eka | mfn. ( i- ,probably fr. a base e-; confer, compare Zend ae-va; Greek , ; Gothic ai-n-s; also Latin aequu-s; gaRa sarvādi- ;See grammar 200) , one (eko'pi-,or ekaś-cana-,with na-preceding or following, no one, nobody;the words ekayā na-or ekān na-are used before decade numerals to lessen them by one exempli gratia, 'for example' ekān na triṃśat-,twenty-nine) etc.  |
eka | mfn. (with and without eva-) alone, solitary, single, happening only once, that one only (frequently in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; see dharmaika-rakṣa-,etc.) etc.  |
eka | mfn. the same, one and the same, identical etc.  |
eka | mfn. one of two or many (eka-- eka-, eka-- dvitīya-,the one - the other; especially plural eke-,some, eke-- apare-some - others, etc.) etc.  |
eka | mfn. (eka-repeated twice, either as a compound[ see ekaika-]or uncompounded, may have the sense"one and one","one by one" etc.)  |
eka | mfn. single of its kind, unique, singular, chief, pre-eminent, excellent etc.  |
eka | mfn. sincere, truthful  |
eka | mfn. little, small  |
eka | mfn. (sometimes used as an indefinite article) , a, an etc. (the fem. of eka-before a taddhita- suffix and as first member of a compound is eka-not ekā- )  |
eka | m. Name of a teacher  |
eka | m. of a son of raya-  |
eka | n. unity, a unit (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
ekabhāga | m. one part, one-fourth,  |
ekabhakṣa | m. sole food.  |
ekabhakta | mf(ā-)n. devoted or faithful to only one (husband), faithful  |
ekabhakta | n. the eating only one meal (a day)  |
ekabhakti | f. idem or 'n. the eating only one meal (a day) '  |
ekabhaktika | mfn. eating only one meal (a day)  |
ekabhāva | m. the being one, oneness  |
ekabhāva | m. simplicity, sincerity  |
ekabhāva | mfn. of the same nature, agreeing  |
ekabhāva | mfn. simple, sincere  |
ekabhāvin | mfn. becoming one, being combined  |
ekabhoga | m. sole and entire right of enjoyment,  |
ekabhogya | n. sole and entire right of enjoyment,  |
ekabhojana | n. the eating only one meal (a day) |
ekabhojana | n. eating together  |
ekabhojin | mfn. eating only one meal (a day)  |
ekabhūmika | mfn. one-storied  |
ekabhūta | mfn. become one, concentrated (as the mind)  |
ekabhūya | n. the becoming one, union  |
ekabhūyas | mfn. having one over, odd,  |
ekabuddhi | mfn. of one mind, unanimous  |
ekabuddhi | mfn. "having only one idea", Name of a fish  |
ekacakra | mf(ā-)n. having one wheel (said of the sun's chariot)  |
ekacakra | mf(ā-)n. possessing only one army, governed by one king (as the earth)  |
ekacakra | m. Name of a dānava- etc.  |
ekacakrā | f. Name of a town of the kīcaka-s  |
ekacakra | m. the state of being sole master, supremacy (of a king)  |
ekacakravartitā | f. the state of revolving on one wheel (said of the sun)  |
ekacakṣus | mfn. one-eyed (said of an animal or of a needle).  |
ekacandrā | f. Name of one of the mothers in the retinue of skanda-  |
ekacara | mf(ā-)n. wandering or living alone, not living in company, solitary, segregarious  |
ekacara | mf(ā-)n. (said of certain animals)  |
ekacara | mf(ā-)n. (Name of a thief)  |
ekacara | mf(ā-)n. moving at the same time  |
ekacara | mf(ā-)n. Name of śiva-rudra-  |
ekacara | mf(ā-)n. of bala-deva-  |
ekacara | m. a rhinoceros  |
ekacaraṇa | mfn. one-footed  |
ekacaraṇa | m. plural Name of a fabulous race  |
ekacārin | mfn. living alone, solitary  |
ekacārin | m. a pratyeka-buddha-  |
ekacāriṇī | f. a woman who goes after one man only, a faithful woman  |
ekacatvāriṃśa | mf(ī-)n. the forty-first.  |
ekacatvāriṃśat | f. forty-one.  |
ekacchannā | f. a kind of riddle  |
ekacchattra | mfn. having only one (royal) umbrella, ruled by one king solely  |
ekacchāya | mfn. having shadow only, quite darkened  |
ekacchāyāpraviṣṭa | mfn. jointly liable,  |
ekacchāyāśrita | mfn. involved in similarity (of debt) with one debtor (said of a surety who binds himself to an equal liability with one debtor id est to the payment of the whole debt, Mit.)  |
ekacetas | mfn. of one mind, unanimous  |
ekacinmaya | (cit-m-) mfn. consisting of intelligence only  |
ekacintana | n. unanimous or joint consideration  |
ekaciti | mfn. having one layer (of wood or bricks etc.)  |
ekacitika | mfn. idem or 'mfn. having one layer (of wood or bricks etc.) '  |
ekacitīka | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. having one layer (of wood or bricks etc.) ' '  |
ekacitīkatva | n. the state of having one layer commentator or commentary on  |
ekacitta | n. fixedness of thought on one single object  |
ekacitta | n. one and the same thought, unanimity  |
ekacitta | mfn. thinking of one thing only, intent upon, absorbed in,  |
ekacitta | mfn. having the same mind, agreeing, concurring |
ekacittatā | f. unanimity, agreement  |
ekacittībhū | to become unanimous  |
ekacodana | n. a rule concerning one act only  |
ekacodana | mfn. having one and the same rule  |
ekacūrṇi | m. Name of an author.  |
ekadā | ind. at the same time, at once  |
ekadā | ind. sometimes, once, one time, some time ago  |
ekadaṃṣṭra | m. "single-tusked", Name of gaṇeśa-  |
ekadaṃṣṭra | m. a kind of fever  |
ekadaṇḍin | m. "bearing one staff", Name of a class of monks commentator or commentary on  |
ekadaṇḍin | m. plural Name of a Vedantic school  |
ekadaṇḍisaṃnyāsavidhi | m. Name of work  |
ekadanta | m. "one-toothed", Name of gaṇeśa-  |
ekadeha | mfn. having a similar body or descended from the same person (as a family)  |
ekadeha | mfn. having as it were one body  |
ekadeha | m. "having a singular or beautiful form", Name of the planet Mercury  |
ekadehau | m. dual number husband and wife  |
ekadeśa | m. one spot or place, one passage, a certain spot or passage, some place etc.  |
ekadeśa | m. a part, portion or division of the whole etc.  |
ekadeśa | m. one and the same place  |
ekadeśa | mfn. being in the same place  |
ekadeśastha | mfn. situated in the same place  |
ekadeśastha | mfn. standing or occurring in a certain place or passage.  |
ekadeśatva | n. the state of being a part or portion of the whole |
ekadeśavibhāvita | mfn. convicted of one part of a charge  |
ekadeśavikāra | m. change of only a part (of a word)  |
ekadeśavikṛta | mfn. changed in only a part  |
ekadeśavivartin | mfn. extending or relating to one part only, partial  |
ekadeśin | mfn. consisting of single parts or portions, divided into parts (as a whole) commentator or commentary on  |
ekadeśin | mfn. a sectary commentator or commentary on  |
ekadeśin | m. a disputant who knows only part of the true state of a case.  |
ekadeva | m. the only God, supreme Lord  |
ekadevata | mfn. devoted or offered to one deity, directed to one deity,  |
ekadevatya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. devoted or offered to one deity, directed to one deity, '  |
ekadhā | ind. simply, singly  |
ekadhā | ind. in one way, together, at once etc.  |
ekadhābhūya | n. the becoming one or simple  |
ekadhana | n. a choice portion of wealth  |
ekadhana | n. (/eka-dhana-),"put down in an odd number", Name of particular water-vessels by means of which water is taken up at certain sacrificial observances etc.  |
ekadhana | f. plural (scilicet āpas-) the water taken up by means of those vessels etc.  |
ekadhanavid | mfn. obtaining the chief portion of wealth  |
ekadhanin | mfn. carrying the above water-vessels  |
ekadhanin | mfn. having one part of wealth, having the choice portion of wealth  |
ekadhāra | m. a single or uninterrupted current  |
ekadhāraka | m. Name of a mountain.  |
ekadharma | mfn. of the same properties or kind,  |
ekadharmin | mfn. of the same properties or kind,  |
ekadhātu | mfn. consisting of one part or element.  |
ekadhenu | f. a unique or excellent cow  |
