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Grammar Search
"harati" has 3 results
harati: third person singular present present class 1 parasmaipadahṛ
harati: neuter locative singular stem: harat.
harati: masculine locative singular stem: harat.
Monier-Williams Search
49 results for harati
āhṛP. -harati- (Aorist 1. sg. -ahārṣam- ; perfect tense -jahāra-,Inf. -hartav/ai- ) ; seldom A1. (perfect tense -jahre- ) to fetch, bring, bring near ; to offer, reach forth, deliver, give etc. ; to fetch for one's self, take away, take, receive, get etc. ; to conceive (as a woman) ; to bring home (a bride) ; to put on ; to take for one's self, use, enjoy etc. ; to manifest, utter, speak etc.: Causal P. A1. -hārayati-, -te-, to cause to fetch ; to procure ; to cause to bring, collect (taxes) ; to take for one's self, enjoy, eat ; to manifest, utter : Desiderative P. A1. -jihīrṣati-, -te-, to wish or intend to procure ; to seek to get View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ānurāhatimf. a descendant of anu-rahat- (see ānuhārati-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ānurohatimf. a descendant of anu-rohat- (according to varia lectio for hārati- q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avahṛA1. -harate- (generally ind.p. -hṛtya-) to move down (as the arms), take down, put down or aside ; (P.Imper. 2. sg. -hara-) P. -harati- to bring together, amass (?) : Causal to cause to pay taxes : Causal Passive voice (3 plural -hāryante-) to be caused to pay taxes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bharaṇikamf(ī-)n. equals bharaṇena harati- gaRa bhastrādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bharatam. of a particular agni- (father of bharata- and bharatī-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bharaṭikamf(ī-)n. equals bharaṭena harati- gaRa bhastrādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhastrikamf(ī-)n. equals bhastrayā harati- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nihṛP. -harati- (ind.p. -h/āram-), to offer (as a gift or reward) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirhṛP. A1. -harati-, te-, to take out or off, draw or pull out, extract from (ablative), expel, remove, destroy etc. ; to export (goods) ; to carry out (a dead body) ; to let (blood) ; to purge ; (A1.) to exclude or deliver from (ablative) ; to shake off, get rid of (accusative) etc. ; to change or interchange (clothes) ; to fix ; to get, receive : Causal -hārayati-, to cause (a dead body) to be carried out on : Desiderative -jihīrṣati-, to wish to take off or subtract (see nir-jihīrṣu-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paiṭākika paiṭakika mfn. equals piṭākena harati- gaRa utsaṅgādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paiṭakika paiṭākika mfn. equals piṭākena harati- gaRa utsaṅgādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihṛP. A1. -harati-, te- (future -hariṣyati- ; Aorist 3. plural -ahṛṣata- ; ind.p. -hṛtya- ; -h/āram- ), to move or carry or take round ; to put or wrap round (A1.round one's self) etc. ; to put aside, save for (dative case) ; to leave, quit, desert ; to defend or preserve from (ablative) ; to spare ; to shun, avoid, leave out, omit ; to save or spare anything (as trouble, care etc.) to (genitive case), ; to take away, remove, beware of or abstain from (accusative). ; (A1.) to keep away from id est neglect, not heed ; to answer, refute ; to put twice, repeat (in the krama-pāṭha-), ; to nourish, foster, cherish : Desiderative -jihīrṣati-, to wish to keep away or avoid or shun, remove or conceal (see -jihīrṣā-,p.594) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paryāhṛP. -harati-, to hand over to (dative case) ; to overturn or turn upside down View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahṛP. A1. -harati-, te-, to offer (especially praise, 1. sg. proper -harmi-). ; to thrust or move forward, stretch out ; to put into, fix in (locative case) ; to hurl, throw, discharge at (locative case). etc. ; to throw or turn out ; to throw (into the fire) ; to strike, hit, hurt, attack, assail (with accusative locative case dative case or genitive case; A1.also, "to fight with each other") etc.: Causal A1. -harayate-, to stir up, excite, rouse : Desiderative -jihīrṣati-, to wish to take away, ; to wish to throw ; to wish to strike or assail (see jihīrṣu-,p.659) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratihṛP. A1. -harati-, te- (ind.p. pratī-hāram- ; infinitive mood prati-hartave- ), to throw back ; to strike or pound ; to keep shut, close by pressure (an udder) ; to bring back ; to deliver, offer, present ; to procure ; (A1.) to take id est eat ; to join in the sāman- hymns as pratihartṛ- (See below) : Causal hārayati-, to have one's self announced to (genitive case) : Desiderative -jihīrṣati-, to wish to requite or revenge (see prati-jihīrṣu-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratiparāhṛP. -harati-, to hand over View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratiparyāhṛP. -harati-, to turn round again View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratisaṃhṛP. A1. -harati-, te-, to draw together, contract (with ātmānam-,"one's self" id est to shrink, return to its usual bed, said of the sea) ; to draw or keep back, withdraw (as a weapon, the eye etc.) ; to take away, put off ; to absorb, annihilate, destroy ; to check, stop, repress etc. ; to change : Causal -hārayati-, to retract View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyāhṛP. -harati-, to draw in or back etc. ; to withdraw (the senses from worldly objects) ; to replace, fetch or bring back, recover etc. ; to rearrange, restore ; to take up again, continue (a business, sacrifice etc.) ; to report, relate ; to utter (a speech), cry ; to withdraw (what has been created), destroy ; wrong reading for pra-vyā-hṛ- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyudāhṛP. -harati-, to speak in return, reply, answer ; (in gram.) to adduce a contrary example View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyupāhṛP. -harati-, to give up, desist View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pravyāhṛP. -harati-, to utter forth, speak ; to utter inarticulate sounds, howl, yell, roar (varia lectio pratyāhri-) ; to declare beforehand, foretell, predict : Causal -hārayati-, to speak View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samabhihṛP. A1. -harati-, te-, to