hita | mfn. (for 2.See) sent, impelled, urged on, set in motion etc.  |
hita | mfn. going, running, speeding |
hita | mf(/ā-)n. (past participle of1. dhā- see dhita-;for 1. hita-See) put, placed, set, laid, laid upon, imposed, lying or situated or contained in (locative case)  |
hita | mf(/ā-)n. set up, established, fixed (as a prize)  |
hita | mf(/ā-)n. planned, arranged (as a race or contest)  |
hita | mf(/ā-)n. prepared, made ready  |
hita | mf(/ā-)n. held, taken  |
hita | mf(/ā-)n. assigned to, destined for (dative case or genitive case)  |
hita | mf(/ā-)n. reckoned among (locative case )  |
hita | mf(/ā-)n. constituted or appointed as (Nominal verb)  |
hita | mf(/ā-)n. given (as a name)  |
hita | mf(/ā-)n. beneficial, advantageous, salutary, wholesome, suitable, agreeing with (of ten, said of diet, regimen, medicines etc.), convenient, suitable, fit, agreeable to or for (dative case genitive case locative case,or compound) etc. etc.  |
hita | mf(/ā-)n. well-disposed, favourable, friendly, affectionate, kind etc.  |
hita | m. a friend, benefactor  |
hita | m. plural Name of particular veins or arteries  |
hita | n. (sg. or plural) anything useful or salutary or suitable or proper, benefit, advantage, profit, service, good, welfare, good advice etc.  |
hitabuddhi | f. friendly intention (dhyā-,"with friendly intention")  |
hitabuddhi | mfn. friendly minded, well-disposed  |
hitaharivaṃśa | m. = hari-vaṃśa-gosv-  |
hitaharivaṃśagosvāmin | m. = hari-vaṃśa-gosv-  |
hitahita | m. Name of a man  |
hitaiṣin | mfn. well-wishing, desiring another's welfare ( hitaiṣitā ṣi-tā- f.)  |
hitaiṣitā | f. hitaiṣin |
hitaka | m. a child, the young of any animal  |
hitakāma | mfn. wishing well to, desirous of benefiting  |
hitakāmyā | f. (only in instrumental case) desire for another's (genitive case) welfare  |
hitakara | mfn. doing a service, furthering the interests of (genitive case), favourable, useful, a benefactor  |
hitakāraka | mfn. equals -kara-  |
hitakārin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. equals -kara- ' ( hitakāritā ri-tā-, f.; hitakāritva ri-tva- n.)  |
hitakāritā | f. hitakārin |
hitakāritva | n. hitakārin |
hitakṛt | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. equals -kara- ' ( hitakāritā ri-tā-, f.; hitakāritva ri-tva- n.) '  |
hitalālaśarman | (miśra-hita-l-) m. Name of an author  |
hitamitra | m. a benevolent friend  |
hitamitra | mfn. having benevolent friends  |
hitanāman | m. Name of a man vArttika  |
hitapathya | mf(ā-)n. useful and salutary  |
hitapathya | mf(ā-)n. equals hitā- (id est prāptā-) pathā- (i.e harītakī-) yena-  |
hitapraṇī | m. "executing what is advantageous", a spy  |
hitapravṛtta | mfn. intent on the welfare of (locative case)  |
hitaprayas | (hit/a--) mfn. one who has offered an oblation of food or for whom an oblation has been offered  |
hitaprepsu | mfn. equals -kāma-  |
hitasutra | n. Name of work  |
hitavacana | n. friendly advice, good counsel  |
hitavādin | mfn. speaking good counsel or friendly advice, a friendly counsellor or adviser,  |
hitavākya | n. equals -vacana-  |
hitavākyasūtra | n. Name of work  |
hitavat | mfn. favourable, useful  |
abādhita | mfn. unimpeded, unobstructed  |
abādhita | mfn. unrefuted  |
abādhita | mfn. not forbidden commentator or commentary on  |
ābarhita | mfn. torn out  |
abdhitanaya | m. dual number the aśvin-s  |
abdhitanaya | m. dual number the two aśvin-s,  |
abhidheyarahita | mfn. having no sense or meaning, unmeaning, nonsensical.  |
abhigumphita | mfn. strung together, interwoven  |
abhihita | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
abhihita | mfn. ( dhā-), harnessed or put to (as a horse)  |
abhihita | mfn. named, called  |
abhihita | mfn. held forth, said, declared, spoken etc.  |
abhihita | mfn. spoken to etc.  |
abhihita | m. Name of a chief  |
abhihita | n. a name, expression, word.  |
abhihitatā | f. ([ ]) the having been said or stated or named  |
abhihitatā | f. a holding forth, declaration  |
abhihitatā | f. authority, test  |
abhihitatva | n. the having been said or stated or named  |
abhihitatva | n. a holding forth, declaration  |
abhihitatva | n. authority, test  |
abhilekhita | n. a written document  |
abhimūrchita | mfn. augmented, intensified  |
abhimūrchita | mfn. excited, stirred up (as by passions)  |
abhinihita | mfn. touched with (instrumental case;also /an-- negative)  |
abhinihita | m. "close contact", Name of a special saṃdhi- (by which final e-and o-are brought into close contact with the initial a-of the following word, which in the old language probably was not entirely suppressed)  |
abhinihita | See abhi-ni-dhā-.  |
abhipaṭhita | mfn. denominated, named  |
abhiprahita | mfn. ( hi-), sent hither  |
abhiprasthita | mfn. one who has set out, started  |
abhirambhita | mfn. embraced  |
abhirambhita | mfn. seized by (accusative !)  |
abhisamāhita | mfn. ( dhā-), fastened to, connected with (instrumental case)  |
abhisaṃhita | See -saṃ-dhā-.  |
abhisaṃhita | mfn. aimed at  |
abhisaṃhita | mfn. agreed upon  |
abhisaṃhita | mfn. acknowledged by (in compound)  |
abhisaṃhita | mfn. overcome  |
abhisaṃhita | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') connected with, attached to  |
abhisaṃsthita | mfn. stopping or standing or watching at some place  |
abhisaṃsthita | mfn. reflecting upon (locative case)  |
abhiśobhita | mfn. adorned, looking bright or smart  |
abhiṣṭhita | mfn. trampled upon, defeated  |
abhiṣṭhita | mfn. stepped upon, serving as basis  |
abhitaḍ | -tāḍayati-, to thump, hit, beat, wound, bruise ; (in astronomy) to eclipse the greater part of a disk  |
abhitaḥsara | mfn. running on both sides  |
abhitaṃs | (perf. 3. plural -tatasr/e-), to shake out of, rob  |
abhitan | to stretch or spread across or over, be prominent, (Aorist 1. plural -tat/anāma-) ; to extend or enlarge in front of (perf. A1.2. sg. -tatniṣe-)  |
abhitap | to irradiate with heat, to heat ; to pain, distress: Passive voice -tapyate-, to suffer intensely: Caus. -tāpayati-, to distress.  |
abhitapta | mfn. scorched, burnt  |
abhitapta | mfn. afflicted about (accusative)  |
abhitaram | ([ ]) ([ (See 2. abhī-)]) ind. nearer.  |
abhitarām | ([ (See 2. abhī-)]) ind. nearer.  |
abhitaram | etc. See abh/i-.  |
abhitarj | -tarjayati-, to scold, abuse.  |
abhitas | ind. near to, towards etc.  |
abhitas | ind. near, in the proximity or presence of (genitive case) etc.  |
abhitas | ind. (with accusative) on both sides etc.  |
abhitas | ind. (with accusative) before and after  |
abhitas | ind. (with accusative) on all sides, everywhere, about, round  |
abhitas | ind. entirely  |
abhitas | ind. quickly  |
abhitas | ind. See abh/i-.  |
abhitaścara | m. plural the attendants, retinue  |
abhitaṣṭīya | n. Name (also title or epithet) of the hymn (beginning abh/i- t-/ aṣte- va-),  |
abhivāñchita | n. wish, desire  |
abhivihita | mfn. covered entirely  |
abhyāhita | mfn. laid on (as fuel)  |
abhyāhita | See abhy-ā-dhā-.  |
abhyāhitapaśu | m. a present or duty (usual in some districts of India)  |
abhyāhitapaśu | m. (varia lectio abhyarhitapaśu-.)  |
abhyarhita | mfn. greatly honoured, venerable (see commentator or commentary)  |
abhyarhita | mfn. more honoured  |
abhyarhita | mfn. more important than (ablative)  |
abhyarhita | mfn. fit, proper, becoming  |
abhyarthita | mfn. asked, invited  |
abhyarthita | n. request (see yathābhyarthitam-.)  |
abhyavasthita | mfn. resisting (with accusative)  |
abhyūhitavya | mfn. to be inferred  |
abhyupasthita | mfn. come, arrived  |
abhyupasthita | mfn. attended or accompanied by (instrumental case)  |
abhyutthita | mfn. risen etc.  |
abhyutthita | mfn. risen from the seat to do any one (accusative) honour  |
abhyutthita | mfn. appeared, visible  |
abhyutthita | mfn. risen for doing anything, making one's self ready for (accusative)  |
abhyutthita | mfn. (Inf.)  |
abhyutthita | mfn. ready  |
adhaḥsthita | mfn. standing below  |
adhaḥsthita | mfn. situated below.  |
adhimanthita | mfn. suffering from ophthalmia.  |
adhiṣṭhita | mfn. settled  |
adhiṣṭhita | mfn. inhabited  |
adhiṣṭhita | mfn. superintended  |
adhiṣṭhita | mfn. regulated  |
adhiṣṭhita | mfn. appointed  |
adhiṣṭhita | mfn. superintending.  |
adhiṣṭhita | (in the text has dhi-- ṣṭhita-, with elision of a-).  |
āgadhita | mfn. ( gadh-) clung to, pressed close to, .  |
āgamasaṃhita | mfn. agreeing with tradition,  |
agarhita | mfn. undespised, unreproached, blameless.  |
agnyāhita | m. one who has performed the agnyādhāna-  |
āguṇṭhita | mfn. wrapped up or enveloped in (accusative)  |
ahita | mfn. unfit, improper  |
ahita | mfn. unadvantageous  |
ahita | mfn. noxious, hostile  |
ahita | m. an enemy  |
ahita | n. damage, disadvantage, evil etc.  |
ahita | n. Name of certain veins (see also hit/ā-)  |
āhita | mfn. placed on, placed, deposited, put on etc.  |
āhita | mfn. added (as fuel to the fire)  |
āhita | mfn. one who has added  |
āhita | mfn. deposited, pledged, pawned commentator or commentary on etc.  |
āhita | mfn. given, delivered  |
āhita | mfn. conceived  |
āhita | mfn. performed, done, effected  |
āhita | mfn. entertained, felt  |
āhita | mfn. comprising, containing.  |
āhita | n. a particular mode of fighting (varia lectio a-- h-),  |
āhita | and ā-hiti- See ā-dhā-.  |
ahitakārin | mfn. adverse, inimical, noxious  |
āhitaklama | mfn. overcome with fatigue, exhausted.  |
āhitalakṣaṇa | mfn. noted or known for good qualities (equals ā-hatal- q.v)  |
āhitalakṣaṇa | mfn. one who has laid down his banner  |
ahitamanas | mfn. not friendly-minded, inimical.  |
ahitanāman | (/a-hita--) mfn. having as yet no name  |
āhitasamitka | mfn. one who has added fuel to the fire or who keeps up a fire.  |
ākāśapratiṣṭhita | m. Name of a buddha-.  |
ākuṇṭhita | mfn. confounded, abashed  |
akuṇṭhita | mfn. equals a-kuṇṭha-.  |
alakṣitopasthita | mfn. one who has approached unobserved.  |
alaṅghita | mfn. not reached or touched,  |
alaṅghitapūrva | mfn. not infringed or violated before,  |
ālikhita | mfn. delineated by scratches, scratched  |
ālikhita | mfn. drawn, written, delineated, painted  |
alohita | mfn. ([ ]) or a-l/ohita- ([ ]) bloodless  |
alohita | n. Nymphiaea Rubra  |
ālohita | mfn. reddish  |
amithita | mfn. not reviled  |
amithita | mfn. unprovoked  |
amoghavāñchita | mfn. never disappointed  |
anabhihita | mfn. not named  |
anabhihita | mfn. not fastened  |
anabhihita | m. Name of the chief of a gotra-, (gaRa upakādi- q.v)  |
anabhihitavācya | omission of a particle required by the sense,  |
anadhiṣṭhita | mfn. not placed over, not appointed  |
