gu | (see 1. gā-) cl.1 A1. g/avate-, to go |
gu | in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' "going" See /adhri-gu-, vanar-g/u- (see also priy/aṃgu-, śāci-gu-) |
gu | "fit for" See tāta-gu-, nigu- (see agre-g/ū-.) |
gu | cl.1 A1. gavate-, to sound : Intensive A1. (1. and 3. sg. j/oguve-, parasmE-pada j/oguvāna-) "to cause to sound", proclaim : P. (imperfect tense agaṅgūyat-for aguṅg-) to shout with joy (see prati--3. gu-and j/ogū-.) |
gu | (=1. gū- q.v) cl.6 P. guvati-, to void by stool (see vi-gūna-.) |
gu | f. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' equals g/o-, cow |
gu | f. earth |
gu | f. ray () See /a-gu-, anu-gu-, anuṣṇa-gu-, /ariṣṭagu-, upa-gu-, uṣṇa-gu-, kṛś/a-gu-, tamo-gu-, etc. |
gu | n. (u-) water |
gu | n. the hair on the body |
guccha | m. (equals gutsa-) a bush, shrub |
guccha | m. a bundle, bunch of flowers, cluster of blossoms, clump (of grass etc.), bunch (of peacock's feathers) |
guccha | m. a pearl necklace of 32 (or of 70) strings (see ardha--) |
guccha | m. a section in a tale |
gucchabudhnā | varia lectio for -vadhrā-. |
gucchadantikā | f. Musa sapientum |
gucchagūma | n. bushes and shrubs, . |
gucchāhvakanda | m. a kind of esculent root (gulañca-k-) |
gucchaka | m. a bunch, bundle, cluster (of blossoms), bunch (of peacock's feathers), clump (of grass) |
gucchaka | m. a pearl necklace of 32 strings |
gucchaka | m. equals gucchin- |
gucchaka | n. Name of a fragrant plant |
gucchakaṇiśa | m. a kind of corn (rāgin-) (see bahutara-kaṇ-.) |
gucchakarañja | m. a variety of karañja- |
gucchala | m. a kind of grass |
gucchāla | m. Andropogon Schoenanthus |
gucchamūlikā | f. Scirpus Kysoor |
gucchapattra | m. "having bunches of leaves", the palm tree |
gucchaphala | m. "bunch-fruited", a kind of karañja- (riṭhā-karañja-) |
gucchaphala | m. Strychnos potatorum |
gucchaphala | m. Mimusops hexandra |
gucchaphalā | f. equals -dantikā- |
gucchaphalā | f. the vine |
gucchaphalā | f. Solanum indicum |
gucchaphalā | f. Solanum Jacquini |
gucchaphalā | f. a kind of leguminous plant (niṣpāvī-) |
gucchapuṣpa | m. Alstonia scholaris |
gucchapuṣpaka | m. two varieties of karañja- (rīṭhā-k-and guccha-k-) |
gucchapuṣpī | f. Grislea tomentosa |
gucchapuṣpī | f. Name of a shrub (śimṛḍī-) |
gucchārdha | m. a pearl necklace of twenty-four strings |
gucchārka | varia lectio for galv-arka- |
gucchavadhrā | f. Name of a plant (guṇḍālā-) |
gucchin | m. equals guccha-karañja- |
guḍ | cl.6 P. ḍati-, to guard, preserve (see guṇḍ-, ghuḍ-.) |
gud | cl.1 A1. godate-, to play, sport (see gūrd-, gudh-.) |
guḍa | m. (see guṭikā-, gula-; guḍ- ) a globe or ball |
guḍa | m. a ball to play with (see giri--) |
guḍa | m. a pill |
guḍa | m. a bit, mouthful |
guḍa | m. sugar which forms itself into lumps, dry sugar, treacle, molasses, first thickening of the juice of the sugar-cane by boiling etc. |
guḍa | m. an elephant's trappings or armour |
guḍa | m. the cotton tree |
guḍa | m. Euphorbia antiquorum |
guḍa | m. (plural) Name of a people (in madhya-deśa-) |
guḍā | f. a small ball, pill |
guḍā | f. the reed uśīrī- |
guḍā | f. Euphorbia antiquorum |
guda | m. an intestine, entrail, rectum, anus etc. |
guda | f(ā-, ī-). (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ā- gaRa krodādi-[or ī- gaRa bahv-ādi-,not in and in gaRa śoṇādi-]) |
guda | n. idem or 'f(ā-, ī-). (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ā- gaRa krodādi-[or ī- gaRa bahv-ādi-,not in and in gaRa śoṇādi-])' |
guda | m. dual number with kauṣṭhyau-, the two intestines |
gudā | f. plural (g/udās-) the bowels |
guḍabhā | f. sugar prepared from yava-nāla- |
gudabhraṃśa | m. equals -nirgama- |
guḍabīja | m. a kind of pease |
guḍacī | equals ḍūcī- |
guḍadāru | mn. equals -tṛṇa- |
guḍadhānā | f. plural grains with sugar Va1rtt. 4 and |
guḍadhenu | f. a sugar-cow (presented to Brahmans) |
guḍādi | a gaṇa- of |
gudagraha | m. spasm of the rectum |
guḍaharītakī | f. myrobalan preserved in molasses (see 14, 8) . |
gudaja | mn. plural equals -kīla-, |
guḍajihvikā | f. shortened for -nyāya- |
guḍajihvikānyāya | m. "rule of the sugar and the tongue", transitory impression soon lost, momentary opinion |
guḍaka | m. a ball (see nābhi-g-) (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) |
guḍaka | m. a bit, mouthful |
guḍaka | m. a kind of drug prepared with treacle |
guḍaka | n. molasses |
guḍaka | n. a kernel (varia lectio gulikā-). |
guḍākā | f. (a word formed for the etymology of guḍā-keśa-) "sloth" |
guḍakarī | for gurjarī-. |
guḍākeśa | m. "thick-haired", the hero arjuna- |
guḍākeśa | m. śiva- |
guḍākeśatā | f. having the hair crisp or curly (one of the 80 minor marks of a buddha-), . |
gudakīla | m. piles |
gudakīlaka | m. idem or 'm. piles ' |
guḍakṣīramaya | mfn. consisting of molasses and milk |
guḍakṣoda | m. sugar in the form of powder |
guḍala | n. a sort of rum (distilled from molasses) |
guḍālā | for guṇḍ- q.v |
guḍālaka | m. n. a lock of hair |
guḍalih | mfn. sugar-licking |
guḍaliṇmat | mfn. having sugar-lickers |
guḍamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of sugar |
guḍamiśra | n. equals -piṣṭa- |
guḍamūla | m. Amaranthus polygamus |
guḍanakha | n. the perfume nakha- formed into pills |
gudaniḥsaraṇa | n. idem or 'm. prolapsus ani, 14, 74.' |
gudānila | m. breaking wind, |
gudanirgama | m. prolapsus ani, 14, 74. |
gudāṅkura | m. piles |
gudapāka | m. inflammation of the anus |
gudapariṇaddha | See śva-g-. |
guḍaparpaṭaka | m. a kind of sweetmeat |
guḍaphala | m. Careya arborea or Salvadora persica |
guḍaphala | m. (equals gūḍha-ph-) jujube |
guḍapiṣṭa | n. "flour and sugar ground and boiled together", a sort of sweetmeat (see ) |
guḍapṛthukā | f. |
guḍāpūpa | m. equals ḍa-piṣṭa- |
guḍāpūpikā | f. (scilicet paurṇamāsī-) Name of a full-moon day on which sweetmeats are eaten |
guḍapuṣpa | m. "sugar-flowered", Bassia latifolia or another kind of Bassia (the flowers being full of saccharine matter) |
guḍara | mfn. fr. ḍa- gaRa aśmādi- (not in ) |
gudaroga | m. a disease of the last of the large intestines |
guḍaśarkarā | f. sugar, refined sugar |
guḍāśaya | m. a species of pīlu- growing on mountains |
guḍaśigru | m. a Moringa with red blossoms |
guḍaśṛṅgikā | f. an apparatus for throwing balls (from a wall) |
guḍāṣṭaka | n. "consisting of 8 sweet substances", a kind of mixture |
guḍatṛṇa | n. sugarcane |
guḍatvac | n. the aromatic bark of Laurus Cassia |
guḍatvaca | n. idem or 'n. the aromatic bark of Laurus Cassia ' |
guḍatvaca | n. mace |
guḍaudana | n. boiled rice and coarse sugar |
gudauṣṭha | n. the aperture of the anus, |
gudavadana | n. the anus |
gudavadanā | f. Name of a goddess |
gudāvarta | m. constipation |
gudavartman | n. the anus |
gudayoni | mfn. pathic |
guḍera | m. a bit, mouthful |
guḍeraka | m. a bit, mouthful |
gudh | cl.4 P. dhyati- (ind.p. gudhitvā- ;See upa-gudha-), to wrap up, envelop, cover, clothe (confer, compare guṇṭh-) : cl.9 P. dhnāti-, to be angry, : cl.1 A1. godhate-, to play, sport (confer, compare gūrd-, gud-), ; ([ confer, compare Greek ; Old German hu1t; German haut; Anglo-Saxon hyde,hyd; Latin cutis?]) |
gudhera | mfn. protecting |
gudhita | mfn. surrounded, enclosed |
guḍī | f. idem or 'f. Euphorbia antiquorum ' (see gauḍa-, bahu-guḍā-.) |
guḍikā | f. a pill |
guḍodaka | n. ( ) water mixed with molasses |
guḍodaka | mfn. containing water instead of molasses |
guḍodana | equals guḍaud-, . |
guḍodbhavā | f. sugar |
gudodbhava | m. piles |
guḍucī | equals ḍūcī- |
guḍūcī | f. Cocculus cordifolius (see kanda--; ḍacī-, ḍucī-.) |
guḍūcikā | f. equals cī- |
guḍuguḍāyana | n. (onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds)) grumbling (of the belly) (see ) |
guḍuha | m. pl, Name of a people in madhya-deśa- (vv.ll. guru-ha-, guluha-, gulaha-) |
guggula | m. (equals lu-) bdellium (varia lectio lu-) |
guggula | m. |
guggulākṣa | m. Name of a plant |
gugguli | plural Name of a family |
guggulu | n. (equals g/ulg-) bdellium or the exudation of Amyris Agallochum (a fragrant gum resin, used as a perfume and medicament) (called saindhav/a-or samudr/iya-,"obtained near rivers or the sea", ) |
guggulu | m. idem or 'n. (equals g/ulg-) bdellium or the exudation of Amyris Agallochum (a fragrant gum resin, used as a perfume and medicament) (called saindhav/a-or samudr/iya-,"obtained near rivers or the sea", ) ' |
guggulu | m. equals -dru- |
guggulu | f(/ūs-). ( ) Name of an apsaras- (see kaṇa--, gauggulava-and gaulg-.) |
gugguludru | m. a variety of Moringa with red flowers |
gugguluka | mf(ī-). a man or woman who deals in bdellium gaRa kisarādi-. |
guh | cl.1 P. A1. g/ūhati-, te- (see ; imperfect tense /agūhat- ; perf. jugūha- ; future gūhiṣyati- ; Aorist agūhīt-, ; subjunctive 2. sg. ghukṣas-[ ] or Vedic or Veda guhas-[ ]; pr. p. P. g/ūhat-, ; A1. gūhamāna- etc.; Passive voice guhy/amāna- ; Aorist guh/amāna- ;Ved. ind.p. gū1ḍhv/ī-, ) to cover, conceal, hide, keep secret etc.: Desiderative jughukṣati- (;3. dual number jugukṣatas-, pada-pāṭha- jughukṣ-) to wish to conceal or hide away |
guh | (only accusative g/uham-and instrumental case 1. guh/ā-) f. a hiding-place |
guha | m. (gaRa aśmādi-) "reared in a secret place", Name of skanda- (the god; see kārttikeya-) etc. |
guha | m. Name of śiva- |
guha | m. of viṣṇu- |
guha | m. of a king of the niṣāda-s (friend of rāma-) |
guha | m. N. belonging to persons of the writer caste |
guha | m. a horse ("a swift horse") |
guha | m. plural Name of a people in the south of India |
guhā | (2. g/uhā-) f. (gaṇa-s vṛṣādi-and bhidādi-) a hiding-place, cave, cavern etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). ) |
guhā | f. (figuratively) the heart |
guhā | f. Hemionitis cordifolia (see prati-g-) |
guhā | f. Desmodium gangeticum |
