bṛh | or vṛh-, cl.6. P. ( ) brih/ati- ; vṛh/ati- (perfect tense babarha-, vav/arha-; future varkṣyati-, varhiṣyati-; varḍhā-, varhitā-; Aorist barhīt-, avṛkṣat-; ind.p. vriḍhvā-, varhitvā-, v/ṛhya-, barham-, v/arham-;Ved. infinitive mood vṛhas-: Passive voice vṛhyate-; Aorist varhi-), to tear, pluck, root up (without a preposition only with mūlam- ): Causal barh/ayati- (See ni-bṛh-): Desiderative vivṛkṣati-, vivarhiṣati- grammar : Intensive varīvarḍhi-, varīvṛhyate- |
bṛhaḍ | in compound for brih/at-.  |
bṛhad | in compound for bṛh/at-.  |
bṛhaj | in compound for bṛh/at-.  |
bṛhal | in compound for bṛh/at-,  |
bṛhan | in compound for brih/at-.  |
bṛhanta | mfn. equals bṛh/at-, large, great  |
bṛhaṭ | in compound for bṛh/at-.  |
bṛhatka | mfn. equals bṛh/at-, large, great  |
bṛhatketu | mfn. (h/at--) having great clearness or brightness (said of agni-)  |
bṛhatsāman | mfn. (h/at-.) having the bṛhat-sāman- for a sāman-  |
bṛhatsumna | (h/at--) mfn. of great benevolence or kindness  |
duh | (originally dugh- see d/ughāna-, dugha-etc., and the initial dh-of some forms) cl.2 P.A1. dogdhi- ; dugdhe- or duh/e- etc. (plural A1. duhat/e-, ; duhrate-, ; duhr/e-, ; imperfect tense P. /adhok-, ; duh/ur- ; A1. adugdha-[according to Aorist ] plural aduhra-,i sg. aduha- plural hra- [ see ]; imperative dhukṣva- sg. duh/ām- ; plural duhr/ām-, r/atām- ; dhuṅgdhvam- ; subjunctive dohat-[3 plural hān- ], hate- ; Potential duhīyat- ; y/an-, ; A1. hīta-, ; parasmE-pada P. duh/at- A1. duhān/a-, d/uhāna-,and d/ugh- ; cl.6 P. A1. duh/ati-, te- etc.; cl.4. duhyati-, te- ; perfect tense dud/oha-[ hitha- ], duduh/e-,3 plural duduhur-[ dudūhur- ] etc.; A1. duduhre- [ hrire-]; future dhokṣyati-, te- ; Aorist /adhukṣat-, ṣata-[3 sg. plural ], adukṣat-, ; dukṣata-,3 sg. ; imperative dhukṣ/asva- ; Potential dhukṣīm/ahi- ; infinitive mood dogdhum- etc.; dogdhos- ; duh/adhyai-and doh/ase- ; ind.p. dugdhvā- ) to milk (a cow or an udder) figuratively take advantage of (see) , enjoy ; to milk or squeeze out, extract (milk, soma- exempli gratia, 'for example' any good thing) ; draw anything out of another thing (with 2 accusative) etc. ; (mostly A1.) to give milk, yield any desired object (accusative,rarely genitive case) etc. etc.: Passive voice duhy/ate- Aorist adohi- ( ) to be milked, to be drawn or extracted from etc.: Causal doh/ayati-, te- Aorist adūduhat- Passive voice dohy/ate-, to cause to milk or be milked ; to milk, milk out, extract : Desiderative d/udukṣati- ( ), dudhukṣati- ( see dudhukṣu-), to wish to milk. |
mah | (originally magh-; confer, compare also maṃh-) cl.1.10. P. ( ) mahati-, mah/ayati- (Vedic or Veda and Epic also A1. mahate-, h/ayate-; parasmE-pada mah/at- q.v; perfect tense mamāha- grammar; māmah/e-; subjunctive māmahanta-, māmahas- ; Aorist amahīt- grammar; future mahitā-, mahiṣyati- ; ind.p. mahitvā- ; infinitive mood mahe-,and mah/aye- q.v) to elate, gladden, exalt, arouse, excite ; to magnify, esteem highly, honour, revere etc. ; (A1.) to rejoice, delight in (instrumental case or accusative) ; to give, bestow [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin magnus,mactus; Old German michel; English mickle,much.]  |
mahi | mfn. (only Nominal verb accusative sg. n.) equals mah/at-, great  |
mahin | mfn. equals mah/at-, great, mighty ( mahintama -tama- mfn. )  |
paririh | P. -rih/ati-, to lick or gnaw on all sides (see pari-lih-).  |
rih | (Vedic. form of lih-) cl.6. 2. P. rih/ati- r/eḍhi- (or r/eḷhi-;3. plural A1. rihat/e-; pr. p. rihāṇ/a-or r/ihāṇa-), to lick, kiss, caress ; (rihati-) to praise, worship ; (Imp. ririḍḍhi-, rirīhi-) to ask, implore ; also varia lectio for riph- : Intensive rerihy/ate- (r/erihat-, hāṇa-See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order), to lick or, kiss again and again, caress repeatedly  |
tṛh | cl.7. (imperative tṛṇ/eḍhu-; subjunctive plural tṛṇ/ahān-; Aorist atṛham- ; atarhīt- ; atṛkṣat-, ; perfect tense tatarha- ; pr. p. Nominal verb m. tṛṃh/at- ; f. dual number hat/ī- ; ind.p. tṛḍhv/ā- Passive voice plural tṛhy/ante-, parasmE-pada hy/amāṇa- ; cl.6. tṛhati-, tṛṃh- ) to crush, bruise : Desiderative titṛkṣati-, titṛṃhiṣati- ; see vi-- ; t/arhaṇa-, tṛṃhaṇa-, tṛḍh/a-.  |
vayas | n. energy (both bodily and mental), strength, health, vigour, power, might (often with bṛh/at-;with dhā-and dative case or locative case of Persian"to bestow vigour or might on")  |