Word | Reference | Gender | Number | Synonyms | Definition |
abādham | 3.1.83 | Masculine | Singular | nirargalam | |
āḍambaraḥ | 3.3.176 | Masculine | Singular | piṅgalaḥ, vipulaḥ, nakulaḥ, viṣṇuḥ | |
ajā | 2.9.77 | Feminine | Singular | stabhaḥ, chāgaḥ, bastaḥ, chagalakaḥ | |
bata | 3.3.252 | Masculine | Singular | ārambhaḥ, praśnaḥ, kārtsnyam, maṅgalam, anantaram | |
caṇḍāṃśoḥ paripārśvikaḥ | 1.3.31 | Masculine | Plural | daṇḍaḥ, māṭharaḥ, piṅgalaḥ | sun's attendant |
halam | 2.9.14 | Neuter | Singular | sīraḥ, lāṅgalam, godāraṇam | |
īṣā | 2.9.15 | Feminine | Singular | lāṅgaladaṇḍaḥ | |
kaḍāraḥ | 1.5.16 | Masculine | Singular | kadruḥ, piṅgalaḥ, kapilaḥ, piṅgaḥ, piśaṅgaḥ | twany |
kaṇṭhaḥ | 2.6.89 | Masculine | Singular | galaḥ | |
karkayā | 2.9.31 | Feminine | Singular | āluḥ, galantikā | |
kāśam | Masculine | Singular | ikṣugandhā, poṭagalaḥ | ||
naḍaḥ | Masculine | Singular | dhamanaḥ, poṭagalaḥ | ||
skandadeśaḥ | 2.9.64 | Masculine | Singular | galakambalaḥ | |
śvaḥśreyasam | Neuter | Singular | śivam, kuśalam, bhāvukam, kalyāṇam, śastam, bhavyam, śubham, bhadram, kṣemam, bhavikam, maṅgalam | happy, well,or right | |
vāṇā | Feminine | Singular | dāsī, ārtagalaḥ | ||
yugmam | 2.5.41 | Neuter | Singular | yugalam, yugam | |
argalam | 2.2.17 | Masculine | Singular | viṣkambham | |
lāṅgalapaddhatiḥ | 2.9.15 | Feminine | Singular | sītā | |
jagalaḥ | 2.10.42 | Neuter | Singular | medakaḥ | |
pudgalaḥ | 3.5.20 | Masculine | Singular |
gala | m. "oozing", resin (especially that of the plant Shorea robusta), .L. | ||||||
gala | m. equals galaka- | ||||||
gala | m. a kind of musical instrument | ||||||
gala | m. a reed (large kind of Saccharum cylindricum) | ||||||
gala | m. a rope (made of that reed) | ||||||
gala | m. ( ) "swallower", the throat, neck etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).[ gaRa kroḍā | ||||||
galacarman | n. the gullet, throat | ||||||
galaḍā | f. gaRa bāhv-ādi- () | ||||||
galaḍā | f. see jal-, lagahā-. | ||||||
galadvāra | n. "throat-door", the mouth | ||||||
galagaṇḍa | in compound neck and cheek | ||||||
galagaṇḍa | m. goitre | ||||||
galagaṇḍa | m. equals gaṇḍa-mālā- | ||||||
galagaṇḍin | mfn. having a goitre | ||||||
galagoḍī | f. a kind of snake | ||||||
galagoḍikā | f. a kind of snake | ||||||
galagolī | f. idem or 'f. a kind of snake ' | ||||||
galagraha | m. seizing by the throat, throttling | ||||||
galagraha | m. compression of the throat (a kind of disease) | ||||||
galagraha | m. a fish-sauce (prepared with salt, pepper, ghee etc.) | ||||||
galagraha | m. Name of certain days in the dark fortnight (viz. the 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 13th, and 3 following days) | ||||||
galagraha | m. begun but immediately interrupted study, | ||||||
galagranihi | m. a noose or sling for the neck, | ||||||
galahasta | m. "the hand at the throat", seizing by the throat, throttling | ||||||
galahastaya | Nom. P. yati-, to seize by the throat, throttle, strangle | ||||||
galahastita | mfn. seized by the throat | ||||||
galaka | m. a kind of fish (small kind of Cyprinus, perhaps Cyprinus Garra) | ||||||
galaka | m. the throat, neck (varia lectio) | ||||||
galakambala | m. a bull's dewlap | ||||||
galakambala | m. (go-g-) | ||||||
galamekhalā | f. a necklace | ||||||
galamocikā | f. "dropping resin", Name of a plant | ||||||
galamoṭana | n. wringing the neck, | ||||||
galana | mfn. dropping, flowing | ||||||
galana | n. dropping, trickling | ||||||
galana | n. melting, fusing | ||||||
galana | n. falling down or off | ||||||
galana | n. leaking | ||||||
galanīya | mfn. fusible, soluble | ||||||
galantī | f. idem or 'f. a water-jar (with a hole in the bottom from which water drops upon a liṅga- or a tulasi- plant) ' | ||||||
galantikā | f. a water-jar (with a hole in the bottom from which water drops upon a liṅga- or a tulasi- plant) | ||||||
galarandhra | n. the throat, | ||||||
galaśālūka | n. tumour in the throat | ||||||
galastanī | f. (equals le-st-) "having (small fleshy protuberances, resembling) nipples depending from the throat", a she-goat | ||||||
galaśuṇḍī | f. swelling of the uvula | ||||||
galaśuṇḍikā | f. the uvula, | ||||||
galaśuṇḍikā | f. swelling of the uvula | ||||||
galaśuṇḍikā | f. du. the soft palate | ||||||
galatkuṣṭha | n. equals galita-k- | ||||||
galaugha | m. tumour in the throat | ||||||
galavārtta | mfn. living only for one's throat | ||||||
galavidradhi | m. abscess in the throat | ||||||
galavrata | (equals gara-v-) a peacock | ||||||
abhimaṅgala | mfn. auspicious, | ||||||
abhipiṅgala | mfn. "very red", reddish-brown | ||||||
adurmaṅgala | mf(Nominal verb īḥ-)n. not inauspicious | ||||||
ajāgala | m. goat's neck. | ||||||
ajāgalastana | m. nipple or fleshy protuberance on the neck of goats, an emblem of any useless or worthless object or person. | ||||||
amaṅgala | mfn. inauspicious, unlucky, evil | ||||||
amaṅgala | m. the castor oil tree, Ricinus Communis | ||||||
amaṅgala | n. inauspiciousness, ill-luck | ||||||
anaṅgalatikā | f. Name (also title or epithet) of nāṭaka- | ||||||
anaṅgamaṅgala | Name (also title or epithet) of a bāṇa- by Sundara Kavi | ||||||
anargala | mfn. without bars or checks, free, licentious. | ||||||
āṅgalaukika | m. a dream caused through bile or phlegm, | ||||||
antargalagata | mfn. sticking in the throat, | ||||||
apamaṅgala | mfn. inauspicious, (conjectural). | ||||||
āpiṅgala | = ā-- piṅga- | ||||||
āpiṅgalaka | m. a bull which has been set at liberty, | ||||||
ardhabṛgala | n. half a portion | ||||||
argala | mfn. a wooden bolt or pin for fastening a door or the cover of a vessel etc. | ||||||
argala | mfn. a bar, check, impediment | ||||||
argala | mfn. a wave | ||||||
argala | mn. Name of a hell | ||||||
ārgala | mf(ī-). a bolt or bar (equals argala- q.v) | ||||||
artagala | m. equals ārta-gala- q.v | ||||||
ārtagala | m. the plant Barleria Caeruli | ||||||
āryamārgapudgalanāyaka | m. Name (also title or epithet) of buddha-, | ||||||
aṣṭamaṅgala | n. a collection of eight lucky things (for certain great occasions, such as a coronation etc.) exempli gratia, 'for example' a lion, a bull, an elephant, a water-jar, a fan, a flag, a trumpet, and a lamp | ||||||
aṣṭamaṅgala | n. (or, according to others, a Brahman, a cow, fire, gold, ghee, the sun, water, and a king) | ||||||
aṣṭamaṅgala | m. a horse with a white face, tail, mane, breast, and hoofs | ||||||
āsyalāṅgala | m. "having a plough-like face" | ||||||
āsyalāṅgala | m. a hog, boar | ||||||
avataraṇamaṅgala | n. "auspicious act performed at the appearance (of a guest)", solemn reception. | ||||||
avighnamaṅgala | n. prayer for undisturbedness or security, | ||||||
babhrupiṅgala | mfn. reddish-brown | ||||||
bahirargala | (only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ī-).), an outer bolt or bar | ||||||
bhagala | m. Name of a man (see gaRa arīhaṇā | ||||||
bhāgala | m. patronymic fr. bhagala- (also plural) | ||||||
bhāgalaka | mfn. gaRa arīhaṇādi-. | ||||||
bhāgalakṣaṇā | f. insinuation or intimation of a part | ||||||
bhṛgala | equals bṛgala- | ||||||
bhujagalatā | f. betel-pepper | ||||||
bhujaṃgalatā | f. betel-pepper | ||||||
bilvamaṅgala | m. Name of a poet (also called līlā-śuka-) | ||||||
bilvamaṅgalastotra | n. Name of work | ||||||
bilvamaṅgalaṭīkā | f. Name of work | ||||||
brahmamaṅgaladevatā | f. Name of lakṣmī- | ||||||
bṛgala | n. a fragment, piece, morsel (See ardha--and puroḍāśa-b-). | ||||||
bṛhadgala | mfn. thick-necked commentator or commentary | ||||||
caitanyamaṅgala | n. Name of work = | ||||||
chagala | m. idem or 'm. equals ch/āga-, a he-goat ' | ||||||
chagala | m. () Name of a muni- | ||||||
chagala | m. of a locality gaRa takṣaśilā | ||||||
chagala | m. plural Name of a family | ||||||
chagala | n. blue cloth | ||||||
chagala | n. a she-goat ( chagalapayas -payas- n.) | ||||||
chāgala | mfn. coming from a goat (chagal/a-) or she-goat | ||||||
chāgala | mfn. born in chagala- gaRa takhṣaśilā | ||||||
chāgala | m. a goat | ||||||
chāgala | m. equals laka- | ||||||
chāgala | m. patronymic fr. chagala- (if of atri-'s family) | ||||||
chāgala | m. Name of a mountain | ||||||
chagalaka | m. a he-goat | ||||||
chāgalaka | m. a kind of fish | ||||||
chāgalakṣaṇa | n. Name of śukla-yajurveda-pariśiṣṭa- ii. | ||||||
chagalapayas | n. chagala | ||||||
dagārgala | n. "water-key (daga- equals daka-) ", examining the soil in searching for wells or rules for doing so | ||||||
dagārgala | n. (udag-) | ||||||
dagārgala | n. Name of liv. | ||||||
daṇḍapiṅgalaka | m. plural Name of a people to the north of madhya-deśa- | ||||||
dīptapiṅgala | m. "bright and yellowish", a lion | ||||||
dīrghajaṅgala | m. a kind of fish (equals bhaṅgāna-) | ||||||
dṛḍhatoraṇārgala | mfn. having the bars of the gates firmly fastened (town) | ||||||
durgala | m. plural Name of a people | ||||||
durgalaṅghana | m. "making one's way through difficult places", a camel | ||||||
durmaṅgala | See a-dur-m-. | ||||||
duṣṭalāṅgala | n. Name of a particular form of the moon | ||||||
ekapiṅgala | m. "having a yellow mark (in the place of one eye)", Name of kuvera- etc. | ||||||
gadgadagala | mfn. stammering | ||||||
gagala | n. venom of serpents | ||||||
ghaṭārgalayantra | n. a kind of diagram, | ||||||
ghoṭagala | m. "horse-throat", a kind of reed | ||||||
godānamaṅgala | n. a ceremony performed with the side-hair of a youth of 16 or 18 years (when he has attained puberty and shortly before marriage) | ||||||
haṃsīyugala | m. a pair of geese or ducks | ||||||
haripiṅgala | mfn. idem or 'mfn. yellowish-brown ' | ||||||
hastayugala | n. the two hands | ||||||
hemapiṅgala | mfn. golden yellow | ||||||
irgala | (equals argala-) n. a bolt, (gaRa apūpā | ||||||
jagala | mfn. fraudulent | ||||||
jagala | m. a kind of spirituous liquor (or fluid suitable for distillation ) | ||||||
jagala | m. Vangueria spinosa | ||||||
jagala | m. equals gara- | ||||||
jagala | n. equals chagaṇa- | ||||||
jaṅgala | mfn. arid, sterile, desert | ||||||
jaṅgala | m. equals -patha- | ||||||
jaṅgala | m. meat | ||||||
jaṅgala | n. idem or 'm. meat ' | ||||||
jaṅgala | n. equals gula- | ||||||
jaṅgala | n. see dīrgha--, jāṅg-. | ||||||
jāṅgala | mfn. (fr. jaṅg-) arid, sparingly grown with trees and plants (though not unfertile;covered with jungle ) etc. | ||||||
jāṅgala | mfn. found or existing in a jungly district (water, wood, deer) | ||||||
jāṅgala | mfn. made of arid wood, coming from wild deer | ||||||
jāṅgala | mfn. wild, not tame | ||||||
jāṅgala | mfn. savage | ||||||
jāṅgala | m. the francoline partridge | ||||||
jāṅgala | m. Name of a man | ||||||
jāṅgala | m. plural Name of a people (see kuru--) | ||||||
jāṅgala | n. venison | ||||||
jāṅgala | n. meat | ||||||
jāṅgala | n. for gula- q.v | ||||||
jāṅgala | n. for gulī- q.v | ||||||
jāṅgala | n. see ṛṣi-jāṅgalikī-. | ||||||
jaṅgalapatha | m. "any arid or sterile region, desert" See jāṅgalapathika-. | ||||||
jāṅgalapathika | mfn. going or brought through a jaṅgala-patha- Va1rtt. 1. | ||||||
jayamaṅgala | m. a royal elephant | ||||||
