hala | mn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a plough (also as a weapon, and as a land measure) etc.  |
hala | m. Name of an author  |
hala | m. plural Name of a country and people in the north  |
hala | m. water  |
hala | m. spirituous liquor, wine  |
hala | n. a plough  |
hala | n. a particular constellation (reckoned among the ākṛti-yoga-s),  |
hala | n. ugliness, deformity (equals vairāgya-), hindrance, obstruction (= prati-ṣedha-)  |
hala | n. quarrel (equals vivāda-)  |
halabandha | gaRa khaṇḍikādi-  |
halabhṛt | m. equals -dhara- (Name of bala-rāma-)  |
halabhṛti | f. agriculture, husbandry  |
halabhṛti | m. equals -bhūti-  |
halabhūti | m. Name of śaṃkarācārya-  |
haladaṇḍa | m. the shaft or pole of a plough  |
haladhara | m. "plough-holder", Name of bala-rāma- (as carrying a peculiar weapon shaped like a ploughshare)  |
haladhara | m. of various authors etc.  |
haladī | or haladdī- f. turmeric (equals haridrā-)  |
halagolaka | m. a kind of insect )  |
halahala | mfn. ploughing making furrows  |
halahalā | ind. an exclamation of applause or approbation  |
halahalāśabda | m. the exclamation halahalā-, halloo, hallooing, shout  |
halahati | f. striking (the soil) with a plough, ploughing, furrowing  |
halaka | m. Name of a man  |
halakā | f. gaRa prekṣādi-.  |
halakakud | f. the projecting beam of a ploug  |
halakin | mfn. (fr. prec.)  |
halamārga | m. a furrow  |
halamuhūrta | n. Name of a particular hour  |
halamukha | n. a ploughshare  |
halamukhī | f. a kind of metre  |
halanta | mfn. ending in a consonant  |
halanta | m. or n. Name of work  |
halarada | mfn. having teeth shaped like a plough  |
halarākṣa | n. Tabernamontana Coronaria  |
halasīra | m. (prob.) a ploughshare (others,"a furrow")  |
halavāhā | f. "plough", a particular land-measure  |
halavaṃśa | m. equals -daṇḍa-  |
halaya | Nom. P. yaiti-, to plough (equals halaṃ gṛhṇāti-)  |
acyutasthala | n. Name of a place in the Panjab  |
adhiṣavaṇaphalaka | n. dual number Name (also title or epithet) of two boards used in pressing the soma-,  |
adṛṣṭaphala | mfn. having consequences that are not yet visible  |
adṛṣṭaphala | n. a result or consequence which is not yet visible or hidden in the future.  |
aghala | mf(ā-)n. fearful  |
agnisthala | n. the fire-place,  |
ahala | mfn. unploughed, unfurrowed? (see )  |
āhalak | ([ ]) and āh/alam- ([ ]) ind. a smacking sound.  |
aihalaukika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. iha-loka-), of this world, happening in this world, terrestrial etc. gaRa anuśatikādi-  |
ajjhala | m. a burning coal.  |
ākāśabaddhalakṣa | m. (in theatrical language) fixing the gaze on some object out of sight of the audience  |
akaṭuphala | m. a kind of plant.  |
akhkhala | ind. an exclamation of joy on  |
akutūhala | mfn. not taking interest in (locative case),  |
alpaphala | mf(ā-)n. yielding little fruit, of small results or consequences,  |
āmalakīpattraphala | n. the fruit of the Emblic Myrobalan  |
āmekhalam | ind. to the edge (of a mountain)  |
amlapañcaphala | n. a collection of five kinds of sour vegetables and fruits.  |
amlaphala | m. the tamarind tree, Magnifera Indica  |
amlaphala | n. the fruit of this tree  |
āmraphalaprapānaka | n. a cooling drink made of mangoes,  |
amṛtaphala | m. a pear tree  |
amṛtaphala | m. the plant Trichosanthes Dioeca Roxb.  |
amṛtaphala | n. a pear  |
amṛtaphala | n. the fruit of Trichosanthes D. Roxb.,  |
amṛtaphala | n. the plant Emblica Officinalis Gaertn.  |
amṛtāphala | n. (equals amṛtaphala- n. q.v) the fruit of Trichosanthes  |
aṃsaphalaka | n. shoulder-blade  |
ānakasthalaka | mfn. belonging to ānaka-sthalī-.  |
andhamehala | n. the smell of being stained by urine,  |
andhamehala | mfn. having the above smell, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
aniṣṭaphala | n. evil result.  |
anukanakhalam | ind. over kanakhala-,  |
apahala | mfn. having a bad plough  |
āpannārtipraśamanaphala | mf(ā-)n. having as result the relieving of the pains of the afflicted  |
apaskhala | m. slipping ["outside of a threshing-floor" ]  |
apavādasthala | n. case for a special rule or exception  |
aphala | mf(/ā-)n. unfruitful, barren  |
aphala | mf(/ā-)n. vain, unproductive  |
aphala | mf(/ā-)n. deprived of virility  |
aphala | m. Tamarix Indica  |
aphala | m. Flacourtia Cataphracta.  |
āphalaka | m. enclosure, palisade  |
aphalakāṅkṣin | mfn. disinterested, not looking to beneficial consequences.  |
aphalaprepsu | mfn. one who desires no recompense  |
aphalatā | f. barrenness, unprofitableness.  |
aphalatva | n. barrenness, unprofitableness.  |
apuṣpaphala | m. "bearing fruits without flowering","having neither flowers nor fruits", the jack tree, Artocarpus Integrifolia, the glomerous fig tree.  |
apuṣpaphalada | m. "bearing fruits without flowering","having neither flowers nor fruits", the jack tree, Artocarpus Integrifolia, the glomerous fig tree.  |
araṇyahaladī | f. the plant Curcuma Aromatica  |
ardhalakṣmīhari | m. "half lakṣmī- and half hari-", one of the forms of viṣṇu- (see ardha-nārīṇāteśvara-above) .  |
āryahalam | ind. an interjection ("murder!" ), gaRa svar-ādi-  |
askhala | m. "not shaking or slipping", Name of an agni-  |
asphuṭaphala | n. approximate result (as the gross area of a triangle etc.)  |
āśuphala | m. a kind of weapon  |
aulūkhala | mfn. (fr. ulūkhala-), coming from a mortar, ground or pounded in a mortar  |
aulūkhalau | m. dual number mortar and pestle  |
avākphala | mfn. having evil consequences,  |
aviphala | mfn. not fruitless or vain.  |
avisthala | n. "sheep-place", Name of a town (edition Bomb.) and 2595.  |
baddhalakṣa | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals -dṛṣṭi-  |
baddhaphala | m. Pongamia Glabra  |
bahala | mfn. thick, dense, compact, firm, solid  |
bahala | mfn. bushy, shaggy (as a tail)  |
bahala | mfn. wide, extensive  |
bahala | mfn. deep, intense (as a colour)  |
bahala | mfn. harsh (as a tone)  |
bahala | mfn. manifold, copious, abundant (in the beginning of a compound = in a high degree; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' = filled with, chiefly consisting of) . (often varia lectio bahula-)  |
bahala | m. a kind of sugar-cane  |
bahala | m. Anethum Sowa  |
bahalacakṣus | m. Odina Pinisata  |
bahalagandha | n. a species of sandal  |
bahalagandhā | f. large cardamoms  |
bahalatā | f. thickness  |
bahalatvaca | n. the white flowering lodhra-  |
bahalavartman | mn. a particular disease of the eyes, a swollen eyelid  |
bahucchala | mf(ā-)n. deceitful  |
bahucchalatva | n.  |
bahumālyaphala | mfn. rich in garlands and fruits  |
bahuphala | mfn. "many-fruited", fertile  |
bahuphala | m. a particular fruit tree  |
bahuphala | m. Nauclea Cadamba  |
bāhuphala | n. (in geometry) the result from the base sine  |
bāhuphala | n. the sine of an arc of a circle of position contained between the sun and the prime vertical  |
bahuvārakaphala | n. bahuvāraka |
balasthala | m. Name of a son of parijātra- (varia lectio balaḥ sthalaḥ-).  |
balipīṭhalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhāgavatamuktāphala | n. Name of work  |
bhala | ind. certainly, indeed (see bal-, baṭ-,and Marathi bhalla-,"well")  |
bhala | m. (only dative case bhalāya-) a term used in addressing the Sun (see bhalla-).  |
bhalandana | m. Name of a man (father of vatsa-prī- or vatsa-prīti-)  |
bhalandana | m. plural his descendants gaRa yaskādi- (bhanandana-, bhalanda-and dava-prob. wrong reading)  |
bhalatā | f. Paederia Foetida  |
bhalatā | See under 4. bha-, p.742.  |
bhalatra | (?) n.  |
bhāvaphala | n. Name of work  |
bhāveśaphala | n. Name of work  |
bhikṣuhala | m. or n. (?) Name of a particular square-measure  |
bhojanakutūhala | n. Name of work on culinary art,  |
bhraṣṭakakapiṣṭhala | m. plural gaRa tikakitavādi-.  |
bhṛṅgīphala | m. Spondias Mangifera  |
bhujaphala | n. equals bāhu-phala-, the result from the base sine  |
bhūpādiskandhalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhūphala | m. Phaseolus Mungo  |
bhūphala | m. a kind of rat (see -pala-).  |
bījaphalaka | m. Citrus Medica  |
bimbaphala | n. the bimba- fruit  |
binduphala | n. a pearl  |
brahmacaryaskhalana | n. deviating from chastity  |
brahmamekhala | m. Saccharum Munjia (of which the sacred thread of a Brahman is made)  |
brahmasthala | n. Name of a city (see -pura-)  |
brahmasthala | n. of a village  |
bṛhaddhala | (d-ha-) n. (?) a large plough  |
bṛhatphala | mfn. having large fruit bringing great profit or reward  |
bṛhatphala | m. a species of Plant (equals caceṇḍā-)  |
bṛhatphala | m. plural Name of a class of Buddhist gods  |
cakraphala | n. a missile weapon (kind of discus)  |
cakṣurbahala | m. Odina pinnata  |
candrasthalanagara | n. Name of a town  |
caturthaphala | n. the 2nd inequality or equation of a planet  |
cavyaphala | m. idem or 'f. Scindapsus officinalis '  |
chala | n. ( skhal-) (exceptionally m. ; gaRa ardharcādi-) fraud, deceit, sham, guise, pretence, delusion, semblance, fiction, feint, trick, fallacy (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound', exempli gratia, 'for example' upadā-chalena-,"under pretence of gifts of honour" id est with feigned gifts ; rajaś-chalena-,"under the semblance of dust", ;See kanyakā--, dharma--, vāk--) (a-cch-, negative) etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). )  |
chala | n. deceitful disputation, perverting the sense of words  |
chala | n. wickedness  |
chala | for sthala- MBH. xiii. 7257 m. Name of a son of dala-  |
chaladyūta | n. equals chadma-dy-  |
chalaka | mfn. delusive  |
chalakāraka | mfn. practising fraud |
chalakārin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. practising fraud '  |
chalana | n. deceiving, deluding, tricking, outwitting  |
chalana | n. (in dramatic language) contempt (avamānana-),  |
chalanā | f. deceiving, ( )  |
chalanāpara | mfn. deceitful  |
chalapāta | m. gliding out,  |
chalatā | f. deception  |
chalavāc | f. deceitful speech,  |
chaṭāphala | m. the betel-nut tree  |
