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Grammar Search
"gandharva" has 1 results
gandharva: masculine vocative singular stem: gandharva
Amarakosha Search
Monier-Williams Search
16 results for gandharva"
gandharvam. a gandharva- [though in later times the gandharva-s are regarded as a class, yet in rarely more than one is mentioned;he is designated as the heavenly gandharva-(divy/a g- ),and is also called viśvā-vasu-()and vāyu-keśa- (in plural );his habitation is the sky, or the region of the air and the heavenly waters( );his especial duty is to guard the heavenly soma-() , which the gods obtain through his intervention( ; see );it is obtained for the human race by indra-, who conquers the gandharva- and takes it by force();the heavenly gandharva- is supposed to be a good physician, because the soma- is considered as the best medicine;possibly, however, the word soma- originally denoted not the beverage so called, but the moon, and the heavenly gandharva- may have been the genius or tutelary deity of the moon;in one passage() the heavenly gandharva- and the soma- are identified;he is also regarded as one of the genii who regulate the course of the Sun's horses (; see );he knows and makes known the secrets of heaven and divine truths generally ( );he is the parent of the first pair of human beings, yama- and yamī-() , and has a peculiar mystical power over women and a right to possess them();for this reason he is invoked in marriage ceremonies();ecstatic states of mind and possession by evil spirits are supposed to be derived from the heavenly gandharva-(see -gṛhīta-, -graha-);the gandharva-s as a class have the same characteristic features as the one gandharva-;they live in the sky( ) , guard the soma-( ),are governed by varuṇa- (just as the āpsarasa-s are governed by soma-) ,know the best medicines( ),regulate the course of the asterisms( ;hence twenty-seven are mentioned ),follow after women and are desirous of intercourse with them( );as soon as a girl becomes marriageable, she belongs to soma-, the gandharva-s, and agni-( );the wives of the gandharva-s are the āpsarasa-s(see gandharvāpsar/as-),and like them the gandharva-s are invoked in gambling with dice();they are also feared as evil beings together with the rākṣasa-s, kimīdin-s, piśāca-s, etc., amulets being worn as a protection against them( );they are said to have revealed the veda-s to vāc-(; see ),and are called the preceptors of the ṛṣi-s(); purūravas- is called among them();in epic poetry the gandharva-s are the celestial musicians or heavenly singers(see )who form the orchestra at the banquets of the gods, and they belong together with the āpsarasa-s to indra-'s heaven, sharing also in his battles( etc.; see );in the more systematic mythology the gandharva-s constitute one of the classes into which the higher creation is divided(id est gods, manes, gandharva-s ;or gods, asura-s, gandharva-s, men ; see ;or gods, men, gandharva-s, āpsarasa-s, sarpa-s, and manes ;for other enumerations see [ ] etc.);divine and human gandharva-s are distinguished(;the divine or deva-gandharva-s are enumerated );another passage names 11 classes of gandharva-s();the chief or leader of the gandharva-s is named citra-ratha-();they are called the creatures of prajāpati-() or of brahmā-() or of kaśyapa- () or of the muni-s( ) or of prādhā-() or of ariṣṭā-( )or of vāc-();with jaina-s the gandharva-s constitute one of the eight classes of the vyantara-s] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gandharvam. Name of the attendant of the 17th arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gandharvam. a singer View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gandharvam. the Koil or black cuckoo View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gandharvam. a sage, pious man on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gandharvam. a horse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gandharvam. see View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gandharvam. the musk deer (derived fr. gandha-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gandharvam. the soul after death and previous to its being born again (corresponding in some respects to the western notion of a ghost)
gandharvam. Name of the 14th kalpa- or period of the world View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gandharvam. of the 21st muhūrta- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gandharvam. of a svara- or tone (for gāndhāra-?) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gandharvam. plural the gandharva-s (See above) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gandharvam. Name of a people (named together with the gāndhāra-s) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gandharvam. night View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gandharva([ confer, compare Greek fr. .]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results2 results
gandharva itthā padam asya rakṣati RV.9.83.4a; AB.1.22.3; Aś.4.7.4. P: gandharva itthā śś.5.10.25.
gandharva prāyaścitte tvaṃ devānāṃ prāyaścittir asi PG.1.11.2.
Vedabase Search
32 results
gandharva among the inhabitants of GandharvalokaSB 8.8.19
gandharva belonging to the GandharvalokaSB 4.27.13
gandharva by GandharvasSB 10.76.6
gandharva by the denizens of GandharvalokaSB 8.4.13
gandharva by the Gandharva soldiersSB 4.28.10
gandharva by the GandharvasSB 4.28.6
SB 8.9.4
gandharva by the residents of GandharvalokaSB 5.1.8
gandharva GandharvasSB 11.12.3-6
gandharva heavenly musiciansSB 11.2.23
gandharva inhabitants of GandharvalokaSB 4.20.35-36
SB 5.25.7
gandharva inhabitants of the Gandharva planetSB 4.1.22
SB 4.18.17
gandharva of the GandharvasBG 11.22
gandharva of the inhabitants of GandharvalokaSB 7.15.71
gandharva residents of GandharvalokaCC Adi 10.19
gandharva the celestial musiciansSB 3.20.38
gandharva the denizens of GandharvalokaSB 4.24.12
gandharva the expert artisans in the higher planetsSB 3.10.28-29
gandharva the GandharvasSB 4.1.54-55
SB 6.12.34
SB 7.4.5-7
SB 8.20.19
gandharva the human beings named GandharvasSB 2.1.36
gandharva the inhabitants of Gandharva-lokaSB 7.4.14
gandharva the inhabitants of GandharvalokaCC Adi 13.106
CC Antya 2.10
gandharva the inhabitants of Gandharvaloka (appointed singers in the planets of the demigods)SB 5.5.21-22
gandharva the residents of GandharvalokaSB 2.6.43-45
SB 7.8.37-39
SB 8.20.20
1 result
gandharva noun (masculine) a Gandharva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a horse a sage (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a singer (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the Koel or black cuckoo (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 454/72933


celestial musicians; heavenly singers.

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