gat | gat/a-, g/ati-, etc. See gam-. |
gat | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' () See adhva--, jana--, dvi--. |
gata | mfn. gone, gone away, departed, departed from the world, deceased, dead etc. |
gata | mfn. past (as time), gone by etc. |
gata | mfn. disappeared (often in compound) etc. |
gata | mfn. come, come forth from (in compound or ablative) |
gata | mfn. come to, approached, arrived at, being in, situated in, contained in (accusative or locative case or in compound exempli gratia, 'for example' sabhāṃ g-,"come to an assembly"; kānyakubje g-,gone to kānyakubja- ; ratha-g-,sitting or standing in a carriage ; ādya-g-, turya-g-, antya-g-,taking the first, fourth, last place; sarva-g-,spread everywhere ) etc. |
gata | mfn. having walked (a path accusative) |
gata | mfn. gone to any state or condition, fallen into (accusative or locative case or in compound exempli gratia, 'for example' kṣayaṃ-or kṣaye gata-,gone to destruction; āpad-g-,fallen into misfortune ) etc. |
gata | mfn. relating to, referring to, connected with (exempli gratia, 'for example' putra-gata sneha-,love directed towards the son ; tvad-gata-,belonging to thee) |
gata | mfn. walked (a path), frequented, visited |
gata | mfn. spread abroad, celebrated |
gata | mfn. "known, understood", having the meaning of (locative case) |
gata | n. going, motion, manner of going etc. |
gata | n. the being gone or having disappeared |
gata | n. the place where any one has gone |
gata | n. anything past or done, event |
gata | n. diffusion, extension, celebration |
gata | n. manner Va1rtt. 5. |
gatabhartṛkā | f. "a wife whose husband is dead" , a widow |
gatabhī | mfn. free from fear, w. |
gatacetana | mfn. deprived of sense or consciousness, senseless, void of understanding, fainted away |
gatacetas | mfn. bereft of sense |
gatādhi | mfn. free from anxiety, happy |
gatādhvā | f. (scilicet tithi-) the time immediately preceding new moon (when a small streak of the moon is still visible) |
gatādhvan | mfn. one who has walked a path |
gatādhvan | mfn. "who has accomplished a journey", familiar with (locative case) |
gatādhvan | mfn. "one whose time of life is (nearly) gone", old, |
gatadina | n. the past day, yesterday |
gatadinam | ind. yesterday |
gatadivasa | m. the past day, yesterday |
gatadivasam | ind. yesterday |
gatāgata | mfn. (gaRa akṣadyūtādi-) going and coming |
gatāgata | n. going and coming, going to and fro, reiterated motion in general , (plural) |
gatāgata | n. the flight of a bird backward and forward |
gatāgata | n. (in astronomy) irregular course of the asterisms |
gatāgata | n. appearance and disappearance, growth and decline |
gatāgata | n. plural with kṛ-, to enter into a negotiation or treaty |
gatāgata | n. see gamāgama-. |
gatāgati | f. "going and coming", dying and being born again |
gatajīva | mf(ā-)n. exanimate, dead |
gatajīvita | mfn. idem or 'mf(ā-)n. exanimate, dead ' |
gatajvara | mfn. freed from fever or sickness, convalescent, recovered |
gatajvara | mfn. free from trouble or grief |
gataka | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' relating to (?) |
gatakāla | m. past time |
gatakalmaṣa | mfn. freed from crime |
gatakīrti | mfn. deprived of reputation |
gataklama | mf(ā-)n. "one whose lassitude is gone", rested, refreshed |
gatākṣa | mfn. "sightless", blind |
gatalajja | m. "shameless", Name of an author of Prakrit verses. |
gatalakṣmīka | mfn. unfortunate, suffering losses |
gatālīka | mfn. "void of untruth", real, true |
gatamanas | (t/a--) mfn. equals -jīva- |
gatamanaska | mfn. thinking of (locative case) |
gatamātra | mfn. just gone |
gatamāya | m. without deceit |
gatamāya | m. without compassion |
gatanāsika | mfn. noseless |
gatanidhana | n. Name of a sāman-, |
gatānta | mfn. one whose end has arrived |
gatānugata | n. the following what precedes, following custom gaRa akṣadyūtādi-. |
gatānugatika | mfn. following what precedes, following custom or the conduct of others, imitative |
gatapāpa | mfn. free from sin or guilt |
gatapāra | mfn. one who has reached the highest limit (of knowledge or of a vow) |
gatapraja | mfn. one whose children are dead, |
gataprāṇa | mfn. equals -jīva- |
gatapratyāgata | mfn. ( Va1rtt. 5) gone away and returned, come back again after having gone away |
gataprāya | mfn. almost gone or vanished |
gatapuṇya | mfn. devoid of holiness or religious merit |
gatarasa | mfn. (anything) which has lost its flavour or sap, dried, withered |
gatarātri | f. the past night, last night |
gataroga | mfn. freed from disease, recovered. |
gatārtavā | f. a woman past her courses or past child-bearing |
gatārtavā | f. a barren woman |
gatārtha | mfn. (equals artha-gata- gaRa āhitāgny-ādi-) unmeaning, nonsensical |
gatārtha | mfn. understood, (a-- negative) |
gatārtha | mfn. void of an object, poor |
gatasādhvasa | mfn. afraid |
gataśaiśava | mfn. past infancy, above eight years of age |
gatasaṃdeha | mfn. free from doubt |
gatasaṃkalpa | mfn. bereft of sense, foolish |
gatasaṃkalpa | mfn. free from wishes |
gatasaṅga | mfn. free from attachment, detached from, dissevered |
gatasaṅga | mfn. adverse or indifferent to |
gatasannaka | m. an elephant out of rut |
gatasāra | mfn. worthless, idle |
gatasattva | mfn. annihilated, lifeless, dead |
gatasattva | mfn. "without good qualities", base |
gatasauhṛda | mfn. bereft of friendship or friendly feeling |
gatasauhṛda | mfn. unkind, indifferent |
gatasauhṛda | mfn. bereft of friends |
gataspṛha | mfn. having no desire, not finding any pleasure in (locative case or genitive case) |
gataspṛha | mfn. disinterested |
gataspṛha | mfn. pitiless |
gataśrī | (t/a--) mfn. (genitive case -śres- ) one who has obtained fortune or happiness |
gataśrīka | mfn. one who has lost fortune or high rank |
gataśrīka | mfn. bereft of beauty, disfigured |
gatāsu | mfn. one whose breath has gone, expired, dead |
gatasvārtha | mfn. useless |
gatatoyada | mfn. cloudless, cleared up, fair, . |
gatatrapa | mfn. free from fear or shame, bold |
gataujas | mfn. bereft of strength |
gatavaira | mfn. reconciled |
gatavarṣa | m. n. the past year |
gatavat | mfn. going, passing |
gatavat | mfn. obtaining |
gatavat | mfn. falling into, feeling, entertaining |
gatavayas | mfn. "one whose youth is gone", advanced in life |
gatavayaska | mfn. idem or 'mfn. "one whose youth is gone", advanced in life ' |
gatavibhava | mfn. idem or 'mfn. bereft of wealth, impoverished ' |
gatavitta | mfn. bereft of wealth, impoverished |
gatavyatha | mfn. freed from pain, unanxious |
gatāyāta | mfn. coming and going |
gatāyus | mfn. one whose vital power has vanished, decayed, very old |
gatāyus | mfn. dead |
gati | f. going, moving, gait, deportment, motion in general etc. |
gati | f. manner or power of going |
gati | f. going away |
gati | f. procession, march, passage, procedure, progress, movement (exempli gratia, 'for example' astra-g-,the going or flying of missile weapons ; parāṃ gatiṃ-gam-,"to go the last way", to die; daiva-g-,the course of fate ; kāvyasya g-,the progress or course of a poem ) |
gati | f. arriving at, obtaining (with genitive case locative case,or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') etc. |
gati | f. acting accordingly, obeisance towards (locative case) |
gati | f. path, way, course (exempli gratia, 'for example' anyatarāṃ gatiṃ-gam-,"to go either way", to recover or die ) etc. |
gati | f. a certain division of the moon's path and the position of the planet in it (the diurnal motion of a planet in its orbit?) |
gati | f. issue |
gati | f. running wound or sore |
gati | f. place of issue, origin, reason |
gati | f. possibility, expedient, means etc. |
gati | f. a means of success |
gati | f. way or art, method of acting, stratagem |
gati | f. refuge, resource |
gati | f. see p.260 |
gati | f. the position (of a child at birth) |
gati | f. state, condition, situation, proportion, mode of existence etc. |
gati | f. a happy issue |
gati | f. happiness |
gati | f. the course of the soul through numerous forms of life, metempsychosis, condition of a person undergoing this migration etc. |
gati | f. manner |
gati | f. the being understood or meant |
gati | f. (in gram.) a term for prepositions and some other adverbial prefixes (such as alam-etc.) when immediately connected with the tenses of a verb or with verbal derivatives (see karmapravacanīya-) |
gati | f. a kind of rhetorical figure |
gati | f. a particular high number |
gati | f. "Motion"(personified as a daughter of kardama- and wife of pulaha-) |
gati | m. Name of a son of anala- |
gatī | f. (metrically) for ti-, going |
gatibhaṅga | m. impediment to progress, stoppage |
gatibheda | m. idem or 'm. impediment to progress, stoppage ' , |
gatihīna | mfn. without refuge, forlorn |
gatika | n. going, motion |
gatika | n. course |
gatika | n. condition |
gatika | n. refuge, asylum |
gatīka | See a-g-. |
gatilā | f. the not being different from one another (?) |
gatilā | f. Name of a plant |
gatilā | f. of a river |
gatimat | mfn. possessed of motion, moving |
gatimat | mfn. having issues or sores |
gatimat | mfn. connected with a preposition or some other adverbial prefix Va1rtt. 4 |
gatiśakti | f. the power of motion |
