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Monier-Williams Search
8 results for govardhana
govardhanam. a celebrated hill in vṛndāvana- near mathurā- (lifted up and supported by kṛṣṇa- upon one finger for 7 days to shelter the cowherds from a storm of rain sent by indra- to test kṛṣṇa-'s divinity see p.113) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
govardhanam. Name of a holy fig-tree in the country of the bāhīka-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
govardhanam. Name of the author of nasaptaśatī- (of the 12th or 13th century A.D.) on etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
govardhanam. Name of one of the 5 śruta-kevalin-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
govardhanam. equals na-dhara- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
govardhanadharam. " govardhana--supporter", kṛṣṇa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
govardhanamāhātmyan. "the glory of the govardhana- hill", Name of a part of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
govardhanasaptaśatīf. 700 stanzas in the āryā- metre on chiefly erotic subjects by govardhanācārya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
4 results
bāṇaḥ बाणः 1 An arrow, shaft, reed; Bṛi. Up.3.8.2; धनुष्यमोघं समधत्त बाणम् Ku.3.66. -2 An aim or mark for arrows. -3 The feathered end of an arrow. -4 The udder of a cow. -5 The body (शरीर); ते प्रकाश्श्याभिवदन्ति वयमेतद्बाणमवष्टभ्य विधारयामः Praśna Up.2.2. -6 N. of a demon, son of Bali; cf. उषा. -7 N. of a celebrated poet who lived at the court of king Harṣavardhana and flourished in the first half of the seventh century; see App. II). He is the author of कादम्बरी, हर्षचरित and of some other works; (Govardhana in his Āryāsaptaśatī 37 speaks in these terms of Bāṇa :-- जाता शिखण्डिनी प्राग् यथा शिखण्डी तथावगच्छामि । प्रागल्भ्यधिकमाप्तुं वाणी बाणो बभूवेति ॥; so हृदयवसतिः पञ्चबाणस्तु बाणः P. R.1.22). -8 A symbolical expression for the number 'five'. -9 A sound voice. -1 Fire. -11 Lightning. -12 A form of Śiva. -13 The versed sine of an arc. -णः, -णा The hinder part or feathered end of an arrow. -णः, -णा, -णम् a blue flowering Barleria -नीलझिण्टी (Mar. कोऱ्हांटी); अनाविलोन्मीलितबाणचक्षुषः Ki.4. 28. Śi.6.46. -Comp. -असनम् a bow; स पार्थबाणासन- वेगमुक्तैर्दृढाहतः पत्रिभिरुग्रवेगैः Mb.8.89.86. ˚यन्त्रम् a kind of bow with a mechanical contrivance at one of its ends for tightening the string and letting off the arrow; Dk.1.1. -आवलिः, -ली f. 1 a series of arrows. -2 a series of five verses forming one sentence. -आश्रयः a quiver. -गङ्गा N. of a river said to have been produced by Rāvaṇa's arrow; सोमेशाद् दक्षिणे भागे बाणेनाभि- बिभिद्य वै । रावणेन प्रकटिता जलधारातिपुण्यदा । बाणगङ्गेति विख्याता या स्नानादघहारिणी ॥ Varāha P. -गोचरः the range of an arrow; अवतीर्णो$सि रतिरमणबाणगोचरम् Māl.1.19/2. -जालम् a number of arrows. -जित् m. an epithet of Viṣṇu. -तूणः, -धिः a quiver; क्षीणबाणो विबाणधिः Mb. 8.63; बबन्धाथ च बाणधी (du.) Bk.14.17; Ki.18.1. -निकृत a. pierced or wounded by an arrow. -पत्रः N. of a bird (कङ्क). -पथः the range of an arrow. -पाणि a. armed with arrows. -पातः 1 an arrowshot (as a measure of distance). -2 the range of an arrow. -3 a bed of arrows (बाणशय्या, शरतल्प); बाणपातान्तरे रामं पातितं पुरुषर्षभम् Rām.6.45.25. ˚वर्तिन् a. being within the range of an arrow. -पुरम् Śoṇitapura, the capital of Bāṇāsura. -मुक्ति f., -मोक्षणम् discharging or shooting an arrow. -योजनम् a quiver. -रेखा a long wound made by an arrow. -लिङ्गम् a white stone found in the river नर्मदा and worshipped as the लिङ्ग of Śiva. -वारः a breast-plate, an armour, cuirass; cf. वारबाणः. -वृष्टिः f. a shower of arrows. -संधानम् the fitting of an arrow to the bow-string; का कथा बाणसंधाने ज्याशब्देनैव दूरतः Ś.3.1. -सिद्धिः f. the hitting of a mark by an arrow. -सुता an epithet of Uṣā, daughter of Bāṇa; see उषा. -हन् m. an epithet of Viṣṇu.
