; or five: ear, nose, mouth, heart, ab domen; or three=dosha: wind, gall, phlegm); elementary constituent of the earth or of mountains: ore, mineral, metal, esp. red chalk; verbal element, verbal root orbase.
dharmiṣṭha spv. thoroughly versed in duty, very just or virtuous; completely harmonizing with the law or duty.
nātinirvṛti f. not too great satisfaction; -nîka, a. not too low; -pari- kara, a. having a limited retinue; -pari sphuta, a. somewhat concealed; -paryâpta, pp. not too abundant; -pushta, pp.not too well furnished with (in.); -prakupita, pp. not excessively angry; -pramanas, a. not too good-humoured; -prasiddha, pp. not noto rious; -bhârika, a. not too weighty; -bhin na, pp. not very different from (ab.); -mâ tram, ad. not excessively; -mân-in, a. not esteeming oneself toohighly: (-i)-tâ, f. absence of vanity; -ramanîya, fp. not too charming: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -rûpa, a. not very pretty; -visadam, ad. (kiss) not very audibly; -vis târa-samkata, a. neither too wide nor too narrow; -sîta½ushna, a. neither too hot nor too cold; -slishta, pp. not very firm; -sva stha, a. not very well, poorly.
nitānta pp. (√ tam) excessive: °ree;--, -m, ad. excessively, highly, very.
nipuṇa a. skilful, adroit, clever, conversant (with lc., inf., or --°ree;); suitable for, capable of (--°ree;); perfect, complete: -m, ad. cleverly; delicately; absolutely, completely; exactly, thoroughly, carefully; -taram, ad. id.; -tâ, f. skill, cleverness; carefulness: in. carefully.
nirākaraṇa n. expulsion; re pudiation of a wife; removal; disproval; -âkaranîya, fp. to be disproved; -âkari shnu, a. repudiating (ac.); seeking to remove from (ab.); forgetful; -âkartavya, fp. to be disproved; -âkartri, m. contemner of (g.); a. disproving; -âkâ&ndot;ksha, a. expecting nothing; having no desires; requiring no supplement; -âkâra, a. formless, bodiless; having no object, vacant; -âkula, a. not crowded, unfrequented; not confused, orderly; unconcerned, calm; -â kriti, a. formless; neglecting one's religious duties; -âkranda, a. unprotected; affording no protection; m. or n. unsheltered place; -âkri yâ, f.expulsion; disproval; -âgas, a. guiltless; -âgraha, a. not obstinately insisting on any thing; -âkikîrshu, des. a. wishing to refute any one (ac.); -âgîvya, a. affording no livelihood; -âdambara, ad. without much talk (°ree;--); -âta&ndot;ka, a. free from ailment or anxiety; causing no ailment or anxiety; -â- tapa, a. sheltered from the heat of the sun, shady; -âtapatra, a. destitute of an umbrella; -âtithya, n. inhospitable (forest); -âdara, a.showing no respect towards (lc.); -âdhi, a. free from care; -ânanda, a. joyless, sad; -ântra, a. disembowelled; -âpad, a. free from adversity; -âbâdha, a. undisturbed; harm less; frivolous, futile; -âmaya, m. health, welfare; a. healthy, well; salubrious; in fallible; -âmarsha, a. putting up with every thing, apathetic; -âmisha, a. fleshless; hav ing no sensual desires: -½âsin, a. not eating flesh, not carnivorous; -âyata-tva, n. lack of extension, shortness; -âyati, a. having no future; -âyâsa, a. involving no trouble; causing no fatigue; -âyudha, a. unarmed; -ârambha, a. unenterprising, inactive; -â lamba, a. having no support; suspended in the air; self-supported, isolated, affording no support; -âlâpa, a. not talking; -âloka, a. devoid of light, dark; blind, foolish; -âvar ana, a. uncovered, manifest; -âsa, a. having given up all hope or expectation, despairing (of, ac. with prati, d., ab., lc., or --°ree;): -kara, a. taking away all hope of, rendering impos sible, -tva, n. hopelessness; -âsa&ndot;ka, a. fear less; not afraid of (lc.); -âsa&ndot;kya, fp. not to be feared; -âsâ, f. renunciation of all hopes: -½âsanna, pp. verging on despair; -âsitva, n. despair; -âsin, a. having renounced all hope, hopeless; -âsis, a. having no desires or hopes; -âsî-bhû, lose all hope; -âsrama, a. being in none of the four stages of a Brâh man: -pada, a. having no hermitages (forest); -âsramin, a. id.; -âsraya, a. shelterless, un supported; independent; unprotected; -âsa, m. expulsion, exclusion, rejection, repudiation; -âstha, a. taking no interest in, not caring about (--°ree;); -âhâra, m. fasting; a. abstaining from food, having nothing to eat: -tâ, f. abst. n.
nirgatākhilakalmaṣa a. freed from all sin: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -gati, f. setting out; -gandha, a. scentless: -tâ, f. -ness; -gama, m. going out, departure, escape from (ab.); vanishing; outlet, exit; destination of an export; issue, conclusion; -gamana, n. going out of (--°ree;); -garva, a. free from pride; -garha, a. blameless; -gavâksha, a. windowless; -gahana, a. knowing no precipices=intrepid; -guna,a. lacking a cord; stringless (bow); destitute of qualities; worthless, base, bad: -tâ, f., -tva, n. lack of all qualities; worthlessness, baseness, wickedness; -gulika, a. lacking a pill; -griha, a. (î) houseless; -gaurava, a.devoid ofreverence: -m, ad. condescendingly; -grantha, a. freed from all bonds; m. naked Jain mendicant; -granthika, m. naked Jain mendicant; -graha, m. ascertainment.
nirdaṃśin a. not biting; -danda, a. not punishing; -danta, a. toothless, tusk less; -daya, a. unmerciful, cruel, ruthless; vehement, ardent (embrace); deserving no mercy: -m, ad. mercilessly; excessively; ardently; -dayatva, n. hard-heartedness, cruelty; -darana, a. free from clefts or holes; -dari, cave; -dalana, n. splitting, cutting down; -dasa, a. more than ten days old; -dasana, a. toothless; -dâkshinya, a. un courteous; -dâtri, m. weeder (of a field); -dâridrya, a. free from poverty, well to do.
nirmaryāda a. boundless; know ing no bounds, impious, wicked; -mala, a. spotless, unsullied, pure, clear, limpid: -tâ, f., -tva, n. purity, -svâdu-salila, n. clear and sweet water; -mâmsa, a. fleshless; lean; -mâna, n. measuring; measure; fashioning, forming, creating; composition, work.
nirmakṣika n. freedom from flies: -m kri, clear the premises (Pr.); -mañkana, n. purification; -mandûka, a. destitute of frogs; -matsara, a. free from envy or jealousy; -matsya, a. fishless: -tâ, f.absence of fish: -m nî, clear of fish; -math ana, n. friction, esp. of tinder-wood; churn ing; -mada, a. not in rut; not proud, humble; -manas-ka, a. destitute of intellect: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -manyu, a. free from wrath.
nirvaṃśa a. having no family, child less, alone in the world; -vakana, n. ex planation, etymology; a. speechless: -m, ad. without saying a word; -vatsala, a. not tenderly attached to, esp. children (lc.);-váp ana, n. (funeral) offering; -vartaka, a. per forming; -vartana, n. performance; -vart anîya, fp. to be accomplished; -varti, a. wickless; -vartitavya, fp. to be performed (Pr.); -vartin, a. ill-behaved (--°ree;); performing, doing (--°ree;); -vartya, fp. to be accomplished; -produced; -uttered; -vasa, a. possessing no will of one's own, dependent: -tâ, f. depend ence; -vashatkâra-ma&ndot;gala, a. lacking sacri fices and festivities;-vasu, a. poor; -vastrî kri, deprive of one's clothes; -vahana, n. con clusion, issue; final act, catastrophe (dr.)
niḥśaṅka a. free from anxiety, fearless, unhesitating; having nothing to fear from (--°ree;); that need cause no anxiety: -m or °ree;--, calmly, without hesitation, without more ado;-sa&ndot;kâ, f. absence of timidity: in. without hesitation; -sa&ndot;kita, pp. free from anxiety; causing no anxiety; fearless, unhesitating; -satru, a. free from foes; -sabda, a. silent; noiseless, mute: °ree;--, silently: -stimita, pp. noiseless and still; -sarana, a. unprotected; -salâka, a. free from tall grass; -salya, a. free from an arrow: -m, ad. pain lessly, without a struggle, willingly; -sastra, a. unarmed; -sâkha, a. branchless: -tâ, f.branchlessness.
niḥsādhāra a. unsupported: -m, ad. without a support; -sâdhvasa, a. fearless, undaunted: -tva, n. abst. n.; -sâm arthya, a. unsuitable; -sâmânya, a. un usual, extraordinary; -sâra, a. sapless, in sipid; insignificant; worthless, vain, transi tory (-tâ, f., -tva, n. abst. n.); m. a musical measure; -sârana, n. removal; expulsion; -sârya, fp. to be excluded from (ab.).
niḥsaṃśaya a. undoubted, cer tain; undoubting, sure: -m, ad. certainly, undoubtedly; -samsayita, pp. unquestioned, sure, safe; -samskâra, a. unrefined, ill-man nered: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -sa&ndot;khya, a. in numerable; -sa&ndot;ga, a. unattached; indif ferent to (lc.), disinterested, free from all de sires: -tâ, f., -tva, n. abst. n.; -sakiva, a. lacking a minister; -samkâra, a. not going out, not leaving the house; -samgña, a. un conscious; -sattva, a. devoid of reality; wanting in courage or firmness; weak, wretched; deprived of living beings: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -satya, a. untrue, lying: -tâ, f. untruthfulness, mendacity, insincerity; -sam tati, a. destitute of offspring; -samdigdha, pp. not doubtful, certain: -m, ad. undoubtedly, certainly; -samdeha, a. id.; -samdhi, a. lacking a joining or interstice; close, firm (embrace); -sapatna, a.having no rival; uncontested; unrivalled: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -sambâdha, a. uncrowded; -sambhrama, a. unperplexed (about, inf.); -sarana, n. going out; exit; expedient against (ab. or --°ree;); -sarani, a. pathless; -sarpa, from serpents; -salila, a. waterless; -saha, a. powerless; fainting: °ree;--, ad. in a faint; -sahâya, a. companionless, helpless.
naiṣṭhika a. (î) final, last; definitive, decided, settled; highest, supreme, per fect; thoroughly versed in (--°ree;); having taken the vow of eternal chastity: -sundara, a. supremely beautiful.
pañcama a. (&isharp;) fifth; with amsa, m. a fifth part: -m, ad. for the fifth time; fifthly; m. fifth (later seventh) note of the Indian scale; a musical mode; fifth consonant of a class, nasal; î, f. fifth day in a fortnight; terminations of the fifth case, word in the ablative; terminations of the imperative.
para a. [leading beyond: √ 2. pri], 1. of place: farther, than (ab.); remoter, ulterior; opposite (shore); next (life); 2. of time: past, previous; future, subsequent; following (ab.); latest, extreme (age), high (time); 3. of amount: exceeding, more than (ab., --°ree;); remaining over; 4. of sequence: following, coming next after (ab., --°ree;); repeated: each successive; 5. of degree: superior, higher, better, worse, than (ab.; rarely --°ree;); supreme, pre-eminent, best; utmost, deepest, greatest; 6. of range: transcending (ab.); 7. of relation: other; alien, strange, hostile; different, from (ab.); m. descendant; stranger; adversary, foe, enemy; universal soul, the Absolute; n. remotest distance; height, summit, acme; supreme bliss; extreme limit (--°ree;); further or wider meaning of a word (--°ree;, a. synonymous with); chief aim, main thing: --°ree;, a. having -as the main thing=intent on, absorbed in, deeply affected with, mainly consisting in, chiefly meant for, altogether based on; -m, ad. afterwards, subsequently; beyond, after (ab.); highly, excessively; completely; at the most; nothing but, only; however, but; atah param, beyond that; after that; next; hereafter; still further; itah param, henceforth; tatah or tatas ka --, id.; thereupon; na½asmât param, no more of that, enough; na param - api, not only--but also; na param--yâvat, not only--but even; yadi param, if at all, perhaps; param tu or kim tu, however, but; param na--api na, not only not--but also not.
parijana m. (surrounding folk), servant (male or female); gnly. coll., retinue, train, followers, attendants, domestics (esp. female); -gâta, pp. completely grown; -gi hîrshâ, f. desire to avoid orremove; -gñapti, f. recognition; -gñâtri, m. accurate knower; -gñâna, n. recognition, discrimination; full ascertainment, thorough information, com plete knowledge or acquaintance; -gñânin, a. possessing much information; -gñeya, fp. to be learned or known thoroughly; (pári)- gman, a. moving or speeding round; every where present: lc. all around.
pariṣattva n. legal assembly; -shád, a. encompassing, besetting; f. assem bly; audience; council; -sheka, m. sprinkling, dousing with water, shower-bath; bathing appliances, such as water-can, etc.; -shoda- sa, a. pl. full sixteen; -shkandá, m. servant, esp. one running beside a carriage; temple; -shkâra, m. adornment; ornament; -shkri ta, pp. (√ kri) embellished, adorned, highly finished; -shkriyâ, f.adornment; attend ance on the sacred fire (--°ree;).
paruṣita pp. harshly addressed, used roughly; -iman, m. shagginess.
paruṣa a. (â, V. párushnî) knotty (reed); spotted, variegated; dirty; rough, rugged; dishevelled, shaggy; rough (wind), scorching (fire, sun); harsh (tone); severe, hard, rude, abusive (speech, person); n. sg., pl. contumelious speech, abuse: -vakana, n. harsh or contumelious speech; a. speaking harshly or rudely; -vâdin, a. id.; -½akshara, a. rough, harsh (of speeches or persons): -m, ad. rudely, harshly.
