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Amarakosha Search
Monier-Williams Search
181 results for eru
erumfn. (fr. ā-īr-) equals gantṛ- (?) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
eru according to to some,"the penis". View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aherum. the plant Asparagus Racemosus View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ajameruName of a place, Ajmir (?). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atamerumfn. not languid View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bakeruf. a small crane View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bakeruf. the branch of a tree bent by the wind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bāveru= babiru-, Babylon, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bāverujātakan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhāspheru View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bheruṇḍamf(ā-)n. (often varia lectio bheraṇḍa-) terrible, formidable, awful View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bheruṇḍam. a species of bird View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bheruṇḍam. (also ḍaka-) a beast of prey (wolf, jackal, fox, or hyena) (see pheru-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bheruṇḍam. a particular form of śiva- (?) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bheruṇḍāf. Name of a goddess (equals kālī-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bheruṇḍam. of a yakṣiṇī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bheruṇḍan. ( bhṛ-?) pregnancy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cerumfn. ( cāy-) behaving respectfully, worshipping View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dharmamerum. Name of commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
drutamerum. (in music) a kind of measure. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gaṇerum. Pterospermum acerifolium View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gaṇeruf. a harlot View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gaṇeruf. a female elephant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gaṇeruf. see kaṇ-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gaṇerukam. (equals ru-) Pterospermum acerifolium View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gaṇeruf. a bawd View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gaṇeruf. a female servant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gāṅgerukan. the grain of - View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gāṅgeruf. the plant Uraria lagopodioides, 25. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gaverukan. (equals vedkuka-) red chalk View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gṛheruhamfn. growing in a house (a tree), 6070. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gurumerum. (in music) a kind of measure. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
herukam. Name of gaṇeśa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
herukam. of an attendant on mahā-kāla- or śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
herukam. of an inferior buddha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
herukam. plural Name of a class of heretics View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
heruf. a species of plant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
himerumfn. (prob.) equals next View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jaleruham. Name of an Orissa king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jaleruf. "water-grower", a kind of shrub View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jñānamerum. "knowledge- meru-", Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kakerukam. a worm in the stomach View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kāṇḍeruf. equals kāṇḍa-ruhā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaṇerum. equals kaṇera- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaṇerum. see kareṇu-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaṅkerum. a kind of crow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaśerun. m. (fr. ka-,water or wind, + śṝ- ;also written kaseru-) the back-bone View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaśeruf(ūs-)n. () the root of Scirpus Kysoor (a kind of grass with a bulbous root) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaśerum. one of the nine divisions of bhāratavarṣa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaśeruf. Name of the daughter of tvaṣṭṛ- (varia lectio) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaseruetc. See kaśeru-, etc.
kaśerukafn. () equals kaśeru-, the back-bone View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaśerukamfn. the root of Scirpus Kysoor View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaśerukamfn. (sometimes spelt kaseruka-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaṣeruf. the back-bone, spine (varia lectio for kaśer-, q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaśerumatm. Name of a yavana- king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaśerusn. equals kaśeru- above View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaśeruyajñam. a kind of oblation (see kāśeruyajñika-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kāśeruyajñikamfn. fr. kaśeruyajña- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kāseruyajñikaSee kās-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaṭherum. equals cāmara-vāta- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
keruSee mahi-k-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kroḍakaserukam. Cyperus rotundus View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kumerum. the southern hemisphere or pole (region of the demons and Titans) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuṭherum. the wind produced by a fan or chowrie View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
laghumerum. (in music) a kind of measure View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
maderumfn. "very intoxicating"or"worthy of praise" () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahāmerum. (mah/ā--) the great mountain meru- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahāmerum. Name of a varṣa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahāmerum. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahāmerudharam. a particular samādhi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahikeru(m/ahi--) mfn. raising highly (fr.2. kṛ- equals prauḍha-karman-,fr.1. kṛ-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
makerukam. a kind of parasitical worm View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mantratantrameruratnāvalīf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merum. () Name of a fabulous mountain (regarded as the Olympus of Hindu mythology and said to form the central point of jambu-dvīpa-;all the planets revolve round it and it is compared to the cup or seed-vessel of a lotus, the leaves of which are formed by the different dvi1pa-s q.v;the river Ganges falls from heaven on its summit, and flows thence to the surrounding worlds in four streams;the regents of the four quarters of the compass occupy the corresponding faces of the mountain, the whole of which consists of gold and gems;its summit is the residence of brahmā-, and a place of meeting for the gods, ṛṣi-s, gandharva-s etc., when not regarded as a fabulous mountain, it appears to mean the highland of Tartary north of the himālaya-) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merum. a particular kind of temple View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merum. the central or most prominent bead in a rosary View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merum. the most prominent finger-joint in particular positions of the fingers View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merum. Name of the palace of gāndhāri- (one of the wives of kṛṣṇa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merum. of a cakra-vartin- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merum. (with śāstrin-) of a modern teacher View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merum. of another man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
meruf. Name of the wife of nābhi- and mother of ṛṣabha- (see -devī-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merubalapramardinm. Name of a king of the yakṣa-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merubhūtam. plural Name of a people View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merucandratantran. Name of a tantra-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merudevīf. Name of a daughter of meru- (wife of nābhi- and mother of ṛṣabha-, who was an incarnation of viṣṇu-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merudhāmanmfn. having meru- for a habitation (said of śiva-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merudhvajam. Name of a king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merudhvajam. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merudṛśvanmfn. one who has seen or visited meru- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
meruduhitṛf. a daughter of the mountain meru- Va1rtt. 9 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
meruduhitṛf. a daughter of meru- (wife of nābhi-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merugaṇḍam. plural Name of a mountain range near meru- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merugurumfn. firm as Mount Meru, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merukam. fragrant resin, incense View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merukam. or n. (?) Name of a people or country View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merukalpam. Name of a buddha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merukūṭamn. the summit of meru- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merukūṭam. Name of a buddha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merumahībhṛtm. mount meru- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merumandaram. Name of a mountain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merunandam. Name of a son of sva-rocis- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
meruṇḍāprob. wrong reading for bheruṇḍā-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
meruparvatam. the mountain meru- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
meruprabhan. "shining like meru-", Name of a forest View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