ekadhiṣṇya | mfn. having the same place for the sacred fire  |
ekadhura | mfn. bearing the same burden, fit for the same burden, equal, apt  |
ekadhurāvaha | mfn. bearing the same burden, fit for the same burden, equal, apt  |
ekadhurīṇa | mfn. bearing the same burden, fit for the same burden, equal, apt  |
ekadīkṣa | mfn. (a sacrificial observance) at which only one dīkṣā- or consecration takes place  |
ekadiś | mfn. being in the same quarter or direction  |
ekadravya | n. a single object  |
ekadravya | n. one and the same object  |
ekadṛś | mfn. one-eyed  |
ekadṛś | mfn. a crow  |
ekadṛś | mfn. Name of śiva-  |
ekadṛś | mfn. equals tattva-jña-  |
ekadṛṣṭi | f. gaze fixed upon one object  |
ekadṛṣṭi | mfn. one-eyed  |
ekadṛṣṭi | m. a crow  |
ekadṛśya | mfn. alone worthy of being beheld, sole object of vision  |
ekadugdha | n. equals -kṣīra- above.  |
ekaduḥkha | mfn. having the same sorrows  |
ekaduḥkhasukha | mfn. having the same sorrows and joys, sympathizing.  |
ekadvāra | mf(ā-)n. having (only) one access or approach,  |
ekadyū | m. Name of a ṛṣi-  |
ekaga | mfn. attentive to only one object,  |
ekagarbha | mfn. bringing forth only one child,  |
ekagrāma | m. the same village gaRa gahādi-  |
ekagrāmīṇa | mfn. inhabiting the same village  |
ekagrāmīya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. inhabiting the same village '  |
ekagrantha | m. an aggregate of 32 letters,  |
ekagu | m. a particular agni-ṣṭoma- (q.v)  |
ekaguru | m. having the same teacher, pupil of the same preceptor.  |
ekaguruka | m. having the same teacher, pupil of the same preceptor.  |
ekahalya | mfn. once ploughed  |
ekahaṃsa | m. "the only destroyer of ignorance"[ śaṃkara- on ; see haṃsa-], the Supreme Soul  |
ekahaṃsa | n. "inhabited by a solitary or unique swan", Name of a tīrtha-  |
ekahārya | mfn. varia lectio for ekāhārya- q.v  |
ekahasta | mfn. one hand long  |
ekahāyana | mf(ī-)n. one year old  |
ekahāyana | n. the duration or period of one year  |
ekahāyanī | f. a heifer one year old  |
ekahelā | f. See eka-helayā-  |
ekahelayā | (instrumental case) ind. by one stroke, at once  |
ekaika | mfn. one by one, single, every single one etc.  |
ekaikam | ind. singly, one by one etc.  |
ekaikaśas | ind. one by one, severally, seriatim  |
ekaikaśya | n. single state, severalty  |
ekaikaśyena | ind. seriatim, severally  |
ekaikatara | mfn. one by one (out of many)  |
ekaikatra | ind. singly, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
ekaikavat | mfn. possessing (only) one (of several things), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
ekaikavṛtti | mfn. existing in only one object  |
ekaiṣikā | f. Name of a medicinal plant  |
ekaiśvarya | n. sole monarchy  |
ekaja | mfn. born or produced alone or single, solitary, single, alone of its kind  |
ekajanman | m. "once-born", a śūdra-  |
ekajanman | m. "having pre-eminent birth", a king  |
ekajaṭa | m. Name of a being 84, 3  |
ekajaṭa | m. Name of a being in the retinue of skanda-  |
ekajaṭā | f. Name of a goddess ([ ])  |
ekajāta | mfn. of one parentage, born of the same parents  |
ekajāti | mfn. once-born (as a śūdra-)  |
ekajāti | mfn. of the same species or kind (as animals)  |
ekajāti | m. a śūdra-  |
ekajātīya | mfn. of the same species  |
ekajātīya | mfn. of the same family  |
ekajīvavāda | m. (in philosophy) the assertion of a living soul only.  |
ekajyā | f. the cord of an arc  |
ekajyā | f. sine of 30 degrees or of the radius  |
ekajyotis | n. "the only light", Name of śiva-.  |
ekaka | mf(ā-, ikā-)n. single, alone, solitary  |
ekakāla | m. happening at the same time, simultaneous  |
ekakālam | ind. at one time only, once a day  |
ekakālikam | ind. once a day  |
ekakālin | mfn. happening only once a day  |
ekakalpa | mfn. having the same method of performing ceremonial, observing the same ritual (as priests).  |
ekakaṇṭaka | m. a species of Silurus  |
ekakaṇṭha | mfn. "having one throat", uttering simultaneously.  |
ekakapāla | mfn. contained in one cup, one cup-full  |
ekakara | mf(ī-)n. doing or effecting one  |
ekakara | mf(ā-)n. one-handed, one-rayed  |
ekakarmakāraka | mfn. doing the same thing, having the same profession.  |
ekakarman | ( ) mfn. having one and the same business  |
ekakārya | n. the same business or work  |
ekakārya | mfn. executing the same work, performing the same business  |
ekakaśata | n. one percent. |
ekakhura | m. a one-hoofed animal  |
ekakriya | ( ), mfn. having one and the same business  |
ekakriyāvidhi | m. employment of the same verb,  |
ekakṛṣṭa | mfn. once ploughed  |
ekakṣīra | n. the milk of one and the same cow on  |
ekakuṇḍala | m. "having one ear-ring or ring", Name of kuvera-  |
ekakuṇḍala | m. of śeṣa-  |
ekakuṇḍala | m. of bala-rāma-  |
ekakuṣṭha | n. a kind of leprosy  |
ekala | mfn. alone, solitary  |
ekala | mfn. (in mus.) a solo singer.  |
ekalakṣyatā | f. the state of being the only aim  |
ekalavya | m. Name of a son of hiraṇya-dhanus- and king of the niṣāda-s  |
ekalavyā | f. Name of a town.  |
ekaliṅga | n. (scilicet kṣetra-) a field or place in which (for the distance of five krośa-s) there is but one liṅga- or landmark  |
ekaliṅga | n. "having a singular śiva-liṅga- (q.v) ", Name of a tīrtha-  |
ekaliṅga | m. Name of kuvera-  |
ekaloka | mfn. possessing one world,  |
ekalū | m. Name of a ṛṣi- gaRa gargādi-  |
ekamanas | mfn. fixing the mind upon one object, concentrated, attentive etc.  |
ekamanas | mfn. unanimous  |
ekamati | f. concentration of mind  |
ekamati | mfn. unanimous  |
ekamātra | mfn. consisting of one syllabic instant  |
ekamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of one, uniform  |
ekamukha | mfn. having one mouth  |
ekamukha | mfn. having the face turned towards the same direction  |
ekamukha | mfn. having one chief or superintendent  |
ekamukha | mfn. belonging to the same category on  |
ekamūla | mfn. having one root  |
ekamūlā | f. Linum Usitatissimum  |
ekamūlā | f. Desmodium Gangeticum  |
ekamūrdhan | mf(dhnī-)n. having the head or face turned towards the same direction  |
ekamūrti | f. one person,  |
ekanakṣatra | n. a lunar mansion consisting of only one star or one whose name occurs but once  |
ekanaṭa | m. the principal actor in a drama, the manager (who recites the prologue)  |
ekanātha | m. "having one master", Name of an author  |
ekanāthī | f. Name of his work.  |
ekanavata | mfn. the ninety-first.  |
ekanavati | f. ninety-one  |
ekanavatitama | mfn. the ninety-first.  |
ekanāyaka | m. "the only Ruler", Name of śiva-.  |
ekanayana | m. the planet Venus  |
ekanemi | mfn. having one felly  |
ekanemi | mfn.  |
ekanetra | m. "one-eyed", Name of śiva-  |
ekanetra | m. (with śaiva-s) one of the eight forms of vidyeśvara-  |
ekanetraka | m. idem or 'm. (with śaiva-s) one of the eight forms of vidyeśvara- '  |
ekanibha | mfn. uniform,  |
ekanīḍa | mfn. having a common abode  |
ekanīḍa | mfn. having only one seat  |
ekanipāta | m. a particle which is a single word.  |
ekaniścaya | m. one and the same resolution, common resolution  |
ekaniścaya | mfn. having the same intention or resolution  |
ekapad | mfn. (pāt-, padī-, pat-and pāt-) having only one foot, limping, lame etc.  |
ekapad | mfn. incomplete  |
ekapad | mfn. (with 1. aja-Name of one of the marut-s )  |
ekapad | m. (pāt-) Name of viṣṇu-  |
ekapad | m. of śiva-  |
ekapad | m. of a dānava-  |
ekapada | n. one and the same place or spot  |
ekapada | n. the same panel  |
ekapada | n. a single word  |
ekapada | n. a simple word, a simple nominal formation  |
ekapada | n. one and the same word  |
ekapada | mf(ā-and ī-[ ])n. taking one step  |
ekapada | mf(ā-and ī-[ ])n. having only one foot  |
ekapada | mf(ā-and ī-[ ])n. occupying only one panel |