anadhiṣṭhita | mfn. not present.  |
anāhita | mfn. not kindled (as fire),  |
anantarhita | mfn. ( dhā-), not concealed, manifest  |
anantarhita | mfn. not separated by a break.  |
anapanihitam | ind. without leaving out anything  |
anavahita | mfn. heedless, inattentive.  |
anavasthita | mfn. unsettled, unsteady, loose in conduct.  |
anavasthitacitta | mfn. unsteady-minded.  |
anavasthitacittatva | n. unsteadiness of mind.  |
anavasthitatva | n. unsteadiness, instability.  |
āñchita | mfn. provided or furnished with,  |
anihita | mfn. not set down,  |
anihita | not ending with a consonant,  |
anīhita | mfn. disagreeable, displeasing, unwished  |
anīhita | n. disinclination, apathy.  |
anirāhita | mfn. not to be kept off from (ablative)  |
anṛtasaṃhita | mfn. not true to a contract or stipulation,  |
antaḥpratiṣṭhita | mfn. residing inside.  |
antarasthita | mfn. interposed, internal, situated inside, inward  |
antarasthita | mfn. separate, apart.  |
antarhita | etc. See antar-dhā-, p.44.  |
antarhita | mfn. placed between, separated  |
antarhita | mfn. covered, concealed, hidden, made invisible, vanished, invisible  |
antarhita | mfn. hidden from (with ablative)  |
antarnihita | mfn. placed within, put in  |
aṇṭhita | mfn. pained (?)  |
anubodhita | mfn. reminded  |
anubodhita | mfn. convinced by recollection.  |
anugrahita | mfn. occupied, engaged  |
anujjhita | mfn. undiminished, unimpaired, not left or lost.  |
anukathita | mfn. related after (something else)  |
anukathita | mfn. repeated.  |
anupahita | mfn. unconditioned,  |
anupasthita | mfn. not come near, not present, not at hand  |
anupasthita | mfn. not complete  |
anupasthita | n. a word not upasthita- q.v  |
anupaṭhita | mfn. read through (aloud), recited.  |
anuprahita | mfn. ( hi-), sent after  |
anuprahita | shot off,  |
anusaṃhitam | ind. according to the saṃhitā- text  |
anusaṃsthita | mfn. following  |
anusaṃsthita | mfn. dead or deceased after (another)  |
anuṣṭhita | mfn. done, practised  |
anuṣṭhita | mfn. effected, executed, accomplished  |
anuṣṭhita | mfn. followed, observed  |
anuṣṭhita | mfn. done conformably.  |
anutthita | mfn. not risen, not grown up (as grain).  |
anvāhita | mfn. deposited with a person to be delivered ultimately to the right owner.  |
anvāhita | See anv-ā-dhā-.  |
apahita | mfn. entrusted,  |
apahita | charged (with a crime),  |
aparavojjhita | mfn. free from dispute, undisturbed, undisputed.  |
aparihita | n. an unworn or clean garment,  |
aparimitālikhita | mfn. having an indefinite number of lines  |
apihita | mfn. put to, placed into  |
apihita | mfn. shut, covered, concealed (see pi-hita-)  |
apihita | etc. See api-dha-.  |
apiṣṭhita | mfn. approached  |
apohita | mfn. removed  |
apohita | mfn. (in disputation) denied (the opposite of sthāpita-).  |
aprahita | mfn. not stirred up  |
aprahita | mfn. not sent out  |
apraṇihita | mfn. free from desire,  |
apraṇihita | (probably) n. purposelessness, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
aprathita | mfn. not spread  |
apratiṣṭhita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. having no solid ground ' '  |
apratiṣṭhita | mfn. unlimited  |
apūpāpihita | mfn. covered with cake  |
apurohita | m. not a purohita-  |
apurohita | mfn. without a purohita-  |
ārādhita | mfn. propitiated, pleased, solicited for a boon  |
ārādhita | mfn. worshipped, honoured, revered  |
ārādhita | mfn. accomplished, effected.  |
arahita | mfn. not deprived of, possessed of.  |
ārambhita | mfn. begun, undertaken.  |
ardhalikhita | mfn. half painted  |
arhita | mfn. honoured, worshipped  |
ariphita | mfn. (said of the visarga-) not changed into r-  |
arśohita | m. the marking nut plant (Semecarpus Anacardium)  |
arthita | mfn. asked, desired, requested  |
arthita | n. (am-) desire |
arthitavya | mfn. equals artkanīya- q.v  |
āryādhiṣṭhita | mfn. being under the superintendence of men of the first three castes  |
asamavahitam | ind. so as not to touch each other  |
asaṃdhita | mfn. for a-saṃdita- q.v ( )  |
asaṃhita | mfn. unconnected  |
asaṃsthita | mfn. not being fixed, moving continually  |
asaṃsthita | mfn. not arrayed in one place, not collected, scattered  |
asaṃsthita | mfn. unaccomplished  |
asaṃvyavahitam | ind. with out interval, immediately  |
aśāstravihita | mfn. not enjoined or established by the śāstra-s.  |
aśodhita | mfn. uncleansed, unclean  |
aśodhita | mfn. uncorrected, unrevised, inaccurate.  |
aśraddhita | mfn. unbelieving  |
aśṛthita | mfn. ( śrath-), not loosened, not becoming loose  |
aṣṭadhāvihita | mfn. divided into eight parts  |
asthita | mfn. not lasting  |
āsthita | mfn. staying or sitting on, dwelling on, abiding etc.  |
āsthita | mfn. come or fallen into  |
āsthita | mfn. one who has undertaken or performed etc.  |
āsthita | mfn. being, existing  |
āsthita | mfn. acknowledging, believing  |
āsthita | mfn. stayed, dwelt, inhabited  |
āsthita | mfn. ascended  |
āsthita | mfn. undertaken, performed |
āsthita | mfn. brought, carried to  |
āsthita | n. a bodily defect (?),  |
ataddhita | mfn. taddhita |
atiduḥkhita | (or -duṣkhita-) mfn. greatly afflicted, very sad.  |
atihita | mfn. put away or aside  |
atilohita | mfn. very red.  |
atisandhita | mfn. overreached, cheated.  |
atisuhita | mfn. excessively kind, over-kind.  |
atisuhita | mfn. perfectly satiated,  |
ativṛṃhita | mfn. ( vṛṃh-), strengthened |
ātmahita | mfn. beneficial to one's self  |
ātmahita | n. one's own profit  |
atyāhita | n. great calamity  |
atyāhita | n. great danger  |
atyāhita | n. facing great danger  |
atyāhita | n. a daring action.  |
atyāhita | mfn. disagreeable etc.  |
atyāhita | n. disagreeableness (PrakritaccAhida).  |
avabodhita | mfn. awakened  |
avacchita | mfn. skinned  |
avacchita | mfn. reaped  |
avagāhita | mfn. that in which one bathes (as a river)  |
avagarhita | mfn. despised (varia lectio garhita-).  |
avaguṇṭhita | mfn. covered, concealed, veiled, screened  |
avaguṇṭhitamukha | mfn. having the face veiled.  |
avahita | mfn. plunged into (locative case)  |
avahita | mfn. fallen into (as into water or into a hole of the ground)  |
avahita | mfn. placed into, confined within etc.  |
avahita | mfn. (gaṇa- pravṛddhādi- q.v) attentive  |
avahita | See ava-dhā-.  |
āvāhita | mfn. invoked, invited.  |
avahitapāṇi | mfn. holding in the hand,  |
avahitatā | f. application, attention  |
avakuṇṭhita | mfn. invested, surrounded  |
avalaṅghita | mfn. passed (as time)  |
avaluṇṭhita | mfn. robbed  |
avaluṇṭhita | mfn. rolled or wallowed on the ground  |
avapothita | mfn. thrown or knocked down  |
āvarhita | mfn. eradicated, plucked up by the roots  |
avarohita | mfn. (gaRa utkarādi- q.v)  |
avasthita | mfn. standing near (sometimes with accusative, exempli gratia, 'for example' ), placed, having its place or abode , (with a pr. p.) continuing to do anything  |
avasthita | mfn. engaged in, prosecuting, following, practising (with locative case [ si, 1228 etc.] or in compound [ ])  |
avasthita | mfn. obeying or following (the words or commands of; locative case)  |
avasthita | mfn. giving one's self up to (exempli gratia, 'for example' to compassion or pride)  |
avasthita | mfn. contained in (locative case) : being incumbent upon (locative case) , ready for (dative case) , firm, fixed, determined, etc.  |
avasthita | mfn. steady, trusty, to be relied on (see an-av-.)  |
avataptenakulasthita | n. an ichneumon's standing on hot ground (metaphorically said of a person's inconstancy)  |
avedavihita | mfn. not prescribed in the veda-s  |
avigarhita | mfn. unreproached.  |
aviheṭhita | mfn. unhurt, undamaged,  |
avihita | mfn. unprescribed, for bidden  |
avihita | mfn. undone, uneffected  |
avirahita | mfn. unseparated , not separated from, not being without (instrumental case)  |
āvirhita | ( dhā-) mfn. made visible  |
avirodhita | mfn. not refused  |
avitathehita | mfn. whose wishes are not frustrated  |
avyavahita | mfn. not separated, adjoining, contiguous etc. |
avyavahita | mfn. uninterrupted (as worship)  |
avyavahita | mfn. separated by the letter a  |
avyavahita | See a-vyavadhāna-.  |
avyavasthita | mfn. not conformable to law or Practice  |
avyavasthita | mfn. not in due order, unmethodical.  |
avyavasthita | unsettled, uncertain,  |
ayathāsthita | mfn. not being in order, deranged  |
āyodhita | mfn. attacked  |
bādhita | mfn. pressed, oppressed etc.  |
bādhita | mfn. (in gram.) set aside, annulled  |
bādhita | mfn. (in logic) contradictory, absurd, false, incompatible (see a-bādhita-)  |
bādhitatva | n. the being suspended or refuted or contradicted  |
bādhitavya | mfn. to be pressed hard or harassed or pained  |
bādhitavya | mfn. to be suspended or annulled  |
bahiḥsthita | mfn. being outside, external, outer  |
bahujanahita | n. bahujana |
bahurūpakaśobhita | mfn., adorned in many ways, variously decorated (varia lectio pāṅgaś-).  |
bahusaṃsthita | mfn. much frequented, Mn viii, 371  |
bāhyataddhita | n. (in gram.) an external or secondary taddhita- suffix (added after another one)  |
balāsagrathita | n. a kind of ophthalmia  |
bandhita | mfn. (fr. Causal) caused to be bound (śatena-,"imprisoned for a hundred pieces of money")  |
bandisthita | mfn. sitting in prison, imprisoned  |
bāṣpagrathita | mfn. choked by tears,  |
bāṣpapihitalocana | ( ) mfn. having eyes suffused with tears.  |
bhāgyarahita | mfn. deserted by fortune, miserable  |
bhāvasamāhita | mfn. fixed or collected in mind (others"concentrating the mind on brahmā-"or"on the heart")  |
bhṛśaduḥkhita | mfn. very much afflicted, very unfortunate or unhappy  |
bhujaṃgapihita | mfn. covered with species's  |
bhujaṃgavijṛmbhita | n. a species of the utkṛti- metre  |
bhuktasamujjhita | n. equals prec. n.  |
bhuktvāsuhita | mfn. satisfied after eating gaRa mayūra-vyaṃsakādi-.  |
bhūsthita | mfn. (= - stha-),  |
bhuvanahita | n. the welfare of the world  |
bidalasaṃhita | mfn. composed or made up of halves  |
bodhita | mfn. (fr. Causal) made known, apprised, explained  |
bodhita | mfn. informed, instructed  |
bodhita | mfn. admonished, reminded  |
bodhitaru | m. "tree of wisdom", Ficus Religiosa (see above) .  |
bodhitaru |  |
bodhitavya | mfn. to be made known, to be imparted or communicated (see bodhayitavya-).  |
brahmalikhita | n.  |
brāhmaṇahita | mfn. suitable to or fit for a Brahman  |
brāhmaṇavihita | mfn. prescribed in a brāhmaṇa-  |
brahmapurohita | mfn. (br/ahma--) having the sacerdotal class for a purohita- |
brahmapurohita | m. plural "the high priests of brahmā-", (with Buddhists) Name of a class of divinities (see ) .  |
