hi | (see hay-) cl.5 P. ( ) hin/oti- (Vedic or Veda also hinut/e-, h/invati-and hinv/ati-, te-; parasmE-pada hinvān/a-[with act. and pass. sense] ; h/ayat- : sg. hiṣe- ; perfect tense jighāya-, jighyuḥ- etc.; jighye-[with pass. sense] ; Aorist /ahema- /ahema-, ahyan-, heta- parasmE-pada hiyān/a-[with pass. sense] ; ahyam-[?], /ahait- ; ahaiṣīt- ; aheṣata- ; future hetā- grammar; heṣyati- etc.; infinitive mood -hy/e- ), to send forth, set in motion, impel, urge on, hasten on (A1.also intrans.) ; to stimulate or incite to (dative case) ; to assist or help to (dative case) ; to discharge, hurl, cast, shoot ; to convey, bring, procure ; to forsake, abandon, get rid of ; (hinvati-) to gladden, delight : Passive voice hīyate- (Aorist ahāyi-) grammar : Causal hāyuyati- (Aorist ajīhayat-) : Desiderative of Causal jihāpayiṣati- : Desiderative jighīṣati- : Intensive jeghīyate-, jeghayīti-, jegheti-  |
hi | ind. (used as a particle[ see ha-and gha-]and usually denoting) for, because, on account of (never standing first in a sentence, but generally after the first word and used enclitically, sometimes after pronouns; exempli gratia, 'for example' s/arvo h/i p/ṛtanā jigīṣati-,"for everybody wishes to win battles"; bhavān hi pramāṇam-,"for your honour is the authority"; tahā hi-,"for example","accordingly"; n/a h/i-or nah/ī-,"for not","not at all") etc.  |
hi | ind. just, pray, do (with an imperative or Potential emphatically;sometimes with Indic., e. gaRa pasyāmo hi-,"we will just see")  |
hi | ind. indeed, assuredly, surely, of course, certainly (h/i v/ai-,"most assuredly"; hi-tu-or hi-punar-,"indeed-but";often a mere expletive, especially to avoid a hiatus, sometimes repeated in the same sentence; hi-is also said to be an interjection of "envy","contempt","hurry"etc.)  |
hibuka | n. (= ,) Name of the fourth lagna- or astrological sign, fourth astrological house (equals pātāla-)  |
hiḍimba | m. Name of a gigantic rākṣasa- slain by bhīma-  |
hiḍimbā | f. See below.  |
hiḍimbā | f. hiḍimba-'s sister (who changed herself into a beautiful woman and married bhīma-;he had a son by her named ghaṭotkaca-)  |
hiḍimbā | f. the wife of hanumat- (See compound)  |
hiḍimbabhid | m. "destroyer of hiḍimba-", bhīma-  |
hiḍimbadviṣ | m. "enemy of hiḍimba-", bhīma-  |
hiḍimbajit | m. "conqueror of hiḍimba-", bhīma-  |
hiḍimbanisūdana | m. "destroyer of hiḍimba-", bhīma-  |
hiḍimbāpati | m. "husband or lover of hiḍimbā-", Name of bhīma- or of hanumat-  |
hiḍimbāramaṇa | m. "husband or lover of hiḍimbā-", Name of bhīma- or of hanumat-  |
hiḍimbavadha | m. "the killing of hiḍimba-", an episode of the mahā-bhārata- .  |
hihi | ind. equals hīhī- (see next) .  |
hijja | m. the tree Barringtonia Acutangula (commonly called Hijjal)  |
hijjala | m. the Hijjal tree (varia lectio)  |
hika | n. (with prajāpateḥ-) Name of a sāman-  |
hikk | cl.1 P. A1. ( ) hikkati-, te- (grammar also perfect tense jihikka-, kke-etc.) , to hiccup (hiccough), sob, make a spasmodic sound in the throat : Causal P. hikkayati- (Aorist ajihikkat-), to cause to hiccup ; (A1.) hikkayate-, to injure, kill (varia lectio hikk-for kiṣk-).  |
hikkā | f. hiccup (cf, hekkā-), sob, a spasmodic sound in the throat  |
hikkā | f. an owl  |
hikkala | (?) , the staff of a Buddhist monk  |
hikkāśvāsin | mfn. equals śvāsa-hikkin- (q.v)  |
hikkikā | f. hiccup  |
hikkikā | f. stertorous breathing  |
hikkin | mfn. suffering from hiccup, hiccupping  |
hikkita | n. hiccup, spasmodic catch and sound in the breath  |
hikmatpradīpa | m. Name of a med. work by the same author.  |
hikmatprakāśa | m. (fr. $) Name of a med. work translated from the Arabic by mahā-deva- paṇḍita-.  |
hikvā | f. wrong reading for hikkā- above.  |
hil | (prob. artificial) cl.6 P. hilati-, to sport amorously, dally, wanton, express amorous inclination  |
hila | m. Name of a mountain and a town (see hetu-h-)  |
hilamoci | f. Enhydra Hingcha  |
hilamocī | f. Enhydra Hingcha  |
hilamocikā | f. Enhydra Hingcha  |
hilihila | mfn. sporting, dallying  |
hilimā | f. (of unknown meaning)  |
hilīsamudra | Name of a place  |
hilla | m. a kind of aquatic bird  |
hilla | m. Name of a man  |
hillāja | m. Name of an astronomer  |
hillājadīpikā | f. Name of work  |
hillājagrahaphala | n. Name of work  |
hillājajātaka | n. Name of work  |
hillājatājika | n. Name of work  |
hillola | m. (see hindola-) a wave, surge  |
hillola | m. a whim  |
hillola | m. a particular form of sexual union  |
hillola | m. (in music) one of the rāga-s  |
hillolaya | Nom. P. yati-, to swing or rock or roll about (varia lectio for hiṇḍolaya-)  |
him | ind. an exclamation (interchangeable with h/iṅ-, q.v)  |
him | (only in instrumental case him/ā-), col d, frost, hoar-frost, snow  |
hima | m. cold, frost etc.  |
hima | m. the cold season, winter  |
hima | m. the sandal tree  |
hima | m. the moon (see hima-kara-etc.)  |
hima | m. camphor  |
himā | f. (only with śat/a-) the cold season, winter (also ="a year"; see varṣ/a-)  |
himā | f. (him/ā-), night  |
himā | f. (himā-,only ), cardamoms  |
himā | f. Cyperus Rotundus and another species  |
himā | f. Trigonella Corniculata  |
himā | f. a particular drug (equals reṇukā-)  |
himā | f. Name of durgā-  |
hima | n. frost, hoar-frost, snow (rarely"ice"), etc.  |
hima | n. sandal-wood (of cooling properties)  |
hima | n. the wood of Cerasus Puddum  |
hima | n. tin  |
hima | n. a pearl  |
hima | n. fresh butter  |
hima | n. a lotus  |
hima | n. Name of a varṣa-  |
hima | mf(ā-)n. cold, cool [ confer, compare Zend zima; Greek () ;,; Latin bi1musforbihimus;hiems; Slavonic or Slavonian zimaLit. $ ]  |
himabāluka | See -vāluka-, kā-.  |
himabālukā | See -vāluka-, kā-.  |
himābha | mfn. resembling cold, like snow or frost  |
himabhānu | m. "having cool lustre", the moon  |
himabhās | m. id.  |
himābhra | m. camphor  |
himabhūbhṛt | m. "snow. moon", the himālaya-.  |
himābja | n. a blue lotus  |
himācala | m. "snow-mountain", the himālaya- etc.  |
himācalendra | m. idem or 'm. "snow-mountain", the himālaya- etc.'  |
himadhāman | m. "cold-rayed", the moon  |
himadhara | mfn. bearing snow (on its head, and of the himālaya-)  |
himadhara | m. the himālaya- moon  |
himadhātu | m. "having cold minerals"  |
himadhvasta | mfn. withered by cold, frost-bitten, frost-nipped (as a lotus etc.)  |
himadīdhiti | ( ) m. "having cool rays", the moon.  |
himādri | m. the himālaya- mountain etc.  |
himādrijā | f. "daughter of himālaya-", pārvatī-  |
himādrijā | f. the Ganges  |
himādrijā | f. a kind of plant (equals kṣīriṇī-)  |
himādritanayā | f. "daughter of himālaya-", parvatī- ( himādritanayapati -pati- m."husband of parvatī-", śiva-)  |
himādritanayā | f. the Ganges  |
himādritanayapati | m. himādritanayā |
himādrīya | Nom. represent the himālaya- (yita- n. impersonal or used impersonally)  |
himadruh | m. "dew-dispeller", the sun  |
himadruma | m. Melia Bukayun  |
himadugdhā | f. a kind of plant (equals kṣīriṇi-)  |
himadurdina | n. a snowy day, cold and bad weather  |
himadyuti | m. "having cool radiance", the moon  |
himāga | m. "snow-mountain", the himālaya-  |
himāgama | m. approach of cold, beginning of winter  |
himagarbha | mfn. laden with snow  |
himagaura | mfn. white as snow  |
himaghna | mfn. keeping off snow  |
himagiri | m. the himālaya- mountain etc.  |
himagirisutā | f. patronymic of pārvati-  |
himagirisutākānta | m. "loved by pārvati-", Name of śiva-  |
himagṛha | n. a room furnished with cooling appliances  |
himagṛhaka | n. a room furnished with cooling appliances  |
himagu | m. "cold-rayed", the moon  |
himahānakṛt | m. "causing cessation of cold", fire  |
himahāsaka | m. Phoenix Paludosa  |
himāhati | f. fall of snow  |
himāhva | m. "called after ice", camphor  |
himāhva | n. Name of a varṣa- in jambu-dvīpa-  |
himāhvaya | m. camphor  |
himāhvaya | n. equals prec. n.  |
himāhvaya | n. a lotus  |
himaja | mfn. produced by cold  |
