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Grammar Search
"hanu" has 3 results
hanu: neuter nominative singular stem: hanu
hanu: neuter accusative singular stem: hanu
hanu: feminine vocative singular stem: hanu
Amarakosha Search
8 results
dhamanīFeminineSingularhanu, haṭṭavilāsinī, añjanakeśī
indrāyudhamNeuterSingularśakradhanu, rohitamrainbow
mūrtiḥ3.3.73FeminineSingularpīḍā, dhanuṣkoṭiḥ
rājādanamMasculineSingularsannakadruḥ, dhanuṣpaṭaḥ, piyālaḥ
dhanurdharaḥ2.8.70MasculineSingulardha‍nuṣmān, dhānuṣkaḥ, niṣaṅgī, atrī, dhanvī
dhanu2.8.84FeminineSingularkārmukam, iṣvāsaḥ, cāpaḥ, dhanva, śarāsanam, kodaṇḍam
Monier-Williams Search
259 results for hanu
hanuf. (only ) "anything which destroys or injures life", a weapon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanuf. death View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanuf. disease View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanuf. various kinds of drugs View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanuf. a wanton woman, prostitute View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanum. Name of a particular mixed tribe View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanuf. (according to to also m.;not fr. han-See cognate words below) a jaw (also h/anū-) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanun. "cheek", a particular part of a spearhead [ confer, compare Greek , , ; Latin gena,genui1nus; Gothic kinnus; German Kinn; English chin.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanubhedam. the gaping or parting asunder of the jaws View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanubhedam. Name of a particular form of the end of an eclipse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanugraham. "jaw-seizure", lock-jaw View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanuf. a jaw View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanulamfn. having strong jaws gaRa sidhmādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumacin compound for mat-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumacchata(for -śata-) n. Name of work on bhakti- by śrī-nivāsācārya-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumadin compound for mat-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumadaṅgadasaṃvādam. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumadaṣṭakan. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumadaṣṭottaraśatanāmann. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumadbāhukam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumadbalim. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumadbhāṣyan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumaddaṇḍakam. or n. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumaddīpam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumaddurgan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumaddvādaśanāmann. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumadekamukhakavacan. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumadgahvaran. (equals man-mantra-g-) Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumadīyamfn. written or composed by hanumat- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumadīyan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumadrāmāyaṇan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumadupaniṣadf. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumadviṣayamantram. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumadvratakalpam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumajin compound for mat-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumajjayantīf. the day of full moon of the month caitra- (being the supposed birthday of hanumat-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumanm. Calcutta edition for mat- (in hanumādi-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumanin compound for mat-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumanmālāmantram. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumanmantragahvaran. (= mad-gahvara-) Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumanmantroddhāram. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumannāṭakan. Name of a drama (containing the story of the rāmāyaṇa- dramatized equals mahā-n- q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumannighaṇṭum. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumantain compound for mat-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumantabhaṭṭīyan. Name of a poem. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumanteśvara n. Name of a tīrtha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumanteśvaratīrthan. Name of a tīrtha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumatm. "having (large) jaws", Name of a monkey-chief (one of the most celebrated of a host of semi-divine monkey-like beings, who, according to ,were created to become the allies of rāma-candra- in his war with rāvaṇa-; hanumat- was held to be a son of pavana- or māruta-,"the Wind";and is fabled to have assumed any form at will, wielded rocks, removed mountains, mounted the air, seized the clouds, and rivalled garuḍa- in swiftness of flight;according to other legends, hanumat- was son of śiva-;his mother's name was añjanā- q.v;in modern times hanumat- is a very common village god in the Dekhan, Central and Upper India see ) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumatm. a particular sort of monkey, Simia Sinica View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumatkalpam. Name of a chapter of the sudarśana-saṃhitā-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumatkavacan. " hanumat-'s breast-plate", Name of various hymns (addressed to the five-headed hanumat- in various purāṇa-s). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumatkāvyan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumatkīrtanan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumatpaddhatif. Name of work in 5 chapters (four of which are taken from the sudarśana-saṃhitā- and the last from the rāmāyaṇa-) describing the rites to be observed in the worship of hanumat-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumatpañcāṅgan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumatpaṭalamn. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumatprabandham. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumatprātaḥstotran. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumatpratiṣṭhāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumatpratiṣṭhākalpam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumatsahasranāmann. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumatsaṃhitāf. Name of a poem describing the festivities on the occasion of the presence of rāma- and sītā- at a pastoral dance (rāsotsava-) on the banks of the sarayū-.
hanumatstotran. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumattailavidhim. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumokṣam. relaxation of the jaws View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanuṣam. anger, wrath View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanuṣam. a rākṣasa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanusaṃhananan. () a particular form of lock-jaw. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanusaṃhatif. () a particular form of lock-jaw. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanuṣkambham. equals -graha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanustambham. equals -graha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanusvanam. sound made with the jaws View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adharahanuf. the lower jaw-bone View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ākhaṇḍaladhanusn. idem or 'm. n. "indra-'s bow", the rainbow ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
arutahanumfn. one whose cheeks or jaws are not broken View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aśvahanum. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ayohanu(/ayo--) mfn. iron-jawed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bṛhaddhanus( ) m. Name of king. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cakradhanusm. Name of a ṛṣi-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
candrahanum. Name of a dānava-, 12939. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
caturhanumfn. (c/at-) having 4 jaws View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
caturhanum. Name of a dānava- (varia lectio candra-h-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
daśadhanusm. Name of an ancestor of śākya-muni- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanum. or () 2. dhanū- f. (fr.2. dhan-?) a bow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanum. a measure of 4 hasta-s or cubits (see dhanv-antara-below) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanum. the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanum. Buchanania Latifolia View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanum. Semecarpus Anacardium View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanu according to to some also,"water, juice etc."; confer, compare dhanv-, dhanutṛ-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuf. (dh/anu-,or dhan/ū-) a dry sandbank, a sandy shore ([ confer, compare English bight, German Bucht]) (Nominal verb n/ūs-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuguptam. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuin comp. for nus-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuhastāf. Name of a being attendant on devī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuḥkāṇḍa equals dhanuṣ-k-, -kh-, -p- (below) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuḥkhaṇḍa equals dhanuṣ-k-, -kh-, -p- (below) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuḥpaṭa equals dhanuṣ-k-, -kh-, -p- (below) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuḥśākhāf. equals nur-guṇā- (below) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuḥśālāf. bow-room View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuḥsaṃsthamfn. shaped like a bow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuḥśatan. 100 dhanus- or 400 hasta-s or cubits View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuḥśreṇīf. equals dhanu-ś- or = mahendra-vāruṇī-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuḥstambhatn. a kind of spasmodic contraction of the body View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuketakīf. a kind of flower View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurin compound for nus-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurājam. Name of one of the ancestors of śakya-- muni- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurākāra mfn. bow-shaped, curved, bent View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurākṛtimfn. bow-shaped, curved, bent View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurārtnīf. the end of a bow (where the string is fastened) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurāsanan. a particular mode of sitting View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurāśim. the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurbhṛt() m. bow-man, archer. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurdharam. equals -graha- etc. (also as Name of śiva-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurdharam. the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurdharam. Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurdhārin() m. bow-man, archer. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurdrumam. "bow tree", the bamboo (used for bows) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurdurgamfn. made inaccessible or protected by a desert View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurdurgan. a place so protected ( dhanva--). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurdvitīyamfn. furnished with a bow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurgraham. bearing a bow, an archer View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurgraham. the art of managing a bow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurgraham. Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurgrāha() m. an archer. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurgrāhin() m. an archer. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurguṇam. a bow-string
dhanurguṇāf. Sanseviera Zeylanica (from the leaves of which a tough thread is extracted of which bow-strings were made) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurhastamfn. bow in hand, having a bow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurjyāf. a bowstring View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurjyātalaśabdam. the mere twanging noise of the bow-string View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurlatāf. a bow (literally bow-creeper) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurlatāf. equals soma-vallī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurmadhyan. the middle part of a bow (= lastaka-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurmaham. the consecration of a b View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurmakha varia lectio for -maha-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurmālāf. equals -guṇā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurmārgam.,"bow line", curve View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurmāsamāhātmyan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurvakramfn. crooked like a bow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurvaktram. "bow-mouth", Name of one of skanda-'s attendants View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurvātam. a kind of disease View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurvedam. the science of archery, an archery treatise (regarded as an upa-veda- connected with the yajur-veda-, and derived from viśvāmitra- or bhṛgu-) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurvedam. Name of work by śārṅga-datta- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurvedacintāmaṇim. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurvedaparamfn. devoted to archery View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurvedaparāyaṇamfn. devoted to archery View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurvedaprakaraṇan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurvedasāram. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurvedinmfn. versed in archery View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurvedinm. Name of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurvidyāf. "bow-science", archery View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurvidyādīpikāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurvidyārambhaprayogam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurvṛkṣam. "bow-plant", the bamboo View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurvṛkṣam. Ficus Religiosa View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurvṛkṣam. Semecarpus Anacardium View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurvṛkṣam. Isora Corylifolia View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurvṛkṣam. a measure of 4 cubits View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurvṛkṣam. (geometry) an arc View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuryantran. () a bow (literally bow-instrument, bow stick) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuryāsam. Alhagi Maurorum View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuryaṣṭif. () a bow (literally bow-instrument, bow stick) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuryogyāf. bow-exercise, archery View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuin compound for nus-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanusn. (m. gaRa ardharcādi-; see dhanu-) a bow etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanusn. a measure of length = 4 hasta-s or 1/2000 gavyūti- etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanusn. (geometry) an arc or part of a circle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanusn. (astronomy) an arc or quadrant for ascertaining the sun's altitude and zenith-distance View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanusn. a fiddlestick View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanusn. the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanusn. Buchanania Latifolia View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanusn. Name of śiva- (armed with a bow , or equals dhanuḥsvarūpa- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanusn. a desert, arid land (see nur-/ . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuṣam. Name of a ṛṣi- (ṣākhya- ) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuṣākṣa(or ṣākṣa-?) idem or 'm. Name of a ṛṣi- (ṣākhya- ) .' , . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuṣkamfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' equals dhanus- See sa-- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuṣkan. a small bow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuṣkāṇḍan. sg. bow and arrow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuṣkapālan. gaRa kaskādi-. 1. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuṣkaram. a bow-maker View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuṣkaramfn. bow in hand, armed with a bow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuṣkāra m. a bow-maker View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuṣkarīf. a kind of flower View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuṣkarṣaṇan. bending a bow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuṣkhaṇḍan. a portion of a bow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuṣkhātāf. Name of a river on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuṣkoṭi f. the curved end of bow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuṣkoṭīf. the curved end of bow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuṣkṛtm. a bow-maker View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuṣmatmfn. armed with a bow, an archer etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuṣmatm. Name of a mountain to the north of madhya-deśa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuṣmatīf. Name of the tutelary deity in the family of vyāghra-pād- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuṣmattāf. archery View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuṣpāṇimfn. bow in hand, armed with a bow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuṣpaṭam. Buchanania Latifolia View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanuśreṇīf. Sanseviera Zeylanica View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanustambhaSee dhanuḥ-st-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanustambhaSee nuḥ-st-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanutṛmfn. running, moving quickly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhṛtadhanusm. equals -cāpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dṛḍhadhanusm. "having a strong bow", Name of an ancestor of gautama- (varia lectio -hanu-and ḍhāśva-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dṛḍhahanum. "strong-jawed", Name of a prince (see ḍha-dh-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
durhanumf(u-)n. "ugly-jawed" View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
garbhanudm. equals -ghātinī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gṛhītadhanus mfn. armed with a bow, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hiraṇyadhanusm. "golden-bowed", Name of a king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
indradhanusn. indra-'s bow, the rainbow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kumbhahanum. "having a chin shaped like a kumbha-", Name of a rākṣasa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kusumadhanusm. equals -kārmuka- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahādhanurdharam. () a great archer. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahādhanusmfn. having a great bow (śiva-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahādhanuṣmatm. () a great archer. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahāhanumfn. having large jaws View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahāhanum. Name of a nāga- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahāhanum. of a dānava- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahāhanum. of a being attending on śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
maṇidhanum. ( ) (Gaut ) "jewel-bow", a rain-bow. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
maṇidhanusn. (Gaut ) "jewel-bow", a rain-bow. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhanum. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nāgahanum. Unguis Odoratus View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
navatidhanusm. Name of an ancestor of gautama- buddha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pañcadhanusm. Name of a prince View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
puṣpadhanus m. "armed with a bow of flower"Name of the god of love View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohitendradhanusn. plural imperfect and perfect rainbows View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sadhanusmfn. having or armed with a bow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sadhanuṣkamfn. idem or 'mfn. having or armed with a bow ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sadhanuṣkamfn. together with a bow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sadhanuṣpāṇimfn. bow in hand View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahanumaraṇan. (equals saha-maraṇa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahanumaraṇavivekam. Name of work on widow-burning. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahasrākṣadhanuṣmatmfn. provided with a rainbow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śakradhanusn. equals -kārmuka- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃhanumfn. striking the jaws together View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃhanuind. (with kṛ-) to seize between the jaws View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śārṅgadhanurdharam. śārṅgadhanus
śārṅgadhanusm. "armed with the bow śārṅga-", Name of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa- ( śārṅgadhanurdhara nurdhara- m. idem or 'm. Name of the author of the saṃgīta-ratnākara- ' ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarvajanavaśyahanumanmantram. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadhanu() ( ) m. Name of various men. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadhanus( ) m. Name of various men. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatadhanutantran. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sautrāmaṇadhanusn. " indra-'s bow", the rainbow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
siṃhahanumfn. having the jaws of a lion ( siṃhahanutā -- of the 32 signs of perfection )
siṃhahanum. Name of the grandfather of gautama- buddha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
siṃhahanuf. siṃhahanu
śivadhanurvedam. Name of work attributed to vyāsa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrīlahanumatm. the celebrated hanumat- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stabdhahanumfn. having stiff or immovable jaws View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sudhanusm. Name of a son of kuru- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sudhanusm. of an ancestor of gautama- buddha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suhanumfn. having handsome jaws View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suhanum. Name of an asura- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suradhanurlekhāyato resemble a rainbow (yita- mfn.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suradhanusn. "bow of the gods", a rainbow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
surapatidhanusn. (equals -cāpa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sureśvaradhanusn. " indra-'s bow", the rainbow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śvetahanum. a kind of snake View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttarahanuf. the upper jaw-bone View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vatsahanum. Name of a son of sena-jit- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhanus mfn. having no bow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhanuṣkamfn. having no bow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
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hanu हनु (नू) मत् m. N. of a powerful monkey-chief. [He was the son of Añjanā by the god Wind or Marut and hence called Māruti. He is represented as a monkey of extraordinary strength and prowess which he mainifested on several critical occasions on behalf of Rāma whom he regarded as the idol of his heart. When Sītā was carried off by Rāvaṇa, he crossed the sea and brought news about her to his lord. He played a very important part in the great war at Laṅkā.] -Comp. -कवचम् N. of various hymns addressed to हनुमत्. -जयन्ती the day of the full moon of Chaitra.
hanu हनु नू m., f. [हन्-उन्-स्त्रीत्वे वा उञ्] The chin, jaw. -नु f. 1 That which injures life. -2 A weapon. -3 A disease, sickness. -4 Death. -5 A kind of drug. -6 A wanton woman, prostitute. -Comp. -ग्रहः locked jaw. -भेदः 1 the gaping of the jaws. -2 N. of a particular form of eclipse. -मूलम् the root of the jaw. -मोक्षः relaxation of the jaws. -स्तम्भः = हनुग्रहः. -स्वनः sound made with the jaws.
hanu हनुका A jaw.
dhanus धनुस् a. [धन् शब्दे-असि] Armed with a bow. n. 1 A bow; धनुर्वंशविशुद्धो$पि निर्गुणः किं करिष्यति Subhāṣ. धनुष्यमोघं समधत्त बाणम् Ku.3.66; so इन्द्रधनुः &c. (At the end of Bahu. comp. धनुस् is changed to धन्वन्; अधिज्यधन्वा विचचार दावम् R.2.8.). -2 A measure of length equal to four hastas; धनुःशतं परीणाहो ग्रामे क्षेत्रान्तरं भवेत् Y.2.167; Ms. 8.237. -3 An arc of a circle. -4 The sign Sagittarius of the zodiac. -5 A desert; cf. धन्वन् -m. N. of Śiva. -Comp. -आकार a. (धनुराकार) bow-shaped, curved, bent. -आसनम् (धनुरासनम्) a particular mode of sitting. -कर (धनुष्कर) a. having or armed with a bow. (-रः) a bow-maker. -काण्डम् (धनु- ष्काण्डम्) a bow and arrow. -खण्डम् (धनुष्खण्डम्) part of a bow. Me.15. -गुणः (धनुर्गुणः) a bowstring. -ग्रहः (धनुर्ग्रहः), ग्राहः an archer. धनुर्ग्रहवरो यस्यं बाणखड्गास्त्रभृत्स्वयम् Rām.2.44.2. -ग्रहम् a measure, a cubit of 27 aṅgulas; Māna.2.52. -ज्या (धनुर्ज्या) a bow-string; अनवरतधनुर्ज्यास्फालनक्रूरपूर्वम् Ś2.4. -दुर्गम् (धनुर्दुर्गम्) a place protected by a desert; Ms.7.7. -द्रुमः (धनुर्द्रुमः) a bamboo. -धरः, -भृत् m. (धनुर्धरः &c.) 1 an archer; धनुर्भृतो$प्यस्य दयार्द्रभावम् R.2.11; धनुर्धरः केसरिणं ददर्श 29;3.31,38,39;9.11;12.97; 16.77. -2 an epithet of Viṣṇu. -3 the sign Sagittarius of the zodiac. -धारिन् (धनुर्धारिन्) m. an archer. -पाणि a. (धनुष्पाणि) armed with a bow, with a bow in hand; अहमेव धनुष्पाणिर्योद्धा समरमूर्धनि Rām. -मार्गः (धनुर्मार्गः) a line curved like a bow, a curve. -मासः (धनुर्मासः) The period during which the sun is in Sagittarius. -मुष्टिः (धनुर्मुष्टिः) a measure, a cubit of 26 aṅgulas; Māna 2.51. -लता 1 bow. -2 Soma creeper. -वातः (धनुर्वातः) a kind of disease. -विद्या (धनुर्विद्या) the science of archery. -वृक्षः (धनुर्वक्षः) 1 a bamboo. -2 the अश्वत्थ tree. -वेदः (धनुर्वेदः) the science of archery, one of the four Upavedas q. v. चतुष्पादं धनुर्वेदं वेद पञ्चविधं द्विज । रथनागाश्वपत्तीनां योधांश्चाश्रित्य कीर्तितम् ॥ यन्त्रमुक्तं पाणिमुक्तं मुक्तसन्धारितं तथा । अमुक्तं बाहुयुद्धं च पञ्चधा तत् प्रकीर्तितम् ॥ Agni P. -वेदिन् m. an epithet of Śiva. -स्तम्भः Tetanus.
dhanuṣmat धनुष्मत् m. An archer.
nabhanu नभनु a. Ved. Hurting. -नु f. A river.
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
citrabhānu citrá-bhānu, a. (Bv.) of brilliant splendour, i. 35, 4; 85, 11.
Macdonell Search
9 results
hanu f. [crusher: √ han] jaw: -mat, a. having strong jaws; m. N. of a monkey chief, son of the god of wind, ally of Râma on his expedition to La&ndot;kâ for the recovery of Sîtâ; N. of various men;û-mat, m. Hanumat, the monkey chief.
dhanus n. desert.
dhanus n. bow; a measure of length (=4 hastas).
dhanuṣkāṇḍa n. sg. bow and arrow; -k&asharp;ra, -krít, m. bow-maker; -koti (or î), notched end of a bow; -khanda, n. piece of a bow; -pâni, a. bow in hand, armed with a bow; -mat, a. (-î) armed with a bow; m. bowman: -tâ, f. archery.
dhanurgraha m. bowman, archer; -grâha, -grâhin, m. id.; -gyâ, f. bowstring; -durga, a. inaccessible because of a desert; n. fortress protected by a desert; -dhara, a. bearing a bow; m. archer; -dhârin, -bhrit, a. m. id.; -yantra, n. bow; -yashti, f. id.; -yogyâ, f. practice in archery; -latâ, f. bow; -vidyâ, f. archery; -veda, m. id.
dhanu f. sandbank; shore; island (also of clouds).
dhanu m. bow.
nabhanu m., &usharp;, f. spring.
sautrāmadhanus n. rainbow.
Bloomfield Vedic
9 results0 results702 results
jambhaṃ hanugrābhaṃ śaṅkham AVP.11.2.9e.
nānā hanū vibhṛte saṃ bharete RV.10.79.1c.
akāry-akāry avakīrṇī stenaḥ # TA.10.1.15a; MahānU.5.11a.
akrān (TA. ākrān) samudraḥ prathame (JB. parame, one ms. prathame) vidharman # RV.9.97.40a; SV.1.529a; 2.603a; JB.3.240a; PB.15.1.1; TA.10.1.15a; MahānU.6.1a; N.14.6a. Ps: akrān samudraḥ JG.2.1; Svidh.1.4.20; akrān JG.2.8; Svidh.1.6.3.
akṣaraṃ paramaṃ prabhum # TA.10.11.1d; MahānU.11.1d.
akṣaraṃ brahma saṃmitam # TA.10.26.1b; Tā.10.34b; MahānU.15.1b. See akṣare etc.
akṣyau ca te mukhaṃ (AVP. hanū) ca te # AVś.4.3.3a; AVP.2.8.3a.
agnayaḥ # TA.10.62.1; MahānU.21.2.
agnaye svāhā # AVś.19.4.1; 43.1; VS.10.5; 22.6,27; 39.1; TS.;; 14.1; 16.1; 17.1; 20.1; MS.2.6.11: 70.7; 2.6.12: 71.13; 3.12.2: 160.9; 3.12.7: 162.12; 4.4.6: 57.1; KS.15.7; 23.2 (bis); KSA.1.3,5,7,8,11; śB.;;;;; 9.3.8; 4.18; TB.; 8.6.3; 9.3; 17.1 (bis),2; 12.4.2--6; ṣB.5.7; AdB.7; śś.2.10.1; 6.3.8; Kś.15.5.3; 18.5.3; 20.2.3; Mś.;;;;; Apś.9.9.14; 18.15.8; 20.4.5; 5.9; 11.3,4,7; Tā.10.67.1; MahānU.19.2; BṛhU.6.3.8; 4.18; AG.1.9.7; 10.13; 4.3.26; śG.1.17.8; 2.14.4; Kauś.4.1; 6.11; 72.27; 81.31; 94.14; 95.3; 119.2; 130.2; 131.2; 135.9 (p. 285); GG.1.3.9; 8.4,9; KhG.1.5.13; 2.1.17; PG.1.9.3; 12.3; HG.1.2.16; 7.18; 23.8; ApG.1.2.6; MG.1.5.4; 2.2.18; 3.1; JG.1.3,23; BDh.3.9.4; Svidh.1.8.9,13. Cf. agniṃ svāhā.
agnaye sviṣṭakṛte svāhā # TB.; 4.2--6; Tā.10.67.1; MahānU.19.2; śG.1.17.8; 2.14.4; Kauś.5.12; GG.1.8.14; KhG.2.1.24; PG.1.12.3; HG.1.7.18; 2.8.9; MG.2.2.22. Cf. agnaye sviṣṭakṛte, in GDh.26.16; SaṃnyāsaU.1; Svidh.1.2.5; 3.7, and agnibhyaḥ sviṣṭa-.
agnayo vai trayī vidyā devayānaḥ panthā # TA.10.63.1; MahānU.22.1.
agnir bhānunā ruśatā svaṅgaḥ # RV.10.1.1c; VS.12.13c; TS.; MS.2.7.8c: 85.15; KS.16.8c; śB.
agniś ca mā manyuś ca manyupatayaś ca manyukṛtebhyaḥ pāpebhyo rakṣantām # TA.10.24.1; MahānU.14.3. P: agniś ca mā manyuś ca VāDh.23.23.
agnihotraṃ sāyaṃprātar gṛhāṇāṃ niṣkṛtiḥ sviṣṭaṃ suhutaṃ yajñakratūnāṃ prāyaṇaṃ suvargasya lokasya jyotiḥ # TA.10.63.1; MahānU.22.1.
agnihotram # MS.1.8.1: 115.10; TA.10.62.1; MahānU.22.1.
agne atrivan namasā gṛṇānaḥ # RV.5.4.9c; MS.4.10.1c: 141.16; TB.; TA.10.2.1c; MahānU.6.5c.
agne tvaṃ pārayā navyo asmān # RV.1.189.2a; TS.; MS.4.10.1a: 142.1; 4.14.3: 218.6; TB.; TA.10.2.1a; MahānU.6.4a; Aś.2.10.4. P: agne tvaṃ pārayā śś.5.5.2; Mś.;; GDh.24.9.
aghorebhyo 'tha (MS. atha) ghorebhyaḥ # MS.2.9.10a: 130.1; TA.10.45.1a; MahānU.17.3a. P: aghorebhyaḥ Mś. (bis),23;
aṅguṣṭhaṃ ca samāśritaḥ # TA.10.38.1b; MahānU.16.3b; BDh. Cf. KṣurU.6.
aṅguṣṭhamātraḥ puruṣaḥ # TA.10.38.1a; MahānU.16.3a; BDh. See Jacob's Concordance to the Upaniṣads, s.v. aṅguṣṭhamātra. Designated as madhūni, GDh.19.12; VāDh.22.9; BDh.3.10.10.
acyutakṣitaye svāhā # Tā.10.67.1; MahānU.19.2.
ajasraṃ gharmam īmahe # AVś.6.36.1c; SV.2.1058c; VS.26.6c; TS.; MS.4.11.1c: 160.12; KS.4.16c; Aś.8.10.3c. See ajasraṃ bhānum.
ajasraṃ bhānum īmahe # śś.3.3.5c. See ajasraṃ gharmam.
ajasreṇa bhānunā dīdyatam (TS. dīdyānam) # VS.11.28b; TS.; MS.2.7.2b: 76.14; KS.16.3b; śB.
ajām ekāṃ lohitaśuklakṛṣṇām # TA.10.10.1a; MahānU.9.2a; śvetU.4.5a.
ajo hy eko juṣamāṇo 'nuśete # TA.10.10.1c; MahānU.9.2c; śvetU.4.5c.
aṇīyordhvā vyavasthitā # TA.10.11.2d; MahānU.11.11d; MahāU.3d; Vāsū.3d.
aṇor aṇīyān mahato mahīyān # TA.10.10.1a; MahānU.8.3a; KU.2.20a; śvetU.3.20a.
ataḥ paraṃ nānyad aṇīyasaṃ hi # TA.10.1.1a; MahānU.1.5a.
ataś ca viśvā (MuṇḍU. sarvā) oṣadhayo rasāś (MuṇḍUṃahānU. rasaś) ca # TA.10.10.1c; MahānU.8.5c; MuṇḍU.2.1.9c.
ataḥ samudrā girayaś ca sarve # TA.10.10.1a; MahānU.8.5a; MuṇḍU.2.1.9a.
atyāśanād atīpānāt # TA.10.1.13a; MahānU.5.2a.