gatitālin | m. Name of an attendant in skanda-'s retinue |
gatodaka | mfn. waterless, dry, |
gatodvega | mfn. freed from sorrow, comforted |
gatotsāha | mfn. dispirited |
gatvā | See 1. gam-. |
gatvan | See pūrva--. |
gatvara | mf(ī-)n. going to a place (in compound) |
gatvara | mf(ī-)n. beginning or undertaking (with dative case) |
gatvara | mf(ī-)n. transient, perishable |
gatvāya | See 1. gam-. |
gatvī | See 1. gam-. |
gaty | (by saṃdhi- for ti-). |
gatyāgati | f. (in compound) coming and going, appearance and disappearance |
gatyanusāra | m. following the way of another |
gatyūna | mfn. difficult of access, impassable |
gatyūna | mfn. desert, helpless |
abhigata | mfn. approached, etc. |
abhinnagati | mfn. not changing its course |
abhisaṃgata | mfn. together with (in comp.) |
abhyāgata | mfn. come, arrived etc. |
abhyāgata | mfn. (with kramāt-) inherited |
abhyāgata | m. (opposed to atithi-) an uninvited guest |
abhyāgata | m. a guest in general |
abhyudgata | mfn. risen (as the moon) |
abhyudgata | mfn. one who has gone out in order to meet any one (accusative) |
abhyudgata | mfn. extended (as fame) |
abhyudgatarāja | m. Name of a kalpa- |
abhyudgati | f. going to meet, |
abhyupagata | mfn. gone near to, approached, arrived at |
abhyupagata | mfn. agreed, assented to, admitted |
abhyupāgata | mfn. come near, approached |
abhyupāgata | mfn. (with vyasanāya-,said of a sad fate) |
abjasamudgata | (?), |
adhigata | mfn. found, obtained, acquired |
adhigata | mfn. gone over, studied, learnt. |
adhogata | mfn. gone down, descended. |
adhogati | f. descent, downward movement, degradation. |
adhogati | mfn. going downwards, descending. |
adhvagat | m. a traveller |
adhvagati | m. travelling, a journey, |
adhvagatyanta | m. measure of length applicable to roads. |
adhyagnyupāgata | n. property received by a wife at the wedding. |
ādityagata | mfn. being in the sun, |
ādityagati | f. course of the sun |
āgata | mfn. come, arrived etc. |
āgata | mfn. come to or into (accusative [ ] or locative case [ etc.] or in compound [ ]) |
āgata | mfn. come from (in compound) |
āgata | mfn. come into existence, born |
āgata | mfn. coming from (ablative) |
āgata | mfn. returned |
āgata | mfn. (with punar-) |
āgata | mfn. meeting with an obstacle, pushed against (in compound) |
āgata | mfn. occurred, happened, risen etc. |
āgata | mfn. entered (into any state or condition of mind) |
āgata | mfn. resulting (from calculation) |
āgata | mfn. walked through (as a path) |
āgata | m. a new comer, guest |
āgata | n. anything that has taken place or has fallen to one's share (opposed to āś/ā-,"anything still expected or hoped for") (see /an-āgata-and sv-āgata-.) |
agata | mfn. not gone |
agata | n. not yet frequented, the dominion of death |
āgatāgama | mfn. one who has obtained knowledge of (genitive case) |
āgatakṣobha | mfn. confounded, perplexed. |
āgatamatsya | mfn. ( /ā-gata-matsyā-) |
āgatanandin | ([or /ā-gata-nardin- ]) mfn. (gaRa yuktārohy-ādi- q.v) |
āgataprahārin | mfn. |
āgatarohin | mfn. |
āgatasādhvasa | mfn. terrified. |
āgatāstha | mfn. full of interest, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding |
agatāsu | mfn. not dead, alive, |
āgatatva | n. origin |
āgatavañcin | mfn. |
āgatavismaya | mfn. filled with wonder, |
āgatayodhin | mfn. |
āgati | f. arrival, coming, return etc. |
āgati | f. origin |
āgati | f. rise, origination (as of the world) |
agati | mfn. not going, halting, without resource, helpless |
agati | f. stoppage |
agati | f. want of resort or resource, unsuccessfulness , not cohabiting with a woman. |
agatika | mf(ā-)n. without resort or resources |
agatika | mf(ā-)n. not to be walked on (as an evil path) |
agatikagati | f. the resort of one who has no resort, a last resource |
āgatya | ind.p. having arrived or come. |
agatyā | ind. unavoidably, indispensably, |
āhatavisargatā | f. the deadening of a visarga- or its change into o- |
aindrājāgata | mfn. addressed to indra- and composed in the jagatī- metre (as a prayer) |
ajagati | mfn. "accessible (only) to goats", steep (as a road), |
ākāśagata | mfn. coming from the air (as a voice) |
ākāśagati | f. going through the atmosphere |
akṣigata | mfn. presented to the eye, visible, seen |
akṣigata | mfn. hated |
alakṣyagati | mfn. moving invisibly. |
alpāṅgatva | (n.) |
ambūrmigata | mfn. gooe to (id est reflected by) waves of water (as the moon), . |
amitagati | m. Name of a vidyādhara- |
amitagati | m. Name of a jaina- author. |
amṛtagati | f. Name of a metre (consisting of four times ten syllables). |
anabhigata | mfn. not understood, |
anadhigata | mfn. not obtained, not acquired |
anadhigata | mfn. not studied. |
anadhigatamanoratha | mfn. one who has not obtained his wish, disappointed. |
anadhigataśāstra | mfn. unacquainted with the śāstra-s. |
anāgata | mfn. ( gam-), not come, not arrived |
anāgata | mfn. future |
anāgata | mfn. not attained, not learnt |
anāgata | mfn. unknown |
anāgata | n. the future. |
anāgatābādha | m. future trouble. |
anāgatārtavā | f. a girl who has not yet attained to puberty. |
anāgatavat | mfn. connected with or relating to the future. |
anāgatāvekṣaṇa | n. act of looking at that which is not yet come or the future. |
anāgatavidhātṛ | m. "disposer of the future", provident |
anāgatavidhātṛ | m. Name of a fish |
anāgati | f. non-arrival |
anāgati | f. non-attainment |
anāgati | f. non-accession. |
ananvāgata | mfn. not visited or attacked by (instrumental case), |
ananyagati | f. sole resort or resource. |
ananyagati | mfn. having only one (or no other) resort or resource left. |
ananyagatika | mfn. having only one (or no other) resort or resource left. |
anatyantagati | f. the sense of"not exceedingly", sense of diminutive words. |
anavagata | mfn. not acquired, |
anayaṃgata | mfn. fallen into misfortune. |
aṅgatā | f. a state of subordination or dependance, the being of secondary importance, the being unessential. |
aṅgati | m. ( ag-), fire |
aṅgati | m. a Brahman who maintains a sacred fire |
aṅgati | m. brahmā- |
aṅgati | m. viṣṇu- |
aṅgati | m. see aṅkati-. |
aṅgatva | n. a state of subordination or dependance, the being of secondary importance, the being unessential. |
aṅkagata | mfn. lying in the lap, |
annagati | f. the oesophagus, gullet. |
antagata | mfn. gone to the end |
antagata | mfn. being at the end of |
antagata | mfn. thoroughly penetrating |
antagati | (/anta--) ([ ]) mfn. going to the end, perishing. |
antaraṅgatva | n. the state or condition of an antaraṅga-. |
antardhānagata | mfn. disappeared. |
antargalagata | mfn. sticking in the throat, |
antargata | mfn. gone between or into, being in, included in |
antargatagāmin | mfn. gone between or into, being in, included in |
antargatagāmin | mfn. being in the interior, internal, hidden, secret |
antargatagāmin | mfn. disappeared, perished |
antargatagāmin | mfn. slipped out of the memory, forgotten. |
antargatamanas | mfn. whose mind is turned inwards, engaged in deep thought, sad, perplexed. |
antargatopamā | f. a concealed simile (the particle of comparison being omitted). |
antikagati | f. going near. |
anugata | mfn. followed by, having anything (as a skin) hanging behind |
anugata | mfn. following |
anugata | mfn. a follower |
anugata | mfn. acquired |
anugata | mfn. extinguished |
anugata | mfn. tallying with |
anugata | n. moderate time (in music). |
anugatārtha | mfn. having a corresponding meaning. |
anugati | f. following, imitation, dying out. |
ānugatika | mfn. (fr. anu-gata-), relating to or proceeding from, following |
anugatika | m. a follower, an imitator. |
ānugatya | n. following |
ānugatya | n. acquaintance, familiarity |
anumārgāgata | mfn. met half-way, |
anupagatajara | mfn. not impaired by old age or infirmity, |
anuttarayogatantra | n. title of the last of the four bauddhatantra-s. |
anvayāgata | mfn. inherited, |
anyatsthānagata | mfn. being at another place, |
anyonyagata | mfn. mutual, reciprocal, |
āpadgata | mfn. fallen into misfortune, unhappy. |
apagata | mfn. gone, departed, remote, gone off |
apagata | mfn. dead, diseased. |
apagatakālaka | mfn. (a robe) free from black spots, |
apagatavyādhi | mfn. one who has recovered from a disease. |
aparigata | mfn. unobtained, unknown |
aparyāgata | mfn. not a year old (grain), |
arāntaragatā | f. (with nābhi-) Name (also title or epithet) of a mythical place, |
araṇyagata | mfn. gone into a forest on commentator or commentary |
arogatā | f. health |
arogatva | n. idem or 'f. health ' |
arthagata | mfn. equals gatārtha-, (gaRa ākitāgny-ādi- q.v) |
arthagati | f. understanding the sense |
arthagati | f. meaning, sense, |
asaṃgata | mfn. () ununited, unassociated with |
asaṃgata | mfn. uneven, unequal (Hit) |
asaṃgata | mfn. unpreferred, disesteemed |
asaṃgata | mfn. unbecoming, unpolished, rude |
asaṃgataprabha | m. = amitā- bha-, . |
asaṃgati | f. "incongruity, improbability", Name of a rhetorical figure etc. |
asaṃgati | f. non-association with |
āsaṃgatya | n. (fr. a-saṃgata- ), non-union, non-relation. |
asitagati | m. "having a black course", fire (- dyuti-,"shining like fire"), |
aṣṭāṅgasamanvāgata | mfn. (said of a feast), |
āśugatitva | n. the going or moving quickly |
asvagatā | f. homelessness |