ekapada | mf(ā-and ī-[ ])n. consisting of a single word, named with a single word etc.  |
ekapada | m. a kind of coitus  |
ekapadā | f. (scilicet ṛc-) a verse consisting of only one pāda- or quarter stanza  |
ekapadā | f. Name of the twenty-fifth lunar mansion (equals pūrva-bhādra-padā-)  |
ekapada | m. plural Name of a fabulous race  |
ekapāda | m. a single foot  |
ekapāda | m. one quarter  |
ekapāda | m. the same pāda- or quarter stanza  |
ekapāda | mfn. having or using only one foot  |
ekapāda | m. plural Name of a fabulous people  |
ekapāda | n. Name of a country (see eka-p/ad-, column 2.)  |
ekapādaka | m. plural Name of a fabulous people  |
ekapadam | ind. (= - pade-),  |
ekapadastha | mfn. being in the same word.  |
ekapadavat | ind. like one word  |
ekapade | ind. on the spot, in one moment, at once etc.  |
ekapadī | f. (padī-) a foot-path  |
ekapadi | ind. upon or with only one foot gaRa dvidaṇḍy-ādi-  |
ekapadika | mfn. occupying only one panel  |
ekapādikā | f. a single foot  |
ekapādikā | f. Name of the second book of the śatapatha-brāhmaṇa-.  |
ekapākopajīvin | mfn. living on food prepared by the same cooking (as a family) commentator or commentary on  |
ekapakṣa | m. one side or party, the one case or alternative, the one side of an argument  |
ekapakṣa | mfn. being of the same side or party, siding with, an associate  |
ekapakṣa | mfn. partial, taking one view only  |
ekapakṣe | ind. in one point of view  |
ekapakṣībhāva | m. the state of being the one alternative commentator or commentary on  |
ekapakṣībhū | to be only one side or alternative  |
ekapalādhika | n. one Pala more,  |
ekapalāśa | m. a tree with one leaf gaRa gahādi-  |
ekapalāśīya | mfn. being on or belonging to the above tree  |
ekapāṇa | m. a single wager or stake.  |
ekapañcāśa | mfn. the fifty-first.  |
ekapañcāśat | f. fifty-one  |
ekapañcāśattama | mfn. the fifty-first.  |
ekapara | mfn. of singular importance, more important than any other, first of all (said of dice)  |
ekapari | ind. with exception of one (die)  |
ekaparṇā | f. "living upon one leaf", Name of a younger sister of durgā-  |
ekaparṇā | f. Name of durgā-  |
ekaparṇikā | f. Name of durgā-  |
ekapārthiva | m. sole ruler or king  |
ekaparvataka | m. Name of a mountain  |
ekapaśuka | mfn. having the same victim  |
ekapāta | mfn. happening at once, sudden, rapid  |
ekapāta | m. the pratīka- or first word of a mantra- on  |
ekapāṭalā | f. "living upon a single blossom", Name of a younger sister of durgā-  |
ekapāṭalā | f. Name of durgā-  |
ekapati | m. one and the same husband  |
ekapati | f. having only one husband,  |
ekapatika | mfn. having the same husband commentator or commentary on  |
ekapātin | mfn. having a common or the same appearance, appearing together, belonging to each other etc.  |
ekapātin | mfn. having a single or common pratīka- or first word, quoted together as one verse (as mantra-s)  |
ekapātin | flying (only) in one manner,  |
ekapātin | being alone or solitary, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
ekapatitva | (n.)  |
ekapatnī | f. a woman who has only one husband or lover, a faithful wife, one devoted to her husband or lover etc.  |
ekapatnī | f. plural (yas-)women who have the same husband  |
ekapatnī | f. a single wife, an only wife  |
ekapatnīka | mfn. having only one wife.  |
ekapatnitā | f. the state of having the same wife, (with bahūnām-) polyandry  |
ekapātra | mfn. being in one and the same vessel  |
ekapattra | m. Name of a plant  |
ekapattrikā | f. Ocimum Gratissimum  |
ekaphalā | f. producing only one fruit, Name of a plant  |
ekapiṇḍa | mfn. equals sa-piṇḍa- q.v  |
ekapiṅga | m. "having a yellow mark (in the place of one eye)", Name of kuvera- etc.  |
ekapiṅgala | m. "having a yellow mark (in the place of one eye)", Name of kuvera- etc.  |
ekapiṅgalācala | m. " kuvera-'s mountain", Name of the himavat-  |
ekapīta | mfn. quite yellow,  |
ekaprabhutva | n. the sovereignty of one, monarchy.  |
ekapradāna | mfn. receiving the offerings at the same time or sacrifice (as deities)  |
ekaprādeśa | mf(ā-)n. one span long  |
ekaprahārika | mfn. (killed) by one blow.  |
ekaprakāra | mfn. of the same kind or manner.  |
ekaprakhya | mfn. having the same appearance, similar.  |
ekaprāṇabhāva | m. the act of breathing once  |
ekaprāṇayoga | m. union (of sounds) in one breath  |
ekaprastha | m. "having one table-land", Name of a mountain ([ ]) gaRa mālādi-  |
ekapratihāra | mfn. having only one pratihāra- (q.v) syllable  |
ekaprayatna | m. one effort (of the voice).  |
ekapṛthaktva | n. unity and distinctness.  |
ekapuṇḍarīka | n. "the only lotus" id est the only or very best  |
ekapuroḍāśa | mfn. receiving the same sacrificial cake  |
ekapuruṣa | m. the one supreme Spirit : one man only  |
ekapuruṣa | m. a unique or excellent man  |
ekapuruṣa | mfn. having or consisting of only one man  |
ekapuṣkala | m. (-puṣkara- edition Bombay) a kind of musical instrument (equals kāhala- )  |
ekapuṣpā | f. "producing only one blossom", Name of a plant  |
ekaputra | mfn. having only one son  |
ekaputra | m. an only son.  |
ekaputraka | m. a species of bird  |
ekarada | m. "one-tusked", Name of gaṇeśa-  |
ekarāj | mfn. shining alone, alone visible  |
ekarāj | m. (ṭ-) the only king or ruler, monarch etc.  |
ekarāj | m. the king alone  |
ekaraja | m. Verbesina Scandens  |
ekarāja | m. the only king, monarch  |
ekarājñī | f. the only queen, absolute queen.  |
ekarasa | m. the only pleasure, only object of affection  |
ekarasa | mfn. having only one pleasure or object of affection, relishing or finding pleasure in only one thing or person etc.  |
ekarasa | mfn. having (always) the same object of affection, unchangeable  |
ekarāśi | f. one heap, a quantity heaped together  |
ekarāśibhūta | mfn. heaped or collected together, mingled.  |
ekarāśigata | mfn. heaped or collected together, mingled.  |
ekaratha | m. an eminent warrior  |
ekarātra | n. duration of one night, one night, one day and night  |
ekarātra | m. a particular observance or festival  |
ekarātra | mfn. during one night.  |
ekarātrika | mfn. lasting for one night  |
ekarātrika | mfn. lasting for one day and night (as food)  |
ekarātrika | mfn. staying one night  |
ekarātrīṇa | mfn. during one night  |
ekarca | m. (eka-ṛca-) n. a single verse gaRa ardharcādi- ([ ])  |
ekarca | mfn. consisting of only one verse  |
ekarca | n. a sūkta- of only one verse  |
ekarikthin | mfn. sharing the same heritage, co-heir  |
ekaṛṣi | m. the only or chief ṛṣi-  |
ekaṛṣi | m. Name of a ṛṣi-  |
ekarṣi | See -ṛṣ/i-  |
ekaṛtu | m. the only time, only season  |
ekartu | See -ṛt/u-, .  |
ekarudra | m. rudra- alone  |
ekarudra | m. (with śaiva-s) one of the eight forms of vidyeśvara-  |
ekarūpa | n. one form, one kind  |
ekarūpa | mfn. having the same colour or form, one-coloured, of one kind, uniform etc.  |
ekarūpa | n. Name of a metre  |
ekarūpatā | f. uniformity, invariableness  |
ekarūpatas | ind. in one form, unalterably  |
ekarūpya | mfn. descended from one and the same man or woman commentator or commentary on  |
ekasabha | n. the only meeting-place or resort  |
ekasahasra | n. 1001  |
ekasahasra | n. ([v]ṛṣabhaikasahasraṃ-[ ] or hasrās- scilicet gāvas-,a thousand cows and one bull )  |
ekaśākha | mfn. being of the same branch or school (as a Brahman) |
ekaśākha | mfn. having but one branch (as a tree)  |
ekaśākha | mfn. gaRa gahādi-  |
ekaśākhīya | mfn. belonging to the above  |
ekasākṣika | mfn. witnessed by one.  |
ekaśālā | f. a single hall or room  |
ekaśālā | f. Name of a place,  |
ekaśālā | n. a house consisting of one hall  |
ekaśālā | n. Name of a town  |
ekasāla | n. Name of a place (varia lectio for -śāla-) edition Bombay.  |