chidrāphala | n. a thorn-apple  |
churikāphala | n. equals kṣur-  |
cidambarasthala | n. equals -pura-  |
citramekhala |  |
citramekhala | m. equals -piccha-  |
citramekhalaka |  |
citramekhalaka | m. equals -piccha-  |
citraphala | m. the fish Mystus Citala  |
citraphala | m. Cucumis sativus  |
citraphala | f(ā-, ī-). the fish Mystus Karpirat  |
citraphalaka | m. a tablet for painting  |
citraphalaka | m. a painting and (in Prakrit)  |
citraphalaka | m. and (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).)  |
citrasthala | n. Name of a garden  |
cukraphala | n. the tamarind fruit  |
dadhiphala | m. Feronia elephantum (its fruit having the acid taste of d/adhi-)  |
dāḍimaphala | n. the kernel or seed of a pomegranate,  |
ḍāhala | m. plural Name of a people (equals cedi- ; sg. their country )  |
dāhasthala | n. a place where dead bodies are burnt  |
dālimaphala | n. a pomegranate  |
dāṇḍāyanasthalaka | mf(ī-)n. relating to sthalī- (gaRa dhūmādi-).  |
dantaphala | m. Feronia elephantum  |
dantaphala | n. equals -puṣpa-  |
dantaphala | n. Name of a gourd  |
dantolūkhala | n. "tooth-hole", alveole  |
darbhalavaṇa | n. an instrument for cutting grass  |
dāruphala | m. or n. Pistachio (tree and nut)  |
dāruphalaka | n. window-shutter  |
daśahala | mf(ā-)n. consisting of 10 ploughs  |
daśāphala | n. result of condition of life, future fate of a man,  |
daśāphala | n. Name of work  |
daśaphalavrata | n. Name of an observance  |
daśarathalalitāvrata | n. Name of an observance  |
dehalakṣaṇa | n. "body-mark", mole  |
deśāntaraphala | n. the equation for difference of meridian  |
dhalaṇḍa | m. a kind of small thorny tree  |
dhānāphalavratakathā | f. Name of work  |
dhānyakhala | m. threshing-floor  |
dhārāphala | m. Name of a tree with prickly fruits (= madana-)  |
dharmacchala | m. fraudulent transgression of law or duty  |
dharmasthala | n. "place of justice", Name of a town  |
dhātrīphala | n. the fruit of Emblica Officinalis  |
dhvāṅkṣatuṇḍaphala | m.  |
dhyānaphala | n. "fruit of meditation", Name of chapter of  |
digdhaphala | n. the point of a poisoned arrow, .  |
dīkṣāphala | n. "the fruit of initiation", Name of a chapter of the  |
dīptaphala | mf(ā-)n. bearing glorious fruit,  |
dīrghalatādruma | m. Shorea Robusta  |
dīrghaphala | mfn. having long fruit  |
dīrghaphala | m. Name of plants (Cathartocarpus Fistula, Butea Frondosa, Asclepias Gigantea)  |
dīrghaphala | m. a vine with reddish grapes  |
dīrghaphala | m. Odina Pennata  |
dīrghaphala | m. a kind of cucumber =  |
dīrghaphalaka | m. Agati Grandiflora  |
dohala | equals dohada- etc.  |
dohala | according to to Luders from duhalī- = dvihṛd-,"pregnant".  |
dohalavatī | equals dohada- etc.  |
doṣaphala | n. the fruit or consequence of a sin  |
doṣaphala | mfn. sinful, wicked  |
dṛḍhalatā | f. "having strong branches", a kind of plant  |
dṛḍhaphala | m. "having hard fruit", the cocoa-nut tree  |
dṛṣadolūkhala | n. dṛṣada |
dṛṣṭiphala | n. "the results of the aspect of the planets", Name of chapter of  |
dṛṣṭiphalabhāvādhyāya | m. Name of work  |
duḥkhalabdhikā | f. "gained with difficulty", Name of a princess  |
duḥkhalavya | mfn. hard to be cut or pierced (aim)  |
durhala | mfn. having a bad plough  |
dvādaśabhāvaphala | n. Name of work  |
dvādaśarāśiphala | n. Name of work  |
dvāraphalaka | n. equals kapāṭa-  |
dvitīyapragalbhalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
dvitīyapragalbhalakṣaṇaṇānugama | m. Name of work  |
dyūtaphalaka | n. gambling-board  |
elāphala | n. equals elavālu-.  |
gaṇḍaphalaka | n. the cheek fancifully regarded as a flat piece of wood (see -bhitti-)  |
gaṇḍasthala | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-or ī-).) equals -deśa- : etc.  |
gandhabahala | m. a kind of Ocimum  |
gandhalatā | f. "fragrant creeper", the plant priyaṃgu-  |
gandhaphala | m. "having a fragrant fruit", Feronia elephantum  |
gandhaphala | m. Aegle Marmelos  |
gandhaphala | m. the plant tejaḥ-phala-  |
gandhaphala | f. equals -mohinī-  |
garbhalakṣaṇa | n. symptom of pregnancy  |
garbhalakṣaṇa | n. "symptom of the sky's pregnancy (See rbhadivasa-) ", Name of  |
garbhalambhana | n. "facilitation of conception", Name of a ceremony (see ) .  |
garjāphala | m. Asteracantha longifolia.  |
gauhalavya | m. patronymic fr. guhalu- gaRa 2. lohitādi-.  |
gauhalavyāyanī | f. of vya-  |
ghala | n. equals ghola-  |
ghanaphala | m. "thick-fruited", Asteracantha longifolia  |
ghanaphala | n. the solid or cubical contents of a body.  |
ghauṣasthalaka | mfn. coming from ghoṣasthalī- (not in )  |
ghoṇṭāphala | n. the betel-nut  |
ghoṇṭāphala | m. Uraria lagopodioides  |
gocaraphala | n. Name of  |
gokhala | m. Name of a teacher (varia lectio lu-)  |
gokhala | m. (lya-)  |
grahāgamakutūhala | n. Name of work  |
grahaṇaphala | n. Name of two astronomical works.  |
grahārāmakutūhala | n. Name of an astronomical work by bhāskara-.  |
grahavarṣaphala | n. Name of (describing the good and evil fortune belonging to certain days, months, or years ruled over by particular planets) .  |
grāhiphala | m. "having astringent fruits", Feronica elephantum  |
granthimatphala | m. "bulb-fruited", Artocarpus Lacucha  |
granthiphala | m. "knotty-fruited", Feronia elephantum  |
granthiphala | m. Vanguiera spinosa : the plant sākuruṇḍa-  |
gṛhala | m. Name of a man  |
gucchala | m. a kind of grass  |
gucchaphala | m. "bunch-fruited", a kind of karañja- (riṭhā-karañja-)  |
gucchaphala | m. Strychnos potatorum  |
gucchaphala | m. Mimusops hexandra  |
guḍaphala | m. Careya arborea or Salvadora persica  |
guḍaphala | m. (equals gūḍha-ph-) jujube  |
gūḍhaphala | m. "hidden-fruited", for guḍaph-  |
gūthalakta | m. the bird Turdus Salica  |
hāhala | n. the above poison  |
hahala | n. a sort of deadly poison (see halāhala-)  |
halāhala | mn. a kind of deadly poison (produced at the churning of the ocean by gods and demons)  |
halāhala | m. (only ) a kind of lizard  |
halāhala | m. a kind of snake  |
halāhala | m. a jaina- or bauddha- sage.  |
hālahala | ( ) ( ) n. the above poison.  |
hālāhala | m. a panic. poisonous plant (the seed of which is said to resemble a cow's teat)  |
hālāhala | m. a kind of lizard  |
hālāhala | m. a kind of spider  |
hālāhala | n. (rarely m.) , a deadly poison prepared from the roots of the above plant according to to and produced at she churning of the ocean (see halāhala-)  |
hālahala | hālāhala-, hāhala- etc. Sea .  |
hālāhaladhara | m. "having venom", a small black snake  |
hāraphala | n. a necklace of five strings  |
hāraphalaka | n. a necklace of five strings  |
harivāghala | m. Name of a man  |
harmyasthala | n. equals -tala-  |
harṣadohala | m. or n. lustful desire  |
hāyanaphala | n. Name of work  |
hillājagrahaphala | n. Name of work  |
hrasvaphala | m. "having small fruit or kernels", the date tree  |
icchāphala | n. (in mathematics) result or solution of a question or problem.  |
indraphala | n. equals indra-yava- q.v  |
induphala | m. Spondias Mangifera  |
jalaphala | n. the nut of Trapa bispinosa  |
jambhala | m. idem or 'm. equals bhin- '  |
jambhala | m. Name of a spirit  |
jambhala | m. of a man  |
jambhaladatta | m. Name of the author of  |
jantuphala | m. Ficus glomerata  |
jānuprahṛtaphalaka | n. the knee-pan  |
jātakautūhala | mfn. being eagerly desirous  |
jaṭhala | (= 2. jaṭh/ara-,"cavity [of waters], ocean" )  |
jaṭilasthala | n. Name of a locality  |
jātiphala | n. equals -kośa-  |
jātīphala | n. equals ti-ph-  |
jātīphala | n.  |
jayakolāhala | m. equals -ghoṣa-  |
jayakolāhala | m. a kind of dice  |
jayasthala | Name of a village, .  |
jhalajjhalā | f. (onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds)) the sound of falling drops (varia lectio)  |
jhalajjhalā | f. the flapping of an elephant's ears (or of flaccid breasts etc.)  |
jhalakkā | See jvalakā-.  |
jhalarī | f. equals jhallakī- a curl  |
jñānakautūhala | n. desire of knowledge,  |
jyeṣṭhalakṣma | n. the principal mark or sign,  |
jyeṣṭhalakṣmī | f. a chief mark, congenital mark (see ) ("indigence personified as the elder sister of lakṣmī-"Scholiast or Commentator) .  |
jyeṣṭhalalitā | f. a particular vow to be observed in month jyaiṣṭha-  |
kāhala | mfn. speaking unbecomingly  |
kāhala | mfn. speaking indistinctly  |
kāhala | mfn. mischievous  |
kāhala | mfn. large, excessive  |
kāhala | mfn. dry, withered  |
kāhala | m. a large drum  |
kāhala | m. a sound  |
kāhala | m. a cat  |
kāhala | m. a cock  |
kāhala | m. Name of an author  |
kāhala | m. Name of an apsaras-  |
kāhala | m. Name of varuṇa-'s wife  |
kāhala | n. unbecoming speech  |
kāhala | n. a kind of musical instrument  |
kākaphala | m. the tree Azadirachta Indica (nimba-)  |
kalkaphala | m. the pomegranate plant  |
kāmaphala | m. a species of mango tree  |
kanakaphala | n. the seed of Croton Tiglium.  |
kanakhala | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
kanakhala | m. plural Name of mountains  |
kanakhala | kana-deva- See kana-.  |
kāṇḍaphala | m. the plant Ficus glomerata  |
kandarpaśṛṅkhala | m. a kind of coitus,  |
kaṇṭakaphala | m. Artocarpus Integrifolia  |
kaṇṭakaphala | m. Ruellia Longifolia  |
kaṇṭakaphala | m. (the term is applicable to any plant the fruit of which is invested with a hairy or thorny coat ; see kaṇṭaki-phala-.)  |
kaṇṭakiphala | m. equals kaṇṭaka-phala- q.v  |
kaṇṭaphala | m. Name of several plants (Asteracantha Longifolia;bread-fruit tree;Datura Fastuosa;Guilandina Bonduc;Ricinus Communis)  |
kaṇṭāphala | m. Asteracantha Longifolia  |
kaṇṭhalagna | mfn. fastened round the throat  |
kaṇṭhalagna | mfn. clinging to, embracing.  |
kaṇṭhalatā | f. a collar, necklace.  |
kanyakācchala | n. beguiling a maiden, seduction  |
kanyakāchala | n. beguiling a maiden, seduction  |
kaphala | mfn. phlegmatic  |
kāphala | m. equals kaṭphala-  |
kapiṣṭhala | m. Name of a ṛṣi- etc.  |
kapiṣṭhala | m. plural the descendants of the above gaRa upakādi-  |
kapisthala | n. the abode of an ape on  |