asvagatā | according to to some = a-- svasthatā-,"ill health", others,"dependence", . |
aśvagati | f. "the pace of a horse", Name of a metre (containing four verses of eighteen [or sixteen?] syllables each). |
atidurgata | mfn. very badly off. |
atigata | mfn. having passed |
atigata | mfn. being past. |
ātijagata | mfn. composed in the metre ati-jagatī-, , Scholiast or Commentator |
atijagatī | f. Name of a class of metres (belonging to those called aticchandas-,and consisting of four lines, each containing thirteen syllables). |
ātmagata | mfn. being on itself (edition Bomb.;See -ruha-below) |
ātmagatam | ind. "gone to one's self", (in dramatic language) aside (to denote that the words which follow are supposed to be heard by the audience only) |
ātmagati | f. one's own way |
ātmagati | f. "course of the soul's existence", life of the spirit |
ātmagatyā | instrumental case ind. by one's own act (without the intervention of another) |
atyantagata | mfn. completely pertinent |
atyantagata | mfn. always applicable |
atyantagata | mfn. gone forever |
atyantagati | f. complete accomplishment |
atyantagati | f. (in grammar) the sense of"completely." |
avagata | mfn. conceived, known, learnt, understood, comprehended |
avagata | mfn. assented to, promised |
avagatha | See ava-- 1. gā-. |
avagatha | mfn. bathed early in the morning |
avagati | f. conceiving, guessing, anticipating |
avāggati | f. the way downwards (to the hell) |
avaniṃgata | mfn. prostrate on the ground. |
avijñātagati | mfn. whose course is unknown |
avijñātagati | m. Name of a son of anila- |
aviyogatṛtīyā | f. Name of a certain festival |
aviyogatṛtīyāvrata | n. Name of the eighteenth chapter of |
avyaktagati | mfn. going imperceptibly. |
avyaṅgatā | f. the not being mutilated |
bahiraṅgatā | f. bahiraṅga |
bahiraṅgatva | n. bahiraṅga |
bahirgata | mfn. gone out or forth, externally manifested |
bahirgatatva | n. |
bahudhāgata | mfn. gone in various directions, dispersed, scattered |
bauddhasaṃgati | f. Name of work on alaṃ-kāra- (quoted in ) |
bhagatti | (bh/aga--) f. (for bh-+ datti-) a gift of fortune |
bhaiṣajyasamudgata | m. Name of 2 bodhi-sattva-s |
bharagatva | n. bharaga |
bhartṛtāṃgata | mfn. subject, married |
bhinnagati | mfn. going with great strides or quickly |
bhīṣugati | (?) mfn. intimidating |
bhogatṛṣṇā | f. desire of worldly enjoyments |
bhogatṛṣṇā | f. selfish enjoyments, |
bhogatva | n. the state of being curved or winding, curvedness |
bhrūsaṃgataka | n. the contact of the eyebrows |
bhūgata | mfn. being or existing on the earth |
bhujagatva | n. bhujaga |
bhujaṃgasaṃgatā | f. Name of a metre |
bhūmigata | mfn. fallen to the earth |
bhūmikāgata | m. a person who wears a theatrical dress |
bhūriprayogatva | n. bhūriprayoga |
bimbāgata | mfn. "gone to an image", reflected |
brahmasūtrasaṃgati | f. Name of Comm. on the brahma-sūtra- |
cakitagati | mfn. walking timidly or hurriedly, |
cakragati | f. rotation, revolution |
cakravadgati | mfn. turning like a wheel |
caraṇagata | mfn. fallen at one's feet |
caturgati | mfn. having 4 kinds of going |
caturgati | mfn. "going on 4 feet", a tortoise |
cauragata | mfn. stolen |
chadmagati | f. approaching clandestinely |
chandagati | f. interpretation of the veda- (nda-for ndas) |
chandogavṛṣotsargatattva | n. Name of work |
ciragata | mfn. long gone, long absent |
ciranirgata | mfn. long appeared (a bud) |
citragata | mfn. idem or 'mf(ā-)n. represented in a picture ' |
citrapaṭṭagata | mfn. equals citra-ga-, 9987. |
daivagati | f. "course of destiny", fortune (tyā- equals daivāt-) |
dantāntaragata | mfn. equals nta-śliṣṭa- |
darśanāntaragata | mfn. come within the range of sight |
daśadharmagata | mfn. addicted to the practices of the 10 (kinds of mental non-restraint) |
daurgatya | n. distress, misery, poverty |
dāyabhāgatattva | n. Name of work |
dehagata | mfn. "gone into a body", incarnate |
devabhūyaṃgata | mfn. devabhūya |
devalokegata | mfn. gone to the gods, dead |
dhāraṇīmukhasarvajagatpraṇidhisaṃdhāraṇagarbha | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-. |
dharmagahanābhyudgatarāja | m. "a prince who has penetrated the depths of the law", Name of a buddha-. |
dharmāsanagata | mfn. seated on it |
dhruvagati | f. a firm position |
dhruvagati | mfn. going firmly |
dhūmavadgati | mfn. moving like smoke |
dhūrgata | mfn. being on the pole or foremost part of a chariot |
dhūrgata | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') being at the head, foremost or chief of |
dhūrgata | mfn. the driver of an elephant |
dhyātamātrāgata | mfn. appearing when merely thought of |
digāgata | mfn. come from a distant quarter |
dīrghagati | m. "making long journeys", a camel |
divigata | mfn. being in heaven |
divigata | m. a god |
dṛggati | f. the cosine of the zenith-distance or the sine of the highest or central point of the ecliptic at a given time |
dṛggatijīvā | f. () |
dṛggatijyā | f. (Scholiast or Commentator on ) idem or 'f. ()' |
dṛṣṭigata | n. theory, doctrine |
drutagati | mfn. going quickly, hastening |
drutataragati | mfn. drutatara |
duḥkhagata | n. adversity, calamity |
durāgata | m. "badly come", Name of a man |
dūragata | mfn. gone far away |
dūrāgata | mfn. come from afar |
dūraṃgata | mfn. dūram |
durbhagatva | n. ill fortune |
durgata | mfn. faring ill, unfortunate, miserable etc. |
durgata | mfn. Name of a poet |
durgatā | f. impassableness |
durgataraṇī | & |
durgatariṇī | f. "conveying over difficulties", Name of the sāvitrī- -verse |
durgatatā | f. ill luck, misery |
durgati | mfn. equals -gata- |
durgati | f. misfortune, distress, poverty, want of (genitive case) etc. |
durgati | f. hell |
durgatināśinī | f. "removing distress", Name of durgā- |
dvaigata | mfn. (fr. dvi-gat-) Name of a sāman- |
dvidhāgati | m. "going in 2 ways", a crab or crocodile |
dvigat | m. Name of a bhārgava- |
dvigata | mfn. ambiguous |
dyugat | ind. ( gam-?) through the sky ( quickly) |
ekarāśigata | mfn. heaped or collected together, mingled. |
ekāyanagata | mfn. walking on a foot-path only wide enough for one |
ekāyanagata | mfn. one who has fixed all his thoughts on one object |
evaṃgata | mfn. being in such a condition or state, so circumstanced, of such kind |
evaṃgate | ind. under such circumstances |
gaganagati | m. "moving in the air", a sky-inhabitant |
gajagati | f. a stately gait like that of an elephant |
gambhīragati | mfn. extending deeply (as a sore) |
gaṇanāgati | f. a particular high number |
garbhagata | an embryo, |
gargatara | m. an excellent representative of the garga- family, |
gargatrirātra | m. (gaRa yuktārohy-ādi-) Name of a ceremony lasting 3 days |
gargatryaha | m. idem or 'm. (gaRa yuktārohy-ādi-) Name of a ceremony lasting 3 days ' |
gātāgatika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. gatāgata-), caused by going and coming gaRa akṣadyūtādi-. |
gātānugatika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. gatānugata-), caused by following or imitating what precedes |
gocaragata | mfn. one who has come within the range of or in connection with (genitive case) |
gocarāntaragata | mfn. being within the power of (genitive case) |
gogati | (g/o--) f. the way or path of cows |
goṣṭhagata | mfn. gone into the cow-stall or stable, |
grahaṇagata | mfn. eclipsed |
grahayāgatattva | n. Name of work |
grāmagata | mfn. gone to a village |
gṛhāgata | mfn. coming to a house |
gṛhāgata | m. a guest |
guptagati | m. "going secretly", a spy |
gurugata | mfn. being with or belonging to a spiritual teacher |
haṃsagati | mfn. having a swan's gait |
harigati | f. Name of work |
hastagata | mfn. come to hand, fallen into one's possession, procured, obtained, secured (para-hasta-g-,"being in the hand or possession of another") |
hastatalagata | mfn. being (al. ready) in one's hand |
hīnodgata | mfn. insufficiently emerged or come forth |
hṛdayagata | mfn. dwelling in the heart |
hṛdgata | mfn. gone to or being in the heart etc. |
hṛdgata | mfn. cherished, dear, pleasant, agreeable |
hṛdgata | mfn. come to mind, conceived, designed |
hṛdgata | n. design, meaning, intent |
ihāgata | mfn. come or arrived hither. |
itogata | mfn. relating to this, |
jagat | mfn. ( gam- reduplicated Va1rtt. 3) moving, movable, locomotive, living etc. |
jagat | mfn. (equals j/āgata-) composed in the jagatī- metre |
jagat | m. air, wind |
jagat | m. plural people, mankind |
jagat | n. that which moves or is alive, men and animals, animals as opposed to men, men () etc. (to madhye-,"within everybody's sight") |
jagat | n. the world, especially this world, earth etc. |
jagat | n. the jagatī- metre |
jagat | n. Name of a sāman- See - sāman- |
jagat | n. dual number heaven and the lower world |
jagat | n. plural the worlds (equals gat-traya-) |
jagat | n. people, mankind ( and ) |
jagat | n. a cow |
jagat | n. the plants (or flour as coming from plants) |
jagat | n. the earth etc. |
jagat | n. the site of a house () |
jagat | n. people, mankind |
jagat | n. the world, universe a metre of 4 x 12 syllables |
jagat | according to to some also"a river", |
jagat | n. etc. |
jagat | n. any metre of 4 x 12 syllables |
jagat | n. the number 48 |
jagat | n. a sacrificial brick named after the jagatī- metre |
jagat | n. a field planted with jambū- |