athābhayaṃ kṛṇuhi viśvato naḥ # RV.3.47.2d; VS.7.37d; TS.; MS.1.3.23d: 38.6; 4.14.12d: 235.14; TB.; TA.10.1.11d; MahānU.20.2d.
aditir devā gandharvā manuṣyāḥ pitaro 'surās teṣāṃ sarvabhūtānāṃ mātā medinī (MahānU. medinī pṛthivī) mahatī mahī sāvitrī gāyatrī jagaty urvī pṛthvī bahulā viśvā bhūtā katamā kāyā sā satyety amṛteti vasiṣṭhaḥ # TA.10.21.1; MahānU.13.7.
adbhyaḥ saṃbhūtaḥ pṛthivyai rasāc ca # TA.3.13.1a; Apś.16.29.2a. P: adbhyaḥ saṃbhūtaḥ TA.10.1.3; MahānU.1.12. See adbhyaḥ saṃbhṛtaḥ.
adbhyaḥ svāhā # AVś.19.43.7; VS.22.25,29; 39.2; TS.;; MS.3.12.10: 163.11; KS.15.3; KSA.4.3; śB.; TB.; 8.17.5; 12.2.6; Tā.10.67.1; Apś.18.16.12; 20.11.17; MahānU.19.2; Kauś.103.2; MDh.3.88 (adbhyaḥ, sc. svāhā).
adyā (SV.GGṣvidh. adya) no deva savitaḥ # RV.5.82.4a; SV.1.141a; AB.4.30.3; 5.2.6; 8.6; 17.6; 21.9; KB.19.9; 20.2; 25.9; TB.; ā.; TA.10.10.2a; 49.1a; MahānU.9.6a; 17.7a; Aś.5.18.5; śś.8.3.8; 18.22.2; Apś.6.23.1a; AG.3.6.5; śG.1.4.2; GG.3.3.32; Svidh.1.8.7. Cf. BṛhD.5.89.
adharmāya svāhā # Tā.10.67.1; MahānU.19.2.
adhoniṣṭyā vitastyāṃ tu # TA.10.11.2a; MahānU.11.8a.
anantaṃ śuṣmam udiyarti bhānunā # RV.10.75.3b.
anantam avyayaṃ kavim # TA.10.11.2a; MahānU.11.7a.
anuṣvadham ā vaha mādayasva # RV.2.3.11c; 3.6.9d; AVś.20.13.4d; VS.17.88c; TA.10.10.2c; MahānU.9.11c.
anu svaṃ bhānuṃ śrathayante arṇavaiḥ # RV.5.59.1d.
anūnavarcā ud iyarṣi bhānunā # RV.10.140.2b; SV.2.1167b; VS.12.107b; TS.; MS.2.7.14b: 95.14; KS.16.14b; śB.
antarikṣam atho svaḥ (TA. suvaḥ) # RV.10.190.3d; TA.10.1.2d,14d; MahānU.1.9d; 5.7d.
antarikṣāya svāhā # AVś.5.9.3,4; AVP.6.13.11,14; VS.22.27,29; 39.1; TS.;; 17.1; 5.11.1; MS.3.12.7: 162.12; 3.12.10: 163.10; 3.12.12: 164.3; KS.15.3; 37.15,16; KSA.1.6,8; 5.2; śB.; 9.3.6; TB.,2; 18.4; Tā.10.67.2 (bis); śś.17.12.2; Apś.20.11.4,5; 12.5; MahānU.19.2 (bis).
antar barhiś ca tat sarvam # TA.10.11.2c; MahānU.11.6c.
antaś carati (MahānU.PrāṇāgU. carasi) bhūteṣu # TA.10.31.1a; Tā.10.68a; MahānU.15.6a; PrāṇāgU.1a; LVyāsaDh.2.17a; śaṅkhaDh.9.16a.
annamayaprāṇamayamanomayavijñānamayānandamayā me śudhyantām # TA.10.57.1; Tā.10.66; MahānU.20.21; BDh.3.8.12.
annam āpaḥ # TA.10.22.1; MahānU.14.1.
anyakṛtasyainaso 'vayajanam asi svāhā (Apśṃś. omit svāhā) # Tā.10.59; Apś.13.17.9; Mś.; MahānU.18.1. See anājñātājñātakṛtasya, and cf. enasa-enaso.
anvāhāryapacano yajur antarikṣaṃ vāmadevyam # TA.10.63.1; MahānU.22.1.
apaghnan nirṛtiṃ mama # TA.10.1.4b; MahānU.2.9b; ApMB.1.9.9b; HG.1.18.5b.
apānam annenāpyāyasva # TA.10.36.1; MahānU.16.1.
apānāya svāhā # VS.22.23; 23.18; TS.; 4.21.1; MS.3.12.9: 163.7; 3.12.20: 166.8; KSA.1.10; 4.10; śB.; 5.1.4; TA.4.5.1; 15.1; 10.33.1; 34.1; KA.2.79; Tā.10.69; Mś.; MahānU.15.8,9; ChU.5.21.1; MU.6.9; PrāṇāgU.1.
apāne niviśyāmṛtaṃ hutam # TA.10.36.1; MahānU.16.1. Some mss. at TA. read śraddhāyām apāne etc., q.v.
apāne niviṣṭo 'mṛtaṃ juhomi # TA.10.33.1; 34.1; MahānU.15.8,9. Cf. next, and see śraddhāyām apāne.
apsarāsu ca (JG. omits ca) yā medhā # TA.10.41.1a; MahānU.16.6a; HG.1.8.4a; ApMB.2.4.6a (ApG.4.11.6); JG.1.12a. See yā medhāpsa-.
abibhrad agna ā gahi # TA.10.1.5c; MahānU.2.10c; ApMB.1.9.10c; HG.1.18.5c.
abjā gojā ṛtajā adrijā ṛtaṃ bṛhat (RVṃS.KSṇ. omit bṛhat) # RV.4.40.5d; VS.10.24d; 12.14d; TS.;; MS.2.6.12d: 71.15; KS.15.8d; 16.8d; AB.4.20.5d; śB.;; TA.10.10.2d; 50.1d; KU.5.2d; MahānU.9.3d; 17.8d; NṛpU.3d; VaradapU.2.3d; N.14.29d. Fragment: bṛhat Kś.16.5.19.
amṛtam āpaḥ # TA.10.22.1; MahānU.14.1. See āpo 'mṛtam.
amṛtāpidhānam asi # TA.10.35.1; Tā.10.69; MahānU.15.10; AG.1.24.28; HG.1.13.9; MG.1.9.17; ApMB.2.10.4 (ApG.5.13.13); VārG.11.19; BDh.; VHDh.5.282; AuśDh.3.105. See apidhānam.
amṛtopastaraṇam asi # GB.1.1.39; TA.10.32.1; Tā.10.69; MahānU.15.7; PrāṇāgU.1; AG.1.24.13; HG.1.13.6; MG.1.9.15; ApMB.2.10.3 (ApG.5.13.13); VārG.11.12; BDh.; VHDh.5.256; AuśDh.3.102.
ambikāpataya umāpataye paśupataye (wanting in MahānU.) namo namaḥ # TA.10.17.1; MahānU.13.4.
ambhasya pāre bhuvanasya madhye # TA.10.1.1a; MahānU.1.1a. Cf. ViDh.56.25; VHDh.5.378; 6.88; 7.301; 8.7.
arātīyato ni dahāti vedaḥ # RV.1.99.1b; RVKh.10.127.6d; TA.10.2.1b; MahānU.6.2b; N.7b (Roth's edition, p. 201); 14.33b.
aruṇaṃ bhānuman marīcimad abhitapat tapasvat # TB.
arcayanti tapaḥ satyam # MahānU.13.1. Cf. footnote at TA.10.15.1.
ardhamāsā māsā ṛtavaḥ # TA.10.1.2a; MahānU.1.9a.
arhan dhanur hitaṃ bibharṣi # AVP.15.20.7a. Cf. arhan bibharṣi.
arhan bibharṣi sāyakāni dhanvā # RV.2.33.10a; MS.4.9.4a: 124.10; KB.8.4; TA.4.5.7a; 5.4.10; KA.2.92a. P: arhan bibharṣi TB. (bis); śś.5.9.13; Mś.4.2.24. Cf. arhan dhanur.
alakṣmī me naśyata # MahānU.20.10. See next but one.
avatatya dhanuṣ ṭvam (AVPṭS.KSṇīlarU. dhanus tvam) # AVP.14.4.4a; VS.16.13a; TS.; KS.17.11a; MS.2.9.2a: 122.1; 2.9.9c: 128.1; Mś.; NīlarU.14a.
avasānapatibhyaḥ svāhā # Tā.10.67.2; MahānU.19.2.
avasānebhyaḥ svāhā # Tā.10.67.2; MahānU.19.2.
aśvakrānte rathakrānte # TA.10.1.8a; MahānU.4.4a.
asatāṃ ca pratigrahaṃ svāhā # TA.10.23.1d; MahānU.14.2d; PrāṇāgU.1d; BDh.
asiknyā (TA. asikniyā) marudvṛdhe vitastayā # RV.10.75.5c; TA.10.1.13c; MahānU.5.4c; N.9.26c.
asmabhyaṃ ca saubhagam ā yajasva # RV.8.11.10d; AVś.6.110.1d; TA.10.2.1d; MahānU.6.7d.
asmā astu puṣkalaṃ citrabhānu # TB. See asmin dhehi etc.
asmākaṃ bodhy avitā tanūnām # RV.5.4.9d; MS.4.10.1d: 141.16; TB.; TA.10.2.1d; MahānU.6.5d. Cf. under asmākam edhy.
asmāt syandante sindhavaḥ sarvarūpāḥ # TA.10.10.1b; MahānU.8.5b; MuṇḍU.2.1.9b.
asmin dhehi puṣkalaṃ citrabhānu # AVP.4.3.4c. See asmā astu etc.
asminn astu puṣkalaṃ citrabhānu # KS.37.9c.
asmin yajñe dhārayāmā namobhiḥ # RV.4.58.2b; AVP.8.13.2b; VS.17.90b; MS.1.6.2b: 87.15; KS.40.7b; TA.10.10.2b; Apś.5.17.4b; MahānU.9.13b.
asme śreṣṭhebhir bhānubhir vi bhāhi # RV.7.77.5a.
ahaṃ rudrāya dhanur ā tanomi # RV.10.125.6a; AVś.4.30.5a.
aham evāhaṃ māṃ juhomi svāhā # TA.10.1.15; MahānU.5.10.
ahar no atipārayat # SMB.2.5.13d; MahānU.14.5d.
ahar no atyapīparat # SMB.2.5.13a (GG.4.6.10); MahānU.14.5a. Cf. ahar māty.
ahas tad avalumpatu # TA.10.24.1d; MahānU.14.3d.
ahorātrāṇi vidadhat # RV.10.190.2c; KB.19.3a; TA.10.1.14c; MahānU.5.6c.
ahorātrāś ca sarvaśaḥ # TA.10.1.2d; MahānU.1.8d.
ā te hanū harivaḥ śūra śipre # RV.5.36.2a.
ātmakṛtasyainaso 'vayajanam asi (TāṃahānU.Aś.BDh. asi svāhā) # VS.8.13; Tā.10.59; MahānU.18.1; Aś.6.12.3; śś.8.9.1; Apś.13.17.9; Mś.; BDh.4.3.6. P: ātmakṛtasya Vait.23.12.
ātmanātmānam abhi saṃviveśa (TA.10.1.4d, MahānU. saṃbabhūva) # VS.32.11d; TA.1.23.9d; 10.1.4d; MahānU.2.7d.
ātmā guhāyāṃ nihito 'sya jantoḥ # TA.10.10.1b; MahānU.8.3b; śvetU.3.20b. See ātmāsya jantor.
ātmā nārāyaṇaḥ paraḥ # TA.10.11.1b; MahānU.11.4d.
ādityāya vidmahe # MahānU.3.10a. See bhāskarāya, and tad bhāskarāya.
ādya rathaṃ bhānumo bhānumantam # RV.5.1.11a.
ā dhattāṃ (AVP.12.3.4d, dhattaṃ) puṣkarasrajau (RV.AVś.AVP.ApMBṃG. -srajā) # RV.10.184.2d; RVKh.10.151.2d; AVś.3.22.4f; 5.25.3d; AVP.2.9.5d; 5.11.6d; 8.10.9f,11d; 12.3.4d; śB.; TA.10.40.1d; MahānU.16.5d; BṛhU.6.4.20d; AG.1.15.2d; SMB.1.4.7d; 5.9d; PG.2.4.8f; ApMB.1.12.2d; 2.12.2d; HG.1.6.4d; 8.4d; 25.1d; MG.2.18.2d; JG.1.22d; PG.1.13d (crit. notes; see Speijer, Jātakarma, p. 19). See kṛṇutaṃ puṣkarasrajā, and kṛṇutāṃ puṣkarasrajā.
āntarikṣe virodasī # TA.10.1.14b; MahānU.5.8b.
āpaḥ punantu pṛthivīm # TA.10.23.1a; MahānU.14.2a; PrāṇāgU.1a; BDh.
āpādatalamastakam # TA.10.11.2b; MahānU.11.11b.
āpo jyotī raso 'mṛtaṃ brahma # TA.10.15.1; 28.1; Tā.10.68; Karmap.2.1.7; śaṅkhaDh.9.16; LVyāsaDh.2.18; PrāṇāgU.1; MahānU.13.1; 15.3; śirasU.6. P: āpo jyotiḥ BṛhPDh.2.66. See om āpo etc., and śiraḥ.
āpo vā idaṃ sarvam # TA.10.22.1; MahānU.14.1.
ā bhānunā pārthivāni jrayāṃsi # RV.6.6.6a.
ā māṃ medhā surabhir viśvarūpā # TA.10.42.1a; MahānU.16.7a; HG.1.8.4a.
ā yaḥ paprau bhānunā rodasī ubhe # RV.6.48.6a.
ā yaḥ svar ṇa bhānunā # RV.2.8.4a.
āyātu varadā devī # TA.10.26.1a; Tā.10.34a; MahānU.15.1a. See āyāhi viraje.
ā rodasī bhānunā bhāty antaḥ # RV.10.45.4d; VS.12.6d,21d,33d; TS.;; 2.2d; MS.2.7.8d: 85.9; KS.16.8d--10d; śB.; ApMB.2.11.24d.
ārjīkīye śṛṇuhy ā suṣomayā # RV.10.75.5d; TA.10.1.13d; MahānU.5.4d; N.9.26d.
ārdraṃ jvalati # TA.10.1.15; MahānU.5.10.
ā sūryo na bhānumadbhir arkaiḥ # RV.6.4.6a.
āskandāya sabhāsthāṇum # VS.30.18. See kalaye etc.
āsthād rathaṃ savitā citrabhānuḥ # RV.1.35.4c; MS.4.14.6c: 223.16; TB.
āhavanīyaḥ sāma suvargo loko bṛhat # TA.10.63.1; MahānU.22.1.
āhāram ajaraḥ (MahānU. akṣayaḥ) kaviḥ # TA.10.11.2d; MahānU.11.10d.
ito dharmāṇi dhārayan # AVś.7.26.5c; MahānU.20.14c. See under ato etc.
idaṃ tad akṣare parame vyoman # TA.10.1.1d; MahānU.1.2d.
idaṃ te hanū bhinadmi yātudhāna svāhā # AVP.2.84.2.
idam ahaṃ manuṣyo manuṣyān somapīthānu mehi saha prajayā saha rāyas poṣeṇa # TA.4.11.8.
idam ahaṃ mām amṛtayonau satye (and sūrye) jyotiṣi juhomi svāhā # TA.10.24.1; 25.1; MahānU.14.3,4.
idaṃ brahma juṣasva naḥ (TāṃG. me) # TA.10.26.1d; Tā.10.34d; MG.1.2.2d; MahānU.15.1d.
indra ekaṃ sūrya ekaṃ jajāna # RV.4.58.4c; AVP.8.13.4c; VS.17.92c; KS.40.7c; KB.25.1; TA.10.10.3c; Apś.17.18.1c; MahānU.10.2c.
indraṃ dhanasya sātaye (āṃahānU. add havāmahe) # RV.8.3.5d; AVś.20.118.3d; SV.1.249d; 2.937d; ā.; MahānU.7a.
indrāya svāhā # AVś.19.43.6; VS.10.5; 22.6,27; TS.; 8.13.3;; MS.2.6.11: 70.8; 3.12.2: 160.10; 3.12.7: 162.12; KS.15.7; ṣB.5.3; AdB.3; TB.; śB.;;; Tā.10.67.2; Kś.15.5.34; 18.5.15; Apś.18.16.11; Mś.;; Kauś.104.2; 113.2; 135.9; HG.1.2.14; JG.1.3; MahānU.19.2; Svidh.1.8.10. P: indrāya GDh.26.16; Svidh.1.2.5; 3.3.5. Cf. svāhendrāya.
indriyāvat puṣkalaṃ citrabhānu # KS.37.9b; TB.; TA.1.7.1b. See yat saṃhitaṃ.
indro jyeṣṭha indriyāya ṛṣibhyaḥ # TA.10.6.1d; MahānU.7.5d.
imaṃ me gaṅge yamune sarasvati # RV.10.75.5a; TA.10.1.13a; MahānU.5.4a; N.9.26a. P: imaṃ me gaṅge Vāsū.2; VHDh.8.12. Cf. BṛhD.2.137 (B).
imās tad āpo varuṇaḥ # TA.10.1.14c; MahānU.5.8c.
iṣudhīṃs tvad dhanus tvat # AVP.5.10.6d.
iṣur mātā dhanuṣ pitā # AVP.11.2.3b.
iṣṭāpūrtaṃ bahudhā jātaṃ jāyamānam # TA.10.1.2c; MahānU.1.6c.
īśaḥ sarvasya jagataḥ # TA.10.38.1c; BDh.; MahānU.16.3c.
īśānaḥ sarvavidyānām īśvaraḥ sarvabhūtānāṃ brahmādhipatir brahmaṇo 'dhipatir brahmā śivo me astu sadā śivom # TA.10.47.1; MahānU.17.5; NṛpU.1.6. Cf. īśvarīṃ.
īśvarīṃ sarvabhūtānām # RVKh.5.87.9c; TA.10.1.10c; MG.2.13.6c; MahānU.4.8c. Cf. īśānaḥ sarva-.
ukthair agnir bṛhadbhānuḥ # RV.1.27.12c; SV.2.1015c.
ugraṃ huvema paramāt sadhastāt # MahānU.6.6b. See agniṃ huvema, and ukthair havāmahe.
ugraṃ dhanur ojasvān ā tanuṣva # AVP.1.76.1b.
ut tanuṣva dhanuḥ prati muñcasva varma # AVP.12.5.5a.
uttame śikhare devī (TA. vḷ. jāte) # TA.10.30.1a; MahānU.15.5a.
ut tiṣṭha puruṣa harita piṅgala lohitākṣi (MahānU. puruṣāharitapiṅgala lohitākṣa) dehi dehi dadāpayitā me śudhyantām # TA.10.60.1; Tā.10.65; MahānU.20.24.
ud asya śuṣmād bhānur nārta (MS. bhānor nāvyāḥ) # RV.7.34.7a; MS.4.9.14a: 134.10; TA.4.17.1a; Apś.15.17.5. P: ud asya śuṣmāt Mś.4.5.10.
udānam annenāpyāyasva # TA.10.36.1; MahānU.16.1.
udānāya svāhā # MS.3.12.9: 163.8; TA.10.33.1; 34.1; Tā.10.69; MahānU.15.8,9; ChU.5.23.1; MU.6.9; PrāṇāgU.1.
udāne niviśyāmṛtaṃ hutam # MahānU.16.1. See śraddhāyām udāne.
udāne (TA.10.34.1, vḷ., śraddhāyām udāne) niviṣṭo 'mṛtaṃ juhomi # TA.10.33.1; 34.1; MahānU.15.8,9. See śraddhāyām udāne.
uddīpyasva jātavedaḥ # TA.10.1.4a; Kauś.70.1a; ApMB.1.9.9a (ApG.3.8.5); HG.1.18.5a; BDh.; MahānU.2.9a.
ud devyā uṣaso bhānur arta # RV.4.1.17b.
uddhṛtāsi varāheṇa # TA.10.1.8b; MahānU.4.5a.
unmukto varuṇasya pāśaḥ # TS.; Apś.10.29.9; MahānU.20.13. Cf. pratyasto etc., and vicṛtto etc.
upa brahmā śṛṇavac chasyamānam (MS. śṛṇavañ śa-) # RV.4.58.2c; AVP.8.13.2c; VS.17.90c; MS.1.6.2c: 87.16; KS.40.7c; TA.10.10.2c; Apś.5.17.4c; MahānU.9.13c.
upayāmagṛhīto 'si # VS.7.4,8--12,16,20,25,30 (tredec.),31--35,36 (bis),37--40; 8.1,7,8,9,11,33,34,35,38--41,44--47; 9.2 (ter),3,4; 10.32; 19.6,8; 20.33; 23.2,4; 26.3--10; TS.; 4.1 (bis); 5.1--25.1; 29.1--31.1; 37.1--42.1; 7.12.1 (ter),2;; 10.1 (ter); 5.8.1; 9.1; 10.1;; 7.3; 5.3.4; 8.3;; 17.1; MS.1.3.5: 32.3; 1.3.6 (bis): 32.11,14; 1.3.7: 33.1; 1.3.8: 33.4; 1.3.9 (quater): 33.5 (bis),6,9; 1.3.10: 34.3; 1.3.11: 34.6; 1.3.13: 35.9; 1.3.14 (bis): 35.12,15; 1.3.15: 36.4; 1.3.16: 36.9; 1.3.17: 36.14; 1.3.18: 37.3; 1.3.19: 37.7; 1.3.20: 37.11; 1.3.21: 37.15; 1.3.22: 38.3; 1.3.23: 38.7; 1.3.24: 38.11; 1.3.25: 38.14; 1.3.26 (bis): 39.3,6; 1.3.27: 39.15; 1.3.28: 40.1; 1.3.29: 40.3; 1.3.30: 40.6; 1.3.31: 41.3; 1.3.32: 41.6; 1.3.33: 41.9; 1.3.34: 41.13; 1.3.35: 41.15; 1.3.36: 42.15; 1.11.4 (sexies): 165.9,10,12,13,17: 166.5; 2.3.8 (ter): 36.5,6,7; 3.12.16: 165.3; 3.12.17: 165.7; 4.6.5 (ter): 86.10,12,14; KS.4.1,2 (septies),3 (bis),5 (ter),6 (septies),7 (quaterdec.),8 (sexies),10 (quinq.),11 (sexies); 12.9 (ter); 14.3 (septies); 26.10 (bis); 27.2 (bis); 29.5; 30.4 (bis),5 (novies); 37.18 (bis); KSA.5.11,12,13; śB.; 3.19; 4.7; 5.17; 2.1.9,10; 2.9; 3.10,15,16,17; 4.24; 3.1.14 (bis),15 (bis),16 (bis),17 (bis),18 (bis),19 (bis),20,24,27; 3.9,13,14 (bis),18; 5.6; 4.1.6,14; 2.12; 3.6; 5.3.9,10; 4.9,10,11; 6.2.2; 4.4,5,6;; 5.4.24;; TB.,5;; TA.3.16.1; 10.63.1; Kś.9.9.15; 13.2,18; 10.3.3; 6.2; 8.1; Apś.12.7.7; 13.7; 14.9 (bis); 15.11; 16.11; 20.19; 26.11; 28.11; 13.13.5; 14.7; 17.2; 18.2.1; 19.2.9; 7.1 (ter),4,5,6; 21.21.4,16; Mś.;;,16 (ter);,11,12,16,17,21,23;,3;,3,13,23;;;; (ter),14;;;,40;;;,7; MahānU.20.8; 24.2. P: upayāmagṛhītaḥ Kś.9.6.1,21.
upāṃśunā sam amṛtatvam ānaṭ (ApMB. aśyām) # RV.4.58.1b; AVP.8.13.1b; VS.17.89b; MS.1.6.2b: 87.13; KS.40.7b; TA.10.10.2b; Apś.5.17.4b; ApMB.2.3.2b; MahānU.9.12b.
uṣa ā bhāhi bhānunā # RV.1.48.9a.
uṣo yad adya bhānunā # RV.1.48.15a.
ūrjasvatī payasā pinvamānā # VS.12.70c; TS.; śB.; TA.10.42.1c; HG.1.8.4c; 27.3c; MahānU.16.7. See ūrjasvatī ghṛtavatī, ūrjasvatīr ghṛtavatīḥ, and ūrjo bhāgaṃ madhumat.
ūrdhva ū ṣu ṇa ūtaye # RV.1.36.13a; SV.1.57a; VS.11.42a; TS.;; MS.2.7.4a: 78.13; 4.13.1: 199.8; KS.15.12a; 16.4a; 19.5; AB.1.22.8; 2.2.14. KB.10.2; śB.; TB.; TA.4.20.1; KA.1.198.22a; Aś.4.7.4; Apś.9.18.10; 15.17.7; 16.3.8; MahānU.20.6a. Ps: ūrdhva ū ṣu ṇaḥ VS.33.97; MS.4.9.12: 134.2; śś.5.15.3; Kś.16.3.8; Mś.3.5.4;; ūrdhvaḥ Lś. Cf. BṛhD.4.100.
ūrdhvaṃ ketuṃ savitā devo aśret # RV.4.14.2a. Cf. ūrdhvaṃ bhānuṃ etc.
ūrdhvaṃ bhānuṃ savitā devo aśret # RV.4.13.2a; 7.72.4c; KB.25.2. Cf. ūrdhvaṃ ketuṃ.
ūrdhvaṃ bhānuṃ savitā dyām ivopari # AVś.18.3.29b.
ūrdhvaṃ bhānuṃ savitevāśret # RV.4.6.2c.
ūrdhvaṃ bhānuṃ sūryasya stabhāyan # RV.10.3.2c; SV.2.897c.
ūrdhvaretaṃ virūpākṣam # TA.10.12.1c; MahānU.12.1c.
ūrdhvo vājasya sanitā yad añjibhiḥ # RV.1.36.13c; SV.1.57c; VS.11.42c; TS.; MS.2.7.4c: 78.14; KS.15.12c; 16.4c; AB.2.2.16; śB.; TB.; KA.1.198.22c; MahānU.20.6c.
ṛtaṃ satyaṃ paraṃ brahma # TA.10.12.1a; MahānU.12.1a.
ṛtaṃ ca satyaṃ cābhīddhāt # RV.10.190.1a; TA.10.1.13a; MahānU.5.5a. P: ṛtaṃ ca satyaṃ ca śG.1.4.2; BDh.4.4.2; Mahābh.12.152.30. See aghamarṣaṇa. Cf. under prec.
ṛtaṃ tapaḥ # TA.10.8.1; MahānU.8.1.
ṛtasya tantuṃ vitataṃ vivṛtya (VS. vicṛtya; AVś.AVP. dṛśe kam) # AVś.2.1.5b; AVP.2.6.5b; VS.32.12c; TA.10.1.4c; MahānU.2.6c.
ṛṣir viprāṇāṃ mahiṣo mṛgāṇām # RV.9.96.6b; SV.2.294b; TS.; KS.23.12b; TA.10.10.1b; 50.1b; MahānU.9.1b; 17.8b; VaradapU.1.1b; ViDh.48.6b; N.14.13b. See kavir etc.
etat te kāma # MahānU.18.2. See eṣa te kāma, and cf. kāmaitat.
etat te manyo # MahānU.18.3. See eṣa te manyo.
etad rudrasya dhanuḥ # TA.1.5.2d.
enasa-enaso avayajanam (Mś. 'vayajanam) asi svāhā (VS.PB.Apś. without svāhā) # VS.8.13; PB.1.6.10; Tā.10.59; MahānU.18.1; Aś.6.12.3; Apś.13.17.9; Mś.; BDh.4.3.6. Cf. under anājñātājñātakṛtasya.
evā no dūrve pra tanu # VS.13.20c; TS.;; MS.2.7.15c: 98.14; KS.16.16c; śB.; TA.10.1.8c; MahānU.4.3c.
eṣa te yoniḥ # VS.7.8,10--12,17,21,22,25,31--40; 8.8,33--35,38--41,44--46; 9.2 (bis)--4; 19.6,8; 20.33; 23.2,4; 26.3--10; TS.; 15.1--21.1; 26.1; 37.1--42.1; 7.12.1 (ter),2 (ter);;; 5.1.3; 7.3; MS.1.3.6: 32.14; 1.3.7: 33.1; 1.3.8: 33.4; 1.3.10: 34.3; 1.3.11: 34.6; 1.3.13: 35.11; 1.3.14: 35.15; 1.3.15: 36.5; 1.3.17: 36.14; 1.3.18: 37.3; 1.3.19: 37.7; 1.3.20: 37.11; 1.3.21: 37.15; 1.3.22: 38.3; 1.3.23: 38.7; 1.3.24: 38.11; 1.3.25: 38.14; 1.3.28: 40.2; 1.3.31: 41.3; 1.3.32: 41.6; 1.3.33: 41.9; 1.3.34: 41.13; 1.11.4 (sexies): 165.10,11,13,17; 166.2,5; 2.3.8 (ter): 36.5,7,8; 3.12.16: 165.3; 3.12.17: 165.7; 4.5.5: 70.9; KS.4.2 (sexies),3 (bis),5 (ter),6 (septies),7 (bis),8 (sexies),10,11 (quater); 12.9 (ter); 14.3 (septies); 30.4,5 (novies); 37.18 (bis); śB.; 4.10; 5.17; 2.1.9,12; 2.16; 3.10,15--17; 4.24; 3.1.24,27; 3.13,14,18; 4.1.14; 5.3.9,10; 4.9--11; 6.2.2; 4.4--6;; TB.,5;; TA.3.16.1; Kś.9.5.25; Apś.12.11.5; 13.9; 14.9,10,12,13,16; 15.9; 16.3; 28.11; 19.2.12; 7.1 (ter),4,5,6; 21.21.16; Mś.,6,7,8,9,10,11;;,35;,13,23;;,17,19;; (ter);,7; MahānU.20.8.
eṣa panthā brahmaṇā hānuvittaḥ # śB.; BṛhU.4.4.12c; JābU.5.