ekaśalākā | f. a single staff  |
ekaśālika | mfn. like a single hall or room  |
ekasampratyaya | m. having the same signification,  |
ekasaṃśraya | mfn. keeping together, closely allied  |
ekasaṃvatsara | m. duration of one year  |
ekaśapha | mfn. whole-hoofed, not cloven-hoofed, solidungulate etc.  |
ekaśapha | m. a whole-hoofed animal (as a horse etc.)  |
ekaśapha | n. the race of solidungulate animals  |
ekasaptata | mfn. the 71st.  |
ekasaptati | f. 71  |
ekasaptatignṇa | mfn. multiplied by 71,  |
ekasaptatika | mfn. consisting of 71.  |
ekasaptatitama | mfn. the 71st.  |
ekasarga | mfn. closely attentive, having the mind intent upon one object  |
ekaśarīra | mfn. descended from one body, consanguineous  |
ekaśarīrānvaya | m. consanguineous descent  |
ekaśarīrārambha | m. beginning of consanguinity (by union of father and mother)  |
ekaśarīrāvayava | m. a descendant in right line, kinsman by blood  |
ekaśarīrāvayavatva | n. consanguineous descent or connexion.  |
ekaśarīrin | mfn. standing alone, id est having no relatives,  |
ekasārthaprayāta | mfn. going after one and the same object, having the same aim  |
ekaśas | See .  |
ekaśas | ind. one by one, singly  |
ekaṣaṣṭa | mfn. (fr. the next) , the 61st  |
ekaṣaṣṭa | mfn. connected or together with 61  |
ekaṣaṣṭi | f. 61  |
ekaṣaṣṭitama | mfn. the 61st.  |
ekaśata | n. 101  |
ekaśata | mf(ā-)n. the 101st  |
ekaśatadhā | ind. 101-fold, in 101 parts  |
ekaśatatama | mf(ī-)n. the 101st  |
ekaśatavidha | mfn. 101-fold.  |
ekasatī | f. the only satī- or faithful wife  |
ekaśāyin | mfn. sleeping alone, chaste  |
ekaśepa | m. Name of a man.  |
ekaśeṣa | m. the only remainder  |
ekaśeṣa | m. "the remaining of one", (in grammar) a term denoting that of two or more stems (alike in form and followed by the same termination) only one remains (exempli gratia, 'for example' the plural vṛkṣās-is the only remainder of vṛkṣas- vṛkṣas- vṛkṣas- )  |
ekaśeṣa | mfn. of which only one is left,  |
ekaśilā | f. Name of a town.  |
ekaśīla | mfn. of one and the same nature or character  |
ekaśīrṣan | mfn. having the face turned towards the same direction  |
ekaśitipad | (pāt-, padī-, pat-) mfn. having one white foot  |
ekaśnuṣṭi | varia lectio for - śruṣṭi-,  |
ekasphyā | f. (scilicet lekhā-) a line scratched with one piece of wood  |
ekasṛka | m. a kind of jackal (having solitary habits)  |
ekaśṛṅga | mfn. having but one horn, unicorn  |
ekaśṛṅga | mfn. having but one peak (as a mountain)  |
ekaśṛṅga | mfn. being of singular eminence, pre-eminent  |
ekaśṛṅga | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
ekaśṛṅga | m. plural a class of Manes  |
ekaśṛṅgā | f. Name of the first wife of śuka-  |
ekaśruṣṭi | mfn. obedient to one command  |
ekaśrutadhara | mfn. keeping in mind what one has heard once  |
ekaśruti | f. an only śruti- or Vedic passage, the same śruti-  |
ekaśruti | f. an enunciation in the singular  |
ekaśruti | f. the hearing of only one sound, monotony commentator or commentary on commentator or commentary on  |
ekaśruti | f. the neutral accentless tone  |
ekaśruti | mfn. of only one sound, monotonous  |
ekaśrutimūlatva | n. the state of being based on the same Vedic passage  |
ekaśrutyupadeśa | m. Name of work  |
ekastambha | mfn. resting upon one pillar  |
ekastha | mfn. standing together, remaining in the same place, conjoined, combined, assembled etc.  |
ekastha | mfn. standing in or occupying only one panel  |
ekasthāna | n. one place, one and the same place  |
ekasthāna | mfn. having the same place of production, uttered by the same organ of speech commentator or commentary on  |
ekasthānāśraya | mfn. sthānāśraya |
ekasthānāśraya | see sthān-, page 1263.  |
ekasthāne | ind. locative case together  |
ekastoma | mfn. accompanied or celebrated by only one stoma-  |
ekaśūla | mfn. onepointed,  |
ekaśulka | n. one and the same purchase-money (given to the parents of a bride)  |
ekaśuṅga | mfn. having but one sheath (as a bud)  |
ekasūnu | m. an only son.  |
ekasūtra | n. a small double drum (played by a string and ball attached to the body of it)  |
ekatā | f. oneness, unity, union, coincidence, identity etc.  |
ekatā | f. (ekatām api-yā-,to become one with [instr.] )  |
ekata | m. Name of one of the three āptya-s etc.  |
ekata | m. of a Brahman  |
ekatāla | m. harmony, unison (of song, dance, and instrumental music)  |
ekatāla | m. accurate adjustment  |
ekatāla | mfn. having a single palm tree (as a mountain)  |
ekatālī | f. a particular time (in mus.)  |
ekatālī | f. an instrument for beating time  |
ekatālī | f. any instrument having but one note  |
ekatālikā | f. a particular time (in mus.)  |
ekatama | mfn. (n. -at-) one of many, one (used sometimes as indef. article)  |
ekatāna | mfn. directed to one object only, having the mind fixed on one object only, closely attentive  |
ekatāna | mfn. of the same or equal extent  |
ekatāna | m. attention fixed on one object only  |
ekatāna | m. harmonious tone or song (see tāna-)  |
ekatantrī | f. a lute with one chord.  |
ekatantrikā | f. a lute with one chord.  |
ekatara | mfn. (n. am-,not at-by vArttika on ) one of two, either, other etc.  |
ekatara | mfn. (rarely) one of many,  |
ekatas | See .  |
ekatas | ind. from one, from one and the same  |
ekatas | ind. from one view, from one side, on one side, on one part, on the one hand etc.  |
ekatas | ind. (the correlative to ekatas-is either ekatas-repeated or aparatas-or anyatas-or vā- exempli gratia, 'for example' ekatas-- ekatas-or ekatas-- aparatas-,on the one hand - on the other)  |
ekatas | ind. in one body, all together  |
ekatatpara | mfn. solely intent on  |
ekataya | mfn. single, one by one  |
ekatejana | mfn. having a single shaft (as an arrow)  |
ekatīrthin | mfn. inhabiting the same hermitage  |
ekatīrthin | (lexicographers (i.e. a word or meaning which although give in native lexicons, has not yet been met with in any published text)), m. one who has the same teacher, fellow-student  |
ekatīrthya | ( ), m. one who has the same teacher, fellow-student  |
ekato | (by saṃdhi- for ekatas-).  |
ekatodat | mfn. having teeth in only one (id est the lower) jaw  |
ekatomukha | mf(ā-)n. turned to one side,  |
ekatomukha | (a vessel) having a spout only on one side, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
ekatra | ind. in one, in one and the same etc.  |
ekatra | ind. in one place, in the same place, in a single spot (with the force of the locative) etc.  |
ekatra | ind. on the one side  |
ekatra | ind. (the correlative is aparatra-or sometimes anyasmin-,on the one side - on the other side, here - there)  |
ekatra | ind. in one and the same place, all together  |
ekatrika | m. Name of a particular ekāha- sacrifice  |
ekatṛṃśa | mf(ī-)n. the thirty-first.  |
ekatṛṃśa | śaka-, śat- (read /eka-- triṃśa-, saka-, śat-)  |
ekatṛṃśadakṣara | mf(ā-)n. consisting of thirty-one syllables  |
ekatṛṃśaka | mfn. consisting of thirty-one elements.  |
ekatṛṃśat | f. thirty-one  |
ekatumba | mf(ī-)n3. having a single bottle-gourd (for a sounding-board).  |
ekatva | n. oneness, unity, union, coincidence, identity etc.  |
ekatva | n. (in grammar) the singular number  |
ekatva | n. singleness, soleness  |
ekaugha | m. a single flight (of arrows)  |
ekaughabhūta | mfn. collected into one mass, heaped or crowded together.  |
ekavācaka | mfn. denoting the same thing, synonymous commentator or commentary on  |
ekavacana | n. the singular number  |
ekavāda | m. a kind of drum  |
ekavāda | m. (with vedāntin-s) a particular theory (establishing the identity of all objects with brahman-)  |
ekavadbhāva | m. the being or becoming like one, aggregation commentator or commentary on  |