guhā | ind. (3. g/uhā-), Ved. instrumental case in a hiding-place, in secret, secretly (opposed to āv/is-,and especially with dhā-, ni-dhā-, kṛ-,"to conceal, remove") |
guhā | and 3 See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order guha-. |
guhacandra | m. Name of a merchant |
guhācara | mfn. moving in secret id est in the heart |
guhadavadya | mfn. concealing deficiencies |
guhadeva | m. Name of a teacher |
guhāgahanavat | mfn. furnished with caverns and thickets |
guhāgarī | f. a kind of betel |
guhāgṛha | n. a cavern |
guhagupta | m. "protected by guha-", Name of a bodhi-sattva- |
guhahata | mfn. "struck by skanda-", the krauñca- mountain |
guhāhita | mfn. being in a secret place id est in the heart |
guhaka | n. plural " skanda-'s heads", the number,"six." |
guhākāram | ind. so as to conceal one's self |
guhalu | m. Name of a man gaRa 2. lohitādi- (gūh- ; gulu-and guggulu- ) |
guhāmukha | mfn. wide-mouthed, open-mouthed |
guhapriyā | f. Name of indra-'s daughter |
guhara | mfn. fr. ha- gaRa aśmādi-. |
guharāja | m. a peculiar form or construction of a temple |
guhaṣaṣṭhī | f. the 6th day in the light half of mārgaśīrṣa-. |
guhāśaya | mfn. dwelling in hiding-places or in caverns |
guhāśaya | mfn. being in the heart ("Name of viṣṇu-") |
guhāśaya | m. a tiger |
guhasena | m. Name of a prince |
guhasena | m. of a merchant |
guhaśiva | m. Name of a king of kaliṅga-. |
guhati | m. the root guh- |
guhavāhana | n. " skanda-'s vehicle" id est his peacock |
guhavaktra | n. plural " skanda-'s faces", the number"six." |
guhāvāsin | m. "dwelling in secret", Name of a muni- |
guhāvāsitīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- |
guhera | m. a smith, 62 |
guhera | m. a guardian |
guheśvara | m. "lord of caverns", Name of an attendant in śiva-'s retinue |
guhila | m. Name of a prince (descendant of bappa-), |
guhila | n. (gaRa kāśādi-) equals hina- |
guhina | n. a wood, thicket |
guhya | mfn. ( gaRa daṇḍādi-) to be covered or concealed or hidden or kept secret, concealable, private, secret, mysterious, mystical etc. |
guhya | m. hypocrisy |
guhya | m. a tortoise |
guhya | m. Name of viṣṇu- ( p.106) |
guhya | n. a secret, mystery (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-)., ) etc. |
guhya | n. the pudenda (see 1. g/ṛhya-) the anus |
guhyabhāṣita | n. secret speech, mystical prayer or incantation |
guhyabīja | m. "having concealed seeds", Andropogon Schoenanthus |
guhyadevī | f. Name of a goddess |
guhyadhārā | f. the urethra, |
guhyadīpaka | m. a flying insect which gives out light, fire-fly |
guhyaguru | m. (see gṛhya-g-) "the mystic Guru", śiva- (considered as the especial teacher of the tantra-s) |
guhyaka | m. Name of a class of demi-gods who like the yakṣa-s are attendants of kubera- (the god of wealth) and guardians of his treasures (they may have received their N. from living in mountain caverns) etc. (identified with yakṣa-s ) |
guhyaka | m. the number"eleven" |
guhyaka | m. Name of kubera- |
guhyaka | m. "mystery" See tathāgata-g-. |
guhyakādhipati | m. "lord of the guhyaka-s", Name of kubera- |
guhyakālī | f. "mysterious durgā-", a form of durgā- |
guhyakapūjana | n. worship of the guhyaka-s |
guhyakeśvara | m. idem or 'm. "lord of the guhyaka-s", Name of kubera- ' |
guhyam | ind. secretly, privately |
guhyaniṣyanda | m. urine |
guhyapati | m. "lord of the mysteries", Name of vajra-dhara- |
guhyapatividyā | f. Name of a prayer |
guhyapattra | m. "having concealed leaves or blossoms", Ficus religiosa |
guhyapattraka | m. idem or 'm. "having concealed leaves or blossoms", Ficus religiosa ' |
guhyapidhāna | n. a covering for the privities |
guhyapuṣpa | m. equals -pattra- |
guhyaroga | m. idem or 'f. a disease of the pudenda ' |
guhyaruj | f. a disease of the pudenda |
guhyatantra | n. Name of a tantra- |
guhyavidyā | f. knowledge of mantra-s or mystical incantations |
guhyeśvarī | f. "mystic deity" id est prajñā- (female energy of the ādi-buddha-), |
guj | (= guñj-) cl.1.6.P. gojati-, gujati-, to buzz, hum |
gujjarī | for gurj-. |
gula | m. (equals guḍa-) raw or unrefined sugar, molasses |
gula | m. the glans penis |
gula | m. the clitoris |
gulā | f. Tithymalus antiquorum |
gulaha | varia lectio for guḍuha- q.v |
gulañcakanda | equals luccha-k- |
gulgulu | n. (equals g/ugg-) bdellium |
gulī | f. any small globular substance, pill |
gulī | f. small pox (see gola-.) |
gulikā | f. (equals guḍikā-) a ball (as a missile) |
gulikā | f. a small ball or globule (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') |
gulikā | f. a ball for playing with |
gulikā | f. a pearl (varia lectio for guṭikā-) |
gulikā | f. a pill |
gulikā | f. "a kernel" See guḍikā- |
gulikā | f. a head (of cattle) |
gulika | m. Name of a hunter |
gulikā | f. See gula-. |
gulikākrīḍā | f. playing with a ball (bat and ball, golf, etc.) |
guliṅka | m. (equals kul-) a sparrow |
gulma | m. (rarely n. ) a cluster or clump of trees, thicket, bush, shrub etc. |
gulma | m. a troop or guard of soldiers, body of troops, division of an army (consisting of 45 foot, 27 horse, 9 chariots, and 9 elephants ;or of 135 foot, 81 horse, 27 chariots, and 27 elephants ; see ) etc. |
gulma | m. a fort, entrenchment |
gulma | m. disciplining an army |
gulma | m. a chronic enlargement of the spleen or any glandular enlargement in the abdomen (as that of the mesenteric gland etc.) |
gulma | m. the spleen |
gulma | m. "a wharf or stairs, " See -tara-paṇya- |
gulmaka | m. a cluster or clump of trees |
gulmaka | m. Name of a son of the Brahman soma-śarman-, vi, 9. |
gulmakālānanarasa | m. (in med.) a kind of mixture. |
gulmakeśa | mfn. bushy-haired |
gulmaketu | m. sorrel |
gulmakuṣṭha | n. a kind of leprosy. |
gulmamūla | n. fresh ginger |
gulmatarapaṇya | in compound wharf- and ferry-dues |
gulmavallī | f. Sarcostemma viminale |
gulmavat | mfn. affected with the gulma- disease () . |
gulmavāta | m. a disease of the spleen |
gulmī | f. a cluster or clump of trees |
gulmī | f. the Myrobalan tree |
gulmī | f. jujube |
gulmī | f. small cardamoms |
gulmī | f. a tent |
gulmībhūta | mfn. "become a bush", become worthless |
gulmin | mfn. equals lma-vat- |
gulmin | mfn. composed of different divisions (as force etc.) |
gulmin | mfn. growing in a clump or cluster, bushy |
gulminī | f. a spreading creeper |
gulmodara | n. a disease of the spleen |
gulpha | m. (equals kulph/a-; gal- ) the ancle etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).[ ] ) . |
gulphadaghna | mfn. reaching down to the ancle |
gulphadvayasa | mfn. idem or 'mfn. reaching down to the ancle ' |
gulphajāha | n. the root of the ancle gaRa karṇādi-. |
gulphinī | f. (for lminī-?) an army |
gulphita | n. (equals guṣpit/a-) accumulation (see vi-gulpha-.) |
guluccha | m. (equals guccha-) a bunch, nosegay, cluster of blossoms |
gulucchakanda | m. Name of a bulbous root (varia lectio lañca-k-). |
gulugudhā | ind. (varia lectio gulūg-) only in compound |
gulūgudhā | for lug-. |
gulugudhākṛ | (gaRa ūry-ādi-) "to torment"or"to play, sport" |
gulugulā | gaRa ūry-ādi- |
gulugulita | n. the roaring (of an elephant) |
guluha | varia lectio for guḍuha- q.v |
guluñca | equals luccha- |
guluñcha | equals luccha- |
guluñchaka | equals luccha- |
gulya | n. a sweet or saccharine taste |
gulya | See gula-. |
gum | onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds) imitation of the humming of bees, only in compound |
guṃ | (in compound for gum-). |
gumagumāyita | n. equals guṃ-kāra-, |
guṃkāra | -kvaṇa- See gum-. |
guṃkāra | m. humming (of bees) |
guṃkvaṇa | mfn. speaking through the nose |
gumph | (= guph-) cl.6 P. phati- ( ; ind.p. gumphitvā-[ ] ) , to string together, tie or string as a garland : Causal phayati- idem or 'n. equals guṃ-kāra-, ' |
gumpha | m. tying or stringing as a garland |
gumpha | m. stringing, filing, combining with each other |
gumpha | m. a bracelet |
gumpha | m. a whisker |
gumphaka | mf(ikā-)n. See mauktika--. |
gumphana | n. winding (a garland) |
gumphana | n. stringing, filing (as words) |
gumphanā | f. idem or 'n. stringing, filing (as words) ' (among the śabdālaṃkārāḥ-) |
gumphana | f. See mauktika--. |
gumphanikā | f. "word-garland", a literary composition, |
gumphita | mfn. tied, strung together |
gumphita | mfn. arranged, placed in order |
guṇa | m. ( grah- ) a single thread or strand of a cord or twine (exempli gratia, 'for example' tri-g- q.v), string or thread, rope |
guṇa | m. a garland |
guṇa | m. a bow-string (cāpa--) |
guṇa | m. (in geometry) a sinew |
guṇa | m. the string of a musical instrument, chord : in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (f(ā-).) with numerals"fold, times" (See c/atur--, tri--, daśa--, dv/i--, pañca--;rarely the numeral stands by itself along with guṇ/a-[ exempli gratia, 'for example' viśiṣṭo daśabhir guṇaiḥ-,"of ten times higher value" ] ;[ guṇa- equals bhāga-] ) |
guṇa | m. a multiplier, co-efficient (in algebra) |
guṇa | m. subdivision, species, kind (exempli gratia, 'for example' gandhasya guṇāḥ-,the different kinds of smell ) |
guṇa | m. the 6 subdivisions of action for a king in foreign politics (viz. peace, war, march, halt, stratagem, and recourse to the protection of a mightier king) |
guṇa | m. equals upāya- (q.v,denoting the 4 ways of conquering an enemy) |
guṇa | m. "requisite" See ṇopeta- |
guṇa | m. a secondary element, subordinate or unessential part of any action (exempli gratia, 'for example' sarvaguṇa sarva-guṇa- mfn."reaching to all subordinate parts", hence"valid throughout") |
guṇa | m. an auxiliary act |
guṇa | m. a secondary dish (opposed to anna- id est rice or the chief dish), side-dish |
guṇa | m. (equals -karman-,in grammar) the secondary or less immediate object of an action |