brahmaśumbhita | (br/ahma--) mfn. purified or adorned by devotion  |
bṛhallohita | Name of a mythical tank or pond  |
bṛhaspatipurohita | mfn. having bṛhas-pati- for a purohita-  |
bṛhaspatipurohita | m. Name of indra-  |
bṛṃhita | mfn. (for 2.See under4. bṛh-) strengthened, nourished, cherished, grown, increased etc.  |
bṛṃhita | f. (varia lectio bṛṃhila-).  |
bṛṃhita | n. (for 1.See under2. bṛh-) the roar or noise made by elephants  |
buddhitas | ind. from or by the mind  |
buddhitattva | n. the intellectual faculty or principle (the 2nd of the 8 prakṛtayaḥ- or"producers"in the sāṃkhya-, coming next to and proceeding from mūla-prakṛti- or a-vyakta-), (see ) .  |
budhita | mfn. known, understood  |
canohita | mfn. made favourable, inclined or willing to do anything ( Va1rtt. 2 ) ; ix, 75, 1 and 4  |
caritārthita | mfn. satisfied  |
caturdhāvihita | mfn. divided into 4 parts  |
caturhita | mfn. useful for 4 (persons)  |
caturṛddhipādacaraṇatalasupratiṣṭhita | mfn. well-established on the soles of the feet of the supernatural power (Buddha)  |
chadmasthita | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' pretending to practise (austerity, tapaś--)  |
chita | See cho-.  |
chita | mfn. cut off cut, divided  |
cintitopasthita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. thought of and immediately present ' , 116 and 146.  |
cirasaṃsthita | ( ) mfn. having stood for a long time.  |
cirasthita | mfn. equals -sthāyin-  |
cirasthita | ( ), mfn. having stood for a long time.  |
cirojjhita | mfn. long since abandoned  |
citralikhita | mfn. painted  |
cittasthita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. being in the heart '  |
cittasthita | m. Name of a samādhi-  |
daityapurohita | m. equals -guru-  |
dakṣiṇābhimukhasthita | mfn. standing with the face southwards  |
dalāgralohita | a sort of spinage  |
dantāntaradhiṣṭhita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. equals nta-śliṣṭa- '  |
deśakālavyavasthita | mfn. regulated by place and time  |
devacaryopaśobhita | mfn. beautified by it (as a hermitage)  |
devahita | mfn. (v/a--) arranged or appointed or settled by the gods  |
devahita | m. the good or welfare of the gods  |
devapurohita | m. domestic priest of the gods  |
devapurohita | m. Name of bṛhas-pati- id est the planet Jupiter  |
dharmesthita | mfn. dharma |
dhiṣṭhita | substituted for adhiṣṭhita-, .  |
dhita | mfn. (see hit/a-and1. dhā-) put, placed, bestowed etc. (see dur--, nema--, mitra-etc.)  |
dhita | mfn. satisfied, pleased  |
dhita | and dhitsya- See above.  |
dhūmralohita | mfn. dark-red, deep purple  |
dhūmrarohita | (r/a--) mfn. greyish-red  |
ḍhuṇḍhita | mfn. sought, inquired  |
dhyānasthita | ( ) mfn. absorbed in meditation.  |
dhyātamātropasthita | mfn. appearing when merely thought of  |
dinaduḥkhita | mfn. "afflicted by day"  |
dinaduḥkhita | m. the cakra-vāka- bird  |
dīrghalohitayaṣṭikā | f. "having a long red stem", red sugar-cane  |
dohita | mfn. made to yield milk, milked  |
drāghita | mfn. lengthened (metrically)  |
dṛṃhita | mfn. (or dṛhita- ) made firm, fortified  |
dṛṃhita | n. stronghold  |
drohita | mfn. hostile, maliciously inclined  |
dudhita | mfn. troubled, perplexed, turbid  |
dugdhābdhitanayā | f. Name of lakṣmi-  |
duḥkhasaṃvardhita | mfn. reared with difficulty  |
duḥkhita | mfn. pained, distressed  |
duḥkhita | mfn. afflicted, unhappy etc.  |
duḥkhitacitta | mfn. grieved in mind  |
duḥsaṃsthita | mfn. deformed  |
duḥsthita | mfn. equals -stha-  |
duḥsthita | n. an improper manner of standing  |
duradhiṣṭhita | mfn. badly managed or executed  |
duradhiṣṭhita | n. staying anywhere improperly  |
duranuṣṭhita | mfn. badly done or acted  |
dūrasthita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'n. ' '  |
duravasthita | mfn. not firmly established  |
dūrāvasthita | mfn. standing or being afar off  |
durhita | mfn. (d/ur--) ill-conditioned, miserable  |
durhita | mfn. hostile, troublesome  |
durlikhita | mfn. badly scarified  |
durṇihitaiṣin | mfn. tracing out what is badly kept  |
durpaddhita | (d/ur--) mfn. badly arranged, untidy  |
durvāhita | n. a heavy load or burden  |
dusthita | See duḥstha- etc. under duḥ-.  |
dvāḥsthita | mfn. ( ) standing at the gate or door  |
dvāḥsthita | m. door-keeper, porter, warder (written also dvā-sth-).  |
dvārasthita | mfn. idem or 'm. door-keeper, porter '  |
dvidhāsthita | mfn. existing double or in 2 forms  |
dviṣaṃhita | mfn. (for -saṃh-)twice folded  |
dvisaṃsthita | mfn. standing on 2 fields  |
edhita | mfn. grown, increased, enlarged, made big, made to spread, filled up  |
ekāntasthita | mfn. staying or remaining alone or apart.  |
gadhita | mfn. (see /ā--, p/ari--.)  |
gaganasthita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. situated or being in the sky '  |
gāhita | mfn. plunged into, bathed in  |
gāhita | mfn. shaken, agitated  |
gāhita | mfn. destroyed  |
gāhita | n. depth, interior  |
gandharvapratyupasthita | mfn. pregnant,  |
garbhita | mfn. (gaRa tārakādi-) contained in anything  |
garbhita | mfn. (in rhetoric) inserted (as a phrase)  |
garbhita | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' pregnant or filled with, containing inside  |
garbhitatā | f. (in rhetoric) insertion of one phrase within another  |
garbhitatva | n. idem or 'f. (in rhetoric) insertion of one phrase within another '  |
gardhita | mfn. greedy gaRa tārakādi-.  |
garhita | mfn. blamed, censured by (instrumental case [ ; see ] or genitive case [ ]or locative case [ ] or in compound)  |
garhita | mfn. contemned, despised, contemptible, forbidden, vile etc.  |
garhita | mfn. worse than (ablative)  |
garhitam | ind. badly  |
garhitavya | mfn. equals haṇīya-  |
gauḍaśuddhitattva | n. Name of work  |
gauḍatithitattva | n. Name of work  |
gohita | m. "proper for cattle" equals -harītakī-  |
gohita | m. Luffa foetida or a similar plant  |
grāhita | mfn. made to take or seize  |
grāhita | mfn. made to accept or take (a seat etc.)  |
grāhita | mfn. made to undertake or to be occupied with (instrumental case)  |
grāhita | mfn. taught  |
granthita | mfn. for grath-  |
grathita | mfn. strung, tied, bound, connected, tied together or in order, wound, arranged, classed etc.  |
grathita | mfn. set with, strewn with etc.  |
grathita | mfn. artificially composed or put together (the plot of a play)  |
grathita | mfn. closely connected with each other, difficult to be distinguished from each other  |
grathita | mfn. having knots, knotty  |
grathita | mfn. coagulated, thickened, hardened,  |
grathita | mfn. hurt, injured  |
grathita | mfn. seized, overcome  |
grathita | n. the being strung Scholiast or Commentator  |
grathita | n. a tumour with hard lumps or knots  |
grathitavya | mfn. equals thanīya-  |
gṛbhita | mfn. grasped, seized  |
gṛhāvasthita | mfn. dwelling or living in a house  |
gṛhāvasthita | mfn. situated or abiding in any dwelling-place  |
gudhita | mfn. surrounded, enclosed  |
guhāhita | mfn. being in a secret place id est in the heart  |
gūhitavya | mfn. to be hidden or concealed or kept secret  |
gulphita | n. (equals guṣpit/a-) accumulation (see vi-gulpha-.)  |
gumphita | mfn. tied, strung together  |
gumphita | mfn. arranged, placed in order  |
guṇṭhita | mfn. enveloped, covered with (instrumental case or in compound)  |
guṇṭhita | mfn. for guṇḍita-, pounded, ground (see ava--, ā--, pari--, sam-ava--.)  |
guphita | mfn. (fr. guṣpit/a-), arranged, placed in order  |
hastasthita | mfn. being in hand, held  |
hitāhita | mfn. good and (or) evil, beneficial and (or) disadvantageous  |
hitāhita | n. sg. advantage and (or) disadvantage  |
hṛdayasaṃnihita | mfn. placed or deposited near the heart (vocative case f. e-,"oh, beloved of my heart!")  |
hṛddhita | mfn. (for -hita-), beneficial to the heart or stomach  |
hūrchita | mfn. (past participle) gone crookedly grammar  |
īhita | mfn. sought, attempted, striven for  |
īhita | mfn. wished, desired  |
īhita | n. desire, request, wish, effort  |
indhita | mfn. (from Causal of indk-) inflamed, kindled,  |
ityālikhita | mfn. so scratched or marked  |
jahita | mfn. rejected, forsaken, forlorn  |
jahita | mfn. (jaina- Prakritjadha) abandoned, poor  |
jahita | mfn. see pra--.  |
jalalohita | m. "having water for blood", Name of a rakṣas-  |
jāṃdhita | mfn. (fr. jāmi -?) customary  |
jāṃdhita | See jā-.  |
jaraṭhita | mfn. become violent  |
jaṭharasthita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. being in the belly or in the womb, W' '  |
jīvarahita | mfn. lifeless  |
jñānāvasthita | mfn. engaged in cultivating wisdom  |
jṛmbhita | mfn. opened, expanded, enlarged, increased  |
jṛmbhita | mfn. opened (a flower)  |
jṛmbhita | mfn. unstrung (a bow)  |
jṛmbhita | mfn. (fr. Causal) caused to yawn  |
jṛmbhita | mfn. exerted  |
jṛmbhita | n. yawning  |
jṛmbhita | n. bursting, opening, unfolding  |
jṛmbhita | n. developing, swelling  |
jṛmbhita | n. exertion  |
jṛmbhita | n. wish  |
jṛmbhita | n. a kind of coitus  |
kadarthita | mfn. rendered useless  |
kadarthita | mfn. despised, disdained, rejected.  |
kalāvidhitantra | n. Name of a tantra-.  |
kāmādhiṣṭhita | mfn. influenced or dominated by love  |
kāmamohita | mfn. infatuated by desire or love or passion.  |
karanihita | mfn. held in the hand  |
karkandhurohita | mfn. red like a berry of the jujube tree  |
karkaśidhurohita | ( ) m. a tree,  |
kathita | mfn. told, related, reckoned  |
kathita | n. conversation, discourse  |
kathita | n. narration, tale  |
kathitapada | n. repetition, tautology  |
katthita | n. boasting  |
katthitavya | mfn. to be boasted  |
kauhita | m. patronymic fr. koh- gaRa śivādi-.  |
kāyasthita | mfn. situated in the body, corporeal.  |
khyātagarhita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. having a bad name or evil report, notoriously vile '  |
kīrtipratāpabalasahita | mfn. attended with or possessed of fame and majesty and power.  |
kohita | m. Name of a man gaRa śivādi-.  |
krodhamūrchita | mfn. infatuated with anger, passionate  |
krodhamūrchita | m. a kind of perfume  |
krodhojjhita | mfn. free from wrath, composed, calm.  |
krośamātrasthita | mfn. standing at the distance of a krośa-.  |
kṛṣṇalohita | mfn. dark-red, of a purple colour  |
kṣīrābdhitanayā | f. equals -jā-  |
kṣubhita | mfn. agitated, shaken, tossed, set in motion  |
kṣubhita | mfn. agitated (mentally), disturbed, frightened, alarmed, afraid (mostly in compound)  |
kṣubhita | mfn. angry, enraged  |
kṣudhita | mfn. hungered  |
kṣudhita | mfn. (gaRa tārakādi-) hungry  |
kuṇṭhita | mfn. blunted, dulled, (a-k- negative)  |
kuṇṭhita | mfn. blunt  |
