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Grammar Search
"gman" has 1 results
gman: third person plural tense paradigm injunctive class parasmaipadagam
Monier-Williams Search
11 results for gman
gmanSee pṛthu-gm/an-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agmann. conflict, battle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agmann. (connected with ajman- q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ayugmanetram. having an odd number of eyes (id est three) , Name of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ayugmanetra q.v , View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pṛthugmanmfn. (prob.) equals -jman- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śagmann. varia lectio for śākma-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sagman(prob. fr. the same) equals saṃgrāma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tigmanemimfn. having a sharp-edged felly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gmanasaSee vāṅ-m-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yugmanmfn. even View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
5 results
kāla काल a. (-ली f.) 1 Black, of a dark or dark-blue colour; Rām.5.17.9. Mb.8.49.48. -2 Injuring, hurting. -लः 1 The black or dark-blue colour. -2 Time (in general); विलम्बितफलैः कालं निनाय स मनोरथैः R.1.33; तस्मिन्काले at that time; काव्यशास्त्रविनोदेन कालो गच्छति धीमताम् H.1.1 the wise pass their time &c. -3 Fit or opportune time (to do a thing), proper time or occasion; (with gen., loc., dat., or inf.); R.3.12,4.6,12.69; पर्जन्यः कालवर्षी Mk.1.6; काले वर्षतु पर्जन्यः &c. -4 A period or portion of time (as the hours or watches of a day); षष्ठे काले दिवसस्य V.2.1. Ms.5.153. -5 The weather. -6 Time considered as one of the nine dravyas by the Vaiśeṣikas. -7 The Supreme Spirit regarded as the destroyer of the Universe, being a personification of the destructive principle; कालः काल्या भुवनफलके क्रीडति प्राणिशारैः Bh.3.39. -8 (a) Yama, the god of death; कः कालस्य न गोचरान्तरगतः Pt.1.146. (b) Death, time of death; स हि कालो$स्य दुर्मतेः Rām.7.64.1. -9 Fate, destiny. -1 The black part of the eye. -11 The (Indian) cuckoo. -12 The planet Saturn. -13 N. of Śiva; N. of Rudra; उग्ररेता भवः कालो वामदेवो धृतव्रतः Bhāg.3.12.12. -14 A measure of time (in music or prosody). -15 A person who distils and sells spirituous liquor. -16 A section, or part. -17 A red kind of plumbago. -18 Resin, pitch. -19 N. of an enemy of Śiva. -2 (with the Jainas) One of the nine treasures. -21 A mystical name for the letter म्. -22 N. of the one of four contentments mentioned in साङ्ख्यकारिका; प्रकृत्युपादानकालभागाख्याः Śāṅ. K.5. -ला 1 N. of several plants. -2 N. of a daughter of Dakṣa. -3 An epithet of Durgā. -ली 1 Blackness. -2 Ink, black ink. -3 An epithet of Pārvatī, Śiva's wife. -4 A row of black clouds. -5 A woman with a dark complexion. -6 N. of Satyavatī, mother of Vyāsa. जनयामास यं काली शक्तेः पुत्रात्पराशरात् Mb.1.6.2; Bu. ch.4.76. -7 Night. -8 Censure, blame. -9 One of the seven tongues of Fire : काली कराली च मनोजवा च सुलोहिता या च सुधूम्रवर्णा । स्फुलिङ्गिनी विश्वरुची च देवी लेलायमाना इति सप्तजिह्वाः ॥ Muṇḍ.1.2.4. -1 A form of Durgā कालि कालि महा- कालि सीधुमांसपशुंप्रिये Mb.4.6.17. कालीतनयः a buffalo. -11 One of the Mātṛis or divine mothers. -12 N. of a wife of Bhīma. -13 A sister of Yama. -14 A kind of learning (महाविद्या) -15 A small shrub used as a purgative. -16 A kind of insect. -लम् 1 Iron. क्षुरो भूत्वा हरेत्प्राणान्निशितः कालसाधनः Mb.1.14.89. -2 A kind of perfume. -Comp. -अयसम् iron. -अक्षरिकः a scholar, one who can read and decipher. -अगरु n. a kind of sandal tree, black kind of aloe; कालागुरुर्दहनमध्यगतः सम- न्ताल्लोकोत्तरं परिमलं प्रकटीकरोति Bv.1.7, R.4.81. (-n.) the wood of that tree. शिरांसि कालागुरुधूपितानि Ṛs.4.5;5.5. -अग्निः, -अनलः 1 the destructive fire at the end of the world. -2 an epithet of Rudra. -3. a kind of bead (रुद्राक्ष). -अङ्ग a. having a dark-blue body (as a sword with a dark-blue edge) Mb.4.8.1.; -अजिनम् the hide of a black antelope. -अञ्जनम् a sort of collyrium; न चक्षुषोः कान्तिविशेषबुद्ध्या कालाञ्जनं मङ्गलमित्युपात्तम् Ku.7.2,82. (-नी) a small shrub used as a purgative (Mar. काळी कापशी). -अण्डजः the (Indian) cuckoo. -अतिक्रमः, -क्रमणम् delay, being late; कालातिक्रमणं वृत्तेर्यो न कुर्वति भूपतिः Pt.1.154. -अतिपातः, -अतिरेकः loss of time, delay; Māl.2. -अतीत a. elapsed, passed by. -अत्ययः 1 delay, lapse of time. -2 loss by lapse of time. -अध्यक्षः 1 'presiding over time', epithet of the sun. -2 the Supreme Soul. -अनुनादिन् m. 1 a bee. -2 a sparrow. -3 the Chātaka bird. -अनुसारकः 1 Tagara tree. -2 yellow sandal. -अनुसारिः, -अनु- सारिन्, -अनुसारिवा, -अनुसार्यः, -र्यकः benzoin or benjamin. (-र्यम्) 1 a yellow fragrant wood (पीतचन्दन). -2 Sissoo wood. -अन्तकः time, regarded as the god of death, and the destroyer of every thing. -अन्तरम् 1 an interval. -2 a period of time. -3 another time or opportunity. ˚आवृत a. hidden or concealed in the womb of time. ˚क्षम a. able to bear delay; अकालक्षमा देव्याः शरीरावस्था K.263; Ś.4. ˚प्रेक्षिन् Pt.3.172. ˚विषः an animal venomous only when enraged, as a rat. -अभ्रः a dark, watery cloud. -अयनम् See कालचक्र Bhāg.5.22.11. -अवधिः appointed time. -अवबोधः knowledge of time and circumstances; Māl.3.11. -अशुद्धिः f. -अशौचम् period of mourning, ceremonial impurity caused by the birth of a child or death of a relation in the family; see अशौच. -अष्टकम् 1 first to eighth days of the dark half of the month आषाढ (festival period of कालभैरव) -2 a stotra of कालभैरव by Śhaṅkarāchārya. -आकृष्ट a. 1 led to death. -2 produced or brought by time. -आत्मक a. depending on time or destiny. -आत्मन् m. the Supreme Spirit. -आदिकः The month चैत्र. -आम्रः 1 a mango-kind; कालाम्ररसपीतास्ते नित्यं संस्थित- यौवनाः Mb.6.7.18. -2 N. of a Dvīpa; Hariv. -आयसम् iron. -a. made of iron; ततः कालायसं शूलं कण्टकैर्बहुभिश्च तम् Rām.7.8.15. -उप्त a. sown in due season. -कञ्जम् a blue lotus. -कटम्, -कटः an epithet of Śiva; Mb.13. -कण्ठः 1 a peacock. -2 a sparrow. -3 a wagtail. -4 a gallinule. -5 an epithet of Śiva; कालिन्दीकालकण्ठः कलयतु कुशलं को$पि कापालिको नः