kāpiṣṭhala | m. a son or descendant of kapiṣṭhala- commentator or commentary on  |
kāpiṣṭhala | m. plural Name of a people (see)  |
kāpiṣṭhalakaṭha | m. plural Name of a school of the yajur-veda-.  |
kapiṣṭhalasaṃhitā | f. Name of work  |
kapitthaphala | m. a species of Mango tree  |
kapolaphalaka | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).), the cheekbone  |
kapucchala | n. a tuft of hair on the hind part of the head (hanging down like a tail)  |
kapucchala | n. the fore-part of a sacrificial ladle (id est the part with which the fluid is skimmed off)  |
karaṇakutūhala | n. Name of work on practical astronomy by bhāskara-.  |
karaṇḍaphalaka | m. Feronia Elephantum  |
karañjaphalaka | m. Feronia Elephantum  |
karburaphala | m. a particular plant  |
karkaphala | n. Name of a plant  |
karmaphala | n. the fruit or recompense of actions (as pain, pleasure etc., resulting from previous acts or acts in a former life)  |
karmaphala | n. the fruit of Averrhoa Carambola  |
karmaphalahetu | mfn. one who is actuated by the (thought of the) result of his acts,  |
karṇakutūhala | n. Name of work  |
karṇaphala | m. a sort of fish (Ophiocephalus Kurrawey)  |
karṣaphala | m. Terminalia Bellerica  |
kartarīphala | n. the blade of a knife  |
kāṣṭhadhātrīphala | n. the fruit of the plant Emblica officinalis  |
kataphala | n. = the next.  |
kaṭasthala | n. the hip and loins  |
kaṭasthala | n. an elephant's temples.  |
kathācchala | n. the device or artifice or guise of fables  |
kathāchala | n. the device or artifice or guise of fables  |
kaṭhinaphala | m. Feronia Elephantum  |
kāṭhinyaphala | n. the plant Feronia Elephantum (kapittha-)  |
kaṭphala | m. (for kaṭu-phala-,but different in meaning from it), Name of a small tree (found in the north-west of Hindustan, the aromatic bark and seeds of which are used in medicine;the fruit is eaten;the common name is Kayaphal)  |
kaṭphala | See above.  |
kaṭukaphala | n. Name of a plant (equals kakkolaka-) |
kaṭuphala | m. Trichosanthes Dioeca  |
kaṭuphala | n. a species of plant.  |
kauhala | m. patronymic fr. koh-  |
kauśikaphala | m. the cocoa-nut (said to have been created by viśvā-mitra- id est kauśika-, when endeavouring to form a human being in rivalry of brahmā-, the nut being the rudiment of a head )  |
kaustubhalakṣaṇa | m. "whose mark is the kaustubha-" idem or 'm. "wearing the kaustubha-", idem or 'm. "abode of the kaustubha-", viṣṇu- ' '  |
kauṭaphala | n. a fruit of kauṭa-  |
kautūhala | n. (fr. kut-; gaRa yuvādi-), curiosity, interest in anything, vehement desire for (locative case,or accusative with prati-,or infinitive mood) etc.  |
kautūhala | n. anything causing curiosity, any unusual phenomenon  |
kautūhala | n. a festival  |
kautūhalapara | mfn. curious, inquisitive.  |
kautūhalatā | f. curiosity, interest in anything  |
khaḍgaphala | n. equals -dhārā-  |
khala | m. (n. gaRa ardharcādi-) a threshing-floor, granary etc.  |
khala | m. earth, mould, soil  |
khala | m. place, site  |
khala | m. contest, battle  |
khala | m. sediment or dregs of oil  |
khala | m. (equals khaḍa-) butter-milk boiled with acid vegetables and spices  |
khala | m. a mischievous man etc.  |
khala | m. the sun  |
khala | m. Xanthochymus pictorius (tamāla-)  |
khala | m. the thorn-apple  |
khaladhāna | n. a threshing-floor (varia lectio khalādhāna-).  |
khaladhānya | n. a threshing-floor (varia lectio khalādhāna-).  |
khalaja | mfn. produced on a threshing-floor  |
khalakhalāya | (onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds)) A1. yate-, ?  |
khalakula | n. (khal/a--) a low or base family  |
khalakula | m. (equals kulattha-) Dolichos uniflorus  |
khalamālin | mfn. garlanded with threshing-floors  |
khalamūrti | m. quicksilver  |
khalaprīti | f. the friendship or favour of low or wicked persons  |
khalapū | mfn. ( on ) "one who cleans a threshing-floor", a sweeper, cleaner, Mehter or Ferash  |
khalasaṃsarga | m. associating with bad company  |
khalatā | f. "creeper in the air", anything impossible,  |
khalatā | f. wickedness, villainy  |
khalatā | f. filthiness  |
khalati | mfn. (gaRa bhīmādi-; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' or in compound gaRa kaḍārādi-; khal- ) bald-headed, bald etc.  |
khalati | m. baldness on (see kulva-, khalliṭa-,etc.)  |
khalatika | m. the sun  |
khalatika | m. Name of a mountain on Va1rtt. 4  |
khalatika | n. Name of a forest situated near that mountain on Va1rtt. 4.  |
khalatulaparṇī | f. (perhaps) Name of a plant  |
khalatva | n. equals -tā-  |
khalayajña | m. a sacrifice performed on a threshing-floor  |
khasaphalakṣīra | n. poppy-juice, opium  |
kimphala | mfn. giving what kind of fruit?  |
kohala | mfn. speaking indistinctly  |
kohala | m. a sort of spirituous liquor (made of barley)  |
kohala | m. a kind of musical instrument (?)  |
kohala | m. Name of a muni- (inventor or first teacher of the drama)  |
kohala | m. Name of a Prakrit grammarian (varia lectio kohara-)  |
kohala | m. of a writer on music  |
kolāhala | mn. (onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds)) a loud and confused sound, uproar, great and indistinct noise (of men, animals, etc.) etc.  |
kolāhala | mf. (in music) a kind of rāga-  |
kolāhala | m. Name of a prince  |
kolāhala | m. of a personified mountain  |
kośaphala | n. the scrotum  |
kośaphala | n. a nutmeg  |
kośaphala | n. a kind of perfume (a berry containing a waxy and fragrant substance)  |
kośaphala | m. Luffa foetida or a similar plant  |
kośaphala | m. the plant Cucumis utilissimus  |
kośaphala | m. the plant Ipomoea Turpethum  |
kramukaphala | n. the Areca nut  |
kratuphala | n. the reward of a sacrifice, object for which it is performed.  |
kriyāphala | n. result or consequence of acts.  |
kṛmiphala | m. the tree Ficus glomerata  |
kroṣṭuphala | m. Terminalia Catappa  |
kṛṣiphala | n. harvest  |
kṛṣṇakohala | m. a gamester, gambler  |
kṛṣṇakutūhala | n. Name of work  |
kṛṣṇapākaphala | m. idem or 'm. Carissa Carandas (bearing a small fruit which, when ripe, is of a black colour;commonly Karinda or Karonda) '  |
kṛṣṇaphala | m. "having a black fruit", equals -pāka-  |
kṛṣṭaphala | n. the product of a harvest  |
kṛtaphala | mfn. "fruitful", successful  |
kṛtaphala | n. consequence of an act, result  |
kṛtaphala | n. Name of a poisonous substance  |
kṣemakutūhala | n. Name of a medical work by kṣema-śarman-.  |
kṣetraphala | n. (in geometry) the superficial contents of a figure  |
kṣīragucchaphala | m. Mimusops Kauki  |
kṣīraphala | m. Carissa Carandas  |
kṣudrajātīphala | n. a kind of Myrobalan  |
kṣudraphalaka | m. Name of a plant (equals jīvana-,Celtis orientalis)  |
kṣurikāphala | n. the blade (of a dagger)  |
kucaphala | m. "having fruits shaped like the female breast", the pomegranate  |
kucaphala | m. the plant Feronia elephantum  |
kujambhala | m. a thief who breaks into a house (vv.ll. mbhira-and mbhila-; see kumbhila-).  |
kulāhala | m. Name of a plant (equals alambuṣa-, gocchāla-, bhū-kadamba-,commonly Kokasima, Coryza terebinthina or Celsia coromandelina [see kulāhaka-],a plant which dogs are fond of smelling before they expel urine)  |
kumbhalagna | n. that time of day in which Aquarius rises above the horizon.  |
kuśasthala | n. Name of the town kānyakubja-  |
kuṣṭhala | n.  |
kusthalapura | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a town,  |
kusumaphala | m. the plant Croton Tamalgota  |
kutūhala | n. (fr. kutas-and hala-,"calling out"?) , curiosity, interest in any extra-ordinary matter etc.  |
kutūhala | n. inclination, desire for (prati- locative case or in compound) etc.  |
kutūhala | n. eagerness, impetuosity  |
kutūhala | n. what excites curiosity, anything interesting, fun  |
kutūhala | mfn. surprising, wonderful  |
kutūhala | mfn. excellent, celebrated (see kautūhala-.)  |
kutūhalakṛt | mfn. exciting curiosity  |
kutūhalaśālā | f. a room for recreation,  |
kutūhalavat | mfn. curious, taking interest in anything  |
labdhalakṣa | mfn. one who has hit the mark, one who has obtained the prize, proved, tried, tested in (locative case)  |
labdhalakṣa | mfn. skilled in the use of missiles  |
labdhalakṣa | m. Name of a man  |
labdhalakṣaṇa | mfn. one who his gained an opportunity for (doing anything)  |
labdhalakṣya | mfn. equals -lakṣa- above  |
lāhala | m. equals śabara-viśeṣa-  |
lahalahāya | yate- onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds) , to breathe, snort  |
lakṣmīphala | m. Aegle Marmelos  |
lalāṭaphalaka | n. the flat surface of the forehead  |
latāphala | n. the fruit of Trichosanthes Dioeca  |
lavalīphalapāṇḍura | mfn. pale as the fruit of the Lavail tree  |
liṅgapūjāphala | n. Name of work  |
lipiphalaka | n. a writing-tablet, leaf for writing on  |
lohala | mfn. iron, made of iron  |
lohala | mfn. lisping, speaking inarticulately  |
lohala | m. the principal ring of a chain (equals sṛṅkhalādhārya-or lācārya- )  |
lohamekhala | mfn. wearing a metal girdle  |
lohaśṛṅkhala | m. an iron chain for elephants  |
lokasthala | n. an incident of ordinary life, common or ordinary occurrence  |
lomaphala | n. the fruit of Dillenia Indica  |
madakohala | m. a bull set at liberty (at a festival and allowed to range about at will)  |
madanaphala | n. the fruit of Vanguiera Spinosa  |
madanecchāphala | n. a species of mango  |
madasthala | n. "place of intoxication", a drinking-house, tavern  |
madhujambhala | m. a kind of sweet citron  |
madhuphala | m. a kind of cocoa-nut tree  |
madhuphala | m. Flacourtia Sapida  |
madhurāmlaphala | m. a species of fruit-tree  |
madhuraphala | m. a species of jujube  |
mādhvīkaphala | m. a species of cocoa-nut tree  |
madhyasthala | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ī-).) a middle place or region, (especially) the middle of the body, the waist or hip  |
mādrukasthalaka | mfn. (fr. madruka-sthalī-) gaRa dhūmādi-.  |
māhakasthalaka | mfn. (fr. prec.)  |
mahāphala | n. a great fruit  |
mahāphala | n. a testicle  |
mahāphala | n. great reward  |
