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dus has 1 results
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dus has 1 results
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√दुष्duṣbecoming bad or corrupted / vaikṛtya1020/2Cl.4
Monier-Williams Search
7 results for dus"
dusind. a prefix to nouns and rarely to verbs or adverbs ( Va1rtt. 2 ) implying evil, bad, difficult, hard
dusind. badly, hardly; slight, inferior etc. (opp. to su-), often = Engl. in- or un-- ([ confer, compare 2. duṣ-; Zend dush-; Greek ; Gothic tuz-; O.H.G. zur.]). It becomes dur- (q.v) before vowels and soft consonants View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dusind. - (q.v) before r- and sometimes before d-, dh-, n-, which become -, ḍh-, - View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dusind. remains unchanged before t-, th- (in older language however ṣṭ-, ṣṭh-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dusind. becomes duṣ- (q.v), rarely duḥ- before k-, kh-; p-, ph- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dusind. duś- (q.v) before c-, ch- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dusind. duḥ- (q.v), rarely duś-, duṣ-, dus-, before ś-, -, s-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
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dus दुस् A prefix to nouns and sometimes to verbs meaning 'bad, evil, wicked, inferior, hard or difficult, &c.' (N. B. The स् of दुस् is changed to र् before vowels and soft consonants, see दुर्; to a Visarga before sibilants, to श् before च् and छ्, and to ष् before क् and प्.) -Comp. -उपस्थान a. difficult to be approached; यो रणे दुरुपस्थानो हस्तरोधं दधद् धनुः Bk.5.32. -कर a. 1 wicked, acting badly; काँल्लोकांस्तु गमिष्यामि कृत्वा कर्म सुदुष्करम् Mb.12. 27.18. -2 hard to be done or accomplished, arduous, difficult; वक्तुं सुकरं कर्तुं दुष्करम् 'sooner said than done'; Amaru.46; Mk.3.1.; Ms.7.55. (-रम्) 1 a difficult or painful task or act, difficulty. -2 atmosphere, ether. -कर्मन् n. 1 any bad act, sin, crime. -2 any difficult or painful act. -3 A wicked man; ततो वसति दुष्कर्मा नरके शाश्वतीः समाः Mb. -कालः 1 bad times; दुष्काले$पि कलाव- सज्जनरुचौ प्राणैः परं रक्षता Mu.7.5. -2 the time of universal destruction. -3 an epithet of Śiva. -कुलम् a bad or low family; (आददीत) स्त्रीरत्नं दुष्कुलादपि Ms.2.238. -कुलीन a. low-born. -कुह a. hypocritical; अतीन्द्रियेणात्मनि दुष्कुहो$यं मया जनो योजयितुं न शक्यः Bu. Ch.1.18. -कृत्, -कृतिन् m. a wicked person; विनाशाय च दुष्कृताम् Bg.4.8; पुनः पुनर्दुष्कृतिनं निनिन्द R.14.57. -कृतम्, -कृतिः f. a sin, misdeed; उभे सुकृतदुष्कृते Bg.2.5; (ददर्श) ततस्तान् भिद्यमानांश्च कर्मभिः दुष्कृतैः स्वकैः Rām.7.21.21. -क्रम a. ill-arranged, unmethodical, unsystematic. -क्रिया a misdemeanour, bad act. -क्रीत a. not properly purchased; क्रीत्वा मूल्येन यो द्रव्यं दुष्क्रीतं मन्यते क्रयी Nārada Smṛiti. -चर a. 1 hard to be performed or accomplished, arduous, difficult; चरतः किल दुश्चरं तपस्तृण- बिन्दोः परिशङ्कितः पुरा R.8.79; Ku.7.65. -2 inaccessible, unapproachable. -3 acting ill, behaving wickedly. (-रः) 1 a bear. -2 a bi-valve shell. ˚चारिन् a. practising very austere penance. -चरित a. wicked, ill-behaved, abandoned. (-तम्) misbehaviour, ill-conduct; तथा दुश्चरितं सर्वं वेदे त्रिवृति मज्जति Ms.11.263. -चर्मन् a. affected with a disease of the skin, leprous. (-m.) 1 a circumcised man, or one whose prepuce is naturally wanting. -चिकित्स्य a. difficult to be cured, incurable. सुदुश्चिकि- त्स्यस्य भवस्य मृत्योर्भिषक्तमं त्वाद्य गतिं गताः स्म Bhāg.4.3.38. -चिक्यम् the third लग्नराशि; दुश्चिक्यं स्यात्तृतीयकम् Jyotistattvam. -चित्त a. melancholy, sad. -चेष्टितम् misconduct, error. -च्यवनः an epithet of Indra; अत्तुं महेन्द्रियं भागमेति दुश्च्यवनो$धुना Bk.5.11. -च्यावः an epithet of Śiva. -च्छद a difficult to be clothed, tattered. -तर a. (दुष्टर or दुस्तर) 1 difficult to be crossed; तितीर्षुर्दुस्तरं मोहादुडुपेनास्मि सागरम् R.1.2; Ms;4.242; प्रविशेन्मुखमाहेयं दुस्तरं वा महार्णवम् Pt.1.111. -2 difficult to be subdued, insuperable, invincible. -3 not to be surpassed or excelled. -4 difficult to be borne or endured. -तर्कः false reasoning. -पच (दुष्पच) a. difficult to be digested. -पतनम् 1 falling badly. -2 a word