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Amarakosha Search
1 result
bhūtikam3.3.8NeuterSingularmahendraḥ, guggulu, ulūkaḥ, vyālagrāhī
Monier-Williams Search
29 results for gulu
guluccham. (equals guccha-) a bunch, nosegay, cluster of blossoms View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gulucchakandam. Name of a bulbous root (varia lectio lañca-k-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gulugudhāind. (varia lectio gulūg-) only in compound View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gulugudhākṛ(gaRa ūry-ādi-) "to torment"or"to play, sport"
gulugulā gaRa ūry-ādi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gulugulitan. the roaring (of an elephant) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
guluha varia lectio for guḍuha- q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
guluñca equals luccha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
guluñcha equals luccha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
guluñchaka equals luccha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āśāpuraguggulum. a kind of bdellium View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūmijaguggulum. a species of bdellium View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
guggulun. (equals g/ulg-) bdellium or the exudation of Amyris Agallochum (a fragrant gum resin, used as a perfume and medicament) (called saindhav/a-or samudr/iya-,"obtained near rivers or the sea", ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
guggulum. idem or 'n. (equals g/ulg-) bdellium or the exudation of Amyris Agallochum (a fragrant gum resin, used as a perfume and medicament) (called saindhav/a-or samudr/iya-,"obtained near rivers or the sea", ) ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
guggulum. equals -dru- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gugguluf(/ūs-). ( ) Name of an apsaras- (see kaṇa--, gauggulava-and gaulg-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gugguludrum. a variety of Moringa with red flowers View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
guggulukamf(ī-). a man or woman who deals in bdellium gaRa kisarādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gulgulun. (equals g/ugg-) bdellium View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hiṅgulumn. () idem or 'm. vermilion ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hiṅguluf. Solanum Melongena View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hiṅgulukamn. () idem or 'f. Solanum Melongena ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaiśorakaguggulun. a kind of elixir, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaṇaguggulum. a species of bdellium View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
phalgulukam. plural Name of a people View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ṣaḍaṅgaguggulum. a particular mixture View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
siṃhanādaguggulum. a particular mixture
suvarṇakaṇaguggulum. idem or 'm. a species of bdellium ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yogarājaguggulum. a particular medicines preparation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
4 results
ak अक् 1 P (अकति) To go, move tortuously like a serpent [cf. L. angulus, Gr. agkai].
guliṅkaḥ गुलिङ्कः A sparrow. गुलुच्छः gulucchḥ गुलुञ्छः guluñchḥ गुलुच्छः गुलुञ्छः A bunch or cluster; see गुच्छ; Śi.12.37.
sara सर a. [सरति-सृ-अच्] 1 Going or moving. -2 Cathartic, purgative. -रः 1 Going, motion. -2 An arrow. -3 The coagulum of curds or milk, cream. -4 Salt. -5 A string, necklace; अयं कण्ठे बाहुः शिशिरमसृणो मौक्तिकसरः U. 1.39.29. -6 A water-fall. -7 A short vowel (in prosody). -रम् 1 water. -2 A lake, pool. -रा 1 Motion, movement. -2 A cascade. -री A water-fall. -Comp. -उत्सवः a crane. -उदकम् the water of a pond. -जम् fresh butter; cf. शरज. -पत्रिका 1 the new leaf of a lotus. -2 a lotus.
sāra सार a. [सृ-घम्, सार्-अच् वा] 1 Essential. -2 Best, highest, most excellent; एतद्वः सारफल्गुत्वं बीजयोन्योः प्रकीर्तितम् Ms.9.56; द्वयोः सारं तुल्यं द्वितयमभियुक्तेन मनसा Mu.1.13. -3 Real, true, genuine. -4 Strong, vigorous; सारबलम् Kau. A.1; सुयुद्धकामुकं सारमसारं विपरीतकम् Śukra.4.872. -5 Sound, thoroughly proved. -6 Highest or best (at the end of comp.); त्रिवर्गसारः Ku.5.38. -7 Just, right; पृथोस्तत् सूक्तमाकर्ण्य सारं सुष्ठु मितं मधु Bhāg.4.22.17. -8 Speckled, motley. -9 Driving away; यो$यं दिधक्षोर्दावपावकस्य गरिम- सारः सीकरासारः B. R.2.6/61. -रः, -रम् (but usually m. only except in the first 4 senses) 1 Essence, essential part, quintessence; स्नेहस्य तत् फलमसौ प्रणयस्य सारः Māl.1. 9; U.6.22; असारे खलु संसारे सारमेच्चतुष्टयम् । काश्यां वासः सतां संगो गङ्गांम्भः शंभुसेवनम् ॥ Dharm.14. -2 Substance, pith. -3 Marrow; निःशेषं शकलितवल्कलाङ्गसारैः Ki.17.62. -4 Real truth, main point. -5 The sap or essence of trees; as in खदिरसार, सर्जसार. -6 Summary, epitome, compendium. -7 Strength, vigour, power, energy; सारं धरित्रीधरणक्षमं च Ku.1.17; R.2.74. -8 Prowess, heroism, courage; राज्ञा हिमवतः सारो राज्ञः सारो हिमाद्रिणा R.4.79. -9 Firmness, hardness. -1 Wealth, riches; गामात्तसाराम् R.5.26. -11 Nectar. -12 Fresh butter. -13 Air, wind. -14 Cream, coagulum of curds. -15 Disease. -16 Matter, pus. -17 Worth, excellence, highest perception. -18 A man at chess. -19 Impure carbonate of soda. -2 A figure of speech corresponding to English 'climax'; उत्तरोत्तरमुत्कर्षो भवेत् सारः परावधिः K. P.1. -21 The heart. -22 Course, motion. -23 Extension. -24 Any or chief ingredient. -25 (In Rhet.) A kind of climax. -26 Dung. -27 Pus. -रा 1 Dūrvā grass. -2 Kuśa grass. -रम् 1 Water -2 Fitness, propriety. -3 Wood, thicket. -4 Steel. -Comp. -अपराधौ m. du. the ability (of a criminal to suffer) and the nature of crime; the greatness of the crime; सारापराधौ चालोक्य दण्डं दण्ड्येषु पातयेत् Ms.8. 126; cf. 9.262. -असार a. valuable and worthless, strong and weak. (-रम्) 1 worth and worthlessness; सारासारं च भाण्डानाम् Ms.9.331. -2 substance and emptiness. -3 strength and weakness. ˚विचारः consideration of strong and weak points &c. -गन्धः sandal wood. -गात्र a. strong-limbed. -गुणः a principal virtue. -गुरु a. heavy with weight. -ग्रीवः N. of Śiva. -जम् fresh butter. -तरुः the plantain tree. -दा 1 N. of Sarasvatī. -2 of Durgā. -द्रुमः the Khadira tree. -फल्गु a. superior and inferior; Kau. A.2.7. ˚त्वम् goodness and badness; comparative importance; एतद्वः सारफल्गुत्वं बीज- योन्योः प्रकीर्तितम् Ms.9.56. -भङ्गः loss of vigour. -भाण्डम् 1 a natural vessel. -2 a bale of goods, merchandise. -3 implements. -मार्गणम् searching for pith or marrow. -मितिः the Veda. -योध a. consisting of excellent warriors. -लोहम् steel.
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results7 results
idaṃ hiraṇyaṃ guggulu (AVP. gulgulu) # AVś.2.36.7a; AVP.2.21.6a.
idam uluṅgulukābhyaḥ # AVP.15.18.10e; 15.19.1c--12c.
upa dhuva gulgulunā # AVP.2.20.2a.
gāvo gulgulugandhayaḥ (Vaitṃś. guggulu-) # Vait.34.9b; Kś.13.3.21b; Apś.21.20.3b; Mś.
guggulūḥ pīlā naladī # AVś.4.37.3c. See gulgulū etc.
gulgulū pīlā naladī # AVP.12.7.3c. See guggulūḥ etc.
yad guggulu saindhavam # AVś.19.38.2c.
11 results
gulucchaka noun (neuter)
Frequency rank 34669/72933
gulucchakanda noun (masculine) name of a bulbous root (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 34670/72933
guluñcha noun (masculine) a brush
Frequency rank 51430/72933
kaṇaguggulu noun (masculine) a species of bdellium (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 23593/72933
guggulu noun (masculine neuter) Balsamodendron mukul Hooker bdellium or the exudation of Amyris Agallochum (a fragrant gum resin) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 2648/72933
gugguluka noun (masculine feminine) guggulu a man or woman who deals in bdellium (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 27843/72933
picchilaguggulu noun (masculine) a kind of substance
Frequency rank 72864/72933
saguggulu adjective with Guggulu
Frequency rank 68595/72933
suguggulu noun (masculine) nice guggulu
Frequency rank 70764/72933
hiṅgulu noun (masculine neuter) vermilion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 72550/72933
hiṅguluka noun (masculine neuter) vermilion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 72554/72933


