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Amarakosha Search
3 results
parivyādhaḥ2.4.30MasculineSingularvidula, nādeyī, ambuvetasaḥ
sukumāraḥ3.1.77MasculineSingularkomalam, mṛdulam, mṛdu
vetasaḥ2.4.29MasculineSingularvānīraḥ, vañjulaḥ, rathaḥ, abhrapuṣpaḥ, bidula, śītaḥ
Monier-Williams Search
12 results for dula
dulayate equals dur-ayate- See dur-i- under 2. dur-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bindulam. a particular venomous insect (written vi-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mṛdulamfn. soft, tender, mild View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mṛdulam. Amyris Agallocha View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mṛdulan. water View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mṛdulan. a variety of aloe-wood View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mṛdulaf. a species of grass (equals śūlī-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svādulaf. Batatas Paniculata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tindulam. equals duki- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaidulamfn. coming from or made of the reed called vidula- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidulam. Calamus Rotang or Fasciculatus View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidulam. of a prince View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
18 results
amla अम्ल a. [अम्-क्ल Uṇ.4.18.] Sour, acid; कट्वम्ललवणा- त्युष्णतीक्ष्णरूक्षविदाहिनः (आहाराः) Bg.17.9. -म्लः 1 Sourness, acidity, one of the six kinds of tastes or rasas q. v. यो दन्तहर्षमुत्पादयति मुखास्रावं जनयति श्रद्धां चोत्पादयति सो$म्लः (रसः) Suśr. -2 Vinegar. -3 Wood-sorrel. -4 = अम्ल- वेतस q. v. -5 The common citron tree. -6 Belch. -म्ली = चाङ्गेरी. -म्लम् Sour curds, butter-milk, with a fourth part of water. -Comp. -अक्त a. acidulated. -अङ्कुशः a variety of sorrel (˚वेतस्). -अध्यूषितम् a disease of the eye. -उद्गारः sour eructation. -काण्डम् N. of a plant (लवणतृण). -केशरः the citron tree. -गन्धि a. having a sour smell. -गोरसः sour butter-milk. -चुक्रिका, -चूडा a sort of a sorrel. -जम्बीरः, -निम्बकः the lime-tree. -त्वक् A seed of the tree Chirongia sapida (Mar. चारोळी). -नायकः = ˚वेतसः q. v. -निशा N. of a plant (शठी; Mar. आंबेहळद, कापूरकाचरी) -पञ्चक, -पञ्चफलम् a collection of five kinds of vegetables and fruits; कौलं च दाडिमं चैव वृक्षाम्लं चुक्रिका तथा । अम्लवेतसमित्येतदम्लपञ्चफलं स्मृतम् ॥ or जम्बीरं नागरङ्गं च तथाम्लं वेतसं पुनः । तिन्तिडीकं वीजपूरमम्लपञ्चफलं स्मृतम्. -पुत्रः N. of a plant (अश्मन्तक). (-त्री) तलाशीलता and क्षुद्राम्लिका -पनसः N. of a tree (लकुच). -पित्तम् acidity of stomach, sour bile. -पूरम् = वृक्षाम्लम् q. v. -फलः the tamarind tree. (-लम्) tamarind fruit. -भेदनः = ˚वेतस q. v. -मेहः a kind of urinary disease. -रस a. having an acid taste. (-सः) sourness, acidity. -रुहा a kind of betel (मालवदेशजनागवल्लीभेदः). -लोणिका, -लोणी, -लोलिका wood sorrel (Mar. चुका). -वर्गः a class of sour things including plants with acid leaves and fruits. -वल्ली N. of a plant (त्रिवर्णिका नाम कन्दविशेषः). -वाटकः hog-plum. -वाटिका a sort of betel. -वस्तूकः a sorrel (चुक्रम्). -वृक्षः the tamarind tree. -वेतसः a kind of sorrel (Mar. चुका, चांगेरी). -शाकः a sort of sorrel (शाकाम्ल, शुक्राम्ल, अम्ल, चुक्रिका, चूड) commonly used as a pot-herb. (-कम्) = वृक्षाम्लम्, चुक्रम्. -सारः 1 the lime tree. -2 a sort of sorrel (˚वेतस). -3 N. of a plant (हिंताल). (-रम्) rice-water after fermentation (काञ्जिकम्). -हरिद्रा N. of a plant (˚निशा).