ekavādyā | f. a kind of spirit or demon ([ ])  |
ekavaktra | m. "one-faced", Name of a dānava-  |
ekavaktrā | f. Name of a mother in the retinue of skanda- , (varia lectio -candrā-)  |
ekavaktra | n. a kind of berry  |
ekavaktraka | mfn. one-faced  |
ekavākya | n. a single expression or word  |
ekavākya | n. a single sentence commentator or commentary on  |
ekavākya | n. the same sentence, an identical sentence (either by words or meanings)  |
ekavākya | n. a speech not contradicted, unanimous speech  |
ekavākya | f. (in grammar) the being one sentence.  |
ekavākyatā | f. unanimity  |
ekavāram | ind. only once, at one time commentator or commentary on  |
ekavāram | ind. at once, suddenly  |
ekavāre | ind. idem or 'ind. at once, suddenly '  |
ekavarṇa | m. a single sound or letter, etc.  |
ekavarṇa | mfn. of one colour, one-coloured, uniform etc.  |
ekavarṇa | mfn. having one caste only, being all one caste  |
ekavarṇa | mfn. consisting of one sound only  |
ekavarṇaka | mfn. consisting of one syllable.  |
ekavarṇasamīkaraṇa | n. equalization of two uniform quantities, a kind of equation (in mathematics)  |
ekavarṇī | f. a kind of musical instrument  |
ekavarṣikā | f. a heifer one year old  |
ekavartanin | mfn. one-wheeled,  |
ekavartman | n. a by-way, path  |
ekavāsa | mfn. living on the same place.  |
ekavāsas | mfn. clothed in only one garment  |
ekavastra | mfn. having but a single garment, clothed in only one garment etc. |
ekavastrasnānavidhi | m. Name of work  |
ekavastratā | f. the state of having but a single garment  |
ekavat | ind. like one, simple  |
ekavat | ind. as one, as in the case of one etc.  |
ekaveda | mfn. knowing (or studying) only one veda-, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
ekaveṇi | f. a single braid of hair (worn by women, as a sign of mourning, when their husbands are dead or absent for a long period)  |
ekaveṇi | f. a woman wearing her hair in the above manner.  |
ekaveṇī | f. a single braid of hair (worn by women, as a sign of mourning, when their husbands are dead or absent for a long period)  |
ekaveṇī | f. a woman wearing her hair in the above manner.  |
ekaveśman | n. a unique building  |
ekaveśman | n. one and the same house  |
ekaveśman | n. a solitary house or room  |
ekavibhakti | mfn. that (member of a compound) which (when the compound is resolved) appears throughout in one and the same case  |
ekavidha | mfn. of one kind, simple  |
ekavidha | mfn. identical  |
ekavilocana | m. plural "one-eyed", Name of a fabulous people  |
ekaviṃśa | mf(ī-)n. the twenty-first etc.  |
ekaviṃśa | mf(ī-)n. consisting of twenty-one parts (as the ekaviṃśa-stoma-) etc.  |
ekaviṃśa | m. the ekaviṃśa-stoma- etc.  |
ekaviṃśa | m. Name of one of the six pṛṣṭhya-stoma-s  |
ekaviṃśaka | mf(ikā-)n. the twenty-first  |
ekaviṃśaka | mf(ikā-)n. consisting of twenty-one (syllables)  |
ekaviṃśaka | n. the number twenty-one  |
ekaviṃśasaṃpad | f. accomplishing the number twenty-one  |
ekaviṃśastoma | m. a stoma- (q.v) consisting of twenty-one parts  |
ekaviṃśat | f. twenty-one  |
ekaviṃśati | f. twenty-one, a collection or combination of twenty-one  |
ekaviṃśaticchadi | (/eka--), mfn. having 21 roofs,  |
ekaviṃśatidhā | ind. twenty-one-fold, in twenty-one parts  |
ekaviṃśatitama | mfn. the twenty-first  |
ekaviṃśatividha | mfn. twenty-one times, twenty-one-fold  |
ekaviṃśatka | n. the number twenty-one  |
ekaviṃśavat | mfn. accompanied with the ekaviṃśa-stoma-  |
ekaviṃśinī | f. idem or 'n. the number twenty-one '  |
ekavīra | m. a unique or pre-eminent hero etc.  |
ekavīra | m. a species of tree  |
ekavīrā | f. Name of a daughter of śiva-  |
ekavīrā | f. a species of gourd  |
ekavīrakalpa | m. Name of work  |
ekavīrya | mfn. of equal strength  |
ekaviṣayin | mfn. having one common object or aim, a rival.  |
ekavrata | mfn. obedient or devoted to one person only  |
ekavrata | mfn. keeping a fast in which food is taken only once a day  |
ekavrātya | m. the only or supreme vrātya- (q.v)  |
ekavṛka | m. a solitary wolf commentator or commentary on  |
ekavṛkīhīya | mfn. derived trom the same tree or wood,  |
ekavṛkṣa | m. an isolated tree  |
ekavṛkṣa | m. one and the same tree  |
ekavṛkṣa | m. a country or place in which (for the distance of four krośa-s) there is but one tree  |
ekavṛkṣīya | mfn. belonging to an isolated tree or to one and the same tree, belonging to a country like the above gaRa gahādi-  |
ekavṛnda | m. a particular disease of the throat  |
ekavṛṣa | m. the chief bull, the best or most excellent of a number  |
ekavṛṣa | n. Name of a sāman-.  |
ekavṛt | mfn. "being one", simple  |
ekavṛtta | n. the same metre  |
ekavyākhyāna | mfn. having the same explanation  |
ekavyāvahārika | m. plural "living solitary (?)", Name of a Buddhist school.  |
ekavyavasāyin | mfn. following the same employment.  |
ekavyūha | mfn. appearing (only) in one form,  |
ekayajña | m. a sacrifice offered by one person  |
ekayakāra | mfn. containing only one ya-.  |
ekayama | mfn. monotonous  |
ekayaṣṭi | f. any ornament consisting of a single pearl  |
ekayaṣṭikā | f. any ornament consisting of a single pearl  |
ekayāvan | m. Name of a king  |
ekayoga | m. one rule (opposed to yoga-vibhāga-, q.v)  |
ekayoni | f. the same womb  |
ekayoni | mfn. of the same mother  |
ekayoni | mfn. of the same origin or caste  |
ekayūpa | m. one and the same sacrificial post  |
abhiṣeka | m. anointing, inaugurating or consecrating (by sprinkling water), inauguration of a king, royal unction |
abhiṣeka | m. the water or liquid used at an inauguration etc.  |
abhiṣeka | m. religious bathing, ablution etc.  |
abhiṣeka | m. bathing of the divinity to whom worship is offered (see mahābhiṣeka-and mūrdhābhiṣeka-.)  |
ābhiṣeka | mfn. (fr. abhi-ṣeka-), relating to the inauguration of a king  |
ābhiṣeka | mfn. serving for it  |
abhiṣekabhūmipratilambha | m. attainment of the royal station, .  |
abhiṣekaśālā | f. the hall of coronation.  |
ākekara | mfn. squinting slightly  |
ambeka | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a Commentator,  |
aneka | mfn. not one, many, much  |
aneka | mfn. separated.  |
anekabhārya | mfn. having more wives than one.  |
anekacara | mfn. gregarious.  |
anekacittamantra | m. one whose counsels are many-minded.  |
anekadhā | ind. in various ways, often.  |
anekadhāprayoga | m. using repeatedly.  |
anekadharmakathā | f. different exposition of the law.  |
anekadhṛt | m. Name (also title or epithet) of rudra-śiva-,  |
anekagotra | m. having more families than one id est two, belonging to two families (or to one as an adopted son).  |
anekaja | mfn. born more than once  |
anekaja | m. a bird  |
anekakālam | ind. a long time, for a long time.  |
anekakālāvadhi | ind. long since.  |
anekakāma | (/aneka--) mfn. having many wishes  |
anekakṛt | m. "doing much", Name of śiva-.  |
anekalocana | m. "having several (three) eyes", Name of śiva-.  |
anekamukha | mfn. having several faces, having different ways.  |
anekapa | mfn. "drinking oftener than once", an elephant (because he drinks with his trunk and with his mouth)  |
anekarandhra | mfn. having many holes or weaknesses or troubles.  |
anekarūpa | mf(ā-)n. multiform  |
anekarūpa | mf(ā-)n. of various kinds or sorts  |
anekarūpa | mf(ā-)n. fickle, of variable mind.  |
anekaśabda | mfn. expressed by several words, synonymous.  |
anekasaṃkhya | mfn. very numerous,  |
anekasaṃsthāna | mfn. wearing various disguises (as spies),  |
anekaśapha | mfn. cloven-hoofed commentator or commentary  |
anekaśas | ind. in great numbers, several times, repeatedly.  |
anekatā | f. muchness, manifold condition.  |
anekatra | ind. in many places.  |
anekatva | n. muchness, manifold condition.  |
