ejaya | mfn. causing to shake or tremble (forming irregular compounds with preceding accusative ; see janam-ejaya-). | ||||||
ananaṅgamejaya | mfn. not leaving the body unshaken (?) see an-aṅgamejaya-. | ||||||
anaṅgamejaya | (an-aṅgam--) mfn. not shaking the body (?), (gaRa cārv-ādi- q.v) | ||||||
aṅgamejayatva | (aṅgam-ej-) n. the trembling of the body | ||||||
anudvejayat | mfn. not stimulating, | ||||||
arimejaya | m. "shaking enemies", Name of a Naga priest | ||||||
arimejaya | m. of a son of śvaphalka- | ||||||
arimejaya | m. of kuru- | ||||||
janamejaya | m. ()"causing men to tremble" , Name of a celebrated king to whom vaiśampāyana- recited the (great-grandson to arjuna-, as being son and, successor to parikṣit- who was the son of arjuna-'s son abhimanyu-) etc. | ||||||
janamejaya | m. Name of a son (of kuru-, i, 3740 ;of pūru- ;of puraṃ-jaya- ;of soma-datta- ;of su-mati- ;of sṛñjaya- ) | ||||||
janamejaya | m. Name of a nāga-, | ||||||
janmejaya | for janam-ej- | ||||||
sārimejaya | mfn. together with arim-ejaya- (son of śva-phalka-) | ||||||
sattvamejaya | mfn. making animals tremble | ||||||
udejaya | mfn. shaking, causing to tremble | ||||||
viśvamejaya | mfn. all-shaking, all-exciting |
āstīka | आस्तीक a. Relating to, or treating of, the sage आस्तीक. -कः N. of an old saint, son of Jaratkāru; (at whose intercession King Janamejaya spared the Nāga Takṣaka from the destruction to which he had doomed the serpent race). Mb. gives the following etymology of the name; नाम चास्याभवत्ख्यातं लोकेष्वास्तीक इत्युत । अस्तीत्युक्त्वा गतो यस्मात्पिता गर्भस्थमेव तम् ॥ cf. सर्पाप- सर्प भद्रं ते गच्छ सर्प वनान्तरम् । जनमेजयस्य यज्ञान्ते आस्तीकवचनं स्मर ॥ -कम् A section (पर्व) of the first book of the Mahābhārata. -Comp. -अर्थदः N. of Janamejaya. |
janamejayaḥ | जनमेजयः N. of a celebrated king of Hastināpura, son of Parīkṣit, the grandson of Arjuna. [His father died, being bitten by a serpent; and Janamejaya, determined to avenge the injury, resolved to exterminate the whole serpent-race. He accordingly instituted a serpent sacrifice, and burnt down all serpents except Takṣaka, who was saved only by the intercession of the sage Astika, at whose request the sacrifice was closed.. It was to this king that Vaiśampāyana related the Mahābhārata, and the king is said to have listened to it to expiate the sin of killing a Brāhmaṇa.]. |
takṣakaḥ | तक्षकः [तक्ष् ण्वुल्] 1 A carpenter, wood-cutter (whether by caste or profession). -2 The chief actor in the prelude of a drama (i. e. the सूत्रधार). -3 N. of the architect of the gods. -4 N. of one of the principal Nāgas or serpents of the Pātāla, son of Kaśyapa and Kadru (saved at the intercession of the sage Āstika from being burnt down in the serpent-sacrifice performed by king Janamejaya, in which many others of his race were burnt down to ashes). |
parikṣit | परिक्षित् m. 1 N. of a king, son of Abhimanyu and father of Janamejaya. -2 An epithet of Agni. |
pārikṣitaḥ | पारिक्षितः A patronymic of Janamejaya, greatgrandson of Arjuna, and son of Parikṣit; क्व पारिक्षिता अभवन् Bṛi. Up.3.3.1. |
vaiśampāyanaḥ | वैशम्पायनः N. of a celebrated pupil of Vyāsa; जनमे- जयेन पृष्टः सन् ब्राह्मणैश्च सहस्रशः । शशास शिष्यमासीनं वैशम्पायन- मन्तिके ॥ Mb. [It was he who made Yājñavalkya 'disgorge the whole of the Yajurveda he had learnt from him which was picked up by his other pupils in the form of Tittiris or partridges; and hence the Veda was called 'Taittirīya'. Vaīśampāyana was celebrated for his great skill in narrating Purāṇas, and is said to have recounted the whole of the Mahābhārata to king Janamejaya]. |