pāraga a. crossing to the farther bank; having gone to the end of anything, having accomplished, -thoroughly studied, fully conversant with (g., lc., --°ree;); deeply learned; -gata, pp. having reached the oppo site bank, having safely crossed (g.); -grâm ika, a. hostile: -m vidhim âkikîrshati, prepares for hostilities.
pārthiva a. (î) terrestrial, earthly: with vrata, n. manner of the earth; m. in habitant or son of earth; prince, king, war rior; a. royal: î, f. daughter of earth, Sîtâ; -tâ, f., -tva, n. royal dignity, kingship;-nandinî, f. king's daughter, princess; -½ri shabha, m. illustrious king; -sreshtha, spv. best of kings; -sutâ, f. king's daughter; -½ât magâ, f. king's daughter; -½indra, m. most excellent of kings.
punarapagama m. going away again; -abhidhâna, n. repeated mention; -abhyâkâram, abs. by repeatedly attracting; -âgata, pp. returned; -âgama, m. return: -âgamana, n. coming back, return; re-birth; -âdâyam, abs. repeatedly; -âdhâna, n. renewed kindling of the sacred fire; -âdhéya, fp. to be kindled again (sacred fire); -âvartin, a. returning to terrestrial existence; leading to a return of earthly existence; -â vritta, pp. repeated; -âvritti, f. return, re appearance; renewed birth.
prakara m. (scattered) heap, quantity, plenty: î, f. kind of song; short interlude (in a drama); -karana, n. production, creation; treatment, discussion, exposition; subject of discussion, topic; section, chapter; special treatise, monograph; kind of drama (in which the plot is invented by the poet): asminn eva prakarane, in regard to this very point, in this connection; na ka prakaranam vetsi, nor do you know what the point in question is: -tas, ad. on a suitable occasion, -tva, n. condition of discussing (--°ree;); -kartavya, fp. to be prepared; to be displayed or cherished; to be appointed to (lc.); -kartri, m. one who causes or occasions; -karsha, m. (preference, advantage), excellence, superiority, pre-eminence; intensity, excess; predominance; --°ree; a. consisting for the most part in: in., ab., °ree;--, highly, strongly, thoroughly; -karshana, m. troubler;n. drawing off; protrusion; extension, long duration; -karsha-vat, a. excellent; --°ree;, distinguished or pre-eminent in; -kalpanâ, f. allotment; -kalp-ita, pp. fitted, arranged, placed; -kalp-ya, to be allotted or settled; -kâ&ndot;kshâ, f. appetite; -kânda, m. n. trunk of a tree (between the root and branches); minor section in a book; --°ree;=pre-eminent, excellent; -kâmá, m. delight, voluptuousness: pl. objects of desire: -m, -tas, or°ree;--, ad. with delight, willingly; according to desire, sufficiently; in very deed; -kâra, m. kind, sort, species; way, manner; --°ree; a. of the nature of, -like: kena prakârena, in what way? how? prakâraih, in one way or another; râmâyanasya bhâratasya vâ pra kârah, a kind of Râmâyana or Mahâbhârata; -kâra-ka, a. (--°ree;) of the nature of, -like; -kâra-tâ, f. speciality; -kâra-vat, a. belonging to a species; -kârya, fp. to be exhibited; -kâlana, a. driving on; m. N. of a Nâga.
prapitāmaha m. great grandfather; also designation of Brahman and Krishna: pl. great-grandfathers, ances tors: î, f. paternal great-grandmother; -pi trivya, m. paternal grand-uncle; -pitvá, (V.) n. going away; flight, retreat; retired spot; evening; -pitsu, des. a. desirous of plunging into (lc.); wishing to enter upon a path (ac.); -pîdana, n. pressing, squeezing; means of squeezing tumours; -purâna, a.long kept, old; -pushpita, pp. covered with blossoms, flowering; -pûraka, a. (ikâ) fulfilling, satis fying; -pûrana, a. (î) filling up (oil) and increasing (love for anything); insertion in (lc. or --°ree;); drawing of a bow;embellishment of Indra's banner; -pûrya, ps. base of √ 1. pri, be thoroughly filled or satiated; be filled to the brim.
praveka a. choice, chief, exquisite, most excellent of (--°ree;); -vega, m. great swift ness; -vegita, den. pp. moving rapidly; -ve- nî, f. braid of hair; coloured woollen cloth; -vetri, m. charioteer; -vettri, m. connoisseur of (--°ree;); -vedana, n. making known, pro claiming; -vedin, a. thoroughly knowing (--°ree;); -vedya, fp. to be made known; -vedha, m. shot; -vepin, a. trembling; -verita, pp. cast, hurled; -vesa, m.entrance, entry, pene tration, intrusion, into (lc., g.±antar, or --°ree;); appearance on the stage; getting into the house, coming into one's possession (e. g. of a deposit); obtrusiveness, meddlesomeness; entering into=admissibleness, applicability in (lc.); employment or utilization of (--°ree;); entrance, door: -ka, a. --°ree;, id.; m. interlude (explaining what has happened between two acts and is essential for the understanding of what follows); -vesana, n. entering, en trance or penetration into (g., lc., or --°ree;); co pulation; introduction, into (lc.); driving home (of cattle); -vesa-bhâgika, m. collector of taxes; -vesayitavya, fp. to be introduced; -vesita, cs. pp. introduced, made or allowed to enter; n. causing to appear on the stage; -vesin, a. entering, into (--°ree;); accessible through or over (--°ree;); having sexual intercourse with (--°ree;); -vesya, fp. to be entered; -played (musical instrument); -introduced; -vesh- tavya, fp. to be entered; -allowed to enter; n. imps. one should enter or penetrate into (lc.); -veshtri, m. one who enters: -tva, n. condition of --.
prasvana m. sound, noise; (á)-svâ das, a. very sweet, highly pleasing; -svâpa, a. inducing sleep, soporific (missile); m. fall ing asleep; dream; -svâpana, a. (î) causing slumber: î dasâ, f. condition of sleep; n. causing sleep; -sveda, m. perspiration; -svedin, a. perspiring, covered with sweat.
pralhāda m. pleasurable excitement, feeling of joy; N. of a pious Daitya (=Prahrâda): -ka, a. refreshing, gladdening; -hlâdana, a. (î) cheering, gladdening; n. â, f. refreshing, delighting; -hlâdin, a.delighting.
bahu a. (v-&isharp;) abundant, much; numerous; repeated, frequent; abounding or rich in (in.): tvayâ hi me bahu kritam -yad, you have done me a great service, in --; tasmin bahu½etad api, even thiswas much for him (i.e. more than could be ex pected); kim bahunâ, what need of much talk? in short; n. ú, ad. much; often, repeatedly; greatly, exceedingly, very, highly; °ree;-sts.=for the most part, almost, tolerably:bahu man, think much of, esteem highly, value; hold dearer than (in.); n. plural.
bahutama spv. remotest: â bahutamât purushât, down to the remotest descendant; -tara, cpv. more numerous, more, than (ab.); more extensive, greater (fire); too or very much; several: etad eva½asmâkam bahutaram -yad, it is already a great thing for us that --; -m, ad. more; repeatedly; -tara-ka, a. very much or numerous; -tarâm, (ac. f.) ad. highly, greatly, very; -tâ, f. abundance, multitude; -titha, a.(having many tithis or lunar days), long (time); much, manifold: -m, ad. greatly; e&zip;hani, on many a day=for many days; -trina, n. almost grass, a mere straw; -trish- na, a. suffering from great thirst; -trivarsha, a.almost three years old; -tva, n. multiplicity, multitude; majority, opinion of the majority; plural; -dakshiná, a. accompanied by many gifts (sacrifice); -dâna, n. bounteous gift; 2. a. (á) munificent; -dâyin, a. id.; -drisvan,m. great observer, very learned man; -devata, a. addressed to many deities (verse); -devatyã, a. belonging to many gods; -daivata, a. relating to many gods; -dosha, 1. m. great harm or disadvantage; 2. a. having many drawbacks (forest); -dhana, a. possessing much wealth, very rich: -½îsvara, m. very wealthy man; -dh&asharp;, ad. in many ways, parts, or places; variously; many times, repeatedly; very: -kri, multiply; spread abroad;-nâman, a. having many names; -patnîka, a. having many wives: -tâ, f. polygamy; -pada, a. many footed; -parná, a. many-leaved; -pasu, a. rich in cattle; -pâda, a. many-footed; hav ing several pâdas (verse); -putra, a.having many sons or children; -pushpa-phala½upe ta, pp. having many flowers and fruits; -pra kâra, a. manifold: -m, ad. variously; repeatedly; -prakriti, a. consisting of several nominal bases (compound); -praga, in children; -pragña, a. very wise; -pra- gñâna-sâlin, a. possessed of much knowledge; -pratigña, a. involving several charges or counts (leg.); -prapañka, a. of great diffuseness, prolix; -pralâpin, a. garrulous; -bhâshin, a. id.; -bhâshya, n. loquacity; -bhug, a. eating much; -bhûmika, a. consisting of many stories (building); -bhoktri, m. great eater; -bhogyâ, f. harlot; -bhog aka, a. eating much; -bhog-in, a. id.: (-i) tâ, f.voracity; -bhauma, a. many-storied (building); -mati, f. high opinion, esteem, respect; -matsya, n. place abounding in fish; -madhya-ga, a. belonging to many; -mantavya, fp. to be highly thought of, prized or esteemed; -mâna, m. high opinion or regard, esteem, respect, for (lc. of prs. or thing, rarely g. of prs.); attaching great im portance to (lc.): -purah-saram, ad. with respect; -mânin, a. held in esteem, respected; -mânya, fp. to be highly thought of, estimable; -mâya, a. having many wiles, artful, treacherous; -mitra, a. having many friends; -mukha, a. many-mouthed, talking of many things; -mûla-phala½anvita, pp. furnished with many roots and fruits; -mûlya, 1. n. large sum of money; 2. a. of great price, costly; -yâgín, a. having offered many sacrifices; -ragas, a. very dusty and having much pollen; -ratna, a. abounding in jewels.
bālhīka bâlhî-ka, bāhlīka m. N. of a people (pl.); prince of the Bâhlîkas; N.; î, f. princess or woman of Bâhlîka.
bṛhaccāṇakya n. the great collection of aphorisms by Kânakya; (-ák)- khandas, a. having a high roof; (-ák)-kha rîra, a. having a large body, tall; -khuka, m. kind of woodpecker; -khoka, a.greatly afflicted; -khravas, a. loud-sounding; far-famed; -khloka, a. far-famed; m. N.; -gyot is, a. far-shining; m. N. of a grandson of Brahman.
bhagna pp. (√ bhañg) broken, etc.; n. fracture of the leg; -krama, n. violation of syntactical construction; -gânu, a. broken-kneed; -tâ, f. condition of being broken: pravahanasya, ship wrecked condition; -pra krama, n. inappropriate sequence in using a word not suiting one previously employed (rh.); -pratigña, a. having broken one's promise, faithless; -bhânda, a. having broken his pots; -manas, a.discouraged; -manoratha, a. disappointed; -mâna, a. whose pride has been offended; -yâkña, a. whose request has been refused; -vrata, a. having broken his vow; -sakti, a. whose power is broken; -samdhi, a. having broken joints; -½âsa, a. whose hopes have been frustrated, disap pointed; -½udyama, a. whose efforts have been foiled, baffled.
bhūyiṣṭha spv. most, most abun dant or numerous; most important, chief, principal; very great, large, much, or nume rous; --°ree;, mostly composed or consisting of; highly characterized by, filled with; --°ree; after a pp. mostly, almost (a N. belonging to the pp. comes between it and bhûyishtha): -m, ad. most; mostly, chiefly; exceedingly, very much, in a very high degree; almost com pletely; -tâ, f. great number.
mantrayantra n. amulet with a magical formula; -yukti, f. application of spells, charm; employment of a sacred for mula; magic (?); -vat, a. attended with sa cred formulas; enchanted, consecrated with spells; familiar with sacred texts; ad. 1. to the accompaniment of sacred texts; 2. accord ing to the rules of counsel; -varna, m. word ing of a sacred text: pl. the syllables of a sacred formula or spell; -vâda, m. substance of a sacred formula; utterance of spells, ma gic: -sloka, m. pl. slokas being sacred verses in substance; -vâdin, m. pronouncer of spells, enchanter; -vid, a. knowing sacred texts or spells; -vidyâ, of spells, magic; -sakti, f. magical power, charm; -sruti, f. consultation listened to; -samvarana, n. con cealment of a consultation or design; -sam skâra, m. consecration with sacred texts: -krit-pati, m.consecrated husband; -sam hitâ, f. the collection of Vedic hymns; -sâdh aka, m. performer of an incantation, magi cian; -sâdhana, n., â, f. performance of an incantation; -sâdhya, fp. to be mastered by incantations; attainable by counsel; -sid dha, pp. accomplished by a spell; thoroughly versed in spells; -siddhi, f. effect of a spell; fulfilment of counsel; -sûtra, n. charm at tached to a cord.
manobhū m. (arising in the mind), love, god of love; -mathana, m. (agitator of the soul), god of love; -máya, a. (î) consist ing of mind, spiritual (not material); -yâyin, a. going at will, going whereverone likes; -yúg, a. (V.) thought-yoked, i. e. yoked by a mere thought (steeds); suiting the under standing, wise; -ratha, m. (car of the mind), wish, desire; fancy, illusion; indirectly ex pressed wish; N.: -dâyaka, m. fulfilling wishes; N. of a Kalpa tree, -prabhâ, f. N., -siddhi, f. fulfilment of a wish; m. N.: -ka, --°ree; a. id.; -rama, a. delighting the mind, attractive, pleasing, charming, lovely, beau tiful; m. N.: -â, f. N.; -râgya, n. realm of fancy: â-ni kri, build castles in the air; -laya, m. loss of consciousness; -laulya, n. freak of the mind, whim, caprice; -vat-î, f. N.; -vallabhâ, f. mistress of one's heart; -vâñkhita, (pp.) n. heart's desire; -visud dhi, f. purity of mind; -vritti, f. working of the mind, mental operation; train of thought; mood, temper; -hán, a. mind-destroying; -hara, a. (â, î) captivating the mind, fascin ating, attractive; charming, beautiful: -tara, cpv. more beautiful, etc.: -tva, n. greater beauty; -hartri, m. heart-stealer, captivator; -hârikâ, f. N.; -hârin, a. captivating the heart, enchanting, fascinating, charming, beautiful; -hrit, a. taking away life and de lighting the heart;-hlâda, m. gladness of heart; -hlâdin, a. gladdening the heart, at tractive, beautiful.