Udb.; U.6. -कण्ठी Pārvatī, the wife of कालकण्ठ i. e. शिव. नृत्यन्तीमिव रजनी नटीं प्रतीमो गानश्री- र्विलसति नाथ कालकण्ठी Rām Ch.7.23. -कण्टक, -कण्ठकः a gallinule. -कण़्डकः a water-snake. -करणम् appointing or fixing time. -कर्णिका, -कर्णी misfortune. -कर्मन् n. 1 death. -2 destruction; त्रैलोक्यं तु करिष्यामि संयुक्तं काल- कर्मणा Rām.3.64.62. -कलायः dark pulse. -कल्प a fatal, deadly. -कल्लकः A water-snake. -कालः Supreme Being. -कीलः noise. -कुण्ठः Yama. -कुष्ठः a myrrh. -कूटः, -टम् (a) a deadly poison; अहो बकी यं स्तनकाल- कूटं अपाययत् Bhāg.3.2.23; Ś.6. (b) the poison churned out of the ocean and drunk by Śiva; अद्यापि नोज्झति हरः किल कालकूटम् Ch. P.5. कालकूटस्य जननीं तां स्तुवे वामलोचनाम् Vb. -कूटकः a poison; Mb.1. -कृत् m. 1 the sun. -2 a peacock. -3 Supreme Spirit. -कृत 1 produced by time. -2 fixed, appointed. -3 lent or deposited, -4 done for a long time. (-तः) the sun. -क्रमः lapse of time, course of time; कालक्रमेण in course or process of time; Ku.1.19. -क्रिया 1 fixing a time. -2 death. -क्षेपः 1 delay, loss of time; कालक्षेप ककुभसुरभौ पर्वते पर्वते ते (उत्पश्यामि) Me.22; मरणे कालक्षेपं मा कुरु Pt.1. -2 passing the time. -खञ्जम्, -खञ्जनम् -खण्डम् the liver; स्वादुकारं कालखण्डोपदंशम् Śi.18.77. -गङ्गा the river Yamunā. -ग्रन्थिः a year. -घातिन् a. killing by degrees or slowly (as a poison). -चक्रम् 1 the wheel of time (time being represented as a wheel always moving). -2 a cycle. -3 (hence fig.) the wheel of fortune, the vicissitudes of life. (-क्रः) an epithet of the sun. -चिह्नम् a symptom of approaching death. -चोदित a. summoned by the angel of death. -जोषकः One who is satisfied with sparse food at the proper time. -ज्येष्ठः a. senior in years, grown up; U.5.12. -ज्ञ a. knowing the proper time or occasion (of any action); अत्यारूढो हि नारीणामकालज्ञो मनोभवः R.12.33; Śi.2.83. (-ज्ञः) 1 an astrologer. -2 a cock. -ज्ञानिन् m. an epithet of Śiva. -तिन्दुकः a kind of ebony. -त्रयम् the three times; the past, the present, and the future; ˚दर्शी K.46. -दण्डः death; श्रेयस्त्रैविक्रमस्ते वितरतु विबुधद्वेषिणां कालदण्डः Dk. -दमनी an epithet of Durgā. -दष्ट a. doomed to death; कालदष्टं नृपं ज्ञात्वा Bm.1.18. -धर्मः, -धर्मन् m. 1 the line of conduct suitable to any particular time. -2 the law or rule of time. -3 effects proper to the time. -4 fated time, death; कालधर्मं गते सगरे Rām.1.42.1. न पुनर्जीवितः कश्चित्कालधर्ममुपागतः Mb.; परीताः काल- धर्मणा &c. -धारणा prolongation of time. -नरः (in astrology) the figure of a man's body. -नाथः; -निधिः Śiva. -नियोगः decree of fate or destiny; लङ्घ्यते न खलु काल- नियोगः Ki.9.13. -निरूपणम् determination of time, chronology. -निर्यासः Bdellium (Mar. गुग्गुळ). -नेमिः 1 the rim of the wheel of time. -2 N. of a demon, uncle of Rāvaṇa, deputed by him to kill Hanūmat. -3 N. of a demon with 1 hands killed by Viṣṇu. ˚अरिः, रिपुः, हरः, हन् m. epithets of Kṛiṣṇa. -पक्व a. ripened by time; i. e. spontaneously; Ms.6.17,21; Y.3.49. -परिवासः standing for a time so as to become stale. -पर्णः the flower plant (Mar. नगर). -पर्ययः a delay (कालातिक्रम); वक्तुमर्हसि सुग्रीवं व्यतीतं