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Grammar Search
"hasyate" has 1 results
hasyate: third person singular passive system present class has
Monier-Williams Search
2 results for hasyate
avahā(aor.3. sg. av/ahāh-[for hās-t-], perf. 3. sg. -jah/ā- ind.p. -h/āya-) to leave, quit Passive voice hīyate- (future -hasyate- ) to be left remaining, remain behind ,"to remain behind" id est to be excelled (1. sg. hīye-) to be abandoned Causal (Aorist subjunctive 2. sg. -jīhipas-) to cause to remain behind on or to deviate from (a path ablative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
(not always separable fr.3. -) cl.3 A1. () j/ihīte- (parasmE-pada j/ihāna-[ q.v ]; perfect tense jahir/e- ; Aorist ahāsta- etc.; future hātā- grammar; hāsyate- ; infinitive mood -hātum- ; ind.p. hātvā- grammar; -h/āya- ), to start or spring forward, bound away, give way to (dative case) ; to spring or leap upon (?) ; to go or depart or betake one's self to have recourse to (accusative) ; to fall or come into any state : Passive voice hāyate- (Aorist ahāyi-) grammar : Causal hāpayati- (Aorist ajīhapat-) : Desiderative jihāsate- : Intensive jahāyate-, jāhāti-, jāheti-
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