jāgata | mfn. (gaRa utsādi-) composed in or consisting of or conforming to the jagatī- metre |
jāgata | mfn. chiefly praised in that metre etc. |
jāgata | m. a deity (see ) |
jāgata | n. ( vArttika) the jagatī- metre |
jagatī | f. a female animal |
jagatī | f. of t- q.v |
jagatībhartṛ | m. equals -pati- |
jagatībhuj | m. "earth-enjoyer", a king |
jagatīcara | m. "earth-walker", man |
jagatīdhara | m. "earth-supporter", a mountain |
jagatīdhara | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-, |
jagatījāni | m. "whose wife is the earth", a king, |
jagatīmadhya | n. "world-centre", the earth |
jāgatineya | See jārat-. |
jagatīpāla | m. "earth-protector", a king |
jagatīpati | m. "earth-lord", a king |
jagatīpatikanyakā | f. "king's daughter", a princess (varia lectio) |
jagatīruh | m. "earth-grower", a tree |
jagatīruha | m. idem or 'm. "earth-grower", a tree ' |
jagatītala | n. "earth-surface", the ground, soil |
jagatīvarāha | n. Name of a sāman-. |
jagatkāraṇa | n. the cause of the universe |
jagatkāraṇakāraṇa | n. "the (cause, of the cause id est the) final cause of the universe", viṣṇu- |
jagatkartṛ | m. "world-creator", brahmā- = |
jagatkṛtsna | n. the whole world |
jagatkṣaya | m. the destruction of the world |
jagatparāyaṇa | mfn. chief of the universe (viṣṇu-) |
jagatpati | m. the lord of the world (tas p/ati- ) |
jagatpati | m. brahmā- |
jagatpati | m. śiva- |
jagatpati | m. viṣṇu- or kṛṣṇa- |
jagatpati | m. agni- |
jagatpati | m. the sun |
jagatpati | m. a king |
jagatpitri | m. "world-father", śiva- |
jagatprabhu | m. the lord of the world |
jagatprabhu | m. brahmā- |
jagatprabhu | m. śiva- |
jagatprabhu | m. viṣṇu- |
jagatprabhu | m. Name of an arhat- of the jaina-s |
jagatpradhāna | n. "chief of the world", śiva- |
jagatprakāśa | mfn. equals -prathita- |
jagatprakāśa | m. the light of the world |
jagatprakāśa | Name (also title or epithet) of a poem in praise of king jagat-siṃha-. |
jagatprāṇa | m. "world-breath", wind |
jagatprāṇa | m. rāma- |
jagatprāsāha | mf(ā-)n. consisting chiefly of jagatī- verses |
jagatprasiddha | mfn. known throughout the world |
jagatprīti | f. "world joy", śiva- |
jagatsākṣin | m. "world-witness", the sun |
jagatsamagra | n. equals -kṛtsna- |
jagatsāman | mfn. having the jagat-(- sāman-) for its sāman- |
jagatsarva | n. idem or 'n. equals -kṛtsna- ' |
jagatseṭa | m. Name of a man |
jagatsiṃha | m. Name of a prince |
jagatsraṣṭṛ | m. equals -kartṛ- |
jagatsraṣṭṛ | m. śiva- |
jagatsvāmin | m. the lord of the world |
jagatsvāmin | m. viṣṇu- |
jagatsvāmin | m. Name of an image of the sun in dvādaśādityāśrama-, |
jagatsvāmitva | n. sovereignty of the world, . |
jagattraya | n. the three worlds (heaven, earth, and the lower world) |
jagattritaya | n. idem or 'n. the three worlds (heaven, earth, and the lower world) ' |
jagattuṅga | m. Name of two princes (850 and 900 A.D.) |
jagatya | Nom. tyati- Va1rtt. 14 |
jagatya | n. (fr. tī-), iv, 4, 122. |
jalāśayotsargatattva | n. Name of |
jaloddhatagati | f. "exulting motion in water", a metre of 4 x 12 syllables. |
janagat | mfn. Va1rtt. 14 |
janagatya | Nom. (fr. -gat-) tyati- |
janmāntaragata | mfn. regenerated |
jayagata | mfn. conquering, victorious |
jigatnu | mfn. ( gam- reduplicated) going quickly, fleet |
jigatnu | m. breath |
jihmagati | mfn. going tortuously (a snake) , |
kālagata | mfn. dead |
kālagati | f. lapse of time |
kāmagati | mfn. going or coming of one's own accord |
kaṇṭhagata | mfn. being at or in the throat, reaching the throat |
kaṇṭhāgata | mfn. come to the throat (as the breath or soul of a dying person) |
kanyāgata | mfn. inherent in or pertaining to a virgin |
kanyāgata | mfn. the position of a planet in the sign Virgo. |
kāraṇagata | mfn. referred to a cause, resolved into first principles |
karatalagata | mfn. being in the hand or in one's possession |
karmagati | f. the course of Fate |
kaṣṭāgata | mfn. arrived with difficulty |
kāṣṭhāgata | mfn. excessive, vehement, . 1. |
kāyagata | mfn. dwelling in the body, Mn, xi, 98 |
khagata | mfn. moving in the air |
khagata | mfn. extending far up to the sky |
khagati | f. "flight in the air", a metre of 4 x 16 syllables. |
khelagati | mfn. having a stately walk |
kośagatavastiguhyatā | f. having the pudenda hidden in the abdomen (one of the 32 signs of perfection), |
kramāgata | mfn. come into the way of (genitive case), |
kramāgata | mfn. descended or inherited lineally, (anything) coming from one's ancestors in regular succession |
kramāgata | mfn. (a servant) etc. |
kramāgata | mfn. often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' |
kramāgata | mfn. successive, in due order |
kramagatatva | n. hereditary succession or possession |
krāntipātagati | f. motion of the nodes of the ecliptic, precession of the equinox. |
kṛcchragata | mfn. undergoing trouble or misery, suffering pain, distressed |
kṛcchragata | mfn. undergoing a penance |
krośamātragata | mfn. gone to the length of a krośa-. |
kṛṣṇāgata | mfn. devoted to kṛṣṇa- |
kṛṣṇagati | m. "whose way is black", fire |
kṛtsnagata | m. Name of a samādhi- |
kṛtsnāgata | m. Name of a fabulous mountain |
kṣetragata | mfn. "relating to plane figures", geometrical |
kṣetragatopapatti | f. a geometrical proof. |
kṣīṇagati | mfn. with slackened or diminished motion or progress. |
kṣipragati | mfn. going quickly |
kugati | f. "wrong path", deviation from the path of righteousness |
kukṣigata | mfn. being in the belly |
kukṣigatīkṛ | (1 kṛ-) to devour |
kulamārgatantra | n. a collective N. for 64 |
kulasaṃgata | m. (= - mitra-), |
kulodgata | mfn. sprung from a noble family |
kusaṃgata | n. a bad connection |
kuṭīgata | mfn. inside the house. |
kuṭilagati | mfn. being in a particular period of the retrograde course (as a planet) |
kuṭilagati | f. a species of the ati-jagatī- metre (equals candrikā-). |
lagata | prob. wrong reading for next. |
laghugati | mfn. having a quick step |
layagata | mfn. gone to dissolution, dissolved, melted |
lekhyagata | mfn. represented in painting, painted |
liṅgatas | ind. from a mark or sign, according to marks etc. (See compound) |
liṅgatobhadra | n. a particular magical circle |
liṅgatobhadra | n. Name of work |
liṅgatobhadrakārikā | f. plural Name of work |
liṅgatobhadralakṣaṇa | n. Name of work |
liṅgatobhadraprayoga | m. Name of work |
liṅgatva | n. the state of being a mark |
lokagati | f. "way of the world", actions of men |
lokāntaragata | mfn. gone to another world, deceased, dead. () |
luptāhatavisargatā | f. luptāhatavisarga |
luptavisargatā | f. () absence of visarga-. |
madhyagata | mfn. idem or 'mf(ā-)n. going or being in the middle or among (with genitive case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') ' |
madhyagata | n. the middle syllable |
madhyamagati | f. (in astronomy) mean motion of a planet |
madhyaṃdinagata | mfn. having reached the meridian (as the sun) |
mahābhāgatā | f. () high excellence, great good fortune, exalted station or merit |
mahābhāgatā | f. the possessing of the 8 cardinal virtues. |
mahābhāgatva | n. () high excellence, great good fortune, exalted station or merit |
mahābhāgatva | n. the possessing of the 8 cardinal virtues. |
mahadgata | mfn. great (see pāli- mahaggato-). |
mahāgati | (prob.) f. a particular high number |
maharjagat | n. () idem or 'ind. (for mahas-) the fourth of the seven worlds which rise one above the other (supposed to be the abode of those saints who survive a destruction of the world ; ; see ).' |
mahāsiṃhagati | mfn. having the gait or bearing of a noble lion (said of yudhi-ṣṭhira-) (see ) |
maithunagata | mfn. engaged in copulation |
majjanagata | mfn. plunged in a bath |
manasāsaṃgatā | f. (prob.) Name of women |
mañcakagata | mfn. gone to bed |
mandagati | mfn. moving slowly ( mandagatitva -tva- n.) |
mandagatitva | n. mandagati |
maṇḍūkagati | f. the gait of a frog ( maṇḍūkagatilālasa -lālasa- mfn.ardently desiring the gait of a frog) |
maṇḍūkagati | mfn. (in gram.) leaping like a frog id est skipping several sūtra-s |
maṇḍūkagatilālasa | mfn. maṇḍūkagati |
manogata | mfn. "mind-gone", existing or passing or concealed in the mind or heart etc. |
manogata | n. thought, opinion, notion, idea, wish, desire |
manogati | f. "heart's course", wish, desire |
manogati | mfn. going where one will |
mantrānuṣṭhānāṅgatarpaṇa | n. Name of work |
mantraprayogatantra | n. mantraprayoga |
manyāgata | mfn. being on the nape of the neck |
mārgāgata | mfn. ( ) come from a journey |
mārgāgata | m. a traveller, wayfarer. |
mārgatāla | m. (in music) a particular kind of measure |
mārgatoraṇa | n. a triumphal arch erected over a road |
mārgavaśāgata | (kathās-) mfn. going or situated along the road. |
marugata | mfn. being in a desert |
māsāpavargatā | f. māsāpavarga |
māsāpavargatva | n. māsāpavarga |
mataṃgatīrtha | n. Name of a sacred bathing-place |
mātaṃgatva | n. the state or condition of a caṇḍāla- |
matigati | f. "mental course", mode of thought |
mayūragati | f. "peacock's gait", Name of a metre |
mīmāṃsānayavivekagatārthamālikā | f. Name of work |
mṛgatīrtha | n. "animal-track", Name of the path by which the priests at the end of the savana- leave the sacred place to attend to their bodily wants |
mṛgatoya | n. the water of a mirage |
