hari | mfn. (for 2.See column 3) bearing, carrying (See dṛti-and nātha-h-). | ||||||
hari | mfn. (prob. fr. a lost | ||||||
hari | m. yellow or reddish brown or green (the colour) | ||||||
hari | m. a horse, steed (especially of indra-) etc. | ||||||
hari | m. a lion etc. | ||||||
hari | m. the sign of the zodiac Leo | ||||||
hari | m. the sun | ||||||
hari | m. equals hari-nakṣatra- | ||||||
hari | m. a monkey etc. | ||||||
hari | m. ( also, a ray of light;the moon;Phaseolus Mungo;a jackal;a parrot;a peacock;the Koil or Indian cuckoo;a goose;a frog;a snake;fire) | ||||||
hari | m. the wind or Name of vāyu- (god of the wind) | ||||||
hari | m. of indra- etc. | ||||||
hari | m. (especially) Name of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa- (in this sense thought by some to be derived from | ||||||
hari | m. of brahmā- | ||||||
hari | m. of yama- | ||||||
hari | m. of śiva- | ||||||
hari | m. of śukra- | ||||||
hari | m. of su-parṇa- | ||||||
hari | m. of a son of garuḍa- | ||||||
hari | m. of a rākṣasa- | ||||||
hari | m. of a dānava- | ||||||
hari | m. of a son of akampana- (or anukampana-) | ||||||
hari | m. of a son of tārakā | ||||||
hari | m. of a son of parājit- | ||||||
hari | m. of a son of parāvṛt- | ||||||
hari | m. of a worshipper of viṣṇu- | ||||||
hari | m. of various authors and scholars (especially of the poet bhartṛ-hari- as the author of the vākya-padīya-;also with miśra-, bhaṭṭa-, dīkṣita-etc.) | ||||||
hari | m. of a mountain | ||||||
hari | m. of a world (see hari-varṣa-) | ||||||
hari | m. of a metre | ||||||
hari | m. of a particular high number | ||||||
hari | m. plural men, people (equals manuṣyāḥ-) | ||||||
hari | m. a particular class of gods under manu- tāmasa- | ||||||
hari | ind. (for 1.See;for 2. ) an exclamation ("alas!") | ||||||
haribābā | m. Name of an author | ||||||
haribabhru | m. Name of a man | ||||||
haribala | m. Name of a king | ||||||
haribha | See hariva-. | ||||||
haribhadra | m. Name of various men | ||||||
haribhadra | n. the fragrant bark of Feronia Elephantum | ||||||
haribhadrasūri | m. Name of an author ( haribhadrasūrikathā -kathā- f.Name of work) | ||||||
haribhadrasūrikathā | f. haribhadrasūri | ||||||
haribhakta | m. a worshipper of viṣṇu- | ||||||
haribhakti | f. the worship of viṣṇu- | ||||||
haribhakti | f. Name of work | ||||||
haribhaktibhāskarasadvaiṣṇavasārasarvasva | n. Name of work | ||||||
haribhaktibhāskarodaya | m. Name of work | ||||||
haribhaktidīpikā | f. Name of work | ||||||
haribhaktikalpalatā | f. Name of work | ||||||
haribhaktikalpalatikā | f. Name of work | ||||||
haribhaktilatā | f. Name of work | ||||||
haribhaktilatikāstava | m. Name of work | ||||||
haribhaktirahasya | n. Name of work | ||||||
haribhaktirasāmṛtasindhu | m. Name of work | ||||||
haribhaktirasāyana | n. Name of work | ||||||
haribhaktisamāgama | m. Name of work | ||||||
haribhaktisāra | m. Name of work | ||||||
haribhaktisudhārasa | m. Name of work | ||||||
haribhaktisudhodaya | m. Name of work | ||||||
haribhaktitaraṃgiṇī | f. Name of work | ||||||
haribhaktivilāsa | m. Name of work | ||||||
haribhānu | m. Name of authors | ||||||
haribhānuśukla | m. Name of authors | ||||||
haribhāratī | m. Name of authors | ||||||
haribhāskara | m. Name of an author | ||||||
haribhāskaraśarman | m. Name of an author | ||||||
haribhaṭa | m. Name of an asura- | ||||||
haribhaṭṭa | m. Name of various scholars etc. | ||||||
haribhaṭṭadīkṣita | m. Name of an author | ||||||
haribhāvinī | f. a woman who meditates on viṣṇu- | ||||||
haribhāviṇī | f. a woman who meditates on viṣṇu- | ||||||
haribhuj | m. "frog-eater", a snake | ||||||
haribhūta | m. Name of a poet | ||||||
haribīja | n. " viṣṇu-'s seed", yellow orpiment (See haritāla-). | ||||||
haribodha | m. the awaking of viṣṇu- | ||||||
haribodhadina | n. Name of a festival day | ||||||
haribrahman | m. Name of an author | ||||||
haribuṅgapura | n. Name of a town | ||||||
haricandana | m. n. a sort of sandal tree | ||||||
haricandana | m. yellow sandal etc. (in this sense prob. only n.), one of the five trees of paradise (the other four being pārijāta-, mandāra-, saṃtāna-, and kalpa-) | ||||||
haricandana | n. the pollen or filament of a lotus | ||||||
haricandana | n. saffron | ||||||
haricandana | n. moonlight | ||||||
haricandana | n. the person of a lover or mistress | ||||||
haricandanāspada | n. a place where yellow sandal grows | ||||||
haricandra | m. Name of various authors and other persons | ||||||
haricāpa | m. n. " indra-'s bow", a rainbow | ||||||
haricaraṇadāsa | m. Name of an author | ||||||
haricaraṇapurī | m. Name of a teacher | ||||||
harid | in compound fur harit-. | ||||||
haridambara | mfn. wearing a yellow or green garment | ||||||
haridarbha | m. a sort of kuśa- grass (see harid-garbha-). | ||||||
haridāsa | m. a slave or worshipper of viṣṇu- | ||||||
haridāsa | m. Name of various authors etc. | ||||||
haridāsabhaṭṭa | m. Name of author. () | ||||||
haridāsabhaṭṭācārya | m. Name of author. () | ||||||
haridāsamiśra | m. Name of author. () | ||||||
haridāsanyāyavācaspatitarkālaṃkārabhaṭṭācārya | m. Name of author. () | ||||||
haridāsatarkācārya | m. Name of author. () | ||||||
haridāsavijaya | m. Name of authors. () | ||||||
haridaśva | m. "having fallow horses", the Sun | ||||||
haridatta | m. Name of a dānava- | ||||||
haridatta | m. of various authors etc. etc. | ||||||
haridattā | f. Name of a woman | ||||||
haridattabhaṭṭa | m. Name of author. | ||||||
haridattadaivajña | m. Name of author. | ||||||
haridattamiśra | m. Name of author. | ||||||
hariddantāvala | m. | ||||||
harideva | m. the asterism śravaṇā- (presided over by viṣṇu-) | ||||||
harideva | m. Name of various men | ||||||
haridevamiśra | m. Name of author. | ||||||
haridevasūri | m. Name of author. | ||||||
haridgarbha | m. a kind of kuśa- grass (prob. wrong reading for hariddarbha-) | ||||||
haridhāritagrantha | (?) m. Name of work | ||||||
haridhāyas | (h/ari--) mfn. having or giving yellowish streams (as the sky) | ||||||
haridhūmra | mfn. yellowish brown | ||||||
haridīkṣita | m. Name of various authors | ||||||
haridina | n. "day sacred to viṣṇu-", the 11th day in a fortnight | ||||||
haridinatilaka | m. Name of work | ||||||
haridiś | f. " indra-'s quarter", the east | ||||||
haridra | m. the yellow sandal tree | ||||||
haridra | m. Name of a deity | ||||||
haridrā | f. See below. | ||||||
haridrā | f. Curcuma Longa, turmeric or its root ground to powder (46 synonyms of this plant are given) etc. | ||||||
haridrā | f. Name of a river | ||||||
haridrābha | mfn. (drā | ||||||
haridrābha | mfn. of a yellow colour | ||||||
haridrābha | m. Curcuma Zerumbet or Terminalia Tomentosa | ||||||
haridrādāna | n. Name of work | ||||||
haridrādvaya | n. Curcuma Longa and Curcuma Aromatica | ||||||
haridrāgaṇapati | m. a particular form of the god gaṇe | ||||||
haridrāgaṇapatiprakaraṇa | n. Name of work | ||||||
haridrāgṇeśa | m. equals gaṇa-pati- | ||||||
haridraka | m. the yellow sandal tree | ||||||
haridraka | m. Name of a serpent-demon | ||||||
haridrākta | (drā | ||||||
haridrāmeha | m. yellow diabetes | ||||||
haridrāmehin | mfn. suffering from it | ||||||
haridrāṅga | (drā | ||||||
haridrañjanī | f. turmeric | ||||||
haridrārāga | mfn. "turmeric-coloured", unsteady in affection or attachment, fickle, capricious (like the colour of turmeric, which does not last) | ||||||
haridrārāgaka | mfn. "turmeric-coloured", unsteady in affection or attachment, fickle, capricious (like the colour of turmeric, which does not last) | ||||||
haridrava | m. green fluid | ||||||
haridrava | m. (perhaps) soma- | ||||||
haridrava | m. a powder made from Mesua Roxburghii | ||||||
haridrika | mfn. dealing in turmeric gaRa kisarā | ||||||
haridṛśvan | mf(arī-)n. (prob.) one who has seen viṣṇu- | ||||||
haridru | (har/i--) mfn. moving in the yellow (soma-;said of the soma--stones) (more correctly accentuated hari-dr/u-). | ||||||
haridru | m. (har/i--) a kind of tree (according to to "Chloroxylon Swietenia;a sort of Pinus;Curcuma Aromatica") | ||||||
haridru | m. a tree (in general) | ||||||
haridru | m. (hari-dru-), Name of a pupil of kalāpin- | ||||||
haridruka | mfn. dealing in Curcuma Aromatica gaRa kisarā | ||||||
haridrumat | m. Name of a man | ||||||
haridūta | m. Name of a drama. | ||||||
haridvāra | n. " viṣṇu-'s gate", Name of a celebrated town and sacred bathing-place (commonly called Hardvar, where the Ganges finally leaves the mountains for the plains of Hindustan, whence it is sometimes called Gangadvara;it is called " hari-'s gate", as leading to vaikuṇṭha- or viṣṇu-'s heaven) | ||||||
haridvāramāhātmya | n. Name of work | ||||||
haridvarṇa | mfn. green-coloured, of a yellowish golden colour | ||||||
haridviṣ | m. "hater of hari-", an asura- | ||||||
harigaṇa | m. a troop of horses | ||||||
harigaṇa | m. Name of various persons | ||||||
harigandha | m. yellow sandal | ||||||
harigati | f. Name of work | ||||||
harighoṣa | m. Name of a man | ||||||
harigiri | m. Name of a mountain | ||||||
harigītā | f. a kind of metre | ||||||
harigītā | f. plural the doctrine communicated by narāyaṇa- to nārada- | ||||||
harigopaka | m. cochineal (see indra-g-) | ||||||
harigṛha | n. "abode of hari-", Name of a city (= eka-cakra-) | ||||||
hariguṇamaṇidarpaṇa | m. Name of work | ||||||
harigurustavamālā | f. Name of work | ||||||
harihara | m. " viṣṇu-śiva-", a particular form of deity consisting of viṣṇu- and śiva- conjoined | ||||||
harihara | m. (dual number or in compound) viṣṇu- and śiva- | ||||||
harihara | m. Name of various persons etc. | ||||||
harihara | m. of a river | ||||||
hariharabhāṣya | n. Name of work | ||||||
hariharabhaṭṭa | m. Name of author | ||||||
hariharabhaṭṭācārya | m. Name of author | ||||||
hariharabhedadhikkāra | m. Name of work | ||||||
hariharabrahmamānasikasnānavidhi | m. Name of work | ||||||
hariharabrahman | m. Name of author | ||||||
hariharadeva | m. Name of certain man ( ) | ||||||
hariharadevahindūpati | m. Name of certain man () | ||||||
hariharadīkṣita | m. Name of a man | ||||||
hariharadrkṣitīya | n. Name of work | ||||||
hariharāgnihotrin | m. Name of author | ||||||
hariharakathā | f. the repeating of the names of viṣṇu- and śiva- | ||||||
hariharakhāna | m. Name of certain man. | ||||||
hariharakṣetra | n. "sacred place of viṣṇu- and śiva- conjoined"Name of a place of pilgrimage | ||||||
hariharamahārāja | m. Name of a man | ||||||
hariharamāhātmya | n. Name of chapter of the skanda-purāṇa- | ||||||
hariharamanṇḍalaṣoḍaśaliṅgobhava | m. Name of work | ||||||
hariharamiśra | m. Name of a man | ||||||
hariharānanda | m. Name of various men | ||||||
hariharānusaraṇayātrā | f. Name of work | ||||||
hariharapaddhati | f. Name of work | ||||||
hariharapaṇḍita | m. Name of certain man () | ||||||
hariharaprasāda | m. Name of author | ||||||
hariharapraśaṃsā | f. Name of work | ||||||
hariharapurī | m. Name of an author | ||||||
hariharārya | m. Name of a teacher | ||||||
hariharasarasvatī | m. Name of a teacher | ||||||
hariharastotra | n. Name of various stotra-s | ||||||
hariharāṣṭottaraśatanāman | n. Name of work | ||||||
hariharāṣṭottaraśatanāmāvali | f. Name of work | ||||||
hariharasvāmin | m. Name of author | ||||||
hariharatāratamya | n. Name of various works. | ||||||
hariharatarkālaṃkārabhaṭṭācārya | m. Name of certain man. | ||||||
hariharātmaka | mfn. consisting of or comprising viṣṇu- and śiva- in their united state, relating to viṣṇu- and śiva- | ||||||
hariharātmaka | m. the bull of śiva- | ||||||
hariharātmaka | m. Name of garuḍa- | ||||||
hariharātmaka | m. of dakṣa- | ||||||
hariharātmaka | n. equals hari-hara-kṣetra- | ||||||
hariharātmakastotra | n. Name of various stotra-s | ||||||
hariharavilāsa | m. Name of work | ||||||
hariharayoga | m. Name of work | ||||||
harihariharivāha | m. (with Buddhists) Name of a lokeśvara- | ||||||
harihariharivāhanasādhana | Name of work | ||||||
hariharopādhivivecana | n. Name of work | ||||||
hariharopādhyāya | m. Name of an author | ||||||
harihaya | m. a horse of indra- | ||||||
harihaya | m. "having bay or gold-coloured horses", Name of indra- | ||||||
harihaya | m. of the Sun | ||||||
harihaya | m. of skanda- | ||||||
harihaya | m. of gaṇe | ||||||
harihayānuja | m. " indra-'s younger brother", Name of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa- | ||||||
hariheti | f. indra-'s weapon id est the rainbow, (or) viṣṇu-'s weapon id est the cakra- | ||||||
harihetihūti | m. "named after the cakra-", Anas Casarca (see cakra-vāka-). | ||||||
harihetima | mfn. adorned with a rainbow | ||||||
harija | See . | ||||||
harija | n. (= Greek ,) the horizon | ||||||
harija | n. the longitudinal parallax | ||||||
harijāta | mfn. (prob.) equals h/ari-, yellow | ||||||
harijit | m. Name of various men | ||||||
harijīva | m. Name of various men | ||||||
harijīvanamiśra | m. Name of various men | ||||||
harika | m. (for 2.See) a thief, gambler | ||||||
harika | m. (for 1.See p.1289, col, 2) a horse of a yellowish or reddish brown colour | ||||||
harikāladeva | m. Name of a king | ||||||
harikālāvrata | (?) n. a particular religious observance | ||||||
harikālītṛtīyā | f. a particular day ( harikālītṛtīyāvrata -vrata- n.) | ||||||
harikālītṛtīyāvrata | n. harikālītṛtīyā | ||||||
harikānta | mfn. beloved by indra- | ||||||
harikānta | mfn. beautiful as a lion | ||||||
harikaṇṭha | m. Name of an author | ||||||
harikārikā | f. bhartṛ-hari-'s kārikā- (= vākyapadīya-) and another work | ||||||
harikarṇa | m. Name of a man (See hārikarṇa-). | ||||||
harikathāmṛta | n. Name of work | ||||||
harikavi | m. Name of authors | ||||||
harikavīndra | m. Name of authors | ||||||
harikelīya | m. "sported in by kṛṣṇa-", the country of Bengal | ||||||
harikelīya | m. plural the people of Bengal | ||||||
harikelīya | mfn. belonging to or dwelling in Bengal | ||||||
harikeśa | mfn. (h/ari--) fair-headed | ||||||
harikeśa | m. Name of one of the 7 principal rays of the sun | ||||||
harikeśa | m. of savitṛ- | ||||||
harikeśa | m. of śiva- | ||||||
harikeśa | m. of a yakṣa- (who propitiated śiva- and was made by him a leader of his gaṇa-s and a guardian of fields, and fruits;See daṇḍa-pāṇi-) | ||||||
harikeśa | m. of a son of śyāmaka- | ||||||
harikīrtana | n. Name of a stotra-. | ||||||
harikrāntā | f. Clitoria Ternatea | ||||||
harikrāntā | f. (taḥ- wrong reading for hariḥ krāntaḥ- ) | ||||||
harikṛṣṇa | m. Name of a various authors etc. | ||||||
harikṛṣṇasamuddhāra | m. Name of a man | ||||||
harikṛṣṇasiddhānta | m. Name of an author | ||||||
harikṣetra | n. Name of a territory | ||||||
harikutsa | m. Name of a man | ||||||
harikutsa | m. plural his family | ||||||
harilāla | m. Name of authors | ||||||
harilālamiśra | m. Name of authors | ||||||
harile | ind. (in dramatic language) a vocative particle used in addressing a female slave | ||||||
harilīlā | f. " hari-'s play", Name of vopa-deva-'s index to the bhāgavata-- purāṇa- | ||||||
harilīlākṛṣṇakautaka | n. Name of work | ||||||
harilīlāmṛta | n. Name of work | ||||||
harilīlāvivaraṇasaṃgraha | m. Name of work | ||||||
harilīlāviveka | m. Name of work | ||||||
harilocana | mfn. brown-eyed | ||||||
harilocana | m. a crab | ||||||
harilocana | m. an owl | ||||||
harilocana | m. Name of a demon causing disease | ||||||
harilocanacandrikā | f. Name of a commentator or commentary | ||||||
hariloman | mfn. yellow-haired | ||||||
harimadhyā | f. having a yellowish waist (and so reminding of viṣṇu-) | ||||||