uccāvaca उच्चावच a. [मयूरव्यंसकादिगण] P.II.1.72. 1 High and low, uneven, irregular, undulating; Ms.6.73. -2 Great and small, variegated, heterogeneous. -3 Various, multiform, of various kinds, diverse; उच्चावचाश्च पदार्था भवन्तीति गार्ग्यः Nir; Ms.1.38; Śi.4.46; Dk.48,14,156.
utsarpaḥ उत्सर्पः र्पणम् 1 Going or gliding upwards; उत्सर्पणा- पसर्पणैश्चान्योन्यं प्रत्यरुन्धताम् Bhāg.1.44.4. -2 Swelling, heaving, undulating, -3 Sun-rise.
ūrmimat ऊर्मिमत् a. 1 Wavy, undulating. -2 Crooked. -3 Plaited, curled (as hair).
ūrmin ऊर्मिन् a. Wavy, undulating.
ūrmya ऊर्म्य a. Wavy, undulating; नम$ऊर्म्याय च Vāj.16.31. -र्म्या Night.
taraṅgin तरङ्गिन् a. Wavy, undulating, unsteady. -णी A river; as in राजतरङ्गिणी; तरङ्गिणी वेणिरिवायता भुवः Śi. ˚नाथः, भर्ता the sea; Vikr.13.53.
taralita तरलित a. Shaking, tremulous, undulating; ˚तुङ्गतरङ्ग Gīt.11; ˚हारा 7.
dantura दन्तुर a. [दन्त-उरच्] 1 Having long or projecting teeth; शूकरे निहते चैव दन्तुरो जायते नरः Tv.; Śi.6.54. -2 Jagged, dentated, notched, serrated, uneven (fig. also); अखर्वगर्वस्मितदन्तुरेण Vikr.1.5. -3 Undulatory. -4 Rising, bristling (as hair). -5 Overspread, covered with; U.6.27. -Comp. -छदः the lime tree.
pariplava परिप्लव a. 1 Floating. -2 Shaking, trembling, oscillating, undulating, tremulous. -4 Unsteady, restless; मत्कुणाविव पुरा परिप्लवौ Śi.14.68; चञ्चलं चपलं तूर्णं पारिप्लवपरिप्लवे Ak. -वः 1 Inundation. -2 Immersing, wetting. -3 A boat. -4 Oppression, tyranny. -5 Floating, swimming.
bandhura बन्धुर a. [बन्ध्-उरच्] 1 Undulating, wavy, uneven; प्रसकलकुचबन्धुरोद्धुरोरः Śi.7.34; Ku.1.42; U.6.25; अयं रक्षोनाथः क्षितिधरशिरोबन्धुरतरे (रथे तिष्ठन्) Mv.6.3. -2 Bent, inclined, bowed; बन्धुरगात्रि R.13.47; (= सन्नताङ्गि). -3 Crooked, curved. -4 Pleasing, handsome, beautiful, lovely; कथं नु तं बन्धुरकोमलाङ्गुलिम् Ś.6.12 (where it may mean 'undulating' also); समस्तशास्त्रस्मृतिबन्धुरे मुखे K.3; बन्धुरा लावण्यधरा कन्धरा Dk.1.1. -5 Deaf. -6 Injurious, mischievous. -रः 1 A goose. -2 A crane. -3 A drug. -4 An oil-cake. -5 The vulva. -6 The बन्धुजीव tree. -राः m. (pl.) Parched corn or meal thereof. -रा An unchaste woman. -रम् 1 A diadem. -2 A band, rope; पञ्चबन्धुरम् (रथम्) Bhāg.4.26.1.
bandhūra बन्धूर a. [बन्ध्-ऊरच्] 1 Undulating, uneven. -2 Bent, inclined, bowed. -3 Pleasing, delightful, lovely; cf. बन्धुर. -रम् A hole, chasm.
bhaṅgiḥ भङ्गिः ङ्गी f. 1 Breaking, fracture, breach, division. -2 Undulation. -3 Bending, contracting; दृग्भङ्गीभिः प्रथममथुरासंगमे चुम्बितो$स्मि Ud. S.13. -4 A wave. -5 A flood, current. -6 A crooked path, tortuous or winding course. -7 A circumlocutory or round-about way of speaking or acting, periphrasis; भङ्ग्यन्तरेण कथनात् K. P.1; इति भङ्ग्या व्यज्यते-कथ्यते &c.; बहुभङ्गिविशारदः Dk. -8 A pretext, disguise, semblance; यः पाञ्चजन्यप्रतिबिम्बभङ्ग्या धाराम्भसः फेनमिव व्यनक्ति Vikr.1.1. -9 Trick, fraud, deceit. -1 Irony. -11 Repartee, wit. -12 A step; यानादवातरददूरमहीतलेन मार्गेण भङ्गिरचितस्फटिकेन रामः R.13.69. -13 An interval. -14 Modesty. -15 A fashion or mode; नानाश्रमलतापुष्पभङ्गीरचितकुन्तलाम् Bm.1.233; भङ्ग्यन्तरेण ind. in an indirect manner; in another manner. -Comp. -भक्तिः f. division into a series of waves or wave-like steps, a wavy staircase; cf. Me.62. -भाषणम् crooked speeches (with hidden meaning); पांसुलजनभङ्गिभाषणरतः Dk.2.8. -भूत a. resembling. -विकारः distortion of the features; a wry face, grimace.
bhaṅgiman भङ्गिमन् m. 1 Fracture, breach. -2 Bending, undulation. -3 Curliness. -4 Disguise, deceit. -5 Wit, irony. -6 Perversity.