mṛgatṛṣ | () f. "deer-thirst", mirage, vapour floating over sands or deserts, fancied appearance of water in deserts. |
mṛgatṛṣā | () f. "deer-thirst", mirage, vapour floating over sands or deserts, fancied appearance of water in deserts. |
mṛgatṛṣṇā | ( ) f. "deer-thirst", mirage, vapour floating over sands or deserts, fancied appearance of water in deserts. |
mṛgatṛṣṇi | (), f. "deer-thirst", mirage, vapour floating over sands or deserts, fancied appearance of water in deserts. |
mṛgatṛṣṇikā | ( ) f. "deer-thirst", mirage, vapour floating over sands or deserts, fancied appearance of water in deserts. |
mṛgatrvāru | m. or n. coloquintida |
mṛgatva | n. the state or condition of a deserts |
mukhagata | mfn. being in the mouth or in the face |
mūrdhagata | m. Name of a cakra-vartin- |
mūrdhāgata | n. a particular state of ecstasy |
nabhogati | f. "sky-going", soaring, flying |
nāgatamanī | f. equals -yaṣṭi- |
nāgatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- |
nāgatīrthamāhātmya | n. Name of work |
nāgatithi | Name (also title or epithet) of the fifth tithi- of the light half of the month caitra-, |
nānāgati | m. "moving in different ways", the wind |
nānāliṅgatva | n. |
naṭagati | f. a kind of metre |
navagat | mfn. first-bearing |
navāgata | mfn. just come |
netrarogatā | f. netraroga |
nibhṛtāgata | mfn. secretly arrived |
nīcagata | mfn. being at the lowest point (as a planet) |
nīcakulādgata | mfn. () descended from a low family. |
nīcopagata | mfn. situated low in the sky |
niḥsaṅgatā | f. absence of attachment, unselfishness, indifference |
niḥsaṅgatva | n. absence of attachment, unselfishness, indifference |
nimnagata | mfn. going in deep or low places |
nimnagata | n. a low place |
nirbhāgatva | n. |
nirgata | mfn. gone out, come forth (with ablative or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; see ), appeared, become visible etc. |
nirgata | mfn. disappeared, extinct |
nirgata | mfn. freed from (ablative) |
nirgatanikhilakalmaṣatā | f. the state of being entirely freed from sin |
nirgataviśaṅka | mfn. freed from fear, fearless |
nīrogatā | f. nīroga |
niṣaṅgathi | mfn. () embracing |
niṣaṅgathi | m. an embrace |
niṣaṅgathi | m. a bowman |
niṣaṅgathi | m. a charioteer |
niṣaṅgathi | m. a car |
niṣaṅgathi | m. the shoulder |
niṣaṅgathi | m. grass. |
niṣaṅgathi | a quiver, |
nisargatas | ind. nisarga |
niṣṭhāgata | mfn. gone to or attaining perfection |
niṣṭhāgata | m. plural a class of deities |
nityagati | mfn. moving continually |
nityagati | m. wind, or the god of wind |
niyogatas | ind. according to order or command |
nṛgatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- |
nyāyāgata | mfn. rightly come in or acquired (as money) |
padagata | mfn. gone on foot |
padagata | mfn. described or recorded in a line or stanza |
padagati | f. going on foot, manner of going, gait |
pādapopagata | mfn. abiding under a tree (while expecting death) |
pādaprakaraṇasaṃgati | f. Name of work |
pakṣimṛgatā | f. the form or condition of a bird or of a beast |
pallavarāgatāmra | mfn. red-coloured like a young shoots or twigs |
pañcagata | mfn. "arrived at 5", raised to the 5th power |
pāñcagatika | mf(ī-)n. consisting of 5 forms of existence |
pañcagatisamatikrānta | m. "having passed through the 5 forms of existence", Name of gautama- buddha- (some reckon 6 formsSee ) . |
pañcāṅgatattva | n. Name of work |
pāṇigata | mfn. being in the hand or at hand, ready, present |
paṅkagati | f. a small fish, Macrognathus Pancalus |
pāpagati | m. ill-fated |
parabhāgatā | f. parabhāga |
parāgagata | mfn. (p/arā--) gone, deceased |
parāgagata | mfn. come, arrived |
parāgagata | mfn. covered with, full of (compound) |
paragata | mfn. being with or relating to another |
pāragata | mfn. one who has reached the opposite shore of (genitive case), passed over in safety |
pāragata | mfn. pure, holy |
pāragata | m. (with jaina-s) an arhat- or deified saint or teacher. |
pāragati | f. going through, reading, studying |
parakaragata | mfn. being in another's hands |
paralokagata | mfn. going or gone to the future world, dying, dead |
paramagati | f. any chief resource or refuge (as a god or protector) |
paramagati | f. final beatitude |
paramātmagatiprakāśa | m. Name of work |
pāramparyāgata | mfn. equals -kramāgata- etc. |
pāramparyakramāgata | mfn. derived from tradition |
parasaṃgata | mfn. associated or engaged id est fighting with another |
paribhūtagatitraya | mfn. surpassing three times the age of man |
parigata | mfn. gone round or through, surrounded, encompassed etc. |
parigata | mfn. filled, possessed of, visited by, afflicted with (instrumental case or compound) |
parigata | mfn. diffused, spread |
parigata | mfn. deceased, dead |
parigata | mfn. experienced, known, learnt from (ablative) |
parigata | mfn. forgotten |
parigata | mfn. obtained |
parigata | mfn. equals ceṣṭita- |
parigatārṭha | mfn. acquainted or familiar with anything |
pāriplavagata | mfn. being in a boat |
pārśvagata | mfn. being at the side, attending, accompanying, being close to or beside |
pārśvagata | mfn. sheltered, screening |
paryāgata | mfn. revolved, anything that has made its revolution, elapsed, passed (as a year) |
paryāgata | mfn. finished, done |
paryāgata | mfn. inveterate |
paryāgata | mfn. (with punar-) returned to life |
paryāgata | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') encircled, ensnared, being in a person's power |
paryupāgata | mfn. ( gam-) standing round, surrounding |
paśvaṅgatā | f. |
paṭagata | mfn. "being on cloth", painted |
pataṃgatā | f. pataṃga |
piṅgatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- |
piśaṅgatā | f. () reddish or tawny colour. |
piśaṅgatva | n. (),reddish or tawny colour. |
plavagati | m. "moving by jumps", a frog |
plutagati | f. moving by leaps |
plutagati | m. a hare |
pracayakāṣṭhāgata | mfn. one who has attained the highest degree of intensity |
pragata | mfn. gone forward, started etc. |
pragata | mfn. separate, apart (See below) |
pragata | mfn. gone with difficulty |
pragatajānu | mfn. having the knees far apart, bandy-legged, bow-legged |
pragatajānuka | mfn. having the knees far apart, bandy-legged, bow-legged |
pranaṣṭādhigata | mfn. lost and found again |
praṇipātagata | mfn. resorting to a respectful salutation |
prapannagatidīpikā | f. Name of work |
prāsādagata | mfn. gone to (the roof of) a palace |
praskhaladgati | mfn. with a tottering step |
prastāvāntaragata | mfn. occupied with something else, jātakam-. |
prastāvānugatam | ind. on a suitable occasion |
prasthānaviklavagati | mfn. one whose step falters in walking |
pratigata | mfn. gone towards or back |
pratigata | mfn. flying backwards and forwards, wheeling in flight |
pratigata | mfn. lost from the memory |
pratigati | f. () return. |
pratimāgata | mfn. present in an idol (as a deity) |
pratīpagati | f. () ( ) a retrograde movement. |
pratipathagati | mfn. going along the road |
pratyāgata | mfn. come back again, returned, arrived etc. |
pratyāgataprāṇa | mfn. one who has recovered his breath or life |
pratyāgatasmṛti | mfn. one who has recovered his memory |
pratyāgatāsu | mfn. equals -prāṇa- |
pratyāgati | f. coming back, return, arrival |
pratyaṅgatva | n. the belonging to |
pratyudgata | mfn. gone to meet (a friend or an enemy) |
pratyudgata | mfn. met, encountered |
pratyudgata | mfn. risen as from a seat |
pratyudgati | f. ( etc.) going forth towards, rising from a seat (as a mark of respect) and going out to meet (especially a guest). |
pratyupagata | mfn. come near, approached |
pravāsagata | mfn. gone abroad, being away from home |
pravigata | mfn. ( gam-) passed away, disappeared |
prāyagata | mfn. approaching departure from life, nigh unto death |
prayāgatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- |
prayogatattva | n. Name of work |
pretagata | mfn. gone to the departed, dead |
pretagati | f. the way of the departed (with gam-,"to die") |
prītisaṃgati | f. a covenant of friendship, friendly alliance with (instrumental case) |
prodgata | (pra-udy-) mfn. projecting, prominent |
pūgatitha | mfn. numerous, manifold (see gaṇat-, bahut-). |
puṃliṅgatā | f. |
punarāgata | mfn. come back again, returned |
purogata | mfn. standing or being in front or before a person's eyes |
purogata | mfn. preceded, gone before |
purogati | m. a dog |
puruṣagati | f. Name of a sāman- |
puruṣottamatīrthaprayogatattva | n. Name of work |
pūrvagata | mfn. gone before |
pūrvagata | n. Name of a jaina- work belonging to the dṛṣṭi-vāda-. |
pūrvagatvan | mfn. going to meet |
pūrvakramāgata | mfn. descended from ancestors |
pūrvaṃgata | mfn. going before |
racitasvāgata | mfn. one who has offered a welcome |
rāgatattvavibodha | m. Name of work |
rahogata | mfn. being in a lonely place, alone, secret, concealed, private |
rāhugata | mfn. "gone to rāhu-", darkened, eclipsed |
randhrāgata | n. a disease which attacks the throat of horses |
raṅgatāla | m. (in music) a kind of measure |
raṅgataraṃga | m. Name of an actor, |
raṅgataraṃgiṇī | f. Name of a poem. |
rāśigata | mfn. placed in a heap, heaped, piled up |
rāśigata | mfn. summed up, computed, algebraic or arithmetical |
rathadhurdhūrgata | mfn. standing upon the fore-part of a chariots |
rathāṅgatulyāhvayana | m. "having the same name as a chariot's-wheel", the above bird |
