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Grammar Search
"hitam" has 3 results
hitam: neuter accusative singular past passive participle stem: hita.
hitam: neuter nominative singular past passive participle stem: hita.
hitam: masculine accusative singular past passive participle stem: hita.
Amarakosha Search
21 results
buddham3.1.110MasculineSingularmanitam, viditam, pratipannam, avasitam, avagatam, budhitam
chinnam3.1.104MasculineSingularchitam, chātam, vṛkṇam, lūnam, kṛttam, dātam, ditam
indrāyudhamNeuterSingularśakradhanuḥ, rohitamrainbow
jihmaḥ3.3.149MasculineSingularyuktam, śaktam, hitam
nirṇiktam3.1.55-56MasculineSingularanavaskaram, śodhitam, mṛṣṭam, niḥśodhyam
pravṛddham3.1.76MasculineSingularprauḍham, edhitam
rudhiram2.6.64NeuterSingularkṣatajam, śoṇitam, asṛk, lohitam, asram, raktam
saṃsaktaḥ3.1.67MasculineSingularavyavahitam, apaṭāntaram
sandānitam3.1.94MasculineSingularmūtam, uhitam, sanditam, sitam, baddham
tyaktam3.1.108MasculineSingularvidhutam, samujjhitam, dhūtam, utsṛṣṭam, hīnam
ucchritaḥ3.3.91MasculineSingularsambaddhārthaḥ, hitam, śaktisthaḥ
uktam3.1.108MasculineSingularuditam, jalpitam, ākhyātam, abhihitam, lapitam, bhāṣitam
ūrīkṛtam3.1.110MasculineSingularupaśrutam, viditam, āśrutam, samāhitam, saṅgīrṇam, aṅgīkṛtam, upagatam, saṃśrutam, pratijñātam, urarīkṛtam
rohitam1.3.10NeuterSingularindra's bow unbent
granthitam3.1.85MasculineSingularsanditam, dṛbdham
Monier-Williams Search
39 results for hitam
hitamitram. a benevolent friend View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hitamitramfn. having benevolent friends View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ahitamanasmfn. not friendly-minded, inimical. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anapanihitamind. without leaving out anything View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anusaṃhitamind. according to the saṃhitā- text View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asamavahitamind. so as not to touch each other View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asaṃvyavahitamind. with out interval, immediately View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avaguṇṭhitamukhamfn. having the face veiled. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
garhitamind. badly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lohitamayamf(ī-)n. blood-red View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lohitamiśramfn. mixed with blood View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lohitamṛttikāf. red earth, red chalk, ruddle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lohitamuktif. a kind of precious stone View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prasthitamind. impersonal or used impersonally a person (instrumental case) has set out View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratiṣṭhitamātramfn. having just got a firm footing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitamatsyam. Cyprinus Rohitaka View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahitamind. together,along with View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahitamind. near, close by View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samāhitamanasmfn. having the mind absorbed in (anything) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samāhitamanobuddhimfn. having the mind or thoughts collected or composed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samāhitamatimfn. one who has an attentive mind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samprakṣubhitamānasamfn. agitated or confused or perplexed in mind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikhitamam. a particular gaṇa- of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sthitamatim. "firm-minded", Name of a teacher View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śuddhitamamfn. (equals śuddha-tama-) purest View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sukhitamind. sukhita
susthitamanasmfn. being in a happy frame of mind, contented View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
susthitammanyamfn. fancying one's self prosperous or well off View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vinihitamanasmfn. one who has the mind fixed upon, intent upon, devoted to View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathābhihitam(thābh-) ind. as spoken View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathāparilikhitamind. according to the outline or sketch View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathāprārthitamind. as desired, according to wish View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathāsamarthitamind. as has been thought good View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathāsaṃhitamind. according to the saṃhitā-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathāsamīhitamind. according to wish (in Prakrit) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathāsthitamind. according to to the place View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathāsthitamind. in statu quo View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathāsthitamind. certainly, assuredly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathopasthitamind. as come to or approached View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Macdonell Search
5 results
prati ad. with verbs and °ree;-- with nouns, against, counter; back, in return; with nouns also=every; prp. 1. with (usually preceding) ac. against, towards, to, upon, in the direction of; before, in the presence or the eyes of; about, near, on, in, at; at the time of, about; through, for (of time); from (protect); compared with; in favour of, for; concerning, in regard to, on account of, through; for, as (with predicative ac., e. g. take for, regard as); according to, by; in or at every; 2. with ab. at the time of, about (only RV.); 3. with g. concerning, with regard to; °ree;-in ad. cpds. towards; at the time of, about; according to; in or at every;âtmânam prati, to oneself (speak); kiram --, for a long time; bhrisam --, repeatedly; mâm --, in my opinion, to my mind; varsham --, every year; na bubhukshitam prati bhâti kim kit, to a hungry man nothing is of any ac count; mâm prati aranyavat pratibhâti, to me seems like a (lonely) forest.
prahi m. well; -hita, pp. (√ dhâ) sent, despatched, commissioned, etc.: -hitam gama, a. going on a message to (g.).