jayamaṅgala | m. a remedy for fever | ||||||
jayamaṅgala | m. (in music) a kind of measure | ||||||
jayamaṅgala | m. Name of a dhruvaka- | ||||||
jayamaṅgala | m. of an elephant | ||||||
jayamaṅgala | m. of a scholiast on ( jayamaṅgalā lā- f.Name of his commentator or commentary) | ||||||
jayamaṅgala | m. equals -śabda- | ||||||
joṅgala | m. equals gaka- | ||||||
kacaṅgala | n. the ocean | ||||||
kacaṅgala | n. a free market (a place of sale paying no duty or custom) | ||||||
kacaṅgala | n. Name of a region. | ||||||
kalāṅgala | (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a kind of weapon ([ ]) | ||||||
kalāṅgala | mfn. ([according to saśataghnīkalāṅgalā-is thus to be resolved: śataghnyā sahitaṃ saśataghnīkaṃ tādṛśaṃ lāṅgalaṃ yatra-;in that case kalāṅgala-is no word.]) | ||||||
kanakapiṅgala | n. Name of a tīrtha- | ||||||
kapiṅgala | varia lectio for the next | ||||||
karārgala | n. a lute | ||||||
kaurujaṅgala | mfn. fr. kurujaṅgala- | ||||||
kaurujāṅgala | mfn. fr. kurujaṅgala- | ||||||
kautukamaṅgala | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) an auspicious ceremony (especially the ceremony with the marriage-thread preceding a marriage) | ||||||
keśapiṅgala | m. Name of a Brahman. | ||||||
khaḍgalatā | f. a sword-blade, | ||||||
khargala | m. Name of a man | ||||||
khṛgala | m. a staff, crutch (?,"a coat of mail") | ||||||
kṛṣṇagala | m. "having a black throat", a kind of bird | ||||||
kṛṣṇapiṅgala | mf(ā-)n. dark-brown in colour | ||||||
kṛṣṇapiṅgala | m. Name of a man, and m. plural his descendants gaRa upakā | ||||||
kṛtamaṅgala | mf(ā-)n. blessed, consecrated | ||||||
kurujāṅgala | n. Name of a country etc. | ||||||
kurujāṅgala | m. plural the inhabitants of that country | ||||||
kurukurujāṅgala | n. the country of the kuru-s and kuru-jāṅgala- | ||||||
kuṣṭhagala | mfn. having a leprous throat | ||||||
laghujaṅgala | m. Perdix Chinensis | ||||||
laṅgala | n. equals lāṅgala- (q.v), a plough | ||||||
laṅgala | n. Name of a country (varia lectio lāṅgala-). | ||||||
lāṅgala | n. (see | ||||||
lāṅgala | n. a kind of pole used in gathering fruit from a tree | ||||||
lāṅgala | n. a plough-shaped beam or timber (used in the construction of a house) | ||||||
lāṅgala | n. a particular appearance presented by the moon | ||||||
lāṅgala | n. the palm tree | ||||||
lāṅgala | n. a kind of flower | ||||||
lāṅgala | n. membrum virile (see lāṅgūla-) | ||||||
lāṅgala | m. a kind of rice | ||||||
lāṅgala | m. Name of a son of śuddhoda- and grandson of śākya- | ||||||
lāṅgala | m. plural Name of a school | ||||||
lāṅgala | m. of a people (varia lectio for jāṅgala-). | ||||||
lāṅgalacakra | n. a particular plough-shaped diagram | ||||||
lāṅgaladaṇḍa | m. the pole or beam of a plough | ||||||
lāṅgaladaṇḍaka | m. the pole or beam of a plough | ||||||
lāṅgaladhvaja | m. "plough-bannered", Name of bala-rāma- (q.v) | ||||||
lāṅgalagraha | m. "plough-holder", a ploughman, peasant | ||||||
lāṅgalagrahaṇa | n. the act of holding or guiding the plough, ploughing | ||||||
lāṅgalaka | mfn. plough-shaped (as an incision in surgery), | ||||||
lāṅgalaka | f(ikā-or akī-). Methonia Superba or Jussiaea Repens | ||||||
lāṅgalaka | n. a plough (see pañca-l-). | ||||||
lāṅgalakamārga | m. "plough-path", a furrow (see lāṅgala-paddhati-). | ||||||
lāṅgalapaddhati | f. "plough-path", a furrow | ||||||
lāṅgalaphāla | m. n. a ploughshare | ||||||
lavaṃgalatā | f. Limonia Scandens | ||||||
lohārgala | n. Name of a tīrtha- | ||||||
magala | m. Name of a man | ||||||
mahāgala | mfn. long-necked or thick-necked | ||||||
mahāmaṅgala | n. Name of a Buddhist sūtra-. | ||||||
mahāpoṭagala | m. a species of large rush or reed | ||||||
mahāpṛṣṭhagalaskandha | mfn. wrong reading for mahā-vṛkṣa-g- | ||||||
mahāvegalabdhasthāma | m. Name of a king of the garuḍa-s | ||||||
mahāvṛkṣagalaskandha | mfn. one whose neck and shoulders resemble corresponding parts of a great tree | ||||||
mālamaṅgala | m. Name of an author | ||||||
mālamaṅgalabhāṇa | m. Name of a play composed by him. | ||||||
māṃsārgala | m. n. a piece of flesh hanging from the mouth (of a lion etc.) | ||||||
maṅgala | n. (according to to | ||||||
maṅgala | n. anything auspicious or tending to a lucky issue (exempli gratia, 'for example' a good omen, a prayer, benediction, auspicious ornament or amulet, a festival or any solemn ceremony on important occasions etc.; see mfn.below) etc. | ||||||
maṅgala | n. a good old custom | ||||||
maṅgala | n. a good work | ||||||
maṅgala | n. (in music) a particular composition | ||||||
maṅgala | n. Name of the capital of udyāna- | ||||||
maṅgala | m. Name of agni- | ||||||
maṅgala | m. of the planet Mars | ||||||
maṅgala | m. of a king belonging to the race of manu- | ||||||
maṅgala | m. of a buddha- | ||||||
maṅgala | m. of a poet | ||||||
maṅgala | m. of a chief of the cālukya-s | ||||||
maṅgala | m. the smell of jasmine | ||||||
maṅgala | mf(ā-)n. auspicious, lucky | ||||||
maṅgala | mf(ā-)n. having the scent of jasmine | ||||||
māṅgala | n. plural (fr. maṅgala-) Name of particular verses addressed to agni- | ||||||
maṅgalabherī | f. a drum beaten of festive occasions | ||||||
maṅgalacaṇḍī | f. Name of durga- | ||||||
maṅgalacaṇḍikā | f. Name of durga- | ||||||
maṅgalacchāya | m. Ficus Infectoria | ||||||
maṅgaladaśaka | m. or n. (?) Name of a prayer | ||||||
maṅgaladevatā | f. a tutelary deity (see brahma-m-). | ||||||
maṅgaladhvani | m. an auspicious sound (exempli gratia, 'for example' marriage-music) | ||||||
maṅgaladvāra | n. the principal gate of a palace (being opened on festive occasions) | ||||||
maṅgalagāthikā | f. a solemn song | ||||||
maṅgalaghaṭa | m. "auspicious jar", a vessel full of water offered to the gods on festivals | ||||||
maṅgalaghaṭa | m. Name of an elephant | ||||||
maṅgalagiri | m. "mountain of fortune", Name of a mountain | ||||||
maṅgalagirimāhātmya | n. Name of work | ||||||
maṅgalagīta | n. equals -gaithikā- | ||||||
maṅgalagraha | m. an auspicious planet, a lucky star | ||||||
maṅgalagṛha | n. an auspicious house or temple (also haka-) | ||||||
maṅgalagṛha | n. the house of the planet Mars | ||||||
maṅgalakāla | m. an auspicious occasion | ||||||
maṅgalakalaśa | m. equals ghaṭa-, a vessel used at festivals | ||||||
maṅgalakalaśamaya | mfn. consisting of vessels of this kind | ||||||
maṅgalakāraka | mfn. () () causing welfare. | ||||||
maṅgalakaraṇa | n. "luck-causing", the act of reciting a prayer for success before the beginning of any enterprise | ||||||
maṅgalakārin | mfn. () causing welfare. | ||||||
maṅgalakarman | n. idem or 'n. "luck-causing", the act of reciting a prayer for success before the beginning of any enterprise ' | ||||||
maṅgalakārya | n. a festive occasion, solemnity | ||||||
maṅgalakṣauma | n. dual number a linen upper- and under-garment worn at festivals | ||||||
maṅgalakuṭhāramiśra | m. Name of a door-keeper | ||||||
maṅgalamālikā | f. marriage-music | ||||||
maṅgalamātrabhūṣaṇa | mfn. only adorned with turmeric or with the maṅgala-sūtra- (q.v) | ||||||
maṅgalamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of nothing but happiness etc. | ||||||
maṅgalamayūkhamālikā | f. Name of work | ||||||
maṅgalanirṇaya | m. Name of work | ||||||
maṅgalapāṇi | mfn. having auspicious hands | ||||||
maṅgalapāṭhaka | m. "blessing-reciter", a professional well-wisher or panegyrist | ||||||
maṅgalapātra | n. an auspicious vessel, a vessel containing auspicious objects | ||||||
maṅgalapattra | n. a leaf serving as an amulet | ||||||
maṅgalaprada | mfn. bestowing welfare, auspicious | ||||||
maṅgalapradā | f. turmeric | ||||||
maṅgalaprastha | m. "auspicious-peak", Name of a mountain | ||||||
maṅgalapratisara | m. equals -sūtra-, | ||||||
maṅgalapratisara | m. the cord of an amulet | ||||||
maṅgalapūjāprayoga | m. Name of work | ||||||
maṅgalapūjāvidhi | m. Name of work | ||||||
maṅgalapūjita | mfn. honoured with a sacrificial fee or offering | ||||||
maṅgalapura | n. "city of prosperity", Name of a town (see maṅgala-). | ||||||
maṅgalapuṣpamaya | mf(ī-)n. formed of auspicious flowers | ||||||
maṅgalarāja | m. Name of a king | ||||||
maṅgalaśabda | m. auspicious word, felicitation | ||||||
maṅgalasamālambhana | n. an auspicious unguent | ||||||
maṅgalasāman | n. an auspicious sāman- | ||||||
maṅgalaśaṃsana | n. the act of wishing joy, uttering a congratulation | ||||||
maṅgalasaṃstava | mfn. felicitating, containing felicitations R | ||||||
maṅgalaśānti | f. Name of work | ||||||
maṅgalasnāna | n. any solemn ablution | ||||||
maṅgalastava | m. Name of work | ||||||
maṅgalastotra | n. Name of work | ||||||
maṅgalasūcaka | mfn. auguring good luck | ||||||
maṅgalasūtra | n. "lucky thread", the marriage-thread (tied by the bridegroom round the bride's neck, and worn as long as the husband lives) | ||||||
maṅgalasvara | m. a sea-shell | ||||||
maṅgalatūrya | n. a musical instrument used at festivals | ||||||
maṅgalavacas | a benedictory or congratulatory speech, congratulation | ||||||
maṅgalavāda | m. benediction, congratulation | ||||||
maṅgalavādārtha | m. Name of work | ||||||
maṅgalavādaṭīkā | f. Name of work | ||||||
maṅgalavādin | mfn. pronouncing a benediction, expressing congratulations | ||||||
maṅgalavāra | m. "Mars-day", Tuesday | ||||||
maṅgalavāsara | m. "Mars-day", Tuesday | ||||||
maṅgalavat | mfn. auspicious, blessed | ||||||
maṅgalavaṭa | (or lā-vaṭa-[?]) n. Name of a place of pilgrimage | ||||||
maṅgalavatī | f. Name of a daughter of tumburu- | ||||||
maṅgalavatsa | m. Name of a poet | ||||||
maṅgalavidhi | m. any auspicious ceremony or festive rite | ||||||
maṅgalavidhi | m. preparations for a festival | ||||||
maṅgalavriṣabha | m. an ox with auspicious signs | ||||||
mātṛkājaganmaṅgalakavaca | n. | ||||||
mecakagala | m. "blue-necked", a peacock and Name of śiva- | ||||||
medogala | m. a species of plant resembling the Mimosa Pudica | ||||||
mṛgalakṣman | m. "deer-marked", the moon | ||||||
mṛtaṅgalagna | n. mṛtāṅga | ||||||
mudgala | m. (prob. fr. mudga-) Name of a ṛṣi- with the patronymic bhārmyaśva- (the supposed author of ), V. etc. | ||||||
mudgala | m. of a disciple of sākalya- | ||||||
mudgala | m. of a son of viśvāmitra- | ||||||
mudgala | m. of various authors and other men (also with bhaṭṭasūri-etc.) | ||||||
mudgala | m. plural the descendants of mudgala- | ||||||
mudgala | m. Name of a people | ||||||
mudgala | n. a species of grass | ||||||
mudgala | n. equals mudgalā | ||||||
mudgaladeva | m. Name of an author (who translated the Prakrit passages of the ratnāvalī-) | ||||||
mudgalapurāṇa | n. Name of work | ||||||
mudgalasmṛti | f. Name of work | ||||||
mukhalāṅgala | m. "using his snout for a plough", a boar, hog | ||||||
nāgalatā | f. Piper Betle | ||||||
nāgalatā | f. the penis | ||||||
nāgalatā | f. Name of a woman | ||||||
narajaṅgala | n. moustache's flesh | ||||||
neruṅgala | m. Name of a prince | ||||||
nigala | m. n. equals ni-gaḍa- above | ||||||
nigalana | n. swallowing, eating | ||||||
nīlagala | m. "blue-necked", Name of śiva- (see -kaṇṭha-) | ||||||