eṣa puṇyakṛtāṃ lokān # TA.10.1.14c; MahānU.5.9c.
eṣa mṛtyor hiraṇmayam (MahānU. mṛtyo hiraṇmayaḥ) # TA.10.1.14d; MahānU.5.9d.
eṣa sarvasya bhūtasya # MahānU.5.9a. See eṣa bhūtasya.
eṣa sya bhānur ud iyarti yujyate # RV.4.45.1a. P: eṣa sya bhānuḥ Aś.4.15.2.
eṣa hi devaḥ pradiśo 'nu sarvāḥ # TA.10.1.3a; MahānU.2.1a. See under eko ha.
oṃ satyam # TA.10.27.1; Tā.10.35; MahānU.15.2.
oṃ svaḥ (TA.BDh. suvaḥ) # TA.10.27.1; Tā.10.35; MahānU.15.2; Kauś.3.13. Cf. svaḥ.
oṃ svāhā # TA.10.61.1; MahānU.21.1; Kauś.5.13; ApMB.1.10.10--13; 2.12.11--14 (ApG.3.8.10; 6.15.4); BDh. Cf. svāhā.
ojo 'si # AVś.2.17.1; VS.10.15; 19.9; TS.;;; MS.2.1.11: 13.13; KS.10.7; 17.17; 37.17; GB.2.2.13; PB.1.9.12; śB.; TB.; 7.7.3;; TA.10.26.1; Tā.10.35; MahānU.15.1; śś.8.21.3; Vait.4.20; 23.26; Kś.15.5.27; 19.2.23; Mś.8.23.28; Kauś.54.12; MG.1.2.3. P: ojaḥ TS.
ojo 'si saho 'si balam asi bhrājo 'si devānāṃ dhāma nāmāsi # TS.; MS.2.1.11: 13.13; TA.10.26.1; Tā.10.35; MahānU.15.1. P: ojo 'si Mś. See next.
oṃ janaḥ # TA.10.27.1; Tā.10.35; MahānU.15.2. Cf. next.
oṃ tat puror (MahānU. puroṃ) namaḥ # TA.10.29.1; Tā.10.68; MahānU.15.4.
oṃ tat sarvam # TA.10.29.1; Tā.10.68; MahānU.15.4.
oṃ tad ātmā # TA.10.29.1; Tā.10.68; MahānU.15.4.
oṃ tad brahma # TA.10.29.1; Tā.10.68; MahānU.15.4. Cf. TA.10.28.1.
oṃ tad vāyuḥ # TA.10.29.1; Tā.10.68; MahānU.15.4.
oṃ tapaḥ # TA.10.27.1; Tā.10.35; MahānU.15.2.
om # GB.1.1.20; JB.1.322 (bis),323 (quater),336 (bis); 2.10; śB. (bis);;; (sexies); TA.2.11.1; 5.1.1; 6.1.1; 7.8.1; 10.27.1; Aś.5.2.1; 9.3.11,12; śś.4.6.17; 7.18.6; 15.27; Vait.20.20; Lś.2.8.32; 4.9.5; 5.1.15; Kś.9.13.30; 15.6.3; Apś.8.18.9; 12.27.14; 18.19.13; 21.10.7 (bis); 24.13.13; TU.1.8.1; MahānU.15.2,6; AG.3.2.3; śG.4.8.13; Kauś.91.16; SMB.1.1.1; 2.1.1; 4.5,14; GG.1.3.18; KhG.1.5.18; MG.1.22.13; VārG.5.25; VHDh.3.57; Mahānāmnyaḥ 11.
om āpo jyotī raso 'mṛtaṃ brahma bhūr bhuvaḥ svar (TAṭā. suvar) om # TA.10.27.1; Tā.10.35; MahānU.15.2. See āpo jyotī, and śiraḥ.
oṃ bhuvaḥ # TA.10.27.1; Tā.10.35; MahānU.15.2. Cf. bhuvaḥ.
oṃ bhūḥ # TA.10.27.1; Tā.10.35; MahānU.15.2; Kauś.91.6. Cf. bhūḥ.
oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ suvar mahar janas tapaḥ satyam # TA.10.28.1; MahānU.15.3. See bhūr etc.
oṃ bhūr lakṣmīr bhuvar lakṣmīḥ svaḥ (MahānU. suvaḥ) kālakarṇī # MahānU.4.9; NṛpU.4.2.
oṃ mahaḥ # TA.10.27.1; Tā.10.35; MahānU.15.2.
oṣadhivanaspatibhyaḥ svāhā # Tā.10.67.1; MahānU.19.2.
oṣiṣṭhahanaṃ śiṅgīnikośyābhyām (TA. -kośābhyām) # TS.; TA.3.21.1. See vasiṣṭhahanuḥ.
kad rudrāya pracetase # RV.1.43.1a; TA.10.17.1a; MahānU.13.3a. P: kad rudrāya śś.3.5.6; 4.20.2; AG.4.8.23; VHDh.6.56. Designated as raudryaḥ (sc. ṛcaḥ) Rvidh.1.18.6,7.
kanyakumārī (MahānU. -kumāryai) dhīmahi # TA.10.1.7b; MahānU.3.12b.
kamaṇḍaludharāya dhīmahi # MahānU.3.18b.
karṇayoḥ śrutaṃ mā cyoḍhvaṃ mamāmuṣya om # TA.10.7.1; MahānU.7.6.
karmaṇā vā duṣkṛtaṃ kṛtam # TA.10.1.12b; MahānU.4.12b; 19.1b; BDh.
kalaye sabhāsthāṇum # TB. See āskandāya.
kalavikaraṇāya namaḥ # TA.10.44.1; MahānU.17.2.
kalā muhūrtāḥ kāṣṭhāś ca # TA.10.1.2c; MahānU.1.8c.
kaviṃ ketuṃ dhāsiṃ bhānum adreḥ # RV.7.6.2a.
kaviśasto bṛhatā bhānunāgāḥ # RV.3.21.4c; MS.4.13.5c: 204.15; KS.16.21c; AB.2.12.15c; TB.
kāṇḍāt-kāṇḍāt prarohantī (śG. pra rohasi) # VS.13.20a; TS.;; MS.2.7.15a: 98.13; 3.2.6: 24.19; KS.16.16a; 20.6; śB.; TA.10.1.7a; Apś.16.24.1; Mś.; śG.6.6.9a; MahānU.4.3a. Ps: kāṇḍāt-kāṇḍāt Kś.17.4.18; HG.2.20.10; BṛhPDh.9.65,310; VHDh.8.19; kāṇḍāt YDh.1.300.
kātyāyanāya (MahānU. kātyāyanyai) vidmahe # TA.10.1.7a; MahānU.3.12a.
kāmaḥ karoti # Tā.10.61; MahānU.18.2.
kāmaḥ kartā # Tā.10.61; MahānU.18.2.
kāmaḥ kārayitā # Tā.10.61; MahānU.18.2.
kāmamālinyai dhīmahi # MahānU.3.14b.
kāmāya svāhā # KS.37.15,16; JB.1.362 (bis); TB.; 5.4,15; 12.2.3; TA.2.18.1 (bis); Tā.10.61.1; 67.2; MahānU.18.2; 19.2; AG.4.3.26; Kauś.81.31; PG.3.12.9 (bis); JG.1.4; BDh. (bis); 4.2.10 (bis); GDh.25.4 (bis); VāDh.23.3. Cf. agnaye kāmāya svāhā.
kāmo 'kārṣīt # Tā.10.61; MahānU.18.2; ApDh.
kālāya namaḥ # TA.10.44.1; MahānU.17.2.
kāśyapenābhimantritā # TA.10.1.8b (footnote, p. 774); MahānU.4.5f.
kuṣṭānnaṃ patitānnam # MahānU.19.1b.
kṛṇuṣva pājaḥ (Mś., pājāḥ) prasitiṃ na pṛthvīm # RV.4.4.1a; VS.13.9a; TS.; MS.2.7.15a: 97.7; KS.10.5; 16.15a; AB.1.19.8; KB.8.4; śB.; Aś.4.6.3; BDh.3.6.6; N.6.12a. Ps: kṛṇuṣva pājaḥ MS.4.11.5: 173.3; KS.6.11; TA.10.20.1; śś.5.9.11; Kś.17.4.7; Apś.16.22.4; 19.18.16; Mś.;;; MahānU.13.6; kṛṇuṣva Rvidh.2.13.1. Designated as rākṣoghnīḥ (comm. kṛṇuṣva-pājīyāḥ, sc. ṛcaḥ) Apś.7.13.4.
kṛṣṇena śatabāhunā # TA.10.1.8c; MahānU.4.5b.
kṣāmad devo 'ti duritāny (TAṃahānU. devo atiduritāty) agniḥ # AVś.7.63.1d; TA.10.2.1d; MahānU.6.6d.
kṣāman ruruca uṣaso na bhānunā (MS. ketunā) # RV.6.15.5b; VS.17.10b; TS.; MS.2.10.1b: 131.15. See kṣāmā etc.
khakholkāya svāhā # MahānU.20.23. See kaṣotkāya.
gacha devi yathāsukham # TA.10.30.1d; MahānU.15.5d.
gachāmi paramāṃ gatim # TA.10.1.9d; MahānU.4.7d.
gached brahmasalokatām # TA.10.1.13d; MahānU.5.3d.
gaṇānnaṃ gaṇikānnaṃ kuṣṭānnaṃ patitānnaṃ bhuktvā vṛṣalībhojanam # MahānU.19.1. Quasi metrical.
gaṇānnaṃ gaṇikānnaṃ ca (MahānU. omits ca) # BDh.3.6.5a; ViDh.48.21a; MahānU.19.1a.
gandhadvārāṃ durādharṣām # RVKh.5.87.9a; TA.10.1.10a; MahānU.4.8a; MG.2.13.6a. P: gandhadvārām BDh.4.5.12; ParDh.11.32; VHDh.8.19,38.
gandharveṣu ca yan manaḥ # RVKh.10.151.3b; TA.10.41.1b; MahānU.16.6b; HG.1.8.4b; MG.1.22.11b; JG.1.12b; VārG.5.30b. See prec.
gandharvo nāma nihitaṃ guhāsu # TA.10.1.3b; MahānU.2.4b. See prec.
gavi devāso ghṛtam anv avindan # RV.4.58.4b; AVP.8.13.4b; VS.17.92b; KS.40.7b; TA.10.10.3b; MahānU.10.2b; Apś.17.18.1b.
gām aśvaṃ puruṣaṃ jagat (AVś. paśum; RVKh. aśvān puruṣān aham) # RVKh.5.87.2d; AVś.8.7.11d; TA.6.5.3b; 10.1.5b; MahānU.2.10b; ApMB.1.9.10b; HG.1.18.5b. See gā aśvān, and cf. gaur aśvaḥ.
gāyatrī (MG. gāyatri) chandasāṃ mātā (MG. mātaḥ) # TA.10.26.1c; Tā.10.34c; MahānU.15.1c; MG.1.2.2c.
gāyatrīm āvāhayāmi # TA.10.26.1; Tā.10.35; MahānU.15.1.
gārhapatyam ṛk pṛthivī rathaṃtaram # TA.10.63.1; MahānU.22.1.
guhāyāṃ viśvamūrtiṣu (PrāṇāgUḷVyāsaDh. viśvatomukhaḥ) # TA.10.31.1b; Tā.10.68b; MahānU.15.6b; PrāṇāgU.1b; LVyāsaDh.2.17b; śaṅkhaDh.9.16b.
guhāśayā nihitāḥ sapta-sapta # TA.10.10.1d; MahānU.8.4d.
gṛhyābhyaḥ svāhā # Tā.10.67.2; MahānU.19.2.
gosteyaṃ surāpānam # Tā.10.64c; MahānU.19.1c.
ghṛṇiḥ sūrya ādityaḥ (MahānU. āditya om) # TA.10.15.1a; MahānU.13.1.
ghṛtaṃ mimikṣe (TA. mimikṣire) ghṛtam asya yoniḥ # RV.2.3.11a; VS.17.88a; TA.10.10.2a; MahānU.9.11a. P: ghṛtaṃ mimikṣe śś.8.4.1; VHDh.8.29. See ghṛtāhavano ghṛtapṛṣṭho, and ghṛtapratīko ghṛtapṛṣṭho.
ghṛtasya nāma guhyaṃ yad asti # RV.4.58.1c; AVP.8.13.1c; VS.17.89c; MS.1.6.2c: 87.14; KS.40.7c; TA.10.10.2c; Apś.5.17.4c; MahānU.9.12c.
ghṛte śrito ghṛtam v (TA. uv) asya dhāma # RV.2.3.11b; VS.17.88b; TA.10.10.2b; Aś.5.19.3b; MahānU.9.11b.
ghora ghoratarebhyaḥ # TA.10.45.1b; MahānU.17.3b. See aghoraghoratarebhyaś ca.
caturmukhāya vidmahe # MahānU.3.18. See tac catur-.
catuḥśṛṅgo 'vamīd gaura etat # RV.4.58.2d; AVP.8.13.2d; VS.17.90d; MS.1.6.2d: 87.16; KS.40.7d; TA.10.10.2d; Apś.5.17.4d; MahānU.9.13d.
catuḥśrotrā caturhanuḥ # AVś.5.19.7b; AVP.9.18.10b.
catvāri śṛṅgā (GB. śṛṅgās) trayo asya pādāḥ # RV.4.58.3a; AVP.8.13.3a; VS.17.91a; MS.1.6.2a: 87.17; KS.40.7a; GB.1.2.16a (PraṇavaU.); TA.10.10.2a; MahānU.10.1a; Apś.5.17.4a; N.13.7a. P: catvāri śṛṅgā GB.1.2.16; 2.2.6; Vait.29.19. Occurs also in śaunakaU. (Shavank in the Oupnekhat).
candramase svāhā # TS.;; 17.1; MS.3.12.7: 162.16; 3.12.10: 163.10; KS.15.3; KSA.1.6,8; TB.; 10.7.1; Tā.10.67.2; MahānU.19.2. Cf. candrāya svāhā.
candreva bhānuṃ vi dadhe purutrā # RV.3.61.7d.
citraṃ divo duhitā bhānum aśret # RV.1.92.5d.
citrabhānuṃ (TB.Apś. citrabhānū) rodasī antar urvī (JB. ūrvī, one ms. urvī) # RV.7.12.1c; SV.2.654c; MS.2.13.5c: 154.2; KS.39.13c; JB.3.243; TB.; Apś.16.35.5c.
citrabhānuḥ subhānuḥ # Kauś.135.9d.
citrabhānū etc. # see citrabhānuṃ etc.
citras te bhānuḥ kratuprā abhiṣṭiḥ # RV.10.100.12a.
citro na sūraḥ prati cakṣi bhānum # RV.7.3.6d.
corasyānnaṃ (MahānU.ViDh. cau-) navaśrāddham # Tā.10.64a; MahānU.19.1a; BDh.3.6.5c; ViDh.48.21c.
chandāṃsy āpaḥ # TA.10.22.1; MahānU.14.1.
chandobhyaś chandāṃsy ā viveśa # TA.10.6.1b; MahānU.7.5b.
jagac ca viśvam udiyarṣi bhānunā # RV.10.37.4b.
janayan prajā bhuvanasya rājā (SV.JB. gopāḥ) # RV.9.97.40b; SV.1.529b; 2.603b; JB.3.240b; TA.10.1.15b; MahānU.6.1b; N.14.16b.
jahāty enāṃ bhuktabhogām ajo 'nyaḥ # TA.10.10.1d; MahānU.9.2d.
jahi śatrūṃr apa mṛdho nudasva # RV.3.47.2c; VS.7.37c; TS.; MS.1.3.23c: 38.6; TB.; TA.10.1.11c; MahānU.20.2c.
jātavedase sunavāma somam # RV.1.99.1a; RVKh.10.127.5d; AB.4.30.12; 32.10; 5.2.16; 8.13; 15.7; 17.15; 19.17; 21.18; ā.; TA.10.2.1a; MahānU.6.2a; Aś.7.1.14; N.7a (Roth's edition, p. 201); 14.33a. P: jātavedase BṛhPDh.9.327; Rvidh.1.22.4,6. Cf. BṛhD.3.130 (B).
jāmy atītape dhanuḥ # RV.8.72.4a.
jihvā devānām amṛtasya nābhiḥ # RV.4.58.1d; AVP.8.13.1d; VS.17.89d; MS.1.6.2d: 87.14; KS.40.7d; TA.10.10.2d; Apś.5.17.4d; MahānU.9.12d.
jihvā me madhuvādinī # AVP.1.55.3b; 4.22.5b; HG.1.24.6b. Cf. MahānU.11.14.
jīvanaṃ ca diśo diśa (MahānU. diśaḥ; HG. diśa svāhā) # TA.10.1.5d; MahānU.2.9d; ApMB.1.9.9d; HG.1.18.5d.
jīvāmi śaradaḥ śatam # TA.10.1.8d; MahānU.4.6d. See under asau jīva.
jyeṣṭhāya namaḥ # TA.10.44.1; MahānU.17.2.
jyeṣṭhebhir yo bhānubhir ṛṣūṇām (MS. ṛbhūṇām) # RV.10.6.1c; MS.4.14.15c: 241.3.
jyotir ahaṃ virajā vipāpmā bhūyāsaṃ svāhā # TA.10.51.1--57.1; 60.1; Tā.10.65 (quinq.); 10.66 (oct.); MahānU.20.15--21,24,25; BDh.3.8.12.
jyotir aham asmi # TA.10.1.15; MahānU.5.10.
jyotir jvalati # TA.10.1.15; MahānU.5.10.
jyotiṣkṛd asi sūrya # RV.1.50.4b; AVś.13.2.19b; 20.47.16b; ArS.5.9b; VS.33.36b; TS.; MS.4.10.6b: 158.12; KS.10.13b; TA.3.16.1b; MahānU.20.7b.
jyotīṃṣy āpaḥ # TA.10.22.1; MahānU.14.1.
tataḥ samudro arṇavaḥ # RV.10.190.1d; TA.10.1.13d; MahānU.5.5d.
tato no abhayaṃ kṛdhi (VS.śś.13.2.2b, kuru) # RV.8.61.13b; AVś.19.15.1b; AVP.3.35.1b; SV.1.274b; 2.671b; VS.36.22b; AB.5.27.2b; 7.3.2b; JB.3.264b; PB.15.4.3b; TB.; 8.2c; 11.4b; TA.10.1.9b; KA.1.218Ad; 3.239b; Aś.3.11.1b; śś.3.20.2b; 13.2.2b; Apś.3.12.1b; 9.5.1b; 17.6b; Mś.3.2.1b; --3.5.12b; MahānU.20.4b.
tato rātry (TA. -trir) ajāyata # RV.10.190.1c; TA.10.1.13c; MahānU.5.5c.
tattvaṃ nārāyaṇaḥ paraḥ # TA.10.11.1d; MahānU.11.4b.
tat puruṣāya (MahānU.3.1a, -ṣasya) vidmahe # MS.2.9.1a: 119.7; KS.17.11a; TA.10.1.5a (ter),6a (bis); 46.1a; MahānU.3.1a,2a,3a,4,15a; 17.4a. P: tat puruṣāya Mś. (bis). See puruṣasya vidma.
tatrāpi dahre (MahānU. dahraṃ) gaganaṃ viśokaḥ # TA.10.10.3c; MahānU.10.7c.
tat savitur vareṇyam # RV.3.62.10a; SV.2.812a; VS.3.35a; 22.9a; 30.2a; 36.3a; TS.; 8.4;; MS.4.10.3a: 149.14; AB.4.32.2; 5.5.6; 13.8; 19.8; KB.23.3; 26.10; GB.1.1.34; DB.3.25a; śB.;;; TA.1.11.2a; 10.27.1a; Tā.10.35a; BṛhU.6.3.11; MahānU.15.2a; MU.6.7a,34; JUB.4.28.1; śvetU.4.18; Aś.7.6.6; 8.1.18; śś.2.10.2; 12.7; 5.5.2; 10.6.17; 9.16; Apś.6.18.1; śG.2.5.12; 7.19; 6.4.8; Kauś.91.6; SMB.1.6.29a (KhG.2.4.21); ApMB.2.4.13 (ApG.4.10.9--12); VārG.5.26; BDh. Ps: tat savituḥ Apś.20.24.6; Mś.; ApG.4.11.9; MG.1.2.3; 4.4,8; 5.2; tat MDh.2.77; Rvidh.1.12.5. Designated as sāvitrī, or gāyatrī, throughout Vedic and Sanskrit literature. Cf. vedāś.
tat sūryas tad u candramāḥ # TA.10.1.2b; MahānU.1.7b. See tad vāyus.
tad akṣare parame prajāḥ # TA.10.1.1d; MahānU.1.3d.
tad apaśyat tad abhavat tad āsīt (TA. abhavat prajāsu; MahānU. abhavat tat prajāsu) # VS.32.12d; TA.10.1.4d; MahānU.2.6d.
tad āpaḥ sa (VSK. āpas tat) prajāpatiḥ # VSK.35.3.2d; TA.10.1.2d; MahānU.1.7d. See tā āpaḥ.
tad indradhanur ity ajyam # TA.1.5.2a.
tad eva brahma paramaṃ kavīnām # TA.10.1.2b; MahānU.1.6b.
tad eva bhūtaṃ tad u bhavyamānam # TA.10.1.1c; MahānU.1.2c.
tad evartaṃ tad u satyam āhuḥ # TA.10.1.2a; MahānU.1.6a.
tad eva śukraṃ (TAṃahānU. -ram amṛtaṃ) tad brahma # VS.32.1c; TA.10.1.2c; MahānU.1.7c.
tad evāgnis tad vāyuḥ (VS. ādityaḥ) # VS.32.1a; TA.10.1.2a; MahānU.1.7a.
tad brahma tad āpaḥ # TA.10.15.1; 28.1; MahānU.13.1; 15.3.
tad viśvam upa jīvati # RV.1.164.42d; TB.; TA.10.11.1d; MahānU.11.2d; N.11.41d.
tantuṃ tanvan (KS. tataṃ) rajaso bhānum anv ihi # RV.10.53.6a; KS.13.11a,12; TS.; 3.6; AB.3.38.5; 7.9.6; 12.3; Aś.1.11.9; 2.2.14; 3.10.15; 5.20.6; AG.4.6.7. P: tantuṃ tanvan Apś.3.10.5; 9.8.7; 19.17.12; śś.1.15.15; 2.6.13; 8.6.16; HG.1.26.10.
tan na ādityaḥ pracodayāt # TA.10.1.7c; MahānU.3.9c.
tan naḥ ṣaṣṭhaḥ pracodayāt # MahānU.3.5c.
tan naḥ siṃhaḥ pracodayāt # MahānU.3.17c. See tan no nāra-.
tan naḥ sūryaḥ pracodayāt # MahānU.3.8c.
tan no agniḥ pracodayāt # TA.10.1.7c; MahānU.3.7c.
tan no garuḍaḥ pracodayāt # TA.10.1.6c; MahānU.3.15c.
tan no gaurī pracodayāt # MS.2.9.1c: 119.10; MahānU.3.14c.
tan no dantī (TA. -tiḥ) pracodayāt # MS.2.9.1c: 120.1; TA.10.1.5c; MahānU.3.4c.
tan no durgiḥ (MahānU. durgā) pracodayāt # TA.10.1.7c; MahānU.3.12c.
tan no brahmā (Tā. -ma) pracodayāt # MS.2.9.1c: 120.3; Tā.10.1.6c; MahānU.3.18c.
tan no bhagavatī pracodayāt # MahānU.3.13c.
tan no bhānuḥ pracodayāt # MS.2.9.1c: 120.7; MahānU.3.10c.
tan no mahālakṣmīḥ pracodayāt # MahānU.4.9; NṛpU.4.2. Cf. tan no lakṣmīḥ.
tan no rudraḥ pracodayāt # MS.2.9.1c: 119.8; KS.17.11c; TA.10.1.5c (bis); 46.1c; MahānU.3.1c,2c; 17.4c.
tan no viṣṇuḥ pracodayāt # MS.2.9.1c: 120.5; TA.10.1.6c; MahānU.3.16c.
tan no vṛṣabhaḥ pracodayāt # MahānU.3.3c,11c.
tan no vaiśvānaraḥ pracodayāt # MahānU.3.6c.
tan ma indro varuṇo bṛhaspatiḥ # MahānU.4.12c; BDh. See tan na etc.
tan me varuṇo rājā # MahānU.5.2c. See tan no etc.
tapaḥ # TA.10.62.1; MahānU.21.2.
tapasarṣayaḥ (MahānU. -ṛṣayaḥ) suvar (TB. svar) anvavindan # TB.; TA.10.63.1b; MahānU.22.1b.
tapasā devā devatām agra āyan # TB.; TA.10.63.1a; MahānU.22.1a. Cf. tayā devā devatām.
tapasā sapatnān praṇudāmārātīḥ # TB.; TA.10.63.1c; MahānU.22.1c.
tapasi sarvaṃ pratiṣṭhitam # TA.10.63.1d; MahānU.22.1d.
tapaso 'dhy ajāyata # RV.10.190.1b; TA.10.1.13b; MahānU.5.5b.
tam akratuṃ paśyati vītaśokaḥ # TA.10.10.1c; MahānU.8.3c; śvetU.3.20c. Cf. prec.
tam ā tiṣṭhānumādyā suvarcāḥ # AVś.14.1.47c. P: tam ā tiṣṭha Kauś.76.16; 77.19.
taraṇir viśvadarśataḥ # RV.1.50.4a; AVś.13.2.19a; 20.47.16a; ArS.5.9a; VS.33.36a; TS.; MS.4.10.6a: 158.12; 4.12.4: 190.12; KS.10.13a; TA.3.16.1a; MahānU.20.7a; Aś.9.8.3; śś.3.18.6; Apś.16.12.1. P: taraṇiḥ Apś.12.15.10.
tasmāc chamaḥ paramaṃ vadanti # TA.10.63.1e; MahānU.22.1e.
tasmāt tapaḥ paramaṃ vadanti # TA.10.63.1e; MahānU.22.1e.
tasmāt pāpāt pramucyate # TA.10.1.15d; MahānU.5.11d.
tasmāt prajananaṃ paramaṃ vadanti # TA.10.63.1; MahānU.22.1.
tasmāt satyaṃ paramaṃ vadanti # TA.10.63.1e; MahānU.22.1e.
tasmād agnihotraṃ paramaṃ vadanti # TA.10.63.1; MahānU.22.1.
tasmād agnīn paramaṃ vadanti # TA.10.63.1; MahānU.22.1.
tasmād damaḥ paramaṃ vadanti # TA.10.63.1e; MahānU.22.1e.
tasmād dānaṃ paramaṃ vadanti # TA.10.63.1f; MahānU.22.1f.
tasmād dharmaṃ paramaṃ vadanti # TA.10.63.1e; MahānU.22.1e.
tasmād yas tu parāt paraḥ # MahānU.11.5d.
tasmin yad antas tad upāsitavyam # TA.10.10.3d; MahānU.10.7d.
tasmin sarvaṃ pratiṣṭhitam # śB.; BṛhU.1.5.1c; TA.10.11.2d; MahānU.11.9d.
tasmai rudrāya namo astu # TS.; TA.10.16.1 (bis); 17.1; MahānU.13.2 (bis),3.
tasya te dhanur hṛdayaṃ mana iṣavaś cakṣur visargas taṃ tvā tathā veda # śś.4.20.1.
tasya nāma mahad yaśaḥ # TA.10.1.2d; MahānU.1.10d. See yasya etc.
tasya prakṛtilīnasya # TA.10.10.3c; MahānU.10.8c.
tasya madhye mahān agniḥ # TA.10.11.2a; MahānU.11.10a.
tasya madhye vahniśikhāḥ # TA.10.11.2c; MahānU.11.11c; MahāU.3c; Vāsū.3c.
tasyānte suṣiraṃ sūkṣmam # TA.10.11.2c; MahānU.11.9c.
tasyāḥ śikhāyā madhye # TA.10.11.2a; MahānU.11.13a.
tām agnivarṇāṃ tapasā jvalantīm # RVKh.10.127.12a; TA.10.2.1a; MahānU.6.3a.
tām ihopa hvaye śriyam # RVKh.5.87.4d,9d; TA.10.1.10d; MahānU.4.8d; MG.2.13.6d.
tigmenāgnir jyotiṣā vi bhāti # AVś.13.1.11c. Cf. bhānuḥ śukreṇa śociṣā vy.
tilāḥ kṛṣṇās tilāḥ śvetāḥ # Tā.10.64a; MahānU.19.1a.
tilāḥ punantu me pāpam # Tā.10.64c; MahānU.19.1c.
tilāḥ śāntiṃ kurvantu svāhā # MahānU.19.1d.
tilāḥ saumyā vaśānugāḥ # Tā.10.64b; MahānU.19.1b.
tiṣṭhā (KA. tiṣṭha) devo na savitā # RV.1.36.13b; SV.1.57b; VS.11.42b; TS.; KS.15.12b; 16.4b; MS.2.7.4b: 78.13; AB.2.2.14; śB.; TB.; KA.1.198.22b; MahānU.20.6b.
tīkṣṇaśṛṅgāya vidmahe # MahānU.3.11a.
tīrthaṃ me dehi yācitaḥ # TA.10.1.12b; MahānU.4.11b; BDh.
tuvikṣaṃ te sukṛtaṃ sūmayaṃ dhanuḥ # RV.8.77.11a; N.6.33a.
tṛtīye dhāmāny abhy (VS. dhāmann adhy) airayanta # VS.32.10d; TA.10.1.4d; MahānU.2.5d. See samāne dhāmann, and samāne yonāv.
tejodās tvam asy agner asi (MahānU. tvam asy agneḥ) # TA.10.63.1; MahānU.24.2.
tena yā brahmadattāsi # MahānU.4.5e. See mṛttike brahma-.
tena saṃhanu kṛṇmasi # AVś.5.28.13d; 19.37.4d; AVP.1.54.5d; 2.59.12d. See tena sann.