कालपर्यये Rām.4.31.8. -पर्यायः the revolution or course of time; मन्ये लोकविनाशो$यं कालपर्यायनोदितः Mb.11.15.41. -पाशः the noose of Yama or death. -पाशिकः a hangman. -पु (पू) रुषः an attendant of Yama. -पृष्ठम् 1 a species of antelope. -2 a heron. (-कम्) 1 N. of the bow of Karṇa; Ve.4. -2 a bow in general. -प्रभातम् autumn or Śarad; (the two months following the rainy season considered as the best time). -बन्धन a. being under control of death (काल); प्रत्यक्षं मन्यसे कालं मर्त्यः सन् कालबन्धनः Mb.3.35.2. -भक्षः an epithet of Śiva. -भृत् m. the sun. -भैरवः an epithet of Śiva. -मल्लिका, -मान (लः) the plant ocimum (Mar. तुळस). -मालम् a measure of time. -मुखः a species of ape; Mb.3.292.12. -मेषी, -मेशिका, -मेषिका f. the Manjiṣṭha plant. -यवनः a kind of yavanas and enemy of Kṛiṣṇa and an invincible foe of the Yādavas. Kṛiṣṇa, finding it impossible to vanquish him on the field of battle, cunningly decoyed him to the cave where Muchakunda was sleeping who burnt him down. -यापः, -यापनम् procrastination, delay, putting off. -योगः fate, destiny. -योगतः according to the requirements of the time; Pt.1.184. -योगिन् m. an epithet of Śiva. -रात्रिः, -रात्री f. 1 a dark night. -2 a sister of Yama. -3 the Amāvasyā on which lamps are lighted (in the Divali holidays). -4 the night of destruction at the end of the world (identified with Durgā); कालरात्रीति तां (सीतां) विद्धि सर्वलङ्का- विनाशिनीम् Rām.5.51.34. -5 a particular night in the life of man, on the 7th day of the 7th month of the 77th year. -रुद्रः Rudra regarded as the fire that is to destroy the world. -लवणम् the बिड salt. (Mar. संचळखार) -लोहक्, -लौहम् steel. -वलनम् the armour. -विप्रकर्षः prolongation of time. विषयबाहुल्यं कालविप्रकर्षश्च स्मृतिं प्रमुष्णाति Mv.5.9. -विभक्तिः f. a section or part of time; Ms.1.24. -वृद्धिः f. periodical interest (payable monthly, quarterly, or at stated times); Ms.8.153. -वृन्तः a kind of pulse (कुलत्थ). -वेला the time of Saturn, i. e. a particular time of the day (half a watch every day) at which any religious act is improper. -संकर्षा a girl nine years old personating Durgā at a festival. -संकर्षिन् a. shortening time (as a mantra); कालसंकर्षिणीं विद्यां दीक्षापूर्वमुपादिशत् Ks.68.65. -संगः a. delay; जानामि कार्यस्य च कालसंगम् Rām.4.33.53. -संरोधः 1 keeping back for a long time; Ms.8.143. -2 lapse of a long period of time; Ms.8.143. -सदृश a. opportune, timely. -समन्वित, -समायुक्त a. dead; Rām.2.65.16. -संपन्न a. dated, bearing a date. -सर्पः the black and most poisonous variety of the snake; Gīt.1.12. -सारः the black antelope. (-रम्) a yellow sort of sandal wood. a. having a black centre or pupil; न कालसारं हरिणं तदक्षिद्वयं प्रभुर्बुद्धुमभून्मनोभूः N.6.19. -सूत्रम्, -सूत्रकम् 1 thread of time or death. -2 N. of a particular hell; Y.3.222; Ms.4.88. -स्कन्दः the Tamāla tree. -स्वरूप a. terrible as death, (deathlike in form). -हरः an epithet of Śiva. -हरणम् loss of time, delay; Ś.3; U.5; यात्वन्येन (वरेण) विहाय कालहरणं रामो वनं दण्डकाम् Mv.4.41. -हानिः f. delay; मामक्षमं मण्डनकालहानेर्वेत्तीव बिम्बाधरबद्धतृष्णम् R.13.16.