raghu रघु a. Ved. 1 Quick, rapid. -2 Light, nimble. -3 Fickle -4 Eager. -घुः 1 N. of a celebrated king of the solar race, son of Dilīpa and father of Aja. [He appears to have been called Raghu from ragh or raṅgh 'to go', because his father foresaw that the boy would 'go' to the end of the holy learning as well as of his enemies in battle; cf. R.3.21. True to his name, he commenced the conquest of the directions, went over the whole of the then known world, overcame kings in battle, and returned covered with glory and laden with spoils. He then performed the Viśvajit sacrifice in which he gave away everything to Brāh- maṇas and made his son Aja successor to the throne.] -2 (pl.) The Raghus or descendants of Raghu; रघूणा- मन्वयं वक्ष्ये तनुवाग्विभवो$पि सन् R.1.9. -Comp. -उद्वहः the best of the Raghus i. e. Rāma. -कारः the author of Raghuvaṁśa i. e. Kālidāsa; पूर्वैर्विभिन्नवृत्तां गुणाढ्भव- भूतिबाणरघुकारैः Govardhanasaptaśatī; क इह रघुकारे न रमते Subhāṣ. -नन्दनः, -नाथः, -पतिः, -श्रेष्ठः, -सिंहः &c. epithets of Rāma; रघुनाथो$प्यगस्त्येन मार्गसंदर्शितात्मना R.; Rāma-rakṣā S. -प्रतिनिधिः the image or representative of Raghu, i. e. Aja; R.5.63. -वंशः the family of the Raghus; रघुवंशप्रदीपेन तेनाप्रमिततेजसा R.1.68. (-शम्) N. of a celebrated classical poem by Kālidāsa decribing the family of the Raghus in nineteen cantos. ˚तिलकः N. of Rāma; यजति रघुवंशतिलकः कौसल्यानन्दवर्धनो रामः Rām.
lupta लुप्त p. p. [लुप्-क्त] 1 Broken, violated, destroyed. -2 Lost, deprived of; सा लुप्तसंज्ञा न विवेद दुःखम् R. 14.56; परिवृतनाभिलुप्तत्रिवलि श्यामस्तनाग्रमलसाक्षि Govardhanāchārya. -3 Robbed, plundered. -4 Dropped, elided, disappeared (in gram.). -5 Omitted, neglected. -6 Obsolete, disused, out of use; see लुप्. -7 Elliptical (as opp. to पूर्ण, in Rhet.). -प्तम् Stolen property, booty. -Comp. -उपमा a mutilated or elliptical simile, i. e. an upamā in which one, two, or even three of the four requisites of a simile are omitted; see K. P.1 under उपमा. -धर्मक्रिय a. excluded or deprived of religious ordinances; नाकन्यासु क्वचिन्नॄणां लुप्तधर्मक्रिया हि ताः Ms. 8.226. -पद a. wanting in words. -पिण्डोदकक्रिय a. deprived of the funeralrites. -प्रतिज्ञ a. one who has broken his promise, faithless, perfidious. -प्रतिभ a. deprived of reason.