yathāvakāśam ad. accord ing to space; into the proper place; accord ing to or on the first opportunity; -vakana kârin, a. acting according to orders, obedient; -vakanam, ad. according to the expression; -vat, ad. exactly as it is or should be, accord ing to usage, in due order, suitably, fitly, cor rectly, accurately;=yathâ, as (rare); -vay as, ad. according to age; of the same age; -vasám, ad. according toone's will or pleasure (V.); -½avasaram, ad. at every opportunity; -vastu, ad. in accordance with the facts, ac curately, truly; -½avastham, ad. in accord ance with the condition or circumstances; -½avasthita½artha-kathana, n. description of a matter in accordance with facts; -½âvâs am, ad. to one's respective dwelling; -vit tam, ad. in accordance with the find; in pro portion to property; -vidha, a. of what kind; -vidhânam, ad.according to prescription or rule, duly; -vidhânena, in ad. id.; -vidhi, ad. id.; in due form, suitably; according to the deserts of (g.); -viniyogam, ad. in the order stated; -vibhava, °ree;--, -m, or -tas, ad. in proportion to means or income; -vibhâg am, ad. in accordance with the share; -vi shayam, ad. according to the thing in ques tion; -vîrya, a. having what strength: -m, ad. in proportion or with regard to valour; -vritta, pp. as happened; how conducting oneself: °ree;-or -m, ad. as it happened, in ac cordance with the facts, circumstantially; according to the metre; n. previous event; ac tual facts, details of an event; -vrittânta, m.(?) experience, adventure; -vriddha, °ree;-or -m, according to age, by seniority; -vyavahâram, ad. in accordance with usage; -vyutpatti, ad. according to the degree of culture; -sakti, -saktyâ, ad. according to one's power, to the utmost of one's power, as far as possible; -½âsayam, ad. according to wish; according to the conditions or premises; -sâstra, °ree;-or -m, according to prescribed rules or the in stitutes of the law; -sîlam, ad.according to the character; -sraddhám, ad. according to inclination; -½âsramam, ad. according to the stage of religious life; -½âsrayam, ad. in re gard to the connexion; -srâddham, ad. in accordance with the funeral feast; -srutam, pp. as heard of: -m, ad. as one heard it; in accordance with knowledge; incorr. for -sruti; -sruti, ad. according to the precepts of the Veda; -samstham, ad. according to circum stances; -sakhyam, ad. in proportion to friend ship; -samkalpita, pp. as wished; -sam khyam, -samkhyena, ad. according to num ber, number for number, in such a way that the numbers of two equal series correspond numerically (the first to the first, the second to the second, etc.); -sa&ndot;gam, ad. according to need, adequately; -satyam, ad. in accord ance with truth, truthfully; -samdishtam, ad. as directed; -½âsannam, ad. as soon as come near; -samayam,ad. at the proper time; -samarthitam, ad. as has been con sidered good; -samâmnâtam, ad. as men tioned; -samîhita, pp. as desired: -m, ad. according to wish (Pr.); -samuditám, ad. as agreed; -sampad, ad. as it happens; -sam pratyayam, ad. according to agreement; -sampradâyam, ad. as handed down; -sam bandham, ad. according to the relationship; -sambhava, a. corresponding as far as pos sible: -m, ad. according to the connexion, respectively; -sambhavin, a., -sambhâvita, pp. corresponding; -sâma, ad. according to the sequence of the Sâmans; -sâram, ad. ac cording to the quality; -siddha, pp. as hap pening to be ready; -sukha,°ree;-or -m, ad. at pleasure; at ease, comfortably; pleasantly, conveniently; -sukha-mukha, a. facing any way one pleases; -sûktam, ad. hymn by hymn; -sûkshma, a. pl. according to size from the smallest onwards: -m,ad.; -½astam, ad. to one's respective home; -sthâna, n. proper place (only lc. sg. & pl.); a. being in the proper place: (á)-m, ad. to or in the proper place; -sthitam, ad. according to one's stand; as it stands, certainly, surely; -sthiti, ad. according to custom, as usual; -sthûla, °ree;-or -m, ad. in the rough, without going into detail; -smriti, ad. according to one's recollection; according to the rules of the law-books; -sva, a. one's (his, their) respective: °ree;-or -m, ad. each his own, each individually or in his own way, respectively; -svaira, °ree;-or -m, ad. at pleasure, without restraint; -½âhâra, a. eating whatever comes to hand.
yathāpaṇyam ad. according to the commodity; -½aparâdha-danda, a. pun ishing in proportion to guilt; -parîttam, ad. as delivered up; -puram, ad. as before; -pûr va, a. being as before: (á)-m, ad. as before; in succession, one after the other; -pragñam, ad. to the best of one's knowledge; -pratya ksha-darsanam, ad. as if actually seen; -pra dishtam, ad. as prescribed, duly; -pradesam, ad. in its respective place; in the proper place; in all directions; according to precept; -pradhânam, ad. according to size; accord ing to precedence; -pravesam, ad. as one has entered; -prasnam, ad. in accordance with the questions; -prastutam, ad. as had al ready been begun, at length; -prânam, ad. according to one's strength, with all one's might; -prânena, in. ad. id.; -prâpta, pp. as fallen in with, the first that occurs; as resulting from circumstances, suitable; re sulting from a preceding grammatical rule: -m, ad. according to the rule, regularly; -prârthitam, ad. as requested; -phalam, ad. according to the produce; -balám, ad. according to one'spower, with all one's might; according to the condition of the army; -bîg am, ad. according to the seed; -buddhi, ad. to the best of one's knowledge; -bhâgám, ad. according to the share; in one's respective place; in the right place; -bhâganam, ad. respectively in the right place; -bhâva, m. condition of how it is, true state; fate; -½abhi preta, pp. wished for, desirable (--°ree;): -m, ad. according to desire, as any one (g.) likes; -½abhimata, pp. desired: -m, ad. according to desire, to one's heart's content, -desa, m. desired place, whatever place one likes; -½abhi rukita, pp. liked, favourite; -½abhilashita, wished for, desirable; -½abhîshta, pp.desired: -dis, f. place desired by each; -bhûtam, ad. according to what has happened, truly; -bhû mi, ad. into the respective country; -½abhy arthita, pp. previously requested; -ma&ndot;ga lam, ad. according to the respective custom; -mati, ad. as seems fit to any one (g.); to the best of one's understanding; -manas, ad. to one's heart's content; -mukhyam, ad. as re gards the chief persons; -mukhyena, in. ad. chiefly, above all; -½âmnâtam, ad. as handed down in the text.
hasta m. hand (ord. mg.); C.: elephant's trunk; as a measure=fore-arm or cubit (about 18 inches); handwriting (rare); abundance (--°ree; after words meaning hair); N.; V., C.: eleventh (or thirteenth) lunar asterism: --°ree; a. holding in (sts. by) the hand: -m gam, fall into the hand of (--°ree;); e kri, take into one's hand; also=gain possession of, get into one's power; marry (a girl); e nyasta, resting on her hand (face);tasya haste loka-dvayam sthitam, the two worlds are in his hand=are assured to him.
Bloomfield Vedic
5 results0 results245 results
dyubhir hitaṃ mitram iva prayogam RV.10.7.5a.
guhā hitaṃ guhyaṃ gūḍham apsu RV.2.11.5a; 3.39.6c; 10.148.2c.
guhā hitaṃ janima nemam udyatam RV.9.68.5d.
guhā hitaṃ nihitaṃ mānaveṣu AVP.5.16.6b.
guhā hitam upa niṇig vadanti RV.4.5.8b.
naro hitam ava mehanti peravaḥ RV.9.74.4d; KS.35.6d.
prīṇītāśvān hitaṃ jayātha RV.10.101.7a; N.5.26a.
tridhā hitaṃ paṇibhir guhyamānam RV.4.58.4a; AVP.8.13.4a; VS.17.92a; KS.40.7a; TA.10.10.3a; Apś.17.18.1a; MahānU.10.2a.
tvayā hitam apyam apsu bhāgam RV.2.38.7a.
upakṣeti hitamitro na rājā RV.1.73.3b; 3.55.21b.
aktuṃ na yahvam uṣasaḥ purohitam # RV.10.92.2c.
agann ājiṃ yathā hitam # RV.9.32.5c.
agniṃ na mā mathitaṃ saṃ didīpaḥ # RV.8.48.6a. P: agniṃ na mā mathitam śś.14.53.6.