manda a. slow, sluggish, in (lc. or --°ree;); apathetic, indifferent to (d.); weak, slight; faint, low (voice), gentle (rain, wind); dull-witted, stupid, foolish; unhappy; dis eased, ill: -m, ad. slowly, gradually (also °ree;--); slightly; faintly, softly, in a low voice: mandam mandam, ad. very slowly, quite gradually; m. the planet Saturn: -ka, a. scanty, little; dull, stupid; -karni, m. N. of a sage; -karman, a. inactive; -kârin, a.acting foolishly; -kirana, a. weak-rayed; -ga, a. moving or going slowly; m. planet Saturn; -gati, a. moving slowly: -tva, n. slow pace; -ketas, a. absent-minded; dull witted, stupid, foolish; -kkhâya, a. having its beauty dimmed, dull-looking, lustreless; -garas, a. aging slowly; -gâta, pp. slowly produced; -tâ, f. indolence; slightness, in significance; dulness, stupidity, foolishness; -tva, n. slightness, insignificance, feebleness; -dhî, a. dull-witted, stupid, foolish; -pâla, m. N. of a Rishi; -punya, a. unfortunate, ill-fated; -pragña, a. dull-witted; -preman, a. having little affection; -phala, a. bearing little fruit; having an insignificant result; -buddhi, a. dull-witted; -bhâgin, a. ill fated, wretched; -bhâgya, n. misfortune; a. ill-fated, unlucky, unfortunate, miserable: -tâ, f. wretchedness; -bhâg, a. ill-fated; -ma ti, a. dull-witted; m. N. of a wheelwright; N. of a lion; -mandam,ad. very slowly or gradually, by degrees; very softly; -mand a½âtapa, a. having very slight heat, cool.
mahallaka a. (ikâ) feeble, weak, decrepit; ikâ, f. N. of a daughter of Prahlâda.
mahātattva n. the great princi ple, intellect; -tapas, a. greatly distressed; practising great austerities; m. N. of a her mit; -tapasvin, a. greatly afflicted; -tamas, n. great darkness (one of the five stages of Avidyâ); -tala, n. (great-bottom), a cer tain hell; -tikta, a. very bitter; -tithi, f. (the great=) sixth lunar day; -tegas, a. hav ing great lustre, very glorious (of gods and men); m. ep. of Skanda; N.; -taila, n. pre cious oil or N. of a kind of oil; -½âtodya, n. great drum; -½âtman, 1. m. great spirit, uni versal soul; intellect; 2. a. great-souled, high-minded, noble; of great intellect, highly gifted, very wise; exalted, eminent, illus trious (family), mighty; -½âtma-vat, a. highly gifted, very clever; -½atyaya, m. great calamity; -tyâga, m. great liberal ity; a. very liberal: -maya, a. consist ing in great liberality; -tyâgin, a. very liberal (Siva); -damshtra,a. having great tusks; m. N.; -danda, m. great staff or long arm; severe punishment; -daridra, a. extremely poor; -dâna, n. valuable gift; a. attended with great gifts (sacrifice); -dâ ru, n. the Devadâru tree (Pinus Deodora); -dis, f. chief cardinal point (N., S., E., W.); -duhkha, n. great sorrow; -durga, n. great danger; place very difficult of access; -driti, m. great bag; -devá, m. the great god, a term sp. applied to Rudra or to one of the gods connected with him (V.); in C.=Siva; N.: -giri, m. N. of a mountain; -devî, f. the great goddess=Pârvatî; first wife of a king; N.; -½adbhuta, a. very wonderful; n. great marvel; -dyuti, a. of great lustre, brilliant, glorious; -druma, m. large tree; -dvâra, m. n. main gate; -dhana, a. costing much money, costly, expensive; having much money, wealthy; m. N. of a merchant; (á), n. great battle (RV.); great spoil (RV.1); great wealth (C.): -pati, m. (lord of great wealth), very rich man; -dhanur-dhara, -dhanushmat, m. great bowman; -dhanus, a. bearing a great bow (Siva); -dhî, a. of great understanding, very wise; -½ânaka, m. kind oflarge drum; -nakha, a. having great nails or claws; -nagná, m. (stark naked), paramour (V.): î, f. courtesan; -nada, m. great stream; -nadî, f. river; N. of various rivers; -½ânana, a. having a great mouth or face; -½ânanda, m. great joy or bliss; N.; -naraka, m. a certain hell; -narendra, m. great conjurer or magician; -½anasa, n. freight waggon; kitchen: î, f. cook, kitchen-maid; -½anasa½adhyaksha, m. superintendent of the kitchen; -nâgá, m. great serpent; great elephant; -nâtaka, n. great drama; a kind of play; -nâda, m. loud sound, shout, roar, etc.; a. making a loud noise, roaring etc.; m. ep. of Siva; -nâyaka, m. great leader or chief; large central gem in a pearl necklace; -nâsa, a. large-nosed (Siva); -nidra, a. sleep ing soundly or long; -niraya, m. kind of hell; -nis, f. dead of night, second and third watches of the night (9 p.m. to 3 a.m.); -nîla, a.dark blue or black; m. sapphire: -maya, a. consisting of sapphire; -½anubhâva, a. very powerful or glorious; magnanimous, high-minded, noble: -tâ, f., -tva, n. high-minded ness, nobility; -netra, a. large-eyed (Siva); -½andhakâra, m. dense darkness, complete obscuration of the intellect; -nyâya, m. main rule; -½anvaya, a. of high lineage.
mahīya den. Â. be joyful, exuber ant, or exalted; enjoy bliss; prosper; be held in high esteem or be highly honoured by (g.).
mahya fp. highly honoured.
mānin a. assuming, regarding as (--°ree;); fancying oneself to have or to be (--°ree;); appearing as or passing for (--°ree;); honouring (--°ree;); thinking, being of opinion; thinking much of oneself, proud, haughty, towards (prati); self-respecting; highly honoured: -î, a. f. disdainful, sulky (towards her lover); f. wife of (--°ree;).
māsīna a. monthly.
māsika a. (î) connected with the month (--°ree;); performed or given every month, monthly; lasting or being for a month; hap pening or being finished within or at the end of a month; n. monthlysrâddha.
māsaka m. month; -kâlika, a. monthly; -traya, n. three months; -dhâ, ad. month-wise; -nâman, n. name of a month; -pravesa, m. commencement of a month; -sás, ad. month-wise; -samkayika, a.hav ing provisions for a month; -½anumâsika, a. occurring every month, monthly; -½anta, m. end of a month; -½âhâra, a. eating only once a month.
mithyākopa m. feigned anger; -kraya, m. false price; -graha, m. fruitless obstinacy; -½âkâra, m. wrong or improper conduct; a. acting hypocritically; -galpita, (pp.) n. wrong or false talk;-gñâna, n. mis apprehension, error; -tva, n. falseness, un reality; -darsana, n. false appearance; -drish- ti, f. heresy; -½adhîta, n. wrong course of study; -½adhyavasiti, f. false supposition (a figure of speech in which the impossibility of a thing is expressed by making it depend on an impossible contingency: e. g. only one who wears a garland of air will secure the affec tions of a courtesan); -pandita, a. learned or clever only in appearance; -purusha, m. man only in appearance; -pratigña, a. false to one's promise, faithless; -pravâdin, a. speaking falsely, lying; -phala, n. imaginary advantage or reward; -buddhi, f. misappre hension; -½abhidhâ, f. false name; -½abhi dhâna, n. false statement; -½abhiyogin, a. making a false charge; -½abhisamsana, n. false accusation; -½abhisamsin, a. accusing falsely; -½abhisasta, pp. falsely accused; -½abhisasti, f. false charge; -½abhisâpa, m. id.; false prediction; -yoga, m. false em ployment; -½ârambha, m. wrong treatment; -vakana, n. telling an untruth; -vâkya, n. false statement, lie; -vâk, a. speaking falsely, lying; -vâda, m. false statement, lie; a. tell ing an untruth, lying; -vâdin, a. id.; -vyâ pâra, m. wrong occupation, meddling with what is not one's concern; -sâkshin, m. false witness; -stava, m. unfounded praise (pl.); -stotra, n. id. (pl.); -½âhâra, m. wrong diet; -½upakâra, m. pretended service or kind ness; wrong (medical) treatment.
mūka a. dumb, mute; silent, speechless: -tâ, f., -tva, n. dumbness; speechlessness.
rabhas n. vehemence, violence: in. vehemently, forcibly, roughly.
rasana n. roaring, yelling, crying out; croaking; reverberating etc.; 2. m., phlegm; n. taste; organ of taste; perception: â, f. tongue: -mûla, n. root of the tongue.
rikta pp. (√ rik) empty, void; bared (arm); indigent, poor; idle, worthless; hol lowed (hand); lacking, destitute of (--°ree;); w. dina or tithi, sixth, ninth, or fourteenth lunar day.
rūkṣa a. [√ rûsh] rough, dry, arid, parched; harsh (voice, words), unkind (per son); dismal (house): (a)-na, a. making thin; n. treatment for reducing fat; -tâ, f. rough ness, dryness; thinness; harshness, unkind ness; -tva, n. id.; -bhâva, m. harshness, unkindness; -vâsin, a. crying etc. harshly.
laghukoṣṭha a. having an empty stomach; -kaumudî, f. the short Kaumudî (an abridgement of the Siddhânta-kaumudî); -krama, a. having a quick step, hurrying: -m, ad. quickly; -gati, a. swift-paced; -kit ta, a. light-minded, fickle; -ketas, a. little minded, mean-spirited; -kkhedya, fp. easy to destroy (prob. incorr. for -½ukkhedya); -tâ, f., tva, n. activity, nimbleness; lightness; buoyancy, light-heartedness;prosodical shortness; smallness, shortness; insignificance; levity, thoughtlessness; lack of dignity, con tempt, degradation; -patana-ka, m. (swift flying), N. of a crow; -parikrama, a. mov ing quickly; -pâka, a. growing old quickly; easily digested; -pâtin, a. (flying quickly), N. of a crow; -pramâna, a. short; -pra yatna, a. pronounced with slight effort; -bhâ va, m. ease; -bhug, a. eating little; -mûla, a. having insignificant roots, insignificant at the beginning; -vikrama, m. quick step; a. quick-footed; -vivara-tva, n. narrowness of aperture; -vritti, a. of a light nature, light; frivolous: -tâ, f. levity; -sattva, a. having a weak character; -samutthâna,a. rising up quickly, prompt; -sâra, a. insignificant, worthless; -hasta, a. light-handed, adroit (of archers, scribes, etc.): -tâ, f., -tva, n. adroitness of hand, dexterity; -hârîta, m. abridged Hârîta (author of a law-book).
vaṃśakara a. perpetuating a race; m. continuer of a family; N.; -karma-krit, m. worker in bamboo, basket-maker; -krit ya, n. function of a flute, flute-playing; -krama½âgata, pp. come down by family succession, lineally descended, hereditary; -krama½âhita-gaurava, a. highly esteemed by successive generations of the family; -gop tri, m. preserver of the family; -kintaka, m. genealogist; -kkhettri, m. (cutter off=) last of a family; -ga, a. made of bamboo; born in or belonging to the family of, sprung from a -family (--°ree;); belonging to the same family: with prâktanâh=ancestors; -dhara, a. perpetuating a family; m.continuer of a family; m. descendant; -nâdikâ, -nâdî, f. pipe of bamboo; -nâtha, m. chief of a race; -pattra, n. bamboo leaf; -pota, m. shoot of a cane and child of good family; -bâhya, a. re pudiated by the family; -brâhmana, n. list of ancient teachers; T.; -bhrit, m. perpetuator of a race; -bhogya, fp. to be enjoyed by successive generations, hereditary; -maya, a. (î) made of bamboo; -râgya-dhara, a. perpetuating race and dominion; -lûna, pp. deprived of one's family, alone in the world; -vardh ana, a. increasing or perpetuating a race; m. son; -vardhin, a. id.; -visuddha, pp. unblemished or sound in the cane; of pure lineage; -vistara, m.complete genealogy; -sthiti, f. perpetuation of a family.
varāroha a. having beautiful hips; -½arthin, a. requesting a boon; -½arha, a. highly honoured; very valuable; -½âsana, n. splendid seat, throne.
vārtta a. (relating to fact: vritta) right, correct; healthy, well; ordinary, mid dling; worthless; n. welfare, health: â, f. livelihood, profession; occupation of a Vaisya (i.e. agriculture, cattle-breeding, and trade); news, tidings, rumour, report, story (of or about, g., --°ree;); talk about (g., lc., uddisya w. ac., --°ree;): kâ vârttâ, what news? what talk is there of (lc.)? = -cannot be thought of, -is out of the question; vârttayâ kri, talk about (ac.); --°ree; a. living or subsisting on.
viguṇa a. lacking a string; lacking in some quality, deficient, in (--°ree;); ineffective (command, i. e. one not carried out); adverse (fate); lacking qualities; destitute of merits, worthless, bad (person); changed in quality, disordered (bodily humour): -tâ, f. disordered condition; -gunî-kri, detach the string of a bow (ac.); -gulpha, a. abundant (S.).
vipramāthin a. trampling down everything; -mâdin, a. thoroughly heedless; -moksha, m. loosening; deliver ance from (ab., g.); -mokya, fp. to be freed from (ab.); -yoga, m. separation, from (in. ± saha, g., --°ree;); lack, absence; -yogin, a. separated from a loved object; -labdha, pp. (√ labh) deceived, imposed upon; -labhya, fp. to be deceived, -made a fool of; -lam bha, m. deception; (disappointment=) sepa ration of lovers: -ka, a. deceiving, cheating; m. dishonest opponent: -tva, n. deception; -lambhana, n. deception (pl.); -lambhin, a. deceiving, fallacious; -laya, m. absorp tion in (lc.); extinction; -lâpa, m. explana tion; idle chatter; contradiction; -lâpin, a. chattering; m. chatterer; -lumpa-ka, a. rapacious; -vâda, m. divergent statement; -vâsa, m. dwelling or travelling abroad; staying away from (ab., --°ree;); -vâsana, n. banishing.