nīlagalamāla | mfn. wearing a garland round (his) blue neck, | ||||||
nīlāgalasālā | f. | ||||||
nīlapiṅgala | mf(ā-)n. dark-brown | ||||||
nirargala | mfn. unbarred, unimpeded, free, irresistible etc. | ||||||
nirargalam | ind. freely | ||||||
nirargalavāc | mfn. of unrestrained language | ||||||
nirvaṣaṭkāramaṅgala | mfn. destitute of sacrifices and festivities | ||||||
niṣpragala | mfn. not dripping, dry | ||||||
niṣpudgala | mfn. without soul or personality | ||||||
niṣpudgalatva | n. | ||||||
pāgala | mfn. (a word used in Bengali) mad, deranged, demented | ||||||
pāgala | m. a particular mixed caste, | ||||||
paiṅgala | m. (sg. and plural) patronymic fr. piṅgala- gaRa kaṇvā | ||||||
paiṅgala | n. the manual of piṅgala-. | ||||||
paiṅgalakāṇva | m. plural the followers of piṅgala-kāṇva- Va1rtt.8 | ||||||
paiṅgalaudāyani | m. gaRa pailā | ||||||
pālāgala | m. a runner, messenger (according to others"a bearer of false tidings") | ||||||
pānamaṅgala | n. a drinking-party, drinking-bout | ||||||
pañcalāṅgala | (in the beginning of a compound) a gift of as much land as can be cultivated with 5 ploughs (also -ka- ) | ||||||
pañcalāṅgaladānavidhi | m. Name of work | ||||||
pārthivaliṅgalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work or chapter of work | ||||||
piṅgala | mf(/ā-and ī-)n. (see gaRa gaurā | ||||||
piṅgala | mf(/ā-and ī-)n. (in algebra also as Name of the 10th unknown quantity) | ||||||
piṅgala | mf(/ā-and ī-)n. having reddish-brown eyes | ||||||
piṅgala | m. yellow colour | ||||||
piṅgala | m. fire. | ||||||
piṅgala | m. an ape | ||||||
piṅgala | m. an ichneumon | ||||||
piṅgala | m. a small kind of owl | ||||||
piṅgala | m. a small kind of lizard | ||||||
piṅgala | m. a species of snake | ||||||
piṅgala | m. a particular vegetable poison | ||||||
piṅgala | m. (with jaina-s) Name of a treasure | ||||||
piṅgala | m. the 51st (or 25th) year in a 60 years' cycle of Jupiter | ||||||
piṅgala | m. Name of śiva- or a kindred being etc. | ||||||
piṅgala | m. of an attendant of śiva- | ||||||
piṅgala | m. of an attendant of the Sun | ||||||
piṅgala | m. of a rudra- | ||||||
piṅgala | m. of a yakṣa- | ||||||
piṅgala | m. of a dānava- | ||||||
piṅgala | m. of a nāga- or serpent-demon (the supposed author of the chandas- or treatise on metre regarded as one of the vedā | ||||||
piṅgala | m. of several ancient sages etc. | ||||||
piṅgala | m. plural Name of a people | ||||||
piṅgala | n. a particular metal | ||||||
piṅgala | n. yellow orpiment | ||||||
piṅgalacchandaḥsūtra | n. Name of piṅgala-'s work on metrics | ||||||
piṅgalacchandovṛtti | f. Name of Comm. on this work | ||||||
piṅgalacchandovyākhyā | n. Name of Comm. on this work | ||||||
piṅgalagāndhāra | m. Name of a vidyā-dhara- | ||||||
piṅgalajya | mfn. having a brown string (śiva-'s bow) (see piṅgā-). | ||||||
piṅgalaka | mf(ik/ā-)n. reddish-brown, yellow, tawny | ||||||
piṅgalaka | m. Name of a yakṣa- | ||||||
piṅgalaka | m. of a man (plural his descendants) gaRa upakā | ||||||
piṅgalaka | m. of a lion | ||||||
piṅgalaka | m. a sort of crane | ||||||
piṅgalaka | m. a kind of bee | ||||||
piṅgalaka | m. Name of a woman | ||||||
piṅgalakāṇva | m. Name of a teacher | ||||||
piṅgalaloha | n. a kind of metal | ||||||
piṅgalamataprakāśa | m. Name of work | ||||||
piṅgalanāga | m. the serpent-demon piṅgala- | ||||||
piṅgalapradyota | m. Name of work | ||||||
piṅgalaprakāśa | m. Name of work | ||||||
piṅgalaroman | mfn. tawny-haired (said of a piśāca-) | ||||||
piṅgalasāra | m. Name of work | ||||||
piṅgalasāravikāśinī | f. Name of work | ||||||
piṅgalasūtra | n. Name of work | ||||||
piṅgalatattvaprakāśikā | f. Name of work | ||||||
piṅgalatattvaprakāśinī | f. Name of work | ||||||
piṅgalatva | n. a tawny or yellow colour | ||||||
piṅgalavārttika | n. Name of work | ||||||
piṅgalavatsajīva | m. Name of a man | ||||||
piṅgalavṛtti | f. Name of work | ||||||
poṭagala | m. (only ) a species of reed | ||||||
poṭagala | m. Saccharum Spontaneum | ||||||
poṭagala | m. a fish | ||||||
poṭagala | m. equals pañcajanya-. | ||||||
prākṛtapiṅgala | m. | ||||||
prathamamaṅgala | mfn. highly auspicious | ||||||
pratimaṅgalavāra | m. plural (prob.) every Tuesday | ||||||
pratyargala | n. the rope by which a churning-stick is moved | ||||||
pudgala | mf(ā-)n. beautiful, lovely, handsome | ||||||
pudgala | m. the body varia lectio | ||||||
pudgala | m. (with jaina-s) material object (including atoms) | ||||||
pudgala | m. the soul, personal entity | ||||||
pudgala | m. man | ||||||
pudgala | m. the Ego or individual (in a disparaging sense) | ||||||
pudgala | m. Name of śiva- (equals deha- ) | ||||||
pudgala | m. a horse of the colour of rock-crystal | ||||||
pudgalapati | m. a prince, king | ||||||
puṅgala | wrong reading for puḍgala-. | ||||||
puroḍāśabṛgala | n. a piece of the sacrificial cake | ||||||
racitamaṅgala | mfn. one who has performed an auspicious ceremony | ||||||
rāgalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work | ||||||
rāgalatā | f. "Passion-creeper", Name of rati- (wife of kāma-deva-) | ||||||
rakṣāmaṅgala | n. a ceremony performed for protection (against evil spirits etc.) | ||||||
rāmamaṅgala | n. Name of two stotra-s. | ||||||
raṅgalatā | f. the senna plant | ||||||
raṅgamaṅgala | m. Name of an actor, | ||||||
raṅgamaṅgala | n. a festive ceremony on the stage | ||||||
raṅganāthamaṅgalastotra | n. Name of work | ||||||
rasendramaṅgala | n. Name of work | ||||||
ratnasamudgala | (-samudgaka-?) m. Name of a samādhi- | ||||||
rogalakṣaṇa | n. the sign or symptoms of a disease, pathology | ||||||
rogalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work | ||||||
ṛtumaṅgala | n. an auspicious omen for the season, | ||||||
rucivadhūgalaratnamālā | f. Name of work | ||||||
rūpadīpakapiṅgala | m. Name of work | ||||||
sahasramaṅgala | Name of a place | ||||||
samaṅgala | mfn. endowed with happiness, auspicious | ||||||
saṃdhyāmaṅgala | n. the auspicious saṃdhyā- service | ||||||
saṃgītarāgalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work | ||||||
saṃkhyāmaṅgalagranthi | m. the auspicious ceremony of tying knots in a thread corresponding to the number of the past years of one's life | ||||||
samudgala | See ratna-s-. | ||||||
saṃyojitakarayugala | mfn. one who has both his hands joined together | ||||||
sanmaṅgala | n. a good and auspicious rite etc. | ||||||
sanmaṅgala | san-maṇi- etc. See . | ||||||
saptamaṅgalamāhātmya | n. Name of work | ||||||
sārgala | mfn. idem or 'mfn. bolted, barred ' (in the kāṇva- recension) | ||||||
sārgala | mfn. obstructed, impeded, prevented, with held | ||||||
sarvamaṅgala | mfn. universally auspicious, | ||||||
sarvamaṅgala | n. plural all that is auspicious | ||||||
sarvamaṅgalamantrapaṭala | n. Name of chapter of work | ||||||
sarvasaṃsargalavaṇa | n. salt soil | ||||||
sarvasaṃsargalavaṇa | n. a particular kind of salt or salt soil (mixing with everything) (varia lectio sārvasam-). | ||||||
sārvasaṃsargalavaṇa | n. (varia lectio sarva-s-), salty soil | ||||||
śaśidharamaṅgalamata | n. Name of work | ||||||
satyamaudgala | m. plural Name of a school or system of teaching | ||||||
saumaṅgala | mfn. (fr. su-maṅgola-) gaRa saṃkalā | ||||||
saupiṅgala | mfn. (fr. su-piṅgala-) gaRa saṃkalā | ||||||
setumaṅgalamantra | m. Name of work | ||||||
śivaliṅgalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work | ||||||
smaraṇamaṅgala | (prob.) Name of work | ||||||
smaraṇamaṅgalaikādaśaka | (prob.) Name of work | ||||||
sphoṭitārgala | mfn. having the bolt pushed aside or the lock opened | ||||||
śrīmaṅgala | m. Name of a man | ||||||
śrīmaṅgala | n. Name of a tīrtha- | ||||||
śrīrāmamaṅgala | n. Name of work | ||||||
sthagala | prob. equals sthagara-. See sthāgala-. | ||||||
sthāgala | m. or n. (?) equals sthagara- (see sthagala-), gaRa kiśarā | ||||||
stutimaṅgala | n. plural praises and benedictions | ||||||
śubhamaṅgala | n. good luck, welfare (according to to others mfn."lucky, fortunate") | ||||||
śukalāṅgala | (prob.) wrong reading for -lāṅgula- and equals -barha- | ||||||
sumaṅgala | mf(/ī-or ā-)n. bringing good fortune, very auspicious etc. | ||||||
sumaṅgala | mf(/ī-or ā-)n. well-conducted (equals sad-ācāra-) | ||||||
sumaṅgala | m. Name of a preceptor | ||||||
sumaṅgala | m. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda- | ||||||
sumaṅgala | m. of an apsaras-, | ||||||
sumaṅgala | m. of a woman | ||||||
sumaṅgala | m. of a river | ||||||
sumaṅgala | n. an auspicious object | ||||||
sumaṅgalanāman | mfn. (l/a--) bearing an auspicious name | ||||||
svargārgala | m. or n. bar to (the gate of) heaven | ||||||
śvetapiṅgala | mfn. tawny | ||||||
śvetapiṅgala | m. a lion | ||||||
śvetapiṅgala | m. Name of śiva- | ||||||
śvetapiṅgalaka | m. a lion | ||||||
tālugalapraśoṣa | m. morbid dryness of palate and throat | ||||||
udgala | mfn. raising the neck | ||||||
udvāhamaṅgala | n. a marriage-feast, | ||||||
upāṅgalalitāvrata | n. a particular observance. | ||||||
vādgala | (?) n. the lip | ||||||
varadarājamaṅgala | n. varadarāja | ||||||
vastrayugala | n. two garments | ||||||
vedāntācāryamaṅgaladvādaśī | f. Name of work | ||||||
vedāntamaṅgaladīpikā | f. Name of work | ||||||
veṅkaṭeśamaṅgala | n. Name of work | ||||||
veṅkaṭeśvaramaṅgalastotra | n. Name of work | ||||||
vijayamaṅgaladīpikā | f. Name of work | ||||||
viṣalāṅgala | m. or n. a species of plant | ||||||
viśrāntakarṇayugala | mfn. (for karṇa-yugala-v-) reaching to the ears | ||||||
viyugala | mfn. not fitting together | ||||||
vṛgala | See b/ṛgala-. | ||||||
vyādhyargala | Name of work | ||||||
yaśomaṅgalastotra | n. Name of work | ||||||
yathāmaṅgalam | ind. according to custom | ||||||
yātrāmaṅgala | n. Name of work | ||||||
yugala | n. (rarely m.; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a pair, couple, brace etc. (lo- | ||||||
yugala | n. "double prayer", Name of a prayer to lakṣmī- and nārāyaṇa- | ||||||
yugalabhakta | m. plural Name of a subdivision of the caitanya- vaiṣṇava-s | ||||||
yugalaja | m. dual number twins | ||||||
yugalaka | n. a pair, couple, brace | ||||||
yugalaka | n. a double śloka- (equals yuga- q.v) | ||||||
yugalakiśorasahasranāmastotra | n. | ||||||
yugalakiśorastotra | n. | ||||||
yugalasahasranāman | n. Name of stotra-s containing 1000 names of kṛṣṇa-. |