mahāphala | mf(ā-)n. having great fruits, bearing much fruit  |
mahāphala | mf(ā-)n. bringing a rich reward  |
mahāphala | m. Aegle Marmelos  |
mahāphala | m. the big jujube  |
mahāphala | m. a species of jambū-  |
mahāphala | m. a citron tree  |
mahāphala | m. a kind of spear.  |
mahārājaphala | m. a kind of mango  |
māhiṣasthalaka | mfn. māhiṣasthalī |
mākṣikaphala | m. a species of cocoa-nut  |
mālāphala | n. the seed of Elaeocarpus Ganitrus (employed for rosaries)  |
mālatīphala | n. a nutmeg  |
māṃsaphala | m. Cucurbita Citrullus  |
māṇahala | m. plural Name of a people  |
mānasthalaka | mfn. (fr. māna-sthalī-) gaRa dhūmādi-.  |
mandaphala | n. (in astronomy) equation of the apsis or (according to some) the anomalous motion of a planet  |
mandaphala | mfn. bearing little fruit or having unimportant results  |
maṇimekhala | mfn. girdled with gems, surrounded by jewel  |
maṇitthavarṣaphala | n. Name of work  |
mantraphala | n. fruit of counsel or advice  |
marmasthala | n. a vital part, vulnerable place  |
marusthala | n.  |
marutphala | n. "fruit of the wind", hail  |
māsādibhāvaphala | n. Name of work  |
māsaphala | mf(ā-)n. having results in, a month  |
māṣasthalaka | mfn.  |
māseśvaraphala | n. Name of work  |
mātuluṅgaphala | n. the fruit of the citron tree, a citron  |
māyāphala | n. a gall-nut  |
māyiphala | n. a gall-nut  |
mayūrasthalamāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
meghalatā | f. Name of work  |
mehala | m. the smell of urine  |
mehala | mfn. having the smell of urine  |
mekhala | mn. a girdle, belt  |
mekhala | m. plural Name of a people (prob. wrong reading for mekala-)  |
mekhalakanyakā | f. wrong reading for mekala-k-  |
mīmāṃsākutūhalavṛtti | f. Name of work  |
mithyāphala | n. an imaginary or vain advantage |
mṛdaṃgaphala | m. the bread fruit-tree  |
mṛdaṃgaphala | n. Luffa Acutangula  |
mṛduphala | m. Flacourtia Sapida  |
mṛduphala | m. Asteracantha Longifolia  |
mṛduphala | m. a species of cocoa-nut tree  |
mṛtyuphala | m. a species of cucumber  |
mṛtyuphala | n. a sort of fruit considered as poisonous  |
mudgaraphala | m. Averrhoa Carambola  |
mudiraphala | m. Asteracantha Longifolia  |
mugdhagaṇḍaphalaka | mfn. (a face compared to a young lotus) whose pericarps are lovely cheeks  |
muktāphala | n. a pearls etc.  |
muktāphala | n. a species of flower  |
muktāphala | n. the fruit of the lavali- plant  |
muktāphala | n. camphor  |
muktāphala | n. Name of work  |
muktāphala | m. Name of a king of the śabara-s  |
muktāphaladhvaja | m. Name of a king  |
muktāphalajala | n. equals muktā-j- (q.v)  |
muktāphalaketu | m. Name of a king of the vidyā-dhara-s,  |
muktāphalalatā | f. a string of pearls  |
muktāphalamaya | mfn. formed of pearls  |
muktāphalaparīkṣā | f. Name of chapter of work  |
muktāphalatā | f. the being a pearl state of a pearls,  |
mūlaphala | n. sg. roots and fruits,  |
mūlaphala | n. the interest of capital  |
mūlaphalada | m. the jaka- or bread fruit tree  |
mūlasthala | n. Name of a place  |
muṇḍaphala | m. a cocoa-nut tree (the fruit being one step towards a human head made by viśvāmitra-, when attempting a creation in opposition to that, of brahmā-)  |
munisthala | gaRa kumudādi-.  |
munthāphalavicāra | m. Name of work  |
murajaphala | m. Attocarpus Integrifolia  |
musalolukhala | n. sg. a pestle and mortar  |
mūṣikasthala | n. (prob.) a mole-hill  |
nabhaḥsthala | mfn. "sky-residing"(said of śiva-)  |
nabhaḥsthala | n. ( ) and f(ī-). ( ) the celestial vault, firmament.  |
nadītarasthala | n. landing-place, ferry  |
nāgaphala | m. Trichosanthes Dioeca  |
nāgasthala | n. Name of a village near mathurā-  |
nāhala | m. a man of a barbarous or outcast tribe  |
nāhala | m. plural Name of a non-Aryan people (equals mleccha-)  |
nakṣatrajātakādibhāvaphala | n. Name of work  |
nakṣatraphala | n. Name of work  |
nānāphalamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of various fruits  |
nānāyudhalakṣaṇa | (nāy-) n. Name of work  |
nātaṅkovilsthalamāhātmya | n. Name of chapter of  |
navagrahaphala | n. Name of work  |
netropamaphala | m. the almond tree  |
nīliṇīphala | n. nīliṇī |
nimbūkaphalapānaka | n. lemonade  |
nirodhalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
nirodhalakṣaṇavivaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
nirūḍhalakṣaṇā | f. (in rhetoric) the secondary use of a word which is based not on the particular intention of the speaker but on its accepted and popular usage.  |
niṣkutūhala | mfn. having no curiosity, incurious  |
niṣphala | mf(ā-)n. bearing no fruit, fruitless, barren, resultless, successless, useless, vain etc.  |
niṣphala | mf(ā-)n. seedless, impotent  |
niṣphala | n. varia lectio for niṣ-kulī-- kṛ-  |
niṣphalatva | n. unfruitfulness, uselessness  |
niṣphalaya | Nom. P. yati-, to render fruitless  |
nitambasthala | n. ( )  |
nyāyakutūhala | n. Name of work  |
nyāyārthalaghusubodhinī | f. Name of work  |
ohala | m. Name of a man.  |
pākakṛṣṇaphala | m. idem or 'm. "black when ripe", Carissa Carandas'  |
pākaphala | m. Carissa Carandas (see kṛṣṇa-ph-).  |
pallīpatanaphala | n. Name of work  |
pallīśaraṭayoḥphalāphalavicāra | m. Name of work  |
pañcāṅgaphala | n. Name of work  |
pañcarājīphala | m. Trichosanthes Dioeca  |
pāṇḍuphala | m. "having yellow fruit", Trichosanthes Dioeca  |
pāṇḍuraṅgaviṭṭhalastotra | n. Name of work  |
pānīyaphala | n. "water-fruit", the seed of Euryala Ferox  |
paṇyaphalatva | n. prosperity or profit in trade  |
pāpaphala | mfn. having evil consequences, inauspicious  |
pariṣṭhala | n. ( ) surrounding place or site  |
paryulūkhalam | ind. gaRa -parimukhādi-.  |
peralasthalamāhātmya | n. Name of chapter of  |
phala | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-or ī-).) fruit (especially of trees) etc.  |
phala | n. the kernel or seed of a fruit,  |
phala | n. a nutmeg  |
phala | n. the 3 myrobalans (equals tri-phalā- q.v)  |
phala | n. the menstrual discharge (see puṣpa-)  |
phala | n. fruit (met.), consequence, effect, result, retribution (good or bad), gain or loss, reward or punishment, advantage or disadvantage etc.  |
phala | n. benefit, enjoyment  |
phala | n. compensation |
phala | n. (in rhetoric) the issue or end of an action  |
phala | n. (in mathematics) the result of a calculation, product or quotient etc.  |
phala | n. corrective equation  |
phala | n. area or superficial contents of a figure  |
phala | n. interest on capital  |
phala | n. the third term in a rule of three sum  |
phala | n. a gift, donation ; a gaming board ([ confer, compare Gothic spilda; Icelandic spjald])  |
phala | n. a blade (of a sword or knife)  |
phala | n. the point of an arrow  |
phala | n. a shield  |
phala | n. a ploughshare (equals phāla-)  |
phala | n. a point or spot on a die  |
phala | m. Wrightia Antidysenterica  |
phala | f. wrong reading for tula-  |
phalabandhin | mfn. forming or developing fruit  |
phalabhāga | m. a share in any product, share of advantage or profit  |
phalabhāga | m. Name of work  |
phalabhāgin | mfn. sharing in profit or advantage, partaking of a reward  |
phalabhāj | mfn. receiving fruit, sharing in a reward  |
phalabhakṣa | mfn. feeding on fruit  |
phalabhakṣatā | f.  |
phalabhoga | m. enjoyment of consequences  |
phalabhoga | m. possession of rent or profit, usufruct  |
phalabhogin | mfn. enjoying fruits or consequences, receiving profits  |
phalabhogya | mfn. that of which one has the usufruct (a pledge)  |
phalabhṛt | mfn. fruit-bearing, fruitful  |
phalabhuj | mfn. enjoying fruit  |
phalabhuj | m. a monkey  |
phalabhūmi | f. "retribution-land", place of reward or punishment (id est heaven or hell)  |
phalabhūti | m. Name of a Brahman  |
phalabhūyastva | n. a greater reward  |
phalacamasa | m. a cup containing pounded figs (with young leaves and sour milk instead of soma-)  |
phalacamasa | m. (others"ground bark of the Indian fig-tree with sour milk") .  |
phalacandrikā | f. Name of several works.  |
phalacāraka | m. "fruit-distribution", a particular official in Buddhist monasteries  |
phalacchadana | n. a house built of wooden boards  |
phalacoraka | m. a kind of perfume  |
phalada | mf(ā-)n. "fruit-giving", yielding or bearing fruit  |
phalada | mf(ā-)n. bringing profit or gain, giving a reward, rewarding, giving anything (genitive case or compound) as a reward etc.  |
phalada | mf(ā-)n. a fruit tree, tree  |
phaladantavat | mfn. having fruit-teeth or fruit for teeth  |
phaladātṛ | mfn. "fruit-giving", yielding fruit, giving a result  |
phaladāyin | mfn. "fruit-giving", yielding fruit, giving a result  |
phaladharman | mfn. "having the nature of fruit", ripening soon and then falling to the ground or perishing  |
phaladīpikā | f. Name of work  |
phalaghṛta | n. "fruit-ghee", a particular aphrodisiac  |
phalaghṛta | n. a medicament used in diseases of the uterus  |
phalagraha | mfn. "receiving fruits", deriving profit or advantage  |
phalagraha | m. the act of doing so  |
phalagrahi | ( ) mfn. fruit-bearing, fruitful.  |
phalagrāhin | m. a fruit tree  |
phalagrahiṣṇu | ( ) mfn. fruit-bearing, fruitful.  |
phalagrantha | m. a work describing the effects (of celestial phenomena on the destiny of men)  |
phalagrantha | m. Name of works.  |
phalahaka | m. a plank, board (equals phalaka-) (others"Name of a place") .  |
phalahāni | f. loss of fruit or profit  |
phalahārī | f. Name of kālī- (a form of durgā-)  |
phalahārin | mfn. fruit-seizing, stealing fruit  |
phalahetu | mfn. one who has results for a motive, acting with a view to roots  |
phalahī | f. the cotton tree, cotton plant  |
phalahīna | mfn. "yielding no fruits"and"giving no wages"  |
phalaka | (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (ikā-)f.) equals phala-, fruit, result, gain ( phalakatva -tva- n.) on  |
phalaka | menstruation (see nava-phalikā-)  |
phalaka | (ph/alaka-) n. (m. gaRa ardharcādi-; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a board, lath, plank, leaf. bench  |
phalaka | n. a slab or tablet (for writing or painting on;also = page, leaf)  |
