atijava | m. extreme rapidity; -na, a. extremely swift: -tâ, f. great haste. |
ativega | m. excessive haste; -vedanâ, f. violent pain; -vepathu-mat, a. trembling violently. |
abhidhā | a. surrounding; f. appellation, name: -tavya, fp. to be said or announced, -tri, m. one who speaks, -na, n. statement; designation; name; word: -kosa, m. dictionary, -yin, a. saying, speaking; stating, explaining; -dhâvaka, a. hastening up. |
abhipāta | m. hastening up. |
alīka | a. disagreeable; false; n. dis agreeable thing; untruthfulness, falsehood; forehead; -nimîlana, n. feigned closing of the eyes; -pandita, m. philosophaster; -man trin, m. dishonest minister; -vâda-sîla, a. lying; -supta, -ka, n. feigned sleep. |
asat | pr. pt. non-existent; untrue; bad; -î, f. unchaste woman; n. non-entity; lie; evil; -kalpanâ, f. false supposition; lie; -krita, pp. badly treated; offered ungraciously; n. injury; -tva, n. non-existence:-vakana, a. expressing no entity: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -putra, a. sonless; -pratigraha, m. acceptance of a gift from an unworthy person; -pralâpa, m. empty talk; -pravritti, f. evil course of action. |
ūrdhvakara | a. with raised hands or upward rays; -karna, a. pricking up one's ears; -krita, pp. raised upwards; -ga, a. going upwards; -gati, f. going upwards; bounding; a. going upwards or to heaven; -gamana, n. rising, ascending, elevation: -vat, a. moving upwards; -gâmin, a.=-ga; -gvalana, n. flaming up; -ghampa, m. up ward leap; -dris, a. looking upwards; -drishti, a. upward gaze; -pâtra, n. tall vessel; -pâda, a. holding up the feet; m. tip of the foot; -pundra, -ka, m. vertical line marked with sandal &c. on the forehead of a Brâhman, sectarian mark; -bâhu, a. having the arms raised; -brihatî, f. a metre; -bhâga, m.upper part; -mukha, a. with upturned face; having its mouth turned upwards; darting up wards; -munda, a. shaved on the crown; -râgi, f. upward streak; -rekhâ, f. upward line; -retas, a. whose seed remains above, chaste; -loka, m. upper world, heaven; -vâla, a. hair outwards; -vrita, pp. worn above=over the shoulder. |
ṛjipya | a. hastening forward. |
kulaṭā | f. unchaste woman. |
kṛtatīrtha | a. to which a stair has been made; -tvara, a. hastening; -dâra, a. married; -dâsa, m. one who offers himself as a slave for a fixed time; -dîrgha-rosha, m. protracted wrath; -dhî, a.clever; resolved on (inf.); -dhvag, a. furnished with banners; -nâsaka, a. ungrateful; -nâsana, a. id.; -niskaya, a. convinced; firmly resolved on (d., lc., inf., --°ree;); resolute; -niskayin, a. resolute. |
jagmi | a. going, nimble; hastening to (ac., lc.). |
java | a. swift; m. swiftness, speed; haste: ab. at once; -ana, a. (î) quick, swift; n. quickness, swiftness; -anikâ, f. curtain. |
tvarita | pp.; n. haste, hurry. |
tvarā | f. haste, hurry, urgency (with in., lc., or --°ree;): in. hastily, quickly; vivâha krite tvarâ, hurry with regard to the wed ding; tvarâm kri, hasten with (g.). |
dvipravrājinī | a. f. running after two men, unchaste; -bâhu, a. two-armed; m. man; -bhâga, m. half; -bhâdra, a. having two months of Bhâdra; -bhuga, a. two-armed; -mâtra, a. twice as great; con taining two morae; -mukha, a. (î) two-mouthed; -mûrdhan, a. two-headed; -rada, a. having two tusks; m. elephant; -râtrá, a. lasting two days; m. feast lasting two days. |