galaḥ | गलः [गल्-भक्षणे बा˚ करणे अच्] 1 The throat, neck; शितिना गलेन विलसन्मरीचिना Ki.12.23; न गरलं गले कस्तूरीयम्; cf. अजागलस्तन; Bh.1.64; Amaru.88. -2 The resin of the Śāla tree. -3 A kind of musical instrument. -4 A rope. -5 A kind of fish. -6 A large kind of grass (बृहत्काश). -Comp. -अङ्कुरः a particular disease of the throat (inflammation). -उद्भवः the tuft of hair on the neck of a horse. -ओघः tumor in the throat. -कम्बलः a bull's dewlap. -गण्डः 1 enlargement of the glands of the neck. -2 goitre. -ग्रहः, -ग्रहणम् 1 seizing by the throat, throttling, smothering. -2 a kind of disease; Mb.12.33.5. -3 N. of certain days in the dark fortnight of a month :-- i. e. the 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 13th and the three following days. -4 a day on which a course of study is commenced, but immediately preceding a day on which it is prohibited. -5 study, begun but immediately interrupted. -चर्मन् n. the gullet, throat. -द्वारम् the mouth. -मेखला a necklace. -वार्त a. 1 safe in the work of the throat, able to eat much and digest it, healthy, sound; दृश्यन्ते चैव तीर्थेषु गलवार्तास्तपस्विनः Pt.3. v. l. -2 a parasite. -विद्रधिः tumor and abscess in the throat. -व्रतः a peacock. -शुण्डिका the uvula. -शुण्डी swelling of the glands of the neck. -स्तनी (also गलेस्तनी) a she-goat. -हस्तः 1 seizing by the throat, throttling, collaring; अनिच्छन्गलहस्तेन ताभिर्निर्वासितस्ततः Ks.4.68. -2 an arrow with a crescent-shaped head; cf. अर्धचन्द्र. -हस्तित a. seized by the throat, throttled, strangled; अर्धेन्दुलीलैर्गल- हस्तितेव N.6.25. |
galakaḥ | गलकः [गल् बा˚ वुन्] 1 The throat, the neck. -2 A kind of fish. |
galanam | गलनम् [गल् भावे ल्युट्] 1 Oozing, trickling, dripping. -2 Leaking. -3 Melting, fusing. -4 Falling down or off. गलन्तिका galantikā गलन्ती galantī गलन्तिका गलन्ती 1 A small pitcher. -2 A small water-jar with a hole in the bottom from which the water drops upon the object of worship (an image, Liṅga, Tulasī &c.) placed below. |
anargala | अनर्गल a. [न. ब.] 1 Free from bar or obstruction, free to move, unrestrained, unhampered; तुरङ्गमुत्सृष्टमन- र्गलम् R.3.39. -2 Unlocked. |
amaṅgala | अमङ्गल ल्य a. 1 Inauspicious, evil, ill; R.12.43; ˚अभ्यासरतिम् Ku.5.65; अमङ्गल्यं शीलं तव भवतु नामैकमखिलम् Puṣpadanta. -2 Unlucky, unfortune. -लः The castor-oil tree (एरण्ड). -लम् Inauspiciousness, ill-luck; evil; oft. used in dramatic literature; शान्तं पापं प्रतिहतम- मङ्गलम्; cf. God forbid. |
artagalaḥ | अर्तगलः = आर्तगल q. v. |
ārgalaḥ | आर्गलः ली [अर्गलमेव स्वार्थे अण्] A bolt or bar; see अर्गलम्. |
irgalam | इर्गलम् ला = अर्गल q. v. |
udgala | उद्गल a. Raising the neck. |
kacaṅgagalaḥ | कचङ्गगलः The ocean. |
chagalaḥ | छगलः 1 A goat. -2 N. of the sage Atri. -3 N. of a country. -ला, -ली A she-goat. -लम् A blue cloth. -Comp. -अन्त्रिका, -अन्त्रिः a wolf. |
chagalakaḥ | छगलकः A goat. |
chāgala | छागल a. (-ली f.) Coming from or relating to a goat. -लः A goat. |
jagala | जगल a. 1 Rough, tricky, knavish. -2 Dark, black. -लम् 1 Cowdung. -2 An armour. -3 A kind of liquor (m. also in the last two senses). |
jaṅgala | जङ्गल a. [गल्-यङ्-अच् पृषो˚] Desert, waste. -लः, -लम् Flesh, meat. -लम् 1 A desert, dreary ground, waste land. -2 A thicket, forest. -3 A secluded or unfrequented place. |
jāṅgala | जाङ्गल a., (-ली f.) [जङ्गले भवः जङ्गलप्रायो वा अण्] 1 Rural, picturesque. -2 Wild. -3 Savage, barbarous. -4 Arid, desert. -लः The francoline partridge. -लम् Flesh, flesh of deer &c.; Māl.5.5. जाङ्गलिः jāṅgaliḥ जाङ्गलिकः jāṅgalikḥ जाङ्गलिः जाङ्गलिकः A snake-charmer. |
pāgala | पागल a. Mad, demented. |
piṅgala | पिङ्गल a. [पिङ्ग-सिध्मा˚ लच्, पिङ्गं लाति, ला-क वा Tv.] Reddish-brown, yellowish, brown, tawny; तोनोत्तीर्य पथा लङ्कां रोधयामास पिङ्गलैः (वानरैः) R.12.71; Ms.3.8; पिङ्गो दीपशिखाभः स्यात् पिङ्गलः पद्मधूलिवत्. -लः 1 The tawny colour. -2 Fire. -3 A monkey. -4 An ichneumon. -5 A small owl. -6 A kind of snake. -7 N. of an attendant on the sun. -8 N. of one of Kubera's treasures. -9 N. of a संवत्सर (the 51st or 25th in the 6 years cycle). -1 N. of a reputed sage, the father of Sanskrit prosody, his work being known as पिङ्गलच्छन्दःशास्त्रः; छन्दोज्ञाननिधिं जघान मकरो वेलातटे पिङ्गलम् Pt.2.33. -लम् 1 Brass. -2 Yellow orpiment. -ला 1 A kind of owl. -2 The Śiśu tree (शिंशपा). -3 A kind of metal. -4 A particular vessel of the body; Ch. Up.8.6.1. -5 The female elephant of the south. -6 N. of a courtezan who became remarkable for her piety and virtuous life. (The Bhāgvata mentions how she and Ajāmīla were delivered from the trammels of the world.) -Comp. -अक्षः an epithet of Śiva. -लौहम् Brass. |
puṃgalaḥ | पुंगलः The soul. |
pudgala | पुद्गल a. Beautiful, lovely, handsome. -लः 1 Atom (परमाणुः) पुद्गलाः परमाणवः Śrīdhara. -2 The body, matter; A. Rām.3.2.28. -3 The soul. -4 The Ego or individual. -5 Man. -6 An epithet of Śiva. |
paiṅgalaḥ | पैङ्गलः The son (or a disciple) of the sage Piṅgala. -लम् The manual of Piṅgala. |
bṛgalam | बृगलम् A fragment, piece, morsel; ततः पतिश्च पत्नी चाभवतां तस्मादिदमर्थबृगलमिव Bṛi. Up.1.4.3. बृशी, बृषी (-सी) The seat of an ascetic or holy sage. |
maṅgala | मङ्गल a. [मङ्ग्-अलच्; Uṇ.5.7] 1 Auspicious, lucky, propitious, fortunate; मङ्गलदिवसः, मङ्गलवृषभः &c. -2 Prosperous, doing or faring well. -3 Brave. -लम् 1 (a) Auspiciousness, propitiousness; जनकानां रघूणां च यत् कृत्स्नं गोत्रमङ्गलम् U.6.42; R.6.9;1.67. (b) Happiness, good luck or fortune, bliss, felicity; भद्रं भद्रं वितर भगवन् भूयसे मङ्गलाय Māl.1.3; U.3.48. (c) Wellbeing, welfare, good; सङ्गः सतां किमु न मङ्गलमातनोति Bv. 1.122; (also m. in these senses). -2 A good omen, anything tending to an auspicious issue. -3 A blessing, benediction. -4 An auspicious or lucky object. -5 An auspicious occasion or event, a festivity. -6 Any solemn or auspicious ceremony or rite (such as marriage). -7 Any ancient custom. -8 Turmeric. -9 (In music) A particular composition. -लः 1 The planet Mars. -2 N. of Agni. -ला, -ली 1 A faithful wife -2 Dūrvā grass. -3 N. of Durgā. -Comp. -अक्षताः (m. pl.) rice thrown over persons by Brāhmaṇas when pronouncing blessings. -अगरु n. a variety of sandal. -अयनम् the way to happiness or prosperity; परममङ्गलायनगुणकथनो$सि Bhāg.5.3.11. -अलंकृत a. decorated with auspicious ornaments; आददे वचसामन्ते मङ्गलालंकृतां सुताम् Ku.6.87; M.1.14. -अष्टकम् a benedictory verse or verses repeated by priests over a youth and maiden, when being married, to promote their good luck. -अह्निकम् 1 any daily religious rite performed for good luck. -2 a vase full of water carried in front of a procession. -आचरणम् 1 an auspicious introduction in the form of a prayer (for the attainment of success) at the beginning of any undertaking or of any work of composition. -2 pronouncing a blessing. -आचारः 1 an auspicious or pious ceremony or usage. -2 a benediction, pronouncing a blessing. -3 (in music) a particular composition. -आतोद्यम् a drum beaten on festive occasions. -आदेशवृत्तिः a fortune-teller; Ms.9.258. -आरम्भः an epithet of Gaṇeśa. -आलम्भनम् touching anything auspicious. -आलयः, -आवासः a temple. -आवह a. auspicions. -इच्छा benediction, felicitation. -इच्छु a. desirous of happiness or prosperity. -करणम् repeating a prayer for the success of any undertaking. -कलशः a vessel used at festivals. -कारक, -कारिन् a. auspicious. -कार्यम् any festive occasion, a religious or auspicious ceremony. -कालः an auspicious occasion; Ś.4. -क्षौमम् a silken cloth worn on occasions of festivity; दधतो मङ्गलक्षौमे वसानस्य च वल्कले R.12.8. -गृहम् an auspicious house or temple. -ग्रहः an auspicious planet. -घटः, -पात्रम् a pot filled with water offered to the gods on festive occasions. -चण्डिका, -चण्डी N. of Durgā; मङ्गलेषु च या दक्षा सा च मङ्गलचण्डिका Brav. P. -छायः the plakṣa tree. -तूर्यम् a musical instrument, such as a trumpet, drum &c, played on festive or auspicious occasions; सुखश्रवा मङ्गलतूर्यनिस्वनाः R.3.19. -देवता an auspicious or tutelary deity. -ध्वनिः an auspicious music (at the time of some festival). -पत्रम् a leaf serving as an amulet. -पाठकः a bard, minstrel, professional panegyrist; आः दुरात्मन् वृथामङ्गलपाठक शैलूषापसद Ve.1. -पुष्पम् an auspicious flower. -पूजित a. honoured with a sacrificial offering. -प्रतिसरः 1 an auspicious cord or string, the auspicious thread worn by a married woman round her neck as long as her husband lives; अन्त्रैः कल्पितमङ्गलप्रतिसराः (अङ्गनाः) Māl.5.18. -2 the cord of an amulet. -प्रद a. auspicious. (-दा) turmeric. -प्रस्थः N. of a mountain. -भेरी a drum beaten on festive occasions. -मात्रभूषण a. decked in auspicious ornaments only, such as the auspicious thread, saffronmark &c.; सितांशुका मङ्गलमात्रभूषणा V.3.12. -मालिका marriage-music. -वचस् n., -वादः a benedictory or congratulatory expression, benediction, blessing. -वादिन् a. expressing blessings or congratulations, wishing joy. -वाद्यम् see मङ्गलतूर्य. -वारः, -वासरः Tuesday. -विधिः 1 a festive or auspicious rite. -2 preparations for a festival. -वृषभः an ox with auspicious signs. -शब्दः greeting, a benedictory expression. -समालम्भनम् an auspicious unguent. -सूत्रम् see मङ्गलप्रतिसर. -स्नानम् a solemn or auspicious ablution. -स्वरः a sea-shell. |
mudgalaḥ | मुद्गलः N. of a sage. -लम् A kind of grass. |
yugalam | युगलम् A pair, couple; बाहु˚, हस्त˚, चरण˚ &c. |
yugalakam | युगलकम् 1 A pair. -2 A couple of verses forming one sentence; cf. युग्म. |
laṅgalam | लङ्गलम् A plough. |
lāṅgalam | लाङ्गलम् [लङ्ग् कलच् पृषो˚ वृद्धिः भुवि गच्छति Uṇ.1.15] 1 A plough; लाङ्गलग्लपितग्रीवा मुसलैर्भिन्नमस्तकाः Rām.7.7. 47. -2 A plough-shaped beam or timber. -3 The palm tree. -4 The membrum virile. -5 A kind of flower. -6 A particular appearance of the moon. -7 A kind of timber (used in building houses). -8 A pole for gathering fruit from a tree; Rām. -लः A kind of rice. -ला The cocoa-nut tree. -Comp. -ग्रहः a ploughman, peasant. -दण्डः the pole of a plough. -ध्वजः N. of Balarāma. -पद्धतिः f. a furrow; also लाङ्गलकमार्ग. -फालः a ploughshare. |
vādgalam | वाद्गलम् The lip. वाध्, वाध, वाधक, वाधन-ना, वाधा See वाध्, बाध, बाधक, बाधन-ना, बाधा. |
sārgala | सार्गल a. Barred, obstructed, impeded; ईप्सितं तदवज्ञानाद् विद्धि सार्गलमात्मनः R.1.79. |
gala | m. throat, neck: -vârtta, a. living only for his throat (=belly); -sundikâ, f. uvula: du. soft palate; -hasta, m. hand on (=seizure by) the throat. |
ajagalastana | m. dew-lap on the neck of the goat. |
adurmaṅgala | a. (î) causing no calamity. |
anargala | a. unhindered, free. |
amaṅgala a-maṅgala, ˚lya | a. baneful; n. mischief. |
argala | m. n. bolt; obstacle. |
chagala | m. goat: î, f. she-goat. |
jaṅgala | a. [very thirsty], dry, desert; deserted; m. desert (jungle). |
jāṅgala | a. open, dry, even, and pro ductive(country); existing in such a country; m. quail; n. game, meat. |
nāgalatā | f. a tree; N.; -lekhâ, f. N.; -loka, m. world or abode of the Nâgas; coll. the serpents; -vatta, m. N.; -vall&ibrevcirc;, f. the betel plant, piper betel; -vasâ, f. female elephant; -sûra, m. N.; -sthala, n. N. of a village; -svâmin, m. N. |
nirargala | a. unchecked, undis turbed, free, irresistible. |
piṅgala | a. tawny; tawny-eyed or red-eyed; m. ep. of Siva and of a Dânava; N., esp. of a writer on metre: â, f. kind of leech; a-ka, m. Tawny, N. of a lion; i-kâ, f. N.; (a)-gândhâra, m. N. of a fairy. |
pudgala | a. beautiful; m. body; material object (including atoms); the ego, soul; individual. |
paiṅgala | m. pat. fr. Pi&ndot;gala; n. treatise composed by Pi&ndot;gala; -ya, n. tawny colour. |
pratimaṅgalavāra | m. pl. every Tuesday; -mandala, n. counter or second disc; -mantrana, n. response; -man tram, ad. with or at every verse; -mandi ram, ad. in every house; -manvantara, n. every Manu period: -m or e, in every --; -malla, m. counter-wrestler, opposing war rior; rival. |
bṛgala | n. piece, morsel (only --°ree;). |