herbo-mineral preparation used in urinary diseases.


Plant exudates of Commiphora wightii; Commifora mukul. syn. Balsamodendron mukul.


herbo-mineral preparation used in gout.


1. lunar month corresponding to February; 2. a bright star Regulus in Leo constellation.


Go to guggulu


herbal preparation used in obesity. It contains the resin of Commiphora wightii and tiriphala, trikaṭu et Century


herbo-mineral preparation used in arthritis diseases.


socket of teeth; resin of guggulu tree.


herbomineral preparation used in the treatment of arthritis.

Wordnet Search
"gulu" has 5 results.



vraṇaropinaḥ vṛkṣasya puṣpāṇi।

sītā gugguloḥ puṣpāṇāṃ mālāṃ karoti।


mañjarī, mañjaraḥ, mañjā, mañjiḥ, gutsakaḥ, gulucchaḥ, valluram   

viśiṣṭeṣu vṛkṣeṣu lagnaḥ mukulānāṃ stabakaḥ।

āmre mañjarī lagnā।


gucchaḥ, stabakaḥ, gucchakaḥ, grathnaḥ, gulucchaḥ, pulakaḥ, guñjaḥ, kūrcakaḥ, stambakaḥ, gutsakaḥ, pulī, pūlaḥ   

ekasmin sthāne baddhānāṃ vastūnāṃ samuhaḥ।

kuñcikāyāḥ gucchaḥ na jāne kutra gataḥ।



ekaḥ jātiviśeṣaḥ ।

mārkaṇḍeya-purāṇe tathā ca varāha-mihireṇa phalgulukaḥ varṇitaḥ dṛśyate



ekaṃ kandamūlam ।

gulucchakandasya varṇanaṃ kośe vartate

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