harimadhyā | f. Name of a surā | ||||||
harimāhātmyadarpaṇa | m. Name of work | ||||||
harimahiman | m. Name of work | ||||||
harimālā | f. Name of work | ||||||
hariman | m. (for 2.See) death, illness | ||||||
hariman | m. time | ||||||
hariman | m. (for 1.See) yellow colour, yellowness (as a disease) , jaundice | ||||||
harimaṇḍalākṣa | mfn. having eyes like the disk of the sun | ||||||
harimandira | n. a temple of viṣṇu- | ||||||
harimandira | n. the world of viṣṇu-, | ||||||
harimaṇi | m. a smaragd | ||||||
harimanta | m. Name of an āṅgirasa- (author of ) | ||||||
harimantha | m. Premna Spinosa (the wood of which by attrition produces flame) | ||||||
harimantha | m. the chick-pea | ||||||
harimantha | m. Name of a particular country | ||||||
harimanthaja | m. "produced in the district hari-mantha-", the chick-pea | ||||||
harimanthaja | mn. a sort of kidney-bean | ||||||
harimanthaka | m. the chick-pea | ||||||
harimanyusāyaka | (h/ari--) mfn. stimulating the mettle of the bay horses (said of indra-) | ||||||
harimat | m. "having bay horses", Name of indra- | ||||||
harimbhara | mfn. bearing the yellow-coloured (thunderbolt) | ||||||
harimedha | m. Name of narāyaṇa- or viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa- | ||||||
harimedha | m. Name of work | ||||||
harimedhas | m. Name of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa- | ||||||
harimedhas | m. of the father of hari- (viṣṇu-) | ||||||
harimedhas | m. of a man | ||||||
harimīḍe | "I praise hari-"(or ḍe-stotra-) n. Name of a hymn. | ||||||
harimiśra | m. Name of various men | ||||||
harimitra | m. Name of various men | ||||||
harimuktāvalī | f. Name of work | ||||||
harin | m. (mc. for hari-,only in genitive case plural hariṇām-) a monkey (Bombay edition) iv. 44, 16. | ||||||
harin | in compound for harit-. | ||||||
hariṇa | mf(/ī-)n. (the fem. h/ariṇī-belongs to harita-) fawn-coloured, yellowish, tawny (also said of unhealthy complexion), greenish, green | ||||||
hariṇa | m. yellowish (etc.) the colour | ||||||
hariṇa | m. a deer, antelope, fawn, stag (one of 5 kinds, others being called ṛṣya-, ruru-, pṛṣata-, mṛga-) etc. | ||||||
hariṇa | m. an ichneumon | ||||||
hariṇa | m. a goose | ||||||
hariṇa | m. the sun | ||||||
hariṇa | m. a minor division of the world | ||||||
hariṇa | m. Name of viṣṇu- or śiva- | ||||||
hariṇa | m. of a gaṇa- of śiva- | ||||||
hariṇa | m. of a serpent. demon | ||||||
hariṇa | m. of an ichneumon (varia lectio harita-) | ||||||
harinābha | m. Name of an author | ||||||
hariṇacarman | n. a deer-skin | ||||||
hariṇadhāman | m. "deer-abode", the moon | ||||||
hariṇādhipa | m. "deer-king", a lion | ||||||
harinadī | f. Name of a river | ||||||
harinadīramya | m. Name of a village | ||||||
hariṇahṛdaya | mfn. "deer-hearted", timid | ||||||
harinaigumeṣin | (?) m. Name of one of indra-'s attendants (see naigameṣa-). | ||||||
hariṇaka | m. a small deer, deer | ||||||
hariṇakalaṅka | m. "deer-spotted", the moon | ||||||
hariṇākrīḍana | n. a particular children's game | ||||||
hariṇākrīḍita | n. a particular children's game | ||||||
hariṇākṣa | m. "deer-eyed", the moon | ||||||
harinakṣatra | n. the nakṣatra- śravaṇā- | ||||||
hariṇākṣī | f. a deer-eyed woman | ||||||
hariṇākṣī | f. a kind of perfume | ||||||
hariṇalakṣaṇa | () m. "deer-marked", the moon. | ||||||
hariṇalakṣman | () m. "deer-marked", the moon. | ||||||
hariṇalāñchana | () m. "deer-marked", the moon. | ||||||
hariṇalocanā | f. equals -nayanā- | ||||||
hariṇalolākṣī | f. a woman with eyes rolling like a deer's | ||||||
harināmakavaca | n. Name of work | ||||||
harināmamālā | f. Name of work | ||||||
harināmāmṛta | n. Name of work | ||||||
harināmāmṛtavaiṣṇavavyākaraṇa | n. Name of work | ||||||
harināman | n. the name of hari- or viṣṇu- | ||||||
harināman | m. the kidney-bean, Phaseolus Mungo | ||||||
harināmavyākhyā | f. Name of work | ||||||
harināmopaniṣad | f. Name of work | ||||||
harinānākṛti | f. Name of work | ||||||
hariṇanartaka | m. a kiṃnara- | ||||||
hariṇanayanā | f. a deer-eyed woman | ||||||
harinanda | m. Name of a pupil of devā | ||||||
harinandana | m. Name of various authors | ||||||
harinandin | m. a proper N. gaRa kṣubhnā | ||||||
hariṇāṅka | m. "deer-marked", the moon | ||||||
hariṇāntara | m. a species of deer | ||||||
hariṇapluta | n. | ||||||
hariṇaplutā | f. Name of two metres | ||||||
hariṇapṛṇākā | f. a young female deer | ||||||
harinārāyaṇa | m. Name of various persons | ||||||
harinārāyaṇaśarman | m. Name of an author | ||||||
harinārāyaṇīya | n. Name of work | ||||||
hariṇāri | m. deer-enemy, a lion | ||||||
hariṇāśva | m. "deer-horse", the wind | ||||||
hariṇāśva | m. Name of a man | ||||||
harinātha | m. Name of various men | ||||||
harināthācārya | m. Name of author. | ||||||
harināthagosvāmin | m. Name of author. | ||||||
harināthamahopādhyāya | m. Name of author. | ||||||
harināthopādhyāya | m. Name of author. | ||||||
hariṇāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to become a deer, | ||||||
harināyaka | m. Name of an author | ||||||
hariṇāyatekṣaṇā | f. a woman with eyes long as a deer's | ||||||
harindravaiśeṣika | Name of work | ||||||
hariṇekṣaṇā | f. a deer-eyed woman | ||||||
hariṇeśa | m. "deer-lord", a lion | ||||||
harinetra | n. the eye of viṣṇu- | ||||||
harinetra | n. a white lotus | ||||||
harinetra | n. an eye of a greenish colour | ||||||
harinetra | mfn. having yellow eyes | ||||||
harinetra | m. an owl | ||||||
hariṇī | f. See below. | ||||||
hariṇī | f. a female deer, doe etc. | ||||||
hariṇī | f. Rubia Munjista | ||||||
hariṇī | f. yellow jasmine | ||||||
hariṇī | f. one of the four kinds of beautiful women (corresponding to the kind of man termed mṛga-) | ||||||
hariṇī | f. a golden image | ||||||
hariṇī | f. a kind of metre (four times -,) | ||||||
hariṇī | f. a kind of svara-bhakti- (q.v) | ||||||
hariṇī | f. Name of an apsaras- | ||||||
hariṇī | f. of a yakṣiṇī- | ||||||
hariṇī | f. of the mother of hari- (viṣṇu-) plural Name of the verses | ||||||
hariṇīdṛś | f. a doe-eyed woman | ||||||
harinīla | mfn. yellowish-blue | ||||||
hariṇīnayaṇā | f. a doe-eyed woman | ||||||
hariṇīrūpāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to resemble a doe | ||||||
hariṇīvṛtta | n. the hariṇī- -metre | ||||||
harinmaṇi | m. "green gem", an emerald | ||||||
harinmaṇimaya | mf(ī-)n. made or consisting of emerald, | ||||||
harinmudga | m. Phaseolus Mungo | ||||||
haripā | mfn. drinking the yellow (soma-) | ||||||
haripada | n. (according to to some) the vernal equinox | ||||||
haripāla | () m. Name of a man. | ||||||
haripālabhaṭṭa | () m. Name of a man. | ||||||
haripāladeva | () m. Name of a man. | ||||||
haripañcakavrata | n. a particular religious observance | ||||||
haripañcāyudhastotra | n. Name of work | ||||||
haripaṇḍita | m. Name of an author | ||||||
haripaṇḍitīya | n. hari-paṇḍita-'s work | ||||||
hariparṇa | mfn. green-leaved | ||||||
hariparṇa | n. a radish | ||||||
hariparvata | m. Name of a mountain | ||||||
haripiṇḍā | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda- | ||||||
haripiṅga | mfn. yellowish-brown | ||||||
haripiṅgala | mfn. idem or 'mfn. yellowish-brown ' | ||||||
hariprabha | mfn. fallow-coloured ( hariprabhatva -tva- n.) | ||||||
hariprabhatva | n. hariprabha | ||||||
hariprabodha | m. Name of work | ||||||
hariprasāda | m. Name of various men | ||||||
hariprasādamāhātmya | n. Name of work | ||||||
haripriya | mfn. liking bay horses (or"dear to them", said of indra-) | ||||||
haripriya | mfn. liked or loved by viṣṇu- or kṛṣṇa- | ||||||
haripriya | m. Nauclea Cadamba | ||||||
haripriya | m. Nerium Odorum | ||||||
haripriya | m. a yellow-flowered Eclipta | ||||||
haripriya | m. equals bandhūka- | ||||||
haripriya | m. equals viṣṇu-kanda- | ||||||
haripriya | m. a conch-shell | ||||||
haripriya | m. a fool, blockhead | ||||||
haripriya | m. a mad person | ||||||
haripriya | m. armour, mail | ||||||
haripriya | m. Name of śiva- | ||||||
haripriyā | f. (only ) lakṣmī- | ||||||
haripriya | m. the earth | ||||||
haripriya | m. sacred basil | ||||||
haripriya | m. spirituous liquor | ||||||
haripriya | m. the 12th day of a lunar fortnight | ||||||
haripriya | n. the root of Andropogon Muricatus | ||||||
haripriya | n. red or black sandal | ||||||
haripūjanavidhi | m. Name of work | ||||||
haripūjāpaddhati | f. Name of work | ||||||
haripura | n. Name of a town | ||||||
harirāja | m. Name of a kin | ||||||
harirāma | m. Name of various men | ||||||
harirāmabhaṭṭācārya | m. Name of a man. | ||||||
harirāmacakravartin | m. Name of a man. () | ||||||
harirāmatarkālaṃkāra | m. Name of a man. | ||||||
harirāmatarkālaṃkārabhaṭṭācārya | m. Name of a man. | ||||||
harirāmatarkavāgīśa | m. Name of a man. | ||||||
harirāmatarkavāgīśabhaṭṭācārya | m. Name of a man. | ||||||
harirāmavācaspati | m. Name of a man. () | ||||||
harirasakavi | m. Name of authors | ||||||
hariratna | m. Name of authors | ||||||
harirāya | m. Name of various men | ||||||
harirāyaśarman | m. Name of various men | ||||||
hariripu | m. a kind of plant | ||||||
hariroman | mfn. having fair hair on the body | ||||||
harirudra | m. hari- and rudra- (id est viṣṇu- and śiva-) in one person | ||||||
hariśa | mfn. g., lomā | ||||||
hariṣa | m. equals harska-, joy | ||||||
hariṣac | (ṣ/āc-) mfn. occupied with the yellow (soma-) | ||||||
harisādhanacandrikā | f. Name of work | ||||||
harisakha | m. "friend of indra-", a gandharva- | ||||||
harisaktha | n. saṃjñāyām- | ||||||
hariśaṃkara | m. Name of various men | ||||||
hariśaṃkara | m. of a place | ||||||
harisaṃkīrtana | n. the act of pronouncing or repeating the name of viṣṇu- (supposed to possess great efficacy) | ||||||
harisaṃkīrtana | n. Name of work | ||||||
hariśara | m. having viṣṇu- for an arrow, Name of śiva- (śiva- having viṣṇu- as the shaft which set the cities of tripura- on fire) | ||||||
hariśarman | () m. Name of various persons. | ||||||
hariśarmārya | () m. Name of various persons. | ||||||
hariśaya | mf(/ā-)n. resting or being in gold | ||||||
hariśayā | f. Name of the verse y/ā te agne hari-śay/ā tan/ūḥ- | ||||||
hariśayana | n. viṣṇu-'s sleep | ||||||
hariścandra | mfn. (See candra-) having golden splendour | ||||||
hariścandra | m. Name of the 28th king of the solar dynasty in the tretā- age (he was son of tri-śaṅku-, and was celebrated for his piety; according to to the mārkaṇḍeya-purāṇa- he gave up his country, his wife and his son, and finally himself, to satisfy the demands of viśvāmitra-;after enduring incredible sufferings, he won the pity of the gods and was raised with his subjects to heaven : according to to , his performance of the rāja-sūya- sacrifice was the cause of his elevation, and in the aitareya-brāhmaṇa- quite another legend is told about himSee under śunaḥśepa-, : in later legends hari-ścandra- is represented as insidiously induced by nārada- to relate his actions with unbecoming pride, whereupon he was degraded from svarga-, one stage at each sentence, till stopping in time and doing homage to the gods he was fixed with his capital in mid-air;his aerial city is popularly believed to be still visible in the skies at particular times; see saubha-) etc. | ||||||
hariścandra | m. Name of various authors etc. | ||||||
hariścandra | mn. (?) Name of a place | ||||||
hariścandra | n. Name of a liṅga- | ||||||
hariścandracaritra | n. Name of work | ||||||
hariścandrākhyāyikā | f. Name of work | ||||||
hariścandrapura | n. the city of Harikandra (equals saubha-) | ||||||
hariścandrapura | n. a mirage | ||||||
hariścandrapurāṇa | n. Name of work | ||||||
hariścandratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- | ||||||
hariścandrayaśaścaudracandrikā | f. Name of work | ||||||
hariścandropākhyāna | n. Name of work | ||||||
hariṣeṇa | m. (ṣeṇa-for sena-fr. senā-) Name of a son of the 10th manu- | ||||||
hariṣeṇa | m. of the 10th of the jaina- cakra-vartin-s in bhārata- | ||||||
harisena | m. Name of a minister of samudra-gupta- | ||||||
harisena | m. of an author | ||||||
harisevakamiśra | m. Name of an author | ||||||
harisiddhi | f. Name of a goddess | ||||||
hariśikha | () m. Name of various persons. | ||||||
harisiṃha | m. Name of a king | ||||||
harisiṃhadeva | m. (śrī-hari--) Name of a king | ||||||
hariśipra | mfn. (h/ari--) having yellow (golden) cheek-guards on (his) helmet | ||||||
hariśipra | m. "ruddy-jawed", Name of indra- | ||||||
hariśmasāru | (h/ari--) mfn. having a ruddy or yellow beard | ||||||
hariśmaśru | mfn. idem or '(h/ari--) mfn. having a ruddy or yellow beard ' | ||||||
hariśmaśru | m. Name of a dānava- | ||||||
harisoma | m. Name of a man | ||||||
hariśrama | m. Name of a man | ||||||
hariśravā | wrong reading for next | ||||||
hariśrāvā | f. Name of a river | ||||||
hariśrī | mfn. beautifully yellow, gold-coloured | ||||||
hariśrī | mfn. blessed with soma- | ||||||
hariśrī | mfn. blessed with or abounding in horses | ||||||
hariśrīnidhana | n. Name of a sāman- | ||||||
haristava | mfn. one whose bay horses are praised | ||||||
hariṣṭhā | mfn. (ṣṭhā-,for sthā-) borne along by bay horses | ||||||
hariṣṭhā | mfn. one who stands over horses, a guider of horses | ||||||
haristotra | n. of hymns (in praise of viṣṇu-). | ||||||
haristuti | f. | ||||||
harisūkta | n. Name of a particular hymn addressed to hari- | ||||||
harisūnu | m. "son of hari-", Name of arjuna- | ||||||
harisuta | m. "son of hari-", Name of arjuna- | ||||||
harisuta | m. of the 10th cakra-vartin- (equals -ṣeṇa-) | ||||||
harisvāmin | m. Name of various men | ||||||
harisvāmiputra | m. Name of an author | ||||||
harit | mfn. fawn-coloured, pale yellow, yellowish, pale red, fallow, bay, tawny, greenish etc. | ||||||
harit | m. pale yellow, reddish, bay (the colour) | ||||||
harit | m. a horse of the Sun (harito harīṃś ca-,acc plural"the horses of the Sun and of indra-") | ||||||
harit | m. emerald | ||||||
harit | m. a lion | ||||||
harit | m. the sun | ||||||
harit | m. Name of viṣṇu- | ||||||
harit | m. Phaseolus Mungo (prob. wrong reading for hari-) | ||||||
harit | f. a female horse of a reddish colour, a bay mare (applied to the horses of soma-, indra-, and tvaṣṭṛ-, and especially to sapta-haritaḥ-,"the 7 horses of the Sun", thought to symbolize the days of the week) | ||||||
harit | f. a quarter of the sky etc. | ||||||
harit | f. plural rivers (equals nadyas-) | ||||||
harit | f. grass or a species of grass | ||||||
harit | f. turmeric | ||||||
harita | mf(ā-or h/ariṇī-)n. yellowish, pale yellow, fallow, pale red, pale (also,"pale with fright"), greenish, green (also;"verdant"as opp. to śuṣka-"dry") etc. | ||||||
harita | m. yellowish (the colour) | ||||||
harita | m. Phaseolus Mungo or Lobatus | ||||||
harita | m. a lion | ||||||
harita | m. Name of a son of kaśyapa- | ||||||
harita | m. of a son of yadu- | ||||||
harita | m. of a son of rohita- | ||||||
harita | m. of a son of rohitā | ||||||
harita | m. of a son of yuvanāśva- | ||||||
harita | m. of a son of parāvṛt- | ||||||
harita | m. of a son of vapuṣmat- | ||||||
harita | m. of an ichneumon (varia lectio hariṇa-) | ||||||
harita | m. plural the descendants of harita- (also called harītāḥ-), (see Va1rtt. i ) | ||||||
harita | m. Name of particular verses of the (also haretā mantrāḥ-) | ||||||
harita | m. of a class of gods in the 12th manvantara- | ||||||
haritā | f. dūrvā- grass (equals nīla-dūrva- ) | ||||||
haritā | f. turmeric | ||||||
haritā | f. a brown-coloured grape | ||||||
haritā | f. Sesbana Aegyptiaca | ||||||
haritā | f. a kind of svara-bhakti- | ||||||