ratnacchattrābhyudgatāvabhāsa | m. Name of a buddha- |
ratnatejobhyudgatarāja | m. Name of a buddha- |
ṛjvāgata | mfn. in front (= en face), |
romāñcodgatarājimat | mfn. surrounded with erect rows of bristling hair |
romodgati | f. () equals roma-harṣa- above. |
ṛśyagatā | f. Asparagus Racemosus |
śabdagata | mfn. being or residing in a word (as a poetical or metaphorical meaning) |
śabdagati | f. "method of sounds", music, song |
śabdagati | mfn. uttering sounds |
sabhāgatā | f. participation, companionship, association |
sabhāgata | mfn. one who appears before or is present at a court of justice |
sadāgati | m. (for sadā-g-See under sadā-) equals nirvāṇa- |
sadāgati | m. equals sad-īśvara- |
sadāgati | f. (for sad-āg-See under 1. sad-) constancy |
sadāgati | mfn. always in motion |
sadāgati | m. wind (also in medical sense), the god of wind |
sadāgati | m. the sun |
sadāgati | m. the Universal Spirit |
ṣaḍaṅgasamanvāgata | m. "provided with the six chief requisites", Name of buddha- |
ṣaḍgata | mfn. arrived at six (in arith. applied to the sixth power) |
sadgati | f. good or happy state or fortune etc. |
sadgati | f. the way of good men |
sādhugata | mfn. resorted to by the"good, respectable, virtuous" |
sadogata | mfn. gone to or present at an assembly |
sadyonugata | mfn. just received (into the womb) |
sāgarāntargata | mfn. living in the ocean |
sagatika | mfn. connected with a preposition etc. (See gati-) |
sahagata | mfn. gone or going with, accompanied, associated |
sahasodgata | m. Name of a man |
śākhāmṛgatva | n. the condition or nature of a monkey |
sakṛdgati | f. only a possibility Scholiast or Commentator on |
samabhyāgata | mfn. come near, approached |
samadhigata | mfn. gone quite near to, approached |
samadhigatadhigama | m. thoroughly understanding, perceiving |
samadhigatadhigamana | n. going beyond or above, surpassing, overcoming |
samadhigatadhigamya | mfn. to be understood or perceived |
samāgata | mfn. come together, met, encountered, joined, assembled etc. |
samāgata | mfn. being in conjunction with (instrumental case) |
samāgata | mfn. come to, approached, arrived, returned etc. |
samāgatā | f. a kind of riddle or enigma (the meaning of which is hidden by the saṃdhi- q.v) |
samāgati | f. coming together, meeting, union |
samāgati | f. approach, arrival, similar condition or progress |
samānagati | mfn. "going together", agreeing together ( samānagatitva -tva- n.) |
samānagatitva | n. samānagati |
samanugata | mfn. gone after or through, followed, pervaded |
samanugata | mfn. coherent or connected with (instrumental case) |
samanvāgata | mfn. ( gam-) attended by, furnished or provided with (compound) |
samāsavyāsayogatas | ind. succinctly and at large |
samaśreṇigata | mfn. samaśreṇi |
saṃgat | See |
saṃgata | mfn. come together, met, encountered, joined, united etc. |
saṃgata | mfn. allied with, friendly to (instrumental case or compound) |
saṃgata | mfn. fitted together, apposite, proper, suitable, according with or fit for (compound) |
saṃgata | mfn. contracted, shrunk up (see compound), in conjunction (as planets) |
saṃgata | m. (scilicet saṃdhi-) an alliance or peace based on mutual friendship |
saṃgata | m. Name of a king (belonging to the maurya- dynasty) |
saṃgata | n. coming together, meeting with (instrumental case locative case genitive case,or compound) etc. |
saṃgata | n. frequent meeting, intercourse, alliance, association, friendship or intimacy with (instrumental case genitive case,or compound) etc. |
saṃgata | n. addiction or devotion to (genitive case) |
saṃgata | n. agreement |
saṃgatagātra | mfn. having contracted or shrivelled limbs |
saṃgataka | m. contact (See bhrū-s-) |
saṃgataka | m. Name of a story-teller |
saṃgatārtha | mfn. containing a fit or proper meaning |
saṃgatasaṃdhi | m. a friendly alliance (See above) |
saṃgatha | m. meeting-place, centre |
saṃgatha | m. conflict, war |
saṃgathā | f. confluence |
saṃgati | f. coming together, meeting with (genitive case or compound) etc. |
saṃgati | f. going or resorting to (locative case) |
saṃgati | f. association, intercourse, society, company (with instrumental case with and without saha-or samam-; locative case genitive case,or compound) etc. |
saṃgati | f. a league, alliance |
saṃgati | f. sexual union |
saṃgati | f. meeting or coming to pass accidentally, chance, accident ( saṃgatyā tyā-, ind."by chance, haply") etc. |
saṃgati | f. adaptation, fitness, appropriateness, applicability |
saṃgati | f. connection with, relation to (instrumental case or compound) |
saṃgati | f. becoming acquainted, knowledge |
saṃgati | f. questioning for further information |
saṃgati | f. (in the pūrva-mīmāṃsā-) one of the 5 members (Avayavas) of an adhikaraṇa- |
saṃgatika | (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals saṃ-gati- |
sāṃgatika | mfn. (fr. saṃ-gati-) relating to society, social, associating |
sāṃgatika | m. a new comer, visitor, guest, acquaintance |
sāṃgatika | m. one who comes to transact business |
saṃgatilakṣaṇa | n. Name of work |
saṃgatimālā | f. Name of work |
saṃgatin | mfn. come together, met, assembled |
saṃgatiprakāśa | m. Name of work |
saṃgativāda | m. Name of work |
saṃgativicāra | m. Name of work |
sāṃgatya | n. (fr. saṃ-gata-) meeting, intercourse with (saha-) |
saṃgatyā | ind. saṃgati |
saṃgatyanumiti | f. Name of work |
saṃgatyanumitivāda | m. Name of work |
samīpopagata | mfn. approached near |
saṃkṣiptagati | f. one of the 7 parts in the circle of the nakṣatra-s (according to to parāśara-'s system) |
sampratyāgata | mfn. ( gam-) come back, returned |
saṃsargatas | ind. through union or connection, in consequence of intercourse or familiarity |
saṃśayagata | mfn. fallen into danger |
samudāgata | mfn. one who has attained full knowledge, excelling in (compound) |
samudgata | mfn. risen up, come forth, appeared, begun |
samupagata | mfn. approached |
samupagata | mfn. undergone |
samupāgata | mfn. gone near to, approached, met, come, arrived etc. |
samupāgata | mfn. one who has attained |
samupāgata | mfn. one who has incurred or undergone |
samyaggata | mfn. behaving rightly, holy |
saṅgatala | m. Name of a man |
saṅgatyāga | m. abandonment of attachment or desire |
śaradgata | mfn. arising in autumn, autumnal (as clouds) |
sarāgatā | f. () the being coloured or flushed with passion, impassioned, redness, passion, love |
sarāgatva | n. the being coloured or flushed with passion, impassioned, redness, passion, love |
śaraṇāgata | mfn. come for protection, one who comes for refuge or protection, a refugee. fugitive etc. |
śaraṇāgatagātin | m. the slayer of a suppliant for protection () |
śaraṇāgataghātaka | m. the slayer of a suppliant for protection () |
śaraṇāgatahantṛ | m. (equals -ghātaka-) |
śaraṇāgatatā | f. the state of a suppliant for protection |
śaraṇāgati | f. approach for protection |
śaraṇāgatidīpikā | f. Name of work |
śaraṇāgatigadya | n. Name of work |
śaraṇāgatitātparyaślokopanyāsa | m. Name of work |
śaraṇaṃgata | mfn. equals śaraṇāgata- |
sargatakta | (s/arga--) mfn. dashing along in rapid motion, hastening |
sarogatā | f. (varia lectio gi-tā-) sickliness |
sarpagati | f. a snake's tortuous movement (in wrestling) |
sarvadharmodgata | m. Name of a samādhi- |
sarvagata | mfn. equals -ga- (papracchānāmayaṃ tayoḥ sarva-gatam-,"he asked whether they were in all respects well"; yacca kiṃ cit sarva-gataṃ bhūmau-,"all whatever exists on the earth") etc. |
sarvagata | m. Name of a son of bhīma-sena- |
sarvagatatva | n. universal diffusion, omnipresence, |
sarvagati | f. the refuge of all |
sarvagatva | n. sarvaga |
sarvaguṇasaṃcayagata | m. a particular samādhi- |
sarvajagat | f. the whole world, the universe |
sarvajāgata | (sarv/a-.) mfn. consisting wholly of jagatī- |
sarvaliṅgatā | f. sarvaliṅga |
sarvamalāpagata | m. a particular samādhi- |
sarvasaṃgata | mfn. united with all, met with universally |
sarvasaṃgata | m. a sort of rice ripening in 6o days. |
sarvatathāgata | in compound |
sarvatathāgatabandhanajñānamudrā | f. Name of particular positions of the fingers |
sarvatathāgatadharmavāṅnithprapañcajñānamudrā | f. Name of particular positions of the fingers |
sarvatathāgatākarṣaṇī | f. Name of tantra- deity |
sarvatathāgatānurāgaṇajñānamudrā | f. a particular position of the fingers |
sarvatathāgatānurāgaṇī | f. Name of a tantra- deity |
sarvatathāgataprajñājñānamudrā | f. Name of particular positions of the fingers |
sarvatathāgatasamājādhiṣṭhānajñānamudrā | f. a particular position of the fingers |
sarvatathāgatasaṃtoṣaṇī | f. Name of a tantra- deity |
sarvatathāgatāśāparipūraṇajñānamudrā | f. a particular position of the fingers |
sarvatathāgatasuratasukhā | f. Name of tantra- deity |
sarvatathāgatavajrābhiṣekajñānamudrā | f. Name of particular positions of the fingers |
sarvatathāgataviśvakarmajñānamudrā | f. Name of particular positions of the fingers |
sarvatathāgatavyavalokana | m. a particular samādhi- |
sarvatobhadraliṅgatobhadra | m. Name of work |
sarvatomukhodgatṛtva | n. Name of work |
sarvatragata | mfn. extending to everything, universal, a perfect |
sasaṅgatva | n. sasaṅga |
satatadurgata | mfn. always miserable |
satatagati | () m. "always moving", the wind. |