anekavacana | n. the plural number.  |
anekavāram | ind. many times, repeatedly.  |
anekavarṇa | (in algebra compounded with various words to denote) many unknown quantities (colours representingx,y,z,etc. exempli gratia, 'for example' aneka-varṇa-guṇana-,multiplication of many unknown quantities) .  |
anekavarṇa | mfn. many-coloured,  |
anekavārṣika | mfn. many years old,  |
anekavidha | mfn. of many kinds, in different ways, various.  |
anekayuddhavijayin | m. victorious in many battles.  |
anuṣeka | m. rewatering or sprinkling over again  |
anuṣekaṣecana | n. rewatering or sprinkling over again  |
anutseka | m. absence of arrogance or highmindedness.  |
anvayavyatireka | n. agreement and contrariety  |
anvayavyatireka | n. a positive and negative proposition  |
anvayavyatireka | n. species and difference  |
anvayavyatireka | n. rule and exception  |
anvayavyatireka | n. logical connection and disconnection.  |
āreka | m. emptying  |
āreka | m. doubt |
āseka | m. wetting, sprinkling, watering  |
atireka | m. surplus, excess  |
atireka | m. redundancy  |
atireka | m. difference.  |
atīreka | m. ([only once ]) surplus, excess  |
atīreka | m. redundancy  |
atīreka | m. difference.  |
atīreka | See ati-ric-.  |
ātmatattvaviveka | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
avaseka | m. sprinkling, irrigating (as the ground)  |
avaseka | m. syringing, administering a clyster , bleeding (with leeches)  |
aviveka | m. absence of judgement or discrimination  |
aviveka | m. non-separation, non-distinction  |
avivekam | ind. See a-vivecam-.  |
avivekatā | want of judgement, inconsiderateness  |
avyatireka | m. non-exclusion, non-exception  |
avyatireka | mfn., (equals avyabhicārin-) unerring  |
bekanāṭa | m. a usurer ( ) |
bhagavadbhaktiviveka | m. Name of work  |
bhāgaviveka | m. Name of work on inheritance.  |
bhāvanāviveka | m. Name of work  |
bhāvasāraviveka | m. Name of work  |
bhāvaviveka | m. Name of a teacher  |
bhāvaviveka | m. Name of various works.  |
bheka | m. (probably onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds);but see ) a frog etc. (according to to the croaking of frogs was caused by the curse of agni- who was betrayed by them to the gods when he took refuge in the water)  |
bheka | m. a cloud  |
bheka | m. a timid man (equals bhīru-) (see bhela-)  |
bheka | m. Name of a niṣāda- and a brāhmaṇī-  |
bhekabhuj | m. "frog-eater", a snake  |
bhekaparṇī | f. "frog-leaved", a species of plant  |
bhekaśabda | m. the croaking of frogs  |
bhūmyekadeśa | m. one portion of territory  |
bhūtaviveka | m. Name of work  |
brahmāvabodhavivekasindhu | m. brahmāvabodha |
bṛhadāraṇyakaviveka | m. Name of work  |
caturdaśamataviveka | m. "disquisition on the 14 philos. systems", Name of work by śaṃkara-  |
catustridvyekabhāga | mfn. plural receiving 4, 3, 2, and 1 part respectively  |
cheka | mf(ā-)n. clever, shrewd ( )  |
cheka | mf(ā-)n. domesticated  |
cheka | m. a bee  |
cheka | m. equals kānuprāsa-  |
chekala | ([ ]), mfn. clever.  |
darśanaviveka | m. Name of work  |
dharmābhiṣekakriyā | f. any ablution prescribed as a religious duty  |
dharmaviveka | m. "discussion on the law", Name of works.  |
dharmavivekavākya | n. Name of a short poem ascribed to halāyudha-.  |
dhṛtotseka | mfn. possessing pride, haughty, arrogant  |
dhvaniviveka | m. Name of work  |
dīkṣāviveka | m. Name of work  |
dolāyātrāviveka | m. Name of work  |
dravyaguṇaviveka | m. Name of work  |
dṛgdṛśyaviveka | m. Name of work  |
dvaitaviveka | m. Name of work  |
ekānekasvarūpa | mfn. simple yet manifold  |
haṃsaviveka | m. Name of work  |
hanumadekamukhakavaca | n.  |
harilīlāviveka | m. Name of work  |
hastekaraṇa | n. taking (the bride's) hand, marrying  |
haṭhayogaviveka | m. Name of work  |
jagadekacakṣus | m. "sole eye of the universe", the sun,  |
jagadekanātha | m. the sole monarch of the world (raghu-)  |
jagadekapāvana | mfn. the sole purifier of the world  |
jalābhiṣeka | m. equals la-seka-  |
jalaseka | m. sprinkling with water  |
jātiviveka | m. Name of work  |
jīvanmuktiviveka | m. Name of work by mādhava-.  |
kālaviveka | m. Name of work (by jīmūta-vāhana-).  |
kañcideka | n. Name of a village  |
kekala | m. (for kelaka-?) a dancer  |
kekara | mfn. squint-eyed (varia lectio) (see kedara-, ṭeraka-.)  |
kekaraka | mfn. equals ra-  |
kekarākṣa | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. squint-eyed (varia lectio) (see kedara-, ṭeraka-.)' ' '  |
kekaralocana | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. squint-eyed (varia lectio) (see kedara-, ṭeraka-.)' '  |
kekaranetra | mfn. idem or 'mfn. squint-eyed (varia lectio) (see kedara-, ṭeraka-.)'  |
kekaya | m. plural Name of a warrior-tribe etc.  |
kekaya | m. ( and gaRa bhargādi-) a chief of that tribe (prince of the solar race)  |
kekayī | f. a princess of that tribe (wife of daśa-ratha- and mother of bharata-) (see kaikeya-.)  |
khalekapotanyāya | m. the rule of the doves alighting upon a threshing-floor, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
khalekapotikā | f. the rule of the doves alighting upon a threshing-floor, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
kṛtābhiṣeka | mfn. one who has performed a religious ablution  |
kṛtābhiṣeka | mfn. consecrated, inaugurated  |
kṛtābhiṣeka | m. a prince who has been inaugurated  |
kumārābhiṣeka | m. "inauguration of kumāra-", Name of  |
laghujātiviveka | m. Name of work  |
lakṣmīpūjāviveka | m. Name of work  |
leka | m. (said to be) Name of an āditya-  |
lipiviveka | m. Name of work on the art of writing of  |
madapraseka | m. idem or 'm. the issue of temple-juice (in a rutting elephant) '  |
madapraseka | m. the aphrodisiacal fluid (of a woman) (perhaps"sprinkling with wine").  |
madodreka | m. Melia Bukayun  |
mahābhiṣeka | (hābh-) m. solemn sprinkling or unction  |
mahābhiṣeka | Name of  |
mahābhiṣekaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
mahābhiṣekavidhi | m. Name of work  |
mahāratnābhiṣekarāmadhyāna | n. Name of work  |
mahāvākyaviveka | m. Name of work  |
mahodreka | m. a particular measure of capacity (= 4 prastha-s)  |
māṃsaviveka | m. Name of work  |
maṇḍalābhiṣekapūjā | f. Name of work  |
mandaviveka | m. little judgement or discernment,  |
maṇipraveka | m. a most excellent jewel  |
mānotsekaparākramavyasanin | mfn. possessing intense diligence, prowess, haughtiness and pride  |
mantharaviveka | mfn. slow in judgement, void of discrimination  |
mātṛkāviveka | m. Name of work  |
meka | m. a goat  |
meka | See su-m/eka-  |
mekala | m. Name of a mountain in the vindhya-  |
mekala | m. (?) of a ṛṣi- (father of the river narma-dā-)  |
mekala | m. plural of a people  |
mekala | m. of a dynasty  |
mekalā | f. Name of the river narma-dā- (Nerbudda)  |
mekalā | f. of a town ,  |
mekalādri | m. the mekala- mountain  |
mekalādrijā | f. Name of the river narma-dā-  |
mekalaka | m. plural equals mekala- Name of a dynasty  |
mekalakanyakā | f. "daughter of mekala-", Name of the river narma-dā- (also -kanyā- )  |
mekalakanyakātata | m. or n. Name of a district  |
mekalaprabhava | mfn. arising or having its source in the mekala- mountain  |
mekalaśaila | m. the mekala- mountain  |
mekalaśailakanyā | f. equals mekala-kanyakā-  |
mīmāṃsānayaviveka | m. Name of a commentator or commentary on the mīmāṃsā-sūtra-s (q.v) by bhava-nātha-miśra-  |
mīmāṃsānayavivekagatārthamālikā | f. Name of work  |
mīmāṃsānayavivekaśaṅkādīpikā | f. Name of work  |
mūrdhābhiṣeka | m. "head-sprinkling", consecration, inauguration  |
mūtrapraseka | m. the urethra  |
nandikeśvarābhiṣeka | m. Name of chapter of  |
nañvādaviveka | m. Name of commentator or commentary on it.  |
nañviveka | m. Name of work  |
nareśvaraviveka | m. Name of work  |