harita | n. a yellowish or greenish substance | ||||||
harita | n. gold | ||||||
harita | n. greens, vegetables ("unripe grain"Scholiast or Commentator) | ||||||
harita | n. a kind of fragrant plant (equals sthauṇcyaka-) | ||||||
haritabheṣaja | n. a remedy against jaundice | ||||||
haritacārika | mfn. (perhaps) using supernatural means of locomotion | ||||||
haritacchada | mf(ā-)n. having green leaves | ||||||
haritacchada | m. a tree, plant | ||||||
haritadhānya | n. green id est unripe corn | ||||||
haritagarbha | mf(ā-)n. containing a golden germ | ||||||
haritagomaya | m. plural fresh cow-dung | ||||||
haritahari | m. "having reddish or bay horses", the Sun | ||||||
haritajambhan | mfn. | ||||||
haritaka | mfn. greenish (applied to the 6th unknown quantity) | ||||||
haritaka | m. or n. a green herb | ||||||
haritaka | n. grass | ||||||
haritakapiśa | mfn. yellowish-brown | ||||||
haritakaśāka | n. Moringa Pterygospermum | ||||||
haritakātya | m. Name of a man Va1rtt.8. | ||||||
haritakī | f. Terminalia Chebula | ||||||
haritāla | m. a kind of pigeon of a yellowish green colour, Columba Hurriyala | ||||||
haritāla | n. yellow orpiment or sulphuret of arsenic (described as the seed or seminal energy of viṣṇu- equals harer vīryam-) | ||||||
haritālajanaka | m. orpiment-producer (a word employed in modern Sanskrit to express the metal arsenic). | ||||||
haritālaka | m. a kind of pigeon (equals haritāla-) | ||||||
haritālaka | n. yellow orpiment | ||||||
haritālaka | n. painting the person, theatrical decoration | ||||||
haritālamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting or made of orpiment | ||||||
haritalatā | f. equals pattrikā- | ||||||
haritālī | f. Panicum Dactylon | ||||||
haritālī | f. the blade of a sword | ||||||
haritālī | f. the fourth (or third) day in the light half of the month bhādra- | ||||||
haritālī | f. a streak or line in the sky | ||||||
haritālī | f. the atmosphere | ||||||
haritālikā | f. See next. | ||||||
haritālikā | f. Panicum Dactylon | ||||||
haritālikā | f. the fourth (or third) day of the light half of the month bhādra- | ||||||
haritālikākathā | f. Name of work | ||||||
haritālikāpūjana | n. Name of work | ||||||
haritālikāvrata | n. a particular religious observance on the above day | ||||||
haritālikāvratakathā | f. Name of work | ||||||
haritālikāvratanirṇaya | m. Name of work | ||||||
haritanemin | mfn. having (a chariot with) golden fellies (śiva-), R: | ||||||
haritapāṇḍu | mfn. yellowish-pale | ||||||
haritapattramaya | mf(ī-)n. formed of green leaves | ||||||
haritapattrikā | f. a species of plant | ||||||
haritaprabha | mfn. appearing yellowish or pale | ||||||
haritardhakāya | mfn. having half the body green | ||||||
haritāruṇa | mfn. yellowish-red | ||||||
haritaśāka | m. Moringa Pterygospermum | ||||||
haritasena | m. Name of a king | ||||||
haritāśma | n. "green-coloured stone", a turquoise or emerald | ||||||
haritāśma | n. sulphate of copper or blue vitriol | ||||||
haritāśmaka | n. a turquoise | ||||||
haritaspṛśa | mfn. (?) | ||||||
haritasraj | mfn. (h/arita--) wearing or forming yellow (green) garlands | ||||||
haritasraj | mfn. adorned with a golden chain or garland | ||||||
haritāśva | mfn. having reddish or bay horses (the Sun) | ||||||
haritāśva | m. Name of a son of su-dyumna- | ||||||
haritatṛṇa | n. green grass | ||||||
haritattvamuktāvali | f. Name of a commentator or commentary | ||||||
haritattvamuktāvalī | f. Name of a commentator or commentary | ||||||
haritatva | n. yellowish green (the colour) | ||||||
haritāya | Nom. P. A1. yati- or yate-, to become or appear green | ||||||
haritayajña | m. Name of a man (See hāritay-). | ||||||
haritayava | m. green barley | ||||||
haritīkṛta | mfn. painted green | ||||||
haritmat | mfn. gaRa yavā | ||||||
haritopala | m. "green stone", an emerald | ||||||
haritoṣaṇa | n. Name of work | ||||||
haritparṇa | n. "green-leaved", a radish | ||||||
haritpati | m. the regent of a quarter of the sky | ||||||
haritrāta | mfn. protected by hari- | ||||||
harituraga | m. a horse of indra- | ||||||
harituraga | m. Name of indra- idem or 'm. a horse of indra- ' | ||||||
harituraṃgama | m. idem or 'm. Name of indra- idem or 'm. a horse of indra- ' ' | ||||||
harituraṃgamāyudha | n. indra-'s thunderbolt | ||||||
haritvac | mfn. yellow-skinned | ||||||
haritvat | (h/arit--) mfn. gold-coloured | ||||||
hariva | m. or n. a particular high number | ||||||
harivāghala | m. Name of a man | ||||||
harivāhana | m. " viṣṇu--bearer", Name of the bird garuḍa- | ||||||
harivāhana | m. "having bay horses", Name of indra- | ||||||
harivāhana | m. of the sun | ||||||
harivāhanadiś | f. indra-'s quarter id est the east | ||||||
harivallabha | m. "beloved by viṣṇu-", Name of various men (also -rāya-) | ||||||
harivallabhā | f. Name of lakṣmī- | ||||||
harivallabhā | f. sacred basil | ||||||
harivallabhā | f. another plant (equals jayā-) | ||||||
harivāluka | n. the fragrant bark of Feronia Elephantum | ||||||
harivaṃśa | m. the family of kṛṣṇa- | ||||||
harivaṃśa | m. the race of monkeys | ||||||
harivaṃśa | m. Name of various men | ||||||
harivaṃśa | mn. (scilicet purāṇa-) Name of a celebrated poem supplementary to the mahā-bhārata- on the history and adventures of kṛṣṇa- and his family (it is usually regarded as part of the greater epic, though really a comparatively modern addition to it; see ) | ||||||
harivaṃśabhaṭṭa | m. (?) Name of an author | ||||||
harivaṃśacandragosvāmin | m. Name of an author | ||||||
harivaṃśacatuṣka | n. Name of work | ||||||
harivaṃśadeva | m. Name of a teacher | ||||||
harivaṃśagosvāmin | m. Name of an author | ||||||
harivaṃśakavi | m. Name of an author | ||||||
harivaṃśakṛṣṇalīlā | f. Name of work | ||||||
harivaṃśanyāsa | m. Name of work | ||||||
harivaṃśapaṇḍita | m. Name of an author | ||||||
harivaṃśapurāṇa | n. Name of work | ||||||
harivaṃśasāracarita | n. Name of work | ||||||
harivaṃśaśravaṇavidhāna | n. Name of work | ||||||
harivaṃśaśravaṇavidhi | m. Name of work | ||||||
harivaṃśavilāsa | m. Name of work | ||||||
harivaṃśya | mfn. belonging to hari-'s family | ||||||
harivana | n. a proper N. gaRa kṣubhnā | ||||||
harivandana | n. Name of work | ||||||
harivara | mfn. the best of the monkeys | ||||||
harivara | m. Name of a king | ||||||
harivara | n. Name of a town | ||||||
harivarmadeva | m. Name of a king | ||||||
harivarman | m. Name of various men | ||||||
harivarṇa | m. Name of a man | ||||||
harivarṇa | n. Name of a sāman- (wrong reading for hāriv-). | ||||||
harivarpas | (h/ari--) mfn. having a yellowish or greenish appearance | ||||||
harivarṣa | n. one of the 9 divisions of jambu-dvīpa- (the country between the niṣadha- and hema-kūṭa- mountains;See varṣa-) | ||||||
harivarṣa | m. Name of a king of hari-varṣa- | ||||||
harivāsa | mfn. (prob.) wearing a yellow garment (viṣṇu-) | ||||||
harivāsa | m. Ficus Religiosa | ||||||
harivāsara | n. viṣṇu-'s day (the 11th or 12th lunar day, or according to to some, the first quarter of the 12th lunar day), | ||||||
harivāsuka | n. equals -vāluka- | ||||||
harivat | mfn. possessing hari- | ||||||
harivat | mfn. possessing bay horses (m.Name of indra-) | ||||||
harivat | mfn. connected with the yellow (soma-) | ||||||
harivat | mfn. containing the word hari- (atī- f."such a verse") | ||||||
harivāyustuti | f. Name of work | ||||||
harivijaya | m. Name of work by sarva-sena- | ||||||
harivijayakāvya | n. Name of work | ||||||
harivilāsa | m. Name of work | ||||||
harivilāsakāvya | n. Name of work | ||||||
harivinoda | m. Name of work | ||||||
harivrata | (h/ari--) mfn. (perhaps) one whose sphere or whose surroundings are yellow | ||||||
harivṛkṣa | m. a kind of tree (see 2. -dru-). | ||||||
harivṛṣa | (?) n. equals -varṣa- n. | ||||||
harivyāsa | () m. Name of various men. | ||||||
harivyāsadeva | () m. Name of various men. | ||||||
harivyāsamiśra | () m. Name of various men. | ||||||
harivyāsamuni | () m. Name of various men. | ||||||
hariya | m. a horse of a reddish or bay colour | ||||||
hariyaśas | m. Name of authors | ||||||
hariyaśomiśra | m. Name of authors | ||||||
hariyoga | (h/ari--) mfn. having a yoke of bay horses, yoked with horses | ||||||
hariyojana | n. the harnessing of the bay horses | ||||||
hariyojana | m. indra- (see hāriy-). | ||||||
hariyoni | mfn. produced from hari- or viṣṇu- | ||||||
hariyūpīyā | f. Name of a locality | ||||||
ābharita | mfn. (fr. ā-bharaṇa-), ornamented, decorated | ||||||
adharima | mfn. lowest, | ||||||
adhihari | ind. concerning hari- | ||||||
agharikā | f. a kind of game, | ||||||
aharita | mfn. not yellow | ||||||
alpahariṇa | m. a kind of small red deer, | ||||||
amlaharidrā | f. the plant Curcuma Zerumbet Roxb. | ||||||
āmragandhiharidrā | f. Curcuma Reclinata | ||||||
ānandalahari | f. "wave of enjoyment", Name of a hymn by śaṃkarācārya- addressed to pārvatī-. | ||||||
ardhalakṣmīhari | m. "half lakṣmī- and half hari-", one of the forms of viṣṇu- (see ardha-nārīṇāte | ||||||
ardhapraharikā | f. idem or 'm. half a watch (one hour and a half).' (?) | ||||||
arhariṣvaṇi | mfn. (said of indra-) exultant [formed by irregular reduplicated of | ||||||
athari | is-or athar/ī- f. (said to be fr. | ||||||
ātmambhari | mfn. self-nourishing, taking care only for one's own person, selfish | ||||||
ātmambharitva | n. selfishness | ||||||
bhari | mfn. bearing, possessing, nourishing (see ātmam--, udaram--, kukṣim--,and saho-bh-). | ||||||
bhariman | m. supporting, nourishing | ||||||
bhariman | m. a household, family | ||||||
bhariṇī | f. of 2. bharita- below. | ||||||
bhariṣa | mfn. rapacious, avaricious, greedy | ||||||
bharita | mfn. (fr. bhara-) nourished, full (opp. to rikta-,"empty"), filled with (genitive case or compound) | ||||||
bharita | mf(ā-or riṇī-)n. equals harita-, green | ||||||
bharitra | n. the arm (;rather "a kind of hammer") . | ||||||
bhartṛhari | m. Name of a well-known poet and grammarian (of the 7th century A.D.;author of 300 moral, political, and religious maxims comprised in 3 śataka-s, and of the vākyapadīya- and other gram. works., and according to some also of the bhaṭṭi-kāvya-) | ||||||
bhartṛhariśataka | n. Name of husband's collection of couplets (see above and ) . | ||||||
bhaṭṭāraharicandra | m. Name of authors | ||||||
brahmahari | m. Name of a poet | ||||||
cātuṣprāharika | mfn. presented (as gifts) on 4 occasions . | ||||||
dāruharidrā | f. equals -niśā- | ||||||
daśamukharipu | m. "enemy of rāvaṇa-", rāma- | ||||||
dhanaharin | mfn. equals prec. mfn. | ||||||
dharimameya | mfn. measurable by weight | ||||||
dhariman | m. a balance, weight (see ma-meya-) | ||||||
dhariman | m. form, figure | ||||||
dhariṇi | m. Name of an āgastya- | ||||||
dharitrī | f. a female bearer or supporter | ||||||
dharitrī | f. the earth | ||||||
dharitrībhṛt | m. prince, king | ||||||
dharitrīdhara | m. "earth-holder", mountain | ||||||
dharitrīputra | m. metron. of the planet Mars | ||||||
dharitrīsutrāman | m. idem or 'm. prince, king ' | ||||||
dṛtihari | mfn. carrying a leather skin or bags (said of cattle) | ||||||
dṛtihari | m. a dog | ||||||
ghargharikā | f. idem or 'm. the river Gogra ' | ||||||
ghargharikā | f. a bell used as an ornament | ||||||
ghargharikā | f. an ornament of small bells | ||||||
ghargharikā | f. a short stick for striking several kinds of musical instruments | ||||||
ghargharikā | f. a kind of musical instrument, | ||||||
ghargharikā | f. fried grain | ||||||
ghargharita | n. grunting | ||||||
ghariṇī | f. (for gṛhiṇī-?, pāli- raṇī-) a woman possessing a house (?, widow?) | ||||||
ghariṇīstūpa | m. Name of a Buddhist tope, . | ||||||
guruśikharin | m. "venerable mountain", the himā | ||||||
hayakantharikā | varia lectio for -kātarā-, rikā-, q.v | ||||||
heḍḍeśaharihara | m. Name of an author | ||||||
himasikharin | m. "snow-mountain", the himā | ||||||
hitaharivaṃśa | m. = hari-vaṃśa-gosv- | ||||||
hitaharivaṃśagosvāmin | m. = hari-vaṃśa-gosv- | ||||||
itihari | ind. thus according to hari-'s very words | ||||||
jālaṃdhari | m. Name of a physician. | ||||||
jarbhari | mfn. ( | ||||||
jaṭharin | mfn. affected with the jaṭhara- disease | ||||||
jharjharikā | f. bean-cake | ||||||
jhārjharika | m. (fr. jharjhara-) a drummer, tabor-player | ||||||
jharjharin | mfn. furnished with a drum (śiva-) | ||||||
jharjharita | mfn. ( | ||||||
kanakaśikharin | m. "golden-crested", Name of the mountain meru- | ||||||
karṇakharika | m. Name of a vaiśya- commentator or commentary on | ||||||
karpūraharidrā | f. Curcuma amada-. | ||||||
kāruṇyalaharistava | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work | ||||||
kharikā | f. powdered musk | ||||||
khariṃ | (in compound for rīm- accusative of rī- q.v) | ||||||
khariṃdhama | mfn. ? (see khāriṃ-dh-.) | ||||||
khariṃdhaya | mfn. ? drinking ass's milk (see khāriṃ-dh-.) | ||||||
kharita | m. the brother's son | ||||||
kuharin | mfn. having holes, | ||||||
kuharita | n. noise, sound | ||||||
kuharita | n. the song or cry of the Kokila or Indian cuckoo | ||||||
kuharita | n. a sound uttered in copulation | ||||||
kukṣimbhari | mfn. one who nourishes only his belly, filling or pampering the belly, gluttonous vArttika | ||||||
kulaśikharin | m. equals -giri- | ||||||
kulharikā | f. a pot | ||||||
lahari | f. a large wave, billow | ||||||
lāharimalla | m. Name of a general | ||||||
lakṣmīlahari | f. Name of work | ||||||
mandarahariṇa | m. Name of one of the 8 upadvīpa-s in jambu-dvīpa- | ||||||
mantharita | mfn. made slow or lazy, relaxed | ||||||
maukhari | m. a patronymic | ||||||
mugdhahariṇī | f. a young or tender antelope, | ||||||
mukharikā | f. the bit of a bridle | ||||||
mukharikā | f. talking, conversation | ||||||
mukharita | mfn. rendered noisy. made resonant, sounding, ringing | ||||||
narahari | m. Name of viṣṇu- as"man-lion" (see -siṃha-) | ||||||
narahari | m. of several authors (also -tīrtha-, -bhaṭṭa-, -śāstrin-, -sūri-; ry-upā | ||||||
narahari | m. of another man | ||||||
naraharideva | m. Name of a prince | ||||||
nāthahari | mfn. carrying a master (as cattle) | ||||||
nirjharin | m. a mountain | ||||||
nirjhariṇī | f. a torrent, river | ||||||
nṛhari | m. "man-lion", viṣṇu- in his 4th avatāra- | ||||||
nṛhari | m. Name of several authors | ||||||
paiṭharika | m. (prob.) one who uses a saucepan for making musical sounds | ||||||
pakvaharitalūna | mfn. cut (grain), ripe but not dry | ||||||
pāṅktīhari | m. (prob. patronymic fr. paṅktī-hara-) Name of a man | ||||||
parihāsahari | m. Name of a temple of viṣṇu- | ||||||
phariva | phāriva mfn. (prob.) scattering, distributing, liberal | ||||||
piṇḍaharitāla | n. a particular kind of orpiment | ||||||
pītaharita | mfn. "yellowish-green" | ||||||
pītaharitacchāya | mfn. of a yellow-green colour | ||||||
prāharika | ( ; see cātuṣ-prāh-). | ||||||
praharin | m. one who announces the hours by beating a gong etc., a watchman, bellman | ||||||
praharita | mfn. of a beautiful greenish colour | ||||||
puṇyabharita | mfn. abounding in holiness or bliss | ||||||
puraṃdaraharit | f. indra-'s quarter of the sky, the east | ||||||
rāmahari | m. Name of an author | ||||||
śādaharita | mfn. green or fresh with young grass | ||||||
sahari | m. a bull | ||||||
sahari | m. the sun | ||||||
sahari | ind. like hari- id est viṣṇu- | ||||||
sahasrambhari | mfn. nourishing a thousand, | ||||||
sahobhari | mfn. supporting strength | ||||||
śaikharika | m. (fr. śekhara-) Achyranthes Aspera | ||||||
sapādalakṣaśikharin | m. sapādalakṣa | ||||||