meruprabhāsam. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merupradīpam. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
meruprastāram. a particular representation of all the possible combinations of a metre in such a form as to present a fancied resemblance to mount meru- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merupṛṣṭhan. the summit of meru- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merupṛṣṭhan. heaven, the sky View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
meruputrīf. a daughter of the mountain meru- Va1rtt. 9 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merusarṣapam. dual number mount meru- and a mustard-seed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merusāvarṇam. a general N. for the last 14 of the 14 manu-s ( merusāvarṇatā -- f.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merusāvarṇatāf. merusāvarṇa
merusāvarṇim. idem or 'm. a general N. for the last 14 of the 14 manu-s ( merusāvarṇatā -- f.) ' ( merusāvarṇitā -- f.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merusāvarṇim. Name of the 11th manu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merusāvarṇitāf. merusāvarṇi
meruśikharadharakumārabhūtam. Name of a bodhi-sattva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
meruśrīf. Name of a serpent-maiden View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
meruśrīgarbham. Name of a bodhi-sattva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
meruśṛṅgan. the summit of meru-, heaven View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merususambhavam. Name of a king of the kumbhāṇḍa-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merutantran. Name of a tantra-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
meruṭūf. (prob.) a particular high number (also merudu-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
merutuṅgam. Name of a jaina- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
meruvardhanam. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
meruvarṣan. Name of a varṣa-
meruvirahatantrebhuvaneśvarīsahasranāmastotran. Name of a stotra-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
meruvrajan. Name of a city View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
meruyantran. (in mathematics) a figure shaped like a spindle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mitrerumfn. (or miśtr'-eru-?) (according to to ) troubling friends View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mitrerumfn. (prob.) one who breaks an alliance, faithless View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mitreruSee under 1. mitr/a- above. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mṛṣṭerukamfn. eating dainties or delicacies, luxurious, selfish View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mṛṣṭerukamfn. liberal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
namerum. Elaeocarpus Ganitrus View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
neruṅgalam. Name of a prince View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nicerumfn. ( car-) gliding, creeping View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paṅkeruhn. idem or 'n. equals ka-ja- ' , Prasann. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paṅkeruhan. idem or 'n. idem or 'n. equals ka-ja- ', Prasann.' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paṅkeruham. the Indian crane View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paṅkeruhākṣīf. a lotus-eyed woman View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paṅkeruhavasatim. lotus-dweller, Name of brahmā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paṅkeruhiṇīf. Nelumbium Speciosum View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
perumfn. drinking (;perhaps rather = 3. p/eru-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
perumfn. (p/eru-), thirsty (?) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
perum. (only ) the sun View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
perum. fire View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
perum. the ocean View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
perum. the golden mountain (see meru-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
perumfn. (1. pṛ-) carrying across, rescuing, delivering (For 1.See column 2.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
perumfn. ( -, pyai-) swelling or causing to swell View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
perum. seed, germ, off-spring (with ap/ām-= soma-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
perubhaṭṭam. (with lakṣmīkānta-) Name of the Guru of jagan-nātha- paṇḍita-rāja- (see perama-bh-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
perukam. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
phaleruf. Bignonia Suaveolens View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pherum. a jackal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pheruvinnāf. a species of plant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
plutamerum. (in music) a kind of measure View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rājakaserum. or f. Cyperus Rotundus (also rukā- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rājakaserun. the root of Cyperus Pertenuis View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sanerumfn. (prob.) distributing (= sambhaktṛ- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saumerukan. gold (prob. wrong reading for prec.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
serumfn. binding, fastening View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
seruSee column 2. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
serurāham. a serāha- horse with a mark on the forehead View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sthaleruf. "growing on dry land", Name of two plants (equals gṛha-kumārī-and equals dagdhā-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sumatimerugaṇim. Name of a preceptor View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sumerum. Name of a mountain (equals meru- q.v) (see ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sumerum. Name of a vidyā-dhara- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sumerum. of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sumerumfn. very exalted, excellent
sumeruf. "sprung from sumeru-", Name of a river View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sumeruvatsam. Name of a serpent-demon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suśerum. a kind of sand or gravel (Scholiast or Commentator) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upakerum. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaḍerum. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vakeru vakoṭa- See bak-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidyādhīśavaḍerum. Name of scholar. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yameruf. a kind of drum or gong on which the hours are struck View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
25 results
eru एरु a. Ved. Going. एर्वारुः ērvāruḥ एर्वारुकः ērvārukḥ एर्वारुः एर्वारुकः A species of cucumber. कट्वैर्वारौ यथा$पक्वे मधुरः सन् रसो$पि न Y.3.142. q. v. उर्वारुक and उर्वारु.
kakerukaḥ ककेरुकः A worm in the stomach,
kaṅkeru कङ्केरुः A kind of crow.
kaseru कसेरुः A kind of grass.
kuṭheru कुठेरुः The wind produced by a fan or chowri.
gaṇeru गणेरुः The Karṇikāra tree. -f. 1 A harlot. -2 A female elephant.
gaṇeru गणेरुका 1 A bawd, procuress. -2 A female servant.
gaverukam गवेरुकम् Red chalk.
gāṅgeru गाङ्गेरुकी f. The N.of a plant (Mar. नागबला, नाडेधामण).
gāṅgeru गाङ्गेरुवा f. The N. of a plant (Mar. कांकडाचें झाड).
grāmerukam ग्रामेरुकम् A variety of sandal; Kau. A.2.11.
nameru नमेरुः N. of a tree (रुद्राक्ष or सुरपुन्नाग); गणा नमेरुप्रसवाव- तंसा Ku.1.55;3.43; R.4.74.
paṅkeruh पङ्केरुह् n., -हम् A lotus; यत्पादपङ्केरुहसेवया भवानहारषी- न्निर्जितदिग्गजः क्रतून् Bhāg.7.15.68; विष्णुपादादि˚ स्तोत्रम् 13. -हः The crane or Sārasa bird.
peru पेरुः 1 The sun. -2 Fire. -3 The ocean. -4 The gold-mountain (Meru).
pheru फेरुः A jackal; गृहेषु येष्वतिथयो नार्चिताः सलिलैरपि । यदि निर्यान्ति ते नून फेरुराजगृहोपमाः ॥ Bhāg.8.16.7.
bakeru बकेरुका 1 A small crane. -2 The branch of a tree bent by the wind.
bheruṇḍa भेरुण्ड a. Terrible, frightful, awful, fearful. -ण़्डः A species of bird. -ण्डम् Conception, pregnancy. -ण्डा f. 1 N. of a Yakṣiṇī. -2 N. of a goddess; महाविश्वेश्वरी श्वेता भेरुण्डा कुलसुन्दरी Kālī. P.
bheruṇḍakaḥ भेरुण्डकः A jackal.
mṛṣṭeruka मृष्टेरुक a. 1 Eating dainties, luxurious. -2 Selfish. -3 Liberal.
meru मेरुः 1 N. of a fabulous mountain (round which all the planets are said to revolve and which forms the centre of the several Dvīpas; cf. द्वीप; it is also said to consist of gold and gems); विभज्य मेरुर्न यदर्थिसात् कृतः N.1.16; स्वात्मन्येव समाप्तहेममहिमा मेरुर्न मे रोचते Bh.3.15. -2 The central bead in a rosary. -3 The central gem of a necklace. -Comp. -अद्रिकर्णिका the earth. -धामन् m. an epithet of Śiva. -पृष्ठम् heaven, the sky. -मन्दरः N. of a mountain. -यन्त्रम् a figure shaped like a spindle. -सावर्णः N. of one of the fourteen Manus.
merukaḥ मेरुकः Incense.
yameru यमेरुका A kind of gong on which the hours are struck.
śeru शेरुः [शी-उर Uṇ.4.112] Dozing, sleeping.
seru सेरु a. Binding, fastening; P.III.2.159.
herukaḥ हेरुकः 1 An attendant on Śiva. -2 N. of Gaṇeśa. -3 N. of a Buddha (= चक्रसम्बर).
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
upara úpa-ra, cpv. a. later, x. 15, 2 [Av. upara ‘upper’, Gk. ὕπερο-ς ‘pestle’, Lat. s-uperu-s ‘upper’].
Macdonell Search
27 results
kanaka n. gold; m. thorn apple; N.; -kadalî, f. species of plantain; -danda, m. royal umbrella; -pura, n., î, f. N. of a city; -prabhâ, f. N. of a princess; -mañgarî, f. N.; -maya, a. (î) golden; -rasa, m.fluid gold; -rekhâ, f. N.; -latâ, f. golden creeper; -lekhâ, f. N. of a princess; -valaya, m. n. golden bracelet; -vâhinî, f. N. of a river; -sikhar in, m. golden peaked, ep. of Meru; -sûtra, n. golden chain; -½adri, m. ep. ofMeru.
kāñcana n. gold; money; a. (î) golden; -giri, m. gold mtn., ep. of Meru; -prabha, a. shining like gold; -maya, a. (î) golden; -mâlâ, f. N. of various women; -varman, m. N. of a king; -½akala, -½adri,m. ep. of Mount Meru.
cāmīkara n. gold: -maya, a. (î) golden, -½akala, m. ep. of Meru, -½adri, m. id.
jambudvīpa m. Isle of the Jambu-tree, N. of the central terrestrial island (v. dvîpa) comprising India, so called because overlooked by a gigantic Jambu-tree growing on the summit of mount Meru.
tāmra a. copper-coloured, dark red; m. eruption with dark red spots; n. copper; a. (a) of copper; î, f. kind of water-clock (a copper vessel having an orifice in the bottom, which when placed in water, gradually fills).
