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27 results for ev/a
bāhutā(bāh/u--) ind. in the arms (see dev/a--, puruṣ/a--). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cāturmāsyan. plural Name of the 3 sacrifices performed at the beginning of the 3 seasons of 4 months (viz. vaiśvadev/am-, varuṇa-praghās/āḥ-, sākam-edh/āḥ-) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
daivamf(-)n. or daiv/a- (fr. dev/a-) belonging to or coming from the gods, divine, celestial etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
devamf(ī-)n. (fr. 3. div-) heavenly, divine (also said of terrestrial things of high excellence) (superl. devatama dev/a-tama-m. ; devitamā devi-tamā- f., ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
devatāSee dev/atā-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
devatta(v/a--,for dev/a-datta-) mfn. god-given View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
devāvat equals dev/a-v-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
devīf. (see dev/a-) a female deity, goddess etc. (exempli gratia, 'for example' uṣas- ; sarasvatī-, ; sāvitrī-, the wife of brahmā- ; durgā-, the wife of śiva- etc.;the 4 goddesses of Buddhists are rocanī-, māmakī-, pāṇḍurā- and tārā- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
evaind. (in the saṃhitā- also ev/ā-) ( i- ;fr. pronominal base e- , probably connected with 2. /eva-), so, just so, exactly so (in the sense of the later evam-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
evamind. (fr. pronominal base e- ;probably connected with 1. ev/a-), thus, in this way, in such a manner, such, (it is not found in the oldest hymns of the veda-, where its place is taken by 1. ev/a-,but occurs in later hymns ind. in the brāhmaṇa-s, especially in connection with vid-,"to know", and its derivatives[ exempli gratia, 'for example' ya evaṃ veda-,he who knows so; see evaṃ-v/id-, column 3];in classical Sanskrit evam-occurs very frequently, especially in connection with the roots vac-,"to speak", and śru-,"to hear", and refers to what precedes as well as to what follows[ exempli gratia, 'for example' evam uktvā-,having so said; evam evaitat-,this is so; evam astu-or evam bhavatu-,be it so, I assent; asty evam-,it is so; yady evam-,if this be so; kim evam-,how so? what is the meaning of it? what does this refer to? maivam-,not so! evam-- yathā-or yathā-- evam-,so - as]) etc.
gāyatramf(ī-)n. the gāyatrī- (id est ; t/at savit/ur v/areṇyam bh/argo dev/asya dhīmahi dh/iyo y/o naḥ pracod/ayāt- etc.;this is a very sacred verse repeated by every Brahman at his morning and evening devotions;from being addressed to savitṛ- or the Sun as generator, it is also called sāvitrī-; see ;the gāyatrī- verse is personified as a goddess, the wife of brahmā- and mother of the four veda-s ;it is often mentioned in connection with the amṛta-, both together constituting as it were the essence and type of sacred hymns in general ;the gāyatrī- personified is also considered as the mother of the first three classes in their capacity of twice-born ; see ;some other verse [perhaps ] is denoted by gāyatrī- ;with tāntrika-s a number of mystical verses are called gāyatrī-s, and each deity has one in particular) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gopāf. (/ās-) a female guardian (see gop/a- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order, /a--, dev/a--, vāy/u--, saha--, s/oma--, su-gop/ā-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hitif. sending, errand, direction (See asm/e--and dev/a-h-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
idind. indeed, assuredly (especially, in strengthening an antithesis, exempli gratia, 'for example' y/athā v/aśanti dev/ās t/ah/ed asat-,as the gods wish it, thus indeed it will be ; d/ipsanta /id rip/avo n/āha debhuḥ-,the enemies wishing indeed to hurt were in nowise able to hurt ). id- is often added to words expressing excess or exclusion (exempli gratia, 'for example' viśva it-,every one indeed; śaśvad it-,constantly indeed; eka it-,one only) . At the beginning of sentences it often adds emphasis to pronouns, prepositions, particles (exempli gratia, 'for example' tvam it-,thou indeed; yadi it-,if indeed, etc.) id- occurs often in the ṛg-- veda- and atharva-- veda-, seldom in the brāhmaṇa-s, and its place is taken in classical Sanskrit by eva- and other particles. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jūtamfn. see /adri-- /indra--, d/asyu--, dev/a--, br/ahma--, v/āta--, v/ipra--. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pathyāf. a path, way, road (with rev/atī-,"the auspicious path", personified as a deity of happiness and welfare) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