tena sann anugṛhṇāsi # HG.1.11.2d. See tena saṃhanu.
tenānnenāpyāyasva # TA.10.37.1; MahānU.16.2; BDh.
tenedaṃ pūrṇaṃ puruṣeṇa sarvam # TA.10.10.3d; MahānU.10.4d; N.2.3d.
te brahmalokeṣu (TA. -loke tu) parāntakāle # TA.10.10.3c; MahānU.10.6c; MuṇḍU.3.2.6c; KaivU.3c.
te bhānubhir vi tasthire # RV.8.7.8c,36c; MS.4.12.5c: 193.16.
tebhyo baliṃ puṣṭikāmo (JG. annakāmo) harāmi (AG. dadāmi) # Tā.10.67.2c; MahānU.20.1c; AG.1.2.5c (crit. notes); JG.1.23c. Cf. under tebhya imaṃ baliṃ.
teṣāṃ bhānur ajasra (MS. -rā) it # VS.11.54c; TS.; MS.2.7.5c: 80.6; KS.16.5c; śB.
toyena jīvān vi sasarja (TA. text, jīvān vya ca sarja; comm. jīvān vyasasarja) bhūmyām # TA.10.1.1b; MahānU.1.4b.
tyāgenaike amṛtatvam ānaśuḥ # TA.10.10.3b; MahānU.10.5b.
trātāram indram avitāram indram # RV.6.47.11a; AVś.7.86.1a; AVP.5.4.11a; SV.1.333a; VS.20.50a; TS.; MS.4.9.27a: 139.17; 4.12.3a: 182.17; KS.17.18a; Aś.2.10.4; 6.9.5; MahānU.20.3a. Ps: trātāram indram Mś.; MG.1.11.6; 2.15.6; Svidh.1.3.9; 2.1.5; VHDh.8.38; BṛhPDh.9.124,215; trātāram Mś.8.13.4 (5); Kauś.59.14; 140.6.
tridhā baddho vṛṣabho roravīti # RV.4.58.3c; AVP.8.13.3c; VS.17.91c; KS.40.7c; GB.1.2.16c; TA.10.10.2c; Apś.5.17.4c; MahānU.10.1c; N.13.7c. See tredhā etc.
tridhā hitaṃ paṇibhir guhyamānam # RV.4.58.4a; AVP.8.13.4a; VS.17.92a; KS.40.7a; TA.10.10.3a; Apś.17.18.1a; MahānU.10.2a.
trīṇi jyotīṃṣi sacate (Vait. dadhate) sa ṣoḍaśī (VSK. ṣolaśī) # VS.8.36d; 32.5d; VSK.8.11.1d; 32.5d; PB.12.13.32d; JB.1.205d; TB.; TA.10.10.2d; MahānU.9.4d; śś.9.5.1d; Vait.25.12d; Apś.14.2.13d; NṛpU.2.4e.
trīṇi padāni (TAṃahānU. padā) nihitā guhāsya (TAṃahānU. guhāsu) # AVś.2.1.2c; AVP.2.6.2c; VS.32.9c; TA.10.1.4c; MahānU.2.4c.
trīṇi padā vi cakrame # RV.1.22.18a; 8.12.27b; AVś.7.26.5a; SV.2.1020a; VS.34.43a; AB.1.25.9; TB.; Aś.4.8.8; MahānU.20.14a. P: trīṇi padā Vait.15.10; Vāsū.4.
tvaṃ yajñas tvaṃ viṣṇuḥ # TA.10.31.1c; MahānU.15.6c. See next but one.
tvaṃ vaṣaṭkāras tvaṃ rudraḥ # TA.10.31.1d; MahānU.15.6d.
tvakcarmamāṃsarudhiramedomajjāsnāyavo 'sthīni (MahānU. -rudhirasnāyumedosthimajjā) me śudhyantām # TA.10.54.1; Tā.10.65; MahānU.20.18. P: tvakcarmaBDh.3.8.12.
tvaṃ nṛcakṣā vṛṣabhānu pūrvīḥ # RV.3.15.3a.
tvaṃ brahmā tvaṃ prajāpatiḥ # TA.10.31.1e; MahānU.15.6e.
tvayā juṣṭa ṛṣir bhavati devī (read devi) # TA.10.39.1a; MahānU.16.4a.
tvayā juṣṭaś citraṃ vindate vasu # TA.10.39.1c; MahānU.16.4c.
tvayā juṣṭā juṣamāṇā (TA. var. lect. nudamānā) duruktān (var. lect. duruktāt) # TA.10.39.1c; MahānU.16.4c.
tvayā brahmā gataśrīr uta tvayā # TA.10.39.1b; MahānU.16.4b.
tvayā hatena pāpena # TA.10.1.8c; MahānU.4.6c,7c. Cf. tayā etc.
tvayi sarvaṃ pratiṣṭhitam # TA.10.1.8b; MahānU.4.7b.
tveṣaḥ sa bhānur arṇavo nṛcakṣāḥ # RV.3.22.2d; VS.12.48d; TS.; MS.2.7.11d: 89.14; KS.16.11d; śB.
daṇḍaṃ hastād ādadāno gatāsoḥ # AVś.18.2.59a. P: daṇḍaṃ hastāt Kauś.80.48. Cf. dhanur hastād.
damaḥ # TA.10.62.1; MahānU.21.2.
damena dāntāḥ kilbiṣam avadhūnvanti # TA.10.63.1a; MahānU.22.1a.
damena brahmacāriṇaḥ suvar agachan # TA.10.63.1b; MahānU.22.1b.
dame sarvaṃ pratiṣṭhitam # TA.10.63.1d; MahānU.22.1d.
damo bhūtānāṃ durādharṣam # TA.10.63.1c; MahānU.22.1c.
daśa dhīrasya dhītayo dhanutrīḥ # RV.9.93.1b; SV.1.538b; 2.768b.
dahraṃ (var. lect. daharaṃ) vipāpmavaraveśmabhūtam (MahānU. vipāpmaṃ varaṃ veśmabhūtam) # TA.10.10.3a; MahānU.10.7a.
dānaṃ yajñānāṃ varūthaṃ dakṣiṇā # TA.10.63.1a; MahānU.22.1a.
dānaṃ tapaḥ # TA.10.8.1; MahānU.8.1.
dānam # TA.10.62.1; MahānU.21.2.
dānena dviṣanto mitrā bhavanti # TA.10.63.1d; MahānU.22.1d.
dānenārātīr apānudanta # TA.10.63.1c; MahānU.22.1c.
dāne sarvaṃ pratiṣṭhitam # TA.10.63.1e; MahānU.22.1e.
divaṃ ca pṛthivīṃ ca # RV.10.190.3c; TA.10.1.14c; MahānU.5.7c.
divākarāya dhīmahi # MahānU.3.8b. Cf. mahādyutikarāya.
divākarāya vidmahe # MahānU.3.9a.
dive svāhā # AVś.5.9.1,5; AVP.6.13.10,15; VS.22.27,29; 39.1; TS.;; 17.1; 5.11.1; MS.3.12.7: 162.13; 3.12.10: 163.10; KS.15.3; 37.15,16; KSA.1.6,8; 5.2; śB.; 9.3.6; Tā.10.67.2; BṛhU.6.3.6; MahānU.19.2; śś.17.12.2; Kauś.28.17.
divyasyaikā dhanurārtniḥ # TA.1.5.1a.
dīrghamukhi durhaṇu # TA.4.32.1a.
duritāni parā suva # RV.5.82.5b; VS.30.3b; TB.; TA.10.10.2b; 49.1b; Apś.6.23.1b; MahānU.9.7b; 17.7b.
durgāṃ devīṃ śaraṇam ahaṃ prapadye # RVKh.10.127.12c; TA.10.2.1c; MahānU.6.3c.
durmitrās (VS.śB.KśṃahānU. -mitriyās; Aś.śśḷś. -mitryās) tasmai santu (TSṭBṭAṃahānU.BDh.KS.38.5, bhūyāsur) yo 'smān (MS. asmān) dveṣṭi yaṃ ca vayaṃ dviṣmaḥ # VS.6.22; 20.19; 35.12; 36.23; 38.23; TS.; MS.1.2.18: 28.10; KS.3.8; 38.5; śB.;;;; TB.; TA.4.11.8; 42.4; 5.9.11; 10.1.11; Aś.3.5.2; śś.8.12.11; Lś.2.2.11; 5.4.6; MahānU.4.13; BDh. P: durmitrās tasmai santu KA.3.189; durmitriyāḥ Kś.19.5.15; durmitrāḥ Mś.4.4.22.
duḥsvapnaṃ durjanasparśam # MahānU.19.1c.
duḥsvapnahan duruṣvahā (!) # MahānU.17.6. See duṣvapnahan.
dūrvā amṛtasaṃbhūtāḥ # MahānU.4.2a.
dūrvā duḥsvapnanāśinī # TA.10.1.7d; MahānU.4.1d.
dṛśyate śrūyate 'pi vā # TA.10.11.1b; MahānU.11.6b.
devakṛtasyainaso 'vayajanam asi (TāṃahānU.Aś.Vait.BDh. asi svāhā) # VS.8.13; TS.; PB.1.6.10; Tā.10.59; MahānU.18.1; Aś.6.12.3; śś.8.9.1; Vait.23.12; Apś.13.17.9; Mś.; BDh.4.3.6. P: devakṛtasya Lś.2.11.14; Kś.10.8.6; GDh.25.10; 27.7; VyāsaDh.3.29. Designated as devakṛtam ViDh.56.4; VāDh.28.11; BDh.4.3.8; as śākala-homīya-mantrāḥ MDh.11.201,257.
devānāṃ dhāma nāmāsi # TS.; MS.2.1.11: 13.13; KS.10.7; TA.10.26.1; Tā.10.35; MahānU.15.1. Cf. next.
devebhyaḥ svāhā # VS.6.11; TS.; 5.2; KS.3.6; śB.; Tā.10.67.2; Kś.6.5.24; Apś.7.21.2; MahānU.19.2. See svāhā devebhyaḥ, and cf. viśvebhyo devebhyaḥ svāhā.
daivī medhā manuṣyajā (TA. var. lect. sarasvatī) # TA.10.41.1c; HG.1.8.4c; JG.1.12c; MahānU.16.6. See next.
dyāvāpṛthivī janayan deva ekaḥ # AVś.13.2.26d; TS.; KS.18.2d; TA.10.1.3d; MahānU.2.2d. See dyāvābhūmī etc.
dyāvāpṛthivyor hiraṇmayaṃ saṃśritaṃ suvaḥ # TA.10.1.14; MahānU.5.9.
dyubhir hinvanty aktubhir dhanutrīḥ # RV.3.31.16d.
dyumnodās tvam asi candramasaḥ # TA.10.63.1; MahānU.24.2.
dvā dhanuṃ bṛhatīm apsv antaḥ # RV.10.27.17c.
dviśīrṣaṃ ha caturhanum # SMB.2.7.2f. Cf. under triśīrṣāṇaṃ tri-.
dve śīrṣe sapta hastāso asya # RV.4.58.3b; AVP.8.13.3b; VS.17.91b; MS.1.6.2b: 87.17; KS.40.7b; GB.1.2.16b; TA.10.10.2b; MahānU.10.1b; Apś.5.17.4b; N.13.7b.
dhanaspṛtaṃ śūśuvāṃsaṃ sudakṣam # RV.6.19.8b; 10.47.4b. See dhanuspṛtaṃ.
dhanur hastād ādadāno (TA. -nā) mṛtasya # RV.10.18.9a; AVś.18.2.60a; TA.6.1.3a; AG.4.2.20. P: dhanur hastāt Kauś.80.49. Cf. BṛhD.7.15. Cf. daṇḍaṃ.
dhanu ṭanvanti etc. # see dhanus etc.
dhanus tanvanti (SV. dhanuṣ ṭa-) pauṃsyam # RV.9.99.1b; SV.1.551b.
dharaṇī lokadhāriṇī # MahānU.4.5d. Cf. TA.10.1.8.
dharmaḥ # TA.10.62.1; MahānU.21.2.
dharmāya svāhā # Tā.10.67.1; MahānU.19.2.
dharmeṇa pāpam apa nudanti # TA.10.63.1c; MahānU.22.1c.
dharme sarvaṃ pratiṣṭhitam # TA.10.63.1d; MahānU.22.1d.
dharmo viśvasya jagataḥ pratiṣṭhā # TA.10.63.1a; MahānU.22.1a.
dhātuḥ prasādān mahimānam īśam (KU. ātmanaḥ) # TA.10.10.1d; MahānU.8.3d; KU.2.20d; śvetU.3.20d.
dhāmāni veda bhuvanāni viśvā # RV.10.82.3b; AVś.2.1.3b; AVP.2.6.3b; VS.17.27b; 32.10b; TA.10.1.4b; MahānU.2.5b.
dhāraṇaṃ me astv anirākaraṇam # TA.10.7.1; MahānU.7.6.
dhārayitā bhūyāsam # TA.10.7.1; MahānU.7.6.
dhiyo yo naḥ pracodayāt # RV.3.62.10c; SV.2.812c; VS.3.35c; 22.9c; 30.2c; 36.3c; TS.;; MS.4.10.3c: 149.15; KB.26.10; GB.1.1.36; DB.3.25c; śB.;; TA.1.11.3c; 10.27.1c; Tā.10.35c; BṛhU.6.3.13; MahānU.15.2c; MU.6.7c; JUB.4.28.3; śś.2.10.2; Kauś.91.8; SMB.1.6.29c; HG.1.6.11; BDh.
dhūmāya svāhā # VS.22.26; MahānU.19.2.
dhyānaṃ nārāyaṇaḥ paraḥ # TA.10.11.1b; MahānU.11.5b.
dhruvakṣitaye svāhā # Tā.10.67.1; MahānU.19.2.
dhruvāya bhūmāya (PG. bhaumāya) svāhā # Tā.10.67.1; MahānU.19.2; PG.2.14.10.
na karmaṇā na prajayā dhanena # TA.10.10.3a; MahānU.10.5a.
nakṣatrebhyaḥ svāhā # VS.22.28,29; 39.2; TS.;; MS.3.12.7: 162.14; 3.12.10: 163.11; KS.15.3; KSA.1.6; śB.; TB.; Tā.10.67.2; MahānU.19.2.
na cakṣuṣā paśyati kaś śanainam # TA.10.1.3b; MahānU.1.11d; KU.6.9d; śvetU.4.20d.
na tasyeśe kaś cana # TA.10.1.2c; MahānU.1.10c.
nandikeśvarāya dhīmahi # MahānU.3.3b.
nama indrāya # TA.10.1.12; MahānU.5.1; BDh. Cf. indrāya namaḥ.
nama iṣukṛdbhyo dhanuṣkṛdbhyaś (TS.KS. dhanvakṛdbhyaś) ca vo namaḥ # VS.16.46; TS.; MS.2.9.4: 123.9; KS.17.13.
na madhye parijagrabhat # VS.32.2d; TA.10.1.2b; MahānU.1.10b.
namas te astu rudrarūpebhyaḥ # TA.10.45.1d; MahānU.17.3d. See namas te rudra rūpebhyo.
namo 'gnaye 'psumate (MahānU. 'sumate) # TA.10.1.12; MahānU.5.1; BDh.
namo devebhyaḥ # VS.2.7; TS.;; MS.1.2.13: 22.14; 3.9.1: 113.16; KS.3.1; 26.2; KB.2.1; śB.; TA.10.2.1; 3.1; 4.1; 6.1; śś.2.8.14; 6.2.2; Kś.3.1.15; 4.14.20; Apś.11.18.2; Mś.; --4.4.29; VaradapU.1.3; MahānU.7.1,2,3,5.
namo 'dbhyaḥ # TA.10.1.12; BDh.; MahānU.5.1. See adbhyaḥ (sc. namaḥ).
namo brahmaṇe # AB.8.9.5 (ter),6 (ter); TA.2.13.1; 7.1.1; 12.1; 10.7.1; TU.1.1.1; 12.1; MahānU.7.6; VaradapU.1.3; Aś.12.15.12 (bis); GG.4.7.41; VHDh.4.49; Svidh.3.3.5. Cf. brahmaṇe (sc. namaḥ), and brahmaṇe namaḥ.
namo rudrāya paśupataye svāhā # Tā.10.67.2; MahānU.19.2.
namo varuṇāya # VS.8.23; TS.; KSA.4.5; śB.; TB.; 9.16.1; TA.10.1.12; MahānU.5.1; JUB.4.1.7; Aś.6.13.8; śś.8.10.4; Kś.10.8.21; Apś.20.12.1; 13.11; BDh. Cf. varuṇāya (sc. namaḥ), and varuṇāya namaḥ.
namo vāruṇyai # TA.10.1.12; MahānU.5.1; BDh.
namo hiraṇyabāhave hiraṇyavarṇāya hiraṇyarūpāya hiraṇyapataye # TA.10.18.1; MahānU.13.4.
na saṃdṛśe tiṣṭhati rūpam asya # TA.10.1.3a; MahānU.1.11a; KU.6.9a; śvetU.4.20a.
nākasya pṛṣṭham āruhya # TA.10.1.13c; MahānU.5.3c.
nākasya pṛṣṭhe mahato mahīyān # TA.10.1.1b; MahānU.1.1b.
nābhyām upari tiṣṭhati # TA.10.11.2b; MahānU.11.8b.
nārāyaṇaḥ paraṃ brahma # TA.10.11.1c; MahānU.11.4a.
nārāyaṇaḥ paro jyotiḥ # TA.10.11.1a; MahānU.11.4c.
nārāyaṇaḥ paro dhyātā # TA.10.11.1a; MahānU.11.5a.
nārāyaṇaṃ mahājñeyam # TA.10.11.1c; MahānU.11.3c.
nārāyaṇāya vidmahe (MS. dhīmahi) # MS.2.9.1b: 120.4; TA.10.1.6a; MahānU.3.16a.
nāveva sindhuṃ duritāty agniḥ # RV.1.99.1d; RVKh.10.127.8d; TA.10.2.1d; MahānU.6.2d; N.7d (Roth's edition, p. 201); 14.33d.
nāhaṃ karomi # Tā.10.61 (ter); 10.62; MahānU.18.2,3; nāhaṃ kartā Tā.10.62; nāhaṃ kārayitā Tā.10.62.
nityapuṣṭāṃ karīṣiṇīm # RVKh.5.87.9b; TA.10.1.10b; MG.2.13.6b; MahānU.4.8b.
nirmukto muktakilbiṣaḥ # TA.10.1.13b; MahānU.5.3b.
nivividhvāṃ apa hanū jaghāna # RV.4.18.9b.
nīlatoyadamadhyasthā # TA.10.11.2a; MahānU.11.12a.
nīvāraśūkavat tanvī # TA.10.11.2c; MahānU.11.12c.
nṛṣad varasad ṛtasad vyomasat # RV.4.40.5c; VS.10.24c; 12.14c; TS.;; MS.2.6.12c: 71.15; KS.15.8c; 16.8c; AB.4.20.5c; śB.;; TA.10.10.2c; 50.1c; Kś.18.3.6; KU.5.2c; MahānU.9.3c; 17.8c; VaradapU.2.3c; NṛpU.3c; N.14.29c.
nṛsiṃhāya vidmahe # MahānU.3.17a.
nainam ūrdhvaṃ na tiryañcam # VS.32.2c; TA.10.1.2a; MahānU.1.10a.
nyāsaḥ # TA.10.62.1; 63.1; MahānU.21.2; 23.1.
patiṃ viśvasyātmeśvaram # TA.10.11.1a; MahānU.11.3a.
padbhyām udareṇa śiśnā # TA.10.24.1c; 25.1c; MahānU.14.3c,4c.
padmakośapratīkāśam # TA.10.11.2c; MahānU.11.7c.
padmaprabhe padmasundari dharmarataye svāhā # MahānU.4.10.
paramātmā vyavasthitaḥ # TA.10.11.2b; MahānU.11.13b.
parameṣṭhine svāhā # śB.; Tā.10.67.2; MahānU.19.2.
parastād yaśo guhāsu mama # MahānU.6.8a.
parāt paraṃ yan mahato mahāntam # TA.10.1.1b; MahānU.1.5b.
parād api paraś cāsu (var. lect. cāstu) # MahānU.11.5c.
parā duṣvapnyaṃ (TBṭA.ApśṃahānU. -niyaṃ) suva # RV.5.82.4c; SV.1.141c; TB.; TA.10.10.2c; 49.1c; Apś.6.23.1c; Kauś.58.1c; MahānU.9.6c; 17.7c.
parāmṛtāḥ (TA. -mṛtāt) parimucyanti sarve # TA.10.10.3d; MahānU.10.6d; MuṇḍU.3.2.6d; KaivU.3d.
pari dyāvāpṛthivī yanti sadyaḥ # RV.1.115.3d; MS.4.10.2d: 147.4; TB.; TA.10.1.4a; MahānU.2.6a.
pari lokān pari diśaḥ pari svaḥ (TAṃahānU. suvaḥ) # VS.32.12b; TA.10.1.4b; MahānU.2.6b.
parītya bhūtāni parītya lokān (TAṃahānU. parītya lokān parītya bhūtāni) # VS.32.11a; TA.10.1.4a; MahānU.2.7a. See vidhāya lokān.
parītya sarvāḥ pradiśo diśaś ca # VS.32.11b; TA.10.1.4b; MahānU.2.7b. See vidhāya sarvāḥ.
paruṣaḥ-paruṣas (KS. paruṣas-pa-; TSṭAṃahānU. -ṣaḥ) pari # AVP.4.7.8b; VS.13.20b; TS.; MS.2.7.15b: 98.13; KS.16.16b; śB.; TA.10.1.7b; MahānU.4.3b.
pareṇa nākaṃ nihitaṃ guhāyām # TA.10.10.3c; MahānU.10.5c.
paver nu śakveva hanūni kalpayan # śB.
paśava āpaḥ # TA.10.22.1; MahānU.14.1.
paśūṃś ca mahyam āvaha # TA.10.1.5c; MahānU.2.9c; HG.1.18.5c; ApMB.1.9.9c.
pāṇinā hy avamarśatu # TA.10.1.13d; MahānU.5.2d.
pāpebhyaś ca pratigrahaḥ (RVKh. -hāt) # RVKh.9.67.12c; TA.10.1.12d; MahānU.4.11d; BDh.
pāvakāya vidmahe # MahānU.3.6a.
pāhi no agna enase (śG. edhase) svāhā # TA.10.5.1; MahānU.7.4; śG.5.1.8.
pāhi no viśvavedase svāhā # TA.10.5.1; MahānU.7.4; śG.5.1.8.
pitṛkṛtasyainaso 'vayajanam asi (TāṃahānU.Aś.BDh. asi svāhā) # VS.8.13; TS.; PB.1.6.10; Tā.10.59; MahānU.18.1; Aś.6.12.3; śś.8.9.1; Apś.13.17.9; Mś.; BDh.4.3.6. P: pitṛkṛtasya Vait.23.12.
pitṛbhyaḥ svadhāstu (MahānU. -dhā astu) # Tā.10.67.2; MahānU.19.2.
pibendra somaṃ vṛṣabheṇa bhānunā # RV.2.16.4d.
pītā bhāsvaty aṇūpamā # TA.10.11.2d; pītābhā syāt tanūpamā MahānU.11.12d.
punantu ṛṣayaḥ (! without saṃdhi) # TA.10.1.15, note (p. 785); MahānU.5.12.
punantu brahmaṇaspatiḥ # TA.10.23.1c; MahānU.14.2; PrāṇāgU.1c; BDh.
punantu vasavaḥ # TA.10.1.14,15, note (p. 785); MahānU.5.12.
punātu varuṇaḥ # TA.10.1.14,15, note (p. 785); MahānU.5.12.
punātv aghamarṣaṇaḥ # TA.10.1.14d (bis),15, note (p. 785); MahānU.5.8d,12.
puruṣaṃ kṛṣṇapiṅgalam # TA.10.12.1b; MahānU.12.1b.
puruṣo vai rudraḥ san (MahānU. rudras tan) maho namo namaḥ # TA.10.16.1; MahānU.13.2.
pūrve ardhe rajaso bhānum añjate # RV.1.92.1b; SV.2.1105b; N.12.7b.
pūrvo ha (TAṃahānU. hi) jātaḥ (JUB. jajñe) sa u garbhe antaḥ # VS.32.4b; TA.10.1.3b; śvetU.2.16b; MahānU.2.1b; śirasU.5b; JUB.3.10.12d. See prathamo jātaḥ.
pūś ca pṛthvī bahulā na urvī # RV.1.189.2c; MS.4.10.1c: 142.2; TS.; TB.; TA.10.2.1c; MahānU.6.4c.
pṛtanājitaṃ sahamānam agnim (TA. ugram) # AVś.7.63.1a; TA.10.2.1a; MahānU.6.6a. P: pṛtanājitam Kauś.69.22.
pṛthivī pūtā punātu mām # TA.10.23.1b; MahānU.14.2b; PrāṇāgU.1b; BDh.
pṛthivyaptejo vāyur ākāśā (Tā. pṛthivy āpas tejo vāyur ākāśā; MahānU. pṛthivyaptejovāyvākāśā) me śudhyantām # TA.10.56.1; Tā.10.66; MahānU.20.20. P: pṛthivīBDh.3.8.12.
pṛthivyai svāhā # AVś.5.9.2,6; AVP.6.13.12,13; VS.22.27,29; 39.1; TS.;; 17.1; 5.11.1; MS.3.12.7: 162.12; 3.12.10: 163.10; KS.15.3; 37.15,16; KSA.1.6,8; 5.2; śB.; 9.3.6; TB.,2; 18.4; Tā.10.67.2; BṛhU.6.3.6; MahānU.19.2; śś.17.12.2; Apś.18.15.9; 20.11.4,5; 12.5; Kauś.98.2.
prajananaḥ (MahānU. -nam) # TA.10.62.1; MahānU.21.2.
prajananaṃ vai pratiṣṭhā loke sādhuprajāyās (MahānU. sādhuprajāvāṃs) tantuṃ tanvānaḥ pitṝṇām anṛṇo bhavati tad eva tasyānṛṇam # TA.10.63.1; MahānU.22.1.
prajāpataye svāhā # VS.18.28; 22.32; TS.;; KS.13.11,12; 35.16; KSA.3.5; PB.9.9.9; śB.;; TB.; 5.3; 8.11.1; 12.2.2--8; 4.2--6; Tā.10.67.2; BṛhU.6.3.8; MahānU.19.2; śś.13.12.8; Lś.1.7.8; Kś.25.11.29; 12.10; Mś.; (cf. Apś.2.12.7); --3.6.14;; śG.2.14.4; Kauś.72.27,28; PG.1.9.3,4; 11.3; 12.3; HG.1.7.18; 23.8; JG.1.3,23; BDh.3.9.4; Svidh.3.3.5. P: prajāpataye MG.1.10.11; 2.3.1,2; VārG.14.12; GDh.26.16; Svidh.1.2.5. Cf. svāhā prajāpataye.
prajāpatiḥ prajayā (Vait.Kauś. prajābhiḥ) saṃvidānaḥ # AVP.3.32.4d--6d; TS. (bis); KS.30.8d; PB.12.13.32c; TB.; TA.3.11.12d (bis); 10.10.2c; MahānU.9.4c; NṛpU.2.4d; Vait.25.12c; Apś.14.2.13c; Kauś.124.4d. See under prec.
prajāpatiḥ prathamajā ṛtasya # AVś.12.1.61d; AVP.2.60.2b; MS.4.14.1c: 216.3; TB.; TA.1.23.9c; 2.6.1b; 10.1.4c; MahānU.2.7c. See under upasthāya prathama-, and cf. prajāpatiṃ prathamajām.
prajāpatiś carati garbhe antaḥ # AVś.10.8.13a; VS.31.19a; TA.3.13.1a; 10.1.1d; MahānU.1.1d; Apś.20.20.9; Mś.
prajāvat sāvīḥ saubhagam # RV.5.82.4b; SV.1.141b; TB.; TA.10.10.2b; 49.1b; MahānU.9.6b; 17.7b; Apś.6.23.1b.
pra tad voced amṛtasya (AVP.VS. amṛtaṃ nu; TAṃahānU. voce amṛtaṃ nu) vidvān # AVś.2.1.2a; AVP.2.6.2a; VS.32.9a; TA.10.1.3a; MahānU.2.4a.
pratno hi (TA. pratnoṣi) kam īḍyo adhvareṣu # RV.8.11.10a; AVś.6.110.1a; TA.10.2.1a; MahānU.6.7a. P: pratno hi Kauś.46.25; VHDh.5.532.
pratyaṅmukhas tiṣṭhati viśvatomukhaḥ (MahānU. sarvato-) # TA.10.1.3d; MahānU.2.1d. See pratyaṅ janās.
pra parvatasya nabhanūṃr acucyavuḥ # RV.5.59.7d.
prabhuḥ prīṇāti viśvabhuk # TA.10.38.1d; BDh.; MahānU.26.3d.
prāṇam annenāpyāyasva # TA.10.36.1; MahānU.16.1; BDh.
prāṇānāṃ granthir asi # TA.10.37.1; MahānU.16.2; śG.3.8.5; SMB.1.6.20; GG.2.10.28; HG.1.5.12; 21.4; MG.1.22.6; JG.1.12 (bis); VārG.5.21; BDh.; AuśDh.3.106. P: prāṇānām KhG.2.4.15.
prāṇāpānavyānodānasamānā me śudhyantām # TA.10.51.1; Tā.10.65; MahānU.20.15. P: prāṇāpānaBDh.3.8.12.