tvaguttarāsaṅgavat a. wearing an outer garment of bark; -dosha, m. skin-disease, eruption; -doshin, a. af fected with skin-disease; -bheda-ka, a. break ing or tearing the skinof another.
dadru da-dr-u, dadrū f. [√ drî, crack] kind of cutaneous eruption.
dvīpa m. n. [dvi½ap-a, having water on both sides], sandbank in a river; island; con centric terrestrial island (the world being con sidered to consist of 4, 7, 13, or 18 such encircling Mount Meru like the petals of a lotus).
pāṭha m. recital; study; text; reading (of a text): -ka, m. reciter, reader; student; scholar, teacher (of, --°ree;); -na, n. instructing; -vat, a. learned, erudite.
pāṇḍitya n. scholarship, learning, erudition, wisdom; cleverness; skill, talent.
puraḥsara a. (î) preceding; m. forerunner; attendant; --°ree; a. preceded, at tended, or accompanied by: -m, ad. amid, with, by means of, after (--°ree;).
pāman m. cutaneous eruption, scab.
madhyarātra m. midnight; -râ tri, f. id.; -rekhâ, f. central line (supposed to be drawn to Mount Meru from La&ndot;kâ, Uggayinî, Kurukshetra, and other places); -vayas, a. middle-aged; -vartin,a. being in the midst of, in, or among (--°ree;); -sarîra, a. moderately stout; -sâyin, a. lying within; -siddhânta-kaumudî, f. medium Siddhânta kaumudî, T. of an abridgment of the Sid dhânta-kaumudî; -stha, a. being in the mid dle; being in the air; being within; being in, between, or among (g. or --°ree;); mediating between (g.); middling; indifferent, impar tial, neutral; standing between=belonging to neither or to both parties (territory etc.): -tâ, f. indifference; impartiality; -sthala, n. middle part, hip; -sthâna, n. middle re gion, atmosphere; -sthita, pp. being between (g.); indifferent: -tâ, f. indifference.
masūra m. lentil: -ka, m. pillow; i-kâ, f. kind of eruption or small-pox (resembling lentils); mosquito-curtain; -vidala, n. (?) split lentil.
mahāpakṣa a. having many ad herents, having a large following; -pa&ndot;ka, n. (?) deep mud; -pa&ndot;kti, f. a metre of forty-eight syllables; -pandita, a. extremely learned; m. great scholar; -patha, m. prin cipal street; high road; the great journey, pilgrimage to the other world (-m yâ, die); a certain hell; a. having a great path: -giri, m. N. of a mountain; -padma, n. a certain high number; m. one of the eight treasures connected with the magic art padminî; N. of a Nâga: -pati, m. lord of millions, ep. of Nanda, -saras, n. N. of a lake, -salila, n. id.; -padya-shatka, n. T. of a poem (at tributed to Kâlidâsa) consisting of six classi cal verses; -½aparâdha, m. great crime or injury; -parvata, m. high mountain; -pasu, m. large cattle; -pâta, m. long flight; a. flying far (arrow); -pâtaka, n. great crime or sin (of which there are five: killing a Brâhman, drinking spirituous liquor, theft, adultery with a teacher's wife, and asso ciation with persons guilty of those four crimes); -pâtakin, a. guilty of a capital sin; -pâtra, n. prime minister; -pâda, a. large footed; -pâpa, n.great crime; -pâpman, a. very harmful; -pâra, 1. m. a certain per sonification; 2. a. having distant banks, wide (sea); -pârsva, a. having broad sides (leech); N.; -pâsupata, a. with vrata, n. the great vow of a worshipper of Siva Pasupati; m. zealous worshipper of Siva Pasupati; -pîtha, n. high seat; -pumsa, m. great man; -punya, a. very auspicious (day); very good or beau tiful; very holy; -purá, n. great fortress: î, f. great citadel; -purusha, m. great or eminent man; supreme spirit; -pûta, pp. extremely pure; -prishtha, a. broad-backed; -pai&ndot;gya, n. T. of a Vedic text; -prakarana, n. main treatment of a subject; -pragâpati, m. great lord of creatures, ep. of Vishnu; -pratâpa, m. of great dignity, majestic; -pratîhâra, m. head janitor; -pradâna, n. great gift; -prapañka, m. the great world; -prabha, a. of great lustre, very splendid; -prabhâ, f. great brightness;-prabhâva, a. very mighty; -prabhu, m. great lord, sovereign; chief; ep. of Vishnu; -pramâna, a. very exten sive; -pralaya, m. great dissolution of the universe at the end of a cosmic age: -kâla, m. time of the --; -prasna,m. great or im portant question; -prasâda, m. great pre sent; a. very gracious; -prasthâna, n. great departure, decease; -prâgña, a. very wise or prudent (person); -prâna, m. hard breath ing, aspirate sound; great strength; a. pro nounced with a hard breathing, aspirated; of great endurance or physical strength; -plava, m. great flood, deluge; -phala, n. large fruit; great reward; a. producing a great reward; -bala, a. very strong, power ful, or effective; m. N.; -bâdha, a. very in jurious; -bâhu, a. long-armed, strong-armed; m. ep. of Vishnu; N.; -bila, n. deep hole; -buddhi, a. of great intellect, extremely clever; m. N. of an Asura; N.; -brihatî, f. a metre (8+8+8+8+12 syllables); -brah ma: -n, m. the great Brahman (the god); -brâhmaná, m. great Brâhman (also used sarcastically); n. Great (=Tândya) Brâh mana; -bhata, m. great warrior; N.; -bha ya, n. great danger or straits; -bhâga, a. having great good fortune, very lucky, greatly blessed; greatly distinguished, very illus trious (frequently used as a term of address); -bhâgin, a. very fortunate, greatly blessed; -bhâgya, n.high position, great importance or power; a. extremely fortunate: -tâ, f. great good fortune; -bhânda½agâra, n. chief treasury; -bhârata, a. (± a word meaning &open;battle&close;), the Great Battle of the Bharatas; n.(± âkhyâna), the Great Story of the Bharatas, T. of the well-known great Epic (which contains about 100,000 slokas); -bhâshya, n. the Great Commentary of Patañgali on the Sûtras of Pânini and the Vârttikas of Kâtyâyana (probably composed in the second century b. c.); -bhikshu, m. the great mendicant, ep. of Sâkyamuni; -½abhi- gana, m. high descent, noble birth; -½abhi yoga, m. great plaint or charge; -½abhishava, m. N. of a prince; -½abhisheka, m. great inauguration; T. of the fourteenth Lambaka of the Kathâsaritsâgara; -bhîta, pp. greatly terrified; -½abhîsu, a. brilliant, lustrous; -bhuga, a. long-armed; -bhûta, pp. being great, large (E.); m. great creature; n. gross element (ether, air, fire, water, earth); -bhû mi, f. great realm; whole territory (of a king); -½âbhoga, a. of great extent, wide spreading; -bhoga, 1. a. having great coils (serpent); m. serpent; -bhoga, 2. m. great enjoyment; -bhoga, m. great prince; -½abhra, n. great or thick cloud; -makha, m. great sacrifice (=-yagña); -mani, m. costly jewel; -mati, a. of great wit, clever; m. N.; (&asharp;) manas, a. lofty-minded, proud, haughty; high-minded, magnanimous; -manushya, m. great man, man of rank; -mantra, m. very efficacious spell (esp. against snake-poison); -mantrin, m. chief counsellor, prime minister; -mahá, a. high and mighty (RV.); -mah as, n. great luminary; -mahiman, m. true greatness; a. truly great; -mahima-sâlin, a. possessed of true greatness; -mahâ½upâ dhyâya, m. very great preceptor (a desig nation applied to great scholars, e.g. Malli nâtha); -mâmsa, n. delicious flesh (esp. human flesh); -½amâtya, m. prime minister; -mâtra, a. of great measure, great; greatest, best (of, --°ree;); m. man of high rank, high state official, king's minister; elephant-driver; -mânin, a. extremely proud; -mâya, a. at tended with great deception; practising great deception; m. N.; -mâyâ, f. the great illu sion (which makes the world appear really existent and thus in a sense creates it); -mây ûra, n. a kind of medicine; kind of prayer (--°ree;); -mârga, m. main road: -pati, m. chief inspector of roads; -mâhesvara, m. great worshipper of Mahesvara or Siva; -mukha,n. large mouth (also of rivers); a. (î) large mouthed; -muni, m. great sage; -mûdha, a. very stupid; m. great simpleton; -mûrkha, m. great fool; -mûrdhan, a. large-headed (Siva); -mriga, m. large wild animal; ele phant;-mridha, n. great battle; -megha, m. great or dense cloud; -medha, m. great sacrifice; (&asharp;)-meru, m. the great Mount Meru; -moha, m. great mental confusion or infatuation; -mohana, a. causing great men tal confusion; -moha-mantra, m. very effi cacious spell: -tva, n. abst. n.; -yaksha, m. great Yaksha, prince of the Yakshas; -yag- ñá, m. great or chief sacrifice (one of the five daily sacrifices of the householder, called bhûta-, manushya-, pitri-, deva-, and brah ma-yagña); -yantra, n. great mechanical work: -pravartana, n. execution of great mechanical works; -yama-ka, n. a great Yamaka (a stanza, all the four lines of which contain identically the same words but differ in meaning, e.g. Kirâtârgunîya XV, 52); -yasas, a. very famous, illustrious (person); -yâna, n. the Great Vehicle (a later form of Buddhistic doctrine originated by Nâgâr guna: opp.hîna-yâna); N. of a prince of the fairies (having a great car); -yuga, n. a great Yuga (equal to four ordinary Yugas or 4,320,000 years); -yuddha, n. great battle; -½âyudha, a. bearing great weapons (Siva); -ragana, n.saffron; a. coloured with saffron; -rana, m. great battle; -½aranya, n. great forest; -ratna, n. precious jewel: -maya, a. consisting of costly jewels, -vat, a. adorned with costly jewels; -rathá, m. great chariot; great warrior; N.; -rathyâ, f. main road; -½ârambha, m. great under taking; a. enterprising, active; -rava, m. great roar or yell; a. making a loud noise, shouting loud; m. N.; -rasa, a. extremely savoury; -râgá, m. great king, reigning prince, sovereign: -½adhirâga, m. lord of great kings, emperor; -râgñî, f. reigning princess, queen; ep. of Durgâ; -râgya, n. sovereign rule; -râtra, n. advanced time of night, end of the night; -râtri, f. id.; great night follow ing the dissolution of the world; -râva, m. loud yell; -râshtra, m. pl. the Mahrattas: î, f. Mahratta language, Mahrattî: a-ka, a. (ikâ) belonging to the Mahrattas; m. pl. the Mahrattas; -rug, -ruga, a. very painful; -roga, m. dangerous disease; -roman, a. very hairy (Siva); -raudra, a. extremely terrible; -½argha, a. of great price, precious, valuable; expensive: -tâ, f. preciousness, great value, -rûpa, a. having a splendid form; -½arghya, a. precious, valuable: -tâ, f. preciousness; -½arnava, m. great sea, ocean; -½artha, m. great matter; a. having great wealth, rich; of great significance, important; m. N. of a Dânava; -½arha, a.valuable, costly, splen did; -lakshmî, f. the Great Lakshmî, Nârâ yana's Sakti; also=Durgâ or Sarasvatî; -li&ndot;ga, n. a great Li&ndot;ga; -vamsya, a. of high lineage; -vanig, m. great merchant; -vada, m. great teacher (i.e. of the most essential Vedic knowledge); (&asharp;)-vadha, a. having a mighty weapon (RV.); -vana, n. great forest; -varâha, m. great