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Monier-Williams Search
2 results for druhan
abhidruh -dr/uhyati- (Aorist subjunctive 3. plural -druhan-; perf. 1. p. -dudr/oha-) to hate, seek to injure or maliciously assail etc.: Desiderative (p. -dudrukṣat-) idem or ' ind.p. having attacked.' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
druh cl.4 P. dr/uhyati- (Epic and metr. also A1. te-) etc. (perfect tense dudrbha- , hitha- ; Aorist adruhat-,Gr., subjunctive 2 sg. druhas- plural druhan-[with -] sg. adrukshas- ; future dhrokṣyati- , drohiṣyati- ; drogdhā-, droḍhā-or drohitā- grammar; infinitive mood drogdhavai- ; ind.p. drugdhvā-, drochitvā-, druhitvā- grammar; -druhya- ) to hurt, seek to harm, be hostile to (dative case;rarely genitive case [ ] locative case [ ] or acc.[ ]) ; absol. to bear malice or hatred ; to be a foe or rival : Causal drohayati-: Desiderative dudrohiṣati-, dudruh- grammar ; dudrukṣat- (confer, compare abhi--and dudhrukṣu-). ([Orig. dhrugh-; confer, compare Zend druj; German triogan,tru1gen.])
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
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druhan Wood-cutter,’ seems to be meant by the word druhaηtara in the Rigveda, where it is usually taken as druham- tara, ‘fiend-overpowering.’ But as an epithet of paraśu, axe,’ the other sense (‘ mighty wood-cutter ’) is more probable.
Bloomfield Vedic
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no martā abhi druhan # RV.1.5.10a; AVś.20.69.8a.
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