prāṇāya svāhā # VS.22.23; 23.18; 39.3 (bis); TS.; 4.21.1; MS.3.12.9: 163.7; 3.12.20: 166.8; KSA.1.10; 4.10; śB.; 5.1.4; (bis); 9.3.4; TB.; 9.6.1; TA.4.5.1; 15.1; 10.33.1; 34.1; KA.2.79; Tā.10.69; Kś.20.4.32; 6.11; Apś.15.7.3; 17.4; 20.12.3; 17.10; Mś.; BṛhU.6.3.4; MahānU.15.9; MU.6.9; BDh.
prāṇe tvam asi saṃdhātā # TA.10.63.1; MahānU.24.2.
prāṇe niviṣṭo 'mṛtaṃ (HG. niviśyāmṛtaṃ) juhomi # TA.10.33.1; 34.1; MahānU.15.8,9; HG.2.11.5; ApMB.2.20.26 (ApG.8.21.9); BDh. A variant, TA.10.34.1 reads, śraddhāyāṃ prāṇe etc. See under amṛtaṃ ca prāṇe.
prāṇo vā āpaḥ # MahānU.14.1. See prāṇā vā.
priyam indrasya kāmyam # RV.1.18.6b; 9.98.6c; 100.1b; RVKh.10.151.7b; SV.1.171b,550b; 2.680c; VS.32.13b; JB.3.268c; TA.10.1.4b; MahānU.2.8b; HG.1.8.16b; ApMB.1.9.8b.
balapramathanāya namaḥ # TA.10.44.1; MahānU.17.2.
balam asi # AVś.2.17.3; AVP.2.45.5; VS.19.9; TS.; MS.2.1.11: 13.13; KS.10.7; TB.;; TA.10.26.1; Tā.10.35; MahānU.15.1; Kś.19.2.20; Mś.8.23.28; BDh.3.2.7.
balavikaraṇāya namaḥ # TA.10.44.1; MahānU.17.2.
balim ichanto vitudasya (AG. vi tu tasya) preṣyāḥ (MahānU.AG. preṣṭhāḥ) # Tā.10.67.2b; MahānU.20.1b; AG.1.2.5b (crit. notes).
bahvīṃ prajāṃ janayantīṃ sarūpām (ApMB.1.8.3c, janayantī suratnā; ApMB.1.11.7d, janayantau saretasā) # TA.10.10.1b; MahānU.9.2b; ApMB.1.8.3c; 11.7d. See prajāṃ kṛṇvāthām.
bṛhat tatantha bhānunā # RV.6.16.21c; TS.; KS.20.14c; TB.
bṛhat somo vāvṛdhe suvāna induḥ (SV.JB. svāno adriḥ) # RV.9.97.40d; SV.1.529d; 2.603d; JB.3.240d; TA.10.1.15d; MahānU.6.1d; N.14.16d.
bṛhadbhir bhānubhir bhāsan # VS.12.32c; TS.; MS.2.7.10c: 87.12; KS.16.10c; śB.
bṛhad vadema vidathe suvīrāḥ # RV.2.1.16d; 2.13d; 11.21d; 13.13d; 14.12d; 15.10d; 16.9d; 17.9d; 18.9d; 19.9d; 20.9d; 23.19d; 24.16d; 27.17d; 28.11d; 29.7d; 33.15d; 35.15d; 39.8d; 40.6d; 42.3d; 43.3d; 9.86.48d; AVś.18.3.24d; VS.34.58d; MS.4.12.1d: 178.8; 4.14.1d: 215.6; KB.8.5; TB.; 5.1d; 6.9d; TA.10.39.1d; MahānU.16.4d; śś.5.9.19; Kauś.46.54d; N.1.7d.
bṛhaspataye svāhā # VS.10.5; 22.6; TS.;; 16.1; MS.2.6.11: 70.8; 3.12.2: 160.10; KS.15.7; 39.2; KSA.1.5,7; śB.;; TB.; 8.6.4; Tā.10.67.2; MahānU.19.2; Apś.16.29.2. Cf. bṛhaspataya āṅgirasāya.
brahmaṇi ma ātmāmṛtatvāya # TA.10.33.1; 34.1; 36.1; Tā.10.69 (bis); MahānU.15.10; 16.1; ApMB.2.20.26; HG.2.12.1; BDh.
brahmaṇe tvā mahase # TA.10.63.1; MahānU.24.2.
brahmaṇe svāhā # AVś.19.22.20; 23.29; 43.8; VS.39.13 (omitted in VSK.); AB.7.22.2,4; śB.; TB.; 12.2.4; Tā.10.67.2; MahānU.19.2; BṛhU.6.3.3. P: brahmaṇe Svidh.1.2.5.
brahmaṃ (MahānU. brahman) tvam asi viśvasṛt (MahānU. -sṛk) # TA.10.63.1; MahānU.24.2.
brahmapūtā punātu mām # TA.10.23.1d; MahānU.14.2d; PrāṇāgU.1d; BDh.
brahma metu mām # TA.10.48.1; MahānU.17.6. Cf. trisuparṇa GDh.15.28; ApDh.; ViDh.56.23; VāDh.28.14; YDh.1.219; VAtDh.3.12; LAtDh.3.12.
brahmamedhayā madhumedhayā brahma me 'va madhumedhayā # TA.10.49.1; MahānU.17.7.
brahmamedhavā madhumedhavā brahma me 'va madhumedhavā # TA.10.50.1; MahānU.17.8.
brahma me 'va madhu metu mām # MahānU.17.6. See brahma metu madhu.
brahmahā gurutalpagaḥ # Tā.10.64b; MahānU.19.1b. Cf. guros, and bhrūṇahā.
brahmā devānāṃ padavīḥ (VaradapU. savituḥ) kavīnām # RV.9.96.6a; SV.2.294a; TS.; MS.4.12.6a: 196.12; KS.23.12a; TA.10.10.1a; 50.1a; MahānU.9.1a; 17.8a; VaradapU.1.1a; Aś.4.11.6; ViDh.48.6a; N.14.13a. Ps: brahmā devānāṃ padavīḥ śś.9.26.3 (comm.); brahmā devānām TA.1.11.1; Mś.; BDh.3.6.6. Cf. BṛhD.6.136.
brahmāham asmi # TA.10.1.15 (bis); MahānU.5.10.
brahmaitad upāsvaitat (MahānU. upāsyaitat) tapaḥ # TA.10.8.1; MahānU.8.1.
brāhmaṇebhyo hy anujñātā # MahānU.15.5c. See prec. but one.
bhargo devasya dhīmahi # RV.3.62.10b; SV.2.812b; VS.3.35b; 22.9b; 30.2b; 36.3b; TS.;; MS.4.10.3b: 149.14; GB.1.1.35; DB.3.25b; śB.;; TA.1.11.2b; 10.27.1b; Tā.10.35b; BṛhU.6.3.12; MahānU.15.2b; MU.6.7b; JUB.4.28.2; śś.2.10.2; Kauś.91.7; SMB.1.6.29b; HG.1.6.11; BDh.
bhavā tokāya tanayāya śaṃ yoḥ # RV.1.189.2d; TS.; MS.4.10.1d: 142.2; TB.; TA.10.2.1d; MahānU.6.4d.
bhave-bhave nātibhave bhajasva mām # TA.10.43.1c; MahānU.17.1c.
bhavodbhavāya namaḥ # TA.10.43.1; MahānU.17.1.
bhavye bhuvanasya goptā # MahānU.5.9b. See bhuvanasya goptā.
bhāskarāya vidmahe # TA.10.1.7a; MahānU.3.8a. See under ādityāya vidmahe.
bhuktvā vṛṣalībhojanam # MahānU.19.1c.
bhuvo 'nnaṃ vāyave 'ntarikṣāya svāhā # TA.10.3.1; MahānU.7.2.
bhuvo vāyave cāntarikṣāya ca mahate ca svāhā # TA.10.4.1; MahānU.7.3.
bhuvo vāyave 'ntarikṣāya svāhā # TA.10.2.1; MahānU.7.1.
bhūtebhyo namaḥ (JB. with namaḥ understood) # Tā.10.67.2; MahānU.19.2; JG.1.6.
bhūmir dhenur dharaṇī lokadhāriṇī (MahānU. dhenur dharitrī ca dharaṇī lokadhāriṇī) # TA.10.1.8a; MahānU.4.5cd.
bhūmyāṃ parvatamūrdhani # TA.10.30.1b; MahānU.15.5b.
bhūr agnaye ca pṛthivyai ca mahate ca svāhā # TA.10.4.1; MahānU.7.3.
bhūr agnaye pṛthivyai svāhā # TA.10.2.1; MahānU.7.1.
bhūr annam agnaye pṛthivyai svāhā # TA.10.3.1; MahānU.7.2.
bhūr bhuvaḥ (JB.2.45,66,418 and 3.384, bhuva) svaḥ (TSṭBṭA.Apś.ApMBḥG. suvaḥ) # VS.3.5,37; 7.29; 8.53; 23.8; 36.3; VSK.2.3.3; TS.;;; MS.1.6.5: 94.9; 1.8.5: 120.21; 1.8.6: 124.10; 1.8.7 (bis): 125.11,16; 3.4.7: 54.9; 3.12.19: 165.15; 4.9.2: 123.5; 4.9.13: 134.5; KS.6.7 (bis); 7.13; 8.4 (bis); KSA.4.9; AB.5.32.5; 34.4,5; 8.7.6; 13.2; 18.1; KB.27.6; JB.1.53,60,88 (bis),327,363; 2.45,66,418; 3.384; ṣB.1.6.7; śB.,25--27; 4.1.1;;;;; 8.3.18;; TB.;;; 7.6.3; 9.4.5; 10.5.1; ā.;; 3.2.4; TA.2.11.1; 3.6.1; 4.4.1; 20.1; 21.1; 40.1 (ter); 7.5.1; 10.8.1; KA.1.208,214; 2.143; 3.208,229A; TU.1.5.1; MahānU.8.1; VaradapU.2; JUB.2.9.3,7; 3.17.2; 18.4,6; 4.5.5; 28.6; Aś.1.2.5; 12.33; 2.3.27; 5.13; 17.10; 3.12.4; śś.1.4.5; 2.13.2; 4.12.10; 10.21.15; 14.16.7; Lś.1.5.8; 2.4.6; 8.31; 4.1.4; 9.16; 10.29; 5.11.6; Kś.2.1.19; 4.9.16; 12.12; 7.4.16; 9.7.15; 20.5.16; Apś.2.15.1; 3.18.4; 5.12.1; 6.1.7; 10.7,11; 19.7; 9.7.1,3,4; 8.2; 13.6; 10.10.6; 15.17.6; 18.17; 19.11; 19.12.26; 21.12.5,9; 24.11.2; Mś.; --4.5.9;; --8.6.7; śG.1.8.6; 13.5; 22.8; 24.8; 2.2.10; GG.1.1.11; PG.1.15.4; ApMB.2.11.9; 14.14 (ApG.6.14.2; 15.12); HG.1.3.4; 5.13; 6.11; 24.2; 26.8; 2.3.9; MG.1.9.23; JG.1.1; MDh.2.76; VHDh.3.58; BṛhPDh.2.54; 9.109; Karmap.2.1.5,7. P: bhūr bhuvaḥ Kś.4.9.1; 12.4.27. See oṃ bhūr etc., and the sequel.
bhūr bhuvaḥ suvar agnir om # MahānU.7.1. Cf. TA.10.2.1.
bhūr bhuvaḥ suvar annaṃ candramase digbhyaḥ svāhā # TA.10.3.1; MahānU.7.2.
bhūr bhuvaḥ suvar annam om # TA.10.3.1; MahānU.7.2.
bhūr bhuvaḥ suvar āpa om # TA.10.22.1; MahānU.14.1.
bhūr bhuvaḥ svar (TAṭā.BDh. suvar) om # AB.5.31.4 (bis); 8.27.4; TA.10.2.1; 15.1; 27.1; 28.1; KA.2.55; Tā.10.35.1; 68.1; MahānU.13.1; 15.2; Aś.1.2.3; 2.3.16; 4.25; śś.4.6.9; Mś.;; AG.1.14.4; SMB.1.6.30; 2.4.5,14; JG.1.2; BDh.,5.
bhūr bhuvaḥ suvar mahar om # TA.10.4.1; MahānU.7.3. Cf. oṃ bhūr etc.
bhūr bhuvaḥ svar (TAṃahānU. suvar) mahar janas tapaḥ satyam # TA.10.28.1; MahānU.15.3; BṛhPDh.2.60; śaṅkhaDh.11. Designated as brahmahṛdayam BDh. See oṃ bhūr etc.
bhūr bhuvaḥ suvaś candramase ca nakṣatrebhyaś ca digbhyaś ca mahate ca svāhā # TA.10.4.1; MahānU.7.3.
bhūr bhuvaḥ suvaś candramase digbhyaḥ svāhā # TA.10.2.1; MahānU.7.1.
bhūr bhuvaḥ suvaś chanda om # TA.10.6.1; MahānU.7.5.
bhrājo 'si # AVś.2.11.5; 17.1.20; AVP.1.57.5; TS.; MS.2.1.11: 13.13; 4.9.5: 125.14; KS.10.7; TB.; TA.10.26.1; Tā.10.35; MahānU.15.1; Mś.8.23.28.
bhrūṇahatyāṃ tilāḥ (Tā. tilāḥ śāntiṃ) śamayantu svāhā # Tā.10.64; MahānU.19.1d.
bhrūṇahā gurutalpagaḥ # TA.10.1.15b; MahānU.5.11b. Cf. brahmahā.
maghavañ (AVśṣV.PBṭB. -vaṃ) chagdhi (JB. -van śagdhi) tava tan (AVP. tvaṃ) na ūtibhiḥ (SV.PBṭBṭA.Apś.JB. ūtaye) # RV.8.24.11c; 61.13c; AVś.19.15.1c; AVP.3.35.1c; SV.1.274c; 2.671c; JB.3.264c; PB.15.4.3c; TB.; TA.10.1.9c; MahānU.20.4c; Apś.3.12.1c.
madhu kṣaranti # TA.10.15.1 (var. lect.); MahānU.13.1; 15.3. See next.
madhu kṣaranti sindhavaḥ # RV.1.90.6b; VS.13.27b; TS.; MS.2.7.16b: 99.18; KS.39.3b; śB.; TA.10.10.2b; 49.1b; BṛhU.6.3.11b; MahānU.9.8b; 17.7b; Kauś.91.1b.
madhu dyaur astu naḥ pitā # RV.1.90.7c; VS.13.28c; TS.; MS.2.7.16c: 99.21; KS.39.3c; śB.; TA.10.10.2c; 49.1c; BṛhU.6.3.12c; MahānU.9.9c; 17.7c; Kauś.91.1c.
madhu naktam utoṣasaḥ (KS. -ṣasā; TSṭA. -ṣasi) # RV.1.90.7a; VS.13.28a; TS.; MS.2.7.16a: 99.20; KS.39.3a; śB.; TA.10.10.2a; 49.1a; BṛhU.6.3.12a; MahānU.9.9a; 17.7a; Kauś.91.1a.
madhumat pārthivaṃ rajaḥ # RV.1.90.7b; VS.13.28b; TS.; MS.2.7.16b: 99.20; KS.39.3b; śB.; TA.10.10.2b; 49.1b; BṛhU.6.3.12b; MahānU.9.9b; 17.7b; Kauś.91.1b.
madhumāṃ (MS. -maṃ) astu sūryaḥ # RV.1.90.8b; VS.13.29b; TS.; MS.2.7.16b: 100.1; KS.39.3b; śB.; TA.10.10.2b; 49.1b; BṛhU.6.3.13b; MahānU.9.10b; 17.7b; Kauś.91.1b.
madhumān no vanaspatiḥ # RV.1.90.8a; VS.13.29a; TS.; MS.2.7.16a: 100.1; KS.39.3a; śB.; TA.10.10.2a; 49.1a; BṛhU.6.3.13a; MahānU.9.10a; 17.7a; Kauś.91.1a.
madhu metu mām # TA.10.48.1; MahānU.17.6.
madhu vātā ṛtāyate # RV.1.90.6a; VS.13.27a; TS.;; MS.2.7.16a: 99.18; KS.39.3a; śB.;; TA.10.10.2a; 49.1a; BṛhU.6.3.11a; MahānU.9.8a; 17.7a; Apś.16.25.1; Mś.;,5; AG.1.24.15; Kauś.90.25; 91.1a; 118.1; MG.1.9.14; VārG.11.16. Ps: madhu vātāḥ Vait.29.1; Kś.17.4.27; YDh.1.238; VHDh.8.29; madhu Rvidh.1.21.1. Cf. PG.1.3.21; GDh.15.28; ApDh.; BDh.; VāDh.28.13; YDh.1.219; BṛhD.3.123.
manasā durvicintitam # MahānU.4.7b; BDh.3.6.5b; ViDh.48.19b.
manasā vācā hastābhyām # TA.10.24.1b; 25.1b; MahānU.14.3b,4b.
manuṣyakṛtasyainaso 'vayajanam asi (TāṃahānU.Aś.BDh. asi svāhā) # VS.8.13; TS.; PB.1.6.10; Tā.10.59; MahānU.18.1; Aś.6.12.3; śś.8.9.1; Apś.13.17.9; Mś.; BDh.4.3.6. P: manuṣyakṛtasya Vait.23.12.
manuṣyebhyo hantā # Tā.10.67.2; MahānU.19.2.
manonmanāya namaḥ # TA.10.44.1; MahānU.17.2.
manyave svāhā # Tā.10.62; MahānU.18.3.
manyur akārṣīn nāhaṃ karomi manyuḥ karoti manyuḥ kartā manyuḥ kārayitā # MahānU.18.3. See next.
mayi puṣṭiṃ puṣṭipatir (AVś.AVP. puṣṭaṃ puṣṭa-) dadhātu (AG. dadātu) # AVś.7.19.1d; 19.31.6b; AVP.10.5.6b; MS.2.13.23d: 169.5; KS.13.15d,16d; 40.1d; Tā.10.67.2d; MahānU.20.1d; Apś.14.28.4d; AG.1.2.5d (crit. notes); SMB.2.4.7c. Cf. next.
marutsu viśvabhānuṣu # RV.4.1.3e; 8.27.3d; KS.26.11e.
mahāṃ indro vajrabāhuḥ (VS. vajrahastaḥ) # VS.26.10a; TS.; TA.10.1.10a; MahānU.20.11a.
mahādurgāyai dhīmahi # MahānU.3.13b.
mahādevāya dhīmahi # MS.2.9.1b: 119.7; KS.17.11b; TA.10.1.5b; 45.1b; MahānU.3.2b; 17.4b.
mahādyutikārāya dhīmahi # TA.10.1.7b; MahānU.3.9b. Cf. divākarāya etc.
mahāśūlinyai vidmahe # MahānU.3.13a.
mahāsenāya dhīmahi # TA.10.1.6b; MahānU.3.5b.
maho devo martyāṃ (MS. martyaṃ) ā viveśa # RV.4.58.3d; AVP.8.13.3d; VS.17.91d; MS.1.6.2d: 87.18; KS.40.7d; GB.1.2.16d; TA.10.10.2d; MahānU.10.1d; Apś.5.17.4d; N.13.7d.
tvā jambhaḥ saṃhanur mā tamo vidat # AVś.8.1.16a.
mādhvīr gāvo bhavantu naḥ # RV.1.90.8c; VS.13.29c; TS.; MS.2.7.16c: 100.2; KS.39.3c; śB.; TA.10.10.2c; 49.1c; BṛhU.6.3.13c; MahānU.9.10c; 17.7c; Kauś.91.1c.
mādhvīr naḥ santv oṣadhīḥ # RV.1.90.6c; VS.13.27c; TS.; MS.2.7.16c: 99.19; KS.39.3c; śB.; TA.10.10.2c; 49.1c; BṛhU.6.3.11c; MahānU.9.8c; 17.7c; Kauś.91.1c.
mānasam # TA.10.62.1; 63.1; MahānU.21.2; 23.1.
no hiṃsīj jātavedaḥ # TA.10.1.5a; MahānU.2.10a; ApMB.1.9.10a (ApG.3.8.5); HG.1.18.5a.
mīḍhuṣṭamāya tavyase # RV.1.43.1b; TA.10.17.1b; MahānU.13.3b.
mṛttike dehi me puṣṭim # TA.10.1.8a; MahānU.4.7a.
mṛttike hana (MahānU. hara) me pāpam # TA.10.1.8a; MahānU.4.6a.
medhā devī juṣamāṇā na āgāt # TA.10.39.1a; MahānU.16.4a.
medhāṃ devī sarasvatī # RVKh.10.151.2b; TA.10.40.1b; MahānU.16.5b; AG.1.15.2b; PG.2.4.8b; HG.1.6.4b; 8.4b; ApMB.2.12.2b.
medhāṃ ma indro dadātu # TA.10.40.1a; MahānU.16.5a; HG.1.8.4a.
medhāṃ me aśvināv ubhau (RVKhṭA. aśvinau devau) # RVKh.10.151.2c; TA.10.40.1c; MahānU.16.5c; HG.1.8.4c. See under medhāṃ te aśvinau.
ya āviveśa bhuvanāni viśvā # VS.8.36b; KS.40.3c; TB.; TA.10.10.2b; Apś.14.2.13b; 16.35.1c; MahānU.9.4b; NṛpU.2.4b. Cf. under ya ābabhūva.
ya enaṃ vidur amṛtās te bhavanti # TA.10.1.3d; MahānU.1.11d. See under ya etad etc.
yaḥ paraḥ sa maheśvaraḥ # TA.10.10.3d; MahānU.10.8d.
yaṃ vai sūryaṃ svarbhānuḥ # RV.5.40.9a; KB.24.4a; śś.14.36.2.
yac ca ugrāt (!) pratigrahāt # TA.10.1.13b; MahānU.5.2b.
yac ca kiṃcij jagat sarvam (MahānU. jagaty asmin) # TA.10.11.1a; MahānU.11.6a.
yac cāham eno vidvāṃsaś cāvidvāṃsaś cainaś cakṛma tasyāvayajanam asi svāhā # MahānU.18.1. See prec.
yajūṃṣy āpaḥ # TA.10.22.1; MahānU.14.1.
yajñaḥ # TA.10.62.1; 63.1; MahānU.21.2; 23.1.
yajñaṃ pāhi vibhāvaso svāhā # TA.10.5.1; śG.5.1.8; MahānU.7.4.
yajñas tapaḥ # MahānU.8.1. See yajñaṃ tapaḥ.
yata indra bhayāmahe # RV.8.61.13a; AVś.19.15.1a; AVP.3.35.1a; SV.1.274a; 2.671a; JB.3.264a; PB.15.4.3a; TB.; TA.10.1.9a; Aś.7.4.4; śś.6.13.3; 12.5.20; Apś.3.12.1a; 9.12.8; śG.1.4.2; 6.5.6; JG.2.7; MahānU.20.4a; Svidh.2.3.4. P: yataḥ Rvidh.2.33.4.
yata oṣadhībhiḥ puruṣān paśūṃś ca # MahānU.1.4c. See yad etc.
yataḥ prasūtā jagataḥ prasūtī # TA.10.1.1a; MahānU.1.4a.
yat kiṃ ca duritaṃ mayi # RV.1.23.22b; 10.9.8b; VSK.6.5.5b; TA.10.24.1e,25.1e; MahānU.14.3e,4e. See under avadyaṃ ca.
yat kiṃ cid (Mś. var. lect. ca) duritaṃ mayi # Tā.10.64d; MahānU.19.1d; Mś. See under avadyaṃ ca.
yat te rudra dakṣiṇā dhanuḥ # TS.
yat te rudra paścād dhanuḥ # TS.
yat te rudra puro dhanuḥ # TS.; Apś.17.12.3.
yat te rudrottarād dhanuḥ # TS.
yat te rudropari dhanuḥ # TS.
yat tvā sūrya svarbhānuḥ # RV.5.40.5a. Cf. BṛhD.5.28.
yat puṇḍarīkaṃ puramadhyasaṃstham # TA.10.10.3b; MahānU.10.7b.
yat pṛthivyāṃ (MahānU. -vyā) rajaḥ svam # TA.10.1.14a; MahānU.5.8a.
yatra devā amṛtam ānaśānāḥ # AVś.2.1.5c; AVP.2.6.3c; VS.32.10c; TA.10.1.4c; MahānU.2.5c.
yatra viśvaṃ bhavaty ekanīḍam (VSK. -nīlam; AVś. -rūpam) # AVś.2.1.1b; AVP.2.6.1b; VS.32.8b; VSK.35.35b; TA.10.1.3b; MahānU.2.3b.
yat saṃhitaṃ puṣkalaṃ citrabhānu # AVś.13.3.10b; AVP.4.3.1b. See indriyāvat puṣkalaṃ.
yat suṣuptaś ca jāgrataś cainaś cakṛma tasyāvayajanam asi svāhā # Tā.10.59; MahānU.18.1.
yat svapantaś ca jāgrataś cainaś cakṛma tasyāvayajanam asi (TāṃahānU.BDh. add svāhā) # PB.1.6.10; Tā.10.59; BDh.4.3.6; MahānU.18.1.
yathāpūrvam akalpayat # RV.10.190.3b; TA.10.1.14b; MahānU.5.7b.
yad antaḥ samudre kavayo vadanti # MahānU.1.3c. See yam antaḥ.
yad apāṃ krūraṃ yad amedhyaṃ yad aśāntaṃ tad apagachatāt # TA.10.1.13; MahānU.5.1; BDh. See next.
yad ahnā pāpam akārṣam # TA.10.24.1a; MahānU.14.3a. Cf. prec.
yad ucchiṣṭam abhojyam # TA.10.23.1a; MahānU.14.2a; PrāṇāgU.1a; BDh.
yad uṣo yāsi bhānunā # RV.8.9.18a; AVś.20.142.3a.
yad ekam avyaktam anantarūpam # TA.10.1.1c; MahānU.1.5c.
yad ejati jagati yac ca ceṣṭati nāmno (MahānU. nānyo) bhāgo yan nāmne (MahānU. yatnān me) svāhā # Tā.10.67.2; MahānU.19.2.
yad divā ca naktaṃ cainaś cakṛma tasyāvayajanam asi (TāṃahānU.BDh. add svāhā) # PB.1.6.10; Tā.10.59; MahānU.18.1; BDh.4.3.6.
yad bhadraṃ tan na (TBṭA.Apś. ma) ā suva # RV.5.82.5c; VS.30.3c; TB.; TA.10.10.2c; 49.1c; Apś.6.23.1c; 21.12.3d; Kauś.58.1d; MahānU.9.7c; 17.7c.
yad rātriyā (MahānUṭA. var. lect. -tryā) pāpam akārṣam (TA. var. lect. akāriṣam) # TA.10.25.1a; MahānU.14.4a. Cf. prec.
yad vā duścaritaṃ mama # TA.10.23.1b; BDh.; MahānU.14.2b; PrāṇāgU.1b.
yad vidvāṃsaś cāvidvāṃsaś cainaś cakṛma tasyāvayajanam asi (TāṃahānU.BDh. add svāhā) # PB.1.6.10; Tā.10.59; MahānU.18.1; BDh.4.3.6.
yan mayā duṣkṛtaṃ kṛtam # TA.10.1.8b; MahānU.4.6b; BDh.3.6.5d. Cf. yan me kiṃ cana.
yan mayā bhuktam asādhūnām # TA.10.1.12c; MahānU.4.11c; BDh.
yan me manasā vācā # TA.10.1.12a; MahānU.4.12a; 19.1a; BDh. Cf. yan mayā manasā.
yaś chandasām ṛṣabho viśvarūpaḥ # TA.7.4.1a; 10.6.1a; TU.1.4.1a; MahānU.7.5a.
yas tad veda savituḥ (MahānU. sa pituḥ) pitāsat # TA.10.1.4d; MahānU.2.4d. See yas tāni, and cf. yas tā vijānāt.
yas te soma prajāvat so 'bhi so aham # MahānU.17.6. See yās te etc.
yasmāt paraṃ nāparam asti kiṃ cit # TA.10.10.3a; MahānU.10.4a; N.2.3a. Cf. yasmād anyan.
yasmān na jātaḥ paro anyo asti (NṛpU. 'sti) # VS.8.36a; 32.3; TB.; Apś.14.2.13a; MahānU.9.4a; NṛpU.2.4c. P: yasmān na jātaḥ Kś.12.5.20. See under yasmāj jātā.
yasmān nāṇīyo na jyāyo 'sti kaś cit # TA.10.10.3b; MahānU.10.4b; N.2.3b.
yasmin devā adhi viśve niṣeduḥ # RV.1.164.39b; AVś.9.10.18b; TB.; TA.2.11.1b; 10.1.1b; MahānU.1.2b; śvetU.4.8b; NṛpU.4.2b; 5.2b; N.13.10b.
yasminn idaṃ saṃ ca vi caikam # TA.10.1.3c; MahānU.2.3c. See tasminn etc., and cf. next.
yasminn idaṃ saṃ ca vi caiti sarvam # TA.10.1.1a; MahānU.1.2a. Cf. under prec.
yāṃs (TA. Poona ed. yās) te soma prāṇāṃs tāṃ (TA. Poona ed. tān; MahānU. tāñ) juhomi # TA.10.48.1; MahānU.17.6.
bhānunā ruśatā rāmyāsu # RV.6.65.1c.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"hanu" has 1 results
hanuinside of the chin, mentioned as a स्थान or place which is touched by the tongue when a peculiar sound described as something like किट्-किट् is produced; cf क्रिट्किडाकरो हन्वां तिष्ठति R.T.10.
Vedabase Search
168 results
hanu-bheda-bhīṣaṇam causing fear due to the separation of the jawsSB 7.8.19-22
hanu-bheda-bhīṣaṇam causing fear due to the separation of the jawsSB 7.8.19-22