guṇa | m. a quality, peculiarity, attribute or property |
guṇa | m. an attribute of the 5 elements (each of which has its own peculiar quality or qualities as well as organ of sense;thus 1. ether has śabda-,or sound for its guṇa- and the ear for its organ;2. the air has tangibility and sound for its guṇa-s and the skin for its organ;3. fire or light has shape or colour, tangibility, and sound for its guṇa-s, and the eye for its organs;4. water has flavour, shape, tangibility, and sound for its guṇa-s, and the tongue for its organ;5. earth has the preceding guṇa-s, with the addition of its own peculiar guṇa- of smell, and the nose for its organ) |
guṇa | m. (in sāṃkhya- philosophy) an ingredient or constituent of prakṛti-, chief quality of all existing beings (viz. sattva-, rajas-,and tamas- id est goodness, passion, and darkness, or virtue, foulness, and ignorance; see ) |
guṇa | m. (hence) the number"three" |
guṇa | m. a property or characteristic of all created things (in nyāya- philosophy twenty-four guṇa-s are enumerated, viz. 1. rūpa-,shape, colour;2. rasa-,savour;3. gandha-,odour;4. sparśa-,tangibility;5. saṃkhyā-,number;6. parimāṇa-,dimension;7. pṛthaktva-,severalty;8. saṃyoga-,conjunction;9. vibhāga-,disjunction;10. paratva-,remoteness;11. aparatva-,proximity;12. gurutva-,weight;13. dravatva-,fluidity;14. sneha-,viscidity;15. śabda-,sound;16. buddhi-or jñāna-,understanding or knowledge;17. sukha-,pleasure;18. duḥkha-,pain;19. icchā-,desire; 20. dveṣa-,aversion; 21. prayatna-,effort; 22. dharma-,merit or virtue; 23. adharma-,demerit; 24. saṃskāra-,the self-reproductive quality) |
guṇa | m. an epithet |
guṇa | m. good quality, virtue, merit, excellence etc. |
guṇa | also"power, might"; āt-,"by virtue of","in consequence of","by means of" |
guṇa | m. the merit of composition (consistency, elegance of expression, etc.) |
guṇa | m. the peculiar properties of the letters (11 in number, viz. the 8 bāhya-prayatnās-[q.v.] and the 3 accents) on (see -mātra-) |
guṇa | m. the first gradation of a vowel, the vowels a- (with ar-, al- ), e-, o- |
guṇa | m. an organ of sense |
guṇa | m. a cook (see -kāra-) |
guṇa | m. bhīma-sena- (see -kāra-) |
guṇā | f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana |
guṇā | f. the plant māṃsarohiṇī- |
guṇā | f. Name of a princess (see nir--, vi--, sa--; gauṇa-.) |
guṇabaddha | mfn. "bound with ropes"and"won by merits" |
guṇābdhi | m. (equals ṇa-sāgara-) Name of a buddha- |
guṇabhadra | m. Name of the author of the ātmānuśāsana-. |
guṇabhāj | mfn. equals -dhara-. |
guṇābhāsa | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') semblance of qualities (= ) . |
guṇabhedatas | ind. according to the difference of quality |
guṇābhilāṣin | mfn. equals ṇa-gṛdhnu- |
guṇabhinna | mfn. separated according to the 3 guṇa-s sattva-, rajas-, and tamas- |
guṇabhoktṛ | mfn. perceiving the properties of things |
guṇabhraṃśa | m. the loss of all good qualities |
guṇabhuj | mfn. equals -bhāj- |
guṇabhūta | mfn. unessential, secondary |
guṇabhūta | mfn. dependent Va1rtt. 5 |
guṇacandra | m. Name of a man |
guṇacandra | m. Name of a disciple of deva-sūri- (author of a commentator or commentary called tattva-prakāśaka-vr2itti-). |
guṇaccheda | m. "the breaking of a cord"and"the cessation of good qualities" |
guṇadeva | m. Name of a pupil of guṇāḍhya- |
guṇādhāna | n. "addition of accessory qualities" |
guṇādhāna | n. rendering more fit for any purpose |
guṇādhāna | n. (equals pratiyatna-) |
guṇadhara | mfn. possessing good qualities |
guṇādhāra | m. "receptacle of virtues", a virtuous person |
guṇadharma | m. the virtue or duty incident to the possession of certain qualities (as clemency is the virtue and duty of royalty etc.) |
guṇādhipa | m. "lord of virtues", Name of a king |
guṇādhiṣṭhāna | n. the region of the breast where the girdle is fastened |
guṇādhiṣṭhānaka | n. the region of the breast where the girdle is fastened |
guṇadhṛta | mfn. upheld by virtue (and"by ropes"), |
guṇāḍhya | mfn. rich in virtues or excellences |
guṇāḍhya | m. Name of the famous author of the bṛhat-kathā-, 346 |
guṇāḍhya | m. equals ḍhyaka- |
guṇāḍhyaka | m. Alangium decapetalum |
guṇādi | a gaṇa- of |
guṇadīdhitiṭikā | f. Name of two Comm. on -prakāśa-vivṛti-. |
guṇadīdhitiṭippanī | f. Name of two Comm. on -prakāśa-vivṛti-. |
guṇadīpaka | n. a simile in which a word denoting a quality forms the tertium comparationis |
guṇadoṣa | m. dual number virtue and vice |
guṇadoṣa | n. sg. idem or 'm. dual number virtue and vice ' |
guṇadoṣaparīkṣaṇa | n. test or investigation of merits and defects |
guṇadoṣīkaraṇa | n. making a defect out of a merit |
guṇagaṇa | m. a number or series of good qualities |
guṇagāna | n. praising the virtues of another, panegyric |
guṇagaṇavat | mfn. endowed with a number of good qualities |
guṇagandhavat | mfn. having the fragrance of (id est resembling) virtue, |
guṇaghātin | mfn. "destroying merit", detractor, envious |
guṇāgradhārin | m. "endowed with the best qualities", Name of a man, . |
guṇagrāhaka | mfn. appreciating merit |
guṇagrahaṇa | n. acknowledging or appreciating merit or good qualities |
guṇagrāhin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. appreciating merit ' |
guṇagrahītṛ | mfn. "receiving ropes"and"acknowledging merit" |
guṇagrāma | m. an assemblage of virtues or merits |
guṇagṛdhnu | mfn. desiring good qualities |
guṇagṛhya | mf(ā-)n. admiring virtue, attached to merit |
guṇāgrya | n. the best of the 3 chief qualities id est sattva- (q.v) |
guṇāguṇa | m. plural merits and defects |
guṇāguṇajña | mf(ā-)n. a judge of merit and demerit |
guṇaguru | mfn. respectable through virtue, |
guṇahāni | f. want of merits |
guṇahārya | mfn. to be won by virtues, |
guṇahīna | mfn. void of merit |
guṇahīna | mfn. free from properties |
guṇahīna | mfn. poor (as food) |
guṇajña | mfn. equals -grahaṇa- |
guṇajñatā | f. appreciation of good qualities |
guṇaka | m. a calculator, reckoner (for gaṇ-) |
guṇaka | m. (in arithmetic) the multiplier |
guṇaka | m. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' quality |
guṇaka | m. Name of a maker of garlands |
guṇakāra | mfn. productive of good qualities, profitable |
guṇakāra | m. (in mathematics) the multiplier |
guṇakāra | m. "preparing side-dishes or any secondary article of food", bhīma-sena- (who performed the duties of a cook while the pāṇḍava- princes were servants to virāṭa- ) |
guṇākara | m. a mine or multitude of merits, one endowed with all virtues |
guṇākara | m. (equals ṇa-rāśi-) śiva- |
guṇākara | m. Name of śākya-muni- |
guṇākara | m. of a poet |
guṇākara | m. of a minister |
guṇākara | m. of a Buddhist |
guṇākara | mf(ā-)n. possessing all excellences |
guṇakāraka | m. (equals ra-) bhīma-sena- |
guṇakaraṇḍavyūha | m. Name of a Buddhist work (see kar-.) |
guṇākarasūri | m. Name of the author of a commentator or commentary on |
guṇakarī | f. (in music) Name of a rāgiṇī- (see -kirī-and guḍa-karī-.) |
guṇakarman | n. an unessential secondary action (ma-tva-) |
guṇakarman | n. (in grammar) the secondary or less immediate object of an action |
guṇakarmavibhāga | mfn. distinguishing an action and an attribute |
guṇakarmavibhāga | m. separation of an action and an attribute |
guṇakathā | f. (in rhetoric) eulogy, |
guṇakeśī | f. Name of a daughter of indra-'s charioteer mālati- |
guṇaketu | m. Name of a buddha- |
guṇakiraṇāvalī | f. Name of a literary work. |
guṇakirī | f. equals -karī-. |
guṇakīrtana | n. telling the merits |
guṇakrī | f. equals -kirī-. |
guṇakṛtya | n. the function of a bowstring |
guṇākṣara | for ghuṇ-. |
guṇala | m. Name of a son of bhoja-. |
guṇālābha | m. inefficiency |
guṇalakṣaṇa | n. mark or indication of internal property |
guṇālaṃkṛta | mfn. adorned with virtues or good qualities |
guṇālaya | m. "abode of good qualities", one endowed with all virtues |
guṇālaya | m. (sarva--) |
guṇalayanī | f. a tent |
guṇalayanikā | f. a tent |
guṇaleśasukhada | "giving pleasure to people of little understanding", Name of work |
guṇalubdha | mfn. equals -gṛdhnu- (as wealth or luck) ( ) . |
guṇamahat | n. equals -pūga- |
guṇamata | n. the doctrine of those who worship the qualities |
guṇamati | m. Name of a teacher |
guṇamātra | n. only (one of the guṇa-s in grammar,viz.) the accent |
guṇamaya | mfn. "consisting of single threads"and"formed by or possessing merits" |
guṇamaya | mfn. produced by or consisting of the three constituent properties of prakṛti-, resting on them or containing them |
guṇamukhyā | f. "superior by good qualities", Name of an apsaras- |
guṇana | n. multiplication |
guṇana | n. enumeration |
guṇana | n. pointing out merits or virtues |
guṇana | n. reiterated study, repetition |
guṇānanda | m. Name of an author |
guṇānandī | f. Name of a commentary by da-. |
guṇāṅga | n. plural actions resulting from good qualities |
guṇanī | f. idem or 'n. reiterated study, repetition ' |
guṇanidhi | m. "treasury of good qualities", an excellent man |
guṇanidhi | m. Name of a man |
guṇanikā | f. (equals nī-) reiterated study, repetition (or"reiteration, tautology"?) |
guṇanikā | f. determining of the various readings of a manuscript (pāṭha-niścaya-or ścita-) |
guṇanikā | f. a jewel, gem ("a garland, necklace"Scholiast or Commentator) |
guṇanikā | f. dancing |
guṇanikā | f. the prologue to a drama |
guṇanikā | f. (in arithmetic) a cipher |
guṇanīya | mfn. to be multiplied |
guṇanīya | mfn. to be advised |
guṇanīya | m. (equals nikā-) reiterated study |
guṇanīya | n. the multiplicand |
guṇāntara | n. a different quality or kind of merit |
guṇāntarādhāna | n. "addition of another or better quality", being active or caring for (genitive case) on |
guṇāntaraṃvraj | to obtain a better quality, become superior |