parivatsara | m. complete year; &isharp;-na, a. relating to a full year; -vargana, n. avoidance of, abstention from (g. or --°ree;): î-ya, fp. to be avoided; -varta, m. revolution; end of a period, esp. of a cycle (yuga); end; exchange, barter; change; moving to and fro, haste, bustle; abode, place; causing to come to an end: -ka, a. causing to flow back; -vártana, a. (î) causing to turn; n. turn ing; tossing or rolling about on (--°ree;); revo lution; periodic course; end of a period; exchange, barter; change; -vartanîya, fp. to be exchanged for (in.); -vartin, a. turn ing, revolving; winding; circling, under going perpetual cycles, ever renewing itself; turning into, being exchanged for (--°ree;); abid ing or being in, at, or near (lc., -tas, --°ree;); -vartula, a. quite round; -vardhaka, m. groom; -vardhana, n. augmentation, mul tiplication; -vardhita-ka, a.reared; -vas trâ, f. curtain; -vaha, m. one of the seven winds; one of the seven tongues of fire. |
parīpsā | f. wish to obtain, main tain, or preserve; haste; -½îpsu, des. a. wish ing to preserve (ac.). |
pūrvapakṣa | m. fore part or side; first half of a lunar month (when the moon increases), light fortnight; (primâ facie case), action at law; first objection to a proposi tion; -pakshin, a. making the first objection to a proposition; -pakshî-kri, make the first objection to a proposition; -patha, m. pre vious path, same way as before; -pada, n. previous member of a compound (gr.); -pad ya, a. belonging to the first member of a compound; -parigraha, m. first claim, pre cedence, privilege; a. claimed as a privilege by (g.); -pâda, m. fore-foot; -pitâmaha, m. fore-grandfather=ancestor; -pîthikâ, f. in troduction; -purusha, m.forefather (pl. ancestors); primaeval spirit, ep. of Brahman: -½upârgita, pp. collected by one's ancestors; -pûgita, pp. previously consecrated; -pûrva, a. every preceding one, each previously men tioned one; m. pl.ancient ancestors; -pûr va½ukta, pp. respectively mentioned before; -péya, n. precedence in drinking; precedence (in general); -pragñ&asharp;, f. knowledge of the past, memory; -prati-panna, pp. having previously agreed to or promised something; -pravritta, pp. having occurred previously; -prasthita, pp. having started previously, hastening on before. |
pragama | m. first advance of love in courtship; -gardhín, a. hastening onwards (RV.); -galbha, 1. den. Â. be courageous or resolute; be capable of (lc.), be able to (inf.); 2. a. bold, intrepid, resolute, confident; mature (age): -kulâla, m. dexterous potter, -tâ, f. boldness, confidence; -gâthá, m. kind of three-verse stanza (combination of a Brihatî or Kakubh with a Satobrihatî); N. of a Rishi; -guna, a. right, correct (road); being in good order, efficient; excellent; gunaya, den. P. put in order; manifest, show: pp. ita, put in order, properly arranged; -guna-rakanâ, f. putting in proper order; -gunin, a. kind towards (lc.); -gunî kri, put in proper order, arrange; render amenable to (lc.); -grihîta-pada, a. having the words pronounced separately (i. e. with out Sandhi); -grihya, fp. (to be) pronounced separately, not liable to the rules of Sandhi (vowel). |
prajana | m. (n.) procreation, impregnation; parturition; m. procreator; -gánana, a. generating, procreative; n. impregnation; parturition, procreation; birth, propagation; production, of (--°ree;); genital member; progeny, children; -gaya, m. victory; -galpa, m. conversation; prattle; -galpana, n. speaking, talking; -gavá, m. haste, speed; -gav ana, a. running very fast; -gavin, a. hurry ing, running fast, quick;-gas, a. --°ree;=pragâ, progeny; -gahitá, pp. given up, abandoned. |
prapakva | a. inflamed (med.); -pak sha, m. tip of a wing; -pañka, m. expansion, prolixity, amplification, of (g. or --°ree;); phe nomenon; manifestation or form of (g.); phenomenal world (ph.); mutual flattery (rh.); ludicrous dialogue (dr.): in. or -tas, ad. in detail, -pañka-ka, a. (ikâ) multiply ing (--°ree;); amplifying, explaining in detail; -pañkana, n. detailed or prolix account; -pañka-buddhi, a. crafty, wily; -pañka-ya,den. describe or explain in detail; represent in a false light; -pañka-vakana, n. prolix discourse; -paná, m. trade, barter, purchase; -patana, n. flying away; falling down, from (ab. or --°ree;), into (lc. or --°ree;); -patti, f.pious