himaja | mfn. born or produced in the himālaya- mountain  |
himaja | m. the mountain maināka-  |
himajā | f. a kind of plant equals kṣiriṇī-  |
himaja | m. the plant called Zedoary  |
himaja | m. sugar prepared from yava-nāla-  |
himaja | m. Name of parvati-  |
himaja | m. of śacī-  |
himajhaṇṭi | f. cold dew, hoar-frost, mist, fog (cf. ku-jjihaṭi-).  |
himajhaṭi | f. cold dew, hoar-frost, mist, fog (cf. ku-jjihaṭi-).  |
himajvara | m. fever with cold paroxysms, ague  |
himajyotis | mfn. cold-rayed (as the moon)  |
himaka | m. Flacourtia Sapida  |
himaka | m. Name of a man  |
himakaṇin | mfn. mixed with snow-flakes (as wind)  |
himakara | mfn. causing or producing cold, cold |
himakara | m. the moon etc.  |
himakara | m. camphor  |
himakaratanaya | m. "son of the Moon", Name of the planet Mercury  |
himakhaṇḍa | n. a hail-stone  |
himakiraṇa | m. "cold-rayed", the moon  |
himakṣmādhara | m. snowy mountain, himālaya-  |
himakuhāya | m. a particular cool drink  |
himakūṭa | n. a snowy summit  |
himakūṭa | m. the winter season  |
himāla | m. the himālaya- mountain  |
himālaya | m. "abode of snow", the himālaya- range of mountains (bounding India on the north and containing the highest elevations in the world;in mythology personified as husband of menā- or menakā- [by whom he had a son maināka-] and father of pārvatī-,"daughter of the Mountain", and of gaṅgā-, who, as the personified Ganges, is generally regarded as his eldest daughter) etc.  |
himālaya | m. the white khadira- tree  |
himālayā | f. Flacourtia Cataphracta  |
himālaya | Nom. P. yati-, to resemble the himālaya-  |
himālayāsutā | f. "daughter of himālaya-", pārvati-  |
himamayūkha | m. "cool-rayed", the moon  |
himāmbha | n. cold water  |
himāmbha | n. dew  |
himāmbu | n. cold water  |
himāmbu | n. dew  |
himamitra | m. Name of a man  |
himāṃśu | m. "cool-rayed", the moon, kā-. etc.  |
himāṃśu | m. camphor  |
himāṃśumālin | m. "encircled by cold rays", the moon |
himāṃśvabhikhya | n. "called after the moon", silver  |
himānaddha | mfn. frost-bound, frozen  |
himānī | f. See under hima-, .  |
himānī | f. a mass or collection of snow etc.  |
himānī | f. equals hima-śarkarā-  |
himānila | m. a cold or frosty wind  |
himanirjharavipruṣmat | mfn. mixed with or having drops of icy cold water-falls  |
himanirmukta | mfn. freed from frost  |
himānīviśada | mfn. white as a snow-drift  |
himānta | m. end of the cold season  |
himāpaha | m. "removing cold", fire, agni-  |
himapāta | m. fall of snow  |
himaprastha | m. "having snowy table-land", the himālaya- mountain  |
himarāja | m. Name of a king  |
himaraśmi | m. "cool-rayed", the moon  |
himaraśmija | m. patronymic of the planet Mercury  |
himārāti | m. "enemy of cold"fire  |
himārāti | m. the sun  |
himārāti | m. a kind of Plant (equals citraka-)  |
himārāti | m. another plant (equals arka-)  |
himārdita | mfn. pinched or pained by cold  |
himāri | m. "enemy of cold", fire  |
himāriśatru | m. "enemy of fire", water  |
himārta | mfn. pinched with cold, suffering from cold, chilled, frozen  |
himaṛtu | m. the winter season  |
himartu | m. equals -ṛtu-  |
himaruci | m. equals -raśmi-  |
himāruṇa | mfn. grey with frost  |
himaśaila | m. "snow-mountain", the himālaya-  |
himaśailaja | mfn. produced on the himālaya-  |
himaśailajā | f. "daughter of himālaya-", Name of pārvatī-  |
himaśailasutā | f. idem or 'f. "daughter of himālaya-", Name of pārvatī- '  |
himasaṃghāta | m. idem or '(wrong reading for)'  |
himasaṃhati | f. a mass of ice or snow, deep snow  |
himasaṃkhāta | (wrong reading for)  |
himasaras | n. cold water,  |
himaśarkarā | f. a kind of sugar produced from yavanāla-  |
himasikharin | m. "snow-mountain", the himālaya-  |
himasītala | mfn. very cold or frosty, freezing  |
himaśranthana | n. melting of snow  |
himaśratha | m. the loosening or melting of snow  |
himaśratha | m. "shedding cold", the moon  |
himaśrathana | n. melting of snow  |
himāśrayā | f. Hoya Viridiflora  |
himasrut | m. "distilling cold", the moon  |
himasruti | f. a snow-shower  |
himaśubhra | mfn. white as snow  |
himaśucibhasmabhūṣita | mfn. adorned with ashes white as snow  |
himataila | m. camphor oil  |
himatala | Name of a kingdom (more correctly hema-tāla-).  |
himatviṣ | ( ) ( ) m. "having cool rays", the moon.  |
himātyaya | m. passing off or end of the cold season  |
himavacchiras | n. (for -śiras-) the summit of the himālaya- (conjectural)  |
himavadgiri | m. a snowy mountain ( himavadgirisaṃśraya -saṃśraya- m."taking refuge in the himālaya-", Name of śiva-)  |
himavadgirisaṃśraya | m. himavadgiri |
himavala | n. a pearl (varia lectio hem-).  |
himavāluka | m. camphor  |
himavālukā | f. camphor  |
himavanmāhāśmya | n. Name of work  |
himavanmekhalā | f. the himālaya- chain of mountains  |
himavāri | n. cold water  |
himavat | mfn. having frost or snow, snowy, frosty, icy, snow-clad  |
himavat | mfn. exposing one's self to coldness or enduring it  |
himavat | m. a snowy mountain  |
himavat | m. the himālaya-, , ; kailāsa-  |
himavata | (m.), (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals -vat- gaRa śarat-prabhṛti-.  |
himavatī | f. Hoya Viridiflora  |
himāvatī | f. a kind of plant  |
himavatkhaṇḍa | n. Name of a book of the skanda-purāṇa-  |
himavatkukṣi | m. a valley of the himālaya-  |
himavatprabhava | mfn. springing from or belonging to the himālaya-  |
himavatpura | n. the town on the himālaya-  |
himavatsuta | m. "son of the himālaya-", the mountain maināka-  |
himavatsutā | f. the Ganges  |
himavatsutā | f. pārvati-  |
himaviddha | mfn. penetrated with frost (as the west wind in the cold season)  |
himāvila | mf(ā-)n. covered with snow  |
himavṛṣṭi | f. fall of snow  |
himāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to resemble snow  |
himayukta | m. a kind of camphor  |
himelu | mfn. chilly, suffering from cold Va1rtt. 8.  |
himeru | mfn. (prob.) equals next  |
himikā | f. hoar-frost  |
himikā | f. See himaka- above.  |
himīkṛ | P. -karoti-, to change into snow or ice  |
himita | mfn. changed into snow or ice  |
himmaka | m. Name of a man  |
himna | m. the planet Mercury (equals hemna-)  |
himna | m. equals hemna-, the plant Mercury  |
himnāṅka | m. camphor  |
himodaka | (?) m. Name of a man  |
himodaki | (?) m. Name of a man  |
himodbhavā | f. "cold-produced", Curcuma Zedoaria  |
himodbhavā | f. another plant (equals kṣīriṇī-)  |
himopacāra | m. application of cooling remedies or refrigerants  |
himosra | m. "cool-rayed", the moon  |
himotpanna | mfn. produced by cold  |
himotpannā | f. equals hima-śarkarā-  |
himottarā | f. a kind of grape  |
himottarīya | mfn. having snow for an over-garment  |
himpativasman | or himmativarman- m. Name of a man  |
hiṃs | (originally Desiderative of han-) cl.1.7. P. ( ) hiṃsati-, hin/asti- (Ved. and Epic also A1. hiṃsate-, h/iṃste-;2. sg. hiṃsi-for hinassi- ; perfect tense jihiṃsa-, sim/a-, jīhiṃsīh- ; Aorist ahiṃsīt-, hiṃsīt- etc.; future hiṃsita- grammar; hiṃsiṣyati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood hiṃsitum-[Ved. also h/iesitoḥ-] ; ind.p. hiṃsitv/ā- ; -hiṃsya- ), to injure, harm, wound, kill, destroy etc. etc.: Passive voice hiṃsyate- (Aorist ahiṃsi-), to be injured or killed (in /a-hiṃsyamāna-) etc.: Causal or cl.10 P. ( ) hiṃsayati- (Aorist ajihiṃsat-), to injure, harm, kill, slay : Desiderative j/ihiṃsiṣati-, to wish to injure etc. : Intens, jehiṃsyate-, jehiṃsti- grammar  |
hiṃs | mfn. injuring, striking (See su-hiṃs-).  |
hiṃsa | mfn. injuring, injurious, mischievous, hostile  |
hiṃsā | f. See below.  |
hiṃsā | f. injury, harm (to life or property), hurt, mischief, wrong (said to be of three kinds, 1. mental as"bearing malice";2. verbal, as"abusive language";3. personal, as "acts of violence") etc.  |
hiṃsā | f. Injury or Mischief personified (as the wife of adharma- and daughter of lobha- and niṣkṛti-)  |
hiṃsā | f. Asteracantha Longifolia  |