vedanindaka m. scoffer at the Veda, infidel; -pâtha, m. recension of the Veda; -pâthin, a. studying the Veda; -pâraga, m. one thoroughly conversant with the Veda; -punya, n. merit acquired by Vedic study; -pradâna, n. imparting the Veda; -phala, n. reward resulting from Vedic study; -bâhya, m. unbeliever; -brahma-karya, n. Vedic apprenticeship; -brâhmana, m. Brâhman knowing the Veda, Brâhman in the true sense; -bhâshya, n. commentary on the Veda: -kâra, m. com poser of the commentary on the Veda, Sâya na; -maya, a. (î) consisting of or contain ing sacred knowledge; -mâtri, m. mother of the Veda, designation ofSarasvatî, Sâvitrî, and Gâyatrî; -mûla, a. having its root in the Veda; -yagña, m. sacrifice prescribed in the Veda.
vedarahasya n. secret doctrine of the Veda, the Upanishads; -râsi, m. the entire Veda; -vâkya, n. statement of the Veda; -vâda, m. id.; talk about the Veda, theological discussion; -vâdin, a. able to talk about or conversant with the Vedas; -vikrayin, a. selling=teaching the Veda for money; -vit-tama, spv. most learned in the Veda; -vit-tva, n. knowledge of the Veda; -víd, a. knowing the Veda; -vidyâ, f. know ledge of the Veda: -vid, a. versed in Vedic learning, -vrata-snâta, pp. having completed one's Vedic and scientific studies and one's vows; -vidvas, pt. knowing the Veda; -viplâvaka, a. propagating the Veda; -ve da½a&ndot;ga-tattva-gña, a. knowing the Vedas and the Vedâ&ndot;gas thoroughly; -vedâ&ndot;ga pâraga, a. thoroughly conversant with the Vedas and Vedâ&ndot;gas; -vyâsa, m. arranger of the Veda; -vrata, n.observance pre scribed during Vedic study; a. having taken the Vedic vow; -sabda, m. the word Veda; statement of the Veda; -sâkhâ, f. Vedic branch or school; -sâstra, n. sg. doctrine of the Veda: pl. the Veda and othercanonical works: -purâna, n. pl. id. and the Purânas; -sruti, f. Vedic scriptures.
vyabhicaraṇa n. uncertainty; -kâra, m. divergence, disconnexion; vari ability; failure; transgression, infidelity (esp. of a woman), towards (g., lc., --°ree;); change (in a-, unchangeable, unswerving); violation or neglect of (g.); extension beyond (--°ree;); -kâri-tâ, f. divergence; variability; -kâri tva, n. variability or multiplicity of mean ing; -kârin, a. straying from (--°ree;), deviating or diverging from (ab.); going astray, erring; unchaste, faithless (woman), towards (g.); changeable (opp. sthâyin, constant); violat ing, breaking (an agreement, --°ree;); -mâna, m. erroneous view; -hâsa, m. ridicule.
vyāmiśra a. mixed, blended; mingled with, accompanied by, provided with (in., --°ree;); manifold; equivocal (speech); dis traught: lc. when both cases occur at the same time (gr.); -moha, m.loss of conscious ness; mental confusion, infatuation; uncer tainty regarding (--°ree;); -yata-tâ, f. openness (of the mouth); -yata-tva, n. robustness, muscular development; -yata-pâtam, abs. flying from afar (arrow); -yâmá, m. com bat, strife (rare); athletic exercise; exer tion or practice in (--°ree;): -bhûmi, f. exercis ing ground, -sâlâ, f. gymnasium.
śalabhāya den. act like a grass hopper, rashly leap into the fire (=certain death).
śṛta pp. (√ srâ) cooked, boiled; n. cooked food, sp. boiled milk (V.): -p&asharp;ka, a. thoroughly cooked (RV.1).
ślaiṣmika a. (î) relating to phlegm, phlegmatic.
śleṣman m. mucus; phlegm (one of the bodily humours=kapha); n. band, string (Br.).
ṣāṇmāsika a. (î) lasting six months, six-monthly; given every six months; -mâs-ya, a. six-monthly.
saṃrakṣa a. guarding; m. guardian: â, f. protection; -rakshana, n. protection, preservation, of (g., --°ree;), from (--°ree;); -raksha- nîya, fp. to be watched, -guarded against; -rakshya, fp. to be guarded or protected, from (ab.); -preserved or maintained; -guarded against; -rambha, m. agitation; impetuosity, violence; zeal, ardent desire (to, for, inf., --°ree;); anger, wrath against (lc., g.+ upari); brunt (of battle); intensity, vehem ence (of passions); °ree;-with a.=excessively; -rambh-in, a. ardently devoted to (--°ree;); angry, enraged; irascible: (-i)-tva, n. fury; -ra râná, pf. pt. √ râ; -râga, m. redness; pas sion, vehemence; attachment to (lc.); -râdh aka, a. thoroughly concentrated; (sám) râdhana, a. (î) conciliating (Br., S.); n. profound meditation (C.); -râdhya, fp. to be conciliated; -attained by profound con centration; -râva,m. clamour, roar; -rodha, m. checking, impeding, restraining, with holding; blockade, investment, siege; re striction, injury; suppression, destruction; -rodhana, n. restraining, suppressing, stop ping; -ropana, a. causing to heal; n. plant ing; -rohana, n. healing up; planting; -roh in, a. growing in (--°ree;).
saṃhita pp. (√ dhâ) put together, composed of, etc.: â, f. union (rare, U.); euphonic combination (=samdhi); Vedic text treated according to the rules of euphonic combination (opp. pada orword text); syste matically arranged text; extensive compila tion (Râmâyana, legal codes, Purânas, etc.); complete system of astrology (opp. scientific astronomy); -hriti, f. 1. destruction of the world; conclusion, end; 2.the root hri + sam; -hotrá, n. community of sacrifice (RV.1); -hrâda, m. loud noise or shout etc.; Shouter, N. of an Asura, son of Hiranya-kasipu; -hrâdin, a. making a loud noise, tinkling; -hlâdin, a. refreshing; -hvayitavaí, d. inf. of sam + √ hvâ.
sacchāstra n. good or genuine doctrine or treatise: -vat, a. possessed of a --; -khloka, a. having a good reputation.
satrājit a. thoroughly victorious (V.); m. (C.) N. of Satyabhâmâ's father.
saptarca a. having seven verses; n. hymn of seven verses; -½rishí, m. pl. the seven sages (a group of highly revered beings); the seven stars of the Great Bear: -bali, m. offering of the seven Rishis.
samayā in. ad. through or into the midst of (ac., rarely in.; V.); altogether, thoroughly (V.); near (ac., in.; C.): w. bhû, be interposed (of time; RV.).
samāsa m. [putting together: √ 2. as] combination, union (Br., S.); condensa tion, succinct statement; compound (gr.): in. fully, thoroughly (ascertain); in., ab., °ree;--, -tas, concisely, succinctly, briefly; -â-sakti, f. attachment to (lc.): in. with devotion; -â sa&ndot;ga, m. transference (of business) to (lc.); -â-satti, f. nearness, vicinity.
samyagavabodha m. correct understanding; -guna, m. true virtue; -gop tri, m. true protector; -gñana, n. correct or true knowledge; -darsana, 1. n. true insight: -sampanna, pp. possessed of true insight; 2. a. id.; -darsin, a. id.; -vânta, pp. having thoroughly vomited (leech); -vigayin, a. completely victorious; -vritta, pp. behaving kindly towards (lc.); &ndot;-mati, f. correct opinion.
sarvatas ad. from all sides, in every direction, everywhere; *around (ac.); entire ly, completely, thoroughly; =ab. sg. or pl. from every, -every one.
sarvaśas ad. wholly, entirely, thoroughly (V., C.); universally, always (V., rare); in every or any way (C., rare); all together, in general (referring to a pl. or coll. sg. in any case).
salakṣaṇa a. having the same characteristics, similar; (sá)-lakshman, a. id.; -lagga, a. ashamed, (coquettishly) bash ful; embarrassed; -laggita-sneha-karunam, ad. with embarrassment, love, and compassion.
salha m. N. (sts. spelt sahla): -na, m. id.
salīla a. playing, without exerting oneself; sportive, coquettish (ord. mg.): -m, ad. as it were in play (± iva); coquettishly.
sāravat a. strong, steadfast; valu able: -tâ, f. hardness, firmness, steadfast ness; -vastu, n. valuable or important thing; -vid, a. knowing the value of a thing; -sûn ya, a. devoid of value, worthless.
sāraphalgutva n. value or worthlessness, goodness or badness, compara tive importance; -bhânda, n. valuable mer chandise; -bhûta, pp. being the chief thing, best; n. main thing, what is best; -mahat, a. great in value, very precious.
sārvadhātuka a. applying to the whole root (i. e. the extended verbal root of the present base); -bhautika, a. affecting all beings; -bhaumá, a. [sarva-bhûmi] re lating to, prevailing or ruling over the whole earth; m. universal monarch, emperor; N. of the elephant of the northern quarter, vehicle of Kubera; -laukika, a. (î) known to or prevailing throughout the whole world, universal, general; permitted to every one; -varn-ika, a. of every kind; belonging or common to all the castes; -vedasa, n. entire property: -dakshina, a. attended with the bestowal of one's entire property as a fee (sacrifice); -½âyusha, a. having entire vital ity, thoroughly vigorous (Br.).
sukha a. having a good axle-hole, running easily (only of cars in RV.); com fortable, pleasant, mild (rare in V., very common in C.); C.: soothing, agreeable to (the ear etc., --°ree;), by reason of (--°ree;); easy to (lc. of vbl. n.); m. (sc. danda) kind of mili tary array (C.); n. ease, comfort, pleasure, enjoyment, happiness, joy (C.; rare in V.): (á)-m, in., °ree;--, happily, comfortably, agree ably, easily, without trouble (C.; rare in V.); -m, easy to (inf.); -m -na punah, more easily -than; kadalî-sukham, as easily as a Kadalî; mahatâ sukhena, with great enjoyment: -kara, a. (î) giving pleasure; easy to be done or performed, by (g.); -kârin, -krit, a. giv ing pleasure; -kârya, a. having pleasure as an object; -gamya, fp. easy to traverse; -grâhya, fp. easy to seize or catch; easy to comprehend; -ghâtya, fp. easy to kill; -kkhedya, fp. easy to destroy; -gâta,n. any thing pleasant; -tara, cpv. easier: -m, ad. more easily; -tva, n. pleasantness, enjoyable ness; -da, a. giving pleasure; -duhkha, n. du. pleasure and pain: -maya, a. (î) con sisting of or feeling joy or sorrow; -dhana,m. N. of a merchant; -para, a. intent on enjoyment, pleasure-seeking; -peya, fp. to be drunk easily; -prasna, m. enquiry as to welfare; -prasupta, pp. sleeping placidly; -prâpya, fp. easy to win or obtain (girl); -bandhana,a. (fettered by=) addicted to worldly pleasure; -bodha-rûpa, a. easily un derstood; -bhâgin, -bhâg, a. participating in fortune; lucky, happy; -bhedya, fp. easily broken; easy to separate, prone to faithless ness; -bhogya,fp. easy to enjoy or dispose of (wealth); -maya, a. (î) full of enjoyment; -m-edhas, a. prospering well.
su ad. [perh. for vasu= Gk. eu)=: cp. u shu, û shu, and u loka] good, well, indeed, right, very, thoroughly (never used in dependently at the beginning of a verse; rarely as an independent ad. in C.; very common °ree; with a. or n., in C. also with gd.).
sucakra a. having good wheels; m. good chariot (RV.); -kákshas, a. having good sight, keen-sighted (V.); -katura, a. very expert; -karita, pp. well-performed (vow); n. (sú-) sg. pl. good conduct, virtuous actions (V., C.); a. well-conducted (C.): -vrata, a. having performed his vow thoroughly, -½ar tha-pada, a. having well-selected sense and words (speech); -kintita, pp. well-consi dered; -kira, a. very long (of time): -m, in., °ree;--, ad. for a very long while; ab. after a very long time; -kétas, a. intelligent, sa pient; benevolent; -ketú, m. grace: only in. ú-nâ, graciously (RV.); -gana, m. good or benevolent man or person (sts. referring to a f.): svabhâva-sugano ganah, good-na tured man; -gana-tâ, f. good nature, geni ality, benevolence; -gana-tva, n. id.; -ga na½âkara, m. N.; -gániman, a. creating fair things (RV.); -gánman, a. id. (V.); of noble or auspicious birth (C.); -gaya, m. great victory; a. easy to conquer; -gala, a. having good water; (sú)-gâta (or á), pp. V.: well born or produced, of excellent kind or nature; nobly born, noble; of genuine birth; C.: well-formed, beautiful (ord. mg.); genuine, sincere (rare); not born in vain (v. r. sa gâtah); -gâta-vaktra, m. N. of a teacher (S.); -gâta½a&ndot;gî, a. f. having well-formed limbs; -gita-srama, a. getting over exertions well, indefatigable; -gihvá, a. (RV.) fair tongued; sweet-voiced; -gîrna, pp. well worn, ragged; well-digested: -sata-khanda maya, a. (î) consisting of a hundred worn out rags; -gîva, n. imps. it is easy for (g.) to live;-gîvita, a. living happily.
sīmanta m. parting of the hair (V., C.); ceremony of parting the hair (= -½unnayana; C.): -ka, a. (i-kâ) having a parting (as a sign of pregnancy); -drisvan, a. having seen the limit, thoroughly versed in anything; -mani, m. crest-jewel.