śatam शतम् 1 A hundred; निःस्वो वष्टि शतम् Śānti.2.6; शतमेको$पि संधत्ते प्राकारस्थो धनुर्धरः Pt.1.229; (शत is used in the singular with a plural noun of any gender; शतं नराः; शतं गावः; or शतं गृहाणि, in which case it is treated as a numeral adjective; but sometimes in dual and plural also; द्वे शते, दश शतानि &c. It is also used with a noun in the genitive; गवां शतम्, वर्षाणां शतम् 'a century of cows, years' &c. At the end of comp., it may remain unchanged; भव भर्ता शरच्छतम् or may be changed into शती; as in आर्यासप्तशती a work of Govardhanāchārya.). -2 Any large number; as in शतपत्र q. v. -Comp. -अक्षी 1 night. -2 the goddess Durgā. -अङ्गः 1 a car, carriage; especially, a war chariot. -2 N. of a tree (तिनिश). -अनीकः 1 an old man. -2 an army officer possessing a hundred footmen; (शतानां तु शतानीकः Śukra.2.14. -अब्दम् a century. -अरम्, -आरम् the thunderbolt of Indra. -अरुस् n., -अरुषी a leprous disease of the skin. -अवरः a fine of a hundred. -(री) 1 N. of a plant. -2 N. of the wife of Indra. -आनकम् a cemetery. -आनन्दः 1 N. of Brahman. -2 of Viṣṇu or Kṛiṣṇa. -3 of the car of Viṣṇu. -4 of a son of Gautama and Ahalyā, the family-priest of Janaka; गौतमश्च शतानन्दो जनकानां पुरोहिताः U.1.16. -आयुस् a. lasting or living for a hundred years. -आवर्तः, -आवर्तिन् m. N. of Viṣṇu. -ईशः 1 the ruler of a hundred. -2 the ruler of a hundred villages; Ms.7.115. -कर्मन् the planet Saturn. -कुम्भः 1 N. of a mountain (where gold is said to be found). -2 N. of a sacrifice; शतकुम्भं नाम यज्ञ- मनुभवितुं महर्षेर्धौम्यस्य आश्रमं गता इति Madhyamavyāyoga 1. (-म्भम्) gold. -कृत्वस् ind. a hundred times. -कोटि a. hundred-edged. (-टिः) Indra's thunderbolt; कराग्रजाग्र- च्छतकोटिः N.7.79. (-f.) a hundred crores; चरितं रघु- नाथस्य शतकोटिप्रविस्तरम् Rāma-rakṣā 1. -क्रतुः an epithet of Indra; अपूर्णमेकेन शतक्रतूपमः शतं क्रतूनामपविघ्नमाप सः R.3.38. -खण्डम् gold. -गु a. possessed of a hundred cows. -गुण, -गुणित a. a hundred-fold, increased a hundred times; अनुपनतमनोरथस्य पूर्वं शतगुणितेव गता मम त्रियामा V.3.22. -ग्रन्थिः f. the Dūrvā grass. -घ्नः N. of Śiva. -घ्नी 1 a kind of weapon used as a missile (supposed by some to be a sort of rocket, but described by others as a huge stone studded with iron spikes and four tālas in length; शतघ्नी च चतुस्ताला लोहकण्टकसंचिता; or अथकण्टकसंच्छक शतघ्नी महती शिला); अयःशङ्कुचितां रक्षः शतघ्नीमथ शत्रवे (अक्षिपत्) R.12.95; Bhāg.9.15.3. -2 a female scorpion. -3 a disease of the throat. -4 N. of a plant (करञ्ज). -चन्द्रः a sword or shield adorned with a hundred moons (moon-like spots); ततः शरशतेनास्य शतचन्द्रं समाक्षिपत्त् Mb.7. 97.29. ˚वर्त्मन् a manner of brandishing the sword; तं श्येनवेगं शतचन्द्रवर्त्मभिश्चरन्तमच्छिद्रमुपर्यधो हरिः Bhāg.8.7.28. -चरणा a centipede. -छदः a kind of wood-pecker. -जिह्वः an epithet of Śiva. -तारका, -भिषज्, -भिषा f. N. of the 24th lunar mansion containing one hundred stars. -दलम् a lotus-flower. -दला the white rose. -द्रुः f. 1 N. of a river in the Punjab now called Sutlej. -2 N. of the Ganges. -धामन् m. an epithet of Viṣṇu. -धार a. 1 flowing in a hundred streams. -2 having a hundred edges. (-रम्) the thunderbolt of Indra. -धृतिः 1 an epithet of Indra. -2 of Brahman; गते शत- धृतौ क्षत्तः कर्दमस्तेन चोदितः Bhāg.3.24.21. -3 heaven or Svarga. -धौत a. perfectly clean. -पत्रः 1 a peacock. -2 the (Indian) crane. -3 a wood-pecker. -4 a parrot or a species of it. (-त्रा) a woman. (-त्रम्) a