kuṇṭhita | mfn. weak, of no vigour  |
kuṇṭhita | mfn. stupid  |
kuṇṭhita | mfn. grasped, held, encircled (see vi--.)  |
kunthita | n. idem or 'n. equals stanana- '  |
kuṣṭhita | mfn. leprous  |
kuthita | mfn. stinking (also a-k- negative)  |
kvathita | mfn. boiled, decocted, stewed etc.  |
kvathita | mfn. being hot  |
kvathita | mfn. digested  |
kvathita | n. a spirituous liquor, (prepared with honey)  |
kvathitadrava | m. spirituous liquor  |
laghūtthita | mfn. promptly ready or at hand  |
lajjārahita | mfn. void of shame, shameless, immodest  |
lajjojjhita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. destitute of shame, shameless, impudent ' '  |
lalāṭalikhita | mfn. written (by brahmā-) on the forehead (See above)  |
lambhita | mfn. (fr. Causal) caused to obtain or receive, given, procured, gained etc. ( also "heightened, improved;cherished;applied, adapted;addressed, spoken to;abused") .  |
lambhitakānti | mfn. one who has acquired lustre or beauty |
lambhitalobha | mfn. one who has a desire of (compound)  |
lāñchita | mfn. marked, decorated, characterized by, endowed or furnished with (compound)  |
laṅghita | mfn. lept over, overstepped, traversed, transgressed, violated, disregarded, insulted etc.  |
laṅghita | mfn. made to fast  |
laṅghitavya | mfn. equals laṅghanīya-  |
lauhita | m. (fr. 1. lohita-) the trident of śiva-  |
lauhitadhvaja | m. a follower of the lohitadhvaja-s  |
lekhita | mfn. (fr. Causal) caused to be written  |
lekhita | mfn. written  |
likhita | mfn. scratched, scraped, scarified etc.  |
likhita | mfn. written (= mentioned )  |
likhita | mfn. drawn, delineated, sketched, painted  |
likhita | m. Name of a ṛṣi- and author of a work on law (frequently mentioned together with śaṅkha- q.v). ( )  |
likhita | m. Name of śaṅkha-'s brother (whose hands were cut off by king su-dyumna- as a punishment for having eaten some fruit in śaṅkha-'s hermitage without leave, described in )  |
likhita | n. a writing, written document, scripture ( ) .  |
likhitapāṭha | m. the reading of written words, learning from books  |
likhitapāṭhaka | m. one who reads from manuscript |
likhitarudra | m. Name of a grammarian  |
likhitasmṛti | f. Name of a law-book (see above) .  |
likhitatva | n. the condition of being written down  |
likhitavya | mfn. to be painted  |
liṅgopahitalaiṅgikabhānanirāsarahasya | n. Name of work  |
liṅgopahitalaiṅgikabhānavicāra | m. Name of work  |
liṅgopahitalaiṅgikavādārtha | m. Name of work  |
lobhamohita | mfn. beguiled by covetousness or avarice  |
lobhita | mfn. allured, enticed, seduced  |
lobhitavat | mfn. one who has allured etc.  |
locanahita | mfn. useful for the eyes  |
lohita | mf(ā-or l/ohinī-)n. (see rohita-) red, red-coloured, reddish etc.  |
lohita | mf(ā-or l/ohinī-)n. made of copper, copper, metal  |
lohita | m. red (the colour), redness  |
lohita | m. a particular disease of the eyelids,  |
lohita | m. a kind of precious stone  |
lohita | m. a species of rice  |
lohita | m. a sort of bean or lentil  |
lohita | m. Dioscorea Purpurea  |
lohita | m. Cyprinus Rohita  |
lohita | m. a sort of deer  |
lohita | m. a snake, serpent  |
lohita | m. the planet Mars  |
lohita | m. Name of a serpent-demon  |
lohita | m. of a man (plural his descendants) (see )  |
lohita | m. of a country  |
lohita | m. of a river (the brahma-putra-)  |
lohita | m. of a sea  |
lohita | m. of a lake  |
lohita | m. (plural) of a class of gods under the 12th manu-  |
lohita | m. Mimosa Pudica  |
lohita | m. a punar-navā- with red flowers  |
lohita | n. any red substance  |
lohita | n. (also m. gaRa ardharcādi-; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).), blood etc. (taṃ- kṛ-,to shed blood)  |
lohita | n. ruby  |
lohita | n. red sanders  |
lohita | n. a kind of sandal-wood  |
lohita | n. a kind of Agallochum  |
lohita | n. an imperfect form of rainbow  |
lohita | n. a battle, fight  |
lohita | Nom. P. tati-, to be or become red  |
lohitabinducitra | mfn. covered with red spots,  |
lohitacandana | n. saffron  |
lohitadalā | f. a kind of Chenopodium  |
lohitadarśana | n. the appearing or flowing of blood  |
lohitadhvaja | mfn. having a red flag  |
lohitadhvaja | m. plural Name of a particular association of persons  |
lohitadrapsa | m. a drop of blood  |
lohitagaṅga | n. Name of a place  |
lohitagaṅgaka | Name of a place,  |
lohitagaṅgam | ind. where the Ganges appears red  |
lohitagātra | m. "red-limbed", Name of skanda-  |
lohitagrīva | mfn. red-necked  |
lohitagrīva | m. Name of agni-  |
lohitaita | mfn. variegated with red (equals roh-)  |
lohitajahnu | m. Name of a man (plural his descendants)  |
lohitaka | mf(tikā-or lohinikā-)n. red, of a red colour, reddish etc. (in arithmetic said of the 5th unknown quantity )  |
lohitaka | m. n. a ruby  |
lohitaka | m. a sort of rice  |
lohitaka | m. the planet Mars  |
lohitaka | m. Name of a stūpa-  |
lohitaka | mf(ikā-). a particular vein or artery  |
lohitaka | m. a species of plant  |
lohitaka | n. bell-metal or calx of brass  |
lohitakalmāṣa | mfn. variegated with red, red-spotted  |
lohitakṛṣṇa | mfn. of a reddish black colour  |
lohitakṛṣṇavarṇa | mf(ā-)n. idem or 'mfn. of a reddish black colour'  |
lohitakṛtsna | n. Name of one of the 10 mystic exercises called kṛtsna-  |
lohitakṣaya | m. loss of blood  |
lohitakṣayaka | mfn. suffering from loss of blood,  |
lohitakṣīra | (l/ohita--) mf(ā-)n. yielding red or bloody milk  |
lohitakūṭa | Name of a place  |
lohitalavaṇa | n. red salt  |
lohitamaya | mf(ī-)n. blood-red  |
lohitamiśra | mfn. mixed with blood  |
lohitamṛttikā | f. red earth, red chalk, ruddle  |
lohitamukti | f. a kind of precious stone  |
lohitanayana | mfn. red-eyed, having eyes reddened with anger or passion  |
lohitapacanīya | mfn. becoming red when boiled  |
lohitapādaka | mf(ikā-)n. one having the soles of the feet still red (as in early childhood)  |
lohitapāddeśa | m. Name of a place  |
lohitapāṃsu | mfn. having red earth  |
lohitapātra | mfn. having a red vessel in one's hand  |
lohitapiṇḍa | m. a red lump  |
lohitapittin | mfn. subject to hemorrhage, suffering from hemorrhage, (cr2. rakta-p-).  |
lohitapravāṇa | mfn. having a red border  |
lohitapura | n. Name of a place  |
lohitapuṣpa | mfn. (l/ohita--) early-flowering, bearing red flowers  |
lohitapuṣpaka | mfn. red-flowering  |
lohitapuṣpaka | m. the granate tree  |
lohitapuṣpī | f. Echinops Echinatus  |
lohitarāga | m. a red colour, red hue  |
lohitarasa | (l/ohita-.) mfn. having red juice  |
lohitaśabala | mfn. variegated or dappled with red ,  |
lohitasāraṅga | (l/ohita--) mfn. equals -śabala-, q.v  |
lohitaśatapattra | n. a red lotus-flower  |
lohitasmṛti | f. Name of a law-book. 1.  |
lohitastoka | m. a drop of blood,  |
lohitaśuklakṛṣṇa | mf(ā-)n. red, white and black  |
lohitatā | f. redness  |
lohitatūla | mfn. having red tufts  |
lohitatva | n. redness, red colour  |
lohitavarṣa | m. or n. (?) a shower of blood, bloody rain  |
lohitavāsas | (l/ohita-.) mfn. having red or bloodstained garments  |
lohitavat | (l/ohita--) mfn. containing blood |
lokahita | mfn. beneficial to the world or to mankind,  |
lokahita | n. the welfare of the world  |
loṭhitaka | m. Name of a poet (see loṇitaka-).  |
lubhita | mfn. perplexed, disturbed, fascinated  |
luṇṭhita | mfn. plundered, pillaged, robbed, stolen (also wrong reading for luñcita-).  |
luṭhita | mfn. rolled, rolled down, rolling on the ground (as a horse), fallen  |
luṭhita | n. the rolling on the ground (of a horse)  |
madamohita | mfn. stupefied by drunkenness  |
madamohita | mfn. infatuated by pride  |
madhūcchiṣṭasthita | mfn. covered on the outside with wax  |
madhūtthita | n. "produced from honey", wax  |
madhyanihita | mfn. placed in the middle, inserted, fixed into (anything)  |
madhyasthita | mfn. being in the middle, being among or between (genitive case)  |
mahattvarahita | mfn. deprived of majesty or greatness  |
mahita | mfn. honoured, celebrated etc.  |
mahita | mfn. proper, right  |
mahita | m. (scilicet gaṇa-) a class of deceased ancestors  |
mahita | m. Name of a deva-putra-  |
mahita | m. of kailāsa-  |
mahita | m. of a man gaRa gargādi-  |
mahita | n. the trident of śiva-  |
mahita | mahin- etc. See column 1.  |
māhita | mfn. (fr. prec.) gaRa kaṇvādi-.  |
māṃsapiṇḍagṛhitavadana | mfn. carrying a lump of flesh in the mouth  |
manasvigarhita | mfn. censured by the wise  |
manorhita | m. Name of a patriarchal sage (see m/anur-hita-).  |
manovāñchita | n. heart'swish, the mind's desire  |
manthitavya | mfn. to be produced by friction (as fire)  |
manurhita | (nus-+ h-) mfn. friendly to men, good for men  |
māramohita | mfn. infatuated by the god of love  |
martyamahita | m. "honoured by mortal", a god  |
marusthita | mfn. living in a desert  |
marusthita | m. the inhabitant of a desert  |
mathita | mfn. stirred round, churned or produced by churning  |
mathita | mfn. shaken, agitated, afflicted, hurt, destroyed  |
mathita | mfn. dislocated, disjointed  |
mathita | m. Name of a descendant of yama- (and supposed author of )  |
mathita | n. buttermilk churned without water  |
mathitapādapa | mfn. (a wood) whose trees are damaged or destroyed  |
menakāhita | n. Name of a rāsaka- (kind of drama)  |
metthita | mfn. (for methita-fr. mith-?) associated  |
mithita | m. Name of a man  |
mithyādhita | (mithyādh-) n. recitation practised in a wrong manner  |
mitradhita | (mitr/a--) n. ( ) a covenant or contract of friendship.  |
mlecchita | mfn. equals mliṣṭa-  |
mlecchita | n. a foreign tongue  |
mlecchitaka | n. the speaking in a foreign jargon (unintelligible to others)  |
mohita | mfn. stupefied, bewildered, infatuated, deluded (often in compound exempli gratia, 'for example' kāma-m-,infatuated by love)  |
mṛtotthita | mfn. died and risen again to life  |
mṛtyusaṃdhita | (varia lectio) mfn. united with death, meeting with disease  |
mūlapraṇihita | mfn. (perhaps) known of old by means of spies (thieves)  |
mūrchita | mfn. fainted, stupefied, insensible (n. impersonal or used impersonally) etc. calcined, solidified (said of quicksilver)  |
mūrchita | mfn. intensified, augmented increased, grown, swollen (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' = filled or pervaded or mixed with)  |
mūrchita | mfn. tall, lofty  |
mūrchita | mfn. reflected (as rays)  |
mūrchita | mfn. agitated, excited  |
mūrchita | n. a kind of song or air  |
mūrdhasaṃhita | mf(ā-)n. attached or fastened to the head  |
nabhaḥsthita | mfn. equals -stha-  |
nabhaḥsthita | m. Name of a hell  |
nadhita | mfn. oppressed, needy, suppliant  |