boar (i.e. Vishnu's incarnation as a boar); N. of a prince; -vallî, f. great creeper; -vâkya, n. long composition, literary work; great pro position; -vâta, m. violent wind, gale; -vâyu, m. id.; -vârttika, n. the Great Vârttika, N. of Kâtyâyana's Vârttikas to the Sûtras of Pânini; -vâstu, n. great space; a. occupy ing a great space; -vikrama, a. of great courage, very valiant; m. N. of a lion; -vighna, m. n. great obstacle; -vigña, a. very sensible; -vidagdha, pp. very clever; -viraha, m. grievous separation; -visha,a. very poisonous; -vistara, a. very prolix (book); -vîki, m. (having great waves), a certain hell; -vîrá, m. great hero; large earthenware fire-pot (mostly used at the Pravargya cere mony); N. of various princes; N. of an Arhat, founder of the Jain sect: -karita, n. life of the great hero (Râma), T. of a play by Bhavabhûti, -karitra, n. life of Mahâ vîra (the Arhat), T. of a work; (&asharp;)-vîrya, a. mighty, very potent; -vrikshá, m. great tree; -vriddha, pp. very aged; -vrishá, m. great bull: pl. N. of a people in the western Himâlayas; -vega, a. greatly agitated (sea); very swift; -vaipulya, n. great extent; -vaira, n. great enmity; -vairâga, n. N. of a Saman;-vyâdhi, m. serious disease; -vyâhriti, f. the great exclamation (i.e. bh&usharp;r bhúvah svãh); -vratá, n. great or fundamental duty; great vow; great religious observance; N. of a Sâ man or Stotra to be chanted on the last day but one of the Gavâmayana (also applied to the day and the ceremony); rules of the worshippers of Siva Pasupati; a. having undertaken great duties or a great vow, practising great aus terity, very devotional; following the rules of the Pâsupatas; m. a Pâsupata; -vratika, a. following the rules of the Pâsupatas; m. a Pâsupata; -vratin, a., m., id.; a. practis ing the five fundamental duties of the Jains; -vratîya, a. relating to the Mahâvrata cere mony (day); -vrîhi, m. large rice; -sakti, a. very mighty (Siva); -sa&ndot;kha, m. great conch; -½asana, a. eating much, voracious (leech); m. great eater, glutton; -½asani dhvaga, m. flag with a great thunderbolt; -sabda, m. loud sound; title beginning with &open;mahâ&close; or the corresponding office; -½âsaya, 1. m. ocean; 2. a. high-minded, noble; -sayyâ, f. splendid couch; -sarîra, a. having a large body; -salka,m. kind of sea-crab; -salkalin, a. having large scales (fish); -sastra, n. mighty weapon; -sâka, n. kind of vegetable; -sâkya, m. great or distinguished Sâkya; -sânti, f. great appeasement (a kind of rite to avert evil);(&asharp;)-sâla, possessor of a great house, great householder; -sâlîna, a. very modest; -sâsana, n. great sway; a. exer cising great sway; -siras, a. large-headed; m. kind of serpent; -sûdra, m. Sûdra in a high position, upper servant; -saila, m. great rock or mountain; -½asman, m. precious stone; -smâsâna, n. large cemetery; ep. of Benares; -srotriya, m. great theologian or spiritual teacher; -½asva, m. N.: -sâlâ, f. great stable; office of head groom; -svetâ, f. N. of a god dess; N.; -samkata, n. great danger or straits; -satî, f. extremely faithful wife, pattern of wifely fidelity; -sattrá, n. great Soma sacrifice; -sattva, m. great creature; a. strong-minded; high-minded, noble; very courageous; containing large animals: -tâ, f. strength of character and containing large animals; -½âsana, n. splendid seat; -samdhi- -vigraha, m. office of chief minister of peace and war; -sabhâ, f. great dining hall; -samudra, m. ocean; -sarga, m. great crea tion (after a great dissolution); -sâdhana bhâga, m. head of the executive; -sâdhu, a. extremely good: v-î, f. pattern of wifely fidelity; -sâmtâpana,m. kind of penance; -sâmdhi-vigrah-ika, m. chief minister of peace and war; -sâmânya, n. generality in the widest sense; -sâra, a. strong; valuable, costly; -sârtha, m. great caravan; -sâhas ika, a. very daring, excessively rash; m. highwayman, robber: -tâ, f. great energy: in. with the utmost decision; -simha, m. great lion; N.; -siddha, (pp.) m. great saint; -siddhânta, m. great manual of as tronomy, T. of a work by Âryabhata the younger; -siddhi, f. great magical power; -subhiksha, n. great abundance of provisions, very good times (pl.); -sûkta, n. great hymn: pl. the great hymns of the tenth book of the Rig-veda (1 to 128); m. composer of the great hymns of RV. X; -sûkshma, a. extremely minute; -sûki, a. w. vyûha, m. kind of array of troops in battle; (&asharp;)-sena, a. having a large army; m. ep. of Skanda; N. of various princes; -senâ, f. great army; -stoma, a. having a great Stoma (day); -½astra, n. great or mighty missile; -sthâna, n. high place or position; -sthûla, a. very gross; -snâna, n. great ablution; -½âspada, a. mighty; -sva na, m. loud sound; a. loud-sounding, shout ing loud; loud (noise); -½âsvâda, a. very savoury; -hanu, a. having great jaws; -harm ya, n. great palace; -½âhava, m. great battle; -hava, m. great sacrifice; -hasta, a. large handed (Siva); -hâsa, m.loud laughter; a. laughing loud; -½ahí, m. great serpent: -sayana, n. sleep (of Vishnu) on the great serpent (Sesha); -½ahna, m. advanced day time, afternoon; -hrada, m. great pond.
meru m. N. of a fabulous golden moun- tain in the centre of Gambudvîpa, round which the planets are supposed to revolve; central bead of a rosary; joints protruding in certain positions of the fingers: -kûta, m. or n. summit of Meru; -dhâman, a. hav ing his abode on Mount Meru; -dhvaga, m. N. of a prince; -yantra, n. spindle; -vardh ana, m. N.
mairava a. relating to Mount Meru.
ratna n. [√ râ] V.: gift; goods, wealth; C.: treasure, precious stone, jewel, sp. pearl, (--°ree;, jewel of a,=best of, most excellent); mag net; m. N.; -kalasa, m. N.; -kûta, n. N. of an island; -kosha-nikaya, m. heap of jewels and treasure; -khâni, f. mine of jewels; -garbha, a. filled or studded with jewels: â, f. earth; -kandrâ-mati, m. N.; -kkhâyâ, f. reflexion or glitter of jewels; -talpa, m. jewelled couch; -traya, n.the three jewels (=Bud dha, dharma, and samgha: B.); -datta, m. N.; -darpana, m. mirror of jewels; -dîpa, m. lamp of jewels (which supply the place of a burning wick); -druma, m. coral; -dvîpa, m. N. of an island; -dhá, -dh&asharp;, a. (V.) be stowing gifts or wealth; possessing wealth; -nadî, f. N. of a river; -nidhi, m. mine of pearls, ocean; -parvata, m. mountain (= repository) of jewels, Meru; -pura, n. N. of a city; -prakâsa, m. T. of a dictionary; -pra dîpa, m. (--°ree; a. -ka)=-dîpa; -prabha, m. N.: â, f. earth; N.; T. of the seventh Lambaka of the Kathâsaritsâgara; -prâsâda, m. jew elled palace; -bandhaka, m. seller of gems, jeweller; -bhûta,pp. resembling a jewel; -mañgarî, f. N. of a fairy; -maya, a. (î) consisting of or abounding in jewels; -mâlâ, f. necklace of gems or pearls; T. of various works; -mâlin, a. wearing a necklace of jewels; -ratna, n. pearl of pearls; -râgi, f. string of pearls; -râsi, m. heap of gems, quantity of pearls; -rekhâ, f. N. of a prin cess; (rátna)-vat, a. attended with gifts (RV.1); abounding in jewels or pearls, jew elled; -vardhana, m. N.; -varman, m. N. of a merchant; -varsha, m. N. of a prince of the Yakshas; -samghâta, m. quantity of jewels; -sû, a. producing gems; -sûti, f. earth; -svâmin, m. N. of a statue (erected by Ratna).
śukta pp. [fermented: √ suk] become sour; harsh, rough; n. sour liquor (produced by fermentation); sour rice gruel; harsh words: -(a)-ka, a. sour; n. sour eructation.
sumanomattaka m. N.; -mano-latâ, f. flowering creeper; -mano hara, a. very charming or attractive; -mán tu, a. easily known, well-known (RV.); m. N. of a teacher; -mantra, a. following good counsels; m. N. of various men; -mantrita, pp. well-deliberated: n. imps. good counsel has been taken; n. good counsel: -m kri, take good counsel; -mantrin, a. having a good minister; -mánman, a. uttering good wishes, very devout (RV.); -marma-ga, a. deeply penetrating the joints, causing great agony (arrow); -marshana, a. easy to bear; (sú)-mahat, a. very great, huge, vast (of time, space, quantity, number, degree); very important; -mahas, a. glorious (RV., always vc.); -mahâ, °ree;--: a. extremely great; ad. very greatly; -mahâ-kaksha, a. very high-walled; -mahâ-tapas, a. extremely ascetic or pious; -mahâ-tegas, a. very glorious; -mahât man, a. very noble-minded or high-souled; -mahâ-bala, a. extremely powerful or effica cious; -mahâ-manas, a. very high-minded; -mahârha, a. very splendid; -mahausha dha, n. herb of marvellous efficacy; -mâyá, a. having noble counsels (Maruts; RV.); m. N. of a prince of the Asuras; N. of a fairy: â, f. N. of a daughter of Maya: (a)-ka, m. N. of a fairy; -mitrá, m. kind friend; N., esp. of kings: â, f. N. of a Yakshinî; N. of a wife of Dasaratha, mother of Satrughna and Lakshmana; -mukha, n. beautiful mouth; bright face: in. cheerfully; a. (î) fair-faced; bright-faced, glad; inclined or disposed to (--°ree;); m. N. of a king; -mundîka, m. N. of an Asura; -mridîká, -mrilîká, V. a. com passionate, gracious; -mrishta, pp. well polished; very dainty: -pushpa½âdhya, a. abounding in very bright flowers; -méka, V. a. well-established, firm; unvarying; -medhás, a.having a good understanding, intelligent, wise (ac. also -medh&asharp;m, RV.); -meru, m. N. of a mtn. (=Meru); N. of a fairy; -mná, a. [√ mnâ=√ man] well-dis posed, gracious (V.); n. (V.) benevolence, favour, grace; devotion, prayer; satisfac tion, gladness, peace: -yú, V. a. devout, be lieving; favourable; -mnâ-várî, a. f. gracious, bringing gladness (Dawn, RV.1).
suragaja m. elephant of the gods; -giri, m. mountain of the gods, Meru; -guru, m. teacher of the gods, Brihaspati; planet Jupiter: -divasa, m. Thursday; -griha, n. house of god, temple.
surāyudha n. missile of the gods; -½ari, m. foe of the gods, Asura or Râkshasa; 1. -½âlaya, m. abode of the gods, heaven; house of god, temple; 2. â½âlaya, m. tavern; -½âvâsa, m. abode of the gods, N. of a tem ple; -½âsraya, m. resort of the gods, Meru.
surādri m. mountain of the gods, Meru.
saumerava a. (î) belonging to Sumeru.
svaryāta pp. gone to heaven; dead; -yoshit, f. celestial nymph, Apsaras; -loka, m. celestial world; ep. of Mount Meru; -va dhû, f. celestial nymph, Apsaras.
hemapratimā f. likeness of gold: -prabha, m. N. of a fairy; N. of a king of the parrots: â, f. N. of a fairy; -maya, a. (î) golden; -mriga, m. golden deer; -ratna maya, a. (î) consisting of gold and gems; -ratna-vat, a. containing or consisting of gold and gems; -latâ, f. golden creeper; N. of a princess; -vat, a. adorned with gold; -sri&ndot;ga, n. golden horn; -sûtra, n. gold (thread=) necklace; -½a&ndot;ka, a.adorned with gold; -½a&ndot;ga, a. having members or parts consisting of gold; m. ep. of Meru; -½akala, m. gold moun tain, ep. of Meru; -½anda, n. golden mundane egg; -½adri, m. gold mountain, ep. of Meru; N. of an author; -½âbha, a. looking like gold; -½ambuga, n. golden lotus; -½ambhoga, n. id.; -½alamkâra, m. golden ornament.