hiṃsaka | mfn. equals prec. etc.  |
hiṃsaka | mfn. tn. (only ) a noxious animal, beast of prey  |
hiṃsaka | mfn. an enemy  |
hiṃsaka | mfn. a Brahman skilled in the magical texts of the atharva-- veda- (see hiṃsā-karman-).  |
hiṃsākarman | n. any injurious or hostile act (especially employment of magical spells and mystical texts such as those of the atharva-- veda- for the injury of an enemy q.v)  |
hiṃsālakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
hiṃsālu | mfn. mischievous, hurting, murderous  |
hiṃsāluka | m. a mischievous animal, savage dog  |
hiṃsana | m. an enemy  |
hiṃsana | n. the act of hurting, injuring, killing, slaying  |
hiṃsanīya | mfn. to be hurt or injured  |
hiṃsanīya | mfn. to be killed (as cattle) on  |
hiṃsāprāṇin | m. a savage or noxious animal  |
hiṃsāprāṇipracura | mfn. abounding in noxious animal  |
hiṃsāprāya | mfn. generally or for the most part injurious  |
hiṃsārata | mfn. delighting in doing harm or mischief  |
hiṃsārthavāda | (hiṃsārth-) m.  |
hiṃsāru | m. a destructive animal, a tiger  |
hiṃsāruci | mfn. idem or 'mfn. delighting in doing harm or mischief ' ( hiṃsārucitva -tva- n.)  |
hiṃsārucitva | n. hiṃsāruci |
hiṃsāsamudbhava | mfn. arising from injury (id est from the sin of hurting living creatures)  |
hiṃsātmaka | (hiṃsāt-) mfn. intent on doing harm  |
hiṃsātman | (hiṃsāt-) mfn. idem or '(hiṃsāt-) mfn. intent on doing harm '  |
hiṃsāvāda | m. Name of work  |
hiṃsāvihāra | mfn. taking pleasure in mischief, roaming about to do harm  |
hiṃsīna | m. a savage animal, beast of prey  |
hiṃsīra | mfn. mischievous, destructive  |
hiṃsīra | m. a tiger  |
hiṃsita | mfn. hurt, injured, wounded, killed, destroyed etc.  |
hiṃsita | n. injury, harm  |
hiṃsitavya | mfn. to be harmed or injured  |
hiṃsitos | See under the root above.  |
hiṃsra | mf(/ā-)n. injurious, mischievous, hurtful, destructive, murderous, cruel, fierce, savage (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'"acting injuriously towards") etc. |
hiṃsra | m. a man who delights in injuring living creatures  |
hiṃsra | m. a savage animal, beast of prey  |
hiṃsra | m. Name of śiva-  |
hiṃsra | m. of bhīma-sena-  |
hiṃsra | m. of a certain cruel Brahman  |
hiṃsrā | f. a mischievous woman  |
hiṃsra | m. Name of various plants (according to to , Nardottachys Jatamansi, Coix Barbata equals kākādanī-and elāvali-)  |
hiṃsra | m. fat  |
hiṃsra | m. a vein  |
hiṃsra | n. cruelty  |
hiṃsrāhiṃsra | n. noxiousness and harmlessness  |
hiṃsrajantu | m. a savage animal, beast of prey  |
hiṃsraka | m. a savage animal, beast of prey  |
hiṃsrapaśu | m. a savage animal, beast of prey  |
hiṃsrātmatā | f. malevolence  |
hiṃsrayantra | n. an implement for injuring or wounding, trap  |
hiṃsrayantra | n. a mystical text used for injurious purposes  |
hiṃsya | mfn. to be hurt or injured or killed  |
himya | mfn. snowy, covered with snow vArttika , Scholiast or Commentator  |
himyā | ind. by cold  |
hiṅ | ind. the lowing sound or cry made by a cow seeking her calf  |
hina | ind. for, because (= 2. h/i-)  |
hina | See under 2. h/i-  |
hinānnavastraveṣa | mfn. (a brahma-cārin-) eating less food (than his preceptor) and wearing an inferior dress  |
hiṇḍ | cl.1 A1. ( ) hiṇḍate- (only imperfect tense ahiṇḍanta-and perfect tense jihiṇḍe-), to go, move, wander or roam about (see ā--and parihiṇḍ-) ; to disregard, slight  |
hiṇḍaka | m. equals nāḍī-taraṃga- (see rata-h-)  |
hiṇḍana | n. (only ) wandering, roaming  |
hiṇḍana | n. sexual intercourse  |
hiṇḍana | n. writing.  |
hiṇḍi | (prob.) f. equals -rātrau rakṣā-cāra-  |
hiṇḍī | f. Name of durgā-.  |
hiṇḍika | m. an astrologer  |
hiṇḍīkānta | m. "beloved by durgā-", Name of śiva-  |
hiṇḍīpriyatama | m. "beloved by durgā-", Name of śiva-  |
hiṇḍira | m. equals hiṇḍīra-  |
hiṇḍīra | m. cuttle-fish bone (supposed to be the congealed foam of the sea equals samudra-phena-)  |
hiṇḍīra | m. a man, male  |
hiṇḍīra | m. a tonic or stomachic (equals rucaka-)  |
hiṇḍīra | m. Solanum Melongena.  |
hiṇḍīra | n. the pomegranate  |
hindola | m. (orf(ā-).) a swing, swinging cradle or hammock  |
hindola | m. an ornamental swing or litter in which figures of kṛṣṇa- are carried during the Swing-festival in the light half of the month śrāvaṇa- (see )  |
hindola | m. (in music) a particular rāga-  |
hindolaka | m. a swing  |
hindolaya | Nom. P. yati-, to swing, rock about (see andolaya-)  |
hindolī | f. a particular rāgiṇī-  |
hindu | m. (fr. the Persian $) a Hindu (more properly Hindo) .  |
hindudharma | m. the Hindu religion  |
hiṇḍuka | m. Name of śiva-  |
hindusthāna | n. the country of the Hindus, Hindustan (properly restricted to the upper provinces between Benares and the Sutlej)  |
hiṅga | m. plural Name of a people  |
hiṅgalācī | f. Name of a yakṣiṇī-  |
hiṅgolāṣṭaka | n. Name of work |
hiṅgu | m. Ferula Asa Foetida  |
hiṅgu | n. a fluid or resinous substance prepared from the roots of the Asa Foitida (used as a medicine or for seasoning)  |
hiṅgudī | f. Solanum Melongena  |
hiṅgūjjvalā | f. a kind of perfume  |
hiṅguka | m. the Asa Foetida plant  |
hiṅgula | m. n. a preparation of mercury with sulphur, vermilion  |
hiṅgulā | f. See below  |
hiṅgulā | f. Name of a country  |
hiṅgulā | f. of the tutelary deity of the dadhi-parṇa-s  |
hiṅgūla | m. a kind of plant (varia lectio hijjala-)  |
hiṅgūla | n. the edible root of Amorphophallus Campanulatus  |
hiṅgulājā | f. Name of a goddess  |
hiṅgulaka | n. (prob.) vermilion, cinnabar  |
hiṅgulī | f. Solanum Melongena or some other species  |
hiṅguli | m. vermilion  |
hiṅgulikā | f. (ikā-) Solanum Jacquini  |
hiṅgulu | mn. ( ) idem or 'm. vermilion '  |
hiṅgulu | f. Solanum Melongena  |
hiṅguluka | mn. ( ) idem or 'f. Solanum Melongena '  |
hiṅgunāḍikā | f. the resin of Gardenia Gummifera (see nāḍī-hiṅgu-)  |
hiṅguniryāsa | m. the fluid extracted from Asa Foetida (See above)  |
hiṅguniryāsa | m. the Nimba tree  |
hiṅguparṇī | f. Gasdenia Gummifera  |
hiṅgupattra | m. the iṅgudī- tree  |
hiṅgupattra | n. the leaf of the Asa Foitida  |
hiṅgupattrī | f. equals -parṇī-  |
hiṅgurāta | m. Name of a man  |
hiṅguśirāṭikā | (prob. wrong reading) f. a particular plant (= vaṃśa-pattrī-)  |
hiṅguśivāṭikā | f. a particular plant (= vaṃśa-pattrī-)  |
hiñjīra | m. a rope or chain for fastening an elephant's foot  |
hiṅkāra | m. the sound or cry hiṅ- (used also in ritual) ; a tiger (as making a lowing or roaring sound) - kṛ- P. -karoti- (ind.p. -kṛśya-; past participle -krita-), to make the sound hiṅ-  |
hiṅkartṛ | m. one who makes the sound hin-  |
hiṅkriyā | f. making the sound hiṅ-, a lowing cry  |
hintāla | m. the marshy date tree, Phoenix or Elate Paludosa (see tāla-and bṛhat-tāla-)  |
hinv | hinv/a-, hinvān/a- See 1. hi-.  |
hinva | m. "Inciter", Name of indra-'s father (prīṇayitri- )  |
hinvāna | See root, column 2.  |
hinvidhenāman | mfn. (of unknown meaning)  |
hira | m. a band, strip, fillet (equals mekhalā- Scholiast or Commentator)  |
hirā | f. See next.  |
hirakut | See h/iruk-, p.1300.  |
hirakut | ind. (diminutive fr. hiruk-) ,  |
hiramya | n. (a word formed for explaining h/iraṇya-)  |
hiraṇa | n. (equals h/iraṇya-) gold  |
hiraṇa | n. semen  |
hiraṇa | n. a cowry  |
hiraṅgu | m. Name of rāhu- (the personified ascending node)  |
hiraṇin | mfn. (prob. for hiraṇy/in-) golden, adorned with gold  |
hiraṇmaya | mf(ī-)n. (for hiraṇya-maya-) golden, gold-coloured etc.  |
hiraṇmaya | m. Name of brahmā-. (See hiraṇya-garbha-)  |
hiraṇmaya | m. of a ṛṣi-  |
hiraṇmaya | m. of a son of agnīdhra- and ruler of a varṣa-  |
hiraṇmaya | mn. one of the 9 varṣa-s or divisions of the continent (said to be between the mountainous ranges śveta- and śṛṅga-vat-;See varsha-and śveta-)  |
hiraṇvat | m. (for hiraṇya-vat-) Name of a son of āgnīdhra-  |
hiraṇvatī | f. Name of various rivers  |
hiraṇya | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).;prob. connected with hari-, harit-, hiri-) gold (originally "uncoined gold or other precious metal";in later language "coined gold"-or"money") etc.  |