resignation; (á)-patha, m. onward way, journey; road; -pathín, a. wandering; -pad, f. 1. road; 2. (prá-) fore part of the foot; (prá) pada, n. fore part or tip of the foot; -pada na, n. entry, into (--°ree;); -padam, ad. reciting in such a manner as to cut up verses into sec tions of an equal number of syllables and to interpose between them formulae contain ing the word prapadye (Br.); -panna, pp. (√ pad) reached, arrived; attained, obtained: -pâla, m. protector of suppliants (Krishna); -palâyana, n. flight; -palâyin, a. fleeing, fugitive; -p&asharp;, f. water-tank, reservoir, well; water-hut for travellers; affluent (of a tank etc.); -pâka, m.ripening (of an ulcer etc.); digestion; -pâtha: -ka, m. lesson (subsection in books); -pâni, m. fore-arm: -ka, m. id.; -pându, a. very white: -ra, a. id.; -pâta, m. kind of flight; leaping forward; hasten ing away; fall, from (ab. or --°ree;), into (lc. or --°ree;); falling out (of the hair); effusion (of semen); fall (of a glance on anything); steep declivity, precipice; -pâtana, n. felling, cast ing down; directing or causing (the eye) to alight (--°ree;);-pâna, n. drinking; -pâ-pâlikâ, -pâ-pâlî, f. female watcher of a water-tank, well, or water-hut; -pâ-mandapa, m. water hut (for travellers); -pâlaka, m. protector, guardian; -pâlana, n. guarding, protecting. |
bandha | m. tying, fastening, bandaging; catching, capturing; fettering; arrest; connexion with (--°ree;); intercourse with (--°ree;); putting together, joining (the hands etc.); posture, position of the hands and feet; construction, building (of a bridge etc.); damming up (of a river); bridging; fixing on, directing towards (lc.); assumption or obtainment of a body (--°ree;); manifestation, display, or possession of (--°ree;); bond, deposit, pledge; mundane bondage (opp. final emancipation); bond, tie; band, fillet; bandage; fetter; sinew, tendon; receptacle; combination of words or letters: -ka, m. binder (of animals); catcher (--°ree;); rope, thong, fetter; part (--°ree; with an ordinal, e.g. tenth); n. (?) pledging: î, f. unchaste woman; -karana, n. fettering or checking by magic; -kartri, m. binder, fetterer, restrainer (Siva). |
māhiṣa | a. (î) belonging to or de rived from the buffalo: i-ka, m. keeper of buffaloes; paramour of an unchaste woman. |
raṃhi | f. (V.) flowing, stream; haste, speed. |
raṅghas | n. haste. |
vega | m. [√ vig] shock, jerk (V., C., rare); C.: rush, impact; flood (of water, tears), cur rent; impetus (esp. of missiles), force, velo city, speed; impetuosity, vehemence, haste, sudden impulse; outbreak, outburst (of pas sion etc.), excitement; attack (of disease); circulation, working (of a poison; sts. pl.); impulse: -tara, m. greater swiftness: vegâd vegataram gam, run faster and faster; -tas, ad. with a sudden jerk; speedily, hastily, impetuously; -danda, m. elephant (=ve tanda); -vat, a. impetuous, hasty, swift, energetic, violent (wind); m. N. of a fairy: -î, f. N. of a fairy; -vâhin, a. flowing (river) or flying (arrow) swiftly; -sarî,f. female mule; -½anila, m. violent wind. |
vyabhicaraṇa | n. uncertainty; -kâra, m. divergence, disconnexion; vari ability; failure; transgression, infidelity (esp. of a woman), towards (g., lc., --°ree;); change (in a-, unchangeable, unswerving); violation or neglect of (g.); extension beyond (--°ree;); -kâri-tâ, f. divergence; variability; -kâri tva, n. variability or multiplicity of mean ing; -kârin, a. straying from (--°ree;), deviating or diverging from (ab.); going astray, erring; unchaste, faithless (woman), towards (g.); changeable (opp. sthâyin, constant); violat ing, breaking (an agreement, --°ree;); -mâna, m. erroneous view; -hâsa, m. ridicule. |
śravasya | den. a) only pt. -yát, praising (V.); b) -yá, P. (V.) hasten, be swift; snatch up (ac.). |