nākanāyakapurohita | m. " indra-'s chief priest", Name of bṛhas-pati- or the planet Jupiter  |
nāmāṅkaśobhita | mfn. adorned with the mark of the name or with name and cipher  |
nāthita | mfn. one who needs help, oppressed, suppliant  |
nāthita | n. supplication, demand, request  |
nātidūrasthita | mfn. nātidūra |
nātiśobhita | mfn. not making much show, unsightly  |
nemadhita | (m/a--)  |
nemadhita | see on (the only form tā-is prob. locative case of next).  |
netrahita | mfn. good or wholesome for the eye  |
nibandhita | mfn. bound, fastened, confined, tied  |
nibarhita | mfn. destroyed, removed  |
nibhṛtasthita | mfn. standing out of sight, unperceived  |
nihita | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order p.564.  |
nihita | mfn. (1. dhā-) laid, placed, deposited, fixed or kept in (locative case) etc.  |
nihita | mfn. delivered, given, bestowed, intrusted  |
nihita | mfn. laid down or aside, removed (See below), laid (as dust by rain)  |
nihita | mfn. encamped (as an army)  |
nihita | mfn. uttered in a deep tone (see ni-hata-).  |
nihitabhāga | (n/ih-) mfn. one whose share has been laid aside  |
nihitadaṇḍa | mfn. one who has laid aside the rod, who shows clemency  |
nihitanayana | mf(ā-)n. having the eyes fixed or directed upon (locative case)  |
niḥṣṭhita | mfn. (or ni-ṣṭh-) grown forth  |
niḥṣṭhita | mfn. finished, accomplished, ready  |
nikumbhita | n. a kind of time in music.  |
nīlalohita | mfn. dark-blue and red, purple, dark-red etc.  |
nīlalohita | m. Name of śiva-  |
nīlalohita | m. Name of a kalpa- (See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order)  |
nīlalohita | m. a mixture of blue and red, a purple colour  |
nīlalohita | m. Name of a goddess (the wife of śiva-)  |
nirbhartsanadaṇḍamohita | mfn. bewildered by the threat of punishment  |
nirluṇṭhita | mfn. robbed, plundered  |
nirluṭhita | mfn. rolled down  |
nirluṭhita | mfn. come forth, prolapsed (from the womb)  |
nirmathita | mfn. stirred about, churned, agitated, crushed, destroyed etc.  |
nirmathita | mfn. wiped off  |
nirmathita | m. a fire newly lighted by rubbing (wood)  |
nirūhita | mfn. purged  |
nirupahita | mfn. (in philosophy) with out upa-dhi- or upā-dhi- (See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order)  |
niryantraṇapradeśāvasthita | mfn. being at a place where no restraint is needed  |
niṣṭhita | mfn. (n/i--,sometimes for n/iḥ--) being in or on (locative case)  |
niṣṭhita | mfn. fallen from the hand,  |
niṣṭhita | mfn. grown forth  |
niṣṭhita | mfn. complete, perfect, consummate  |
niṣṭhita | mfn. attached or devoted to, conversant with, skilled in (locative case) etc.  |
niṣṭhita | mfn. firm, fixed  |
niṣṭhita | mfn. certain, ascertained  |
niṣṭhita | (!) mfn. spit upon  |
niṣṭhitacīvara | mfn. (?)  |
nītigarbhitaśāstra | n. Name of work  |
niyogasaṃsthita | mfn. being in an office or commission  |
nṛpatinītigarbhitavṛtta | n. Name of a modern work  |
nyāyasaṃhita | mfn. fit, proper  |
nyāyavihita | mfn. prescribed by rule  |
pādāgrasthita | mfn. standing on tip-toe, ,  |
padahita | m. the substitute for a husband,  |
padasthita | mfn. being in a station or office  |
pāṃsuguṇṭhita | mfn. covered with dust  |
pāparahita | mfn. free from guilt, harmless  |
parahita | mfn. friendly, benevolent  |
parahita | n. another's welfare  |
parahitagrantha | m. Name of work  |
parahitarakṣita | m. Name of an author  |
parahitasaṃhitā | f. Name of work  |
paraidhita | m. "nourished by another", the Indian cuckoo (see para-bhṛta-)  |
paraidhita | m. a servant  |
paramaduḥkhita | mfn. deeply afflicted  |
parasparahita | n. one another's happiness or welfare  |
parasparasthita | mfn. standing opposite to one another  |
paribṛṃhita | mfn. (or vṛhita-; see ) increased, augmented, strengthened by, connected or furnished with (instrumental case or compound)  |
paribṛṃhita | n. the roar of an elephant  |
pariguṇṭhita | mfn. ( guṇṭh-) veiled in, hidden by (instrumental case)  |
parihita | mfn. put round or on, covered, invested, clothed  |
parihita | See pari-dhā-, p.596.  |
parikhāsthita | mfn. impregnable, secure  |
parilikhita | (p/ari--) mfn. enclosed in a circle  |
parimathita | mfn. (agni-) produced by attrition  |
parimohita | mfn. bewildered, deprived of consciousness or recollection  |
pariniṣṭhita | mfn. quite perfect, accomplished  |
pariniṣṭhita | mfn. being in (locative case)  |
pariniṣṭhita | mfn. completely skilled in or acquainted with (locative case or compound)  |
paripuṅkhita | mfn. feathered (as an arrow)  |
parirambhita | mfn. (fr. Causal) embraced, quite occupied with or engrossed by (compound)  |
parirandhita | mfn. ( radh-, Causal) injured, destroyed  |
parisaṃsthita | mfn. ( sthā-) standing together on every side  |
parisaṃsthita | mfn. standing id est stopping, remaining (in a-paris-) |
pariśobhita | mfn. adorned or beautified by (instrumental case or compound)  |
pariśobhitakāyā | f. Name of an apsaras- and a gandharvī-  |
parivāhita | mfn. drained  |
parivardhita | mfn. ( vardh-) cut, excavated  |
parivardhita | mfn. (for 1.See p.600) increased, augmented, grown, swollen (as the sea)  |
parivardhita | mfn. reared, brought up (fam. also -ka-)  |
pārśvasaṃhita | mfn. laid together (side by side)  |
pārśvasthita | mfn. standing at the side, being near or close  |
paryāhita | m. an elder brother previously to whom the younger has set up the sacred fire  |
paryantasaṃsthita | ( ) mfn. limitative, confining, neighbouring.  |
paryantasthita | ( ) mfn. limitative, confining, neighbouring.  |
paryavasthita | mfn. standing, stationed  |
paryavasthita | mfn. (with locative case) contained in, devoted or attached to, intent upon, occupied with  |
paryavasthita | mfn. merry, content, comfortable, of good cheer  |
paryupasthita | mfn. standing round, surrounding (accusative)  |
paryupasthita | mfn. drawing nigh, imminent, impending, it.  |
paryupasthita | mfn. slipped, escaped (as a word)  |
paryupasthita | mfn. intent upon, devoted to (locative case)  |
paṭhita | mfn. recited, read, studied, mentioned  |
pāṭhita | mfn. (fr. Causal) caused or taught to read, instructed, taught, lectured  |
paṭhitasiddha | mfn. effective on being (merely) recited  |
paṭhitasiddhasārasvatastotra | n. Name of work  |
paṭhitatva | n. the being mentioned  |
paṭhitavya | mfn. to be studied or read or mentioned  |
paṭhitavyatva | n. the being to be studied etc.  |
patitasthita | mfn. lying on the ground  |
patitotthita | mfn. "fallen and risen", sunk (in a shipwreck) and saved  |
patitotthita | mfn. fallen out and grown again  |
patitotthitadanta | mfn.  |
paurohita | mf(ī-)n. belonging to or proceeding from a purohita-  |
phalapuṣpopaśobhita | mfn. adorned with fruits and flowers  |
pihita | mfn. shut, hidden, concealed, covered or filled with (instrumental case) etc.  |
pihita | n. a particular figure of speech which consists in insinuating to a person that one knows his secrets  |
pihita | pi-hiti- See pi-dhā-.  |
pithita | mfn. shut, covered (Prob. connected with pi-dhā-.)  |
pothita | mfn. hurt, injured, killed, destroyed  |
prabādhita | mfn. (pr/a--) driven, urged on  |
prabādhita | mfn. oppressed  |
prabodhita | mfn. (fr. Causal) awakened, aroused etc. etc. (also -vat- )  |
pracchita | mfn. cut, lanced, scarified  |
prāgabhihita | mfn. before mentioned  |
prāgabhihitatva | n.  |
pragalbhita | mfn. proud, arrogant  |
pragalbhita | mfn. eminent, conspicuous  |
pragalbhita | mfn. shining or resplendent with (instrumental case)  |
prahita | mfn. urged on incited, stirred up  |
prahita | mfn. hurled, discharged at  |
prahita | mfn. thrown forward id est stretched out (as an arm)  |
prahita | mfn. imbedded (as nails)  |
prahita | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') directed or turned towards, cast upon (as eyes, the mind etc.),  |
prahita | mfn. conveyed, sent, procured  |
prahita | mfn. sent out, dispatched (as messengers) etc.  |
prahita | mfn. sent away, expelled, banished to (dative case)  |
prahita | mfn. sent to or towards or against (locative case genitive case with or without pārśve-,or dative case), appointed, commissioned etc.  |
prahita | m. dual number (with gaurīviteḥ-and śyāvāśvasya-) Name of 2 sāman-s  |
prahita | n. sauce, gravy, condiment  |
prahitaṃgama | mfn. going on an errand or mission to (genitive case)  |
prahitaṃgamavat | mfn. one who has sent out, (= fin. verb) he sent out  |
prajāhita | mfn. favourable to or good for offspring or subjects  |
prajāhita | n. water  |
prajahita | See pra-hā-.  |
prajahita | mfn. (irreg. fr. the present tense stem) quitted, abandoned (applied to a fire that has been abandoned )  |
prājahita | m. equals pra-j-  |
prājahita | m. a gārhapatya- fire maintained during a longer period of time,  |
prakṛtisthita | mfn. See -stha-.  |
prakuthita | mfn. ( kuth-) putrid, putrescent  |
pralobhita | mfn. allured, enticed  |
praloṭhita | mfn. (anything) that has begun to roll  |
praloṭhita | mfn. rolling  |
praloṭhita | mfn. heaving, tossing  |
praluṭhita | mfn. rolling about  |
pramathita | mfn. well churned  |
pramathita | mfn. torn off, dragged away, harassed, annoyed, injured, killed etc.  |
pramāthita | mfn. (fr. Causal) roughly handled, violated, ravished, forcibly carried off  |
pramathitapuraḥsara | mfn. having the leader killed  |
pramohita | mfn. bewildered, infatuated  |
prāṇasaṃhita | mfn. connected with breath,  |
praṇihita | mfn. laid on, imposed, applied  |
praṇihita | mfn. put down, deposited  |
praṇihita | mfn. outstretched, stretched forth  |
praṇihita | mfn. directed towards, fixed upon (locative case)  |
praṇihita | mfn. delivered, committed, entrusted to (dative case)  |
praṇihita | mfn. contained in (compound)  |
praṇihita | mfn. sent out (as a spy)  |
praṇihita | mfn. found out, discovered  |
praṇihita | mfn. ascertained or stated  |
praṇihita | mfn. one who has his thoughts concentrated on one point, intent upon (locative case)  |
praṇihita | mfn. obtained, acquired  |
praṇihita | mfn. prudent, cautious, wary  |
praṇihita | mfn. resolved, determined  |
praṇihita | mfn. agreed to or admitted  |
praṇihita | See pra-ṇī-dhā-  |
prāṇihita | mfn. favourable or good for living beings  |
praṇihitadhī | ( ) mfn. having the mind fixed upon (locative case or compound)  |
prāñjalisthita | mfn. standing with joined and outstretched hands  |
prapāṭhita | mfn. (fr. Causal) taught, expounded  |
prārthita | mfn. wished for, desired, wanted etc.  |
prārthita | mfn. requested, solicited  |
prārthita | mfn. attacked, assailed  |
prārthita | mfn. obstructed, besieged  |
prārthita | mfn. killed, hurt  |