hiraṇya | n. any vessel or ornament made of gold (as"a golden spoon" )  |
hiraṇya | n. a gold piece or coin (generally with suv/arṇa-as opp. to base metal)  |
hiraṇya | n. a cowry  |
hiraṇya | n. semen virile  |
hiraṇya | n. substance, imperishable matter  |
hiraṇya | n. a particular measure  |
hiraṇya | n. the Datura or thorn apple  |
hiraṇya | n. Name of a varṣa- (equals hiraṇ-maya-)  |
hiraṇya | m. a kind of bdellium  |
hiraṇya | m. Name of a, daitya-  |
hiraṇya | m. of a son of agnīdhra- (equals hiraṇ-maya- q.v)  |
hiraṇya | m. of a king of kaśmīra-  |
hiraṇyā | f. one of the seven tongues of fire  |
hiraṇya | mfn. golden, made of gold  |
hiraṇyabāhu | mfn. (h/iraṇya--) golden-armed  |
hiraṇyabāhu | m. Name of śiva-  |
hiraṇyabāhu | m. the river śoṇa- (varia lectio -vāha-)  |
hiraṇyabāhu | m. Name of a serpent-demon  |
hiraṇyabāhu | m. of a man  |
hiraṇyabandhana | (h/iraṇya-.) mf(ā-)n. having golden bands (said of the cordage of a ship)  |
hiraṇyābhīśu | mfn. having golden reins  |
hiraṇyabindu | m. fire  |
hiraṇyabindu | m. Name of a mountain  |
hiraṇyabindu | m. of a tīrtha- (also -bindos tīrtham-)  |
hiraṇyābja | n. a golden lotus  |
hiraṇyacakra | (hiraṇya-) mfn. golden-wheeled  |
hiraṇyada | mfn. yielding gold  |
hiraṇyada | m. the ocean  |
hiraṇyadā | f. the earth  |
hiraṇyada | m. Name of a river  |
hiraṇyadā | mfn. equals -da-  |
hiraṇyadakṣiṇa | mfn. having a fee or wage of gold  |
hiraṇyadaṃṣṭra | mfn. having golden teeth  |
hiraṇyadāna | n. the granting of golden  |
hiraṇyadāna | n. Name of work  |
hiraṇyadanta | mfn. equals -dat-  |
hiraṇyadat | mfn. (hiraṇya--) having golden teeth  |
hiraṇyadat | m. Name of a baida-  |
hiraṇyadatta | m. Name of various men  |
hiraṇyadevīsūkta | n. Name of work  |
hiraṇyadhanus | m. "golden-bowed", Name of a king  |
hiraṇyadrāpi | (h/iraṇya--) mfn. wearing a golden mantle  |
hiraṇyadyū | mfn. playing for gold or money ,  |
hiraṇyagadā | f. a golden club  |
hiraṇyagadādāna | n. Name of work  |
hiraṇyagarbha | m. a golden fetus  |
hiraṇyagarbha | m. Name of brahmā- (so called as born from a golden egg formed out of the seed deposited in the waters when they were produced as the first creation of the Self-existent;according to ,this seed became a golden egg, resplendent as the sun, in which the Self-existent brahma- was born as brahmā- the Creator, who is therefore regarded as a manifestation of the Self-existent ) etc. (see )  |
hiraṇyagarbha | m. Name of the author of the hymn ṛgveda- (having the patronymic prājāpatya-)  |
hiraṇyagarbha | m. of a vedānta- teacher  |
hiraṇyagarbha | m. of various other persons  |
hiraṇyagarbha | m. of viṣṇu-  |
hiraṇyagarbha | m. of a flamingo  |
hiraṇyagarbha | m. (in philosophy) the soul invested with the sūkṣma-śarīra- or subtle body (equals sūtrātman-, prāṇātman-)  |
hiraṇyagarbhā | f. Name of a river  |
hiraṇyagarbha | n. (prob.) Name of a liṅga-  |
hiraṇyagarbha | mfn. relating to hiraṇya-garbha- or brahmā-.  |
hiraṇyagarbhadāna | n. Name of work  |
hiraṇyagarbhadānaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
hiraṇyagarbhadānavidhi | m. Name of work  |
hiraṇyagarbhahṛdaya | n. Name of work  |
hiraṇyagarbhasaṃhitā | f. Name of work (or bha-parāśara-saṃhitā-)  |
hiraṇyagarbhatantra | n. Name of work  |
hiraṇyagarbhavatī | f. (-garbh/a--) a verse containing the word hiraṇya-garbha- |
hiraṇyagarbhavidhi | m. Name of the 12th pariśiṣṭa- of the atharvaveda-  |
hiraṇyagupta | m. Name of various men  |
hiraṇyahasta | mfn. (h/iraṇya--) olden-handed  |
hiraṇyahasta | m. Name of savitṛ-  |
hiraṇyahasta | m. of a man  |
hiraṇyaheman | n. gold  |
hiraṇyajā | mfn. sprung from golden, golden  |
hiraṇyajihva | (h/iraṇya-.) mfn. golden-tongued  |
hiraṇyajit | mfn. gaining gold  |
hiraṇyajyotis | n. splendour of golden  |
hiraṇyajyotis | mfn. having golden splendour  |
hiraṇyaka | m. eagerness for gold  |
hiraṇyaka | m. Name of a king of the mice  |
hiraṇyakakṣa | ( ) ( ) mfn. wearing a golden girdle.  |
hiraṇyakakṣya | ( ) mfn. wearing a golden girdle.  |
hiraṇyakāmadhenu | f. a golden figure representing the kāma-dhenu- (one of the 16 mahā-dāna-s;See mahā-dāna-, tulā-puruṣa-), cit-.  |
hiraṇyakāmadhenudāna | n. Name of work  |
hiraṇyakāmadhenudānaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
hiraṇyakaṇṭha | mfn. golden-necked  |
hiraṇyakāra | m. a gold. smith  |
hiraṇyakarṇa | (h/iraṇya--.) mfn. wearing gold in the ear  |
hiraṇyakartṛ | m. a goldsmith  |
hiraṇyakaśipu | m. a golden cushion or seat or clothing  |
hiraṇyakaśipu | mfn. having a golden cushion or clothing  |
hiraṇyakaśipu | m. Name of a daitya- king noted for impiety (he was son of kaśyapa- and diti-, and had obtained a boon from brahmā- that he should not be slain by either god or man or animal; hence he became all-powerful; when, however, his pious son prahlāda- praised viṣṇu-, that god appeared out of a pillar in the form nara-siṃha-,"half man, half lion" , and tore hiraṇya-kaśipu- to pieces; this was viṣṇu-'s fourth avatāra-;See pra-hlāda-, nara-siṃha-) (see )  |
hiraṇyakaśipucchedin | ( ) m. Name of viṣṇu-.  |
hiraṇyakaśipudāraṇa | ( ) m. Name of viṣṇu-.  |
hiraṇyakaśipuhan | ( ) m. Name of viṣṇu-.  |
hiraṇyakavaca | mfn. having golden armour (said of śiva-)  |
hiraṇyakavacodbhava | m. Name of śiva-  |
hiraṇyakeśa | mf(ī-)n. (h/iraṇya--) gold-haired, gold maned  |
hiraṇyakeśa | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
hiraṇyakeśa | m. plural a particular school.  |
hiraṇyakeśī | f. (scilicet śākhā-) idem or 'm. plural a particular school. ' ,  |
hiraṇyakeśikārikā | f. Name of work  |
hiraṇyakeśin | m. Name of the author of certain sūtra-s  |
hiraṇyakeśiśrautasūtra | n. Name of work  |
hiraṇyakeśisūtra | n. Name of work  |
hiraṇyakeśisūtravyākhyāna | n. Name of work  |
hiraṇyakeśya | (hīraṇya-) mfn. golden-haired, golden-maned  |
hiraṇyakeśyāgnyādhānapaddhati | f. N of work  |
hiraṇyakeśyāhnika | n. Name of work  |
hiraṇyaketu | m. Name of an author,  |
hiraṇyakhādi | mfn. wearing golden brooches  |
hiraṇyakośa | m. wrought and unwrought gold and silver (?)  |
hiraṇyakṛṣṇala | n. a small piece of gold  |
hiraṇyakṛt | mfn. making or bringing forth gold (said of agni-)  |
hiraṇyakṛtacūḍa | mfn. one whose tuft of hair is golden (said of śiva-) ,  |
hiraṇyākṣa | mfn. golden-eyed  |
hiraṇyākṣa | m. Name of a noted daitya- (twin brother of hiraṇya-kaśipu-, and killed by viṣṇu-, in his third or varṣa- avatāra-) ( )  |
hiraṇyākṣa | m. Name of savitṛ-  |
hiraṇyākṣa | m. of a ṛṣi- and various other men etc.  |
hiraṇyākṣa | m. of a place  |
hiraṇyākṣa | m. plural Name of a family  |
hiraṇyākṣahara | m. Name of viṣṇu-. ( )  |
hiraṇyākṣaripu | m. Name of viṣṇu-. ( )  |
hiraṇyakubja | m. Name of a man  |
hiraṇyakukṣi | mfn. golden-bellied  |
hiraṇyakula | m. Name of a king  |
hiraṇyalakṣmīsūkta | n. Name of work  |
hiraṇyaloman | m. Name of a ṛṣi- in the 5th manv-antara-  |
hiraṇyamālin | mfn. having a golden garland  |
hiraṇyamaya | mf(ī-)n. made of golden  |
hiraṇyamūrdhan | (hiraṇya--) mf(dhnī-)n. golden-headed  |
hiraṇyanābha | m. "having a golden navel", Name of viṣṇu-  |
hiraṇyanābha | m. of various men etc.  |
hiraṇyanābha | m. of the mountain maināka-  |
hiraṇyanābha | n. a building having three halls (viz. towards the east, west, and south)  |
hiraṇyanemi | mfn. having golden fellies or wheels  |
hiraṇyāṅga | m. Name of a ṛṣi-  |
hiraṇyāṅga | m. plural his family  |
hiraṇyanidhi | m. a golden treasure  |
hiraṇyanikāṣam | ind. rubbing in or mixing gold  |
hiraṇyanirṇij | (h/iraṇya--.) mfn. adorned with golden, bright as golden  |
hiraṇyapakṣa | (h/iraṇya--) mfn. golden-winged  |
hiraṇyapāṇi | mfn. (h/iraṇya--) golden-handed  |
hiraṇyapāṇi | mfn. golden-hoofed  |
hiraṇyapāṇi | m. Name of various men  |
hiraṇyaparṇa | (h/iraṇya--), golden -winged  |
hiraṇyaparṇa | gold leafed  |