satsaṃgati | f. equals -saṅga- |
saubhagatva | n. welfare, happiness |
saugata | mf(ī-)n. (fr. su-gata-) Buddhistic |
saugata | m. a Buddhist (said to be divided into 4 schools ) |
saugata | m. Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra- |
saugatika | m. (only ) a Buddhist |
saugatika | m. a mendicant |
saugatika | m. an atheist |
saugatika | n. atheism, scepticism. |
savanagata | mfn. going to perform a libation |
śayanatalagata | mfn. gone to bed, lying in bed, |
śayyāgata | mfn. gone to bed, lying on a couch |
siddhagati | f. gaRa deva-pathādi-. |
sigatā | f. equals sikatā- |
śīghragati | f. the swiftest motion of a planet (id est when arrived at the conjunction) |
śīghragati | mfn. equals -ga- |
śīghragatva | n. quick motion |
śīghrataragati | mfn. moving more swiftly |
siṃhavikrāntagati | mfn. having a lion's gait |
sindhumukhāgata | mfn. arrived at the mouth of a river |
śirogata | mfn. equals śiraḥsthita- |
sitetaragati | m. "having a black course", fire |
śivagati | mfn. having a prosperous course, auspicious, happy |
śivagati | mfn. worshipping śiva- |
śivagati | m. (with jaina-s) Name of the 24 arhat-s of the past utsarpiṇī- |
skhalitagati | mfn. having an unsteady gait, tottering, staggering |
ślathāṅgatā | f. ślathāṅga |
smṛtamātrāgata | mfn. come as soon as thought of or on merely being thought about |
sphuṭasūryagati | f. apparent or true motion of the sun |
śrāntāgata | mfn. one who has arrived weary |
srastāṅgatā | f. srastāṅga |
śravaṇapathagata | mfn. reaching to the ear-passage or ears |
srotonugata | m. a particular samādhi- |
śrutipathagata | mfn. () |
sthalagata | mfn. gone or left on dry land |
sthānāntaragata | mfn. gone to another place, gone away |
sthapuṭagata | mfn. being or belonging to a hump (as flesh) |
sthapuṭagata | mfn. being on raised places and in hollows |
sthiragati | m. "moving firmly or slowly", Name of the planet Saturn (see śanaiścara-) |
sthirānurāgatva | n. faithful attachment |
strīliṅgatva | n. strīliṅga |
subhagatā | f. love, conjugal felicity |
subhagatva | n. welfare, prosperity |
subhagatva | n. favour, dearness (especially of a wife) |
sugata | mfn. going well |
sugata | mfn. one who has fared well |
sugata | mfn. well-bestowed |
sugata | m. a buddha- ( sugatatva -tva- n.) |
sugata | m. a Buddhist, Buddhist teacher |
sugatacetanā | f. Name of a Buddhist nun |
sugatālaya | m. idem or 'n. a Buddhist temple or monastery ' |
sugatamitra | m. Name of a man |
sugataśāsana | n. the Buddhist doctrine |
sugatatva | n. sugata |
sugatāvadāna | n. Name of a Buddhist sūtra- work |
sugatāyatana | n. a Buddhist temple or monastery |
sugati | f. a good or happy condition, welfare, happiness, bliss etc. |
sugati | f. a secure refuge |
sugati | mfn. having a good or auspicious position (as a planet) |
sugati | m. Name of a son of gaya- |
sugati | m. of an arhat- (prob. wrong reading for su-mati-) |
sugatisopāna | n. Name of work |
sukhāgata | n. welcome |
sunirgata | mf(ā-)n. well come forth or emerged from (ablative) |
suparipūrṇottamāṅgatā | f. having the head well developed (one of the 80 minor marks of a buddha-) |
suptāṅgatā | f. suptāṅga |
suragati | f. the being born as a god |
susaṃgatā | f. Name of a woman |
suśaphagatimukha | mfn. having beautiful hoofs (and) gait (and) mouths |
susvāgata | n. a hearty welcome (taṃ te 'stu-,a hearty welcome to thee!) |
susvāgata | mf(ā-)n. attended with a hearty welcome |
suvibhaktāṅgapratyaṅgatā | f. having every limb and member well proportioned (one of the 80 minor marks of a buddha-) |
suvihitaprayogatā | f. skilful arrangement or performance |
svagata | mfn. belonging to one's self, own |
svagata | mfn. passing in one's own mind, spoken to one's self, apart |
svāgata | mfn. (for sv-āg-See p.1283) come of one's self |
svagata | sva-guṇa- etc. See . |
svāgata | mfn. (for svāgata-See) well come, welcome |
svāgata | mfn. lawfully-earned (as money) |
svāgata | m. Name of a buddha- |
svāgata | m. of a king |
svāgata | m. of another man |
svāgatā | f. a kind of metre, |
svāgata | n. welcome, greeting, salutation (svāgataṃ te-with or without astu-,"I wish you welcome") |
svāgata | n. welfare, health (See next) . |
svagatam | ind. to one's self, aside (in dramatic language) |
svāgatapraśna | m. enquiry as to health |
svāgatavacana | n. the uttering of welcome, the word welcome |
svagati | f. a kind of metre (varia lectio kha-g-). |
svāgatika | mfn. bidding welcome to any one |
svāgatīkṛ | P. -karoti- (ind.p. -kṛtya-), to make into a cry of welcome |
svahastagata | mfn. fallen into or being in one's own hands |
svairagati | mfn. going about freely |
svapnagata | mfn. fallen asleep, sleeping, dreaming, R: |
svapnāntaragata | mfn. occurred during sleep, dreamt |
svaragatādhyāya | m. Name of the first chapter of the saṃgīta-darpaṇa- and of the saṃgīta-ratnākara-. |
svargagata | mfn. gone to heaven |
svargagati | f. |
svargata | mfn. being in heaven |
svargata | mfn. gone to heaven, dead |
svargataraṃgiṇī | f. "river of heaven", the Ganges |
svargatarṣa | m. eager desire for heaven |
svargataru | m. a tree of heaven |
svargati | f. |
svarūpagata | mfn. endowed with one's own form or nature, having a like character |
svayamadhigata | mfn. self-acquired |
svayamāgata | mfn. come of one's own accord, intruding |
svayamupāgata | mfn. idem or 'mf(ā-)n. come voluntarily or of one's own accord ' |
svayamupāgata | m. a child who offers himself voluntarily for adoption |
svayaṃvarāgata | mfn. come of one's own free will |
tadgata | mfn. directed towards him or her or them or that |
tadgata | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' intent on |
tadgata | m. (?) the continued multiplication of 4 or more like quantities |
talagata | mfn. "being in one's palm", taṃ-kṛ-, to call together |
tathāgata | mfn. being in such a state or condition, of such a quality or nature |
tathāgata | mfn. "he who comes and goes in the same way [as the buddha-s who preceded him]", gautama- buddha- |
tathāgata | mfn. a Buddhist |
tathāgatabhadra | m. Name of a pupil of nāgārjuna-. |
tathāgatagarbha | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva- |
tathāgataguhyaka | n. " tathāgata--mystery", Name of a Buddhist work (highly revered in Nepal) |
tathāgataguṇajñānācintyaviṣayāvatāranirdeśa | m. "direction how to attain to the inconceivable subject of the tathā-gata-'s qualities and knowledge", Name of a Buddh. sūtra- |
tathāgatakośaparipālitā | f. Name of a kiṃnara- virgin |
tattvādhigata | mfn. learnt thoroughly |
tigmagati | mfn. of (violent id est) cruel practices |
timirāpagata | m. Name of a samādhi- |
tirogata | mfn. disappeared |
tiryagāgata | mfn. lying across (at birth;said of a particular position of the child) |
tiryaggata | mfn. going horizontally (an animal), |
tiryaggata | n. an animal, . |
tiryaggati | f. the state of an animal in transmigration |
tiryaggatimatin | n. an animal, . |
tiryakpratimukhāgata | mfn. come from the side or in front of. |
tīvragati | mfn. moving rapidly |
tīvragati | mfn. being in a bad condition |
tīvragati | f. rapid gait, 67. |
tridivagata | mfn. "heaven-departed", dead |
trigata | n. "tripled", (in dramatic language) triple meaning given to the same word |
trijagat | n. sg. equals jagat traya- |
trijagat | n. plural Introd. 1 |
trijagatī | f. idem or 'n. plural Introd. 1' |
tuṅgatva | n. "height"and"passionateness" |
tvaritagati | f. "swift motion", a metre |
tyāgagatā | f. Name of a nāga- virgin |
uccairgati | f. going up, ascending, |
udaggati | f. equals -ayan/a- above. |
udgata | mfn. gone up, risen, ascended etc. |
udgata | mfn. come or proceeded forth, appeared, etc. |
udgata | mfn. gone, departed |
udgata | mfn. extended, large |
udgata | mfn. vomited, cast up |
udgatā | f. Name of a metre (consisting of four lines, with ten syllables in the first three, and thirteen in the last;occurring exempli gratia, 'for example' in ). |
udgataśṛṅga | mfn. one whose horns are just appearing (as a calf) on |
udgatāsu | mfn. one whose life is gone, deceased, dead. |
udgati | f. coming forth |
udgati | f. going up, rising, ascent |
udgati | f. bringing up |
udgati | f. vomiting |
unmārgagata | mfn. going on a wrong road, going wrong, erring (literally and figuratively) |
upagata | mfn. gone to, met, approached (especially for protection or refuge ) etc. |
upagata | mfn. attained, obtained |
upagata | mfn. arrived, occurred, happened |
upagata | mfn. undergone, experienced etc. furnished with |
upagata | mfn. agreed, allowed |
upagata | mfn. promised |
upagata | mfn. near at hand |
upagata | mfn. approximate |
upagata | mfn. passed away, dead |
upagata | n. receipt, acquittance |
upāgata | mfn. approached, arrived, come to (for protection) |
upāgata | mfn. entered into any state or condition, subject to, burdened with |
upāgata | mfn. occurred, happened, fallen to one's share |
upāgata | mfn. promised, agreed |
upagatavat | mfn. one who has gone to or approached |
upagatavat | mfn. possessing |
upagatavat | mfn. feeling, suffering (exempli gratia, 'for example' sorrow) |
upagatavat | mfn. one who has undertaken or promised |
upagati | f. approach, going near |
upagati | f. undergoing |
upagatya | ind.p. = 2. upa-gamya-. |
upāgatya | ind. p. equals upā-gamya- below. |