prārthita | n. wish, desire  |
prārthitadurlabha | mfn. desired but hard to obtain  |
prārthitavat | mfn. one who has asked or asks  |
prasādhita | mfn. accomplished, arranged, prepared (a-pras-, su-pr-)  |
prasādhita | mfn. proved  |
prasādhita | mfn. ornamented, decorated  |
praśamasthita | mfn. being in a state of quiescence  |
prasthita | mfn. set forth, prepared, ready (as sacrifice)  |
prasthita | mfn. rising, upright  |
prasthita | mfn. standing forth, prominent  |
prasthita | mfn. appointed, installed  |
prasthita | mfn. set out, departed, gone to (accusative with or without prati- dative case or locative case) or for the purpose of (dative case) etc.  |
prasthita | mfn. ( prasthitavat -vat- mfn. equals pra-tasthe-,"he has set out" )  |
prasthita | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') reaching to, (varia lectio prati-ṣṭhita-)  |
prasthita | n. setting out, going away, departure  |
prasthita | n. Name of particular soma- vessels (See next)  |
prasthitam | ind. impersonal or used impersonally a person (instrumental case) has set out  |
prasthitavat | mfn. prasthita  |
prasthitayājyā | f. a verse pronounced on offering the prasthita- vessels, ( prasthitayājyāhoma -homa- m.the oblation connected with it )  |
prasthitayājyāhoma | m. prasthitayājyā |
prathamābhitapta | mfn. first scorched or scalded (with tears)  |
prathamakathita | mfn. aforesaid, before-mentioned  |
prathita | mfn. spread, extended, increased  |
prathita | mfn. divulged, displayed, published, known, celebrated etc.  |
prathita | mfn. cast, thrown  |
prathita | mfn. intent upon, engaged in  |
prathita | m. Name of manu- svārociṣa-  |
prathita | m. of viṣṇu-  |
prathitaprabodha | mfn. of celebrated understanding,  |
prathitatithinirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
prathitatva | n. fame, celebrity  |
prathitavidiśālakṣaṇa | mfn. renowned under the title of vidiśā-  |
prathitayaśas | mfn. of wide renown  |
pratibādhita | mfn. beaten back, repelled  |
pratibodhita | mfn. awakened  |
pratibodhita | mfn. instructed, taught, admonished  |
pratihita | mfn. put on or in etc.  |
pratihita | etc. See prati-dhā-.  |
pratijñāvivāhita | mfn. promised in marriage, betrothed  |
pratilambhita | n. (fr. Causal) obtaining, getting  |
pratilambhita | n. censure, reviling  |
pratilikhita | mfn. written back, answered  |
pratisamāhita | mfn. fitted to the bowstring (as an arrow)  |
pratisaṃdhita | mfn. (see saṃdhaya-) fastened, strengthened, confirmed  |
pratisaṃhita | See column 2.  |
pratisaṃhita | mfn. aimed at, directed against  |
pratiśobhita | mfn. ( śubh-,Caus) beautified with (instrumental case) (varia lectio for pari-s-). |
pratiṣṭhita | mfn. (pr/ati-.) standing, stationed, placed, situated in or on (locative case or compound) etc.  |
pratiṣṭhita | mfn. abiding or contained in (locative case) etc.  |
pratiṣṭhita | mfn. fixed, firm, rooted, founded, resting or dependent on (locative case or compound) etc.  |
pratiṣṭhita | mfn. established, proved  |
pratiṣṭhita | mfn. ordained for, applicable to (locative case)  |
pratiṣṭhita | mfn. secure, thriving, well off etc.  |
pratiṣṭhita | mfn. familiar or conversant with (locative case)  |
pratiṣṭhita | mfn. transferred to (locative case)  |
pratiṣṭhita | mfn. undertaken (Bombay edition anu-ṣṭhita-)  |
pratiṣṭhita | mfn. ascended into, having reached (compound) (varia lectio)  |
pratiṣṭhita | mfn. complete, finished  |
pratiṣṭhita | mfn. consecrated  |
pratiṣṭhita | mfn. endowed, portioned  |
pratiṣṭhita | mfn. established in life, married  |
pratiṣṭhita | mfn. prized, valued  |
pratiṣṭhita | mfn. famous, celebrated  |
pratiṣṭhita | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
prātiṣṭhita | wrong reading for -svika-.  |
pratiṣṭhitamātra | mfn. having just got a firm footing  |
pratiṣṭhitapada | mfn. containing verses of a fixed or constant number of syllables  |
pratiṣṭhitasaṃtāna | mfn. one who has progeny or offspring secured  |
pratiṣṭhitayaśas | mfn. one whose renown is well founded (su-pr-)  |
prativihita | mfn. counteracted, guarded against  |
pratyabhihita | mfn. answered, having received an answer from (instrumental case)  |
pratyabhihita | mfn. approved  |
pratyagraśodhita | mfn. recently purified, pure  |
pratyakṣavihita | mfn. expressly enjoined, ,  |
pratyavasthita | mfn. standing separately or opposite  |
pratyavasthita | mfn. being in a particular condition  |
pratyupasthita | mfn. come near to (accusative), approached, arrived etc.  |
pratyupasthita | mfn. standing or being in (locative case or compound)  |
pratyupasthita | mfn. present, assisting at (locative case)  |
pratyupasthita | mfn. gone against, standing opposite to (accusative)  |
pratyupasthita | mfn. assembled  |
pratyupasthita | mfn. happened, occurred (or about to happen, imminent) etc.  |
pratyupasthita | mfn. collecting, pressing (as urine)  |
pratyutthita | mfn. risen to meet (accusative)  |
pravāhita | m. (fr. Causal) Name of a ṛṣi- in the third manv-antara-  |
pravāhita | n. the"bearing down"(of a woman in labour)  |
pravāhita | n. (for 1.See pra-vah-) bearing down  |
pravalhita | mfn. enigmatical  |
pravāsasthita | mfn. being absent from home ( )  |
pravivardhita | mfn. ( vṛdh-) very much increased  |
pravyathita | mfn. affrighted, distressed, pained  |
preṅkhita | mfn. swung, shaken, set in motion  |
preṅkhita | mfn. joined to, being in contact with (?)  |
pretavāhita | mfn. possessed by an evil spirit  |
priyahita | mfn. at once agreeable and salutary  |
priyahita | n. things which are agreeable and salutary (dual number)  |
priyavāksahita | mfn. priyavāc |
projjhita | mfn. abandoned, forsaken, shunned, avoided  |
projjhita | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') free from, wanting  |
prollāghita | (pra-ull-; see ) mfn. recovered from sickness, convalescent, strong, robust  |
prombhita | mfn. filled  |
protsāhita | mfn. (fr. Causal) incited, instigated, stimulated, encouraged  |
protthita | mfn. come forth, sprouted  |
protthita | mfn. sprung from (compound), issued  |
pṛthaksthita | mfn. existing separately, separate  |
pulinadvīpaśobhita | mfn. beautified by shoals and islets  |
puṅkhita | mfn. shafted or feathered (as an arrow)  |
puṅkhitaśara | mfn. having or armed with shafted or feathered arrows (as the god of love)  |
purāhita | (rāh-) mfn. set before first  |
purahita | n. the welfare of a city  |
puraḥsthita | mfn. impending, imminent (varia lectio)  |
purohita | mfn. (puro--.) placed foremost or in front, charged, commissioned, appointed  |
purohita | m. one holding a charge or commission, an agent  |
purohita | m. (especially) a family priest, a domestic chaplain etc. ( )  |
purohitakarman | n. Name of 3rd pariśiṣṭa- of  |
purohitatva | n. the rank of a purohita-  |
pūrvānuṣṭhita | mfn. observed or performed before  |
pūrvānuṣṭhitatva | n.  |
pūrvaprasthita | mfn. gone before, set out in advance  |
pūrvavihita | mfn. deposited or buried before (as a treasure)  |
pūrvopanihita | mfn. previously hidden away (as a treasure)  |
pūrvotthita | mfn. risen before (as smoke)  |
radhita | mfn. injured, hurt  |
rahita | mfn. left, quitted, forsaken, deserted, lonely, solitary etc. ( rahite te- ind.or rahiteṣu teṣu- ind.in secret, secretly, privately)  |
rahita | mfn. deserted by, separated or free from, deprived or void or destitute of (instrumental case or compound)  |
rahita | mfn. (in the beginning of a compound) wanting, absent (see below) .  |
rahitaratna | mfn. destitute of gems (also ratnarahita-).  |
rahitaratnacaya | mfn. destitute of heaps of gems  |
rahitatva | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') want or lack of  |
rambhita | n. a lowing  |
raṃhita | mfn. hastening, quick, rapid  |
randhita | mfn. subdued, destroyed  |
randhita | mfn. cooked, dressed (as food)  |
raphita | mfn. hurt, injured, wretched, miserable  |
rathita | mfn. furnished with a chariot  |
ratisaṃhita | mfn. accompanied with love, abounding in affection  |
rauhita | mf(ī-)n. (fr. rohita-) coming from the animal or fish called Rohita  |
rauhita | mf(ī-)n. relating to manu- rohita-  |
rauhita | m. Name of a son of kṛṣṇa- (varia lectio rohita-).  |
rauhitaka | mfn. (fr. rohitaka-) made of the wood of the Andersonia Rohitaka  |
ṛddhita | mfn. (past participle of a Nom. ṛddhaya-) caused to increase, made to prosper, (asi-ṛddhita-,made to prosper by the power of the sword )  |
reṇuguṇṭhita | mfn. covered with dust  |
reṣmamathita | mfn. idem or '(reṣm/a--) mfn. rent or torn up by a storm '  |
riphita | mfn. pronounced with a guttural roll (as the letter r-), burred, rolled in the throat like r-  |
ṛjurohita | n. the straight red bow of indra-  |
ṛjvālikhita | mfn. scratched with straight lines  |
rohita | mf(ā-or iṇī- q.v)n. (see lohita-) red, reddish etc.  |
rohita | m. a red or chestnut horse (applied to the Sun , and therefore in plural Name of these hymns)  |
rohita | m. a kind of deer  |
rohita | m. a kind of fish, Cyprinus Rohitaka etc.  |
rohita | m. a kind of tree, Andersonia Rohitaka  |
rohita | m. a sort of ornament made of precious stones  |
rohita | m. a particular form of rainbow (see n.)  |
rohita | m. Name of a son of hari-ścandra-  |
rohita | m. of a manu-  |
rohita | m. of a son of kṛṣṇa- (varia lectio rauhita-)  |
rohita | m. of a son of vapuṣ-mat- (king of śālmala-)  |
rohita | m. of a river  |
rohita | m. plural Name of a class of gandharva-s  |
rohita | m. of a class of gods under the 12th manu-  |
rohita | n. a kind of metre  |
rohita | n. a kind of rainbow appearing in a straight form, indra-'s bow unbent and invisible to mortals (see rohitendra-dhanus-)  |
rohita | n. blood  |
rohita | n. saffron  |
rohita | n. Name of the varṣa- ruled by rohita- (son of vapuṣ-mat-)  |
rohitagiri | m. Name of a mountain  |
rohitagirīya | m. plural its inhabitants  |
rohitaita | m. (fr. r-+ 2. eta-) marked with red and other colours  |
rohitaka | m. Name of a tree, Andersonia Rohitaka (varia lectio roh/ītaka-)  |
rohitaka | m. of a river  |
rohitaka | m. of a stūpa-  |
rohitaka | m. plural Name of a people  |
rohitakāraṇya | n. Name of a place  |
rohitakūla | Name of a place  |
rohitakūlīya | n. Name of a sāman- (also rohitakūlīyādya yādya- n.and rohitakūlīyottara yottara- n.)  |
rohitakūlīyādya | n. rohitakūlīya |
rohitakūlīyottara | n. rohitakūlīya |
rohitamatsya | m. Cyprinus Rohitaka  |
rohitapura | n. Name of a town (founded by Rohitaka, the son of hari-ścandra-)  |
rohitarūpa | n. the red colour  |
rohitavastu | Name of a place (also read -vastra-).  |
rohitavat | mfn. having a red horse  |