daṇḍaḥ दण्डः ण्डम् [दण्ड्-अच्] 1 A stick, staff, rod, mace, club, cudgel; पततु शिरस्यकाण्डयमदण्ड इवैष भूजः Māl.5.31; काष्ठदण्डः. -2 The sceptre of a king, the rod as a symbol of authority and punishment; आत्तदण्डः Ś.5.8. -3 The staff given to a twice-born man at the time of investiture with the sacred thread; cf Ms.2.45-48. -4 The staff of a संन्यासिन् or ascetic. -5 The trunk of an elephant. -6 The stem or stalk as of a lotus, tree &c.; U.1.31; Māl.9.14; the handle as of an umbrella; ब्रह्माण्डच्छत्रदण्डः &c. Dk.1 (opening verse); राज्यं स्वहस्तधृतदण्डमिवातपत्रम् Ś.5.6; Ku.7.89; so कमल- दण्ड &c. -7 The oar of a boat. -8 An arm or leg (at the end of comp.) -9 The staff or pole of a banner, a tent &c. -1 The beam of a plough. -11 The cross-bar of a lute or a stringed instrument. -12 The stick with which an instrument is played. -13 A churning-stick. -14 Fine; Ms.8.341;9.229; Y.2.237. -15 Chastisement, corporal punishment, punishment in general; यथापराधदण्डानाम् R.1.6; एवं राजापथ्यकारिषु ती- क्ष्णदण्डो राजा Mu.1; दण्डं दण्ड्येषु पातयेत् Ms.8.126; कृतदण्ड स्वयं राज्ञा लेभे शूद्रः सतां गतिम् R.15.23. यथार्हदण्डो (राजा) पूज्यः Kau. A.1.4; सुविज्ञातप्रणीतो हि दण्डः प्रजां धर्मार्थकामै- र्योजयति Kau. A.1.4 -16 Imprisonment. -17 Attack, assault, violence, punishment, the last of the four expedients; see उपाय; सामादीनामुपायानां चतुर्णामपि पण्डिताः । साम- दण्डौ प्रशंसन्ति नित्यं राष्ट्राभिवृद्धये ॥ Ms.7.19; cf. Śi.2.54. -18 An army; तस्य दण्डवतो दण्डः स्वदेहान्न व्यशिष्यत R.17. 62; Ms.7.65;9.294; Ki.2.15. -19 A form of military array; Mb.12.59.4. -2 Subjection, control, restraint; वाग्दण्डो$थ मनोदण्डः कायदण्डस्तथैव च । यस्यैते निहिता बुद्धौ त्रिदण्डीति स उच्यते ॥ Ms.12.1. -21 A measure of length equal to 4 Hastas; Bṛi. S.24.9. -22 The penis. -23 Pride; या चापि न्यस्तदण्डानां तां गतिं व्रज पुत्रक Mb. 7.78.25. -24 The body. -25 An epithet of Yama. -26 N. of Viṣṇu. -27 N. of Śiva. -28 An attendant on the sun. -29 A horse (said to be m. only in this and the preceding four senses). -3 A particular appearance in the sky (similar to a stick). -31 An uninterrupted row or series, a line. -32 Standing upright or erect. -33 A corner, an angle. -34 The Science of Govt. विनयमूलो दण्डः, दण्डमूलास्तिस्त्रो विद्याः Kau. A.1.5. -35 Harm, injury; न्यासो दण्डस्य भूतेषु मनोवाक्कायजस्य यः Bhāg.7. 15.8. -Comp. -अजिनम् 1 staff and hide (as outer badges of devotion). -2 (fig.) hypocrisy, deceit. -अधिपः a chief magistrate. -अनीकम् a detachment or division of an army; तव हृतवतो दण्डानीकैर्विदर्भपतेः श्रियम् M.5.2. -अप (व) तानकः tetanus, lock-jaw. -अपूपन्यायः see under न्याय. -अर्ह a. fit to be chastised, deserving punishment. -अलसिका cholera. -आख्यम् a house with two wings, one facing the north and the other the east; Bṛi. S.53. 39. -आघातः a blow with a stick; पूर्वप्रविष्ठान्क्रोधात्तान्दण्डा- घातैरताडयन् Ks.54.23. -आज्ञा judicial sentence. -आश्रमः the condition of a pilgrim. -आश्रमिन् m. a devotee, an ascetic. -आसनम्, दण्डकासनम् lying prostrate on the ground, a kind of Āsana; Yoga S.2.46. -आहतम् buttermilk. -उद्यमः 1 threatening. -2 (pl.) application of power; निःसाराल्पफलानि ये त्वविधिना वाञ्छन्ति दण्डोद्यमैः Pt.1.376. -कर्मन् n. infliction of punishment, chastisement; देशकालवयःशक्ति संचिन्त्यं दण्डकर्मणि Y.2.275. -कलितम् repetition like a measuring rod, i. e. doing a matter after it is done in full first and then repeating it like that a second time and so on; आवृत्तिन्यायानां दण्ड- कलितं न्याय्यम् । ŚB. on MS.1.5.83; ˚वत् ind. in the manner of a measuring rod. -कल्पः Infliction of punishment; शुद्धचित्रश्च दण्डकल्पः Kau. A.4. -काकः a raven. -काण्ठम् a wooden club or staff; दण्डकाष्ठमवलम्ब्य