supakva a. well-cooked; thoroughly ripe or mature (also fig.); -pa&ndot;ka, m. (?) good clay; -patha, a. easy to read, legible; -pati, m. good husband; -pattra, a. having beau tiful wings; well-feathered (arrow); having a beautiful vehicle; -pátnî, a. f. having a good husband; -páth, m. good path; -pátha, n. (V.), m. (C.) good road (V., C.); virtuous course (C.); -pathin, m. (nm. -panthâs) good path; -pad, a. (-î) swift-footed (RV.1); -pa p[a]t-aní, f. swift flight (RV.1); -parigñâta, pp. well-ascertained; -parisrânta, pp. com pletely exhausted; -parihara, a. easy to avoid; -parîkshana, n. careful examina tion; -parîkshita, pp.carefully examined; -parus, a. having beautiful knots (arrow); -parná, a. (&isharp;) having beautiful wings (RV.); m. a large bird of prey, vulture, eagle (fig. of sun, moon, and clouds; du. = sun and moon; V.); a mythical bird, identified with Garuda (C.): -ketu, m. ep. of Vishnu Krishna; -paryavasita, pp. well carried out; -paryâpta, pp. very spacious (house); -par van, a. having beautiful joints; having beauti ful sections orbooks (Mahâbhârata); famous; -palâyita, (pp.) n. skilful or opportune re treat; -pâni, V. a. beautiful-handed; dex terous-handed; -pâtra, n. good receptacle, worthy person (esp. to receive gifts); -pârá, a. (RV.) easy to cross; easy to bear; easily passing over (rain); conducting to a pros perous issue (also TS.); m. a certain per sonification: (á)-kshatra, a. easily traversing his realm (Varuna; RV.1); -pârsva, a. hav ing beautiful sides; m. N.; -pippalá, a. bear ing good berries (V.); -pihita-vat, pp. act. having (the ears, ac.) carefully closed: -î, f. =finite vb.; -punya, a. very excellent; n. great religious or moral merit; -putra, m. good son; á, a. having manyor good chil dren (V., E.); -purusha, m. a certain per sonification; -pushkala, a. very abundant; -pushta, pp. well-fed; -pushpa, a. having beautiful flowers; -pushpita, den. pp. adorned with beautiful flowers; -pûgita,pp. highly honoured; (sú)-pûta, pp. well-clarified; -pûra, a. easy to fill; (sú)-pûrna, pp. well filled, quite full; -pûrvam, ad. very early in the morning; -pûrvâhne, lc. early in the forenoon; -pésas, a. well-adorned, beauti ful, fair (V., rarely P.).
subhaga a. having a blessed lot, highly favoured, fortunate, happy; beloved, dear (esp. wife); charming, amiable; lovely, beautiful (also of inanimate objects; vc., esp. f. common as an address); nice (fellow, ironical); suitable for (--°ree;, rare): -m, ad. charmingly; highly, very (rare): â, f. be loved wife; (á)-m-karana, a. (î) making happy (V.); charming (C.); (a)-tvá, n. wel fare, happiness (V.); popularity, dearness (esp. of a wife; C.); -mânin, a. thinking oneself popular; -m-manya, a. considering oneself happy or beloved: -bhâva, m. self conceit; -½âkheta-bhûmi, a. having fine hunting-grounds: -tva, n. abst. n.
suprakāśa a. well-lighted; dis tinctly visible; -praketá, a. bright, con spicuous, notable (RV.); -práketa, a. id. (RV.1); -prakshâlita, pp. well-washed; -pra gupta, pp. very secret; -prakkhanna, pp.well-concealed; -pragá, a. having good or numerous children; -pragás, a. id.; -pragña, a. very wise (person); -pránîti, f. safe guidance (V.); a. guiding safely (V.); following good guidance (RV.); -pratara, a. easy to cross (rivers); -pratarka, m. sound judgment; -pratikara, a. easy to requite; -pratigña, m. N. of a Dânava; -prativarman, m. N.; -pratishtha, a. standing firm; firmly sup porting; m. kind of military array; -pra tishthâpita, cs. pp. well set up (image); (sú)-pratishthita, pp. standing firm; pro perly set up (stone); thoroughly implanted in (lc.); well-established (fame, Pr.); n. N. of a town in Pratishthâna; -prátîka, a. having a beautiful countenance, handsome, lovely; m. N.; N. of a mythical elephant; -pratîta, pp. well-known; -pratúr, a. (nm. t&usharp;s) advancing victoriously (RV.1); -prá tûrti, a. id. (V.); -prapâná, n. good drink ing-place (RV.); -prabha, a. having a good appearance, fine, excellent; m. N. of a Deva putra: -deva, m. N.; -prabhâta, pp. beau tifully illuminated by dawn; n. beautiful dawn; -prayás, a. well-regaled (V.); -pra y&asharp;, a. pleasant to tread on (RV.1); -pra yukta, pp. well-discharged (arrow); well recited; well-planned (fraud); -pravâkaná, a. praiseworthy (RV.); -prasanna, pp. very clear (water); very bright or pleased (face etc.); very gracious; -prasava, m. easy par turition; -prasâda, a. placable; -prasâdh ita, pp. well-adorned; -prasiddha, pp. well known; -prahâra, m. N. of a fisherman.
suvitta a. having abundant wealth, rich; -vidagdha, pp. very cunning; -vidátra, a. noticing kindly, benevolent, propitious (V.); n. benevolence, favour (V.); -vidatr-íya, a. id. (RV.1); (sú)-vidita, pp.well-known; -vidyâ, f. good knowledge; -vidha, a. of a good kind; -vidhâna, n. good order or arrangement: -tas, ad. duly; -vidhi, m. suitable manner: in. suitably; -vinîta, pp. well-trained (horses); well-bred; -vipula, a.very great, abundant, etc.; (sú)-vipra, a. very devout (RV.1); -vimala, a. very clear or pure; -virûdha, pp. (√ ruh) fully developed; -visada, a. very distinct or intelligible; -visâla, a. very ex tensive; m. N. of an Asura;-visuddha, pp. perfectly pure; -visvasta, pp. full of confi dence, quite unconcerned; -vistara, m. great extent; great diffuseness: ab. very fully, in great detail: -m yâ, be filled (treasury); a. very extensive or large; very great, intense, or intimate etc.: -m, ad. in great detail, at full length; very vehemently; -vistîrna, pp. very extensive or great: -m, ad. in a very detailed manner; -vismaya, a. greatly sur prised or astonished; -vismita, pp. id.; -vi hita, pp. well carried out or fulfilled; well provided, with (in.); -vihvala, a. greatly exhausted, perturbed or distressed; -vîthî patha, m. a certain entrance to a palace; -v&isharp;ra, V. a. very mighty, heroic; having, abounding, or consisting in, retainers or heroes; m. hero (V.); -v&isharp;rya, n. manly vigour, heroism (V., very rare in E.): pl. heroic deeds; abundance of brave men, host of heroes (V.); a. (C.) very efficacious (herb); -v-riktí, f. [for su½rikti: √ rik] excellent praise, hymn (RV.); a. praising excellently (RV.); praiseworthy (V.); -vriksha, m. fine tree; -vrigána, a. dwelling in fair regions (RV.1); -vrít, V. a. (revolving=) running well (car); -vritta, pp. well-rounded; well conducted, virtuous (esp. of women; ord. mg.); composed in a fine metre; n. good conduct: â, f. N.: (a)-tâ, f. round shape and good conduct; -vriddha, pp. very old (family); -vrídh, a. glad, joyful (RV.); -vega, a. run ning, moving, or flying very fast; -vena, m. N.; -véda, a. easy to find or obtain (V.); -vesha, a. beautifully dressed or adorned: -vat, a. id.; -vyakta, pp. very clear or bright; quite distinct: -m, ad. quite clearly, manifestly; -vyasta, pp. thoroughly dis persed (army); -vyâhrita, (pp.) n. fine say ing; -vratá, a. ruling well (V.); fulfilling one's duties well, very virtuous (C.: often vc.); quiet, gentle (of animals; C., rare); m. N.; -samsa, a. (RV.) blessing bountifully (god); saying good things, pronouncing bless ings (men); -sákti, f. easy possibility, easy matter (RV.1); -sám&ibrevcirc;, in. ad. carefully, dili gently (V.);-saraná, a. granting secure refuge (RV.); -sárman, a. id. (V.); very pleasant (C.); m. frequent N.; -sasta, pp. well-recited (Br.); -sastí, f. good hymn of praise (V.); a. praiseworthy (RV.); -sânta, pp. very calm (water);-sâsita, pp. well controlled, well-disciplined (wife); -sikha, a. having a bright flame (lamp); -sithilî-kri, greatly relax; -siprá (sts. -sípra), a. having beautiful cheeks (RV.); (sú)-si-sv-i, a. √ sû: cp. sisu] growing well (in the womb; RV.1); (sú)-sishti, f. excellent aid (RV.1); -sishya, m. good pupil; -sîghrá, °ree;-or -m, ad. very swiftly; -sîta, a. quite cool or cold; -sîtala, a. id.; -s&isharp;ma, a. [√ sî] pleasant to recline on (Br., rare); -sîma-kâma, a. [hav ing deep-seated love] deeply in love; -sîla, n. good disposition; a. having a good dispo sition, good-tempered; m. N.: -guna-vat, a. having good nature and other good quali ties, -tâ, f. good nature, -vat, a. good natured; -subha, a. very fine (arm); very auspicious (day); very noble (deed); -séva, a. very kindly, loving, tender, or dear (V.); very prosperous (path; Br.); -sóka, a. shin ing brightly (RV.1);-sobhana, a. very hand some or beautiful; most excellent; -skandrá, a. very brilliant (V.); -srávas, a. very famous (V., P.); hearing well or gladly (V.); m. N.; N. of a Nâga; -srânta, pp. greatly exhausted; -sr&isharp;, a.splendid; rich; (sú)-sruta, pp. very famous (RV.1); C.: correctly heard; gladly heard; m. N. of a celebrated medical writer; N. of a son of Padmodbhava; -sronî, a. f. hav ing beautiful hips; -slakshna, a. very smooth, soft,or delicate; -slishta, pp. well-joined or united; well-ratified, very close (alliance); very convincing (argument): -guna, a. hav ing a well-fastened band: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -slesha, a. attended with a close embrace, with a euphonious coalescence of words, or with the rhetorical figure termed slesha; (sú-)-sloka, a. sounding, speaking etc. well (V., P.); famous (P.); -slok-ya, n. fame or well-sounding speech.
suvarṣa m. good rain; a. raining well; -vasanta, m. good spring; -vastu sampad, a. having abundant wealth; -vas tra, a. beautifully-dressed; -vâkya, a. fair spoken; -v&asharp;k, a. id. (V.); -vânta, pp.having thoroughly disgorged the blood it has sucked (leech); -vâsa-kumâra: -ka, m. N. of a son of Kasyapa; -v&asharp;sas, a. beautifully attired, adorned; -vâsita, pp. perfumed, fra grant; -vâsin-î, f. married or singlegirl (not yet grown up) residing in her father's house; -v&asharp;stu, f. N. of a river (now Suwad); -vikrama, m. valour, prowess; -vikrânta, pp. bold, courageous, valiant; n. bold or courageous conduct; -vigraha, a.having a beautiful body or figure; m. N. of a messen ger; -vikakshana, a. very discerning or wise; -vikârita, pp. well-pondered; -vigñâná, a. easy to distinguish (RV.1); very discerning; -vigñeya, fp. easy to distinguish.
suhata pp. thoroughly beaten; justly killed; -hána, a. easy to slay (V.); -hántu, a. id. (RV.); -háva, a. (V.) easily invoked, listening willingly; invoking well; n. (V.) successful invocation; -hásta, a. (V.)fair handed; deft of hand; (sú)-hita, pp. C.: very suitable; very salutary; perfectly satis fied, fully sated (esp. with food and drink; Br., S.; rare in C.); (sú)-huta, pp. V., E.: well offered (sacrifice); well sacrificed to (C.); n.right sacrifice (V.): -hut, a. offering a right sacrifice (S.); -hrik-khoka-vivardha na, a. increasing the sorrow of one's friends; -hrig-gana, m. sg. friend, friends: pl. friends; -hrit-tama, spv. best of friends; -hrit-tâ, f., -hrit-tva, n. friendship; -hrit-tyâga, m. desertion of a friend: -hrid, m. [good hearted] friend; ally (-hrido ganâh, friends): --°ree; a. fond of, addicted to; closely resembling; -hridaya, a. kind-hearted (V.): -tama, spv.; -hrid-bheda, m. separation of friends; -hrid vadha, m. slaying a friend; -hrid-vâkya, n. speech or advice of a friend; -hrin-nârî, f. female friend; -hrin-mitra, n. sg. friends and allies; -hemanta, m. good winter (S.); -hótri (orsú-), m. good sacrificer (V.); -hotra, m. N.
susakhi m. (nm. â) good friend; -samkruddha, pp. greatly enraged; -sam gatâ, f. N.; -samgama, m. pleasant (place of) meeting; -samgrihîta, pp. well-controlled or governed (kingdom); -sakiva, m.good minister; a. having a good minister; -saggî kri, make perfectly ready; -samkita, pp. well-gathered, carefully accumulated: -m sam-ki, collect carefully; -sattra, n. good hospital; -sattva, a. very resolute; -sadrisa, a.(î) very like (g.); -samtushta, pp. per fectly satisfied; -samtosha, a. easy to satisfy; -samdîpta, pp. flaming brightly; -samdrís, a. fair to see; -samdha, a. true to one's word; -sanna, pp. [√ sad] completely at an end, foiled; -sama, a. perfectly level or smooth; (sú)-samâhita, pp. [√ dhâ] well laden (waggon, Br.); C.: well-adorned; very attentive or intent, thoroughly concentrated; (sú)-samiddha, pp. [√ idh] well-kindled;(sú)-samriddha, pp. [√ ridh] V.: quite per fect; C.: very abundant; very wealthy; -samriddhi, f. great wealth; -sampad, f. affluence, great prosperity; (sú)-sampish- ta, pp. completely shattered (car; RV.1); -sampratapta, pp. thoroughly harassed; -sambaddha, pp. intimately connected; -sambhriti, f. due collection of requisites; -sambhrama, m. great agitation or confu sion, excessive haste; -sambhrânta, pp. completely bewildered; (sú)-sarva, a. quite complete (Br.); -sahâya, a. having a good companion or assistant: -vat, a. id.; -sâdh ana, a. easy to prove; -sâdhita, pp. well trained; -sâdhya, fp. easy to control, amen able; -sâman, n.very conciliatory words; -sârathi, a. having a good charioteer; -sita, a. pure white; -siddha, pp. well-cooked; very efficacious, of great magical power; completely supplied with (in.): -½artha, a. having completely attained one's object; -sî ma, a. having a good parting (woman).
sthirakarman a. persevering in action; -kitta, a. steady-minded, steadfast, resolute; -ketas, a. id.; -gîvin, a. having a tenacious life; m. N. of a crow; -tâ, f. hardness; steadfastness, stability, permanence; constancy, firmness: -m upa½i, compose oneself; -tva, n. immovableness; stability, con stancy; (á)-dhanvan, a. having a strong bow (Rudra; RV.1); -dhî, a. steady-minded, steadfast; -pada, a. firmly rooted;-pra tigña, a. keeping one's promise; -pratiban dha, a. offering an obstinate resistance; -buddhi, a. steady-minded, steadfast, reso lute; m. N. of an Asura: -ka, m. N. of a Dânava; -mati, f. steady mind, steadfast ness; a.steadfast; -manas, a. id.; -yau vana, a. having perpetual youth; -varman, m. N.; -samskâra, a. thoroughly cultured: -tâ, f. perfect culture; -sthâyin, a. standing firm.