agnim itthā tirohitam # RV.3.9.5b.
agnim īḍe (śś.śG. īle) purohitam # RV.1.1.1a; ArS.3.4a; TS.; MS.4.10.5a: 155.1; KS.2.14a; GB.1.1.29a; Aś.2.1.26; śś.6.4.1; 14.52.1; AG.3.5.6; śG.4.5.7; N.7.15a. P: agnim īḍe Aś.4.13.7; Lś.4.10.5; Mś.; VHDh.5.429; 7.64; 8.250; Karmap.3.1.16. Cf. Rvidh.1.13.5; 16.1; 2.31.6; BDh.4.6.1.
ajaiṣaṃ tvā saṃlikhitam # AVś.7.50.5a.
añjanti mitraṃ (ApMB. vṛkṣaṃ) sudhitaṃ na gobhiḥ # RV.5.3.2c; ApMB.1.5.12c. See añjanti vipraṃ.
ato bhūr ata ā utthitaṃ rajaḥ # RV.10.149.2c.
atha yat purā cakṛma kartāsmaś ca yathopasthitam eva nas tat # Lś.3.3.10.
adbhyas te lohitaṃ spṛṇomi svāhā # śB.; Kś.25.6.11.
adhvaryubhiḥ prasthitaṃ somyaṃ madhu # RV.2.37.2c; AVś.20.67.7c.
adhvaryubhir guhā hitam # RV.9.10.9b; SV.2.477b.
anūnaṃ pātraṃ nihitaṃ na etat # AVś.12.3.48c.
antarikṣaṃ vyaco hitam # AVś.10.2.24d,25d.
antar dadhāmy urv antarikṣam (TS. antar urv antarikṣam) # VS.7.5b; TS.;; MS.1.3.5d: 32.5; KS.4.1d; 27.2; śB. Cf. antarhitaṃ me bṛhad.
antar brahman pratiṣṭhitam # TB.
antarbhūtaṃ pratiṣṭhitam # TB.
annaṃ reto lohitam udaram # AVś.11.5.25b.
apagūḍhaṃ guhā hitam # RV.1.23.14b.
apāṃ bilam apihitaṃ yad āsīt # RV.1.32.11c; AVP.12.13.1c; N.2.17c.
apo vā gacha yadi tatra te hitam # RV.10.16.3c; AVś.18.2.7c; TA.6.1.4c; 7.3c; 9.2.
abhi dyumnaṃ (RV.VS. sumnaṃ) devabhaktaṃ yaviṣṭha (MS.KS. devahitaṃ yaviṣṭhya) # RV.10.45.9d; VS.12.26d; TS.; MS.2.7.9d: 87.2; KS.16.9d; ApMB.2.11.28d.
amṛtaṃ nihitaṃ guhā # SV.2.1192b. See amṛtasya nidhir, and nihitaṃ.
amṛtasya nidhir hitaḥ # RV.10.186.3b; JB.3.266b; TB.; TA.4.42.2b; KA.1.218Ab. See under amṛtaṃ nihitaṃ.
amṛte satye pratiṣṭhitām # TB.
ayā vājaṃ devahitaṃ sanema # RV.6.17.15a; AVś.19.12.1c; 20.63.3c; 124.6c; SV.1.454a; KB.11.6; Aś.8.3.1; śś.18.15.6. P: ayā vājam śś.6.6.15; 12.5.23; 12.14.
arthaṃ cid asya sudhitaṃ yad etave # RV.8.69.17c; AVś.20.92.14c.
arhan dhanur hitaṃ bibharṣi # AVP.15.20.7a. Cf. arhan bibharṣi.
avatād vyathitam # MS.1.2.8: 17.8; 3.8.5: 99.17; KS.2.9; Mś. See avatān mā vya-.
avatān mā nāthitam (VS.śB. nāthitāt) # VS.5.9; TS.;; MS.1.2.8: 17.8; 3.8.5: 99.16; KS.2.9; śB.; Apś.7.3.14; Mś.
avatān mā vyathitam (VS.śB. vyathitāt) # VS.5.9; TS.;; śB.; Apś.7.3.14. See avatād.
avanaddhaṃ śnathitam apsv antaḥ # RV.1.116.24b.
avanaddham abhihitam # AVś.9.3.8c.
avindad divo nihitaṃ guhā nidhim # RV.1.130.3a.
avindan te atihitaṃ yad āsīt # RV.10.181.2a.
aśvatthe nihitaṃ viṣam # AVP.9.10.3a.
asati sat pratiṣṭhitam # AVś.17.1.19a.
asme retaḥ siñcataṃ yan manurhitam # RV.6.70.2d.
asya vāmasya nihitaṃ padaṃ veḥ # RV.1.164.7b; AVś.9.9.5b.
ādityāso vi saṃhitam # RV.8.67.21b.
āyur yat te atihitaṃ parācaiḥ # AVś.7.53.3a.
āviḥ san nihitaṃ guhā # AVś.10.8.6a.
āśuṃ jetāraṃ hetāraṃ rathītamam # RV.8.99.7c; AVś.20.105.3c; SV.1.283c.
idam agne sudhitaṃ durdhitād adhi # RV.1.140.11a.
indrarāśau tad āhitam # AVP.11.11.1d.
indra viśvāsu te hitam # RV.8.95.2d.
indriyāvat puṣkalaṃ citrabhānu # KS.37.9b; TB.; TA.1.7.1b. See yat saṃhitaṃ.
indre 'dhy ṛtam āhitam # AVś.10.7.30b. Cf. skambhe 'dhy.
indre sarvaṃ samāhitam # AVś.10.7.29d.
indro jetā hitaṃ dhanam # RV.6.45.2c.
iṣṭaṃ dattam adhītaṃ ca # AG.3.9.1c.
īḍe girā manurhitam # RV.8.19.21a.
uta ghā sa rathītamaḥ # RV.6.56.2a.
uta devā avahitam # RV.10.137.1a; AVś.4.13.1a; AVP.5.18.1a; MS.4.14.2a: 217.16; śś.16.13.4. P: uta devāḥ Vait.38.1; Kauś.58.3,11; Rvidh.4.9.4. Cf. BṛhD.8.49. Designated as śaṃtātīya (sc. sūkta) Kauś.9.4.
uta neṣṭrād ajuṣata prayo hitam # RV.2.37.4b.
utsasya madhye nihitaṃ padaṃ veḥ # RV.10.5.1d.
udyantaṃ tvā mitramahaḥ # RVKh.1.50.3a. Cf. next, and tac cakṣur devahitaṃ.
unnetā nihitaṃ pādam ekam # GB.1.5.24b.
urvī kāṣṭhā hitaṃ dhanam # RV.8.80.8b.
ṛtaṃ satye pratiṣṭhitam # SMB.2.4.10a. Cf. GG.4.5.31; KhG.4.1.15, and ṛte satyaṃ.
ṛtena ṛtam apihitaṃ dhruvaṃ vām # RV.5.62.1a. Cf. BṛhD.5.81.
ṛte satyaṃ pratiṣṭhitam # AG.1.5.4b. Cf. ṛtaṃ nātyeti, and ṛtaṃ satye pra-.
ejat prāṇat pratiṣṭhitam # AVś.10.8.6d.
etad ājyasya mathitaṃ śarīram # AVP.11.5.1b. Edition, erroneously, edatad etc.
etam idhmaṃ samāhitaṃ juṣāṇaḥ # AVś.10.6.35a; Kauś.137.30. P: etam idhmam Kauś.2.41.
otaṃ nihitam ucchiṣṭe # AVś.11.7.10c.
kapāle nihitaṃ viṣam # AVP.9.10.3b.
karṇaśūlaṃ vilohitam # AVś.9.8.1b.
kasminn aṅga ṛtam asyādhyāhitam # AVś.10.7.1b.
kasminn aṅge satyam asya pratiṣṭhitam # AVś.10.7.1d.
kāle nāma samāhitam # AVś.19.53.7b; AVP.11.8.7b.
kāle brahma samāhitam # AVś.19.53.8b; AVP.11.8.8b.
kāṣṭhānāṃ madhye nihitaṃ śarīram # RV.1.32.10b; AVP.12.12.10b; N.2.16b.
kim indrasya parihitaṃ kim agneḥ # AVP.13.7.1a.
kṛtaṃ me hasta āhitam # AVP.1.49.4c.
kenāsmin nihitaṃ manaḥ # AVś.10.2.19d.
kramasvarśa iva rohitam # AVś.4.4.7c; 6.101.3c.
kṣatriyeṇa samāhitām # AVś.6.76.3b.
gandharvo nāma nihitaṃ guhāsu # TA.10.1.3b; MahānU.2.4b. See prec.
garbhaṃ mātā sudhitaṃ vakṣaṇāsu # RV.10.27.16c.
guhā śiro nihitam ṛdhag akṣī # RV.10.79.2a.
guhā satīṃ gahane gahvareṣu # TB.; Apś.2.11.10b. See guhāhitāṃ.
guhāhitāṃ nihitāṃ (KS. hitāṃ, omitting ni-) gahvareṣu # KS.31.14b; Mś. See guhā satīṃ.
granthiṃ na vi ṣya grathitaṃ punānaḥ # RV.9.97.18a.
caraṇaṃ no loke sudhitāṃ dadhātu # TB.
cittaṃ ca ma (MS. mā) ādhītaṃ ca me # VS.18.2; TS.; MS.2.11.2: 140.12; KS.18.7.
citraṃ santaṃ guhā hitam # RV.4.7.6c.
chāgānāṃ haviḥ prasthitaṃ preṣya # śB.
jeṣi jiṣṇo hitaṃ dhanam # RV.6.45.15c.
tac cakṣur devahitam # RV.7.66.16a; VS.36.24a; MS.4.9.20a: 136.4; TA.4.42.5a; GG.3.8.5a; ApMB.2.5.12a (ApG.7.17.7); HG.1.7.10a; MG.1.22.11a; BDh. P: tac cakṣuḥ śś.3.17.6; 4.13.1; 15.4; 10.21.11; śG.3.8.7; 6.6.1; PG.1.8.7; 17.6; 2.2.15; LHDh.4.50; LVyāsaDh.2.26; Rvidh.2.27.5. Cf. BṛhD.6.5,9 (B). Cf. udyantaṃ tvā mitramahaḥ.
tat satyaṃ devasaṃhitam # AVP.9.17.9d.
tad u tasmin pratiṣṭhitam # AVś.19.53.9b; AVP.11.8.9b.
tapasi sarvaṃ pratiṣṭhitam # TA.10.63.1d; MahānU.22.1d.
tamasīva nihitaṃ nānu vettāḥ # AVP.9.18.4d.
tasmād vār nāma (TS. ṇāma) vo hitam (AVP. hikam; KS. vaḥ priyam) # AVś.3.13.3d; AVP.3.4.3d; TS.; MS.2.13.1d: 152.12; KS.39.2d.
tasmin yaśo nihitaṃ viśvarūpam # AVś.10.8.9b; śB.,5; BṛhU.2.2.4b,5. See yasmin yaśo.
tasmin sarvaṃ pratiṣṭhitam # śB.; BṛhU.1.5.1c; TA.10.11.2d; MahānU.11.9d.
tāvan no adhi saṃhitam # AVP.4.16.1c.
tuchyenābhv apihitaṃ yad āsīt # RV.10.129.3c; TB.
tejasvi nāv adhītam astu # TA.8.1.1; 9.1.1; 10.1; TU.2.1.1; 3.1.1; KU.6.19.
tena te mṛjma āsthitam # AVś.4.17.8c; AVP.2.26.5c.
tena sva (TB. suva) stabhitaṃ tena nākaḥ # AVś.13.1.7b; TB.
triṣṭubhaujaḥ śubhitam ugravīram # AVP.15.1.4b; TS.; MS.3.16.4b: 188.4; KS.22.14b; Aś.4.12.2b.
tryudāyaṃ devahitaṃ yathā vaḥ # RV.4.37.3a.
tvayā jeṣma hitaṃ dhanam # RV.6.45.12c.
tvayi sarvaṃ pratiṣṭhitam # TA.10.1.8b; MahānU.4.7b.
tvām agne aṅgiraso (JB. āṅgiraso) guhā hitam # RV.5.11.6a; SV.2.258a; VS.15.28a; TS.; MS.2.13.7a: 156.4; KS.39.14a; JB.3.62.
dame sarvaṃ pratiṣṭhitam # TA.10.63.1d; MahānU.22.1d.
dasrā daṃsiṣṭhā rathyā rathītamā # RV.1.182.2b.
dādhāra viṣṭhitaṃ jagat # AVś.6.17.4b.
dāne sarvaṃ pratiṣṭhitam # TA.10.63.1e; MahānU.22.1e.
divas pari sugrathitaṃ tad ādaḥ # RV.1.121.10d.
duryaṣṭaṃ duradhītaṃ pāpam # RVKh.9.67.13a.
devapatnī apsarasāv adhītam # AVś.6.118.3d.
devā anvavindan guhāhitam # TA.3.11.12b.