स्थितः Ś2. -ग्रहणम् assumption of the staff of an ascetic or pilgrim, becoming a mendicant. -घ्न a. striking with a stick, committing an assault; Ms.8.386. -चक्रः a division of an army. -छदनम् a room in which utensils of various kinds are kept. -ढक्का a kind of drum. -दासः one who has become a slave from non-payment of a debt; Ms.8.415. -देवकुलम् a court of justice. -धर, -धार a. 1 carrying a staff, staffbearer. -2 punishing, chastising; दत्ताभये त्वयि यमादपि दण्डधारे U.2.11. -3 exercising judicial authority. (-रः) 1 a king; श्रमनुदं मनुदण्डधरान्वयम् R.9.3; बलीयानबलं ग्रसते दण्डधराभावे Kau. A.1.4. -2 N. of Yama; यमो निहन्ता... ...दण्डधरश्च कालः -3 a judge, supreme magistrate. -4 a mendicant carrying a staff. -5 a potter. -6 a general (of an army;) Dk.2. -धारणम् 1 carrying a staff (as by a Brahmachārin). -2 following the order of a mendicant. -3 infliction of punishment. -नायकः 1 a judge, a head police-officer, a magistrate. -2 the leader of an army, a general. -3 a king. ˚पुरुषः a policeman, constable. -निधानम् pardoning, indulgence; Mb.12. -निपातनम् punishing, chastising. -नीतिः f. 1 administration of justice, judicature. -2 the system of civil and military administration, the science of politics, polity; Ms.7.43; Y.1.311; फलान्युपायुङ्क्त स दण्ड- नीतेः R.18.46; जरातुरः संप्रति दण्डनीत्या सर्वं नृपस्यानुकरोमि वृत्तम् Nāg.4.1. -3 an epithet of Durgā. -नेतृ m. 1 a king. -2 Yama; गृध्रा रुषा मम कृषन्त्यधिदण्डनेतुः Bhāg.3.16. 1. -3 a judge; Ms.12.1; Bhāg.4.22.45. -पः a king. -पांशुलः a porter, door-keeper. -पाणिः 1 an epithet of Yama; करोमि चिकित्सां दण्डपाणिरिव जनतायाः Bhāg.5.1.7. -2 N. of the god Śiva at Benares. -3 a policeman; इति पश्चात्प्रविष्टास्ते पुरुषा दण्डपाणयः Ks.54.23. -पातः 1 falling of a stick. -2 infliction of punishment. -3 dropping one line in a manuscript. -पातनम् infliction of punishment, chastisement. -पारुष्यम् 1 assault, violence. -2 hard or cruel infliction of punishment; अत ऊर्ध्वं प्रवक्ष्यामि दण्डपारुष्यनिर्णयम् Ms.8.278. -पालः, -पालकः 1 a head magistrate. -2 a door-keeper, porter. Kau. A.1.12. -3 Ns. of two kinds of fishes; L. D. B. -पाशकः, -पाशिकः 1 a head police-officer; Pt.2; उच्यता- मस्मद्वचनात्कालपाशिको दण्डपाशिकश्च Mu.1.2-21. -2 a hangman, an executioner. -पोणम् a strainer furnished with a handle. -प्रणामः 1 bowing by prostrating the body at full length (keeping it erect like a stick). cf. साष्टाङ्गनमस्कार. -2 falling flat or prostrate on the ground. -बालधिः an elephant. -भङ्गः non-execution of a sentence. -भृत् m. 1 a potter. -2 an epithet of Yama. -माण (न)वः 1 a staff-bearer -2 an ascetic bearing a staff; Rām.2.32.18. -3 a chief or leader. -माथः a principal road, highway. -मुखः a leader, general of an army. -यात्रा 1 a solemn procession (particularly bridal). -2 warlike expedition, conquest (of a region). -यामः 1 an epithet of Yama. -2 of Agastya. -3 a day. -लेशम् a small fine; Ms.8.51. -वधः capital punishment. -वाचिक a. actual or verbal (assault); Ms.8.6; cf. वाक्-पारुष्यम्. -वादिन् a. reprimanding, censuring, threatening with punishment; (also -m.). -वारित a. forbidden by threat of punishment. -वासिकः a door-keeper, warder. -वासिन् m. 1 a door-keeper. -2 a magistrate. -वाहिन् m. a police-officer. -विकल्पः discretion given to an officer in awarding punishment or fine; Ms.9.228. -विधिः 1 rule of punishment; see दण्डोद्यमः -2 criminal law. -विष्कम्भः the post to which the string of a churning-stick is fastened. -व्यूहः a particular form of arranging troops, arranging them in long lines or columns; Ms.7.187. -शास्त्रम् the science of inflicting punishment, criminal law. -हस्तः 1 a door-keeper, warder, porter. -2 an epithet of Yama.