guṇāntarāpatti | f. attainment of another quality |
guṇānurāga | m. delight in good qualities, approbation |
guṇānurodha | m. conformity to good qualities |
guṇānvaya | mfn. having qualities |
guṇānvita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. having qualities ' , |
guṇānvita | mfn. endowed with virtues, excellent (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' with rūpa-) |
guṇānvita | mfn. auspicious (a nakṣatra-) |
guṇapadī | f. (a woman) having feet thin as cords gaRa kumbha-padyādi-. |
guṇapālita | m. "protected by one's merits", Name of a man |
guṇāpavāda | m. detracting from merit |
guṇaprabha | m. Name of a Buddhist teacher. |
guṇaprakarṣa | m. idem or 'n. great merit, excellence ' |
guṇaprakāśadīdhitimāthurī | f. Name of a Comm. on śa-vivṛti-. |
guṇaprakāśavivṛti | f. Name of a commentator or commentary |
guṇapriya | mfn. fond of merit or excellence |
guṇapūga | n. great merit, excellence |
guṇarāga | m. delighting in the good qualities of others |
guṇarājaprabhāsa | m. Name of a buddha- |
guṇārāma | m. "pleasure-grove of good qualities", Name of an actor. |
guṇarāśi | m. "having a great number of qualities", śiva- |
guṇarāśi | m. Name of a buddha- |
guṇaratna | n. "pearl of good qualities", Name of a short collection of sentences by bhava-bhūti- |
guṇaratna | n. "pearl of qualities", Name of work on nyāya- philosophy |
guṇaratnakośastotra | n. Name of a hymn by parāśara-bhaṭṭa- |
guṇaratnamālā | f. Name of a medical work |
guṇaratnamaya | mfn. possessed of pearl-like virtues |
guṇarddha | (guṇ/a-ṛddha-) mfn. powerful through peculiar qualities |
guṇaśabda | m. the twang of a bowstring |
guṇaśabda | m. (equals vacana-) an adjective |
guṇasāgara | m. equals -samudra- |
guṇasāgara | m. brahmā- |
guṇasāgara | m. Name of a buddha- |
guṇasāgara | m. of a prince |
guṇasāgara | mfn. endowed with all good qualities |
guṇasaṃgraha | m. a collection of merits or properties |
guṇasaṃgraha | m. equals -grahaṇa- |
guṇasaṃkhyāna | n. the (enumeration id est the) theory of the 3 essential properties |
guṇasaṃkhyāna | n. the appearance of a quality (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' with sarva--). |
guṇasaṃkīrtana | n. celebration of qualities (edition Gorr.) |
guṇasampad | f. great merit, perfection |
guṇasampanna | mfn. endowed with good qualities or virtues |
guṇasaṃskāra | in compound quality and preparation |
guṇasaṃskāra | m. the highest limit of excellence |
guṇasamudra | n. an ocean of virtues, one endowed with all virtues |
guṇasaṃyukta | mfn. endowed with good qualities |
guṇasaṅga | m. association with properties or qualities |
guṇasaṅga | m. plural the good qualities peculiar to a person |
guṇaśata | n. a hundred excellent qualities |
guṇaśataśālin | mfn. possessed of a hundred excellent qualities. |
guṇaśila | m. "excellent rock", Name of a caitya- |
guṇaśīla | See a-g- |
guṇaśīlatas | ind. according to virtues and character |
guṇaślāghā | f. encomium, praise |
guṇāśraya | m. "abode of qualities", substance, matter |
guṇāśraya | m. one endowed with virtues, a very virtuous man |
guṇasthānaprakaraṇa | n. Name of a jaina- work. |
guṇastuti | f. equals -ślāghā- |
guṇasundara | m. Name of a daśa-pūrvin- |
guṇatā | f. subordination, dependance |
guṇatā | f. the being a merit |
guṇatā | f. the possession of attributes or qualities |
guṇatā | f. multiplication |
guṇatantra | mfn. judging according to the merits, laying stress on merits |
guṇatas | ind. according to the three chief qualities of all existing beings |
guṇatas | ind. from the side of the good qualities or virtues |
guṇatas | ind. according to property or quality |
guṇatas | ind. according to desert |
guṇatas | ind. according to the properties of the letters |
guṇātipāta | m. detraction of acknowledged merits |
guṇātipāta | m. acting against nature, |
guṇātiśaya | m. (in dramatic language) heightening acknowledged merits |
guṇātīta | mfn. freed from or beyond all properties |
guṇātman | mfn. having qualities |
guṇatraya | n. the three constituent properties of prakṛti- (See guṇa-) |
guṇatrayābhāsa | m. "appearance of the guṇa-traya- ", life |
guṇatritaya | n. equals -traya- |
guṇatva | n. the condition of a string |
guṇatva | n. subordination |
guṇatva | n. the possession of qualities |
guṇatva | n. excellence |
guṇatva | n. multiplication |
guṇatyāgin | mfn. giving up what is excellent |
guṇaugha | m. equals ṇa-pūga- |
guṇavācaka | mfn. denoting a quality (an adjective) (-vacana- ) |
guṇavacana | n. "word denoting a quality", an attributive, adjective |
guṇavacana | mfn. denoting a quality, used as an adjective, iv, 1, 42 |
guṇavāda | m. a statement meant figuratively |
guṇavāda | m. a statement contradictory to other arguments |
guṇavādin | mfn. pointing out any one's merits |
guṇavadvapus | mfn. of excellent form, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding |
guṇāvaha | mfn. having the proper qualities |
guṇavaicitrya | n. a variety of qualities |
guṇavaiśeṣya | n. preeminence of merit or of any property, ix, 296 (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') |
guṇāvarā | f. "lowest as to virtues", Name of an apsaras- |
guṇavarman | m. Name of a man |
guṇavarṇana | n. describing the merits of any one |
guṇavartin | mfn. being on the path of virtue |
guṇavat | mfn. "furnished with a thread or string"and"endowed with good qualities" |
guṇavat | mfn. endowed with the five qualities or attributes of elements |
guṇavat | mfn. endowed with good qualities or virtues or merits or excellences, excellent, perfect etc. |
guṇavat | m. Name of a son of guṇavatī- |
guṇavat | m. of a daughter (of sunābha- and wife of sāmba- ;of the prince guṇa-sāgara- ) |
guṇavatī | f. Name of a combination of three śloka-s forming all one phrase |
guṇavatpayaska | mfn. producing excellent milk, |
guṇavattā | f. the state of possessing qualities |
guṇavattā | f. possession of good qualities or virtues, excellence |
guṇavattama | mfn. (superl.) most excellent |
guṇavattara | mfn. (Comparative degree) more excellent |
guṇavattva | n. the state of possessing qualities |
guṇavedin | mfn. knowing the properties or qualities |
guṇavedin | mfn. knowing the merits of (in compound) |
guṇavidha | for dhi-, 11466. |
guṇavipramukta | mfn. freed from qualities, |
guṇaviśeṣa | m. a different property |
guṇaviṣṇu | m. Name of a scholiast. |
guṇavistara | mfn. abounding in excellent qualities |
guṇavivecana | mfn. examining the good qualities (of speech;Name of ) |
guṇavivecanā | f. discernment in appreciating any one's merits, just sense of merit |
guṇavrata | n. "vow or duty of secondary importance", a term for 3 particular duties (forming with the 5 aṇu-vratāni-and the 4 śikṣā-padāni-the 12 duties of the laymen adhering to the jaina- faith) |
guṇavṛddhī | f. dual number (equals vṛddhi-guṇau-) the gradations of vowels called guṇa- and vṛddhi- gaRa rājadantādi-. |
guṇavṛkṣa | m. a post to which a boat is fastened |
guṇavṛkṣaka | m. a post to which a boat is fastened |
guṇavṛtti | f. a secondary or unessential condition or relation (opposed to mukhyā vṛ-) |
guṇavṛtti | f. the secondary force of a word |
guṇavṛtti | f. character or style of qualities or merits |
guṇaya | Nom. P. yati-, to multiply ; to advise, invite (see saṃ--.) |
guṇāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to become or appear as a merit |
guṇāyana | mfn. equals ṇa-vartin- |
guṇayoga | m. "contact with a cord"and"contact with any one's peculiarities" |
guṇayoga | m. the application of the secondary sense of a word |
guṇayukta | mfn. "bound with a cord"and"possessed with virtues." |
guṇḍ | (see guṇṭh-) cl.10. ḍayati-, to cover, conceal, protect ; to pound, comminute |
guṇḍa | m. Scirpus Kysoor |
guṇḍā | f. a kind of reed (varia lectio) |
guṇḍaka | m. dust, powder |
guṇḍaka | m. an oil vessel |
guṇḍaka | m. a low pleasing tone |
guṇḍaka | m. equals malina- |
guṇḍakanda | m. the root of Scirpus Kysoor |
guṇḍālā | f. Name of a plant (jalodbhūtā-, gucchavadhrā-) |
guṇḍālā | f. a kind of grass (varia lectio guḍ-) |
gundala | m. the sound of a small oblong drum |
gundāla | for drāla- |
guṇḍana | See guṇṭhana-. |
guṇḍārocanī | f. idem or 'f. the plant kāmpilya- ' |
guṇḍārocanikā | f. the plant kāmpilya- |
guṇḍāśinī | f. a kind of grass (varia lectio ḍāsinī-). |
guṇḍicā | f. Name of the place where the image of puruṣottama- or jagan-nātha- is placed after being carried about at the ratha-yātrā-, |
guṇḍikā | f. ? (mentioned in connection with lipi-) |
guṇḍikā | f. the lower part of the hilt of a sword |
guṇḍika | m. plural flour, meal |
guṇḍikā | f. See ḍaka-. |
guṇḍita | mfn. pounded, ground (rūṣita-) |
guṇḍita | mfn. covered with dust |
guṇḍita | mfn. equals karambita-, khacita- |
gundr | varia lectio for kundr- q.v |
guṇḍra | mf. a kind of Cyperus (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' sa-guṇḍra- varia lectio -gundra-). |
gundra | m. Saccharum Sara (śara-) |
gundra | m. the plant paṭaraka- |
gundra | mn. the root of Cyperus pertenuis |
gundrā | f. idem or 'mn. the root of Cyperus pertenuis ' (see guṇḍra-) Typha angustifolia |
gundrā | f. Cyperus rotundus |
gundrā | f. Coix barbata (gavedhukā-) |
gundrā | f. equals priyaṃgu- |
gundrāla | m. a sort of pheasant |
gundraphalā | f. Aglaia Roxburghiana |
guṇeśa | m. the lord of the 3 qualities |
guṇeśa | m. Name of a mountain |
guṇeśvara | m. (equals śa-) Name of the mountain citrakūṭa- (or Chatarkot in Bundelcund) |
guṅgu | m. (Intensive 3. gu-) "Name of a man" m. plural his descendants |
guṅgu | f(/ūs-). (= 1. kuhū-) the new moon personified, . |
guṅguma | humming (confer, compare ghuṅgh-), L |
guṇi | in compound for ṇin-. |
guṇī | in compound for ṇ/a-. |
guṇīas | to make one's self subordinate to (genitive case) |