hemaka n. (piece of) gold; -kaksha, m. golden waistband; -kamala, n. golden lotus; -kartri, m. goldsmith; -kâra, m. id.: -ka, m. id.; -kûta, m. gold-peak, N. of a mountain in the northern Himâlayas; -giri, m. gold mountain, ep. of Meru; -kandra, a. adorned with a golden moon (car); m. N. of a celebrated Jain scholar, author among numerous other works of two dictionaries (12th century); -gata, m. pl. a kind of Ki râtas; -dînâra, m. gold denarius.
Bloomfield Vedic
27 results0 results6 results
eru tundānā patyeva jāyā AVś.6.22.3d. See peruṃ tuñjānā.
atamerur yajño 'tamerur yajamānasya prajā bhūyāt # VS.1.23; śB. P: atameruḥ Kś.2.5.25.
nicerur asi nicumpuṇaḥ (TSṭB. nicaṅkuṇa; MS.KS. nicuṅkuṇaḥ) # VS.3.48b; 8.27b; 20.18b; TS.; MS.1.3.39b: 45.11; KS.4.13b; 38.5b; śB.;;; TB.; Lś.2.12.9b.
peru tuñjānā patyeva jāyā # TS. See eruṃ.
perum asyasy arjuni # RV.5.84.2d; TS.
perur indrāya pinvate # TA.3.11.7c.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"eru" has 5 results
ktvāntagerund; a mid-way derivative of a verbal root which does not leave its verbal nature on the one hand although it takes the form of a substantive on the other hand.
lyapkrt affix य substituted for the gerund termination क्त्वा when the root,to which त्वा has been applied, is preceded by a prefix with which it (the root with the affix) is comcompounded; confer, compare समासेऽनत्र्पूर्वे क्त्वो ल्यप् P. VII. 1. 37.
śaśidevavṛttiname of a work on grammar by शशिदेव which is mentioned by Al Beruni.
śiṣyahitā(वृत्ति)a work on grammar written by उग्रभूति of which a mention is made by Al Beruni in his work. शी (1) case affix (ई) substituted for the nominative case. plural affix जस् (अस् ) in the declension of the pronouns, when the affix जस् is preceded by the vowel अ; exempli gratia, for example सर्वे, विश्वे; confer, compare kas. on P VII.1.17; (2) case affix (ई ) substituted for औ of the nominative case. and the acc. dual after feminine. bases ending in आ, as also after bases in the neuter gender; exempli gratia, for example खट्वे रमे; कुण्डे, वने; confer, compare Kas on P. VII.1.18, 19.
hemacandraa Jain sage and scholar of remarkable erudition in the religious works of the Jainas as also in several Shastras. He was a resident of Dhandhuka in Gujarat, who, like Sankarācārya took संन्यासदीक्षा at a very early age and wrote a very large number of original books and commentaries, the total number of which may well nigh exceed fifty, during his long life of eighty-four years ( 1088 to ll 2 ). He stayed at AnhilavalaPattana in the North Gujarat and was patronised with extreme reverence by King Kumarapala who in fact, became his devoted pupil. Besides the well-known works on the various Shastras like Kavyanusasana, Abhidhanacintamani, Desinamamla, Yogasastra, Dvyasrayakavya, Trisastisalakapurusacarita and others which are well-known, he wrote a big work on grammar called सिद्धहेमचन्द्र by him,but popularly known by the name हेमव्याकरण or हैमशब्दानुशासन The , work consists of eight books or Adhyayas, out of which the eighth book is devoted to prakrit Grammar, and can be styled as a Grammar of all the Prakrit dialects. The Sanskrit Grammar of seven chapters is based practically upon Panini's Astadhyayi, the rules or sutras referring to Vedic words or Vedic affixes or accents being entirely omittedThe wording of the Sutras is much similar to that of Panini; at some places it is even identical. The order of the treatment of the subjects in the सिद्धहैम. शब्दानुशासनमृत्र is not, however, similar to that obtaining in the Astadhyayi of Panini. It is somewhat topicwise as in the Katantra Vyakarana. The first Adhyaya and a quarter of the second are devoted to Samjna, Paribhasa and declension; the second pada of the second Adhyaya is devoted to karaka, while the third pada of it is devoted to cerebralization and the fourth to the Stripratyayas.The first two Padas of the third Adhyaya are devoted to Samasas or compound words, while the last two Padas of the third Adhyaya and the fourth Adhyaya are devoted to conjugation The fifth Adhyaya is devoted to verbal derivatives or krdanta, while the sixth and the seventh Adhyayas are devoted to formations of nouns from nouns, or taddhita words. On this Sabda nusasana, which is just like Panini's Astadhyayi, the eighth adhyaya of Hemacandra being devoted to the grammar of the Arsa language similar to Vedic grammar of Panini, Hemacandra has himself written two glosses which are named लधुवृति and वृहृदवृत्ति and the famous commentary known as the Brhannyasa. Besides these works viz the हैमशब्दानुशासन, the two Vrttis on it and the Brhannyasa, he has given an appendix viz the Lingnusasana. The Grammar of Hemacandra, in short, introduced a new system of grammar different from, yet similar to, that of Panini, which by his followers was made completely similar to the Paniniya system by writing works similar to the Siddhantakaumudi, the Dhatuvrtti, the Manorama and the Paribhasendusekhara. हेमहंसगणि a grammarian belonging to the school of Hemacandra, who lived in the fifteenth century and wrote a work on Paribhasas named न्यायसंग्रह, on which he himself wrote a commentary called न्यायार्थमञ्जूषा and another one called by the name न्यास.
Vedabase Search
91 results
harṣaḥ eruptions of ecstasySB 2.3.24
hṛṣyat eruptingSB 10.41.28
hṛṣyat erupting with hair standing on endSB 10.82.14
pāṇḍitya eruditionCC Adi 2.77
CC Adi 2.78
pāṇḍitya eruditionCC Adi 2.78
CC Madhya 9.46
phule eruptionsCC Madhya 14.60
pulaka-ańga eruptions on the bodyCC Antya 17.16
pulaka-ańga eruptions on the bodyCC Antya 17.16
pulaka-kadamba eruptions of ecstasy like kadamba flowersCC Adi 5.166
pulaka-kadamba eruptions of ecstasy like kadamba flowersCC Adi 5.166
pulaka-kadamba eruptions on the body like kadamba flowersCC Madhya 25.68
pulaka-kadamba eruptions on the body like kadamba flowersCC Madhya 25.68
pulakita eruptedCC Madhya 13.102
udgamaiḥ eruptionsMM 18
uttha eruptionSB 3.4.14
kula-acala-indra of the king of the mountains (Meru)SB 3.23.39
acalam Sumeru MountainSB 5.21.8-9
meroḥ adhastāt at the foot of Mount MeruSB 9.1.25
meru-ādi-giri-duhitaraḥ daughters of the mountains beginning with MeruSB 5.17.10
sumeru-ākāra as high as the mountain SumeruCC Madhya 13.19
mānasottara-mervoḥ antaram the land between Mānasottara and Meru (beginning from the middle of Mount Sumeru)SB 5.20.35
apareṇa on the western side of Sumeru MountainSB 5.16.22
avaṣṭambha-girayaḥ mountains that are like the belts of SumeruSB 5.16.11
brahma-sadane to the abode of Lord Brahmā atop Sumeru-parvataSB 5.17.4
priyavrata-ratha-caraṇa-parikhātaiḥ by the ditches made by the wheels of the chariot used by Priyavrata Mahārāja while circumambulating Sumeru behind the sunSB 5.16.2
dharaṇi-dhara-indra like the king of the mountains, SumeruSB 10.18.26
dharaṇi-dhara-indra like the king of the mountains, SumeruSB 10.18.26
kulācalendra-droṇīṣu within the valleys of the great mountain known as Kulācalendra, or SumeruSB 6.17.2-3
meru-ādi-giri-duhitaraḥ daughters of the mountains beginning with MeruSB 5.17.10
meru-duhitṛḥ the daughters of MeruSB 5.2.23
avaṣṭambha-girayaḥ mountains that are like the belts of SumeruSB 5.16.11
meru-ādi-giri-duhitaraḥ daughters of the mountains beginning with MeruSB 5.17.10
kāñcana-giriḥ the golden mountain named Sumeru, or MeruSB 5.16.27
sura-girim the Sumeru HillSB 5.1.30
kula-acala-indra of the king of the mountains (Meru)SB 3.23.39
dharaṇi-dhara-indra like the king of the mountains, SumeruSB 10.18.26
kāñcana-giriḥ the golden mountain named Sumeru, or MeruSB 5.16.27
kula-acala-indra of the king of the mountains (Meru)SB 3.23.39
kulācalendra-droṇīṣu within the valleys of the great mountain known as Kulācalendra, or SumeruSB 6.17.2-3
mānasottara-mervoḥ antaram the land between Mānasottara and Meru (beginning from the middle of Mount Sumeru)SB 5.20.35
meru-mandara-śikharāt from the top of Merumandara MountainSB 5.16.19
meru-mandara Sumeru and MandaraCC Madhya 14.86
meru-mandaraḥ the mountain named MerumandaraSB 5.16.11
meroḥ of SumeruSB 5.16.11
meroḥ of Sumeru MountainSB 5.16.26
meroḥ of Sumeru MountainSB 5.16.28
meroḥ of Sumeru MountainSB 5.21.7
meroḥ of Sumeru MountainSB 5.21.7
meroḥ of Sumeru MountainSB 5.21.13
meroḥ of Sumeru MountainSB 8.5.17-18
meroḥ adhastāt at the foot of Mount MeruSB 9.1.25
meroḥ of Meru MountainSB 9.4.50
meru of the mountain named MeruSB 4.30.5
meru-duhitṛḥ the daughters of MeruSB 5.2.23
meru-mandaraḥ the mountain named MerumandaraSB 5.16.11
meru-mandara-śikharāt from the top of Merumandara MountainSB 5.16.19
meru-śirasaḥ from the top of Mount MeruSB 5.17.8
meru-ādi-giri-duhitaraḥ daughters of the mountains beginning with MeruSB 5.17.10
meru-mandara Sumeru and MandaraCC Madhya 14.86
merudevīm MerudevīSB 5.2.23
merudevyā with MerudevīSB 5.3.1
merudevyā his wife. MerudevīSB 5.4.5
merudevyāḥ in the presence of MerudevīSB 5.3.19
merudevyām tu in the womb of Merudevī, the wife ofSB 1.3.13
merudevyām MerudevīSB 5.3.20
meru MeruBG 10.23
meru the sage MeruSB 4.1.44
meru Mount MeruSB 5.16.7
meru Sumeru MountainSB 5.20.2
meru Mount SumeruSB 11.16.21
merum Sumeru MountainSB 5.16.27
merum Meru MountainSB 5.20.30
merum the mountain known as SumeruSB 5.22.1
merum the mountain known as SumeruSB 5.22.2
merum Sumeru MountainSB 5.22.11
mānasottara-mervoḥ antaram the land between Mānasottara and Meru (beginning from the middle of Mount Sumeru)SB 5.20.35
priyavrata-ratha-caraṇa-parikhātaiḥ by the ditches made by the wheels of the chariot used by Priyavrata Mahārāja while circumambulating Sumeru behind the sunSB 5.16.2
priyavrata-ratha-caraṇa-parikhātaiḥ by the ditches made by the wheels of the chariot used by Priyavrata Mahārāja while circumambulating Sumeru behind the sunSB 5.16.2
pulaka with eruptionsSB 10.38.35
priyavrata-ratha-caraṇa-parikhātaiḥ by the ditches made by the wheels of the chariot used by Priyavrata Mahārāja while circumambulating Sumeru behind the sunSB 5.16.2
brahma-sadane to the abode of Lord Brahmā atop Sumeru-parvataSB 5.17.4
meru-mandara-śikharāt from the top of Merumandara MountainSB 5.16.19
meru-śirasaḥ from the top of Mount MeruSB 5.17.8
sumeru-ākāra as high as the mountain SumeruCC Madhya 13.19
sura-girim the Sumeru HillSB 5.1.30
tatra there (on top of Mount Meru)SB 5.17.5
tatratyānām for the living entities residing on Mount MeruSB 5.21.8-9
merudevyām tu in the womb of Merudevī, the wife ofSB 1.3.13
utpulakāni joyful eruptions on the skinSB 10.30.13