of abuse, abusive epithet (अपशब्द). -परिग्रह a. difficult to be seized, taken, or kept; Pt.1.67. लोकाधाराः श्रियो राज्ञां दुरापा दुष्परिग्रहाः Kām. (-हः) a bad wife. -पान a. difficult to be drunk. -पार a. 1 difficult to be crossed. -2 difficult to be accomplished. -पूर a. difficult to be filled or satisfied; दुष्पूरो- दरपूरणाय पिबति स्रोतःपतिं वाडवः Bh.; Bg.3.39. -प्रकाश a. obscure, dark, dim. -प्रक्रिया little authority; Rāj. T.8.4. -प्रकृति a. ill-tempered. evilnatured. -प्रजस् a. having bad progeny. -प्रज्ञ (दुष्प्रज्ञ) a. weakminded, stupid. -प्रज्ञानम् bad intellect. -प्रणीत a. ill-arranged or managed. (-तम्) impolitic conduct; Mb.8.5.2. -प्रतर a. difficult to be overcome or understood; धर्मं सूक्ष्मतरं वाच्यं तत्र दुष्प्रतरं त्वया Mb.12.19.7. -प्रतीक a. difficult to know or recognise; दुष्प्रतीकमरण्ये$स्मिन्किं तात वनमागतः Rām.2.1.5. -प्रद a. causing pain or sorrow; अद्य भीताः पलायन्तु दुष्प्रदास्ते दिशो दश Rām.2.16.29. -प्रधर्ष, -प्रधृष्य 1 un assailable; see दुर्धर्ष; सा दुष्प्रधर्षा मनसापि हिंस्रैः R.2.27. -2 secure from assault, intangible. -प्रमेय a. immeasurable. -प्रवादः slander, calumnious report, scandal. -प्रवृत्तिः f. bad news, evil report; तेषां शूर्पणखैवैका दुष्प्रवृत्तिहराभवत् R.12.51. -प्रसह (दुष्प्रसह) a. 1 irresistible, terrible. -2 hard to bear or endure; M.5.1; R.3.58. -प्राप, -प्रापण a. unattainable, hard to get; R.1.48; असंयता- त्मना योगो दुष्प्राप इति मे मतिः Bg.6.36. -प्रीति f. displeasure. -मरम् a sad demise; अकाले दुर्मरमहो यज्जीवामस्तया विना Bk.6.14. -शंस a. Ved. evil-minded, malevolent, wicked. -शक, -शक्त a.powerless, weak. -शकुनम् a bad omen. -शला N. of the only daughter of धृतराष्ट्र given in marriage to Jayadratha. -शासन a. difficult to be managed or governed, intractable. (-नः) N. of one of the 1 sons of धृतराष्ट्र. [He was brave and warlike, but wicked and intractable. When Yudhiṣṭhira staked and lost even Draupadī, Duhśāsana dragged her into the assembly by her hair and began to strip her of every clothing; but Krisna, ever ready to help the distressed, covered her from shame and ignominy. Bhīma was so much exasperated at this dastardly act of Duhśāsana that he vowed in the assembly that he would not rest till he had drunk the villain's blood. On the 16th day of the great war Bhīma encountered Duhśāsana in a single combat, killed him with ease, and drank, according to his resolution, his blood to his heart's content.] -शील (दुश्शील) a. ill-mannered or ill behaved, reprobate. -शृङ्गी a disloyal wife. -ष्ठु see दुस्थ a. unsettled, in calamity; कथं दुष्ठुः स्वयं धर्मे प्रजास्त्वं पालयिष्यसि Bk.6.132. -संचार a. difficult to be passed; दुःसंचारासु नगरवीथीषु; Pt.1.173. -षम (दुःषम or दुष्षम), -सम (दुःसम or दुस्सम) a. 1 uneven, unlike, unequal. -2 adverse, unfortunate, -3 evil, improper, bad. -षमम्, -समम् ind. ill, wickedly. -सत्त्वम् an evil being. -सथः 1 a dog. -2 a cock; L. D. B. -संधान, -संधेय a. difficult to be united or reconciled. -मृद्धटवत् सुखभेद्यो दुःसन्धानश्च दुर्जनो भवति Subhāṣ. -संस्थित a. very sinful or ugly to look at; Rām.2.9.4. -सह (दुस्सह) a. unbearable, irresistible, insupportable. भवत्यनिष्टादपि नाम दुःसहात् Ku. -साक्षिन् m. a false witness. -साध, -साध्य a. 1 difficult to be accomplished or managed. -2 difficult to be cured. -3 difficult to be conquered. -साधिन् m. door-keeper; L. D. B. -सुप्त a. having bad dreams (in one's sleep). -स्थ, -स्थित a. (written also दुस्थ and दुस्थित) 1 ill-conditioned, poor, miserable. -2 suffering pain, unhappy, distressed; कल्पान्तदुःस्था वसुधा तथोहे Bk. -3 unwell, ill. -4 unsteady, disquieted. -5 foolish, unwise, ignorant. -स्थम् ind. badly, ill, unwell; दुःस्थं तिष्ठसि यच्च पथ्यमधुना कर्तास्मि तच्छ्रो- ष्यसि; Amaru. -स्थितिः f. 1 bad condition or situation, unhappiness, misery. -2 instability. -स्पृष्टम् (दुः-दुस्पृ- ष्टम्) 1 slight touch or contact. -2 slight touch or action of the tongue which produces the sounds य्, र्, ल् and व्; दुस्पृष्टश्चेति विज्ञेयो लृकारः प्लुत एव च. -स्फाटः a kind of weapon; L. D. B. -स्मर a. hard or painful to remember; U.6.34. -स्वप्नः a bad dream.
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dus noun (masculine) [gramm.] the prefix dus/duḥ
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