guṇībhāva | m. the becoming subordinate |
guṇībhū | = -1. as- |
guṇībhūta | mfn. subordinate to (genitive case), made secondary or unimportant |
guṇībhūta | mfn. invested with attributes |
guṇībhūta | mfn. varied according to qualities |
guṇībhūta | mfn. having a certain force or application (as a word) |
guṇidvaidha | n. equality of merit on both sides |
guṇigaṇa | m. a number of virtuous persons |
guṇikā | f. a tumour (or"a cipher"?) |
guṇīkaraṇa | n. making a merit out of (a defect, doṣa--) |
guṇiliṅga | mfn. taking the same gender as a substantive |
guṇin | mfn. "furnished with a string or rope (as a hunter)"and"endowed with good qualities" |
guṇin | mfn. containing parts, consisting of parts Va1rtt. 1 |
guṇin | mfn. endowed with good qualities or merits etc. |
guṇin | mfn. auspicious (a day) |
guṇin | mfn. endowed with the good qualities of or contained in (in compound) |
guṇin | mfn. requiring the first gradation (a vowel) |
guṇin | mfn. "possessing qualities"or (m.)"quality-possessor", object, thing, noun, substantive |
guṇin | m. "furnished with a string", a bow |
guṇisarvasva | n. Name of work |
guṇitā | f. the state of possessing good qualities, virtuousness |
guṇita | mfn. multiplied (with instrumental case or in compound) |
guṇita | mfn. augmented, intensified |
guṇita | mfn. often practised |
guṇita | mfn. connected or filled with (in compound) (see aṇu--, pari--, pra--.) |
guṇitavya | mfn. to be multiplied. |
guñj | (= guj-) cl.1 P. jati- (pr. p. jat-; perf. juguñja- ), to buzz, hum (see sam-ud-guñj-.) |
guñja | m. humming |
guñja | m. (equals guccha-) a bunch, bundle, cluster of blossoms, nosegay |
guñjā | f. humming |
guñjā | f. a kettle-drum |
guñjā | f. Abrus precatorius (bearing a red and black berry which forms the smallest of the jeweller's weights) |
guñjā | f. the berry of Abrus precatorius (averaging about 1 5/16 grains troy) or the artificial weight called after it (weighing about 2 3/16 grains, = 1/5 ādya-māṣaka- or māṣaka-, = 3 or 2 barley-corns, = 4 grains of rice, = 2 grains of wheat ;with physicians 7 guñjā-s = 1 mātha-, with lawyers 7 1/2 guñjā-s) |
guñjā | f. a kind of plant with a poisonous root |
guñjā | f. (equals gañjā-) a tavern |
guñjā | f. reflection, meditation |
guñjā | f. a drum, |
guñjaka | m. Name of a plant |
guñjakṛt | m. "humming-maker", a bee |
guñjana | n. buzzing |
guñjana | n. see madhu--. |
guñjikā | f. the berry of Abrus precatorius |
guñjin | mfn. murmuring (a-- negative) |
guñjita | mfn. uttered in a low tone, murmured |
guñjita | mfn. humming |
guñjita | mfn. song (of the Koil) |
guṇodaya | m. rising or development of virtues, . |
guṇojjvala | mfn. shining with virtues, |
guṇopapanna | mfn. endowed with good qualities (see ) |
guṇopāsaka | m. a worshiper of the qualities (belonging to a particular philosophical school) |
guṇopeta | mfn. endowed with good qualities |
guṇopeta | mfn. endowed with any requisites |
guṇotkarṣa | m. superiority in merit or in good qualities |
guṇotkarṣa | m. extraordinary merits |
guṇotkarṣa | m. a present consisting in a sword |
guṇotkīrtana | n. equals ṇa-kīrt- |
guṇotkṛṣṭa | mfn. superior in merit or in good qualities |
guṇottara | mfn. idem or 'mfn. superior in merit or in good qualities ' |
guṇṭh | (see guṇḍ-, gudh-) cl.10 P. ṭhayati-, to enclose or envelop, surround, cover (varia lectio) (see ava--.) |
guṇṭhana | n. concealing, covering with (in compound) (varia lectio guṇḍana-) |
guṇṭhanā | f. idem or 'n. concealing, covering with (in compound) (varia lectio guṇḍana-)' |
guṇṭhita | mfn. enveloped, covered with (instrumental case or in compound) |
guṇṭhita | mfn. for guṇḍita-, pounded, ground (see ava--, ā--, pari--, sam-ava--.) |
guṇya | mfn. endowed with good qualities or virtues vArttika |
guṇya | mfn. to be enumerated |
guṇya | mfn. to be described or praised |
guṇya | mfn. to be multiplied, multiplicand ( guṇyatva -tva- n.) |
guṇya | See guṇ/a-. |
guṇyatva | n. guṇya |
gup | cl.4 P. pyati- (parasmE-pada A1. gupyamāna-,in Prakritguppam ), to become perplexed or confused |
gup | (for proper etc.See gopaya-& pāya-,from which the root is derived[ see ]; perf. jugopa- etc.;3. plural jugupur- etc.; future 2nd gopsyati- ; future 1st goptā-or gopitā- ; Aorist agaupsīt-or agopīt- ) to guard, defend, protect, preserve (from ablative) etc. ; to hide, conceal (infinitive mood gopitum-) : Causal gopayati- etc. See ss.vv. gopaya- and pāya-: Desiderative A1. jugupsate- (; Epic also P. ti-) to seek to defend one's self from (ablative), be on one's guard (see Va1rtt. 1) ; to beware of, shun, avoid, detest, spurn, despise (with accusative) etc. ; to feel offended or hurt : Desiderative of Desiderative jugupsiṣate- Va1rtt. 15 |
gup | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' "defending, protecting" See dharma-- |
gup | mfn. being on one's guard or preserving one's self from |
guph | (= gumph-) cl.6. phati- ( Vii, 1, 59 ; ind.p. guphitvā-, ) , to string together, tie or string as a garland |
guphita | mfn. (fr. guṣpit/a-), arranged, placed in order |
gupila | m. "a protector", king |
gupita | mfn. protected, guarded |
gupta | mfn. protected, guarded, preserved etc. |
gupta | mfn. hidden, concealed, kept secret, secret etc. (with daṇḍa-,a secret fine, fine secretly imposed or exacted ; see gūḍha-d-) |
gupta | mfn. equals saṃgata- (? joined, combined) |
gupta | mfn. (su--) |
gupta | m. ( ) Name of several men belonging to the vaiśya- caste (; see p.358) , especially of the founder of the renowned gupta- dynasty in which the names of the sovereigns generally end in gupta- (see candra--, samudra--, skanda--; gupta-is also often found in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' in names of the vaiśya- class) |
guptā | f. a married woman who withdraws from her lover's endearments |
gupta | m. Mucuna pruritus (pta-) |
gupta | m. Name of a woman (gopā- ) |
gupta | m. of a śākya- princess |
gupta | m. (also) the era named after the gupta- dynasty (beginning D. 319; hence the gupta- year 165 corresponds to D. 484-85; in later times the years are called valabhī-- saṃvat- from the rulers of valabhi-, and the era is spoken of as the Gupta-Valabhi era). |
guptacara | m. "going secretly", bala-rāma- |
guptadāna | n. a hidden gift |
guptadhana | n. money kept secret |
guptadhana | mfn. guarding one's money |
guptadīkṣātantra | n. Name of a tantra-. |
guptadūta | m. a secret messenger |
guptagati | m. "going secretly", a spy |
guptagṛha | n. "secret room", bed-room |
guptaka | m. a preserver |
guptaka | m. Name of a sauvīraka- prince |
guptakathā | f. a confidential communication |
guptam | ind. (in compound a-- ) secretly, privately |
guptamaṇi | m. a hidden place |
guptamati | m. "hidden-minded", Name of a merchant |
guptaprayāga | m. Name of a locality |
guptarajasvalā | f. a girl who has begun to have her courses |
guptārma | n. Name of a locality (see /arman--) |
guptāryaka | m. the prince āryaka- (who in youth was kept hidden) |
guptasādhanatantra | n. Name of a tantra-. |
guptāsana | n. a particular method of sitting (= siddhās-). |
guptasarasvatī | f. Name of a river (also called eastern sarasvatī-) |
guptaśila | mf(ā-)n. "of a hidden character", cunning (see śīla-g-.) |
guptasneha | mf(ā-)n. having a secret affection |
guptasnehā | f. "having the oil hidden", Alangium hexapetalum |
guptasveda | m. equals -snehā- |
guptatama | mfn. carefully guarded (as the senses) |
guptatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- |
guptāvadhūta | mfn. one who has secretly shaken off from himself worldly obligation (opposed to vyaktāv-). |
guptavatī | f. Name of a tantra-. |
guptaveṣa | m. dress used for concealment, disguise |
guptaveṣe | ind. in disguise |
gupte | ind. in a hidden place |
gupti | f. preserving, protecting, protection etc. |
gupti | f. restraint (of body, mind, and speech) |
gupti | f. concealing, hiding, keeping secret (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') () |
gupti | f. a means of protection, fortification, rampart |
gupti | f. a prison |
gupti | f. "place of concealment", a hole in the ground, sink, cellar |
gupti | f. digging a hole in the ground |
gupti | f. "a leak in a ship"or"the well or lower deck of a boat" |
guptibandham | ind. p. (not in ) |
guptigupta | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a jaina- teacher |
guptika | m. Name of a man |
guptikā | f. (see svara-gupti-) depth (of voice) |
guptīkṛ | to hide, conceal |
guptipālaka | m. jailer, |
guptivāda | m. a secret conversation |
guptyadhikṛta | m. a jail-superintendent |
gur | (see 1. gṝ-) cl.6. gurate-, to raise, lift up (or"to make effort") ; (see ati--, apa--, abhi--, ava--, ā--, ud--, pra--): gur-, or gūr- cl.4. gūryate-, to hurt, ; to go : Causal gorayate- or gūray-, to raise, lift up (or"to make effort"), ; to eat (see gūr-.) |
guraṇa | n. equals udyama- |
gurd | or gūrd- (q.v) cl.1. gurdate- or gūrd-, to play, sport, jump ; cl.10. gurdayati- or gūrd-, to dwell, inhabit, |
gureṭaka | a kind of grass |
gurgaṇa | m. plural Name of a people |
gurjara | m. (see gūrj-) the district gurjara- or Gujarat etc. (plural the people of Gujarat ) |
gurjara | m. (in music) Name of a rāgiṇī- (varia lectio gujj-and guḍa-karī-). |
gurjarī | f. idem or 'm. (see gūrj-) the district gurjara- or Gujarat etc. (plural the people of Gujarat )' |
guru | mf(vī-)n. (see gir/i-; compound g/arīyas-,once yas-tara-, guru-tara-,superl. gariṣṭha-, gurutama-See ss.vv.) heavy, weighty (opposed to lagh/u-) etc. (gaRa śauṇḍādi- ) |
guru | mf(vī-)n. heavy in the stomach (food), difficult to digest |
guru | mf(vī-)n. great, large, extended, long (See -kratu-) etc. |
guru | mf(vī-)n. (in prosody) long by nature or position (a vowel) (a vowel long both by nature and by position is called garīyas- ) |