hiraṇyaparvata | m. Name of a mountain  |
hiraṇyapati | m. a lord of golden  |
hiraṇyapātra | n. a golden vessel  |
hiraṇyapāva | mfn. purifying with golden , ( )  |
hiraṇyapeśas | (h/iraṇya-.) mfn. adorned with golden, having golden lustre  |
hiraṇyapiṇḍa | m. a lump of golden  |
hiraṇyaprākārā | f. having a golden rampart  |
hiraṇyapratipūrṇa | mfn. full of golden  |
hiraṇyaprauga | (h/iraṇya--) mfn. having a golden fore-part (said of a chariot-pole)  |
hiraṇyapura | n. Name of an asura- town floating in the air or situated beyond the ocean etc.  |
hiraṇyapura | n. of a town in kāśmīra-  |
hiraṇyapuruṣa | m. the figure of a man made of golden  |
hiraṇyapuṣpi | m. Name of a man  |
hiraṇyapuṣpī | f. a kind of plant  |
hiraṇyaraśana | mfn. having a golden girdle  |
hiraṇyaratha | m. a chariot full of golden  |
hiraṇyaratha | m. a chariot made of go  |
hiraṇyaratha | mfn. riding in a golden chariot  |
hiraṇyaratha | m. Name of a king  |
hiraṇyaretas | mfn. having golden seed  |
hiraṇyaretas | m. Name of agni- or fire etc.  |
hiraṇyaretas | m. of the sun  |
hiraṇyaretas | m. of śiva-  |
hiraṇyaretas | m. of one of the 12 āditya-s  |
hiraṇyaretas | m. of various men  |
hiraṇyaretas | m. a kind of plant (equals citraka-)  |
hiraṇyaretasa | m. Name of a man  |
hiraṇyaretasa | m. plural his family  |
hiraṇyaroman | m. "golden-haired", Name of a loka-pāla- (son of marīci-)  |
hiraṇyaroman | m. of bhīṣmaka-  |
hiraṇyaroman | m. of a son of parjanya-  |
hiraṇyaroman | m. of various ṛṣi-s  |
hiraṇyarūpa | (hīraṇya--) mfn. golden-shaped, gold-like  |
hiraṇyaśakala | m. a small piece of gold  |
hiraṇyaśakla | varia lectio for -śalk/a-  |
hiraṇyaśalka | m. a fragment of gold  |
hiraṇyasaṃdṛś | (h/iraṇya--) mfn. idem or '(h/iraṇya--.) mfn. resembling gold, shining like gold '  |
hiraṇyasaṃkāśa | (h/iraṇya--.) mfn. resembling gold, shining like gold  |
hiraṇyaśamya | (h/iraṇya--) mfn. having golden pegs  |
hiraṇyasaras | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
hiraṇyaśarīra | mfn. having a golden body  |
hiraṇyaśipra | (h/iraṇya--) mfn. having a golden helmet (or visor)  |
hiraṇyaśīrṣan | mf(ṣṇī-)n. golden-headed  |
hiraṇyaśmaśru | mfn. golden-bearded  |
hiraṇyaśrāddha | n. Name of work  |
hiraṇyasraj | f. a golden garland or ring or chain  |
hiraṇyasraj | mfn. having a golden garland or chain  |
hiraṇyaśṛṅga | mfn. (h/iraṇya--) golden-horned  |
hiraṇyaśṛṅga | m. Name of a mountain  |
hiraṇyasthāla | n. a golden bowl  |
hiraṇyaṣṭhīva | m. Name of a mountain  |
hiraṇyaṣṭhīvin | mfn. vomiting gold (said of a bird)  |
hiraṇyastūpa | m. (h/iraṇya--) Name of an āṅgirasa- (author of )  |
hiraṇyastūpa | m. plural Name of a family  |
hiraṇyastuti | f. a particular hymn.  |
hiraṇyāśva | m. the image of a horse made of gold (one of the 16 mahā-dāna-s q.v)  |
hiraṇyāśvadāna | n. Name of work  |
hiraṇyāśvaratha | m. a horse and chariot made of gold (one of the 16 mahā-dāna-s q.v)  |
hiraṇyatejas | n. equals -jyot/is-  |
hiraṇyatuṣa | m. equals -śakala- , (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
hiraṇyatvac | (h/iraṇya--.) mfn. having a golden covering, coated with gold  |
hiraṇyatvaca | mfn. having skin bright as gold  |
hiraṇyatvacas | (h/iraṇya--) mfn. having a golden skin, (or) having a golden caparison  |
hiraṇyava | m. the property of a god or of a temple (= deva-sva-)  |
hiraṇyava | m. golden ornament (see s/uand a-h- additions)  |
hiraṇyavāha | m. "bearing gold", Name of the river śoṇa- (see -bāhu-)  |
hiraṇyavāha | m. of śiva-  |
hiraṇyavakṣas | (hīraṇya--) mfn. golden-breasted, holding gold (as the earth)  |
hiraṇyavandhura | (hiraṇya--.) mfn. having a golden seat or frame with golden lustre, ,  |
hiraṇyavarman | m. "having golden armour", Name of a king  |
hiraṇyavarṇa | mf(ā-)n. (hiraṇya--.) golden-coloured, golden-like etc.  |
hiraṇyavarṇa | mf(ā-)n. containing the word hiraṇya-varṇa- (as a verse) |
hiraṇyavarṇā | f. a river  |
hiraṇyavarṇīya | mfn. beginning with hiraṇya-varṇa-  |
hiraṇyavarṣa | m. Name of a man  |
hiraṇyavartani | (h/iraṇya--) mfn. having a golden path  |
hiraṇyavāśī | mfn. (h/iraṇya--) wielding a gold axe or knife  |
hiraṇyavāśīmat | mfn. idem or 'mfn. (h/iraṇya--) wielding a gold axe or knife ' (only superl. -tama-,"most skilful wielder of the golden knife")  |
hiraṇyavat | mfn. (h/iraṇya--) possessing gold  |
hiraṇyavat | mfn. consisting of gold  |
hiraṇyavat | mfn. connected with gold  |
hiraṇyavat | m. Name of agni-  |
hiraṇyavat | n. the possession of gold  |
hiraṇyavatī | f. (atī-) Name of ujjayinī- in the third age  |
hiraṇyavatī | f. of a river  |
hiraṇyavatī | f. of various women  |
hiraṇyavī | mfn. covered with gold  |
hiraṇyavid | mfn. Possessing or granting gold  |
hiraṇyavimita | n. a golden palace  |
hiraṇyavīrya | mfn. having golden seed (fire)  |
hiraṇyavṛṣabha | m. a small golden bull  |
hiraṇyavṛṣabhadāna | n. Name of work  |
hiraṇyavṛṣabhadānaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
hiraṇyaya | mf(ī-)n. golden, abounding in gold (hiraṇyay/ā-,instr f. )  |
hiraṇyayā | f. desire for gold (only hiraṇyay/ā- instrumental case)  |
hiraṇyayaṣṭi | f. a golden tree  |
hiraṇyayoni | mfn. having a golden womb  |
hiraṇyayu | mfn. desiring gold  |
hiraṇyeśaya | mfn. (id est locative case of hiraṇya-+ ś-) lying or reposing in gold.  |
hiraṇyeṣṭakā | f. a golden brick  |
hiraṇyin | mfn. abounding in gold gaRa prīkṣādi-  |
hiraṇyinī | f. a gold-mine, region abounding in gold gaRa puṣkarādi-.  |
hiri | mfn. (equals hari-,"yellow, golden") in the following words:  |
hirīmaśa | mfn. golden-bearded ( )  |
hirīmat | mfn. "tawny-horsed" (equals hari-vat-)  |
hiriśipra | mfn. "golden-cheeked"or"having a golden visor"(applied to agni- and indra-) (equals haraṇa-śīla-hanu-,"one whose jaws carry away or seize", or equals dīptoṣṇīṣa-,"having a bright head-dress" )  |
hiriśmaśru | (h/iri--.) mfn. golden-bearded (said of agni-)  |
hirivera | n. equals hrivera- (q.v)  |
hirodaka | n. blood |
hiru | or hruka- m. Name of a man  |
hiruk | ind. (see huruk-) off, away, out of sight of(ablative) |
hiruk | ind. aside, apart, without |
hiruk | ind. in the midst of, amongst |
hiruk | ind. near |
hiruk | ind. below |
hiṣk | varia lectio for hikk- and kiṣk-.  |
hiṣkā | wrong reading for hikkā-.  |
hiṭ | varia lectio for biṭ- (q.v)  |
hita | mfn. (for 2.See) sent, impelled, urged on, set in motion etc.  |
hita | mfn. going, running, speeding |
hita | mf(/ā-)n. (past participle of1. dhā- see dhita-;for 1. hita-See) put, placed, set, laid, laid upon, imposed, lying or situated or contained in (locative case)  |
hita | mf(/ā-)n. set up, established, fixed (as a prize)  |
hita | mf(/ā-)n. planned, arranged (as a race or contest)  |
hita | mf(/ā-)n. prepared, made ready  |
hita | mf(/ā-)n. held, taken  |
hita | mf(/ā-)n. assigned to, destined for (dative case or genitive case)  |
hita | mf(/ā-)n. reckoned among (locative case )  |
hita | mf(/ā-)n. constituted or appointed as (Nominal verb)  |
hita | mf(/ā-)n. given (as a name)  |
hita | mf(/ā-)n. beneficial, advantageous, salutary, wholesome, suitable, agreeing with (of ten, said of diet, regimen, medicines etc.), convenient, suitable, fit, agreeable to or for (dative case genitive case locative case,or compound) etc. etc.  |
hita | mf(/ā-)n. well-disposed, favourable, friendly, affectionate, kind etc.  |
hita | m. a friend, benefactor  |
hitā | f. a causeway, dike (See hitā-bhaṅga-)  |
hita | m. plural Name of particular veins or arteries  |
hita | n. (sg. or plural) anything useful or salutary or suitable or proper, benefit, advantage, profit, service, good, welfare, good advice etc.  |
hitābhaṅga | m. the breaking of a dike (varia lectio iḍā-bh-)  |
hitabuddhi | f. friendly intention (dhyā-,"with friendly intention")  |
hitabuddhi | mfn. friendly minded, well-disposed  |
hitādhāyin | mfn. equals hita-kara- ( hitādhāyitā yi-tā- f.)  |
