āghuṣ | P. (subjunctive 3. plural -gh/oṣān-; parasmE-pada -ghoṣat-) to listen to (accusative or genitive case) ; (subjunctive -ghoṣāt-) to make one's self audible ; to cry aloud, proclaim (also A1. -ghoṣate-, ) : Causal -ghoṣayati-, to proclaim aloud ; to complain continually ; See also ā-ghoṣ/ayat-, etc. |
agotā | (a g/o-) f. want of cows  |
gaupatya | n. (fr. g/o-pati-), the possession of cattle  |
gaurivīti | (g/auri--) m. (equals g/aurī-viti-) Name of a ṛṣi- (descendant of śakti-)  |
gautamīputra | (g/aut-) m. "son of gautamī-", Name of a teacher  |
gav | in Vedic or Veda compound for g/o-  |
gava | mf(ī-)n. in compound before a word beginning with a vowel ([ ]) and in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ([ ; f(ī-). see guru-gav/ī-, brahma-gavī-, brāhmaṇa--, bhilla--, strī--]) for g/o-, a cow, cattle (see ṣaḍ-gav/a-, dvādaśa-gav/a-etc.)  |
gavāgra | n. equals g/o-agra-  |
gavaya | Nom. P. (fr. g/o-) yati- (Aorist ajūgavat-)  |
gavī | f. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' for g/o-, a cow, cattle (See before)  |
gāvī | f. (in dialect) for g/o-, a cow Introd. 35; 94; 97, and on Va1rtt. 6.  |
gaviṣṭha | m. (superl. of g/o-,"a ray";or fr. gavi-+ stha-,"standing in water") the sun  |
ghauṣeya | m. metron. fr. gh/oṣā- (Name of suhastya-)  |
ghoṣabuddha | (gh/oṣ-) mfn. made attentive by the sound  |
ghuṣ | cl.1 P. ghoṣati- (rarely A1. te- ; subjunctive gh/oṣāt-; perfect tense jughoṣa- ;3. plural jughuṣur- ; Aorist A1. gh/oṣi-) A1. to sound ; P. to cry or proclaim aloud, call out, announce publicly, declare etc.: Causal ghoṣayati- (subj. 2. sg. ṣ/ayas-), to call to, invite ; to cause to proclaim aloud ; to proclaim aloud  |
go | g/aus- (accusative g/ām- instrumental case g/avā- dative case g/ave-, genitive case ablative g/os- locative case g/avi-; dual number g/āvā-[Ved.], g/āvau-; plural Nominal verb g/āvas- accusative g/ās-[rarely g/āvas- ] instrumental case g/obhis- dative case ablative g/obhyas-, genitive case g/avām-[once at the end of a pāda- ] and [in at the end of pāda-s only see ] g/onām- locative case g/oṣu-) m. an ox f. a cow, (plural) cattle, kine, herd of cattle etc. (in compound before vowels[ see ] gav-, gava-,qq. vv.; see also gavām-, gavi-, gāṃ- ss.vv.; gavāṃ vrata-Name of a sāman-; gavāṃ tīrtha-See go t-; g/oṣu-gam-,to set out for a battle [to conquer cows] )  |
go | mf. equals g/o-ṣṭoma- (q.v) (See also go-āy/us-)  |
goagra | (g/o--) mf(ā-)n. ( ) headed by cows, having cows or milk as the chief or most excellent part  |
goarṇas | mfn. (g/o--) (flowing with id est) abounding in cattle  |
goāyus | n. dual number the two ekāha-s g/o- (= g/o-ṣṭoma-) and /āyus-,  |
gobandhu | (g/o--) mfn. (equals -mātṛ-) having a cow as a relative (the marut-s)  |
godānīya | etc. See g/o-, .  |
godhā | f. (gaRa bhidādi-) a sinew (see g/o-)  |
godhana | -dhara-, etc. See g/o-, p.365.  |
godhāyas | (g/o--) mfn. supporting or fostering cows  |
godhūma | etc. See g/o-, .  |
gogati | (g/o--) f. the way or path of cows  |
gohatyā | -h/an-, etc. See g/o-, p.367.  |
gohira | etc. See g/oha-.  |
gojāta | (g/o--) mfn. born in the starry sky (said of the gods;"born in the middle region" )  |
gojīra | (g/o--) mf(ā-)n. stimulated by milk added (soma-)  |
gokā | f. (a diminutive of g/o-) a small cow  |
gokāma | (g/o--) mfn. desirous of cattle  |
golattikā | etc. See g/o-, .  |
goliha | -līḍha- See g/o-, p.366.  |
goloka | -loman-, etc. See g/o-, p.366.  |
gomagha | (g/o--) mfn. granting cattle or cows  |
gomat | mfn. (g/o--) possessing or containing cattle or cows or herds, rich in cattle, consisting of cattle |