phalaka | n. a picture (equals citra-ph-).  |
phalaka | n. a gaming-board (see śāri-ph-)  |
phalaka | n. a wooden bench  |
phalaka | n. a slab at the base (of a pedestal; see sphaṭika-ph-)  |
phalaka | n. any flat surface (often in compound with parts of the body, applied to broad flat bones see aṃsa--, phaṇā--, lalāṭa-ph-etc.)  |
phalaka | n. the palm of the hand  |
phalaka | n. the buttocks  |
phalaka | n. the top or head of an arrow on  |
phalaka | n. a shield  |
phalaka | n. bark (as a material for clothes)  |
phalaka | n. the pericarp of a lotus  |
phalaka | n. equals -yantra-  |
phalaka | n. a layer  |
phalaka | n. the stand on which a monk keeps his turban  |
phalaka | m. Mesua Roxburghii  |
phalaka | f. (ā-or ikā-) See below.  |
phalakā | f. varia lectio for halakā- gaRa prekṣādi-.  |
phalakākhyayantra | n. equals ka-yantra-  |
phalakakṣa | m. Name of a yakṣa-  |
phalakāla | m. the time of fruits  |
phalakalpalatā | f. Name of work  |
phalakāma | m. desire of reward  |
phalakāmanā | f. desire of a result or consequence  |
phalakāṅkṣin | mfn. desirous of reward  |
phalakaṇṭakā | f. Asclepias Echinata  |
phalakapāṇi | m. a soldier armed with a shield  |
phalakaparidhāna | n. putting on a bark garment  |
phalakapura | n. Name of a town in the east of India (see phala-pura-).  |
phalakāsādana | n. the obtaining or reaching a plank (said of a drowning person)  |
phalakasaktha | n. a thigh like a board |
phalakatva | n. phalaka |
phalakāvana | n. Name of a forest sacred to sarasvatī- (kī-vana- )  |
phalakayantra | n. an astronomical instrument invented by bhās-kara-  |
phalakesara | m. "having hairy fruit", the cocoa-nut tree (the fruit of which is covered with a fibrous coat resembling hair)  |
phalakhaṇḍana | n. fruit destruction, frustration of results  |
phalakhaṇḍava | m. the pomegranate tree  |
phalakhelā | f. a quail (equals phāla-kh-)  |
phalakin | mfn. having a board or a shield  |
phalakin | mfn. varia lectio for halakin- gaRa prekṣādi-  |
phalakin | m. a wooden bench (varia lectio phalaka-)  |
phalakin | m. a kind of fish  |
phalakin | (prob. n.) sandal-wood  |
phalakinī | f. a plank  |
phalakośa | ( ) (L.) m. sg. and dual number "seed receptacle", the scrotum.  |
phalakośaka | (L.) m. sg. and dual number "seed receptacle", the scrotum.  |
phalakriyā | f. acting with an object in view,  |
phalakṛṣṇa | m. Carissa Carandas  |
phalakṛṣṇapāka | m. idem or 'm. Carissa Carandas '  |
phalamatsyā | f. the aloe plant  |
phalamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of fruits  |
phalaṃdadā | f. Name of a female gandharva-  |
phalamudgarikā | f. a kind of date tree  |
phalamukhyā | f. a species of plant (equals aja-modā-)  |
phalamūla | n. sg. or dual number or plural fruits and roots  |
phalamūlamaya | mf(ī-)n. formed of fruit and roots  |
phalamūlavat | mfn. supplied with fruit and roots  |
phalamūlin | mfn. having (edible) fruit and roots  |
phalana | n. bearing fruit or producing consequences  |
phalanirvṛtti | f. equals -niṣpatti-  |
phalanirvṛtti | f. final consequence or result  |
phalaniṣpatti | f. production of fruit, fulfilment of consequences, attainment of reward  |
phalanivṛtti | f. cessation of consequences  |
phalapādapa | m. a fruit tree  |
phalapāka | m. the ripening of fruit (See below)  |
phalapāka | m. the fulfilment of consequences  |
phalapāka | m. Carissa Carandas (see pāka-phala-and kṛṣṇa-p-ph-)  |
phalapākaniṣṭhā | f. a plant ending or perishing with the ripening of fruit, an annual plant. ( )  |
phalapākāntā | f. a plant ending or perishing with the ripening of fruit, an annual plant. ( )  |
phalapākāvasānā | f. a plant ending or perishing with the ripening of fruit, an annual plant. ( )  |
phalapākāvasānikā | f. a plant ending or perishing with the ripening of fruit, an annual plant. ( )  |
phalapākin | m. Thespesia Populneoides  |
phalapañcāmla | n. a collection of 5 kinds of acid vegetables and fruits (see phalāmla-pañcaka-).  |
phalapariṇāma | m. idem or 'f. the ripeness of fruit '  |
phalapariṇati | f. the ripeness of fruit  |
phalaparivṛtti | f. a fruitful harvest  |
phalapātana | n. knocking down or gathering fruit  |
phalapracayana | n. gathering fruits |
phalaprada | mfn. bringing profit or a reward  |
phalapradāna | n. the giving of fruit (a marriage-ceremony)  |
phalapradīpa | m. Name of work  |
phalaprajanana | n. the production of fruit  |
phalaprakarṣa | mfn. prakarṣa |
phalaprāpti | f. obtaining (the desired) fruit or result, success  |
phalaprasūti | f. a growth of fruit, crop of  |
phalapravṛtti | f. idem or 'mfn. connected with or producing consequences, yielding fruit ',  |
phalaprayukta | mfn. connected with or producing consequences, yielding fruit  |
phalaprepsu | mfn. wishing to obtain fruit, desirous of attaining results  |
phalapriyā | f. Aglaia Odorata  |
phalapriyā | f. a species of crow  |
phalapuccha | m. a particular species of esculent root or bulb  |
phalapura | n. Name of a city (equals phalaka-p-)  |
phalapūra | m. "full of kernels", the citron tree  |
phalapūraka | m. idem or 'm. "full of kernels", the citron tree '  |
phalapūraka | n. (prob.) the citron  |
phalapuṣpa | (in the beginning of a compound) fruits and flowers  |
phalapuṣpā | f. a species of date tree  |
phalapuṣpā | f. Ipomoea Turpethum  |
phalapuṣpavat | mfn. adorned with fruits and flowers  |
phalapuṣpavṛddhi | f. increase or growth of fruits and flowers  |
phalapuṣpī | f. Ipomoea Turpethum  |
phalapuṣpita | mfn. covered with fruits and flowers  |
phalapuṣpopaśobhita | mfn. adorned with fruits and flowers  |
phalarājan | m. "king of fruits", a water-melon  |
phalarāśi | m. the 3rd term in rule of three  |
phalasa | mfn. (fr. phala-) gaRa tṛṇādi-  |
phalasa | m. the bread-fruit or jaka- tree (equals panasa-)  |
phalaśāḍava | See -ṣāḍava-.  |
phalaṣāḍava | m. the pomegranate tree (written śāḍ-).  |
phalasādhana | n. effecting any result on  |
phalasādhana | n. a means of effecting any result  |
phalasahasra | n. a thousand fruits  |
phalasahasra | n. dual number two thousand fruit  |
phalaśaiśira | m. Zizyphus Jujuba  |
phalaśālin | mfn. yielding wages  |
phalaśālin | mfn. experiencing consequences, sharing in results ( phalaśālitva li-tva- n.)  |
phalaśālitva | n. phalaśālin |
phalasambaddha | m. "fruit-endowed", the tree Ficus Glomerata  |
phalasambhārā | f. "having abundance of fruit", the tree Ficus Oppositifolia  |
phalasambhava | mfn. produced in or by fruit  |
phalasambhū | mfn. produced in or by fruit  |
phalasāṃkaryakhaṇḍana | n. Name of work  |
phalasampad | f. abundance of fruit, good result, success, prosperity  |
phalasaṃstha | mfn. bearing fruit  |
phalasaṃyoga | m. the being connected with a reward  |
phalasaṃyukta | mfn. connected with a reward  |
phalasatīṇa | m. or n. (?) Name of country (Palestine?)  |
phalasiddhi | f. realising an object, success, a prosperous issue on  |
phalasneha | m. "having oil in its fruit", a walnut tree  |
phalaśreṣṭha | m. "best of fruits", the mango tree  |
phalastanavatī | f. (a female) having fruits for breasts  |
phalastha | mfn. useful (confer, compare - saṃstha-), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
phalasthāna | n. the stage in which fruits or results are enjoyed  |
phalatā | f. the being fruit, the state of fruit  |
phalatantra | mfn. aiming only at one's own advantage commentator or commentary  |
phalatas | ind. in relation to the reward or result  |
phalatas | ind. consequently, accordingly, virtually  |
phalatraya | n. "fruit-triad", the 3 myrobalans ; 3 sorts of fruit collectively (the fruit of the vine, of Grewia Asiatica or Xylacarpus Granatum and Gmelina Arborea)  |
phalatrika | n. "fruit-triad", the 3 myrobalans  |
phalatva | n. equals -tā-  |
phalavākya | n. promise of reward commentator or commentary  |
phalavallī | f. a series of quotients commentator or commentary  |
phalavandhya | mfn. barren or destitute of fruits, not bearing fruit (see phalāv-).  |
phalavarti | f. (in med.) a suppository  |
phalavartula | m. Gardenia Latifolia  |
phalavartula | n. a water-melon  |
phalavat | mfn. (ph/ala--) fruit-bearing, fructiferous, covered or laden with fruits etc.  |
phalavat | mfn. yielding results, successful, profitable, advantageous ( phalavattā -tā- f. ; phalavattva -tva- n. , ; )  |
phalavat | mfn. having profit or advantage  |
phalavat | mfn. (in dramatic language) containing the result or end of a plot  |
phalavatī | f. (atī-) a twig of a particular thorn tree  |
phalavatī | f. (others"the plant priyaṅgu-"; see phalinī-)  |
phalavatī | f. Name of work  |
phalavattā | f. phalavat |
phalavattva | n. phalavat |
phalavikrayiṇī | f. a female fruit-seller  |
phalavṛkṣa | m. a fruit tree  |
phalavṛkṣaka | m. the bread-fruit tree  |
phalaya | m. Name of a mountain  |
phalayoga | m. the attainment of an object  |
phalayoga | m. remuneration, reward  |
phalayogāt | ind. because the reward falls to (his) share  |
phalayukta | mfn. connected with a reward  |
phallaphala | m. the wind raised in winnowing grain (= phulla-phāla-)  |
phaṇāphalaka | n. the flat surface of a surface's hood  |
picchala | mfn. slimy, slippery, smeary (varia lectio picchila-)  |
picchala | m. Name of a nāga- of the race of vāsuki-  |
picchala | m. of a river (varia lectio pitchilā-).  |
picchaladalā | f. Zizyphus Jujuba  |
picchalatikā | f. a tail-feather  |
piṇḍaphala | mfn. bearing (long) round fruits  |
pītaphala | m. "having yellow fruits", Trophis Aspera (also laka-)  |
pītaphala | m. Averrhoa Carambola  |
pīṭhalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
ponnūrusthalamāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
pracuracchala | mfn. hidden in manifold disguises  |
pragalbhalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
pragalbhalakṣaṇaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
prakhala | m. a great scoundrel or villain  |
prākphala | m. the bread-fruit tree (equals panasa-)  |
prāṇapradaphala | n. prāṇaprada |