guru | mf(vī-)n. high in degree, vehement, violent, excessive, difficult, hard etc. |
guru | mf(vī-)n. grievous |
guru | mf(vī-)n. important, serious, momentous etc. |
guru | mf(vī-)n. valuable, highly prized (guru- equals garīyas-) etc. |
guru | mf(vī-)n. haughty, proud (speech) |
guru | mf(vī-)n. venerable, respectable |
guru | m. any venerable or respectable person (father, mother, or any relative older than one's self) etc. |
guru | m. a spiritual parent or preceptor (from whom a youth receives the initiatory mantra- or prayer, who instructs him in the śāstra-s and conducts the necessary ceremonies up to that of investiture which is performed by the ācārya- ) etc. |
guru | m. the chief of (genitive case or in compound) |
guru | m. (with śākta-s) author of a mantra- |
guru | m. "preceptor of the gods", bṛhaspati- |
guru | m. (hence) the planet Jupiter etc. |
guru | m. " pāṇḍu--teacher", droṇa- |
guru | m. prabhā-kara- (celebrated teacher of the mīmāṃsā-, usually mentioned with kumārila-) |
guru | m. (equals dharma-) "venerable", the 9th astrological mansion |
guru | m. Mucuna pruritus |
guru | m. Name of a son of saṃkṛti- dual number parents |
guru | m. plural parents and other venerable persons |
guru | m. a honorific appellation of a preceptor (whose N. is also put in the plural), Jain |
guru | m. "great (with child)", pregnant, a pregnant woman |
guru | m. the wife of a teacher |
guru | m. ([ confer, compare ; Latin gravis; Gothic kauriths; Lithuanian gie4ras.]) |
gurū | in compound |
gurubha | m. " bṛhaspati-'s constellation", equals -devata- |
gurubha | m. |
gurubhāra | m. "of heavy weight", Name of a son of garuḍa- |
gurubhārika | mfn. heavy (in the stomach;food) |
gurubhāryā | f. equals -dāra- |
gurubhāva | m. the condition of a Guru |
gurubhāva | m. importance, weight |
gurubhṛt | mfn. bearing heavy things (the earth) |
gurucaryā | f. attendance on a teacher, |
gurudaivata | n. equals gur/u-devata- |
gurudakṣiṇā | f. a fee given to a spiritual preceptor |
gurudāna | n. a present to a religious teacher |
gurudāra | m. sg. the teacher's wife |
gurūdaratva | n. dyspepsia |
gurudarśana | n. seeing the teacher |
gurudāsa | m. Name of a teacher (mentioned in the introduction to the guru-gītā-). |
gurudevasvāmin | m. Name of a scholiast. |
gurudevata | n. "having bṛhaspati- for its deity", the 8th lunar mansion puṣya- |
gurudhī | varia lectio for rucira-dhī- q.v |
gurudhur | f. plural hard labour |
gurudīkṣā | f. initiation into the office of a spiritual preceptor |
gurudīkṣātantra | n. Name of a tantra-. |
gurudina | n. Thursday, |
gurudivasa | m. " bṛhaspati-'s day", Thursday (?) |
gurugata | mfn. being with or belonging to a spiritual teacher |
gurugavī | f. the cow of a spiritual teacher (a-- negative) |
gurughna | m. "killing a spiritual teacher", white mustard |
gurugītā | f. Name of a section of (relating to a spiritual teacher) |
gurugītāstotra | n. idem or 'f. Name of a section of (relating to a spiritual teacher)' |
gurugṛha | n. equals -kula- |
gurugṛha | n. " bṛhaspati-'s house", the signs Sagittarius and Pisces |
guruha | varia lectio for guḍuha- q.v |
guruhan | m. the murderer of a Guru |
gurujana | m. any venerable or elderly person (father, mother, the elders of a family etc.) |
guruka | mfn. a little heavy |
guruka | mfn. (said of limbs slightly affected with sickness) |
guruka | mfn. (in prosody) long |
gurukaṇṭha | m. a peacock (see guruṇṭaka-.) |
gurukāra | m. worship, adoration |
gurūkaraṇa | n. the making heavy or venerable |
gurukarman | n. any affair of a spiritual teacher |
gurukārya | n. a serious or momentous affair |
gurukārya | n. equals -karman- |
gurukopa | m. violent wrath |
gurūkṛ | to make any one (accusative) one's Guru |
gurukrama | m. succession of teachers or (with śākta-s) of authors of mantra-s. |
gurukratu | m. a great sacrifice |
gurukṛta | mfn. highly prized or praised () |
gurukṛta | mfn. worshipped |
gurukṣopa | m. Name of a prince |
gurukula | n. the house of a Guru vArttika |
gurukulavāsa | m. residence in the house of a Guru, a pupil's life |
gurukulāvāsin | m. "abiding in la- ", a pupil |
gurulāghava | n. great and small importance, relative importance or value |
gurulāghava | n. length and shortness of vowels, |
gurulaghutā | f. heaviness and lightness |
gurulaghutā | f. great and little value () |
gurumadhya | mfn. equals madhye-guru-, heavy in the middle part |
gurumardala | m. a kind of drum |
gurumat | mfn. containing a vowel which is long by nature or position |
gurumatī | f. pregnant |
gurumattā | f. heaviness, 7, 27. |
gurumeru | m. (in music) a kind of measure. |
gurumukhī | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a particular alphabet used by the Sikhs (a modification of devanāgarī-), |
gurumuṣṭi | m. a great handful |
gurumuṣṭi | m. (of sacrificial grass, darbha-gurumuṣṭ/i-) (see gru-m-.) |
guruṇḍa | see suruṇḍa-, parasmE-pada 1236. |
guruṇṭaka | m. (see guru-kaṇṭha-) a kind of peacock |
gurupādāśraya | m. the worship of (the feet of) a teacher |
gurupāka | mfn. difficult of digestion |
guruparipāṭī | f. "succession of teachers", Name of a work |
gurupatnī | f. equals -dāra- |
gurupattra | n. tin |
gurupattrā | f. the tamarind tree |
gurupattraka | n. tin |
gurupramoda | m. happiness, delight |
guruprasāda | m. propitiousness or the favour of one's Guru |
guruprasāda | m. "product of a Guru's favour" id est learning |
guruprasādanīya | mfn. fit for propitiating one's Guru |
guruprasūta | mfn. allowed by one's elder relations |
gurupriya | mfn. dear to a preceptor |
gurupūjā | f. the worship of one's spiritual teacher |
gurupūjā | f. the ceremonies in propitiation of bṛhaspati- when a work is to be performed or undertaken |
guruputra | m. a teacher's son Va1rtt. 1 |
gururatna | n. " bṛhaspati-'s jewel", topaz |
gurusakhī | f. the female friend of an elder relation (varia lectio khi-). |
gurusamavāya | m. a number of guru-s |
gurusaṃnidhi | m. presence of one's Guru, 10, 14 |
gurusārā | f. equals -śiṃśapā- |
gurusevā | f. obsequiousness to a Guru |
guruśikharin | m. "venerable mountain", the himālaya- |
guruśiṃśapā | f. equals śiṃśapā- |
guruśiṣyasaṃvāda | m. "dialogue between teacher and pupil", Name of a philosophical dialogue by caraṇa-dāsa-. |
guruskandha | m. "large-trunked", the tree śleṣmaṇā- |
guruskandha | m. Name of a mountain |
guruśokānala | m. the fire of heavy sorrow |
guruśrīpādukāpūjā | f. equals -pādāśraya-, |
gurusthira | mfn. very firm |
gurustrīgamanīya | mfn. See gam-. |
guruśuśrūṣā | f. obedience to one's guru- or guru-s |
guruśuśrūṣin | mfn. (= - śuśrūṣu-), |
guruśuśrūṣu | mfn. obedient to one's Guru Va1rtt. 14 |
gurutā | f. weight, heaviness |
gurutā | f. "heaviness"and"dignity" |
gurutā | f. burden, trouble |
gurutā | f. importance |
gurutā | f. the office of a teacher |
gurutāla | m. (in music) a kind of measure. |
gurutalpa | m. "a teacher's bed", in compound |
gurutalpa | m. the violation of a teacher's bed (intercourse with his wife) |
gurutalpa | m. a violator of his teacher's bed |
gurutalpābhigamana | n. idem or 'f. the violation of a teacher's bed, 107' (see gaurutalpika-.) |
gurutalpaga | mfn. one who violates his teacher's bed etc. |
gurutalpagāmin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. one who violates his teacher's bed etc.' |
gurutalpāpanutti | f. the violation of a teacher's bed, 107 |
gurutalparata | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. one who violates his teacher's bed etc.' ' |
gurutalpavrata | n. penance for violating a teacher's bed |
gurutalpin | mfn. equals lpa-ga- (varia lectio) |
gurutama | mfn. (superl.) most important |
gurutama | m. the best teacher |
gurutāpa | m. excessive heat |
gurutara | mfn. heavier, very heavy |
gurutara | mfn. heavy, |
gurutara | mfn. greater, worse, very hard or bad etc. |
gurutara | mfn. more important, very important or valuable |
gurutara | mfn. more venerable |
gurutara | mfn. very venerable |
gurutīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- |
gurutva | n. weight, heaviness |
gurutva | n. (in prosody) length (of a vowel) |
gurutva | n. burden, trouble |
gurutva | n. severity, violence (of medical treatment) |
gurutva | n. dulness |
gurutva | n. greatness, magnitude |
gurutva | n. respectability, dignity, venerableness |
gurutva | n. the office of a teacher |
gurutvaka | n. heaviness |
guruvadvṛtti | f. behaving to any one with as much respect as to a sacred teacher |
guruvaṃśa | m. Name of work |
guruvāra | m. equals -divasa- () |
guruvarcoghna | m. "removing constipation", the lime or citron (limpāka-) |
guruvarṇa | m. a vowel long by nature or by position |
guruvartaka | mfn. behaving respectfully towards parents or venerable persons |
guruvartin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. behaving respectfully towards parents or venerable persons ' |
guruvartitā | f. respectful behaviour towards venerable persons, . |
guruvāsa | m. equals -kula-vāsa- (plural) |
guruvat | ind. like a Guru |
guruvat | ind. as if to a Guru Va1rtt. 1 |
guruvṛtta | mfn. equals -vartaka- |
guruvṛtti | mfn. long by nature (vowel) |
guruvṛtti | f. behaviour towards one's Guru |
guruvṛttipara | mfn. trying to behave respectfully towards a Guru |
guruvyatha | mfn. heavily distressed |
guruyoṣit | f. a teacher's wife, Mn, ii, 210 |
gurv | in compound for r/u- q.v |
gurv | (= gur-) cl.1 P. gūrvati-, to raise, lift up (or"to make effort") |
gurvakṣara | n. a long syllable |
gurvaṅganā | f. equals ru-dāra- |
gurvaṅganā | f. any woman entitled to great respect |
gurvaṅganāgama | m. adultery with a teacher's wife, . |
gurvanta | mfn. equals ante-guru-, heavy at the end |