lotus; आवृत्तवृन्तशतपत्रनिभम् (आननं) वहन्त्या Māl.1.22. ˚योनि an epithet of Brahman; कम्पेन मूर्ध्नः शतपत्रयोनिं (संभावयामास) Ku.7.46. -पत्रकः the wood-pecker. -पत्री, -पत्रिकः the white rose. -पथब्राह्मणम् N. of a well-known Brāhmaṇa attached to the Śukla Yajurveda; कृत्स्नं शतपथं चैव प्रणेष्यसि द्विजर्षभ Mb.12.318.11. -पद्, -पाद् a. having a hundred feet. -पदी, -पाद् f. a centipede. -पद्मम् 1 a lotus with a hundred petals. -2 the white lotus. -पर्वन् -m. a bamboo. (f.) 1 the full-moon day in the month of Āśvina. -2 Dūrvā grass. -3 the plant Kaṭukā. -4 orris root. -5 the wife of Bhārgava or Śukra. ˚ईशः the planet Venus. -पर्विका 1 Dūrvā grass. -2 orris root. -3 barley. -पाक a. boiled a hundred times. -पाकम् a particular unguent; शतपाकेन तैलेन महार्हेणोपतस्थतुः Mb. 13.53.9. -पादः, -पाद् m., -पादी, -पादिका a centipede. -पालः an overseer (of a hundred villages). -पुष्पः epithet of the poet Bhāravi. -पुष्पा, -प्रसूना Anethum Sowa (Mar. शोपा). -पोना a sieve. -प्रासः the Karavīra tree. -फलिन् m. a bamboo. -भिषज् see ˚तारका. -भीरुः f. the Arabian jasmine. -मखः, -मन्युः 1 epithets of Indra; प्रसहेत रणे तवानुजान् द्विषतां कः शतमन्युतेजसः Ki. 2.23; Bk.1.5; शतमखमुपतस्थे प्राञ्जलिः पुष्पधन्वा Ku.2. 64; R.9.13. -2 an owl. -मयूखः the moon. -मानः, -नम् 1 a Pala of silver; धरणानि दश ज्ञेयः शतमानस्तु राजतः Ms.8.137; अष्टौ शाणाः शतमानं वहन्ति Mb.3.134.15. -2 an Āḍhaka q. v. -मार्जः an armourer. -मुख a. 1 having a hundred ways. -2 having a hundred outlets, mouths, or openings; विवेकभ्रष्टानां भवति विनिपातः शतमुखः Bh.2.1 (where the word has sense 1 also). (-खम्) a hundred ways or openings. (-खी) a brush, broom. -मूर्धन् m. an ant-hill. -मूला the Dūrvā grass, -यज्वन् m. an epithet of Indra; उपतस्थुरास्थितविषादधियः शतयज्वनो वनचरा वसतिम् Ki.6.29. -यष्टिकः a necklace of one hundred strings. -रुद्रियम् 1 a Vedic text (रुद्राध्यायः -'नमस्ते रुद्रमन्यवे' इति याजुषः प्रपाठकः); गृणन्तौ वेदविद्वांसौ तद्व्रह शतरुद्रियम् Mb.7.81.13;7.22.12. -2 a particular Śiva-stotra in the Mahābhārata; देवदेवस्य ते पार्थ व्याख्याः शतरुद्रियम् Mb.7.22.48. -रूपा N. of a daughter of Brahman (who is supposed to be also his wife, from whose incestuous connection with her father is said to have sprung Manu Svāyambhuva). -लुपः, -लुम्पक an epithet of the poet Bhāravi. -लोचनः an epithet of Indra; कथं वा तस्य न जयो जोयते शतलोचन Mb.8.87.78. -वर्ष a. 1 a century old. -2 lasting for a hundred years. (-र्षम्) one hundred years, a century. -वीर्या 1 white flowering Dūrvā. -2 the plant Śatāvarī. -वेधिन् m. a kind of sorrel. -शाख a. 1 various, multiform. -2 having hundred, i. e. many branches. -संधान a. fixing an arrow a hundred times. -सहस्रम् 1 a hundred thousand. -2 several hundreds, i. e. a large number. -सुखम् endless delight. -साहस्र a. 1 consisting of containing a hundred thousand. -2 bought with a hundred thousand. -ह्रदा 1 lightning; दूरं पुरःक्षिप्तशतह्नदे Ku.7.39; Mk.5.48; V.4; प्रपतेदपि चाकाशं निपतेनु शतह्रदाः Śiva B.19.2. -2 the thunderbolt of Indra. -ह्रादा the thunderbolt.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"govardhana" has 1 results
govardhanaa grammarian who has written a work on Katantra Grammar called कातन्त्रकौमुदी and also a commentary on the Ganaratnamahodadhi of Vardhamana. A gloss on the Unadisutras is also assigned to Govardhana who is likely to be the same as a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page..
