saṃgam | A1. -gacchate- (rarely P. ti-,and according to to only with an object; perfect tense -jagme-;Vedic forms etc. -gamemahi-, -gamāmahai-, -ajagmiran-, -agata-[3. sg. ], -aganmahi-, -agasmahi-,or -agaṃsmahi-, -gmiṣīya-, -gasīṣṭa-or -gaṃsīṣṭa-, -gaṃsyate-etc.; see 1. gam-and ), to go or come together, come into contact or collision, meet (either in a friendly or hostile manner), join or unite with (instrumental case with and without saha-or sārdham-) etc. ; to unite sexually with (accusative) ; to harmonize, agree, fit, correspond, suit ; to go to or towards, meet (accusative) ; to come together or assemble in (locative case) ; to undergo or get into any state or condition, become (exempli gratia, 'for example' with viśrambham-,"to become trustful, confide") ; (P.) to partake of (instrumental case) ; to go away, depart (this life), decease, die ; (P.) to visit (accusative) : Causal -gamayati- (ind.p. -gamayya-), to cause to go together, bring together, connect or unite or endow or present with (instrumental case of Persian and accusative of thing) etc. ; to lead any one to (two accusative) ; to deliver or hand over to (locative case), transfer, bestow, give ; to connect, construe (words) ; to cause to go away or depart (this life), kill ( ) : Desiderative -jigaṃsate-, to wish to meet with (instrumental case). ; -jigāṃsati-, to wish to attain to (accusative)  |