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Monier-Williams Search
6 results for drot
aindrotim. a descendant of indrota- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
devāpiName of indrota- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dṛtim. Name of a man with the patronymic aindroti- or aindrota- ([ confer, compare dārteya-; Greek ]) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dru cl.1. P. (; Epic also A1.) dr/avati-, te- etc. (perfect tense dudrāva- ; drotha-, druma- ; druvur- etc.; Aorist adudruvat- ; drot- subjunctive dudr/avat- ; future droṣyati- ; infinitive mood -drotum- ; ind.p. druṭv/ā-and -drutya- ) to run, hasten, flee etc. ; to run up to (accusative), attack, assault ; to become fluid, dissolve, melt : Causal drāv/ayati- (Epic also te-; dravayate-See under drav/a-) to cause to run, make flow ; to make fluid, melt, ; to drive away, put to flight (Passive voice drāvyate-, ) : Desiderative dudrūṣati- grammar : Desiderative of Causal dudrāvayiṣati- or dud- : Intensive dodrūyate- or dodroti- grammar (dodrāva- ) . ([ confer, compare 2. drā-and dram-; Zend dru,drvant.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaunakam. (patronymic fr. śunaka- gaRa bidādi-) Name of various authors and teachers (also with indrota- and svaidāyana-; especially of the celebrated grammarian, author of the ṛg-veda- prātiśākhya-, the bṛhad-devatā-, and various other works;he is described as the teacher of kātyāyana- and especially of āśvalāyana-;he is said to have united the bāṣkala- and śākala- śākhā-s, and is sometimes identified with the Vedic ṛṣi- gṛtsa-mada-;but according to the viṣṇu-purāṇa-, śaunaka- was a son of gṛtsamada-, and originated the system of four castes;he is quoted in and ;the various legends about him are very confused) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upadruP. -dravati- (Aorist -/adudrot- ) to run near or towards ; to run at, rush at, oppress, assault, attack ; to sing the upa-drava- or fourth of the five parts of a sāman- stanza View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results10 results
ā te maha indroty ugra # RV.7.25.1a; TS.; MS.4.12.3a: 186.2; KS.8.16a; ā. P: ā te mahaḥ MS.4.14.12: 235.2; TB.; Mś.,53.
indrotibhir bahulābhir no adya # RV.3.53.21a; AVś.7.31.1a. P: indrotibhiḥ Kauś.48.37. Designated as vasiṣṭhadveṣiṇyaḥ (sc. ṛcaḥ) Rvidh.2.4.2; as vāsiṣṭhaṃ tṛcam LAtDh.2.4; VAtDh.2.4.
ṛjrāv indrota ā dade # RV.8.68.15a.
evā na indrotibhir ava # RV.5.33.7a.
tvaṃ na indrotibhiḥ # AVś.17.1.10a.
navābhir indrotibhiḥ # RV.4.31.13c.
mihaṃ vasāna upa hīm adudrot # RV.2.30.3c.
mṛḍā no rudrota no mayas kṛdhi # RV.1.114.2a; TS.; KS.40.11a; Aś.3.8.1; Apś.17.22.1.
yat te rudrottarād dhanuḥ # TS.
yās te rudrottarataḥ senās tābhya eṣa balis tābhyas te namaḥ # PG.3.8.11.


pleurisy, hydrothorax.

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