śaphari | (prob.) m. a small fish | ||||||
śāpharika | m. (fr. śaphara-) a fisherman | ||||||
sarvahari | m. Name of the hymn | ||||||
sarvahari | m. of the author of the same hymn (having the patronymic aindra-) | ||||||
sarvambhari | mfn. all-supporting | ||||||
saubhari | m. (fr. sobhari-) Name of a muni- (married to the 50 daughters of māndhātṛ- and father of 150 sons) | ||||||
saubhari | m. of an author | ||||||
saubharisaṃhitā | f. Name of work | ||||||
śekharita | mfn. made into or serving for a chaplet or diadem etc. | ||||||
śekharita | mfn. crested, peaked, tipped with (compound) | ||||||
śikhari | in compound for rin-. | ||||||
śikharin | mfn. pointed, peaked, crested, tufted etc. | ||||||
śikharin | mfn. resembling the buds of the Arabian jasmine | ||||||
śikharin | m. a peaked mountain, any mountain etc. | ||||||
śikharin | m. Name of a mountain | ||||||
śikharin | m. a hill-post, stronghold | ||||||
śikharin | m. a tree | ||||||
śikharin | m. Achyranthes Aspera | ||||||
śikharin | m. Andropogon Bicolor | ||||||
śikharin | m. a particular parasitical plant | ||||||
śikharin | m. the resin of Boswellia Thurifera | ||||||
śikharin | m. Parra Jacana or Goensis | ||||||
śikharin | m. a kind of antelope | ||||||
śikharin | m. a dish of curds and sugar with spices | ||||||
śikharin | m. a line of hair extending across the navel | ||||||
śikharin | m. a kind of vine or grape | ||||||
śikharin | m. Jasminum Sambac | ||||||
śikharin | m. Sanseviera Roxburghiana | ||||||
śikharin | m. Arabian jasmine | ||||||
śikharin | m. a kind of atyaṣṭi- metre (four times $) | ||||||
śikhariṇī | f. an eminent or excellent woman | ||||||
śikharipattrin | m. a winged or flying mountain | ||||||
śikharisama | mfn. mountain-like | ||||||
śilaṃdhari | (?) m. Name of a man | ||||||
śiśuhariṇadṛś | f. a girl having the eyes of a young antelope | ||||||
sitapītaharinnīla | mfn. bluish-green, yellowish-white | ||||||
sitapītaharinnīla | m. bluish-green-yellowish-whiteness | ||||||
śivaśikhariṇīstuti | f. Name of work | ||||||
smṛtiharikā | f. "memory-seizer", Name of a daughter of duḥ-saha- (described as exercising an evil influence on the memory) | ||||||
sobhari | (or rī-) m. Name of the author of the hymns (having the patronymic kāṇva-,or āṅgirasa-) | ||||||
spharitra | n. a particular instrument | ||||||
sphaṭikaśikharin | m. "crystal-mountain", Name of kailāsa- | ||||||
śrīhari | m. Name of viṣṇu- (rer utthāna- n.Name of a festival on the 14th day of the month kārttika-) | ||||||
śrīharistotra | n. Name of work | ||||||
sugharikāgṛhaka | n. a kind of sieve, | ||||||
śukahari | mfn. green like a parrot | ||||||
śukaharita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. green like a parrot ' | ||||||
śuklaharita | m. pale-greenness | ||||||
śuklaharita | mf(ā-or iṇī-)n. pale-green | ||||||
suranirjhariṇī | f. the celestial Ganges | ||||||
turphari | mfn. = (kṣipra--) hantṛ- () | ||||||
tuṣāraśikharin | m. equals -giri- | ||||||
udāharin | mfn. relating, saying, calling | ||||||
udaraṃbhari | mfn. | ||||||
utpalamālābharin | mfn. (utpala-māla- ), wearing a wreath of lotus-flowers on | ||||||
vāharipu | m. "horse-foe", a buffalo | ||||||
vaiṣamyoddhariṇī | f. difficulty-removing, Name of a commentator or commentary on the kirātā | ||||||
vaṃśapattraharitāla | n. bamboo-leaved orpiment | ||||||
vanahari | m. (prob.) a lion | ||||||
vanaharidrā | f. wild turmeric | ||||||
vasubharita | mfn. full of treasures. | ||||||
vegihariṇa | m. a kind of antelope | ||||||
vibudharipu | m. an enemy of the gods | ||||||
vīraharipralāpa | m. Name of a poem. | ||||||
viṣṇuhari | m. Name of a poet | ||||||
viśvambhari | f. the earth | ||||||
yaugaṃdhari | m. a prince of the yugaṃ-dhara-s |
hari | हरि a. [हृ-इन्] 1 Green, greenish-yellow; हरिता हरिभिः शष्पैरिन्द्रगोपैश्च लोहिताः Bhāg.1.2.11. -2 Tawny, bay, reddish-brown (कपिल); हरियुग्यं रथं तस्मै प्रजिघाय पुरंदरः R. 12.84;3.43. -3 Yellow; महोरगवराहाद्य हरिकेश विभो जय Mb.6.65.52;3.42.7. -रिः 1 N. of Viṣṇu; हरिर्यथैकः- पुरुषोत्तमः स्मृतः R.3.49. -2 N. of Indra; प्रजिधाय समाधि- भेदिनीं हरिरस्मै हरिणीं सुराङ्गनाम् R.8.79;3.55,68. -3 N. of Śiva. -4 N. of Brahman. -5 N. of Yama. -6 The sun; एवं स्तुतः स भगवान् वाजिरूपधरो हरिः Bhāg.12. 6.73. -7 The moon. -8 A man. -9 A ray of light. -1 Fire. -11 Wind; तासां तु वचनं श्रुत्वा हरिः परमकोपनः । प्रविश्य सर्वगात्राणि बभञ्ज भगवान् प्रभुः ॥ Rām.1.32.23. -12 A lion; करिणामरिणा हरिणा हरिणाली हन्यतां नु कथम् Bv.1. 5,51. -13 A horse; ततः कदाचिद्धरिसंप्रयुक्तं महेन्द्रवाहं सहसोपयातम् Mb.3.165.1; Śukra.4.946. -14 A horse of Indra; सत्यमतीत्य हरितो हरींश्च वर्तन्ते वाजिनः Ś.1;7.7. -15 An ape, a monkey; व्रयर्थं यत्र कपीन्द्रसख्यमपि मे वीर्यं हरीणां वृथा U.3.45; शत्रुर्वर्जधरात्मजेन हरिणा घोरेण घानिष्यते Mv. 4.6; R.12.57. -16 The cuckoo. -17 A frog. -18 A parrot. -19 A snake. -2 The tawny green or yellow colour. -21 A peacock. -22 N. of the poet Bhartṛihari. -23 The sign of the zodiac, Leo. -24 An organ of sense (इन्द्रिय); युक्ता ह्यस्य हरयः शता दशेति Bṛi. Up.2.5. 19. -Comp. -अक्षः 1 a lion. ...... हर्यक्षसमविक्रमान् Śiva B.31.53. -2 N. of Kubera. -3 of Śiva; सशूलमिव हर्यक्षं वने मत्तमिव द्विपम् Mb.9.12.3. -4 N. of an Asura (हिरण्याक्ष); एवं गदाभ्यां गुर्वीभ्यां हर्यक्षो हरिरेव च Bhāg.3.18. 18. -अश्वः 1 Indra; हयाश्च हर्यश्वतुरंगवर्णाः Bhāg.8.15.5. -2 Śiva. -कान्त a. 1 dear to Indra. -2 beautiful as a lion. -केलीयः the country called वङ्ग q. v. -केशः N. of Śiva; हरिकेशस्तथेत्युक्त्वा भूतानां दोषदर्शिवान् Mb.1. 17.11. -गणः a troop of horses. -गन्धम् a kind of sandal. -गोपकः cochineal. -चन्दनः, -नम् 1 a kind of yellow sandal (the wood or tree); ततः प्रकोष्ठे हरिचन्दना- ङ्किते R.3.59;6.6; Ś.7.2; Ku.5.59. -2 one of the five trees of paradise; पञ्चैते देवतरवो मन्दारः पारिजातकः । संतानः कल्पवृक्षश्च पुंसि वा हरिचन्दनम् ॥ Ak. (-नम्) 1 moonlight. -2 saffron. -3 the filament of a lotus. -चापः, -पम् a rainbow. -तालः (by some regarded as derived from हरित) a kind of yellow-coloured pigeon. (-लम्) yellow orpiment; अचल एष भवानिव राजते स हरितालसमान- नवांशुकः Śi.4.21; Ku.7.23,33; पारदं हारतालं च ...... Siva B.3.19; H. D.1. (-ली) 1 the Dūrvā grass. -2 a streak or line in the sky. -3 = हरितालिका (1). -तालकः a kind of yellow-coloured pigeon. (-कम्) 1 yellow orpiment. -2 a theatrical decoration. -तालिका 1 the third day of the bright half of Bhādrapada. -2 the Dūrvā plant. -तुंरगमः N. of Indra. -दासः a worshipper or votary of Viṣṇu. -दिनम् the 11th day (एकादशी) in a fortnight sacred to Viṣṇu. -दिश् f. 'Indra's quarter', the east. -देवः the asterism Śrāvaṇa. -द्रवः 1 a green fluid. -2 powder of the blossoms of the Nāgakeśara tree. -द्रुः a tree. -द्वारम् N. of a celebrated Tīrtha or sacred bathing-place. -नेत्रम् 1 the eye of Viṣṇu. -2 the white lotus. (-त्रः) an owl. -पदम् the vernal equinox. -पर्णम् a radish. -प्रियः 1 the Kadamba tree. -2 a conch-shell. -3 a fool. -4 a madman. -5 Śiva. (-यम्) 1 the root Uśīra. -2 a sort of sandal. -प्रिया 1 Lakṣmī. -2 the sacred basil. -3 the earth. -4 the twelfth day of a lunar fortnight. -बीजम् yellow orpiment. -भक्तः a worshipper of Viṣṇu. -भुज् m. a snake. -मन्थः, -मन्थकः a chick-pea; Śukra.4.969. -मेधः, -मेधस् m. N. of Viṣṇu; नमो विशुद्धसत्त्वाय हरये हरिमेधसे Bhāg.4.3.24;11.29.45. -रोमन् a. having fair hair on the body, very young; सुवर्णशिरसो$प्यत्र हरिरोम्णः प्रगायतः Mb.5.11. 12 (com. हरिरोम्णः अपलितस्य नित्यतरुणस्येत्यर्थः). -लोचनः 1 a crab. -2 an owl. -वंशः N. of a celebrated work by Vyāsa supplementary to the Mahābhārata. -वर्षः N. of one of the nine divisions of Jambudvīpa. -वल्लभा 1 Lakṣmī. -2 the sacred basil. -वासरः 'Viṣṇu's day', the eleventh day of a lunar fortnight (एकादशी). -वाहनः 1 Garuḍa. -2 Indra. -3 N. of the sun. ˚दिश् f. the east; अलकसंयमनादिव लोचने हरीत मे हरिवाहनदिङ्मुखम् V.3.6. -वीजम् yellow orpiment. -शरः> an epithet of Śiva (Viṣṇu having served Śiva as the shaft which burnt down 'the three cities' or cities of the demon Tripura). -सखः a Gandharva; सपदि हरिसखैर्वधूनिदेशाद्ध्वनितमनो- रमवल्लकीमृद्गैः Ki.1.18. -संकीर्तनम् repeating the name of Viṣṇu. -सुतः, -सूनुः N. of Arjuna. -हयः 1 Indra; रक्षसां रुवतां रावं श्रुत्वा हरिहयानुजः Rām.7.7.41; हरिहयाग्रसरेण धनुर्भृता R.9.12. -2 the sun. -3 N. of Skanda. -4 of Gaṇeśa. -हरः a particular form of deity consisting of Viṣṇu and Śiva conjoined; see हरेश्वरः. ˚आत्मकः 1 N. of Garuḍa. -2 of Śiva's bull. -हेतिः f. 1 the rain-bow; कथमवलोकयेयमधुना हरिहेतिमतीः (ककुभः) Māl.9.18. -2 the discus of Viṣṇu. ˚हूतिः the ruddy goose; हरिहेतिहूति मिथुनं पततोः Śi.9.15. |
haridrā | हरिद्रा [हरिं पीतवर्णं द्रवति द्रु-गतौ-ड] 1 Turmeric. -2 The root of turmeric powdered; see Malli. on N.22.49. -Comp. -अङ्गः a kind of pigeon. -आभ a. of a yellow colour. (-भः) 1 the yellow colour. -2 Zedoary. -गणपतिः, -गणेशः a particular form of the god Gaṇeśa. -राग, -रागक a. 1 turmeric-coloured. -2 unsteady in attachment or affection, fickle-minded (as a lover); (thus defined by Halāyudha:-- क्षणमात्रानुरागश्च हरिद्राराग उच्यते). |
haridruḥ | हरिद्रुः 1 A tree. -2 A kind of plant (Mar. दारूहळद). |
harikaḥ | हरिकः [हरि-संज्ञयां कन्] 1 A horse of a yellowish or tawny colour. -2 A thief. -3 A gambler (with dice). |
hariman | हरिमन् m. 1 Yellowness. -2 Paleness. -3 Time. -4 Jaundice. |
hariṇa | हरिण a. (-णी f.) [हृ-इनन्] 1 Pale, whitish; न चाश्वेन विनिर्यासि विवर्णो हरिणः कृशः Mb.1.1.61; रूपेण पश्ये हरिणेन पश्य N.22.134. -2 Reddish or yellowish white. -3 Having rays; विश्वरूपं हरिणं जातवेदसम् Praśna U.1. 8. -णः 1 A deer, an antelope; (said to be of five kinds:-- हरिणश्चापि विज्ञेयः पञ्चभेदो$त्र भैरव । ऋष्यः खड्गो रुरुश्चैव पृषतश्च मृगस्तथा Kālikā P.); अपि प्रसन्नं हरिणेषु ते मनः Ku. 5.35. -2 The white colour. -3 A goose. -4 The sun. -5 Viṣṇu. -6 Śiva. -Comp. -अक्ष a. deer-eyed, fawneyed. (-क्षः) N. of Śiva. (-क्षी f.) 'deer-eyed', a woman with beautiful eyes. -अङ्कः 1 the moon. -2 camphor. -कलङ्कः, -धामन् m. the moon. -नयन, -नेत्र, -लोचन a. deer-eyed, fawn-eyed. -नर्तकः a Kinnara. -लाञ्छनः the moon. -हृदय a. deer-hearted, timid. |
hariṇakaḥ | हरिणकः 1 A deer; क्व बत हरिणकानां जीवितं चातिलोलम् Ś.1.1. -2 A small deer. |
hariṇī | हरिणी 1 A female deer, doe; चकितहरिणीप्रेक्षणा Me.84; R.9.55;14.69. -2 One of the four classes of women (also called चित्रिणी q. v.). -3 Yellow jasmine. -4 A good golden image. -5 N. of a metre. -6 The green colour. -7 Turmeric. -8 Madder. -Comp. -दृश् a. deer-eyed. (-f.) a deer-eyed woman; किमभवद्विपिने हरिणीदृशः U.3.27. |
hariṣaḥ | हरिषः = हर्षः q. v. |
hariścandraḥ | हरिश्चन्द्रः N. of a king of the solar dynasty. [He was the son of Triśaṅku and was famous for his liberality, probity, and unflinching adherence to truth. On one occasion his family-priest Vasiṣṭha commended his qualities in the presence of Viśvāmitra, who refused to believe them. A quarrel thereupon ensued, and it was at last decided that Viśvāmitra should himself test the king. The sage accordingly subjected him to the most crucial test with a view to see if he could not be but once made to swerve from his plighted word. The king, however, stood the test with exemplary courage, adhering to his word though he had to forego the kingdom, to sell off his wife and son, and at last, even his own self to a low-caste man, and-as the last test, as it were, of his truthfulness and courage--to be even ready to put his own wife to death as a witch! Viśāmitra thereupon acknowledged himself vanquished, and the worthy king was elevated along with his subjects to heaven.] |
harit | हरित् a. [हृ-इति] 1 Green, greenish. -2 Yellow, yellowish. -3 Greenish-yellow. -m. 1 The green or yellow colour. -2 A horse of the sun, a bay horse; सत्यमतीत्य हरितो हरींश्च वर्तन्ते वाजिनः Ś.1.; दिशो हरिद्भिर्हरिता- मिवेश्वरः R.3.3; Ku.2.43. -3 A swift horse. -4 A lion. -5 The sun. -6 Viṣṇu. -7 The kidney-bean. -m., n. 1 Grass. -2 A quarter, region. -3 A quarter or point of the compass; प्रायात् प्रतीचीं हरितं वचिन्वंश्च ततस्ततः Rām.7.75.1; R.3.3. -4 Turmeric (usually f. only in the last 3 senses). -Comp. -अन्तः the end of the quarters (-दिगन्त); दृगन्तानाधत्से किमिति हरिदन्तेषु परुषान् Bv.1.6. -अन्तरम् different regions, various quarters; आमोदानथ हरिदन्तराणि नेतुम् Bv.1.15. -अश्वः 1 the sun; प्रविघाटयिता समुत्पतन् हरिदश्वः कमलाकरानिव Ki.2.46; R.3.22; 18.23; Śi.11.56. -2 the arka plant. -गर्भः green or yellowish Kuśa grass with broad leaves. -पर्णम् a radish. -पतिः the regent of a quarter. -मणिः (हरिन्मणिः) an emerald; हरिन्मणिश्यामतृणाभिरामैर्गृहाणि नीध्रैरिव यत्र रेजुः Śi.3.49. -रञ्जनी Turmeric. -वर्ण a. greenish, greencoloured. |
harita | हरित a. (-ता or -हरिणी f.) [हृ-इतच्] Green, of a green colour, verdant; रम्यान्तरः कमलिनीहरितैः सरोभिः Ś. 4.1; Ku.4.14; Me.21; Ki.5.38. -2 Tawny. -3 Dark-blue. -तः 1 The green colour. -2 A lion. -3 A kind of grass. -Comp. -अश्मन् m. 1 an emerald. -2 blue vitriol. -उपलः an emerald; प्रेक्षां क्षिपन्तं हरितोपलाद्रेः Bhāg.3.8.24. -उपलेपनम् green plastering or drawing. -कपिश a. yellowish brown. -छद a. green-leaved. -पण्यम् trading in vegetables; Kau. A.2.1. -हरिः the sun. |
haritā | हरिता 1 The Dūrvā grass. -2 Turmeric. -3 A browncoloured grape. |
haritakam | हरितकम् 1 A pot-herb, green grass; अन्नन् पुरो हरितकं मुदमादधानः Śi.5.58. |
haritāla | हरिताल &c. See under हरि. हरिद्रः haridrḥ हरिद्रकः haridrakḥ हरिद्रः हरिद्रकः The yellow sandal tree. |
hariyaḥ | हरियः A yellow-coloured horse. |
athariḥ | अथरिः री Ved. m. f. A finger; finger-like or pointed flame (?) |
arhariṣvaṇi | अर्हरिष्वणि a. Ved. Making enemies cry aloud; exultant. न इयर्ति रेणुं बृहदर्हरिष्वणिः Rv.1.56.4. |
ātmaṃbhari | आत्मंभरि a. [आत्मानं बिभर्ति, मृ खि मुम् च P.III.2. 26] Selfish, greedy (one who feeds his ownself); आत्मंभरिस्त्वं पिशितैर्नराणाम् Bk.2.33; H.3.121. -˚त्वम् Selfishness. ... अहो ते आत्मंभरित्वम् । नागानन्द 2.16. आत्मन्वत् ātmanvat आत्मन्विन् ātmanvin आत्मन्वत् आत्मन्विन् Ved. Having a soul, animated, alive; मृत्युस्तन्मनो$कुरुतात्मन्वी स्यामिति Bṛi. Up.1.2.1; 1.2.7. |
ābharita | आभरित p. p. 1 Filled. -2 Decorated. |
udaraṃbhari | उदरंभरि a. [उदरं बिभर्ति, भृ खि मुम् च P.III.2.26] 1 Nourishing one's own belly, selfish. -2 Gluttonous, voracious. उदरवत् udaravat उदरिक udarika ल l उदरवत् उदरिक ल a. Having a large belly, corpulent, fat. |
kukṣiṃbhari | कुक्षिंभरि a. फलेग्रहिरात्मम्भरिश्च P.III.2.26. 'Caring to feed his own belly', selfish, gluttonous, voracious. आस्वाद्य कुक्षिंभरिरास तस्मिन् Rām. Ch.6.75. -2 Filling or pervading the interior; शैलोत्तालतरीविघट्टनपटुर्ब्रह्माण्डकुक्षिंभरिः Ku.15.56. |
kuharitam | कुहरितम् 1 Sound in general. -2 The cry of the (Indian) cuckoo. -3 A sound uttered in copulation. |
kharikā | खरिका Powdered musk. |
khariṃdhama | खरिंधम य a. Drinking ass's milk. |
ghargharikā | घर्घरिका 1 A bell used as an ornament. -2 A kind of musical instrument. -3 Fried grain. |
ghargharitam | घर्घरितम् The grunting of a hog; निशम्य ते घर्घरितं स्वखेदक्षयिष्णु मायामयसूकरस्य Bhāg.3.13.25. |
jarbhari | जर्भरि a. Supporting; सृण्येव जर्भरी तुर्फरीतू Rv.1.16.6. |
jharjharin | झर्झरिन् a. Furnished with a drum. -m. An epithet of Śiva. |
dharitrī | धरित्री [धृ-इत्र गौरा ˚ङीप्] 1 The earth; नैतच्चित्रं यदयमुदधि- श्यामसीमां धरित्रीमेकः कृत्स्नां नगरपरिघप्राशुबाहुर्भुनक्ति Ś2.16; R.14.54; Ku.1.2,17. -2 Ground, soil. -Comp. -पुत्रः the planet Mars. -भृत् m. a king. |
dhariman | धरिमन् m. 1 A balance, pair of scales. तथा धरिम- मेयानां शतादभ्यधिके वधः Ms.8.321. -2 A form, figure. |
nirjharin | निर्झरिन् m. A mountain. निर्झरिणी nirjhariṇī निर्झरी nirjharī निर्झरिणी निर्झरी A river, mountain-torrent; स्खलन- मुखरभूरिस्रोतसो निर्झरिण्यः U.2.2; Mv.5.4; जटाकटाह- संभ्रमन्निलिम्पनिर्झरीविलोलवीचिवल्लरीविराजमानमूर्धनि Śivatāndavastotra. निर्णयः nirṇayḥ निर्णीत nirṇīta निर्णेतृ nirṇētṛ निर्णयः निर्णीत निर्णेतृ &e. See under निर्णी. |