praṇatabahuphala | mfn. one to whom various fruits or good things are offered  |
praskhaladgati | mfn. with a tottering step  |
praskhalana | n. the act of stumbling, reeling. falling  |
praskhalat | mfn. reeling, tottering  |
pratīcīnaphala | (pratīc/īna--) mfn. having fruit turned or bending backwards  |
pratiphala | m. ( ) reflection, image, shadow  |
pratiphalana | n. ( ) reflection, image, shadow  |
pratiphalana | n. ( ) return, requital, retaliation.  |
pratyakṣaphala | mfn. having visible consequences ( pratyakṣaphalatva -tva- n.)  |
pratyakṣaphala | n. a visible consequence  |
pratyakṣaphalatva | n. pratyakṣaphala |
pravālaphala | n. red sandal-wood  |
prāyaścittakautūhala | n. Name of work |
preṅkhaphalaka | n. preṅkha |
protphala | (pra-ut-ph-) m. a species of tree resembling the fan-palm  |
pṛṣṭhalagna | mfn. hanging about a person's (genitive case) back, following  |
pṛṣṭhaphala | n. (in algebra) the superficial contents of a figure  |
pucchala | See kap/ucchala-.  |
pucchalakṣaṇa | n. Name of a nyāya- work  |
pucchalakṣaṇadīdhitiṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
pucchalakṣaṇakroḍa | m. Name of work  |
pucchalakṣaṇānugama | m. Name of work  |
pucchalakṣaṇaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
pucchalakṣaṇaṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
pucchalakṣaṇavivecana | n. Name of work  |
pūgaphala | n. "fruit of the Areca tree", commonly called"betel-nut"  |
pūgīphala | n. the Areca-nut  |
puṇḍarīkaviṭhala | m. Name of an author who lived under Akbar  |
puṇyaphala | n. the fruit or reward of good works  |
puṇyaphala | mfn. having or receiving good fruit  |
puṇyaphala | m. Name of the garden of lakṣmi-  |
puraḥphala | mfn. having fruit well advanced, promising fruit  |
purākṛtaphala | n. the result of it  |
puruṣakāraphala | n. the fruit or result of human effort  |
pūrvārdhalambin | mfn. having the foremost half inclined, leaning forward  |
puṣpaphala | m. Feronia Elephantum  |
puṣpaphala | m. Benincasa Cerifera  |
puṣpaphala | n. flower and fruits  |
puṣpaphaladruma | m. plural trees bearing flower and fruits  |
puṣpaphalavat | mfn. bearing flower and fruits  |
pūtaphala | m. "pure-fruited", the bread-fruit tree  |
putraphalabhaktṛ | mfn. enjoying the advantage of having a son  |
rājakolāhala | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
rājaphala | n. "royal fruit", the fruit of Trichosanthes Dioeca  |
rājaphala | m. "bearing royal fruit", Mangifera Indica  |
rājaphala | m. a species of tree (equals rājādanī-)  |
rājasthalaka | mfn. (fr. next) gaRa dhūmāai-.  |
rājāvalīphalagrantha | m. Name of work  |
rājikāphala | m. Sinapis Glauca  |
rājīphala | m. Trichosanthes Dioeca |
rājīvaphala | m. a species of cucumber  |
raktaphala | mfn. having or bearing red fruit  |
raktaphala | m. the Indian fig-tree  |
raktaphala | m. equals svarṇavallī-  |
rāmakautūhala | n. Name of work  |
rāmakutūhala | n. Name of a poem.  |
rāmāyaṇapaṭhanaphala | n. Name of work  |
ramyaphala | m. Strychnos Nux Vomica  |
raṇakhala | m. or n. (?) place of battle, battle-field  |
rasaphala | m. a cocoa-nut tree (the fruit of which contains a fluid)  |
rāśidāśāphala | n. Name of work  |
rathalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
ratiphala | mfn. productive of sexual pleasure, aphrodisiacal  |
ratnasthalanagara | n. Name of a town  |
rephalakāropānta | mfn. having a name whose last letter but one is r- or l-,  |
retaḥskhalana | ( ) n. effusion of semen.  |
rocanaphala | m. the citron tree  |
romaśaphala | m. a species of plant (equals tiṇḍiśa-)  |
ṛtvikphala | n. the reward of a priest  |
ruciphala | n. a pear  |
ruciphala | n. the fruit of Momordica Monadelpha  |
rūkṣasvāduphala | m. Grewia Elastica  |
sacchala | mf(ā-)n. deceitful, fraudulent  |
sacchalajātinigrahamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of defeat (in disputation) accompanied by self-refuting objections and unfair arguments  |
sadāphala | mf(ā-)n. always bearing fruit  |
sadāphala | m. a particular kind of fruit tree (according to to "Ficus Glomerata;Aegle Marmelos;the cocoa-nut tree;Artocarpus Integrifolia")  |
sadāphala | f(ā-or ī-). Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis  |
sadāphala | f(ā-or ī-). a kind of Solanum  |
sadāpuṣpaphaladruma | mfn. provided with trees always in flower and bearing fruit  |
sadasatphala | (in the beginning of a compound) good and evil consequences  |
sadasatphalamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of good and evil consequences  |
sādhuphala | mfn. bearing good fruit, having good results or consequences (v.l.)  |
ṣaḍvargaphala | n. Name of work  |
ṣaḍvidhayogaphala | n. Name of work  |
sadyaḥphala | mf(ā-)n. bearing fruit immediately or having immediate consequences ( sadyaḥphalatva -tva- n.)  |
sadyaḥphalatva | n. sadyaḥphala |
sāgaramekhala | mf(ā-)n. seagirt (see sapta-sāgara-m-)  |
sahalakṣmaṇa | mfn. with lakṣmaṇa-  |
sahalanīya | m. (prob.) a plough-mate (used in explaining sāmanta-)  |
sāhityakauthūhala | n. Name of work  |
saiṃhala | mf(ī-)n. (fr. siṃhala-) belonging to or produced in Ceylon, Singhalese  |
saiṃhala | n. Laurus Cassia  |
sakautūhalam | ind. eagerly, with curiosity  |
sakṛdāgāmiphala | n.  |
sakṛdāgāmiphalapratipannaka | n.  |
sakutūhala | mfn. full of curiosity ( sakutūhalam am- ind.)  |
sakutūhalam | ind. sakutūhala |
śalāthala | m. Name of a man (plural his descendants) gaRa upakādi-.  |
śālāthala | m. patronymic fr. śalāthala-  |
salilasthalacara | m. "living in water and on land", an amphibious animal  |
śālmalīphala | m. a particular fruit-tree  |
śālmalīphalaka | n. a smooth board of śālmali- wood (used to wash clothes upon)  |
samādhisthala | n. Name of a place in brahmā-'s world  |
sāmānyacchala | n. one of the three vāk-chala-s (id est too great generalization of the words of an opponent)  |
samāphala | Name of work  |
samasthala | n. even or level ground  |
sāmavedacchala | n. Name of work  |
śambhala | m. (also written sambhala-) Name of a town (situated between the rathaprā- and Ganges, and identified by some with Sambhal in Moradabad;the town or district of śambhala- is fabled to be the place where kalki-, the last incarnation of viṣṇu-, is to appear in the family of a Brahman named viṣṇu-yaśas-)  |
sambhala | m. (prob. originally equals sam-bhara-;often varia lectio for śambhala- q.v) "one who brings together", a match-maker  |
sambhala | m. a suitor, wooer  |
sambhala | m. a procurer  |
sāmbhala | mfn. bred in sam-bhala- (as a horse)  |
śambhalagrāma | m. the town śambhala- (also -grāmaka-)  |
śambhalagrāmamāhātmya | n. (or śambhala-m-) "glory of śambhala-", Name of part of the  |
saṃdigdhaphala | mfn. having arrows with poisoned tips (according to to others "of uncertain result or efficacy") ,  |
śamiṣṭhala | n.  |
saṃkrāntiphala | n. Name of work  |
saṃkṣepaśārīrakaphalalakṣaṇa | n. saṃkṣepaśārīraka |
samphala | mf(ā-)n. ( phal-) rich in fruit or seed, fruitful Va1rtt. 2 |
samphala | m. equals sam-phāla-  |
sampūrṇaphalabhāj | mfn. obtaining a full reward  |
śāṃśapāsthala | mfn. (fr. śiṃśapā-sthata-)  |
samudraphala | n. "sea-fruit", a particular drug  |
sāmudrasthalaka | mfn. (fr samudra-sthalī-), gaRa dhūmādi-.  |
saṃvatsarādiphala | n. Name of work  |
saṃvatsaraphala | n. "the fruit or result of a year", Name of work  |
sāndrakutūhala | mfn. having intense curiosity  |
sāndrakutūhala | n. Name of a prahasana-.  |
śaṅkhalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
śaṅkhamekhala | m. Name of an ancient sage  |
śaṅkhinīphala | m. Acacia Sirissa  |
ṣaṇmukhalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
saphala | mf(ā-)n. together with fruits, having or bearing fruit or seed, fruitful (as a tree)  |
saphala | mf(ā-)n. "having seed" id est possessing testicles, not emasculated  |
saphala | mf(ā-)n. having good results, productive, profitable, successful (with kṛ-,"to fulfil","keep a promise") etc.  |
saphala | mf(ā-)n. together with the result  |
saphalaka | mfn. furnished with a shield  |
saphalaprārthana | mfn. one whose desire is fulfilled  |
saphalatva | n. profitableness, successfulness  |
saphalaya | Nom. P. yati-, to make profitable or successful, derive advantage from, enjoy  |
saptasāgaramekhala | mf(ā-)n. girded by the 7 oceans (the earth)  |
saptasthalamāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
śaraphala | n. the iron point or barb of an arrow  |
śāriphala | n.  |
sāriphala | ( ) n. equals śāri-ph-.  |
śāriphalaka | mn. equals -paṭṭa-  |
sāriphalaka | ( ) n. equals śāri-ph-.  |
śārṅkhalatodi | m. patronymic fr. śṛṅkhala-todin- gaRa bāhv-ādi-.  |
sarvaphalatyāgacaturdaśī | f. Name of a particular 14th day  |
sarvaphalatyāgacaturdaśīvrata | n. a particular religious observance  |
sarvartuphala | n. the fruit of all the seasons  |
sarvatobhadraphalavicāra | m. Name of work  |
ṣaṣṭisaṃvatsaraphala | n. Name of work  |
śatasaṃvatsaraphala | n. Name of work  |
sāṭhala | m. Name of a person  |
śatolūkhalamekhalā | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
satphala | mfn. having good fruit  |
satphala | m. the pomegranate-tree  |
satphala | n. the pomegranate (-phalānām-,w.v.l. for -kalānām- )  |
ṣaṭsthalamahiman | m. Name of work  |
ṣaṭsthalanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
sattraphalada | mfn. yielding the fruit of a soma- sacrifice  |
satyaphala | m. Aegle Marmelos  |
saubhāgyaphala | mfn. having happiness as a result, causing happiness or delight  |
savākchala | mfn. untruthful in speech, mendacious  |
saviśeṣakautūhalam | ind. saviśeṣam |
sevāphalastotra | n. Name of a hymn by vallabhācārya-  |
sevāphalastotravivṛti | f. Name of Comm.  |
siddhalakṣa | mfn. one who has hit the mark  |
siddhalakṣmaṇa | m. Name of an author  |
siddhalakṣmī | f. (prob.) a form of lakṣmi-  |
siddhalakṣmīstotra | n. Name of a chapter of various purāṇa-s.  |
siddhasthala | ( ) n. the place or region of the Blest.  |