Vedabase Search
58 results
govardhana GovardhanaCC Antya 3.166
CC Antya 3.174
CC Madhya 16.217
govardhana Govardhana HillCC Madhya 13.143
CC Madhya 18.15
CC Madhya 18.32
CC Madhya 5.12
govardhana Govardhana Hill in VṛndāvanaCC Madhya 2.9
govardhana dekhi' seeing Govardhana HillCC Madhya 18.16
govardhana dekhi' seeing Govardhana HillCC Madhya 18.16
CC Madhya 18.33
govardhana dekhi' seeing Govardhana HillCC Madhya 18.33
govardhana haite from Govardhana HillCC Antya 14.105
govardhana haite from Govardhana HillCC Antya 14.105
govardhana-acalam Govardhana HillSB 10.25.19
govardhana-acalam Govardhana HillSB 10.25.19
govardhana-adri-śirasi on the top of Govardhana HillSB 10.13.29
govardhana-adri-śirasi on the top of Govardhana HillSB 10.13.29
govardhana-adri-śirasi on the top of Govardhana HillSB 10.13.29
govardhana-dharaḥ the lifter of Govardhana HillSB 10.25.25
govardhana-dharaḥ the lifter of Govardhana HillSB 10.25.25
govardhana-dhārī the lifter of Govardhana HillCC Madhya 4.41
govardhana-dhārī the lifter of Govardhana HillCC Madhya 4.41
CC Madhya 4.48
govardhana-dhārī the lifter of Govardhana HillCC Madhya 4.48
govardhana-giri-patim Govardhana, the king of hillsCC Antya 14.120
govardhana-giri-patim Govardhana, the king of hillsCC Antya 14.120
govardhana-giri-patim Govardhana, the king of hillsCC Antya 14.120
govardhana-grāma to the village known as GovardhanaCC Madhya 18.17
govardhana-grāma to the village known as GovardhanaCC Madhya 18.17
govardhana-śaila Govardhana HillCC Antya 14.85
govardhana-śaila Govardhana HillCC Antya 14.85
govardhana-śilā the stone from GovardhanaCC Antya 6.289
govardhana-śilā the stone from GovardhanaCC Antya 6.289
govardhana-śilā the stone from Govardhana HillCC Antya 20.113
govardhana-śilā the stone from Govardhana HillCC Antya 20.113
CC Antya 6.291
govardhana-śilā the stone from Govardhana HillCC Antya 6.291
CC Antya 6.301
govardhana-śilā the stone from Govardhana HillCC Antya 6.301
govardhana-śilām a stone from Govardhana HillCC Antya 6.327
govardhana-śilām a stone from Govardhana HillCC Antya 6.327
govardhana-sthāne to Govardhana MajumadāraCC Antya 6.257
govardhana-sthāne to Govardhana MajumadāraCC Antya 6.257
govardhana-uddhāraṇam the lifting of Govardhana HillSB 12.12.31-33
govardhana-uddhāraṇam the lifting of Govardhana HillSB 12.12.31-33
govardhana-upare upon the hill known as GovardhanaCC Madhya 18.23
govardhana-upare upon the hill known as GovardhanaCC Madhya 18.23
govardhana-yajñe in the Govardhana-pūjā sacrificeCC Madhya 15.242
govardhana-yajñe in the Govardhana-pūjā sacrificeCC Madhya 15.242
govardhana GovardhanaSB 5.19.16
govardhana Govardhana HillNoI 9
govardhana named GovardhanaCC Madhya 18.38
govardhanam along with Govardhana HillSB 10.11.36
ei govardhana this is Govardhana HillCC Madhya 17.55
giri govardhana to the hill known as GovardhanaCC Madhya 4.21
giri govardhana to the hill known as GovardhanaCC Madhya 4.21
ei govardhana this is Govardhana HillCC Madhya 17.55
1 result
govardhana noun (masculine neuter) ūna-dhara (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a celebrated hill in Vṛndāvana near Mathurā (lifted up and supported by Kṛṣṇa upon one finger for 7 days to shelter the cowherds from a storm of rain sent by Indra to test Kṛṣṇa's divinity) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a holy fig-tree in the country of the Bāhīkas (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of one of the 5 Śrutakevalins (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of the author of Govardhanasaptaśatī (of the 12th or 13th century) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 13487/72933
Wordnet Search
"govardhana" has 2 results.


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yaduvaṃśīya vasudevasya putraḥ yaḥ viṣṇoḥ avatāraḥ iti manyate।

sūradāsaḥ kṛṣṇasya paramo bhaktaḥ।



ekaḥ lekhakaḥ ।

govardhanena govardhanasaptaśatī iti granthaḥ racitaḥ

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