devānāṃ nihitaṃ nidhiṃ yam indraḥ (AVP. indra, but putting yam indra with the following pāda) # AVś.19.27.9a; AVP.10.7.9a.
devānāṃ nihitaṃ nidhim # AVś.12.4.17b. So also AVP.10.7.9a, see prec.
devānāṃ nihitaṃ bhāgam # AVś.12.4.21c.
devānām idaṃ nihitaṃ yad asti # MS.1.2.10a: 20.12; Apś.11.12.3a.
devānāṃ prahitaṃgama # PG.3.15.20b.
devānāṃ bandhu nihitaṃ guhāsu # TA.3.11.3b.
devānāṃ mano hitam # RV.1.187.6b; AVP.6.16.6b; KS.40.8b.
devebhyo mathitaṃ pari # RV.3.9.5d.
devo martasya sudhitaṃ rarāṇaḥ # RV.4.2.10b.
dyāvāpṛthivī anu mā dīdhītām (AVP. dīdhīthām) # AVś.2.12.5a; AVP.2.5.5a.
dvādaśadhā nihitaṃ tṛtasya # AVś.6.113.3a.
dharme sarvaṃ pratiṣṭhitam # TA.10.63.1d; MahānU.22.1d.
dhruvaṃ jyotir nihitaṃ dṛśaye kam # RV.6.9.5a.
dhruvam asi dhruvata sthitam # ApMB.1.9.6b; HG.1.22.14b.
navyaṃ tad ukthyaṃ hitam # RV.1.105.12a.
nākaṃ rakṣethe dyubhir aktubhir hitam # RV.1.34.8d.
nānā hi vāṃ devahitaṃ sadas (TB.Apś. sadaḥ) kṛtam # VS.19.7a; MS.2.3.8a: 36.11; KS.37.18a; AB.8.8.11a; śB.; TB.; Aś.3.9.4a; Apś.19.7.3. P: nānā hi vām MS.3.11.7: 150.13; Kś.19.2.21; Mś.; See prec. and next.
nānā hi vāṃ devahitaṃ sado mitam # TB.; Apś.19.3.4a. See prec. two.
nidhiṃ paṇīnāṃ paramaṃ guhā hitam # RV.2.24.6b.
nihitaṃ bheṣajaṃ guhā # Kauś.117.4b. See under amṛtaṃ nihitaṃ.
nīlagrīvaṃ vilohitam (AVP.14.3.1d and NīlarU.1d, śikhaṇḍinam) # AVP.14.3.1d,2d,10b; NīlarU.1d,2d,10b.
nīlaṃ piśaṅgam uta lohitaṃ yat (AVP. yāḥ) # AVś.14.2.48b; AVP.5.9.7b.
nīlalohitaṃ bhavati # RV.10.85.28a; AVś.14.1.26a. P: nīlalohitam śG.1.12.8. See nīlalohite bha-.
nīlalohite bhavataḥ # ApMB.1.6.8a (ApG.2.5.23). See nīlalohitaṃ.
neṣat tamo dudhitaṃ rocata dyauḥ # RV.4.1.17a.
ny airayad rathītamaḥ # RV.6.56.3c.
padme sthitāṃ padmavarṇām # RVKh.5.87.4c.
parameṣṭhī bhavati gachati parameṣṭhitām adhipatir bhavati svānāṃ cānyeṣāṃ ca ya evaṃ veda # AVP.11.16.14.
parāke annaṃ nihitaṃ loka etat # TB.
parātaraṃ su nirṛtir jihītām # RV.10.59.1d--4d.
parilikhitaṃ rakṣaḥ # TS.; 3.1.1;; 2.10.1; Apś.7.4.2; 10.23.2; 11.11.2. P: parilikhitam HG.1.27.1.
pareṇa nākaṃ nihitaṃ guhāyām # TA.10.10.3c; MahānU.10.5c.
pavamāno rathītamaḥ # RV.9.66.26a; SV.2.661a; JB.3.245a.
piṅgalaṃ haritaṃ lohitaṃ ca # śB.; BṛhU.4.4.12b.
pituḥ svasya tyajasā nibādhitam # RV.1.119.8b.
pitṛbhyo 'gniṣvāttebhyo dhūmrān rohitāṃs traiyambakān # Apś.20.14.13.
punar brahmāṇo (AVś. brahmā) vasunītha (AVś. vasunītir; KS.8.14b, vasudhītam; KS.38.12b, vasunītha; MS. vasudhīte) yajñaiḥ (AVśṃS.KS.8.14b, agne) # AVś.12.2.6b; VS.12.44b; TS.; MS.1.7.1b: 108.9; KS.8.14b; 38.12b; śB.
punaś cittaṃ punar ādhītaṃ ma āgāt # TA.2.5.3d.
puraḥ paśyanti nihitam aratau # RV.5.2.1d; JB.3.96d.
purutrā te manutāṃ (AVś. vanvatāṃ) viṣṭhitaṃ jagat # RV.6.47.29b; AVś.6.126.1b; AVP.15.11.9b; VS.29.55b; TS.; MS.3.16.3b: 187.8; KSA.6.1b; N.9.13b. Cf. next but four.
purutrā viṣṭhitaṃ jagat # RV.10.25.6b. Cf. prec. but four.
pūrvapeyaṃ hi vāṃ hitam # RV.1.135.4e.
potrāgnīdhro (read potāgnī?) nihitaṃ pādam ekam # GB.1.5.24d.
prati vīhi prasthitaṃ somyaṃ madhu # RV.2.36.4c; AVś.20.67.5c.
prahetāram aprahitam # RV.8.99.7b; AVś.20.105.3b; SV.1.283b.
prācīno yajñaḥ sudhitaṃ hi barhiḥ # RV.7.7.3a.
prāṇāpānau saṃvidānau jahitam # TA.3.14.3a.
prāṇe sarvaṃ pratiṣṭhitam # AVś.11.4.15d.
priyaṃ rakṣante nihitaṃ padaṃ veḥ # RV.3.7.7b.
preṇā tad eṣāṃ nihitaṃ guhāviḥ # RV.10.71.1d; ā.
bahv idam anyad viṣṭhitam # AVP.1.37.3e,5e.
bāhvos te balaṃ hitam # RV.1.80.8d.
brahmaṇot tirate haviḥ # AVP.8.9.5d. Cf. brahmaṇo 'ntarhitaṃ.
brahmaṇo 'ntarhitaṃ haviḥ # AVś.19.42.1d. Cf. brahmaṇot tirate.
brahma priyaṃ devahitaṃ yad asti # RV.5.42.2c.
brāhmaṇeṣv amṛtaṃ hitam # RVKh.9.67.1d; SV.2.650d; TB.,6d.
bhadrayā supratiṣṭhitam # AVś.12.1.63b.
bhavyaṃ bhūte pratiṣṭhitam # AVś.17.1.19d.
bhujiṣyaṃ pātraṃ nihitaṃ guhā yat # AVś.12.1.60c.
bhūtaṃ ha bhavya āhitam # AVś.17.1.19c.
manuṣyāṇāṃ payo hitam # TB.; Apś.1.13.4d.
mano me vāci pratiṣṭhitam # MG.1.4.4,8; VārG.8.4,7.
mano yad asya guṣpitam (Apś. gulphitam) # MS.1.2.2e: 11.8; Apś.10.10.3c; 13.7.16e.
mantram akharvaṃ sudhitaṃ supeśasam # RV.7.32.13a; AVś.20.59.4a.
mayi te mana āhitam # AVP.3.29.4a.
mayy asya mana āhitam # AVP.3.28.3d.
maryaṃ na vājinaṃ hitam # RV.8.43.25b.
mahi jyotir nihitaṃ vakṣaṇāsu # RV.3.30.14a.
mahi jyotir nihitaṃ martyeṣu # AVP.5.6.8a.
mahīnāṃ payo 'si vihitaṃ devatrā # TA.4.12.1.
māśāḥ pra cyoṣṭa lohitam # AVP.11.1.8b.
mitraṃ na jane sudhitam ṛtāvani # RV.8.23.8c.
mitraṃ na yaṃ sudhitaṃ bhṛgavo dadhuḥ # RV.6.15.2a.
mṛtyāv amṛtam āhitam # śB.
mṛtyunā ca purohitam # AVś.11.10.18b.
ya eṣāṃ viṣadhānakaḥ # SMB.2.7.3d. See yas te viṣadhānaḥ, and yasmin te nihitaṃ.
yac ca rājasv āhitam # AVP.2.34.2b.
yac ca hastiṣv āhitam # AVP.2.34.1b.
yac cākāśe pratiṣṭhitam # TB.
yac cāntar bhūtaṃ pratiṣṭhitam # TB.
yac cāsminn antarāhitam # TB.
yac cyāvayatha vithureva saṃhitam # RV.1.168.6c.
yac chvetān rohitāṃś cāgneḥ # TA.1.11.8c.
yajñasya ketuṃ prathamaṃ (JB. -maḥ) purohitam # RV.5.11.2a; 10.122.4a; SV.2.259a; TS.; KS.39.14a; JB.3.62--63 (in fragments: yajñasya ketum, prathamaḥ purohitam).
yato daṣṭaṃ yato dhītam # AVś.7.56.3a.
yat ta āsthitaṃ śam u tat te astu # TB. See yat te viriṣṭaṃ.
yat te aṅgam atihitaṃ parācaiḥ # AVś.18.2.26a. P: yat te aṅgam Kauś.82.29; 85.26.
yat te krūraṃ yad āsthitaṃ tat ta āpyāyatāṃ niṣṭyāyatāṃ tat te śudhyatu (TS.Apś. āpyāyataṃ tat ta etena śundhatām) # VS.6.15; TS.; śB.; Apś.7.18.8. P: yat te krūram Kś.6.6.6. See next two.
yat te krūraṃ yad āsthitaṃ tad etena śundhasva (Kauś. tac chundasva) # MS.1.2.16: 26.8; 3.10.1: 128.13. Ps: yat te krūraṃ yad āsthitam Kauś.44.23; yat te krūram Mś. See prec. and next.
yat te krūrataraṃ yad āsthitaṃ tat ta etena kalpatām # KS.3.6. See prec. two.
yat te viriṣṭaṃ sam u tat ta etat # AVP.2.39.4c; Vait.24.1c. See yat ta āsthitaṃ.
yatra tan māyayā hitam # AVś.10.8.34d.
yatra rājabhir daśabhir nibādhitam # RV.7.83.6c.
yatrāyudhaṃ nihitam asya varma # RV.6.75.8b; AVP.15.10.8b; VS.29.45b; TS.; KSA.6.1b.
yat saṃhitaṃ puṣkalaṃ citrabhānu # AVś.13.3.10b; AVP.4.3.1b. See indriyāvat puṣkalaṃ.
yat stṛṇair adhyayanaṃ tad adhītam # RVKh.5.49.1c; 6.48.1a.
yathājyaṃ pragṛhītam # AVś.12.4.34a.
yathāsmin teja āhitam # AVś.10.3.17b.
yathāsmin yajña āhitam # AVś.10.3.23b.
yathaiṣu satyam āhitam # AVś.10.3.25b.
yad agne pūrvaṃ prabhṛtaṃ (Aś. prahitaṃ; Mś. nihitaṃ) padaṃ hi te # TB.; Aś.3.10.16a; Apś.9.10.17a; Mś.3.4.10a.
yad asya guṣpitaṃ (AVś. kṣetriyaṃ; Apś. gulphitaṃ) hṛdi # AVś.3.7.2d; MS.1.2.2d: 11.8; Apś.10.10.3b; 13.7.16d. See yat kiṃ ca kṣetriyaṃ.
yad īṃ gachanty uśatīr apiṣṭhitam # RV.1.145.4d.
yad gāyatre adhi gāyatram āhitam # RV.1.164.23a; AVś.9.10.1a; AB.3.12.6a; KB.14.3a; GB.2.3.10.
yad gṛhītam avijñātam # N.1.18a. Cf. SaṃhitopaniṣadB.3 (comm.).
yad dhitaṃ māva pādi tat # AVś.8.6.20b.
yad-yad dyuttaṃ likhitam arpaṇena # AVś.12.3.22c.
yad rohitam ajanayanta devāḥ # AVś.13.3.12c,23d.
yad vā gṛheṣu niṣṭhitam # AVś.14.2.62b.
yad vā jagaj jagaty āhitaṃ padam # RV.1.164.23c; AVś.9.10.1c; AB.3.12.6c; KB.14.3c.
yan māṃsaṃ yac ca lohitam # AVś.10.9.18b.
yan me śrutam adhītam # PG.3.16.1c.
yasmiṃ loke svar hitam # RV.9.113.7b; ātmapraU.1b.
yasmin te nihitaṃ viṣam # AVP.2.14.4d. See under ya eṣāṃ viṣadhānakaḥ.