saraṇya | den. P. hasten (RV., rare). |
sasaṃrambha | a. enraged, angry: -m, ad. angrily; hurriedly, very briefly; -samvâda, a. agreeing: -m, ad.; -samvid, a. with whom an agreement has been made; -samsaya, a. doubting, doubtful; dubious; -sakhî-kâ, a. f. accompanied by her friends; -sakhî-ganâ, a. f. id.; -samketa, a. arranged with, sharing a secret; -sa&ndot;ga, a. adhering, attached: -tva, n. adhesion, contact; -saki va, a. attended by hisministers; -sattva, a. courageous; inhabited by animals; together with the creatures in it (water): â, f. pregnant; -sadbhâva, a. accompanied with affection; -samtati-ka, a. together with offspring; -samtâna, a. id.; -samdeha, a. doubting; -samdhya, a. with the morning twilight: -½amsa, a. with the evening twilight; -sabh ya, a. together with assessors or judges; -sampad, a. affluent; -sambhrama, a. agi tated, flurried, showing great haste or zeal: -m, ad. hastily, hurriedly; -sarpa, a. in fested by serpents. |
saraṇyu | a. hastening, nimble: &usharp;, f. N. of a daughter of Tvashtri, mother of Yama and Yamî and of the Asvins (RV.1). |
sādhvī | f. (of sâdhu) virtuous or chaste woman (also -strî); female saint. |
sārin | a. 1. [√ sri] going, hasten ing; --°ree;, following; 2. having the essence or best (sâra) of, having excellent (--°ree;): n-î, f. stream, channel. |
sidhma | a. 1. making straight for his aim (RV.1); 2. leprous (V., rare); m. n. kind of leprosy (C.); -man, m. n. kind of leprosy; -ma-lá, a. leprous; -rá, a. (RV.) hastening to his goal; efficacious, successful. |
susakhi | m. (nm. â) good friend; -samkruddha, pp. greatly enraged; -sam gatâ, f. N.; -samgama, m. pleasant (place of) meeting; -samgrihîta, pp. well-controlled or governed (kingdom); -sakiva, m.good minister; a. having a good minister; -saggî kri, make perfectly ready; -samkita, pp. well-gathered, carefully accumulated: -m sam-ki, collect carefully; -sattra, n. good hospital; -sattva, a. very resolute; -sadrisa, a.(î) very like (g.); -samtushta, pp. per fectly satisfied; -samtosha, a. easy to satisfy; -samdîpta, pp. flaming brightly; -samdrís, a. fair to see; -samdha, a. true to one's word; -sanna, pp. [√ sad] completely at an end, foiled; -sama, a. perfectly level or smooth; (sú)-samâhita, pp. [√ dhâ] well laden (waggon, Br.); C.: well-adorned; very attentive or intent, thoroughly concentrated; (sú)-samiddha, pp. [√ idh] well-kindled;(sú)-samriddha, pp. [√ ridh] V.: quite per fect; C.: very abundant; very wealthy; -samriddhi, f. great wealth; -sampad, f. affluence, great prosperity; (sú)-sampish- ta, pp. completely shattered (car; RV.1); -sampratapta, pp. thoroughly harassed; -sambaddha, pp. intimately connected; -sambhriti, f. due collection of requisites; -sambhrama, m. great agitation or confu sion, excessive haste; -sambhrânta, pp. completely bewildered; (sú)-sarva, a. quite complete (Br.); -sahâya, a. having a good companion or assistant: -vat, a. id.; -sâdh ana, a. easy to prove; -sâdhita, pp. well trained; -sâdhya, fp. easy to control, amen able; -sâman, n.very conciliatory words; -sârathi, a. having a good charioteer; -sita, a. pure white; -siddha, pp. well-cooked; very efficacious, of great magical power; completely supplied with (in.): -½artha, a. having completely attained one's object; -sî ma, a. having a good parting (woman). |
hasta | m. hand (ord. mg.); C.: elephant's trunk; as a measure=fore-arm or cubit (about 18 inches); handwriting (rare); abundance (--°ree; after words meaning hair); N.; V., C.: eleventh (or thirteenth) lunar asterism: --°ree; a. holding in (sts. by) the hand: -m gam, fall into the hand of (--°ree;); e kri, take into one's hand; also=gain possession of, get into one's power; marry (a girl); e nyasta, resting on her hand (face);tasya haste loka-dvayam sthitam, the two worlds are in his hand=are assured to him. |