seize upon or take together ; to seize, take, take out View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samabhivyāhṛP. A1. -harati-, te-, to mention together ; to bring together, associate together View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samāhṛP. A1. -harati-, te- (ind.p. -h/ṛtya- q.v), to bring together, collect, assemble, contract, combine, unite etc. ; to bring back, restore to its place (locative case) ; to draw back, withdraw ; to ravish, enrapture ; to take off, put aside ; to crush together, destroy, annihilate ; to Perform, offer (a sacrifice) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃhṛP. A1. -harati-, te-, to bring or draw together, unite, compress, collect, contract, abridge etc. ; to throw together, mix up ; to close, clench (the fist) ; to concentrate (the mind) on (locative case) ; to support, maintain ; to take or fetch from (ablative) ; to lay hold of, attract, take for one's self, appropriate etc. ; to take away, carry off, rob ; to lay or draw aside, withdraw, withhold from (ablative) etc. ; to restrain, curb, check, suppress ; to crush together, crumple up, destroy, annihilate (often opp. to sṛj-,"to emit or create") etc. ; Passive voice -hriyate-, to be brought or put together etc. etc.: Causal -hārayati-, te-, to bind together (A1."one's own hair etc.", also"cut") : -jihīrṣati-, to wish to bring together etc. : Intensive -jarīharti-, to destroy repeatedly
samparihṛP. A1. -harati-, te-, to cause to turn round or back View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samprahṛP. A1. -harati-, te-, to hurl or throw together, hurl upon (dative case or locative case) ; to attack, assail, strike at, rush upon (accusative or locative case) ; A1. (m. Calcutta edition also P.) to strike at mutually, come to blows, fight together (see Va1rtt. 2 ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samudāhṛP. -harati-, to utter together, pronounce, declare View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samupahṛP. A1. -harati-, te-, to bring towards, offer ; to pay (honour) ; to perform (a sacrifice) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samupāhṛP. A1. -harati-, te-, to bring near, fetch, procure etc. ; to offer, sacrifice ; to sacrifice one's self. ; to enter upon (initiation) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samupasaṃhṛP. A1. -harati-, te-, to restrain, stop (See next) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃvihṛP. -harati-, to divert one's self, sport, play View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
udāhṛP. --harati-, to set up, put up ; to relate, declare, announce ; to quote, cite, illustrate ; to name, call etc.: Passive voice -hriy/ate-, to be set up or put up View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upahṛP. -harati-, to bring near, reach forth, proffer, offer, place before, give to taste (especially food) and etc. ; to put together, gather, collect ; to apply (medicine) ; to take away ; to destroy : A1. -harate-, to accept, receive : Causal -hārayati-, to place before, proffer, offer : Desiderative jihīrṣati-, to wish to offer View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upāhṛP. A1. -harati-, -te-, to bring near to, bring near for, reach over, offer, give etc. ; to bring near to one's self, take before one's self, take to task, undertake, prepare, accomplish ; to subdue, make subject ; to propitiate ; to take away, draw away, separate View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upasamāhṛP. -harati-, to bring together View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upasaṃhṛP. A1. -harati-, -te-, to draw together, bring together, contract, collect ; to summarize, sum up commentator or commentary on , on , on ; to withdraw, take away, withhold ; to stop, interrupt, suppress etc. ; to make away with, absorb : Desiderative (parasmE-pada -jihīrṣat-) to wish to destroy or annul View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upāvahṛP. -harati-, to fetch or bring or take down, cause to let down (exempli gratia, 'for example' the arms)
upodāhṛP. -harati-, to quote in addition, mention a further quotation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vihṛP. -harati- (rarely A1.), to put asunder, keep apart, separate, open ; to distribute and transpose (verses or parts of verses) ; to disperse (clouds, opp. to saṃ-hṛ-) ; (with talāt talam-) to shift, let pass from hand to hand ; to divide (also arithmetically) ; to construct (in geometry) ; to cut off, sever ; to extract from (ablative) ; to carry away, remove ; to tear in pieces, lacerate ; to move on, walk ; to spend or pass (time) etc. ; to roam, wander through (accusative) ; (especially) to walk or roam about for pleasure, divert one's self etc. (with mṛgayām-,"to go about hunting" ) ; to shed (tears) : Desiderative See vi-jihīrṣā-, ṣu- () . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vinirhṛP. A1. -harati-, te-, to take out, extract ; to remove, destroy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viparihṛP. A1. -harati-, te-, to transpose, exchange View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyāhṛP. A1. -harati-, te-, to utter or pronounce a sound, speak, say to (accusative), converse with (saha-), name (with nāmabhis-,to call by name;with praśnān-,to answer questions;with udāharāṇi-,to state examples) etc. ; to begin to talk (said of a child) ; to confess, avow to (genitive case) ; to utter inarticulate sounds, cry, scream (said of animals) ; to sport, enjoy one's self (exceptionally for vi-hṛ-) ; to cut off, sever (Bombay edition vi-hṛ-): Desiderative -jihīrṣati-, to wish to pronounce or utter View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyapahṛP. A1. -harati-, te-, to cut off ; to take away, remove, destroy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyapāhṛP. -harati-, to withdraw from (ablative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyavahṛP. A1. -harati-, te-, to transpose, exchange ; to have intercourse with (instrumental case or locative case) ; to meet (as foes), fight with (instrumental case with or without rdham-) to act, proceed, behave towards or deal with (locative case) etc. ; to be active or busy, work ; to carry on commerce, trade, deal in (locative case instrumental case,or genitive case) ; to bet at, play for (genitive case) ; to manage, employ make use of (accusative) ; to carry on legal proceedings, litigate ; to be intent upon, care for cherish (accusative) ; to roam or stroll about ; to recover, regain, obtain ; to distinguish Passive voice -hriyate-, to be named or termed or designated : Causal -hārayati-, to allow any one to do what he likes on to deal with (accusative) : Passive voice of Causal hāryate-, to be named or designated View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyuddhṛ( -ud-hṛ-) P. -harati- (ind.p. uddhāram-), to distribute in drawing up or taking out ; to extract, draw out of (ablative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