navavivekadīpikā | f. Name of work  |
nayaviveka | m. Name of work  |
nayavivekadīpikā | f. Name of Comm.  |
nayavivekaśaṅkādīpikā | f. Name of Comm.  |
nireka | mfn. excluding"one"  |
nireka | m. ( ric-) prominence, superiority, pre-eminence over (genitive case)  |
nirṇeka | m. ( ) washing, ablution, expiation.  |
nirviveka | mfn. undiscriminating, inconsiderate, foolish,  |
nirvivekatā | f. ( ) want of judgement, indiscretion.  |
nirvivekatva | n. ( ) want of judgement, indiscretion.  |
niṣeka | m. sprinkling, infusion, aspersion, dripping, distilling  |
niṣeka | m. seminal infusion, impregnation and the ceremony connected with it  |
niṣeka | m. water for washing, dirty water, wash (impurities caused by seminal effusion ?)  |
niṣekaprakāra | m. Name of work  |
niṣekasvarā | f. Name of work  |
niṣekavicāra | m. Name of work  |
nītiviveka | m. Name of work  |
notseka | mfn. not proud, humble, modest,  |
nyāyakusumāñjaliviveka | m. nyāyakusumāñjali |
nyāyalīlāvatīprakāśadidhitiviveka | m. Name of work  |
nyāyalīlāvatīviveka | m. Name of work  |
nyāyaviveka | m. Name of work  |
nyāyavivekadipikā | f. Name of work  |
pabbeka | m. Name of the father of kedāra-bhaṭṭa- (author of the vṛtta-ratnākara-)  |
padārthaviveka | m. Name of work |
padeka | m. a hawk, falcon  |
pañcabhūtaviveka | m. Name of work  |
pañcadaśīviveka | m. Name of work  |
pañcakośaviveka | m. Name of work  |
pāñcālajātiviveka | m. Name of work  |
pañcāmṛtābhiṣekaprakāra | m. Name of work  |
pañcīkaraṇaviveka | m. Name of work  |
pāṇigrahādikṛtyaviveka | m. Name of work  |
paramārthaviveka | m. Name of work  |
paribhāṣāviveka | m. Name of work |
pariṣeka | m. sprinkling over, moistening  |
pariṣeka | m. a bath, bathing apparatus (see parī-ṣ-).  |
parīṣeka | m. equals pari-ṣ- (under pari-ṣic-)  |
paṭṭābhiṣeka | m. consecration of a tiara  |
paṭutaraviveka | mfn. of keen understanding  |
phalābhiṣeka | m. Name of work  |
prajāniṣeka | m. infusion of semen, impregnation, offspring  |
prakṛtivikṛtiyāgakālaviveka | m. Name of work  |
prapañcasāraviveka | m. Name of work  |
prapañcaviveka | m. Name of work  |
prareka | m. (i, 17, 6) abundance, plenty  |
prareka | r/ecana- See pra-ric-.  |
praseka | m. flowing forth, dropping, oozing, effusion  |
praseka | m. emission, discharge  |
praseka | m. sprinkling, wetting  |
praseka | m. exudation, resin  |
praseka | m. running or watering of the mouth or nose, vomiting, nausea  |
praseka | m. ( prasekatā -tā- f. idem or 'm. running or watering of the mouth or nose, vomiting, nausea ' )  |
praseka | m. the bowl of a spoon or ladle  |
praseka | pra-secana- etc. See under pra--. sic-, p.697.  |
prasekam | (ind.p. of pra-- sic-) pouring out,  |
prasekatā | f. praseka  |
praśnaviveka | m. Name of work  |
pratiṣeka | m. besprinkling, moistening  |
pratiṣṭhāviveka | m. Name of work  |
pratyagekarasa | mfn. having taste or pleasure only for the interior, delighting only in one's own soul  |
pratyaktattvaviveka | m. Name of philos. work  |
pratyeka | mfn. each one, each single one, every one  |
pratyeka | n. a particular sin  |
pratyeka | n. (in the beginning of a compound or pratyekam am- ind.) one by one, one at a time, singly, for every single one etc.  |
pratyeka | see parasmE-pada 664, column 2.  |
pratyekabodhi | f. equals -buddhatva-  |
pratyekabuddha | m. a buddha- who lives in seclusion and obtains emancipation for himself only (as opp. to those buddha-s who liberate others also) (see )  |
pratyekabuddhacatuṣṭaya | n. Name of work  |
pratyekabuddhakathā | f. Name of work  |
pratyekabuddhatva | n. the state of a pratyeka-buddha-  |
pratyekam | ind. pratyeka |
pratyekanaraka | m. a particular hell  |
pratyekaśas | ind. one by one, singly, severally  |
praveka | mfn. ( vic-) choicest, most excellent, principal, chief (always in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
praviveka | m. complete solitude |
prāyaścittaviveka | m. Name of work |
prayogasaṃgrahaviveka | m. Name of work  |
prayogaviveka | m. Name of work  |
prayogavivekasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
punarabhiṣeka | m. anointing again  |
punārājābhiṣeka | m. the consecration of a new king  |
puraścaraṇaviveka | m. Name of work  |
pūrṇābhiṣeka | m. a particular ceremony among the śākta-s  |
pūrṇābhiṣekapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
pūrvābhiṣeka | m. previous anointing  |
pūrvābhiṣeka | m. ( "a particular mantra-")  |
puṣpābhiṣeka | m. equals pa-snāna-  |
puṣyābhiṣeka | m. idem or 'n. a particular ceremony of purification performed while the moon is passing through the asterism puṣya-. (varia lectio puṣpa-s-).' (varia lectio puṣpābh-).  |
rāgavibodhaviveka | m. Name of musical work  |
rāgaviveka | m. Name of musical work  |
rāgodreka | m. excess of passion  |
rājābhiṣeka | m. "consecration of a kind", Name of work  |
rājābhiṣekapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
rājābhiṣekaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
rājaprathamābhiṣeka | m. Name of the 2nd pariśiṣṭa- of  |
rājyābhiṣeka | m. inauguration to a kingdom, coronation  |
rājyābhiṣekadīdhiti | f. Name of work  |
rājyābhiṣekamantra | m. Name of work  |
rājyābhiṣekapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
rājyābhiṣekaprakaraṇaṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
rājyābhiṣekavidhi | m. Name of work  |
rāmābhiṣeka | m. " rāma-s's consecration", Name of a poem by keśava- paṇḍita-.  |
rāmapaṭṭābhiṣeka | m. Name of work  |
rāmāyaṇaviveka | m. Name of work  |
rasaviveka | m. Name of work  |
rāsayātrāviveka | m. Name of work  |
ratnābhiṣekamantra | m. Name of work  |
reka | etc. See .  |
reka | m. (only ) suspicion, doubt, fear  |
reka | m. a man of low caste  |
reka | m. a frog (see bheka-)  |
reka | m. a kind of fish.  |
reka | m. ( ric-) emptying, loosening, purging  |
retaḥseka | m. idem or 'n. discharge of semen ' , sexual intercourse with (locative case)  |
ṛtekarmam | ind. while (indra-) pours down rain, during the rain ([ ])  |
ṛtekarmam | ind. (See also ṛt/e-,.)  |
ṛtekarmam | ind. without work ([ ]) (see under ṛt/a-,.)  |
rudrābhiṣeka | m. Name of work  |
rudrābhiṣekavidhi | m. Name of work  |
śabdālokaviveka | m. Name of Comm.  |
sadasadviveka | m. discrimination between true and false or between good and bad |
ṣaḍdarśanaviveka | m. Name of work  |
sahanumaraṇaviveka | m. Name of work on widow-burning.  |
sahasrakalasābhiṣekaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
śāktābhiṣeka | m. Name of work  |
saleka | (s/a--) m. (said to be) Name of an āditya- (see leka-)  |
salilaniṣeka | m. sprinkling with water  |
samāseka | m. pouring out together  |
sambandhaviveka | m. Name of work  |
saṃjñāviveka | m. Name of work  |
sāṃkhyasāraviveka | m. Name of work by vijñāna-bhikṣu-.  |
saṃkrāntiviveka | m. Name of work  |
saṃnikarṣatattvaviveka | m. Name of work  |
saṃseka | m. sprinkling over, moistening, watering  |
saṃseka | See saṃ-sic-.  |
śāntiviveka | m. Name of work  |
sārāsāraviveka | m. Name of two works.  |
sarvatathāgatavajrābhiṣekajñānamudrā | f. Name of particular positions of the fingers  |
sātireka | mfn. idem or 'mfn. having excess, excessive, increased, more abundant '  |
ṣaṭkarmaviveka | m. Name of work  |
sattvodreka | m. excess or predominance of the quality of goodness, superabundance of energy  |
satyamṛṣāviveka | m. discrimination of truth and falsehood  |
saviveka | mfn. possessed of judgement, discerning  |
seka | etc. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
seka | m. (fr. sic-) pouring out, emission, effusion (as of the seminal fluid;also "the fluid itself")  |
seka | m. sprinkling, besprinkling, moistening or watering with (compound) etc.  |
seka | m. a shower-bath  |