hitādhāyitā | f. hitādhāyin |
hitaharivaṃśa | m. = hari-vaṃśa-gosv-  |
hitaharivaṃśagosvāmin | m. = hari-vaṃśa-gosv-  |
hitahita | m. Name of a man  |
hitāhita | mfn. good and (or) evil, beneficial and (or) disadvantageous  |
hitāhitā | f. plural Name of particular veins  |
hitāhita | n. sg. advantage and (or) disadvantage  |
hitāhitīya | mfn. treating of what is beneficial and disadvantageous  |
hitaiṣin | mfn. well-wishing, desiring another's welfare ( hitaiṣitā ṣi-tā- f.)  |
hitaiṣitā | f. hitaiṣin |
hitaka | m. a child, the young of any animal  |
hitakāma | mfn. wishing well to, desirous of benefiting  |
hitakāmyā | f. (only in instrumental case) desire for another's (genitive case) welfare  |
hitakara | mfn. doing a service, furthering the interests of (genitive case), favourable, useful, a benefactor  |
hitakāraka | mfn. equals -kara-  |
hitakārin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. equals -kara- ' ( hitakāritā ri-tā-, f.; hitakāritva ri-tva- n.)  |
hitakāritā | f. hitakārin |
hitakāritva | n. hitakārin |
hitakṛt | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. equals -kara- ' ( hitakāritā ri-tā-, f.; hitakāritva ri-tva- n.) '  |
hitalālaśarman | (miśra-hita-l-) m. Name of an author  |
hitamitra | m. a benevolent friend  |
hitamitra | mfn. having benevolent friends  |
hitanāman | m. Name of a man vArttika  |
hitānubandhin | mfn. having welfare as a consequence, having salutary consequence  |
hitānukārin | mfn. acting conformably to what is right or kind  |
hitānveṣṇa | mfn. seeking the welfare of another (genitive case)  |
hitapathya | mf(ā-)n. useful and salutary  |
hitapathya | mf(ā-)n. equals hitā- (id est prāptā-) pathā- (i.e harītakī-) yena-  |
hitapraṇī | m. "executing what is advantageous", a spy  |
hitapravṛtta | mfn. intent on the welfare of (locative case)  |
hitaprayas | (hit/a--) mfn. one who has offered an oblation of food or for whom an oblation has been offered  |
hitaprepsu | mfn. equals -kāma-  |
hitārtham | (R) ( ) ind. for the sake of another's welfare,  |
hitārthāya | ( ) ind. for the sake of another's welfare,  |
hitārthin | mfn. seeking or desiring one's (own) or another's welfare or advantage  |
hitāśaṃsā | f. wishing well, congratulation  |
hitasutra | n. Name of work  |
hitāśva | m. Name of a man  |
hitātman | mfn. quite intent upon the welfare of (compound) |
hitavacana | n. friendly advice, good counsel  |
hitavādin | mfn. speaking good counsel or friendly advice, a friendly counsellor or adviser,  |
hitavākya | n. equals -vacana-  |
hitavākyasūtra | n. Name of work  |
hitāvalī | f. a particular drug  |
hitavat | mfn. favourable, useful  |
hitāvat | mfn. one who has put away or hidden his property  |
hitāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to avail, be of use or advantage  |
hitechā | f. wishing well, good-will, good wishes  |
hiti | f. sending, errand, direction (See asm/e--and dev/a-h-).  |
hiti | h/it-van- See .  |
hitokti | f. kind or good advice  |
hitopadeśa | m. friendly advice, salutary instruction  |
hitopadeśa | m. Name of a popular collection of fables intermixed with didactic sentences and moral precepts (compiled by nārāyaṇa-, and supposed to be narrated by a brahman- named viṣṇu-śarman- to some young princes; it is chiefly founded on the pañca-tantra- q.v)  |
hitopadeśa | m. Name of two works on medicine.  |
hitopadeṣṭṛ | mfn. instructing on what is salutary, a friendly instructor, kind adviser  |
hitvā | ind. having left or abandoned etc.  |
hitvā | ind. letting alone, slighting, disregarding  |
hitvā | ind. excepting, with the exception of (accusative)  |
hitvan | mfn. speedy, swift  |
hitvāya | hitv/ī- See 3. hā-.  |
hivuka | See hibuka-, .  |
hiyāna | See root, column 2.  |
abadhira | mfn. not deaf.  |
abādhita | mfn. unimpeded, unobstructed  |
abādhita | mfn. unrefuted  |
abādhita | mfn. not forbidden commentator or commentary on  |
abahir | ind. "not outside", in the interior, in one's heart  |
abahirdhā | (/a-bahir--) ind. not outside  |
abahirvāsas | mfn. without an upper garment  |
ābarhin | mfn. fit for tearing out  |
ābarhita | mfn. torn out  |
abdhi | m. ( dhā-), a pond, lake  |
abdhi | m. the ocean  |
abdhi | m. (hence) the numeral 4.  |
abdhidvīpā | f. earth  |
abdhija | mfn. born in the ocean  |
abdhijā | f. spirituous liquor  |
abdhijau | m. dual number the aśvin-s  |
abdhijhaṣa | m. a sea-fish.  |
abdhijīvin | m. a fisherman  |
abdhikanyā | f. patronymic of lakṣmī-,  |
abdhikapha | m. cuttle fish bone, being considered as the froth of the sea.  |
abdhimaṇḍūkī | f. the pearl oyster.  |
abdhimathana | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a work in Apabhran6s3a  |
abdhinagarī | f. Name of dvārakā-, the capital of kṛṣṇa-.  |
abdhinavanītaka | m. the moon.  |
abdhiphena | m. cuttle fish bone.  |
abdhisāra | m. a gem.  |
abdhiśayana | m. "sleeping on the ocean (at the periods of the destruction and renovation of the world)", Name of viṣṇu-.  |
abdhitanaya | m. dual number the aśvin-s  |
abdhitanaya | m. dual number the two aśvin-s,  |
abdhivastrā | f. the earth,  |
abhi | mfn. fearless,  |
abhi | ind. (a prefix to verbs and nouns, expressing) to, towards, into, over, upon. (As a prefix to verbs of motion) it expresses the notion or going towards, approaching, etc. (As a prefix to nouns not derived from verbs) it expresses superiority, intensity, etc.  |
abhi | ind. exempli gratia, 'for example' abhi-tāmra-, abhi-nava- q.v (As a separate adverb or preposition) it expresses (with accusative) to, towards, in the direction of, against  |
abhi | ind. into and  |
abhi | ind. for, for the sake of  |
abhi | ind. on account of  |
abhi | ind. on, upon, with regard to, by, before, in front of  |
abhi | ind. over. It may even express one after the other, severally exempli gratia, 'for example' vṛkṣaṃ vṛkṣam abhi-, tree after tree ([ confer, compare Greek ; Latin ob; Zendaibi,aiwi; Gothic bi; Old High German bi1]).  |
abhibādh | -bādhate-, to check, stop ; to attack (in battle) ; to cause pain, afflict  |
abhibādhitṛ | mfn. causing pain  |
abhibādhitṛ | mfn. (varia lectio adhi-bādhitṛ-.)  |
abhibala | n. (in dramatic language) overreaching or deceiving anybody by disguise  |
abhibhā | to glitter (around), be bright, appear  |
abhibhā | f. "apparition, phenomenon", inauspicious omen  |
abhibhā | f. (with ) act of overpowering, superiority  |
abhibhaj | to turn or flee towards (accusative)  |
abhibhaṅga | mfn. breaking down, destroying  |
abhibhañj | (parasmE-pada genitive case plural f. -bhañjatīn/ām-) to break down, destroy  |
abhibhāra | See abhi-bhṛ-.  |
abhibhāra | mfn. very heavy  |
abhibhartṛ | ind. towards the husband  |
abhibhartṛ | ind. before (id est in presence of) the husband  |
abhibharts | (ind.p. -bhartsya-) to scold, threaten so as to terrify ; to deride, ridicule  |
abhibhāṣ | to address, speak to (accusative) etc. ; converse with (instrumental case) etc. ; to utter, say (abhibhāṣante-,"people use to say" ) ; to confess  |
abhibhāṣaṇa | n. the act of addressing or speaking to  |
abhibhāṣin | mfn. addressing, speaking to.  |
abhibhāṣita | mfn. addressed, spoken to.  |
abhibhāṣita | n. plural word,  |
abhibhāṣya | mfn. to be addressed.  |
abhibhāṣyamāṇa | mfn. being addressed.  |
abhibhava | See 1. abhi-bhū- below.  |
abhibhava | mfn. overpowering, powerful |
abhibhava | m. prevailing, overpowering, predominance  |
abhibhava | m. defeat, subjugation under (instrumental case or ablative,or in compound)  |
abhibhava | m. disregard, disrespect  |
abhibhava | m. humiliation, mortification.  |
abhibhāvaka | mfn. overpowering, surpassing commentator or commentary on  |
abhibhavana | n. overpowering  |
abhibhavana | n. the state of being overpowered  |
abhibhāvana | n. causing to overcome, making victorious  |
abhibhavanīya | mfn. to be overcome.  |
abhibhāvin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') overpowering  |
