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Root Search
druh has 1 results
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druh has 1 results
Root WordIAST MeaningMonier Williams PageClass
√द्रुह्druhbearing malice or hatred, seeking to hurt or injure / jighāṃsā421/1Cl.4
Amarakosha Search
Monier-Williams Search
49 results for druh
druh cl.4 P. dr/uhyati- (Epic and metr. also A1. te-) etc. (perfect tense dudrbha- , hitha- ; Aorist adruhat-,Gr., subjunctive 2 sg. druhas- plural druhan-[with -] sg. adrukshas- ; future dhrokṣyati- , drohiṣyati- ; drogdhā-, droḍhā-or drohitā- grammar; infinitive mood drogdhavai- ; ind.p. drugdhvā-, drochitvā-, druhitvā- grammar; -druhya- ) to hurt, seek to harm, be hostile to (dative case;rarely genitive case [ ] locative case [ ] or acc.[ ]) ; absol. to bear malice or hatred ; to be a foe or rival : Causal drohayati-: Desiderative dudrohiṣati-, dudruh- grammar ; dudrukṣat- (confer, compare abhi--and dudhrukṣu-). ([Orig. dhrugh-; confer, compare Zend druj; German triogan,tru1gen.])
druhmfn. (Nominal verb dhruk-or dhruṭ- ;wrongly druk-; see n/idrā--.) injuring, hurtful, hostile to (genitive case or compound) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
druhmf. injurer, foe, fiend, demon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
druhf. injury, harm, offence [ confer, compare Zend druj; German gidrog,gethroc.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
druham. a son View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
druham. a lake (see draha-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
druhaṃtaramfn. ( trī-) overcoming the injurer or demon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
druhaṇam. (either fr.1. druh-,or equals dru-ghaṇa-) Name of brahmā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
druhīf. a daughter View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
druhiṇam. idem or 'm. (either fr.1. druh-,or equals dru-ghaṇa-) Name of brahmā- ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
druhiṇam. Name of śiva- or viṣṇu- (wrong reading hina-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
druhumf. = dr/uh-2 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
druhvanmfn. hurting, injuring View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
druhyam. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
druhyam. gaRa śivādi- plural his descendants View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
druhyam. gaRa yaskādi- (also varia lectio for the next ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
druhyum. plural Name of a people View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
druhyum. sg. Name of a son of yayāti- and brother of yadu- etc. (wrong reading d/uhyu-) (varia lectio druhya-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhidruh -dr/uhyati- (Aorist subjunctive 3. plural -druhan-; perf. 1. p. -dudr/oha-) to hate, seek to injure or maliciously assail etc.: Desiderative (p. -dudrukṣat-) idem or ' ind.p. having attacked.' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhidruhmfn. seeking to injure, inimical (Nominal verb -dhr/uk-) (see /an-abhidruh-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhidruhyamāṇamfn. being injured. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adruh(Nominal verb a-dhr/uk-) mfn. free from malice or treachery View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adruhāṇa([ ]) ([ ]) mfn. idem or '(Nominal verb a-dhr/uk-) mfn. free from malice or treachery ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adruhvan([ ]) mfn. idem or '([ ]) ([ ]) mfn. idem or '(Nominal verb a-dhr/uk-) mfn. free from malice or treachery ' ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
akṣṇayādruhmfn. injuring wrongly or in a bad way View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anabhidruhmfn. not malicious View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antakadruh Nominal verb -dhr/uk- f. demon of death View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asmadruh(Nominal verb -dhr/uh-), (Nominal verb -dhr/uk-), mfn. (fur asmad-dr/uh-by defective spelling) , forming a plot against us, inimical to us View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asuradruhm. "enemy of the asura-s", a god View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūtadruhmfn. injuring beings, injurious View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dharmadruhmfn. violating the law or right View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
garbhabhartṛdruhmfn. (Nominal verb -dhruk-) doing harm to the embryo and to the husband View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
garbhadruhmfn. See -bhartṛ-dr-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
