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Monier-Williams Search
2 results for ekavacana
ekavacanan. the singular number View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anekavacanan. the plural number. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"ekavacana" has 2 results
ekavacanasingular number; affix of the singular numberin Pāṇini's grammar applied to noun-bases ( प्रातिपदिक) and roots when the sense of the singular number is to be conveyed; the singular sense can be of the form of an individual or collection or genus. The word एकवचन in the technical sense of singular number is found used in the Prātiśākhyas and Nirukta also.
eka(1)Singular number, ekavacana: confer, compare नो नौ मे मदर्थं त्रिह्येकेषु. V. Pr.II.3: the term is found used in this sense of singular number in the Jainendra, Śākaṭāyana and Haima grammars ( 2 ) single ( vowel ) substitute (एकादेश) for two (vowels); cf एकः पूर्वपरयोः P.VI. 1.84; अथैकमुभे T.Pr. X.1; ( 3 ) many, a certain number : (used in plural in this sense), confer, compare इह चेत्येके मन्यते, Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P.I. 4.21 .
1 result
ekavacana noun (neuter) the singular number (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 12871/72933
Wordnet Search
"ekavacana" has 1 results.



vyākaraṇe tat vacanaṃ yena ekasya bodhaḥ bhavati।

rāmaḥ pustakaṃ paṭhati ityasmin vākye pustakam ekavacane asti।

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