praharin | प्रहरिन् m. 1 A watchman. -2 A bellman. |
bhari | भरि a. Bearing, possessing, maintaining, supporting (at the end of comp.), as in उदरंभरि &c. |
bhariṇī | भरिणी Green colour. |
bharita | भरित a. 1 Nourished, maintained. -2 Filled with, full of; जगज्जालं कर्ता कुसुमभरसौरभ्यभरितम् Bv.1.54,33. -3 Weighted; उत्कम्पो$ल्पो$पि पीनस्तनभरितमुरः क्षिप्तहारं दुनोति Ve.2.22. -4 Green. -तः The green colour. |
bharitram | भरित्रम् Ved. The arm; अंशुं दुहन्ति हस्तिनो भरित्रैः Ṛv. 3.36.7. |
bhariman | भरिमन् m. 1 Supporting, nourishing. -2 A family. -3 N. of Viṣṇu. |
mantharita | मन्थरित a. Made slow, lazy; relaxed. |
mukharikā | मुखरिका 1 The bit of a bridle. -2 Conversation; सुललितमुखरिकामृतेनाप्यायमानः Bhāg.5.25.7 (v. l. मुखरिता). |
mukharita | मुखरित a. Made noisy or resonant with, ringing or noisy with; गण्डोड्डीनालिमालामुखरितककुभस्ताण्डवे शूलपाणेः Māl.1.1. |
maukhariḥ | मौखरिः N. of a family; पदे पदे मौखरिभिः कृतार्चनम् K. |
lahariḥ | लहरिः री f. A wave, a large wave or billow; करेणो- त्क्षिप्तास्ते जननि बिजयन्तां लहरयः G. L.4; इमां पीयूषलहरीं जगन्नाथेन निर्मिताम् 53; so आनन्द˚, करुणा˚, सुधा˚ &c. |
śāpharikaḥ | शाफरिकः A fisherman. |
śikhariṇī | शिखरिणी 1 An excellent woman. -2 A dish of curds and sugar with spices. -3 A line of hair extending across the navel. -4 A kind of vine. -5 N. of a plant (मूर्वा). -6 Arabian jasmine. -7 N. of a metre. |
śikharin | शिखरिन् a. (-णी f.) [शिखरम् अस्त्यस्य इनि] 1 Crested, tufted. -2 Pointed, peaked; शिखरदशना Me.84. -m. 1 A mountain; मेरुः शिखरिणामहम्; इतश्च शरणार्थिनां शिखरिणां गणाः शेरते Bh.2.76; Me.13; R.9.12,17. -2 A hillfort. -3 A tree. -4 The lapwing. -5 The plant अपामार्ग. |
śekharita | शेखरित a. 1 Crested, tufted, peaked. -2 Made into a chaplet or diadem. |
śaikharikaḥ | शैखरिकः रेयः The Apāmārga tree. |
saubhariḥ | सौभरिः N. of a Vedic seer. |
hari | a. [√ 3. hri, be yellow] tawny, yellow (esp. of horses); greenish (rare, C.); m. (C.) steed (sp. of Indra); lion; monkey; N. of Indra and (more commonly) of Vishnu-Krishna; N. of various men;(hári) kesa, a. tawny-haired; -gana, m. troop of horses; N.; -ghosha, m. N.; -kandana, m. (?) Indra's sandal tree (one of the five trees in Indra's paradise); kind of sandal tree; n. yellow sandal; -kandra, m. N.; -kâpa, m. n. Indra's bow, rainbow. |
haridaśva | m. (having tawny steeds), sun. |
haridatta | m. N. of a Dânava and of various men: â, f. N. |
haridrā | f. turmeric: -râga, a. whose affection lasts only as long as the colour of turmeric. |
haridvāra | n. Vishnu's gate, N. of a sacred city (Hurdwar). |
hariman | m. yellowness, jaundice (V.). |
hariṇa | a. (&isharp;) yellowish, tawny (also of unhealthy complexion); m. antelope, ga zelle: -ka, m. dim. gazelle; -dhâman, m. abode of the antelope, moon; -nayanâ, f. gazelle-eyed woman; -lakshman, m. (marked with an antelope), moon; -lâñkhana, m. id.; -lokana, a. gazelle-eyed; -sisu, m. fawn; -½aksha, a. (î) gazelle-eyed: î, f. -woman. |
hariṇāya | den. Â. represent a gazelle. |
hariṇāyatekṣaṇā | f. woman with eyes long as those of a gazelle; -½asva, m. (having tawny steeds), wind. |
hariṇekṣaṇa | a. gazelle-eyed: â, f. -woman; -½îsa, m. lord of deer, lion. |
hariṇī | f. (of hariná) V., C.: female deer, gazelle; C.: golden image; N. of an Apsaras: -dris, f. gazelle-eyed woman; -nay anâ, f. id.; -rûpâ-ya, den. Â. resemble a gazelle. |
harinmaṇi | m. green gem, emerald. |
haripiṅga | a. yellowish brown: -la, a. id.; -prabha, a. tawny-coloured; -bhakti, f. worship of Vishnu; -bhata, m. N.; -bhatta, m. N. of various scholars; -madhyâ, a. f. having a tawny waist; hav ing a waist reminding of Vishnu. |
harirāja | m. N. of a king; -vam- sa, m. Hari's (Vishnu's) race; m. n. (sc. pu râna) T. of a well-known appendix to the Mahâbhârata (sts. pl.). |
hariścandra | a. having a yellow or golden lustre (Soma, RV.1); m. N. of a king of the race of Ikshvâku; in E. a son of Trisa&ndot;ku, who having been elevated with his subjects to heaven and expelled thence owing to his pride, remained suspended in mid-air with his city (Saubha); (hári)-smasâru, a. having a tawny beard (RV.1); -smasru, a. id. (E.); -simha, m. N. of a king; -soma, m. N.; -svâmin, m. N.; -hadaukasa, m. N.; -haya, a. having tawny steeds, ep. of Indra; -hara, m. sg. Vishnu and Siva in one person; du. or °ree;--, Vishnu and Siva; N. of various men: -kathâ, f. discourse about Vishnu and Siva; -heti, f. Indra's weapon, rainbow; Vishnu's weapon, discus: -mat, a. adorned with a rainbow, -hûti, m. (called after the discus or kakra), the Kakravâka or ruddy goose (Anas casarca). |
harit | a. [√ 3. hri] yellowish, tawny; greenish (rare, P.); m. (C.) horse of the sun; emerald (rare, P.); f. tawny mare (V.); quarter of the sky (V., C.). |
harita | a. (â, C.; hárinî, V.) yellowish, tawny; pale (with fright); greenish, green (C.); n. gold (V.); vegetable (C.): -ka, a. green; n. grass; vegetable; -kapisa, a. yellowish brown; -kkhada, a. having green leaves; -dhânya, n. green = unripe corn; -pattra-maya, a. (î) formed of green leaves; (hárita)-srag, a. bearing yellow (or green) festoons (trees; AV.); adorned with a golden chain (steed; Br.). |
haritā | f. Dûrvâ grass. |
haritāla | n. yellow orpiment: -maya, a. (î) formed of yellow orpiment. |
haritāśman | m. turquoise. |
haritāya | den. P. Â. become or appear yellow or green. |
haritopala | m. green stone, emerald (P.). |
haritpati | m. regent of a cardinal point. |
harivat | V. a. attended or drawn by tawny steeds (Indra); connected etc. with the yellow Soma; containing the word hari; -vara, a. best of monkeys; m. N. of a king; n. N. of a town; (hári)-varpas, a.having a golden aspect (earth, Indra, RV.2); -vâha na, a. drawn by tawny steeds; m. ep. of Indra: -dis, f. Indra's quarter, east; (hári) vrata, a. whose work is tawny (Agni; RV.1); -sayana, n. Vishnu's sleep; -sarman, m. N.; -sikha, m. N. |
ātmaṃbhari | a. thinking only of his livelihood, selfish: -tva, n. selfishness, self-produced. |
ghargharikā | f. little bell as an ornament; kind of musical instrument. |
jharjharita | pp. bruised; withered. |
dhariman | m. balance: (-ima) meya, fp. measurable by weight. |
dharitrī | f. supporter; earth. |
prāharika | m. probably=-hârika; -hârika, m. watchman, beadle. |
bharita | den. pp. full, filled with (g.[or --°ree;). |
mantharita | (den.) pp. rendered slack. |
mukharikā | f. bit on a bridle; -î, f. id. |
lahari | f. (also î) wave, billow. |
vanahari | m. lion (?); -hutâsana, m. forest conflagration. |
śikharipatिtran | m. winged mountain; i½indra, m. chief of mountains (ep. of Raivataka, comm.). |
śikharin | a. pointed, peaked; m. mountain: n-î, f. curds with sugar and spices; a metre. |
haridru | In the śatapatha Brāhmana is the name of a tree |
hariman | In the Rigveda and the Atharvaveda denotes yellowness’ as a disease, ‘jaundice.’ |
hariṇa | In the Rigveda and later denotes a ‘ gazelle.’ It is at once a type of speed and terror. Its horns are used as amulets. It is fond of eating barley (Yava). In the Maitrāyaṇī Samhitā it is said to kill vipers (Svaja). Cf. Kuluñgfa, Nyanku. The feminine is Hariṇī. |
hariścandra vaidhasa | (‘Descendant of Vedhas’) Aikṣvāka (‘descendant of Ikṣvāku’) is the name of a probably mythical king whose rash vow to offer up his son Rohita to Varuna is the source of the tale of śunahśepa in the Aitareya Brāhmaṇa and the śāñkhāyana śrauta Sūtra. |
harita | Seems to mean ‘gold’ in a few passages of the Samhitās. |
harita kaśyapa | Is mentioned as a teacher, a pupil of śilpa Kaśyapa, in the last Vamśa (list of teachers) of the Brhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad. |
harivarṇa aṅgirasa | ('Descendant of Angiras') is the name of the seer of a Sāman or chant in the Pañcaviṃśa Brāhmaṇa. |
hariyūpīyā | Is mentioned in a hymn of the Rigveda as the scene of the defeat of the Vrcīvants by Abhyāvartin Cāya- mana. It may denote either a place or a river, since many battles seem to have been fought on the banks of rivers. Ludwig took it as the name of a town on the river Yavyāvatī, which is identified with it in Sāyaṇa’s commentary on the passage. Hillebrandt thinks that it is the river Iryāb (Haliāb), a tributary of the Kurum (Krumu), but this is not at all probable. |
yaugamdhari | ‘Descendant of Yugamdhara,’ is the name of a king of the Sālvas in the Mantrapāṭha. |
sobhari | Is the name of a Ṛṣi frequently mentioned in the Rigveda. The family is also referred to, and a father, Sobhari. |
ahaṃ | harī vṛṣaṇā vivratā raghū RV.10.49.2c. |
ajuryāso | hariṣāco haridravaḥ RV.10.94.12c. |
anāgāstvena | harikeśa sūrya RV.10.37.9c. |
āpyāyaya | harivo vardhamānaḥ TB.; TA.4.5.6b; 42.5b; Apś.3.12.1b. |
ārdrapavitro | harikeśo modaḥ pramodaḥ TB. |
arkair | harīṇāṃ vṛṣan yoktram aśreḥ RV.5.33.2b. |
arvācīno | haribhir yāhi tūyam RV.7.29.2b. |
arvāñcā | harī vandanaśrud ā kṛdhi RV.1.55.7b. |
aśvayeva | haritā yāti dhārayā RV.9.107.8c; SV.1.515c; 2.347c. |
aśvinā | hariṇāv iva RV.5.78.2a. |
atho | haritabheṣajam AVś.4.9.3e. |
atho | hāridraveṣu me (AVś.AVP. te) RV.1.50.12c; AVś.1.22.4c; AVP.1.28.4c; TB.; Apś.4.15.1c. |
avye | harir ny adhāviṣṭa sānavi RV.9.70.8b. |
ayuñjata | harī ayur devāṃ upa śś.8.20.1. |
bhagavati | harivallabhe manojñe tribhuvanabhūtikari pra sīda mahyam RVKh.5.87.23 (M"uller's edition). |
cakāra | harito mṛgaḥ RV.10.86.3b; AVś.20.126.3b. |
codapravṛddho | harivo adāśūn RV.1.174.6b. |
divā | harir dadṛśe naktam ṛjraḥ RV.9.97.9d; SV.2.468d; JB.3.174. |
eha | harī brahmayujā RV.8.2.27a; SV.2.1008a. |
enī | harikṇikā hariḥ AVś.20.130.11. |
ghṛtapruṣo | haritas tvāvahantu KS.35.1c. See ghṛtapruṣas tvā. |
imā | harī vahatas tā no acha RV.1.165.4d; VS.33.78d; MS.4.11.3d: 168.13; KS.9.18d. |
indrāgacha | hariva āgacha (JB. also indrāgacha haribhyām āyāhi) medhātither meṣa vṛṣaṇaśvasya mene gaurāvaskandinn ahalyāyai jāra kauśika brāhmaṇa gautama bruvāṇa (JB. also kauśika brāhmaṇa kauśika bruvāṇa) JB.2.79--80; śB.; TA.1.12.3; Lś.1.3.1. P: indrāgacha ṣB.1.1.10,11 (followed by the rest, 1.1.12--23). Designated as subrahmaṇyā AB.6.3.1; KB.27.6; śB.; TB.; 12.9.6; Aś.8.13.28; 12.4.19; Vait.15.4; 34.4; Apś.20.1.7; 21.12.10; 22.6.6; MDh.9.12.6; see also the formulas beginning subrahmaṇya upa. Cf. agna āgacha. |
indrāya | harivate 'nubrūhi (Mś. harivate dhānāsomānām anubrūhi) Apś.13.17.2; Mś. |
indrāya | harivate (Mś. harivate dhānāsomān prasthitān) preṣya Apś.13.17.2; Mś. |
indro | harī yuyuje aśvinā ratham RV.1.161.6a. |
indro | harī yuyojate RV.8.70.7d; SV.1.268d. |
jajñāno | harito vṛṣā RV.3.44.4a. |
kālair | haritvam āpannaiḥ TA.1.12.3e. |
kanikranti | harir ā sṛjyamānaḥ RV.9.95.1a; SV.1.530a. P: kanikranti Svidh.1.4.20. Cf. Svidh.1.5.11 (kānīty etad gāyet). |
krīḍan | harir atyaḥ syandate vṛṣā RV.9.80.3d. |
mādayasva | haribhir ye ta indra RV.1.101.10a. P: mādayasva haribhiḥ śś.1.8.14; 9.27.2 (comm.). |
namo | harikeśāyopavītine VS.16.17; TS.; MS.2.9.3: 122.10; KS.17.12. |
parjanyapatni | hariṇi Kauś.106.7a. |
pātrasyeva | harivo matsaro madaḥ RV.1.175.1b; SV.2.782b. |
pavamāno | harita ā viveśa (JB. once viviśa [?]) RV.8.101.14d; AVś.10.8.40d; JB.2.229d (ter); śB.; ā.,8. |
piṅgalaṃ | haritaṃ lohitaṃ ca śB.; BṛhU.4.4.12b. |
prabhrājamānāṃ | hariṇīm AVś.10.2.33a. See vibhrāja-. |
priyamedhastutā | harī RV.8.6.45b; 32.30b. |
pṛthivīṃ | harivarpasam RV.3.44.3b. Cf. pṛthivīṃ bhūri-. |
puro | haribhyāṃ vṛṣabho ratho hi ṣaḥ RV.1.54.3d. |
takṣan | harī indravāhā vṛṣaṇvasū RV.1.111.1b; AB.4.32.5; KB.20.4; 22.2. |
tiṣṭhā | harī ratha ā yujyamānā RV.3.35.1a; AB.5.20.13; KB.20.4; 26.16; TB.; Aś.6.4.10. P: tiṣṭhā harī Aś.8.7.23; 9.7.23,30; śś.9.15.4; 10.11.6; 11.6.3; 14.29.7; 57.16; Apś.22.27.15. |
upo | harīṇāṃ patim RV.8.24.14a; SV.2.860a. |
yāhi | haribhyāṃ sutasya pītim RV.2.11.17d. |
yasya | harī aśvatarau NīlarU.25c. |
yujāno | haritā rathe RV.6.47.19a; śś.18.11.2. |
yuktvā | haribhyām upa yāsad arvāṅ RV.5.40.4c; AVś.20.12.7c. |
yuktvā | harī vṛṣaṇā yāhy arvāṅ (MS.KS. arvāk) RV.1.177.1d; MS.4.14.18d: 248.11; KS.38.7d. See yuktā etc. |
yuṅgdhvaṃ | harī ajirā dhuri voḍhave RV.5.56.6c. |
yuñjanti | harī iṣirasya gāthayā RV.8.98.9a; AVś.20.100.3a; SV.2.62a. |
aṃśuṃ | gabhasti (KS. babhasti) haritebhir āsabhiḥ # KS.35.14d; Apś.14.29.3d. See aṃśūn babhasti. |
aṃśuṃ | duhanti hastino bharitraiḥ # RV.3.36.7c. |
aṃśūn | babhasti haritebhir āsabhiḥ # AVś.6.49.2d. See aṃśuṃ gabhasti. |
aṃhārir | asi bambhāriḥ # śś.6.12.20. See aṅghārir. |
akāri | te harivo brahma navyam # RV.4.16.21c; 17.21c; 19.11c; 20.11c; 21.11c; 22.11c; 23.11c; 24.11c. |
akrīḍan | krīḍan harir attave 'dan # RV.10.79.6c. |
agniṃ | sve yonāv (VSKṃS.KS. yonā) abhār (Apś. yonau bhariṣyaty) ukhā # VS.12.61b; VSK.12.4.17b; TS.; MS.2.7.11b: 90.12; KS.16.11b; śB.; Apś.16.10.8b. |
agnim | antar bhariṣyantī # VS.11.31c; TS.; KS.16.3c; śB. See agniṃ bhariṣyantī. |
agniṃ | purīṣyam aṅgirasvad bhariṣyāmaḥ # VS.11.16; TS.;; MS.2.7.2: 75.9; 3.1.3: 4.15; KS.16.1; śB.; Apś.16.2.7; Mś. P: agniṃ purīṣyam Kś.16.2.13. |
agniṃ | bhariṣyad aparāvapiṣṭham # TS. |
agniṃ | bhariṣyantī antaḥ # MS.2.7.3c: 77.2; KS.16.3. See agnim antar. |
agne | (AVś. erroneously, agre) samidham āhārṣam (VārG. ahāriṣam) # AVś.19.64.1a; Kauś.57.26; VārG.5.34a. See agnaye samidham. |
aghāya | bhūma harivaḥ parādai (MS. parādaiḥ) # RV.7.19.7b; AVś.20.37.7b; TS.; MS.4.12.3b: 183.2. |
aṅghārir | asi bambhāriḥ # VS.5.32; TS.; MS.1.2.12: 21.12; KS.2.13; PB.1.4.7. P: aṅghāriḥ Lś.2.2.18. See aṃhārir. |
acikradad | vṛṣā hariḥ # RV.9.2.6a; SV.1.497a; 2.392a; VS.38.22a; JB.3.137; TA.4.11.6a; 5.9.8; KA.3.169. P: acikradat Kś.26.7.12. |
atakṣad | brahma hariyojanāya # RV.1.62.13b. |
atandro | yāsyan harito yad āsthāt # AVś.13.2.28a. |
ati | viśvā duritā pāriṣad dharī # RV.10.96.8d; AVś.20.31.3d. |
atyo | na krado harir ā sṛjānaḥ # RV.9.97.18c. |
atyo | na krīḍann asarad vṛṣā hariḥ # RV.9.86.44d; SV.2.965d; TB. |
atyo | na vājaṃ harivāṃ acikradat # RV.10.96.10b; AVś.20.31.5b. |
atrāha | te harivas tā u devīḥ # RV.4.22.7a. |
athā | vaha somapatiṃ haribhyām # RV.1.76.3c. |
atho | ariṣṭatātaye # RV.10.60.8e,9e,10d; AVś.6.19.2c; AVP.5.17.8f; 15.21.5g; PB.1.5.18e. Cf. next, athāriṣṭābhir ā gahi, and asmā ari-. |
atho | aharito bhuvat # AVś.1.22.2d. See atho 'harito, and cf. harimāṇaṃ ca. |
atho | 'harito bhava # AVP.1.28.2d. See atho aharito, and cf. harimāṇaṃ ca. |
adhārayad | dharitor bhūri bhojanam # RV.3.44.3c. |
anu | tvā hariṇo vṛṣā (Apś. mṛgaḥ) # AVś.3.7.2a; AVP.3.2.2a; Apś.13.7.16a. |
anuṣṭupchandaso | 'gnihuta indraharivatpītasya # Mś. Cf. Apś.14.3.6. |
anehasas | te harivo abhiṣṭau # RV.10.61.22d. |
antarikṣe | vṛṣā hariḥ # RV.9.27.6b; SV.2.640b. |
apāḥ | pūrveṣāṃ harivaḥ sutānām # RV.10.96.13a; AVś.20.32.3a; AB.4.4.8,9,12; KB.17.4; Aś.6.3.16. P: apāḥ pūrveṣām śś.9.6.18; Vait.26.13. |
apāvṛṇod | dharibhir adribhiḥ sutam # RV.3.44.5c. |
apsu | dhūtasya harivaḥ pibeha # RV.10.104.2a; AVś.20.33.1a; Aś.6.4.10. P: apsu dhūtasya Vait.26.7. |
abhi | krandanti haritebhir āsabhiḥ # RV.10.94.2b; N.7.7. |
amṛktena | ruśatā vāsasā hariḥ # RV.9.69.5a. |
ayaṃ | yo viśvān haritān kṛṇoṣi # AVś.5.22.2a. Cf. ayaṃ yo abhi-, and viśvā rūpāṇi haritā. |
ayaṃ | jāyata manuṣo dharīmaṇi # RV.1.128.1a; AB.5.12.4; KB.23.6; Aś.8.1.9; śś.18.23.11. P: ayaṃ jāyata śś.10.8.1. |
ayaṃ | puro harikeśaḥ sūryaraśmiḥ # VS.15.15; TS.; MS.2.8.10: 114.13; KS.17.9; śB. P: ayaṃ puro harikeśaḥ Apś.17.3.7; Mś. |
ayā | rucā hariṇyā punānaḥ # RV.9.111.1a; SV.1.463a; 2.940a; JB.2.127; PB.16.16.8. |
ayukta | yad dharito vītapṛṣṭhāḥ # RV.5.45.10b. |
ayukta | sapta haritaḥ sadhasthāt # RV.7.60.3a. |