6 results
dur दुर् ind. (A prefix substituted for दुस् before words beginning with vowels or soft consonants in the sense of 'bad'. 'hard' or 'difficult to do a certain thing'; for compounds with दुस् as first member see दुस् s. v.). -Comp. -अक्ष a. 1 weak-eyed. -2 evileyed. (-क्षः) 1 a loaded or false die. -2 dishonest gambling. -अक्षरम् an evil word; श्रुतिं ममाविश्य भवद्दुरक्षरं सृजत्यदः कीटकवदुत्कटा रुजः N.9.63. -अतिक्रम a. difficult to be overcome or conquered, unconquerable; सर्वं तु तपसा साध्यं तपो हि दुरति- क्रमम् Ms.11.2.38; स्वभावो दुरतिक्रमः 'nature cannot be changed'; स्वजातिर्दुरतिक्रमा Pt.1. -2 insurmountable, impassable; B. R.6.18-19. -3 inevitable. (-मः) an epithet of Viṣṇu. -अत्यय a. 1 difficult to be overcome; स्वर्गमार्गपरिघो दुरत्ययः R.11.88. -2 hard to be attained or fathomed; स एष आत्मा स्वपरेत्यबुद्धिभिर्दुरत्यया- नुक्रमणो निरूप्यते Bhāg.7.5.13. -अदृष्टम् ill-luck, misfortune. -अधिग, -अधिगम a. 1 hard to reach or attain, unattainable; Bhāg.3.23.8; दुरधिगमः परभागो यावत्पुरुषेण पौरुषं न कृतम् Pt.1.33. -2 insurmountable. -3 hard to be studied or understood; इह दुरधिगमैः किञ्चि- देवागमैः Ki.5.18. -अधिष्ठित a. badly performed, managed, or executed. (-तम्) improper stay at a place. -अधीत a. badly learnt or read. -अध्यय a. 1 difficult of attainment; सहस्रवर्त्मा चपलैर्दुरध्ययः Śi.12.11. -2 hard to be studied. -अध्यवसायः a foolish undertaking. -अध्वः a bad road; स्वयं दुरध्वार्णवनाविकाः कथं स्पृशन्तु विज्ञाय हृदापि तादृशीम् N.9.33. -अन्त a. 1 whose end is difficult to be reached, endless, infinite; संकर्षणाय सूक्ष्माय दुरन्तायान्तकाय च Bhāg. -2 ending ill or in misery, unhappy; अहो दुरन्ता बलवद्विरोधिता Ki.1.23; नृत्यति युवति- जनेन समं सखि विरहिजनस्य दुरन्ते (वसन्ते) Gīt.1; इयमुदरदरी- दुरन्तधारा यदि न भवेदभिमानभङ्गभूमिः Udb. -3 hard to be understood or known. -4 insurmountable. -अन्तक a. = दुरन्त q. v. (-कः) an epithet of Śiva. -अन्वय a. 1 difficult to be passed along; Mb.14.51.17. -2 hard to be carried out or followed. -3 difficult to be attained. or understood; बुद्धिश्च ते महाप्राज्ञ देवैरपि दुरन्वया Rām.3. 66.18. -4 not suitable, improper; वचो दुरन्वयं विप्रास्तूष्णी- मासन्भ्रमद्धियः Bhāg.1.84.14. (-यः) 1 a wrong conclusion, one wrongly inferred from given premisses. -2 (in gram.) a false agreement. -अपवादः ill report. slander. -अभिग्रह a. difficult to be caught. -अभि- मानिन् a. vain-glorious, disagreeably proud. -अवगम a. incomprehensible; Bhāg.5.13.26. -अवग्रह a. 1 difficult to be restrained or subjugated; भक्ता भजस्व दुरवग्रह मा त्यजास्मान् Bhāg.1.29.31. -2 disagreeable. -अवग्राह a. difficult to be attained; Bhāg.7.1.19. -अवच्छद a. difficult to be hidden; हेतुभिर्लक्षयांचक्रुराप्रीतां दुरवच्छदैः Bhāg.1.62.28. -अवबोध a. unintelligible. Bhāg.1.49.29. -अवसित a. unfathomed, difficult to be ascertained, द्युपतिभिरजशक्रशंकराद्यैर्दुरवसितस्तवमच्युतं नतो$स्मि Bhāg.12.12.67. -अवस्थ a. ill off, badly or poorly circumstanced. -अवस्था, -स्थानम् a wretched or miserable state; Bhāg.5.3.12. -अवाप a. difficult to be gained or fulfilled; Ś.1. -अवेक्षितम् an improper look. -अह्नः a bad day. -आकृति a. ugly, mis-shaped. -आक्रन्द a. crying bitterly or miserably; किं क्रन्दसि दुराक्रन्द स्वपक्ष- क्षयकारक Pt.4.29. -आक्रम a. 1 invincible, unconquerable. -2 difficult to be passed. -आक्रमणम् 1 unfair attack. -2 difficult approach. -आगमः improper or illegal acquisition. -आग्रहः foolish obstinacy, headstrongness, pertinacity; ममाहमित्यूढदुराग्रहाणां पुंसाम् Bhāg.3. 5.43. -आचर a. 1 hard to be performed. -2 incurable (as a disease). -आचार a. 1 ill-conducted, badly behaved. -2 following bad practices, wicked, depraved; अपि चेत्सुदुराचारो भजते मामनन्यभाक् Bg.9.3. (-रः) bad practice, ill-conduct, wikedness. -आढ्य a. not rich, poor. -आत्मता vileness, baseness, wickedness. -आत्मन् a. evil-natured, low, wicked, vile, base, mean; ये च प्राहुर्दुरात्मानो दुराराध्या महीभुजः Pt.1.39. (-m.) a rascal, villain, scoundrel. -आधर a. difficult to be withstood or overpowered, irresistible. -आधर्ष a. hard to be approached or assailed, unassailable जगन्नाथो दुराधर्षो गङ्गां भागीरथीं प्रति Mb. -2 not to be attacked with impunity. -3 haughty. (-र्षः) white mustard. -आधारः an epithet of Śiva. -आधिः (m.) 1 distress or anxiety of mind; निरस्तनारीसमया दुराधयः Ki.1.28. -2 indignation. -आधी a. Ved. malignant, thinking ill of. -आनम a. difficult to bend or draw; स विचिन्त्य धनुर्दुरानमम् R.11.38. -आप a. 1 difficult to be obtained; श्रिया दुरापः कथमीप्सितो भवेत् Ś.3.13; R.1.72;6.62. -2 difficult to be approached; Pt.1.67. -3 hard to be overcome. -आपादन a. difficult to be brought about; किं दुरापादनं तेषाम् Bhāg.3.23.42. -आपूर a. difficult to be filled or satisfied; Bhāg.7.6.8. -आबाध a. hard to be molested. (-धः) N. of Śiva. -आमोदः bad scent, stench; शवधूमदुरामोदः शालिभक्ते$त्र विद्यते Ks.82.22. -आराध्य a. difficult to be propitiated, hard to be won over or conciliated; दुराराध्याः श्रियो राज्ञां दुरापा दुष्परिग्रहाः Pt.1.38. -आरुह a. difficult to be mounted. (-हः) 1 the Bilva tree. -2 the cocoanut tree. -3 the date tree. -आरोप a. difficult to be strung (bow); दुरारोपमैन्दुशेखरं धनुर्दुर्निवारा रावणभुजदण्डाः B. R.1.46-47. -आरोह a. difficult of ascent. (-हः) 1 The cocoanut tree. -2 the palm tree. -3 the date tree. -आलापः 1 a curse, imprecation. -2 foul of abusive language. -आलोक a. 1 difficult to be seen or perceived. -2 painfully bright, dazzling; दुरालोकः स समरे निदाघाम्बररत्नवत् K. P.1. (-कः) dazzling splendour. -आव(वा)र a. 1 difficult to be covered or filled up; दुरावरं त्वदन्येन राज्यखण्डमिदं महत् Rām.2.15.5. -2 difficult to be restrained, shut in, kept back or stopped. -आवर्त a. difficult to be convinced or set up; भवन्ति सुदुरावर्ता हेतुमन्तो$पि पण्डिताः Mb.12.19.23. -आशय a. 1 evil-minded, wicked, malicious, स्फुटनिर्भिन्नो दुराशयो$धमः Śi. उपेयिवान् मूलमशेषमूलं दुराशयः कामदुघाङ्घ्रिपस्य Bhāg.3.21.15. -2 having a bad place or rest. (-m.) the subtle body which is not destroyed by death (लिङ्गदेह); एतन्मे जन्म लोके$स्मिन्मुमुक्षूणां दुराशयात् Bhāg.3.24. 