gomatī | f. (g/o-matī-) a place abounding in herds of cattle  |
gomātṛ | mfn. (g/o--) having a cow for mother (the marut-s; see p/ṛśni-m-and g/o-bandhu-)  |
gomāyu | mfn. (g/o--) making sounds like cattle (a frog)  |
gomitra | m. for g/o-mūtra-  |
gonanda | -narda-, etc. See g/o-, p.365.  |
gonarda | m. plural Name of a people in the Dekhan (or in the east ) (varia lectio g/o-nana-)  |
gonyoghas | (g/o--) mfn. streaming or flowing among milk ("having quantities of fluid streaming down" )  |
goopaśa | (g/o--) mfn. furnished with a twist or tuft of leather straps  |
gopa | m. (equals -p/ā- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order g/o-) a cowherd, herdsman, milkman (considered as a man of mixed caste ) (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-)., ) etc.  |
gopada | n. the mark or impression of a cow's hoof in the soil (see g/oṣp-.)  |
gopāputra | See go-p/ā- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order g/o-.  |
goparīṇas | (g/o--) mfn. abundantly furnished with cattle or milk  |
gopati | m. (g/o--) the lord of cowherds, leader, chief (a Name often applied to indra-)  |
goptṛ | mf(tr/ī- )n. (gaRa yājakādi- ) one who preserves or protects or defends or cherishes (superl. g/opiṣṭha-. ) etc. (n(ptṛ-). )  |
gopurogava | (g/o-- agra-) mfn. a cow which is chief of all  |
gorabhasa | (g/o--) mfn. strengthened with milk (soma-)  |
gorakṣa | n. equals g/orakṣā-, for kṣya- q.v  |
goṛjīka | (g/o--) mfn. prepared or mixed with milk  |
gorvara | See g/o-, .  |
goṣakhi | (g/oṣakhā-) m. "having cattle as friends (s/akhi-) ", possessing cattle (see -sakhi-.)  |
gosakhi | (g/o--) mfn.(m. accusative khāyam-) "having milk as its friend", mixed with milk (soma-) (see -ṣakhi-.)  |
gosakhi | etc. See g/o-, .  |
gośarya | (g/o--) m. Name of a man  |
goṣāti | (g/o--) f. acquiring or fighting for the sake of cattle, .  |
goṣpada | mfn. (g/oṣ--) ( )"showing marks of cow's hoofs" , frequented by kine  |
gośrīta | (g/o--) mfn. mixed with milk (soma-)  |
goṣṭhya | (g/o--) mfn. being in a cow-stable  |
goṣṭoma | (g/o--) m. (st/oma- ) an ekāha- ceremony forming part of the abhiplava- which lasts 6 days (also called g/o- q.v) (see -stoma-.) 1.  |
gotama | m. (g/o--) (superl.) Name of a ṛṣi- belonging to the family of aṅgiras- with the patronymic rāhū-gaṇa- (author of ) etc.  |
gotama | etc. See g/o-, .  |
govapus | (g/o--) mfn. shaped like a cow  |
govara | rdhana-, etc. See g/o-, p.366.  |
govatsa | etc. See g/o-, .  |
govinata | (g/o--). m. a form of the aśva-medha- sacrifice (see -vitata-.)  |
gu | f. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' equals g/o-, cow  |
jīra | mf(/ā-)n. driving (with genitive case) (see g/o--)  |
mā | ind. in the veda- often with u- (m/o-) = and not, nor (exempli gratia, 'for example' m/ā magh/onaḥ p/ari khyatam m/oasm/ākam /ṛṣṇām-,do not forget the rich lords nor us the poets ;and then usually followed by ṣ/u- equals s/u- exempli gratia, 'for example' mo ṣ/u ṇaḥ n/irṛtir vadhīt-,let not nirṛtir- on any account destroy us, )  |
maghavan | mfn. (magh/a--.) (middle stem magh/a-vat-[which may be used throughout], weak stem magh/on-; Nominal verb m. magh/avā-or vān- f. magh/onī-or maghavatī-[ ]; n. maghavat-; Nominal verb plural m.once magh/onas-; see ), possessing or distributing gifts, bountiful, liberal, munificent (especially said of indra- and other gods, but also of institutors of sacrifices who pay the priests and singers)  |
mṛgavyādhakathānaka | n. Name of chapter of the nārada-puraṇa- (called also mṛg/opākhyāna-)  |
viti | f. equals vīti-, in g/aurī-viti- q.v  |