ariṣṭagātuḥ | sa hotā sahobhariḥ # RV.5.44.3b. |
arya | āśiṣa upa no haribhyām # RV.3.43.2b. |
arvadbhir | yo haribhir joṣam īyate # RV.10.96.7c; AVś.20.31.2c. |
arvadbhir | yo haribhir vājinīvasuḥ # RV.10.96.8c; AVś.20.31.3c. |
arvāg | ā vartayā harī # RV.4.32.15c. |
ava | sya harī vi mucā sakhāyā # RV.6.40.1b. |
aṣṭā | maho diva ādo harī iha # RV.1.121.8a. |
asāmi | rādho harijāta haryatam # RV.10.96.5d; AVś.20.30.5d. |
asāvi | somo aruṣo vṛṣā hariḥ # RV.9.82.1a; SV.1.562a; 2.666a; JB.3.259a; PB.15.3.4; Apś.16.20.14a. |
asmabhyaṃ | dā harivo mādayadhyai # RV.6.19.6d. |
asmākaṃ | kṛṇmo harivo medinaṃ tvā # AVP.5.4.10d. See asmākam abhūr, asya kurmo, and iha kṛṇmo. |
asmin | pātre harite somapṛṣṭhe # SMB.2.5.10d. |
asya | kurmo (RVKh. kulmo) harivo medinaṃ tvā # RVKh.10.128.1d; TS.; TB. See under asmākaṃ kṛṇmo. |
ahaṃ | hi te harivo brahma vājayuḥ # RV.8.53 (Vāl.5).8a. |
ahāc | charīraṃ etc. # see ahāḥ śarīraṃ. |
ahārṣam | # ApG.7.19.4 (ūha of hariṣyāmi; cf. ApMB.2.17.8). |
ahāḥ | śarīraṃ (TB. ahāc charīraṃ) payasā sam eti (TB. sametya) # AVP.2.39.5a; TB.; Vait.24.1a. See ā śarīraṃ. |
ā | catvāriṃśatā haribhir yujānaḥ # RV.2.18.5b. |
ā | tiṣṭha haritaṃ ratham # RV.3.44.1d. |
ā | tu pra yāhi harivas tadokāḥ # RV.7.29.1b. |
ā | tu pra yāhi harivo haribhyām # RV.3.30.2b; VS.34.19b. |
ā | tū ṣiñca harim īṃ dror upasthe # RV.10.101.10a; N.4.19. |
ā | te hanū harivaḥ śūra śipre # RV.5.36.2a. |
ā | te harī jūjuvānasya vājinā # RV.10.93.8b. |
ā | tvā brahmayujā harī # RV.8.17.2a; AVś.20.3.2a; 38.2a; 47.8a; SV.2.17a; MS.2.13.9a: 158.10. |
ā | tvā madacyutā harī # RV.8.34.9a. |
ā | tvā yachantu harito na sūryam # RV.1.130.2f. |
ā | tvā viśantu harivarpasaṃ giraḥ # RV.10.96.1d; AVś.20.30.1d. |
ād | it te haryatā harī vavakṣatuḥ # RV.8.12.25c--27c. |
ā | dvābhyāṃ haribhyām indra yāhi # RV.2.18.4a; N.7.6. |
ā | na indro haribhir yātv acha # RV.4.20.2a; VS.20.49a. |
ā | pra drava harivo mā vi venaḥ # RV.5.31.2a. |
ā | mandrair indra haribhiḥ # RV.3.45.1a; AVś.7.117.1a; SV.1.246a; 2.1068a; VS.20.53a; TA.1.12.2a (bis); śś.9.5.9; 18.11.3; AG.3.10.5; Svidh.1.4.19. Ps: ā mandrair indra śś.12.9.11; ā mandraiḥ Vait.23.9; Kauś.59.14; Rvidh.2.2.4; Svidh.2.4.6. |
ā | yad dharī indra vivratā veḥ # RV.1.63.2a. |
ā | yaṃ pṛṇanti haribhir na dhenavaḥ # RV.10.96.2c; AVś.20.30.2c. |
ā | yāhi śūra haribhyām (SV.KB.śś. hariha; Aś. harī iha) # AVś.2.5.1b; SV.2.302b; KB.17.1b; Aś.6.3.1b; śś.9.5.2b. See prec. |
āre | asya yojanaṃ hariṣṭhāḥ # RV.1.191.10e--12e,13d; AVP.4.19.1e--7e. |
ā | vajraṃ bāhvor harim # RV.3.44.4d. |
ā | śatena haribhir uhyamānaḥ # RV.2.18.6b. |
iḍito | devair harivāṃ (MS. harivaṃ) abhiṣṭiḥ # MS.3.11.1a: 139.16; KS.38.6a. See īḍito etc. |
indur | indro vṛṣā hariḥ # RV.9.5.9c. |
indraṃ | rathe vahato haryatā harī # RV.10.96.6b; AVś.20.31.1b. |
indra | deva haribhir yāhi tūyam # RV.3.43.3b. |
indram | it keśinā harī # RV.8.14.12a; AVś.20.29.2a. |
indram | id dharī vahataḥ # RV.1.84.2a; SV.2.380a; VS.8.35a; TS.; MS.1.3.34a: 41.11; KS.4.11a; Mś. P: indram id dhaLś.3.1.22. |
indra | yāhi haribhir mandasānaḥ # RV.4.29.1b. |
indraḥ | śmaśrūṇi haritābhi pruṣṇute # RV.10.23.4b; AVś.20.73.5b. |
indra | sthātar harīṇām # RV.8.24.17a; AVś.20.64.5a; SV.2.1035a. |
indrāya | tvā ṣoḍaśine (VSK. ṣolaśine) # VS.8.33 (bis),34 (bis),35 (bis); VSK.8.8.1 (bis); 9.1 (bis); 10.1 (bis); 11--1 (bis); 28.11 (bis); TS. (bis); 38.1 (bis); 39.1 (bis); 40.1 (bis); 41.1 (bis); 42.1 (bis); śB. (bis),10 (bis). See indrāya tvā hari-. |
indrāya | tvā harivate # MS.1.3.34: 41.13 (bis); KS.4.11 (bis). See indrāya tvā ṣoḍa-. |
indrāya | śūṣaṃ harivantam arcata # RV.10.96.2d; AVś.20.30.2d. |
indre | ni rūpā haritā mimikṣire # RV.10.96.3d; AVś.20.30.3d. |
iyarti | dhūmam aruṣaṃ (MS.KS. aruṣo) bharibhrat # RV.10.45.7c; VS.12.24c; TS.; MS.2.7.9c: 86.14; KS.16.9c; ApMB.2.11.25c. |
iyarti | reṇuṃ bṛhad arhariṣvaṇiḥ # RV.1.56.4d. |
iṣṭayajuṣas | te deva soma stutastomasya śastokthasya harivata indrapītasya madhumata upahūtasyopahūto bhakṣayāmi # TS. P: iṣṭayajuṣas te deva soma Apś.13.17.4. See prec. |
iha | kṛṇmo harivo medinaṃ tvā # KS.40.10d. See under asmākaṃ kṛṇmo. |
īḍito | (VSK. īlito) devair harivāṃ abhiṣṭiḥ # VS.20.38a; VSK.22.38a; TB. See iḍito etc. |
uta | te suṣṭutā harī # RV.8.13.23a. |
uta | tyā yajatā harī # RV.4.15.8a. |
uta | tyā harito daśa (SV. rathe) # RV.9.63.9a; SV.2.568a. |
uto | te vṛṣaṇā (ArS. haritau; JB. haritā) harī # RV.8.13.31b; ArS.4.9b; JB.2.403b. |
uto | te haritau harī # see uto te vṛṣaṇā harī. |
ut | tiṣṭha puruṣa harita piṅgala lohitākṣi (MahānU. puruṣāharitapiṅgala lohitākṣa) dehi dehi dadāpayitā me śudhyantām # TA.10.60.1; Tā.10.65; MahānU.20.24. |
ud | gā haribhir ājata # RV.3.44.5d. |
upa | nūnaṃ yuyuje vṛṣaṇā harī # RV.8.4.11c. See upo etc. |
upa | no haribhiḥ sutam # RV.8.93.31a,31c,32c,33c; SV.1.150a,150c; 2.1140a,1140c,1141c,1142c; AB.5.7.5; 13.5; JB.1.203; KB.23.7; PB.12.13.3; TB.; Aś.7.12.15; 8.8.2. P: upa no haribhiḥ śś.10.8.9; 11.9.3. |
upa | bradhnaṃ vāvātā vṛṣaṇā harī # RV.8.4.14a. |
upa | brahmāṇi harivaḥ # RV.1.3.6b; AVś.20.84.3b; SV.2.498b; VS.20.89b. |
upa | brahmāṇi harivo haribhyām # RV.10.104.6a. |
upahūtaṃ | hek (śBK. harik) # śB. See upahūtā3ṃ ho, and upahūtā he. |
upāruhaḥ | śrathayan svādate hariḥ # RV.9.68.2b. |
upo | nūnaṃ yuyuje vṛṣaṇā harī # SV.1.308c. See upa etc. |
ubhe | bibhṛta ubhayaṃ bharīmabhiḥ # RV.10.64.14c. |
u | lokakṛtnum adrivo hariśriyam # RV.8.15.4c; AVś.20.61.1c; SV.1.383c; 2.230c. Fragment: hariśriyam JB.1.183. |
eṇīr | dhānā hariṇīḥ # TA.6.7.1a. See enīr etc. |
etac | charīraṃ jalabudbudopamam # RVKh.6.45.2d. |
etaṃ | tyaṃ harito daśa # RV.9.38.3a; SV.2.629a. |
etaṃ | piba hariva sthātar ugra # RV.6.41.3c. |
etena | gātuṃ harivo vido naḥ # RV.1.173.13b. |
enīr | dhānā hariṇīḥ śyenīr asya # AVś.18.4.34a. See eṇīr etc. |
endra | yāhi haribhiḥ # RV.8.34.1a; SV.1.348a; 2.1157a; KB.25.8; śś.9.28.13; 11.14.25; 18.18.10. |
evā | te hāriyojanā suvṛkti # RV.1.61.16a; AVś.20.35.16a. |
okaḥ | kṛṇuṣva harivo na mardhīḥ # RV.7.25.4d. |
kanikradad | vṛṣā hariḥ # RV.9.101.16c. |
kṛtā | dhānā attave te haribhyām # RV.3.35.7b. |
kṛṣṇam | anyad dharitaḥ saṃ bharanti # RV.1.115.5d; AVś.20.123.2d; VS.33.38d; MS.4.14.4d: 220.10; TB. |
ganteyānti | savanā haribhyām # RV.6.23.4a. |
garbho | yas te yajñiyaḥ # KS.13.9a,10. See yasyās te harito. |
girā | ya etā yunajad dharī te # RV.7.36.4a. |
gobhir | vāṇo ajyate sobharīṇām # RV.8.20.8a. |
ghṛtaṃ | na yo haribhiś cāru secate # RV.10.96.1c; AVś.20.30.1c. |
ghṛtapruṣas | tvā sarito vahanti (Aś. tvā harito vahantu) # TB.; Aś.5.19.3c; Apś.5.6.3c; 14.17.1c. See ghṛtapruṣo haritas. |
candram | agniṃ candrarathaṃ harivratam (Apś. haritvacam; Mś. harivṛtam, vḷ. harivratam) # RV.3.3.5a; KS.7.12a; Apś.5.10.4a; Mś. |
jaghanvāṃ | u haribhiḥ saṃbhṛtakrato # RV.1.52.8a. |
jano | na puri camvor viśad dhariḥ # RV.9.107.10c; SV.1.513c; 2.1039c. |
jīvalaṃ | naghāriṣam # AVP.1.93.2a. See next but one. |
jīvalāṃ | naghāriṣam (AVP. -riṣāmā) # AVś.8.2.6a; 7.6a; AVP.11.7.7a; PrāṇāgU.1a. See prec. but one. |
juṣāṇa | indra haribhir na ā gahi # RV.3.44.1c. Cf. prec. |
juṣāṇo | barhir harivān na (MS. nā) indraḥ # VS.20.39a; MS.3.11.1a: 140.2; KS.38.6a; TB. |
jyotir | akāri harito nāyase # RV.1.57.3d; AVś.20.15.3d. |
taṃ | sūryaṃ haritaḥ sapta yahvīḥ # RV.4.13.3c. |
taṃ | citrayāmaṃ harikeśam īmahe # RV.3.2.13c. |
tatakṣur | manasā harī # RV.1.20.2b. |
tad | oka ā haribhir indra yuktaiḥ # RV.10.112.4c. |
tam | ā bhara harivo mādayadhyai # RV.6.22.3d; AVś.20.36.3d. |
tava | tye agne harito ghṛtasnāḥ # RV.4.6.9a. |
tasya | ta indav indrapītasyendriyāvato 'nuṣṭupchandaso harivataḥ sarvagaṇasya (Kś. -endriyāvato gāyatrachandasaḥ [also triṣṭupchandasaḥ, jagacchandasaḥ] sarvagaṇasya; PB.9.9.11, -endriyāvataḥ sarvagaṇasya) sarvagaṇa upahūta upahūtasya (Kś. -gaṇa upahūtasyopahūto) bhakṣayāmi # Kś.25.12.6,7; PB.1.6.1; 9.9.11. Cf. indav indrapītasya, and Vait.19.6. |
tasya | te deva someṣṭayajuṣa stutastomasya śastokthasya harivantaṃ grahaṃ gṛhṇāmi # TS. See stutastomasya. |
tā | asya varṇaṃ śucayo bharibhrati # RV.10.124.7d. |
tāsām | ekā harikṇikā (śś. hariklikā) # AVś.20.129.3; śś.12.18.3. |
tiṣṭhad | dharī adhy asteva garte # RV.6.20.9c. |
tiṣṭhad | dharī dhṛṣatā mṛṣṭa vājān # RV.1.174.4d. |
tudad | ahiṃ hariśipro ya āyasaḥ # RV.10.96.4c; AVś.20.30.4c. |
tubhyaṃ | sthātar harīṇām # RV.8.33.12d. |
turaspeye | yo haripā avardhata # RV.10.96.8b; AVś.20.31.3b. |
tebhya | imaṃ baliṃ hariṣyāmi tebhya imaṃ balim ahārṣam # ApMB.2.17.8. Cf. tebhyo namo 'stu balim, tebhyo baliṃ, and balim ebhyo harāmi. |
te | somādo harī indrasya niṃsate # RV.10.94.9a. |
trī | ṣadhasthā punānaḥ kṛṇute hariḥ # RV.9.103.2c. |
tvaṃ | sūro harito rāmayo nṝn # RV.1.121.13a. |
tvām | agne harito vāvaśānāḥ # RV.7.5.5a. |
dakṣaṃ | ta ugram ābhāriṣam # AVś.4.13.5c. See dakṣaṃ te bhadram. |
darbhaiḥ | stṛṇīta haritaiḥ suparṇaiḥ (KS. suvarṇaiḥ) # KS.31.14c; Mś. See hotṛṣadanaṃ, and hotṛṣadanā. |
divas | tvā pātu haritam # AVś.5.28.9a; AVP.2.59.7a. |
divyā | asṛgran payasā dharīmaṇi # RV.9.86.4b; SV.2.236b; JB.3.58. |
dyām | indro haridhāyasam # RV.3.44.3a. |
dyumnī | suśipro harimanyusāyakaḥ # RV.10.96.3c; AVś.20.30.3c. |
dvitā | tarati nṛtamaṃ hariṣṭhām # RV.3.49.2b. |
dhanur | bibharṣi haritaṃ hiraṇyayam # AVś.11.2.12a. |
dharaṇī | lokadhāriṇī # MahānU.4.5d. Cf. TA.10.1.8. |
dhartā | (KS. dhartā vidhartā) dharuṇo dharīyān # KS.31.14c; TB.; Apś.4.6.3c. |
dhartri | dharitri janitri yamitri # Apś.14.33.2. |
dhartrī | ca dharitrī ca mitrāvaruṇayor mitrasya dhātuḥ # TS. |
dhartry | asi dharitrī (Mś. dharuṇā) # TS.; MS.2.8.3: 109.1; Mś. |
dhruvāsi | dharitrī # VS.14.22; KS.17.3; śB.,10. |
naghamāro | naghāriṣaḥ # AVś.19.39.2b; AVP.7.10.2b. |
na | deva vivratā harī ṛtasya yat # RV.8.12.15c. |
na | paribādho harivo gaviṣṭiṣu # RV.8.24.5c. |
namaḥ | śuṣkyāya (MS. śuṣyāya) ca harityāya ca # VS.16.45; TS.; MS.2.9.8: 126.12; KS.17.15. |
namo | jyeṣṭhāya śreṣṭhāya vṛddhāyendrāya harikeśāyordhvaretase namaḥ # GDh.26.12. |
namo | vṛkṣebhyo harikeśebhyaḥ # VS.16.17,40; TS.; 8.1; MS.2.9.3: 122.9; 2.9.7: 126.4; KS.17.12,15. |
nir | ito haritasrajam # AVP.13.4.1a. |
nireke | cid yo harivo vasur dadiḥ # RV.8.24.3c. |
ni | vajram indro harivān nimikṣan # RV.7.20.4c. |
niveśanād | dhariva ā jabhartha # RV.4.19.9b. |
ni | śiprī harivān dadhe # RV.1.81.4d; SV.1.423d. |
nṛbhir | yemāno haryato (JB. yemāṇo [?] hariyato) vicakṣaṇaḥ # RV.9.107.16a; SV.2.208a; JB.3.213a. |
naitośeva | turpharī parpharīkā # RV.10.106.6b; N.13.5b. |
paramaṃ | padam ava bhāti (VS.śB. bhāri) bhūri (TS. bhūreḥ) # RV.1.154.6d; VS.6.3d; TS.; MS.1.2.14d: 23.17; KS.3.3d; śB.; N.2.7d. |
pari | tyaṃ haryataṃ harim # RV.9.98.7a; SV.1.552a; 2.679a,1031a; JB.3.268a; PB.15.5.4. |
pari | suvāno harir aṃśuḥ pavitre # RV.9.92.1a. |
pavate | haryato hariḥ # RV.9.65.25a; 106.13a; SV.1.576a; 2.123a; JB.3.16; PB.11.5.1; Svidh.2.6.15. |
pavamāna | stṛṇan hariḥ # RV.9.5.4b. |
pātnīvataś | ca me hāriyojanaś ca me (VS. me yajñena kalpantām) # VS.18.20; TS.; MS.2.11.5: 143.7; KS.18.11. |
pipṛtāṃ | no bharīmabhiḥ # RV.1.22.13c; VS.8.32c; 13.32c; TS.; 5.11.3c;; MS.2.7.16c: 100.9; KS.13.9c; 16.16c; 39.3c; JB.2.46c,406c; śB.;; Lś.4.4.8c. |
pibā | niṣadya vi mucā harī iha # RV.1.177.4d. |
punāno | aruṣo hariḥ # RV.9.111.1e; SV.1.463.1e; 2.940e. |
pūrvebhir | indra harikeśa yajvabhiḥ # RV.10.96.5b; AVś.20.30.5b. |
pṛthivīṃ | bhūrivarpasam # AVś.1.2.1d. Cf. pṛthivīṃ hari-. |
pṛśnir | adād dharito no vasūni # RV.7.103.10b. |
pṛśnir | eko harita eka eṣām # RV.7.103.6b. |
pṛśniḥ | saṃpṛṅkte haritena vācam # RV.7.103.4d. |
pra | te mahe vidathe śaṃsiṣaṃ harī # RV.10.96.1a; AVś.20.30.1a; AB.4.3.4; KB.25.7; TB.;; Aś.6.2.6; Apś.14.2.13. P: pra te mahe Aś.6.4.10; śś.9.6.6; 18.4. Cf. BṛhD.7.154. Designated as sarvahari śś.11.14.10; as baru śś.11.14.26. |
pradakṣiṇid | dharivo mā vi venaḥ # RV.5.36.4d. |
pra | yat kṛte camase marmṛjad dharī # RV.10.96.9c; AVś.20.31.4c. |
pra | yad divo hariva sthātar ugra # RV.1.33.5c. |
pra | raśmibhir daśabhir bhāri bhūma # RV.9.97.23d. |
pra | sū ta (AVś.AVP. prasūta) indra pravatā (AVP. indraḥpravatā) haribhyām # RV.3.30.6a; AVś.3.1.4a; AVP.3.6.4a. |
pred | u harivaḥ śrutasya (SV. sutasya) # RV.8.2.13c; SV.2.1154c; TS. |
babdhāṃ | te harī dhānāḥ # N.5.12. |
bṛhann | adrir abhavat tad eṣām (AVś. abhavad yac charīram; MS.KS. abhavad yat tad āsīt) # AVś.9.4.5d; TS.; MS.2.5.10d: 61.13; KS.13.9d. |
bodhad | yan mā haribhyām # RV.4.15.7a. Cf. BṛhD.4.129. |
brahma | kṛṇvanto harivo vasiṣṭhāḥ # RV.7.37.4d. |
brahmacāry | ācāryādhīnaḥ praśānto 'dhaḥśāyī daṇḍamekhalājinajaṭādhārī stryanṛtamadhumāṃsagandhamālyavarjī bhava # JG.1.12. |
brahmāṇy | oktā namasā haribhyām # RV.1.63.9b. |
brāhmaṇāso | atirātre na some # RV.7.103.7a. Cf. Harivaṃśa 8803. |
bhagevitā | turpharī phārivāram # RV.10.106.8b. |
bhadrā | aśvā haritaḥ sūryasya # RV.1.115.3a; MS.4.10.2a: 147.3; TB. P: bhadrā aśvāḥ MS.4.12.1: 177.13; 4.12.4: 190.11; 4.14.4: 220.8; Mś. |
bhūmir | dhenur dharaṇī lokadhāriṇī (MahānU. dhenur dharitrī ca dharaṇī lokadhāriṇī) # TA.10.1.8a; MahānU.4.5cd. |
bhūmiṣ | ṭvā pātu haritena viśvabhṛt # AVś.5.28.5a; AVP.2.59.3a. |
matsvā | suśipra (SV. -prin) harivas tad (SV. tam) īmahe # RV.8.99.2a; SV.2.164a. |
mayi | gotraṃ hariśriyam # RV.8.50 (Vāl.2).10d. |
mā | te harī vṛṣaṇā vītapṛṣṭhā # RV.3.35.5a. |
māpa | spharīḥ payasā mā na ā dhak # RV.6.61.14b; MS.4.11.2b: 166.3; KS.17.18b; 30.3b; TB. |
mitrasya | cakṣur dharuṇaṃ (VārG. dharaṇaṃ) balīyaḥ (HG. dharīyaḥ) # śG.2.1.30a; PG.2.2.10a (crit. notes; see Speijer, Jātakarma, p. 22); HG.1.4.6a; ApMB.2.2.11a (ApG.4.10.11); VārG.5.9a. |
ya | indro harivān na dabhanti taṃ ripaḥ # RV.7.32.12c; AVś.20.59.3c. |
yaḥ | pātraṃ hāriyojanam # RV.1.82.4c; SV.1.424c. |
yajñam | ā sobharīyavaḥ # RV.8.20.2d. |
yat | tac charīram aśayat # AVś.11.8.16a. |
yatra | vaḥ preṅkhā haritā arjunā uta # AVś.4.37.4c. See yatra vo 'kṣā. |
yatra | vo 'kṣā haritā arjunāḥ # AVP.12.7.8a. See yatra vaḥ preṅkhā. |
yat | sūryasya haritaḥ patantīḥ # RV.5.29.5c. |
yathā | vājeṣu sobharim # RV.8.5.26c. |
yadā | te haryatā harī # RV.8.12.28a. |
yadi | pavitre adhi mṛjyate hariḥ # see yadī etc. |
yad | īṃ sūryaṃ na harito vahanti # RV.10.31.8d. |
yadī | (JB. yadi) pavitre adhi mṛjyate hariḥ # RV.9.86.6c; SV.2.237c; JB.3.58c. |
yaded | ayukta haritaḥ sadhasthāt # RV.1.115.4c; AVś.20.123.1c; VS.33.37c; MS.4.10.2c: 147.2; TB.; N.4.11c. |
yad | dhariṇo (TS.KSAṭB. -ṇī) yavam atti # VS.23.30a,31a; TS.; MS.3.13.1a: 168.7; KSA.4.8a; śB.; 5.2.8a (bis); TB.; śś.16.4.4a,6. |
yad | vā yuktābhyāṃ maghavan haribhyām # RV.6.23.1c. |
yaṃ | te vahanti harito vahiṣṭhāḥ # AVś.13.2.6c,7c. |
yayor | antar hariś carat # RV.3.44.3d. |
yasya | mā harito rathe # RV.10.33.5a. |
yasyās | te harito garbhaḥ # TS.; 4.1.1; Apś.9.19.2. See garbho yas. |
yaḥ | svajānāṃ (NīlarU. svajanān, var. lect. svajanānāṃ) harir uta # AVP.8.7.9b; NīlarU.21b. |
yāti | śubhrābhyāṃ yajato haribhyām # RV.1.35.3b. |
yā | te agne hariśayā (VSK. harīśayā; MSṃś. harāśayā) tanūr varṣiṣṭhā gahvareṣṭhā # VS.5.8; VSK.5.2.8; śB. P: yā te agne harāśayā MS.1.2.7: 17.6; Mś. |
yuktā | te brahmaṇā harī # RV.1.84.3b; SV.2.379b; VS.8.33b; TS.; KS.37.9b; śB. |
yuktā | (comm. correctly, yuktvā) harī vṛṣaṇā yāhy arvāṅ # TB. See yuktvā etc. |
yukṣvā | madacyutā harī # RV.1.81.3c; AVś.20.56.3c. See yuṅkṣvā etc. |
yukṣvā | sute harito rohitaś ca # RV.7.42.2b. |
yukṣvā | hi keśinā harī # RV.1.10.3a; VS.8.34a; śB. P: yukṣvā hi Kś.12.5.2. See yuṅkṣvā etc. |
yuṅkṣvā | madacyutā harī # SV.1.414c. See yukṣvā etc. |
yuṅkṣvā | hi keśinā harī # SV.2.696a. See yukṣvā etc. |
yujāna | indo haritaḥ suparṇyaḥ # RV.9.86.37b; SV.2.307b; JB.3.84. |
yujāna | indra haribhir mahemate # RV.8.50 (Vāl.2).7c. |