vadhaḥ वधः 1 Killing, murder, slaughter, destruction; आत्मनो वधमाहर्ता क्वासौ विहगतस्करः V.5.1; मनुष्यवधः homicide; पशुवधः &c. -2 A blow, stroke; पुनरज्ञातचर्यायां कीचकेन पदा वधम् Mb.12.16.21; Ms.8.267. -3 Paralysis. -4 Disappearance. -5 Multiplication (in math.). -6 A killer, slayer. -7 A vanquisher, victor. -8 Ved. A deadly weapon, such as Indra's thunderbolt. -9 (In law) A capital or corporal punishment. -1 Frustration. -11 Defect, imperfection. -12 (In alg.) A product. -Comp. -अङ्गकम् a prison. -अर्थीय a. = वध्य q. v.; वधक q. v.; वधार्थीयं क्षत्रिया राजपुत्री (गर्भं धत्ते) Mb.11. 26.5. -अर्ह (ण) a. deserving capital punishment; ब्रह्मबन्धुर्न हन्तव्य आततायी वधार्हणः Bhāg.1.7.53. -उदर्क a. resulting in death, proving fatal. -उद्यत a. 1 murderous. -2 an assassin. -उपायः a means of killing; हन्या- च्चित्रैर्वधोपायैः Ms.9.248. -कर्माधिकारिन् m. a hangman, an executioner. -जीविन् m. 1 a hunter. -2 a butcher. -दण्डः 1 corporeal punishment (as whipping &c.). -2 capital punishment; वधदण्डमतः परम् Ms.8.129. -निग्रहः capital punishment. -निर्णेकः atonement for murder; दानेन वर्धानर्णेकम् Ms.11.139. -भूमिः f., -स्थली f., -स्थानम् 1 a place of execution. -2 a slaughter-house. -स्तम्भः the gallows; Mk.1.
vadhaka वधक a. (-धका, -धिका f.) [हनः क्वुन्, वध च Uṇ.2.35] Killing, destructive, injurious. -कः 1 An executioner, a hangman. -2 A murderer, an assassin. -3 A kind of reed.
ūḍha ऊढ p. p. 1 Borne, carried, as a burden. -2 Taken -3 Married; इयं च ते$न्या पुरतो विडम्बना यदूढया वारणराजहार्यया Ku.5.7. -4 Stolen, robbed; सहोढं सोपकरणं घातयेदविचारयन् Ms.9.27. -5 Washed away (by water); चौरैर्हृतं जलेनोढम् Ms.8.189. -6 Exhibited, betrayed; Bhāg. -ढः A married man. -ढा A girl who is married. -ढम् marriage; ऊढात् प्रभृति दुःखानि श्वशुराणामरिन्दम Mb. 5.83.42. -Comp. -कङ्कट a. mailed. -भार्य a. one who has married a wife. -वयसः a youngman.
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
gam gam go, I. gáchati, -te to (acc.), i. 1, 4; x. 14, 13; root ao. 3. pl. ágman, vii. 71, 6; 1. pl. áganma, viii. 48, 3. 11 [Gk. βαίνω, Lat. venio, Eng. come]. á̄- come, i. 1, 5; 85, 11; root ao. ipv. gahí, vi. 54, 7; x. 14, 5; 2. pl. gatá, x. 15, 4; 3. gámantu, x. 15, 52. 11; go to (acc.), x. 168, 2. sám- go with (inst.), a ao. op., vi. 54, 2; unite with (inst.), x. 14, 8.
Macdonell Search
1 result
gman V. 3rd pl. impf. of √ gam.