himadruhm. "dew-dispeller", the sun View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jagaddruh -dhruh- or -dhruṭ- m. "people-injurer", a demon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kratudruh(Nominal verb -dhruk-) m. an enemy of sacrifices, asura- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mitradruhmfn. (Nominal verb mitr/a-druh-) seeking to injure a friend, the betrayer of a friend, a false or treacherous friend [ confer, compare Zend mithradruj] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nidrādruhmfn. (Nominal verb dhruk- ; see ), disturbing sleep View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pradruhmfn. (Nominal verb -dhruk-) one who hurts or injures View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratidruhm. ( druh-) one who seeks to injure in return (a-p-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
purudruhmfn. injuring greatly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suhṛdadruhmfn. (Nom. -dhruk-or -dhruṭ-) one who injures a friend View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tatadruhmfn. having hurt one's father View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tripuradruhm. "enemy of tripura-", śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidruh(only A1. perfect tense -dudruhe-), to injure, do wrong (with dative case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṣudruh mfn. injuring or hurting in various parts(?) ("an arrow") . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṣudruhamfn. injuring or hurting in various parts(?) ("an arrow") . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛtradruhm. " vṛtra-'s foe", Name of indra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yajñadruhm. "enemy of sacrifice", a rākṣasa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
9 results
druh द्रुह् 4 P. (द्रुह्यति, द्रुग्ध) 1 To bear malice or hatred. -2 To seek to hurt or injure, plot maliciously or revengefully, meditate mischief; (generally with the dat. of the object of hatred); यान्वेति मां द्रुह्यति मह्यमेव सात्रेत्युपालम्भि तयालिवर्गः N.3.7; Bk.4.39.
druh द्रुह् a. (At the end of comp.) (Nom. sing. ध्रुक्-ग्, ध्रुट्-ड्) Injuring, hurting, plotting or acting as an enemy against; पुरः क्लिश्नाति सोमं हि सैंहिकेयो$सुरद्रुहाम् Śi.2. 35; Ms.5.9. -f. Injury, damage.
druhaḥ द्रुहः 1 A son. -2 A lake. -ही A daughter.
druhaṇaḥ द्रुहणः द्रुहिणः N. of Brahmā or Śiva or Visnu.
druhyuḥ द्रुह्युः 1 N. of a Vedic tribe. -2 N. of the son of Yayāti and Śarmiṣṭhā यदुं च तुर्वसुं चैव देवयानि व्यजायत । द्रुह्युं चानुं च पूरुं च शर्मिष्ठा वार्षपर्वणी ॥ Visnu. P.
adruha अद्रुह द्रुह्वन् a. [न. त.] Ved. Free from malice.
abhidruh अभिद्रुह् 4 P. (A. in epic poetry) To hate, seek to injure or maliciously assail, plot against (with acc.); नित्यमस्मच्छरीरमभिद्रोग्धुं यतते Mu.1,2; क्रूरमभिद्रुह्यति Sk. (sometimes with dat. also); मया पुनरेभ्य एवाभिद्रुग्धमज्ञेन U.6; नाभिद्रुह्यति भूतेभ्यः Bhāg., Mu.5.
abhidruh अभिद्रुह् a. Ved. Seeking to injure, inimical. जनो यो मित्रावरुणावभिध्रुक् Rv.1.122.9.
pratidruh प्रतिद्रुह् m. One who seeks to injure in return.
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
druh drúh, f. malice, ii. 35, 6; m. avenger, vii. 61, 5.
Macdonell Search
5 results
druh a. (nm. dhruk) injuring, betraying (--°ree;, g.); m. f. injurer, avenger, fiend; f. injury.
druhiṇa m. ep. of Brahma, Vishnu, Siva.
adruh a. not hurting, benevolent (nm. a-dhruk).
abhidruh a. hostile; -drohá, m. injury, insult, contumely.
asuradruh m. foe of Asuras, god; -brahmá, m. priest of the Asuras.
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
5 results2 results
druhan Wood-cutter,’ seems to be meant by the word druhaηtara in the Rigveda, where it is usually taken as druham- tara, ‘fiend-overpowering.’ But as an epithet of paraśu, axe,’ the other sense (‘ mighty wood-cutter ’) is more probable.
druhyu Is the name of a people mentioned several times in the Rigveda. In one passage it occurs, in the plural, with the Yadus, Turvaśas, Anus, and Pūrus, suggesting that these are the famous five peoples of the Rigveda. Again, the Druhyu king shared in the defeat of his allies by Sudās, and appears to have perished in the waters. In a second passage Druhyu, Anu, Turvaśa, and Yadu are all mentioned in the singular, while in another Pūru and Druhyu occur. From the tribal grouping it is probable that the Druhyus were a north-western people, and the later tradition of the Epic connects Gāndhāra and Druhyu.
Bloomfield Vedic
5 results2 results19 results
druhaḥ pāśaṃ prati etc. see druhaḥ pāśān prati.
druhaḥ pāśād grāhyāś codamukthāḥ (AVP. cod amoci) AVś.2.10.6b; AVP.2.3.5b. See next.
druhaḥ pāśān nirṛtyai codamoci TB.; ApMB.2.12.9b. See prec.
druhaḥ pāśān (KSṭS. pāśaṃ) prati sa (KS. ṣū) mucīṣṭa (AVś. prati muñcatāṃ saḥ) RV.7.59.8c; AVś.7.77.2c; TS.; MS.4.10.5c: 154.10; KS.21.13c.
druhaḥ pāśebhyaḥ pari pāhy enam AVP.2.61.2b.
druhaḥ sacante anṛtā janānām RV.7.61.5c.
druhaṃ jighāṃsan dhvarasam anindrām RV.4.23.7a.
druhas tasthau bahule baddho antaḥ RV.10.48.10d.
druhe rīṣantaṃ pari dhehi rājan RV.2.30.9d.
druho dahāmi saṃ mahīr anindrāḥ RV.1.133.1b.
druho naḥ pāhy aṃhaso vivakṣase RV.10.25.8d.
druho nido mitramaho avadyāt RV.4.4.15d; TS.; MS.4.11.5d: 174.8; KS.6.11d.
druho niṣattā pṛśanī cid evaiḥ RV.10.73.2a.
druho muñcāmi varuṇasya pāśāt AVś.2.10.1b,2e--8e; AVP.2.3.1b,4d; TB.,3d; ApMB.2.12.6b,10d; HG.2.3.10b,10d.
druho riṣaḥ saṃpṛcaḥ pāhi sūrīn RV.2.35.6b.
druho vi yāhi bahulā adevīḥ RV.3.31.19c.