mūrcchana मूर्च्छन a. (-नी f.) 1 Stupefying insensibility or stupor (an epithet applied to one of the five arrows of Cupid). -2 Increasing, augmenting, strengthening. -नम्, -ना [मुर्च्छ-युच्] 1 Fainting, swooning. -2 Prevalence, growth, increase (usually n. in this sense); अनुकर्षं च निष्कर्षं व्याधिपावकमूर्च्छनम् Mb. 2.13.13. -3 A process in metallic preparation, calcining quicksilver with sulphur; cf. मूर्च्छा (3) also. -4 (In music) The rising of sounds, an intonation, a duly regulated rise and fall of sounds conducting the air and the harmony through the keys in a pleasing manner, changing the key or passing from the key to another; modulation, melody; स्फुटीभवद्ग्रामविशेषमूर्च्छनाम् Si.1.1; भूयो भूयः स्वयमपि कृतां मूर्च्छनां विस्मरन्ती Me.88; वर्णानामपि मूर्च्छनान्तरगतं तारं विरामे मृदु Mk.3.5; सप्त स्वरास्त्रयो ग्रामा मूर्च्छनाश्चैकविंशतिः Pt.5.54; (मूर्च्छा or मूर्च्छना is thus defined:-- क्रमात् स्वराणां सप्तानामारोहश्चावरोहणम् । सा मूर्च्छेत्युच्यते ग्रामस्था एताः सप्त सप्त च ॥ see Malli. on Śi.1.1 for further information); 'यत्रैव स्युः स्वराः पूर्णा मूर्च्छना सेत्युदाहृता' com. on Rām.1.4.1.
stutiḥ स्तुतिः f. [स्तु-क्तिन्] 1 Praise, eulogy, commendation, laudation; स्तुतिभ्यो व्यतिरिच्यन्ते दूराणि चरितानि ते R.1.3. -2 A hymn of praise, panegyric; स्तुत्यं स्तुतिभिरर्थ्याभि- रुपतस्थे सरस्वती R.4.6. -3 Adulation; flattery, empty or false praise; भूतार्थव्याहृतिः सा हि न स्तुतिः परमेष्ठिनः R.1.33. -4 N. of Durgā. -Comp. -गीतम् a panegyric, hymn. -पदम् an object of praise. -पाठकः a panegyrist, an encomiast, a minstrel, bard, herald. -वादः a laudatory speech, panegyric. -व्रतः a bard.
sthānam स्थानम् [स्था-ल्युट्] 1 The act of standing or remaining, stay, continuance, residence; न किल भवतां देव्याः स्थानं गृहे$भिमतं ततः U.3.32. -2 Being fixed or stationary. -3 A state, condition; स्थानत्रयात्परं प्राप्तं ब्रह्मभूतमविक्रियम् Bhāg.1.18.26. -4 A place, spot, site, locality; अक्षमालामदत्त्वास्मात्स्थानात्पदात्पदमपि न गन्तव्यम् K. -5 Station, situation, position. -6 Relation, capacity; पितृस्थाने 'in the place or capacity of a father'; भक्ष्यस्थाने Pt.2.26. -7 An abode, a house, dwelling-house; स एव (नक्रः) प्रच्युतः स्थानाच्छुनापि परिभूयते Pt.3.46. -8 (a) A country, region, district. (b) A town, city. -9 Office, rank, dignity; अमात्यस्थाने नियोजितः. -1 Object; गुणाः पूजास्थानं गुणिषु न च लिङ्गं न च वयः U.4.11. -11 An occasion, a matter, subject, cause; पराभ्यूहस्थानाःयपि तनुतराणि स्थगयति Māl.1.14; स्थानं जरापरिभवस्य तदेव पुंसाम् Subhāṣ; so कलह˚, कोप˚, विवाद˚ &c. -12 A fit or proper place; स्थानेष्वेव नियोज्यन्ते भृत्याश्चाभरणानि च Pt. 1.72. -13 A fit or worthy object; स्थाने खलु सज्जति दृष्टिः M.1; see स्थाने also. -14 The place or organ of utterance of any letter; (these are eight :-- अष्टौ स्थानानि वर्णानामुरः कण्ठः शिरस्तथा । जिह्वामूलं च दन्ताश्च नासिकौष्ठौ च तालु च Śik.13.) -15 A holy place. -16 An altar. -17 A place in a town, square, court. -18 The place or sphere assigned after death to persons according as they perform or neglect their prescribed duties. -19 (In politics, war &c.) The firm attitude or bearing of troops, standing firm so as to repel a charge; स्थाने युद्धे च कुशलानभीरुनविकारिणः Ms.7.19. -2 A halt. -21 A stationary condition, a neutral or middle state; स्थानं वृद्धिः क्षयश्चैव त्रिवर्गश्चैव दण्डजः Mb.12.59. 31. -22 That which constitutes the chief strength or the very existence of a kingdom, a stamina of a kingdom; i.e. army, treasure, town, and territory; Ms.7. 