Bloomfield Vedic
1 result0 results35 results
adha gmantā nahuṣo havaṃ sūreḥ RV.1.122.11a.
adha gmantośanā pṛchate vām RV.10.22.6a.
abhijñv ā satvabhir gā anugman # RV.3.39.5b.
aṣṭāviṃśāni śivāni śagmāni # AVś.19.8.2a.
ā gāvo agmann uta bhadram akran # RV.6.28.1a; AVś.4.21.1a; TB. Ps: ā gāvo agman Apś.6.19.9 (comm.); 19.16.18; śG.3.9.3; 4.16.3; ā gāvaḥ Vait.21.24; Kauś.19.1; 21.8; VHDh.8.10; Rvidh.2.21.5. Cf. BṛhD.5.106. Designated as ā-gāvīya (sc. sūkta) AG.2.10.7.
ā māśiṣo (MS. ām āśiṣo) dohakāmāḥ # MS.1.4.1a: 47.10; 1.4.5: 53.4; KS.5.3a; 32.3. See ā mā stutasya, ā mā stotrasya, and emā agmann āśiṣo.
ā vām andhāṃsi madirāṇy agman # RV.6.69.7c; AB.16.12.11; GB.2.2.22.
āvir maryā ā vājaṃ vājino agman # SV.1.435a; Aś.9.9.8a; śś.16.17.6a; Vait.27.9a. P: āvir maryāḥ Lś.5.12.14.
indraṃ kāmā vasūyanto agman # RV.4.16.15a.
imā astaṃ navasva iva gman # RV.4.34.5d.
imā brahmāṇi yuvayūny agman # RV.7.70.7c; 71.6c.
udeva yanta (SV. gmanta) udabhiḥ # RV.8.98.7c; AVś.20.100.1c; SV.1.406c; 2.60c.
upem agmann ṛṣayaḥ sapta viprāḥ # RV.9.92.2d.
ūrvaṃ gavyaṃ pariṣadanto agman # RV.4.2.17d; KS.13.15d. See urvīṃ gavyāṃ.
ṛtaṃ vadanta ṛtayuktim agman # RV.10.61.10b.
emā agmann āśiṣo dohakāmāḥ # TS.;; Apś.14.12.5. See under ā māśiṣo.
emā agman revatīr jīvadhanyāḥ # RV.10.30.14a; AB.2.20.26; KB.12.2; Aś.5.1.19.
kṣmayā retaḥ saṃjagmāno ni ṣiñcat # RV.10.61.7b; AB.6.27.9; GB.2.6.8.
ghṛṇā vayo 'ruṣāsaḥ pari gman # RV.4.43.6b.
tato yugmanto anusaṃvahanti # JB.2.438b.
tat sindhava iṣayanto anu gman # RV.5.49.4b.
tad in nv asya pariṣadvāno agman # RV.10.61.13a.
tve rayiṃ jāgṛvāṃso anu gman # RV.6.1.3b; MS.4.13.6b: 206.9; KS.18.20b; TB.
tvotā id indra vājam agman # RV.2.11.16d.
ni tigmāni bhrāśayan bhrāśyāni # RV.10.116.5a.
paśuṃ na naṣṭaṃ padair anu gman # RV.10.46.2b.
pra yam antar vṛṣasavāso agman # RV.10.42.8a; AVś.20.89.8a.
pra su gmantā dhiyasānasya sakṣaṇi # RV.10.32.1a; ApMB.1.1.1a (ApG.2.4.2). Cf. BṛhD.7.34.
pro droṇe harayaḥ karmāgman # RV.6.37.2a; Apś.6.4.10. P: pro droṇe śś.9.17.3.
bhagasyeva kāriṇo yāmani gman # RV.3.54.14b.
manovātā adha nu dharmaṇi gman # RV.3.38.2d.
maho rāye citayanto anu gman # RV.6.1.2d; MS.4.13.6d: 206.8; KS.18.20d; TB.
mitho yāt tyāgam ubhayāso agman # RV.4.24.3c.
mṛgasya ghoṣaṃ mahiṣasya hi gman # RV.10.123.4b.
ye asya kāmaṃ janidhā iva gman # RV.10.29.5b; AVś.20.76.5b.
Parse Time: 1.650s Search Word: gman Input Encoding: IAST IAST: gman