hum ij.: with kri, make the sound hum, resound (conch); address harshly (ac.): pp. lowing. anu-hum-kri, Â. answer with a roar.
Bloomfield Vedic
150 results0 results5 results
aśiślikṣuṃ śiślikṣate # AVś.20.134.6b. See chlilīpu.
āpac chlokam indriyaṃ pūyamānaḥ # RV.9.92.1c.
ejatkāḥ śipavitnukāḥ # AVś.5.23.7b. Cf. dhḷkṣaṇāsaḥ.
chlilīpu chlilīṣate # śś.12.23.1b. See aśiślikṣuṃ.
namo babhluśāya vyādhine (TS. vivyādhine) # VS.16.18; TS.; MS.2.9.3: 122.11; KS.17.12.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"hl" has 8 results
antaraṅgaa highly technical term in Pāṇini's grammar applied in a variety of ways to rules which thereby can supersede other rules. The term is not used by Pāṇini himselfeminine. The Vārtikakāra has used the term thrice ( Sec I. 4. 2 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 8, VI.1.106 Vart.10 and VIII.2.6 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). I) evidently in the sense of immediate', 'urgent', 'of earlier occurrence' or the like. The word is usually explained as a Bahuvrīhi compound meaning 'अन्त: अङ्गानि निमित्तानि यस्य' (a rule or operation which has got the causes of its application within those of another rule or operation which consequently is termed बहिरङ्ग). अन्तरङ्ग, in short, is a rule whose causes of operation occur earlier in the wording of the form, or in the process of formation. As an अन्तरङ्ग rule occurs to the mind earlier, as seen a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page., it is looked upon as stronger than any other rule, barring of course अपवाद rules or exceptions, if the other rule presents itself simultaneously. The Vārtikakāra, hence, in giving preference to अन्तरङ्ग rules, uses generally the wording अन्तरङ्गबलीयस्त्वात् which is paraphrased by अन्तरङ्गं बहिरङ्गाद् बलीयः which is looked upon as a paribhāṣā. Grammarians, succeeding the Vārtikakāra, not only looked upon the बहिरङ्ग operation as weaker than अन्तरङ्ग, but they looked upon it as invalid or invisible before the अन्तरङ्ग operation had taken placcusative case. They laid down the Paribhāṣā असिद्धं बहिरङ्गमन्तरङ्गे which has been thoroughly discussed by Nāgeśa in his Paribhāṣendusekhara. The अन्तरङ्गत्व is taken in a variety of ways by Grammarians : (l) having causes of application within or before those of another e. g. स्येनः from the root सिव् (सि + उ+ न) where the यण् substitute for इ is अन्तरङ्ग being caused by उ as compared to guṇa for उ which is caused by न, (2) having causes of application occurring before those of another in the wording of the form, (3) having a smaller number of causes, (4) occurring earlier in the order of several operations which take place in arriving at the complete form of a word, (5) not having संज्ञा (technical term) as a cause of its application, ( 6 ) not depending upon two words or padas, (7) depending upon a cause or causes of a general nature (सामान्यापेक्ष) as opposed to one which depends on causes of a specific nature ( विशेषापेक्ष).
dhātupārāyaṇaa grammatical treatise dealing with roots written as a supplementary work by Jumaranandin to his grammar work called Rasavati,which itself was a thoroughly revised and enlarged edition of the रसवती a commentary written by Kramadisvara on his own grammar named संक्षिप्तसार.Jumaranandin is believed to have been a Jain writer who lived in the fifteenth century A.D.
nirastaa fault of pronunciation when a vowel is harshly pronounced and hence is not properly audible; confer, compare निरस्तं निष्ठुरम् Pradipa on M.Bh. I. 1. Ahn. 1. The fault occurs when the place and the means of utterance are pressed and drawn in;confer, compare निरस्तं स्थानकरणापकर्षे Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) XIV. 2.
padaa word; a unit forming a part of a sentence; a unit made up of a letter or of letters, possessed of sense; confer, compare अक्षरसमुदायः पदम् । अक्षरं वा । V.Pr. VIII. 46, 47. The word originally was applied to the individual words which constituted the Vedic Samhitā; confer, compare पदप्रकृतिः संहिता Nir.I.17. Accordingly, it is defined in the Vājasaneyi Prātiśākhya as ' अर्थः पदम् ' (Vājasaneyi Prātiśākhya.III. 2) as contrasted with ' वर्णानामेकप्राणयोगः संहिता ' (V.Pr.I.158). The definition ' अर्थः पदम् ' is attributed to the ancient grammarian 'Indra', who is believed to have been the first Grammarian of India. Pāņini has defined the term पद as ' सुप्तिङन्तं पदम् ' P.I.4.14. His definition is applicable to complete noun-forms and verb-forms and also to prefixes and indeclinables where a case-affix is placed and elided according to him; confer, compare अव्ययादाप्सुपः P. II. 4. 82. The noun-bases before case affixes and taddhita affix. affixes, mentioned in rules upto the end of the fifth adhyāya, which begin with a consonant excepting य् are also termed पद by Pāņini to include parts of words before the case affixes भ्याम् , भिस्, सु et cetera, and others as also before the taddhita affix. affixes मत्, वत् et cetera, and others which are given as separate padas many times in the pada-pātha of the Vedas; confer, compare स्वादिष्वसर्वनामस्थाने P. I. 4. 17. See for details the word पदपाठ. There are given four kinds of padas or words viz. नाम, अाख्यात, उपसर्ग and निपात in the Nirukta and Prātiśākhya works; confer, compare also पदमर्थे प्रयुज्यते, विभक्त्यन्तं च पदम् Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. I. 2. 64 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 19, वर्णसमुदायः पदम् M.Bh. on I.1.21 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 5, पूर्वपरयोरर्थोपलब्धौ पदम् Kātantra vyākaraṇa Sūtra.I.1.20, पदशब्देनार्थ उच्यते Kaiyata on P.I.2.42 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 2; confer, compare also पद्यते गम्यते अर्थः अनेनेति पदमित्यन्वर्थसंज्ञा Kāśikāvivaraṇapañjikā, a commentary on the Kāśikāvṛtti by Jinendrabuddhi, called Nyāsa. on P.III. 1.92. The verb endings or affixs ति, तस् and others are also called पद. The word पद in this sense is never used alone, but with the word परस्मै or अात्मने preceding it. The term परस्मैपद stands for the nine affixes तिप्, तस्, ...मस्,while the term आत्मनेपद stands for the nine affixes त, आताम् ... महिङ्. confer, compare ल: परमैपदम्, तङानावात्मनेपदम्. It is possible to say that in the terms परस्मैपद and अात्मनेपद also, the term पद could be taken to mean a word, and it is very likely that the words परस्मैपद and अात्मनेपद were originally used in the sense of 'words referring to something meant for another' and 'referring to something meant for self' respectively. Such words, of course, referred to verbal forms, roughly corresponding to the verbs in the active voice and verbs in the passive voice. There are some modern scholars of grammar, especially linguists, who like to translate परस्मैपद as 'active voice' and आत्मनेपद as ' passive voice'. Pāņini appears, however, to have adapted the sense of the terms परस्मैपद and आत्मनेपद and taken them to mean mere affixes just as he has done in the case of the terms कृत् and तद्धित. Presumably in ancient times, words current in use were grouped into four classes by the authors of the Nirukta works, viz. (a) कृत् (words derived from roots)such as कर्ता, कारकः, भवनम् et cetera, and others, (b) तद्धित (words derived from nouns ) such as गार्ग्यः , काषायम् , et cetera, and others, (c) Parasmaipada words viz. verbs such as भवति, पचति, and (d) Ātmanepada words id est, that is verbs like एधते, वर्धते, et cetera, and othersVerbs करोति and कुरुते or हरति and हरते were looked upon as both परस्मैपद words and आत्मनेपद words. The question of simple words, as they are called by the followers of Pāņini, such as नर, तद् , गो, अश्व, and a number of similar underived words, did not occur to the authors of the Nirukta as they believed that every noun was derivable, and hence could be included in the kŗt words.
bhartṛharia very distinguished Grammarian who lived in the seventh century A. D. He was a senior contemporary of the authors of the Kasika, who have mentioned his famous work viz. The Vakyapadiya in the Kasika. confer, compare शब्दार्थसंबन्धोयं प्रकरणम् | वाक्यपदीयम् Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. IV.3.88. His Vyakarana work "the Vakyapadiya" has occupied a very prominent position in Grammatical Literature. The work is divided into three sections known by the name 'Kanda' and it has discussed so thoroughly the problem of the relation of word to its sense that subsequent grammarians have looked upon his view as an authority. The work is well-known for expounding also the Philosophy of Grammar. His another work " the Mahabhasya-Dipika " is a scholarly commentary on Patanjali's Mahabhasya. The Commentary is not published as yet, and its solitary manuscript is very carelessly written. Nothing is known about the birth-place or nationality of Bhartrhari. It is also doubtful whether he was the same person as king Bhartrhari who wrote the 'Satakatraya'.
mahābhāṣyaliterally the great commentary. The word is uniformly used by commentators and classical Sanskrit writers for the reputed commentary on Pāṇini's Sūtras and the Vārttikas thereon by Patañjali in the 2nd century B. C. The commentary is very scholarly yet very simple in style, and exhaustive although omitting a number of Pāṇini's rules. It is the first and oldest existing commentary on the Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī. of Pāṇini, and, in spite of some other commentaries and glosses and other compendia, written later on to explain the Sutras of Panini, it has remained supremely authoritative and furnishes the last and final word in all places of doubt: confer, compare the remarks इति भाष्ये स्थितम्, इत्युक्तं भाष्ये, इत्युक्तमाकरे et cetera, and others scattered here and there in several Vyaakarana treatises forming in fact, the patent words used by commentators when they finish any chain of arguments. Besides commenting on the Sutras of Paanini, Patanjali, the author, has raised many other grammatical issues and after discussing them fully and thoroughly, given his conclusions which have become the final dicta in those matters. The work, in short, has become an encyclopedic one and hence aptly called खनि or अकर. The work is spread over such a wide field of grammatical studies that not a single grammatical issue appears to have been left out. The author appears to have made a close study of the method and explanations of the SUtras of Paanini given at various academies all over the country and incorporated the gist of those studies given in the form of Varttikas at the various places, in his great work He has thoroughly scrutinized and commented upon the Vaarttikas many of which he has approved, some of which he has rejected, and a few of which he has supplementedition Besides the Vaarttikas which are referred to a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page., he has quoted stanzas which verily sum up the arguments in explanation of the difficult sUtras, composed by his predecessors. There is a good reason to believe that there were small glosses or commentaries on the SUtras of Paanini, written by learned teachers at the various academies, and the Vaarttikas formed in a way, a short pithy summary of those glosses or Vrttis. . The explanation of the word वृत्तौ साधु वार्तिकम् given by Kaiyata may be quoted in support of this point. Kaiyata has at one place even stated that the argument of the Bhaasyakaara is in consonance with that of Kuni, his predecessor. The work is divided into eighty five sections which are given the name of lesson or आह्लिक by the author, probably because they form the subject matter of one day's study each, if the student has already made a thorough study of the subject and is very sharp in intelligence. confer, compare अह्ला निर्वृत्तम् आह्लिकम्, (the explanation given by the commentatiors).Many commentary works were written on this magnum opus of Patanjali during the long period of twenty centuries upto this time under the names टीका, टिप्पणी, दीपिका, प्रकाशिका, व्याख्या, रत्नावली, स्पूर्ति, वृत्ति, प्रदीप, व्याख्यानं and the like, but only one of them the 'Pradipa' of कैयटीपाध्याय, is found complete. The learned commentary by Bhartrhari, written a few centuries before the Pradipa, is available only in a fragment and that too, in a manuscript form copied down from the original one from time to time by the scribes very carelessly. Two other commentaries which are comparatively modern, written by Naarayanasesa and Nilakantha are available but they are also incomplete and in a manuscript form. Possibly Kaiyatabhatta's Pradipa threw into the background the commentaries of his predecessors and no grammarian after Kaiyata dared write a commentary superior to Kaiyata's Pradipa or, if he began, he had to abandon his work in the middle. The commentary of Kaiyata is such a scholarly one and so written to the point that later commentators have almost identified the original Bhasya with the commentary Pradipa and many a time expressed the two words Bhasya and Kaiyata in the same breath as भाष्यकैयटयोः ( एतदुक्तम् or स्पष्टमेतत् ).