yasmin yaśo nihitaṃ viśvarūpam # N.12.38b. See tasmin yaśo.
yasmin sarvaṃ pratiṣṭhitam # AVś.11.4.1d.
yāvad brahma viṣṭhitaṃ tāvatī vāk # RV.10.114.8d; ā.
surathā rathītamā # RV.1.22.2a.
yuvaṃ ha rebhaṃ vṛṣaṇā guhā hitam # RV.10.39.9a.
yuvor aptūryaṃ hitam # RV.3.12.8c; SV.2.928c,1045c.
Vedabase Search
355 results
hitam as the best waySB 10.4.43
hitam beneficialBG 17.15
SB 4.18.12
hitam benefitBG 18.64
MM 16
hitam welfareSB 1.4.17-18
SB 2.9.7
SB 4.16.5
hitam words of benedictionCC Madhya 22.57-58
abādhitam undeniableSB 11.28.37
abhihitam explainedSB 2.6.33
abhihitam narratedSB 4.8.18
abhihitam describedSB 4.12.44
abhihitam describedSB 4.12.52
abhihitam explainedSB 4.23.38
abhihitam instructedSB 4.31.25
abhihitam explainedSB 6.19.26-28
abhihitam statedSB 8.16.58
abhihitam informedSB 9.6.9
rājñā abhihitam having been addressed by the King (Bhagīratha)SB 9.9.9
abhihitam the words spokenSB 10.4.14
abhihitam indicatedSB 10.22.20
abhihitam spokenSB 10.75.40
abhihitam describedSB 11.18.48
abhihitam narratedSB 12.6.1
abhisandhitam thus preparing himselfSB 4.19.27
abhivāñchitam wishingSB 2.9.21
abṛṃhitam not increasingSB 6.4.20
adhiṣṭhitam situatedSB 3.8.18
adhiṣṭhitam he was situatedSB 3.10.7
adhiṣṭhitam was ruledSB 4.9.20-21
adhyedhitam unnecessarily increased in powerSB 5.11.17
ahi-bhoga-utthitam issuing from the serpent's body, which was meant for material enjoymentSB 10.12.33
āhitam situatedSB 2.6.31
āhitam is doneSB 4.9.20-21
āhitam connectedSB 4.12.39
ahitam enemySB 4.19.28
āhitam executedSB 4.29.61
ahitam injuriousSB 6.1.9
ahitam not beneficialSB 7.5.37
āhitam being situatedSB 8.18.19
āhitam begottenSB 9.14.9
āhitam coveredSB 10.6.7
āhitam conferredBs 5.62
akāma-vihitam uninfluenced by material desiresSB 10.80.29
anadhiṣṭhitam not acquiredSB 4.8.37
anāsthitam never achievedSB 4.12.26
anavasthitam not situated on the spiritual platformSB 11.20.19
aṇḍa-saṃsthitam situated within the universeCC Adi 5.77
aṇḍa-saṃsthitam situated within the universeCC Madhya 20.251
valmīka-antarhitam who was sitting within the hole of the earthwormSB 9.3.8
antarhitam within the core of the heartSB 9.9.29
antarhitam disappearedSB 10.41.2
anuṣṭhitam executedSB 1.5.39
anuṣṭhitam performedSB 4.19.31
anuṣṭhitam executedSB 5.1.37
anuṣṭhitam executedSB 10.73.34
anuṣṭhitam executedSB 10.88.31
anuṣṭhitam doneCC Madhya 15.269
apihitam coveredSB 7.3.15-16
apihitam coveredIso 15
arbhaka-īhitam the childhood pastimes He performedSB 10.8.47
arthitam the object prayed forSB 5.19.27
arthitam that which is desiredCC Madhya 22.40
arthitam that which is desiredCC Madhya 24.103
arthitam that which is desiredCC Madhya 24.199
asaṃvyavahitam without intervention by the illusory energySB 5.6.6
aśraddhitam who was not very respectful to the instruction of the spiritual masterSB 8.20.14
āsthitam seated on itSB 2.9.17
āsthitam situatedSB 4.6.35
āsthitam presentSB 10.66.4
āsthitam arrayedSB 10.66.15
ati-duḥkhitam extremely distressedSB 10.16.23
avahitam fixedSB 10.38.19
avasthitam situatedBG 15.11
avasthitam existingSB 1.8.18
avasthitam situatedSB 2.6.40-41
avasthitam situatedSB 3.13.21
avasthitam standingSB 3.19.24
avasthitam standingSB 3.21.11
avasthitam situatedSB 3.24.46
avasthitam situatedSB 3.29.25
avasthitam remainingSB 4.2.17
avasthitam situatedSB 4.8.50
avasthitam situatedSB 4.12.11
avasthitam situatedSB 4.24.70
avasthitam situatedSB 7.8.3-4
avasthitam being situatedSB 7.9.3
avasthitam situated thereSB 8.17.19
avasthitam situated thereSB 8.23.10
avasthitam situatedSB 10.11.47
avasthitam individually stayingSB 10.12.33
avasthitam standingSB 10.43.2
avasthitam standingSB 10.51.11
avasthitam situatedSB 11.5.10
avasthitam seatedSB 11.13.36
avasthitam situatedBs 5.3
ayathā-utthitam arisen from temporary phenomenaSB 7.2.58
bahiḥ-sthitam externally situatedSB 4.9.2
bāla-hitam the welfare of one's childSB 4.20.31
bhagavat-mahimā-upabṛṃhitam accompanied by the glories of the Supreme LordSB 5.4.11-12
jñāna-virāga-bhakti-sahitam together with knowledge, renunciation and devotionSB 12.13.18
ahi-bhoga-utthitam issuing from the serpent's body, which was meant for material enjoymentSB 10.12.33
sarva-bhūta-sthitam situated in everyone's heartBG 6.31
brahma-tejaḥ-samedhitam now empowered with brahma-tejas, extraordinary spiritual powerSB 8.15.29
guṇa-bṛṃhitam affected by the qualitiesSB 1.3.32
īhitam ca and the different activities or endeavorsSB 8.12.11
dhiṣṭhitam situatedSB 1.9.42
dhiṣṭhitam being establishedSB 8.17.24
dhiṣṭhitam placedSB 12.9.31-32
dhiṣṭhitam situatedCC Adi 2.21
duḥkha-duḥkhitam who suffers one distress after anotherSB 10.88.8
ati-duḥkhitam extremely distressedSB 10.16.23
su-duḥkhitam who are very miserableSB 10.39.26
duḥkha-duḥkhitam who suffers one distress after anotherSB 10.88.8
duravasthitam never remaining in one placeSB 10.76.22
garhitam very badlySB 9.8.15-16
grathitam hard knotSB 4.22.39
grathitam as composedSB 5.12.3
grathitam tied tightlySB 5.25.8
guṇa-bṛṃhitam affected by the qualitiesSB 1.3.32
guroḥ hitam only for the benefit of the guru (not for one's personal benefit)SB 7.12.1
loka-hitam beneficial for all menSB 2.1.1
bāla-hitam the welfare of one's childSB 4.20.31
guroḥ hitam only for the benefit of the guru (not for one's personal benefit)SB 7.12.1
loka-hitam for the benefit of all living entitiesSB 9.4.53-54
īhitam activitiesSB 1.8.36
īhitam pastimesSB 3.28.19
īhitam activitiesSB 4.17.36
īhitam the desiresSB 5.18.23
īhitam the activitySB 6.3.14-15
īhitam activitySB 6.17.32
īhitam the narrationSB 7.11.1
īhitam ca and the different activities or endeavorsSB 8.12.11
tava īhitam all Your activitiesSB 8.23.8
arbhaka-īhitam the childhood pastimes He performedSB 10.8.47
īhitam whatever is doneSB 10.38.18
īhitam the activitiesSB 10.60.36
īhitam activitiesSB 10.60.36
īhitam purposeSB 10.70.38
jñāna-virāga-bhakti-sahitam together with knowledge, renunciation and devotionSB 12.13.18
jṛmbhitam made to yawnSB 10.63.14
kaṃsa-prahitam sent by KaṃsaSB 10.42.21
kathitam is explainedSB 3.29.1-2
kathitam describedSB 3.32.31
kathitam spokenSB 6.16.45
kathitam what was relatedSB 10.30.41
kathitam narratedSB 12.5.13
kathitam narratedSB 12.12.2
kathitam narratedSB 12.12.58
kṣudhitam being hungrySB 4.8.66
lāñchitam markedSB 10.16.63
lohitam bloodSB 3.26.59
lohitam redSB 4.29.26-27
loka-hitam beneficial for all menSB 2.1.1
loka-hitam for the benefit of all living entitiesSB 9.4.53-54
mā praṇihitam myself being situatedSB 1.15.16
bhagavat-mahimā-upabṛṃhitam accompanied by the glories of the Supreme LordSB 5.4.11-12
mohitam deludedBG 7.13
mohitam bewilderedSB 3.13.45
mohitam bewilderedSB 10.14.44
mūrcchitam who was unconsciousSB 10.16.54
mūrcchitam augmentedSB 10.34.23
nāthitam as it is desiredSB 2.9.26
nihitam entered*SB 10.2.26
nihitam placedCC Madhya 17.186
nihitam placedCC Madhya 25.57
nija-samīhitam chosen by oneselfCC Madhya 22.160
nīlalohitam Lord ŚivaSB 4.6.41
paribṛṃhitam elaborately explainedSB 1.5.3
parijana-sahitam and with Śrīvāsa ṭhākura and all the other devoteesCC Antya 2.1
parijana-sahitam and with Śrīvāsa ṭhākura and all the other devoteesCC Antya 3.1