36. -आशा 1 a bad or wicked desire. -2 hoping against hope. -आस a. difficult to be abided or associated with; संघर्षिणा सह गुणाभ्यधिकैर्दुरासम् Śi.5.19. -आसद a. 1 difficult to be approached or overtaken; स सभूव दुरासदः परैः R.3.66; 8.4; Mv.2.5; 4.15. -2 difficult to be found or met with. -3 unequalled, unparalleled. -4 hard to be borne, insupportable. -5 difficult to be conquered, unassailable, unconquerable; जहि शत्रुं महाबाहो कामरूपं दुरासदम् Bg.3.43. (-दः) an epithet of Śiva. -इत a. 1 difficult. -2 sinful. (-तम्) 1 a bad course, evil, sin; दरिद्राणां दैन्यं दुरितमथ दुर्वासनहृदां द्रुतं दूरीकुर्वन् G. L.2; R.8.2; Amaru.2; Mv.3.43. -2 a difficulty, danger. -3 a calamity, evil; अपत्ये यत्तादृग्- दुरितमभवत् U.4.3. -इतिः f. Ved. 1 a bad course. -2 difficulty. -इष्टम् 1 a curse, imprecation. -2 a spell or sacrificial rite performed to injure another person. -ईशः a bad lord or master. -ईषणा, -एषणा 1 a curse, an imprecation. -2 an evil eye. -उक्त a. harshly uttered; Pt.1.89. -उक्तम्, -उक्तिः f. offensive speech, reproach, abuse, censure; लक्ष्मि क्षमस्व वचनीयमिदं दुरुक्तम् Udb. -उच्छेद a. difficult to be destroyed. -उत्तर a. 1 unanswerable. -2 difficult to be crossed; दुरुत्तरे पङ्क इवान्धकारे Bk.11.2; प्राप्तः पङ्को दुरुत्तरः Ki.15.17. -उदय a. appearing with difficulty, not easily manifested; यो$ नात्मनां दुरुदयो भगवान्प्रतीतः Bhāg.3.16.5. -उदर्क a. having bad or no consequences; N.5.41. -उदाहर a. difficult to be pronounced or composed; अनुज्झितार्थसंबन्धः प्रबन्धो दुरुदाहरः Śi.2.73. -उद्वह a. burdensome, unbearable. -उपसद a. difficult of approach; Ki.7.9. -उपसर्पिन् a. approaching incautiously; एकमेव दहत्यग्निर्नरं दुरुपसर्पिणम् Ms.7.9. -ऊह a. abstruse; जानीते जयदेव एव शरणः श्लाघ्ये दुरूहद्रुते Gīt. -एव a. Ved. 1 having evil ways. -2 irresistible, unassailable. (-वः) a wicked person. -ओषस् a. Ved. slow, lazy. -ग 1 difficult of access, inaccessible, impervious, impassable; दुर्गस्त्वेष महापन्थाः Mb.12.3. 5; दुर्गं पथस्तत्कवयो वदन्ति Kaṭh.1.3.14. -2 unattainable. -3 incomprehensible. -4 following wicked path, vicious; Rām.2.39.22. (-गः, -गम्) 1 a difficult or narrow passage through a wood or over a stream, mountain &c., a defile, narrow pass. -2 a citadel. fortress, castle; न दुर्गं दुर्गमित्येव दुर्गमं मन्यते जनः । तस्य दुर्गमता सैव यत्प्रभुस्तस्य दुर्गमः ॥ Śiva. B.16.61. -3 rough ground. -4 difficulty, adversity, calamity, distress, danger; निस्तारयतिं दुर्गाच्च Ms.3.98;11.43; मच्चित्तः सर्व- दुर्गाणि मत्प्रसादात्तरिष्यसि; Bg.18.58. (-गः) 1 bdellium. -2 the Supreme Being. -3 N. of an Asura slain by Durgā (thus receiving her name from him). ˚अध्यक्षः, ˚पतिः, ˚पालः the commandant or governor of a castle. ˚अन्तः The suburb of a fort; दुर्गान्ते सिद्धतापसाः Kau. A. 1.12. ˚कर्मन् n. fortification. ˚कारक a. making difficult. (-कः) the birch tree. ˚घ्नी N. of Durgā. ˚तरणी an epithet of Sāvitrī. सावित्री दुर्गतरणी वीणा सप्तविधा तथा Mb. ˚मार्गः a defile, gorge. ˚लङ्घनम् surmounting difficulties. (-नः) a camel. ˚संचरः 1 a difficult passage as to a fort &c., a bridge &c. over a defile. ˚संस्कारः Repairs to the old forts; अतो दुर्गसंस्कार आरब्धव्ये किं कौमुदीमहोत्सवेन Mu. ˚सिंहः N. of the author of कलापपरिशिष्ट. ˚व्यसनम् a defect or weak point in a fortress. (-र्गा) an epithet of Pārvatī, wife of Śiva. -2 the female cuckoo -3 N. of several plants. ˚नवमी the 9th day of the bright half of कार्तिक. ˚पूजा the chief festival in honour of दुर्गा in Bengal in the month of Āśvina. -गत a. 1 unfortunate, in bad circumstances; समाश्वसिमि केनाहं कथं प्राणिमि दुर्गतः Bk.18.1. -2 indigent, poor. -3 distressed, in trouble. -गतता ill-luck, poverty, misery; तावज्जन्मातिदुःखाय ततो दुर्गतता सदा Pt.1.265. -गतिः f. 1 misfortune, poverty, want, trouble, indigence; न हि कल्याणकृत्कश्चिद् दुर्गतिं तात गच्छति Bg.6.4. -2 a difficult situation or path. -3 hell. -गन्ध a. ill-smelling. (-न्धः) 1 bad odour, stink -2 any ill-smelling substance. -3 an onion. -4 the mango tree. (-न्धम्) sochal salt. -गन्धि, -गन्धिन् a. ill-smelling. -गम a. 1 impassable, inaccessible, impervious; कामिनीकायकान्तारे कुचपर्वतदुर्गमे Bh.1.86; Śi. 12.49. -2 unattainable, difficult of attainment. -3 hard to be understood. (-मम्) a difficult place like hill etc; भ्राम्यन्ते दुर्गमेष्वपि Pt.5.81. -गाढ, -गाध, -गाह्य a. difficult to be fathomed or investigated, unfathomable. -गुणितम् not properly studied; चिराम्यस्तपथं याति शास्त्रं दुर्गुणितं यथा Avimārakam.2.4. -गोष्ठी evil association; conspiracy. वृद्धो रक्कः कम्पनेशो दुर्गोष्ठीमध्यगो$भवत् Rāj. T.6. 17. -ग्रह a. 1 difficult to be gained or accomplished. -2 difficult to be conquered or subjugated; दुर्गाणि दुर्ग्रहाण्यासन् तस्य रोद्धुरपि द्विषाम् R.17.52. -3 hard to be understood. (-हः) 1 a cramp, spasm. -2 obstinacy. -3 whim, monomania; कथं न वा दुर्ग्रहदोष एष ते हितेन सम्य- ग्गुरुणापि शम्यते N.9.41. -घट a. 1 difficult. कार्याणि घटयन्नासीद् दुर्घटान्यपि हेलया Rāj. T.4.364. -2 impossible. -घण a. 1 closely packed together, very compact. -घुरुटः An unbeliever; L. D. B. -घोषः 1 a harsh cry. -2 a bear. -जन a. 1 wicked, bad, vile. -2 slanderous, malicious, mischievous; यथा स्त्रीणां तथा वाचां साधुत्वे दुर्जनो जनः U.1.6. (-नः) a bad or wicked person, a malicious or mischievous man, villain; दुर्जनः प्रियवादी च नैतद्विश्वास- कारणम् Chāṇ.24,25; शाम्येत्प्रत्यपकारेण नोपकारेण दुर्जनः Ku.2.4. (दुर्जनायते Den. Ā. to become wicked; स्वजनो$पि दरिद्राणां तत्क्षणाद् दुर्जनायते Pt.1.5.). (दुर्जनीकृ [च्वि] to make blameworthy; दुर्जनीकृतास्मि अनेन मां चित्रगतां दर्शयता Nāg.2). -जय a. invincible. (-यः) N. of Viṣṇu. -जर a. 1 ever youthful; तस्मिन्स्तनं दुर्जरवीर्यमुल्बणं घोराङ्कमादाय शिशोर्दधावथ Bhāg.1.6.1. -2 hard (as food), indigestible. -3 difficult to be enjoyed; राजश्रीर्दुर्जरा तस्य नवत्वे भूभुजो$भवत् Rāj. T.5.19. -जात a. 1 unhappy, wretched. -2 bad-tempered, bad, wicked; Rāj. T.3. 142. -3 false, not genuine. ˚जीयिन् a. one who is born in vain; यो न यातयते वैरमल्पसत्त्वोद्यमः पुमान् । अफलं जन्म तस्याहं मन्ये दुर्जातजायिनः ॥ Mb. (-तम्) 1 a misfortune, calamity, difficulty; त्वं तावद् दुर्जाते मे$त्यन्तसाहाय्यकारिणी भव M.3; दुर्जातबन्धुः R.13.72. 