mahābhāṣyapradīpaa very scholarly commentary on Patanjali's MahabhaSya written by Kaiyatabhatta in the eleventh century, The commentary has so nicely explained every difficult and obscure point in the Mahabhasya, and has so thoroughly explained each sentence that the remark of later grammarians that the torch of the Mahabhasya has been kept burning by the Pradipa appears quite apt and justifiedition Kaiyata's commentary has thrown much additional light on the original arguments and statements in the Mahabhasya. There is a learned commentary on the Pradipa written by Nagesabhatta which is named vivarana by the author but which is well known by the name 'Uddyota' among students and teachers of Vyakarana. For details see pp. 389, 390 Vol VII, Patanjala Mahabhasya, D. E. Society's Edition.
lomaśyathe utterance of an aspirate letter rather harshly, with a stress on it, when that utterance is looked upon as a fault; confer, compare ऊष्मणां घोषाणां लोमश्यमसौकुमार्ये श्र्वेडनम् अधिको वर्णस्य ध्वनिः Uvvața on Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) XIV.6.
Vedabase Search
99 results
hlāda pleasureCC Adi 4.63
CC Madhya 6.157
CC Madhya 8.156
hlādinī hlādinīCC Adi 4.59
hlādinī pleasure potencyCC Adi 4.63
hlādinī pleasure-givingCC Madhya 8.211
hlādinī pleasure-giving potencyCC Madhya 8.157
hlādinī that which generates pleasureCC Madhya 8.156
hlādinī the hlādinī energyCC Adi 4.60
hlādinī the pleasure energyCC Adi 4.62
hlādinī the pleasure potencyCC Madhya 6.157
CC Madhya 6.159
CC Madhya 8.158
hlādinī the pleasure-giving potencyCC Madhya 8.155
hlādinī śaktiḥ pleasure potencyCC Adi 1.5
hlādinī śaktiḥ pleasure potencyCC Adi 1.5
CC Adi 4.55
hlādinī śaktiḥ pleasure potencyCC Adi 4.55
hlādinīra of the pleasure potencyCC Adi 4.68
hlādinīra of this pleasure potencyCC Madhya 8.159
hlādinīra dvārā by the pleasure potencyCC Adi 4.60
hlādinīra dvārā by the pleasure potencyCC Adi 4.60
hlādinyā by the hlādinī potencyCC Antya 5.127
CC Madhya 18.114
hlika-ādayaḥ Bāhlika and othersSB 10.82.23-26
prahlāda-ādi and devotees like PrahlādaCC Antya 3.263
prahlāda-ādibhyaḥ unto Prahlāda and othersSB 1.3.11
āhlāda joySB 2.9.18
āhlāda pleasureSB 3.4.21
āhlāda pleasureSB 5.2.6
āhlāda of spiritual blissSB 5.7.12
āhlāda with happinessSB 6.9.29-30
mahā-āhlāda by the great transcendental blissSB 8.23.10
āhlāda an ecstasy of joyful lifeSB 9.10.31
āhlāda by the ecstasySB 10.32.13
āhlāda by the ecstasySB 10.38.26
āhlāda due to the joySB 10.38.35
āhlāda by the ecstasySB 10.73.7
āhlāda with the joySB 10.85.35
āhlāda pleasureCC Adi 4.126
āhlāda pleasureCC Adi 4.133
āhlāda pleasureCC Adi 7.98
āhlāda pleasureCC Madhya 24.37
āhlāda of pleasureCC Antya 3.197
āhlāda of pleasureCC Antya 16.52
āhlādaḥ being jubilantSB 7.4.39
āhlādaḥ in great jubilationSB summary
sarva-āhlādaka all-pleasingCC Madhya 24.38
āhlāde gives pleasureCC Madhya 8.157
āhlādite to give pleasureCC Adi 4.240
hlika brother of Mahārāja Śāntanu (Bhīṣma's father)SB 1.15.16
hlīka-putrāḥ the sons of Bāhlīka-rājaSB 10.75.4-7
hlika-ādayaḥ Bāhlika and othersSB 10.82.23-26
hlīkaḥ BāhlīkaSB 9.22.11
hlikāḥ called the BāhlikasSB 12.1.32-33
hlīkam Mahārāja BāhlīkaSB 10.49.1-2
hlikam duryodhanam ca and to Bāhlika and DuryodhanaSB 10.68.17
hlīkāt from BāhlīkaSB 9.22.11
bṛhacchlokaḥ BṛhatślokaSB 6.18.8
hlikam duryodhanam ca and to Bāhlika and DuryodhanaSB 10.68.17
hlikam duryodhanam ca and to Bāhlika and DuryodhanaSB 10.68.17
prahlāda-īśa to the Lord of Prahlāda MahārājaCC Madhya 8.5
kahlāra kahlāraSB 4.6.19-20
kahlāra another kind of lotusSB 4.24.21
kahlāra kahlāra flowersSB 5.24.10
kahlāra kahlāra flowersSB 8.2.14-19
kahlāra-kañja-utpala of the kahlāra, kañja and utpala lotusesSB 10.18.5
kahlāra white esculent lotusesSB 10.69.1-6
kahlāra white lotusesSB 10.81.21-23
kahlāra white lotusesSB 10.90.1-7
kahlāra-kañja-utpala of the kahlāra, kañja and utpala lotusesSB 10.18.5
mahā-āhlāda by the great transcendental blissSB 8.23.10
prahlāda-ādibhyaḥ unto Prahlāda and othersSB 1.3.11
prahlāda-samāna exactly like Prahlāda MahārājaCC Adi 10.45
prahlāda-īśa to the Lord of Prahlāda MahārājaCC Madhya 8.5
sākṣāt prahlāda incarnation of Prahlāda MahārājaCC Madhya 15.165
prahlāda by Prahlāda MahārājaCC Madhya 23.8
prahlāda-ādi and devotees like PrahlādaCC Antya 3.263
prahlāda Prahlāda MahārājaCC Antya 9.10
prahlāda to Mahārāja PrahlādaCC Antya 16.52
prahlādaḥ PrahlādaBG 10.30
prahlādaḥ Mahārāja PrahlādaSB 5.18.7
prahlādaḥ Prahlāda MahārājaSB 6.3.20-21
śrī-prahlādaḥ uvāca Prahlāda Mahārāja repliedSB 7.5.5
prahlādaḥ Mahārāja PrahlādaCC Madhya 22.136
prahlādam Prahlāda MahārājaSB 4.18.16
prahlādam Prahlāda MahārājaSB 7.1.42
prahlādam named PrahlādaSB 7.5.2
prahlādam Prahlāda MahārājaSB 11.16.16
prahlādasya of Mahārāja PrahlādaSB 4.21.28-29
prahlādasya of Mahārāja PrahlādaSB 4.21.47
prahlādasya of Prahlāda MahārājaSB 7.1.48
hlīka-putrāḥ the sons of Bāhlīka-rājaSB 10.75.4-7
sākṣāt prahlāda incarnation of Prahlāda MahārājaCC Madhya 15.165
prahlāda-samāna exactly like Prahlāda MahārājaCC Adi 10.45
sarva-āhlādaka all-pleasingCC Madhya 24.38
śrī-prahlādaḥ uvāca Prahlāda Mahārāja repliedSB 7.5.5
kahlāra-kañja-utpala of the kahlāra, kañja and utpala lotusesSB 10.18.5
śrī-prahlādaḥ uvāca Prahlāda Mahārāja repliedSB 7.5.5
51 results
hlād noun (masculine) [gramm.] the causativ hlāday
Frequency rank 72797/72933
hlād verb (class 1 ātmanepada) to be glad (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to rejoice (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 41502/72933
hlāda noun (masculine) delight joy name of a son plleasure refreshment
Frequency rank 20411/72933
hlādana noun (neuter) refreshing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
refreshment (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 14599/72933
hlādana adjective rich in refreshments or enjoyments (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 31320/72933
hlāday verb (class 10 ātmanepada) to delight to gladden to refresh
Frequency rank 9295/72933
hlādin adjective comforting (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
gladdening (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
refreshing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
very noisy or loud (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 14598/72933
hlādinī noun (feminine) a class of sunrays creating snow a mystical name of the sound d (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a particular (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Indra's thunderbolt (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
lightning (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a river (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the incense-tree (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 22786/72933
hlādā noun (feminine) śallakī
Frequency rank 72798/72933
anuhlāda noun (masculine)
Frequency rank 32005/72933
āhlādin adjective causing joy or delight (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 46845/72933
āhlāda noun (masculine) delight (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
joy (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
refreshing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
reviving (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 11957/72933
āhlādaka adjective causing delight (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
refreshing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
reviving (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 33237/72933
āhlādana adjective refreshing
Frequency rank 33238/72933
āhlādana noun (neuter) refreshing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the act of gladdening (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 23417/72933
āhlāday verb (class 10 parasmaipada) to gladden (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to refresh (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to revive (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 27022/72933
kahlāra noun (neuter) Blüte der weissen Wasserlilie the white esculent water-lily (Nymphaea Lotus) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 11222/72933
kahloḍītīrtha noun (neuter) name of a Tīrtha
Frequency rank 23666/72933
kahloḍītīrthamāhātmyavarṇana noun (neuter) name of SkPur, Revākhaṇḍa 119
Frequency rank 48947/72933
gohlā noun (feminine) a kind of plant
Frequency rank 51631/72933
cidāhlādā noun (feminine)
Frequency rank 34982/72933
durgāhlāda noun (masculine) a kind of perfume (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 54665/72933
pahlava noun (masculine) name of a people (the Parthians or Persians) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 15021/72933
pravahlikā noun (feminine)
Frequency rank 59376/72933
prahlādaka adjective causing joy or pleasure (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
refreshing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 59570/72933
prahlāda noun (masculine) a species of rice (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
delight (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
happiness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
joy (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
joyful excitement (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Nāga (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Prajāpati (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a people (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a pious Daitya (son of Hiraṇyakaśipu) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
noise (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
sound (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 5389/72933
prahlādin adjective delighting (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
refreshing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 24780/72933
prahlādī noun (feminine) a kind of Mimosa
Frequency rank 59571/72933
prahlādanā noun (feminine neuter) refreshment (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the act of causing joy or pleasure (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 37438/72933
prahlādana adjective causing joy or pleasure (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 17025/72933
prahlādanī noun (feminine) name of a plant
Frequency rank 59572/72933
prahlāday verb (class 10 ātmanepada) to delight (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to refresh (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 13085/72933
prāhlādi noun (masculine) the asura virocana
Frequency rank 29306/72933
prāhlādin adjective
Frequency rank 59703/72933
hli noun (feminine)
Frequency rank 19742/72933
hlikā noun (feminine) name of a plant
Frequency rank 60229/72933
hlika noun (masculine) a king of the Bālhikas (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a dynasty (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a people (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Pratīpa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 5176/72933
hlika adjective of the Balkh breed (as horses) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 60230/72933
hlika noun (neuter) Asa Foetida (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
saffron (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 60231/72933
hlīśvara noun (masculine) name of Ila
Frequency rank 60232/72933
bhlāśa noun (masculine) [gramm.] root bhlāś
Frequency rank 61084/72933
manohlādī noun (feminine) [rel.] name of a Śakti of Śiva
Frequency rank 61453/72933
hlīka noun (neuter) Asa foetida saffron
Frequency rank 12651/72933
hlīka noun (masculine) a prince of the Bālhīkas (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Gandharva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a people (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a poet (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Janamejaya (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Pratīpa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of the father of Rohiṇī (wife of Vasudeva) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 4784/72933
hlīkī noun (feminine) a princess or any woman of the Bālhikas (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 65320/72933
śivāhlāda noun (masculine) Getonia Floribunda (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 67711/72933
sakahlāra adjective with kahlāras
Frequency rank 68551/72933
saṃhlāda noun (masculine) name of a son of Hiraṇyakaśipu
Frequency rank 25819/72933
saṃhlādin adjective cheering (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
refreshing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 70212/72933
sihlaka noun (masculine) olibanum
Frequency rank 31009/72933
sihlasāra noun (masculine) olibanum
Frequency rank 70628/72933