yuje | rathaṃ gaveṣaṇaṃ haribhyām # RV.7.23.3a; AVś.20.12.3a; MS.4.10.5a: 155.14; TB. P: yuje ratham MS.4.12.3: 185.6; 4.14.5: 221.11; TB. |
yunajmi | te brahmaṇā keśinā harī # RV.1.82.6a; Aś.6.11.9. P: yunajmi te śś.8.8.6. |
hari | another holy name of the Lord | CC Madhya 17.48-49 |
hari | Hari | CC Madhya 12.183 |
CC Madhya 16.168 | ||
CC Madhya 20.204 | ||
CC Madhya 20.206 | ||
CC Madhya 20.209 | ||
CC Madhya 20.325 | ||
hari | Lord Hari | CC Adi 13.23 |
CC Madhya 20.217 | ||
CC Madhya 7.116 | ||
hari | Lord Kṛṣṇa | CC Adi 1.6 |
CC Adi 4.230 | ||
hari | of Lord Hari | MM 8 |
hari | of Lord Kṛṣṇa | SB 10.47.63 |
SB 10.75.27 | ||
hari | of Nārāyaṇa | Bs 5.43 |
CC Madhya 21.49 | ||
hari | of the lion | SB 5.8.4 |
hari | of the Supreme Personality of Godhead | SB 5.1.38 |
hari | stealing | CC Adi 17.233 |
hari | the Absolute Personality of Godhead | SB 1.13.54 |
hari | the holy name 'Hari.' | CC Madhya 16.187 |
hari | the holy name of Hari | CC Adi 10.53 |
CC Adi 13.92 | ||
CC Antya 1.29 | ||
CC Antya 11.58 | ||
CC Madhya 12.111 | ||
CC Madhya 17.159 | ||
hari | the holy name of Kṛṣṇa | CC Madhya 11.209 |
hari | the holy name of the Lord | CC Adi 13.95 |
CC Adi 17.223 | ||
CC Madhya 18.88 | ||
hari | the Lord | CC Adi 17.123 |
hari | the Lord | CC Adi 17.123 |
hari | the Personality of Godhead | SB 1.2.13 |
hari | the Supreme Personality of Godhead | CC Adi 2.115 |
CC Madhya 24.93 | ||
SB 3.10.18 | ||
SB 8.4.11-12 | ||
hari | unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead | SB 4.31.31 |
hari | Viṣṇu, the Personality of Godhead | SB 1.2.23 |
hari bale | chant the holy name of Hari | CC Antya 1.63 |
hari bale | chant the holy name of Hari | CC Antya 1.63 |
hari bale | chanted Hare Kṛṣṇa | CC Adi 12.21 |
hari bale | chanted Hare Kṛṣṇa | CC Adi 12.21 |
hari bale | exclaim 'Hari' | CC Madhya 3.12 |
hari bale | exclaim 'Hari' | CC Madhya 3.12 |
hari bale | says Hari | CC Adi 17.196 |
hari bale | says Hari | CC Adi 17.196 |
hari bali' | by saying the word Hari | CC Adi 13.96 |
hari bali' | by saying the word Hari | CC Adi 13.96 |
hari bali' | chanting the holy name | CC Adi 3.62 |
hari bali' | chanting the holy name | CC Adi 3.62 |
hari bali' | chanting the holy name of Hari | CC Madhya 12.149 |
hari bali' | chanting the holy name of Hari | CC Madhya 12.149 |
hari bali' | saying 'Hari' | CC Antya 6.86 |
hari bali' | saying 'Hari' | CC Antya 6.86 |
hari dhvani | chanting of the holy name of Hari | CC Antya 6.119 |
hari dhvani | chanting of the holy name of Hari | CC Antya 6.119 |
hari hari | Hari, Hari | CC Antya 18.44 |
hari hari | Hari, Hari | CC Antya 18.44 |
CC Antya 7.70 | ||
hari hari | Hari, Hari | CC Antya 7.70 |
CC Madhya 16.125 | ||
hari hari | Hari, Hari | CC Madhya 16.125 |
CC Madhya 18.40 | ||
hari hari | Hari, Hari | CC Madhya 18.40 |
hari hari | Lord Hari's name | CC Madhya 25.67 |
hari hari | Lord Hari's name | CC Madhya 25.67 |
hari hari | O my Lord Hari, O my Lord Hari. | CC Antya 3.122 |
hari hari | O my Lord Hari, O my Lord Hari. | CC Antya 3.122 |
hari hari | O Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari | CC Madhya 25.65 |
hari hari | O Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari | CC Madhya 25.65 |
hari hari | of the Lord's name, Hari, Hari | CC Adi 17.193 |
hari hari | of the Lord's name, Hari, Hari | CC Adi 17.193 |
hari hari | the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra | CC Antya 3.138 |
hari hari | the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra | CC Antya 3.138 |
hari hari | the holy name of Lord Hari | CC Madhya 7.97 |
hari hari | the holy name of Lord Hari | CC Madhya 7.97 |
hari hari | the holy name of Lord Kṛṣṇa (Hari) | CC Adi 7.159 |
hari hari | the holy name of Lord Kṛṣṇa (Hari) | CC Adi 7.159 |
hari hari | the holy name of the Lord | CC Adi 12.25 |
hari hari | the holy name of the Lord | CC Adi 12.25 |
CC Adi 13.24 | ||
hari hari | the holy name of the Lord | CC Adi 13.24 |
CC Adi 13.94 | ||
hari hari | the holy name of the Lord | CC Adi 13.94 |
CC Antya 14.102 | ||
hari hari | the holy name of the Lord | CC Antya 14.102 |
CC Antya 3.128 | ||
hari hari | the holy name of the Lord | CC Antya 3.128 |
CC Madhya 1.218 | ||
hari hari | the holy name of the Lord | CC Madhya 1.218 |
CC Madhya 3.109 | ||
hari hari | the holy name of the Lord | CC Madhya 3.109 |
CC Madhya 3.156 | ||
hari hari | the holy name of the Lord | CC Madhya 3.156 |
CC Madhya 6.238 | ||
hari hari | the holy name of the Lord | CC Madhya 6.238 |
CC Madhya 7.78 | ||
hari hari | the holy name of the Lord | CC Madhya 7.78 |
CC Madhya 7.87 | ||
hari hari | the holy name of the Lord | CC Madhya 7.87 |
hari hari | the holy name of the Lord (Hari, Hari) | CC Madhya 9.361 |
hari hari | the holy name of the Lord (Hari, Hari) | CC Madhya 9.361 |
hari hari | the holy name of the Lord, 'Hari, Hari.' | CC Madhya 13.190 |
hari hari | the holy name of the Lord, 'Hari, Hari.' | CC Madhya 13.190 |
hari hari | the holy name of the Lord, Hari | CC Madhya 1.276 |
hari hari | the holy name of the Lord, Hari | CC Madhya 1.276 |
hari hari | the holy names of the Lord | CC Adi 13.21 |
hari hari | the holy names of the Lord | CC Adi 13.21 |
hari hari | the name of Lord Hari | CC Madhya 9.61 |
hari hari | the name of Lord Hari | CC Madhya 9.61 |
hari hari | the name of the Lord, 'Hari, Hari' | CC Adi 17.199 |
hari hari | the name of the Lord, 'Hari, Hari' | CC Adi 17.199 |
hari hari | the vibration 'Hari, Hari' | CC Adi 17.200 |
hari hari | the vibration 'Hari, Hari' | CC Adi 17.200 |
hari hari bale | began to chant the holy names Hari, Hari | CC Madhya 17.160 |
hari hari bale | began to chant the holy names Hari, Hari | CC Madhya 17.160 |
hari hari bale | began to chant the holy names Hari, Hari | CC Madhya 17.160 |
hari hari bali' | chanting 'Hari, Hari' | CC Antya 6.87 |
hari hari bali' | chanting 'Hari, Hari' | CC Antya 6.87 |
hari hari bali' | chanting 'Hari, Hari' | CC Antya 6.87 |
hari hari bali' | chanting Hari, Hari | CC Madhya 6.38 |
hari hari bali' | chanting Hari, Hari | CC Madhya 6.38 |
hari hari bali' | chanting Hari, Hari | CC Madhya 6.38 |
hari hari bali' | chanting the holy names Hari, Hari | CC Madhya 13.51 |
hari hari bali' | chanting the holy names Hari, Hari | CC Madhya 13.51 |
hari hari bali' | chanting the holy names Hari, Hari | CC Madhya 13.51 |
hari hari bali' | vibrating the sounds 'Hari Hari' | CC Madhya 3.13 |
hari hari bali' | vibrating the sounds 'Hari Hari' | CC Madhya 3.13 |
hari hari bali' | vibrating the sounds 'Hari Hari' | CC Madhya 3.13 |
hari hari dhvani | the vibration of Hari, Hari | CC Antya 7.70 |
hari hari dhvani | the vibration of Hari, Hari | CC Antya 7.70 |
hari hari dhvani | the vibration of Hari, Hari | CC Antya 7.70 |
hari hari kari' | saying 'Hari, Hari' | CC Adi 17.195 |
hari hari kari' | saying 'Hari, Hari' | CC Adi 17.195 |
hari hari kari' | saying 'Hari, Hari' | CC Adi 17.195 |
hari hari-dhvani | the resounding of 'Hari, Hari' | CC Antya 6.86 |
hari hari-dhvani | the resounding of 'Hari, Hari' | CC Antya 6.86 |
hari hari-dhvani | the resounding of 'Hari, Hari' | CC Antya 6.86 |
hari kṛṣṇa | the holy name of Lord Hari and Lord Kṛṣṇa | CC Madhya 7.98 |
hari kṛṣṇa | the holy name of Lord Hari and Lord Kṛṣṇa | CC Madhya 7.98 |
hari kṛṣṇa nārāyaṇa | the holy names of Lord Hari, Lord Kṛṣṇa and Lord Nārāyaṇa | CC Adi 17.218 |
hari kṛṣṇa nārāyaṇa | the holy names of Lord Hari, Lord Kṛṣṇa and Lord Nārāyaṇa | CC Adi 17.218 |
hari kṛṣṇa nārāyaṇa | the holy names of Lord Hari, Lord Kṛṣṇa and Lord Nārāyaṇa | CC Adi 17.218 |
hari-ātmanā | completely absorbed in thoughts of Hari | SB 7.11.29 |
hari-ātmanā | completely absorbed in thoughts of Hari | SB 7.11.29 |
hari-bhaktau | in devotional service | CC Madhya 22.147 |
hari-bhaktau | in devotional service | CC Madhya 22.147 |
CC Madhya 24.273 | ||
hari-bhaktau | in devotional service | CC Madhya 24.273 |
hari-bhakti-vilāsa | of the name Hari-bhakti-vilāsa | CC Antya 4.221 |
hari-bhakti-vilāsa | of the name Hari-bhakti-vilāsa | CC Antya 4.221 |
hari-bhakti-vilāsa | of the name Hari-bhakti-vilāsa | CC Antya 4.221 |
hari-bhakti-vilāsa | the scripture named Hari-bhakti-vilāsa | CC Madhya 1.35 |
hari-bhakti-vilāsa | the scripture named Hari-bhakti-vilāsa | CC Madhya 1.35 |
hari-bhakti-vilāsa | the scripture named Hari-bhakti-vilāsa | CC Madhya 1.35 |
hari-bhaktiḥ | devotional service | CC Adi 8.17 |
hari-bhaktiḥ | devotional service | CC Adi 8.17 |
hari-bhaktim | devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead | CC Adi 3.83 |
hari-bhaktim | devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead | CC Adi 3.83 |
hari-bhaktye | by advancement in devotional service | CC Madhya 24.272 |
hari-bhaktye | by advancement in devotional service | CC Madhya 24.272 |
hari-bhaṭṭa | Hari Bhaṭṭa | CC Madhya 11.159-160 |
hari-bhaṭṭa | Hari Bhaṭṭa | CC Madhya 11.159-160 |
CC Madhya 11.87 | ||
hari-bhaṭṭa | Hari Bhaṭṭa | CC Madhya 11.87 |
hari-bhāvena | mentally accepting him as equal to Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead | SB 7.11.29 |
hari-bhāvena | mentally accepting him as equal to Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead | SB 7.11.29 |
hari-bola | the vibration of 'Haribol' | CC Madhya 17.45 |
hari-bola | the vibration of 'Haribol' | CC Madhya 17.45 |
hari-bola bali' | by chanting 'Haribol' | CC Madhya 14.46 |
hari-bola bali' | by chanting 'Haribol' | CC Madhya 14.46 |
hari-bola bali' | by chanting 'Haribol' | CC Madhya 14.46 |
hari-bola bali' | chanting 'Haribol' | CC Madhya 14.45 |
hari-bola bali' | chanting 'Haribol' | CC Madhya 14.45 |
hari-bola bali' | chanting 'Haribol' | CC Madhya 14.45 |
hari-bola bali' | saying 'Haribol' | CC Antya 14.70 |
hari-bola bali' | saying 'Haribol' | CC Antya 14.70 |
hari-bola bali' | saying 'Haribol' | CC Antya 14.70 |
hari-bola bali' | uttering 'Haribol' | CC Antya 14.101 |
hari-bola bali' | uttering 'Haribol' | CC Antya 14.101 |
hari-bola bali' | uttering 'Haribol' | CC Antya 14.101 |
CC Antya 7.73-74 | ||
hari-bola bali' | uttering 'Haribol' | CC Antya 7.73-74 |
hari-bola bali' | uttering 'Haribol' | CC Antya 7.73-74 |
hari-bola hari-bola | chant Hari, chant Hari | CC Antya 11.68 |
hari-bola hari-bola | chant Hari, chant Hari | CC Antya 11.68 |
hari-bola hari-bola | chant Hari, chant Hari | CC Antya 11.68 |
hari-bola hari-bola | chant Hari, chant Hari | CC Antya 11.68 |
hari-bola hari-bola | chant the holy name of Hari | CC Madhya 13.87 |
hari-bola hari-bola | chant the holy name of Hari | CC Madhya 13.87 |
hari-bola hari-bola | chant the holy name of Hari | CC Madhya 13.87 |
hari-bola hari-bola | chant the holy name of Hari | CC Madhya 13.87 |
hari-bola-dhvani | the transcendental sound vibration 'Haribol' | CC Madhya 17.189 |
hari-bola-dhvani | the transcendental sound vibration 'Haribol' | CC Madhya 17.189 |
hari-bola-dhvani | the transcendental sound vibration 'Haribol' | CC Madhya 17.189 |
hari-cakrataḥ trasan | being afraid of the roaring sound of a lion | SB 5.13.16 |
hari-cakrataḥ trasan | being afraid of the roaring sound of a lion | SB 5.13.16 |
hari-cakrataḥ trasan | being afraid of the roaring sound of a lion | SB 5.13.16 |
hari-candana | sandalwood | CC Antya 15.78 |
hari-candana | sandalwood | CC Antya 15.78 |
hari-caraṇa | of the feet of Lord Hari | MM 9 |
hari-caraṇa | of the feet of Lord Hari | MM 9 |
hari-carya | activities of Hari, the Personality of Godhead | SB 1.6.34 |
hari-carya | activities of Hari, the Personality of Godhead | SB 1.6.34 |
hari-daivatam | unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari | SB 7.15.5 |
hari-daivatam | unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari | SB 7.15.5 |
hari-dāsa | the servant of Hari | SB 7.1.34 |
hari-dāsa | the servant of Hari | SB 7.1.34 |
hari-dāsa-varyaḥ | the best among the servants of the Lord | CC Antya 14.86 |
hari-dāsa-varyaḥ | the best among the servants of the Lord | CC Antya 14.86 |
hari-dāsa-varyaḥ | the best among the servants of the Lord | CC Antya 14.86 |
CC Madhya 18.34 | ||
hari-dāsa-varyaḥ | the best among the servants of the Lord | CC Madhya 18.34 |
hari-dāsa-varyaḥ | the best among the servants of the Lord | CC Madhya 18.34 |
SB 10.21.18 | ||
hari-dāsa-varyaḥ | the best among the servants of the Lord | SB 10.21.18 |
hari-dāsa-varyaḥ | the best among the servants of the Lord | SB 10.21.18 |
hari-dāsaḥ | the servant of Lord Hari | SB 10.47.56 |
hari-dāsaḥ | the servant of Lord Hari | SB 10.47.56 |
hari-dāsī | maidservants of the Supreme Lord | CC Antya 15.74 |
hari-dāsī | maidservants of the Supreme Lord | CC Antya 15.74 |
hari-devera | of Harideva | CC Madhya 18.22 |
hari-devera | of Harideva | CC Madhya 18.22 |
hari-dhvani | chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa | CC Adi 8.76 |
hari-dhvani | chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa | CC Adi 8.76 |
hari-dhvani | chanting of the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra | CC Adi 12.26 |
hari-dhvani | chanting of the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra | CC Adi 12.26 |
hari-dhvani | resounding of the holy name of Hari | CC Madhya 12.163-164 |
hari-dhvani | resounding of the holy name of Hari | CC Madhya 12.163-164 |
hari-dhvani | the sound of Hari | CC Madhya 12.198 |
hari-dhvani | the sound of Hari | CC Madhya 12.198 |
hari-dhvani | the sound of Hari | CC Madhya 12.198 |
hari-dhvani | the sound of Hari | CC Madhya 12.198 |
hari-dhvani | the sound vibration of Hari | CC Adi 7.159 |
hari-dhvani | the sound vibration of Hari | CC Adi 7.159 |
hari-dhvani | the transcendental vibration of Hari | CC Adi 13.98 |
hari-dhvani | the transcendental vibration of Hari | CC Adi 13.98 |
hari-dhvani | vibrating the transcendental sound | CC Madhya 11.216 |
hari-dhvani | vibrating the transcendental sound | CC Madhya 11.216 |
hari-dhvani | vibration of the holy name, 'Hari Hari.' | CC Adi 17.223 |
hari-dhvani | vibration of the holy name, 'Hari Hari.' | CC Adi 17.223 |
hari-dhvani kare | chanted the holy name Hari | CC Antya 10.70 |
hari-dhvani kare | chanted the holy name Hari | CC Antya 10.70 |
hari-dhvani kare | chanted the holy name Hari | CC Antya 10.70 |
hari-dhvani kare | chanted the transcendental sound Hari | CC Antya 10.64 |
hari-dhvani kare | chanted the transcendental sound Hari | CC Antya 10.64 |
hari-dhvani kare | chanted the transcendental sound Hari | CC Antya 10.64 |
hari-dhvani kari | loudly chanting the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra | CC Madhya 25.164 |
hari-dhvani kari | loudly chanting the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra | CC Madhya 25.164 |
hari-dhvani kari | loudly chanting the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra | CC Madhya 25.164 |
hari-dhvani kari' | chanting the holy name of Hari | CC Antya 9.146 |
hari-dhvani kari' | chanting the holy name of Hari | CC Antya 9.146 |
hari-dhvani kari' | chanting the holy name of Hari | CC Antya 9.146 |
hari-dhvani kari' | loudly chanting the name of Hari | CC Madhya 25.176 |
hari-dhvani kari' | loudly chanting the name of Hari | CC Madhya 25.176 |
hari-dhvani kari' | loudly chanting the name of Hari | CC Madhya 25.176 |
hari-dhvani kari' | loudly resounding the holy name of Hari | CC Antya 16.115 |
hari-dhvani kari' | loudly resounding the holy name of Hari | CC Antya 16.115 |
hari-dhvani kari' | loudly resounding the holy name of Hari | CC Antya 16.115 |
hari-dhvani kari' | vibrating the holy name of Hari | CC Madhya 19.42 |