Plant opium, Papaver somniferum.


napkin rash or diaper rash; sores on the hinder part of the body; anal eruption in children.


1. goat’s cheek; 2. seborrhic eruptions over skin; an infantile disease.


Plant white turmeric plant, Curcuma zerumbet


underuse (of sensory organs); separation; disjunction.


Plant sandalwood, Santalum album, S. verum.


Plant four gentle herbs : nāgaram (dry ginger), ativiṣa (aconite), musta (nut grass or Cyperus rotundus), guḍūci (Tinospora cardifolia).


Plant true cinnamon, Cinnamomum verum


Plant white cross berry, Grewia tenax.


Plant carray cheddie, Canthium parviflorum.


uterine cavity; pregnancy; garbhadoṣa foetal anomaly; garbhakośa uterine cavity; garbhapancaka limbs and head of the fetus; garbhapāta abortion; garbha sanga retentiion of foetus; garbhaśayya fundus of uterus; garbhasrāva threatened abortion; miscarriage, garbhasthāpana conception; impregnation.


uterus; garbhāśayamukha cervix, opening of uterus, os.


Plant kind of cyperus; lesser Indian reed, grass used for making mats, Typha australis; T. angustata.


Plant juniper berry; Juniperus communis.


Plant wild asafoetida, Ferula jaeschkeana.


Plant asafetida; resin of Ferula foetida; hiṅgupatri leaf of Ferula jaeschkeana.