gurvartha | mfn. one who seeks to provide a maintenance for his Guru |
gurvartha | mfn. important |
gurvartha | m. anything of importance |
gurvartha | m. a Guru's fee for instructing a pupil |
gurvartha | m. anything relating to one's Guru |
gurvartha | m. deep meaning |
gurvartham | ind. for one's parents |
gurvartham | ind. for or on account of one's Guru Va1rtt. 5 |
gurvāvali | f. "succession of teachers", Name of several works |
gurvī | f. "venerable woman", a mother |
gurvī | f. of r/u-. |
gurviṇī | f. (for rvī-formed after garbhiṇī-) pregnant, a pregnant woman |
gurviṇī | f. an irregular species of āryā- metre. |
gurvīsakhī | f. the female friend of an elder female relation (varia lectio khi-). |
gusāyin | m. Hussein. |
guṣpita | n. (equals guphita-, gulph-) accumulation (ṣṭit/a-) |
guśri | m. (equals kuśri-) "Name of a man" See gauśra-. |
guṭikā | f. a small globe or ball |
guṭikā | f. a pill |
guṭikā | f. a pearl (varia lectio gulikā-) |
guṭikā | f. a small pustule |
guṭikā | f. the cocoon of the silk-worm |
guṭikā | f. a goblet (see guḍa-.) |
guṭikāmukha | mfn. having a rounded orifice, iv, 35, 6. |
guṭikāñjana | (kāñ-) n. collyrium formed like a globe or ball |
guṭikāpāta | m. falling of the ball id est drawing lots. |
guṭikāstra | (kās-) n. a bow from which balls of clay are thrown |
guṭikīkṛta | mfn. formed into a pill |
gutsa | m. (equals guccha-; gudh- ) a bunch, bundle, clump (of grass), cluster (of blossoms) , nosegay |
gutsa | m. a pearl necklace consisting of thirty-two strings |
gutsa | m. the plant or perfume granthi-parṇa- |
gutsaka | m. a bundle, bunch, cluster of blossoms |
gutsaka | m. a chowri |
gutsaka | m. a section of a work |
gutsakapuṣpa | m. (equals guccha-p-) Alstonia scholaris |
gutsārdha | m. equals gucchār- |
guvāka | m. (; equals gūv-) the betel-nut tree |
abhaṅgura | mf(ā-)n. not fragile |
abhaṅgura | mf(ā-)n. unchangeable, invariable, firm |
abhaṅgura | mf(ā-)n. (not curved) , flat, plain |
abhaṅgura | mf(ā-)n. level, flat, |
abhaṅgura | imperishable, durable, |
abhigumphita | mfn. strung together, interwoven |
abhigupta | mfn. guarded, protected. |
abhigupti | f. guarding, protecting |
abhigur | (subjunctive -jugurat-;Opt. 2. sg. -juguryās-) to assent, agree, approve of |
abhinavagupta | m. Name of a well-known author. |
abhisaṃgupta | mfn. guarded, protected |
adhiguṇa | mfn. possessing superior qualities |
adhigupta | mfn. protected. |
adhrigu | mfn. (/adhri--)(m. plural āvas-), irresistible |
adhrigu | m. Name of a heavenly killer of victims |
adhrigu | m. Name of a formula concluding with an invocation of agni- |
adhvaraguru | m. Name (also title or epithet) of viṣṇu-, |
ādiguru | m. `first father', Name (also title or epithet) of brahmā-, |
agrāṅguli | m. the finger-tip. |
agu | mfn. (fr. go with a-), destitute of cows, poor |
agu | m. "destitute of rays", Name of rāhu- the ascending node. |
aguṇa | mfn. destitute of qualities or attributes (said of the supreme Being see nirguṇa-) |
aguṇa | mfn. destitute of good qualities |
aguṇa | m. a fault. |
aguṇaśila | mfn. of a worthless character. |
aguṇatā | f. absence of qualities or of good qualities. |
aguṇatva | n. absence of qualities or of good qualities. |
aguṇavādin | mfn. fault-finding, censorious, |
aguṇavat | mfn. destitute of qualities |
aguṇavat | mfn. without good qualities. |
aguṇin | mfn. devoid of merit, |
aguṇin | not requiring the guṇa- change, , Scholiast or Commentator |
āguṇṭhita | mfn. wrapped up or enveloped in (accusative) |
agupta | mfn. unhidden, unconcealed |
agupta | mfn. unprotected |
agupta | mfn. not keeping a secret. |
āgur | A1. -gurate- (imperative 2. sg. -gurasva-) to approve, agree or assent to (accusative) ; (Potential -gureta-) to pronounce the āgur- (See the next) |
āgur | f. Name of applauding or approving exclamations or formularies (used by the priests at sacrificial rites) |
āguraṇa | n. pronouncing the āgur- commentator or commentary on |
āgurava | mf(ī-)n. (fr. a-guru-) idem or 'mfn. (fr. a-garu-), coming from or formed of Agallochum or Aloe wood ' |
āgurava | See āgarava-. |
aguru | mfn. not heavy, light |
aguru | mfn. (in prosody) short as a short vowel alone or before a single consonant |
aguru | mn. the fragrant Aloe wood and tree, Aquilaria Agallocha. |
ahīnagu | m. Name of a prince (son of devānīka-) |
aikaguṇya | n. (fr. eka-guṇa-), the value of a single unit, simple unity |
aiṅguda | mf(ī-)n. coming from the plant iṅguda- |
aiṅguda | n. the fruit of that plant |
ajugupsita | mfn. not disliked. |
ākāragupti | f. concealing or suppressing (any expression of the face or any gesture that might show) one's feelings, dissimulation |
akṣayaguṇa | mfn. possessing imperishable qualities |
akṣayaguṇa | m. śiva-. |
aligu | m. Name of a man, (gaRa gargādi- q.v) |
amaraguru | m. "teacher of the gods", bṛhaspati-, the planet Jupiter |
āmragupta | m. Name of a man ( āmraguptāyani guptāyani-and gupti- m.a descendant of āmra-gupta- ) |
āmraguptāyani | m. āmragupta |
anaṅguri | mfn. destitute of fingers |
anaṅguṣṭha | mfn. without the thumb, |
anantaguṇa | mfn. having boundless excellencies. |
ananyaguru | m. "having no other as a Guru", Name of kṛṣṇa- |
andhīgu | m. Name of a ṛṣi- |
aṅgu | m. or f. (?) a limb of the body, |
aṅgu | a bird, |
aṅgula | m. ( ag-or aṅg-), a finger |
aṅgula | m. the thumb |
aṅgula | m. a finger's breadth, a measure equal to eight barley-corns, twelve aṅgula-s making a vitasti- or span, and twenty-four a hasta- or cubit |
aṅgula | m. (in astronomy) a digit, or twelfth part |
aṅgula | m. Name of the sage cāṇakya- |
āṅgula | mf(ī-)n. sticking to the fingers, |
aṅgulaka | in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' equals aṅgula- id est so many aṅgula-s or fingers longitude |
aṅgulamāna | n. the measure or length of an aṅgula- |
aṅgulamāna | mfn. having the length of an aṅgula-. |
aṅgulapramāṇa | n. the measure or length of an aṅgula- |
aṅgulapramāṇa | mfn. having the length of an aṅgula-. |
aṅgularāji | m. a kind of snake, |
aṅguli | f. or aṅgulī- a finger |
aṅguli | f. a toe |
aṅguli | f. the thumb |
aṅguli | f. the great toe |
aṅguli | f. the finger-like tip of an elephant's trunk |
aṅguli | f. the measure aṅgula-. |
aṅgulībhaṅga | m. curving the fingers (in scorn), |
aṅgulīgranthi | m. a finger-Joint, |
aṅgulija | m. a finger-nail, |
aṅgulikā | f. a kind of ant, |
āṅgulika | mfn. (fr. aṅguli-),"like a finger" |
aṅgulimātra | mfn. of the size of a finger, |
aṅgulimoṭana | n. snapping or cracking the fingers. |
aṅgulimudrā | f. a seal-ring, |
aṅgulimudrikā | f. a seal-ring, |
aṅgulimukha | n. the tip of the finger |
aṅgulīmukha | n. the tip of the finger |
aṅgulīpañcaka | n. the five fingers. |
aṅgulīparvan | n. a finger-joint. |
aṅgulipraṇejana | n. water for washing the fingers, |
aṅguliprāśana | n. eating with the fingers, , Scholiast or Commentator |
aṅgulīsambhūta | m. "produced on the finger", a finger nail. |
aṅgulisaṃdeṃsa | m. snapping or cracking the fingers as a sign. |
aṅguliṣaṅga | m. contact of the fingers |
aṅguliṣaṅga | m. act of fingering |
aṅguliṣaṅga | mfn. sticking to the fingers. |
aṅgulisphoṭana | n. snapping or cracking the fingers. |
aṅgulitoraṇa | n. a sectarial mark on the forehead consisting of three fingers or lines shaped like an arch or doorway (toraṇa-), drawn with sandal or the ashes of cow-dung. |
aṅgulitra | n. a finger-protector, a contrivance like a thimble (used by archers to protect the thumb or finger from being injured by the bowstring) |
aṅgulitrāṇa | n. equals -tra- |
aṅgulitravat | mfn. provided with it. |
aṅgulīveṣṭa | m. (probably) a glove, |
aṅguliveṣṭaka | m. a glove (?). |
aṅguliveṣṭana | n. a glove (?). |
aṅgulīya | n. a finger-ring |
aṅgulīya | n. also aṅgulīka- |
aṅgulīyaka | n. a finger-ring |
aṅgulīyaka | n. also aṅgulīka- |
aṅgulyādi | (aṅguli--) a gaRa of |
aṅgulyagra | n. the tip of the finger |
aṅguri | f. or aṅgurī- [ ] (for aṅguli-, q.v) a finger |
aṅguri | f. a toe (see an-aṅguri-, p/añcāṅguri-, sv-aṅgur/i-.) |
aṅgurīya | mn. a finger-ring. |
aṅgurīyaka | mn. a finger-ring. |
aṅguṣṭha | m. the thumb |
aṅguṣṭha | m. the great toe |
aṅguṣṭha | m. a thumb's breadth, usually regarded as equal to an aṅgula-. |
aṅguṣṭhamātra | mf(ī-)n. having the length or size of a thumb. |
aṅguṣṭhamātraka | mf(ikā-)n. having the length or size of a thumb. |
aṅguṣṭhavibhedaka | m. "thumb-separator", a mitten, |
aṅguṣṭhikā | f. Name of a shrub. |
aṅguṣṭhya | m. belonging to the thumb (the thumb nail). |
anigupta | mfn. not hidden or concealed, generally open or accessible, |
antargudavalaya | m. (in anatomy) the sphincter muscle. |
anugu | ind. behind the cows |
anuguṇa | mf(ā-)n. having similar qualities, congenial to |
anuguṇa | mf(ā-)n. according or suitable to |
anuguṇa | m. natural peculiarity. |
anuguṇam | ind. according to one's merits |
anuguṇaya | Nom. P. -guṇayati-, to favour |
ānuguṇika | mfn. (fr. anu-guṇa-), knowing or studying the anu-guṇa- (id est according to a manual of the art of keeping within the bounds of one's faculties ?) |
ānuguṇya | n. homogeneousness |
anugupta | mfn. protected, sheltered, concealed. |
anūnaguru | mfn. of undiminished weight, very heavy. |
aṇupriyaṅgu | (/aṇu--), m. or f. plural Panicum Miliaceum and Panicum Italicum, |
anupūrvāṅgulitā | f. having regular fingers (idem or 'ind. equals anu-pūrv/am-.'), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding |
anuṣṇagu | m. "having cold rays", the moon. |
apaguh | (subjunctive 2. sg. P. -gūhas- A1. -gūhathāś-; imperfect tense 3. plural /apāgūhan-; Aorist -aghu-kṣat-) to conceal, hide |
apagur | to reject, disapprove, threaten ; to inveigh against any one: Intensive participle apa-j/argurāṇa- (See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order apa--2. gṝ-). |
