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Grammar Search
"gudam" has 3 results
gudam: neuter nominative singular stem: guda
gudam: masculine accusative singular stem: guda
gudam: neuter accusative singular stem: guda
Amarakosha Search
1 result
gudam2.6.74NeuterSingularpāyuḥ, apānam
Apte Search
1 result
gudam गुदम् The anus; intestine; rectum; आन्त्रेभ्यस्ते गुदाभ्यो वनिष्ठोर्हृदयादधि Rv.1.163.3; Y.3.93; Ms.5.136; 8.262. -दा The anus; vein (नाडी); सिन्धवो द्रुगुदा Bṛi. Up.1.1.1. -Comp. -अङ्कुरः piles. -आवर्तः obstruction of the bowels. -उद्भवः piles. -ओष्ठः the opening of the anus. -कीलः, -कीलकः piles. -ग्रहः constipation, flatulence, spasm of the rectum. -निर्गमः see गुदभ्रंश. -पाकः inflammation of the anus. -भ्रंशः prollapsus ani. -वर्त्मन् n. the anus. -स्तम्भः constipation.
Vedabase Search
9 results
gudam an anusSB 3.26.57
gudam anusSB 10.67.13
gudam evacuating outletSB 3.6.20
gudam His anusSB 3.26.66
gudam rectumSB 4.29.9
gudam the air holeSB 2.2.19
gudam the anusSB 11.15.24
gudam the evacuating holeSB 2.10.27
gudam the rectumSB 2.6.9
Wordnet Search
"gudam" has 1 results.


apānam, gudam, pāyuḥ, maitraḥ, guhyam, gudavartma, tanuhradaḥ, mārgaḥ   

avayavaviśeṣaḥ -yasmād malādi niḥsarati।

apānasya śuddheḥ naikebhyaḥ rogebhyaḥ rakṣaṇaṃ bhavati apānavāyuḥ apāne vartate।

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