Plant root-bulbs and tubers, prolapsed uterus; kandaśāka root vegetables, ex: radish.


Plant water chestnut, rhizome of Scirpus kysoor.


Plant poppy seeds, Papavaram somniferum.


small pox, measles, eruption of lentil shaped pastules, lentil, mosquito curtain, chicken pox.


spinal cord.


Plant bowstring hemp, a controversial plant. several plants like Marsdenia tenacissima, M. volubilis; elephant creeper or Argyreia nervosa; Clematis triloba, Maerua arenaria, Bauhinia vahlii; Chenomorpha fragrans are considered as mūrva.


Plant nutgrass, dried rhizome of Cyperus rotundus. Now used as a substitute for ativiṣa, Aconitum heterophyllum.


fruits; phalaghṛta medicine used in the diseases of uterus; phalaśāka vegetables, ex: brinjal.




flaccidity, laxity, relaxation; prolapse of uterus.


eruption (one of lesser diseases) due to heat; seborrhic rash.


Plant 1. spiked ginger lily, dried rhizome of Hedychium spicatum; 2. Kaempferia galanga; 3. Curcuma zedoaria; C. zerumbet.


dracunculiasis; Dracunculus medinensis, a parasitical worm eruption on the skin of the extremities.


Plant bitter black cumin, Centratherum anthelmiticum


Plant Illicium verum; star anise fruit.


belching, eructation.


Plant 1. purple flebane; Centratherum anthelminticum; 2. Vernonia cinerea


eczema, form of cutaneous eruption, exudative eczema.


1. retropharyngeal abscess after bursting, 2. gangrenous stomatitis; 3. eruption in axilla or groin; 4. inflammatory oedema in the ear.


blister, eruptions on the skin; small pox.


hard eruptions over the skin, similar to barley.


prolapse of uterus.

Wordnet Search
"eru" has 31 results.


pṛṣṭhavaṃśaḥ, rīḍhakaḥ, kaśeruḥ, kaśeru, pṛṣṭhāsthiḥ   

avayavaviśeṣaḥ- pṛṣṭhasya asthiyuktaḥ vaṃśaḥ।

padmāsane pṛṣṭhavaṃśaṃ saralīkṛtya upaveṣṭavyam।


pṛṣṭhāsthimān, pṛṣṭhavaṃśaviśiṣṭaḥ, kaśerukī, merudaṇḍī   

pṛṣṭhāsthidhārakaḥ prāṇī।

mānavaḥ pṛṣṭhāsthimān jantuḥ asti।


kamalam, padmaḥ, utpalam, kumudam, kumud, nalinam, kuvalayam, aravindam, mahotpalam, paṅkajam, paṅkeruham, sarasijam, sarasīruham, sarojam, saroruham, jalejātam, ambhojam, vāryudbhavam, ambujam, ambhāruham, puṇḍarīkam, mṛṇālī, śatapatram, sahasrapatram, kuśeśayam, indirālayam, tāmarasam, puṣkaram, sārasam, ramāpriyam, visaprasūnam, kuvalam, kuvam, kuṭapam, puṭakam, śrīparṇaḥ, śrīkaram   

jalapuṣpaviśeṣaḥ yasya guṇāḥ śītalatva-svādutva-raktapittabhramārtināśitvādayaḥ।

asmin sarasi nānāvarṇīyāni kamalāni dṛśyante। / kamalaiḥ taḍāgasya śobhā vardhate।


kamalam, aravindam, sarasijam, salilajam, rājīvam, paṅkajam, nīrajam, pāthojam, nalam, nalinam, ambhojam, ambujanma, ambujam, śrīḥ, amburuham, ambupadmam, sujalam, ambhoruham, puṣkaram, sārasam, paṅkajam, sarasīruham, kuṭapam, pāthoruham, vārjam, tāmarasam, kuśeśayam, kañjam, kajam, śatapatram, visakusumam, sahasrapatram, mahotpalam, vāriruham, paṅkeruham   

jalajakṣupaviśeṣaḥ yasya puṣpāṇi atīva śobhanāni santi khyātaśca।

bālakaḥ krīḍāsamaye sarovarāt kamalāni lūnāti।


sāgaraḥ, samudraḥ, abdhiḥ, akūpāraḥ, pārāvāraḥ, saritpatiḥ, udanvān, udadhiḥ, sindhuḥ, sarasvān, sāgaraḥ, arṇavaḥ, ratnākaraḥ, jalanidhiḥ, yādaḥpatiḥ, apāmpatiḥ, mahākacchaḥ, nadīkāntaḥ, tarīyaḥ, dvīpavān, jalendraḥ, manthiraḥ, kṣauṇīprācīram, makarālayaḥ, saritāmpatiḥ, jaladhiḥ, nīranijhiḥ, ambudhiḥ, pāthondhiḥ, pādhodhiḥ, yādasāmpatiḥ, nadīnaḥ, indrajanakaḥ, timikoṣaḥ, vārāṃnidhiḥ, vārinidhiḥ, vārdhiḥ, vāridhiḥ, toyanidhiḥ, kīlāladhiḥ, dharaṇīpūraḥ, kṣīrābdhiḥ, dharaṇiplavaḥ, vāṅkaḥ, kacaṅgalaḥ, peruḥ, mitadruḥ, vāhinīpatiḥ, gaṅagādharaḥ, dāradaḥ, timiḥ, prāṇabhāsvān, urmimālī, mahāśayaḥ, ambhonidhiḥ, ambhodhiḥ, tariṣaḥ, kūlaṅkaṣaḥ, tāriṣaḥ, vārirāśiḥ, śailaśiviram, parākuvaḥ, tarantaḥ, mahīprācīram, sarinnāthaḥ, ambhorāśiḥ, dhunīnāthaḥ, nityaḥ, kandhiḥ, apānnāthaḥ   

bhūmeḥ paritaḥ lavaṇayuktā jalarāśiḥ।

sāgare mauktikāni santi।


durgā, umā, kātyāyanī, gaurī, brahmāṇī, kālī, haimavatī, īśvarā, śivā, bhavānī, rudrāṇī, sarvāṇī, sarvamaṅgalā, aparṇā, pārvatī, mṛḍānī, līlāvatī, caṇaḍikā, ambikā, śāradā, caṇḍī, caṇḍā, caṇḍanāyikā, girijā, maṅgalā, nārāyaṇī, mahāmāyā, vaiṣṇavī, maheśvarī, koṭṭavī, ṣaṣṭhī, mādhavī, naganandinī, jayantī, bhārgavī, rambhā, siṃharathā, satī, bhrāmarī, dakṣakanyā, mahiṣamardinī, herambajananī, sāvitrī, kṛṣṇapiṅgalā, vṛṣākapāyī, lambā, himaśailajā, kārttikeyaprasūḥ, ādyā, nityā, vidyā, śubhahkarī, sāttvikī, rājasī, tāmasī, bhīmā, nandanandinī, mahāmāyī, śūladharā, sunandā, śumyabhaghātinī, hrī, parvatarājatanayā, himālayasutā, maheśvaravanitā, satyā, bhagavatī, īśānā, sanātanī, mahākālī, śivānī, haravallabhā, ugracaṇḍā, cāmuṇḍā, vidhātrī, ānandā, mahāmātrā, mahāmudrā, mākarī, bhaumī, kalyāṇī, kṛṣṇā, mānadātrī, madālasā, māninī, cārvaṅgī, vāṇī, īśā, valeśī, bhramarī, bhūṣyā, phālgunī, yatī, brahmamayī, bhāvinī, devī, acintā, trinetrā, triśūlā, carcikā, tīvrā, nandinī, nandā, dharitriṇī, mātṛkā, cidānandasvarūpiṇī, manasvinī, mahādevī, nidrārūpā, bhavānikā, tārā, nīlasarasvatī, kālikā, ugratārā, kāmeśvarī, sundarī, bhairavī, rājarājeśvarī, bhuvaneśī, tvaritā, mahālakṣmī, rājīvalocanī, dhanadā, vāgīśvarī, tripurā, jvālmukhī, vagalāmukhī, siddhavidyā, annapūrṇā, viśālākṣī, subhagā, saguṇā, nirguṇā, dhavalā, gītiḥ, gītavādyapriyā, aṭṭālavāsinī, aṭṭahāsinī, ghorā, premā, vaṭeśvarī, kīrtidā, buddhidā, avīrā, paṇḍitālayavāsinī, maṇḍitā, saṃvatsarā, kṛṣṇarūpā, balipriyā, tumulā, kāminī, kāmarūpā, puṇyadā, viṣṇucakradharā, pañcamā, vṛndāvanasvarūpiṇī, ayodhyārupiṇī, māyāvatī, jīmūtavasanā, jagannāthasvarūpiṇī, kṛttivasanā, triyāmā, jamalārjunī, yāminī, yaśodā, yādavī, jagatī, kṛṣṇajāyā, satyabhāmā, subhadrikā, lakṣmaṇā, digambarī, pṛthukā, tīkṣṇā, ācārā, akrūrā, jāhnavī, gaṇḍakī, dhyeyā, jṛmbhaṇī, mohinī, vikārā, akṣaravāsinī, aṃśakā, patrikā, pavitrikā, tulasī, atulā, jānakī, vandyā, kāmanā, nārasiṃhī, girīśā, sādhvī, kalyāṇī, kamalā, kāntā, śāntā, kulā, vedamātā, karmadā, sandhyā, tripurasundarī, rāseśī, dakṣayajñavināśinī, anantā, dharmeśvarī, cakreśvarī, khañjanā, vidagdhā, kuñjikā, citrā, sulekhā, caturbhujā, rākā, prajñā, ṛdbhidā, tāpinī, tapā, sumantrā, dūtī, aśanī, karālā, kālakī, kuṣmāṇḍī, kaiṭabhā, kaiṭabhī, kṣatriyā, kṣamā, kṣemā, caṇḍālikā, jayantī, bheruṇḍā   