maṅgala | n. [brightness: √ mañg] luck, fortune, happiness, bliss (sts. pl.); prosperity, welfare; auspiciousness; good omen, whateverconduces to an auspicious issue; benediction, blessing; auspicious or lucky object, amulet; solemn ceremony, auspicious festivity (on important occasions); good old custom; good work; a. auspicious, propitious; m. planet Mars; N.: -karana, n. uttering a prayer for theauspicious issue of an undertaking; -ka lasa-maya, a. consisting of festal jars; -kâr aka, a. productive of prosperity, auspicious; -kâla, m. auspicious time; -kshauma, n. du. two festal garments (upper and lower) of linen; -gâthikâ, f. solemn chant; -gîta, n. id.; -ghata, m. N. of an elephant; -kand ikâ, f. a form of Durgâ; -tûrya, n. musical instrument used on festive occasions: -nisva na, m. sound of auspicious musical instruments; -devatâ, f. tutelary deity (only --°ree;); -pattra, n. leaf used as an amulet; -pâthaka, m. pronouncer of benedictions, professional panegyrist; -pâtra, n. auspicious pot or vessel (containing propitious objects); -pura, n. N. of a town; -pushpa-maya, a. made of auspicious flowers (garland); -pra tisara, m. cord of an amulet; -prada, a. auspicious; -maya, a. (î) consisting of no thing but luck etc.; -vat-î, f. N.; -vâdin, a. pronouncing a blessing; -vrishabha, m. bull with auspicious marks; -sabda, m. benediction, greeting; -sûkaka, a. indicative of good luck, auspicious. |
mudgala | m. [shouting for joy], N., esp. of a Rishi. |
mṛgalakṣman | m. (marked with an antelope), moon; -lâñkhana, m. id.; -le khâ, f. deer-like streak in the moon; -lom ika, a. woollen; -vana, n. forest abounding in game, hunting forest. |
yugala | m. n. pair, couple: -ka, n. id.; double stanza (forming one sentence). |
laṅgala | n. plough (= lâ&ndot;gala). |
lāṅgala | n. plough: -dhvaga, m. (hav ing a plough in his banner), ep. of Balarâma. |
sanmaṅgala | n. good or prescribed rite; -mani, m. genuine gem; -mati, a. well disposed, noble-minded; -mantra, m. excel lent spell; -mâtra, a. of which being only is predicable; -mârga, m.right path (fig.): -yodhin, a. fighting honourably, -stha, a. walking in the right path; -mitra, n. good or true friend. |
samaṅgala | a. auspicious. |
haragalagaralatamāla | m. Tamâla-like poison on the neck of Siva (i.e. dark like the Tamâla tree); -datta, m. N.; -pura, n. N. of a town; -bala, m. N.; -vrishabha, m. Siva's bull. |
atho | hāsi sumaṅgalaḥ # AVP.3.28.6d. |
ahne | śuklaṃ piṅgākṣam (TB. piṅgalam) # VS.30.21; TB. |
idaṃ | bhadraṃ sumaṅgalam # SMB.2.4.1b; JG.1.1b. |
uta | babhruḥ sumaṅgalaḥ (AVPṇīlarU. babhrur vilohitaḥ) # AVP.14.3.9b; VS.16.6b; TS.; MS.2.9.2b: 121.8; KS.17.11b; NīlarU.9b. |
ut | tiṣṭha puruṣa harita piṅgala lohitākṣi (MahānU. puruṣāharitapiṅgala lohitākṣa) dehi dehi dadāpayitā me śudhyantām # TA.10.60.1; Tā.10.65; MahānU.20.24. |
ūrjaṃ | vasānaḥ śravase sumaṅgalaḥ # RV.9.80.3b. |
ṛchanti | ṣma niṣpado mudgalānīm # RV.10.102.6d. |
kūpaś | cāyaṃ sumaṅgalaḥ # AVP.2.79.1b. |
kṣaranti | piṅgalā ekarūpāḥ # TA.3.11.10b. |
gandharvāpsarābhyaḥ | sragalaṃkaraṇe # TA.3.10.3. |
gavāṃ | mudgalaḥ pṛtanājyeṣu # RV.10.102.9d; N.9.24d. |
gavāṃ | mudgalaḥ pradhane jigāya # RV.10.102.5d; N.9.23d. |
tāṃ | tvā mudgalā haviṣā vardhayanti # TB. |
tṛtīyekaś | ca mauñjigalaś ca # AVP.4.24.6b. |
namaḥ | kṛṣṇāya piṅgalāya namaḥ # GDh.26.12. |
nīlagalamālaḥ | śivaḥ paśya # NīlarU.22b. Variants in Jacob's Concordance, s.v. nīlāgalasālā. Cf. nīlāgalasālā. |
nīlāgalasālā | # AVś.6.16.4c. Cf. nīlagalamālaḥ. |
paripāṇaḥ | sumaṅgalaḥ # AVś.8.5.1d,16d; 19.34.7d; AVP.11.3.7d. |
piśaṅge | sūtre khṛgalam # AVś.3.9.3a. See sūtre piśaṅge. |
puruṣaṃ | kṛṣṇapiṅgalam # TA.10.12.1b; MahānU.12.1b. |
brahmā | vāsaḥ sumaṅgalam # AVś.14.1.30b. |
bhadraṃ | sumaṅgalam # Kauś.50.16. Cf. bhadraṃ ka-. |
mā | va ā śāri lāṅgalam # AVP.11.15.1d. |
yad | etad bhāti maṅgalam # SMB.2.4.13b. |
yad | babhūva galantyaśaḥ # AVP.1.59.1b. |
gala | neck | SB 5.5.31 |
gala-grahaṇa-niśceṣṭaḥ | because of Kṛṣṇa's grasping the neck of the demon Tṛṇāvarta, the demon choked and could not do anything | SB 10.7.28 |
gala-grahaṇa-niśceṣṭaḥ | because of Kṛṣṇa's grasping the neck of the demon Tṛṇāvarta, the demon choked and could not do anything | SB 10.7.28 |
gala-grahaṇa-niśceṣṭaḥ | because of Kṛṣṇa's grasping the neck of the demon Tṛṇāvarta, the demon choked and could not do anything | SB 10.7.28 |
gala-śobhi-kaustubham | on His neck was the Kaustubha gem, which is particularly available in Vaikuṇṭhaloka | SB 10.3.6 |
gala-śobhi-kaustubham | on His neck was the Kaustubha gem, which is particularly available in Vaikuṇṭhaloka | SB 10.3.6 |
gala-śobhi-kaustubham | on His neck was the Kaustubha gem, which is particularly available in Vaikuṇṭhaloka | SB 10.3.6 |
galaiḥ | having their necks | SB 6.11.17 |
galat-aśru-dhārayā | by streams of tears running down | CC Antya 20.36 |
galat-aśru-dhārayā | by streams of tears running down | CC Antya 20.36 |
galat-aśru-dhārayā | by streams of tears running down | CC Antya 20.36 |
galat-kuṣṭhī | suffering from leprosy | CC Antya 4.189 |
galat-kuṣṭhī | suffering from leprosy | CC Antya 4.189 |
mańgala-ācaraṇa | auspicious invocation | CC Adi 1.20 |
mańgala-ācaraṇa | auspicious invocation | CC Adi 1.22 |
mańgala-ācaraṇa | auspicious invocation | CC Adi 1.29 |
mańgala-ācaraṇa | auspicious invocation | CC Adi 1.33 |
mańgala-ācaraṇa | invocation of benediction | CC Adi 1.83 |
mańgala-ācaraṇa | invocation of auspiciousness | CC Adi 17.313 |
mańgala-ācaraṇam | invoking auspiciousness | CC Adi 4.276 |
mańgala-ācaraṇe | in the auspicious introduction | CC Adi 3.80 |
mańgala-ācaraṇe | in the auspicious introduction | CC Madhya 19.133 |
mańgala-ācaraṇe | in the auspicious invocation | CC Madhya 20.358 |
mańgala-ācaraṇe | in the performance of auspiciousness in the beginning | CC Antya 1.182 |
mańgala-ācaritaiḥ | by auspicious activities | CC Adi 6.61 |
mudgala-ādayaḥ | headed by Mudgala | SB 9.21.30 |
āgala | foremost | CC Adi 6.48 |
āgala | first class | CC Adi 17.232 |
ajā-gala-stana | nipples on the neck of a goat | CC Adi 5.61 |
ajā-gala-stana-nyāya | like the nipples on the neck of a goat | CC Madhya 24.93 |
mańgala-bhūyiṣṭha-pura-grāma-vraja-ākarāḥ | whose many cities, towns, pasturing grounds and mines became auspicious and very neat and clean | SB summary |
amańgala-prāyān | merged into misfortune | SB 8.5.19-20 |
amańgala-kāriṇi | was acting very inauspiciously | SB 9.16.17 |
amańgala | inauspiciousness | SB 10.90.47 |
amańgala-ghnaḥ | which destroys everything inauspicious | SB 12.3.15 |
amańgala | inauspiciousness | CC Adi 8.35 |
amańgala | inauspiciousness | CC Madhya 24.59 |
amańgalaḥ | inauspicious | SB 6.2.47-48 |
amańgalaḥ | a little inauspicious in some other detail | SB 8.8.22 |
amańgalaiḥ | inauspicious | SB 1.14.40 |
amańgalaiḥ | by misdeeds | SB 3.24.27 |
amańgalam | ill fortune | SB 4.8.17 |
amańgalam | impure | SB 6.18.47 |
amańgalam | inauspicious, inferior | SB 8.7.3 |
amańgalam | inauspicious | SB 9.19.15 |
amańgalam | inauspicious sinful reactions | SB 10.38.6 |
amańgalam | the inauspiciousness | SB 10.46.46 |
amańgalam | inauspicious unhappiness | SB 11.19.18 |
anargala | unchecked | CC Adi 11.59 |
anargala | unchecked | CC Adi 11.59 |
anargala | without restriction | CC Madhya 15.42 |
anargala-dhiyām | constantly thinking of Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa | CC Antya 1.138 |
anargala | incessantly | CC Antya 7.36 |
kṛṣṇa-prema anargala | incessantly overwhelmed with ecstatic love of Kṛṣṇa | CC Antya 13.135 |
ańghri-yugalam | the two feet | SB 10.41.14 |
ańghri-yugalau | the two feet of each of Them | SB 10.42.25 |
mańgala-ārati | the early ārati | CC Madhya 4.209 |
mańgala-ārati | the mańgala-ārati performance | CC Madhya 5.139 |
caraṇa-aravinda-yugala | whose two lotus feet | SB 6.16.25 |
nīvi-bandha-argala | of the impediments such as tightened dresses and belts | CC Antya 1.168 |
dīrgha-argala | long bolts | CC Antya 15.75 |
argalaḥ | from the chains | SB 12.3.44 |
argalaḥ | like bolts | CC Antya 15.78 |
aśeṣa-mańgalam | all-auspicious | SB 10.38.13 |
āviṣkṛta-bhuja-yugala-dvayam | who manifested Himself with four arms | SB 5.3.3 |
mańgala-āyanāḥ | O personified good fortune | SB 4.22.7 |
mańgala-ayanam | which brings good fortune | SB 11.30.9 |
nīvi-bandha-argala | of the impediments such as tightened dresses and belts | CC Antya 1.168 |
bhramara-yugala | like two bumblebees | CC Madhya 12.211 |
āviṣkṛta-bhuja-yugala-dvayam | who manifested Himself with four arms | SB 5.3.3 |
bhuja-yugala | two arms | CC Antya 15.75 |
bhuvana-mańgala | O You who are all-auspicious for all the universes | SB 3.9.4 |
bhuvana-mańgala | O most auspicious of the entire world | CC Madhya 25.38 |
bhuvana-mańgala | they are all-auspicious for all the universes | CC Antya 5.124-125 |
mańgala-bhūyiṣṭha-pura-grāma-vraja-ākarāḥ | whose many cities, towns, pasturing grounds and mines became auspicious and very neat and clean | SB summary |
bilvamańgala | Bilvamańgala | CC Madhya 10.177 |
caitanya-mańgala | the book of this name | CC Adi 8.33 |
caitanya-mańgala | the book named Caitanya-mańgala | CC Adi 8.35 |
caitanya-mańgala | the book named Caitanya-mańgala | CC Adi 8.38 |
caitanya-mańgala | the book of the name Caitanya-mańgala | CC Adi 8.44 |
caitanya-mańgala | the book Caitanya-mańgala | CC Adi 8.63 |
caitanya-mańgala | the book of the name Caitanya-mańgala | CC Adi 11.54 |
mańgala-caṇḍī | of the religious performance for worship of Mańgalacaṇḍī | CC Adi 17.205 |
caraṇa-aravinda-yugala | whose two lotus feet | SB 6.16.25 |
caraṇa-nalina-yugalam | two lotus feet | SB 12.6.72 |
mańgala-caritra | all characteristics are auspicious | CC Adi 6.12 |
mańgala-guṇa-dhāma | the reservoir of all auspicious attributes | CC Adi 6.12 |
anargala-dhiyām | constantly thinking of Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa | CC Antya 1.138 |
mańgala-dhvani | an auspicious sound | CC Madhya 25.65 |
mańgala-dhvani | an auspicious sound | CC Antya 14.102 |
dhyāna-mańgalam | the auspicious object of meditation | SB 11.14.36-42 |
dīrgha-argala | long bolts | CC Antya 15.75 |
mańgala-dravya | auspicious things | CC Adi 13.114 |
āviṣkṛta-bhuja-yugala-dvayam | who manifested Himself with four arms | SB 5.3.3 |
ajā-gala-stana | nipples on the neck of a goat | CC Adi 5.61 |
ajā-gala-stana-nyāya | like the nipples on the neck of a goat | CC Madhya 24.93 |
amańgala-ghnaḥ | which destroys everything inauspicious | SB 12.3.15 |
mańgala-bhūyiṣṭha-pura-grāma-vraja-ākarāḥ | whose many cities, towns, pasturing grounds and mines became auspicious and very neat and clean | SB summary |
mańgala-guṇa-dhāma | the reservoir of all auspicious attributes | CC Adi 6.12 |
ha-ilā pāgala | became mad | CC Adi 6.48 |
ha-ila mańgala | all auspiciousness unto you | CC Madhya 1.186 |
ha-ila pāgala | has become a madman | CC Madhya 17.119 |
ha-ilā pāgala | became mad | CC Antya 19.89 |
mańgala haya | there is auspiciousness | CC Madhya 18.142 |
ha-ilā pāgala | became mad | CC Adi 6.48 |
ha-ila mańgala | all auspiciousness unto you | CC Madhya 1.186 |