psarasn. a feast, enjoyment, delight (see dev/a-psaras-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raivatamf(ī-)n. (fr. rev/at-) descended from a wealthy family, rich View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
revataf(i-and ī-). See under rev/at- below. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
revatīf. of rev/at- above View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sriv or srīv- cl.4 P. () srīvyati- (grammar also perfect tense siśreva-; Aorist asrevīt-; future srevitā-; ind.p. srevitvā-or srūtvā-), to fail, turn out badly ; (with garbham-) to miscarry ; "to go"or"to become dry" : Causal srev/ayati-, to cause to fail, lead astray ; srīvayati-, to frustrate, thwart : Desiderative sisreviṣati-, susrūṣati- grammar : Intensive sesrīvyate- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trātṛm. a protector, defender, one who saves from (ablative or genitive case) (with dev/a-applied to bhaga- or savitṛ-) (indra-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trikakudmfn. having 3 peaks or points or horns (k/ud ev/a samān/ānām-[ kup sam- ]"thrice excelling one's equals") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tubut (also with ev/a-or v/ai-following) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tvaṣṭṛm. "creator of living beings", the heavenly builder, Name of a god (called su-k/ṛt-, -pāṇ/i-, -g/abhasti-, -j/animan-, sv-/apas-, ap/asām ap/astama-, viśv/a-rūpa-etc. ;maker of divine implements, especially of indra-'s thunderbolt and teacher of the ṛbhu-s ;former of the bodies of men and animals, hence called"firstborn"and invoked for the sake of offspring, especially in the āprī- hymns etc. ;associated with the similar deities dhātṛ-, savitṛ-, prajā-pati-, pūṣan-, and surrounded by divine females[ gn/ās-, jan/ayas-, dev/ānām p/atnīs-; see tv/aṣṭā-v/arūtrī-]recipients of his generative energy ;supposed author of with the epithet garbha-pati- ;father of saraṇyū- [ su-reṇu- ; sva-reṇu- ]whose double twin-children by vivasvat- [or vāyu- ? ] are yamayamī- and the aśvin-s ;also father of tri-śiras- or viśvarūpa- ;overpowered by indra- who recovers the soma-[ ] concealed by him because indra- had killed his son viśva-rūpa- ;regent of the nakṣatra- citrā- ;of the 5th cycle of Jupiter ;of an eclipse ; tvaṣṭur ātithya-Name of a sāman- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśvam. plural (v/iśve-,with or scilicet dev/ās- see viśve-deva-,p.995)"all the gods collectively"or the"All-gods"(a particular class of gods, forming one of the 9 gaṇa-s enumerated under gaṇadevatā- q.v; according to to the viṣṇu- and other purāṇa-s they were sons of viśvā-, daughter of dakṣa-, and their names are as follow, 1. vasu-, 2. satya-, 3. kratu-, 4. dakṣa-, 5. kāla-, 6. kāma-, 7. dhṛti-, 8. kuru-, 9. purū-ravas-, 10. mādravas- [?];two others are added by some, viz. 11. rocaka- or locana-, 12. dhvani- [or dhūri-;or this may make 13]: they are particularly worshipped at śrāddha-s and at the vaiśvadeva- ceremony[ ];moreover according to to manu- [ ], offerings should be made to them daily - these privileges having been bestowed on them by brahmā- and the pitṛ-s, as a reward for severe austerities they had performed on the himālaya-: sometimes it is difficult to decide whether the expression viśve devāḥ-refers to all the gods or to the particular troop of deities described above) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathāind. (in veda- also unaccented;fr. 3. ya-,correlative of t/athā-) in which manner or way, according as, as, like (also with cid-, ha-, ha vai-, iva-, ivāṅga-, iva ha-, eva-,and followed by correl. tathā-, tathā tathā-, tadvat-, cvam-,Ved. also ev/a-) etc. (yathaitat-or yathaivaitat-,"as for that"; yathā-tathā-or yathā-- tena satyena-,"as surely as"-"so truly")
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