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Grammar Search
"guhyaka" has 1 results
guhyaka: masculine vocative singular stem: guhyaka
Monier-Williams Search
6 results for guhyaka
guhyakam. Name of a class of demi-gods who like the yakṣa-s are attendants of kubera- (the god of wealth) and guardians of his treasures (they may have received their N. from living in mountain caverns) etc. (identified with yakṣa-s ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
guhyakam. the number"eleven" View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
guhyakam. Name of kubera- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
guhyakam. "mystery" See tathāgata-g-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
guhyakapūjanan. worship of the guhyaka-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tathāgataguhyakan. " tathāgata--mystery", Name of a Buddhist work (highly revered in Nepal) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
guhyaka गुह्यकः 1 N. of a class of demigods, who, like the Yakṣas, are attendants of Kubera and guardians of his treasures; गुह्यकस्तं ययाचे Me.5; Ms.12.47. -2 The number 'eleven'. -Comp. -अधिपतिः, -ईश्वरः an epithet of Kubera.
Macdonell Search
1 result
nidhi m. putting down; food set down; receptacle; fig. embodiment; (hidden) treasure: apâm --, receptacle of waters, ocean; kalânâm --, full moon; -guhyaka½adhipa, m. ep. of Kubera; -datta, m. N. of a mer chant; -pa, m. guardian of treasure; -pati datta, m. N.; -p&asharp;, -pâla, m. guardian of a treasure; -pâlita, m. N.; -maya, a. (î) con sisting of treasures; -vâda, m. art of finding treasure.
Vedabase Search
15 results
guhyaka ghostly personsSB 4.10.5
guhyaka of YakṣasSB 10.34.28
guhyaka-ādayaḥ the Yakṣas, etc.SB 4.19.5
guhyaka-ādayaḥ the Yakṣas, etc.SB 4.19.5
guhyaka-ālayam to the abode of the Guhyakas (Kailāsa)SB 4.5.26
guhyaka-ālayam to the abode of the Guhyakas (Kailāsa)SB 4.5.26
guhyaka-nirmitāḥ created by the YakṣasSB 4.11.2
guhyaka-nirmitāḥ created by the YakṣasSB 4.11.2
guhyaka-rakṣasām of the Guhyakas and the RākṣasasSB 4.6.34
guhyaka-rakṣasām of the Guhyakas and the RākṣasasSB 4.6.34
guhyaka the demon ŚańkhacūḍaSB 10.43.25
guhyakaiḥ companions known as GuhyakasSB 1.9.3
guhyakau the two sons of KuveraSB 10.10.6
guhyakau unto the two young demigodsSB 10.10.39
guhyakau which in a former millennium had been demigodsSB 10.9.22
4 results
guhyaka noun (masculine) a Yakṣa (?) genital name of a class of demi-gods who like the Yakṣas are attendants of Kubera (the god of wealth) and guardians of his treasures (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Kubera (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the number "eleven" (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 5081/72933
guhyaka adjective secret
Frequency rank 34676/72933
atiguhyaka adjective top secret
Frequency rank 42032/72933
ūrdhvaguhyaka noun (masculine) a kind of insect
Frequency rank 63919/72933
Wordnet Search
"guhyaka" has 1 results.


yakṣaḥ, guhyakamātram, guhyakeśvaraḥ, indragṛham, dhanarakṣakaḥ   

bhūtayoniviśeṣaḥ, kuberasya sevakāḥ ye vikṛtākāravadanāḥ piṅgalākṣāḥ mahodarāḥ dīrghaskandhāḥ syuḥ iti manyate। yudhiṣṭhireṇa yakṣasya praśnāḥ samuttaritāḥ। /

pracetasaḥ sutā yakṣāḥ teṣāṃ nāmāni me śruṇu ।kevalo harikeśaśca kapilaḥ kāñcanastathā । meghamālī ca yakṣāḥ gaṇa eṣa udāhṛtaḥ ॥

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