ha-ila pāgala | has become a madman | CC Madhya 17.119 |
ha-ilā pāgala | became mad | CC Antya 19.89 |
jagat-mańgalam | the most auspicious performance within this material world | SB 6.3.31 |
jagat-mańgalam | for the auspiciousness of the whole world | SB 7.8.49 |
jagat-mańgalam | auspiciousness for all living entities in all the universes of the creation | SB 10.2.18 |
jagat-mańgala | all-auspicious for the world | CC Adi 6.12 |
jagat-mańgala | all-auspicious to the whole world | CC Madhya 17.113 |
jagat-mańgalam | auspicious for the whole world | CC Antya 3.181 |
kuru-jāńgala | the province of Delhi | SB 1.10.34-35 |
kuru-jāńgala | the region of the Kuru forests (the districts of Thaneswar and Kurukṣetra) | SB 10.86.20 |
kabara-vigalat-mālatī | and mālatī flowers were dropping from her hair | SB 10.9.3 |
amańgala-kāriṇi | was acting very inauspiciously | SB 9.16.17 |
kṛṣṇa-prema anargala | incessantly overwhelmed with ecstatic love of Kṛṣṇa | CC Antya 13.135 |
kuru-jāńgala | the province of Delhi | SB 1.10.34-35 |
kuru-jāńgala | the region of the Kuru forests (the districts of Thaneswar and Kurukṣetra) | SB 10.86.20 |
lāńgala | of My plow | SB 10.65.26 |
lāńgala | of His plow | SB 10.68.41 |
lāńgala | plow | CC Adi 17.119 |
lāńgalaḥ | Lāńgala | SB 9.12.14 |
lāńgalaiḥ | with plows | SB 10.74.12 |
loka-mańgalam | auspicious for everyone | SB 4.6.35 |
mahā-mańgala uṭhila | all good fortune awakened | CC Madhya 11.217 |
kabara-vigalat-mālatī | and mālatī flowers were dropping from her hair | SB 10.9.3 |
śravaṇa-mańgala | all good simply by hearing the name | SB 2.7.15 |
bhuvana-mańgala | O You who are all-auspicious for all the universes | SB 3.9.4 |
mańgala | O most auspicious | SB 4.6.45 |
mańgala | auspicious | SB 4.21.42 |
mańgala-āyanāḥ | O personified good fortune | SB 4.22.7 |
parama-mańgala | supreme bliss | SB 5.3.11 |
mańgala-pūjitāḥ | well worshiped and satisfied | SB 5.4.7 |
mańgala | of auspiciousness | SB 5.6.16 |
mańgala-prasthaḥ | Mańgala-prastha | SB 5.19.16 |
parama-mańgala | the most auspicious | SB 6.9.33 |
mańgala-mańgalam | personification of the topmost religious principle | SB 6.17.13 |
sarva-mańgala | with all auspicious items | SB 6.18.52 |
mańgala | is auspicious | SB 8.17.8 |
mańgala | whose auspiciousness | SB 9.10.20 |
mańgala-bhūyiṣṭha-pura-grāma-vraja-ākarāḥ | whose many cities, towns, pasturing grounds and mines became auspicious and very neat and clean | SB summary |
parama-mańgala | whatever You do is good | SB 10.10.36 |
mańgala-svanān | transcendental sounds auspicious for everyone | SB 10.12.35 |
mańgala | auspicious | SB 10.47.67 |
mańgala | auspicious offerings | SB 10.68.18 |
mańgala | O creator of good fortune | SB 10.70.44 |
mańgala | auspicious offerings | SB 10.71.36 |
mańgala-ayanam | which brings good fortune | SB 11.30.9 |
sarva-mańgala | of all auspicious things | SB 11.31.24 |
mańgala | auspicious | SB 12.11.25 |
mańgala-ācaraṇa | auspicious invocation | CC Adi 1.20 |
mańgala-ācaraṇa | auspicious invocation | CC Adi 1.22 |
mańgala-ācaraṇa | auspicious invocation | CC Adi 1.29 |
mańgala-ācaraṇa | auspicious invocation | CC Adi 1.33 |
mańgala-ācaraṇa | invocation of benediction | CC Adi 1.83 |
mańgala | auspicious | CC Adi 1.104 |
mańgala | auspicious | CC Adi 2.4 |
mańgala-ācaraṇe | in the auspicious introduction | CC Adi 3.80 |
mańgala-ācaraṇam | invoking auspiciousness | CC Adi 4.276 |
parama-mańgala | all-auspicious | CC Adi 5.228 |
jagat-mańgala | all-auspicious for the world | CC Adi 6.12 |
mańgala-guṇa-dhāma | the reservoir of all auspicious attributes | CC Adi 6.12 |
mańgala-caritra | all characteristics are auspicious | CC Adi 6.12 |
mańgala | auspicious | CC Adi 6.12 |
mańgala-ācaritaiḥ | by auspicious activities | CC Adi 6.61 |
caitanya-mańgala | the book of this name | CC Adi 8.33 |
caitanya-mańgala | the book named Caitanya-mańgala | CC Adi 8.35 |
caitanya-mańgala | the book named Caitanya-mańgala | CC Adi 8.38 |
caitanya-mańgala | the book of the name Caitanya-mańgala | CC Adi 8.44 |
caitanya-mańgala | the book Caitanya-mańgala | CC Adi 8.63 |
śrī-nāma-mańgala | the auspicious Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra | CC Adi 10.75 |
caitanya-mańgala | the book of the name Caitanya-mańgala | CC Adi 11.54 |
mańgala vaiṣṇava | Mańgala Vaiṣṇava | CC Adi 12.87 |
mańgala-dravya | auspicious things | CC Adi 13.114 |
mańgala-caṇḍī | of the religious performance for worship of Mańgalacaṇḍī | CC Adi 17.205 |
mańgala-ācaraṇa | invocation of auspiciousness | CC Adi 17.313 |
mańgala | good fortune | CC Madhya 1.177 |
ha-ila mańgala | all auspiciousness unto you | CC Madhya 1.186 |
mańgala-ārati | the early ārati | CC Madhya 4.209 |
mańgala-ārati | the mańgala-ārati performance | CC Madhya 5.139 |
mahā-mańgala uṭhila | all good fortune awakened | CC Madhya 11.217 |
jagat-mańgala | all-auspicious to the whole world | CC Madhya 17.113 |
mańgala haya | there is auspiciousness | CC Madhya 18.142 |
mańgala-ācaraṇe | in the auspicious introduction | CC Madhya 19.133 |
mańgala-ācaraṇe | in the auspicious invocation | CC Madhya 20.358 |
bhuvana-mańgala | O most auspicious of the entire world | CC Madhya 25.38 |
mańgala-dhvani | an auspicious sound | CC Madhya 25.65 |
mańgala-ācaraṇe | in the performance of auspiciousness in the beginning | CC Antya 1.182 |
parama mańgala | everything is auspicious | CC Antya 4.24 |
mańgala | auspiciousness | CC Antya 4.29 |
sakala mańgala | all auspiciousness | CC Antya 4.44 |
bhuvana-mańgala | they are all-auspicious for all the universes | CC Antya 5.124-125 |
mańgala-dhvani | an auspicious sound | CC Antya 14.102 |
mańgalaḥ | whose righteous acts | SB 3.21.25 |
nitya-mańgalaḥ | his daily spiritual duties | SB 4.12.28 |
mańgalaḥ | all good fortune | SB 4.14.29 |
su-mańgalaḥ | auspicious in every respect | SB 8.8.22 |
mańgalaḥ | auspicious | SB 10.58.29 |
mańgalaḥ | whose good fortune | SB 10.74.38 |
naṣṭa-mańgalaḥ | bereft of all auspiciousness or piety | SB 11.7.4 |
mańgalaiḥ | auspicious articles | SB 4.21.4 |
su-mańgalaiḥ | most auspicious | SB 10.38.12 |
mańgalaiḥ | with auspicious items | SB 10.54.56 |
mańgalam | welfare | SB 1.2.5 |
mańgalam | auspicious | SB 1.12.13 |
su-mańgalam | all-auspicious | SB 2.6.36 |
parama-mańgalam | the highest good fortune | SB 4.1.54-55 |
loka-mańgalam | auspicious for everyone | SB 4.6.35 |
mańgalam | good fortune | SB 4.22.7 |
mańgalam | auspicious | SB 4.24.31 |
mańgalam | all-auspicious | SB 6.2.34 |
jagat-mańgalam | the most auspicious performance within this material world | SB 6.3.31 |
mańgala-mańgalam | personification of the topmost religious principle | SB 6.17.13 |
mańgalam | auspicious | SB 6.18.78 |
jagat-mańgalam | for the auspiciousness of the whole world | SB 7.8.49 |
su-mańgalam | all-auspicious | SB 8.3.7 |
su-mańgalam | and very auspicious (to hear) | SB 8.3.20-21 |
śīla-mańgalam | good behavior or auspiciousness | SB 8.8.22 |
su-mańgalam | all-auspicious | SB 8.18.28 |
su-mańgalam | for the purpose of their auspicious departure | SB 10.1.33 |
jagat-mańgalam | auspiciousness for all living entities in all the universes of the creation | SB 10.2.18 |
śravaṇa-mańgalam | giving spiritual benefit when heard | SB 10.31.9 |
mańgalam | auspicious | SB 10.31.10 |
viśva-mańgalam | all-auspicious | SB 10.31.18 |
mańgalam | happiness | SB 10.34.23 |
aśeṣa-mańgalam | all-auspicious | SB 10.38.13 |
mańgalam | auspicious mantras | SB 10.53.10 |
mańgalam | auspicious rituals | SB 10.56.10 |
su-mańgalam | most auspicious | SB 10.57.42 |
su-mańgalam | very auspicious | SB 11.1.10 |
parama-mańgalam | supremely auspicious | SB 11.6.44 |
dhyāna-mańgalam | the auspicious object of meditation | SB 11.14.36-42 |
su-mańgalam | all-auspicious | SB 11.30.28-32 |
mańgalam | the auspicious object | SB 11.31.6 |
mańgalam | the most auspicious | SB 11.31.24 |
mańgalam | auspicious | SB 12.12.49 |
śravaṇa-mańgalam | giving all spiritual benefit to anyone who hears | CC Madhya 14.13 |
jagat-mańgalam | auspicious for the whole world | CC Antya 3.181 |
mīna-yugalam | possessing two fish | SB 5.2.13 |
mudgala-ādayaḥ | headed by Mudgala | SB 9.21.30 |
vātsya-mudgala-śālīya | to Vātsya, Mudgala and Śālīya | SB 12.6.57 |
nalina-yugala | like two blue lotus flowers | SB 6.9.41 |
caraṇa-nalina-yugalam | two lotus feet | SB 12.6.72 |
śrī-nāma-mańgala | the auspicious Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra | CC Adi 10.75 |
naṣṭa-mańgalaḥ | bereft of all auspiciousness or piety | SB 11.7.4 |
nāṭaka-yugala | two dramas | CC Antya 4.225 |
nayana-yugala | two eyes | CC Madhya 12.212 |
nayana-yugala | a pair of eyes | CC Madhya 13.168 |
nitya-mańgalaḥ | his daily spiritual duties | SB 4.12.28 |
nīvi-bandha-argala | of the impediments such as tightened dresses and belts | CC Antya 1.168 |
ajā-gala-stana-nyāya | like the nipples on the neck of a goat | CC Madhya 24.93 |
pāda-yugalam | both the feet | SB 4.26.20 |
pāda-yugalam | the two lotus feet | SB 10.21.15 |
pāda-yugalam | to his two feet | SB 10.69.14 |
ha-ilā pāgala | became mad | CC Adi 6.48 |
pāgala | madman | CC Adi 7.80 |
pāgala | madman | CC Adi 7.81 |
praśraya-pāgala | became mad by such indulgence | CC Adi 17.140 |
pāgala | mad | CC Adi 17.209 |
pāgala | mad | CC Adi 17.232 |
pāgala | You are a madman | CC Madhya 3.97 |
pāgala | mad | CC Madhya 5.60 |
pāgala | mad | CC Madhya 13.48 |
premete pāgala | mad in ecstatic love | CC Madhya 16.227 |
ha-ila pāgala | has become a madman | CC Madhya 17.119 |
pāgala | mad | CC Madhya 18.120 |
pāgala | intoxicated | CC Madhya 18.182 |
pāgala | foolish | CC Antya 12.60 |
ha-ilā pāgala | became mad | CC Antya 19.89 |
parama-mańgalam | the highest good fortune | SB 4.1.54-55 |
parama-mańgala | supreme bliss | SB 5.3.11 |
parama-mańgala | the most auspicious | SB 6.9.33 |
parama-mańgala | whatever You do is good | SB 10.10.36 |
parama-mańgalam | supremely auspicious | SB 11.6.44 |
parama-mańgala | all-auspicious | CC Adi 5.228 |
parama mańgala | everything is auspicious | CC Antya 4.24 |
praśraya-pāgala | became mad by such indulgence | CC Adi 17.140 |
mańgala-prasthaḥ | Mańgala-prastha | SB 5.19.16 |
amańgala-prāyān | merged into misfortune | SB 8.5.19-20 |
kṛṣṇa-prema anargala | incessantly overwhelmed with ecstatic love of Kṛṣṇa | CC Antya 13.135 |
premete pāgala | mad in ecstatic love | CC Madhya 16.227 |
mańgala-pūjitāḥ | well worshiped and satisfied | SB 5.4.7 |
mańgala-bhūyiṣṭha-pura-grāma-vraja-ākarāḥ | whose many cities, towns, pasturing grounds and mines became auspicious and very neat and clean | SB summary |
sa-sumańgalaiḥ | with all-auspicious signs | SB 1.11.18 |
sakala mańgala | all auspiciousness | CC Antya 4.44 |
vātsya-mudgala-śālīya | to Vātsya, Mudgala and Śālīya | SB 12.6.57 |
saṃskāra-yugala | by both previous and current purificatory methods | CC Madhya 23.95-98 |
sarva-mańgala | with all auspicious items | SB 6.18.52 |
sarva-mańgala | of all auspicious things | SB 11.31.24 |
śīla-mańgalam | good behavior or auspiciousness | SB 8.8.22 |
śravaṇa-mańgala | all good simply by hearing the name | SB 2.7.15 |