pihitam coveredCC Madhya 24.348
prahitam appliedSB 9.4.69
kaṃsa-prahitam sent by KaṃsaSB 10.42.21
mā praṇihitam myself being situatedSB 1.15.16
prārthitam prayed forSB 4.9.34
prārthitam requestSB 6.7.37
prārthitam the desireSB 6.7.37
prathitam disseminatedSB 10.70.44
pratiṣṭhitam situatedBG 3.15
pratiṣṭhitam standingSB 4.17.21
pravyathitam perturbedBG 11.20
pravyathitam perturbedBG 11.45
puraḥ-sthitam standing before himSB 8.11.3
puraḥ sthitam as it is just before us allSB 10.12.19
puraḥ-sthitam situated in front of himSB 10.13.59
sańga-rahitam without attachmentBG 18.23
rahitam bereft ofSB 1.16.26-30
rahitam freed fromSB 3.9.33
rahitam devoid ofSB 3.32.25
urvaśī-rahitam without UrvaśīSB 9.14.26
rahitam separateSB 10.84.24-25
tat-rahitam deprived of that formSB 12.4.15-19
vyavahita-rahitam without offenses or without being separatedCC Antya 3.60
rahitam devoid ofNBS 54
rahitam devoid ofNBS 54
rājñā abhihitam having been addressed by the King (Bhagīratha)SB 9.9.9
sahitam withBG 9.1
sahitam withSB 11.19.5
jñāna-virāga-bhakti-sahitam together with knowledge, renunciation and devotionSB 12.13.18
parijana-sahitam and with Śrīvāsa ṭhākura and all the other devoteesCC Antya 2.1
parijana-sahitam and with Śrīvāsa ṭhākura and all the other devoteesCC Antya 3.1
sahitam also withMM 16
samāhitam completely in tranceSB 3.14.9
samāhitam has been fixedSB 3.21.28
su-samāhitam controlledSB 3.28.12
samāhitam fixedSB 5.8.29
samāhitam concentrated the mind (without being agitated by material conditions)SB 8.1.17
samāhitam fully transferredSB 10.2.18
samāhitam collectedSB 10.50.7-8
samāhitam perfectly fixedSB 11.23.46
samavasthitam equally situatedBG 13.29
samavasthitam standing before HimSB 10.34.10
brahma-tejaḥ-samedhitam now empowered with brahma-tejas, extraordinary spiritual powerSB 8.15.29
samedhitam made prosperousSB 10.48.17
samīhitam his purposeSB 3.14.28
samīhitam activities, planSB 4.17.32
samīhitam desireSB 4.20.28
samīhitam which has been created (by You)SB 8.12.11
nija-samīhitam chosen by oneselfCC Madhya 22.160
sammohitam captivatedSB 10.1.25
saṃsthitam situatedSB 3.10.12
saṃsthitam fixed uponSB 3.28.20
saṃsthitam to establish (without deviation)SB 8.1.16
aṇḍa-saṃsthitam situated within the universeCC Adi 5.77
aṇḍa-saṃsthitam situated within the universeCC Madhya 20.251
samupasthitam presentBG 1.28
samupasthitam arrivedBG 2.2
samupasthitam present beforeSB 2.9.19
samutthitam aroseSB 3.26.38
samutthitam caused by this incidentSB 9.6.49
samutthitam risenMM 43
sandhitam where the two parts joinSB 5.21.2
sandhitam fixed an arrowSB 9.10.23
sańga-rahitam without attachmentBG 18.23
sannihitam situated nearbySB 8.22.35
sarva-bhūta-sthitam situated in everyone's heartBG 6.31
śici sthitam situated in the butter pot hanging on the swingSB 10.9.8
śobhitam decoratedSB 1.11.10
śobhitam increasedSB 4.24.47-48
śobhitam adornedSB 8.2.14-19
śobhitam beautifiedSB 10.29.21-22
śobhitam beautifiedSB 10.44.12
śobhitam made beautifulSB 10.89.52
śobhitam decoratedSB 12.9.20
śobhitam shiningBs 5.5
sthitam situatedBG 5.19
sarva-bhūta-sthitam situated in everyone's heartBG 6.31
sthitam situatedBG 13.17
sthitam situated in the bodyBG 15.10
sthitam being fixedSB 1.2.19
sthitam situatedSB 2.2.20
sthitam situatedSB 3.2.31
sthitam situatedSB 3.9.32
sthitam standingSB 3.28.19
sthitam sittingSB 3.28.37
sthitam having been placedSB 4.4.25
bahiḥ-sthitam externally situatedSB 4.9.2
sthitam situatedSB 4.13.31
sthitam situatedSB 5.17.21
sthitam although situatedSB 7.2.40
sthitam situated onSB 7.4.14
puraḥ-sthitam standing before himSB 8.11.3
sthitam situatedSB 9.9.46
vṛṣa-sthitam seated upon his bullSB 9.18.5
śici sthitam situated in the butter pot hanging on the swingSB 10.9.8
puraḥ sthitam as it is just before us allSB 10.12.19
puraḥ-sthitam situated in front of himSB 10.13.59
sthitam situatedSB 10.39.44-45
sthitam sittingSB 10.59.15
sthitam remainingSB 10.61.2
sthitam seatedMM 34
su-samāhitam controlledSB 3.28.12
su-duḥkhitam who are very miserableSB 10.39.26
tat-rahitam deprived of that formSB 12.4.15-19
tava īhitam all Your activitiesSB 8.23.8
brahma-tejaḥ-samedhitam now empowered with brahma-tejas, extraordinary spiritual powerSB 8.15.29
tirohitam having disappearedSB 4.9.2
tirohitam not visibleSB 8.3.4
tirohitam the disappearanceSB 10.32.21
tirohitam withdrawn from sightCC Adi 4.176
ujjhitam abandonedSB 3.19.14
ujjhitam bereft ofSB 6.11.16
unmathitam killedSB 3.3.6
upabṛṃhitam by combination and permutationSB 2.9.27
bhagavat-mahimā-upabṛṃhitam accompanied by the glories of the Supreme LordSB 5.4.11-12
upabṛṃhitam in which is describedSB 7.10.46
upabṛṃhitam being chargedSB 10.3.20
upabṛṃhitam repleteSB 10.48.2
upabṛṃhitam fully endowedSB 11.7.21
upabṛṃhitam strengthenedSB 11.19.25
upabṛṃhitam establishedSB 11.21.37
upabṛṃhitam enrichedSB 11.30.11
upabṛṃhitam filledSB 12.10.26
upaśobhitam extraordinarily beautifulSB 3.23.17
upaśobhitam decoratedSB 4.6.14-15
upaśobhitam decorated withSB 4.6.19-20
upaśobhitam beautifiedSB 10.41.20-23
upasthitam appearanceSB 1.13.13
upasthitam situated before himSB 7.3.24
upasthitam the present situationSB 8.7.37
upasthitam arrived by chanceSB 9.21.2
urvaśī-rahitam without UrvaśīSB 9.14.26
utthitam arousedSB 3.18.24
utthitam aroseSB 3.26.51
utthitam appearedSB 3.26.60
utthitam risingSB 3.28.37
ayathā-utthitam arisen from temporary phenomenaSB 7.2.58
utthitam liftedSB 8.7.9
utthitam existing thereSB 9.2.14
utthitam has arisenSB 10.1.54
ahi-bhoga-utthitam issuing from the serpent's body, which was meant for material enjoymentSB 10.12.33
utthitam waking (to thoughts of sense gratification)SB 10.51.60
utthitam risenSB 10.74.45
utthitam arisenSB 10.87.36
utthitam risenSB 10.89.4
utthitam risenSB 11.13.36
valmīka-antarhitam who was sitting within the hole of the earthwormSB 9.3.8
vāñchitam desireSB 4.3.14
vāñchitam desired resultSB 4.14.22
vāñchitam whatever He wantsSB 8.20.10
vāñchitam whose desiresSB 10.37.22
vāñchitam what they desiredMM 47
vigarhitam reproachableSB 3.18.7
vigarhitam forbiddenSB 4.11.8
vigarhitam abominableSB 4.15.25
vigarhitam condemnedSB 5.26.13
vigarhitam condemnedSB 6.2.27
vigarhitam condemnedSB 6.7.35
vigarhitam abominableSB 10.10.1
vigarhitam abominableSB 11.20.25
vihitam directedBG 17.5-6
vihitam ordainedSB 3.18.28
vihitam destinedSB 4.8.33
vihitam that which is ordainedSB 10.24.15
vihitam has been providedSB 10.25.21
vihitam has been arrangedSB 10.30.20
akāma-vihitam uninfluenced by material desiresSB 10.80.29
vihitam what is enjoinedSB 11.7.11
vihitam taughtCC Madhya 6.182
vijṛmbhitam developedSB 3.33.15
vijṛmbhitam highly qualifiedSB 4.21.8
vilikhitam drawnSB 10.62.18-19
vimūrcchitam resoundedSB 4.6.12
jñāna-virāga-bhakti-sahitam together with knowledge, renunciation and devotionSB 12.13.18
virahitam withoutBG 17.13
virahitam aloofSB 4.12.6
viṣṭhitam situatedBG 13.18
vṛṣa-sthitam seated upon his bullSB 9.18.5
vyavahita-rahitam without offenses or without being separatedCC Antya 3.60
vyavahitam blocked by obstaclesSB 10.61.21
vyavasthitam standing in positionSB 3.19.7
vyavasthitam Kṛṣṇa was sittingSB 10.9.8
vyavasthitam situatedMM 48