druho hantā maha ṛtasya dhartari RV.2.23.17d.
adruhā devau vardhete # RV.5.68.4c; SV.2.816c.
purudruho hi kṣitayo janānām # RV.3.18.1c.
Vedabase Search
46 results
druhaḥ give troubleSB 10.6.24
druhaḥ one who has killedSB 1.8.49
druhaḥ those who are hatefulSB 11.2.12
druham the committer of violenceSB 10.57.19
druham the enemy (Kaṃsa)SB 10.41.17
druham the harasserSB 10.79.5
druhyante they developed enmitySB 11.23.8
druhyanti they harmSB 11.5.14
druhyata do not treat inimicallySB 10.64.41
druhyati are enviousSB 4.4.15
druhyati bears envySB 4.2.21
druhyet will commit violenceSB 7.4.28
druhyoḥ ca of Druhyu, the third son of YayātiSB 9.23.14
druhyoḥ ca of Druhyu, the third son of YayātiSB 9.23.14
druhyuḥ Druhyu, another sonSB 9.18.41
druhyum DruhyuSB 9.18.33
druhyum his son named DruhyuSB 9.19.22
abhidruhyamāṇaḥ being injuredSB 5.26.17
na abhidruhyanti never become maliciousSB 4.20.3
dakṣa-adhvara-druhaḥ who devastated the sacrifice of DakṣaSB 4.7.60
apratidruhi who is not enviousSB 4.2.21
asura-druhām who had been oppressed by Kaṃsa and other demons disturbing the discharge of religious ritualsSB summary
bhūta-druham revolter against other living beingsSB 1.17.10-11
bhūta-druhaḥ who are always against the progress of other living beingsSB 8.1.26
bhūta-druhaḥ who are meant for giving trouble to the living entitiesSB 8.7.32
bhūta-druhaḥ persons violent toward other living entitiesSB 8.15.22
brahma-druhaḥ disobedient to the orders of the brāhmaṇasSB 1.3.20
dakṣa-adhvara-druhaḥ who devastated the sacrifice of DakṣaSB 4.7.60
sva-para-druhā which is envious of the performer and of othersSB 6.16.42
brahma-druhaḥ disobedient to the orders of the brāhmaṇasSB 1.3.20
dakṣa-adhvara-druhaḥ who devastated the sacrifice of DakṣaSB 4.7.60
bhūta-druhaḥ who are always against the progress of other living beingsSB 8.1.26
bhūta-druhaḥ who are meant for giving trouble to the living entitiesSB 8.7.32
bhūta-druhaḥ persons violent toward other living entitiesSB 8.15.22
guru-druhaḥ those who are inimical to superiorsSB 10.32.19
bhūta-druham revolter against other living beingsSB 1.17.10-11
tata-druham enmity towards the fatherSB 1.18.37
asura-druhām who had been oppressed by Kaṃsa and other demons disturbing the discharge of religious ritualsSB summary
veda-druhau two demons who were against the Vedic principlesSB 7.9.37
guru-druhaḥ those who are inimical to superiorsSB 10.32.19
na abhidruhyanti never become maliciousSB 4.20.3
sva-para-druhā which is envious of the performer and of othersSB 6.16.42
sva-para-druhā which is envious of the performer and of othersSB 6.16.42
tata-druham enmity towards the fatherSB 1.18.37
veda-druhau two demons who were against the Vedic principlesSB 7.9.37
vidudruhe revolted againstSB 3.1.41
12 results
druh noun (feminine) harm (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
injury (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
offence (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
[gramm.] the verb druh
Frequency rank 35904/72933
druh adjective hostile to (gen. or comp.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
hurtful (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
injuring (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 12998/72933
druh verb (class 6 parasmaipada) to be a foe or rival (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to be hostile to (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to bear malice or hatred (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to hurt (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to seek to harm (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 8456/72933
druha noun (masculine) a lake (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a son (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
[gramm.] the verb druh
Frequency rank 35903/72933
druha adjective threatening
Frequency rank 55155/72933
druhiṇa noun (masculine) name of Brahmā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Śiva or Viṣṇu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 18009/72933
druhya noun (masculine) name of a king; one of Yayātis and Śarmiṣṭhās sons [[name of a man]] (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a people
Frequency rank 21512/72933
druhyu noun (masculine) name of a people (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Yayāti and brother of Yadu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 8274/72933
abhidruh verb (class 6 parasmaipada) to hate (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to seek to injure or maliciously assail (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 15439/72933
dadruhasta noun (neuter) Tabernaemontana coronaria
Frequency rank 54183/72933
bhūtadruh adjective injuring beings (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
injurious (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 60924/72933
vidruh verb (class 4 ātmanepada) to do wrong (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to injure (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 65651/72933
Wordnet Search
"druh" has 6 results.