abhibhāvuka | mfn. equals abhi-bhāvaka-  |
abhibhāyatana | n. "abode of superiority", Name of the eight sources of superiority with Buddhists  |
abhibhṛ | (subjunctive -bh/arāti-) to lay or throw upon (as a fault or blame)  |
abhibhū | to overcome, overpower, predominate, conquer, surpass, overspread ; to attack, defeat, humiliate ; to approach, come near to (accusative) ; to be victorious or prospering in (locative case)  |
abhibhu | or 2.  |
abhibhū | mfn. one who surpasses, a superior (with or without accusative)  |
abhibhū | mfn. (Compar. abhibh/ūtara- )  |
abhibhu | m. Name of a month  |
abhibhū | m. (/ūs-) Name of a die  |
abhibhū | m. of a prince of the nāga-s  |
abhibhuj | P. to be useful to (accusative)  |
abhibhūṣ | to adorn,  |
abhibhūta | mfn. surpassed, defeated, subdued, humbled  |
abhibhūta | mfn. overcome, aggrieved, injured.  |
abhibhūti | f. superior power, overpowering  |
abhibhūti | f. disrespect, humiliation  |
abhibhūti | a particular ekāha-,  |
abhibhūti | mfn. overpowering, superior  |
abhibhūtyojas | (6) mfn. having superior power  |
abhibhūvan | mf(varī-)n. superior, victorious over  |
abhibhūya | n. superiority  |
abhibuddhi | f. (in sāṃkhya- philosophy) Name of a function of the intellect (comprising adhyavasāya-, abhimāna-, icchā-, kartavyatā-,and kriyā-).  |
abhicaidyam | ind. against the prince of the cedi-s (id est śiśupāla-)  |
abhicākaś | See abhi-kāś-.  |
abhicakṣ | -caṣṭe- (2. sg. -cakṣase- ; Vedic or Veda infinitive mood -cakṣase- ) to look at, view, perceive ; to cast a kind or gracious look upon any one ; to address ; to assail with harsh language ; to call  |
abhicakṣaṇa | n. conjuring, incantation  |
abhicakṣaṇā | f. (in augury or astronomy) observation (of the sky)  |
abhicakṣya | mfn. manifest  |
abhicar | (Vedic or Veda infinitive mood abh/i-carita-v/ai- abhi-caritos- ; see ) to act wrongly towards any one ; to be faithless (as a wife) ; to charm, enchant, bewitch (subjunctive 2. plural -caratābh/i-) etc. ; pūrvābhicaritā- (f. perf. Pass. p.) equals pūrva-dig-gā-minī-  |
abhicara | m. a servant  |
abhicāra | m. exorcising, incantation, employment of spells for a malevolent purpose  |
abhicāra | m. magic (one of the upapātaka-s or minor crimes).  |
abhicārahoma | m. a sacrifice for the same purpose.  |
abhicārajvara | m. a fever caused by magical spells.  |
abhicāraka | mf(ikā-)n. enchanting, exorcising, conjuring  |
abhicāraka | mf(ikā-)n. a conjurer, a magician.  |
abhicārakalpa | m. Name of work on incantations (belonging to the atharva-- veda-).  |
abhicāramantra | m. a formula or prayer for working a charm, an incantation.  |
abhicaraṇa | n. spell, incantation (see sā- bhicaraṇika-)  |
ābhicaraṇika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. abhicaraṇa-), maledictory, imprecatory, serving for incantation or cursing or enchantment  |
abhicaraṇīya | mfn. fit for enchanting or exorcising etc.  |
abhicaraṇīya | mfn. (negative an--) commentator or commentary on  |
abhicāraṇīya | mfn. to be enchanted  |
abhicārayajña | m. a sacrifice for the same purpose.  |
ābhicārika | mf(ī-)n. idem or 'mf(ī-)n. (fr. abhicaraṇa-), maledictory, imprecatory, serving for incantation or cursing or enchantment '  |
ābhicārika | n. spell, enchantment, magic.  |
abhicārin | mfn. enchanting  |
abhicarita | n. exorcising, incantation,  |
abhicārita | mfn. enchanted, charmed.  |
abhicārya | mfn. equals abhi-cāraṇīya-  |
abhicchad | ( chad-), abh/i-cchā-dayati- to cover over  |
abhicchāyā | f. a dark line formed by a cloud's shadow,  |
abhicchāyam | ind. in darkness  |
abhiceṣṭā | f. activity,  |
abhicihnaya | Nom. P. (perf. Passive voice parasmE-pada -cihnita-) to mark, characterize  |
abhicint | (imperfect tense -acintayat-) to reflect on |
abhicud | Caus. -codayati-, to impel, drive ; to inflame, animate, embolden ; to invite ; to fix, settle ; to announce, inquire for (accusative)  |
abhicumb | to kiss,  |
ābhid | Passive voice -bhidyate-, to be divided or torn or cleft.  |
abhidā | -dadāti-, to give, bestow (for a purpose)  |
abhidadhat | mfn. pr. p. of 1. abhi-dhā- q.v  |
abhidadi | See abhi-- 1. dā-. |
abhidadi | m. an oblation of boiled rice (caru-) upon which ghee has been sprinkled  |
abhidah | to singe, burn (aor.p. abhi-d/akṣat-[ -d/akṣat-])  |
abhidakṣiṇam | ind. to or towards the right  |
abhidāpana | n. the being trampled on by elephants as a punishment (?).  |
abhidarśana | See abhi-dṛś-.  |
abhidarśana | n. becoming visible, appearance  |
abhidās | Ved. -dāsati- (subjunctive 3. sg. -d/āsat-[ ] or -d/āsāt- ) to consider and treat as an enemy.  |
abhidaṣṭa | mfn. ( daṃś-), bitten.  |
abhidevana | n. a board for playing at dice  |
abhidhā | -dadhāti-, to surrender any one to (dative case; Aorist subjunctive 2. dual number -dhātam-) ; to bring upon (dative case) : A1. (rarely P.) to put on or round, put on the furniture of a horse (see abh/i-hīta-below) etc. ; to cover (a country) with an army ; to cover, protect (Aorist Potential 2. plural -dhetana-), etc. ; (in classical Sanskrit generally) to set forth, explain, tell, speak to, address, say, name (see abh/i-hita-below) : Passive voice -dhīyate-, to be named or called: Causal -dhāpayate-, to cause to name : Desiderative A1. -dh/itsate-, to intend to cover one's self  |
abhidhā | f. name, appellation  |
abhidhā | f. the literal power or sense of a word  |
abhidhā | f. a word, sound  |
abhidhā | mf. (/ās-) surrounding  |
ābhidhā | f. (for abhi-dhā- q.v), word, name, appellation  |
abhidhādhvaṃsin | mfn. losing one's, name.  |
abhidham | (parasmE-pada m. dual number -dh/amantā-) to blow towards or against |
abhidhāmūla | mfn. founded on the literal meaning of a word.  |
abhidhāna | n. telling, naming, speaking, speech, manifesting  |
abhidhāna | n. a name, title, appellation, expression, word  |
abhidhāna | n. a vocabulary, dictionary, lexicon  |
abhidhāna | n. putting together, bringing in close connection  |
abhidhāna | n. (Comparative degree -tara-)  |
abhidhānacintāmaṇi | m. "the jewel that gives every word", Name of hemacandra-'s vocabulary of synonyms.  |
abhidhānaka | n. a sound, noise  |
abhidhānamālā | f. a dictionary.  |
abhidhānaratnamālā | f. Name of halāyudha-'s vocabulary.  |
abhidhānatva | n. the state of being used as a name.  |
abhidhānī | f. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
abhidhānī | f. a halter  |
ābhidhānika | mfn. (fr. abhi-dhana-), belonging to or contained in a dictionary, lexicographical  |
ābhidhānika | m. a lexicographer commentator or commentary on  |
abhidhānīya | mfn. to be named  |
ābhidhānīyaka | n. (fr. abhi-dhānīya-), the characteristic of a noun  |
abhidhanv | (Aorist 3. pl. -/adhan-viṣuḥ-and perf. A1. -dadhanvir/e-) to come up in haste  |
abhidharma | m. the dogmas of Buddhist philosophy or metaphysics.  |
abhidharmakośa | m. Name of work on the preceding.  |
abhidharmapiṭaka | m. "basket of metaphysics", Name of the third section of Buddhist writings.  |
abhidharṣaṇa | n. ( dhṛṣ-), possession by demoniac spirits  |
ābhidhātaka | n. word, name  |
abhidhātavya | mfn. to be told or named  |
abhidhātavya | mfn. to be manifested.  |
abhidhātṛ | mfn. saying, telling  |
abhidhāv | -dhāvati-, to run up towards, to rush upon, attack  |
abhidhāvaka | mfn. running up, hastening towards  |
abhidhāvaka | mfn. assailing, an assailant.  |
abhidhāvana | n. running up, attack.  |
abhidhāya | ind.p. having said, having called.  |
abhidhāyaka | mfn. naming, expressing, expressive of, denominating  |
abhidhāyaka | mfn. telling, speaking.  |
abhidhāyakatva | n. the state of being expressive.  |
abhidhāyam | ind. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' See gotrābhidhāyam-.  |
abhidhāyin | mfn. equals abhi-dhāyaka- (see pṛṣṭābhidhāyin-.)  |
abhidheya | mfn. to be named or mentioned  |
abhidheya | mfn. to be expressed, to be spoken of etc.  |
abhidheya | mfn. being, spoken of, being expressed  |