compression fracture of bone with swelling.


red fish; Malabar snapper.

Wordnet Search
"hitam" has 38 results.


āgataḥ, āgatā, āgatam, samāyātaḥ, samāyātam, samāyātā, upasthitaḥ, upasthitā, upasthitam, prāptaḥ, prāptam, prāptā   

yaḥ samyag āyātaḥ।

gṛhe atithiḥ āgataḥ।


lipī, libī, lipiḥ, likhitam, akṣarasaṃsthānam, libiḥ, likhanam, lekhanam, akṣaravinyāsaḥ, akṣararacanā   


hindī iti bhāṣā devanāgarī iti lipyāṃ likhyate।


rudhiram, raktam, asram, tvagjam, kīlālam, kṣatajam, śoṇitam, lohitam, asṛk, śoṇam, loham, carmajam   

śarīrastha-dhamanīṣu pravahan tāmraḥ dravapadārthaḥ vā śarīrastha-rasabhava-dhātuḥ।

śarīrāt rudhire prasyandamāne api bhaṭāḥ raṇe samāsthiṣata। /askandamāne rudhire sandhānāni prayojayet।


paropakāraḥ, parahitam   

anyasambandhi hitam।

paropakāraḥ khalu dharmasādhanam।


lokopakāraḥ, janakalyāṇam, janasevā, lokahitam, lokasevā   

janānāṃ hitārthā kṛtā kriyā।

lokopakāraṃ kṛtvā ahaṃ sukham anubhavāmi।


maṅgalam, kalyāṇam, hitam   

kenāpi sādhanena kasyāpi jātaḥ utkarṣaḥ।

tadeva kāryaṃ kartavyaṃ yena sarveṣāṃ maṅgalaṃ bhūyāt।


raktaḥ, raktā, raktam, lohitaḥ, lohitā, lohitāhinī, lohitam, raktavarṇaḥ, raktavarṇā, raktavarṇam, lohitavarṇam, rohitaḥ, rohitā, rohitāhinī, śoṇitaḥ, śoṇitā, śoṇitam, śoṇaḥ, śoṇā, śoṇam, śoṇī, sindūravarṇaḥ, kaṣāyaḥ, kaṣāyā, kaṣāyam, mañjiṣṭhaḥ, mañjiṣṭhī, mañjiṣṭham, aruṇaḥ, aruṇā, aruṇam, pāṭalaḥ, pāṭalā, pāṭalam   

varṇaviśeṣaḥ, raktasya varṇaḥ iva varṇaḥ।

imaṃ prakoṣṭhaṃ raktena varṇena varṇaya।


kuṅkumam, vāhnīkam, vāhnikam, varavāhnīkam, agniśikham, varaḥ, varam, baraḥ, baram, kāśmīrajanma, kāśmīrajaḥ, pītakam, pītanam, pītacandanam, pītakāveram, kāveram, raktasaṃjñam, raktam, śoṇitam, lohitam, lohitacandanam, gauram, haricandanam, ghusṛṇam, jāguḍam, saṅkocam, piśunam, ghīram, kucandanam   


mahyaṃ kāśmīrajena yuktā kulphīprakāraḥ rocate।


likhitacihnam, likhitalakṣaṇam, likhitasaṃketaḥ, likhitapratīkam, likhitam cihnam, likhitam lakṣaṇam, likhitaḥ saṃketaḥ, likhitam pratīkam   

tat cihnaṃ yad likhitasvarūpeṇa upalabhyate;

saṃjñāphalake likhitacihnāni santi


sāvadhānam, sākūtam, avadhānāt, avahitam, manaḥpraveśena, pramāda-vyatirekeṇa   

samyak avadhānena saha vinā kim api pramādāt vā।

kimapi kāryaṃ sāvadhānaṃ kuru।


aṅkitaḥ, likhitaḥ, lekhaḥ, patram, granthaḥ, grathitam, racanā, lipiḥ, libiḥ   


adhunā aṅkitāḥ saṃskṛtagranthāḥ upalabdhāḥ santi।


asāvadhānataḥ, asāvadhānena, anavahitam, avadhānaṃ vinā, sapramādam, pramādāt, pramādataḥ, pramādyataḥ, pramattam, pramattavat, asamīkṣya, avimṛśya, nirapekṣam, anapekṣayā   