'a friend in need or adversity.' -2 impropriety. -जाति a. 1 bad natured, vile, wicked; रुदितशरणा दुर्जातीनां सहस्व रुषां फलम् Amaru.96. -2 outcast. (-तिः f.) misfortune, ill condition. -ज्ञान, -ज्ञेय a. difficult to be known, incomprehensible. उच्चावचेषु भुतेषु दुर्ज्ञेयामकृतात्मभिः Ms.6.73. (-यः) N. of Śiva. -णयः, -नयः, -नीतिः 1 bad conduct. -2 impropriety -3 injustice. -णामन्, -नामन् a. having a bad name. -णीत a. 1 ill-behaved. -2 impolitic. -3 forward. (-तम्) misconduct; दुर्णीतं किमिहास्ति किं सुचरितं कः स्थानलाभे गुणः H. -दम, -दमन, -दम्य a. difficult to be subdued, untamable, indomitable. -दर्श a. 1 difficult to be seen. -2 dazzling; सुदुर्दर्शमिदं रूपं दृष्टवानसि यन्मन Bg.11.52. -दर्शन a. ugly, ill-looking; दुर्दर्शनेन घटतामियमप्यनेन Māl.2.8. -दशा a misfortune, calamity. -दान्त a. 1 hard to be tamed or subdued, untamable; Śi.12.22. -2 intractable, proud, insolent; दुर्दान्तानां दमनविधयः क्षत्रियेष्वायतन्ते Mv.3.34. (-तः) 1 a calf. -2 a strife, quarrel. -3 N. of Śiva. -दिन a. cloudy, rainy. (-नम्) 1 a bad day in general; तद्दिनं दुर्दिनं मन्ये यत्र मित्रागमो हि न Subhāṣ. -2 a rainy or cloudy day, stormy or rainy weather; उन्नमत्यकालदुर्दिनम् Mk.5; Ku.6 43; Mv.4.57. -3 a shower (of anything); द्विषां विषह्य काकुत्स्थस्तत्र नाराचदुर्दिनम् ॥ सन्मङ्गलस्नात इव R.4.41,82;5.47; U.5.5. -4 thick darkness; जीमूतैश्च दिशः सर्वाश्चक्रे तिमिरदुर्दिनाः Mb. (दुर्दिनायते Den. Ā. to become cloudy.) -दिवसः a dark or rainy day; Pt.1.173. -दुरूटः, -ढः 1 an unbeliever -2 an abusive word. -दृश a. 1 disagreeable to the sight, disgusting; दुर्दृशं तत्र राक्षसं घोररूपमपश्यत्सः Mb.1.2.298. -2 difficult to be seen; पादचारमिवादित्यं निष्पतन्तं सुदुर्दृशम् Rām.7.33.5. -दृष्ट a. illjudged or seen, wrongly decided; Y.2.35. -दैवम् ill-luck, misfortune. -द्यूतम् an unfair game. -द्रुमः onion (green). -धर a. 1 irresistible, difficult to be stopped. -2 difficult to be borne or suffered; दुर्धरेण मदनेन साद्यते Ghat.11; Ms.7.28. -3 difficult to be accomplished. -4 difficult to be kept in memory. (-रः) quicksilver. -धर्ष a. 1 inviolable, unassailable. -2 inaccessible; संयोजयति विद्यैव नीचगापि नरं सरित् । समुद्रमिव दुर्धर्षं नृपं भाग्य- मतः परम् ॥ H. Pr.5. -3 fearful, dreadful. -4 haughty. -धी a. stupid, silly. -नयः 1 arrogance. -2 immorality. -3 evil strategy; उन्मूलयितुमीशो$हं त्रिवर्गमिव दुर्नयः Mu.5.22. -नामकः piles. ˚अरिः a kind of bulbous root (Mar. सुरण). -नामन् m. f. a cockle. (-n.) piles. -निग्रह a. irrepressible, unruly; मनो दुर्निग्रहं चलम् Bg.6.35. -निमित a. carelessly put or placed on the ground; पदे पदे दुर्निमिते गलन्ती R.7.1. -निमित्तम् 1 a bad omen; R.14.5. -2 a bad pretext. -निवार, -निवार्य a. difficult to be checked or warded off, irresistible, invincible. -नीतम् 1 misconduct, bad policy, demerit, misbehaviour; दुर्णीतं किमि- हास्ति Pt.2.21; H.1.49. -2 ill-luck. -नीतिः f. maladministration; दुर्नीतिं तव वीक्ष्य कोपदहनज्वालाजटालो$पि सन्; Bv.4.36. -नृपः a bad king; आसीत् पितृकुलं तस्य भक्ष्यं दुर्नृप- रक्षसः Rāj. T.5.417. -न्यस्त a. badly arranged; दुर्न्यस्त- पुष्परचितो$पि Māl.9.44. -बल a. 1 weak, feeble. -2 enfeebled, spiritless; दुर्बलान्यङ्गकानि U.1.24. -3 thin, lean, emaciated; U.3. -4 small, scanty, little; स्वार्थोप- पत्तिं प्रति दुर्बलाशः R.5.12. -बाध a. Unrestrained (अनिवार); दुर्बाधो जनिदिवसान्मम प्रवृद्धः (आधिः); Mv.6.28. -बाल a. 1 bald-headed. -2 void of prepuce. -3 having crooked hair. -बुद्धि a. 1 silly, foolish, stupid. -2 perverse, evil-minded, wicked; धार्तराष्ट्रस्य दुर्बुद्धेर्युद्धे प्रियचिकीर्षवः (समा- गताः) Bg.1.23 -बुध a. wicked-minded, silly; Mb. 11.4.18. -बोध a. unintelligible, unfathomable, inscrutable; निसर्गदुर्बोधमबोधविक्लवाः क्व भूपतीनां चरितं क्व जन्तवः Ki. 1.6. -भग a. 1 unfortunate, unlucky; श्रीवल्लभं दुर्भगाः (निन्दन्ति) Pt.1.415. -2 not possessed of good features, ill-looking. -भगा 1 a wife disliked by her husband; दुर्भगाभरणप्रायो ज्ञानं भारः क्रियां विना H.1.17. -2 an ill-tempered woman, a shrew. -3 a widow; -भर a. insupportable, burdensome, heavily laden with (comp.); ततो राजाब्रवीदेतं बहुव्यसनदुर्भरः Ks.112.156. -भाग्य a. unfortunate, unlucky. (ग्यम्) ill-luck. -भावना 1 an evil thought. -2 a bad tendency. -भिक्षम् 1 scarcity of provisions, dearth, famine; Y.2.147; Ms.8.22; उत्सवे व्यसने चैव दुर्भिक्षे... यस्तिष्ठति स बान्धवः H.1.71; Pt.2. -2 want in general. -भिद, -भेद, -भेद्य a. firm; सुजनस्तु कनकघटवद् दुर्भेद्यश्चाशु संध्येयः Subhāṣ. -भृत्यः a bad servant. -भिषज्यम् incurability; Bṛi. Up.4.3.14. -भ्रातृ m. a bad brother. -मङ्कु a. obstinate, disobedient. -मति a. 1 silly, stupid, foolish, ignorant. -2 wicked, evilminded; न सांपरायिकं तस्य दुर्मतेर्विद्यते फलम् Ms.11.3. -मद a. drunken, ferocious, maddened, infatuated; Bhāg.1.15.7. -दः foolish pride, arrogance. -दम् the generative organ; ग्रामकं नाम विषयं दुर्मदेन समन्वितः Bhāg.4.25.52. -मनस् a. troubled in mind, discouraged, disspirited, sad, malancholy; अद्य बार्हस्पतः श्रीमान् युक्तः पुष्येण राघवः । प्रोच्यतै ब्राह्मणैः प्राज्ञैः केन त्वमसि दुर्मनाः ॥ Rām. [दुर्मनायते Den. Ā. to be troubled in mind, be sad, meditate sorrowfully, to be disconsolate, become vexed or fretted; Māl.3]. -मनुष्यः a bad or wicked man. -मन्त्रः, -मन्त्रितम्, -मन्त्रणा evil advice, bad counsel; दुर्मन्त्रान्नृपतिर्विनश्यति; Pt.1.169. -मरम् a hard or difficult death; Mb.14.61.9. -मरी a kind of दूर्वा grass. -मरणम् violent or unnatural death. -मर्ष a. 1 unbearable; Bhāg.6.5.42. -2 obstinate, hostile. -मर्षणः N. of Viṣṇu. -मर्षित a. provocated, encouraged; एवं दुर्मर्षितो राजा स मात्रा बभ्रुवाहनः Mb.14. 79.13, -मर्याद a. immodest, wicked. -मल्लिका, -मल्ली a minor drama, comedy, farce; S. D.553. -मित्रः 1 a bad friend. -2 an enemy. -मुख a. 1 having a bad face, hideous, ugly; Bh.1.9. -2 foul-mouthed, abusive, scurrilous; Bh.2.69. (-खः) 1 a horse. -2 N. of Śiva. -3 N. of a serpent king (Nm.) -4 N. of a monkey (Nm.) -5 N. of a year (29th year out of 6 years cycle). -मूल्य a. highly priced, dear. -मेधस् a. silly, foolish, dull-headed, dull; Pt.1. (-m.) a dunce, dull-headed man, blockhead; ग्रन्थानधीत्य व्याकर्तु- मिति दुर्मेधसो$प्यलम् Śi.2.26. -मैत्र a. unfriendly, hostile; Bhāg.7.5.27. -यशस् n. ill-repute, dishonour. -योगः 1 bad or clumsy contrivance. -2 a bad combination. -योध, -योधन a. invincible, unconquerable. (-नः) the eldest of the 11 sons of Dhṛitarāṣṭra and Gāndhārī. [From his early years he conceived a deep hatred for his cousins the Pāṇḍavas, but particularly Bhīma, and made every effort he could to compass their destruction. When his father proposed to make Yudhiṣṭhira heir-apparent, Duryodhana did not like the idea, as his father was the reigning sovereign, and prevailed upon his blind father to send the Pāṇḍavas away into exile. Vāraṇāvata was fixed upon as their abode, and under pretext of constructing a palatial building for their residence, Duryodhana caused a palace to be built mostly of