śravaṇa-mańgalam | giving spiritual benefit when heard | SB 10.31.9 |
śravaṇa-mańgalam | giving all spiritual benefit to anyone who hears | CC Madhya 14.13 |
śrī-nāma-mańgala | the auspicious Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra | CC Adi 10.75 |
ajā-gala-stana | nipples on the neck of a goat | CC Adi 5.61 |
ajā-gala-stana-nyāya | like the nipples on the neck of a goat | CC Madhya 24.93 |
su-mańgalam | all-auspicious | SB 2.6.36 |
su-mańgalam | all-auspicious | SB 8.3.7 |
su-mańgalam | and very auspicious (to hear) | SB 8.3.20-21 |
su-mańgalaḥ | auspicious in every respect | SB 8.8.22 |
su-mańgalam | all-auspicious | SB 8.18.28 |
su-mańgalam | for the purpose of their auspicious departure | SB 10.1.33 |
su-mańgalaiḥ | most auspicious | SB 10.38.12 |
su-mańgalam | most auspicious | SB 10.57.42 |
su-mańgalam | very auspicious | SB 11.1.10 |
su-mańgalam | all-auspicious | SB 11.30.28-32 |
sa-sumańgalaiḥ | with all-auspicious signs | SB 1.11.18 |
mańgala-svanān | transcendental sounds auspicious for everyone | SB 10.12.35 |
timińgalaḥ | and huge timińgila fish | SB 10.56.28 |
udgalat | overflowing | SB 1.10.14 |
mahā-mańgala uṭhila | all good fortune awakened | CC Madhya 11.217 |
mańgala vaiṣṇava | Mańgala Vaiṣṇava | CC Adi 12.87 |
vātsya-mudgala-śālīya | to Vātsya, Mudgala and Śālīya | SB 12.6.57 |
vigalat | was falling down | SB 6.14.53 |
kabara-vigalat-mālatī | and mālatī flowers were dropping from her hair | SB 10.9.3 |
viśva-mańgalam | all-auspicious | SB 10.31.18 |
mańgala-bhūyiṣṭha-pura-grāma-vraja-ākarāḥ | whose many cities, towns, pasturing grounds and mines became auspicious and very neat and clean | SB summary |
yugala | two | SB 5.1.23 |
yugala | by the pair | SB 5.1.29 |
āviṣkṛta-bhuja-yugala-dvayam | who manifested Himself with four arms | SB 5.3.3 |
yugala | pair | SB 5.17.2 |
yugala | of the pair | SB 5.25.4 |
nalina-yugala | like two blue lotus flowers | SB 6.9.41 |
caraṇa-aravinda-yugala | whose two lotus feet | SB 6.16.25 |
yugala | a pair | SB 10.39.49-50 |
yugala | the couple | CC Madhya 8.256 |
bhramara-yugala | like two bumblebees | CC Madhya 12.211 |
nayana-yugala | two eyes | CC Madhya 12.212 |
nayana-yugala | a pair of eyes | CC Madhya 13.168 |
saṃskāra-yugala | by both previous and current purificatory methods | CC Madhya 23.95-98 |
nāṭaka-yugala | two dramas | CC Antya 4.225 |
bhuja-yugala | two arms | CC Antya 15.75 |
yugala | couples | CC Antya 18.95 |
yugala | couples | CC Antya 18.95 |
yugala | couples | CC Antya 18.96 |
yugala | on the pair | MM 18 |
pāda-yugalam | both the feet | SB 4.26.20 |
yugalam | like a pair | SB 5.2.5 |
mīna-yugalam | possessing two fish | SB 5.2.13 |
yugalam | the two | SB 5.9.3 |
pāda-yugalam | the two lotus feet | SB 10.21.15 |
ańghri-yugalam | the two feet | SB 10.41.14 |
pāda-yugalam | to his two feet | SB 10.69.14 |
yugalam | pair | SB 10.69.18 |
caraṇa-nalina-yugalam | two lotus feet | SB 12.6.72 |
ańghri-yugalau | the two feet of each of Them | SB 10.42.25 |
gala | noun (masculine) neck (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the throat (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 2390/72933 | |
galacarman | noun (neuter) the gullet (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) throat (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 51206/72933 | |
galadghaṭī | noun (feminine) Frequency rank 27817/72933 | |
galagaṇḍa | noun (masculine) goitre (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 8102/72933 | |
galagaṇḍin | adjective having a goitre (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 51203/72933 | |
galagolikā | noun (masculine feminine) a kind of venomous insect (kīṭa) Frequency rank 34613/72933 | |
galagolī | noun (feminine) a kind of snake Frequency rank 51204/72933 | |
galagraha | noun (masculine) a fish-sauce (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) begun but immediately interrupted study (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) compression of the throat (a kind of disease) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Kehlkrampf name of certain days in the dark fortnight (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) seizing by the throat (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) throttling (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 9594/72933 | |
galagrāha | noun (masculine) a crocodile of the Ganges (the long-nosed alligator) Frequency rank 51205/72933 | |
galahastay | verb (denominative parasmaipada) to seize someone at the throat Frequency rank 51212/72933 | |
galaka | noun (masculine) a kind of fish (small kind of Cyprinus) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Cyprinus Garra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 51202/72933 | |
galaka | noun (masculine) neck (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the throat (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 34612/72933 | |
galana | noun (neuter) dropping (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) falling down or off (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) fusing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) leaking (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) melting (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) trickling (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 27818/72933 | |
galarava | noun (masculine) a kind of bird Frequency rank 51207/72933 | |
galastana | noun (masculine) goitre Frequency rank 51210/72933 | |
galastanī | noun (feminine) a she-goat (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 51211/72933 | |
galatkuṣṭha | noun (neuter) Frequency rank 27816/72933 | |
galaugha | noun (masculine) tumor in the throat (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 23869/72933 | |
galauṣṭha | noun (masculine) [medic.] a kind of mukharoga Frequency rank 51215/72933 | |
galavidradhi | noun (masculine) abscess in the throat (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 27819/72933 | |
galaśuṇḍikā | noun (feminine) swelling of the uvula (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the uvula (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 14143/72933 | |
galaśuṇḍī | noun (feminine) swelling of the uvula (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 27820/72933 | |
galaśuṇṭhikā | noun (feminine) Frequency rank 51209/72933 | |
galaśālūka | noun (neuter) tumor in the throat (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 51208/72933 | |
ajāgalastana | noun (masculine) an emblem of any useless or worthless object or person (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) nipple or fleshy protuberance on the neck of goats (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 41897/72933 | |
ajāṅgala | adjective ānūpa Frequency rank 26148/72933 | |
anargala | adjective free (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) licentious (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) without bars or checks (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 26280/72933 | |
abhirāgala | noun (masculine) Frequency rank 44278/72933 | |
amaṅgala | adjective evil (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) inauspicious (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) unlucky (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 16460/72933 | |
amaṅgala | noun (neuter) ill-luck (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) inauspiciousness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 10864/72933 | |
argala | noun (neuter) a bar (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a wave (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a wooden bolt or pin for fastening a door or the cover of a vessel (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) check (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) impediment (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 10563/72933 | |
artagala | noun (masculine) Frequency rank 44921/72933 | |
ardhalāṅgala | noun (masculine) [medic.] a kind of incision; ardhalāṅgalaka Frequency rank 44963/72933 | |
ardhalāṅgalaka | noun (masculine) a kind of cut applied to bhagandara (fistula of the rectum) Frequency rank 44964/72933 | |
avigalana | noun (neuter) Nicht-Verschwinden Frequency rank 45334/72933 | |
aṣṭamaṅgala | noun (masculine) a horse with a white face, tail, mane, breast, and hoofs (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 45723/72933 | |
āpiṅgala | adjective reddish Frequency rank 46462/72933 | |
ārtagala | noun (masculine) the plant Barleria Caeruli (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 14037/72933 | |
ekapiṅgala | noun (masculine) name of Kuvera (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 47976/72933 | |
kurujāṅgala | noun (masculine) an inhabitant of the country Kurujāṅgala Frequency rank 27590/72933 | |
kurujāṅgala | noun (neuter) name of a country (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 10061/72933 | |
kṛṣṇapiṅgala | noun (masculine) name of a man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) [rel.] name of Śiva Frequency rank 27640/72933 | |
kautukamaṅgala | noun (neuter) an auspicious ceremony (esp. the ceremony with the marriage-thread preceding a marriage) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 12913/72933 | |
godānamaṅgala | noun (neuter) a ceremony performed with the side-hair of a youth of 16 or 18 years (when he has attained puberty and shortly before marriage) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 51527/72933 | |
granthyapacyarbudagalagaṇḍacikitsita | noun (neuter) name of Suśrutasaṃhitā, Cik. 18 Frequency rank 51709/72933 | |
chagala | noun (masculine) a he-goat (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a family (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a locality (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a muni (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 15708/72933 | |
chāgala | noun (neuter) [erotics] a kind of coitus Frequency rank 35056/72933 | |
chāgala | adjective born in Chagala (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) coming from a goat (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 21308/72933 | |
chāgala | noun (masculine) a goat (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a mountain (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) patr. from Chagala (if of Atri's family) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 14894/72933 | |
chāgalaka | noun (masculine) a kind of fish (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 52541/72933 | |
chāgalapañcaka | noun (neuter) name of a varga Frequency rank 52542/72933 | |
jagala | noun (masculine) a kind of spirituous liquor (or fluid suitable for distillation ) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Vangueria spinosa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 35083/72933 | |
jaṅgala | noun (masculine) meat (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) [rel.] a form of Śiva Frequency rank 35086/72933 | |