karmaphalasya asamyak pūrvacintanāt sahasā kṛtam।

asāvadhānataḥ vegena vāhanasaṃñcālanaṃ prāṇaghātī asti।


takram, pramathitam, ariṣṭam, kālaśeyam, gorasaḥ   

dadhimanthanād prāptaḥ dravapadārthaḥ।

śyāmaḥ takraṃ pibati।


amaṅgalam, ahitam, akalyāṇam, aniṣṭam, aśubham, ariṣṭam   

yasmin kalyāṇaṃ maṅgalaṃ vā nāsti।

etena kāryeṇa sarveṣām amaṅgalam eva bhavati।



hastena likhitam।

bhāratadeśe naikeṣu sthāneṣu buddhakālīnāni hastalikhitāni dṛśyante।


citram, citralekhā, citralikhitam, ālekhyam, pratimā, pratimānam, citraphalakaḥ, pratikṛtiḥ, pratirūpam, praticchāyā, praticchandakam, prativimbam, pritivimbaḥ, jharjharīkaḥ, pratinidhiḥ, pratiyātanā   

rekhābhiḥ varṇaiḥ vā ālekhitā ākṛti।

kalāniketana iti saṃsthāyāṃ naikāni citrāṇi santi।


gambhīra, śānta, saumya, aṭala, dṛḍha, sthiradhī, sthiramati, sthiramanas, sthirātman, sthitimat, sthitamati, sthitaprajā, sthitadhī, susthira, sudhīra, prastha, dhṛtātman   

yaḥ cañcalaḥ nāsti।

saḥ prakṛtyā gambhīraḥ asti।


raktaḥ, raktā, raktam, raktavarṇīyaḥ, raktavarṇīyā, raktavarṇīyam, lohitaḥ, lohitā, lohitāhinī, lohitam, raktavarṇaḥ, raktavarṇā, raktavarṇam, lohitavarṇam, rohitaḥ, rohitā, rohitāhinī, śoṇitaḥ, śoṇitā, śoṇitam, śoṇaḥ, śoṇā, śoṇam, śoṇī, sindūravarṇaḥ, kaṣāyaḥ, kaṣāyā, kaṣāyam, mañjiṣṭhaḥ, mañjiṣṭhī, mañjiṣṭham, aruṇaḥ, aruṇā, aruṇam, pāṭalaḥ, pāṭalā, pāṭalam   

vastūnāṃ raktaguṇatvadyotanārthe upayujyamānaṃ viśeṣaṇam।

rakte guṇe tatvaṃ raktam iti ucyate।


agnisikhaḥ, agnisekharaḥ, ambaram, asṛk, kanakagauram, kaśmīrajanma, kāntam, kāveram, kāśmīram, kāśmīrajanmā, kāśmīrasambhavam, kucandanam, kusumātmaka, kesaravaram, goravaḥ, gauram, ghasram, ghusṛṇam, ghoraḥ, javā, jāguḍam, dīpakaḥ, dīpakam, nakulī, pāṭalam, piṇyākaḥ, piṇyākam, piśunam, pītakāveram, pītacandanam, pītikā, pītakam, pītanam, puṣparajaḥ, priyaṅgum, bālhikam, bāhlika, raktam, raktacandanam, raktasaṃjñam, raktāṅgam, rañjanaḥ, rudhiram, rohitam, lohitacandanam, vareṇyam, varṇam, varṇyam, vahniśikham, vahniśekharam, veram, śaṭham, śoṇitam, saṃkocam, saṃkocapiśunam, surārham, sūryasaṃjñam, saurabham, haricandanam   

puṣpe vartamānaḥ strīliṅgī avayavaviśeṣaḥ yaḥ keśa sadṛśaḥ asti।

agnisikhaḥ kṣapasya jananāṅgena sambadhitaḥ asti।


ahitam, apakṛtyam, apabhūtiḥ, avapīḍanā, upahatiḥ, kṣatiḥ, hāniḥ, dhūrtiḥ, riṣṭiḥ, viplavaḥ   

hitasya viparitaḥ bhāvaḥ।

kasyāpi ahitam na kartavyam।


jṛmbhaṇam, jṛmbhitam   

nidrayā ālasāt vā mukhodghāṭanasya ekā svābhāvikī kriyā।

saḥ jṛmbhaṇaṃ karoti।



lekhapustakādīnāṃ hastena likhitā pratiḥ।

mama hastalikhitaṃ mudraṇārthe mudraṇālaye gatam।


siktham, śiktham, madhūttham, madhusambhavam, madhūtthitam, mākṣikajaḥ   

saḥ padārthaḥ yasmāt madhumakṣikāṇāṃ madhukośaḥ jāyate।

śīlā sikthāt śobhanīyāṃ puttalikāṃ nirmāti।


yatheccham, yatheṣṭam, icchānusāram, yathāvāñchitam   

icchām anatikramya।

kuryur yatheṣṭaṃ tat sarvam īśāste svadhanasya vai।


saha, samam, sākam, sārdham, sahitam   


rāmaḥ lakṣmaṇena sītayā ca saha vanaṃ gacchati।


upasādhaḥ, sahitam, saṃyuktam   

kāryotpādanasya guṇavattāṃ vardhayituṃ yaḥ sahāyakaḥ।

anena yantreṇa saha ekam upasādhaṃ niḥśulkaṃ prāptam।


abhihitam, kathitam, uktam, bhaṇitam, bhāṣitam, uditam, jalpitam, ākhyātam, lapitam, gaditam, nigaditam, īritam, udīritam, bhaṇitam, laḍitam, rapitam, raṭhitam, bhaṭitam, raṭitam, vyāhṛtam   

yad prāg eva uktam।

yad vibhāgapramukhena abhihitaṃ tad eva karaṇīyam।


yācitaḥ, yācitā, yācitam, abhyācitaḥ, abhyācitā, abhyācitam, arditaḥ, arditā, arditam, upayācitaḥ, upayācitā, upayācitam, samprārthitaḥ, samprārthitā, samprārthitam, prārthitaḥ, prārthitā, prārthitam, prārthitavastu   

prārthitam vastu।

pitā te yācitaḥ pūrvaṃ mayā vai tvatkṛte'bale। [devībhāgavate 3।28।67]


avasaravāditā, svārthaparatā, svārthaḥ, ātmahitam   

avasāravādinaḥ avasthā bhāvaḥ vā।

netṝṇām asatyāni vacanāni teṣāṃ svārthaparatāyāḥ paricayaṃ dadāti।



bhāratadeśasya aruṇācalapradeśe vartamānaṃ maṇḍalam।

lohitamaṇḍalasya mukhyālayaḥ tejūnagare asti।


hastalikhitam, pustakam, kācanakī, pustam, lekhaḥ   

hastena likhitaṃ patram।

saṅgrahālaye'smin bahūni prācīnāni hastalikhitāni santi।


anavaguṇṭhitā, anavaguṇṭhanavatī, anavaguṇṭhitamukhā, anupāvṛtā, apariguṇṭhitā, aparivāritā   

yasyāḥ mukham avaguṇṭhitaṃ nāsti।

mullāmahodayaḥ anavaguṇṭhitābhiḥ lalanābhiḥ saha bahu hāsyavinodam akurvata।


raktacandanam, tilaparṇī, patrāṅgam, rañjanam, kucandanam, tāmrasāram, tāmravṛkṣaḥ, lohitam, śoṇitacandanam, raktasāram, tāmrasārakam, kṣudracandanam, arkacandanam, raktāṅgam, pravālaphalam, pattaṅgam, pattagam, raktabījam   

raktavarṇīyaṃ candanam।

muniḥ raktacandanaṃ gharṣati।


raktacandanam, tilaparṇī, patrāṅgam, rañjanam, kucandanam, tāmrasāram, tāmravṛkṣaḥ, candanam, lohitam, śoṇitacandanam, raktasāram, tāmrasārakam, kṣudacandanam, arkacandanam, raktāṅgam, pravālaphalam, pattaṅgam, pattagam, raktabījam   


raktacandanasya mahāmūlyānāṃ kāṣṭhānāṃ cīnadeśe cauryaṃ bhavati।


avaguṇṭhanam, avaguṇṭhitamudrā   

strīmukhācchādakavastraṃ tarjanyā gṛhitvā nirmitā ākarṣikā mudrā।

asmin citre rādhāyāḥ avaguṇṭhanaṃ manohārī asti।



janānāṃ hitam।

tena svajīvanaṃ lokahitāya samarpitam।



prajāyāḥ hitasya kāryam।

lokahitam eva tasya jīvanasya uddeśyam।


rāṣṭrahitam, deśahitam   

deśasya hitam।

asmābhiḥ pratyekaṃ kāryaṃ rāṣṭrahitāya karaṇīyam।

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