lac, resin and other combustible materials, thereby hoping to see them all destroyed when they should enter it. But the Paṇḍavas were forewarned and they safely escaped. They then lived at Indraprastha, and Yudhiṣṭhira performed the Rājasuya sacrifice with great pomp and splendour. This event further excited the anger and jealousy of Duryodhana, who was already vexed to find that his plot for burning them up had signally failed, and he induced his father to invite the Pāṇḍavas to Hastināpura to play with dice (of which Yudhiṣṭhira was particularly fond). In that gambling-match, Duryodhana, who was ably assisted by his maternal uncle Śakuni, won from Yudhiṣṭhira everything that he staked, till the infatuated gambler staked himself, his brothers, and Draupadī herself, all of whom shared the same fate. Yudhiṣṭhira, as a condition of the wager, was forced to go to the forest with his wife and brothers, and to remain there for twelve years and to pass one additional year incognito. But even this period, long as it was, expired, and after their return from exile both the Pāṇḍavas and Kauravas made great preparations for the inevitable struggle and the great Bhāratī war commenced. It lasted for eighteen days during which all the Kauravas, with most of their allies, were slain. It was on the last day of the war that Bhīma fought a duel with Duryodhana and smashed his thigh with his club.] मोघं तवेदं भुवि नामधेयं दुर्योधनेतीह कृतं पुरस्तात् न हीह दुर्योधनता तवास्ति पलायमानस्य रणं विहाय Mb.4.65.17. -योनि a. of a low birth, न कथंचन दुर्योनिः प्रकृतिं स्वां नियच्छति Ms.1.59. -लक्ष्य a. difficult to be seen or perceived, hardly visible. -क्ष्यम् bad aim; मनः प्रकृत्यैव चलं दुर्लक्ष्यं च तथापि मे Ratn.3.2. -लभ a. 1 difficult to be attained, or accomplished; R.1.67;17.7; Ku.4.4;5.46,61; दुर्लभं भारते जन्म मानुष्यं तत्र दुर्लभम् Subhāṣ. -2 difficult to be found or met with, scarce, rare; शुद्धान्तदुर्लभम् Ś.1.17. -3 best, excellent, eminent. -ग्रामः a village situated close to a large village and inhabited by the free-holders (अग्र- हारोपजीविनः); Māna.1.79-8. -4 dear, beloved. -5 costly. -ललित a. 1 spoilt by fondling, fondled too much, hard to please; हा मदङ्कदुर्ललित Ve.4; V.2.8; Māl.9. -2 (hence) wayward, naughty, illbred, unruly; स्पृहयामि खलु दुर्ललितायास्मै Ś.7. (-तम्) waywardness, rudeness. -लेख्यम् a forged document. Y.2.91. -वच a. 1 difficult to be described, indescribable. अपि वागधिपस्य दुर्वचं वचनं तद् विदधीत विस्मयम् Ki.2.2. -2 not to be talked about. -3 speaking improperly, abusing. (-चम्) abuse, censure, foul language. -वचस् n. abuse, censure; असह्यं दुर्वचो ज्ञातेर्मेघा- न्तरितरौद्रवत् Udb. -वर्ण a. bad-coloured. -र्णः 1 bad colour. -2 impurity; यथा हेम्नि स्थितो वह्निर्दुवर्णं हन्ति धातु- जम् Bhāg.12.3.47. (-र्णम्) 1 silver. दुर्वर्णभित्तिरिह सान्द्रसुधासुवर्णा Śi.4.28. -2 a kind of leprosy. -वस a. difficult to be resided in. -वसतिः f. painful residence; R.8.94. -वह a. heavy, difficult to be borne; दुर्वहगर्भखिन्नसीता U.2.1; Ku.1.11. -वाच् a. speaking ill. (-f.) 1 evil words, abuse. -2 inelegant language or speech. -वाच्य a. 1 difficult to be spoken or uttered. -2 abusive, scurrilous. -3 harsh, cruel (as words). (-च्यम्) 1 censure, abuse. -2 scandal, ill-repute. -वातः a fart. ˚वातय Den. P. to break wind or fart; इत्येके विहसन्त्येनमेके दुर्वातयन्ति च Bhāg.11.23.4. -वादः slander, defamation, calumny. -वार, -वारण a. irresistible, unbearable; R.14.87; किं चायमरिदुर्वारः पाणौ पाशः प्रचेतसः Ku.2.21. -वासना 1 evil propensity, wicked desire; कः शत्रुर्वद खेददानकुशलो दुर्वासनासंचयः Bv. 1.86. -2 a chimera. -वासस् a. 1 ill-dressed. -2 naked. (-m.) N. of a very irascible saint or Ṛiṣi, son of Atri and Anasūyā. (He was very hard to please, and he cursed many a male and female to suffer misery and degradation. His anger, like that of Jamadagni, has become almost proverbial.) -वाहितम् a heavy burden; उरोजपूर्णकुम्भाङ्का सदुर्वाहितविभ्रमा Rāj. T.4.18. -विगाह, -विगाह्य a. difficult to be penetrated or fathomed, unfathomable. -विचिन्त्य inconceivable, inscrutable -विद a. difficult to be known or discovered; नूनं गतिः कृतान्तस्य प्राज्ञैरपि सुदुर्विदा Mb.7.78. 2. -विदग्ध 1 unskilled, raw, foolish, stupid, silly. -2 wholly ignorant. -3 foolishly puffed up, elated. vainly proud; वृथाशस्त्रग्रहणदुर्विदग्ध Ve.3; ज्ञानलवदुर्विदग्धं ब्रह्मापि नरं न रञ्जयति Bh.2.3. -विद्ध a. Badly perforated (a pearl); Kau. A.2.11. -विद्य a. uneducated; Rāj. T.1.354. -विध a. 1 mean, base, low. -2 wicked, vile. -3 poor, indigent; विदधाते रुचिगर्वदुर्विधम् N.2.23. -4 stupid, foolish, silly; विविनक्ति न बुद्धिदुर्विधः Śi.16.39. -विनयः misconduct, imprudence. -विनीत a. 1 (a) badly educated, ill-mannered; ill-behaved, wicked; शासितरि दुर्विनीतानाम् Ś.1.24. (b) rude, naughty, mischievous. -2 stubborn, obstinate. (-तः) 1 a restive or untrained horse. -2 a wayward person, reprobate. -विपाक a. producing bad fruit; श्रितासि चन्दनभ्रान्त्या दुर्विपाकं विषद्रुमम् U.1.46. (-कः) 1 bad result or consequence; U.1.4; किं नो विधिरिह वचने$प्यक्षमो दुर्विपाकः Mv. 6.7. -2 evil consequences of acts done either in this or in a former birth. -विभाव्य a. inconceivable; also दुर्विभाव; असद्वृत्तेरहो वृत्तं दुर्विभावं विधेरिव Ki.11.56. -विमर्श a. difficult to be tried or examined; यो दुर्विमर्शपथया निजमाययेदं सृष्ट्वा गुणान्विभजते तदनुप्रविष्टः Bhāg.1.49.29. -विलसितम् a wayward act, rudeness, naughtiness; डिम्भस्य दुर्विलसितानि मुदे गुरूणाम् B. R.4.6. -विलासः a bad or evil turn of fate; U.1. -विवाहः a censurable marriage; इतरेषु तु शिष्टेषु नृशंसानृतवादिनः । जायन्ते दुर्विवाहेषु ब्रह्मधर्मद्विषः सुताः ॥ Ms.3.41. -विष a. ill-natured, malignant. (-षः) N. of Śiva. -विषह a. unbearable, intolerable, irresistible. (-हः) N. of Śiva. -वृत्त a. 1 vile, wicked, ill-behaved. -2 roguish. (-त्तम्) misconduct, ill-behaviour. दुर्वृत्तवृत्तशमनं तव देवि शीलम् Devīmāhātmya. -वृत्तिः f. 1 misconduct. -2 misery, want, distress. -3 fraud. -वृष्टिः f. insufficient rain, drought. -वेद a. difficult to be known or ascertained. -व्यवहारः a wrong judgment in law. -व्यवहृतिः f. ill-report or rumour. -व्यसनम् 1 a fond pursuit or resolve; Mu.3. -2 bad propensity, vice; तेन दुर्व्यसनेनासीद्भोजने$पि कदर्थना Ks.73.73. -व्रत a. not conforming to rules, disobedient. -हुतम् a badly offered sacrifice. -हृद् a. wicked-hearted, ill-disposed, inimical; अकुर्वतोर्वां शुश्रूषां क्लिष्टयोर्दुर्हृदा भृशम् Bhāg.1.45.9. (-m.) an enemy. -हृदय a. evil-minded, evil-intentioned, wicked. -हृषीक a. having defective organs of sense.