siddhavaṭasthalakalpa | m. Name of a chapter of the skanda-purāṇa- (also called śrī-śaila-dakṣiṇa-dvāra-sthala-kalpa-).  |
śīghraphala | n. the equation of the conjunction  |
śilāphalaka | n. equals -paṭṭa- (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
śimbīphala | n. Tabernaemontana Coronaria  |
siṃhala | m. the island of Ceylon (perhaps so called as once abounding in lions) etc.  |
siṃhala | m. Name of a man  |
siṃhala | m. plural the people of Ceylon etc.  |
siṃhala | n. idem or 'f. the island of Ceylon (See sthāna-)'  |
siṃhala | n. tin  |
siṃhala | n. brass (more correctly siṃhalaka-)  |
siṃhala | n. bark, rind  |
siṃhala | n. Cassia bark (more correctly saiṃhala-)  |
siṃhaladvīpa | m. the island of Ceylon  |
siṃhalagna | n. the lagna- (q.v) of the sign Leo  |
siṃhalaka | mfn. relating to Ceylon (with dvīpa- m."Ceylon" )  |
siṃhalaka | n. Ceylon  |
siṃhalaka | n. brass  |
siṃhalamba | m. Name of a place  |
siṃhalastha | mfn. being or dwelling in Ceylon  |
siṃhalasthā | f. a species of pepper  |
śiṃśapāsthala | See śāṃśapāsthala-.  |
śiraḥphala | m. the cocoa-nut tree  |
śirīṣaphala | n. the fruit of śirīṣa- tree  |
śīrṇaparṇaphala | mfn. having withered leaves and fruits (as a tree)  |
śirovṛttaphala | m. a kind of Achyranthes Aspera with red flowers  |
śītaphala | m. (only ) Ficus Glomerata  |
śītaphala | m. Cordia Myxa  |
sītāphala | m. "bearing sitā-'s fruit", Annona Squamosa  |
sītāphala | n. the fruit itself  |
śivasthalamahimavarṇana | n. Name of works.  |
skandhaphala | m. the cocoa-nut tree  |
skandhaphala | m. Ficus Glomerata  |
skandhaphala | m. Aegle Marmelos  |
skhala | m. stumbling, tottering (see apa-skhal/a-).  |
skhalad | in compound for skhalat- above.  |
skhaladvākya | mfn. making mistakes in speaking, stammering, faltering, blundering |
skhaladvalaya | mfn. one whose bracelet falls off or slips down (varia lectio)  |
skhalan | in compound for skhalat-.  |
skhalana | n. stumbling, tottering, tripping unsteady gait  |
skhalana | n. faltering, stammering (in vāk-skh-) gaRa khaṇḍv-ādi-  |
skhalana | n. displacement (of a garment)  |
skhalana | n. rubbing, friction, touch, contact, collision  |
skhalana | n. discharge, emission (of semen) on  |
skhalana | n. falling into (compound)  |
skhalana | n. being deprived of (ablative)  |
skhalana | n. mistake, blundering in (compound)  |
skhalanmati | mfn. erring in judgement, weak-minded  |
skhalat | mfn. (pr.p.) See below.  |
ślathalambin | mfn. hanging loosely  |
śleṣmātakaphala | n. the fruit of Cordia Latifolia  |
smārtakutūhala | n. Name of work  |
smṛtimuktāphala | n. Name of work  |
snehala | mfn. full of affection, fond of (locative case), tender  |
snehalatā | f. affection, tenderness  |
snehalavaṇa | n. a particular mixture of oil and sale  |
soḍhala | m. Name of various authors (varia lectio soṭhala-)  |
sohalagrāma | m. Name of a village  |
sphuṭaphala | m. coriander or the fruit of Diospyros Embryopteris (equals tumburu-)  |
sphuṭaphala | n. (in geometry) clear or precise result (of any calculation)  |
sphuṭaphala | n. distinct or precise area (of a triangle etc.)  |
sraṃsinīphala | m. the śirīṣa- tree  |
średhīphala | n. the sum of a progression  |
śrīphala | m. the bilva- tree, Aegle Marmelos  |
śrīphala | n. "sacred fruit", the bilva- fruit  |
śrīphala | n. a cocoa-nut  |
śrīphala | n. the fruit id est result of splendour etc.  |
śrīphalakṛcchra | m. a kind of self-mortification (regarded as specially efficacious, eating no food except the bilva- fruit for a whole month)  |
śrīphalavardhinī | f. Name of work  |
śrīsthala | n. Name of a temple of śiva-  |
śrīsthalamāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
śrīsthalaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
śṛṅkhala | m. n. (derivation doubtful) a chain, fetter (especially for confining the feet of an elephant)  |
śṛṅkhala | m. a man's belt  |
śṛṅkhala | m. a measuring chain  |
śṛṅkhala | f(ā-and ī-). See below.  |
śṛṅkhalabaddha | m. bound by a chain or fetter  |
śṛṅkhalaka | m. a chain  |
śṛṅkhalaka | m. a young camel or other young animal with wooden rings or clogs on his feet (to prevent his straying) (see ) any camel  |
śṛṅkhalatā | f.  |
śṛṅkhalatodin | m. Name of a man gaRa bāhv-ādi- (see śārṅkhalatodi-).  |
śṛṅkhalatva | n. the being chained together, concatenation, connection, order, a series  |
śṛṅkhalatva | n. restraint  |
śṛṅkhalaya | Nom. P. yati-, to chain, fetter  |
śroṇiphala | n. the hip and loins  |
śroṇiphala | n. the hip-bone (os ilium)  |
śroṇīphala | n. the hip  |
śroṇiphalaka | n. the hip and loins  |
śroṇiphalaka | n. the hip-bone (os ilium)  |
śrutimuktāphala | n. Name of work  |
stabakaphala | m. a particular fruit-tree  |
stanitaphala | m. Asteracantha Longifolia  |
steyaphala | m. a particular fruit-tree  |
steyiphala | m. equals steyaph-  |
sthala | m. a chapter, section (of a book)  |
sthala | m. Name of a son of bala-  |
sthala | m. (sth/alā-), a heap of artificially raised earth, mound  |
sthala | n. equals sthalī- above  |
sthala | n. dry land (opp. to damp low-land), firm earth (opp. to water) etc.  |
sthala | n. ground, soil, place, spot etc. |
sthala | n. a flat surface, roof (of a palace)  |
sthala | n. situation, circumstance, case (tathāvidha-sthale-,"in such a case")  |
sthala | n. a topic, subject  |
sthala | n. a text  |
sthalacara | mfn. equals -ga-  |
sthalacārin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. equals -ga- ' ' ( sthalacāritā ri-tā- f.)  |
sthalacāritā | f. sthalacārin |
sthalacyuta | mfn. fallen or removed from any place or position  |
sthaladevatā | f. a local or rural deity, tutelary god presiding over some particular spot  |
sthalaga | mfn. living on dry land  |
sthalagāmin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. equals -ga- '  |
sthalagata | mfn. gone or left on dry land  |
sthalaja | mfn. growing or living on dry land etc.  |
sthalaja | mfn. accruing from land-transport (said of certain taxes or duties)  |
sthalajā | f. licorice-root  |
sthalakālī | f. Name of a being attending on durgā-  |
sthalakamala | n. the flower of Hibiscus Mutabilis  |
sthalakamalinī | f. Hibiscus Mutabilis  |
sthalakanda | m. a kind of plant  |
sthalakumuda | m. Nerium Odorum  |
sthalamañjarī | f. Achyranthes Aspera  |
sthalamārga | m. a way by land  |
sthalanalinī | f. Hibiscus Mutabilis (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (nīka-) mfn.)  |
sthalanīraja | n. the flower of Hibiscus Mutabilis  |
sthalapadma | m. Arum Indicum  |
sthalapadma | m. the flower of Hibiscus Mutabilis  |
sthalapadma | m. another plant (equals chattra-pattra-, tamālaka-)  |
sthalapadminī | f. Hibiscus Mutabilis  |
sthalapatha | m. a road by land (ena-,"by land") etc.  |
sthalapatha | m. commerce by land  |
sthalapathīkṛ | P. -karoti-, to make into dry land or road by land  |
sthalapattana | n. a town situated on dry land (opp. to jala-p-),  |
sthalapiṇḍā | f. a kind of date  |
sthalapurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
sthalaruhā | f. Hibiscus Mutabilis  |
sthalasambhavauṣadhi | f. plural plants growing on dry land  |
sthalasīman | m. equals sthaṇḍila- m. (?)  |
sthalasīman | m. a land-mark, boundary  |
sthalaśṛṅgāṭa | m. Tribulus Lanuginosus or a similar plant  |
sthalaśṛṅgāṭaka | m. Tribulus Lanuginosus or a similar plant  |
sthalastha | mfn. standing on dry ground  |
sthalaśuddhi | f. the cleansing of any place from impurity  |
sthalatā | f. the state of being dry ground  |
sthalatara | n. a higher place  |
sthalatas | ind. from dry land  |
sthalaukas | m. an animal dwelling on dry land  |
sthalavarman | m. Name of a king  |
sthalavartman | n. a road by land (nā-,"by land")  |
sthalavetasa | m. Calamus Rotang  |
sthalavigraha | m. a land-fight  |
sthalavihaṃga | m. a land bird  |
sthalavihaṃgama | m. a land bird  |
sthalaya | Nom. P. yati-, to make into dry land  |
sthūlaphala | n. the gross result of a calculation or measurement  |
sthūlaphala | m. "having large fruit", the silk-cotton tree  |
sthūlavṛkṣaphala | m. a variety of madana-  |
strīmukhamadhudohala | m. drinking or desiring the nectar of a women's mouth, Mimusops Elengi (according to to some also "the aśoka-")  |
śubhalagna | m. n. the rising of an auspicious constellation, a lucky moment  |
śubhalakṣaṇa | mf(ā-)n. having auspicious marks, characterized by auspiciousness  |
śubhaphala | n. auspicious result, good or happy consequence  |
śubhaphalakṛt | mfn. yielding auspicious results etc.  |
śubhāśubhalakṣaṇa | n. a mark or sign of good and bad fortune, good. or evil omen  |
śubhāśubhaphala | mfn. producing good or evil results  |
suhala | mfn. having an excellent plough (also li-)  |
suhala | m. Name of a physician and an ambassador (contemporaries of maṅkha-)  |
suhalana | m. (with bhaṭṭa-) Name of the author of a commentator or commentary on halāyudha-'s mṛta-saṃjīvanī-  |
śukaphala | m. Calotropis Gigantea  |
sukhalakṣya | mfn. easy to be seen or known, easily recognized  |
sukhalava | m. a little pleasure  |
sūkṣmaphala | m. "having small fruit", Cordia Myxa  |
śuktikhalati | mfn. bald like an oyster, completely bald  |
sumanaḥphala | m. Feronia Elephantum  |
sumanaḥphala | n. nutmeg  |
sumekhala | mfn. well girdled  |
sumekhala | mfn. muñja- grass (which forms the Brahmanical girdle)  |
suniṣphala | mfn. quite useless or in vain  |
suphala | mf(ā-)n. yielding much or good fruit, fruitful  |
suphala | mf(ā-)n. having a good blade (as a sword)  |
suphala | m. (only ) the wood-apple tree, Feronia Elephantum  |
suphala | m. the citron tree  |
suphala | m. Pterospermum Acerifolium  |
suphala | m. the pomegranate tree  |
suphala | m. Zizyphus Jujuba  |
suphala | m. Phaseolus Mungo  |
suphala | mf(ā-)n. yielding much or good fruit, fruitful  |
suphala | mf(ā-)n. having a good blade (as a sword)  |
suphala | m. (only ) the wood-apple tree, Feronia Elephantum  |
suphala | m. the citron tree  |
suphala | m. Pterospermum Acerifolium  |
suphala | m. the pomegranate tree  |
suphala | m. Zizyphus Jujuba  |
suphala | m. Phaseolus Mungo  |