brahmā, ātmabhūḥ, surajyeṣṭhaḥ, parameṣṭhī, pitāmahaḥ, hiraṇyagarbhaḥ, lokeśaḥ, svayaṃbhūḥ, caturānanaḥ, dhātā, abjayoniḥ, druhiṇaḥ, brahmadevaḥ, viriñciḥ, kamalāsanaḥ, paṅkajāsanaḥ, sraṣṭā, prajāpatiḥ, vedhāḥ, vidhātā, viścasṛṭ, vidhiḥ, nābhijanmā, aṇḍajaḥ, pūrvaḥ, nidhanaḥ, kamalodbhavaḥ, sadānandaḥ, rajomūrtiḥ, satyakaḥ, haṃsavāhanaḥ, hariḥ, pūrṇānandaḥ   

devatāviśeṣaḥ yaḥ sṛṣṭeḥ janakaḥ asti।

nāradaḥ brahmaṇaḥ putraḥ asti।


bādh, vyath, druh, pīḍaya, du   

abhighātena pīḍanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

śīlām abhihatya udbhūtā śirovedanā mām abādhata।


viśvāsaghātin, viśvāsaghātakaḥ, vaṃcakaḥ, piśunaḥ, mitradruh   

viśvāsaghātaṃ karoti।

asmābhiḥ viśvāsaghātiṣu viśvāsaḥ na kartavyaḥ।



yayāteḥ jyeṣṭhaḥ putraḥ yaḥ śarmiṣṭhāyāḥ garbhāt jātaḥ।

druhyuḥ pituḥ vārdhakyaṃ svīkartuṃ vyamanyata।



ekā jātiḥ ।

druhyoḥ ullekhaḥ ṛgvede vartate



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

druhyaḥ śivādigaṇe parigaṇitaḥ

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