draupadī द्रौपदी [द्रुपदस्यापत्यं स्त्री-अण् ङीप्] N. of the daughter of Drupada, king of the Pāñchālas. [She was won by Arjuna at her Svayaṁvara ceremony, and when he and his brothers returned home they told their mother that they had that day made a great acquisition. Whereupon the mother said, "Well, then, my dear children, divide it amongst yourselves." As her words once uttered could not be changed, she became the common wife of the five brothers. When Yudhiṣṭhira lost his kingdom and even himself and Draupadī in gambling, she was grossly insulted by Duhśāsana (q. v.) and by Duryodhana's wife. But these and the like insults she bore with uncommon patience and endurance, and on several occasions, when she and her husbands were put to the test, she saved their credit (as on the occasion of Durvāsas begging food at night for his 6, pupils). At last, however, her patience was exhausted, and she taunted her husbands for the very tame way in which they put up with the insults and injuries inflicted upon them by their enemies (see. Ki.1.29-46). It was then that the Pāṇḍavas resolved to enter upon the great Bhāratī war. She is one of the five very chaste women whose names one is recommended to repeat; see अहल्या.)
balam बलम् [बल्-अच्] 1 Strength, power, might, vigour; क्षत्त्रियाणां बलं युद्धम् Brav. P. -2 Force, violence; as in बलात् q. v. -3 An army, host, forces, troops; भवेदभीष्म- मद्रोणं धृतराष्ट्रबलं कथम् Ve.3.24,43; बलं भीष्मा(भीमा)भिरक्षितम् Bg.1.1; R.16.37. -4 Bulkiness, stoutness (of the body). -5 Body, figure, shape. -6 Semen virile. -7 Blood, -8 Gum myrrh. -9 A shoot, sprout. -1 Force or power of articulation; वर्णः स्वरः । मात्रा बलम् । साम संतानः । इत्युक्तः शीक्षाध्यायः T. Up.1.2.1. -11 The deity of power (such as Indra); नमो बलप्रमथनाय Mb.12.284. 94. -12 The hand; क्रान्ते विष्णुर्बले शक्रः कोष्ठे$ग्निर्भोक्तुमिच्छति Mb.12.239.8. -13 Effort (यत्न); विधिः शुक्रं बलं चेति त्रय एते गुणाः परे Mb.12.32.11 (com. बलं वासनाविषयप्राप्त्यनु- कूलो यत्नः). (बलेन means 'on the strength of', 'by means or virtue of'; बाहुबलेन जितः, वीर्यबलेन &c.; बलात् 'perforce', 'forcibly', 'violently', 'against one's will'; बलान्निद्रा समायाता Pt.1; हृदयमदये तस्मिन्नेवं पुनर्वलते बलात् Gīt.7.). -लः 1 A crow; Rām.6.54.9. -2 N. of the elder brother of Kṛiṣṇa; see बलराम below. -3 N. of a demon killed by Indra. -Comp. -अग्रम् excessive strength or force. (-ग्रः) the head of an army. -अङ्गकः the spring; 'वसन्त इष्यः सुरभिः पुष्पकालो बलाङ्गकः' H. Ch.156. -अञ्चिता the lute of Balarāma. -अटः a kind of beam. -अधिक a. surpassing in strength, of superior strength or force. -अधिकरणम् the affairs of an army; -अध्यक्षः 1 a general or commander of an army; सेनापतिबलाध्यक्षौ सर्वदिक्षु निवेशयेत् Ms.7.189. -2 a war-minister. -3 An officer in charge of infantry. -अनुजः an epithet of Kṛiṣṇa. -अन्वित a. 1 endowed with strength, mighty, powerful. -2 leading an army. -अबलम् 1 comparative strength and want of strength, relative strength and weakness; परात्मनोः परिच्छिद्य शक्त्या- दीनां बलाबलम् R.17.59. -2 relative significance and insignificance, comparative importance and unimportance; समय एव करोति बलाबलम् Śi.6.44. ˚अधिकरणम् a kind of न्यायभेद according to Jaimini. -अभ्रः an army in the form of a cloud. -अरातिः an epithet of Indra. -अर्थिन् a. desirous of power; राज्ञो बलार्थिनः षष्ठे (वर्षे उपनयनं कार्यम्) Ms.2.37. -अवलेपः pride of strength. -अशः, -असः 1 consumption. -2 the phlegmatic humour (कफ). -3 a swelling in the throat (which stops the passages of food). -आढ्यः a bean. -आत्मिका a kind of sun-flower (हस्तिशुण्डी). -आलयः a military camp; पूज्यमानो हरिगणैराजगाम बलालयम् Rām.6.112.8. -आहः water. -उत्कट a. of mighty strength; न वध्यते ह्यविश्वस्तो दुर्बलो$पि बलोत्कटैः Pt.2.44;3.115. -उपपन्न, -उपेत a. endowed with strength, strong, powerful; एतां रामबलोपेतां रक्षां यः सुकृती पठेत् Rāmarakṣā.1. -उपादानम् Recruitment of the army; Kau. A. -ओघः a multitude of troops, numerous army; लक्ष्मीं दधत् प्रति- गिरेरलघुर्बलौघः Śi.5.2. -कर, -कृत् a. strengthening. -कृत done by force or against free consent; सर्वान् बलकृता- नर्थानकृतान् मनुरब्रवीत् Ms.8.168. -क्षोभः disturbance in the army, mutiny, revolt. -चक्रम् 1 dominion, sovereignty. -2 an army, a host. -ज a. produced by power. (-जम्) 1 a city-gate, gate. -2 a field. -3 grain, a heap of grain; त्वं समीरण इव प्रतीक्षितः कर्षकेण बलजान् पुपूषता Śi.14.7. -4 war, battle -5 marrow, pith. -6 a pretty figure. (-जा) 1 the earth. -2 a handsome woman. -3 a kind of jasmine (Arabian). -4 a rope. -तापनः an epithet of Indra; अफिषिषेच मरन्दरसामृतैर्नवलताबलता- पनरत्नभम् (अलिनम्) Rām. Ch.4.12. -दः an ox, a bullock -दर्पः pride of strength. -देवः 1 air, wind. -2 N. of the elder brother of Kṛiṣṇa; see बलराम below. -बलदेवा (वी) f. N. of a medicinal herb which is also called त्रायमाण. It grows in the forests on the slopes of the Himālayas and in Persia. -द्विष् m., -निषूदनः epithets of Indra; बलनिषूदनमर्थपतिं च तम् R.9.3. -निग्रह a. weakening, enervating. -पतिः 1 a general, commander. -2 an epithet of Indra. -पुच्छकः a crow; Nigh. Ratn. -पृष्ठकः a kind of deer (Mar. रोहें). -प्रद a. giving strength, invigorating. -प्रमथनी N. of a form of Durgā. -प्रसूः N. of Rohinī, mother of Balarāma. -भद्र a. strong, powerful. (-द्रः) 1 a strong or powerful man. -2 a kind of ox. -3 N. of Balarāma, q. v. below. -4 the tree called लोध्र. -5 N. of Ananta. (-द्रा) a maiden. -भिद् m. an epithet of Indra; Ś.2. -भृत् a. strong, powerful. -मुख्यः the chief of an army. -रामः 'the strong Rāma', N. of the elder brother of Kṛiṣṇa. [He was the seventh son of Vasudava and Devakī; but transferred to the womb of Rohiṇī to save him from falling a prey to the cruelty of Kaṁsa. He and his brother Kṛiṣṇa were brought up by Nanda in Gokula. When quite young, he killed the powerful demons Dhenuka and Pralamba, and performed, like his brother, many feats of surprising strength. On one occasion Balarāma under the influence of wine, of which he was very fond, called upon the Yamunā river to come to him that he might bathe; and on his command being unheeded, he plunged his plough-share into the river and dragged the waters after him, until the river assumed a human form and asked his forgivenss. On another occasion he dragged towards himself the whole city of Hastināpura along with its walls. As Kṛiṣṇa was a friend and admirer of the Pāṇḍavas, so Balarāma was of the Kauravas, as was seen in his desire of giving his sister Subhadrā to Duryodhana rather than to Arjuna; yet he declined to take any part in the great Bhāratī war either with the Pāṇḍavas or the Kauravas. He is represented as dressed in blue clothes, and armed with a ploughshare which was his most effective weapon. His wife was Revatī. He is sometimes regarded as an incarnation of the serpent Śeṣa and sometimes as the eighth incarnation of Viṣṇu; see the quotation under हल]. -वर्जित a. infirm, weak. -वर्णिन् a. strong and looking well. -वर्धन a. invigorating, strengthening. -m. N. of स्थण्डिलाग्नि in उत्सर्जन or उपाकर्म. -विन्यासः array or arrangement of troops. -व्यसनम् the defeat of an army. -व्यापद् f. decrease of strength. -शालिन् a. strong; बलशालितया यथा तथा वा धियमुच्छेदपरामयं दधानः Ki.13.12. -समुत्थानम् Recruiting a strong army; Kau. A.1.16; तमभियोक्तुं बलसमुत्थानमकरोत् Dk.2.8. -सूदनः an epithet of Indra. -सेना a strong army, an army, host. -स्थ a. strong, powerful. (-स्थः) a warrior, soldier. -स्थितिः f. 1 a camp; an encampment. -2 a royal camp. -हन्, -हन्तृ m. 1 an epithet of Indra; पाण्डुः स्मरति ते नित्यं बलहन्तुः समीपगः Mb.15.2.17. -2 of Balarāma. -3 phlegm. -हीन a. destitute of strength, weak, feeble.