56 (where Kull. renders स्थानं by दण्डकोषपुरराष्ट्रात्मकं चतुर्विधम्). -23 Likeness, resemblance. -24 Part or division of a work, section, chapter &c. -25 The character or part of an actor. -26 Interval, opportunity, leisure. -27 (In music) A note, tone, modulation of the voice; तौ तु गान्धर्वतत्त्वज्ञौ स्थानमूर्च्छनकोविदौ Rām.1.4.1 (com.- 'यदूर्ध्वं हृदयग्रन्थे कपोलफलकादधः । प्राणसंचारणस्थानं स्थानमित्यभि- धीयते ॥...... इति शाण्डिल्यः). -28 A pose, posture (of archers etc.). -29 An order of the life (आश्रम); मैत्रेयीति होवाच याज्ञवल्क्य उद्यास्यन्वा अरे$हमस्मात् स्थानादस्मि Bṛi. Up.2. 4.1. -3 Ground (भूमि); स्थानासनिनो भूमि-पाषाण-सिकता- शर्करा-वालुका-भस्मशायिनः Mb.12.192.1. -31 Sustenance, maintenance; यच्चेदं प्रभवः स्थानं भूतानां संयमो यमः । स्वभावेनैव वर्तन्ते द्वन्द्वसृष्टानि भूरिशः ॥ Mb.12.238.2 (com. स्थानं पोषणम्). -32 A mode or attitude in fighting; अस्त्रयन्त्राणि चित्राणि स्थानानि विविधानि च Mb.9.57.18. -33 Storage (of goods); आगमं निर्गमं स्थानं तथा वृद्धिक्षयावुभौ । विचार्य सर्वपण्यानां कारयेत् क्रयविक्रयौ ॥ Ms.8.41. -34 A state of perfect tranquillity. -35 Any organ of sense. -36 Shape, form, appearance (as of the moon). -37 An astronomical mansion. -Comp. -अधिकारः the superintendence of a shrine; Inscr. -अध्यक्षः 1 a local governor. -2 the superintendent of a place. -3 a watchman, police-officer. -आसनम् n. du. standing and sitting down. -आसेधः confinement to a place, imprisonment, arrest; cf. आसेध. -चञ्चला Ocimum Pilosum (Mar. तुकुमराई). -कुटिकासनम् leaving the house or any abode (स्थावरगृहत्याग); शिरसो मुण्डनाद्वापि न स्थानकुटिकासनात् Mb.3.2.14. -चिन्तकः a kind of quarter-master. -च्युत see स्थानभ्रष्ट. -टिप्पटिका the daily account; Śukra 3.369. -दप्ति (in augury) inauspicious on account of situation. -पालः a watchman, sentinel, policeman; Y.2.173. -भूमि f. a dwelling-place, mansion. -भ्रष्ट a. ejected from an office, displaced, dismissed, out of employ. -माहात्म्यम् 1 the greatness or glory of any place. -2 a kind of divine virtue or uncommon sanctity supposed to be inherent in a sacred spot. -मृगः N. of certain animals (such as turtle, crocodile &c.). -योगः assignment of proper places; द्रव्याणां स्थानयोगांश्च क्रयविक्रयमेव च Ms.9.332. -विभागः (in alg.) subdivision of a number according to the position of its figures. -स्थ a. being in one's abode, at home.
svaraḥ स्वरः [स्वर्-अच्, स्वृ-अप् वा] 1 Sound, noise. -2 Voice; स्वरेण तस्याममृतस्रुतेव प्रजल्पितायामभिजातवाचि Ku.1.45. -3 A note of the musical scale or gamut, a tone, tune; (these are seven:-- निषादर्षभगान्धारषड्जमध्यमधैवताः ॥ पञ्चम- श्चेत्यमी सप्त तन्त्रीकण्ठोत्थिताः स्वराः Ak.); सप्त स्वरास्त्रयो ग्रामा मूर्छनाश्चैकविंशतिः Pt.5.54. -4 The number 'seven'. -5 A vowel. -6 An accent; (these are three; उदात्त, अनुदात्त and स्वरित q. q. v. v.); निहन्त्यरीनेकपदे य उदात्तः स्वरानिव Śi.2.95. -7 Air breathed through the nostrils. -8 Snoring. -9 Sweetness of tune or tone; तस्मादार्त्विज्यं करिष्यन् वाचि स्वरमिच्छेत तया वाचा स्वरसंपन्नयार्त्विज्यं कुर्यात् Bṛi. Up.1.3.25. -रा N. of the chief wife of Brahman. -Comp. -अंशः a half or quarter tone (in music). -अङ्कः a kind of musical composition. -अन्तरम् the interval between two vowels, hiatus. -उदय a. followed by a vowel. (-यः) 1 the production of sound. -2 see स्वरशास्त्र. -उपघातः hoarseness. -उपध a. preceded by a vowel. -कम्पः trembling of tone. -कर a. producing voice -क्षयः the loss of voice. -ग्रामः the musical scale, gamut. -च्छिद्रम् the sound-hole of a flute. -दीप्त a. (in augury) inauspicious with regard to voice. -नाभिः a kind of flute. -पत्तनम् N. of the Sāma-veda. -परिवर्तः change of voice. -वद्ध composed in musical measure. -ब्रह्मन् the Brahman as manifested in sound; स्वरब्रह्मणि निर्भातहृषीकेशपदाम्बुजे अखण्डं चित्तमावेश्य लोकाननुचरन् मुनिः ॥ Bhāg.6.5.22. -भक्तिः f. a vowel-sound phonetically inserted in the pronunciation of र् or ल् when these letters are followed by a sibilant or any single consonant; (e. g. वर्ष pronounced as वरिष). -भङ्गः, -भेदः 1 indistinctness of utterance, broken articulation. -2 hoarseness or cracking of voice. -भङ्गिन् m. a kind of bird. -मञ्चनृत्यम् a kind of dance. -मण्डलम् the circle of notes, arrangement of musical scales; सप्त स्वरास्त्रयो ग्रामा मूर्च्छनाश्चैकविंशतः तानास्त्वेकोनपञ्चाशदित्येतत्स्वरमण्डलम् ॥ Pt.5. 54. -मण्डलिका a kind of lute (वीणा). -मात्रा strength of sound. -योगः voice. -लासिका a flute, pipe. -विभक्तिः separation of a vowel. -शास्त्रम् 1 the science of the modulation of sounds. -2 the science of the passage of the air through the nostrils (as bearing on the prognostication of future events). -शुद्ध a. correct in musical measure. -शून्य a. without musical notes, unmelodious, unmusical. -संयोगः 1 the junction of vowels. -2 the union of notes or sounds, i. e. voice; अन्य एवैष स्वरसंयागः Mk.1,3; U.3; पण्डितकौशिक्या इव स्वरसंयोगः श्रूयते M.5. -संक्रमः 1 a transition or succession of notes; तं तस्य स्वरसंक्रमं मृदुगिरः श्लिष्टं च तन्त्रीस्वनम् Mk.3.5. -2 the gamut. -संदेहविवादः a kind of round game; K. -संधिः the coalition of vowels. -संपद् f. melody of voice. -संपन्न a. having a melodious voice. -सामन् m. pl. epithets of particular days in a sacrificial session.
Macdonell Search
8 results
narayāna n. palanquin; -rûpa, n. human form; -loka, m. world of men: -pâla, m. prince, king; -vara, m. excellent man: -½uttama, spv. best of excellent men; -var man, m. N. of a prince; -vâhana, a.drawn by men; m. ep. of Kubera; N.: -datta, m. N. of a prince: -karita, n. adventures of Naravâhanadatta; -vâhana-datt-îya, a. be longing to Naravâhanadatta; -vâhin, a. borne by men: w. yâna, n. palanquin; -vishâna,n. human horn=chimera; -vîra, m. heroic man: -loka, m.=children of men; -vyâghra, -sâr dûla, m. tiger-like man=most illustrious of men; -sreshtha, spv. best of men; -sakha, m. friend of Nara, ep. of Nârâyana; -simha, m. lion among men=great warrior; man-lion (the fourth Avatâr of Vishnu); -hari, m. man lion, Vishnu's fourth Avatâr.
puruṣaka n. vertical position, rearing (in horses); -kâra, m. human effort (opp. fate); manly act, heroism; haughtiness, pride: e-na hîna, destitute of human effort to save it (animal); -ghâ, a. f.having killed her husband; -kkhandása, n. metre appro priate to man (the dvipadâ); -gñâna, n. know ledge of men; -tantra, a. dependent on the subject, subjective; (á)-tâ, f. manhood: in. (id.) after the manner of men; -tr&asharp;, ad. among people; -tva, n. manhood; -datta, m. N.; -dravya-sampad, f. abundance of men and material; -pasu, m. man as a sacrificial victim; beast of a man; -mân-in, a. think ing himself a hero: (-i)-tva, n. abst. n.; -me dhá, m. human sacrifice; -½rishabha, m. bull among men, eminent man; -rûpa, n. human form: -ka, a. having a human form; -vyâ ghrá, m. man-tiger; tiger among men, pre eminent man; -sârdûla, m. tiger of men, chief of men; -sîrshaka, n. (?) (man-headed), kind of burglar's implement; -simha, m. lion among men, pre-eminent man; -sûkta, n. the Purusha-hymn (RV. X, 90) describing the primaeval soul.