upajagatī | f. a particular metre (a variety of the triṣṭubh-;three pāda-s containing twelve instants instead of eleven) |
uparigata | mfn. gone up, ascended |
upasaṃgata | mfn. come together, assembled |
upasaṃgata | mfn. united, joined (mithunāya-,for sexual intercourse) |
ūrdhvagati | f. the act of going or tending upwards |
ūrdhvagati | f. the act of skipping, bounding |
ūrdhvagati | mfn. going or tending upwards, reaching the heaven etc. |
ūrdhvagati | m. fire |
utsargatas | ind. generally (id est without any special limitation) . |
uttuṅgatā | f. height, loftiness, elevation. |
uttuṅgatva | n. height, loftiness, elevation. |
vācyaliṅgatva | n. vācyaliṅga |
vāgatīta | m. a particular mixed caste |
vaihāyasagata | n. vaihāyasa |
vaikuṇṭhagati | f. going to viṣṇu-'s heaven |
vaiṣṇavaśaraṇāgati | f. Name of work |
vajrodgata | m. a particular samādhi- |
vakragata | mfn. having a retrograde motion (as a planet) |
vakragati | mfn. equals prec. |
vakragati | mfn. equals -gāmin- |
vakragati | f. crooked or winding course, apparent retrograde motion or retrogression (said of the course of a planet) |
vaṃśāgata | mfn. coming from one's family, inherited, obtained by inheritance |
vaṃśakramāgata | mfn. descended or inherited lineally, coming from a family in regular succession, obtained by family inheritance |
varendragati | m. Name of an author |
varṇagata | mfn. "gone to colour", coloured, described |
varṇagata | mfn. algebraical |
vaśagata | mfn. subject to the will (of an. other), being in the power of. obedient (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') |
vaśāgata | mfn. gone or lying along (a road;See mārga-v-). |
vaśagatva | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') dependence on |
vaśaṃgata | mfn. equals vaśa-gata- above |
vātadhrājigati | mfn. sweeping along like wind |
vātāyanagata | mfn. gone to or being at a window |
vayogata | mfn. advanced in years, aged, old |
vayogata | n. advanced age ( vayogate te- ind."when youth is passed") |
vayogate | ind. vayogata |
vāyugati | mfn. going like the wind, swift as wind, fleet |
vedagata | mfn. standing at the fourth place |
vedāṅgatīrtha | m. Name of an author |
vedāṅgatva | n. the nature or condition of a vedāṅga-, |
vedāntopagata | mfn. derived from or produced by the vedānta- |
vedavedāṅgatattvajña | mfn. one who knows the nature or truth of the veda- and vedāṅga- |
vegatara | m. greater swiftness (vegād vegataraṃ-gam-,to run faster and faster; see vega-) (Bombay edition) |
vegatas | ind. with a sudden impetus |
vegatas | ind. with speed, quickly, hastily, impetuously |
vibhāgatas | ind. according to a part or share, proportionately |
vibhāgatattvavicāra | m. Name of work |
vibhāgatva | n. state of separation or distinction |
videśagata | mfn. gone abroad |
vidhiparyāgata | mfn. come into possession through destiny |
vidhiyogatas | ind. vidhiyoga |
vidūravigata | mfn. "come from afar", of lowest origin |
vigata | n. (for 2.See under vi-gam-) the flight of birds |
vigata | mfn. (for 1.See under 1. v/i-) gone asunder, dispersed |
vigata | mfn. gone away, departed, disappeared, ceased, gone (often in the beginning of a compound) etc. |
vigata | mfn. dead, deceased |
vigata | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') abstaining or desisting from |
vigata | mfn. come from (see vidūra-vigata-), destitute of light, obscured, gloomy, dark |
vigatā | f. a girl in love with another or unfit for marriage |
vigatabhaya | m. "free from fear", Name of a Brahman |
vigatabhī | mfn. fearless |
vigatadvaṃdva | m. "free from pairs of opposites", a buddha- (see dvaṃdva-) |
vigatajñāna | mfn. one who has lost his wits |
vigatajvara | mfn. cured of fever, freed from feverishness or morbid feeling, freed from trouble or distress of mind |
vigatajvara | mfn. exempt from decay |
vigatakalmaṣa | mfn. free from stain or soil or sin, sinless, pure, righteous |
vigataklama | mfn. one whose fatigues have ceased, relieved from fatigue |
vigatalakṣaṇa | mf(ā-)n. "devoid of good or lucky marks", unfortunate |
vigatamanyu | mfn. free from resentment |
vigatanāsika | mf(ī-)n. noseless |
vigatanayana | mfn. eyeless, blind |
vigatapuṃska | mfn. castrated |
vigatarāga | mfn. devoid of passion or affection ( vigatarāgadhvaja -dhvaja- m.Name of a preceptor ) |
vigatarāgadhvaja | m. vigatarāga |
vigatārtavā | f. a woman in whom the menstrual excretion has ceased |
vigatasaṃkalpa | mfn. devoid of purpose or design, without resolution |
vigatasaṃtrāsa | mfn. free from terror, intrepid |
vigatāśaṅka | mfn. āśaṅkā |
vigatasneha | mfn. void of affection ( vigatasnehasauhṛda -sauhṛda- mfn.one who has relinquished love and friendship) |
vigatasnehasauhṛda | mfn. vigatasneha |
vigatāśoka | m. Name of a younger brother or a grandson of aśoka- |
vigataspṛha | mfn. devoid of wish or desire, indifferent |
vigataśrīka | mfn. destitute of fortune or splendour, unfortunate |
vigatāsu | mfn. lifeless, dead |
vigatatva | n. the having disappeared, disappearance |
vigatoddhava | m. "free from levity", Name of buddha- |
vikrāntagati | m. a man with a portly gait |
vilambitagati | f. "slow or tardy in motion", Name of a metre |
vinipātagata | mfn. fallen into misfortune |
vinirgata | mfn. gone out, come forth, issued etc. |
vinirgata | mfn. liberated or freed from (ablative) |
vinirgati | f. coming forth, issuing |
vipadgata | mfn. fallen into misfortune |
vipaṇigata | mfn. being on the market |
viparītagati | mfn. going backwards or in a reverse direction |
viparītagati | f. inverse or reverse motion |
viparītāyanagata | mfn. viparītāyana |
vipathagati | f. the going in a wrong way |
virāgatā | f. indifference to everything, stoicism |
vīragati | f. "a hero's resort", indra-'s heaven |
viralāgata | mfn. happening rarely, rare |
visabhāgatā | f. visabhāga |
viṣamagata | mfn. situated or placed on an uneven place (higher or lower) |
viṣamagata | mfn. fallen into distress |
viṣamarāgatā | f. viṣamarāga |
visaṃgata | mfn. unconnected, inconsistent, not in harmony |
visaṃjñāgati | f. a particular high number |
viśvagata | mfn. omnipresent |
viṣvaggata | mfn. gone all about, spread, extended |
viṣvaggati | mfn. going all about or everywhere, entering into every (topic) |
vivādānugata | mfn. subject to dispute or litigation |
viyadgata | mfn. moving or flying in the air |
viyadgati | f. motion in the air |
viyogatā | f. wrong reading for gi-tā- (q.v) |
viyogatas | ind. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') from want of, in consequence of any one's absence |
vṛddhayogataraṃgiṇī | f. Name of work |
vṛṣabhagati | m. "going on a bull", Name of śiva- |
vṛṣotsargatattva | n. Name of work |
vyaṅgatā | f. deficiency of limb, crippled condition, mutilation |
vyaṅgatva | n. deficiency of limb, crippled condition, mutilation |
vyapagata | mfn. gone away, disappeared (See compound) |
vyapagata | mfn. fallen away from (ablative) |
vyapagataraśmivat | mfn. whose rays have disappeared, ray less |
vyapagataśuc | mfn. whose sorrow his departed, free from grief. |
vyapagatatilakagātratā | f. the having limbs free from freckles (one of the 80 minor marks of a buddha-) |
vyāsasūtrasaṃgati | f. Name of work on the above sūtra-. |
vyatigata | mfn. passed by, elapsed (as time) |
vyatiṣaṅgatiṣajya | ind. seizing each other by the hand |
vyatiṣaṅgatiṣaṅgin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') hanging or sitting on |
vyāvṛttagati | mfn. one whose movement has ceased, abated, subsided, lulled (as wind) |
vyayagata | mfn. (varia lectio for next) . |
yajurgati | m. Name of kṛṣṇa- |
yajurvedivṛṣotsargatattva | n. Name of work |
yathāgata | mfn. as gone, as previously gone |
yathāgata | mfn. (thāg-) as come, by the way one came etc. |
yathāgata | mfn. as one came (into the world), without sense, stupid (see -jāta-, yathodgata-) |
yathāgatam | ind. ( etc.) by the way one came. |
yathāgatenaa | ind. () by the way one came. |
yatheṣṭagati | mfn. going as one wishes, |
yathodgata | mfn. as arisen |
yathodgata | mfn. as one came (into the world), without sense, stupid (see yathāgata-). |
yogagati | f. state of union, the being united together |
yogānugatā | f. Name of a kiṃ-nara- maid |
yogatalpa | n. " yoga--couch" equals -nidrā- q.v |
yogatantra | n. a work treating of the yoga- philosophy |
yogatantra | n. (with Buddhists) Name of a class of writings. |
yogatārā | f. ( ) the chief star in a nakṣatra- |
yogatārakā | f. ( ) the chief star in a nakṣatra- |
yogataraṃga | m. Name of work |
yogataraṃgiṇī | f. Name of work |
yogatārāvalī | f. Name of several works. |
yogatas | ind. conjointly |
yogatas | ind. suitably, properly |
yogatas | ind. conformably to, in accordance with, by means of, in consequence of (compound) |
yogatas | ind. with application of effort, with all one's powers |
yogatas | ind. seasonably, in due season |
yogatas | ind. through devotion, by the power of magic etc. |
yogatas | ind. yoga |
yogatas | ind. yoga |
yogatattva | n. the principle of yoga- |
yogatattva | n. Name of an upaniṣad- (also yogatattvopaniṣad tvopaniṣad- f.) |
yogatattvaprakāśa | m. Name of work |
yogatattvaprakāśaka | m. Name of work |
yogatattvopaniṣad | f. yogatattva |
yogatva | n. the state of yoga- |
yugat | varia lectio for dyu-gat- (q.v) |