yudhiṣṭhiraḥ युधिष्ठिरः 'Firm in battle', N. of the eldest Pāṇḍava prince, also called 'Dharma', 'Dharmarāja', 'Ajātaśatru' &c. [He was begotten on Kuntī by the god Yama. He is known more for his truthfulness and righteousness than for any military achievements or feats of arms. He was formally crowned emperor of Hastināpura at the conclusion of the great Bhāratī war after eighteen days' severe fighting, and reigned righteously for many years. For further particulars about his life, see दुर्योधन.]
śikhaṇḍin शिखण्डिन् a. [शिखण्डो$स्त्यस्य इनि] Crested, tufted. -m. A peacock; नदति स एष वधूसखः शिखण्डी U.3.18; R.1.39; Ku.1.15. -2 A cock. -3 An arrow. -4 A peacock's tail. -5 A kind of jasmine. -6 N. of Viṣṇu. -7 N. of a son of Drupada; शिखण्डी च महारथः Bg.1.17. [Śikhaṇḍin was originally a female, being Ambā born in the family of Drupada for wreaking her revenge upon Bhīṣma; (see Ambā). But from her very birth the girl was given out as a male child and brought up as such. In due course she was married to the daughter of Hiraṇyavarman, who was extremely sorry to find that she had got a veritable woman for her husband. Her father, therefore, resolved to attack the kingdom of Drupada for his having deceived him; but Śikhaṇḍin contrived, by practising austere penance in a forest, to exchange her sex with a Yakṣa and thus averted the calamity which threatened Drupada. Afterwards in the great Bhāratī war he proved a means of killing Bhīṣma, who declined to fight with a woman, when Arjuna put him forward as his hero. He was afterwards killed by Aśvatthāman.]
saṃjayaḥ संजयः 1 Conquest, victory. -2 A kind of military array. -3 N. of the charioteer of king Dhṛitarāṣṭra. He tried to bring about a peaceful settlement of the dispute between the Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas, but failed. It was he who narrated the events of the great Bhāratī war to the blind king Dhṛitarāṣṭra; cf. धर्मक्षेत्रे कुरुक्षेत्रे समवेता युयुत्सवः । मामकाः पाण्डवाश्चैव किमकुर्वत संजय ॥ Bg.1.1.
Macdonell Search
2 results
bhāratīvat a. accompanied by the goddess Bhâratî.
vṛtti f. (rolling), gush (of tears); course of action, mode of life, conduct, be haviour (ord. mg.), towards (lc., --°ree;); method, course; respectful or affectionate treatment of (g., --°ree;; E.); general usage, rule (S.); man ner of being, nature, kind; being, occurring, or appearing in (lc., gnly. --°ree; a.); occurrence or existence of (--°ree;); devotion or addiction to, practice of (lc., --°ree;; --°ree; a. devoted to, practis ing); sg. pl. subsistence, maintenance, liveli hood (by means of, in.), profession, occupa tion (ord. mg.); activity, working, function; disposition, mood (of the mind); occurrence or use of a word in a particular sense (lc.); mode of pronunciation or recitation (S.); style of composition (dr.; there are four kinds: kaisikî, sâttvatî, ârabhatî, bhâratî); alliteration (rh.); form or kind of word (gr.); commentary (on a Sûtra): -m kri or kalp aya,subsist by, live on (in.); provide a means of subsistence for (g.).
Bloomfield Vedic
2 results0 results21 results
anyā vatsaṃ bharati kṣeti mātā # RV.3.55.4c.
ayaṃ vājaṃ bharati yaṃ sanoti # RV.4.17.9c.
aśvinā bhāratīḍā (VSK. bhāratīlā) # VS.20.63b; VSK.22.49b; MS.3.11.3b: 144.7; KS.38.8b; TB.
aśvineḍā (VSK. -lā) na bhāratī # VS.21.37d; VSK.23.38d; MS.3.11.2d: 142.9; TB.
aśvineḍā (VSK. -lā) sarasvatī # VS.21.54b; VSK.23.53b; MS.3.11.5b: 147.11. See sarasvaty aśvinā bhāratīḍā.
aspṛkṣad bhāratī divam # VS.28.18c; TB.
asmān hotrā bhāratī dakṣiṇābhiḥ # RV.3.62.3d.
ādityair no bhāratī vaṣṭu yajñam # VS.29.8a; TS.; MS.3.16.2a: 184.12; KSA.6.2a.
ā no yajñaṃ bhāratī tūyam etu # RV.10.110.8a; AVś.5.12.8a; VS.29.33a; MS.4.13.3a: 202.9; KS.16.20a; TB.; N.8.13a.
ā bhāratī bhāratībhiḥ sajoṣāḥ # RV.3.4.8a; 7.2.8a.
ā mātarā bharati śuṣmy ā goḥ # RV.4.22.4c.
iḍā devī bhāratī viśvatūrtiḥ # RV.2.3.8b; VS.20.43d; MS.3.11.1d: 140.11; KS.38.6d; TB.
iḍā sarasvatī bhāratī # VS.27.19b; TS.; MS.4.13.8b: 210.10; KS.18.17b; 19.13b; TB. See next but one.
iḍā sarasvatī bhāratī mahīḥ (TB. mahī) # VS.28.8c; TB.
tvaṃ hotrā bhāratī vardhase girā # RV.2.1.11b.
tvayā vibhinnaṃ bharati pradhiṃ pitā # RV.10.138.6d.
nirdagdhā arātayaḥ (MS.KS. nirdagdhārātiḥ) # TS.; MS.1.1.8: 4.8; KS.1.7; 31.6; TB.; Apś.1.22.3; 23.3; 7.19.8. Cf. niṣṭaptā.
makṣū vājaṃ bharati spārharādhāḥ # RV.4.16.16d.
mahī gṛṇānā # VS.27.19c; TS. See under bhāratī gṛ-.
mahīr gṛṇānāḥ # KS.18.17c. See under bhāratī gṛ-.
yas ta ūrū viharati # RV.10.162.4a; AVś.20.96.14a; MG.2.18.2a. Cf. prec.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"harati" has 2 results
jainendravyākaraṇaname of a grammar work written by Pujyapada Devanandin, also called Siddhanandin, in the fifth century A.D. The grammar is based on the Astadhyay of Panini,the section on Vedic accent and the rules of Panini explaining Vedic forms being,of course, neglectedition The grammar is called Jainendra Vyakarana or Jainendra Sabdanusasana. The work is available in two versions, one consisting of 3000 sutras and the other of 3700 sutras. it has got many commentaries, of which the Mahavrtti written by Abhayanandin is the principal one. For details see Jainendra Vyakarana, introduction published by the Bharatiya Jnanapitha Varadasi.
subodhinīname given to (1) a commentary on the Siddhantakaumudi by Kshamaunin or Jayakrshamaunin; (2) a commentary on the Sarasvata Vyakarana by Amritabharati : (3) a commentary on the Sarasvata Vyakarana by Candrakirti.
Vedabase Search
Wordnet Search
"harati" has 1 results.



mahārāṣṭrarājyasya ekaḥ prasiddhaḥ svātantryasainikaḥ।

svatantratā iti asmākaṃ janmasiddhaḥ adhikāraḥ asti iti bālagaṃgādharatilakamahodayasya ghoṣaṇā nartate।

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