aparimitaguṇagaṇa | mfn. of unbounded excellences. |
aphalgu | mfn. not vain, productive, profitable |
apiguṇa | mfn. excellent |
apraguṇa | mfn. perplexed |
apraguṇa | obstinate, refractory, . |
āpratinivṛttaguṇormicakra | mfn. (scilicet jñāna-,knowledge) through which the whole circle of wave-like qualities (of passion etc.) subside or cease completely |
ardhaguccha | m. a necklace of sixteen (or twenty-four) strings |
ariṣṭagu | (/arlṣṭa-) mfn. whose cattle are unhurt |
arthaguṇa | m. preference or advantage in regard to the sense |
asaṃkhyeyaguṇa | mfn. innumerably multiplied, unnumbered. |
āśāpuraguggulu | m. a kind of bdellium |
āśramaguru | m. the head of a religious order, a principal preceptor. |
aṣṭaguṇa | mfn. eightfold |
aṣṭaguṇa | n. "eight qualities", in compound exempli gratia, 'for example' aṣṭaguṇāśraya aṣṭaguṇāśraya- mfn. endowed with the eight qualities (as a king) |
aṣṭaguṇāśraya | mfn. aṣṭaguṇa |
asuraguru | m. "teacher of the asura-s", the planet Venus (or śukra-) (see amarāri-pūjya-.) |
aśvagupta | m. Name of a teacher |
atadguṇa | m. (in rhetoric) the use of predicates not descriptive of the essential nature of the object. |
atiguhā | f. the plant Hemionites Cordifolia. |
atiguṇa | mfn. having extraordinary qualities. |
atigupta | mfn. closely concealed, very mysterious. |
atigur | (Potential /ati jugury/āt-), to cry out, give a shriek |
atiguru | mfn. very heavy. |
ātiṣṭhadgu | ind. till the cows stand to be milked or after sunset |
ātmaguṇa | n. virtue of the soul |
ātmaguptā | f. the plant Mucuna Pruritus Hook |
ātmagupti | f. the hiding-place of an animal |
atyaṅgula | mfn. exceeding an aṅgula- (finger's breadth). |
atyantaguṇin | mfn. having extraordinary qualities. |
avaguh | -gūhati- ([ ]), te- ([ etc.]) , to cover, hide, conceal, put into or inside ; to embrace |
avaguṇa | mfn. deficient in good qualities (See ava-gaṇa-). |
avaguṇḍita | mfn. pounded, ground, pulverulent |
avaguṇṭh | -guṇṭhayati- (ind.p. -guṇṭhya-) to cover with, conceal, etc. |
avaguṇṭhana | n. hiding, veiling |
avaguṇṭhana | n. (often kṛtāvaguṇṭhana-,"enveloped in") |
avaguṇṭhana | n. a veil etc. |
avaguṇṭhana | n. a peculiar intertwining of the fingers in certain religious ceremonies |
avaguṇṭhana | n. sweeping |
avaguṇṭhanavat | mfn. covered with a veil |
avaguṇṭhikā | f. a veil |
avaguṇṭhita | mfn. covered, concealed, veiled, screened |
avaguṇṭhitamukha | mfn. having the face veiled. |
avagur | (Potential -guret- ; imperfect tense avāgurat- ; ind.p. -gūrya- ) to assail any one (locative case or dative case) with threats. |
avalguja | m. the plant Vernonia Anthelminthica |
āvalguja | mfn. (fr. a-valgu-ja-), coming or produced from the plant Vernonia Anthelminthica |
avalgukārin | mfn. not dealing fairly with (locative case), |
avalgulī | f. Name of a poisonous insect |
aviguṇa | mfn. not incomplete, not in a bad state, normal |
ayoguḍa | m. an iron ball |
baddhagodhāṅgulitravat | mfn. having the (finger-protectors called) godhā- and aṅguli-tra- fastened on |
baddhaguda | n. a kind of obstruction of the bowels |
baddhagudin | mfn. suffering from it |
baddhāṅgulitra | mfn. having the finger-guard fastened on |
baddhāṅgulitrāṇa | mfn. having the finger-guard fastened on |
bahugu | mf(/ū-)n. rich in cattle |
bahuguḍā | f. Solanum Jacquini |
bahuguhā | f. equals -guḍā- |
bahuguṇa | mfn. many-threaded (as a rope) |
bahuguṇa | mfn. manifold, multifarious, much |
bahuguṇa | mfn. having many good qualities or virtues, |
bahuguṇa | m. Name of a deva-gandharva- |
bāhuguṇya | n. possession of many excellences |
bahuguru | m. one who has read much but superficially, a sciolist (equals cumbaka-) |
bāhuśālaguḍa | m. pills so prepared |
bakanakhagudapariṇaddha | m. plural the descendants of baka-nakha- and guda-pariṇaddha- gaRa tikakitavādi-. |
balagupta | m. Name of a man |
balaguptā | f. N |
balaguptā | f. of a peasant girl |
balakṣagu | m. "white-rayed", the moon |
bālānucaragupta | m. Name of śiva- |
bandhurakomalāṅguli | mfn. (a hand) that has rounded or delicate fingers |
bauddhadhikkāraguṇāandī | f. Name of Comm. on it. |
bhadragupta | m. Name of a jaina- saint |
bhagavadguṇa | (in the beginning of a compound),"the qualities or virtues of bhagavat-" |
bhagavadguṇadarpaṇa | m. Name of work |
bhagavadguṇasārasaṃgraha | m. Name of work |
bhāguṇimiśra | m. Name of an author |
bhāgurāyaṇa | m. Name of a minister |
bhāguri | m. Name of a man |
bhāguri | m. of an astronomer |
bhāguri | m. of a lexicographer and grammarian |
bhāguri | m. of a lawyer |
bhāgurī | f. Name of work |
bhaiṣajyaguruvaiḍūryaprabhā | f. Name of a Buddhist work |
bhaṅgu | m. Name of a demon |
bhaṅgugiri | m. Name of a mountain |
bhaṅgura | mf(ā-)n. apt to break, fragile, transitory, perishable etc. |
bhaṅgura | mf(ā-)n. changeable, variable |
bhaṅgura | mf(ā-)n. bent, curled, crisped, wrinkled |
bhaṅgura | mf(ā-)n. fraudulent, dishonest |
bhaṅgura | m. a bend or reach of a river |
bhaṅgurā | f. Name of two Plants (equals ati-viṣā-or priyaṅgu-) |
bhaṅguraka | See mṛtyu-bh-. |
bhaṅguraniścaya | mfn. forming changeable resolutions, inconstant |
bhaṅguratā | f. fragility, transitoriness |
bhaṅgurāvat | mfn. having crooked ways, crafty, treacherous |
bhaṅguraya | Nom. P. yati-, to break to pieces, destroy ; to crisp, curl (trans.) |
bhaṅgurīkaraṇa | n. making fragile |
bhartṛguṇa | m. the excellence or virtue of a husband |
bhasmaguṇṭhana | n. covering with ashes |
bhaṭṭaphalguna | m. Name of a man |
bhāvaguptiśataka | n. Name of work |
bhavānīguru | () m. " bhavānī-'s father", Name of hima-vat-. |
bhikṣākaragupta | m. Name of a poet |
bhīmagu | m. (gava-or gu- equals go-) Name of man (see bhaimagava-). |
bhīmagupta | m. Name of a king |
bhinnaguṇana | n. multiplication of fractions |
bhogaguccha | n. hire of prostitution |
bhraṣṭaguda | mfn. suffering from prolapsus ani |
bhṛgu | m. plural ( bhrāj-) Name of a mythical race of beings (closely connected with fire, which they find[ ] and bring to men [ ] or enclose in wood [ ] or put in the navel of the world [ ];or which is brought to them and first kindled by mātari-śvan- [ ];they are also said to fabricate chariots [ ] and are mentioned together with the aṅgirasa-s, atharvan-s, ṛbhu-s, marut-s, druhyu-s etc.[ confer, compare ];in 12 bhṛgu-s are enumerated among gods; confer, compare Greek ) |
bhṛgu | m. Name of one of the chief Brahmanical families (to which the aitaśāyana-s are said to belong) |
bhṛgu | m. sg. Name of a ṛṣi- regarded as the ancestor of the bhṛgu-s (he has the patronymic vāruṇi- and is the supposed author of ;he is enumerated among the 10 maharṣi-s created by the first manu- ; see ) |
bhṛgu | m. of a son of kavi- |
bhṛgu | m. of one of the prajā-pati-s produced from brahmā- skin |
bhṛgu | m. of one of the 7 sages |
bhṛgu | m. of the father of cyavana- and 6 other sons |
bhṛgu | m. of the father of dhātṛ- and vidhātṛ- |
bhṛgu | m. of the father of śrī- (by khyāti-) |
bhṛgu | m. of the author of a dharma-śāstra- (see bhṛgu-smṛti-) |
bhṛgu | m. of an astronomer (see bhṛgu-saṃhitā-) |
bhṛgu | m. of a medical authority |
bhṛgu | m. of the ṛṣi- jamad-agni- or his son |
bhṛgu | m. of śukra- or the planet Venus (called either bhṛgu- or the son of bhṛgu-;his day is Friday) |
bhṛgu | m. of kṛṣṇa- or of rudra- |
bhṛgu | m. of a son of artha-pati- and uncle of the poet bāṇa- |
bhṛgu | m. of the top of the mountain bhṛgu-tuṅga- |
bhṛgu | m. a declivity, slope, precipice (see bhṛgu-patana-). |
bhṛgubharatasaṃvāda | m. Name of work |
bhṛgubhavā | f. Clerodendrum Siphonanthus |
bhṛgubhūmi | m. Name of a son of aṅgiras- (belonging to the family of the bhṛgu-s see bharga-bhūmi-, bhāga-bhūmi-) |
bhṛgudeva | m. Name of an author |
bhṛgudevata | mfn. worshipping the bhṛgu-s |
bhṛgugītā | f. Name of work |
bhṛguharītakī | f. a particular mixture |
bhṛguja | () () m. "son of bhṛgu-", the planet Venus. |
bhṛgukaccha | mfn. Name of a town and sacred place on the northern bank of the river narmadā- (now called Broach) |
bhṛgukaccha | m. plural its inhabitants |
bhṛgukacchatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- |
bhṛgukṣetra | n. Name of a place |
bhṛgukṣetramāhātmya | n. Name of wk |
bhṛgukulodvaha | m. patronymic of paraśu-rāma- |
bhṛgumaṇḍala | n. (in astronomy)" bhṛgu-'s circle" , Name of a karaṇa- q.v |
bhṛgunandana | m. "son of bhṛgu-", the planet Venus |
bhṛgunandana | m. patronymic of śaunaka- |
bhṛgunandana | m. of ruru- |
bhṛgunandana | m. of paraśu-rāma- |
bhṛgupāta | m. committing suicide by precipitating one's self from a precipice |
bhṛgupaṭala | m. n. Name of work |
bhṛgupatana | n. a fall from a precipice |
bhṛgupati | m. "chief of the bhṛgu-s", Name of paraśu-rāma- |
bhṛguprasravaṇa | m. " bhṛgu-'s spring", Name of a mountain (prob. equals -tuṅga-) |
bhṛguputra | m. "son of bhṛgu-", the planet Venus |
bhṛgurāja | m. Name of a tutelary deity (varia lectio for bhṛṅgar-) |
bhṛgurākṣasa | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (said to have sacrificed men and cows) |
bhṛgusaṃhitā | f. Name of work |
bhṛgusaṃhitāsāra | m. Name of work |
bhṛguśārdūla | m. "best of bhṛgu-s", Name of paraśu-rāma- |
bhṛgusattama | m. "best of bhṛgu--", Name of paraśu-rāma- |
bhṛgusiddhānta | m. Name of work |
bhṛgusmṛti | f. Name of work |
bhṛguśreṣṭha | m. "best of bhṛgu-s", Name of paraśu-rāma- |
bhṛgusūnu | m. " bhṛgu-'s son", equals -suta- |
bhṛgusuta | m. " bhṛgu-'s son", the planet Venus |
bhṛgusuta | m. Name of paraśu-rāma- |
bhṛgusūtra | n. Name of work |
bhṛgutanaya | () m. "son of bhṛgu-", the planet Venus. |
bhṛgutīrthamāhātmya | n. Name of work |
bhṛgutuṅga | m. " bhṛgu-'s peak", Name of a sacred mountain in the himālaya- (or in the vindhya-;also called bhṛgos t- ) |