satya | सत्य a. [सते हितं यत्] 1 True, real, genuine; as in सत्यव्रत, सत्यसंध. -2 Honest, sincere, truthful, faithful. -3 Fulfilled, realized. -4 Virtuous, upright. -5 Unfailing; कच्चिच्छुश्रूषसे तात पितुः सत्यपराक्रम Rām.2.1.7. -त्यः 1 The abode of Brahman and of truth, the uppermost of the seven worlds or lokas above the earth; see लोक. -2 The Aśvattha tree. -3 N. of Rāma. -4 Of Viṣṇu; सत्यव्रतं सत्यपरं त्रिसत्यं सत्यस्य योनिं निहितं च सत्ये । सत्यस्य सत्यमृतसत्यनेत्रं सत्यात्मकं त्वां शरणं प्रपन्नाः ॥ Bhāg.1.2.26. -5 The deity presiding over नान्दीमुखश्राद्ध q. v. -6 N. of Brahman; अव्ययस्याप्रमेयस्य सत्यस्य च तथाग्रतः Mb.1.37.5. -त्यम् 1 Truth; मौनात्सत्यं विशिष्यते Ms.2.83; सत्यं ब्रू 'to speak the truth'. -2 Sincerity. -3 Goodness, virtue, purity, -4 An oath, a promise, solemn asseveration; सत्याद् गुरुमलोपयन् R.12.9; Ms.8.113. -5 A truism demonstrated truth of dogma. -6 The first of the four Yugas. or ages of the world, the golden age, the age of truth and purity. -7 Water -8 The Supreme Spirit; हिरण्मयेन पात्रेण सत्यस्यापिहितं मुखम् Īśop.15. -9 Final emancipation (मोक्ष); इह चेदवेदीदथ सत्यमस्ति न चेदिहावेदीन् महती विनष्टिः Ken.2.5. -त्यम् ind. Truly, really, indeed, verily, forsooth; सत्यं शपामि ते पादपङ्कजस्पर्शेन K.; Ku.6.19. -Comp. -अग्निः N. of the sage Agastya. -अनुरक्त a. devoted to truth, honest, upright, true. -अनृत a. 1 true and false; सत्यानृता च परुषा H.2.183. -2 apparently true, but really false. (-तम्, -ते) 1 truth and falsehood. -2 practice of truth and falsehood; i. e. trade, commerce; सत्यानृताभ्यामपि वा न श्ववृत्त्या कदाचन Ms.4.4 and 6. -अभिसंध a. true to one's promise, sincere. -आत्मन् true. (-m.) a virtuous or upright man. -आश्रमः renunciation of the world (संन्यास); दीक्षा बहुविधा राजन् सत्याश्रमपदं भवेत् Mb.12.66.13. -उत्कर्षः 1 pre-eminence in truth. -2 true excellence. -उद्य a. speaking the truth. -उपयाचन a. fulfilling a request. -कामः a lover of truth. -क्रिया a promise, oath. -जित् N. of Indra in the third Manvantara; इन्द्रस्तु सत्यजित् Bhāg.8.1.24. -तपस् m. N. of a sage. -दर्शिन् a. truth-seeing, fore-seeing truth. -धन a. rich in truth, exceedingly truthful. -धर्मः the law of truth, eternal truth. ˚परायण a. devoted to truth and virtue. -धृति a. strictly truthful. -नारायणः 1 A form of Viṣṇu. -2 A form of divinity (called Satyapīr in Bengāli). -पुरम् 1 the world of Viṣṇu. -2 The city of Satya-nārayaṇa; अन्ते सत्यपुरं ययौ (सत्यनारायणव्रतकथा). -पुष्टिः true or permanent prosperity. -पूत a. purified by truth (as words); सत्यपूतां वदेद्वाणीम् Ms.6.46. -प्रतिज्ञ a. true to one's promise. -प्रतिष्ठान, -मूल a. grounded in truth. -फलः the Bilva tree. -भामा N. of the daughter of Satrājit and the favourite wife of Kṛiṣṇa; (it was for her that Kṛiṣṇa fought with Indra and brought the Pārijāta tree from the Nandana garden and planted it in her garden). -भारतः N. of Vyāsa. -भेदिन् a. promise-breaking. -मानम् a true measure. -युगम् the golden age; the first or कृतयुग; see सत्यम् (6) above. -यौवनः a Vidyādhara. -रत a. devoted to truth, honest, sincere. (-तः) N. of Vyāsa. -लौकिकम् spiritual and worldly matters; मया प्रोक्तं हि लोकस्य प्रमाणं सत्यलौकिके Bhāg.3.24.35. -वचनम् 1 the speaking of truth. -2 a promise, solemn assurance. -वचस् a. truthful, veracious. (-m.) 1 a saint, Ṛiṣi. -2 a seer. (-n.) truth, veracity. -वद्य a. veracious; सत्यवद्यो रघूत्तमः Bk.5.1. (-द्यम्) truth, veracity. -वाक्यम् truth-speaking, veracity, -वाच् a. truthful, veracious, candid. (-m.) 1 a saint, seer. -2 a crow. -वादिन् a. 1 truth-speaking. -2 sincere, outspoken, candid. -व्यवस्था ascertainment of truth. -व्रत, -संगर, -संध a. 1 true or faithful to an agreement, promise or word, adhering to truth veracious; Bhāg.1.2.26; see सत्यः (4). -2 honest, sincere. -श्रवसी Ved. an epithet of Uṣas. -श्रावणम् taking a solemn oath. -संश्रवः a promise, vow. -संकल्प a. true in purpose of resolve. -संकाश a. specious, plausible -संगरः N. of Kubera. -a. true to an agreement or promise. -संधः 1 an epithet of Rāma; राजेन्द्रं सत्यसंधं दशरथतनयम् Rāma-rakṣā 26. -2 of Bharata. -3 of king Janamejaya. (-धा) an epithet of Draupadī. -a. keeping one's promise, faithful. -साक्षिन् m. a trustworthy witness; यथोक्तेन नयन्तस्ते पूयन्ते सत्यसाक्षिणः Ms.8.257. |