hanu-bheda-bhīṣaṇam causing fear due to the separation of the jawsSB 7.8.19-22
hanu his jawsSB 4.14.44
hanum jawSB 6.12.27-29
hanumān HanumānCC Madhya 15.156
SB 11.16.29
hanumān His Grace HanumānjīSB 5.19.1
hanumān the great devotee HanumānSB 11.12.3-6
hanumān the village deity HanumānCC Madhya 8.300
hanumān-āveśe in the emotion of being HanumānCC Madhya 15.33
hanumān-āveśe in the emotion of being HanumānCC Madhya 15.33
hanumat HanumānSB 9.10.16
hanumat-yutaḥ accompanied by HanumānSB 9.10.32
hanumat-yutaḥ accompanied by HanumānSB 9.10.32
adharā-hanuvat resembling the lower lipsSB 10.12.20
āra dhanu another rainbowCC Antya 15.66
dhanuḥ-śūla-iṣu-carma-asi with bow, trident, arrows, shield and swordSB 10.4.9
dhanuḥ-asī the carrier of the bow and the swordSB 10.6.21
dhanur-bāṇa haste with arrows and bow in handCC Madhya 24.235
dhanuka bhāńga break your bowCC Madhya 24.256
dhanuka bhāńgi' breaking the bowCC Madhya 24.258
dhanuka bhāńgile if I break my bowCC Madhya 24.257
bhrū-dhanu-nartana dancing of the eyebrowsCC Madhya 21.105
bṛhaddhanu BṛhaddhanuSB 9.21.22
dhanuḥ ca and the bowSB 8.20.30
parīkṣiḥ sudhanuḥ jahnuḥ niṣadhaḥ ca Parīkṣi, Sudhanu, Jahnu and NiṣadhaSB 9.22.3
dhanuḥ-śūla-iṣu-carma-asi with bow, trident, arrows, shield and swordSB 10.4.9
bhrū-dhanu-nartana dancing of the eyebrowsCC Madhya 21.105
indra-dhanu like a rainbowCC Madhya 21.109
dhanu just like bowsCC Madhya 21.129
indra-dhanu the bow of Indra (a rainbow)CC Antya 15.66
āra dhanu another rainbowCC Antya 15.66
indra-dhanu the rainbowCC Antya 19.39
dhanu bowBG 1.20
dhanuḥ-dharaḥ the carrier of the bow and arrowBG 18.78
dhanuḥ-vedaḥ knowledge in the art of manipulating bows and arrowsSB 1.7.44
dhanuḥ te the same bowSB 1.15.21
dhanu arrows and bowSB 1.18.24-25
dhanuḥ-koṭyā with the front of the bowSB 1.18.30
dhanuḥ dvāri bow on the doorSB 3.1.16
dhanuḥ-rahasyaḥ one who understands the intricacies of military artSB 3.1.31
dhanu the bowSB 3.1.40
dhanuḥ-vedam military scienceSB 3.12.38
dhanu his bowSB 4.10.16
dhanu his bowSB 4.16.23
dhanuḥ-koṭyā by the power of his bowSB 4.18.29
dhanu bowSB 6.1.34-36
dhanu bowSB 6.4.35-39
sapta-dhanu a distance measured by seven bows (approximately fourteen yards)SB 6.11.11
dhanu bowSB 7.10.65-66
dhanu unto the bowSB 7.10.65-66
dhanu the bowSB 7.15.42
dhanu a bowSB 8.15.6
dhanuḥ ca and the bowSB 8.20.30
dhanuḥ divyam a first-class or transcendental bowSB 9.6.15-16
dhanuḥ-pāṇiḥ taking his bow and arrowsSB 9.7.16
dhanu the bowSB 9.10.6-7
dhanu the bowSB 9.10.42-43
dhanuḥ-dharam carrying a bowSB 9.15.29
dhanuḥ-veda-viśāradaḥ very expert in the art of archerySB 9.21.35
dhanuḥ-śūla-iṣu-carma-asi with bow, trident, arrows, shield and swordSB 10.4.9
dhanuḥ-asī the carrier of the bow and the swordSB 10.6.21
dhanuḥ-śatam the extent of one hundred bow-lengthsSB 10.16.7
dhanu the bow (rainbow)SB 10.20.18
dhanuḥ-yāgaḥ the bow sacrificeSB 10.36.26
dhanuḥ-makha the bow sacrificeSB 10.36.37
dhanu of bow-lengthsSB 10.37.4
dhanu the bowSB 10.42.15
dhanu the bowSB 10.42.16
dhanuḥ-vedam the science of military weaponsSB 10.45.34
dhanu the bowSB 10.46.25
dhanu with bowsSB 10.50.25-28
dhanu his bowSB 10.54.24
dhanu his bowSB 10.54.26
dhanu bowSB 10.54.27
dhanu (Rukmī's) bowSB 10.54.28
dhanu his bowSB 10.58.13-14
dhanu a bowSB 10.58.26
śārńga-dhanu from His bow, named ŚārńgaSB 10.63.10-11
dhanu the bowSB 10.77.3
dhanu the bowSB 10.77.33
dhanu the bowSB 10.83.25-26
dhanu his bowSB 10.86.10
dhanuḥ-dharaḥ holding his bow in his handSB 10.89.26-27
dhanu bowSB 10.89.32
dhanu on the bowSB 10.89.41
dhanu the bowSB 11.16.20
dhanuḥ-matām among those who wield the bowSB 11.16.20
dhanu bowSB 11.27.27
dhanu His bowSB 12.11.14-15
dhanuḥ-tīrthe snāna bathing at the holy place known as Dhanus-tīrthaCC Madhya 9.199
dhanuḥ-tīrtha Dhanus-tīrthaCC Madhya 9.311
dhanu by which the bowCC Madhya 14.194
smara-dhanu the bow of CupidCC Antya 1.171
dhanuḥ-mataḥ of the bowmanCC Antya 1.195
dhanuḥṣu on the bowsSB 9.15.33
dhanuka bhāńga break your bowCC Madhya 24.256
dhanuka bhāńgile if I break my bowCC Madhya 24.257
dhanuka bhāńgi' breaking the bowCC Madhya 24.258
dhanur-guṇa the string of the bowCC Madhya 21.129
dhanur-bāṇa haste with arrows and bow in handCC Madhya 24.235
dhanurbhiḥ with bowsSB 11.30.14
dhanuṣā by that bow alsoSB 1.15.7
dhanuṣaḥ bowSB 2.7.25
dhanuṣaḥ of the bowSB 10.4.32
dhanuṣaḥ of the bowSB 10.42.15
dhanuṣaḥ of the bowSB 10.42.18
dhanuṣaḥ of the bowSB 10.42.26-27
dhanuṣaḥ bow-lengthsSB 10.43.8
dhanuṣi upon his bowSB 4.11.1
dhanuṣi on his bowSB 4.11.3
dhanuṣi on the bowSB 4.17.15
dhanuṣī two bowsSB 5.2.7
dhanuṣi on the bowSB 7.10.57
dhanuṣi on the bowSB 7.10.67
dhanuṣi on the bowSB 9.10.23
sva-dhanuṣi upon his bowSB 12.8.25
dhanuḥ-dharaḥ the carrier of the bow and arrowBG 18.78
dhanuḥ-dharaḥ holding his bow in his handSB 10.89.26-27
dhanuḥ-dharam carrying a bowSB 9.15.29
dhanuḥ divyam a first-class or transcendental bowSB 9.6.15-16
dṛḍhahanu DṛḍhahanuSB 9.21.23
dhanuḥ dvāri bow on the doorSB 3.1.16
uttarā-hanuvat ghanam on the cloud resembling the upper lipsSB 10.12.20
dhanur-guṇa the string of the bowCC Madhya 21.129
uttarām hanum the upper jawSB 6.12.27-29
uttarā-hanuvat ghanam on the cloud resembling the upper lipsSB 10.12.20
adharā-hanuvat resembling the lower lipsSB 10.12.20
dhanur-bāṇa haste with arrows and bow in handCC Madhya 24.235
indra-dhanu like a rainbowCC Madhya 21.109
indra-dhanu the bow of Indra (a rainbow)CC Antya 15.66
indra-dhanu the rainbowCC Antya 19.39
dhanuḥ-śūla-iṣu-carma-asi with bow, trident, arrows, shield and swordSB 10.4.9
parīkṣiḥ sudhanuḥ jahnuḥ niṣadhaḥ ca Parīkṣi, Sudhanu, Jahnu and NiṣadhaSB 9.22.3
dhanuḥ-koṭyā with the front of the bowSB 1.18.30
dhanuḥ-koṭyā by the power of his bowSB 4.18.29
dhanuḥ-makha the bow sacrificeSB 10.36.37
dhanuḥ-mataḥ of the bowmanCC Antya 1.195
dhanuḥ-matām among those who wield the bowSB 11.16.20
bhrū-dhanu-nartana dancing of the eyebrowsCC Madhya 21.105
parīkṣiḥ sudhanuḥ jahnuḥ niṣadhaḥ ca Parīkṣi, Sudhanu, Jahnu and NiṣadhaSB 9.22.3
dhanuḥ-pāṇiḥ taking his bow and arrowsSB 9.7.16
parīkṣiḥ sudhanuḥ jahnuḥ niṣadhaḥ ca Parīkṣi, Sudhanu, Jahnu and NiṣadhaSB 9.22.3
dhanuḥ-rahasyaḥ one who understands the intricacies of military artSB 3.1.31
sapta-dhanu a distance measured by seven bows (approximately fourteen yards)SB 6.11.11
śārńga-dhanu from His bow, named ŚārńgaSB 10.63.10-11
śatadhanu ŚatadhanuSB 2.7.43-45
śatadhanu ŚatadhanuSB 9.24.27
śatadhanu ŚatadhanvāSB 10.57.22
dhanuḥ-śatam the extent of one hundred bow-lengthsSB 10.16.7
smara-dhanu the bow of CupidCC Antya 1.171
dhanuḥ-tīrthe snāna bathing at the holy place known as Dhanus-tīrthaCC Madhya 9.199
parīkṣiḥ sudhanuḥ jahnuḥ niṣadhaḥ ca Parīkṣi, Sudhanu, Jahnu and NiṣadhaSB 9.22.3
sudhanuṣaḥ from SudhanuSB 9.22.3
dhanuḥ-śūla-iṣu-carma-asi with bow, trident, arrows, shield and swordSB 10.4.9
sva-dhanuṣi upon his bowSB 12.8.25
dhanuḥ te the same bowSB 1.15.21
dhanuḥ-tīrtha Dhanus-tīrthaCC Madhya 9.311
dhanuḥ-tīrthe snāna bathing at the holy place known as Dhanus-tīrthaCC Madhya 9.199
uttarā-hanuvat ghanam on the cloud resembling the upper lipsSB 10.12.20
uttarām hanum the upper jawSB 6.12.27-29
dhanuḥ-veda-viśāradaḥ very expert in the art of archerySB 9.21.35
dhanuḥ-vedaḥ knowledge in the art of manipulating bows and arrowsSB 1.7.44
dhanuḥ-vedam military scienceSB 3.12.38
dhanuḥ-vedam the science of military weaponsSB 10.45.34
dhanuḥ-veda-viśāradaḥ very expert in the art of archerySB 9.21.35
dhanuḥ-yāgaḥ the bow sacrificeSB 10.36.26
61 results
hanu noun (masculine feminine) a jaw (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 3555/72933
hanu noun (feminine) a wanton woman (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a weapon (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
death (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
disease (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
prostitute (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
various kinds of drugs (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 31239/72933
hanubheda noun (masculine) name of a particular form of the end of an eclipse (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the gaping or parting asunder of the jaws (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 72303/72933
hanugraha noun (masculine) lock-jaw (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 18679/72933
hanuhaṭṭavilāsinī noun (feminine) Unguis odoratus
Frequency rank 72305/72933
hanu noun (feminine) a jaw (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 41363/72933
hanuman noun (masculine) Hanuman
Frequency rank 31241/72933
hanumant noun (masculine) a particular sort of monkey (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a monkey-chief (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Simia Sinica (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 958/72933
hanumatī noun (feminine) a kind of plant
Frequency rank 72304/72933
hanumokṣa noun (masculine) relaxation of the jaws (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 41364/72933
hanusraṃsa noun (masculine) a kind of disease
Frequency rank 31243/72933
hanustambha noun (masculine)
Frequency rank 31242/72933
ākhaṇḍaladhanus noun (neuter) the rainbow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 46210/72933
indradhanus noun (neuter) Indra's bow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the rainbow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 9332/72933
kumbhahanu noun (masculine) name of a Rākṣasa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 34139/72933
dhanus noun (neuter) (astron.) an are or quadrant for ascertaining the sun's altitude and śenith-distance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
(geom.) an Arc or past of a circle (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a bow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a desert (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a fiddlestick (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a measure of length 4 Hastas or 1/2000 Gavyūti (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
arid land (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Buchanania Latifolia (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Śiva (armed with a bow) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 413/72933
dhanu noun (masculine feminine) a bow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a measure of 4 Hastas or cubits (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Buchanania Latifolia (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Śamīka Semecarpus Anacardium (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 14964/72933
dhanudruma noun (masculine) a bamboo
Frequency rank 55301/72933
dhanurāsana noun (neuter) a particular mode of sitting (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 28522/72933
dhanurgraha noun (masculine) an archer (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
bearing a bow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Dhṛtarāṣṭra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the art of managing a bow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 24297/72933
dhanurdhara noun (masculine) name of a son of Dhṛtarāṣṭra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
[rel.] name of Agni [rel.] name of Śiva
Frequency rank 5382/72933
dhanurbīja noun (masculine) a kind of plant
Frequency rank 55302/72933
dhanurbhṛt noun (masculine) archer (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
bow-man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 15784/72933
dhanuryaṣṭi noun (feminine) a bow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 55303/72933
dhanurlatā noun (feminine) a bow (lit. bow-creeper) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Tinospora cordifolia Miers
Frequency rank 35963/72933
dhanurvakra adjective crooked like a bow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
semicircular (G.J. Meulenbeld (0), 217)
Frequency rank 55304/72933
dhanurvakṣa noun (masculine)
Frequency rank 55305/72933
dhanurvāta noun (masculine) a kind of disease (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 13570/72933
dhanurvṛkṣa noun (masculine) (geom.) an arc (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a measure of 4 cubits (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Isora Corylifolia (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Semecarpus Anacardium (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the bamboo Ficus Religiosa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 55306/72933
dhanurveda noun (masculine) an archery treatise (regarded as an Upaveda connected with the Yajurveda) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a work by Śārṅgadatta (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the science of archery (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 3813/72933
dhanuvṛkṣa noun (masculine) a kind of tree
Frequency rank 55307/72933
dhanuṣa noun (masculine) name of a Ṛṣi; [<- Satyadhṛti <- Puṇyavant] (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 55308/72933
dhanuṣākṣa noun (masculine) name of a man
Frequency rank 24298/72933
dhanuṣka noun (neuter) a small bow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 28523/72933
dhanuṣkambhin adjective [medic.] suffering from dhanuṣkambha
Frequency rank 55309/72933
dhanuṣkambha noun (masculine) a kind of disease (bāhyāyāma)
Frequency rank 55310/72933
dhanuṣkara noun (masculine) a bow-maker (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 55311/72933
dhanuṣkāṇḍa noun (neuter) bow and arrow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 35964/72933
dhanuṣkoṭī noun (feminine) the curved end of bow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 35965/72933
dhanuṣkoṭi noun (feminine) the curved end of bow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 15785/72933
dhanuṣpaṭa noun (masculine) Buchanania Latifolia (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 55312/72933
dhanuṣpāṇi adjective armed with a bow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
bow in hand (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 6790/72933
dhanuṣmant adjective an archer (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
armed with a bow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 5130/72933
dhanuṣya noun (masculine) a bamboo
Frequency rank 55313/72933
dhanuḥstambha noun (masculine) a kind of spasmodic contraction of the body (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 35966/72933
nāgahanu noun (masculine) Unguis Odoratus (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 24351/72933
nirdhanuṣka adjective without a bow
Frequency rank 56225/72933
puṣpadhanus noun (masculine) name of the god of love (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 58289/72933
bṛhaddhanus noun (masculine) name of kings (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 37698/72933
maṇidhanus noun (neuter) a rain-bow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 61181/72933
mahāhanu noun (masculine) name of a being attending on Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Dānava (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Nāga (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Rohiṇī name of Śiva
Frequency rank 29635/72933
vajrahanu noun (masculine) name of a Rākṣasa; servant of Rāvaṇa
Frequency rank 64484/72933
vidhanuṣka adjective without a bow
Frequency rank 22243/72933
śakradhanus noun (neuter) name of a bow
Frequency rank 18509/72933
śatadhanu noun (masculine) name of various men (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 67159/72933
śatadhanus noun (masculine) name of various men (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 67160/72933
śārṅgadhanus noun (masculine) name of Viṣṇu-Kṛṣṇa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 67481/72933
śvetahanu noun (masculine) a kind of snake (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 68434/72933
sudhanus noun (masculine) name of a son of Kuru (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of an ancestor of Gautama Buddha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 31036/72933
suhanu noun (masculine) name of an Asura (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 71381/72933
hiraṇyadhanus noun (masculine) name of a king (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 41449/72933