rohitavṛkṣa | m. Andersonia Rohitaka  |
rūpābhigrāhita | mfn. caught in the act, caught red-handed  |
śabdābdhitari | f. "boat on the ocean of words", a glossary (of words formed by uṇādi- suffixes, by rāma-govinda-).  |
śabdarahita | mfn. "destitute of sound", noiseless  |
sādhita | mfn. brought about, accomplished, perfected etc.  |
sādhita | mfn. mastered, subdued  |
sādhita | mfn. proved, demonstrated,  |
sādhita | mfn. made, appointed  |
sādhita | mfn. punished by a fine, made to pay (equals dāpita-)  |
sādhita | mfn. awarded (as a punishment or fine)  |
sādhita | mfn. recovered (as a debt)  |
sādhuvigarhita | mfn. blamed or censured by the good  |
sadvigarhita | mfn. censured by the good  |
sahasthita | mfn. equals -stha-  |
sāhāvasthita | mfn. staying or being together ( sāhāvasthitatā -tā- f.)  |
sāhāvasthitatā | f. sāhāvasthita |
sahita | mfn. (for 2.See) borne, endured, supported  |
sahita | mf(ā-.)n. (for 1.See) equals saṃhita- (see Va1rtt. 1 ), joined, conjoined, united (dual number"both together"; plural [also with sarve-],"all together")  |
sahita | mf(ā-.)n. accompanied or attended by, associated or connected with, possessed of (instrumental case or compound) etc.  |
sahita | mf(ā-.)n. attached or cleaving to  |
sahita | mf(ā-.)n. being quite near  |
sahita | mf(ā-.)n. (in astronomy) being in conjunction with (instr, or comp)  |
sahita | n. a bow weighing 300 pala-s  |
sahita | See .  |
sahitakumbhaka | m. a particular mode of suppressing the breath (See prāṇāyāma-).  |
sahitam | ind. together,along with  |
sahitam | ind. near, close by  |
sahitasthita | mfn. standing together  |
sahitatva | n. the being joined together, junction with (compound)  |
sahitavya | mfn. to be borne or endured  |
sajjanagarhita | mfn. despised by the virtuous  |
sakhīsahita | mfn. attended by female friends  |
sakṛdupamathita | mfn. stirred or churned once  |
salohita | mf(ā-)n. having the same blood  |
salohita | mf(ā-)n. coloured blood-red  |
sālohita | m. (equals sa-l-) a person related by blood, kinsman  |
samabhihita | mfn. addressed, spoken to  |
samabhitarj | P. -tarjayati-, to threaten or menace greatly, abuse, blame, scold  |
samabhitas | ind. towards, to (accusative)  |
samadhiṣṭhita | mfn. standing upon (accusative)  |
samadhiṣṭhita | mfn. standing above or at the highest place  |
samadhiṣṭhita | mfn. filling, penetrating (accusative)  |
samadhiṣṭhita | mfn. ridden or guided by (instrumental case)  |
samādhita | mfn. propitiated, reconciled  |
samādhiyogarddhitapovidyāviraktimat | mfn. possessing or accompanied with meditation and self-abstraction and supernatural power and mortification and knowledge and indifference  |
samāhita | mfn. put or held together, joined, assembled, combined, united (plural"all taken together") etc.  |
samāhita | mfn. joined or furnished or provided with (instrumental case or compound)  |
samāhita | mfn. put to, added (as fuel to fire)  |
samāhita | mfn. put or placed in or upon, directed, applied, fixed, imposed, deposited, entrusted, delivered over etc.  |
samāhita | mfn. composed, collected, concentrated (as the thoughts upon, with locative case)  |
samāhita | mfn. one who has collected his thoughts or is fixed in abstract meditation, quite devoted to or intent upon (with locative case), devout, steadfast, firm etc.  |
samāhita | mfn. put in order, set right, adjusted  |
samāhita | mfn. suppressed, repressed, lowered (as speech)  |
samāhita | mfn. made, rendered  |
samāhita | mfn. completed, finished, ended  |
samāhita | mfn. concluded, inferred, demonstrated, established  |
samāhita | mfn. granted, admitted, recognised, approved  |
samāhita | mfn. corresponding or equal to, like, resembling (compound)  |
samāhita | mfn. harmonious, sounding faultlessly  |
samāhita | m. a pure or holy man  |
samāhita | n. great attention or intentness  |
samāhita | n. (in rhetoric) a particular kind of comparison  |
samāhita | See .  |
samāhitadhī | mfn. one who has concentrated his thoughts in devotion  |
samāhitamanas | mfn. having the mind absorbed in (anything)  |
samāhitamanobuddhi | mfn. having the mind or thoughts collected or composed  |
samāhitamati | mfn. one who has an attentive mind  |
samanuṣṭhita | mfn. ( sthā-) furnished or provided with, rich in (compound)  |
sāmānyavihitadravyavicāra | m. Name of work  |
samarthita | mfn. taken into consideration, considered, judged, regarded, held  |
samarthita | mfn. resolved, determined  |
samarthita | mfn. maintained, established  |
samarthita | mfn. able, capable  |
samarthitavat | mfn. one who has judged or considered etc.  |
samasaṃdhita | mfn. allied on equal terms, bound or connected equally  |
samasaṃdhita | mfn. concluded on equal terms (as an alliance) (according to to read samasaṃdhitas saṃdhi-tas- ind.)  |
samasaṃdhitas | ind. samasaṃdhita |
samasaṃsthita | mfn. being in easy circumstances  |
samāsthita | mfn. standing or sitting upon (accusative, locative case,or compound)  |
samāsthita | mfn. persevering in (locative case)  |
samāsthita | mfn. one who has entered upon or submitted to (as slavery etc.)  |
samāsthita | mfn. one who has had recourse to, engaged in, occupied with, intent upon (accusative)  |
samavaguṇṭhita | mfn. ( guṇṭh-) completely wrapped up or enveloped in (accusative) |
samavahita | See /a-sam-avahitam-.  |
samavahita | See column 2  |
samavavasthita | mfn. standing or remaining firm, remaining fixed, steady etc.  |
samavavasthita | mfn. being in any place or position  |
samavavasthita | mfn. ready, prepared for (dative case)  |
samayollaṅghitatva | n. the violating of contracts or agreements  |
sambhāvanojjhita | mfn. sambhāvana |
sambodhita | mfn. fully warned, duly apprised  |
saṃdarbhita | mfn. strung together, arranged, composed  |
saṃdhita | mfn. joined or fastened together etc.  |
saṃdhita | mfn. put to or on, fixed (as an arrow)  |
saṃdhita | mfn. joined or united with (mṛtyu-s-,"united with or destined to death")  |
saṃdhita | mfn. allied, one who has concluded an alliance etc.  |
saṃdhita | mfn. concluded (as an alliance) See samasaṃdh-  |
saṃdhita | mfn. prepared, mixed together  |
saṃdhita | mfn. pickled  |
saṃdhita | mfn. wrong reading for saṃdita-  |
saṃdhita | m. binding the parted hair  |
saṃdhita | n. pickles  |
saṃdhita | n. spirituous liquor  |
saṃdhitas | ind. from an alliance  |
saṃdhitaskara | m. equals -caura-  |
saṃdhitavya | mfn. equals saṃdheya-. column 2  |
samedhita | mfn. greatly increased or augmented, swelled, increased, strengthened, made happy or fortunate  |
saṃgrāhita | mfn. (fr. Causal) caused to be grasped or received, bestowed, imparted, communicated  |
saṃgrathita | mfn. strung or tied or knotted together  |
saṃgṛbhita | mfn. seized or held together, concentrated  |
saṃgṛbhita | etc. See column 1.  |
saṃhita | mfn. (1. dhā-) put together, joined, attached etc.  |
saṃhita | mfn. fixed, settled  |
saṃhita | mfn. composed of (compound)  |
saṃhita | mfn. placed together (pārśva-s-,"placed side by side")  |
saṃhita | mfn. uninterrupted (as a series of words)  |
saṃhita | mfn. joined or connected or endowed or furnished with, abounding in, possessed of, accompanied by (compound) etc.  |
saṃhita | mfn. agreeing with, conformable to (dharma-s-,"in accordance with justice")  |
saṃhita | mfn. relating to, concerning (compound)  |
saṃhita | mfn. connected with, proceeding from (compound)  |
saṃhita | mfn. being on friendly terms with (instrumental case)  |
saṃhita | mfn. mixed in colour, variegated  |
saṃhita | n. Name of a sāman-  |
saṃhita | See .  |
sāṃhita | mf(ī-)n. relating to the saṃhitā-, found in the saṃhitā- text or based upon it etc.  |
saṃhitapuṣpikā | f. dill (Anethum Panmori)  |
samīhita | mfn. longed or wished for, desired, striven after, undertaken  |
samīhita | n. great effort to obtain anything, desire, longing, wish  |
sāmisaṃsthita | (sām/i--) mfn. half-finished  |
saṃkathita | mfn. related, narrated, communicated  |
saṃkṣobhita | mfn. (fr. Causal) shaken or tossed about  |
saṃkṣubhita | ( ) mfn. tossed together, violently shaken or agitated.  |
saṃlaṅghita | mfn. passed away, gone by |
saṃlikhita | mfn. scratched etc. (used in to express some act in gambling).  |
sammathita | mfn. bruised, pounded, dashed to pieces, destroyed  |
sammohita | mfn. (fr. idem or 'n. Name of a tantra-.') stupefied, bewildered, fascinated, enraptured  |
sammūrchita | mfn. coagulated, congealed, thickened, strengthened, intensified (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' = "filled with")  |
sammūrchita | mfn. stupefied, senseless, unconscious  |
sammūrchita | mfn. reflected (as rays)  |
sammūrchita | mfn. modulated (as tone)  |
sammūrchitavat | mfn. one who has (or = he has) formed or shaped  |
saṃnihita | mfn. deposited together or near, contiguous, proximate, present, close, near, at hand etc.  |
saṃnihita | mfn. deposited, fixed, laid up (See hṛdaya-s-)  |
saṃnihita | mfn. prepared to, ready for (dative case)  |
saṃnihita | mfn. staying, being  |
saṃnihita | m. a particular agni-  |
saṃnihitataratva | n. greater nearness  |
samprabodhita | mfn. (fr. Causal) convinced, persuaded  |
samprabodhita | mfn. consulted or deliberated about  |
samprahita | mfn. ( hi-) thrown, hurled  |
samprakṣubhita | mfn. shaken, tossed about  |
samprakṣubhitamānasa | mfn. agitated or confused or perplexed in mind  |
sampramukhita | mfn. (See pramukha-) placed at the head, foremost, first, chief.  |
samprārthita | mfn. asked for, begged, requested  |
samprasthita | mfn. set out on a journey, departed etc.  |
samprasthita | mfn. advancing towards buddha- hood (?)  |
samprathita | mfn. ( prath-) universally known or celebrated  |
sampratiṣṭhita | mfn. standing or resting firmly on (locative case), established, fixed, settled  |
sampratiṣṭhita | mfn. lasting, existing, being  |
sampravyathita | mfn. ( vyath-) greatly troubled or alarmed  |
saṃrādhita | mfn. propitiated, appeased, conciliated  |
saṃskārarahita | mfn. equals -hīna- below.  |
saṃsmṛtopasthita | mfn. appeared when thought of.  |
saṃśobhita | mfn. (fr. Causal) adorned or shining with (instrumental case)  |
saṃśodhita | mfn. completely cleansed and purified etc.  |
saṃśodhita | mfn. cleared off, paid  |
saṃstambhita | mfn. (fr. Causal) supported, propped etc.  |
saṃstambhita | mfn. stupefied, paralyzed  |
saṃsthita | mfn. standing (as opp. to"lying"or"sitting")  |
saṃsthita | mfn. one who has stood or held out (in fight)  |
saṃsthita | mfn. placed, resting, lying, sitting, being in or on (upari- locative case,or compound) etc.  |