hari-dhvani kari' | vibrating the holy name of Hari | CC Madhya 19.42 |
hari-dhvani kari' | vibrating the holy name of Hari | CC Madhya 19.42 |
hari-dhvani kari' | vibrating the holy name of the Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra | CC Madhya 9.337 |
hari-dhvani kari' | vibrating the holy name of the Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra | CC Madhya 9.337 |
hari-dhvani kari' | vibrating the holy name of the Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra | CC Madhya 9.337 |
hari-dhvani śuni' | after hearing the chanting of the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra | CC Madhya 25.66 |
hari-dhvani śuni' | after hearing the chanting of the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra | CC Madhya 25.66 |
hari-dhvani śuni' | after hearing the chanting of the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra | CC Madhya 25.66 |
hari-dhvani-kolāhale | the tumultuous sound of the holy name of Hari | CC Antya 11.70 |
hari-dhvani-kolāhale | the tumultuous sound of the holy name of Hari | CC Antya 11.70 |
hari-dhvani-kolāhale | the tumultuous sound of the holy name of Hari | CC Antya 11.70 |
hari-gātha-upagāyane | on an occasion of kīrtana for glorifying the Supreme Lord | SB 7.15.71 |
hari-gātha-upagāyane | on an occasion of kīrtana for glorifying the Supreme Lord | SB 7.15.71 |
hari-gātha-upagāyane | on an occasion of kīrtana for glorifying the Supreme Lord | SB 7.15.71 |
hari-guṇa-mayī | whose subject matter is the attributes of Kṛṣṇa | CC Antya 1.139 |
hari-guṇa-mayī | whose subject matter is the attributes of Kṛṣṇa | CC Antya 1.139 |
hari-guṇa-mayī | whose subject matter is the attributes of Kṛṣṇa | CC Antya 1.139 |
hari-guru-caraṇa-aravinda | to the lotus feet of the Lord and His devotee | SB 5.14.1 |
hari-guru-caraṇa-aravinda | to the lotus feet of the Lord and His devotee | SB 5.14.1 |
hari-guru-caraṇa-aravinda | to the lotus feet of the Lord and His devotee | SB 5.14.1 |
hari-guru-caraṇa-aravinda | to the lotus feet of the Lord and His devotee | SB 5.14.1 |
hari-kara-parirambham | being embraced by the hands of Śrī Kṛṣṇa | CC Antya 1.163 |
hari-kara-parirambham | being embraced by the hands of Śrī Kṛṣṇa | CC Antya 1.163 |
hari-kara-parirambham | being embraced by the hands of Śrī Kṛṣṇa | CC Antya 1.163 |
hari-kathā | of the topics of the Supreme Lord, Hari | SB 11.3.2 |
hari-kathā | of the topics of the Supreme Lord, Hari | SB 11.3.2 |
hari-kathā-amṛtam | the nectar of topics concerning Kṛṣṇa | SB 10.1.13 |
hari-kathā-amṛtam | the nectar of topics concerning Kṛṣṇa | SB 10.1.13 |
hari-kathā-amṛtam | the nectar of topics concerning Kṛṣṇa | SB 10.1.13 |
hari-kathā-udarkāḥ | result in the topics of the Lord | SB 2.3.14 |
hari-kathā-udarkāḥ | result in the topics of the Lord | SB 2.3.14 |
hari-kathā-udarkāḥ | result in the topics of the Lord | SB 2.3.14 |
hari-kathām | the glories of the Lord | SB 3.15.18 |
hari-kathām | the glories of the Lord | SB 3.15.18 |
hari-kathām | transcendental message | SB 1.6.32 |
hari-kathām | transcendental message | SB 1.6.32 |
hari-kathāsu | in the transcendental topics of the Lord | SB 2.3.12 |
hari-kathāsu | in the transcendental topics of the Lord | SB 2.3.12 |
hari-kīrtana-kolāhala | the tumultuous sound of congregational chanting | CC Antya 11.72 |
hari-kīrtana-kolāhala | the tumultuous sound of congregational chanting | CC Antya 11.72 |
hari-kīrtana-kolāhala | the tumultuous sound of congregational chanting | CC Antya 11.72 |
hari-kīrtanam | chanting of the holy name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead | SB 6.1.30 |
hari-kīrtanam | chanting of the holy name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead | SB 6.1.30 |
hari-kīrtanam | describing the glories of the Lord | SB 4.31.25 |
hari-kīrtanam | describing the glories of the Lord | SB 4.31.25 |
hari-kīrtanāt | simply by chanting the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra | CC Madhya 20.345 |
hari-kīrtanāt | simply by chanting the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra | CC Madhya 20.345 |
SB 12.3.52 | ||
hari-kīrtanāt | simply by chanting the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra | SB 12.3.52 |
hari-kṛtam | performed by Lord Hari | SB 10.14.59 |
hari-kṛtam | performed by Lord Hari | SB 10.14.59 |
hari-kṛtam | was done by Kṛṣṇa | SB 10.12.41 |
hari-kṛtam | was done by Kṛṣṇa | SB 10.12.41 |
hari-līlā | of the pastimes of Lord Hari | SB 12.13.11-12 |
hari-līlā | of the pastimes of Lord Hari | SB 12.13.11-12 |
hari-līlā | the pastimes of Śrī Kṛṣṇa | CC Antya 1.128 |
hari-līlā | the pastimes of Śrī Kṛṣṇa | CC Antya 1.128 |
hari-līlā | transcendental pastimes of the Lord | SB 1.16.8 |
hari-līlā | transcendental pastimes of the Lord | SB 1.16.8 |
hari-līlā-amṛtam | the nectar of the pastimes of the Lord | SB 3.20.6 |
hari-līlā-amṛtam | the nectar of the pastimes of the Lord | SB 3.20.6 |
hari-līlā-amṛtam | the nectar of the pastimes of the Lord | SB 3.20.6 |
hari-lokataḥ | from Vaikuṇṭha, the abode of Lord Hari | SB 3.16.33 |
hari-lokataḥ | from Vaikuṇṭha, the abode of Lord Hari | SB 3.16.33 |
hari-medhasā | by the Supreme Lord, whose intelligence takes away the misery of material life | SB 11.29.45 |
hari-medhasā | by the Supreme Lord, whose intelligence takes away the misery of material life | SB 11.29.45 |
hari-medhasaḥ | of Lord Hari | SB 3.32.18 |
hari-medhasaḥ | of Lord Hari | SB 3.32.18 |
hari-medhasaḥ | who destroys the material existence of the devotee | SB 3.13.48 |
hari-medhasaḥ | who destroys the material existence of the devotee | SB 3.13.48 |
hari-medhasaḥ | whose intelligence is always absorbed in thoughts of Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead | SB 9.13.9 |
hari-medhasaḥ | whose intelligence is always absorbed in thoughts of Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead | SB 9.13.9 |
hari-medhase | whose brain works only for the deliverance of the conditioned soul | SB 4.30.24 |
hari-medhase | whose brain works only for the deliverance of the conditioned soul | SB 4.30.24 |
hari-nāma | the holy name of Lord Hari | CC Madhya 3.15 |
hari-nāma | the holy name of Lord Hari | CC Madhya 3.15 |
hari-nāma | the holy name of the Lord | CC Adi 13.22 |
hari-nāma | the holy name of the Lord | CC Adi 13.22 |
CC Adi 14.22 | ||
hari-nāma | the holy name of the Lord | CC Adi 14.22 |
SB 2.3.24 | ||
hari-nāma | the holy name of the Lord | SB 2.3.24 |
hari-nāmadheyaiḥ | meditating on the holy name of the Lord | CC Adi 8.25 |
hari-nāmadheyaiḥ | meditating on the holy name of the Lord | CC Adi 8.25 |
hari-nara | of half lion and half human being | SB 7.8.56 |
hari-nara | of half lion and half human being | SB 7.8.56 |
hari-niṣevayā | by rendering devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead | SB 10.20.13 |
hari-niṣevayā | by rendering devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead | SB 10.20.13 |
hari-pada | at the two lotus feet of Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead | SB 3.15.20 |
hari-pada | at the two lotus feet of Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead | SB 3.15.20 |
hari-pādābja | the lotus feet of the Lord | SB 1.8.2 |
hari-pādābja | the lotus feet of the Lord | SB 1.8.2 |
hari-priyān | who are very dear to Lord Hari | SB 11.5.9 |
hari-priyān | who are very dear to Lord Hari | SB 11.5.9 |
hari-rāmayoḥ | of Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma | SB 10.50.21 |
hari-rāmayoḥ | of Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma | SB 10.50.21 |
hari-śabdera | of the word hari | CC Madhya 24.64 |
hari-śabdera | of the word hari | CC Madhya 24.64 |
hari-sadmani | the house of the Supreme Personality | SB 3.15.21 |
hari-sadmani | the house of the Supreme Personality | SB 3.15.21 |
hari-saṃśrayam | one who has taken shelter of Lord Kṛṣṇa | SB 3.22.37 |
hari-saṃśrayam | one who has taken shelter of Lord Kṛṣṇa | SB 3.22.37 |
hari-śańkarayoḥ | between Lord Hari (Kṛṣṇa) and Lord Śańkara (Śiva) | SB 10.62.1 |
hari-śańkarayoḥ | between Lord Hari (Kṛṣṇa) and Lord Śańkara (Śiva) | SB 10.62.1 |
hari-sańkīrtana | performance of sańkīrtana | CC Adi 13.102 |
hari-sańkīrtana | performance of sańkīrtana | CC Adi 13.102 |
hari-sevayā | by the means of loving service to the Supreme Lord | SB 5.13.20 |
hari-sevayā | by the means of loving service to the Supreme Lord | SB 5.13.20 |
hari-smṛtiḥ | remembrance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead | SB 8.10.55 |
hari-smṛtiḥ | remembrance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead | SB 8.10.55 |
hari-tanum | the transcendental body of the Lord | CC Adi 5.224 |
hari-tanum | the transcendental body of the Lord | CC Adi 5.224 |
hari-toṣam | satisfying the Supreme Lord | SB 4.29.49 |
hari-toṣam | satisfying the Supreme Lord | SB 4.29.49 |
hari-toṣaṇāni | that pleased the Lord | SB 3.1.19 |
hari-toṣaṇāni | that pleased the Lord | SB 3.1.19 |
hari-vallabha | a sweetmeat like bread fried in ghee (like a doughnut) | CC Madhya 14.30 |
hari-vallabha | a sweetmeat like bread fried in ghee (like a doughnut) | CC Madhya 14.30 |
hari-vaṃśe | the revealed scripture known as Hari-vaṃśa | CC Madhya 23.116 |
hari-vaṃśe | the revealed scripture known as Hari-vaṃśa | CC Madhya 23.116 |
hari-varṣa | Harivarṣa | SB 5.2.19 |
hari-varṣa | Harivarṣa | SB 5.2.19 |
hari-varṣa | the division named Hari-varṣa | SB 5.16.9 |
hari-varṣa | the division named Hari-varṣa | SB 5.16.9 |
hari-varṣe | in the tract of land known as Harivarṣa | SB 5.18.7 |
hari-varṣe | in the tract of land known as Harivarṣa | SB 5.18.7 |
hari-viraha | due to separation from Hari | CC Antya 18.1 |
hari-viraha | due to separation from Hari | CC Antya 18.1 |
hari' | carrying | CC Madhya 5.15 |
hari' | enchanting | CC Antya 15.80 |
hari' | stealing | CC Adi 2.31 |
CC Madhya 2.37 | ||
hari' bale | chant the holy name of the Lord | CC Adi 14.22 |
hari' bale | chant the holy name of the Lord | CC Adi 14.22 |
hariba | I shall attract: tāńra | his |
haribāre | to take away | CC Adi 4.7 |
haribhiḥ | by lions | SB 3.21.44 |
haribhiḥ | on the backs of lions | SB 8.10.9 |
haribhiḥ | which is green | SB 10.20.11 |
haribhiḥ | with horses | SB 8.11.16 |
haricandana | Haricandana | CC Madhya 13.93 |
CC Madhya 13.95 | ||
CC Madhya 16.113 | ||
haricandana | Haricandana Pātra | CC Antya 9.51 |
haricandana | the sandalwood trees | SB 4.6.30 |
haricandana-pātra | the officer named Haricandana Pātra | CC Antya 9.45 |
haricandana-pātra | the officer named Haricandana Pātra | CC Antya 9.45 |
haricandanera | of Haricandana | CC Madhya 13.91 |
haridāsa | Choṭa Haridāsa | CC Antya 2.114 |
haridāsa | Haridāsa | CC Adi 17.199 |
CC Antya 2.151 | ||
CC Antya 20.107 | ||
CC Antya 3.89 | ||
CC Madhya 13.39 | ||
CC Madhya 13.73 | ||
CC Madhya 2.95 | ||
CC Madhya 3.106 | ||
CC Madhya 3.61 | ||
haridāsa | Haridāsa ṭhākura | CC Adi 13.101 |
CC Adi 17.245 | ||
CC Adi 4.227-228 | ||
CC Adi 6.49-50 | ||
CC Antya 1.100 | ||
CC Antya 11.105 | ||
CC Antya 11.39 | ||
CC Antya 11.46 | ||
CC Antya 3.105 | ||
CC Antya 3.116 | ||
CC Antya 3.119 | ||
CC Antya 3.123 | ||
CC Antya 3.203 | ||
CC Antya 3.204 | ||
CC Antya 3.212 | ||
CC Antya 3.214 | ||
CC Antya 3.225 | ||
CC Antya 3.229 | ||
CC Antya 3.239 | ||
CC Antya 3.246 | ||
CC Antya 3.99 | ||
CC Antya 4.14 | ||
CC Antya 4.146 | ||
CC Antya 4.202 | ||
CC Antya 4.93 | ||
CC Madhya 1.219 | ||
CC Madhya 1.252 | ||
CC Madhya 13.35 | ||
CC Madhya 3.113 | ||
haridāsa | Haridāsas | CC Madhya 10.149 |
haridāsa | Junior Haridāsa | CC Antya 2.115 |
CC Antya 2.142 | ||
CC Antya 2.156 | ||
CC Antya 2.166 | ||
haridāsa | My dear Haridāsa | CC Antya 11.37 |
CC Antya 11.47 | ||
CC Antya 3.50 | ||
CC Antya 4.183 | ||
haridāsa | O Haridāsa | CC Antya 11.21 |
haridāsa | of Haridāsa ṭhākura | CC Antya 1.63 |
haridāsa | ṭhākura Haridāsa | CC Adi 17.136 |
CC Antya 11.53 | ||
CC Antya 11.97 | ||
CC Antya 3.170 | ||
CC Antya 7.73-74 | ||
CC Madhya 11.185 | ||
CC Madhya 12.160 | ||
CC Madhya 3.131 | ||
haridāsa | the younger Haridāsa | CC Madhya 13.42 |
haridāsa | to Haridāsa ṭhākura | CC Antya 11.98 |
CC Antya 11.99 | ||
haridāsa bale | Haridāsa ṭhākura said | CC Antya 3.78-79 |
haridāsa bale | Haridāsa ṭhākura said | CC Antya 3.78-79 |
haridāsa bali' | calling Haridāsa | CC Madhya 12.160 |
haridāsa bali' | calling Haridāsa | CC Madhya 12.160 |
haridāsa brahmacārī | Haridāsa Brahmacārī | CC Adi 12.80 |
haridāsa brahmacārī | Haridāsa Brahmacārī | CC Adi 12.80 |
haridāsa gāyena | Junior Haridāsa was singing | CC Antya 2.153-154 |
haridāsa gāyena | Junior Haridāsa was singing | CC Antya 2.153-154 |
haridāsa gosāñe | Haridāsa ṭhākura | CC Madhya 11.162 |
haridāsa gosāñe | Haridāsa ṭhākura | CC Madhya 11.162 |
haridāsa kahe | Haridāsa replied | CC Antya 11.18 |
haridāsa kahe | Haridāsa replied | CC Antya 11.18 |
CC Antya 11.47 | ||
haridāsa kahe | Haridāsa replied | CC Antya 11.47 |
CC Antya 3.52 | ||
haridāsa kahe | Haridāsa replied | CC Antya 3.52 |
CC Antya 3.68 | ||
haridāsa kahe | Haridāsa replied | CC Antya 3.68 |
haridāsa kahe | Haridāsa said | CC Antya 3.259 |
haridāsa kahe | Haridāsa said | CC Antya 3.259 |
CC Antya 4.15 | ||
haridāsa kahe | Haridāsa said | CC Antya 4.15 |
CC Antya 4.18 | ||
haridāsa kahe | Haridāsa said | CC Antya 4.18 |
CC Antya 4.181 | ||
haridāsa kahe | Haridāsa said | CC Antya 4.181 |
CC Madhya 3.63 | ||
haridāsa kahe | Haridāsa said | CC Madhya 3.63 |
haridāsa kahe | Haridāsa ṭhākura replied | CC Antya 11.26 |
haridāsa kahe | Haridāsa ṭhākura replied | CC Antya 11.26 |
CC Antya 4.89 | ||
haridāsa kahe | Haridāsa ṭhākura replied | CC Antya 4.89 |
haridāsa kahe | Haridāsa ṭhākura said | CC Antya 3.114-115 |
haridāsa kahe | Haridāsa ṭhākura said | CC Antya 3.114-115 |
CC Antya 3.218 | ||
haridāsa kahe | Haridāsa ṭhākura said | CC Antya 3.218 |
CC Antya 4.188 | ||
haridāsa kahe | Haridāsa ṭhākura said | CC Antya 4.188 |
CC Madhya 11.165 | ||
haridāsa kahe | Haridāsa ṭhākura said | CC Madhya 11.165 |
CC Madhya 11.188 | ||
haridāsa kahe | Haridāsa ṭhākura said | CC Madhya 11.188 |
haridāsa kahe | Haridāsa ṭhākura says | CC Antya 1.210 |
haridāsa kahe | Haridāsa ṭhākura says | CC Antya 1.210 |
haridāsa kahena | Haridāsa ṭhākura began to explain | CC Antya 3.183 |
haridāsa kahena | Haridāsa ṭhākura began to explain | CC Antya 3.183 |
haridāsa kahena | Haridāsa ṭhākura replied | CC Antya 3.178 |
haridāsa kahena | Haridāsa ṭhākura replied | CC Antya 3.178 |
haridāsa kahena | Haridāsa ṭhākura said | CC Antya 3.195 |
haridāsa kahena | Haridāsa ṭhākura said | CC Antya 3.195 |
CC Antya 3.199 | ||
haridāsa kahena | Haridāsa ṭhākura said | CC Antya 3.199 |
haridāsa kāndi' | Haridāsa ṭhākura began to cry | CC Madhya 3.193 |
haridāsa kāndi' | Haridāsa ṭhākura began to cry | CC Madhya 3.193 |
haridāsa kāńhā | where is Haridāsa | CC Antya 2.150 |
haridāsa kāńhā | where is Haridāsa | CC Antya 2.150 |
haridāsa kāńhā | where is Junior Haridāsa | CC Antya 2.163 |
haridāsa kāńhā | where is Junior Haridāsa | CC Antya 2.163 |
haridāsa lāgi | on behalf of Junior Haridāsa | CC Antya 2.122 |
haridāsa lāgi | on behalf of Junior Haridāsa | CC Antya 2.122 |
haridāsa mili' | meeting Haridāsa ṭhākura | CC Madhya 15.6 |
haridāsa mili' | meeting Haridāsa ṭhākura | CC Madhya 15.6 |
haridāsa sanātana | Haridāsa ṭhākura and Sanātana Gosvāmī | CC Antya 4.23 |
haridāsa sanātana | Haridāsa ṭhākura and Sanātana Gosvāmī | CC Antya 4.23 |
haridāsa ṭhākura | Haridāsa ṭhākura | CC Antya 11.17 |
haridāsa ṭhākura | Haridāsa ṭhākura | CC Antya 11.17 |
CC Antya 3.249 | ||
haridāsa ṭhākura | Haridāsa ṭhākura | CC Antya 3.249 |