sā devī yayā naike daityāḥ hatāḥ tathā ca yā ādiśaktiḥ asti iti manyate।

navarātrotsave sthāne sthāne durgāyāḥ pratiṣṭhāpanā kriyate।


sumeruḥ, meruḥ, hemādriḥ, ratnasānuḥ, surālayaḥ, amarādriḥ, bhūsvargaḥ   

dharmagrantheṣu varṇitaḥ saḥ parvataḥ yaḥ parvatānāṃ rājā asti iti manyate।

sumeruḥ suvarṇasya asti iti manyate।


bakaḥ, dvārabalibhuk, kakṣeruḥ, śuklavāyasaḥ, dīrghajaṅghaḥ, bakoṭaḥ, gṛhabalipriyaḥ, niśaitaḥ, śikhī, candravihaṅgamaḥ, tīrthasevī, tāpasaḥ, mīnaghātī, mṛṣādhyāyī, niścalāṅgaḥ, dāmbhikaḥ   

khagaviśeṣaḥ-yasya kaṇṭha tathā ca pādau dīrghau।

matsyān bhakṣayituṃ bakaḥ taṭe avasthitaḥ।


merudaṇḍaḥ, akṣaḥ, dhruvayaṣṭiḥ   

pṛthivyāḥ dvau dhruvau yena kalpitākṣeṇa yujyate।

merudaṇḍasya paritaḥ pṛthvī paribhramati।


rudrākṣaḥ, tṛṇameruḥ, amaraḥ, puṣpacāmaraḥ   

vṛkṣaviśeṣaḥ, svanāmakhyātavṛkṣaḥ āyurvede asya vātakṛmiśirortibhūtagrahaviṣanāśitvādi guṇāḥ proktāḥ।

yaḥ naraḥ rudrākṣasya bījaṃ bhaktyā dhārayet saḥ śivalokam avāpnuyāt ।


pipāsu, pipāsita, udakārthin, jalārthin, tarṣita, tarṣuka, tṛṣṇaj, pipāsat, pipāsāvat, pipāsāla, pipāsin, pipīṣat, pipīṣu, peru, viśuṣka, satarṣa, satṛṣ, satṛṣa, salilārthin   

yaḥ tṛṣṇāśamanārthe jalaṃ vāñcchati।

jalasya abhāvāt eṣaḥ pipāsuḥ amṛta।


revatī, mahāraudrī, ādyā, kālī, bheruṇḍā, kālikā   

navadurgāsu ekā yā kṛṣṇavarṇīyā asti।

navarātri-utsave saptame dine revatyāḥ pūjanaṃ kriyate।


śatāvarī, śatamūlī, bahusutā, abhīruḥ, indīvarī, varī, ṛṣyaproktā, bhīrupatrī, nārāyaṇī, aheruḥ, raṅgiṇī, śaṭī, dvīpiśatruḥ, ṛṣyagatā, śatapadī, pīvarī, dhīvarī, vṛṣyā, divyā, dīpikā, darakaṇṭhikā, sūkṣmapatrā, supatrā, bahumūlā, śatāhvayā, khāṭurasā, śatāhvā, laghuparṇikā, ātmaguptā, jaṭā, mūlā, śatavīryā, mahauṣadhī, madhurā, śatamūlā, keśikā, śatapatrikā, viśvasthā, vaiṇavī, pārṣṇī, vāsudevapriyaṅkarī, durmanyā, tailavallī, ṛṣyaproktā   

kṣupakavat vallīviśeṣaḥ।

śatāvaryāḥ mūlaṃ bījaṃ ca auṣadhanirmāṇāya upayujyate।


pṛśniparṇikā, pṛśniparṇī, pṛthakparṇī, citraparṇī, aṅghrivallikā, kroṣṭuvinnā, siṃhapucchī, kalaśiḥ, dhāvaniḥ, guhā, pṛṣṇiparṇī, lāṅgalī, kroṣṭupucchikā, pūrṇaparṇī, kalaśī, kroṣṭukamekhalā, dīrghā, śṛgālavṛntā, triparṇī, siṃhapucchikā, siṃhapuṣpī, dīrghapatrā, atiguhā, ghṛṣṭhilā, citraparṇikā, mahāguhā, śṛgālavinnā, dhamanī, dhāmanī, mekhalā, lāṅgūlikā, lāṅgūlī, lāṅgūlikī, pṛṣṭiparṇī, pṛṣṭaparṇī, dīrghaparṇī, aṅghriparṇī, dhāvanī, kharagandhā, kharagandhanibhā, gorakṣataṇḍulā, catuṣphalā, jhaṣā, dhāvanī, nāgabalā, mahāgandhā, mahāpattrā, mahāśākhā, mahodayā, viśvadevā, viśvedevā, hrasvagavedhukā, ghaṇṭā, ghoṇṭāphala, gorakṣataṇḍula, gāṅgerukī, golomikā, dyutilā, brahmaparṇī, rasālihā, śīrṇanālā, sumūlā, khagaśatruḥ, śvapuccham   

auṣadhopayogī latāviśeṣaḥ।

pṛśniparṇikāyāḥ śvetavarṇayuktaṃ vartulākārarūpaṃ puṣpaṃ bhavati।




kumbhakāraḥ ceruīghaṭaṃ nirmāti।



amerikādeśasya dakṣiṇadiśi sthitaḥ deśaviśeṣaḥ।

perudeśaḥ spenadeśāt 1821 tame varṣe svātantryaṃ prāptavān।



gāṅgerukyāḥ bījam।

gāṅgerukīṃ khādan api vānaraḥ gāṅgerukān nīcaiḥ pātayati।



isreladeśasya rājadhānī।

jerusalamanagaraṃ yahūdīnāṃ, khrīṣṭīyānāṃ ca janānāṃ tathā yavanānāṃ pavitraṃ tīrthaṃ matam।



lesothodeśasya rājadhānī।

maserunagaraṃ lesothodeśasya vāyavye asti।



yasya kaśerukadaṇḍaḥ asti।

manuṣyaḥ kaśerukī prāṇī asti।


mantharuḥ, kuṭheru   

cāmareṇa prāptaḥ vāyuḥ।

mantharoḥ kāraṇāt rājā nidritaḥ।




sumeroḥ pratyekasmin caraṇe saptadaśa mātrāḥ santi।


nāgabalā, gāṅgerukī, hrasvagavedhukā, gāṅgeruhī, gorakṣataṇḍulā, bhadrodanī, kharagandhā, catuḥpalā, mahodayā, mahāpatrā, mahāśākhā, mahāphalā, viśvadevā, aniṣṭā, devadaṇḍā, mahāgandhā, ghaṇṭā   

auṣadhīyaḥ kṣupaviśeṣaḥ।

nāgabalā puruṣasya kāmaśaktiṃ vardhayati।



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

ṛgvede perukaḥ samullikhitaḥ/u॒ta ma॑ ṛ॒jre pura॑yasya ra॒ghvī su॑mī॒ḻhe śa॒taṃ pe॑ru॒ke ca॑ pa॒kvā



ekaḥ parvataḥ ।

sumeroḥ ullekhaḥ bauddhasāhitye vartate



ekaḥ vidyādharaḥ ।

sumeroḥ ullekhaḥ kathāsaritsāgare vartate



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

upakeroḥ ullekhaḥ maitrāyaṇī-saṃhitāyām asti



ekaḥ rājaputraḥ ।

neruṅgalasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



utkalasya ekaḥ rājā ।

jaleruhasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti


dagdharuhā, dagdhikā, sthaleruhā, romaśā, karkaśadalā, bhasmarohā, sudagdhikā   

ekaḥ kṣupaḥ asya guṇāḥ kaṭutvaṃ kaṣāyatvam uṣṇatvaṃ kaphavātanāśitvaṃ pittaprakopanatvaṃ jaṭharānaladīpanatvaṃ ca ।

dagdharuhāyāḥ ullekhaḥ rājanirghaṇṭave vartate



raghuvaṃśasya ekaḥ ṭīkāgranthaḥ ।

dharmameroḥ ullekhaḥ koṣe asti

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