saṃsthita | mfn. abiding, remaining, left standing (for a long time, as food;with tathaiva-,"remaining in the same condition")  |
saṃsthita | mfn. lasting, enduring  |
saṃsthita | mfn. imminent, future  |
saṃsthita | mfn. shaped, formed (see duḥ--and su-s-), appearing in a particular shape or form, formed like, resembling (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound';with navadhā-,"ninefold";with masī-rūpeṇa-,"appearing in the form of black ink") etc.  |
saṃsthita | mfn. being in a particular state or condition, addicted or given to, intent upon (locative case or compound)  |
saṃsthita | mfn. founded or based upon (locative case)  |
saṃsthita | mfn. directed to wards, fixed upon (compound)  |
saṃsthita | mfn. relating to, concerning (locative case or compound)  |
saṃsthita | mfn. skilled in, acquainted or familiar with (locative case)  |
saṃsthita | mfn. started, set out for (dative case or abhimukham-)  |
saṃsthita | mfn. frequented (as a place)  |
saṃsthita | mfn. finished, concluded, completed, ready  |
saṃsthita | mfn. perished, died (n. impersonal or used impersonally)  |
saṃsthita | mfn. near or contiguous to  |
saṃsthita | mfn. heaped, collected  |
saṃsthita | n. conduct  |
saṃsthita | n. form, shape  |
saṃsthitahoma | m. a final sacrifice,  |
saṃsthitavat | mfn. (plural = 3. plural perfect tense ; plural [with sukhena-]"they lived happily together")  |
saṃsthitayajus | n. the final sacrificial formula and the oblation connected with it  |
saṃsukhita | mfn. perfectly delighted or gratified.  |
samujjhita | mfn. abandoned, renounced, resigned  |
samujjhita | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') free from, rid of.  |
samujjhita | n. that which is left, a remnant, leavings (See bhukta-s-).  |
samupasthita | mf(ā-)n. approximated, approached, come to (teṣām agrato nadī samupasthitā-= "they came upon a river") etc.  |
samupasthita | mf(ā-)n. sitting or lying on (locative case)  |
samupasthita | mf(ā-)n. arisen  |
samupasthita | mf(ā-)n. appeared, begun, imminent etc.  |
samupasthita | mf(ā-)n. seasonable, opportune  |
samupasthita | mf(ā-)n. come upon, fallen to, fallen to one's share (with accusative or genitive case) etc.  |
samupasthita | mf(ā-)n. ready for (dative case or locative case)  |
samupasthita | mf(ā-)n. undertaken, resolved  |
samupasthita | mf(ā-)n. attained, acquired  |
samupāsthita | mfn. come near, approached  |
samutthita | mfn. risen up together, risen, raised (as dust), towering above (as a peak), surging (as waves), gathered (as clouds) appeared, grown, sprung or obtained or derived from (ablative or compound; dhanaṃ daṇa-samutthitam-,"money derived from fines") etc.  |
samutthita | mfn. ready, prepared for (locative case)  |
samutthita | mfn. one who withstands all (opponents)  |
samutthita | mfn. cured, healed  |
samutthita | mfn. swollen up  |
saṃvāhitavya | mfn. (fr. idem or 'n. rubbing the person, shampooing ') to be rubbed or stroked  |
saṃvardhita | mfn. (fr. Causal) brought to complete growth, brought up, reared, raised, cherished  |
saṃvatsarāntarhita | mfn. separated for a year,  |
saṃvihita | mfn. disposed, arranged, managed, taken care of.  |
saṃvyavahita | See a-s-.  |
saṅgarahita | mfn. free from attachment, indifferent, unworldly  |
śaṅkhalikhita | mfn. perfect in its kind, faultless, flawless (with vṛtti- f.faultless conduct)  |
śaṅkhalikhita | m. a king who practises justice, a Just king  |
śaṅkhalikhita | m. dual number the two ṛṣi-s śaṅkha- and likhita- (authors of a law-book)  |
śāṅkhalikhita | mfn. composed by śaṅkha- and likhita- (q.v)  |
śaṅkhalikhitapriya | m. "beloved, by śaṅkha- and likhita-", a friend of strict justice  |
śaṅkhalikhitasmṛti | f. the law-book of śaṅkha- and likhita-.  |
saptāsthita | mfn. furnished with 7 (spikes etc.)  |
sapurohita | mfn. accompanied by a family-priest  |
śarogṛhita | See śaras-, p.1056.  |
sarvabhūtahita | n. the welfare of all created beings  |
sarvabhūtahita | mfn. serviceable to all creatures  |
sarvabhūtasthita | mfn. present in all elements or beings  |
sarvahita | mfn. useful or beneficial to all  |
sarvahita | m. Name of śākya-muni-  |
sarvahita | n. pepper  |
sarvalohita | mfn. entirely red  |
sarvalokabhayāstambhitatvaviddhvaṃsanakara | m. Name of a buddha-,  |
sarvarohita | (sarv/a--) mf. quite red  |
śāstrānuṣṭhita | mfn. established by the śāstra-, obeying sacred precepts  |
śastravihita | mfn. inflicted with a weapon  |
satatotthita | mfn. always intent upon (locative case)  |
sattvavihita | mfn. effected by nature, natural  |
sattvavihita | mfn. caused by goodness  |
sattvavihita | mfn. virtuous, upright  |
satyahita | mfn. really benevolent  |
satyahita | m. Name of a son of puṣpavat-  |
satyahita | m. of the father of puṣpavat-  |
satyahita | m. of a teacher  |
satyasaṃhita | mfn. true to one's agreement or promise  |
sāvahita | mfn. giving attention, attentive  |
siddhasādhita | mfn. one who his learned (the art of medicine) by practice (not by study)  |
śikhalohita | m. (perhaps for śikhā-l-,"red as a flame") Name of a plant (commonly called kukura-muḍā-)  |
śikhitama | m. a particular gaṇa- of śiva-  |
siṃhavijṛmbhita | m. (with Buddhists) a kind of samādhi- (see -viṣkambhita-).  |
siṃhaviṣkambhita | m. (with Buddhists) a kind of samādhi- (perhaps only wrong reading for -vijṛmbhita-).  |
śiṅghita | mfn. perceived by the nose, smelled |
śiraḥsthita | mfn. being in the head, cerebral (as a letter or sound)  |
śiśiramathita | mfn. pinched by cold  |
śiśuhitaiṣiṇī | f. "benefiting children", Name of a commentator or commentary on the kumāra-sambhava- and raghu-vaṃśa- by cāritra-vardhana-.  |
śiṣyahitaiṣiṇī | f. "pupil's well wisher", Name of a commentator or commentary on megha-dūta-.  |
sitalohita | mfn. white and red  |
sitalohita | m. white and red colour  |
śivālikhita | mn. (śivā-l-or śivāl-?) Name of work  |
śivālikhitaparibhāṣā | f. Name of work  |
skabhita | mfn. (fr. Causal) supported, fixed, fastened  |
ślāghita | mfn. flattered, praised, commended  |
śleṣmāpihitalocana | mfn. having the eyes filled up with phlegm or slime, blear-eyed  |
smaramohita | mfn. infatuated by love  |
śnathita | mfn. pierced, transfixed  |
snehita | mfn. (fr. Causal) anointed, smeared with oil  |
snehita | mfn. loved, beloved  |
snehita | mfn. kind, affectionate  |
snehita | m. a friend  |
snehitavya | mfn. equals snehanīya-  |
śobhita | mfn. (mostly in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') splendid, beautiful, adorned or embellished by  |
ṣoḍhāvihita | mfn. having six parts  |
śodhita | mfn. (fr. idem or 'mfn. (fr. idem or 'mfn. (fr. Causal) to be cleansed or purified ') purifying, a purifier ') cleansed, purified refined corrected etc.  |
śodhita | mfn. removed  |
śodhita | mfn. justified, exculpated  |
śodhita | mfn. discharged, liquidated (as a debt)  |
śokamūrchita | mfn. stupefied or stunned by grief  |
śokonmathitacittātman | mfn. having the thoughts and mind agitated by sorrow  |
śophita | mfn. afflicted with tumours or swellings  |
spardhita | mfn. contending or competing together, emulating, envious, jealous  |
spardhita | mfn. contended with, challenged, defied  |
sphūrchita | mfn. spread grammar  |
sphūrchita | mfn. forgotten  |
spṛhita | mfn. desired, wished for, longed for  |
śraddhārahita | mfn. deprived of faith, disbelieving  |
śraddhāvirahita | mfn. equals -rahita-  |
śraddhita | mfn. believed, trusted in or relied on (n. impersonal or used impersonally,with dative case)  |
śraddhita | mfn. consented to, approved  |
śraddhita | mfn. gladly accepted, welcomed  |
śraddhita | mfn. trustful, believing, confident  |
śramamohita | mfn. bewildered or stupefied by fatigue  |
śranthita | mfn. (only ) loosened, let loose etc. (See śrath-).  |
śṛṅgābhihita | mf(/ā-)n. bound by the horns  |
śrutikathita | mfn. mentioned or taught or prescribed in the veda-  |
śrutismṛtivihita | mfn. enjoined by the veda- and human tradition  |
stabhita | mfn. fixed, established, supported  |
stambhita | mfn. (fr. Causal) fixed, established, supported  |
stambhita | mfn. stiffened, benumbed, paralyzed  |
stambhita | mfn. stopped, brought to a standstill, suppressed, restrained etc.  |
stambhita | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') stuffed or filled with  |
stambhitabāṣpavṛtti | mfn. suppressing the flow of tears  |
stambhitarambha | n. Name of a troṭaka- (see rambhā-stambhana-)  |
stambhitatva | n. the being checked or impeded (in sarva-loka-bhayāst-).  |
stanarohita | m. n. a particular part of the female breast  |
sthānasthita | mfn. standing in a (high) place  |
sthita | mfn. standing (as opp. to"going","sitting", or"lying"; parasparaṃ sthitam-,"standing opposed to each other"; sthitaṃ tena-,"it was stood by him"="he waited") etc.  |
sthita | mfn. standing firm (yuddhe-,"in battle")  |
sthita | mfn. standing, staying, situated, resting or abiding or remaining in (locative case or compound;with uccāvaceṣu-,"abiding in things high and low";with anityam-,"not remaining permanently","staying only a short time") etc.  |
sthita | mfn. being or remaining or keeping in any state or condition (locative case, instrumental case ablative compound,or a noun in the same case, also ind.p. or adverb; vyāpya sthitaḥ-,"he keeps continually pervading" ; upaviśya sthitaḥ-,"he remains sitting" ; kathaṃ sthitāsi-,"how did you fare?" ; evaṃ sthite-,"it being so" ; puraḥ sthite-,"it being imminent") etc. |
sthita | mfn. engaged in, occupied with, intent upon, engrossed by, devoted or addicted to (locative case or compound), performing, protecting etc.  |
sthita | mfn. abiding by, conforming to, following (locative case)  |
sthita | mfn. being in office or charge  |
sthita | mfn. adhering to or keeping with (locative case)  |
sthita | mfn. lasting  |
sthita | mfn. firm, constant, invariable  |
sthita | mfn. settled, ascertained, decreed, established, generally accepted etc.  |
sthita | mfn. fixed upon, determined  |
sthita | mfn. firmly convinced or persuaded  |
sthita | mfn. firmly resolved to (infinitive mood or locative case) etc.  |
sthita | mfn. faithful to a promise or agreement : upright, virtuous  |
sthita | mfn. prepared for or to (dative case)  |
sthita | mfn. being there, existing, present, close at hand, ready (sthito hy eṣaḥ-,"I myself am ready"; agraje sthite-,"when the elder brother is there") etc.  |
sthita | mfn. belonging to (genitive case)  |
sthita | mfn. turned or directed to, fixed upon (locative case or compound)  |
sthita | mfn. resting or depending on (locative case) etc.  |
sthita | mfn. leading or conducive to (dative case) |