bharata m. [to be maintained], N. of a certain Agni who is kept alive by the care of men (V.); a certain Agni with a son of the same name (E.); actor; N. of various princes and men; N. of a tribe, the descend ants of Bharata (pl.); N. of a manual of the histrionic art composed by a certain Bharata: -rishabha, m. ep. of Visvâmitra; -khanda, n. N. of a division of Bhârata-varsha; -putra, m. son of Bharata, actor; -pura,n. N. of a city; -roha, m. N.: -ka, m. id.; -½rishabha, m. noblest among the Bharatas, ep. of various men; -vâkya, n. actor's speech = epilogue of a play; -sârdûla, m. tiger among --, -sreshtha, -sattama, spv. best of the Bharatas, id.; -sena, m. N. of a commentator on the Meghadûta, Raghuvamsa, Sisupâlavadha, and Bhattikâvya.
mūrchana a. stupefying; strength ening, increasing (--°ree;); n. swooning; raging (of diseases, fire); n., â, f. regular rise and fall of tone, modulation, melody.
yādava a. (î) relating to or de scended from Yadu; m. (î, f.) descendant of Yadu: -kosa, m. T. of a dictionary; -sâr dûla, m. ep. of Krishna; -½âkârya, m. N. of a teacher; -½indra, m. Chief of the Yâdavas, ep. of Krishna.
rājayakṣma m. kind of dangerous disease; later: pulmonary consumption; -yakshman, m. id.; -yakshm-in, a. consumptive; -yagña, m. royal sacrifice; -yâna, n. royal vehicle, palanquin; -ratha,m. royal carriage; -rambhâ, f. kind of plantain; -râkshasa, m. demon of a king; -râg, m. king of kings, emperor; moon; -râga, m. king of kings; ep. of Kubera: -giri, m. ep. of the Himavat; -tâ, f., -tva, n. dignity of a sovereign lord; -râgya, n. sovereignty over all kings; -½rishi, m. royal sage; -lakshana, n. mark indicative of (future) royalty; -lakshman, n. royal emblem; -lakshmî, f. regal glory or majesty; N. of a princess; -loka, m.assemblage of kings; -vamsa, m. royal race, dynasty; -vamsya, a. of royal descent; m. Kshatriya; -vat, 1. ad. like a king (nm. or ac.); as in the case of a king; 2. a. having a king; abounding in kings: lc. =in the presence of a king; m. N.: -î, f. N.; -vadana, m. N.; -vandin, m. N. (=-bandin); -varkasin, a. being in royal service; -valla bha, m. royal favourite: -turamgama, m. favourite steed of a prince; -vasati, f. life at the court of a king; -vahana, a. bearing or ridden by kings; -vâhana, m. N. of a king; -vidyâ, f. kingcraft, statesmanship; -vihâra, m. royal pleasure-seat; royal mon astery; -vîthî, f. royal road, highway; -vri ksha, m. kind of tree; -vritta, n.procedure or vocation of a king; -vesman, n. royal palace; -vesha, m. royal costume; -sârdûla, m. (tiger-like=) illustrious king; -sâsana, n. royal command; -srî, f. glory or majesty of a king.
śāli m. (sg. & pl.) rice (and similar kinds of grain); civet cat (rare): -kana, m. grain of rice; -kedâra, m. rice-field; -kshe tra, n. id.; -gopî, f. female watcher of a rice-field; -kûrna, n. rice-flour; -tandula,m. grain of rice.
svarasaṃyoga m. combination of sounds, voice; continuous notes (of a song); -samsvâra-vat, a. having correctness of ac cent, rightly intoned (verse); -samkrama, m. harmony of tone, modulation of voice; -samdeha-vivâda, m. kind of social game; -sampad, f. euphony of voice, melodious voice; (svára)-sâman, m. ep. of the three days before and after the Vishuvat of the Gavâmayana (=the last three days of the first, and the first of the second half-year).