suphala | m. Gmelina Arborea  |
suphala | m. a kind of brown grape  |
suphala | m. colocynth  |
suphala | m. Beninkasa Cerifera  |
suphala | m. Musa Sapientum.  |
suphala | etc. See .  |
surajaḥphala | m. the jack-fruit tree  |
sūryadaśāphala | m. Name of work  |
sūryādigrahaphalakuṇḍalī | f. Name of work  |
śuṣkaphala | n. dry fruit  |
susthala | m. plural Name of a people (see su-sthāla-in gaRa bhargādi-)  |
svadharmaskhalana | n. falling from or neglect of one's own duty  |
svāduphala | n. "sweet fruit", the fruit of the jujube  |
śvaphala | m. a citron-tree  |
śvaphala | n. the lime or common citron  |
svapnaphalāphala | n. Name of work  |
śvāvicchalalita | (for vit-śalalita-) mfn. furnished with porcupine quills  |
svayaṃvyaktasthalastotra | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
tāḍakāphala | n. large cardamoms  |
tailaphala | m. the sesamum plant  |
tailaphala | m. Terminalia Catappa  |
tailaphala | m. Terminalia Bellerica  |
tālaphala | n. the fruit of the fan-palm  |
tālaphala | n. iv  |
tāmraphala | m. "red-fruited", Alangium hexapetalum  |
tāmraphalaka | n. equals -paṭṭa-  |
tapaḥsthala | n. a place of austerity  |
tarkakutūhala | n. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
tatphala | mfn. having that as a fruit or reward  |
tatphala | mfn. having that as a result  |
tatphala | mfn. the blue water-lily  |
tatphala | mfn. the plant kuṣṭha-  |
tatphala | mfn. a kind of perfume  |
tāvatphala | mfn. having such results  |
tejaḥphala | m. Name of a tree  |
tīkṣṇaphala | m. "pungent-fruited", coriander  |
tīkṣṇaphala | m. black mustard  |
tīkṣṇaphala | m. equals tejah-phala-  |
tiktaphala | m. "bitter-fruited" equals -marica-  |
tiktaphala | f. equals yavatiktā-  |
tiktaphala | f. equals vārtākī-  |
tintiḍīphala | n. the sour skin of a Garcinia fruit  |
tittirīphala | n. Croton Tiglium  |
traiphala | mfn. coming from (tri-phalā-) the 3 myrobalans  |
trikoṇaphala | n. idem or 'f. Trapa bispinosa '  |
trinetraphala | m. the cocoa-nut tree  |
triphala | mfn. having 3 fruits  |
tripuṭiphala | n. idem or 'm. Ricinus communis '  |
tryāhala | m. "triple-crower (see āh/alak-) ", a cock  |
tūlaphala | m. Calotropis gigantea  |
ucchalana | n. breaking forth, L  |
ucchṛṅkhala | mfn. (ud-śṛ-) unbridled, uncurbed, unrestrained  |
ucchṛṅkhala | mfn. perverse, self-willed  |
ucchṛṅkhala | mfn. irregular, desultory, unmethodical  |
udūkhala | n. a wooden mortar (used for pounding rice and separating the husk)  |
udūkhala | n. any mortar  |
udūkhala | n. bdellium  |
ullasatphala | m. poppy  |
ulūkhala | n. a wooden mortar etc.  |
ulūkhala | n. Name of a particular kind of cup for holding the soma- (shaped like a mortar) commentator or commentary on  |
ulūkhala | n. a staff of uḍumbara- wood (carried on certain occasions)  |
ulūkhala | n. bdellium  |
ulūkhala | m. Name of an evil spirit  |
ulūkhala | m. of a particular ornament for the ear  |
ulūkhalabudhna | mfn. forming the base or pedestal of a mortar  |
ulūkhalaka | n. a small mortar, mortar (vocative case)  |
ulūkhalaka | n. bdellium  |
ulūkhalaka | m. Name of a muni-  |
ulūkhalamusala | n. dual number mortar and pestle  |
ulūkhalarūpatā | f. the state of having the shape of a mortar  |
ulūkhalasuta | mfn. pressed out or pounded in a mortar (as the soma-)  |
upacāracchala | n. a kind of fallacious inference (to be refuted by reference to the real sense of a word used metaphorically exempli gratia, 'for example' if any one from the sentence "the platform cries"were to conclude that the platform really cries and not persons on the platform)  |
upamekhalam | ind. about or on the slopes or sides (of a mountain)  |
uparimekhala | m. Name of a man gaRa yaskādi-  |
uparimekhala | m. plural the descendants of the above  |
uraḥsthala | n. the breast, bosom.  |
ūruphalaka | n. the thigh-bone, hip-bone  |
utphala | See prot-phala-.  |
utsthala | n. Name of an island  |
vādakautūhala | n. Name of work  |
vādakutūhala | n. Name of work  |
vahala | mf(/ā-)n. accustomed to the yoke, broken in  |
vahala | n. a ship (prob. wrong reading for vahana-).  |
vaidyakutūhala | n. Name of work  |
vaiṣṇavakutūhala | n. Name of work  |
vākchala | n. the mere semblance of a voice (sg. or plural) untruthful talk (varia lectio)  |
vākchala | n. prevarication or perversion of the words of an opponent in disputation  |
vakṣaḥsthala | n. the place of the breast, bosom, heart  |
valkaphala | m. the pomegranate tree  |
vanamūlaphala | n. roots and fruits of the forest  |
vanaphala | n. wild fruit  |
vaṇathalagrāma | m. (prob. for vana-sthala-gr-) Name of a village |
vandhyaphala | mfn. fruitless, useless, idle, vain ( vandhyaphalatā -tā- f.)  |
vandhyaphalatā | f. vandhyaphala |
vaprakṣetraphala | n. the circumference of a sphere or globe  |
vapraphala | n. idem or 'n. the circumference of a sphere or globe '  |
vāraṇasthala | n. Name of a place  |
varaphala | mfn. possessing or yielding the best fruits  |
varaphala | m. the cocoa-nut tree  |
vardhaphala | m. Pongamia Glabra  |
varṣadaśāphala | n. Name of work  |
varṣaphala | n. Name of work  |
varṣaphalapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
varṣaphalarahasya | n. Name of work  |
vāsīphala | n. a kind of fruit  |
vāsiṣṭhalaiṅga | n. equals vasiṣṭhopapurāṇa-.  |
vāsiṣṭhalaiṅgya | n. equals vasiṣṭhopapurāṇa-.  |
vasumekhala | mfn. wearing a jewelled girdle  |
vatsaraphala | n. Name of work  |
vāyuphala | n. "wind-fruit", hail  |
vāyuphala | n. the rainbow  |
vedaphala | n. the meritorious fruit or result of (reciting or repeating) the veda-  |
vellahala | m. a libertine (equals keli-nāgara-)  |
vetraphala | n. the fruit of vetra-  |
vicārasthala | n. a place for discussion or investigation, tribunal  |
vicārasthala | n. a logical disputation  |
viḍhḍhala | varia lectio for viṭṭhala- q.v  |
vidyāphala | n. the fruit of learning  |
vijayaphala | mfn. having victory for a result  |
vilambitaphala | mfn. having the fruit or fulfilment delayed  |
vipatphala | mfn. resulting in misfortune, calamitous  |
viphala | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
viphala | mf(ā-)n. bearing no fruit (as a tree)  |
viphala | mf(ā-)n. fruitless, useless, ineffectual, futile, vain, idle etc.  |
viphala | mf(ā-)n. having no testicles  |
viphala | m. Pandanus Odoratissimus  |
viphalapreraṇa | mfn. flung in vain  |
viphalaśrama | mfn. exerting one's self in vain ( viphalaśramatva -tva- n.),  |
viphalaśramatva | n. viphalaśrama |
viphalatā | f. fruitlessness, uselessness, unprofitableness  |
viphalatva | n. fruitlessness, uselessness, unprofitableness  |
viphalaya | Nom. P. yati-, to render fruitless, frustrate, disappoint, prevent any one (genitive case) from (infinitive mood)  |
virodhaphala | n. the fruit or result of perverseness  |
viruddhalakṣaṇa | n. Name of a chapter of the  |
visadṛśaphala | mfn. having dissimilar consequences ( visadṛśaphalatā -tā- f.)  |
visadṛśaphalatā | f. visadṛśaphala |
viśākhala | n. a particular attitude in shooting (see viśākha-).  |
viśālaphalaka | mf(ikā-)n. bearing large fruits  |
viśambhala | n. (accusative of 2. viś-+ bhala-= bhara-?) supporting or nourishing the people (to explain vaiśambhaly/ā-).  |
viṣṇukutūhala | n. Name of work  |
viṣṇuśṛṅkhala | m. a particular astrological yoga-  |
viśṛṅkhala | mfn. unfettered, unrestrained, unbounded ( viśṛṅkhalam am- ind. )  |
viśṛṅkhala | mfn. dissolute  |
viśṛṅkhala | mfn. sounding or tinkling excessively  |
viśṛṅkhala | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') abounding excessively in  |
viśṛṅkhalam | ind. viśṛṅkhala |
viṣṭhala | n. (fr. vi-+ sthala- ) a remote place, a spot situated apart or at a distance  |
viṣṭhala | See .  |
viśunthalavaṇa | n. rock salt  |
viṭhala | viṭhṭhala- See viṭṭhala-.  |
vitribhalagnaka | (prob.) n. equals tribhona-l-, the highest point of the ecliptic above the horizon  |
viṭṭhala | m. (also written viṭhala-, viṭhṭhala-,and viḍhḍhala-) Name of a god worshipped at Pandharpur in the Deccan (he is commonly called viṭho-bā-, and stated to be an incarnation of viṣṇu- or kṛṣṇa- himself, who is believed to have visited this city and infused a large portion of his essence into a Brahman named puṇḍarīka- or puṇḍalīka-, who had gained a great reputation for filial piety;his images represent him standing on a brick[ see 2. viḍ-]with his arms akimbo)  |
viṭṭhala | m. (also with ācārya-, dīkṣita-, bhaṭṭa-etc.) Name of various authors and teachers (especially of a grammarian, disparaged by bhaṭṭoji-, and of a son of vallabhācārya- and successor to his chair, also called viṭṭhala-dīkṣita- or viṭṭhala-nātha- or viṭṭhaleśa- or viṭṭhaleśvara-, said to have been born in 1515)  |
viṭṭhalakavaca | n. Name of a kavaca- (q.v)  |
viṭṭhalamiśra | m. Name of a Commentator  |
viṭṭhalasahasranāman | n. Name of work  |
viṭṭhalastavarāja | m. Name of work  |
viṭṭhalasūnu | m. Name of an author  |
vivekaphala | n. Name of work  |
vṛkasthala | n. Name of a village  |
vṛntaphala | n. the fruit of the egg-plant  |
vṛṣabhalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
vṛttaphala | m. the pomegranate  |
vṛttaphala | m. the jujube  |
vṛttaphala | n. black pepper  |
vyāsaviṭṭhala | m. (with ācārya-) Name of an author  |
vyāvṛttakautūhala | mfn. one whose interest is diverted from (compound)  |
yajñaphalada | mfn. granting the fruit or reward of sacrifice (viṣṇu-)  |
yajñasthala | n. equals -bhūmi-  |
yajñasthala | n. Name of an agra-hāra-  |
yajñasthala | n. of a grāma-  |
yajñasthala | n. of a town  |
yakṣasthala | m. (!) Name of a place  |
yathāphalam | ind. according to fruit |
yātrāphala | n. the fruit of an expedition, success of a campaign  |
yavakhala | m. a barn-floor  |
yavaphala | m. (only ) the bamboo cane  |
yavaphala | m. Nardostachys Jatamansi  |
yavaphala | m. Wrightia Antidysenterica  |
yavaphala | m. Ficus Infectoria  |
yavaphala | m. an onion (?).  |
yuddhakutūhala | n. Name of work  |
yuvakhalati | mfn. bald in youth  |
yuvakhalatī | f. bald in girlhood  |