jāṅgala | noun (neuter) meat (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) venison (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 6505/72933 | |
jāṅgala | adjective arid (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) coming from wild deer (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) covered with jungle (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) found or existing in a jungly district (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) made of arid wood (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) not tame (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) savage (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) sparingly grown with trees and plants (though not unfertile) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) wild (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 3856/72933 | |
jāṅgala | noun (masculine) a forest animal
name of a man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a people (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the francoline partridge (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 12496/72933 | |
jāṅgalaka | noun (neuter) trockenes Land Frequency rank 52867/72933 | |
timiṅgala | noun (masculine) a kind of fish Frequency rank 53549/72933 | |
dantārgala | noun (neuter) Geschwüre am Zahn Frequency rank 54225/72933 | |
dalalāṅgala | noun (masculine) [medic.] a kind of incision; ardhalāṅgala Frequency rank 54274/72933 | |
dīptapiṅgala | noun (masculine) a lion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 54489/72933 | |
nāgalatā | noun (feminine) name of a woman (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Piper Betle (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the penis (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 55821/72933 | |
nigala | noun (masculine) a chain
a fetter
a sort of preparation which acts as a fetter to bind mercury and with which the crucible is smeared or plastered Frequency rank 7565/72933 | |
nirargala | adjective free (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) irresistible (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) unbarred (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) unimpeded (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 19512/72933 | |
piṅgala | adjective gold (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) reddish-brown (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) tawny (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) yellow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 4471/72933 | |
piṅgala | noun (masculine) a particular vegetable poison (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a small kind of lizard (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a small kind of owl (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a species of snake (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) an ape (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) an ichneumon (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) fire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) one of the Rudras yellow colour (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) [rel.] name of a Nāga Frequency rank 9016/72933 | |
piṅgala | noun (neuter) a particular metal (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) yellow orpiment (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 36874/72933 | |
piṅgalaka | noun (masculine) name of a lion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a serpent which was burnt in Janamejayas sarpasattra name of a Yakṣa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 11694/72933 | |
piṅgalaloha | noun (neuter) a kind of metal (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) brass rīti Frequency rank 36875/72933 | |
pudgala | noun (masculine) (with Jainas) material object (including atoms) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a horse of the colour of rockcrystal (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) personal entity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the body (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the Ego or individual (in a disparaging sense) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the soul (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 7839/72933 | |
poṭagala | noun (masculine) pañcajanya (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a fish (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a kind of snake a species of reed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Saccharum Spontaneum (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 16994/72933 | |
bodhapiṅgala | noun (masculine) name of a man Frequency rank 60382/72933 | |
bhujagalatā | noun (feminine) betel-pepper (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 60803/72933 | |
maṅgala | noun (neuter) (in music) a particular composition (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a good old custom (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a good work (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a prayer (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) anything auspicious or tending to a lucky issue (e.g. a good omen) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) auspicious ornament or amulet (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) benediction (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) bliss (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) felicity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) happiness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of the capital of Udyāna (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) welfare (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 1761/72933 | |
maṅgala | noun (masculine) name of Agni (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a Buddha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a chief of the Cālukyas (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a king belonging to the race of Manu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a poet (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of the planet Mars (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the smell of jasmine (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 15978/72933 | |
maṅgala | adjective auspicious
having the scent of jasmine (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) lucky (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 6168/72933 | |
maṅgalacchāya | noun (masculine) Ficus Infectoria (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 61127/72933 | |
maṅgaladevatā | noun (feminine) a tutelary deity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 29521/72933 | |
maṅgaladhvani | noun (masculine) an auspicious sound (e.g. marriage-music) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 61128/72933 | |
maṅgalapāṭhaka | noun (masculine) a professional well-wisher or panegyrist (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 61129/72933 | |
maṅgalaprada | noun (masculine) a conch Frequency rank 61130/72933 | |
maṅgalavant | adjective auspicious (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) blessed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 61131/72933 | |
mudgala | noun (neuter) mudgalāpaniṣad (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a species of grass (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 62347/72933 | |
mudgala | noun (masculine) name of a ṣi with the patr. Bhārmyaśva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a disciple of Sākalya (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a people (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of Bhadrāśva name of a son of Viśvāmitra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of various authors and other men (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the descendants of Mudgala (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 9445/72933 | |
yugala | noun (masculine neuter) a pair (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) brace (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) couple (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a prayer to Lakṣmī and Nārāyaṇa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 4516/72933 | |
yugalaka | noun (neuter) a pair (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) brace (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) couple (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 63064/72933 | |
raṅgalatā | noun (feminine) the senna plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 63281/72933 | |
rasamaṅgala | noun (masculine) name of a text Frequency rank 63469/72933 | |
rasendramaṅgala | noun (neuter) name of a text Frequency rank 25189/72933 | |
rasendramaṅgala | noun (masculine) name of an alchemical preparation Frequency rank 63506/72933 | |
lāṅgala | noun (masculine) a kind of rice (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a people (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a school (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of Śuddhoda and grandson of Śākya (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 64132/72933 | |
lāṅgala | noun (masculine neuter) a kind of flower (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a kind of pole used in gathering fruit from a tree (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a particular appearance presented by the moon (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a plough (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a plough-shaped beam or timber (used in the construction of a house) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) membrum virile (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the palm tree (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) [medic.] a kind of incision used in bhagandara Frequency rank 7727/72933 | |
lāṅgalaka | noun (masculine) a kind of cut applied to bhagandara (fistula of the rectum) Frequency rank 38897/72933 | |
lāṅgalaka | noun (neuter) a plough (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 64134/72933 | |
lāṅgalakī | noun (feminine) Methonia Superba or Jussiaea Repens (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 22158/72933 | |
lāṅgaladhvaja | noun (masculine) name of Balarāma (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 64135/72933 | |
varārgala | noun (masculine) a kind of plant Frequency rank 64684/72933 | |
vigalana | noun (neuter) Verschwinden
Wegfliessen Frequency rank 22226/72933 | |
samastamaṅgala | noun (neuter) name of a kavaca Frequency rank 68996/72933 | |
sumaṅgala | noun (neuter) a kind of poison
an auspicious object (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 40999/72933 | |
sumaṅgala | noun (masculine) name of a preceptor (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 13861/72933 |