Plant heart-leaved moonseed; moon creeper; dried stem of Tinospora cardifolia; guḍūcisatva extract of guḍūci as immuno-modulator.


Plant 1. rohida, a tree species grown in desert and dry regions of northwest India, Tecomella undulate; 2. rohituka tree, Aphanamixis polystachya.


modulation of medicated oil.


1. a skin disease with coppery spots; 2. copper; 3. penis, 4. eunuch, 5. a kind of worm supposed to be generated in blood and producing leprosy; nodular leprosy.

Wordnet Search
"dula" has 5 results.


sukumāra, mṛdula   

yasya aṅgaṃ mṛdu asti।

sukumāreṇa rāmeṇa śivadhanuṣyaṃ bhagnam।


veṣṭakaḥ, vidārī, śālaparṇī, bhūmikuṣmāṇḍaḥ, kṣīraśuklā, ikṣugandhā, kroṣṭrī, vidārikā, svādukandā, sitā, śuklā, śṛgālikā, vṛṣyakandā, viḍālī, vṛṣyavallikā, bhūkuṣmāṇḍī, svādulatā, gajeṣṭā, vārivallabhā, gandhaphalā   

ekā latā yasmin kuṣmāṇḍavat phalaṃ bhavati।

kuṭīrasya upari veṣṭakaḥ prasarati।



āmrāṇām ekaḥ prakāraḥ।

pitrā kilodvayaṃ nadulasalāī-āmrāṇi krītāni।



nadulasalāī iti nāmakāmām āmrāṇāṃ vṛkṣaḥ।

mārgasya racanāyai nadulasalāī-āmrāḥ cheditavyāḥ।


mudu, pelava, peśala, mudu, mudula, mṛdu, marāla, komala, lalita, mṛdula, kala, apuṣṭa, arūkṣa, arūkṣita, arūkṣṇa, alūkṣa, ārdra, kaumāra, klinna, dhīra   

yasmin kaṭhoratā nāsti।

tasya svabhāvaḥ saralaḥ tathā ca mṛduḥ asti।

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