Plant migraine tree; Premna integrifolia; Premna latifolia and Clerodendrum phlomidis too are considered as agnimantha.


1. immortal, eternal, deathless; 2. quicksilver or mercury; 3. Plant a species of pine.


Plant cassie flower tree, white bark acacia; dried stem bark of Acacia leucophloea; A fornesiana; syn. distiller’s acacia, needle bush.


a form of trachoma; an infectious disease caused by the Chlamydia trachomatis, a micro-organism which produces a characteristic roughening of the inner surface of the eyelids. Al called granular conjunctivitis.


clinging phlegm; one of the five variants of sleṣma or kapha.


geographical region of Bactria in northwest India.


Plant 1. saffron; 2. asafoetida.


water from earthly sources like streams and rivers.


salt obtained from excreta, ammonium chloride.


Plant highly odoriferous flowers, Artemisia pallens.


Plant 1. root of Coleus forskohlii; a pot herb or a species of cucumber; 2. fox grape, Cayratis cornosa.


Plant yellow-flowered cotton tree, Cochlospermum religiosum.


refreshing; that which provides relief by subsiding thirst, sweat et Century


phlegm, one of the three variants of humors, also known as sleṣma.


Plant Indian beech tree, smoothleaved pongamia, Pongamia pinnata, P. glabra; syn. Derris indica.


ulcerative bhlepharitis, opthalmia neonatorum, eye disease in infants.


Plant lac tree, Ceylon oak, Schleichera oleosa.


aphasia, mute, speechlessness.


Plant bowstring hemp, a controversial plant. several plants like Marsdenia tenacissima, M. volubilis; elephant creeper or Argyreia nervosa; Clematis triloba, Maerua arenaria, Bauhinia vahlii; Chenomorpha fragrans are considered as mūrva.


Plant 1. small water fern; 2. musli, Chlorophytum tuberosum, C. borivillianum; 3. Curculigo orchioides.


sal ammoniac; a mineral compound of ammonium chloride, used in respiratory diseases.


earthly, mundane.


syphilis, highly infective disease introduced by Portuguese visitors into India in the 16th Century


phlogopite, a trioctahedral mica.


trachoma; an infectious disease caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachoma, which produces a characteristic roughening of the inner surface of the eyelids. Also called granular conjunctivitis.


rock salt, sodium chloride with some sulphur.


connecting phlegm; one of the five variants of sleshma.


phlegm; one of the three humors, mucus.


Plant Acacia ferruginea, Mimosa ferruginea. Acacia leucophloea, Mimosa suma.


Plant agnimantha , Premna spinosa, jayanti, Sesbania aegiptiaca; Clerodendron phlomidis.


1. mark on the forehead; 2. right lung; 3. Plant arni, Clerodendrum phlomoides (also known as agnimantha); simtārā (in Nepal), Wendlandia exserta; Cinnamomum iners.


Plant Indian barnyard millet, Echinochloa frumentacea.


1. Plant Indian blue or black water lily, Nymphaea stellata, Nelumbo nucifera; 2. fleshless, emaciated; utpalakanda tuber of Nymphea stellata.


localized hyperpigmentation usually on the face; chloasma or melasma.

Wordnet Search
"hl" has 41 results.


ānandin, sānandaḥ, prahṛṣṭa, ānandavṛtti, prasannacitta, ullāsī, ānandita, hṛṣṭa, hṛṣṭamānasa, hṛṣṭahṛdaya, praharṣita, harṣita, praharṣaṇa, haroṣamāṇa, harṣaṇa, āhlādin, hlādin, pramodin, pramudita, mudita, mudānvita, harṣānvita, praphulla, harṣayukta, tuṣṭa, parituṣṭa, ullasa, ullāsin, ullasit   

ānandena sahitaḥ।

santuṣṭasya jīvanam ānandi asti।


śālīna, lajjāśīla, saṃvigna, hrīṇa, hrīta, hlīku, śārada, palaṅkaṭa, bhīrubhīru   

yaḥ svabhāvataḥ lajjāvān asti।

śālīnaḥ lajjāvaśāt svakīyaṃ mataṃ kathayitum asamarthaḥ bhavati।


ānandaḥ, prasannatā, harṣaḥ, pramodaḥ, āmodaḥ, modaḥ, āhlādaḥ, sūnṛtā   

manasaḥ avasthā yā abhīṣṭaprāpteḥ anantaram athavā śubhakāryād anantaraṃ jāyate tathā ca yayā janāḥ ullasitāḥ bhavanti।

saḥ ānandena jīvanaṃ yāpayati।


agnisikhaḥ, agnisekharaḥ, ambaram, asṛk, kanakagauram, kaśmīrajanma, kāntam, kāveram, kāśmīram, kāśmīrajanmā, kāśmīrasambhavam, kucandanam, kusumātmaka, kesaravaram, goravaḥ, gauram, ghasram, ghusṛṇam, ghoraḥ, javā, jāguḍam, dīpakaḥ, dīpakam, nakulī, pāṭalam, piṇyākaḥ, piṇyākam, piśunam, pītakāveram, pītacandanam, pītikā, pītakam, pītanam, puṣparajaḥ, priyaṅgum, bālhikam, bāhlika, raktam, raktacandanam, raktasaṃjñam, raktāṅgam, rañjanaḥ, rudhiram, rohitam, lohitacandanam, vareṇyam, varṇam, varṇyam, vahniśikham, vahniśekharam, veram, śaṭham, śoṇitam, saṃkocam, saṃkocapiśunam, surārham, sūryasaṃjñam, saurabham, haricandanam   

puṣpe vartamānaḥ strīliṅgī avayavaviśeṣaḥ yaḥ keśa sadṛśaḥ asti।

agnisikhaḥ kṣapasya jananāṅgena sambadhitaḥ asti।


bhakṣ(bhakṣati/te), bhakṣ (bhakṣayati), bhuj, khād, aś, ghas, khad, hu, carba, cham, cam (camati), vī, vevī, cam (camnoti), valbh, jakṣ, caṣ, (vi)cam, carv (carvati), carv (carvayati), kuḍ, am, (sam) añj, car, kūḍ, kruḍ, skhad, snus, (upa)yuj (upayunakti), (upa)yuj (upayuṅkte), bhrakṣ, bhlakṣ, plakṣ   

annasya gala-bilādhaḥ-saṃyogānukūla-vyāpāraḥ।

bho māṇavaka, bhakṣaya etat phalam।


prī, prīṇaya, ānandaya, toṣaya, saṃtoṣaya, santoṣaya, prasādaya, āhlādaya, harṣaya, modaya, tarpaya, ārādhaya, anurañjaya, saṃramaya, pariramaya, sukhaya   

svasya ācaraṇajanyaḥ anyeṣām ānandajanakānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

rāmaḥ svasya ācaraṇena sarvān prīṇāti।


prakāś, dyut, vidyut, dīp, bhā, vibhā, bhās, rāj, las, vilas, vibhās, śubh, vidīp, bhrāj, bhrāś, bhlāś, vibhrāj, abhivirāj, pratap, cakās, viśubh, vyatibhā, śuc   

kāntyā prakāśanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

tasyāḥ mukhaṃ tejasā prakāśate।


sadyastana, sadyaska, ayātayāma, ayātayāman, sarasa, hṛṣita, hlāduka   

yaḥ adhunā eva paktrimam vipakvam vā।

śyāmaḥ sadā sadyastanam eva annaṃ khādati।


vajram, kuliśam, bhaduram, paviḥ, śatakoṭiḥ, svaruḥ, śambaḥ, dambholiḥ, aśaniḥ, kulīśam, bhidiram, bhiduḥ, svarus, sambaḥ, saṃvaḥ, aśanī, vajrāṃśaniḥ, jambhāriḥ, tridaśāyudham, śatadhāram, śatāram, āpotram, akṣajam, girikaṇṭakaḥ, gauḥ, abhrottham, meghabhūtiḥ, girijvaraḥ, jāmbaviḥ, dambhaḥ, bhidraḥ, ambujam, hlādinī, didyut, nemiḥ, hetiḥ, namaḥ. sṛkaḥ, vṛkaḥ, vadhaḥ, arkaḥ, kutasaḥ , kuliśaḥ, tujaḥ, tigmam, meniḥ, svadhitiḥ sāyakaḥ, paraśuḥ   

indrasya pradhānaṃ śastram।

ekadā indreṇa hanumān vajreṇa prahṛtaḥ।



hiraṇyakaśyapoḥ putraḥ yaḥ viṣṇoḥ bhaktaḥ āsīt।

prahlādasya rakṣaṇārthe viṣṇuḥ nṛsiṃhaḥ abhavat।


prahelikā, pravalhikā, pravahlikā, pravalhiḥ, pravahlī, praheliḥ, praśnadūtī, pravahlīkā   

svarūpārthasya gopanaṃ yatra api ca tam arthaṃ jñātuṃ buddheḥ āyāsaḥ bhavati।

saḥ prahelikāṃ uttarayati।


dhūpaḥ, turuṣkaḥ, piṇḍakaḥ, sihlaḥ, yāvanaḥ, yakṣadhūpaḥ, sarjarasaḥ, rālaḥ, sarvarasaḥ, gandhapiśācikā   

ekaṃ miśritaṃ gandhadravyaṃ yasya jvalanena sugandhitaḥ dhūmaḥ jāyate।

dhūpaṃ gandhavartikādīñca prajvālya bhagavataḥ pūjanaṃ kriyate।


hiṅguḥ, hiṅgukaḥ, sahasravedhī, sahasravīryā, śūlahṛt, śūlahṛd, śūlanāśinī, śūladviṭ, śālasāraḥ, vāhikaḥ, rāmaṭhaḥ, rāmaṭham, ramaṭhadhvaniḥ, ramaṭham, rakṣoghnaḥ, bhedanam, bhūtāriḥ, bhūtanāśanaḥ, billam, villam, bāhlikam, balhikam, piṇyākaḥ, piṇyākam, pinyāsaḥ, dīptam, ugragandham, ugravīryam, atyugram, agūḍhagandham, jatukam, jantughnam, bālhī, sūpadhūpanam, jatu, jantunāśanam, sūpāṅgam, gṛhiṇī, madhurā, keśaram   

upaskaraviśeṣaḥ- bālhika-pārasya-khorāsāna-mūlatānādi-deśe jāyamānāt kṣupāt niryāsitam ugragandhī dravyam।

hiṅguḥ upaskararūpeṇa vyañjaneṣu tathā ca oṣadhirupeṇa bheṣajeṣu upayujyate।


apatrapiṣṇu, anūḍhamāna, vrīḍita, savrīḍa, hrīmat, hlīka, hrīṇa, savyapatrapa, lajjāvat, lajjāśīla, lajjālu   

trapā iti śīlaṃ yasya।

mohanaḥ atīva apatrapiṣṇuḥ asti।



āmrāṇām ekaḥ prakāraḥ।

sajjaṃ phlorigaॉna-āmram draṣṭvā mukhaṃ sravaṇamayaṃ jātam।



phlorigaॉna-āmrāṇāṃ vṛkṣaḥ।

eṣaḥ phlorigaॉna-āmraḥ kadāpi na phalitaḥ।


nirhlāda, asustha   

yena saukhyaṃ na prāpyate।

etau nūtanau pādatrau nirhlādau staḥ।



janamejayasya putraḥ।

bāhlīkasya varṇanaṃ purāṇeṣu asti।




saṃhlādaḥ hiraṇyakaśyapoḥ putraḥ āsīt।



bhāratīyā nadī।

kājīraṅgodyānasya dakṣiṇadiśi morādiphlunadī vahati।



bhāratīyā nadī।

diphlunadī kājīraṅgodyānāt vahati।




vāhlīkasya varṇanaṃ purāṇeṣu prāpyate।



ekā jātiḥ ।

prahlādasya ullekhaḥ kośe vartate



ekaḥ rājā ।

bāhlikasya ullekhaḥ harivaṃśe vartate



pratīpasya putraḥ ।

bāhlikasya ullekhaḥ harivaṃśe vartate



ekaḥ janasamūhaḥ ।

bālhīkasya ullekhaḥ mahābhārate vartate



rohiṇyāḥ pitā ।

bāhlīkasya ullekhaḥ harivaṃśe vartate



janmejayasya putraḥ ।

bālhīkasya ullekhaḥ kośe vartate



ekaḥ gandharvaḥ ।

bāhlīkasya ullekhaḥ kośe vartate



ekaḥ kaviḥ ।

bāhlīkasya ullekhaḥ kośe vartate


balhiḥ, vahliḥ   

ādhunika-aphagāṇistānasya dakṣiṇaprānte sthitaḥ ekaḥ deśaḥ ।

uṇādisūtreṣu balhi-deśaḥ samullikhitaḥ



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

kehladevasya varṇanaṃ kośe samupalabhyate



ekaḥ janasamūhaḥ ।

vāhlīkasya ullekhaḥ mahābhārate vartate



janmejayasya putraḥ ।

vāhlīkasya ullekhaḥ mahābhārate vartate



ekā nadī ।

hlādinyāḥ ullekhaḥ rāmāyaṇe vartate



bāhlīkadeśasya rājaputraḥ ।

vāhlīkasya ullekhaḥ mahābhārate asti



janamejayasya putraḥ ।

vāhlīkasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



vasudevasya patnī rohiṇyāḥ pitā ।

vāhlīkasya ullekhaḥ harivaṃśe asti



ekaḥ kaviḥ ।

vāhlīkasya ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

kehladevasya varṇanaṃ kośe samupalabhyate



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

jahlasya ullekhaḥ rājataraṅgiṇyām asti

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