sarpaḥ | सर्पः [सृप्-घञ्] 1 Serpentine or winding motion, gliding. -2 Flowing, going. -3 A snake, serpent. -4 N. of a tree (नागकेशर). -5 The Āśleṣā constellation. -6 N. of a tribe of Mlechchhas or barbarians. -Comp. -अक्षी a kind of plant (Mar. थोर मुंगूसवेल). -अदनी the ichneumon plant (Mar. मुंगूसवेल). -अरातिः, -अरिः 1 an ichneumon. -2 a peacock. -3 an epithet of Garuḍa. -अशनः a peacock. -आवासः an ant-hill. -आवासम्, -इष्टम् the sandal tree. -ईश्वरः N. of Vāsuki. -गतिः a snake's tortuous movement (in wrestling). -गन्धा the ichneumon plant (Mar. लघु मुंगूसवेल). -छत्रम् a mushroom. -तृणः an ichneumon. -दंष्ट्रा 1 a snake's fang. -2 Croton Polyandrum (दन्ती). -दण्डा a kind of pepper. -दमनी N. of a plant (Mar. वांझ कर्टोली). -द्विष् a peacock. -धारकः a snake charmer. -निर्मोचनम् the cast-off skin of a snake. -फणिजः the gem found in a snake's head, the snake-gem. -बन्धः an artifice, subtle device. -भुज् m. 1 a peacock. -2 a crane. -3 a large snake. -भृता the earth. -मणिः a snake-gem. -राजः N. of Vāsuki. -लता Piper Betel (नागवल्ली); also सर्पवल्ली. -विद् m. a conjuror, snake-charmer. -विद्या, -वेदः Snakescience; सर्पदेवजनविद्यामेतद्भगवो$ध्येमि Ch. Up.7.1.2. -सत्रम् a sacrifice for the destruction of serpents (performed by king Janamejaya). -सत्रिन् m. N. of king Janamejaya; see जनमेजय. -हन् m 1 an ichneumon. -2 N. of Garuḍa. |
arejetāṃ | (TB. arejayatāṃ) rodasī pājasā girā # RV.1.151.1c; TB. |
upariṣṭād | yad ejāya # ApMB.2.16.1c. |
janamejayasya | yajñānte # Mahābh.1.58.25c. See janmejayasya. |
janmejayasya | (most mss. janam-) yajñānte # RVKh.1.191.5c. See janamejayasya etc. |
devebhyo | janamejayaḥ # AB.8.21.3d; śB.; śś.16.9.1d. |
dyām | amena rejayat pra bhūma # RV.4.22.3d. |
pavasva | viśvamejaya # RV.9.35.2b; 62.26c. See prec. but one. |
ejayate | disturbs | SB 5.2.14 |
janamejaya-ādīn | headed by Mahārāja Janamejaya | SB 1.16.2 |
janamejaya-ādīn | headed by Mahārāja Janamejaya | SB 1.16.2 |
janamejaya | Janamejaya | SB 9.22.35 |
janamejayaḥ | was named Janamejaya | SB 9.2.35-36 |
janamejayaḥ | King Janamejaya | SB 9.20.2 |
janamejayaḥ | the eldest son | SB 9.22.36 |
janamejayaḥ | Janamejaya | SB 9.23.2 |
janmejayaḥ | King Janamejaya, the son of Parīkṣit | SB 12.6.16 |
udvejayan | giving trouble | SB 9.8.15-16 |
udvejayanti | cause unnecessary pain | SB 5.26.33 |
ejaya | adjective causing to shake or tremble (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 48054/72933 | |
aṅgamejayatva | noun (neuter) trembling of the body Frequency rank 41776/72933 | |
anudvejayant | adjective not frightening Frequency rank 26340/72933 | |
arimejaya | noun (masculine) name of a Naga priest (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of Śvaphalka (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Kuru (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 32526/72933 | |
janamejaya | noun (masculine) name of a celebrated king to whom Vaiśampāyana recited the MBh (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a Nāga (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of Kuru (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 1934/72933 |