seka | m. a libation, offering  |
seka | m. a drop of anything  |
seka | m. plural Name of a people  |
sekabhājana | n. a vessel for pouring out or holding water, watering-pot, bucket  |
sekaṃdhara | m. See sekandhara- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
sekaṃdharapurī | f. See  |
sekamiśrānna | n. food mixed with curds  |
sekandhara | m. = $, Iskandar (Alexander)  |
sekandharapurī | f. Alexander's city  |
sekapātra | n. a vessel for pouring out or holding water, watering-pot, bucket  |
siddhāntalakṣaṇavivekaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
siddhāntatattvaviveka | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntaviveka | m. Name of work  |
śirovireka | m. anything for cleansing or clearing the head  |
śivaphalābhiṣeka | m. Name of work on scattering various kinds of fruit on the liṅga- (as offerings).  |
śivatattvaviveka | m. Name of work  |
śivatattvavivekakhaṇḍana | n. Name of work  |
smṛtiratnaviveka | m. Name of work  |
smṛtitattvaviveka | m. Name of work (also called smṛtitatttvāmṛta ttvāmṛta- n.)  |
smṛtiviveka | m. Name of work  |
sneharekabhū | m. "receptacle for the discharge of moisture (or amṛta-)", the moon  |
somabhakṣaviveka | m. Name of work  |
sotseka | mfn. haughty, arrogant  |
śrāddhaviveka | m. Name of work  |
śrāddhavivekasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
srekaparṇa | mfn. (said to =) resembling oleander  |
subvibhaktyarthaviveka | m. Name of work  |
śuddhiviveka | m. Name of work  |
sudhāseka | m. sprinkling with nectar  |
śūdraviveka | m. Name of work  |
sukhasalilaniṣeka | m. sukhasalila |
suleka | m. (see leka-) Name of an āditya-  |
sumeka | mf(ā-)n. (1. mi-) well fixed or established, firm, constant, unvarying  |
suṣeka | mfn. flowing or running well  |
sutekara | (sut/e--) mfn. performing (recitation of certain texts) at the preparation of the soma- |
suvarṇābhiṣeka | m. the sprinkling a bride and bridegroom with water containing a piece of gold  |
svameka | (?) m. n. (see su-mekha-) a year  |
svānubhūtyekasāra | mfn. whose only essence consists in self-enjoyment  |
sveka | m. (used in explaining sumeka-)  |
tadekacitta | mfn. having all the thoughts fixed on that (person or thing)  |
tattvaviveka | m. the sifting of established truth  |
tattvaviveka | m. Name of work on astronomy (also siddhānta-t-)  |
tattvaviveka | m. of another work  |
tattvavivekadīpana | n. "light of truth-investigation", Name of a philos. work  |
ṭeka | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a demon causing disease (varia lectio ṭaka-),  |
tithiviveka | m. Name of work  |
tridvyekabhojana | mfn. bhojana |
udreka | m. abundance, overplus, excess, preponderance, superiority, predominance etc.  |
ūlīviveka | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work on the proper spelling of words containing a sibilant.  |
umbeka | m. Name of a man.  |
upamāvyatireka | m. (in rhetoric) a particular figure combining comparison and contrast  |
upaseka | m. sprinkling upon, infusion  |
utseka | m. foaming upwards, spouting out or over, showering  |
utseka | m. overflow  |
utseka | m. increase, enlargement, superabundance  |
utseka | m. haughtiness, pride  |
utseka | See column 2.  |
vadhanirṇeka | m. expiation for killing, atonement for murder or manslaughter  |
vākyārthaviveka | m. Name of work  |
vāṅmayaviveka | m. Name of work  |
varṇaviveka | m. distinction of sounds, Name of a treatise on the different spelling of nouns.  |
vasūdreka | m. Name of a man  |
vedāntaviveka | m. Name of work ( vedāntavivekacūḍāmaṇi ka-cūḍāmaṇi-,m.)  |
vedāntavivekacūḍāmaṇi | m. vedāntaviveka |
vekaṭa | m. (see vaikaṭika-,only ) a youth  |
vekaṭa | m. a jeweller  |
vekaṭa | m. a sort of fish  |
vekaṭa | m. a buffoon (equals vidūṣaka-)  |
vekaṭa | ind. equals adbhuta- (see 2. vi-kaṭa-).  |
vibhīṣaṇābhiṣeka | m. " vibhīṣaṇa-'s inauguration", Name of (according to to one recension) .  |
vidhiviveka | m. Name of work  |
vireka | m. purging, evacuation of the bowels  |
vireka | m. making the head clear  |
vireka | m. a purgative, cathartic  |
vireka | etc. See under vi-ric-.  |
viveka | m. discrimination, distinction  |
viveka | m. consideration, discussion, investigation  |
viveka | m. true knowledge, discretion, right judgement, the faculty of distinguishing and classifying things according to their real properties etc.  |
viveka | m. (in vedānta-) the power of separating the invisible Spirit from the visible world (or spirit from matter, truth from untruth, reality from mere semblance or illusion)  |
viveka | m. a water trough (equals jala-droṇī-) |
viveka | m. Name of work  |
viveka | etc. See under vi-vic-.  |
vivekabhāj | mfn. "possessed of discrimination", discerning, wise  |
vivekabhraṣṭa | mfn. one who has lost the faculty of discrimination, foolish, unwise  |
vivekacandrodaya | m. Name of work  |
vivekacūḍāmaṇi | m. Name of work  |
vivekadhairyāśraya | m. Name of work on bhakti- (by vallabhācārya-)  |
vivekadīpaka | mf(ikā-). Name of work  |
vivekadṛśvan | mfn. one who sees or is conversant with true knowledge ( vivekadṛśvatva śva-tva- n.)  |
vivekadṛśvatva | n. vivekadṛśvan |
vivekaja | mfn. produced or arising from discrimination  |
vivekajña | mfn. skilled in discrimination, intelligent, well acquainted with (compound) etc.  |
vivekajñāna | n. knowledge arising from discrimination, the faculty of discrimination  |
vivekakaumudī | f. Name of work  |
vivekakhyāti | f. right knowledge  |
vivekamakaranda | m. Name of work  |
vivekamañjarī | f. Name of work  |
vivekamantharatā | f. feebleness of judgement  |
vivekamārtaṇḍa | m. Name of various works.  |
vivekapadavī | f. "path of discrimination", reflection  |
vivekaparipanthin | mfn. obstructing right judgement  |
vivekaphala | n. Name of work  |
vivekarahita | mfn. "not separated"(applied to breasts) and"wanting discernment",  |
vivekasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
vivekasāra | m. Name of work  |
vivekasārasindhu | m. Name of work  |
vivekasāravarṇana | n. Name of work  |
vivekaśataka | n. Name of work  |
vivekasindhu | m. Name of work  |
vivekaśloka | m. Name of work  |
vivekatā | f. wrong reading for viveki-tā- (q.v)  |
vivekatilaka | m. Name of work  |
vivekavat | mfn. "possessing discrimination", judicious, discerning  |
vivekaviguṇa | mfn. "wanting discrimination", unwise, foolish  |
vivekavilāsa | m. Name of work  |
vivekaviraha | m. "want of discrimination", ignorance, folly,  |
vivekaviśada | mfn. distinct, clear, intelligible  |
vivekaviśrānta | mfn. void of discrimination, foolish, unwise  |
vratakālaviveka | m. Name of work  |
vratavivekabhāskara | m. Name of work  |
vyaktiviveka | m. Name of work  |
vyāseka | m. (?) ,  |
vyatireka | m. distinction, difference, separateness, separation, exclusion etc. (bhāvo vyatireka-tas-,a separate or particular existence; vīta-vyatireka-,not separate or particular; vyatirekeṇa keṇa- ind.or vyatirekāt kāt- ind.[or vyatireka- in the beginning of a compound ],with exception of, without)  |
vyatireka | m. negation  |
vyatireka | m. contrariety, contrast to (compound) ( vyatireke ke- ind.,on the contrary supposition)  |
vyatireka | m. logical discontinuance (opp. to anvaya- q.v)  |
vyatireka | m. (in rhetoric) a particular figure of speech (the contrasting of things compared in some respects with each other) etc.; Name of work  |
vyatirekatas | ind. See above  |
vyatirekavyāpti | f. "pervasion of difference or dissimilitude", a comprehensive argument derived from negation or non-existence of certain qualities  |
vyeka | mf(ā-)n. deficient by one  |
vyeka | vy-enas- etc. See .  |
vyutseka | m. pouring out in different directions  |
yogaviveka | m. (and ka-ṭippaṇa-) Name of work  |