bow pose; a yogic posture resmebling a bow; lying on abdomen and both hands holding feet benging the spine to the maximum.


tetanus, a serious illness caused by tetanus bacteria.


Go to dhanurvāta.


jaw, chin; hanumokṣaṇa, hanusthambha, hanugraha lock jaw (temporo-mandibular dislocation)


Plant radish, Raphanus sativus.

Wordnet Search
"hanu" has 39 results.


dhanuḥ, dhanurāśiḥ   

meṣādidvādaśarāśyāntargataḥ navamaḥ rāśiḥ sa ca mūlapūrvāṣāḍhāsamudāyottarāṣāḍhaprathamapādena bhavati।

yeṣāṃ rāśiḥ dhanuḥ asti teṣāṃ kṛte eṣaḥ māsaḥ phaladāyī।


dhanuḥ, cāpaḥ, dhanva, śarāsanam, kodaṇḍam, kārmukam, iṣvāsaḥ, sthāvaram, guṇī, śarāvāpaḥ, tṛṇatā, triṇatā, astram, dhanūḥ, tārakam, kāṇḍam   


eṣa vyāghraḥ tasya lubdhakasya dhanuṣaḥ niḥsṛtena bāṇena hataḥ ।


dhanurdhara, śāraṅgadhārin   

yaḥ dhanuḥ dhārayati।

mahābhāratasya yuddhe dhanurdhareṇa arjunena pāṇḍavānāṃ vijayārthe mahattvapūrṇaṃ yogadānaṃ dattam।


dhanurdharaḥ, dhanurbhṛt, dhanurdhārī, dhanvī, dhanuṣamān, dhānuṣkaḥ, niṣaṅgī, astrī, tūṇī   

yaḥ dhanuḥ dharati।

sādhuveśadharau bhramantau dvau dhanurdharau ṛṣiḥ apaśyat।


indradhanuḥ, indracāpaḥ, śakradhanus, indrāyudham, devāyudham, śakraśarāsanam, meghadhanuḥ, suradhanuḥ, maṇidhanuḥ, vāyuphalam, dhanuṣyam, kauśikāyudham, parāmṛtam   

saptavarṇayuktam ardhavṛttaṃ yad varṣākāle ākāśe sūryasya prāṅdiśi dṛśyate।

indradhanuṣā varṣākālasya śobhā vardhate।


vātarogaḥ, vāyurogaḥ, vātāmayaḥ, vātavyādhiḥ, vātaḥ, vāyuḥ, rasavātaḥ, anilāmayaḥ, anilarogaḥ, anilaḥ, dhanurvātaḥ, paṭīraṃ, gṛdhrasī   

rogaviśeṣaḥ- yasmin sandhisthāne pīḍā tathā ca śothaḥ jāyate।

saḥ vātarogena pīḍitaḥ।


kāmadevaḥ, kāmaḥ, madanaḥ, manmathaḥ, māraḥ, pradyumnaḥ, mīnaketanaḥ, kandarpaḥ, darpakaḥ, anaṅgaḥ, pañcaśaraḥ, smaraḥ, śambarāriḥ, manasijaḥ, kusumeṣuḥ, ananyajaḥ, ratināthaḥ, puṣpadhanvā, ratipatiḥ, makaradhvajaḥ, ātmabhūḥ, brahmasūḥ, viśvaketuḥ, kāmadaḥ, kāntaḥ, kāntimān, kāmagaḥ, kāmācāraḥ, kāmī, kāmukaḥ, kāmavarjanaḥ, rāmaḥ, ramaḥ, ramaṇaḥ, ratināthaḥ, ratipriyaḥ, rātrināthaḥ, ramākāntaḥ, ramamāṇaḥ, niśācaraḥ, nandakaḥ, nandanaḥ, nandī, nandayitā, ratisakhaḥ, mahādhanuḥ, bhrāmaṇaḥ, bhramaṇaḥ, bhramamāṇaḥ, bhrāntaḥ, bhrāmakaḥ, bhṛṅgaḥ, bhrāntacāraḥ, bhramāvahaḥ, mohanaḥ, mohakaḥ, mohaḥ, mātaṅgaḥ, bhṛṅganāyakaḥ, gāyanaḥ, gītijaḥ, nartakaḥ, khelakaḥ, unmattonmattakaḥ, vilāsaḥ, lobhavardhanaḥ, sundaraḥ, vilāsakodaṇḍaḥ   

kāmasya devatā।

kāmadevena śivasya krodhāgniḥ dṛṣṭaḥ।


hanumān, pavanaputraḥ, pavanasutaḥ, pavanakumāraḥ, añjanīnandanaḥ, āñjaneya, kapīśaḥ, kesarīnandanaḥ, vātātmajaḥ, mārutiḥ, manumān, yogacaraḥ, anilī, hiḍimbāramaṇaḥ, rāmadūtaḥ, arjūnadhvajaḥ, marutātmajaḥ, vātātmajaḥ, anilātmajaḥ, kapīndraḥ   

pavanasya putraḥ yaḥ balaśālī tathāca amaraḥ asti।

hanumān rāmasya bhaktaḥ asti।


karpuraḥ, karpuram, sitābhraḥ, tārābhraḥ, candraḥ, somaḥ, somasaṃjñam, ghanasāraḥ, himabālukā, śītaḥ, śaśāṅkaḥ, śilā, śītāṃśuḥ, himakaraḥ, śītaprabhaḥ, śāmbhavaḥ, śubhrāṃśuḥ, sphaṭikābhraḥ, kāramihikā, candrārkaḥ, lokatuṣāraḥ, gauraḥ, kumudaḥ, hanuḥ, himāhūyaḥ, candrabhasma, vedhakaḥ, reṇusārakaḥ   


arcanārthe saḥ karpuraṃ jvālayati।


jyā, guṇaḥ, cāpaguṇaḥ, dhanurguṇaḥ, jīvam, gavyā, gavyam, gauḥ, piṅgā, bhāravaḥ, maurvikā, maurvī, śiñjinī, locakaḥ, śarasanajyā, śiñjā, śiñjālatā, sthāvaram, srāvan, jyāyuḥ   

dhanuṣaḥ sūtraṃ yasya sāhāyyena bāṇān kṣipanti।

saḥ jyāṃ badhnāti।



dhanuṣaḥ parivedhanasya kalā।

arjunaḥ dhanurvidyāyāṃ nipuṇaḥ āsīt।



yajurvedasya upavedaḥ yasmin dhanurvidyāyāḥ vivecanam asti।

droṇācāryaḥ paraśurāmādayaḥ ca dhanurvedasya jñātāraḥ āsan।


hanuḥ, cibiḥ, cubukaḥ, śmaśru, jānu, chubukam, joḍa   

avayavaviśeṣaḥ- oṣṭhād adhaḥ kapola-dvayāt paraḥ mukhabhāgaḥ।

tasya hanau vraṇam asti।


jambhyaḥ, hanu   

mukhe ūrdhvam adhaḥ ca vartamānaḥ dantaveṣṭakaḥ।

mallena pratidvandinaḥ jambhye muṣṭikāyāḥ prahāraḥ kṛtaḥ।



rogaviśeṣaḥ- saḥ ghātakaḥ rogaḥ yaḥ vraṇādiṣu jātasya viṣāt jāyate।

dhanurvāte śarīraṃ dhanurākārakaṃ bhavati।




śikṣakaḥ ākarṇadhanurāsanaṃ pāṭhayati।


añjanakeśī, haṭṭavilāsinī, dhamanī, hanuḥ, vyāghranakham, nakham, nakharī   

gandhadravyaviśeṣaḥ yaḥ jalaśukteḥ athavā mahāśaṅkhasya jāteḥ jantoḥ mukhāvaraṇasya pidhānaṃ bhavati।

añjanakeśī kadācit golākārikā vā nakhavat ardhacandrākārikā vā bhavati।



rājasthānarājye vartamānaṃ maṇḍalam।

hanumānagaḍamaṇḍalasya mukhyālayaḥ hanumānagaḍanagare asti।



rājasthānarājye vartamānaṃ nagaram।

hanumānagaḍhanagaraṃ bīkāneranagarāt catuścatvāriṃśatyādhikaikaśatam ardhakrośaḥ prāguttarasyāṃ diśi sthitaḥ asti।



paurāṇikaḥ niṣādaḥ।

ekalavyaḥ hiraṇyadhanoḥ putraḥ āsīt।



rājñaḥ kuroḥ putraḥ।

sudhanoḥ varṇanaṃ purāṇeṣu asti।



dhṛtarāṣṭrasya śateṣu putreṣu ekaḥ।

dhanurdharasya varṇanaṃ purāṇeṣu prāpyate।




dhanuṣākṣasya varṇanaṃ purāṇeṣu prāpyate।



laghu dhanuḥ।

bālakāḥ dhanuṣkena krīḍanti।



dhṛtarāṣṭrasya śateṣu putreṣu ekaḥ।

dhanurgrahasya varṇanaṃ purāṇeṣu prāpyate।



dhanuṣā kriyamāṇaṃ yuddham।

paṇḍitaḥ arjunakarṇayoḥ dhanuryuddhasya kathāṃ śrāvayati।



dhṛtarāṣṭrasya putraḥ।

dhanurgahasya varṇanaṃ purāṇeṣu prāpyate।



indradhanuṣā sambaddhaḥ।

lokanartakaiḥ mañce indradhanuṣīyāḥ varṇāḥ pradarśitāḥ।



samudrasya gabhīratāyāḥ māpanasya parimāṇam।

ekaḥ dhanuḥ ṣaṭ padaṃ yāvat bhavati।


dhanurvidyā, dhanuṣkrīḍā   

krīḍāprakāraḥ yasmin dhanuṣā bāṇaḥ prakṣipya lakṣyaṃ vidhyati।

dhanurvidyāyāṃ tena prathamaḥ kramāṅkaḥ prāptaḥ।



puruṣanāmaviśeṣaḥ ।

śatadhanuḥ iti nāmakānāṃ naikeṣāṃ puruṣāṇāṃ varṇanaṃ bhāgavatapurāṇe asti



puruṣanāmaviśeṣaḥ ।

śatadhanuḥ iti nāmakānāṃ naikeṣāṃ puruṣāṇāṃ varṇanaṃ purāṇeṣu asti



ekaḥ rājā ।

harivaṃśe tathā ca bhāgavata-purāṇe bṛhaddhanuḥ ullikhitaḥ



ekaḥ rājā ।

harivaṃśe tathā ca bhāgavata-purāṇe bṛhaddhanuḥ ullikhitaḥ



ekaṃ kāvyam ।

hanumantabhaṭṭīyasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



ekaṃ nāṭakam ।

hanumannāṭakasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



ekaḥ rājaputraḥ ।

pañcadhanoḥ ullekhaḥ viṣṇupurāṇe asti



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

dhanuguptasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



ekā nadī ।

dhanuṣkhātāyāḥ ullekhaḥ kāśikāvṛttau asti

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