abhidheya | n. signification, meaning  |
abhidheya | n. "that which is expressed or referred to", the substantive.  |
abhidheyarahita | mfn. having no sense or meaning, unmeaning, nonsensical.  |
abhidheyatā | f. signification, meaning.  |
abhidhi | (imperfect tense 3. plural abhy-adhinvan-) to satisfy  |
abhidhī | (perf. 1. sg. -dīdhayā-; parasmE-pada A1. -d/īdhyāna- ) to reflect upon, consider  |
abhidhitsā | f. desire of expressing or naming  |
abhidhmāta | mfn. blown on (as an instrument)  |
abhidhmāta | See abhi-dham-.  |
abhidhṛ | Caus. -dhārayati-, to uphold, maintain  |
abhidhṛṣ | to overpower, (imperfect tense 3. plural -adhṛṣṇuvan-) ; (perf. 3. plural -dādhṛ-ṣuḥ-) Causal -dharṣayati-, idem or 'Caus. -dhārayati-, to uphold, maintain '  |
abhidhṛṣṇu | mfn. powerful over (accusative)  |
abhidhū | (p. -dhūnvat-) to shake  |
abhidhvaṃs | Caus. -dhvaṃsayati-, to sprinkle with dust, dust  |
abhidhvan | to resound, whiz (as arrows)  |
abhidhvasta | mfn. afflicted by (instrumental case)  |
abhidhyā | f. wish, longing for, desire.  |
abhidhyai | -dhyāyati-, to direct one's intention to, set one's heart upon, intend, desire etc. ; to meditate  |
abhidhyālu | mfn. covetous,  |
abhidhyāna | n. desiring, longing for (locative case)  |
abhidhyāna | n. meditation |
abhidhyāyin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') giving one's attention to  |
abhidhyeya | mfn. deserving attention  |
abhidhyeya | mfn. (negative an--)  |
abhidī | (Imper. 2. sg. -didīhi-) to radiate, beam forth or towards  |
abhidigdha | mfn. polished, glazed (in the fire, t/apasā-) id est sharp  |
abhidih | to wrap up, envelop in  |
abhidīkṣ | to consecrate one's self (for a purpose, accusative)  |
abhiḍīna | n. ( ḍī-), act of flying towards  |
abhidīp | to blaze towards : Causal dīpayati-, to cause to shine, make brilliant ; to blaze or shine all round  |
abhidipsu | mfn. (dips- Desiderative of dambh-),"wishing to deceive", inimical, cunning  |
abhidiś | to point out  |
abhidohana | n. milking upon  |
abhidohya | n. (impersonal or used impersonally) to be milked upon,  |
abhidoṣam | ind. about dusk,  |
abhidrā | (Aorist subjunctive -drāsat-) to overtake  |
abhidroha | m. injuring  |
abhidṛś | (infinitive mood -draṣṭum-) to look at: Causal -darśayati-, to show ; to point out, denounce any one (accusative) : Passive voice -dṛś-yate-, to be visible, be in view, appear  |
abhidru | to run up to or near ; to attack, overrun, infest.  |
abhidrugdha | mfn. injured, oppressed  |
abhidrugdha | mfn. injuring, oppressing  |
abhidruh | -dr/uhyati- (Aorist subjunctive 3. plural -druhan-; perf. 1. p. -dudr/oha-) to hate, seek to injure or maliciously assail etc.: Desiderative (p. -dudrukṣat-) idem or ' ind.p. having attacked.'  |
abhidruh | mfn. seeking to injure, inimical (Nominal verb -dhr/uk-) (see /an-abhidruh-.)  |
abhidruhyamāṇa | mfn. being injured.  |
abhidruta | mfn. run towards, attacked.  |
abhidrutya | ind.p. having attacked.  |
abhidu | (pr. p. m. Nominal verb dunv/an-) to burn or pain by burning  |
abhiduh | to milk in addition to ; Causal P. to cause to milk in addition to  |
abhiduṣ | -dūṣayati-, to contaminate ; to wound.  |
abhidūṣita | mfn. wounded, injured  |
abhiduṣṭa | mfn. contaminated  |
abhidūtam | ind. towards the messenger,  |
abhidūti | ind. to or towards a female messenger (quoted in )  |
abhidyu | mfn. directed to heaven, tending or going to heaven  |
abhidyu | mfn. heavenly, bright  |
abhigā | -j/igāti- (imperfect tense -ajigāt-; Aorist subjunctive -gāt-) to go near to, to approach, arrive at ; to get, gain.  |
abhigacchat | mfn. approaching, etc.  |
abhigāh | A1. (parasmE-pada -g/āhamāna-) to penetrate into (accusative)  |
abhigai | (Imper. 2. sg. -g/āya-,or -gāya-,2. plural -gāyata-) to call or sing to (accusative) ; to enchant ; to sing (a hymn, etc.) etc. ; to fill with song ; to celebrate in song  |
abhigam | -gacchati-, to go near to, approach (with accusative) ; to follow ; to meet with, find ; to cohabit (said of men and women) ; to undertake ; to get, gain, obtain etc. ; (with m/anasā-,or medh/ayā-or h/ṛdayena-) to understand : Causal -gamayati-, to study  |
abhigama | m. (gaRa anuśatikādi- q.v), approaching  |
abhigama | m. visiting  |
abhigama | m. sexual intercourse  |
abhigamana | n. equals abhi-gama-  |
abhigamana | n. the act of cleansing and smearing with cow-dung the way leading to the image of the deity (one of the five parts of the upāsana-with the rāmānuja-s)  |
abhigāmin | mfn. having sexual intercourse with (in compound)  |
abhigamya | mfn. to be visited  |
abhigamya | mfn. accessible, tempting (for, a visit)  |
abhigamya | ind.p. having approached.  |
abhigantṛ | m. one who understands  |
abhigantṛ | m. "one who pursues", insidious  |
abhigantṛ | m. one who has intercourse with a woman.  |
abhigara | See abhi-- 1. grī- below.  |
abhigara | m. a calling out in approbation (part of the sacrificial ceremony)  |
abhigara | m. the priest who calls out approvingly (to the other priests) (see apagara-.)  |
abhigarj | to roar at, bawl at, raise savage or ferocious cries  |
abhigarjana | n. ferocious roaring, uproar  |
abhigarjita | n. a savage cry, uproar  |
abhigata | mfn. approached, etc.  |
abhigeṣṇa | mfn. calling to  |
abhighāra | m. sprinkling over  |
abhighāra | m. scattering over, mingling with  |
abhighāra | m. ghee or clarified butter  |
abhighāraṇa | n. the act of sprinkling ghee, be sprinkling  |
abhighārita | mfn. sprinkled with  |
abhigharṣaṇa | n. ( ghṛṣ-), rubbing, friction  |
abhigharṣaṇa | n. possession by an evil spirit  |
abhighārya | mfn. to be sprinkled.  |
abhighāta | m. ( han-), striking, attack  |
abhighāta | m. infliction of injury, damage  |
abhighāta | m. striking back, driving away, warding off  |
abhighāta | m. abrupt or vehement articulation (of Vedic text)  |
abhighāta | n. an irregular combination of consonants id est the combination of the fourth letter of gutturals, cerebrals, etc. with the first or third letter, of the second with the first letter, and of the third with the second letter of those classes of consonants.  |
abhighāta | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
abhighātaka | mf(ikā-)n. counteracting, removing.  |
abhighātin | mfn. (generally in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') striking, attacking, hurting  |
abhighātin | mfn. inflicting injury  |
abhighātin | m. an assailant, enemy  |
abhighātita | mfn. struck, wounded (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' as śarābhighātita-,wounded by arrows) .  |
abhighātita | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
abhighoṣam | ind. towards a station of herdsmen,  |
abhighṛ | (perf. Passive voice p. abh/i-ghṛta-See below) . Causal -ghārayati-, to cause to trickle down etc. ; to sprinkle with  |
abhighrā | -jighrati- (ind.p. -jighrya- ) to snuffle, smell at ; to bring the nose close to another's forehead in caressing, or as a token of affection etc. ; to smell, scent  |
abhighrāṇa | n. smelling at, caressing commentator or commentary on  |
abhighṛta | mfn. sprinkled (as ghee), dropped upon  |
abhighṛta | mfn. sprinkled with  |
abhigīta | mfn. addressed or praised in song  |
abhigīta | n. a song,  |
abhigopāya | Nom. P. y/ati-, to guard, protect,  |
abhigoptṛ | mfn. guarding, protecting  |
abhigṝ | -gṛṇ/āti-, to call to or address with approbation ; to join in (accusative) ; to welcome, praise ; to approve of, accept propitiously, allow.  |
abhigrah | -grihṇāti-, to take hold of, take up (from the soil) etc. ; to accept, receive ; to set (as a blossom) ; to lay together, to fold (the hands) See abhigṛhīta-pāṇi- below: Caus. -grāhayati-, to catch, surprise exempli gratia, 'for example' rūpābhigrāhita-, taken in the very act |
abhigraha | m. seizing taking hold of  |
abhigraha | m. attack, onset  |
abhigraha | m. defiance, challenge  |
abhigraha | m. robbing, plundering  |